THIRD QUARTER 2017 Product No. 01224

TRAINING BULLETIN A Training and Education Update for PADI® Members Worldwide


Divemaster Teaching Opportunities Expanded 2

Standards Updates 3

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Clarifi cations 5

IDC/IE Diving Fitness Attendance Requirement 8

Training Bulletin Required Reading This update is the primary training communication from your PADI Regional Headquarters to you. It announces PADI training standards and procedures changes and their implementation dates. Your PADI Membership commitment requires you to keep abreast of PADI standards by reviewing and putting into practice the information in this quarterly update.

The Training Bulletin is published quarterly by PADI, the Professional Association of Diving Instructors® ©PADI 2017 1 TRAINING

Divemaster Teaching Opportunities Expanded

Eff ective immediately, PADI 2. Successfully completing a Specialty may qualify to teach these Instructor Course taught by a specialty courses without dives: qualifi ed Specialty Instructor P Equipment Specialist Trainer. P Coral Conservation 3. Receiving approval to teach from P Project AWARE Specialist the PADI Regional Headquarters aft er submitt ing a PADI Specialty P PADI Distinctive Specialty Diver Instructor Application and an courses that don’t include dives* eRecord (or the Instructor Candidate This is in addition to the two Information and Training Record

TRAINING BULLETIN // standardized PADI Specialty Diver 10525) that shows completion of courses Divemasters may teach, the “Learning, Instruction and the once qualifi ed – Digital Underwater PADI System” presentation from the Photographer and Emergency Assistant Instructor course. Provider. This new list of course options 4. Purchasing professional liability provides additional opportunities for insurance (where required). PADI Divemasters to conduct continuing Note: Although the PADI Enriched Air education training, which gives them Diver Specialty certifi cation may be valuable practical experience, increases earned without training dives, the course their income opportunities and provides does outline and recommend optional more fl exibility for busy dive centers and dives. Consequently, PADI Divemasters resorts to staff programs.

are not eligible to earn the PADI 3Q 2017 Divemasters qualify to teach these Enriched Air Instructor rating. courses by: *PADI Specialty Instructor Trainers qualifi ed to 1. Completing the “Learning, teach distinctive specialty instructor courses (without dives) may update course prerequisites to include Instruction and the PADI System” divemasters by submitt ing a copy of the specialty presentation from the Assistant outline with a note requesting this prerequisite change Instructor Course (either online or to their PADI Regional Headquarters. in person from a PADI IDC Staff Instructor or Course Director).


Standards Updates

General Standards and Procedures Advanced Course Training Standards – Open Water Dive Section One – Course Standards – To clarify that the standard applies to Equipment student divers and not to the instructor, Second paragraph, change to: change point 9 to: Check Section Three and/or the 9. Conduct Student divers may related Specialty Instructor Guide for participate in no more than three equipment requirements specifi c to open water training dives in a each Adventure Dive. single day, night or combination thereof.” Section Three – Elective Dives – Boat

Adventure Dive TRAINING BULLETIN // Paperwork and Administrative Procedures – Referral Add Considerations: Considerations Second bolded sentence, change to: Student divers must have an Issue a referral if the student diver infl atable signal tube or DSMB to has met course requirements use. completed at least one segment of the course and has met any agreed-upon Section Three – Elective Dives – Digital fi nancial arrangements. Underwater Imaging Adventure Dive

Open Water Diver Course Add Considerations: Considerations Open Water Dive 1 Performance 3Q 2017 Requirements Each student diver must have an To accommodate deaf student divers, underwater camera system. please make the following change: Section Three – Elective Dives – 1. During briefi ng, recognize Adventure Dive the hand signals for “okay,” Add point 3 under Considerations: “something is wrong,” “ear problem,” “low air,” “up/end the 3. Each student diver must use a dry dive,” “stay with your buddy,” and suit. the audible (or tactile) and visual signal for “look at me.” Section Three – Elective Dives – Fish Identifi cation Adventure Dive Add Considerations: Considerations 1. Each student diver must have a slate or wet book. continued. . .


