Marc Slattery University of Mississippi Department of Pharmacognosy School of Pharmacy Oxford, MS 38677-1848 (662) 915-1053
[email protected] EDUCATION: Ph.D. Biological Sciences. University of Alabama at Birmingham (1994); Doctoral Dissertation: A comparative study of population structure and chemical defenses in the soft corals Alcyonium paessleri May, Clavularia frankliniana Roule, and Gersemia antarctica Kukenthal in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. M.A. Marine Biology. San Jose State University at the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (1987); Masters Thesis: Settlement and metamorphosis of red abalone (Haliotis rufescens) larvae: A critical examination of mucus, diatoms, and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) as inductive substrates. B.S. Biology. Loyola Marymount University (1981); Senior Thesis: The ecology of sympatric species of octopuses (Octopus fitchi and O. diguetti) at Coloraditos, Baja Ca. RESEARCH INTERESTS: Chemical defenses/natural products chemistry of marine & freshwater invertebrates, and microbes. Evolutionary ecology, and ecophysiological adaptations of organisms in aquatic communities; including coral reef, cave, sea grass, kelp forest, and polar ecosystems. Chemical signals in reproductive biology and larval ecology/recruitment, and their applications to aquaculture and biomedical sciences. Cnidarian, Sponge, Molluscan, and Echinoderm biology/ecology, population structure, symbioses and photobiological adaptations. Marine microbe competition and culture. Environmental toxicology. EMPLOYMENT: Professor of Pharmacognosy and