Surveying the Trans-Neptunian DPS 52nd Meeting 10/26/20-10/30/20 Solar System with TESS Malena Rice NSF Graduate Research Fellow Yale University Astronomy Department Rice & Laughlin 2020, in press, PSJ 30 au Adapted from Batygin & Brown 2016 Planet Nine ? Batygin, Adams, Brown, & Becker 2019 Planet Nine ? 400-800 au semimajor axis Batygin, Adams, Brown, & Becker 2019 Planet Nine ? 5-10 Earth masses 400-800 au semimajor axis Batygin, Adams, Brown, & Becker 2019 Planet Nine ? 5-10 Earth masses 400-800 au semimajor axis 15-25° inclination Batygin, Adams, Brown, & Becker 2019 0.2-0.5 eccentricity Planet Nine ? 5-10 Earth masses 400-800 au semimajor axis 15-25° inclination Batygin, Adams, Brown, & Becker 2019 Video: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center \ How do we recover signals over 300x dimmer than Pluto? Sedna’s sky motion How do we recover signals over 300x dimmer than Pluto? • Automated local maximum finder • Automated local maximum finder • Injection recovery tests • Automated local maximum finder • Injection recovery tests • False positive vetting with two independent baseline subtraction methods Paper I Focus: Ongoing Work and The Galactic Plane Future Directions • Motivation: Point sources can • Incorporate neural “hide” in the galactic plane networks for automated candidate vetting in a • Applied the algorithm to larger-scale, all-sky survey search TESS sectors 18 and 19 for candidate outer solar • Extend to additional system objects science cases by • Developed and applied the considering a different framework for a TESS shift- range of orbital paths stacking pipeline Image from TESS/MIT Video by Tony Dunn Thank you! Rice & Laughlin 2020, in press, PSJ (on arxiv tonight) DPS talk: 304.03
[email protected] Web summary: @malena_rice.