The present analytic report brings to your attention which incorporates individual cases of the encroachment of human rights, violations of the civil and political rights of individuals in our country. The Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan “Ezgulik” behavior investigation and analysis of these facts was reducing to various instances of government officials, law enforcement and government agencies. The Society was unable to get satisfactory answers from the majority instances. In some cases the Society was put under pressure from corrupt circles, as well as some heads of state power, who abusing own official position. We are hope that this brief conclusion makes if not minor at least important contribution to the coverage of the situation on the democratic and human rights in our country.

Most of these cases studied by our activists’ shows that the judicial-legal system of country is depressed situation. Confirmation of such a bleak pattern are such facts as the prejudicial inquiry conducting and interrogation under tortures; does not guarantee the openness of the inquiry and questioning, concealed conduction of at-trial procedures at religious prisoners; augmentation of the additional terms to set time on several years. That’s all facts are became practice nowadays. In below press releases and speeches of the Society has recognized that management of the Government has come to a paralysis state, in the power structures are flourishing corruption and organized crime, the mechanism of human resources policies into practice has not been developed.

In this research, as the command basis was adopted the supremacy requirements of national legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In particular, it was recognized that the most of the series of enforceable demands had been violating by articles №24, 40, 41, 43, 44 and 49 of the Criminal-Procedure Code, the articles №26, 116 of the Basic Law is the Constitution of Uzbekistan, the article №7 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Convention against torture, violence and other inhumane acts. Expressing briefly, the above legal norms are reflect the issues of protection against cruel treatment regarding to the human rights, his honor, dignity and freedom.

We would like to see you, dear reader, when you will in sighting of this report please let pay undivided attention to cited therein each occurrence with the standpoint of social, political and legal sides. Also you can express your opinion and proposition through the public work departments of the Society’s activists. We are grateful for your views about this report form and its direction, mainly about the real issues that was remained out of our viewing field.

Please contact the central office of the Society “Ezgulik” with questions and for obtaining a print version of report at the following address: city, 7, Navoi street, office № 418 phone: (998-712) 240-68-29, 241-85-88, (998-71) 131-48-72 e-mail: [email protected] URL:

In case of reprint the reference to the source is required. 1. THE RIGHT OF SANCTIONING PRE-TRIAL ARREST WAS TRANSFERRED TO THE COURT AND WHAT HAS CHANGED

Nowadays conception finally has shaped that the Court is an independent branch of government. Without undue comment might say that the practical effectiveness and the form of circumstances in different countries are various. Courts of USA and the democratic West with a long-term experience and good practice will not arising any problems on the current issue. Courts of Uzbekistan from theoretical point of view are going by democratic way. At the article №11 of the Constitution of Uzbekistan has allocated the state power is divided into three branches. And the activity of each branch is independent from each other.

According to researchers the idea of separation of the judiciary from the legislative and executive branches of government, providing it as an independent branch of government arose in ancient times. The philosophers of that period are underscored to a number of mandatory features which inheriting by this theory. In compliance with these features, inside of the state has going the independent elements which does implement specific functions. As noted above the situation in Uzbekistan is exactly thus by theory. However in practice, you can see the opposite pattern. All of three independent branches of government have been following by an authoritarian leader and his team, because country is authoritarian.

For example, an announcement of Habeas Corps reform, i.e. transferring of permission’s arrest to courts from the prosecutor's office. One of the important moments of an independent judiciary is the question about realizing arrest a man who they want to limit his freedom. In accordance with the requirements of reform, the question of restrainting a person of liberty must be resolved in open sitting of a court, with the participation of the parties and the process has bearing a free social character. How did the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan have realizing on practice (LRU-№100) «On making additions and changes to legislation in connection with the transfer issue arrest warrants to the courts»? Consider this process as an example the arrest of three well-known representatives of civil society.

► Usmonov Kushodbek was born in 1946 in region. Nationality is Uzbek and citizen of Uzbekistan. On 5th of January, 2009 year was announced in absent warrants by chairman Rakhimov Rakhmatulla of Andijan city court on criminal cases. On January 10, 2009 Usmonov Kushodbek was arrested on suspicion of committing crimes by articles №139 and №277 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Later by verdict Asaka district court on criminal cases, he was sentenced to 6 months imprisonment.

Please take note of the changes about the transfer of the courts powers to arrest, this action is performed by judge of first instance at the place of the crime. These instances are deciding the question of restraint measures against the accused. Firstly, allegedly of Usmanov K. litigation related to his arrest is illegal, precisely because to the Andijan city court he has no relations. Secondly, the definition was decreed in absentia. Thirdly, the right of identity protection is not provided. This implies the attorney of Asaka district Akmal Karimov and investigator of prosecutor’s office Valiev Alisher are retrieval of the accused who was at home purposely to illegally imprison him. Thus, they are misled the court to obtain an arrest warrant. And the court succumbed to this provocation and violated the requirements of the Habeas Corps. The defendant Usmonov K. has been appealed to the courts at various levels by this definition. The arrest is absolute because today we have not the precedent of jail release. That is why the complaints has considered superficial and the restraint measure was remained unchanged. Usmonov Kushodbek was released after six months' imprisonment of the investigation and courts. Currently he is engaging to restore violated rights in the higher courts.

In accordance with the criminal case, Usmonov Kushodbek allegedly have been slandered the police captain Kosimov Khabibullo and insulted his honor and human dignity. He made ruffian acts against son of the younger brother of and inflicted bodily injury.

► Saidov Dilmurod was born in 1962 in Tashkent. Nationality is Uzbek, citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan. On 22nd of February 2009 at the trial of the City Court on Criminal cases chaired by Judge T. Toshev have been considered the issue of restraint of liberty of Saidov D. on suspicion of crimes specified in part 2 of article №165 and part 1 of article №228 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Though requirements of the accused, Saidov’s advocate Komilov Rukhiddin was not invited to the judicial sitting by trial. Thus, has been violated defendant's right to protection. Acting unlawfully, the court to show the right to defense of Saidov D., in definition assigned Koraboev’s A. name. Although nor Saidov D., nor his relatives did not know Koraboev A. and didn’t hire him as an advocate.

Except as dry prosecutor's demand, at the court process do not provided any documents, any material evidence and serious allegations about Saidov’s D. deprivation of freedom. Though Saidov’s D. demands, he does not given a word and he does not afforded to give the right of defence. The reclaiming note complained on the current definition of a court by advocate Rukhiddin Komilov was rejected by the Samarkand regional court on criminal cases. The advocate was clarified that complain of a reclaiming note to the Supreme Court such as this Definitions are extralegal (!). Actually the fact of arrest’s Saidov D. by the Department to strafing with tax and currency crimes and legalization of illegal proceeds and Samarkand regional prosecutor's office is wrong. Saidov D. was arrested on the evidence of Jurayeva Marguba who already arrested by the Department. The innocence of the journalist was proved during the trial on the question of deprivation of liberty holding under the chairmanship of Judge Toshev T. During the trial Jurayeva Marguba has changed her testimony that she gave during the preliminary interrogations. She claimed at that time she was drunk.

