Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: Speechwriting, White House Office of: Research Office, 1981-1989 Folder Title: [Undated] Moscow - Catch-All (1) Box: 385 To see more digitized collections visit: To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: Contact a reference archivist at:
[email protected] Citation Guidelines: National Archives Catalogue: '88 5-28 14:35 PAGE 01 • 000 HELSINKI FIN IJALUTEC 479 unclassified CI.ASSlflCA TION PAGIS _3_4_p_age s CIRCI.E ON! BELOW MO°')f J 0 DTG .,' / 0 '/()4:/:; Q:-o-.Tf~) SECUAI l'.U I -- PNOflTY AOMIN f.X I -- AEL!ASIA------- ROUTINE RICOM> 1 --- fAOM/LOCA TION 1. Nancy Roberts/Sp;echwritingtHelsink~ TO/LOCATION/TIM! Of AICEIPT -~11. Rick Ahearn - Moscow - w. H. Advance 2. Shelby jcarbroµgh - Moaqow - w,a, Adyance ,. Cha.rles McGe~ (translator) - in commercial building ~~ Research Office/Washington, D.C. (reachable at x7750) o~. pag'7: 1 1 f ttJI Carol Hayes or Barbara Sedonic. , -:: : Wi 7~/l;; ~rtA~ii c_; 7. ---------------------------------~:---~~-..,,_ co . INPORMA TION AODEIS/lOCA TION/TIMI 0, ftlett,T • ' I c::> (~ ) cD 1. -----------------------------~~------- 2. -------------------------------------- 8P!CIAL IN8TIIUCTIONI/MMANCS. Attached are the final versions of the arrival ceremony, the event at Danilov Monastery, the meeting with Selected soviet Citizens, and the Dinner with the Gorbachevs at the Kremlin. If you .have any changes on these events, please get back to me ASAP. These events have been requested to be prepared in final for the President.