RReplyeply toto Bacchiocchi’Bacchiocchi’ss #90-92#90-92 AAttackttack PART ONE OF THREE

Bacchiocchi now claims that he has stopped religious positions. Like Bacchiocchi, he used them to win the hearts of many members of his denomination. W attacking our historic beliefs and the Spirit of M It is highly significant, that in order to allay questions Prophecy; yet now that this decision has suppos- as to his loyalty to the church, some of Newman’s newslet- 1 edly been made—he continues his attack on those ters were directed “against popery and dissent.” Yet in those 1 very same points. Let our leaders beware: This 2 papers he offered a revised position as to where the Church 7 man is not to be trusted. He says he has stopped of England should be standing: Newman maintained that promulgating error, yet it is not true. He is con- his denomination was not in opposition to , as com- tinuing right on. monly thought. Instead, he said it held the position of “Via Hopefully, this will be the last study I will media”; that is, the Anglican Church held an intermediate have to make on this matter. We place it on the position—halfway between and Rome. Pretty internet, to counteract the terrible effect of his clever way to bring Englishmen closer to the ! This compromising view was published in his Lectures words. on the Prophetical Office of the Church (1837) and his Lec- In his Endtime Issues, #86-89, tures on Justification (1838). In his famous Tract No. 90 directly attacked the integrity and accuracy of both our (1841), Newman advocated an interpretation of the Thirty- historic prophetic beliefs and the writings of Ellen White. Nine Articles (the doctrinal foundation of the Church of In response, we published a seven-part tract set England) which closely paralleled those decreed by the Coun- cil of Trent (which, as you know, is the doctrinal formula- (Reply to Bacchiocchi’s August 2002 Attack [WM– tion of Rome)! 1120-1126]), which gave so much information that You will recall that I stated, in the previous study on Bacchiocchi rather quickly changed direction. Bacchiocchi, that carefully placed agents in high places have In spite of having earlier promised that, in the next the help of researchers and writers back at the Vatican to issue of his newsletter (#90), he would add still more help them prepare their written materials. What Newman new concepts to his “expanded” view of our historic was writing had the subtle brilliance of a team of Jesuit 1260-year prophecy, in #90-92, Bacchiocchi suddenly ghost writers. veered away from that plan. Instead, he ultimately But unfortunately, in Tract No. 90 Newman had gone announced that he would no longer publish additional too far. He had already experienced so much success, that he was emboldened to issue that newsletter. However, it pro- variant views on the 1260-year prophecy. voked so much controversy, that his position as a leading WHY DID BACCHIOCCHI PULL BACK? professor at Oxford was in danger. Newman could still have Why this strange reversal? What has happened? drawn back, as Bacchiocchi has now done. But, instead, One possibility: Some have suggested that my Newman came out openly, left the Church of England, and seven-part series, with all the information it provided, joined the Catholic Church on October 9, 1845. Almost im- mediately, he issued his Essay on the Development of Chris- so shocked Bacchiocchi himself that he decided to tian Doctrine, in defense of his change. cease his attempt to change our doctrinal beliefs. But Newman had gone too far. Even though it eventu- A second possibility is that he was counseled by ally won him a cardinal’s hat (1879), he had separated him- superiors not to make the mistake of agents before self from the church he was trying to lead back to Rome. his time. Let me explain: Another person who made a similar mistake was We mentioned earlier [WM–1120, p. 2] that Rome made when, in October 1979, he openly at- a mistake when it permitted its leading agent in Britain in tacked historic Adventist beliefs in that Sabbath after- the mid-nineteenth century to come out too openly with his noon Adventist Forum lecture at Pacific Union Col- attacks against the doctrines of the Church of England. lege, where he held a professorship. Instead of continuing his work quietly, influencing one (By the way, you would be interested in knowing thought leader after another as well as students at Oxford that Newman was fascinated by the early church “fa- University, John Henry Newman (1801-1890) moved too fast. thers” and founded many of his teachings, not on Scrip- Like Bacchiocchi, Newman first attended a college of his ture but, on those uninspired writings; Bacchiocchi is own denomination (Trinity College at Oxford). Like Bacchi- occhi, he then began working as a minister in his church. now doing the same thing when, in #86-89, he pits state- Like Bacchiocchi, he then journeyed to Rome (1832-1833). ments by early “church fathers” against inspired state- Like Bacchiocchi, upon returning to church duties he im- ments in Great Controversy. The truth is that those ear- mediately began working with fellow agents at the univer- liest “fathers” who advocated Sundaykeeping were partly sity (Oxford), to mold the minds of students and influential converted Christians who hankered to be like the world. leaders in the church. Like Bacchiocchi, he later began pub- The true Christians kept the Bible Sabbath for centu- DATE OF PUBLICATION: JANUARY 2003 JANUARY OF PUBLICATION: DATE lishing his newsletters which gradually unveiled his revised ries, as stated in Great Controversy, pp. 52-53.) 2 Waymarks

A third possibility is that Bacchiocchi was in dan- ing, and Sabbath afternoon. During the next few ger of no longer being permitted to preach in Adventist weeks, I will be setting up my 2003 calendar of churches. It is true that the denomination cannot le- speaking engagements, and I will be glad to reserve gally cut off a retired worker’s pension; but, through a special weekend for a rally in your church.”— the conferences, they are able to notify local churches #91, p. 24. that Bacchiocchi is henceforth barred from Adventist So, giving three or four lecture series a month, pulpits worldwide. Bacchiocchi finds time to give about 150 lectures a If that threat was made, and it very well may have year. And this is done in addition to supposedly re- been, Bacchiocchi would have to choose between con- searching and writing his lengthy newsletters. tinuing the open attack in his newsletters or being able THE ATTACK GOES UNDERGROUND to continue his profitable speaking appointments to Henceforth, Bacchiocchi will be more careful. But Adventist churches and special gatherings throughout he has not abandoned his attacks on Ellen White’s the world. writings and our historic beliefs. He has just gone un- At any rate, Bacchiocchi’s decision was made: He derground and will continue doing the same as he has agreed to stop the attack—while (as we are discovering done for years at Andrews. in #90-92) actually continuing it more subtly, so he could Frankly, he is doing the same as our new theology continue to preach in Adventist churches throughout pastors and teachers are doing all over the world: sub- the world. tly asking questions, leaving lingering doubts hanging His half-disguised skepticism will henceforth be able in the air, then moving on to the next point in his pre- to continue influencing thousands of church members. sentation. Every month he sends out his skeptical newslet- We find abundant evidence of this skepticism in ters. (He claims that 20,000 are on his mailing list [#91, his three latest newsletters, Endtime Issues #90-92— p. 2].) even though they were sent out after his apparent de- Every year, he holds nearly 50 two-day meetings cision to hold back on publishing skepticism. in various parts of the world field. Bacchiocchi’s news- Bacchiocchi has not backed down at all! Every one letters #90-92, alone, listed 13 two-day meetings he of his charges against Ellen White’s