In accordance with the materials of the criminal case, a citizen Jurayeva Marguba allegedly joined in a criminal conspiracy with Saidov D. They wrote complaints to various authorities on the chairman of MMTP “Farovon hayot yuli” Urinboyev Asliddin and the ex-chairman of the collective farm “Uzbekistan” of Boymurodov Saidullo to occupy their property. Jurayeva Marguba was arrested by officers of the Department at the time when by fraud she has received from Urinboeva Asliddin 10 000 USA dollars.

► Isokov Abduvali was born in 1963 year in the Kuvin district of Ferghana region. He worked as an advocate at the law firm "Feruzbek-MK". Fifth of March 2009 year he was arrested by Ferghana regional administration of the National Security Council. He was arraigned by articles №168 and №211 of the Criminal the Republic of Uzbekistan by prosecutor's office. The issue of restraint of detention had been resolved by Ferghana city court on criminal cases. Practice of the Corps Habeas provides that when determining sanctions in the form of detention, the court ensured the right to protection. However during the trial no request, no demand of advocate was not satisfied. The regional prosecutor was attending as a government lawyer. There is irrefutable evidence that the trial was unfair. The adoption at the hearing of the facts gathered during the preliminary questioning; do mismatch to the requirements of the laws.

Abdullayeva Dilrabokhon was attracted to investigative actions of the Regional Department of Internal Affairs of Kuvin district on accusation by article №131 (Pandering) of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan. Isokov Abduvali appropriated Abdullayeva’s D. cashes in pretence of "... I'll give the judge". In fact, in accordance with the contract between an advocate and client, Isokov Abduvali has received 500 USA dollars from Abdullayeva Dilrabokhon, gave her a receipt and a check. Thus, the marked money with the special red color by NSC staff the advocate has received this as a fee for own services. The statement of NSC could not confirm instance by any audio- materials and any material evidences. Hence the law enforcement agencies fitted his up.

► Valieva Victoria is director of the well-known law office "Valikon". On 11th of June, 2009 had brought a criminal case regarding to Valieva Victoria. As a result of this legal process advocate testifies in the Regional Department of Internal Affairs of Mirabad district realized on decision №15/115L taken by the prosecutor of Tashkent Valiev Badriddin. She was charged on Part 2 of Article №227 (Ruffianism) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. If this situation will develop in the direction of prosecutorial positions, as desired the investigating authority, it is probably that this woman has devoted more than 10 years of life for protecting the rights of citizens, will have sent to prison. If you look at the sequence of this situation, it’s becomes evident to us, how brought unfair accusation against Valieva Victoria Yurevna.

It should be noted that the advocate made a tough act in the Mirabad inter-district civil court at 23rd of April 2009. At the same time had considered the case about family quarrel of the colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan Ivannikov O. During the trial which was held under the chairmanship of Judge Sattorova O., plaintiff Militsina A. and the defendant Ivannikov O., the process for a civil case became into a verbal brawl. The advocate, who was the representative of one of the witnesses (i.e. a third person – note of Society “Ezgulik”), allegedly beat Latunina T., the ex-spouse of a colonel. Using a cell phone, she has struck a close damage of brain. During the expert examination had been carrying through half-monthly, found that received a concussion of the brain, damaged soft tissues of the neck and nose, and have a bruises under the eye. Can you imagine that all these injuries to the ex-wife of the police governing employee have been injurious by the fragile woman with a plastic cell phone weighted not more than 60-70 gram?

In fact, that is happened standing by the judges Sattorova O. (presiding at the trial) and between the participants played out the usual verbal altercation who not restrain could own passions. There will never a mistake to say that the aim is making criminal accountable of advocate Valieva V. and hide from the public separation very expensive cars between the colonel and his ex-wife. Currently, the fulcrum shifted from expensive foreign cars, which is rare not only in our capital but throughout the country, to the question about the advocate who couldn’t defend oneself who was powerless against slander. There is a very low level of qualifications of the investigator and an indifference of prosecutor's office. That is all reflects the usual condition of paralysis in the prevailing system of law enforcement.

Unfortunately, the advocate does not understand this. Her faith in justice and in truth interfere her to fully assess this situation. Therefore, she makes a claim for unlawful actions of the investigator, officials of local police and prosecutors who are just cogs of carousel. In current treatments she pointed that the investigator was not invited the judge as a witness who was a true witness of this accident. As for the local inspector (who has been conducted preliminary inquiries) he was admitted a gross violations of legality. Mailboxes of General Prosecutor and the President's House packed her statements. She genuinely surprised that, being a lawyer, she can not defend oneself. She offended at the House counsel, the reins of governance passed into other hands. 2. UZBEKISTAN IS A COUNTRY WHERE THE RELIGIOUS GROUPS ARE REPRESSED

Most of the complaints incoming to the Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan “Ezgulik”, devoted to the fact that believers are being repressed, accused of belonging to a religious radical flow. The facts relating to freedom of conscience, published in annual reports of our Society, shows that the dynamics of the number of victims in the country that suffered for their faith, changes in arithmetic progression. Despite the fact that the country has a law "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations", a number of believers is growing who are serving a prison sentences. The various religious, radical tendencies are «invented» by Law machinery. In short, the regime allows the repression to believers has become a mechanism for ignition.

The country has virtually no statistics of affiliation (membership) to religious groups. However approximately 90 percent of the population belongs to the Muslim direction of "Hanafiya". Population referring to Shiite Islam is less than one percent. This part of the population lives in certain regions. Approximately 4.5 percent of the population is Orthodox Christians and ethnic Russian and about three per cent is the Roman Catholics, Korean Christians, Baptists, Lutherans, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, evangelical churches, Buddhist, bahaists, Hari Krishna and atheists. As to 1st January 2009 year the Ministry of Justice registered 2,231 religious societies. There are more than 2000 mosques, Islamic organizations and educational centers of Islam.

Thoroughly checked all e-mail addresses incoming to the International Post Office in Tashkent, have been sent mainly to the faithful people, as well as their banking and financial transfers. It is also noted that for the faithful people is a barrier for visas for travel to other countries in the world.

► The statement say that the edition’s workers published in our republic magazine “Irmok” (" The Stream ") and newspaper “Yetti Iqlim" ("Seven climatic zones") were arrested on suspicion of belonging to the "Nurchilar" ("Light bearer") flow. Information has attracted the attention of mass media and international organizations. The commentary on the subject which gave the media services’ director of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Uzbekistan Svetlana Ortikova denies the situation that occurred with the staff of editors. However after some time it became clear that the representative of the General Prosecutor's Office told the lie. Several journalists were actually arrested on suspicion of involvement in the "Nurchilar" flow. And the Tashkent city court is in the process of initiated criminal proceedings against them.

In this case this mass media which has thousands of readers is one of the few publications, awarded by an international organization UNESCO. Publication is differentiate with a refined design and has attracted the attention of interesting articles. That is why the public was necessary need to comment on all the situation of the publisher. However this did not happen. Investigative procedures, questioning, arrest of the editorial staff were kept secret. However information about it had spread among the public in a suspicious and unsightly form.

