· Justin Had to Read the Record to Find ·

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· Justin Had to Read the Record to Find · It bore all the hallmarks of a 'I miss being on classlc tale at rock'n'roll excess stage. So long as from a wlld-lMng frontman ... Charismatic singer has arrest you are there, wanant Issued after missing court playi~ your own date. The crime? Forget the usual stun and the roclc-god pratfalls of drugs, tax evasion or wife beating. sound's gOOC:5 ... Not from the songwriter as well it's amcmng. famous for his giant mutton chop sideburns as his meaty baclc tt's atwavs been catalogue ofhits. abOut showing off, When Justin Currie read in the really, Whether Daily Record that police wanted to arrest him, he was delighted some­ that's doing keepy­ one had finally bothered to let him uppy for my dad 1n ' lcnow. "ltwasfortunareinawaythat it was in the news because other­ the garden as a wise I wouldn't have lcnown," says kid, or whatever' the42-year-oldsinger, relaxingwith a cup oftea in his Bohenlian town­ house in Glasgow's West End "I lcnew I was goingto get banned because I had 12 points and I was quite happy to lose my licence. "The arrest warrant was Issued becausetheoriginalswnmonswas lost in the post - so I never turned up in court because I never lcnew about the date." Justin was fined £175 and banned from driving for a year - but, as it turns out, the punishment suits his leisurely lifestyl.e. "1n actualfact. I'm really enjoying not using my car." he says. "Someoneonce said-poets should never drive a car so l lhought IIl'm slill attempting to be a lyricist then l should never set foot behind the wheel ofmy car again. "Notthatltlclaimtnbeapoecbut ~ I thinlc it's a case of the mindnelle)' being in the present tense. •r do feel a lot better for not driving, I have to say. "There's really-something about driving that turns you into a blol-e, just a regular very straight man. - "Not an artist, not a rock'n'roll star, •" just a man God bless Noel~ - he never got a driving licence, be l gets driven everywhere. "That's total class." As the man behind classic Del I Amini traclcs NothingEver Happens, Always The Last To Know, Driving With The J Brakes On I' l_,, I -· .. ' ~:-...· •.. ··•~1~l~~/:.....~- ·:;..,.t •. ;"'_•·. m a wai~1:,,,Li!~ . · Justin had to read the Record to find · Stepping out--·- shadows t'X (lOp stars who try 10 dtum out DelAmtiri star 1hr kind of~!Wi Ull.')'Wrolc Ill tllrlr Justin Currie won 111dm11 to 20s. I thinl thu's ludlcrom. bomg o purl of Ille obacure "If I rclc.i.50 this nnd nobody Unclo Devil Show. the oond wasbanned huys 11 then II\ btcn a Vilnlty pro­ which released on album in l<'ci. But I think I'm cntltlcd lo nt 2004. So aller Del Am1t11 driving lc:ist one \'lllUty profcct • Rebound is his hrs1 from llaV111g appeared with 81:wn' ·011,c'iar 1-iddlC$. l!dd1 Reader ond C'.olin release. We looJ.. al lhe Mclntyte 111 Ccl!lc Connt'Ctlon.~ In other Scolhsh solo ortIs1s but it's helped who·ve sleppecl out of lhe reant ~ fustJ11's no Sl.nUl&'f to the worlds blgg,•st \I.inter ans shadows ol thoir band .•• himtofocus rcsuval RICKY ROSS But he w;111ts 10 get one thing Tho Deacon Blue fronlman stnllgbt - thl, l~ no [)«,I Amltn gig released 111st solo ellort muchmore lie says: "A solo ~how is dilimnr Whal You Are In Hl96. complctl'ly C111tcally well reco1vecl. Iha •1u nor really tallor•mnde for his ouI1ar album tailed 10 match on getting Ct'llk Conncctloos. "Its more just the stllrt of whst I Deacon Bluo·s sales and he solo album want to do (or tht1 rest ol the }"ar wa:. ,1roppecl by Sony. once the r«onh out.• W11h his band relormmg IUS11Dhaaai;,tCricixl -lhougtlho sporad,colly. he's sttll had Reboundout doC$n't namelier - but males no 1Ime for lhroe olher solo bones about tho fact that he lw no albums · New Recording By PAUL ENOUSH Intention ofstarting a lnnlfly (1997), This Is Tile Lile ON HIS OWN.. J.JStrl ls doing a solo show at Celtic Connections Tut, so11g1 which mode h!J n.,mc (2002) and Pale Rider (2005). haw left Ian., with nn in11=11>n and KIAThl&Thlng Goodbye, Jusun "\bu'rulncrodlblyluckylfyoudoan kN:py-uppy for my dad In the back of the singer n~ being. wdl, not docsn\ Gt his own dcfinllion of 1 album that't anywhere near"good garden as a kid, or whatlM!r . exactly hu,band m111crbl "1"CRW31" 11\11\. as what you dJd in your bond • I don\ think anyone gets on 1 Are they right? lfut II a frequent face In the "And then there's the qio thing ,toge unless they wruit ■ltention "I've known &Ince I WM about 15 coffee hou.c, and bars ofGla.