accuracy and his would hold near the end of 2002: In addition to five new positions on the 1260-year prophecy, which he major ones in the U.S. (Loma Linda; Thousand Oaks stated in #86-89, are repeated in #90-92! Indeed, later [home of Adventist Media Center]; Phoenix; Battle in this present study, we will learn of two new errors Ground, Washington; and Lexington, Kentucky), his over- of his (both mentioned in #92), which were not men- seas meetings would include Calgary, Canada; London, tioned in #86-89! One is that the 1260-year prophecy England; Rome, Italy; Melbourne, Australia; Kingston, ends at the of Christ! The other is the Jamaica; and a “Union Wide Congress” in Korea. standard new theology error about the Investigative “When I asked for an early Judgment. retirement on July 1, 2000 [Bacchiocchi’s 62nd SEVERAL KEY POINTS IN #90-92 birthday], my intent was to devote myself more fully to research and writing. What has happened since In newsletter #90, Bacchiocchi said he had re- then is that I have accepted so many speaking en- ceived so much negative mail, including hints that gagements, that I have spent far more time travel- some leaders were suggesting he might be a heretic, ling than researching. During this past year, for ex- that he was postponing publication of his lengthy study ample, I have been [sic.] conducted seminars prac- on the 1260-year prophecy until eight fellow teachers tically every weekend.”—#92, p. 7. at Andrews could first check it over, and he could re- Personally, I do not believe Bacchiocchi has time to ceive further reactions. He then told the responses of write much of what is in those newsletters. They are the eight (most of which were in agreement with his too detailed, and he spends too much time on the road, views), and also repeated many of his earlier accusa- traveling to and fro from one meeting series to another. tions against the accuracy of Ellen White’s writings Figure the math for yourself: one two-day meeting per and our historic 1260-year prophetic interpretation. week, plus one day to get there and another day to re- In newsletter #91, Bacchiocchi announced that turn home (or travel to the next appointment). I believe he would be postponing the presentation of his 1260- he has a ghost writer or two helping him. At times, he year study indefinitely, or until a competent group of cites lengthy bibliographies of sources he refers to. In church scholars could be appointed by the General one paragraph in #90-92, Bacchiocchi mentioned that Conference to consider them. He then returned to he had a large stack of books for a research study he additional extended questioning of our historic 1260- was about to do. year teaching. Each lecture series includes three meetings. De- In newsletter #92, Bacchiocchi reiterated his scribing them, Bacchiocchi says: #91 decision, replied to some of the suggestions that “The seminar usually consists of three presen- he might be a heretic, and then resumed his question- tations, given on Friday evening, Sabbath morn- ing of our historic 1260-year doctrine—even though, in W Reply to Bacchiocchi’s #90-92 Attack 3 M

1 the previous letter, he said that he would no longer do premacy, as taught in our Adventist literature?”— 1 so! #92, p. 13 [full caps his]. 2 7 Let us now examine more closely the points Part of Baachiocchi’s radical approach is the theory Bacchiocchi brought out in these latest newslet- that the 1260-year prophecy reaches beyond 1798— ters. Frankly, his presentations continue to be even to the date of the Second Advent! as heretical as his three earlier issues: “The termination point of these sevenfold proph- BACCHIOCCHI’S STATED REASON ecies is the judgment and/or the establishment of FOR BACKING DOWN God’s Kingdom—events that transcend 1798.”— #92, p. 13 [initial caps his]. “During the past five weeks I spent over 200 hours researching and writing the essay entitled ‘An But Bacchiocchi says he decided not to do so. Amazing Sevenfold Prophecy.’ This study is de- “But I changed my mind when I opened my mail signed to examine the seven Bible texts (two in box, because I found some very offensive messages, Daniel and five in Revelation) mentioning the pro- accusing me of departing from the Adventist faith. phetic period of three and a half times/1260 days/ One message informs me that at a campmeeting in 42 months. I began the research at home and I did the Northwest, “the Friday evening sermon ad- some of the writing in Singapore and Malaysia . . I dressed the emerging attack by Samuele Bacchi- was determined to complete the first installment occhi against the Seventh-day Adventist prophetic and e-mail it you as soon as I returned from over- interpretation.”—#90, p. 1. seas. The first draft of this Bible study . . was com- Notice that it was the letters which were offensive, pleted about three weeks ago.”—#90, p. 1. not his strange new positions! Bacchiocchi always con- Bacchiocchi had written a 25-to-30-page paper, in siders himself the innocent, persecuted one. He can which he had planned to present additional new posi- trample all over our historic teachings, and the Spirit tions on the 1260-year prophecy. But he says he will of Prophecy as well, and that is all right. But let some- not present it. (In one place he says the research paper one protest at what he is doing, and he views them as was “25 pages” in length [#90, 1]; in another, he said the troublemakers. In these three newsletters, Bacchi- “30 pages” [#92, p. 10].) occhi repeatedly does this. You might wonder what Bacchiocchi was planning “My letters were misconstrued by some fellow to present in the forthcoming 1260-year study, which believers.”—#90, p. 1. he will not present after all. He had already stated that “The false accusations have greatly saddened this prophecy applied both to the papacy and to Islam me.”—#90, p. 2. (thus nicely turning the spotlight from Rome to, what “My wife feels that there is no need to have to Bacchiocchi considered to be, a very evil power). suffer again for a research on a prophecy which is I suggest that Bacchiocchi was planning to present foreign to the vast majority of Seventh-day Advent- a radical new approach to the seven Bible passages ists.”—#91, p. 1. which mention the 1260-year prophecy (Dan 7:25; Notice that it is only a “few” that are criticizing him. 12:7; Rev 11:2; 11:3; 12:3; 12:6; 13:5) and apply some He says they are the “conservatives.” verses to one governmental power and some to still “Why am I being accused of departing from the others (in addition to Islam), in such a way that the Adventist faith by a few conservative fellow believ- papacy would be pushed off even further to the sideline. ers?”—#90, p. 2. “My intent is to ascertain if these seven proph- Later, in #91, Bacchiocchi concludes that the prob- ecies allow for a broader application both in time lem is that some believers have “hate.” If they had and scope.”—#92, p. 10. “love,” they would tolerate his erroneous theories and Bacchiocchi’s objective has been threefold: (1) to be glad to let him spread them everywhere. apply the 1260 years to other world powers; (2) to “One of the most troubling realities of our time start and stop the time prophecy at dates different is the hate factor which is pervasive in the political, than A.D. 538 and 1798 (more on this later); and (3) social, racial, international, and religious realms. to spread out the time factor (by spiritualizing it, as The divisive and destructive effects of the hate fac- he did in a previous newsletter), so that it no longer is tor is impossible to calculate, because it manifests 1260 years in length. itself in countless ways. “The issue is . . whether all the seven prophecies “Many people could be categorized by whom they of the three and half times/1260 days/42 months hate most. Republicans and Democrats are known apply EXCLUSIVELY to the period of papal su- for displaying their hate for each other.”—#91, p. premacy between 538 to 1798. Is it possible that 7. some of them might include also other anti-god Notice that there is nothing wrong with his views, powers, like Islam, that have persecuted God’s only with the people opposing them. people and promoted false worship? Furthermore, “Unfortunately, the hate factor is present even do the dates of 538 and 1798 really support the in our Adventist church. The hate mail received respective establishment and downfall of papal su- from ultraconservative fellow believers after post- 4 Waymarks