Though the fact that Bakhrom Ibragimov, Davron Kabilov, Ravshabek Vafoyev, Abdulaziz Dadakhonov and Botirbek Eshkuziev who are directly members of the magazine "Irmok" and its founders were arrested in early August 2008 year. On September 24th, 2008 year the criminal case against them under article №244 of the Criminal Code Uzbekistan was brought by the Investigation Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan of the National Security Council. The Criminal case at the beginning of this year was sent for consideration by the Tashkent city court on criminal cases. At present time the trial presided over by Judge Yigitaliev already coming to an end. And another judicial proceeding this time against Davron Tojiyev and Shavkat Alimov, who are members of another edition of the founders of the newspaper "Yetti Iqlim" is just beginning. At the request of relatives of the defendants who appealed to the Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan “Ezgulik”, activists of the Society learned this indictment.

First of all, the indictment of 100 pages of small print is questioned the seriousness of the preliminary investigation and inquiry, drawn up by the Investigative Division of the National Security Council of Uzbekistan Rustam Mamatkulov, also the attached surface expert opinion of the Office of Religious Affairs under the Cabinet of Ministers. In addition, according to defendants, they were compelled to testify because they exerted a systematic psychological pressure and physical torture by. These people almost deprived of their rights to protection not shown to relatives. The indictment against them is built on false testimony and forced confessions notes.

Most of the evidence is a religious literature published in our country and freely sold in our markets. It is used in justification of defendants' guilt in the creation of illegal religious organizations and the threat to public safety. Frivolity of the charges of endangering public safety confirming by the fact that among the evidence on the count of a criminal case are also included brochures of Zuhriddinov Husniddinov who is a former advisor to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the generosity of religious and ethnic harmony, as well as audio cassettes of folk artists and scientists of Uzbekistan to promote the Islamic religion.

► The facts that the leader of the movement "Nurchilar" Fathulla Gulen is a person that have a strong influence on the development of the Republic of Turkey are unwarranted. The suspects of the movement and defendants are threatening situation in our country. In fact promoted in the indictment the radical religious motive to all high school graduates in 1997-1998 years funded by the Turkish sponsors, it is a hint at the beginning of large-scale operative extents of law enforcement agencies. In particular, many young people who graduate of high schools are working in various management levels in our country. This applicants and an investigator R. Mamatkulov who composed to the above indictment is a graduate of Jizak Turkish Lyceum.

In addition, one of the most important developments has been to cancel out Muslims for Hajj and “Umrah” (partial hajj). This is very frustrating circumstance. Because the cancellation was made at a time when about 5000 Muslims have already purchased tickets and have other costs associated with the departure for the pilgrimage.

Despite the fact that Uzbekistan remains the boundary, where religious freedom is in danger, in our country the number of believers continues to rise. The scale of the reading of namaz is accrued collective manner. Clearly the paradox able factors are a massive injustice and total poverty. People are filling a despondency and misery by the reading Namaz. Growth of offenses for 2008 year by the security forces is increasing. The representatives of the police are administering their rules in such important areas as torture, corruption and falsification of evidence. Against the backdrop of state legal rhetoric and efforts to improve national legislation states the police turn into a “state within a state”, living by its own rules. This fact has worried tendency to increase secrecy and autonomy of law enforcement. Proof to these facts is increased repression against members of religious families and the increase of the violations against civil society activists. No real independent institution of the legal profession bears their fruit. Such disregard for the law enforcement agencies can lead to feelings of insecurity of citizens and the real growth of radicalism, including and religious radicalism in society. 3. CHILD LABOUR IS ACTUALLY UNSOLVABLE ISSUE IN UZBEKISTAN

For several years the international community represented by various international organizations unsuccessfully raised the issue of exploitation of child labor in Uzbekistan. The Government of Uzbekistan can not eliminate any form of exploitation of child labor. The scale of the problem is expanding from year to year. This problem is obtaining already political case. For example, last year alone 8000 students from schools in the republic 10000 schools were forcibly removed to the cotton fields. Many of these students were victims of cotton harvest campaign. However neither the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan or any other state authorities did not pay attention to it. Instead they have chosen to conceal such facts. Meanwhile the Uzbek Government on December 3, 1992 recognized the international Convention “On the Right of the Child”. This international document duly ratified by the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan. However many decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on youth policy stated priority of child rights.

We note your attention to some of the materials published by the Society for Human Rights of Uzbekistan “Ezgulik”. Materials are devoted to cotton-picking season for last year. And we are once again convinced that this situation leaves something to be desired.

► Inherently the above unfortunate situations is the issue of forced withdrawal of children in the cotton plantations. For example, as it became known from documents that have managed to get it from activists of the Jizak regional branch of the Society, the director of the Gallaaralsky professional college I. Ravshanov formally appealed to the regional hokim A. Hushbokov and regional attorney U. Rajabov with the request to punish the students who refused to participate in the cotton-picking campaign in 2007 year. Thus this persecution of these students started as S. Ibragimov, Kh. Tursunov, B. Mamatov, S. Abdurakhmonova, A. Berdimurodov, U. Hayitboev, B. Tangrikulov, B. Mirzabekova and S. Narzullaev. These people are declined to participate in the mass hashar.

From the contents of this letter shows that students of professional colleges forcibly deprived of the right to education and are subjected to mass hashar. Unfortunately, the situation in a systematic manner is repeated in all areas of our republic.

The terrorist action of the Government called as hashar, do not shy away from the representatives of other spheres. In more than 20 appeals came to the Society “Ezgulik” from farmers, it is the involvement of students to hashar not an initiative of farmers, but are under the direct supervision of state authorities.

► On November 2008 year the Egashevs family living in the village Batosh Guzar district of the Kashkadarya region had coming the mourning. A member of this family 15-year-old Ergashev Jahangir became the victim of cotton-picking campaign. Jahangir came back half alive from a cotton field died at home. Guy has embarrassed parents and public pressure did not show how much he was hurt. The poor guy did not scream in pain of the wounds all over his body. Crouching from pain guy just managed to tell her younger sister that someone was beaten...

The guy who had only just turned 15 years graduated from the 9th grade school, entered to the Guzar professional college. In early September a guy is going to participate in “the nationwide hashar” burning passion and love for life. He like others of his age wanted to acquire knowledge and contribute to the improvement of honor and respect for his family. Unfortunately, those good intentions went awry. After the death of boy left his mother suffering from grief and his father hides his pain. Now some of the teachers will be punished. Administration of the college will suffer from the "victim" in the way of peace of the country and the nation. Among the in such cases parents feel restrictively to contact somewhere and live with the thought: “... the dead did not return. Even if we ask about the details of the death of our son, he still will not rise again.” It is for this reason the Government is driving the unfortunate children in the cotton fields.

► In the meantime in early November the Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan “Ezgulik” is reported that three teenagers of the Chamanzor village of Mirishkor district have been fell victim to the "national pride". Last year the Society is reported that in the economy of Usman Yusupov of the Nishon district in a cotton field tractor ran over 14-year-old boy, and district of region there was a tragedy of brother and sister. Society has urged the government to stop this barbarity. However these calls have remained unheeded.

► According to the activists of the Syrdarya region branch of the Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan “Ezgulik” before the mobilization to the cotton fields the students of all higher and secondary special institutions, during the regional conference call witnessed the following fact. Deputy Hakim of the Syrdarya region Shodmonkulov Oybek referring to the head of the district and the city department of education, as well as members of the education system he exclaimed: "Those who would agitate against the participation of students in the cotton harvest is that the enemy of the people!" His approval officer commented on the fact that cotton is our national wealth, and his collection of lossless is an urgent task. He gave specific instructions to the heads of local state authorities and representatives of public organizations.

