Virginia Room of the Roanoke City Library

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Virginia Room of the Roanoke City Library ISSN 07J9- J482 Noventber 1988 Virginia . ~ .. Appalachian Notes •' .... i-. .... .• - .~... ,.. Southwestern Virginia Genealogical:· S;o(ief! .. "\ ... ... ... Roanoke, Virginia ~ . • • --- - . S OUTHWESTERN VIRG I NI A GENEALcx:;ICAL SOCIETY , INC t CFFICERS & EXECUTI VE BOARD ) Pres ident Norma Jean Peters 563-1382 1 s t Vice- Pre sident Belva Cou nts 366- 8127 2nd Vic e-Pre s i dent J i mmie S t eele 342-1600 Recording Secre tary " De edi e " Kagey 343-0934 Correspondin g Secr etary Galvin We ddle 362-8080 Treas u r er Or a Belle McCol man J66-9142 Asst . Treasure r - Me mber s hip J o Shoaf 774-2667 VAN Editor "Babe "Fowl e r 345-8709 VAN Asst . Editor Hazel Ha rvey 362-4073 j Immed i a te Past Pr esident H W Scott 989-7516 COMM I TEES Prog ram Belva Counts J66-8127 Public ity J i mmi e St eele 342-1600 l Su pport Deedi e Kagey J42-09J4 Book Rev i e ws Belva Coun t s 366-8127 Hi s torian Dorothy Brown 774-8839 Hos pital ity Reva Weeks 389-5573 Eloise Crosswhite 389-4926 Pedi g ree Charts Mary Jane Va den 345-1748 Exchange Quar terly Elaine Caudill J42-6J58 Parliamenta ria n H W Scott 989-7516 Workshop Calvin We ddle ) 62-8080 ========================================· ====================== === == ============ MEMBERSHI P : Single Membership i s $10. OOper year (Ja n to Dec); family membership $12 . 50; special rates t o : high school s tudents $4 . 00, Libraries , genealogical s o c ietie s a nd his torical societies $7 . 5 0. Membership includes the quarterly, VIRGINIA APPAIACHIAN NOTES (VAN), whic h i s published in Feb , May , Aug, Nov; als o an i ndex and membe r s hip ros t er . Me mberships rec eived after qua rterly mailings wi ll receiv e back i s sues at the next regula r mailing - this is due to the cost of mai ling a single issu e . For me mbership outs ide t he United States , write for , cost of me mb ers hip - this is because of t he cost of mailing, air or s hip. Single issues are available at reinbursement cost of $J. 00 each a s long as s upply last. Make check payable to Southwes tern Virginia Genealogical Society, I nc . , PO Box ' 12 485 , Roanoke, VA 2 4026. I ---------- - ------------- - - - -------------- - ------ ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ I SVGS is tax exempt under the Fede ral Income Tax under section 50l(c)(J) . Donors may deduct contr ibutions to us a s provided in s ection 170 of the Code. Beques ts, l egacies , d evis es, transfers, or gifts to SVGS are deductible for Federal estate J gift tax purpos es if t hey meed the applicable provis ions of sections 2055, 2106, ., and 2522 of t he code. ------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- We cannot v ouch for the accuracy of the material submitted to us or that the 'translation' of the original document is correct. Please try to get a copy of the o riginal document to see if it i s right or wrong. Als o try to get t hree proofs for one f act. - V I R G I N I A A P P A L A C H I A N N 0 T E S Published quarterly by Southwestern Virginia Genealogical Society, Inc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol. XII - No. 4 - November 1988 CONTENTS Talk on Botetourt County, VA by Mrs. Rebecca H. R. Austin 121 Brown Family Bible 129 Member shares success 130 Rules or Conduct ror and "Pet Peeves" about Genealogists 131 Mt.. Pleasant Church Cemetery - Montgomery Co. • VA 132 Denhill Cemetery - Montgomery Co. VA 133 Notes on Bedrord, Virginia 137 Will or ~ohn McCutchen 138 Quarterlies 141 EARLS - DAVIS 142· LUTTRELL-SHELTON FAMILY or Henry & Patrick Counties, VA 143 1870 Mortality Schedule - Craig Co. VA 145 Legislative Petitions - Alleghany Co. VA 146 Book Reviews 153 Pioneer Cemetery - Dallas, Texas 153 Reports or cases decided in the Court of' Appeals - Virginia 1820-1821 154 Some Revolutionary soldiers li~ted in Court Records 156 An iron miner's letter 157 Double dating 158 Query Index & Queries 158 Misc.: Bowling 140; VA tax records on microf'ilm 153; News item 1890 156. Art (ink drawings) by Carla Boyd 153 & 158 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------· THE EDITOR TAKES A VACATION "Babe" Fowler has been editor of' Virginia Appalachian Notes since 197 9 and this will be the rirst time that she had not personally loaded the VAN . IF that sounds like hard work, believe it. Most of' the material in this VAN was collected and prepared f'or publication by Babe beFore she lef't. Your ass is­ tant editor would have been lost without it. Babe has been dedicated and Fai thf'ul in her ef'Forts to produce a qua l i t y publication,. Lest she should come to believe that her labors have been t ha n k­ less, tell her and have a happy Thanksgiving! We do t hank you , Babe. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The-------------- Southwestern-- --------Virginia- ----------Genealogical------------------------------------ Society meets the 3 r d Sa t u rday of-- e a ch month at 1 : 30 pm at the Central Roanoke City Library , Elmwood Park, Jef'ferson Street, Roanoke, Virginia, in the Brody Room (4th Floor) . ~outqfnestern ~irBinia ~enealogical ~oriet~ October 1988 Dear Fellow Genealogists: Your executive board is interested in promoting activities to further genealogical research. We are always interested in your suggestions as to how we might serve you better. Recent I y we purchased some new genea I ogi ca 1 research materials to be placed in the Virginia Room of the Roanoke City Library. In August we purchased the 1787 tax lists and we feel that these will be an important addition to the Virgi nia Room collection. We have also ordered books to be placed in the Virginia Room in memory of three persons who were members of SWVGS. We purchased Marriage Records of Pittsylvania County in memory of Lela Adams; Marriage notices from Richmond. Virginia Newspapers. 1821-1840 in memory of T. E. Gardner; and Virginia Settlers, Vol . II in memory of Sid Wolford. We also placed Greenbrier County Records i n memory of Ruth Ware, s ister of Belva Counts . On behalf of the executive board , I would like to express my appreciation to Jim and Mimi Prince who have done printing of the VAN for more than four years. The Princes, who untl l recently owned PIP Printing i n downtown Roanoke, have been most helpful and cooperative and we have enjoyed working with them. As I end my two years as president of your organization, I wish to express my appreciation to the executive board and other volunteers who have worked so hard to keep the society moving. I have enjoyed the past two year"s and wish the very best to the new president and executive board. Norma Jean Peters President In Memory of In Memory of BAUCE ANDERSON, ~R. RUTH WARE Wytheville, VA Sister of Belva Counts Our President 1979 & 1980 / :J. I TALL-: i'O TI-i3 GENEALOGY SOCIETY , ON aoTETOU:tT COUNTY , VIRGINIA by ;teoecca H. d . Austin, August 20, 1988 ";Jhen we were asked to talk about mtetourt County, our first reaction was t hat :Ootetourt. County has been analyzed and dissected and glued back t.oget.her several t.iines by historians and genealogists •.. and that probably some of you know more about the County than we . .. out t.he County is most. import.ant because of the vast number of settlers whose paths took them down the ·JaLi.ey of Virginia, bot.h west and south •.. with stop-overs at Bor.etourts ' Fincastle •.. which was the jumping off place and last supply source for many set.tlers traveling both to the Carolinas and t.o the Kentucky and Tennessee territories. The County court- house is a repository of recorcis for many families , no longer in Virginia •.. but whose ancestors passed this way, , and stayed perhaps long enough to marry ... and the territory was so vast that the County records include land and personal records for the entire area now composed of Southwest Virginia, Kentucky, i·:est 'hrginia, and parts of Ohio. To refre sh your memory as to the formation of the many counties from Botetourt County; the parent County . • Botetourt County was farmed in 1770 from the southern part of Augusta County. It then included all of the Virginia and We st Virginia territ.ories, west of the Blue .:lidge and south of a line running through the center of ~o ckbridge County, and west to include the southern parts of Pocahontas, Nicholas, Clay, .~oane and Jackson Counties, WEst iTirginia, and ·the si:.ate of Kenuucky. In 1772 .Botetourt County was divided into two Counties ; the western section called Fincastle County. The dividing line between the tt10 ran along the east side of the New ::tiver, to the mouth of Culbertsons Creek, t.hence to the Catawba road, where it crosses the dividing ridge bett1een the North fork of ~ioanoke and the waters of New 3.iver ••• from roughly present day t:lontgomery County, west; Botetourt County then comprised its present area, the southern parts of Bath and ilockbridge Counties, all of Craig, Allegheny, and Roanoke Counties. Fincastle County existed only four years, since in 1776 it was divided into Hontgomery County, Va ., ',vashington 80. , :la., and Kentucky Territory. In l 778 ~o ckbridge County was formed.from Augusta and Botetourt; and Greenbrier County was formed f rom Botetourt and Montgomery Counties. In l 78 5 a part of J.ockbridge County we st of the top of Camp :t-';ountain was transferred to Botetourt and in 1790, some of the southern portion to Botet.ourt was added to ~·iontgomery County.
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