ing the newsletters 87 and 88, have made me force- “Many of you readers have told me to ignore such fully aware that the hate factor is far more real accusations, which after all come from a relatively than I had ever imagined. It is amazing how a dis- small number of people. Comparing to the over agreement over the interpretation of a prophetic 2,000 messages of appreciation received for the lat- time period like the 1260 days, can fuel so much est newsletters, the negative messages were rela- hate.”—#91, p. 8. tively few, amounting to no more than forty or fifty In fact, the people opposing his views are being used of them. The vast majority of the subscribers to by Satan. this newsletter are people with an inquiring mind “During this past 10 days I have spent first in who appreciate being challenged with new ideas. I London, England, then in my native city of Rome, consider it a privilege to minister to these people.”— Italy, I have been reflecting on why is the hate factor #90, p. 3. so pervasive in the whole fabric of our society. It is This miserable few “are easily threatened by any new evident that Satan is having a field day in seeing the idea” (#90, p. 3). They “accept traditional teachings and abundant harvest he is reaping from the seeds of interpretations without any questioning” (#90, p. 3). hate and discord he has sown since the beginning “This mentality fosters intellectual and spiritual stag- of time.”—#91, p. 8. nation rather than growth” (#90, p. 3). “My ultimate Bacchiocchi laments that, if these people would be goal is to encourage some fresh thinking on how to make converted, they would stop opposing his work. our interpretation of this sevenfold prophecy more cred- “How can we overcome the hate factor? There is ible” (#90, p. 3). But in spite of his best efforts to sub- no magic way to eradicate hate from the human vert our faith, “no matter how I present this study, some heart and replace it with the love. What is needed is will find a way to attack and defame me” (#90, p. 3). a change of heart that can only be accomplished by OUR IGNORANT LEADERS the miracle of the Gospel. When we accept the Good As we have discovered above, Bacchiocchi speaks News that “while we were yet sinners Christ dies very disparagingly of his few ignorant critics. Apparently, for us” (Rom 5:8), then our hearts are filled with the love of God: “God has poured out His love into such are near worthless trash, which must be toler- our hearts by His Spirit” (Rom 5:5). When the love ated. of God is poured out in our hearts, then the hate One wonders why then is Bacchiocchi acceding to factor is replaced by the love factor. We learn to their demands for him to stop his attacks. The reason love.”—#91, p. 8. is that, elsewhere in #90-92, Bacchiocchi concedes that some of that “few” include prominent church leaders THOSE WEAK-MINDED FEW whom he fears to displease. Bacchiocchi claims to have a readership of 20,000 —Well then, putting all this together, we discover (#91, p. 2), of which 2,000 have written letters prais- that Bacchiocchi considers those of our leaders who ing him (#90, p. 3) and that only “about 40 or 50” of disagree with him to be rather stupid individuals who them have complained (#90, p. 3). But he claims that, lack “inquiring minds,” are “threatened by new ideas,” because objections are only heard from this extremely have “intellectual and spiritual stagnation.” tiny percentage of quibblers (1/400th of his total read- You need to tell the conscientious leaders of the ership), he will stop presenting his doctrinal novel- church what Bacchiocchi thinks of them. You need to ties. To add to the oddity of this, he essentially likens also tell them that, even after he agreed to stop attack- that 40 or 50 to ignorant rabble who have little educa- ing our historic teachings and the Spirit of Prophecy, tion, no interest in using their brains, or listening to in #90-92, he is continuing to do so! He is now going his when he opens his mouth. beyond that and slurring our conscientious leaders Regarding his readers, Bacchiocchi says: as well. “The vast majority of them are educated people with inquiring minds, appreciative of fresh attempts QUICK TO NAME THOSE ON HIS SIDE to understand more fully prophecies, there is a sig- Some of our leaders oppose Bacchiocchi’s mes- nificant minority who are greatly distressed by any sage. Bacchiocchi clearly states that they are among proposed modification of traditional beliefs. For “the few.” them to tinker with traditional interpretations is “Two additional reasons finally convinced me to tantamount to heresy. In good conscience I cannot shelf this research for the time being. The first ignore the concerns of these committed fellow be- reason is the negative criticism of a few concerned lievers. To do so would show a lack of pastoral fellow believers, some of whom are church lead- understanding.”—#91, p. 2. ers.”—#92, pp. 1-2. Bacchiocchi assures us that he is giving up because “In Endtime Issues, No. 88, I made a plea for a of a pitifully small number of critics. balanced understanding of Ellen White by accept-

Continued on the next tract More WAYMARKS - from ————————— PILGRIMS REST HCR 77, BOX 38A - BEERSHEBA SPRINGS, TN 37305 USA RReplyeply toto Bacchiocchi’Bacchiocchi’ss #90-92#90-92 AAttackttack PART TWO OF THREE

Continued from the preceding tract in this series Yes, that paragraph is a masterpiece of deception. Here is their working definitions: “Scripture” is the W ing her prophetic gift, while at the same time rec- M Bible, but only as explained away by liberals who no ognizing her limitations. These proposals have been longer believe historic . “Tradition” is the Bible 1 interpreted by some of our church leaders as a drift- 1 ing away from the Adventist faith.”—#92, p. 9. as explained by our pioneers and the Spirit of Proph- 2 ecy. 8 Yet there are other leaders whom, Bacchiocchi says, In reality, true “Scripture” is the words in the Bible heartily endorse his work. He readily names those who and in the Spirit of Prophecy, as they read; and true endorse his ideas. “tradition” is man’s comments about either. In #92, p. 10, when a “false report” was sent from Bacchiocchi and his associates thus cause Scrip- the NAD to Florida Conference not to permit Bacchiocchi ture and tradition to trade places. In their hands, Scrip- to speak in their churches, Bacchiocchi contacted the ture becomes tradition and their traditions become NAD which denied having sent such a message. Scripture. “Elder Harold W. Baptiste, our NAD secretary, “There is a significant minority who are greatly graciously called me back and reassured me that distressed by any proposed modification of tradi- he never heard of such an instruction given by the tional beliefs. For them to tinker with traditional NAD office. He concluded that someone must have interpretations is tantamount to heresy.”—#91, p. fabricated such a false rumor.”—#92, p. 10. 2. Tell our church leaders that, if in any way they endorse Bacchiocchi’s teachings, he will name them “For them, a committed Adventist is one who accepts traditional teachings and interpretations in his newsletter. He is desperate to be able to con- without any questioning.”—#90, p. 3. tinue his lecture tours while continuing his newsletters. BACCHIOCCHI SAYS HE IS NOT TRYING SCRIPTURE VS. TRADITION TO MAKE ANY CHANGES As do his fellow liberals in our church, Bacchiocchi “In recent weeks, a new false allegation has been consistently uses code words to confuse issues and circulating, namely, that I am drifting away from avoid the appearance of a direct attack on our his- the Adventist faith by promoting teachings contrary toric teachings and the Spirit of Prophecy. One is “tra- to our beliefs.”