► In last year's releases the Human Rights Society “Ezgulik” is reported that students at the school №69, located in the village Schoch Usmon collective economy "Mustakillik" of Forish district of the region, forcibly have brought to the cotton harvest. As a result unsupervised student grade 8 Norboev Lochin died in a cotton field. In the release stated that the teacher’s book is filled even in the period when the students were on the cotton fields. They have marked to the students at that time on specific subjects. It was also reported that relatives of Lochin on the fact of death filed a complaint with law enforcement authorities and as a result of the school teachers have been prosecuted.

Eventually the Forish District Court in criminal cases (under the chairmanship of Judge Boybutaev B.K.) sentenced its verdict on the case. Teachers of this school Juraev J., Holbutaev A., Fozilov B., Rahmonkulov Z., Norboev O., Sirliboev U. Norzhigitov O., Darhonov K., Sandiboev J., Bolibekov N., Kilicheva S. and Boysinov A. were convicting under article №228 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. However the criminal proceedings were discontinue because the fact of the offense has lost its property of social danger. Director of this school Ganiev A. was prosecuted under articles №167 and №209 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. He divested the right to hold responsible positions in the education system. And he has been sentenced to two years as a moral corrective labor. All participants in the criminal case were brought to a fine of a certain size. The teacher salaries of 335 638 soums paid by them during the students' participation in the cotton harvest have been returned to the district finance department.

However with the beginning new school year children were usually brought to the cotton. Ganiev A. devoid of two years some of this right re-appointed director of the school. In the sentence the court handed down last year on the occasion of an event does not reflect any of the circumstances associated with child labor and forced recruitment of children to pick cotton. Shifting, thus, the blame hokim and his team on the shoulders of teachers at the school, district prosecutors and the judiciary could save them from sin. This political decision of the Government was confirmed by the courts of higher instance, and the prosecuting authorities at higher levels did not give a protest on the verdict.

► On 14 October this year was held a protest demonstration in front of the Uzbek Embassy in Washington for demanding the return of Uzbek children from the cotton plantations. Every hour growing number of those who support this action, which is organized by the American Federation of Teachers, the Forum for protection of workers 'rights, the Union against child labor, employees' associations, as well as several non-governmental organizations.

At the same time the Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan “Ezgulik” have information from unofficial sources that in the Nishan district of Kashkadarya region few parents protested to the local public authority and demanded not to attract children to pick cotton. According to preliminary data more than a dozen parents who tried to protest by demonstrating, with difficulty managed to escape from persecution district prosecutor's office and police and save their lives. Department of Internal Affairs has been brought for ten farmers in administrative cases on charges of disturbing public order. These farmers are fined in various sizes.

However the duty of the Department of Internal Affairs Nishan district has not confirmed this information. Under this circumstance the regional and district prosecutor's office denied that the Department of Internal Affairs’ executives are resigned. However our activists are continuing inquiries on this situation and trying to find out the facts.

According to some data coming into our Society from various fields in mainstream schools, district and municipal education departments held meeting at which it was noted that this year the school will not be closed due to a cotton-picking campaign that students will not be compelled to participate in hashar. However due to many years of slavish habits, social needs, command and control methods to link local government again there are cases of recruitment of children to harvest cotton. Meanwhile after the protests of child labor in Uzbekistan, calls for the organization of human rights, the Government of Uzbekistan was forced to acknowledge the existence of the problem. Its hold a few events even throw dust in eyes to the international community.

► The other day through the cotton-picking campaign in about 600 of the 840 schools suspended classes of students 7, 8 and 9 classes. These schools are administered by the Office of Public Education of the Surkhandarya regional hokimiyat. Nobody knows when to return to their classrooms for about 90 thousand students which voluntarily-forcibly evicted on cotton plantations. According to local schools’ teachers is confirming, if not today and then tomorrow will be brought to hashar even students of junior classes. In Kashkadarya and Bukhara regions also initiated action aimed at closing schools.

The schoolboy who operated under the leadership of local government and the prosecution authorities as the guarantor of legality for every kilogram of harvested cotton provides pay from 80 soums (about 5 cents – Noted by “Ezgulik” Society). Children who have refused to participate in the cotton-picking campaign under the theme "Cotton - 2009" will come under the target of the wrath of the school administration, mahallya and the public. We can not speak about the working conditions of young collectors which under various mottos kicked collect white gold, ripe late due to bad weather conditions. From the earliest days of cotton-picking campaign the government of Uzbekistan has shown that not adhere strictly to their promises. Meanwhile the Government had argued the adoption of national legislation and state program safeguards the rights of the child. The government also argued that strictly follows international legal norms on the subject. Government exhibited false calls by the international community, diplomatic missions, human rights societies. Just this alone have pursuit caused a desire in the hope that at least this year the Uzbek government refused the use of child labor and treatment of children as slaves.

► In the various mass media are the facts relating to the use of child labor, recruitment of children for seasonal hashar in Khorezm, Ferghana and Jizzah regions of our country. Communications, information, telephone calls received by the Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan “Ezgulik” also show that despite the statements and promises of officials in Uzbekistan to the international community in the country is continuing the exploitation of child labor. As stated in the communications of activists of our Society in district of Samarkand region, Nishan and Karshi district of Kashkadarya unlawfully employing child labor. The situation was also confirmed by interviews of our activists in the fields Urgut and Nishan districts that have been carried out with children.

The rainy spring of this year has complicated by the germination of cotton and other crops. Before the shoots of cotton crops the soil was covered with a crust and plenty of weeds. Therefore at the initiative of many regional hokimiyats were organized assault groups. In these groups along with older workers were involved in secondary school students from grade 4 and ending with 9 classes. They were engaged in weeding, released crop area of weeds, loosen the soil hoes. Children worked in the fields from 8 am to 7 pm with a half-hour break for lunch. Due to the fact that the rainy spring weather is still ongoing, cotton is not yet fully returned shoots. And therefore there is no possibility to carry out farming practices with a tractor. That is why children worked the fields.

► According to saying of 5th grade pupil named Khilola, she dealing with thinning in the fields farming association "Shirinobod" of Nishan district of Kashkadarya. The farmer pays them for work daily at 3000 soums (1.7 USA dollars). If a student will say that going to work in the field, that he is a member of the strike group, the teachers at the school allowed him to skip over classes. However, the fact that this hashar is not organized on the initiative of school administrators, and students are attracted to this not from the schools, therefore the number of children working in the fields, relatively small. A lot of children go on the field at the insistence of parents and because of the hardship finance situation in the family. The groups argued that the reason why children go to the fields is poverty. At the present time children go to the fields to insistence of parents. If one objective side of the problem of child labor is poverty, and the second side of the problem is forcing children to work by parents and the local administration.

Children are already realized fully that the exploitation of child labor is unacceptable. If a long time ago small employees did not contradict to take a picture or video but at present they express their discontent and try to avoid an occasion to talk. For this reason it was not possible to capture in a photo and film material situation in the fields of Urgut, Nishan and Karshi regions.

The photograph shows the involvement of children in an episode last spring’s seasonal hashar.


