Emergency Intervention from Loreto by Floods in 2012
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EMERGENCY INTERVENTION FROM LORETO BY FLOODS IN 2012 LESSONS LEARNED L RETO LESSONS LEARNED L O RETO EMERGENCY INTERVENTION FROM LORETO BY FLOODS IN 2012 Este documento ha sido elaborado con el Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil (INDECI), el Gobierno Regional de Loreto, el apoyo nanciero de Cruz Roja Peruana, Plan Internacional, UNICEF, OCHA y el apoyo técnico de COOPI, Cruz Roja Peruana, UNICEF, OCHA, FAO y Plan Internacional, en el marco de la respuesta a la emergencia por inundaciones en la Región Loreto en 2012. ESP AÑOL 001 Presentation / 05 Presentation The lived experience during the Regional Emergency caused by the floods and the unusual rise of the Amazonian rivers, which surpassed the levels registered in the previous years, allows us to prepare a situation analysis of the joint activities developed with local and national institutions and the valuable support of cooperation institutions, like UNICEF. During all the process of supportive activities, the Regional Operations Centre for Emergencies (COER-LORETO), created by Regional Executive Resolution Nº202-2012-GRL-P, dated April 02, 2012, has played a major role in attention to victims of the floods from the Amazonian rivers in 2012. It was this Regional Centre who brought together and channelled all the efforts for the installation of shelters in the city and their respective basic services such as health, drinking water and electric supply. It also coordinated with PRONAA daily the early delivery of food and provisions to all districts considered within the emergency. Humanitarian aid was obtained from the National Institute of Civil Defence (INDECI), chaired by Alfredo E. Murgueytio Espinoza, General of Division (R) and from cooperation organizations like: the United Firemen Sans Frontiers/BUSF, Spanish Red Cross, German Red Cross, CESVI, COOPI, UNICEF, OIM, OPS, Plan International, FAO and SHERTER BOX, among others. Most certainly, the intervention and response of UNICEF to this emergency was relevant, as it joint efforts to give special attention to the most vulnerable victims of this tragedy, children. We have absorbed the lessons learned from the emergency and gathered some valuable information for the future, which are captured in this book, named precisely, “Lessons Learned”. Iván E. Vásquez Valera President, Loreto Region 06 / Lessons Learned Loreto Executive Sumary ecause of the floods produced by the overflowing rivers in the BPeruvian Amazon, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers declared a State of Emergency in 43 districts of the Loreto region. Due to more than 220 thousand victims and enormous damage throughout Loreto’s territory, national, regional and district public institutions— in collaboration with international aid organizations—provided support to the affected population, by organizing and implementing a comprehensive response to the emergency in the priority sectors of Food, Collective Centers, Housing, Livelihoods, Health and Water, as well as Sanitation, Nutrition and Food Safety, Protection and Emotional Recovery, Education and Social Communication. This document aims to describe the good practices, the lessons learned and the limitations faced in the coordination and implementation of the humanitarian response actions and rehabilitation procedures that were carried out to deal with the emergency. This was possible thanks to the gathering and analysis of secondary sources of information; to the interviews to officers, authorities and specialists of 38 local, national and international, public and private institutions; to the involvement in the Provincial Workshop “Lessons Learned” in Yurimaguas; and to the results achieved in the thematic panels of housing and collective centres in the Regional Emergency Operations Center (REOC) of Loreto. It also shows that the coordination processes implemented for the humanitarian intervention were strengthened by the inclusion of components of Disaster Risk Management in the governmental plans of some District Municipalities, by the installation of the Regional Emergency Operations Center, by the leadership of the Regional Government of Loreto, by the technical assistance provided by national institutions and by the ability to raise funds of organizations of the National Humanitarian Network. At the operational level, the inclusion of institutional strengthening components was positive. And, for future emergencies, the organization of two workshops of lessons learned (one regional and one provincial) was extremely useful. Other good practices in response to this emergency were the transformation of the thematic panels of Collective centres and Housing in Loreto in permanent spaces for discussion; the transfer of funds to support response actions by the National Government to the regional Health and Agricultural sectors; the