RReplyeply toto Bacchiocchi’Bacchiocchi’ss #90-92#90-92 AAttackttack PART ONE OF THREE Bacchiocchi now claims that he has stopped religious positions. Like Bacchiocchi, he used them to win the hearts of many members of his denomination. W attacking our historic beliefs and the Spirit of M It is highly significant, that in order to allay questions Prophecy; yet now that this decision has suppos- as to his loyalty to the church, some of Newman’s newslet- 1 edly been made—he continues his attack on those ters were directed “against popery and dissent.” Yet in those 1 very same points. Let our leaders beware: This 2 papers he offered a revised position as to where the Church 7 man is not to be trusted. He says he has stopped of England should be standing: Newman maintained that promulgating error, yet it is not true. He is con- his denomination was not in opposition to Rome, as com- tinuing right on. monly thought. Instead, he said it held the position of “Via Hopefully, this will be the last study I will media”; that is, the Anglican Church held an intermediate have to make on this matter. We place it on the position—halfway between Protestantism and Rome. Pretty internet, to counteract the terrible effect of his clever way to bring Englishmen closer to the pope! This compromising view was published in his Lectures words. on the Prophetical Office of the Church (1837) and his Lec- In his Endtime Issues, #86-89, Samuele Bacchiocchi tures on Justification (1838). In his famous Tract No. 90 directly attacked the integrity and accuracy of both our (1841), Newman advocated an interpretation of the Thirty- historic prophetic beliefs and the writings of Ellen White. Nine Articles (the doctrinal foundation of the Church of In response, we published a seven-part tract set England) which closely paralleled those decreed by the Coun- cil of Trent (which, as you know, is the doctrinal formula- (Reply to Bacchiocchi’s August 2002 Attack [WM– tion of Rome)! 1120-1126]), which gave so much information that You will recall that I stated, in the previous study on Bacchiocchi rather quickly changed direction. Bacchiocchi, that carefully placed agents in high places have In spite of having earlier promised that, in the next the help of researchers and writers back at the Vatican to issue of his newsletter (#90), he would add still more help them prepare their written materials. What Newman new concepts to his “expanded” view of our historic was writing had the subtle brilliance of a team of Jesuit 1260-year prophecy, in #90-92, Bacchiocchi suddenly ghost writers. veered away from that plan. Instead, he ultimately But unfortunately, in Tract No. 90 Newman had gone announced that he would no longer publish additional too far. He had already experienced so much success, that he was emboldened to issue that newsletter. However, it pro- variant views on the 1260-year prophecy. voked so much controversy, that his position as a leading WHY DID BACCHIOCCHI PULL BACK? professor at Oxford was in danger. Newman could still have Why this strange reversal? What has happened? drawn back, as Bacchiocchi has now done. But, instead, One possibility: Some have suggested that my Newman came out openly, left the Church of England, and seven-part series, with all the information it provided, joined the Catholic Church on October 9, 1845. Almost im- mediately, he issued his Essay on the Development of Chris- so shocked Bacchiocchi himself that he decided to tian Doctrine, in defense of his change. cease his attempt to change our doctrinal beliefs. But Newman had gone too far. Even though it eventu- A second possibility is that he was counseled by ally won him a cardinal’s hat (1879), he had separated him- superiors not to make the mistake of agents before self from the church he was trying to lead back to Rome. his time. Let me explain: Another person who made a similar mistake was We mentioned earlier [WM–1120, p. 2] that Rome made Desmond Ford when, in October 1979, he openly at- a mistake when it permitted its leading agent in Britain in tacked historic Adventist beliefs in that Sabbath after- the mid-nineteenth century to come out too openly with his noon Adventist Forum lecture at Pacific Union Col- attacks against the doctrines of the Church of England. lege, where he held a professorship. Instead of continuing his work quietly, influencing one (By the way, you would be interested in knowing thought leader after another as well as students at Oxford that Newman was fascinated by the early church “fa- University, John Henry Newman (1801-1890) moved too fast. thers” and founded many of his teachings, not on Scrip- Like Bacchiocchi, Newman first attended a college of his ture but, on those uninspired writings; Bacchiocchi is own denomination (Trinity College at Oxford). Like