—#92, p. 8. dition.” Whatever solid beliefs we may have held in “Simply stated, the new false accusation is that I the past, whatever is written in the Spirit of Prophecy— am drifting away from the Adventist faith because it is all tradition, in Bacchiocchi’s opinion, and unwor- of what I have written in two recent newsletters.”— thy of our consideration today. #92, p. 9. [He cites #86 and #88 as the two news- “There are new truths to be discovered. But at letters, but does not mention #87 or #89.] this time it is practically impossible for me or any Speaking to the weak-minded few who misunder- Adventist Bible [“scholar”; he accidentally omitted stand his objective, Bacchiocchi makes this remark- the word] to undertake such an in-depth study, be- able statement: cause any new discovery is expected to support tra- “It was not my intent to be divisive or to question ditional interpretations. Such a criteria negates the the integrity of our Adventist message.”—#91, p. possibility of honest, objective research. Ultimately, 2. we must decide whether we want to be true to SCRIP- TURE or TRADITION.”—#92, p. 11 [full caps his]. Frankly, only weak-minded people would believe that That paragraph is a masterpiece of the Catholic de- Bacchiocchi was not questioning the integrity of the ceptive art. Bacchiocchi is telling us that all our earlier message! teachings, beliefs, practices, and books amount to little “For me to be a committed Adventist means to more than a heap of tradition. We need our scholars to constantly seek new ways to make our beliefs more relevant.”—#91, p. 2. get us out of this mess. (If you ask our liberals who they define as our “scholars,” you will learn that it is the “Our attempt to lamp [sic., “lump”] together the men who have gotten Ph.D.s in religion from outside seven references to the three and a half years/42 universities—the very ones who, in the process, have months/1260 days, applying all of them exclusively to the period of papal domination between 538 to had their faith and beliefs corrupted.) 1798, poses some biblical and historical problems The way our scholars will “rescue us” is to sweep that we need to resolve.”—#91, p. 4. aside all this “tradition” and provide us with new inter- Ellen White predicted that men would arise who pretations of Scripture. would want to “new-model the message.” 6 Waymarks

EIGHT TO EXAMINE IT FIRST tive. He wrote: ‘I have read your essay and thank In order to buy time while trying to gauge the amount God for the breath of fresh air. I have been waiting of opposition from church leaders, Bacchiocchi said he for such a breakthrough for many years. The tradi- would let eight fellow teachers at Andrews check over tional interpretation of Dan 7 and 8 became almost his 25-to-30-page research paper on the 1260-year too tortuous for me. You have spoken well of me - prophecy, before he presented it. thank you - and have read my intentions (concern- ing the year 538) correctly. I have met quite a few of “I decided to postpone the posting of the study I our thinking Adventists here and in Europe who had worked so hard to prepare. Rather than add- are questioning the traditional exegesis of Daniel 8. ing fuel to the fire, I felt it was wiser to ask 8 com- I will tell them now about your essay by e-mail. . . petent and committed Adventist scholars to evalu- . I fully concur with your academic method to let ate the first installment of my study. Their com- the sacred text speak for itself.”—#90, p. 4. ments will be mentioned shortly . . My plan is to re-work this study during the next few weeks on By LaRondelle’s own words, Bacchiocchi’s apostasy the basis of the comments received.”—#90, p. 1. is a “breath of fresh air,” a “breakthrough” to replace our “traditional interpretation of Daniel 7 and 8.” “In a month or so I hope to post this study, af- ter revising it and expanding it in accordance to LaRondelle adds that he will work earnestly to help the constructive criticism received from 8 compe- spread the heresy throughout Europe. (LaRondelle can tent scholars. You will see that the Little Horn is speak one or more European languages.) like a monster with several tentacles, that have In 1981, during a weeklong visit to Andrews to manifested themselves in different ways during the xerox some materials in their library, I was told by course of human history. The ultimate intent of students that LaRondelle was solidly new theology. For this study is to strengthen our Adventist interpre- years he has done his best to lead thousands of the tation, by making it more credible.”—#90, p. 2. future ministers of our church down the wrong path. Bacchiocchi says “the Little Horn is like a monster 2 - ALSO AGREES with several tentacles.” That is not what Daniel 7 and 8 WITH BACCHIOCCHI says. It is a single horn. Bacchiocchi would transform it Bacchiocchi’s second reviewer was Jon Paulien. into many horns: the papacy; Islam; and probably com- “Another reviewer is Jon Paulien, Ph. D., who is munism; Hinduism; paganism; and more besides. serving a [sic., “as”] Professor of New Testament at THE EVALUATION BY EIGHT TEACHERS Andrews University Theological Seminary. He has Bacchiocchi selected eight typical Adventist Bible authored of [sic., omit “of”] several books, includ- teachers, thus conveniently providing us with a cross- ing What the Bible Says about the End-time. He has contributed the essay of this newsletter. The sectional insight into the beliefs of our college and uni- essay is excerpted from his newly released book versity Bible teachers: The Day that Changed the World. This is a book “Let me briefly introduce the eight Adventist you will love to read and share with your friends, scholars who have graciously taken time in their especially those who do not profess to believe in busy schedule to evaluate my paper. With one ex- God. You can buy single copies at any Adventist ception, their comments were rather favorable, Book Center for only $2.49 or by the case of 100 though each reviewer raised important questions copies for only $159.00. This is great value for for me to consider.”—#90, p. 4. giving! If you do not live near an [sic.] 1 - LaRONDELLE AGREES ABCs you can order the books . .”—#90, p. 4. WITH BACCHIOCCHI Beware of any book which Bacchiocchi recommends Bacchiocchi’s first reviewer was Hans LaRondelle. or sells! Each one will subtly twist your mind toward “The first one to respond was Hans LaRondelle, new theology. Later in this present report, we will quote D. Th., who is a retired Professor Emeritus of The- a statement which candidly admits that “several recent ology at Andrews University Theological Semi- Adventist books cited in the previous newsletter” (#91, nary.”—#90, p. 4. p. 2) teach the same things Bacchiocchi believes! Paulien’s Bacchiocchi says LaRondelle is now retired, living book must be one of them, since Bacchiocchi praises it in Florida, but continues to teach “extension schools in so heartily. Come to think of it, every book Bacchiocchi different parts of the world.” These extension schools mentions, he always praises heartily! (Notice that he is enable the new theology teachers at the Seminary at not telling you to purchase the Conflict Series or pur- Andrews University to spread to foreign workers its chase and hand out Great Controversy to the lost. In- “Good News of no obedience required to the law of God,” stead, he questions its inspiration.) along with erroneous teachings about Daniel 7-9, our “Paulien has been of great help to me. He spent Sanctuary Message, and the reliability of the Spirit of several hours, not only to read my paper, but also Prophecy. to counsel me on how to deal with this controver- According to Bacchiocchi, LaRondelle fully concurred sial time prophecy . . He wrote: ‘I think you did a with his heresy. terrific job inductively, but you have not yet inter- “LaRondelle’s review of the essay was very posi- acted with the wealth of secondary literature that W Reply to Bacchiocchi’s #90-92 Attack 7 M

1 addresses the same issues you address.”—#90, I wrote this about his spiritualizing away of the “three 1 p. 4. 2 and a half times.” 8 3 - RANKO STEFANOVIC AGREES “He then says this: WITH BACCHIOCCHI “A more satisfactory interpretation of the prophetic Bacchiocchi’s third reviewer was Ranko Stefanovic. period of three and a half years is suggested by its Stefanovic heartily approves of Bacchiocchi’s er- symbolic usage to represent, on the one hand the time rors. One would think he would not want Bacchiocchi of domination of the , and on the other hand the protection of God’s people in time of persecu- to trumpet his support to Adventists everywhere. Yet tion.”—#86, p. 22. these men are very bold in their defiance of our his- “ ‘Three and a half is half of seven, which is the toric beliefs. number of God’s completion and perfection. Half of “In his review Ranko wrote: ‘The information pre- seven suggests incompletion and limitation.’ ”—#86, sented in your paper is factually documented and p. 22. the evidences are weighty. I find the concerns you “Bacchiocchi then mentions that Elijah’s fam- have expressed to be very similar to mine while I ine and Christ’s ministry each lasted only three was writing my commentary on Revelation. Also, and a half years. your perception regarding my position is very cor- rect: I avoided assigning any date to the threefold “The attacks against Christ lasted only three time designation [of the three and half years/1260 and a half years. Why? Because half a week stands days/42 months] in Revelation. I agree with you for incompletion, limitation. The forces of evil were that A.D. 538 has been exaggerated; in order to limited by God and could not accomplish the com- Ibid. get that date, the year 1798 was established first, plete destruction of Christ and His work.”— and then the 1260 years were deducted from it. “This is the kind of strange reasoning we find “Especially enlightening for me was the way you in papal documents: Because Christ’s ministry have clarified historically the origin of the Little Horn lasted three and a half years, therefore He was only (pp. 7-8). I wished I had known these informations partly destroyed! Perhaps Jesuits may believe that [sic.] earlier to incorporate them into my commen- Christ was partly destroyed at Calvary, but we Reply to Bacchiocchi’s August 2002 At- tary (as you know I am not a church historian). I don’t.”— tack–Part 4, p. 16 [WM–1123]. am totally in an agreement with you about the method of studying the Bible prophecies.’ ”—#90, Anyone mentioned by Bacchiocchi in his newslet- p. 5. [Bracketed note is Bacchiocchi’s.] ters becomes infamous. His friends err in determin- Incredible! Ranko writes a doctoral thesis on the ing to unite with him in his work. book of Revelation, and yet he says he knows little or 5 - ROY GANE PARTLY AGREES nothing about church history! WITH BACCHIOCCHI 4 - ZDRAVKO STEFANOVIC AGREES Bacchiocchi’s fifth reviewer was Roy Gane. He con- WITH BACCHIOCCHI curred with a portion of Bacchiocchi’s theory, but Bacchiocchi’s fourth reviewer was Zdravko Ste- Bacchiocchi’s comment about his review is not pre- fenovic. Stefenovic, who teaches Bible at Walla Walla, is cise enough for us to know where Gane stands on this the only one of the eight not teaching Bible at Andrews. matter. However, Bacchiocchi praises Gane’s books, After praising a book by Stefanovic, Bacchiocchi says and that is a signal to us. that Stefanovic gave him a copy of an article he wrote, “Another reviewer is Roy Gane, Ph. D., who is which says that the “three and a half times” is sym- serving as a Professor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient bolic! Bacchiocchi says this is exactly what he, himself, Near Eastern Languages at Andrews University believes: Theological Seminary. He is the author of several books. His latest one, Altar Call, offers a popular “For the purpose of my research on the three and insightful study of the relevance of the sanctu- and half times prophetic period of Daniel 7:25, ary for our Christian life today. You will find this Zdravko recommended me his article ‘The Pres- book a delight to read. It will open your mind to ence of the Three and a Fraction: A Literary Fig- the deeper meaning of the message of the sanctu- ure in the Book of Daniel,’ published by the ary for today. You can order this insightful book . . Andrews University Institute of Archeology . . “Gane’s comments on my paper were very help- “I found this article most helpful. It offers a com- ful. He agrees with me that the Little Horn of Daniel pelling explanation for the origin of the “three and 8 has an earlier origin and broader scope of that half times” prophetic period, based on the literary of Daniel 7, but he feels that the symbolic nature structure of the book of Daniel. Three and a half of the prophecy does not rule out the possibility times is a broken numerical sequence that expresses that a real, delimited span of time could be in progression and sudden termination of the power view.”—#90, p. 5. of the Little Horn. Essentially this is my interpreta- tion of the symbolic meaning of this prophetic pe- 6 - ROBERT JOHNSTON AGREES riod.”—#90, p. 5. WITH BACCHIOCCHI In my earlier tract study on Bacchiocchi’s teachings, Bacchiocchi’s sixth reviewer was Robert Johnston. 8 Waymarks

Recently retired from teaching at the Seminary for sev- 8 - KEITH MATTINGLY’S RECOMMENDATION eral decades, Johnston heartily endorsed Bacchiocchi’s TO BACCHIOCCHI theories regarding the 1260-year prophecy. This is un- Bacchiocchi’s eighth and last reviewer was Keith fortunate, for we had hoped for better things from Mattingly, chairman of the Religion Department at Johnston. Andrews and a professor of Old Testament. Mattingly “Another reviewer is Robert Johnston, Ph. D., counseled a middle-of-the-road course: He urged who recently retired as Professor of New Testament Bacchiocchi to go ahead and publish the rest of his at Andrews University Theological Seminary. He has 1260-day study; but, in doing so, he should not deny served as Chairman of the NT Department and con- the accuracy of our historic positions, but only recom- tributed numerous articles to scholarly journals. mend his positions as an alternate view. He is highly respected for his keen analytical mind. Although Bacchiocchi does not tell us what Mat- “Johnston’s reaction to the paper was quite posi- tingly’s position is, it is clear he is recommending that tive. He wrote: ‘I have read your paper and find noth- Bacchiocchi publish the rest of his errors for Bac- ing shocking about it. Your approach may well be a chiocchi’s 20,000 Adventists to read, something way forward in prophetic interpretation, and I am Doukhan was solidly opposed to. not uncomfortable with it. One may find this or that BACCHIOCCHI’S TEACHINGS ARE ALSO IN detail with which to quarrel, but the overall con- OTHER ADVENTIST PUBLICATIONS cept seems reasonable to me. “Frankly, the reaction of our concerned fellow “Staunch traditionalists, however, will most likely believers surprised me, because after all what I react negatively. But a traditionalist by definition is suggested in the newsletter No. 86 on “Islam and one who fears anything new. If you are willing to the Papacy in Prophecy,” is to broaden the scope face their wrath you may want to send this paper of the nature and time of the Little Horn, by includ- abroad, though it needs some polishing.’ Frankly, I ing other anti-god powers such as Islam. This sug- wish that a way could be found to expand and gestion is not new, because several recent Adventist strengthen our prophetic interpretations without books cited in the previous newsletter, view the 1260 stirring the wrath of our concerned fellow believ- days prophetic period to be more qualitative rather ers.”—#90, pp. 5-6. than quantitative.”—#91, p. 2. 