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tssN 0378.3693 Bulletln OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES Commission i$-rq.tr$ff:* No 1 1983 Volu me 1 6 The Bulletin of the European Communities reports on the activities of the Commission and the other Community institutions. lt is edited by the Secretariat-General of the Commission (rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Brussels) and published eleven times a year (one issug covers July and August) in the official Community languages and Spanish. Reproduction is.authorized provided the source is acknowledged. The following reference system is used: the first digit indicates the part number, the second digit the chapter number and the subsequent digit or digits the point number. Citations should therefore read as follows: Bull. EC 1-1979, point 1.1 .3 or 2.2.36. Supplements to the Bulletin are published in a separate serles at irregular intervals. They contain official Commission material (e.9. communications to the Council, programmes, reporls and proposals). The Supplements do not appear in Spanish. Printed in Belgium Bulletin \ OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES ECSC_EEC_EAEC Commission of the European Communities Secretariat-General Brussels No1 1983 Sent to press in March 1983 Volume 16 co nte nts PART ONE PETfIfl'=, 1. A common fisheries policy 7 2. The ftrture financing of the Community I 3. Commlsslon opinlon on the status of Greenland 13 PA RT TWO lL'Jl',lIITY ie,ir 1. Bullding the Community 18 - Economlc and monetary policy 18 - lntemal market and lndustrial affairs 19 - lnnovatlon and the lnformation market 21 - Customs unlon 22 - Comp€tltion 22 - Financial lnstitutions and taxation 24 - Employment, education and social policy 25 - Regional policy 27 - Envlronmont and consumers 28 - Agricrhure n - Fisherles 33 - Transport 35 - Energy 36 - Research and development 37 2. Enlargement and external relations 39 - Enlargemsnt and bilateral relations with applicant countries 39 - Gommercial policy 40 - Relations with lndustrlalized countries 42 Relations with other countries and regions 43 - o Mediterraneancountries 43 o Aslan countries 44 o Latin-Americancountries 44 - Development 45 - lnternational organizations and conferences I - Diplomatic relations 49 3. Financing Community activities 50 4. lnstitutional and political matters 52 - European political cooperatlon 52 - European policy and relations between the institutions 52 - lnstitutions and organs of the Communities 53 o Parliament 53 . Courrcil 58 o Commission 61 o Court of Justice 62 r Economic and Social Committee 70 o European lnvestment Bank 72 PART TH REE DocuirENrAroN 1. ECU '82 2. Additional references ln the Official Journal 83 3. lnfringemsnt procedures u 4. Council statement on the German Presidency 85 Publications of the European Communities Supplements 1982 1182 A new Community action programme on the prornotion of equal opportunities for women, 1982-85 A82 Draft ol a convention on banc*ruptcy, winding-up, anangements, compositions and similar proceedings 3182 The institutional system of the Community-Restorirp the balance ' 4182 A community policy on tourism 5182 Mernorandum on the Communities'development policy *6182 Stronger Community astion in the cultural sector *7182 European Union-Annual reports for 1982 *8/82 Problems ol enlargement-Taking stock and proposals ' ln praparaton. \ \ \ \ PART @Nq E SPECIAL FEATURES \ \ Standardized abbroviations ,or the dosignation ol cortain monetary units ln the diflerent languages of th6 Community: ECU = European curroncy unit BFR = Belgische frank / Franc bolge DKR = Dansk krone DM = Deutsche Mark DR = Greek drachma FF = Franc frangais HFL = Nededandse gulden (Hollandse floriin) IRL = lrish pound / punt LFR : Franc luxembourgeois LIT = Lira italiana UKL : Pound stoding USD = United States dollar 1. A common fisheries policy 1.1.1, After negotiations lasting six years Communiry's total catch was half that of the Council reached agreement on the these new members. The question of access new fisheries policy on 25 January.l The was therefore already emerging as a crucial agreement is based on the package deal of 21 point in all the talks aimed at establishing a December 79821 and the 'clarifications' common fisheries policy. The first detailed approved in January 1983 at a round of proposals for the policy were rransmitted by political meetings between the Commission, the Commission to the Council in September the President of the Council and the Danish D76.3 These included measures for ionserv- Government. ing fishery resources (total allowable Three such meetings took place-on 6, 7l catches-'TACs'-and quotas), for safeguard- ing, possible, and 18 January, in Brussels, Strasbourg as far as employment and (when Parliament met) and Bonn respectively. incomes in coastal regions, and for adjusting On these occasions Mr Genscher, President of fleet size in the light of the catch available. In the Council, Mr Thorn, President of the October 1976 the Member States agreed in Commission (replaced by Mr Ortoli for the The Hague to extend their fishing limits to Brussels meeting) and Mr Elleman-Jensen, the 200 nautical miles from 1 lanuary 1977 Danish Foreign Minister, agreed not to (North Sea and North Atlantic).4 reopen the discussion on the Commission The negotiations to establish a common drafts endorsed by nine Member States at the fisheries policy were fraught with difficulty Council meeting of 21 December but to carry not only because of the problem of access, out a detailed and open-minded review of all but also because TACs-which, because of the issues involved and to consider all overfishing, were becoming smaller-had to the possibilities of finding a substantive be fixed and allocated among the Member agreement in line with the spirit of the States (quotas). After more than six years, Treaties. The meetings led to the agreement has at last been reached. 