Constitution and other laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan guarantees that persons suspected of committing a crime or endured a punishment for the crime, must not use torture, cruel and commit other acts infringing human dignity and to obtain forced confessions. However as in other society’s spheres these issues are absolutely not following to the law. Especially in recent times we have seen that the obtaining of confessions by force, torture in prisons and the obtaining of confessions by force becomes the usual norm. The chronicle of the numerous appeals to the Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan “Ezgulik” shows exactly similar situation.

► For example, several times extended time a term of punishment for the ex-deputy of the Parliament of Uzbekistan Jurayev Murod who has been convicted in 1994 year by verdict of the Supreme Court to long prison terms. A political prisoner has a term of punishment was extended though a variety of excuses. On 10th of April of this year he was again thrown into isolation ward located in agencies 64/48 relating to the Directorate General of punishment of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan. At the last time a term of punishment was extended by Almalyk municipal court in the establishment of the city Almalyk for 3 years. He should go at large on 14th of August.

His wife Jurayeva Holbeka arrived in Zarafshan for another date with her husband, but administration of the institution said that she waited a day, after which they will have the opportunity to three-day visit. She was also told by that she would be able to tell her husband had brought with them food and clothing. However Jurayeva Holbeka by calling the Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan “Ezgulik” argued that on the orders arrived from Tashkent the special commission Jurayev Murod imprisoned for 10 days in a cell for the punishment. Her meeting with her husband did not take place and brought food was not accepted. The agency head Lieutenant Colonel Shamsiev Bobokul not received Jurayeva Holbeka and not listened to her statement. Development of affairs showed that the establishment of pretend play and Jurayev Murod re-add the penalty for violation of the domestic regime. In the month of August it was happened. Navoi city court on criminal cases had accused Jurayev Murod in violation of the domestic regime institutions and had added three more years of punishment. He is daily subjected to torture. This continues for nearly 14 years.

► The Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan “Ezgulik” received a petition from a group of convicts serving sentences in the establishment of 64/51 the Directorate General of punishment of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan. Message written on a napkin and secretly made by persons outside the agency were released. The initiative of the establishment of Lieutenant Colonel P. Kosimov was subjected to torture against several persons who tried to read namaz in the establishment. They have been applied to various forms of torture. Thus, in a letter stated that on 31 January and 28 February, they tied naked in the yard. In this way they tried to break the moral (in the jargon of the establishment of "breaking" - approx. of “Ezgulik”) and threatened to turn into a physically handicapped people.

Chief of the operations department of agency Sh. Rajabov said to response for a complaint severely beaten prisoner B. Yuldasheva by the use of torture to him and threatened with the words “I'll be with all the skin lowered”. The letter also states that the believers convicted deliberately put in a cell with AIDS patients in order to infect them with the disease. At the end of the treatment the prisoners write: "We need your help. Bring information about our state to Radio Liberty, BBC, please post on Internet sites. Let them know that our lives are in danger. "

Of course, studying the dynamics of the torture of personality research on the subject shows that the use of torture are not guaranteed not only religious-minded persons or prisoners of conscience but and free citizens or state employees.

► For example, listen to the statement of former policeman who was beaten by the prosecutor for a simple complaint. A ex-lieutenant of the security of the Regional Department of Internal Affairs of Yunusabad district of Tashkent city Parikov Shukurullo wrote in a statement addressed to the Society “Ezgulik”: “On February 16, 2009 year I was summoned to the investigator for particularly important cases the prosecutor's office in Tashkent Khusanov Khusan who said: “You, cop, will still complain to any authorities? Your supervisor told me to speak with you.” After these words he hit me with his fist. I felt dizzy, dark eyes and I was on the floor. I have information that the Center of Neurosurgery.”

In examining the documents and details of the events revealed that on 15 March 2007 year an ex- policeman in the illegal procedure was prosecuted and dismissed from the police. However after this provocation he was exposed and acquitted. In his statement to our society Sh. Parikov reported that despite the above it can not be restored to work for the Interior and asked to defend his rights. An ex-police officer was beaten by Investigator precisely because it appealed to the Society of Human Rights to protect his rights.

Currently the police officers who become the object of torture governmental bodies themselves become not only participants but also the performers of such violence.

► Mother of ten children, 55-year-old Ergasheva Guldor says: "On 27th of May in this year, these bektemirov policemen threw my things and me on the ground, even did not spare me as a woman. They beat me at random with their batons. If I had paid for the days that never came the policemen Oybek Ernur and Akhmedov Sulaimon would not beat me." The neighbors called for an ambulance when Ergasheva Guldor collapsed because of cruel beatings. Therefore Ergasheva Guldor appealed to the prosecutor of Bektemir district. She made statement with the attached medical reports, witness statements and other documents. Legal proceedings were brought an action against policemen. Then the policemen began to beg her. They said that after his discharge from the police, it will not take them at work again. They even offered her money, but it failed. After some time the case has been suspended under the pretence that in this case there is not evidence of a crime.

Once again (July 6, 2009 year) dispersed entrepreneurs in front of everybody of premises employees of the Regional Department of Internal Affairs of Bektemir district was beaten up a woman by named Shamatova Guzal. Her neck bent down to the ground and forced to collect goods spread out on the ground. People who wanted to help to woman were insulted and beaten by policemen. Kosimova Nadira who could not care to look at happening tried to free battered women from the hands of policemen. But the police began to beat already Nodira. Next Kosimova Nadira during for 21 days of being treats in hospital for bodily harm as a result of beatings. The attending physician gave her a medical certificate stating that she had damaged the brain concussion and the body has a lot of bruises.

After a short time Kosimova Nadira applied a statement of beating to the Regional Department of Internal Affairs employees. Kosimova Nadiras’ relatives arrived at the hospital and told her that her subpoena called to the prosecutor.

As it became known Kosimova Nadira at that day beat and hit bodily harm to the Commander of the Regional Department of Internal Affairs of Bektemir district are Akhmedov Sulaimon and three police officers. As noted in the medical report, the unfortunate policeman damaged soft tissue of the back of the head, chest and hands scratched skin (!). The clothing of policemen (around 30 years old) was torn. He is morally crushed by the fact that he beat by a middle-aged woman. On 13th of July the prosecutor's office Bektemir district has decided to institute criminal proceedings by Article №219 (The resistance to authority or person in the performance of civic duty) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan regarding to citizen Kosimova Nodira. Without shame and conscience the Deputy’s prosecutor H. Ahmed after 20 days has added to the criminal case charge to this woman by Article №109 (The bodily harm) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. So far as he knows that the charges against the police by N. Kosimova will not be confirmed. Can you imagine it, how the only woman might beat four police officers? The local government which must obey the law was fabricated unlawful reference and as result the captain became the victim.

► The Society “Ezgulik" was received a complaint of Abdusattorova Umida, she living in the Akaltinsk area in Syrdarya region. In statement has written that at 12th of November, 2008 year the policemen of Akaltyn’s department staff of Syrdarya region have caused her serious injuries using torture. As it became known at that day she went to visit friend G. Mavlanova. Before leaving out from the room, she unaware of own actions, took from pocket hanging on rack coat of mistress A. Umbetova where were money in the amount of 400 USA dollars. And at 11.30 pm she came to the house of friend G. Mavlanova and fell asleep. After that, the next day, on 13th of November at 04.00 am, the staff of Regional Department of Internal Affairs of the Akaltin district brought her to the Office. She returned to A. Umbetova as evidence 400 USA dollars. However the "aggrieved" A. Umbetova began to claim and alleging that she had pulled out of her pocket 1000 USA dollars. After that, the first deputy head of the Akaltinsk’s Regional Department of Internal Affairs Jahangir Khaidarov and one of his subordinate officers, who not involved in this processes of inquiry, investigation and trial, the policeman had put a torture Abdusattorova U. in a separate room on the second floor. With a punches and kicks they inflicted injuries on her head, left eye, legs, abdomen, hips and kidneys. In addition, they tried to undress her.

(A complaint included X-ray images, the conclusion of a neurosurgeon, an ophthalmologist, as well as diagnosis and recommendations for medical procedures in a designated clinic № 4 in the city of Gulistan, where she is currently undergoing treatment).

In despite of the fact that the suspect-injured U. Abdusattorova confessed that she was while drunkenness and got socked out of her mind, she inadvertently took 400 USA dollars and returned the money to owner. But J. Khaidarov and his partner (?) have continued to toture U. Abdusattarova during for 3 days (13th, 14th and 15th of November). They are placed her to the half-starved condition in a cold room, didn’t inform for her relatives, have damaged to her health. Thus, they have committed a criminal act by several articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. They have committed criminal acts to come to the contrary to accepted rules and principles of international human rights.

► According to saying Zoirov Hojiakbar has been applied to the Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan “Ezgulik”, the operating authorized of the criminal investigation of department’s Yunusabad district, used inhumane torture regarding to crime suspects have done robbery, theft, seizure with a robbers ways the documents of institutions. The prisoner H. Zoirov’s mother already was bereft of all hope. One year ago she has gave her son to the investigators Regional Department of Internal Affairs of Yunusabad district. The widow has been raise single son without a father is pleased to have the fact that her son not died. The operational authorized of Yunusabad district there Fahriddin, Akbar, Nadir, Otabek, Avaz, Bahram, Davron and an investigators Murodov Oybek, Mashrabov Aziz are so much beat Hojiakbar. He received injuries and bruises are still visible. According to prisoners the investigators are going even at their rape. Those who endured beatings became hostages of their male honor and the lives of their loved ones. The defendants in the courtroom were forced to confess to crimes which they did not commit. And it’s shocked the audience.

► The advocate Jumaboev Alisher spoke up that after beating the condition of his client was so poor, that pre-trial prison and Tashkent prisons and the Tashkent city police department refused to accept his. In fact, proving this fact, there is also a respective reference clinic of Tashkent Medical Academy. However the court not only declared legally acquired under the pressure of a confession, but he himself went to the defendants in prison and threatened them with the words: "If you talk about torture, then I will appoint you redouble punishment." The public prosecutor even made a request to initiate criminal proceedings against police officers, but the petition was not granted.

► In the Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan “Ezgulik” turned Ortikova Mohira is wife of a member of the British Embassy in Uzbekistan Ortikov Kayum which at one time repeatedly mentioned in the mass media. In address she was worried about the future fate of her husband. The Chilanzar District Court on criminal cases on January 29 this year convicted Ortikov Kayum by article №135 (Human trafficking) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and sentenced to six years' imprisonment. He is currently serving a sentence in a Tashkent prison and tortures them. He has been four months do not show the family and they are demanding from Kayum that he testified against embassy staff Ibodullaev Umid.

Ortikova Mohira residing at the Chirchik city, Bahor street, house 18, in her statement concerns about the fate of her husband and claims that he was the victim of injustice. She said that Kayum to help some villagers who arrived from Kasbiy district of Kashkadarya, where he was born and raised, he advised them to contact the company “Vesta-Lemax”, where works his younger brother Ortikov Samandar. After an interview with head of manpower company Ekaterina Izometsova, his fellow villagers went to work in Russia. After some time the villagers who did not receive wages for their work, came back and turned to law enforcement. Once across the country began hunting for those who traded in human beings, on December 2008 year Kayum was arrested. Within one month had been investigated, a trial was held and Kayum taken the rap.

Victims are caught in the awkward position (!) have been received help from their fellow- villager and asked to release Kayum. A criminal case on appeal was transferred to the Tashkent City Court on criminal cases. However after an appeal the sentence is remained unchanged. During at this time the leaders of the firm "Vesta-Lemax" fled the country and disappeared. It surprising is the fact that innocent convicts Kayum has been working as a security officer at the British Embassy, has not been guarded in the zone yet. On the contrary he was being tortured in the Tashkent prison and forced to testify against Ibodullaev Umid.

► Abdurasulova Rano made an application to the Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan “Ezgulik”. She is residing at the city of Tashkent, Mirzo Ulugbek district, street Airfield, Building 43. She said in a statement: "After the bombings in February 1999 year my son was beaten within an inch of son’s life. After the 3 months of severe torture of son’s, I barely have managed to try of his acquittal. But now as for the issue of assassination of Anvar-Kori I had not strength or health. The last hope is just for you.” As it became known her eldest son Abdurasulov Odiljon has been cooking and selling hamburgers at the capital market. Apparently, he is in the suspect’s list in the assassination of Anvar-Kori Tursunov. Anvar-Kori Tursunov is a chief Imam-Khatib of the Tashkent city.

During the conversation with Rano and statements of relatives-witnesses revealed that their whole family in the day of the assassination of Anwar-kori participated in a memorial event. On July 30-31st they participated in the regular funerals of deceased relatives in a row. On August 1st Odiljon together with their children went on vacation in the mountains. On August 2nd after he was informed by telephone that the police came to their home and questioned about his younger brother Orifjon, he returned home and together with his father went to the Regional Department of Internal Affairs of Mirzo Ulugbek district. In the Regional Department of Internal Affairs they have not been adopted. In establishment the recording was made of the fact that he came there. There he disappeared. On August 5th he called his mother and said that as in 1999 year he was afraid that his calumniated and be tortured. He also said that after the disclosure of assassination and brings the perpetrators to punishment he would return home. Then he said goodbye.

After that about Abdurasulov Odiljon no news, whether he is alive or dead, is unknown. The most important thing that his wife who had not told to the policemen where her husband and thus incurred the wrath of them. As a result at present time of she is in serious condition. In her statement On 9th September the Regional Department of Internal Affairs of Mirzo Ulugbek district kept her until midnight, verbally abused by different shameless words, beat her on the head with thick books (the Code). They showed her baton and threatened with lascivious words. A man named Abdurashid is an employee of the National Security Council gave the telephone number (244-74-64) and told her that she was secretly informed him of everything that happens in their house. He told her also that if this telephone number of someone learns something he cuts out its entire genus and no one will find her corpse. On return home from fright she contemplated to had suicide.

► To the “Ezgulik” Society have been asked the invalid of 2-nd group Anortoji Alimova who lives at Syrdarya, Havast District, Barrow Havas, House 9. In her statement she alleges that her son Erkin was subjected to severe torture by employees of criminal investigation department of Havast district of Regional Department of Internal Affairs. As indicated in circulation that on March 27th her son Alimov Erkin was arrested and given to the police department of the city Yangiyer where the Criminal Investigation Department officers beat him and broke his legs. According to various parts of the body’s Erkin suffered serious injuries. As a result of applying gypsum by unskilled traumatologists clinics of Yangiyer City and lack of prompt medical assistance the state Erkin was heavy.