7 - JACQUES DOUKHAN DISAGREES “The research of other Adventist scholars defend- WITH BACCHIOCCHI ing the same view, has favored the wide acceptance Bacchiocchi’s seventh reviewer was Jacques Dou- of an earlier origin of Sunday. This positive experi- khan. He definitely disagrees with Bacchiocchi’s key ence has given me reason to assume that the same errors about the 1260-year prophecy, and stands in thing would happen, when presenting my research defense of our historic beliefs: (1) Doukhan applies the on the 1260 days prophecy, especially since other little horn only to the papacy. (2) He places the dating Adventist scholars have published similar views in as A.D. 538 to 1798. (3) By inference, we can assume our church publications.”—#91, p. 4. that Doukhan also rejects Bacchiocchi’s attempt to “Does the humiliation and excommunication of spiritualize away the three and a half years and split Pope Vigilius legitimately support the establishment the seven Bible passages about the 1260-years, apply- of papal supremacy in 538? It seems to me that we ing one to one political power and another to something have some problems that we need to address. These else. problems are recognized by committed Adventists “Another reviewer is Jacques Doukhan, Ph. D., scholars. In the newly released study, Revelation who is serving as Professor of Hebrew Old Testa- of Jesus Christ: Commentary on the Book of Rev- ment exegesis and Jewish studies at Andrews Uni- elation, published by Andrews University in 2002, versity Theological Seminary. He has authored sev- Ranko Stefanovich [sic.], intentionally avoids men- eral books, including two on the book of Daniel: tioning the dates of 538/1798, because he told me Daniel, The Vision of the End and Secrets of Daniel that he encountered the same problems that I have. . . Doukhan firmly believes that Daniel’s three and The same is true of the recent books by Hans La- a half times prophetic period, refers exclusively to Rondelle and Roy Naden, both of whom shared with the time of papal supremacy from 538 to 1798. me the same concerns.”—#92, p. 14. He writes: ‘A study of prophetic chronology brings More on their inconsequential “concerns” about Pope us to the year C. E. 538. Italy is completely rid of Vigilius (537-555) later in this report. The fact remains the Arians, especially the Ostrogoths . . From now that our outside-university-trained Bible Ph.D.s appear on, the church has no more adversaries and is free to have a stealth campaign in operation. Our publish- to do as it pleases” (Secret of Daniel, p. 109).”— ing houses are hungry for something to print besides #90, p. 6. children’s fiction, and gladly accept books authored by

Continued on the next tract More WAYMARKS - from ————————— PILGRIMS REST HCR 77, BOX 38A - BEERSHEBA SPRINGS, TN 37305 USA RReplyeply toto Bacchiocchi’Bacchiocchi’ss #90-92#90-92 AAttackttack PART THREE OF THREE

Continued from the preceding tract in this series me that any modification of our traditional Advent- ist application of the 1260 days prophecy to the W our Bible teachers. M period of papal supremacy from 538 to 1798, is “Ranko Stefanovic, Revelation of Jesus Christ: clearly seen as a repudiation of our Adventist faith. 1 Commentary on the Book of Revelation. This book 1 Several have told me that I am on the road to apos- 2 is by far the best commentary on the Book of Rev- tasy.”—#91, p. 2. 9 elation that our Adventist church has ever published “Several subscribers [said] that this newsletter (645 pages). This commentary is an outgrowth of is not the appropriate forum to discuss the broad- Ranko Stefanovic [sic., “Stefanovic’s”] doctoral dis- ening and strengthening of the 1260 days proph- sertation on Revelation. Stefanovic is serving as Pro- ecy.”—#91, p. 2. fessor of New Testament at Andrews University. I highly recommend this timely book. Copies may be Clever wording. He will not publish the rest of his ordered . .”—#91, p. 25. [Stefanovic’s book is also unusual ideas, because doing so would broaden and praised in #90, p. 4.] strengthen the prophecy. BEWARE OF ARTICLES BACCHIOCCHI ASKS FOR QUOTED IN BACCHIOCCHI’S NEWSLETTER A GC-APPOINTED COMMISSION Beware of article reprints from other Bible teach- Bacchiocchi then did something even more clever. ers in Bacchiocchi’s newsletter! From time to time, he He is now asking the General Conference to appoint a quotes full-length essays written by men whom he special commission to examine his 1260-year study. knows to share his errors. He promises to abide by its decision, and will not pub- Jon Paulien provided an essay for Bacchiocchi’s lish any more of it until then. Endtime Issues, #90, yet we already learned that Paulien Bacchiocchi well-knows that such an investigative wrote to Bacchiocchi: “ ‘I think you did a terrific job committee will never be appointed. First, our leaders inductively’ ” (#90, p. 4). By “inductively,” Paulien means do not want another Glacier View. Second and even that Bacchiocchi did a good job thinking through his more important, they are well-aware of the fact that the errors about the 1260-year prophecy. greater number of our outside-university-trained Bible Hans LaRondelle will provide an article in a later teachers believe errors similar to Bacchiocchi’s. issue of Bacchiocchi’s newsletter (#91, pp. 10-11). So Bacchiocchi has neatly passed the buck. Roy Gane will also provide several articles, taken “A reexamination of our traditional Adventist in- from one of his books (#90, p. 5). terpretation of the sevenfold prophecy in question is needed. Our attempt to lamp [sic., “lump”] to- BACCHIOCCHI DECIDES gether the seven references to the three and a half NOT TO PRESENT THE STUDY years/42 months/1260 days, applying all of them In #90, Bacchiocchi said he would postpone the re- exclusively to the period of papal domination be- mainder of his 25-to-30-page study on the 1260-year tween 538 to 1798, poses some biblical and his- prophecy until he had submitted it to eight others to torical problems that we need to resolve. examine. This gave him time to test the reactions of “But the resolution cannot be accomplished in church leaders to the errors he had already published. isolation by one or even a few independent Adventist The response was not good. Among “the few” op- scholars. What we need is an official commission posed to what he had done—were a number of influen- of trusted Adventist scholars and administrators, tial church leaders. who are appointed by the General Conference to “To the disappointment of many, I have decided undertake this project. Few [sic., “A few”] days ago to postpone indefinitely the posting of the continu- I wrote a letter to the Director of the Biblical Re- ation of my research on this amazing sevenfold search Institute, proposing for their consideration prophecy.”—#91, p. 1. the convocation of such a commission or consul- “I decided to follow the wise counsel of my dear tation. If and when this commission convenes, I wife, Anna, who from the very beginning told me will be glad to report on its deliberations. not to deal with this controversial prophecy . . “Let there be no illusion. Our concerned fellow “Two additional reasons finally convinced me to believers will not automatically accept any possible shelf this research for the time being. The first modification of the traditional interpretation of this reason is the negative criticism of a few concerned time prophecy, even if proposed by a commission fellow believers, some of whom are church lead- set up by the General Conference.”