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Could Geoducks Be the Next Big Thing? SEA SLUGS COPE with DEADLY TETRODOTOXIN WILL GENETICALLY SELECTED SEED STOCKS ADAPT to CHANGE ISSUE 38 ■ NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 $5.00 Could geoducks be the next big thing? SEA SLUGS COPE WITH DEADLY TETRODOTOXIN WILL GENETICALLY SELECTED SEED STOCKS ADAPT TO CHANGE THE INDEPENDENT VOICE OF NEW ZEALAND AQUACULTURE CONTENTS 812 14 3 EDITORIAL 4 NEWS A look at what’s happening in the industry 6 SCIENTISTS STUDY TOXIC SEA SLUG Research builds better understanding of tetrodotoxin 7 GEODUCKS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA Huge clams find willing buyers in Asia 8 ACROSS THE DITCH: Change is the nature of evolution Efficiency will ensure we stay ahead of the economic game 9 NEW APPOINTMENTS Two key leaders keen to meet new challenges ISSUE 38 ® NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 $5.00 10 OCEAN LAW: New bill’s “common space” is a compromise Could geoducks be Takutai Moana bill has different terms but similar provisions the next big thing? SEA SLUGS COPE WITH 11 SALMON STALWART RETURNS TO CANADA DEADLY TETRODOTOXIN Hawthorn oversaw major advances in New Zealand fish farming WILL GENETICALLY SELECTED SEED STOCKS ADAPT 12 BACK TO THE FUTURE TO CHANGE Aquaculture industry is finally gathering momentum again 14 WHAT’S NEXT IN SHELLFISH AQUACULTURE? Institute focus is on Bluff oysters and geoduck clams ON THE COVER: Geoducks have a big potential future in New Zealand PHOTO BY: Nick King, Cawthron Institute THE INDEPENDENT VOICE OF NEW ZEALAND AQUACULTURE TM EDITOR: DESIGNER: Rachel Walker Keith Ingram CONTRIBUTORS: ASSISTANT EDITOR: Hayley Campbell, Paul Decker, Nick King, ISSN 1176-5402 ISSN 1176-8657 (web) Mark Barratt-Boyes Dorothy-Jean McCoubrey, An informative journal Lauren McKenzie, Andrew Morgan, for the aquaculture industry MANAGER: John Mosig, Michael Pignéguy Vivienne Ingram Published by: PRINTER: GEON VIP PUBLICATIONS LTD ADVERTISING: DISTRIBUTION: By subscription 4 Prince Regent Drive, Hamish Stewart and insertion with Professional Skipper Half Moon Bay, Manukau 2012 Ph 09 533 4336 Fax 09 533 4337 General: Reproduction of articles and materials published in New Zealand Aquaculture in whole or part, is permitted provided the source and author(s) are acknowledged. However, all photographic material is copyright and written permission to reproduce in any shape or form is required. Contributions of a nature Email [email protected] relevant to the aquaculture industry are welcomed and industry participants are especially encouraged to contribute. Articles and information printed in [email protected] New Zealand Aquaculture do not necessarily reflect the opinions or formal position or the publishers unless otherwise indicated. All material published in New Zealand Aquaculture is done so with all due care as regards to accuracy and factual content, however, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for any errors and omissions which may occur. New Zealand Aquaculture is produced bi-monthly. 2 ■ NZ AQUACULTURE ■ NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 EDITORIAL Leafy waste could be TOP NICHE PRODUCT BY ADAM HICKS o a mussel farmer, it’s a big, brown, leafy waste of growing space. T But to Cawthron senior scientist Henry Kaspar, undaria is an opportunity worth exploring. In the 20 years since it fi rst exploded into New Zealand waters, undaria has invaded practically every mussel line in the country. It may be a quality food product in Asia and a staple ingredient in cosmetics, but at present it’s widely considered to be a noxious weed in New Zealand. However, that could be about to change, now that the government has relaxed restrictions prohibiting undaria farming, says Kaspar. “Undaria is one of the biggest aquaculture crops in the world. It’s mainly harvested in Japan, Korea and China. Most people who eat Asian food will have consumed top of it could fetch a good price. It would not pay to it in some form. Miso soup should have some in it, for go the paua-food way or the fertiliser way, where you are example. already talking about a low-value product. We’d have to “There is a market for it. It grows well here and it’s aim at the top-value niche market.” here to stay. The government now allows it to be farmed,” Farming methods would also be critical and would need he says. thorough investigation. “If mussels and undaria are grown All these factors mount a case in favour of exploring in the same space, it may mean adjusting the husbandry the potential for turning this weed into a cash crop. “It is practice. These two species may well have requirements a nuisance for mussel farmers. It is a major fouler,” Kaspar that disagree with each other or increase farming costs,” says. he said. “It creates extra work, extra strain, and for the time “Or, where undaria grows together with mussels on being this has been no benefi t to the farmer. But if ways the same rope, there may be ways of harvesting undaria can be found to manage undaria on marine farms so a relatively simply in a pre-run before the mussels are worthwhile crop can be taken, that could change.” harvested. Lifting of government