validation of only one plan of action shared in Water and Sanitation; the setup of Protection and Socio-emotional Recovery spaces, dedicated to minors in collective centres and affected areas; the inter-institutional development of a contingency plan and an emergency curriculum in Education; and the validation of a communication campaign common to the entire intervention. Executive Sumary / 07 UNICEF / E.Ursula Table of Contents / 09 Table of Contents PRESENTATION 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 LIST OF ACRONYMS 11 INTRODUCTION 12 OBJECTIVES AND METHODOLOGY 14 CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS 16 20 RESULTS OBTAINED IN THE INTERVENTION: GOOD PRACTICES AND LESSONS LEARNED THE CONTEXT 20 THE EMERGENCY IN NUMBERS 24 COORDINATION 28 LOCAL GOVERNMENTS 28 REGIONAL GOVERNMENTS 30 NATIONAL GOVERNMENT 32 NATIONAL HUMANITARIAN NETWORK 34 OPERATIONS 36 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 36 COLLECTIVE CENTRES 38 HOUSING 40 LIVELIHOODS 42 HEALTH 44 WATER AND SANITATION 48 NUTRITION AND FOOD SAFETY 52 PROTECTION AND EMOTIONAL RECOVERY 54 EDUCATION 58 SOCIAL COMMUNICATION 62 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 66 List of Acronyms / 11 List of Acronyms ADD Acute Diarrheal Disease Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil (National Civil Defense INDECI Institute) Administradora Privada de Fondos de Pensiones (Pension AFP Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática (National Fund Administrator) INEI Statistics Institute) ARI Acute Respiratory Infection IOM International Organization for Migration C&A Children and Adolescents kg Kilogram Centro de Emergencia Mujer de Loreto (Women's Emergency CEM Loreto Center of Loreto) km Kilometer Centro Nacional de Estimación, Prevención y Reducción del masl Meters above sea level CENEPRED Riesgo de Desastres (National Center for Disaster Risk Esti- MGP Marina de Guerra del Perú (Peruvian Navy) mation, Prevention, and Reduction) Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables (Ministry of MIMP CERF Central Emergency Response Fund Women and Vulnerable Population) CESVI Cooperazione e Sviluppo (Cooperation and Development) MINEDU Ministerio de Educación (Ministry of Education) COOPI Cooperazione Internazionale (International Cooperation) Municipalidad Provincial de Alto Amazonas (Provincial Mu- MPAA CRP Cruz Roja Peruana (Peruvian Red Cross) nicipality of Alto Amazonas) Municipalidad Provincial de Maynas (Provincial Municipality DANA Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis MPM of Maynas) Dirección de Estadística e Información Agraria (Directorate of DEIA Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento (Minis- Statistics and Agricultural Information) MVCS try of Housing, Construction and Sanitation) Defensoría Municipal de Niños y Adolescentes (Municipal DEMUNA Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents) NGO Non-governmental organization Dirección Ejecutiva de Salud Ambiental (Executive Directora- NHN National Humanitarian Network DESA te of Environmental Health) United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian OCHA Defensoría Escolar de Niños y Adolescentes (School Office of Affairs DESNA the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents) Oficina de Infraestructura Educativa (Educational Infrastruc- OINFE Dirección de Educación Comunitaria y Ambiental (Directorate ture Office) DIECA of Community and Environmental Education) OREC Oficina de Registro Civil (Civil Registry Office) DIRESA Dirección Regional de Salud (Regional Directorate of Health) Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organiza- PAHO/WHO DM District Municipality tion Dirección Regional de Agricultura (Regional Directorate of Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros (Presidency of the DRA PCM Agriculture) Council of Ministers) Dirección Regional de Educación de Loreto (Regional Directo- Programa Especial de Logros del Aprendizaje (Strategic DREL PELA rate of Education of Loreto). Learning Achievements Program) Dirección Regional de INDECI (Regional Directorate of IN- PNP Policía Nacional del Perú (Peruvian National Police) DRI DECI) Programa Nacional de Asistencia Alimentaria (National Food PRONAA DRM Disaster Risk Managment Assistance Program) Dirección Regional de Transportes y Comunicaciones (Regio- Registro Nacional de Identificación y Estado Civil (National DRTC RENIEC nal Directorate of Transport and Communications) Registry of Identification and Civil Status) European Commission’s Directorate-General for Humanita- REOC Regional Emergency Operations Center ECHO rian Aid and Civil Protection Programa de Soporte Socio Emocional para Niños y Adoles- EEII Educational Institutions SENA centes (Socio-emotional Support Program for Children and Adolescents) EOC Emergency Operations Center Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (National SENAMHI FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations