Bringing Africa South Vol.2 No.360 SOe (GST Inc.) Friday July S

NOTE TO READERS READERS should please make sure that their copy of The Namiblan has Its full 32 Major Nanso pages, Including Readers' Letters, TV Guide, Spotlight on Angola, An Alternative Way of Censoring the Press and much more. Also In the news today: Tough Times for Street Kids, Ace Namlblan Sprinter Frankie Freder­ Icks Outraces Carl Lewls and Special Spot­ split looms light on Wimbledon: Sabatlnl and Graf set upfinals clash; Beckerand Edberg through . • Delegates from North walk out over non-affiliation to Swapo

THE Nanso congress almost ended in complete of the northern region execu­ MBATJIUA NGAVIURE tive could not give a clear report disarray yesterday when ~lmost all 96 dele­ on what their region recom­ gates from the northern region walked out of mended. ity and Information Owen A HAPPY ending to the the congress to protest moves to disaffiliate Shaamena said, however, ef­ The representative from the KATE BURLlNG regional executive delivering drama of the missing child, Nanso from Swapo. forts were still being made to resolve the dispute. ' the report apparently said some lost on the road between branches in the north were in , delivered safe and sound to her The walk-out threatens to - joined the walk-out. According to Shaamena, the Wmdhoek and Rundu, has favour of disaffiliation while mother at Rundu on Tuesday cause a major split :within the Unless the crisis is resolved northern delegates who re­ left both parents overjoyed, " aJternoon after six still unac­ students' movement that pits it could result in two different mained in the hall were still other were not. but still puzzled as to the On the other hand, he alleg­ counted-for days. the far north against the south­ students' organisations - one going to hold a meeting with identity of their daughter's Speaking about the drama ern, central and eastern regions. for the far north and one for the their collegues to get clarity on edly also said that at a confer­ ence held at the Mweshipan­ mystery companion. yesterday, Daltry' s father said Although the debate SUI'­ rest of the country. the reasons for the walk-out. deka High School earlier this Daltry Angula, the four-year­ the identity of the man who rounding affiliation to Swapo This would severely weaken The Nanso Congress, which old child who has been miss­ appears to have been emotion­ Nanso as 65 per cent of the has been, in progress at the A TO PAGE 2 ing since Wednesday, was TO PAGE 2 ally charged, the walk-out it­ organisation's membership is Shipena school since Monday, self was apparently carried out believed to come from the far was apparently running peacefully and quietly. north. smoothly until the day before Only a handful of the 96 "We just want to go home. yesterday. delegates from the north re­ If they continue this policy of On Wednesday the various mained inside the congress hall 'disaffiliating from Swapo we regions were supposed to pres­ while the rest gathered in a will organise ourselves sepa­ ent their recommendations on large group outside to discuss rately under the Swapo Youth continued affiliation to Swapo their next step. League," members of the group to the congress. They were however adamant said. When the southern, central that either Nanso remained Their main concern seemed and eastern regions gave their affiliated to Swapo or they to be how they would get home reports it became quite clear would not return to the con­ because Nanso had allegedly that they were overwhelmingly gress. not supplied them with trans­ in favour of disaffiliating from Only one delegate from port, and they had come at Swapo. outside the far north region - a their own expense. Shaamena said problem had student from the central region Nanso Secretary for Public- arisen because representatives Street kids' feeding scheme on the rocks THE FIRE BRIGADE yesterday prevented total devastation at a block of flats in Khomasdal at around 03hOO. Somebody apparently lit a cigarette from a candle and The cupboard is bare, says Kalahari chef left it on the floor. This 30 metre ladder was used to gain entry to the r oom as it was completely impossible to get in from the inside. Photograph: Stanley Katzao THE SCHEME which has been providing Windhoek's street children with daily meals for the last five months KATE BURLlNG is in danger of imminent collapse, with the four local the children for two-three backers finding their contributions too expensive to weeks." maintain. At the moment, however, CLEANLINESS: The Kalarahi Sands, Hart­ feeding the children from the there is no rice at all to give the liefs, Alpine and Bonmilkhave Kalahari Sands kitchen and at kids. While they once dined on - IN SCHOOLS gammon, potatoes and broc­ all indicated a reluctant desire about R300 a day it's just - IN HOSPITALS to pull out of the scheme which impossible to continue," he coli, Bond is now only able to has placed a heavy burden on said. provide bread and soup. And - FOR ALL PEOPLE their recession-hit budgets. He said he understood the soon even that will dry up, if Kalahari Sands chef Sydney problems of the other three the present trend continues. CLEANLINESS: Bond, who initiated the scheme, businesses involved, but " At the beginning of the said last night that unless more stressed they could be over­ scheme, I could give the chil­ - THRU IN-SERVICE TRAINING contributors came forward come if the burden was more dren a full solid meal eVelY NAMIBIA within the next week the pro­ evenly spread. "A 50 kilogram other day, but for the last seven gramme would have to close. bag of rice only costs R90 and days they have had only a~- " Forthe last weekI've been with 500 kilograms we can feed TO PAGE 3 2 Friday. July 5 1991 . THE . NA MI~IAN

floor . Swapo supporters, and that •·.•.•.. NA.NS .&>i····· However, they say members Nanso would lose the s upport of of the National Executive Com­ the majority of students i r it dis­ mittee and the General Students affiliated from Swapo. ·········· f~ ~8~ ·. ~~a~ ·. i · ••••••· ••· •• ···•··•· Council constantly tried to shut "Swapo is our father and our' them up and only allowed sup­ mother, and how can we leave year most branches ind icated porters of disaffiliation to speak. our father and mother," one of that the y favoured disaffiliation. The walk-out occurred after them said. This, however, still did not delegate Abraham Ndumbu was They complained that Nanso give a clear mandate for disaf­ tem porarily expelled from the now wanted to abandon Swapo filiation as several branches conference by the chairperson in while forgetting the thousands were not represented at the te rm s of the binding rules and of Swapo members who sacri­ Mweshipandeka conference. orders. Supporters of disaffili­ ficed theirlives for the country's The 96 delegates from the ation apparently argued that independence. Many argued north at the current conference N anso should prim arily stand that the real reason Nanso only represented four branches for students' right~, and could wanted to disaffiliate from plus the regional executive. therefore not remain affiliated to Swapo was so that it could get These four branches had not Swapo because Swapo was a funds from overseas countries been present at the Mweshipan­ political party. and local private compan ies. deka conference, which, accord­ The general feeling seems to During the debate some in g to Shaamena, partly ac­ have been that the organisation speakers apparently claimed counted for their " confusion should disaffiliate so it can that Nanso could not get funds about what is happening". maintain an independent posi­ alld bursaries because of its as" Delegates from the far north tion. sociation with Swapo. however accuse the Nanso lead­ This they said, would allow "They are only after capital ership of trying to manipulate Nanso to fight the Government and bursaries, but we don't want the congress in favour of those on issues where they disagree. Nanso to becom e a political who support disaffiliation from Students from the north prostitute in order to get Swapo. strongly feel that the N anso as­ money," they said. The delegates from the north sociation with Swapo should be They alleged that although the said they were bluntly told they maintained. European Community had given AMANDLA, the cultural group of the African National Congress be in Namibia must accept disaffiliation be­ " It is Swapo that brought us Nanso some funds, the EC had will cause the majority of delegates our national independence, and indicated that no further funds from August 1 to 8. The ANC Chancery in Windhoek told The Namibian that it was part supported this position. what Swapo is fighting for now would be forthcoming if Nanso of a "serious attempt and effort to exchange and strengthen cultural relations with the Yesterday, when it appeared is what we are fighting for," did not disaffiliate from Swapo. Namibianpeople". According to local ANC officials, the opening show will take place at a: th ough they were going to be some of them said. "But we haven't seen a blue the National Theatre on August 2· for diplomats, Government officials, businesspeople outvoted they apparently de­ The also warned that the ma­ penny of this money, but the and dignitaries. On August 3 there will be a show at the Katutura Stadium where the cided to take the fight to the jority of Nanso members were leaders are constantly travelling group will perform with their Namibian counterparts. Apart from these shows, Amandla overseas," one student said. will perform at schools around Windhoek. Above: Amandla on stage. Another argument pu t for­ ward by supporters of di saffili­ given into the care of the un­ When she did, he told her the Overseas Company now ation was that coloured and known man. story of the journey - from the white students were refusing to Two days after Daltry left agreement with the grandmother established in S.A., looking for join Nanso because of its links to Windhoek, her mother rang to in Windhoek to the arrival in Swapo. say that she had not arrived and Rundu. But throughout the pt:i"Svu/s to control and run Students from the north, how­ whole conversation, the man's accompanied her for the 700 everyone realised that nothing ever, pointed out that whites and name was never mentioned. their operation in the above kilometre journey was un­ was known about her travelling coloureds had shown no interest companion. " We still don't know who lie is, known. in joining Nanso even before it "I was absolutely panic­ we just know the child is safe region. Product in A complicated mix-up of became affiliated to Swapo, and stricken and didn't know what to again," said Mogane. messages led to the child being there was no reason why they do," said the child's father, Describing the last few days, the coin operated field and handed over in Windhoek by should now. Apart from the Rusten Mogane, a teacher in . Mogane sf id " It was a terrible totally new to S.A. sharp political divisions be­ her grandmother to a man, Windhoek. " I went to the police time. I Wias just waiting by the tween the two groups there ap­ whose name she did not know, and reported my child missing. telephone hoping that it would Currently running in Cape pears to have been other under­ travelling up to Rundu. "The They suggested that I contact the ring. lying tensions between them. grandmother is 75 and she is a newspapers and television so Lots of friends phoned to ask Town with verifiable results. The northerners said people little confused about the whole that as many people as possible for news and to express concern. from the rest of the country were event. I was under the impres­ could be alerted." but no information came about Mini hours input, no stock to contemptuous towards them sion that a colleague of Dal­ Fortunately. the situation re­ the missing child." because they came from rural try' s mother was being sent to solved itself on Tuesday, when With the drama fin ally over, areas, and were continuously carry, .an exciting cash-flow collect the child and her mother Dal try was brought to her Mogane vowed never to let the insulting them. also believed a friend was taking mother's work place, the First child travel to Rundu without business. Investment secured by Some southerners allegedly the youngster north. ' , National Bank in Rundu. "The him again. " I often take her told them that they stuck to In the event, the four-year­ man who had taken her turned myself but this time I th ought equipment. Swapo policy, even though they everything was organised. I've old, who lives with her grand­ out to be a travelling salesman, did not know what was going on, learned my lesson." mother in Windhoek where she selling clothes along the road, Contact Mrs. Page only between the hours of because people from the rural And for the mother, whose attends a kindergarten, was which is why the journey took so 10:00 - 16:00 021 - 614212/61 4230 areas were thick-headed. long," Mogane explained. daughter is now safely back at He said the child was per­ home, the ni ghtmare is well and fectly well and happy after six truly over. "Daltry is her only REPUBLIC days on the Toad. "Martha (the child. You can imagine how it mother) was so pleased to see felt for a mother not to know OF NAMffiIA her child that she rushed out of where her child had gone or how work and just started hugging to get her back. We are just glad Daltry. it's over .and th ank everyone Promotional Business Gifts For a long time she didn't who helped in our search," said ~N!J. Personalised Gifts MINISTRY OF LOCAL GOVERNEMENT even to the man." Mogane. AND HOUSING 16 A~:_~- Gifts ELECTRIFICATION OF OW AMBO - PHASE 1 ./~- TENDER NO. FlI15 - 12/91 * Keyrings Tenders are awaited for: * Lighters THE SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF * Telephonebook Covers HAND TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS IN CROCKERY, * Pocketknives CLOSING DATE: IlhOO on Tuesday 23 July 1991 GLASS TABLE AND OVENWARE * Purses Documents are available at the offices of : DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC * Conference Maps Buhrmann and Partners Consulting Engineers * Large selection of Oven-to-Table, Micro and * Calculators 6 Goethe Street Dishwasher-safe Pyrex* Exclusive ranges WINDHOEK of Stoneware, Porcelain and Glass. and lots more Tel: 226527/8 Fax: 226580 * Value for your money - Buy in sets or individually - to suit your pocket. For your Promotions To obtain documen.ts R50.00 is payable. * Earn extra money - agents needed in certain areas. * Promotional Buttons Tenders must be forwarded to: The Secretary PHONE 35259 NOW * Variety T-Shirts 'I:: Tender Board Track Suits ~ ::. . PO Box 3328 OR WRITE TO US AT .. '* Variet Sports Caps W1NDHOEK9000 Golf t aps .. P.O. BOX 31219, or deposited in: PIONEERS PARK, The Tender Box 9000 Klein Windhoek Tender Board 9000 c/o Voigt and Kelvin Street WINDHOEK FOR YOUR CATALOUE AND SPECIAL OFFERS LIST. THE NAMIBIAN Friday July 5 1991 3 Ex-SA agent claims he is guest of Government Plans to cull rhino in Damaraland SOUTH African agent-on-the-run, Dave Verster, said he did not intend to apply for political asylum as he had GWEN L1STER the promise ,of a job with the Endangered Wildlife Trust. But if he was not given a work permit he might Party member of the Johan­ apply for asylum, Verster told The Namibian, when he nesburg City Council who had was tracked down at a house in Pionierspark early yes­ crossed the floot to the Demo­ terday morning. cratic Party, also denied that V erster, who was picked up ser to set up the meeting and he he had ever spied on his col­ by Colonel Jumbo Smit of the still wanted to meet with the leagues in . CID yesterday morning, em­ Minister, MeanwhileJoe Verster, for­ phasised that he was in Na­ Meanwhile Niko Bessinger mer director of the notorious mibia "as a guest of the Gov­ stated categorically on Wednes­ CCB, told South African news­ ernment" and would sqon day that he had no intention of papers that Dave Verster was proceed to Damaraland, to start meeting with Verster, nor of not a relation of his as he had pictured shortly yesterday by Na- his new job. giving him a job in his Minis- claimed. mibia's Prosecutor-General, Hans Heyman, about what he knew about the assassina­ He was critical of the media try. . Confronted with this, Ver­ tion of Swapo member Anton Lubowski. On the right is CID chief, Jumbo Smit. Pho­ for making an issue of his arri­ Colonel Smit yesterday took ster replied that 'blood was tograph: Stanley Katzao val in Namibia shortly after Verster to make a statement to thicker than water', and that having revealed to South Afri­ Prosecutor-General Hans they were related, although he can Sunday newspapers his Heyman concerning what he had not seen the former CCB backgrqpnd and association knew about the murder of Swapo chief for about eight years. with the SADP's military in­ leader Anton Lubowski. He himself was not a CCB Communal farmers get telligence and other clandes­ Asked about this, Verster said member, he said, but had mere! y tine activities. he had informed Smit of what had a ' short association' with Verster added that he was he knew. He was reported ear­ the notorious outfit. 'pro-Swapo' and 'pro-ANC' lier to have said that CCB agent However, Verster, alias set for the big-time and that he had never spied on Chappie Maree had been re­ Hendrik Johannes Steyn. is Cosatu, as the Sunday paper sponsible for the death of known to , have told several THE COMMUNAL farm­ we have a major role to play. sion must have been made by claimed, Neither, he contin­ Lubowski. Windhoek residents different We need to get together for a July 20. Between two and three ued, had he been a member of When we reached the home things about his past. ers of Hereroland are mini-exhibition like this to hundred farmers are expected the CCB or a member of the in Pionierspark yesterday, Approached late yesterday, gearing themselves for a prepare ourselves for the fu­ to attend the mini-show. Recces, but had merely been Verster was in the process of Colonel"Smit said Verster had big entrance onto the inter­ ture. " There will be a speaker from seconded to t:lJ.'-t unit for a time. being booted off the premises been free to go after his meet­ national show scene by The show itself will be held the Ministry of Agriculture and Asked why his lawyer had by its owner, ing with the Prosecutor-Gen­ staging a 'rehearsal' at on July 30, while the registrll­ Rural Development and one told the court at his appearance Verster, initially irate, then eral as he was 'just a tourist' in Epukiro at the end of this tion of animals will take place from the Agricultural Union. on a charge of vehicle theft on warmed to this reporter's ques­ Namibia. month. the day before. Each of the The theme will be the develop­ Wednesday that he had an tions, and emphasised that he It is not known whereVer­ They will hold a livestock three regions is asked to sub­ ment of Namibia's conununal appointment with Minister of had fled South Africa because ster spent the night yesterday, mini-show from July 29 to 30, mit 25 smallstock and 25 live­ farmers and their road to proper Wildlife, Nature Conservation the CCB had a 'contract' out having been evicted from the bringing together the best stock, making a final total of involvement in the country's and Tourism, when this had on him because of his revela­ house where he was staying, examples of stock from the animals is 150. farming conununity. been denied by the Minister in tions about those responsible Neither is it known how he Epukiro, Otjinene and Rietfon­ , 'We will have a small stock Ujaha added that the next question, Verster said he had for th.e killing of Wits aca­ will proceed to Danlaralaml tein areas. category of75 sheep and goats meeting of the mini-show believed there was an appoint­ demic, David Webster - a matter where, according to what he The event is being organi­ and the same number of live­ committee would take place ment. he had investigated while still told one WindhOek resident, sed by the communal farmers' . stock (cows, bulls and calves), " on July 20, after the deadline He said he had requested a policeman. he would be responsible for associations of the region and said Ujaha. for entries, when more spe­ police Inspector Marius Vis- Webster, a former National the 'culling of rhinos' ! will be the first of its kind. The registration fee is R 10 cific details can be worked out. According to chief coordina­ for cattle and R5 for sheep and He stressed that everyone is tor, Bartholomew Ujaha, this goats and all animals must be welcome to attend the show kind of show is an important initally registered with the ·and that there will be plenty introduction for communal regional Agriculture Officers for people to learn. He also farmers to the world of big­ of the three centres. Ujaha is said late sponsors for the event time livestock exhibitions. the agricultural officer for still had time to come forward "We have never been in­ Epukiro, Mike Katuo for since its original date of July volved in these big shows in Otjinene and Edward Kaseraera 23-24 had been put back by Windhoek and Gobabis, though for Rietfontein. All submis- one week. Dry Cunene could spark electricity price hike

THE Cunene River, which borders An­ tirely dependent on Eskom in South Africa for gola, has reached its lowest level in 30 the purchase of electricity. years and is expected to run dry by the TIlls meant an electricity price rise in the near end of the year. future would be unavoidable, The executive director of Swawek, Polla Brand, He also warned against any misuse of water said the level of the river was about half the from the Cunene, which is a vital power-gener­ average for this time of the year. ating source for the country. Referring to the Due to a lack of water, only one of the development of the proposed Epupa hydro­ ABOUT 50 members of the Namibian Transport and Allied Union (Natau) yesterday generators at the Ruacana hydro-electric power electric scheme, also on the Cunene, Brand said protested outside TransNamib's headquarters demanding the immediate dismissal of station on the Cunene was operating and would the project would be expensive, but pointed out Karel Oberholzer who last Sunday allegedly assaulted a junior colleagu( .. Danid probably h ave to be switched off within the next that the price of electricity generated there Cloete. Photograph: Stanley Katzao two'months. Brand said Namibia was now en- would not be subject to inflation. - Sapa

much they depend on it. They , velopment department. It aims been discarded by the hotel's take the children to and from the Bond said he would be quite are .like a pack of hungry ~ to bring the ::hildren together as suppliers. However, - 'it soon . feeding centre and to pay the prepared to continue co-ordi­ wolves." a group, to involve their parents, mushroomed, amid great public­ wages of community workers nating the scheme and cooking If the scheme is.abandoned, it and to steer them, back towards ity ,and support from Or Liber- .. involved in the social pro­ the food if only other people­ will not only mean an end to the education they have missed tine Amathila. Bond said he had gramme. could see their way clear to con: paragus soup - the last of a batch guaranteed protein for 200 to out on. "It would be a great informed the Ministry of the . Without the active participa­ tributing to the pot. which had been donated. There 300 disadvantaged children. It shame to see all the effort desperate situation in which the tion of more members of the "Some vegetables, mince and is very little nutrition in the will also mean the end of the wasted," said Bond. "The so­ scheme now fOood itself but had business and wider community, rice can do wonders," he said .. soup, but I don 't have anything social and rehabilitation pro­ cial programme has really been so far not receiv<;d a response. there seemed nowhere else to "Stews aren 't made of expen: else for them, " grammes which have been built super. But there's no doubt th at A trust fund for the street kids turn, Bond admitted. sive items, but it's difficult if It was no exaggeration to say into the scheme by the Ministry the children come to the centre was recently launched during a "When I started the whole only one butcher is always pro­ that the food provided was the of Local Government and Hous­ because there is food available. ehef's lunch at the Kalahari thing I said it would have to be a viding the meat." only square meal to which 70 to ing. Ifthere was no food, they would Sands to wh ich leading members community effort, but in all Clearly upset at the likely 80 per cent of the children could After the children have eaten stop coming." of Windhock's business corn­ honesty, it hasn't been. It's re­ collapse of the scheme, Bond look forward every day, said their meals at the old Suiderhof The feeding scheme started mooity were invited. The money lied on the efforts of four compa­ said he still hoped for a solution, Bond. " If you could see them army base, they join a pro­ back in February, based 011 has been under the control of the nies and that is too much to ask, "The hotel and its kitchens are there at 12 0 ' clock when we start gramme of events organised by Bond's idea of utilising food Ministry and has been used to ~icularly now that business is always available - but we need serving, you would realise how the Ministry's Community De- which would otherwise have pay for the transport needed to bad." more food'" 4 Friday July 5 1991 THE NAMIBIAN

Overseas Company now A MATTER OF FACT Diamond train is established in S.A., looking for person/s to control and run back on track their operation in the above Namib Air confusion TIDS yeru:'s diamond train trip to Liideritz leaves region. Product in A misunderstanding between a reporter of this newspa­ Windhoek this evening for a four-day visit to the sea. per and Namib Air Public Affairs manager Winston The train is fully booked and its passengers include the coin oPffated field and Lordan, led to some misrepresentations in a report in families, leading businesspeople~ diplomats, work col­ yesterday's The Namibian. totally new to S.A. · leagues and groups of friends. The article was about the RI,S million involved in Currently running in Cape changing the name of Namib Air to Air Namibia. Organised by TransNamib the winner. Lordan yesterday issued a statement to clarify mat­ and the Southern Tourists For one part of the trip, from Town with verifiable results. ters. Forum, the trip will take in Townlands to Seeheim, the some of the best of Namibia's diamond train will be pulled Mini hours input, no stock to The statement says: "Namib Air will become Air scenery, one of its most fa­ by a class 24 steam locomo­ Namibia on 28 October this year. The cost of the name mous tourist spots, a concert, a tive. Introduced in 1948, the carry, an exciting cash-flow change is expected to be RI,S million and the decision to visit to Kolmanskop, a fancy locomotive is one of the few of business. Investment secured by change the name was taken by the Board ofTransNamib dress competition, a snoek braai its kind still in action. For steam in November last year after a motion to this effect was and a weekend street market. fans, it is fitted with the stan­ equipment. adopted in the National Assembly. The now familiar 'Diamond dard number one boiler and "As a result, TransNamib approached the Ministry Rush' will again form one of Walchaert's valve gear - a Contact Mrs. Page only between the hours of of Works, Transport and Communication to fund the the highlights of th ~ trip - with system repaced by diesel models 10:00 - 16:00 021 - 614212/614230 name change as the Corporation did not budget for such a R4 000 diamond at stake for in 1963. expense and considered the motion that was adopted to fall'within the provisions of TNL's Founding Act. In . terms of these provisions, the Government is entitled to 'I stole to feed family' make good certain services perfor med by the Corpora­ tion on its behalf," the statement said. PETRUS Amadhila, 20, was on Wednesday fined R300 or 90 It concludes by saying that ' 'to date, the Corporation days' imprisonment after he pleaded guilty to a charge of theft in s . has had no reply to its request". the Windhoek Magistrate's Court. In yesterday's story the impression was created that The State alleged that on July 2 Amadhila stole a pair of shoes unlimited valuedatR39,99. He allegedly took the shoes and hid them inside the Government did not respond possitively to a request his trousers. Amadhila was caught as he tried to leave the shop. for Africa by TranNamibto bear only a part of the costs, and that Amadhila told the court he was unemployed and stole llle shoes therefor~ the airline was to shoulder all costs. as he wanted to sell them to buy food for his younger brothers and The reporter apologises for the misunderstanding sisters who were starving. and any possible inconvenience caused to Wmston Lordan. SALES REPRESENTATIVE The sentence was conditionally suspended for three years.


SPEAKING, TOP SALARIES We have learnt with shock of friends but also to Nafau day, July 6. Let us all vow together to the untimely death of Com- . members and peace-loving To the family of late Com­ continue to work from where rade Mathys Willemse, who N amibians as he was such a rade Willemse, Nafau has the he left us and take care of the PHONE MARIA OR ROSA .AT was found dead on JUJle 25. great workers' leader. following to say: responsibilities Comrade Comrade Willemsc was We will undoubtedly miss Be comforted in your sor­ Willemse was entrusted with. ·employed by Model Super­ him. Nafau expresses regret row because you are not alone. Rest In Peace our beloved market at Swakopmund and that Comrade Willemse had to We express our sympathy and comrade. TEL. 33183 was chairperson of Nafau's leave us when the union needs share in your deep sorrow. 33387 national education commit­ his presence more especialy Comrade Willemse has left THE NAFAU LEADER· tee as well as a member of during this difficult time of behind a good example of SHIP AND MEMBERS Nafau's central committee. challenges and trade union re­ dedication and commitment to • HEAD OFFICE, !liB departure is a great loss structuring. his work from which we can not only to his family and His funeral will be on Satur- learn. WINDHOEK


TO THE FACTORY MANAGER Meat Corporation of Namibia Limted is a progressive Meat Corporation of Namibia is a progressive organisation involved in organisation involved in the production Processing and the production, processing and marketing of red l1Jld associated · . marketing of red meat and associated by-products. by-products. We see the applicant with at least 10 years practical experience in We see you as a thoroughly accomplished, matriculated woman * wbo has knowledge of Lotus an Abattoir and a deboning plant for beef of cattle, sheep and * has 5 or more years expe rience in the secretarial fie ld and can preferably pigs, being familiar with modern abattoir practices, work effectively under pressure * is capable of working Independentl y e.g. electrical stimulation * is a dedi cated worker wiht a vibrant personality and a professional approach. * totally familiar with hygiene requirements and CREDITORS CLERK standa~ds as laid down by the Veterinary Authorities Matriculated Creditors Clerk required with 3 or more ... Knowledge of export requirements of EEC countries years experience in Creditors. or who has previously worked in an export abattoir Your duties will include the preparation of Creditors ... good industrial relations and can handle the * reconciliations discipline that goes with it. * payments * on a computerised system The remuneration will commensurate with the + handling of enquiries * as well as general administrative tasks. Reporting will be directly responsibilities of theposition and will include a full range of hig to the Accountant. company benefits. The remuneration will commensurate with the responsibilities of the positions and will include a full range of Big company benefits. FOR AN APPLICATION FORM PLEASE PHONE FOR AN APPLICATION FORM PLEASE PHONE MRS. PAM DU TOIT AT (001) 61361 MRS. PAM DU TO IT AT (061) 61361 MEATCU MEATCU

MEAT CORPORATION "11tllllU/.iA. L.~m(,.( THE NAMIBIAN Friday July 5 1991 5 Second NGO body