—#91, p. 4. ers. Reading their criticism it became evident to The last paragraph, above, was added to place the 10 Waymarks blame for the whole problem back on the stubborn “con- choose to accept “traditional teachings and interpreta- servatives” who are too mulish to abandon our historic tions without any questioning.” He says that, doing so, positions. They are the troublemakers, not the noble has the effect of destroying both their minds and their men like Bacchiocchi who are trying to improve our doc- closeness to God. Pretty strong words; read them for trines, which he considers to be only flimsy “traditions.” yourself: “My plan was to continue the investigation of “The fact is, however, that I cannot ignore the this amazing sevenfold prophecy. But, when I read negative criticism coming from concerned fellow the negative reactions to my initial proposal from believers, who are easily threatened by any new idea. few [sic., “a few”] influential church leaders, I felt The attempt of the recent Quar- that the wisest thing for me to do at this time is to terly on The Great Apocalyptic Prophecies (April, abandon this research project altogether . . I will May, June 2002) to propose that the number of not investigate the 1260 days prophecy until spe- “666” in Revelation 13:17, may be “a sym- cifically asked by an official commission appointed bol of humanity separated from God” (p. 85), rather by the General Conference. I want to enjoy some than the numerical value of Vicarius Filii Dei, gen- peace in the sunset years of my life by acting in erated a flood of negative responses. I received many harmony with our church leaders.”—#92, p. 11. messages from concerned fellow believers who felt “I have asked the director of the Biblical Re- that the authors of the quarterly were departing search Institute to discuss the matter with our from the Adventist faith. For them a committed General Conference President . He is Adventist is one who accepts traditional teachings by far the most competent, trained theologian that and interpretations without any questioning. This our Adventist Church has ever had as a president. mentality fosters intellectual and spiritual stagna- He hold [sic., “holds”] a doctorate in theology from tion rather than growth.”—#90, p. 3. [His page Tubingen University.”—#92, p. 14. references are to the Quarterly.] I am somewhat astonished that our president “A case in point is the new interpretation of the graduated from Tubingen. The German universities, number 666 of the Beast of Revelation 13, which including Tubingen, are notorious for their worldly the- was proposed in the recent Sabbath School Quar- ology. Higher critical theology (including source criti- terly on Great Apocalyptic Prophecies (April, May, cism and form criticism) was born in nineteenth-cen- June 2002). Contrary to the traditional interpreta- tury Germany, and those universities continue to be tion of 666 as being the numeric value of the Pope’s drenched in it. official title, VICARIUS FILII DEI - a title which is often used in official papal documents - the Sab- German Hegelian theology (based on the teachings bath School Quarterly proposed that 666 may be of W.F. Hegel) began at Tubingen under the direction of “a symbol of humanity separated from God” (p. 85). F.C. Baur, Eduard Zeller, and Adolf Hilgenfeld. The mod- “At the present time, the symbolism of intensified ernist theories of the “Tubingen School,” as it was called, rebellion, six used three times, and total indepen- included the error that most of the New Testament dence from God seem to be the best option” (p. 86). epistles were written in the second century A.D. and “This new interpretation has greatly upset our tell us nothing about theology in the first century A.D. concerned fellow Adventists who have expressed to Another set of errors also developed there, under me their disappointment. For them this departure the leadership of a Catholic faculty headed by J.A. from the traditional interpretation is devastating Mohler and K.J. Refelewhich, which eventually became because they believe that it deprives them of the the leading learning center for German Catholics. In more most compelling identification of the papacy as the recent times, K. Bihlmeyer and K. Adam have headed beast of Revelation 13. The new interpretation is up this Catholic faculty. If I graduated from Tubingen, I posing problems also for our evangelists. Some of surely would not want it known. whom may not yet [be] prepared to modify their So Bacchiocchi has promised our leaders to no PowerPoint diagram of the numerical value of longer present errors about our doctrinal beliefs or VICARIUS FILII DEI. Yet, this is the price we must subtle attacks on the integrity of the Spirit of Prophecy. be willing to pay if we want to ensure that our teach- Will he do that? If he does not, you should write—not ings are biblically and historically accurate.”—#91, him—but the General Conference leaders. Tell them that pp. 4-5. Bacchiocchi’s permission to preach in our pulpits Did you notice the incongruity in the above state- should be canceled. Under the threat of that happening, ment? It was rather obvious. Bacchiocchi, whom every- it could well-force him to stop undermining our beliefs one agrees is well-acquainted with the Vatican (!), made and those sacred books. this very helpful statement: THE 666 CONTROVERSY IS MENTIONED “The traditional interpretation of 666 as being the numeric value of the Pope’s official title, Bacchiocchi twice mentions the strange error about VICARIUS FILII DEI - a title which is often used in 666 in the Second Quarter 2002 Senior Sabbath School official papal documents.”—#91, p. 4. lesson. It is obvious that he is definitely in support of Some Catholic authorities, since 1920, have denied the error, and that he pities the foolish wretches who that fact. We are happy that Bacchiocchi admits it. First, W Reply to Bacchiocchi’s #90-92 Attack 11 M

1 Bacchiocchi tells us that VICARIUS FILII DEI is indeed the date, not 538. 1 (1) the pope’s official title and (2) the title often used in In reply, I suggest that any thoughtful student of 2 9 official papal documents. church and secular history of Europe (and I have read But then, in the next paragraph, he says some- both for many years) knows that, for centuries, there thing different: were continual gains and losses for the papacy—and “Yet, this is the price we must be willing to pay if for every other nation! This occurred repeatedly, year we want to ensure that our teachings are biblically by year, decade by decade. It is still happening. Ex- and historically accurate.”—#91, p. 5. amples of papal losses and victories for most every He says that we must abandon that identification year in the past nearly 1700 years could be shown. of the pope, since it is neither Biblical nor historical! But, out of all the conflicts; gains and losses of the Yet he has just explained that the title is very histori- papacy; strong and weak ones; apostate state- cal. I have noticed that people who entertain error tend ments by popes; assassinations of popes and murders to use strange logic to arrive at their theories. by them; and several conquests of Rome and the THE CONTROVERSY OVER DATES Vatican—the fact remains that A.D. 508 and 538 marked The starting date of the 1260-year prophecy is ques- special occasions when papal power began to be more tioned by Bacchiocchi. He says it cannot be A.D. 538. fully felt, and A.D. 1798 clearly marks when the wound Jacques Doukhan, quoted earlier, nicely summarized was received. the truth: The papacy took part in innumerable wars and was invaded repeatedly throughout the greater part of “Doukhan firmly believes that Daniel’s three and a half times prophetic period, refers exclusively to the entire 1260 years! The papacy has experienced the time of papal supremacy from 538 to 1798. He serious gains and losses in credibility and power over writes: ‘A study of prophetic chronology brings us and over again since 1798. to the year C. E. 538. Italy is completely rid of the Bacchiocchi can complain all he wants, but our Arians, especially the Ostrogoths . . From now on, safety is in staying with the prophetic time spans the church has no more adversaries and is free to worked out by our pioneers, and—and—confirmed by do as it pleases’ (Secret of Daniel, p. 109).”—#90, the Spirit of Prophecy. I fully believe the Spirit of Proph- p. 6. ecy is a wiser source of confirmation of prophetic dat- In our preceding study (Reply to Bacchiocchi’s ing than is Mr. Bacchiocchi. August 2002 Attack [WM–1120-1126]), this matter of In one paragraph, Bacchiocchi says the dates need events in and around A.D. 538 was discussed at great to be changed; in another he says they are only “sym- length. But we will briefly notice his latest objection: bolical” and do not apply to any particular time. Is In #90, 91, and 92, Bacchiocchi complains that A.D. this the man we are to look to for infallible conclu- 538 cannot be the correct date for these reasons: sions? Not only does he want to change the dates, he (1) Emperor Justinian selected Pope Vigilius (537- also wants to change the identity of the little horn! 555)—the pope in 538—and his successor (Pope Pela- By the way, according to Bacchiocchi, the students gius; 556-561). —But many times, over the centuries, in Adventist schools—grade schools, high schools, and kings and councils had a part in selecting popes. on up to college graduation—are never taught anything (2) Justinian brought Vigilius to Rome, where he about the 1260-year prophecy (unless, of course, he “edu- remained for eight years and signed a doctrinal decree cates” them before they leave Andrews). supporting a theological error (Monophysitism, the “In fact, in the last college Bible class that I taught teaching that Christ only had a divine nature). —Many at Andrews University in the Spring of the year other times a pope would travel here or there, be in- 2000, only 3 of about 60 students had ever stud- vaded by armies, or have to flee for his life. ied the prophecies of the 2300 and 1260 days. The (3) Vigilius was weak in character. —The great new generation of Adventists know very little about majority of all the popes were weak in character! these time prophecies which they find it difficult (4) Vigilius was excommunicated by a private gath- to relate to the concerns of their Christian life.”— ering of some Western bishops in North Africa. —Many #91, pp. 1-2. popes later on were also excommunicated, poisoned, According to the last sentence, above, it was wrong or slain. of God to give us the 1260- and 2300-year time prophe- (5) The Arian Lombards later invaded Italy, from cies, because reading about them somehow harms our time to time, over the next century. —Many invasions of “Christian life.” Italy occurred throughout later centuries. It is a tragedy that, for 26 years (#92, p. 12), our (6) In A.D. 754, Pope Stephen (752-757) visited church let this man instruct our future ministers and Pepin, king of the Franks in Paris, and crowned the king. workers at Andrews University. In return, Pepin helped subdue the remnant of the BALANCING ELLEN WHITE Lombards. —Repeatedly, one ruler or another in Eu- I mentioned earlier that Bacchiocchi carried on the rope would save the pope from great danger. same attacks in #90-92 that he did in #86-89. One is —Therefore, Bacchiocchi says A.D. 754 should be his continued disparagement of Ellen White and her 12 Waymarks writings: In fact, I labored persistently with my Adviser, Prof. “Sometimes there can be inaccuracies in the Vincenzo Monachino, to lead him to accept the Bib- messages of the prophets.”—#90, p. 2. lical and historical validity of the Sabbath. On There is a need, he says, for “developing a balanced the day of the defense of my dissertation, it was understanding of Ellen White’s prophetic gift. This in- thrilling for me to hear Monachino admit publicly deed was the intent of my newsletters” (#90, p. 3). that after spending two years with me he had changed his mind and come to accept the origin of BACCHIOCCHI’S VIEW Sundaykeeping as a post-apostolic phenom- OF THE enon.”—#90, p. 2. In #92, although Bacchiocchi gives only passing In a later paraphrase (#92, p. 12), Bacchiocchi says mention to the Investigative Judgment, that which he that, on the day he defended his doctoral thesis, says is revealing. It shows he is solidly in the new the- Monachino finally reached the point of accepting “the ology “justification alone without obedience” camp. No- post-apostolic origin of Sundaykeeping.” tice these phrases, in which he describes how Christ Do you see it? Bacchiocchi’s pretended accomplish- is working out our salvation during this “pre-advent ment is a grand hoax. He supposedly spent five years judgment.” (He never calls it the “investigative judgment.”) trying to teach Catholic theologians what they already There is no mention of an examination of sin or that believe! men are judged by the law of God (see Great Contro- A fundamental teaching of Protestantism is that versy, pp. 479-491). Christ and the Apostles changed the Sabbath to Sun- In the first quotation, below, he gives half of the day. But a cardinal doctrine of Rome is that the Catholic truth. In the second, he affirms his belief that the atone- Church changed the Bible Sabbath to Sunday after- ment was finished at the cross. ward! —Bacchiocchi did not teach it to them! “This judgment is the outworking of the mes- This fact is the basis of their power and authority sage of the Gospel which contains the Good News to reject Bible teachings and place Tradition above that God not only justifies penitent sinners in this Scripture. The keystone event in papal history estab- present life, but also vindicates them on the day of lishing this principle occurred on January 18, 1562, His judgment.”—#92, p. 3. when Archbishop Gaspar del Fosso clarified the mat- “Christ is actively working to bring to consum- ter at the opening of the last session of the Council of mation the redemption already accomplished on Trent. Please! Please! Get out your copy of Beyond this earth.”—#92, p. 2. Pitcairn, and read for yourself the story (pp. 133-135). SABBATH IN THE EARLY CENTURIES It is because of del Fosso’s speech, that Trent made Bacchiocchi says Adventists and Great Controversy Tradition superior to Scripture. It is because of it that are wrong because they teach that “Sunday observance every Catholic catechism since then repeatedly and began in the fourth century” (#91, p. 2). I have been a boldly teaches—exactly what Bacchiocchi claims Catho- baptized Adventist for 57 years, and it has been com- lics did not know until he taught it to them in Rome in mon knowledge to our people that Sunday sacredness, the 1970s: the “Biblical validity of the Sabbath” and in the worship of the Persian god Mithra, existed before the “post-apostolic origin of Sundaykeeping.” the time of Christ. We have also known that, as Great They declare that, although the true Sabbath is Controversy states (p. 52), all true (true) Christians the only weekly holy day in the Bible, the Catholic kept the Sabbath before the time of Constantine. We Church changed it, thus proving its authority to insti- also know that apostate, worldly Christians at Alexan- tute festivals and command non-Biblical doctrines. Read dria and Rome were worshiping on the Mithraic Sun- their statements for yourself: Beyond Pitcairn, pp. 114- day as early as the second century. Bacchiocchi is wrong; 121. there is no error in Great Controversy, pp. 52-53. GREGORIANA CLOSED TO NON-CATHOLICS TEACHING ROME WHAT IT BELIEVES! I will conclude with this: In #92, p. 8 (and again on Exactly what is this great victory that Bacchiocchi p. 9), Bacchiocchi mentions that the Gregoriana has de- claims to have accomplished at that Jesuit university? cided to “close its doors to non-Catholics.” We doubt if He explains it here: it ever opened them to any non-Catholics, other than “I spent five years at the Pontifical Gregorian Bacchiocchi! University investigating how the papacy led Chris- tians away from Sabbathkeeping into Sunday- WE CHALLANGE Bacchiocchi to provide us with keeping.”—#92, p. 13. the names, addresses, and church offices of any other “During the five years I spent at the Pontifical non-Catholics—beside himself—who ever attended the Gregorian University in Rome, on numerous occa- pope’s oldest and largest Jesuit spy university, the Pon- sions I stood up to defend our Adventist doctrines. tifical Gregorian University in Rome, Italy. —vf