Section Three – Elective Dives – Night Divemaster Course Adventure Dive Section Four – Practical Assessment Add Considerations: Add second sentence to last paragraph: Considerations (See FAQs) Each student diver must have Do not use divemaster candidates to an underwater light. A backup increase student diver to instructor underwater light and marker/ ratios. However, divemaster chemical light is recommended. candidates do not count as student divers toward maximum student Section Three – Elective Dives – Search and Recovery Adventure Dive diver to instructor ratios. Directly supervise candidates who are Add Considerations: working with student divers. Fill in TRAINING BULLETIN // Considerations any gaps or make any corrections To conduct the dive, have a small necessary to assure that student object, large object (maximum 11 divers receive complete and accurate kilograms/25 pounds), line and lift training. bag with rigging.

3Q 2017


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Clarifi cations

Night Adventure Dive Course Instructor Q During the Night Adventure Dive, Cue Cards must each student diver have a Q There is an inconsistency between light/torch? Can two divers share the maximum depth in the Rescue one? Diver Course Instructor Guide and A One light per diver is required, and the Rescue Diver Instructor Cue it’s recommended that each diver Cards for Exercise 4. Which one is have a backup light/glow light. correct? Cavern Adventure Dive A The instructor guide is correct, it states that the maximum depth Q Is there a Knowledge Review for

for Exercise 4 – Distressed Diver TRAINING BULLETIN // the Cavern Diver course and related Underwater is 12 metres/40 feet. The Adventure Dive? Rescue Diver Course Instructor Cue A Yes. There is a Knowledge Review Cards (Product No. 60205, rev 2.03) you can download from the Pros’ indicate the maximum depth is 6 Site for the Cavern Diver Specialty metres/20 feet. Please update your course that is also used for the Cavern cue card to read 12 m/40 f. Adventure Dive. It’s a good idea to make sure all of Also, for this Adventure Dive your cue cards are up to date before (and others, such as Enriched Air, using them by comparing them to Ice and ), it’s important the course instructor guide, which is to remind student divers to complete updated more oft en.

the full specialty course before Self-Reliant Diver Instructor 3Q 2017 diving independently in these specialty areas. Reference the Q When I take the PADI Self Reliant specialty instructor guide for more Diver Specialty Instructor training information. course, do I need to have issued at least 25 certifi cations as a PADI Digital Underwater Imaging prerequisite? Adventure Dive A No, because when taking a specialty Q To which specialty course does instructor course, you receive the new PADI Underwater Digital practical experience and hands-on Imaging Adventure Dive link? training from a PADI Course A The dive links to the PADI Digital Director. This means that the specialty teaching experience is not as critical, course as Dive One of that course. and therefore, not required. Keep in When the PADI Digital Underwater mind that you are required to have Photography course is revised, its at least 10 logged self-reliant dives, name will change to PADI Digital and either the PADI Self Reliant Underwater Imaging, and the Digital Diver certifi cation or PADI TecRec Imaging Adventure Dive will become Diver certifi cation (or qualifying Dive One of that course. certifi cation.) continued. . .


Regulator Recovery While in Three Training Dives in a Day Trim Position Q In General Standards and Q How do I teach the Open Water Procedures, Open Water Dive Diver course regulator recovery standards states: “Conduct no more from behind the shoulder skill when than three open water training dives my student divers are off the bott om in a single day, night or combination in a trim, horizontal position? thereof.” Does this standard apply to A Working on trim and – student divers or instructors, or both? even while learning other skills – can A This restriction applies to student enhance a diver’s ability to master divers, not instructors or certifi ed buoyancy control, and conducting assistants. (See Standards Updates) skills with divers off the bott om more You should consider several factors

TRAINING BULLETIN // closely simulates skill performance before planning a third training dive in on dives aft er certifi cation. a day, including: However, when divers are P in a trim, horizontal position (or P Stamina and ability in sidemount confi guration) the P Adequate surface interval for the regulator may hang straight down diver to rest and prepare for the in front of them, not behind the next dive shoulder, and be quite easy to recover. P The intent of the skill is for Adhering to safe diving practices divers to be able to effi ciently such as planning each dive to recover a regular in any situation. If successively shallower depths necessary to meet the performance whenever possible