A .SE COND body to co­ Programme, had told them it TOM MINNEY was not necessary that only '\!.. -: .. '.... "» .~.....: . ordinate Namibian non­ governmental organisa­ one co-ordinating body exist. tions was launched yester­ member organisation, a Sci­ We were unable to contact ence and Mathematics Proj­ MacAdam last night. A MAN was reportedly tdld the reporter L'ult the bar day in Khomasdal. The ect, had even been rejected by Knoetze added. that it was JOSEPH MOTINGA was for residents only. charge R5 for entering the new Namibia Association Nangof. Nangos also says it better to form a single body However, Mariental residents of Non-Governmental Sandberg Hotel at Mari­ invited Nangof to its launch but that t.~e "politics and de­ such as Mariental could be made who approached lhe Namib­ ental last week but refused Organisations (Nangos) but they did not come. velopment process" in this to pay RS just to enter a hotel. ian believe that while the offi­ to do so on the grounds aims to be an umbrella Nangos aims to bring all non­ country had not yet proceeded Another mau, who also pre­ cial notice stated that the bar body bringing together governmental organistions far enough for this. that he found the practice ferred to remain anonymous, was for hotel residents only, together in one body, and hopes The National Planning unusual told The Namibian that the hotel some of those who used it daily several community and to id~ntify problems people in Cominission, which is to link The man, who chose not to had categories of restaurants: were also Mariental residents. informational projects Namibia face and to help peopk the Government with non­ be named, told The Namibiati one for execmives, a private They said hotel staff allege d with trades unions and prepare project proposals and governmental bodies, also sent that onJuly 28 at around 18hOO bar where blacks are not alleg­ that these people were there others. . increase their community Ms Mupaine as observer to he wanted to make use of the edly allowed and a third, called because they had been invited In April a Namibian Non­ development activities said Nangos's launch. Dr Zed hotel's services. a club, for blacks. by hotel residents. Governmental Organisations Alpha Kangueehi, who is presi­ Ngavirue had spoken at Nan­ As he entered the door to the A reporter of The Namibian Contacted for comment, hot d Forum (Nangof) was latmched, dent of a trade union federa­ gof's launch stressing the need main bar, two men simultane­ recently visited the hotel and manager Michael Pekaleski said also with the aim of being a co­ tioncalled the Namibia Trades for co-ordination among de­ ously walked up to him and was told that the bar was for "people should not try to make ordinating body for all non­ Unions. velopment bodies. told him he should pay R5 ifhe residents only. As soon as the of the private bar a public governmental and community­ The excutive committee of . Approached for comment last wanted lo enter. reporter came into sight on the bar ... The bar is there for resi­ based organisations. Nangos consists of Ngaujake, night, Nangof members said: The man told The Namibian way to the disputed bar, a man dents only, which is clearly Asked why it was necessary Ronel Knoetze who is admin­ "Nangof feels that the indi­ he could not understand how who could have been a door­ indicated at the entrance," he to form a second body, the new istrative manager ofU-Do Trust, viduals and small groups which people living in a remote area man called the barman who said. secretary Theo Ngaujake, presi­ Lazarus Mambo who is presi­ have constituted themselves into Pekaleski added that in ac­ dent of the Namibia Institute dent ofthe National Sports and that organisation are exercis­ cordance with the Liquor Or­ of Community Development, Recreation Club (Nasok), ing their democratic right as dinance, No 2 of 1969, hotel said they had no desire of Nokukure Tjizera the general enshrined in the country's owners had the right to reserve confrontation or duplication and secretary of the Namibia Farm Constitution. However, it an certain sections strictly for hoped to work with Nangof. is Workers Union and Kangueehi. unfortunate occurrence that this residents alone. However, he said some of The Namibian also spoke to organisation (Nangos) decides The only people allowed to their members had not been Knoetze of the U-Do trust about to duplicate Nangof in such a enter the private bar without informed about or invited to the new organisation, after small country as ours." paying R5 were those invited Nangof and apparently one trying unsuccessfully to find Both bodies say they are open by hotel staff, including the several member bodies in the to all Namibian non-govern­ manager. Anyone . else who US toasted telephone directory. She said mental organisations who have wanted to make use of the pri­ she had attended one Nangof programmes and are active. At vate bar should pay R5, be meeting and had not been in­ the last count Nangof had 19 decently dressed and not be in Namibia vited again. paid-up members and six ap­ intoxicated, the manager sai ll. TWO prominent Amerkan po­ Knoetze added that Domirl­ plicants, while Ngaujake said Pekaleski said he had to pay litical figures, Democratic Party ique MacAdam, the senior 25 bodies had also approached up to R300 a month to replace national committee chairperson programme advisor of the them but some still had to broken glasses and the R5 was Ron Brown and former United United Nations Development consult their members. to cover these costs. " If people States Ambassadorlothe United don't want to pay the R5, they Nations , Don McHenry, arrived can go to the public bar," he in Namibia yesterday. They at­ NOTICE OF INTENTION OF added. tended the official JUly 4 func­ CHANGE OF SURNAME "I am not interested in people tioll to mark the 2l5th anniver­ who come to drink jUst to break sary of America's independence I (1) . REINHARD KANY A TI glasses, I am interested in at the US Embassy in Windhoek. residing at D2I13 KATUTURA TJAKATI STREET . Proposing a toast to President keeping the hotel residents P.O.Box 60176 KATUTURA and carrying on businessl George Bush and the American happy. 1bey are my main source. employed as (2) SECURITY AT WINDHOEK people at the reception, Namib­ of income," Pekaleski said. MUNICIPALITY intend applying t 0 the Minister of ian Foreign Affairs Minister Civic Affairs for authority under section 9 of the Aliens Further, the hotel compared Theo-Ben Gurirab included a unfavourably with hotels in act, 1937, to assume the surname RUKOKO THIS is the sign which has caused the complaints and toast to "peace, democracy and Windhoek and unless he reconciliation in Angola, in names! ALOYSNUSHUMPUKO for the reason that (3) which app(;' ars at the front entrance of Sandberg Hotel charged the RS,:he would not Mozambique, and particularly DURING THE COLONIAL TIME WE HA VE WORKED at Mariental. be able to survive. in south Mrica" . WITH SERVICE CONTRACT AND IF THE CON­ TRACT EXPIRED THEN WE WERE FORCED TO GO BACK BACK TO THE NORTH AND THEREFORE I INTHEmGH HA VE CHANGED MY NAME AND SURNAME TO REPUBLIC (4) COURT OF ~ STAY IN WINDHOEK i previously bore the name •"i.. , •.... Reinhard Kanyati. NAMIBIA . . . OF NAMIBIA I intend also applying for authority to change the surname in the matter between: . .~)------I of my wife JUSTINEKANYATITO JUSTINERUKOKO imd minor child(ren) (5) FRANS KANYATI TO FRANS J BOOYSEN t.a. TOURNESOL RUKOKO MICHAEL KANYATI TO MICHAEL TEXTILES PLAINTIFF MINISTRY OF JUSTICE RUKOKO. Any person who objects to my assumption of the and said surname of RUKOKO should as soon as may be lodge CAMEL GRAPIDCS his objection, in writing, with a statement of his reasons DEFENDANT COURT INTERPRETERS therefore, with the Magistrate of Windhoek. NOTICE OF SALE IN The Ministry of Justice would like to invite suitably qualified persons Date: 20.06.1991 EXECUTION to apply to undergo trairting during envisaged sponsored courses in IN EXECUTION of JU DGE­ the near future with a view to appointment in the Public Service as MENT of the High Court of Na mibia. given on the 8th Febru­ interpreters. Applicants wishing to take up this offer must comply -joGs . ary 1991 a Judicial Sale by PUB­ with the following requirements: I...... jI unlimited LIC AUCTION will be held of In. Mric9 the fo ll owing, on the 27th July 1. A Senior (or equivalent) certificate 1991 at 10hOO at tlle premises of the Depu ty Sheriff, 2 Goethe 2. Able to speak, write and read English and at least one other Street, WINDHOEK: endemic language (The ability to interpret in more than COOKS AND JUNIOR CHEFS 2545 T-shirts one language will be a strong recommendation). Needed for various posts in Embassies and Hotels and CONDITIONS Restaurants. R1200 to Ro R1700. OF SALE: Applications, on fonus ZO/1229(1) or Z83 (obtainable at all Phone Maria at 33183 or 33387 1. The sale will be held without government Offices) "can be addressed to tHe Penuanent Secretary, reserve and the goods win be ARCIDTECT sold to the highest bidder. Ministry of Justice, Private Bag 13302, Windhoek 9000. Enquiries: Qualified senior person to start asp on exciting D~W 2. The goods will be sold 'voe- Mr J S Bock (Tel): (061)38110 x 266. projects in North involving schools. Previous project stoots '. ' management experience also a prerequiste. Top sal 3. Payment shall be made in cash All applications must be accompanied by certified copies of docu­ or by Bank Guaranteed Cheque. and or partnership posibilities. ments pertaining to qualifications and at least one recent testimonial Phone Rosa at 33183 Dated at WINDHOEK on this the 24th June 1991 and/or reference. TRAINEE SALES PERSON C J HINRICHSEN ACCEPTANCE TO A TRAINING COURSE, WILL HOWEVER, Preferably with matric and one black language. Must Attorney for plaintiff NOT BIND THE MINISTRY TO AN APPOINTMENT IN THE PUBLIC also be well conversed in and Afrikaans and be well clo LORENTZ & BONE Standard Bank Chambers SERVICE groomed and spoken. Good career prospects. Kaiser Street WINDHOEK Closing date: 19 July 1991 Phone Maria at 33183 or 33387 6 Friday July 5 1991 THE NAMIBIAN ITICAL ·Consumer lobby urges by Gwen ListerIVE_, " " ta~ on beer and cigs

THE Namibian Consumer Lobby, a Windhoek-based ONE of the matters on the organization concerned with the interests of consumers agenda of a Central Corn­ has called on the Government to increase General Sale~ -mittee meeting later this Tax on cigarettes and alcohol to 15 per cent. month is a new name for In a statement issued by the ing birth control. Swapo? The acronym for the chairperson, Bob Ziekenoppas­ "People must be told that 'South West Africa Peoples ser, the organization said the the age-old tradition of having Organisation' should re­ funds from such an increase many kids cannot be follow ed main, I feel. After all, it has should be used to purchase any more and in most cases the weight of history behind premises in town to accommo­ means poverty," he added, it, and I am certain that far date homeless people. The traditional idea which fewer people would vote for Beds, showers and a kitchen maintained that producing many 'Napo' than 'Swapo', and should be provided so that these children would ensure that they quite honestly, it just doesn't people could have a place of supported the parents in their sound the same in any case. refuge , he said. old age could not apply any Ziekenoppasser was con­ more as the children could vinced that the consumer would hardly make a decent living WE ALL know that the old colonial name for Namibia, not feel the extra cost on these themselves. 'South West Africa', is fast disappearing from the items. However, he was scep­ He also called on Namibia 's names of companies, businesses and organisations, and tical about the effects of the commercial banks to play a this is no real great loss. proposed tax increase in terms larger role in educating the At the founding of this newspaper in 1985, we didn't of the drinking and smoking Namibian people about the think twice about calling it 'The Namibian', and we habits of people. advantages of savings. were probably one of the fIrst to do so. At the time, the "People will still drink and "Lots of people see bottle name was greeted with great hostility on the part of the smoke the same,' , he said. stores as banks where their status quo, and many refused to buy the newspaper Ziekenoppasser also re­ weekly pay is deposited while BOB Ziekenoppasser: calling for a higher tax on ciga­ quested the Govemment to start the poor wife and kids sit at because of it. But at least we didn't have to change it as rettes and alcohol to create a better deal for the home­ a countrywide campaign to home without food," he main­ the independence we had fought for became inevitable. less. educate the population regard- tained. Nowadays, though, it has become acceptable to change: rather late in the day Swavleis became Meatco; Swabank became the Bank of Namibia and then the Commercial Bank; the agricultural union, Swalu, became NAU; Swapac became the National Theatre of Namibia (NTN) Namibia off the hook - these are just a few examples. Others, to date, have failed to change. They include the ENVIRONMENTAL con­ said earlier this week that future because anchovy has SW A Water and Electricity Corporation (SWA WEC), ditions off the South Afri­ environmental conditions in always been a low profile fish the SW A National Union, which has remained Swanu; can coast that have caused South Africa resulted in sig­ in our industry," he said. the building society which has remained Swabou; and of abnormal fish catches have nificantly lower anchovy Oelefse could not give an cow'se, probably the most well-known of all, Swapo has catches. assesment of the size of the not affected fish off the r emained Swapo. Furthermore, no tuna ap­ tuna resource, as this fish type Namibian coast to the same But the history books are not going to pay too much peared off the South African had never been under the COD­ HAWKERS from Na lUibia extent. !.-- a~tention to the building societies, banks and corpora­ coast this year and line fish trol of the local authorities. wanting to sell handicraft The Chief of Research at the had shown an abnonnal ap­ Regulation of the tuna in­ tions. In the case ofSwanu and Swapo, though, being the items in South Africa have two oldest political parties in the country, with their Ministry of Fisheries and pearance. dustry had always been under apparently been turned away Marine Resources, Dr Burger Oelefse said there had never the control of the International roots in the Old Location uprising of December 1959, it by customs officials of that Oelefse, said in an interview been much anchovies in Na­ Conference of South East At­ would be almost disastrous to change. country who said they are yesterday that to a certain ex­ mibian waters, so a slight fall lantic Fisheries. Namibians would be totally confused if Swapo changed not allowed to do business tent Namibia had experienced in their volume would not seri­ Only after independence was its name. The international community, many of whom there. the same phenomenon. ously affect the fishing indus­ the control of the tuna resource don't even know where 'Namibia' is to this day, do know According to a Nampa re­ However, the effects of the try. transferred to the Namibian about Swapo. Virtually any change would mean that the port, last month about 40 abnom1al conditions in Namibia Throughout the history of Government. movement would disappear into insignifIcance. hawkers from Ondangua ar­ were limited to lobstercatches the Benguela current fishing There were, however, still rived at Nordoewer on the The name 'Swapo', after aD, is associated with the long and had not really affected resource, pilchard had always DO reliable figures on the size southern border with South anchovy catches. been the dominant pelagic fish of the resource because the and bitter years of struggle - it is known to both friend Africa. and foe. And while there are those who accuse 'Swapo' The South African Director type in Namibian waters. Government had no baseline However, after getting lifts of Sea Fisheries Dr Louis Botha "We see pilchard as our to compare against. of lagging behind in the change-the-name stakes, the there, 1bey ended up stranded acronym has become more renowned in its own right and pennlless when they were than the full title of 'South West Africa Peoples Organ­ refused permission to sell their isation' for instance. So, if necessary, and to compro­ handicrafts and merchandise mise on the issue, Swapo could drop the full title and across the border. Business chamber dilemma keep the acronym - Swapo is Swapo and needs no One hawker, Emilia Mt­ kael, spent several nights just further defInition in any case. AS a battle for national supremacy continues between two national chambers of outside the Noordoewer commerce, business bodies face a dilemma as to which to join. A new Grootfontein It would be ludicrous ifit became Napo. Names such as Motel, the report said. 'Namibia Peoples Party' - a sort of updated version of Chamber of Commerce and Industries has the constitutions of no less than three The woman reportedly business federations to evaluate before it can decide which to join, reports Nampa. 'Swapo' - would result in the abbreviation of NPP, asked the Namibian immi­ which has already been taken! So have most of the gration officials to negotiate Grootfontein does not want to be isolated steps. Kasete said they would ask the Govern­ names in this country for instance. with the South African cus­ from the rest of the country, say local business­ ment to provide a proper place for traders and Swapo's chief co-ordinator, Moses Garoeb, himself toms official to allow the men who are keen to join a national body to other businesses. sounds in favour of a name change when he said earlier hawkers to sell their goods in make their needs and views heard. The new chamber is conunitted to helping the tins week that "proposals for a new name in line with SA. She was told that the According to Ali Kasete, vice-chair, the new "informal sector" of smaller and newer busi­ chamber does not want to be part of a struggle nesses such as street traders, workshops and the present reality are piled up in my office". matter was "outside the ju­ risdiction of the immigration between the Namibia National Chamber of-Com­ home industries. It appears as though the Central Committee meeting, office". merce and Industry, representing newer and These are among the best ways of creating scheduled this weekend, will probably compile a short The Swapo co-ordiru,tor at smaller businesses and the Chamber of Com­ jobs without heavy spending on factories and list of suggestions, and there have been many, according Noordoewer, Paulus Efraim, merce and Industries whose leading members equipment and also encourage a business spirit to Garoeb. But if my opinion is at all relevant in this, I'd is reported as saying t hat It include long-established companies, It does want among N amibians, say, stick to 'Swapo'. Some may say, the struggle years was unfair for South Afri­ to join a national body which represents the in which Swapo played the major role, are over, and it's cans to refuse Namibians to interests of all businesspeople in the country. time to move on to a new name, and a new future. In sell goods in SA while South The Grootfontein chamber has elected a rep­ NBe announcer dies principle I would probably agree, but at the same time African merchants were al­ resentative to go to the launch meeting of a third I think it would be a mistake to change the names of lowed to sell in Namibia: body, the Business Council of Namibia, which THE Namibian Broadclsting Corpo­ chambers of commerce, including the CCI, are either Swapo or Swanu, for that matter. He complained that the ration has announced with regret the among the organisations set to join, The NNCCI The name is so deeply embedded in the minds of the hawkers had become a bur­ death of Mathews Molefe, one of its den on the Noordoewer of­ has said it will not join the new council. movement's supporters that to change the name would employees who joined the Caprivi serv­ fice because they did not have Izak Hohne, the chamber's secretary, con­ ice at Katima Mulilo in February 1990 almost risk losing the party's mass appeal. firmed reports that it was set to decide on food nor shelter. as an announcer. I am sure even members of the Democratic Turnhalle affiliation at its July 17 meeting. Meanwhile, the Regional Forty-seven year-old Molefe died on Alliance, a name which is ridiculous by any standards Commissioner for the South­ The Grootfontein body seems to link several (after all, what does 'Turnhalle' mean except to associate ern Region, Mina Shanyen­ business interests in the town and was started in Tuesday this week after a short illness. the alliance with its South African-sponsored root:;?) would gange said that the hawkers May but is still trying to establish itself finnly. The NBC extends its sincere condo­ disapprove of a name change. were not in possession of the It has approached the municipality to water lences to Molefe's family. My suggestion is: let Swapo remain Swapo. I cannot imag- relevant authorisation docu- roads in the business area of Omulunga town­ ine it any other way. ments to do business in SA. ship and eventually to tar them and to take other THE NAMIBIAN Friday July 5 1991 7