restrictions and Cawthron’s “Either way, there is an opportunity to explore. As usual, successful history of developing marine crops has there may be situations, including places, certain farming Kaspar ready to get growing, depending on the industry measures, production parameters and facilities to process reaction. where there may be good worthwhile opportunities, “We’re prepared to do work on undaria farming. We’ve where a couple of kilometres down the road they may not done quite a bit in the past. We’ve gone through all stages exist,” Henry said. of cultivation of the plant in New Zealand. We could If it all seems a bit far-fetched at this early stage, just revive that and help the industry get this going if they so think of the Pacifi c oyster. “The same thing happened wished. But any programme would require the backing of with the Pacifi c oyster,” Henry said. “It was an accidental industry partners.” invader, like undaria. The key to any potential programme would be “Because it is so much more amenable to farming than exploring ways to make it fi nancially viable. “We are the native rock oyster, it has replaced the native rock talking about a bulky, relatively low-value crop. But the oyster as the species farmed in New Zealand.” SUBSCRIBE NOW TO ISSUE 37 Name ________________________________________________________________________________ ® SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2010 $5.00 Address _____________________________________________________________________________ ■ $30.00 New for 6 issues automation ___________________________________________________________ Postal code ______________ for half-shell Email _______________________________________________________________________________ mussels ■ ■ GST No: Enclose a cheque for ________________ Visa/Mastercard (only) _______________________ 68-684-757 Card Number _________________________________________________________________________ Post to: VIP Publications Ltd, CAWTHRON MAINTAINS Card Name __________________________________________________________________________ KEY ROLE IN WATER 4 Prince Regent Drive, MANAGEMENT ARE NEW ZEALAND EELS Signature __________________________________________________________Expiry date ——/—— Half Moon Bay, Manukau, 2012 A FUTURE OPPORTUNITY? NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 ■ NZ AQUACULTURE ■ 3 NEWS INSTITUTE BEGINS FIRST runs at the institute’s Nelson campus and learning and also the academic side to give me AQUACULTURE DIPLOMA Cawthron’s Aquaculture Park at Glenduan. the knowledge.” Students who pass the new Diploma in The NMIT has signed a 10-year agree- He is confi dent he will have job opportuni- Aquaculture (Fish Farming and Fishery ment with Cawthron to deliver the diploma. ties when he graduates that he wouldn’t have Management) at the Nelson Marlborough It includes an industry experience component otherwise been able to apply for. “I’m also Institute of Technology in 2013 will have for students not already working in the fi eld. keen to try out different areas of aquaculture gained practical and theoretical experience in Students will spend a minimum of eight as I’m not 100 percent sure what I’d like to aquaculture and some business management weeks, or two weeks each semester, working specialise in yet. skills. in the industry to hone the skills they have “But that’s where this diploma will also be Throughout the two-year programme, learnt. really useful. It can give me a taste of lots of which begins next year, students will learn con- Wilson says the government’s aim for a jobs in the industry.” cepts and technical skills by working together billion-dollar industry by 2025 will create a There are about 80 businesses employing to solve problems based on real industry situa- need for trained workers. “New marine farms over 2200 people directly connected to aqua- tions, says Jeff Wilson, who heads the institute’s will have to be set up to meet this demand. culture and fi shing businesses in the top of the School for Technology, Primary Industries and That, in turn, requires a steady fl ow of skilled South Island. Marine Studies. workers.” The course has been designed to meet the NMIT’s chief executive, Tony Gray, says his PAUA FARM CLOSED increasing demands of the aquaculture and staff have worked hard to develop a facility A paua farm at Hot Water Beach on the fresh water fi shery management industries. that can be used alongside Cawthron’s own Coromandel Peninsula has closed down Subjects include aquatic animal anatomy Aquaculture Park at Glenduan. less than three years after the fi rst spat was and physiology, aquatic ecology, fi shery man- “This new diploma is the result of that col- introduced. agement, aquaculture, fi sh and shellfi sh health laboration. It’s probably going to provide some Twelve months ago, the “state of the art” and nutrition, Maori aquaculture interests, and of the best training facilities for students for 20-tonne recirculation facility saw stock show- business and environmental management. fi sh farming and fi sh management in New ing impressive growth rates and some promis- The syllabus was developed with New Zealand, if not Australasia.
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