'clarifications' which later elicited a consensus from the governments. The four maln aspoc"ts of the flsherles pollcy Background 1.1.3, The new policy has four constituent 1.1.2. The Commission tackled the task of parts: a Community system for the conserva- establishing a common fisheries policy in tion of resources; strucrural measures; a 1966, at a time when production in the common organization of the market; and Community of Six began to stagnate, the fisheries agreements with non-member attitude of non-member countries concerning countries and formal consultations between their 12-mile limits became increasingly Member States with a view to concerted restrictive and the Community's self- action in the context of international agreements. sufficiency rates for' major species began to decline sharply. Proposals concerning a number of aspects of a common fisheries Community system for the conservation policy were put forward in June 1968 and of fishery resources adopted 1970, by the Council in October 1.1.4. The Council has adopted a Regula- entering into force in February 1971. tion establishing a Community system for the The main feature of the policy was the conservation and management of fishery recognition, by all the Member States, of the principle of equal access to territorial waters in the Community. This was particularly I OJ L24,27.1.1983; OJ L 25, 27.1.1983. important since waters three 2 the of the Bull. EC l2-l982,point 2.1.143. countries which were soon to join the 3 Bull. EC 9-l976,points 1205 to 1210. Community were rich in fish and the original 4 Bull. EC l0-l976,points 1501 to 1505. Bull. EC 1-1983 Common flsherles policy resources. The system provides for measures derogation arrangements made in the 1972 to restrict fishing activities, rules for using Act of Accession and to extend to 12 nautical resources and special provisions for coastal miles, on a general basis, the 6-mile limit fishing. provided for in the Act while taking account of the rights of access of other Member States 1.1.5. The Council has fixed the share of as defined in the Regulation. Unless the the TACs available to the Community and Council decides otherwise, these the allocation of this share among the arrangements will continue apply for a Member States (quotas), taking account to further lO-year period. In one fishing zone of commitments to non-member countries. around Shetland Islands, extending Available resources have been allocated the beyond the 12-mile limit, a licensing system among the Member States on the basis of the will restrict fishing for biologically sensitive criteria laid down by the Council on 30 May species by vessels exceeding 26 metres in 1980,r namely traditional fishing activities, length. the specific needs of regions which arc especially dependent on fishing and the loss Strucnrrd measures of fisheries in the waters of non-member countries. 1.1.8. On 25 January the Council agreed As for fishing in the early months of 1983, to activate, within six months, special pending a Council decision on the TACs and Community measures designed to adiust quotas for 1983, the Council agreed that capacity and improve productivity of fishing these operations would be pursued in accord- and aquaculture./ ance with the TACs and quotas laid down for The measures consist largely in proposals put 1982, taking into account the usual seasonal forward bv the Commission from 1977 cycles. onwards,8 in panicular those made in 1980.9 The agreement on common conservation They include: rules puts an end to the system of national (i) aids for laying up, temporarily or measures introduced by the Member States permanently, certain fishing vessels so that following the failure of the Council to reach capacity can be adjusted in the light of an agree-ment on 21 December 19822and the conservation needs; dectaration of the Commission at that (ii) aids for exploratory fishing and coopera- meeting.3 On 5 January the Commission had tion with certain non-member countries in authorized on a provisional basis-until 26 the context of joint ventures in order to January-measures notified by six Member encourage the redeployment of the Community's fishing capacity; States which corresponded-proposals.4_ in their effects to the Commission's It decided, (iii) aids for the construction and moderniz- however, to initiate the procedure under ation of certain fishing vessels and Article 169 of.