Divisions that refuse to die

NAMIBIA's divided past isstiU indicated in the !pany dupli­ WOMEN are and have always been subjected to abuse Mamponten, Asbanti in Gba=. cated and parallel structures in our society. Before independ­ in both the traditional and modern ways worldwide. She obtained her Doctorate in ence, there were organisations which represented whites, They are not seen as decision-makers. Women are often History and Social Anthropol­ blacks and so-called "colo'ured" people. But even as these used as sex objects considered for their beauty rather ogy, specialising in Africa Social Policy, Planning and devastating distinctions start to disappear, crippling division themes at the University of Research at ECA and was then than brains ~d are seen as secretaries and mothers. along political and other lines continues. California, Los Angeles transferred on promotion to her When a National Union of Namiblan Workers federation Dr Agnes Akosua Aiuvo, mes for VVomen, worldwide. (UCLA). current position at the Unicef was set up to bring together workers' fight for independence Senior Advisor for Develop­ The workshop, which was She worked as a professor at headquarters, USA. in Namibia, two smaller federations (including Alpha Kan­ mentProgranunesforVVomen organised by the Department the University of Califomia , "Ihere is a change in aware­ gueehi's.Namibla Trade Union) were also set up and added to from Unicef headquarters in of VV omen Affairs in conjunc­ from 1975 to 1977beforejolll­ ness and understanding of the the confusion. The Swapo-atllliated Nanso student movement New York, USA, addressed a tion with Unicef, was attended ing the UN Economic Com­ woman's rule in society. Con­ was opposed by Nasem. The main Council of Churches in workshop in VVindhoek early by 61 women from the 14 mission for Africa (ECA) in crete actions have been taken Namibia has seen smaller rivals set up in opposition as well. this month. She is the head of regions of Namibia. 1978. From 1985 to 1989, she and negativ..: problems resolved. In development, the formation of a Namibia Development Unicef Development Program- Dr Aidoo, 51, was born in was appointed as the Head of " VVomen, however, in some Trust was followed by a Namibia Development Programme countries are not protected by Trust which does not appear in the telephone book. law with regard to marriage And the latest is that we have both Nangof and Nangos - and ownership of property. ID both umbrella organisations for non-governmental groups most AfricJn cotmtries, when (story, page 5). There Is also a current Inability to form one a man dies without a will, which women's organisation to tackle the pressing needs ofwomen. is common, his property is Even human rights' bodies are seen as closer to one or other inherited by his lineage and political party. For separate reasons there are two chambers often his family inherits very of commerce and industry In the country. little. VVomeil. need to be pro­ Namibia has pressing development needs, and the perpet­ tected by law against such acts," ual division is wasting time and ener gy while people outside said Dr Aidoo. the city centres and especially in the countryside are facing Her opinion of the African some of the most urgent problems in Africa. women's position in society is Outside funding agencies have their own responsibility, as that their status is lower than the funds they supply can be instrumental In encouraging that of men. rival bodies to set up in business or development simply by "Their greatest disadvan­ being willing to fund their offices, administrations and jobs. tages includes illiteracy and But Namibians should aim at the sort of maturity shown In inadequate education, exces­ the concept of the National Assembly. Everyone takes part sive workload, poor technol­ together an ~ the voters have the opportunity to compare the ogy for home and productive various parties, their performance in parliament, and j udge work, low income and limited how constructive and coherent their agenda is. There is no resources as well as weak health exclusion. due in part to the large number In building a nation there should be room for everyone but "THE workshop Was a very important step by bringing together women from various of children African women bear they must be ready to show maturity and the "unity, disci­ regions, Ministries and Non-Governmental Organisations. The aim was to get the or care for during most of their pline and understanding" which Prime Minister Hage Geln­ women's ideas on the woman's role in development in Africa." - Dr Aidoo, Senior lives," she said. gob praised in participants to the Land Conference. "Education should not be Advisor, Development Programmes for Women, Unicef. It Is time that we set aside petty differences In the Interests seen as a privilege but as a of national unity. One has fu,1I understanding for the workings right for everyone in a demo­ of democracy, and as such, th-e various political parties in cratic society. Knowledge existence. should be distributed and Butlt does no good ifwomen's organisations, student move­ women who are involved in ments, church organisations and others remain divided. In tasks .such as farming should such form they do not contribute much towards the major improve their working condi­ task of nation-building and the ideal of 'one Namibia, one tions. nation'. This encompasses the need for the technology used by some of these women to be improved. The grinding of mealies using some pestles needs to be re­ Flying visit placed by the use of machines for such tasks. These could decrease the workload faced by women," from the EC- she added. Prominent Namibian women A TOP-LEVEL delegation from the European Com­ were featured at the seminar and reception_ These included mission is to leave Namibia today after arriving at Petra Hanunan, the Mayor of lunch-time yesterday. Their main task is to speed up VVindhoek; Bience Gawanas, and sort out details of aid to Namibia and trade and a member of the Public Serv~ other exports to Europe as specified under accession to "THE Namibian Government started well because, right at the beginning they have ice Commission and Jenni the Lome IV treaty. got women in the Cabinet," Dr Aidoo commented, referring to Dr Libertine Schoeman, Control Tourism This includes Namibia's beef exports to Europe as well as Amatbila, Minister of Local Government and Housing and Pendukeni Ithana, Officer in the Ministry of possible help to karakul and mutton industries and to towns hit by Minister of Culture and Sport. VVildlife, Conservation and mining price changes. Tourism. As well as development aid,. the recent row on Namibia's Namibia is one of the few fishing policy was expected to be on the agenda for talks. The African countries which fea­ officials work closely with Vice-President Manuel Marin, who tures women in key positions heads both the fisheries and the development directorates. such as Government officials The delegation was set to include; PH Soubestre (Deputy and in the business world. Some Director General for Development), IG Valdecassas (Head of the Namibian newspapers and Cabinet of Vice-President Manuel Marin, and G Livi (director for. supplements are edited by southern Africa in the Directorate General for Development). women which is a step forward They were to meet Foreign Minister Theo-Ben Gurirab, other for a democratic country_ cabinet colleagues and top Government officials. Rent dispute in Katutura

NASBOUKOR public relations officer Dono­" ment to pay a monthly instalment for a certain van VVeimers yesterday dismissed allegations period before becoming owners of the houses. by Katutura residents that the corporation had VVeimers said Nasboukour had started hous­ failed to fulfil promises to drop rents. ingprojects in VVanaheda and Okuryangava last Nampa reported that residents claimed that year and that the Okuryangava project had cost the promise was made following threats by more than the VVanaheda one, resulting in higher Okuryangava and Hakahana residents to boy­ monthly instalments. cott rent payments after complaints last year However. he pointed out, an agreement had that they were too high. been reached after the Ministry of Local Gov­ -'PEOPLE should understand that the role of a woman in today's environment h;ts Weimers said the onlv problem was a lack of ernment and Housing intervened 011 behalf of changed. l\1en and women, with little efl"ort, ~an understand issues concerning dew,i - , . ·100 .. r" reSIdents. He oOLDted bovcotting H!sidents and i.l1sla !ments I,ad 1,p';n 8 Friday July 5 1991 THE NAMIBIAN ANC being blamed for violence

DURBAN: An African N:1I:iooal rica's black townships, ~ ANC can security forces for foment­ blamed for the bloodletting, Congress leader on W cdnes­ sources said. ing the violence and the Zulu­ but ANC labour expert Alec day warned the movement that Slamming the ANC for a based Inkatha Freedom Party Erwin said the ANC had docu­ it was blamed for spiralling lack of self-criticism, Nzo in for using violence as a politi­ mentary proof of the state's LUSAKA: A United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) violence and had lost support his report urged delegates to cal tool to broaden its power involvement in the violence. - official has criticised the tendency by African leaders to think among South Africa's non­ "objectively and realistically base. Clashes between Inkatha Sapa-AFP. of the continent as the "mother of all problems". _ black community because of prepare our forces for the sharp and ANC supporters have been ,.. See also page 9 UNDP assistant administrator Pierre Damiba said in Lusaka communist links. and complex battles confront­ yesterday Africans should adopt positive thinking and regard The charges were contained ing us." the continent as a challenge rather than a problem. in a frank and highly critical Codes of conduct drawn up Damiba said this at the opening of a three-day meeting of report delivered by ANC sec­ in the past had to be strictly Planning Ministers from southern Africa. retary-general Alfred Nzo on enforced and discipline tightly He said fixed notions about Africa's problems being insur­ the second day of a key closed­ maintained, Nzo said in his mountable should give way to positive behaviour, which was door conference, ANC sources report. a vital factor in achieving development. Damiba added once said. "We lack enterprise, crea­ Africans armed themselves with the will to succeed, various Wednesday's proceedings tivity and initiative. We are policy programmes would stand better chances of recording began with heated and lengthy very happy to remain pigeon­ success. He called on economic planners to have a longer term debate among the 2 000 dele­ holed within the confines of perspective when formulating structural adjustment pro­ gates on the report which populist rhetoric cliches." grammes because these could not succeed without comple­ admitted for the first time that During the day nominations mentary programmes. Earlier, Zambian PrIme Minster General the ANC's links with the SA for key posts were concluded, Malimba Masheke called for regular consultations among Communist Party had cost it with Nelson Mandela, currently economic planners in southern Africa. Working in isolation support in white, Indian and ANC deputy president, head­ usually spelt disaster, he said, citing Zambia's failed struc­ coloured areas, the sources said. ing the list as Uncontested tural adjustment programmes in the 1980s. - Sapa. The ruling National Party president. Current president has made inroads in these Oliver Tambo, whose name communities-'since President does not appear on the list, is Cathay'Airways links FW de Klerk began his reform expected to stand down due to process on February 2 last year.'- ill health. . Joburg and Hong Kong 1be perception had also been A senior delegate, ANC created that the ANC was re­ lawyer John Jeffries, said the : Cathay Pacific Airways became the first Far sponsible for the violence, in violence had become the cen­ Eastern airline to fly to South Africa when a one of its Boeign 747 -400 which 2000 black people have tral issue of the conference. aircraft touched down at Jan Smuts Airport early yesterday morning. been killed in the past 11 n lOIlIhs, "Even working groups not A traditional Chinese "lion dance" was performed on the tarmac to senior ANC spokesman Aziz looking at violence specifically celebrate the arrival, a statement from the airline said. This first flight Pahad later told a press brief­ are being forced to consider from Hong Kong signalled the start of a weekly non-stop service between Hong Kon g and Johannesburg. ing. the impact of the killings on On board the first Cathay Pacific aircraft to land in South Africa Later, the 2 000 delegates future ANC policies,_" he said. were more th an 300 tourists, businessmen and journalists. attending the national confer­ "The grassroots people be­ George Bartlett, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Affairs, was ence, the ANC' s first in South lieve that the govenunent is Africa in 30 years, broke into using the violence to weaken the guest of honour at an inaugural celebration at Jan Smuts Airport. ON THE THRESHOLD OF A DREAM. African Na­ His welcoming address was replied to by Mike Thacker, Cathay working groups to discuss five the ANC and ~y are extremely Pacific's commercial director. More than 300 people were booked on key issues. Discussions in the angry about it," he added. _ tional Congress deputy president Nelson Mandela sa­ the first outgoing flight, which was scheduled to leave for Hong Kong groups were dominated by the At the briefing, ANC offi­ luting as he arrived for the first ANC national congress at l3hOO yesterday. - Sapa. violence ravaging South Ai- cials blamed the South Afri- to be held in South Africa in the last 30 years.

LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED REPUBLIC ESTATES OF NAMIBIA NOTICE TO CREDITORS LYING FOR INSPECTION IN DECEASED ESTATES MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, WATER 1. Registration of estate 443/89 AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT All persons having claims against the estate specified below, are called upon to lodge their Surname: GUIBEB DEPARTMENT OF WATER AFFAIRS claims with the executors concerned within a period Christian Name: Hans Jacob INVITATION TO NAMIBIAN of 30 days ( or otherwise as indicated) from the date Identity Number: 5301260800251 CONSULTING ENGINEERS of publication hereof. Last Address : No. 7 Hume str, Registered numbers of Estate: 544/90 Academia, Experienced fIrms of Namibian Surname: Weber Windhoek Consulting Engineers are invited to put Christian name: Gisela Elizabeth Master's Office: Windhoek forward technical and financial proposills for services required by the Department of Water Date of Birth: 05.12.1922 2. Registered number of state: 443/89 Affairs forthe design and project supervision of Last Address: Hannover Germany the supervision of the envis~g~ Date of Death: Surname: GUIBEB 08.10.1989 Ogongo-Okalongo water supply project. Christian name: Hans Jacob Name and (only one) Address of The terms of reference for the project may be executor or authorised agent: Identity number: 5301260800251 obtained in person by bona fIde Namibian Con­ sulting Engineers at the Metje and Behnsen C JHINRICHSEN, LORENTZ & BONE Last Address : No. 7 Hume Street, Building, Room 210, Independence Avenue, P.O. Box 85 Academia, Windhoek between the hours of 7.30 until 13hOO and 14hOO STANDARD BANK CHAMBERS . until 16h30. INDEPENDENCE AVENUE WINDHOEK Master's Office: Windhoek Offers for the project should be submitted to the Advertiser, and Address: Permanent Secretary, Department of Water ADVERTISER AND ADDRESS: Affairs, Room 309, Metje and Behnsen Building, KARUAIHE & CONRADIE Independence Avenue, before I1hOO on C J HINRICHSEN, LORENTZ & BONE GROUND FLOOR, 20 August 1991 at the latest. P.O. Box 85 KENYA HOUSE, STANDARD BANK CHAMBERS LEUTWEIN STREET Enquiries can tre directed to: P.O. BOX 2607, INDEPENDENCE AVENUE WINDHOEK 9000 Mr J P Maritz WINDHOEK Datum : 1991.06.19 TeL 224415/6 Tel: 061 3963066 Date: 25.06.1991 Tel.: 33121 ext 234 Notice of Publication in the G overnment or Gazette Notice in the Government Gazette: 5 July 1991 Mr R A Alexander 5th July 1991 TeI: 061 3963112 THE NAMIBIAN Friday July 5 1991 9

KEEP UP TO DATE INTERNATIONAL WRAP-UP WITH WHAT'S , HAPPENING AROUND THE Call for Angolan anns WORLD-READ LUANDA: Interior Minister Francisco Magalhaes Paiva-Nvunda THE NAMIBIAN yesterday called on civilians to hand in their arms to the police. The appeal, published in the official Jornal de Angola newspa­ per, said there had been an uncontrollable spread of arms because the country had been in a state of war for 30 years. ANC endorses SACP alliance Government army sources estimate civilians hold about one million arms, most of them without licenses. DURBAN: The ANC's 48th It was a justified criticism if leaders. ciative, reportedly "wild" national conference in Durban one confined your view to Thabo Mbeki, Director of applause, when the post of New Mozambique freedom has confirmed its alliance with specific constituencies, but one International Affairs, has national chairman was resur­ the SA Communist Party is would lose more members on backed away from the race as rected and the sole nomination MAPUTO: Mozambique's parliament has legalised freedom of healthy and beyond discussion. the Witwatersrand than would the ANC's Number Two. given to the retiring president, assembly, allowing all citizens to organise peaceful meetings, On a day when the confer­ be gained in the Boland by This leaves Walter Sisulu a Oliver Tambo. demonstrations an~ marches, without need for any prior authori­ ence was preocupit'-d with elec­ severing ties, Maharaj said. dead certainty for president­ The national chairman's job sation. tions and the constitutional He also conceded, as a pos­ elect Nelson Mandela' s vacated was last operative when the It was the first time inMozambicanhistory that an unequivocal amendments needed for them, sible option, that the SACP post of Deputy President. veteran Rivonia trialist, Govan right to demonstrate has been recognised. senior spokesmen went out of may consider its own dissolu­ Mbeki's withdrawal is seen as Mbeki, occupied it under the their way to scotch reports or tion at its December confer­ ensuring the defeat of Natal presidency of Chief Albert even suggestions that the ANC ence. Midlands regional chainnan, Luthuli. Crackdown on corruption was critical of the alliance. While the alliance may be firebrand communist, Harry Ironically, Mbeki, octoge­ Two senior ANCjSACP strong, yesterday's preparations Gwala narian father ofThabo Mbeki, NAIROBI: Forty-twumagistrates have been arrested in Tanzania executives, the "retired" Mac for elections showed the ANC The conference was also was one of a handful of nomi­ for allegedly receiving bribes, the official radio Tanzania, re­ Maharaj and Umkhonto we was lining up behind moderate brought to its feet with appre- nees for the NEC, who with­ ported in a broadcast monitored here yesterday. Sizwe (MK) Chief of Staff, drew from election yesterday. The radio did not disclose the nature of the bribery, nor say Chris Hani, vigorously defended Nominations from the floor when the magistrates were arrested and . when they would be the alliance and stressed dual 'added 40 names to the 102 put prosecuted. "Their cases are still ~ing investigated by the membership had no inherent forward through regional government", the radio broadcast said. conflict of interest for them. nominations. In March last year, President Ali Hassan Mwinyi suspended Their loyfdty lay with the ANC. Chris Hani, another candi­ high court judge, Moses M wakibete, for allegedly being involved A news report, suggesting date once tipped for the deputy in corrupt deals. secretary-general Alfred Nzo presidency, also steered away had criticised the alliance, was ·from militant images, insist­ targetted for special "contex­ ing he was no "hawk" nor Cosatu clashes with police tualisation" by Directorate of held views differing from the JOHANNESBURG: A total of 61 people were arrested and three Information and Publicity (DIP) positions of the ANC, particu­ injured in·clashes between polic,e and Congress of SA Trade spokesman Saki Macozoma at larly on negotiations. Union supporters outside the Johannesburg Magistrate's Court the first media briefing of the He said at a media confer­ and John Vorster Square police station yesterday. day. ence that negotiations should Cosatu called for a day of action yesterday to show support for The matter was repeatedly continue even if ANC mem­ Jay Naidoo, Sydney Mufamadi, Baba Schalk, and Moses Mayeio referred to as having been given bers were targets and were being who have pleaded not guilty to charges of kidnapping and undue prominence and at the eliminated in "this painful assaulting a security police~an. end of the day's media brief­ process" . ings, once more raised by lhe He expressed concern that DIP chief, Dr Pallo Jordan. community defence units be No SA vis'as for Zambians " There was no suggestion k pt under control and not be on the part of the organisa­ allowed to degenerate into LUSAKA: South Africa is soon ~~~cted tO ,drop visa require- i tional committee (which helped vigilantes,lyncli ~ or party ments for Zambians wishing to.traveI-to!hat'country; the Zambia . draft,the. .(epo~>-or rZQ th~t the political aimi~l;. ",.. • Daily Mail reported-yesterday. " , ',- ANC shbi.J!d 'distance; review These were the concerns of . Visiting South Afiican ~.ector for Africa in the foreign: or re-examine in any way or all South Afric~ ' whlch MK, ministry, Christo Prins, was quotetl as'5aying the move would be: reassess the alliance, ~ '1ie said. !n training theANeunits, would a reciprocal gesture following the Za\p.bian' pat\iament' s adop~ : , Maharaj, commander of the try. ~~,.m~et i " ,~ ; tion of a report urging the opening of a trade mission in South exposed Operation Vula, was , He also streS'sea'that an ·the 4frica, <, ", ," , . • bombarded with questions, , various securitY'foIbes created pilrticu,larly from forei!Wjour­ by the government, liberation ' nalists, about the SACP's det­ fnoveriients J lind ' hOmelands . Doors fans rior at cemetery't' rimeiltal effect~~ th~ ' ANc. should ultimately be merged PARIS: Fans of Jim Morrison pelted police with beer bottles and He conceded the point made • irJ.1I ~'l~ security ,force loyal I by the secretary-generaI's report . ') l " to t\J,e people of South Africa ' S'et a car on fire after smashiQ,g it iq.to through the llU\in gate of the atld by individuals, such as Dr MAC Maharaj, internal cotnmander ofthe'ANC's dan. · and the government of the day. cemetery where the rock star is burled,'police said yesterday. : f\llan Boesak;that the SACP , . destine military operation; commonly known as 'Op­ He invited the Minister of ' , Wednesday was the 20th anQiversary of Morrison's death in5 hindered ;e~~uitment ' of eration Vula', was yesterday bombarded with!quesp,ons . pefense tp IU?,kJlowledge !hitt ; Paris from a drug overadse. A crowd of roughly t ·OOO fans" c~loureds , Iiicliarts and whites on the ANC's alliance with the SACP. Photograph: MK had a rgle to play in the : mostly youthful and many seehtiri81y ii),toxicated, gathered out- ; :-'. ,-. ~ . '... . : ~- . side Pere Lachaise cemetery out were blocked from entering to ; as well as. Chris~ians 1 Agence France-Presse c~tion of~ch a fOR;~ ~ - Sapa. ! , , . . v.isit Morrison' s grave. ' ">i;

• I.,. Afo'wl Ugandan .govt reshuffle Eri'trean KAMPALA: President Yoweri Museveni this week reshuffled' "", 'mess..• the Uganda government, cutting ministries back from 72 to 42 in; a bid to reduce public spending as urged by the-World Bank and; IOWA CITY, Iowa: Abird other donors. 10 tJIe works rumed 81 ~40 in exchange port , " kg oftoothpaste atl»rocter for and Gamble's Iowa' City Kartala volcano rumbling plant. "We've been producing NAIROBI: Kartala volcano in the Comoro Islands, donnant since ' ADDIS ABABA: Ethiopia's interim rul­ which rules this Horn of Africa nation under an toothpaste here for 35 years. 1977, could erupt at any moment, a seismologist warned as earth' ers announced a proposal on Wednesday interim government, and the Eritrean People's We've never bad that proD- ' tremors continued for the fifth straight day and villagers nearby that would permit the province of Erit­ Liberation Front. lem before," manager Jim began fleeing. rea to hold a referendum on independ­ The pact must be approved by 24 other polit i­ Lane said. Theremainsofa ence in exchange for government access cal factions, which are attending the conference bird - Lane's not sure 'what to a vital Eritrean port. to establish a transitional government that would kind ~ were discovered on Cambodian truce totters supplant the Democratic Front's month-ol d Friday 10 a vat of Gleem The Eritreans, whose northern province con­ interim administration. BANGKOK: Both sides in the 12-year-old Cambodian war have toothpaste when employees accu sed the other of violating the indefinite truce agreed to last tains the country's sole port, Assab, agreed to At the national conference on Wednesday, were doing a quality con­ defer a United Natio,ns-supervised referendum the factions agreed to create an independent week at peace talks in Thailand. trol check: The system was Cambodia's official news media said the Communist Khmer on independence until 1993. judiciary within the transitional government. Dushed about times to 15 Rouge, the mostheavil); ¥}.lled.of the threl? guerrilla factions, had The agreement w0uld also establish a mutual An amendment calling for an independent make sure all the feathers defense and non-aggression pact between the judiciary was added to the charter for a transi­ begun a large~scale offensive agamst three government positions; were gone. Normal produc­ in northwestern Battambailg 'Province. Khmer Rouge leader, central government and Eritrea. tional government after two days of debate. tion has resumed. Lane The proposed agreement was announced shortly Upon adoption, the charter will become the Khieu Samphan on Tuesday denied his forces had violated the , declined to say what· the cease-fire. before a national conference was to begin de­ law of the land until the transitional government accident cost the company. bate on relations between Eritrea and the central writes a new constitution. "What is significant is our government. The charter gives the transitional government quality control measures Huge earthquake recorded Negotiating for the two sides were the Ethio­ two years to complete that task and conduct worked as they should pian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front, democra!ic elections.- Sapa-AP. work," he said. Kerry Fitz­ HONG KONG: An intense earthquake measuring 6,4 on the patrlck, environmental Richter scale was recorded yesterday near the Flores Sea, Indo­ plant manager, said the nesia, the Hong Kong I1 READ THE NAlVIIBIAcN, STAY INFORMED 11 toothpaste will be hauled to Observatory reported. No further details were available. a landftll. - Sap.-AP. ... Rep

~ . 10 Friday July 5 1.991 THE NAMIBIAN Britain, China reach -Today's quotations for unit trusts: General Equity Funds: agreement on airport Allegro nla nla nla BOEGrowth 130,04 121,50 4,81 Fedgro 111,89 104,46 11,72 HONG KONG: China yesterday gave Britain approval construction firms also will be movement for democracy in Guardbank Growth 2189,08 2049,39 5,80 to build a glittering new airport in Hong Kong in able to compete for lucrative Beijing. Momentum 225,17 210,57 5,99 exchange for 's agreement to allow Beijing to contracts, the statement said. For months, China criticized Metfund 170,58 159,03 4,94 NBS Hallmark 868,86 811,48 7,03 increase its influence in the colony. "This understanding pro­ the project as too costly. Chi­ vides a firm basis forthe build­ nese officials blasted the Hong NorwichNBS 334,84 312,72 7,98 A joint memorandum issued control of the territory. ing of a new modem airport, " Kong government for not con- Old Mutual Investors 2563,13 2390,43 5,03 by the British and Cllinese gov- The agreement ends more the Hong Kong government • suiting them about the airport. Safegro 121,38 113,57 6,97 ernments said the Chinese than 18 months of wrangling said in a statement issued to Analysts were divided as to Sage 2205,14 2059,30 4,80 government would support the between Britain and Hong Kong reporters. "The memorandum China's goals. Some said Chi­ Sanlam 1559,18 1456,64 5,40 construction of the airport and and China. At issue was QUna's embodies the wishes of the nese officials were angling for Sanlam Index 1224,77 1144,25 5,10 related projects. right and ability to influence British and Chinese govern­ a bigger slice of the numerous Senbank General 111,65 104,74 nla Beijing said it .also will tell the British colonial govemment ments to deepen their co-op­ contracts to build the project. Southern Equity 168,24 157,41 5,04 investors that debt assumed by before the handover date in eration over Hong Kong ... Most, however, said Beijing' s Standard 1035,12 972,72 7,99 the British govemment for the 1997. The wrangle over the airport motive was simple: It wanted Syfrets Growth 234,66 219,74 5,99 airport will be guaranteed af- · Yesterday's agreement adds highlighted fears that the colo­ to assert its domiDation of Hong UAL 1832,81 1717,54 6,34 ter Beijing takes control of the . to China's influence in the nial government is a lame duck Kong before July 1,1997, when Volkskas 124,92 116,86 nla colony in July 1997. colony. Thetwopartiesagreed and that Olina is already wield­ Hong Kong passes back to Specialist equity Funds: 'The British government said that a representative oftbe Bank ing power in the territory. China's control. Guardbank Resources 149,65 140,12 6,29 it agreed to consult its Chinese of China will sit on the airport The project, announced in The plan, one of the world's Sage Resources 119,35 111,69 7,34 counterparts about the airport. board, which will have arnajor October 1989 by Hong Kong biggest current engineering Sanlam Industrial 870,82 814,02 4,71 and other infrastructure changes say in awarding contracts for . Governor Sir David Wilson, projects, includes Battening two Sanlam Mining 323,63 302,10 5,56 occuring during the handover. the 16,2 billion dollars proj- was supposed to be Britain's hilly islands and connecting Sanlam Dividend 414,02 386,19 5,72 1he British government also ec!. parting gift to its last great them by dumping 200 million Senbank Industrial 110,81 104,23 nla agreed to leave financial re- . In addition, the Bank of Cl1ina colony. Instead, the bickering cubic metres of rocks and sand Southern Mining 146,08 136,62 5,82 serves of not less than 25 bil- hasbeenguaranteedthatitwill with Beijing has increased into the sea. In addition, a 1 Standard Gold 208,82 195,84 6,72 lion Hong Kong dollars COS play "an appropriate part" in business instability in the col­ 430-metre bridge, the second . UAL Mining and 3,2 billion dollars) for the fuiancing ' the project, the ony, already rocked by Olina's longest in the world, is pllumed. Resources 374,45 350,87 5,68 Chinese once they resume memorandum said. Chinese June 4, J989,.crackd9wn on a - Sapa-AP: UAL Selected Opportunities 1584,48 1480,93 4,73 f' Old Mutual ~g 268,58 250;15 5,84 Old Mutual Industrial 317,42 295,71' 4,12 Apple and IBM join forces Old Mutual qold Fund 144,93 135,04 ' 4,99 Income/Gilt Funds: Corbank 99,43 98,39 17,74 NEW YORK:. Apple Computer powers in the computer indus­ Both companies said in a market dominated by mM ma­ Guardbank Income 109,44 107,19 17,74 and mM. historic antagonists in · try, which has been particularly statement that defmitive con­ chines. Old Mutual Income 105,47 103,27 17,19 the computer industry, officially hurt by the recession. Both com­ tracts between the two are ex­ For mM, which once rejected Standard Income 90,66 89,68 15,98 ended that bitter relationship on panies have reported sharply pected to be signed later this collaboration with smaller com­ Syfrets Income 104,12 103,07 15,54 Wednesday with a broad agree­ lower earnings recently and year and further details would be petitors, the pact ·with Apple UAL Gilt 1101,40 1090,39 155 ment on sharing technology in have trimmed their work forces. released later. Products result­ represents the most far-reaching the 1990s and beyond. Apple and IBM said the ing from their co-operation move yet by the company to Breaking their silence after agreement calls for a joint ven­ should reach the market over the develop relationships with other Closing exchange rates against the rand weeks of speculation about talks ture in computer software that next two or three years, the state­ computer companies. IBM also curr sell T.T.Buying AM.Buying SM.Buying between the two giants, Apple will simplify programming in­ ment said. For Apple, a l5-year­ recently announced a co-opera­ and' International Business Ma­ dustrywide; integration of old Silicon Valley success story tive venture with Wang Labora­ dollar 2,9260 2,9060 2,8885 .2,8735 chines Corporation announced Apple's highly successful that prides itself on independ­ tories, for example. us Sterling 4,7325 4,6735 4,6345 4,6015 general principles of the agree­ Macintosh computer design into ence, joining forces with IBM Computer industry analysts ment. They said it will combine IBM systems, the design and amounts to a major reversal of have said they expect to see Austrian the strengths of both to "inte­ application of powerful new attitude toward the world's larg­ more co-operative relationships shilling 4,3930 4,4480 4,4805 4,5080 grate into existing and future computer chips provided by est computer company, which between computer companies Australian $ 0.4460 0,420 0,4565 0,4600 products.' , Motorola Inc.; and the promo­ Apple executives once derided because the industry is maturing Belgian franc 12,8000 13,0000 13,1500 13,2000 The agreement amounts to a tion of software for multi-media as an arrogant behemoth. The and no single company has the Pula 0,7115 0,7215 0,7275 0,0000 friendship treaty between the technology, one of the fastest agreement presumably will give resources to develop major Canadian $ 0,3885 0,3940 0,3970 0,3990 two financially pressured super- growing segments of computers. Apple greater access to a vast products alone. - Sapa-AP. Swiss franc 0,5385 0,5455 0,5495 0,5525 Deutsche ffiarkO,6240 0,6325 0,6375 0,6410 Danish krone 2,4095 2,4395 2,4625 -54820 Pesetas 39,1000 39,6500 40,1000 40,4500 ~..' .. . REPUBLIC REPUBLIC Finnish mark 1,4810 1,5000 1,5265 1,5490 French franc 2,1175 2,1440 2,1595 2,1725 OF NAMIBIA OF NAMIBIA Greek ~ dracluna 68,2000 68,9500 69,9000 70,7000 Hong Kong $ 2,6480 2,6815 2,7020 2,7195 Ministry of Finance MINISTRY OF LOCAL GOVERNEMENT Irish punt 4,2855 4,2325 4,1935 4,1610 AND HOUSING Italian lire 464,2000 467,7000 471,7000 475,10 TENDER BOARD Yen 47,4500 48,1000 48,4000 48,6500 Kenyan ELECfRIFICATION OF OyvAMBO ~PHASE 1 TENDER NO F1/7· 3/91 shilling 9,8255 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 TENDER NO. FlI1S • 12/91 Mauritian Description: The supply and delivery of a rupee 5,7210 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 Photocopy Machine. Tenders are awaited for: Malawi kwacha 1,0015 1,0150 1,0245 0,0000 Gilder 0,7030 0,7120 0,7175 0,7220 Closing date: 11 :00 on Tuesday: 30 July 1991 THE SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF HAND TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT Norwegian Documents are available at the offices of: krone 2,4345 2,4640 2,4930 2,5175 New Zealand $0,5985 0,6060 0,6125 0,6185 The Secretary: Tender Board CLOSING DATE: llbOO on Thesday 23 July 1991 Clo Voigt and Kelvin Str. Pakistani rupee 8,1405 0,0000 0,0000 Windhoek Documents are available at the offices of : 0,0000 Buhrmann and Partners Escudos 54,3500 55,0500 55,6500 56,1500 Seychelle To obtain documents R5,.OO is payable. Consulting Engineers -6 Goethe Street rupee 1,8690 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 WINDHOEK Swedish krone 2,2580 2,2860 2,3050 2,3210 Tenders must be forwarded to: Singapore $ 0,6020 0,6105 0,6135 0,6165 The Secretary: Tender Board Tel: 226527/8 Fax: 226580 Zambian PO Box 3328 kwacha 21,6950 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 WINDHOEK To obtain documents R50.OO is payable. $ 1,1010 1,1200 1,1300 0,0000 9000 These rates prevailed at 15h3 and are subject to alterations. Tenders must be forwarded to: or depOSited in: The Secretary The Tender Box Tender Board Tender Board PO Box 3328 Clo Voigt and Kelvin Str. WINDHOEK 9000 Windhoek or deposited in: The Tender Box Telex: 50908-875 Fax: 221004 Tender Board c/o Voigt and Kelvin Street Secretary: Tender Board WINDHOEK , 1H'EN~MIBI A N Friday July 5 1991 11 Schoolsjn south get aid for cultivation

DANISH Church Aid on kinds of vegetable seeds. The donation is part of a Wednesday donated agri· According to a Dani s11 programme undertaken by the cultural tools to three agronomist, Flemming Erikson; Danish organisation to teach schools in the south to do quoted by Nampa, the dona­ "life sciences" like Biology gardening around thE': tionis for secondary schools at and Zoology at the schools. MINISTRY of Information and Broadcasting Permanent Secretary Bob Kandetu Berseba, Gibeon, and Aroab For this purpose WUS Den­ school premises. and is meant to help students mark organised a course for annnouncing the students' drawing competition which has been organised to help The tools were donated promote the upcommg Housing and Population census. Also pictured are, from left: learn to combine theory with teachers at the said schools through the N amibian Council practice. through the Ministry of Edu­ Supii Katjita, member of the Census Group; Manfred Dedekind, PRO in the Ministry of Churches and include spades, The tools will be used to cation and Culture a month of Education and Culture; Peter Swartz, co-ordinator of the Census Co-ordinating forks, hoes, rakes, and water­ clean out weeds, work manure ago. Erikson said further that Committee; and Liesel Schwerdtfeger, member of the Census Group. ing cans as well as various into the soil, dig water chan­ the students themselves would nels for irrigation, loosen the do the cultivation work while soil and water the vegetables the teac~rs would just be super­ Schools to take part in the gardens of the schools. vising. Children in court

TWO minors pleaded not guilty to a charge of shoplifting when in census competition they appeared in the Windhoek M,agistrate 's Court yesterday. The State alleged that onJuly 3 the youngsters stole 13 pairs of NAMI~IAN schools will take part in a drawing compe­ tee does not want to make the Below: SOME of the pic­ pants, three bras and two pairs of shoes from Pep Stores. tition as part of the information campaign by the Census exercise expensive for those tures already sent in by The minors told the court that they were just trying the clothes Co-ordinating Committee before the census starts on taking part, but if need be pic­ children, depicting facets on when they were apprehended. The case was adjourned to July tures could be enlarged, Kan­ of the housing and popu­ 11 for trial and the two, aged 11 and 13, were released into the July 11 next week. custody of their children. - Nampa detu stated. lation situation in Namibia. This was announced by the to the Waterberg Plateau, he Participants are further asked Permanent Secretary in the added. to indicate their names, ad­ Ministry of Information .and Further, there would be a dresses and box numbers on Publicity, Bob Kandetu, at a number of small prizes, like the back of the entries. press conference yesterday, pencils, pens, notebooks, a The same applies for n011- All schools are asked to handshake with the President, schoolgoers except that they encourage pupils and students a lunch with the President, and will not benefit from the videol to give maximum participa­ so on, the Permanenent Secre­ TV prize to go to the winning tion. tary said. school, Kandetu said. Kandetu said there is a TVI Kandetu said students would He added that already 135 video prize to be won by the be left to their own discretion entries had been received. Those school with the highest level in drawing the pictures but added still to come in should be sent of participation. that in the interest of avoiding not later than August 2 and The first individual winner complications, several guide­ should be addd'ressed to will go on a trip to Europe lines had been drawn up. These Manfred Dedekind, Box 13186, sponsored by N amib Air and include that the pictures pres­ . Ministry of Education and will enjoy the honour of being ent a simple message about the Culture or in the case of hand hosted by a Rotarian family population and housing situ­ delivery should be dropped at while being there, Kandetu sai"d. ation. Room 148, Trotsky House, The second prize is a trip to Students are required to use Leutwein Street. the Etosha game reserve with a maximum of five colours Kandetu thanlredNanub Air, transport, accommodation, food and to do their drawings on A- the Rotary Club, the MinistJY · and guidance provided while 4 typing paper so as to avoid ofN ature Conservation and a U similar advantages will go to printing and cost complications. others who contributed to the the third prize winner on a trip The Co-ordinating Commit- competition.

REPUBLIC REPUBLIC REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA OF NAMIBIA OF NAMIBIA --.------~ Ministry of Finance Ministry* of Finance Ministry of Finance TENDER BOARD TENDER BOARD TENDER BOARD TENDER NO: F1/16·2/91 TENDER NO J46/91 TENDER NO J267/91 Description: The supplying of pumping service to T enders are invited from English newspapers for Description: The supply and delivery of a new plan the State of GOCHAS for the period 1 September the'Advertising of Government Tenders for the Printer. 1991 to 31 August 1992 period 1 July 1991 to 31 June '1993 Closing date: 11 :00 on Tuesday: 9 July 1991 Closing date: 11 :00 on. Tuesday: 23 July 1991 Closing date: 11 :00 on Tuesday: 9 July 1991

Documents are available at the offices of: Documents are available at the offices of: Documents are available at the offices of: The Secretary: Tender Board The Secretary: Tender Board The Secretary: Tender Board Clo VOigt and Kelvin Str. Clo Voigt and Kelvin Str. Clo Voigt and Kelvin Str. Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek To obtain documents R5,OO is payable. To obtain documents R5,OO is payable. To obtain documents R5,OO is payable. Tenders must be forwarded to: Tenders must be forwarded to: Tenders must be forwarded to: The Secretary: Tender Board The Secretary: Tender Board The Secretary: Tender Board PO Box 3328 ' PO Box 3328 PO Box 3328 WINDHOEK WINDHOEK WINDHOEK 9000 9000 9000 or deposited in: or deposited in: or depOSited in: The Tender Box The Tender Box The Tender Box Tender Board Tender Board Tender Board Clo Voigt and Kelvin Str. Clo Voigt and Kelvin Str. Clo Voigt and Kelvin Str. Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Telex:·50908-875 Fax: 221004 Telex: 50908-875 Fax: 221004 Telex: 50908-875 Fax: 221004

Secretary: Tender Board Secretary: Tender Board Secretary: Tender Board 12 Friday July 5 1991

