The Radio Station Edition 1.Pdf
THE RADI SAATION . KEITH JOSEPH M. KRAUSE .--`...2.1111111., n7Cetroft'rWheels! k- 6 : WIZARD ciTii%.dit 99 104F7. ' f ye got the POWER) t WORLD CHAMPION AIDERLOS ANGELES 1KRLI1ña-:. MY COUNTRY KS 100 CONNECTION CONTINUOUS COUNTRY MUSIC_. OSI3FRLtZ9P/M 10° %WHY _.. _ 101 - OjIJ FM FM 102-AM 1580 ,-;. 190 WERE DIFFERENT SI A11I1 RI SI hottes) WDEL115 _./11111111_ . y( f) ;@ 3 ASV i, 103 FM c-141 74c 101-FM WGN & nRo11 GGZ% ri n puTeRock ma - . Fox L._ ,z p F Ai .k -. GI 04.5F LITT ROCK & ROLL HANl7N5 FM MEMPHIS _,. aloft 1050 KOMP 9% "IT'S ALL IN THE., FM92 ROCKS LAS VEGAS FMIiI9 THE RADIO STATION THE RADIO STATION Michael C. Keith Joseph M. Krause Focal press Boston London DISCARD.=:Y Vii1GINIA 22301 Focal Press is an imprint of Butterworth Publishers. Copyright © 1986 by Butterworth Publishers. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored by in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Library of Congress Cataloging -in- Publication Data Keith, Michael C., 1945 - The radio station. Includes bibliographies and index. L,1 Radio broadcasting-United-States:- 1,4!Krause, Joseph M. At Title. HD8698.K45 1986 384.54'53'068 86 -2250 ISBN 0- 240 -51747 -4 Butterworth Publishers 80 Montvale Avenue Stoneham, MA 02180 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Printed in the United States of America Like the reader and the Poem Radio and the listener Create something always Individual And Become unknowingly One In the experience L.
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