P Accounting for residual nitrogen 3Q 2017 requirement, have divers recover the regulator from both the horizontal P Assessment of environmental position as well as from a more conditions, etc. upright position, even though the Though there is no specifi ed number regulator may only be behind the of training dives a PADI Member shoulder when upright. While may conduct or participate in, similar resting on the surface or in other considerations should be factored in, circumstance, a diver will need to and conservative practices are prudent; know how to recover a regulator from which also serves to set a good example behind the shoulder. for student divers. Also note that PADI Open Water Diver students may not complete a third open water training dive if they’ve completed a confi ned water dive that same day, and a third dive may not exceed 12 metres/40 feet. For other courses, adhere to the depth restrictions stated in the course standards. continued. . . .


Divemaster Candidates and Ratios Acceptable Medicals Q Do I count a divemaster candidate Q If a diver is required to see a who is gaining practical experience physician for diving medical by assisting me during PADI clearance, what documentation is training as another student diver needed? when it comes to ratios allowed for a A It’s best to use the RSTC Medical particular training dive? Statement or a like form specifi c to A No. Divemaster candidates do not . Also be sure that the subtract from maximum ratios set documentation: for student diver level training. For P Has a physical exam date within example, for the Open Water Diver 12 months of the course. course, you could have the maximum P Includes the physician’s name,

of eight student divers plus one or TRAINING BULLETIN // signature and contact details. more divemaster candidates in open water, if variables P Clearly states that the candidate allow. You must consider whether is “fi t for diving” you can maintain appropriate control C RSTC Medical Statement box in the prevailing conditions, perform is ticked: “I fi nd no medical the required evaluations, meet the conditions that I consider required standards and provide incompatible with diving” a positive learning experience C There are no “conditions” put for everyone involved (including on . For example, the divemaster candidate) when the physician ticks the fi tness determining ratios. (See Standards statement, but then remarks

Updates) on the form that the diver 3Q 2017 can’t dive deeper than 10 metres/30 feet; or suggests that the patient should see a hyperbaric physician – this makes it is a conditional medical, and not acceptable.


IDC/IE Diving Fitness Attendance Requirement

Just as in diver-level courses, you must 3. Requiring medical clearance confi rm an instructor candidate’s role-models the importance of fi tness to dive prior to acceptance on documenting diving fi tness for diver the course. The PADI Course Director safety. It’s what every instructor Manual, Instructor Development will need to do when conducting Course Standards, prerequisite to courses with similar medical form both the IDC and IE, states: “medical requirements. clearance att esting to dive fi tness signed If a candidate is missing medical by a physician within the previous 12 clearance for the IDC, not only is this a months.” This means that the medical standards violation, but it also means exam must have been conducted within the candidate won’t have it for the TRAINING BULLETIN // the 12 months prior to the last day of the IE. Candidates who show up at an IE course. without an acceptable medical form are These are PADI Standards and not allowed to participate in the confi ned also international industry standards and open water segments. This adds (reference WRSTC Minimum Course tremendous stress and frustration. In Content for Recreational Scuba most cases, trying to secure medical Instructor Certifi cation and ISO 24802- clearance prior to the IE water sessions 2:2014(E) Requirements for the training is impossible, thus the candidate must of scuba instructors Part 2: Level 2). come back to another IE. Why is medical clearance required? It’s important to note that not only is 1. Becoming an instructor is a the medical clearance required, there

3Q 2017 benchmark certifi cation in which are also specifi c criteria on the medical the dive community feels that an approval documentation that must be assessment of diving fi tness is met. (See the FAQ – Acceptable Medicals necessary for diver safety, in this edition.) If you’re uncertain about the validity of a medical provided by 2. Having a current medical form on one of your instructor candidates, don’t fi le is a signifi cant hesitate to contact a Regional Training tool in the event of an accident for Consultant at your PADI Regional everyone involved in the training. Headquarters.