'-}- Applicants must be Namibian citizens or Assistant Sport Officer/Sport Ministry of Finance must be in possession of a valid permanent residence permit. Officer/Senior Sport Applicants for the post of Deputy Director Officer/Principal Sport Officer Directorate: General Services must submit a comprehensive curriculum 1 post: Windhoek vitae and certified copies of educational 2 posts: · Ondangwa Deputy Director: Insurance and qualifications together with their 1 post: Katima Mulilo Pension Funds application. 1. post: Rundu Applications (on form Z83 or ZO/1229(1) 1 post: Khorixas 1 post: Windhoek obtainable at all Government Offices) 1 post: Keetmanshoop Salary: B68 112 (fixed) per annum . must be sent to: The Permanent Salary: R15 642 x 663 - R17 631 x 927 - R21 339/R22 266 Minimum Requirements: A Senior (or equivalent) Secretary: Finance, Private Bag 13295, x 927 - R26 901 /R29 625 x 1 362 - R35 073/R37 797 x 1 362 Certificate plus approximately 16 years appropriate Windhoek, 9000. - R40 521 x 1 656 - R45 489. experience, including experience in general management Minimum Requirements: Assistant Sport Officer OR a B-degree (or an equivalent qualification) plus Closing date: 2 August 1991 - A recognised appropriate B-degree(or equivalent appropriate experience, including experience in general ·qualification). Sport Officer - As for Assistant Sport management. Ministry of Youth and Officer plus the following number of years appropriate experience relative to the qualification possessed by the Enquiries: Mr Jansen van Rensburg, tel. (061) 3091922. Sport applicant: - 4 years for an RVa 13 qualification, - 3 years for an RVa 14 qualification, - 2 years for a'n RVa Directorate: Customs and Excise Director: Youth 15 qualification OR an RVa 16 qualification. 1 post: Windhoek Chief Control Officer/Senior Control Customs and Excise Salary: R80 295 (fixed) per annum. Chief Control Officer Officer Minimum Requirements: A recognised appropriate B­ degree (or equivalent qualification), preferably in SoCial 1 post: Wlndhoek 1 post: Walvis Bay Work or Social Anthropology or Sociology plus appropriate Salary: R50 457 x 1 656 - R55 425/R55 425 x 1 656 - R58 experience, including experience in general management. Salary: R50 457 x 1 656 - R55 425. 737 - R60612. . Minimum Requirements: A Senior (or equivalent) Director: Sport Minimum Requirements: .Senior (or equivalent) Certificate plus approximately 12 Iyears appropriate . 1 post: Wlndhoek Certificate plus approximately 12 . years appropriate experience, including experience in general management experience, including experience in general management OR a B-degree (or equivalent qualification) plus appropriate Salary: R80 295 (fixed) per annum. OR a B-degree (or equivalent qualification) plus appropriate experience, including experience in general management. Minimum Requirements: A recognised appropriate B­ experience, including experience in general management. degree (or equivalent qualification), preferably in Sport. or Control Officer/Senior Control Control Customs and Excise Physical Education plus appropriate experience, including experience in general management.. Officer · Officer 1 post: Wlndhoek 1 post: Windhoek A post-scholastic qualification in Public administration will serve as a recommendation. Salary: R29 625 x 1 362 - R37 797/R37 797 x 1 362 - R40 Salary: R50 457 'f. 1 656 - R55 425. 521 x 1 656 - R50 457. Minimum Requirements: A Senior (or equivalent) 'Deputy Director: Youth Minimum Requirements: A Senior (or equivalent) Certificate plus approximately 12 years appropriate 2 posts: Windhoek Certificate plus approximately 8 years appropriate experience, including experience in general management Salary: R68 112 (fixed) per annum . experience, including experience on supervisory level OR a OR a B-degree (or equivalent qualification) plus appropriate Minimum Requirements: A recognised appropriate B­ B-degree (or equivalent qualification) plus appropriate experien~ , including experience in general management. degree (or equivalent qualification), preferably in Social experience, including experience on supervisory level. Work or Sociology or Social Science plus appropriate The successful candidate will be required to experience, including experience in general management. Senior Accountant/ Principal travel to vario\ls border posts regularly. Deputy Director: Sport Accounta.nt 1 post: Windhoek Enquiries: Mr F van der Merwe, tel. (061 ) 3099111 . 1 pos~: Windhoek: Division Community Sport Development Salary: R35 073 x 1 362 - R40 521 x 1 656 - R45 489/R45 Direct orate: Inland Revenue 1 post: Windhoek: Division School 489 x 1 656 - R55 425. Sport Minim'um Requirements: ·A Se nior (or equivale nt) Certificate plus approximately 8 years appropriate CO(1trol Taxation Officer Salary: R68 112 (fixed) per annum . experience, including experience on supervisory level OR a 3 posts: Windhoek Minimum Requirements: A recognised appropriate B­ B-degree (or equivalent qualification) plus appropriate degree (or equivale.nt qualification), preferably in Sport or experience, including experience on supervisory level. Salary: R55 425 x 1 656 - R58 737 - R60 612. Ph YSi cal Education plus appropriate experience, including Accountant Minimum Requirements : A Senior (or equivalent) experience in general management. Certificate plus approximately 12 years app rop riate 1 post: Wlndhoek experience, including experience in general management Chief Youth Officer OR a B-degree (or equ ivalent qualification) plus appropriate Salary: R25 974 - R26 901 x 1 362 - R35 013. experience, including experience in general management. 1 post: Windhoek Minimum Requirements: . Senior (or equivalent) Certificate plus appropriate experience. Chief Taxation Officer Salary: R45 489 x 1 656 - R50 457 . Minimum Requirements: A recognised appropriate B­ A post-scholastic qualification In accountancy 14 posts: Wlndhoek degree (or equivalent qualification) plu s appropriate or accouflting will serve as a recommendation. experience, including experience on supervisory level Salary: R37 797 x 1 362 - R40 521 x 1 656 - R50 456. Assistant liaison Officer/liaison Minimum Requirements: A Senior (or equivalent) Officer/Senior liaison Certificate plus approximately 8 years appropriate Chief Sport Officer experience, including experience on supervisory level OR a 1 post: Windhoek Officer/Principal liaison Officer B-degree (or equivalent qualification) plus appropriate 1 post: Windhoek experience, including experience on supervisory level. Salary: R45 489 x 1 656 - R50 457. Minimum Requirements : A recognised appropriate B­ Salary: R15642 x 663 - R17 631 x 927 - R21 339/R22266 Senior Typist degree (or equival ent qualification) pl us appropriate x 927 - R26 901 /R29 625 x 1 362 - R35 073/R37 797 x 1 362 experience, including experience on supervisory level. - R40 521 x 1 656 - R45 489. 1 post: Wlndhoek Minimum Requi rements : Assistant Liaison Assistant Youth Officer/Youth Officer - A recognized, appropriate 3 year B-degree (or Salary: R14 316 x 663 - R17 631 - R18 558 . equivalent qualification). Liaison Officer -As for Minimum Requirements: Typing as a fully passed . Officer/Senior Youth Assistant Liaison Officer plus 4 years appropriate subject on Senior Certificate (or equivalent) level plus Officer/Principal Youth Officer experience. appropriate experience. 1 post: Windhoek . Enquiries: Ms .J P Garises , tel. (061) 36820 x 100 . Control Regist ry Cre rk ' 1 post: Ondangwa Applicants must be Namibian citizens or 1 post: Windhoek 1 post: Katima Mulilo must be in possession of a valid 1 post: Rundu permanent residence permit. Sala ry: R14 31 6 x 663 - R17 631 - R18 558 . 1 post: Khorixas Applicants for the posts of Deputy Min i mu m Requirements : Junior (or equivalent) 1 post: Keetmanshoop Director and Di rector must submit a Certi fi cate plus appropriate experience. Salary: R15 642 x 663 - R17 631 x 927 - R21 339/R22266 comprehensive curriculum vitae an d x 927 - R26 901 /R29 625 x 1 362 -R35 073/837797 x 1 362 certified copies of educationa l Chief Registry Clerk - R40 52 1 x 1 656 - R45 489. qualifications together with their 5 posts: Windhoek Minimum Requirements: Assistan t Youth application, Officer - A recognised appropriate B-degree (or Applications (on form Z83 or ZO /1229(1) Salary: R10 146 - R10 593 x 510 - R12 633 . equivalent quali fication). Youth Officer - As for Assistant Youth Officer plus the following number of years obtainable at all Government Offices) Minimum Requirements: ' Junior (or equivalent) must, be sent to: The Permanent Ce rtificate plus appropriate experience. appropriate experience relative to the qualification possesse d by the applicant: - 4 years for an RVa 13 Secretary: Youth and Sport, Private Bag qualification, - 3 years for an fWa 14 qualification, - 2 Enquiries: Mr HJ Kruger, tel. (061) 3091506. 13359, Windhoek, 9000. year s for an RVa 15 ·qualification OR an RVa 16 quali fication. Closing date: 2 August 1991 Your partner on the road to prosperity



CDM (Pty) Ltd operates an opencast diamond mine on the west coast of Namibia. Our employees and their families live in Oranjemund, a modern, attractive town boasting a central shopping complex, hos­ COLLEGE rOR OUT·Or·SCHOOL TRAINING pit31, nursery school, primary school and excellent sporting and re­ Commercial and Hairdressing creational facilities. We invite suitably qualified people to apply for appointment as Registration Helicopter Engineer Second Semester of 1991 The incumbent will be based in Oranjemund and employed in our new off­ Commercial registration for the second semester of 1991 will take place shore helicopter operation. on 15 and 16 July 1991 for the following cours,es. For this sought-after and exciting position we need someone with an A + C • National Certificate Commerce NI licence for helicopters. At least ten years experience is necessary as well as an N2 Aerospatiale AS355F or Sikorsky S76licence. Because this is definitely a senior N3 position, we will give preference to applicants who also have experience as a The Elementary Commercial Certificate Course will not be offered for flight engineer, particularly with cargo slinging, hoisting and off-shore opera­ the second semester. tions. Preference will be given to Namibians. Hairdressing registration for the second semester of 1991 will only take The package for Namibians will include: • generous leave. suitable married place on 16 July 1991 for the following course: accommodation. subsidised board for single employees. 13th cheque equal to 10 % of annual salary. subsidised primary and secondary schooling. mem­ • National Certificate Hairdressing NI bership of the Company's own Provident Fund and De Beers Medical Benefit Venue: Entrance hall of the Lecturers Office Block, Society and . assistance with relocation expenses. City Campus, University of Namibia. Expatriates will be offered a simil~i> ackage . Time: 15 July 1992 from 10:00 until 17:00 16 July 1992 from 08:00 until 17:00 • Applicants are advised to respond imme­ diately by faxing full details to Miss C le Former students of the Academy must have their student numbers Roux at (06332) 2283 or forwarding writ­ available. ten applications, accompanied by a. de­ tailed CV and non-returnable certified Contact person: Mr R Izaks at 307-2431. copies of highest qualifications and iden­ tity documents to: The Senior Personnel Manager, College for CDM (Pty) Limited, Out of School Training (Proprietary) Limited PO Box 35, Oranjemund 9000. Closing date: 12 July 1991. Windhoek



BUILDING -THE BODIES THAT BUILD OUR NATION • I ... lintas : Namibia 90/821 • • ~ • 1 • • \ ~ I I , - • 14 Friday July 5 1991 'tHE NAMISiAN

Mon/Fri 20hOO, Sat: 22hOO, Sun: 20hOO Alte Brauerai, Thurs & Sat: 20hOO Troop Beverly Hills, starring Shelly Long GartenfTal Steets Fri: 22hOO and Sat: 14hOO ".The fabulous Natalie Gamsu will sing the blues and some jazz ~ith her band consisting of Spiro Paxinos (bass), Rob Watson Arts Association Cinema (drums) and Surendran Reddy (piano) from July 15 - 20, 1991. LeutweinfJohn Meinert Streets Kine 300 The shows starts at 21hOO and tickets are availabie at the door. Hours: Mon-Fri 09hOO-I2h30 and 1ShOO-lShOO. Saturday O9hOO- Eros Shopping centre 12hOO. Robin Hood, starring Patrick Bergin The Standard Bank Namibia Bitmnale 1991 exhibition runs till Fri/Sat: 10hOO, 14hOO, 16hOO, 18hOO, 20hOO, 22h00 July 14, i991. Sun/Thurs: 10h0O, 14hOO, 16hOO, 18hOO, 20hOO Drive-In Heynltz Castle Art Centre Durban July 19hOO Nuns on the Run, starring Eric Idle, Robbie Coltrane Heynitz Road, Klein Windhoek plus My Blue Heaven, starring Steve Martin An exhibition entitled" People are like this" a personal journey in photographs and paintings by Kerstin Geier runs till July 25, Atlanta Theatre 1991.. Swakopmund PREVIEW Misery, starring James Caan, Cathy Bates The Warehouse, STANLEY KA TZAO

SOUTH AFRICAN cham­ pion trainer Terrance Mi)­ lard's hopes of notching Directorate: Social Security up a record -equalling sev­ Ministry of Mines and Chief Control Officer/Senior enth victory in tommor­ Chief Control Officer row's RI million Rothmans Energy July over 2000 metres at 1 post: Windhoek: Employment Gteyville, Durban,.do not Creation Fund look very bright this year. 1 post: Windhoek: National Pension His two entries, last year's Fund Directorate: Geological runner-up Olympic Duel and Salary: R50 457 x 1 656 - R55 425/R55 425 x 1 656 - R58 AlMufti. which South African ~rvey 737-A60612, race-goers have yet to see the Minimum Requirements: Senior (or equivalent) best of, will depend heavily Certificate plus approximately 12 years appropriate for odds on the impressive Chief Geologist experience, including experience in general management record which Millard has es­ 1 post: Wlndhoek OR a B-degree (or equivalent qualification) plus appropriate tablished - winning the last experience, including experience in general management. three}ulys in' a row. Salary: A60 612 x 1 875 - A66 237, Glancing at the form of this Minimum Requirements: An acknowledged 3 or 4 year A post-scholastic qualification In Law B-degree (plus an Honours degree where applicable) in AdmlnlsJration and/or Law Interpretation and year's rUnners, it would not be Geology (or an equivalent qualification) plus experience in, Public Administration will serve as a wrong, to say that about half Geology, recommendation. the field does not belong in the race at all. Previous experience in editing and the Enquiries: Mr WF Grobler, tel. (061 )212956 X 2000, They would be better suited preparation of reports and/or maps for to a Wednesday afternoon B publication will serve as a recommendation. Applicants must be Namibian citizens or division race. must be in possession of a valid Enquiries: Dr R Miller, tel. (061) 37240. But, nevertheless, they are permanent residence permit. there and we have to live with it. Applicants must be Namibian citizens or Applications (on form Z83 or ZO/1229(1) must be in possession of a valid More seriously, however, the obtainable at all Government Offices) horses which could cost Mil­ permanent residence permit. must be sent to: The Permanent lard this year's July will be one Secretary: Labour and Manpower of three: Flaming Rock, Dawson Applications (on form Z83 or ZO/1229(1) Development, PO Box 23115, Windhoek, obtainable at all Government Offices) . 9000. Trail and Spanish Galliard . . must be sent to: The Director: Geological Flaming Rock, although well Closing date: 2 August 1991 Survey, PO Box 2168, Windhoek, 9000. handicapped and oozing abil­ ity, has a bad draw at 20 and it Closing date: 2 AlJgu$t 1991 Ministry of Education will take a monumental effort on his part to overcome this and Culture drawback Chief: Education His options are to go for Ministry df Labour and position early and sacrifice Manpower SpeCial Projects potential finishing power or 1 ,post: Windhoek drop out and come with a late Development dash. Local professional punt­ Salary: R68 112 (fixed) per annum . . ers however believe' that you Minimum Requirements : An acknowledged B-degree should be in the leading group plu s ~ recognised professional teaching qualification plus , teaching experience, Including experience in project design in order to win the July. "No and evaluation , late corners." Directorate: Labour Jungle Cove's gelding, Enquiries : Mr AP le Roux or Mr J' Hall, teL (061) 36820. Division: Labour Relations Dawson Trail, is the next horse Applicants must be Namibian citizens or which poses a threat to Mil­ must be in possession of a valid lard's victory hopes. Chief Labour Relations permanent residence permit. Only recently returning to Officer/Senior Chief Labour the track after a two-year break Appli.cants submit a comprehensive Relations Officer: Industrial m~st during which he nearly died curncu.lum vitae and certified copies of and underwent five operations, Relations educational qualifications together with Dawson Trail wasted no time 1 post: Windhoek their application. . in showing he still has a sparkle. Applications (on .form Z83 or ZO/1 229(1) His stable is actually mad about Salary: R45 489 x 1 656 - R50 457/R50 45 7 x 1 656 - R55 him'and believes that he won't 425. obtainable at all Government Offices) Minimum Requirements: Senior (or eql!ivalent) must be sent to: The Permanent be beaten. Certificate plu s approximately 10 years appropriate Secret,ary: Education and Culture, Private They might not be wrong, experience, including experience in general management Bag 13186, Windhoek, . 9000. because looking at his form, OR a B-degree (or equivalent qualification) plus appropriate he needs some. extra distance experience, including experience in general management. An attra'ctive range of benefits includes a then the 2 000 metres he has 13th Cheque, ~ housing subsidy sUbject to been running up to now. A post-scholastic qualification in Industrial Tl1e next 'danger, Spanish Relations or Public Relations or Labour certain conditions, rental allowance, assistance with removal expenses, Galliard, will also go for Relations and experience in community work will' honours. He ran a great race serve as a recommendation. pension fund (7% contribution for men, 5% . contribution for women), medical. aid against Olympic Duel in the J Enquiries: Mr JWF van Rooyen , tel. (061) 212956 X providing 95% cover on virtually all & B Metropolitan in Cape Town 2039. lG· eventua'llties and ample vacation and sick and has incredible finishing leave. Candidates for the post of Deputy acceleration. Director ahd. higher, can also benefit from The best from the rest will . '\ a vehicle financing sChe'me . be the SA'shigbest stake earner, Roland's Song, the ultra-con­ ) IPsing date: 2 August 1991 sistent Argentinian-bred geld­ ing, Bambinello, the superbly­ on the road to prosperity bred Northern Dancer colt, Rakeen and the brave Bluff­ ing. * My selection: 1. Spanish Galliard; 2. Olympic Duel; 3. Flaming Rock; 4. Dawson Trail