~guw. about strpplllg from the lhndowa from mum and dad.• I ne\'er wanted to start a wnlly­ he', not prone to Galbghcr-esquo to bask In lhe 1010 spotUghL So why the changel and I atill feel the 1mne now boul!I of 5UlrJy bt'haviour either. •t never needed to do that "Well. the 10ng1 were there and •t used 10 aay to pt'oplo that So \I.1th Oc1Anub1 u, cold storage because I wrote the maiority of the I wanted to rclca.-e them lnat't my there's a total aeparnllon ~tween and their lend 111\gcrdoodlingwtlh songs In Ocl Amltri and I was tho only CXCUM)," ho say, the guy who llng,i theao!JGS and me \'Driouud hoc muslcnl projocts, JUII load •lni,•r, 10 my ego WIWl\ really "l1'1notupllfllin8orcommcrdol the ~rson.• ho aayw. whal lw/U>llll bcinjj dolniwlth lw, In d1ro need or11roklng. 1'110 done It becou•e 1'11e written "folk would 1111y I was thl1 m,.lly llml'1 "I play n.,,•• 5idoe - somc­ "All 1he10ng,1 lwrotoll'[II 1'<'1.-.d, thi-,ic M>ngs and I wanted to make ..,nslllvaguy llln,., w/111 Ilic, D<"llr Ill S<,basll4n 10 there·, reaUy no ,rruo or me a ead, ll'rlOUI record. "But t'dhavato r>ut 111cm .imlghl bays• pp hillwalking and watch Idly bell\ll Cru.trolcd." "And I do wondf!f il it'• JU•I (Olli I'm a 1elllsh r ."'er, a hn11al hl.e C!Y\!T>nc e\'141. ·n\llt aaW., Ju.sUn haA written and lclllndu lgenco h•••••d whow .-ndre ~l11t,ncc l9 "And I ma big Inn of the pub. recorded Rebound, an album of "I don\ n:ally know wrn=up In M"ll opres~on nnd •uu1 l"11c nc,ver wanted 10 be • 61ow 10np, echoduled for Rleaae " lbt'ro's one pa.rtJculnr "'118 on gc ancullon • Jobbing 10ngwthcr I want to be before tho clocb change. the aolo n,conJ which l'llbout lll'.lng To t. Ju."1n Cunio wlD enjoy 1omeune whn'I sitting wnu:hlng 1V Sc\ualtrlld<larealrcadyaVllll.1ble a total b" ..' d. both. And once tilt' l11;11t1 ore up and DEACON BLUE... Ricky Ross. one day Md 1111'1110methlng. on Ju.•lln'• My.pacewcbslte, where "And lt1 true. All the people O\~r the ancntlon's gonel "So I auppose I spend mostol the Dell die-hards are twltdllng owr the )'lllll'tIve treatrd n:ally llhoddily W,·D. tllC reJIIWll:1100 rorl.crwW MARTI PELL04 . :,, lime walling lor tOllJII IO arrive, the JllUflJlCCl oflhcir bcroi. llnt'teal' - wcll, there's no point pretending llkrly be wnlldnK home.~ When Marti's not selling his rather than dcllbcrntcly &cuing out project lincf' tho release of the can I haven't, So I might aa well be e .A.a11Qme~Gbsgolv,NJC \Owrllcthcm honest aboutlL •• soul on dire lalent shows You Do Mo Good? LP In 2002 tonight. Rebould win be releosed for hopeless soap stars •n1cn l"ll wrtte three 1011&1 and "HopcluDy I'D have m.ido I ruoonl And tonight the 10ng, wlU be In the spring. Jusan also appeers he's shll copable of w111;np : one ol them will end up be1ilg the gl11en their first offlclnl airing, that can maw people. 0t1 Glagowbond ~ f'oppe,s' one I W1l1 lhlnk!ng of.• sonos lo mell lhe he.,rt o when Jw,lin playt1 his !int true10l0 "L'verythlng on It Is about thiJ11P 1/fxm c5omln0 Momtios. out~. I-or thu B.\plrlng bedroom oong tdll Bl Glasgow'• ABC for the c.eltlc that h.ave happened, 1lnllgh1 from Medusa. W1lh WE-I Wei Wot wrila-, II~ I familiar fcclina.· Corull'Ctlons festival the heart back IOOClher, M,111i's t;hU f Out to• man who 1w p1ayud at • II I 11D opporllU\l~ to do IOllle• 'llutcoraidcringhow l11tky prone lo Ille octrl solo ou1, some of the biggUtt rock(csliYDls In thing qwto peraonal. he 111ys. I've been. wdl. It v.vuld be bursl. Finl! oflerino Smile the world, kriocldng out a ditty • But I alwuy. hatt...t the fdca ol builih'l formetomoanor (2001) was loltoweo by n aftt'f half an hour ol Ca5ualty on a guyw In bands dolni 1010 record\. to write pop 10n&1 Ju.~110 solo mlOfpretolion otWel .sa1wwy night w.ia never golng to "To mo you either start out u a get on the radio. Wet Wei aongs lhcn n co-.,. ~enouglt eolo artist or you don't.
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