After studying the activists of the Society of detailed the circumstances of the case became known that Alimov Erkin suspected use and possession of drugs. It is contained in the remand prison of Havast district. So, Alimov Erkin couldn’t to walk. Under these circumstances, an investigator of Havast district Kurbonov Temur was in a difficult position. Only after his authorization and immediate action of parents Erkin the local sorcerer Pardaev Hasanboy had a treatment procedure. Now Erkin can move on crutches.

Alimov Erkin managed to convey a letter from the detention facility. As at our disposal the letter described how he was tortured, that he is in cell №49 "infirmary" and he is taking in the hands of agency staff to the toilet and bath. However in the Syrdarya to this no one pays attention. Do not even say what is formally charged Alimov Erkin. A preliminary examination of his blood has not confirmed the use of drugs. Despite this he is under arrest in order to eliminate the effects of torture. About the fate of Alimov Erkin who was interrogate under torture in the manner of the medieval inquisition were sent repeated requests to the regional prosecutor Ergashev Azimjon, previously worked as first deputy Prosecutor General of the country. But so far no response has been received to them.

► The journalist Dilmurod Said’s (Saidov’s) level of health is grave. He was charged on fraud and forgery by Taylaks District Court in criminal cases, and he was sentenced for 12.5 years in prison. The human rights activist was a hidden form of an acute attack of chronic tuberculosis. Right now he detained in the establishment of 64/49 ( Kiziltetownpa , Navoi region) of the Main Department of Corrections Ministry of Internal Affairs. About this fact told to Society’s “Ezgulik”. She has met before with him in prison. According to Barno, Dilmurod Said is very thin and feels completely bad. After the checking of prisoner’s condition, administration of the institution and the doctors are determined his healthy (app. It’s only diagnosis which put in prisons - Note by Society’s “Ezgulik”). ► As for the ex-chairman of Angren City Branch’s Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan “Ezgulik” Hudoynazarov Abdurasul, last year as a result of torture and punishment he cells in the establishment of 64/21 which is located in the city , allegedly attempted on own life and fortunately he survived. And now the torture is still continuing. Hudoynazarov Abdurasul is convicted of an incident of fraud and bribery, devoid of the benefits as a several amnesties taken by the Government since 2005 year. He served again in solitary confinement for another violation. This was reported by his wife Turonova Gulchekhra, referring to the sister of convicted Hotamova Mamlakat who recently returned after a brief meeting with Abdurasul. A member of the Society “Ezgulik” said to Hatamova M. that another amnesty was not extended to the defender under the pretext of “When it was found a knife!”. However the part of the administration he is under moral pressure saying: “Nobody wants you to be released. No one organizes claims or petitions”.

All of the above it is only a small episode in the overall picture that prevails in the country. In reality torture is becoming the norm. Especially it should be noted that the transformation of torture in the norm is the product of a repressive government policies and corruption.


► In recent years, it’s all has become accustomed that reports about the shooting of civilians in public places, schools and even in kindergartens come mainly from Western countries. But people don’t know that is happening in Uzbekistan too. One of these horrific incidents occurred on 19th February Chelek town of Payarik district of Samarkand region. That evening in a cafe "Rustam" which is located on Sh.Rashidov Street, the tragedy was occurred. Suddenly has arise a quarrel between a group of people has been sitting in the cafe. It would seem okay. Inebriated people sometimes have quarrels, but as a rule, it’s end up getting the usual: "Do you respect me? If so, let’s take the next portion of alcohol."

But this time one of his drinking companions drew his pistol and shoot partner’s head. Not reassured at this, he was wounded more three people, and then, gunman was able to disarm by the police action. The wild story in the spirit of "Wild West" that has been occurred in a quiet and peaceful provincial town. But it turned out the details of the incident give the event a terrible color. The enquiry is that a drunken disassembly with shooting was made are not bandits and criminals, but an employers of law machinery.

The gunman in a drunken frenzy has shoot to his drinking companion is a Lieutenant Jamalov Aziz held the post of inspector Prevention Department of the Interior Department of Internal Affairs of Payarik district. His victim was Jumanov Sanjar, he was a senior Inspector of Payarik district court. Also injured two workers and another cafe visitor have been quietly dined at this point of catering.

The fact that people who should be always and everywhere take up the cause of citizens are becoming a source of direct threat to the health and lives of innocent townsfolk, it’s really horrifying. And when an employer of law machinery can free to apply the service weapon goes beyond the scope of common sense and gives reason seriously think again. And everything is okay in the ranks of our police, which call to protect law order in the streets of our towns and villages. Where to watch leaders of Directorate of Internal Affairs of Samarkand region?

► On the night at 26th of July 2009 year in the apartment 2, house 13, street Yangibogich Djarkurgansky district of Surkhandarya was a terrible event occurred. The Scout Sapper of military part №11506 located in the area barrow Kakkaydi, Holmuminov Khudoyberdi murdered five women. They are Khasanova Gulbahor, Nikitina Christina, Mustafokulova Nilufar, Karshiboeva Dilfuza and Berdiev Dildora. Four women died at the scene of the crime, and the fifth woman is fighting with death in the reanimation department of the Central Hospital of Djarkurgan.

Under with the preliminary investigation Khudoyberdi was born in 18th of September, 1981 in Muzrabot district, Surkhandarya region, he was graduated the two sergeants school. On October of this year should to be hold his wedding. However, he is accused of brutal murder and taken into custody. The circumstances and causes of the unfortunate murder is following: the owner of the flat 34-year-old Khasanova Gulbahor contained in herself flat a brothel. Permanent client of this house, Khudoyberdi owed to the prostitutes around 300 000 soums (roughly 170 USA dollars - approx. Society “Ezgulik”). When Gulbahor required paying the debt, the soldier struck her multiple knife wounds. The same fate was overtaken of four young ladies of easy virtue, who were witnessed of this event.

According to neighbors about the existence of the bawdy house knew police officers and activists’ mahalla. In addition, at this place were a lot of scandals, but the conflicting parties for little money found common language with the policemen. In the mahalla administration during six months have not been a chairman of the community center committee, but the Head of Administration of this district is not worried this question.


► The punishment for a former member of Parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan Murod Juraev is extended several times, which in 1994 year had the verdict of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been sentenced to lengthy prison terms. Political prisoner has been extended once again placed in solitary confinement institutions №64/48 relating to the General Directorate of Penal Jurisdiction of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Meanwhile the prisoner term of punishment which was the last time lengthened by Almalyk Municipal Court for three years, was released on 14 August this year.

Juraev’s spouse Holbeka Juraeva arrived in Zarafshan to the next meeting with her husband and they had said that the meeting lasting three days and nights will be held every other day. They also said that she had brought with them food and clothing will be accepted. However Holbeka Juraeva telephoned to the Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan “Ezgulik” and said that as directed by the special commission, which arrived from Tashkent, Murod Juraev has placed for 10 days in solitary confinement. Meeting was not held and the products were not accepted. Head of state institution the lieutenant colonel Bobokul Shamsiev was not accept Holbeka Juraeva and not listened to her appeal. Development of affairs shows that again in haste will be raffled off the court and play again for violating a domestic regime will be added to the sentence.