Bacchi- occhi, he then began working as a minister in his church. now doing the same thing when, in #86-89, he pits state- Like Bacchiocchi, he then journeyed to Rome (1832-1833). ments by early “church fathers” against inspired state- Like Bacchiocchi, upon returning to church duties he im- ments in Great Controversy. The truth is that those ear- mediately began working with fellow agents at the univer- liest “fathers” who advocated Sundaykeeping were partly sity (Oxford), to mold the minds of students and influential converted Christians who hankered to be like the world. leaders in the church. Like Bacchiocchi, he later began pub- The true Christians kept the Bible Sabbath for centu- DATE OF PUBLICATION: JANUARY 2003 JANUARY OF PUBLICATION: DATE lishing his newsletters which gradually unveiled his revised ries, as stated in Great Controversy, pp. 52-53.) 2 Waymarks A third possibility is that Bacchiocchi was in dan- ing, and Sabbath afternoon. During the next few ger of no longer being permitted to preach in Adventist weeks, I will be setting up my 2003 calendar of churches. It is true that the denomination cannot le- speaking engagements, and I will be glad to reserve gally cut off a retired worker’s pension; but, through a special weekend for a rally in your church.”— the conferences, they are able to notify local churches #91, p. 24. that Bacchiocchi is henceforth barred from Adventist So, giving three or four lecture series a month, pulpits worldwide. Bacchiocchi finds time to give about 150 lectures a If that threat was made, and it very well may have year. And this is done in addition to supposedly re- been, Bacchiocchi would have to choose between con- searching and writing his lengthy newsletters. tinuing the open attack in his newsletters or being able THE ATTACK GOES UNDERGROUND to continue his profitable speaking appointments to Henceforth, Bacchiocchi will be more careful. But Adventist churches and special gatherings throughout he has not abandoned his attacks on Ellen White’s the world. writings and our historic beliefs. He has just gone un- At any rate, Bacchiocchi’s decision was made: He derground and will continue doing the same as he has agreed to stop the attack—while (as we are discovering done for years at Andrews. in #90-92) actually continuing it more subtly, so he could Frankly, he is doing the same as our new theology continue to preach in Adventist churches throughout pastors and teachers are doing all over the world: sub- the world. tly asking questions, leaving lingering doubts hanging His half-disguised skepticism will henceforth be able in the air, then moving on to the next point in his pre- to continue influencing thousands of church members. sentation. Every month he sends out his skeptical newslet- We find abundant evidence of this skepticism in ters. (He claims that 20,000 are on his mailing list [#91, his three latest newsletters, Endtime Issues #90-92— p. 2].) even though they were sent out after his apparent de- Every year, he holds nearly 50 two-day meetings cision to hold back on publishing skepticism. in various parts of the world field. Bacchiocchi’s news- Bacchiocchi has not backed down at all! Every one letters #90-92, alone, listed 13 two-day meetings he of his charges against Ellen White’s accuracy and his would hold near the end of 2002: In addition to five new positions on the 1260-year prophecy, which he major ones in the U.S. (Loma Linda; Thousand Oaks stated in #86-89, are repeated in #90-92! Indeed, later [home of Adventist Media Center]; Phoenix; Battle in this present study, we will learn of two new errors Ground, Washington; and Lexington, Kentucky), his over- of his (both mentioned in #92), which were not men- seas meetings would include Calgary, Canada; London, tioned in #86-89! One is that the 1260-year prophecy England; Rome, Italy; Melbourne, Australia; Kingston, ends at the Second Coming of Christ! The other is the Jamaica; and a “Union Wide Congress” in Korea. standard new theology error about the Investigative “When I asked Andrews University for an early Judgment. retirement on July 1, 2000 [Bacchiocchi’s 62nd SEVERAL KEY POINTS IN #90-92 birthday], my intent was to devote myself more fully to research and writing. What has happened since In newsletter #90, Bacchiocchi said he had re- then is that I have accepted so many speaking en- ceived so much negative mail, including hints that gagements, that I have spent far more time travel- some leaders were suggesting he might be a heretic, ling than researching. During this past year, for ex- that he was postponing publication of his lengthy study ample, I have been [sic.] conducted seminars prac- on the 1260-year prophecy until eight fellow teachers tically every weekend.”—#92, p.
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