► Avazov Mirzakarimov who lives in the house 4, str. Oklon Shayhontohurskogo district of Tashkent have once again added a sentence. He is son suffering women Fotima Mukadirova which is well known to the public through the media. The verdict of the Tashkent City Court on criminal cases he was charged with membership in a religious radical movements and on July 24, 2000 year to imprisonment for 16 years. Recently in accordance with the announced verdict of the Yunusabad district court on criminal cases Avazov Mirzakarim was convicted under article №221 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. (Disobedience to the administration of penal institutions). He was charged with the penalty of imprisonment for a term of 4.5 years. At the same time before the end of the sentence of the first sentence he remained for 9 months. Allegedly he was a prisoner of his faith and viewed Russia's television channel, banning in the establishment of 64/45 Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and in violating of other legal requirements. The eldest son Fotima Mukadirova Avazov Muzaffar (was born in 1967 year) died due to the use of torture in its August 8, 2002 to establish a 64/71 that located in Jaslik. After this event had acclaiming in his time in the international press Fotima Mukadirova one brought up seven grandchildren-orphans (children of Muzaffar and Mirzakarim). Unfortunately, on the eve of his release from prison Mirzakarimov under worthless excuse have been again added sentence. Recently the Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan “Ezgulik” sent to Chief of the Penitentiary Ministry of Internal Affairs Colonel A. Shodiev as an appeal on the fact of illegal premises for 4 months in solitary confinement (prison sentence) Avazov Mirzakarim and required to comment on the health of the prisoner.


►On 16 April this year to protest the actions of local authorities citizen Halima Uljaeva residing in the city Oktosh of Narpay district of Samarkand region has committed itself to self- immolation. The farmers group came to Tashkent to express their protest. The groups of citizens who have presenting complaints you can see near the entrance of Corporation group head by the President and the Attorney General's Office. In the courts of Syrdarya region have consider with dozens of cases of farmers. At the entrance to the regional prosecutor's office and the regional department of justice in the Ferghana Valley and other regions can be seen dozens of farmers, vainly awaiting consideration of their appeals. If we talk about farmers who had grown gray before began to make a profit, then the flow of their applications in human rights organizations, in particular, in the Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan “Ezgulik” is endless. The factor that caused social turmoil throughout the country is the latest in farming reform.

On October 6, 2008 year was issued by decree of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the number P-3077 “On creation of a special commission to develop proposals for optimizing the size of land held by farmers”. The text is not published in any national database of legislation, nor in the media, therefore there no confidence in the correctness of its name which we used. Leave aside the fact who is interested in a situation reminiscent of an episode from the movie “The Secret edict of the Emperor” and who wants to keep secret the text of the order. We think long before decided to apply to the coverage of this issue. We really tried to explore the essence of reform. To this propose we talked with many farmers and agricultural specialists.

In the end after our meetings, there was hope that the policy of optimizing the farm is a progressive step and used in world practice. This method will in the future a positive result in Uzbekistan. If the reform would be implemented correctly then certainly strengthen the culture of agriculture, increase yields of wheat and cotton, on the basis of excellence will be working on irrigation and land reclamation. But what would happen if the reform will be implemented through the tears of people, strengthening the violence and corruption circles? If reform does not contribute to stability at a time when the lack of social balance in the country's shaky? This side of the issue is very important.

In fact, in the order signed by President there is no direct reference to the optimization of farms by their forced association. But this can not be, because such an indication, first of all has contrary to the Constitution, laws and regulations. In accordance with the laws of each farm is a separate legal entity and to determine its strategy. According to one of the experts in the industry, the order stipulates that the Cabinet of Ministers should develop a mechanism for reform and farmers' associations should take place on a voluntary basis. In Uzbekistan where there is an authoritarian regime when even an oral statement in the speech of the President may serve to the corrupt interests, specifically perfect order or decree of any industry is carried out contrary. And the question of reform of farms same thing happened: from farmers forcibly obtained a statement on the return of their land area in reserve district hokimiyats. Those farmers who did not write such a statement, made to do so in advance beaten in police stations.

► Experienced farmer, an activist of the Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan “Ezgulik” Bobomurodov Razzokov two years ago introduced to the Cabinet of Ministers of the closure of farms which are extensive forms of agriculture and attach them to the best farms. Farmer said: “The time has come and this reform started. However the government ceded the initiative of the implementation of the reform to the corrupt community and local government authorities.” An activist of our Society who once became famous after the rights of farmers Karim Boboyev argues that the harm caused to the offenses in this process will not soon be recovered.

Farmers say that the treatment of their problems addressed on behalf of our Society in the state bodies, no one listens, and local hokimiyats who are representatives of governments, themselves led violence. The farmers asked reasonable questions: if things were not so, then perhaps on the subject did not show a TV? If the disposal of the President would be legitimate then perhaps it would not have been published in the newspapers? An elderly farmer who lost all hope referring complaints to various authorities in a conversation with our activists said: “This is our common misfortune. We will endure. We have gone through more difficult times.”


►On August 29 by anti-terrorist of the government (commandos) the several masked men with or without cause was fired a shot into the forehead Inogomova Dinora Abror Kizi who was born in 1959 residing in the city of Tashkent, Mannon Uygur street, House 5, Apartment 3. After the shouting of the only witness to the murder an eight Umarov Yakhyo hiding in the closet, then ran the neighbors. As a result of the fact that the machine of acute care for a long time has not been admitted to the territory, Dinora died.

Direct witness eight years Umarov Yakhyo was allotted by policemen in the police department of Shayhontohur district where detained for about 12 hours without any of the relatives. In order that not to mar the festivities on the occasion of Independence Day and the 2200 anniversary of Tashkent city, bury Dinorah not allowed. Her body was only recently been buried.

► In Society of “Ezgulik” also asked a citizen Umirova Saida who lives at the city of Tashkent, Mannon Uygur street, House 3, Apartment 14. In her address she said that on August 30th, at 11 o'clock her husband Umarov Sultonmurod (a younger brother of the late Dinora Inogomova), who personally went into the building of the National Security Council and did not return from there. Helpless woman do not give any information about the fate of her husband, whether he is alive or dead.


- To ensure the practical realization of the right to access to counsel and other safeguards against torture from the moment of actual imprisonment, at the request of a public official and at the request of the detainee;

- To ensure to the suspects in criminal cases a protect the rights and procedural guarantees and to ensure a measure that suspects are not subjected to illegal administrative detention;

- To ensure prompt, impartial investigations into all allegations of torture and ill-treatment; - To establish a nationwide system of checking all places of detention and all allegations of ill- treatment in detention by providing regular, independent, unrestricted visits to all places of detention without declaring the time of such visits;

- To establish a medical service, independent of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice to conduct medical examinations taken into custody immediately after arrest and after release in a planned manner and at the request of those persons, individually or together with the appropriate independent body forensics medical examination. The special cases, such as the death of a prisoner in custody should be considered by independent experts and their results communicated to the relatives of the deceased. Without delay investigate about all allegations of torture and ill-treatment by law enforcement officials in detention centers, including consideration of materials submitted to the court confirming the facts of abuse and prosecute offenders under the law with appropriate sanctions;

- First of all, it is necessary to adopt the Law on police;

- To limit the State's capacity to intervene in the activities of NGO’s at its discretion. To do this it is necessary to amend the legislation governing the activities of nongovernmental organizations to bring it into conformity with international human rights standards in protecting the rights of persons carrying out human rights activities, including the “UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders”.