lINTAS: NAMIBIA 91 /1725 B THE NAMIBIAN Friday July 5 1991 15

Oberholzer moet uit

ONGEVEER vyftig werkernemers en 'n paar onder­ voorval betrokke was, tydelik voorval beknd te maak. steuners het gistermiddag voor die hootkantoor van geskors moot word. Die bestuur van Natau het Transnamib demonstreer om vir die onmiddellike afdank­ Hierdie versoek was gister beloof om 'n persverklaring ing van Karel Oberholzer te eis. Die betoging was nog nie aan voldoen nie en die oor die demonstrasie uit te reik vreedsaam en die werkers het slagspreuke soos "Viva werkers het demonstreer om maar dit was gister laat nog nie hul ontevredenheid met die beskikbaar nie. Natau" voor die kantore geuiter, terwyl die meeste van die plakkate vir die onts\ag van Oberholzer gevra het. Oberholzer is 'n senior het die bestuurder van die motor Die ou tradisie van sekuriteitsbeampte en hy was tot stilstand beveel en het na na bewering verlede Sondag bewering Cloete nader geroep betrokke in 'n aanranding op en sonder enige rede aanger­ verset en die nuWe tyd 'n ander sekuriteitsbeampte. and terwyl hy rassistiese op­ .: Die voorval het blykbaar merkings gemaak het. Dit wil voorkom asof die tradisie van verset of om drasties ' ontstaan nadat Cloete en 'n Die Namibia Transport and op te tree 'n diep merk op ons samelewing gelaathet. Sover kollega sonder uniforms by die Allied Workers Union het so da t sommige begin glo het hulle moet aJtyd hard vra voor werk aangekom het en deur Dinsdag, na aanieiding van die iets aan hulle gegee sal word. Dit het moontlik ook van ons senio, beamptes beveel is om gebeure, Transnamib versoek persone gemaak·wat net begin skop as iets wat na moeilikheid tuis hul uniforms gaan aan te om Oberholzer af te dank en . Iyk in «;)ns rigti~g kom. trek. twee ander tydelik le skors. In die verlede was dit baie moeilik om by 'n kantoor in te . Hulle is met 'n voertuig by Natau het in die verklaring stap en 'n stand punt te stel of 'n grief te lug en dit het die die woonplek van Cloete afge­ gese daf die standaardprose­ grootste gedeelte van die volk verplig om op 'n abnormale laai en het hulself gereeci dure by Transnamib bepaaI dat wyse te handel om hul opinie onder die aandag van die gemaak vir werk en was hierna Oberholzer afgedank moet word heersers te bring. met 'n ander voertuig oppad terwyl Steven Martens en werktoe. Gewilde metodes van die tyd was om op petrolkaone en Richard Freyer, die andertwee Oberholzer, op 'n motorfiets, wat in mindere mate by die kitsverhoe te staan en terwyl die veiligheidspolisie staan en kyk en fotos neem, te skree: "Die boere moet teruggaan Kakamas toe," en "Aluta Continua," - net om die volgende voordag by die huis opgelaai en Gobabis-gevangenis toe geneem te word. Groot kompetisie Hierdie tiep van opttede was nodig en dit het 'n belangrike bydrae tot die bewuswording en onafhanklikwording van die land gelewer. vir leerlinge Daardie tydvak het egter op 21 Maart 1990 onherroeplik iets van die verlede geword. Die staking deur huurmotoreienaars op Dinsdag en die 'n KOMPETISIE vir agter op die tekening aanbring wyse waarop dit hanteer is maak dit soms nodig om na te skoolkinders word deur die en dit stuur aanManfred Dede­ dink oor die wyse waarop deesdae in die land onderhandel Sensuskoordinerings kind, Ministry of Education, Posbus 13186, Windhoek. Een van die demonstreerders wat voor die Transnamib­ word. Komitee aangebied om saam te val met die begin van die Inskrywings kan ook per hand hootkantoor demonstreer het vir die ontslag van Karel Onderhandelinge tussen groepe kan hoofsaaklik opgelos by die ministerie in die Trotskie­ Oberholzer, 'n senior sekuriteitsbeampte van word deur middel van konflik of kODsensus. sensus om op hierdie wyse die bree gemeenskap meer huis, in Leutweinstraat by kamer Transnamib, wat na bewering in 'n aanranding op 'n Menige inwoner van die land sal die situasie Dinsdag as een . 148 oorhandig word. ondergeskikte sekuriteitsbeampte betrokke was. van konflik beskryf, veral as dit geneem word uit die bewus te maak van die optrede wat van die kant van huurmotorbestuurders gekom komende sensus. het. Die kompetisie i~ gister deur Terwyl die optrede van die munisipaliteit oop is vir spekula­ die Pemianente Sekretaris van sie bestaan die vraag of die optrede van die huurmo­ Inligting en Uitsaaiwese, Bob A wonderful opportunity to improve your qualifications and pursue torbestuurders werklik nodig was. Kandetu, amptelik bekend a career in Programming. Acquire a practical combination of Com­ Deur die dagwas daar meniogsverskille onder die bestuur­ gemaak. puter and Business skills. ders en sommige het dit selfs gewaag om hul kamerade te Die sensus sal op 11 Julie konfron teer deur te vra of dit werklik nodig was. begin en leerlinge het tot 2 In een van hierdie argumentewou 'n middeljarige man van Augustus kans om hul inskry­ sy jonger mede-stakers weet of dit nie beter sou wees om wings in te stuur. Daar is groot Diploma in Business Computing pry se te wenindiekompetisie. eers ' 0 afvaardiging na die verkose regering te stuur om die Die skool waarvan die meeste kwessie te bespreek alvorens daar tot sulke aksie oor­ Duration: Upon completion of the first year the National Centre for In­ inskrywings kom sal 'n tel­ formation Technology in Great Britain issues its certificate. The National gegaan word oie. evisiestel en 'n videomasjien Diploma is awarded after three years. . Die teenargument wat hy van 'n jonger kameraad gekry wen terwyl daarnog groterpryse het was: "Jy het mos gesien hoe die staking in 1987 verloop vir die weninskrywings is. Content of course: The course is made up of seven study modules: het en ons het reggekry wat ons wou he." Die algehele wennervandie Dit is oop vir elke inwoner van die land om die geldigheid kompetisie sal Europa besook Basic Principles of Computers; Business Management; Business Maths van albei hierdie al'gumeote te beredeneer en tot 'n eie met 'n borgskap van Namib and Statistics; Business Accounting; Business Communication; Compu­ gevolgtl'ekking te kom. Dit behoort net genoem te word dat Air en sal vir die duur van die ter Programming; and Programming Project. 1981 voor 1990 was. verblyf onthaaI word deur 'n Dat die huurmotorbestuurders 'n magtige front is wanneer Rotarier-gesin. Requirements: The minimum quaIification is a Senior Certificate or hulIe tot aksieoorgaan is moontlik nie te betwyfel nie. Hulle Die tweede prys gaan die equivalent. All applicants will also first have to pass aptitude and English kan hulself op hul skouers klop en spog dat daar binne 'n Etosha-wildtuin besoek op 'n language proficiency tests. paar uur aan hul eisevoldoen is. Dit eindig moontlik daar toer wat alles insluit terwyl die want as ons na die ander gevolge van die staking kyk Iyk dit wenner van die derde prys na Number of students: A maximum of 24 students will be accepted. nie so goed nie. . die Waterberg-plato sal gaan. *HulIe het daarin geslaag om 'n groot gedeeUe van die stad Daar is nog baie ander Closing date for applications: 2 August 1991. vir byna 'n vone dag lam te le en die ekonomie laat stil te troospryse soos 'n middagete staan. met die President, 'ngroet van iContact person: Mr R Izaks at 307-2431. *Hulle het daarin geslaag om groot getalle werkers en die President, boeke, penne, persone wat vir die dag inkopies wou doen te verhoed om potlode en nog baie meer. met hul besigheid voort te gaan. . Om aan die kompetisie deel te neem moet leerlinge 'n teken­ *Sommige inwoners van die woonbuurte is net op die huur­ ing oor die behuisingsituasie Technil

BRIEWE ... BRIEWE ... BRIEWE IS DIE HOTEL met n vuis geslaan het. Die onwaar, want privaatgeleen­ bakleiery het toe ontstaan en thede in hotelle word nie in METEOR NET VIR ODS wat eers net drie was teeIlOor kroee gehou nie. Dis maar net BLANKES? die omtrent vyftien of twintig n verskoning daardie. witmanne het teruggegaan na As die kroegdame ons wou Dat daar geen duidelikheid oor die kroeg waardie swartmense bedien het, was daar mos nie n wat presies verlede Donderdag gesit het. Die witmans het ons privaat partytjie nie. Die dame by die Hotel Meteor in Groot­ weer gevolg en die bestuurder, sou ons net gese het, " Ver­ fODtein gebeur het, soos in The Andrew Coetzee, het toe ook skoon, hier is n privaatpar­ Namibian Focus van Dinsdag, bygekom. Hy het vir ons gevra tytjie." Ons het ook nie die 2 Julie, geraporteer is, is nie wat aangaan. Ons het vir horn dame gevloek SODS beweer word waar nie. Die mense wat daar gese dat die boere vir ons slaan. nie. was insluitende die wat met Coetzee het geantwoord en gese Daar was baie ooggetuies ODS gebaklei het en later die dat hy ook n boer is. Toe ons wat die waameid kan vertel Bestuurder van genoemde hotel horn gevra het om assblief saam van hoe alles gebeur het. weet wat presies gebeur het. te werk met die nuwe bestel, Ons vra die regering om die Ons, senior Amptenare in het hy gese dat hy liewers na omstandighede in daardie ho­ die Regeringsdiens in Owam­ Suid Afrika sal moet terug­ tel te; onders'?Ck. bodist.rik, en nie lede van die gaan as om saam te werk. Weermag soos .Mnr Coetzee Die boere wou nog op ons Regeringsamptenaar Bob Kandetu in die mid del het gister die kompetisie vir skooUeerlinge aangekondig. wou voorgee nie, was op afstorm maar gelukkig was die (Ek het 'n sterk vermoede Heel links verskyn Supii Katjita, 'n lid van die sensuskomitee met Manfred Dedekind, Saterdag van Owambo na weermag-opleiers van Groot­ gehad daar is erens 'n groot skakelbeampte van die Ministerie van Opvoeding en Kultuur, langs haar. Liesel Grootfontein toe. In Grootfon­ fontein naby gewees en het vir leuen ofdat daar iets is Schwerdfeger ook 'n lid van die sensuskomitee verskyn heel regs met Peter Swartz, tein het ons by Hotel Meteor ons gese om liewers die plek te wat nie heeltemal pluis is Koordineerder van die sensuskomitee langs haar. gaan aandoen om die hitte van verlaat want dis geen moeite die lang pad te kalmeer. Ons werd om te baldei nie. in die storie wat ons Ek het met 'n meissie vir gevra of ek die kind sal onder­ twee kinders dreig nou ook om het in die sogenaamde pri­ So. die weermag instrukteurs ontvang het nie. Dit is die meer as vier jaar uitgegaan. hou of nie. Ek wou toe nog my hof toe te neem omdat ek vaatkroeg, wat soos ons weet weet baie goed dat vanhulle se rede vir die gebruik van ons is verlede jaar in Novem­ praat toe se hy toe-toe jong die laaste twee maande vir haar weens apartheid net vir Blank.es manne op"Grootfontein baie die woorde "daar is geen ber uitmekaar omdat sy my tekm, te1ren! Ekhet toe getela.m. niks gegee het nie. g ~ reserveer is, ingegaan. Een swaar kry van die boere van duidelikheid nie." Dit wil laat staan het. Ek moet tagtig rand per maand Wie is nou verkeerd? Ek of van ons, naamlik David, was Grootfontein in daardie Hotel. voorkom asof u brief my Dit was 'ngroot skokvir my aan ondemoud betaal. die hofl op 'n tyd 'n werker in daardie Ons vraag is; " 'Aan wie vermoedens bevestig veral en ek mos sielkundige behan­ Die hofhet my gedreig son­ As ek 'n kans gekry het om Hotel en weet baie goed wat . behoort daardie Hotel eintlik? .. in die sin dat dit nie weer­ deling ondergaan want ek kon der om na my probleme re luister te praat sal die ander vrou nie die vemouding van die blankes Is die hotel net vir blankes of magmanne was nie. EB.) nie-eet of drink nie. of te kyk en het net die meisie nou-a! gedreig het om my aan in Grootfaotein in daardie Hotel hoe, veral die privaatkroeg? Ek het 'n dogtertjie van meer geglo. te kla nie. teenoor die 'nie-blankes is. Ons wil dit duidelik stel aan as drie jaar oud by die meisie. Sy het verder die hof vertel Ek weet nie wat oIfl te maak Net toe ons instap •. vra een Andrew Coetzee, die bestuur­ Sommige meisies Sy het my twee maande dat ek geen ander kinders het nie. Hoe en waar moet ek met witman vir ons. "Wat soek julle der van daardie hotel, dat ons kla uit jaloesie gelede vir ondemoud aangekla nie. Hpekom het die hof nie na my probleemgaan wantekkan kaffers hier? Hier is nie plek nie weermagmanne is wat hulle deur te se ek het van die dag my ook geluister nie want nou nie aldrie kinders deur die hof vir kaffers nie. .. Smyt hulle altyd rondjaag daar nie. Ons is Ek wil net vir die President en van geboorte nie die kind 'sit ek vas. ondemou nie. uit," se een van die witmans. regerings senior amptenare in die Regering van die land vra onderhou nie. Ek .het drie kinders en het Die hof moet ook na die Een vat vir David en wou horn Owambo. oflmlle weet dat die hof somtyds Wat van die meer as vier elke maand probeer om ten mans se omstandighede luis- . insleep in plaas van om vir Ons weet baie goed van die onregverdig handel en hoev­ jaar wat sy saam met my was? minste vir elkeen ietsie te gee. ter want sommige vrouens kla hom uit te smyt, soos hulle apartheid in daardie hotel op eel onskuldige mense sit in die Hoe is dit moontlik as sy saam Nou kan ek niks vir die ander net aan uit jaloesie of om haar gese het. Dis waar een van ons Grootfontein. Die storie dat daar tronk? met my was? twee gee nie want ek werk vir vorige kerel af te breek. kwaad raak en die blanke man in die privaatkroeg 'n pri­ Ek stel die vraag oor my Die hof het my mooi ged- . baie min geld. Nlishandeldeurhof wat vir David vasgehou het, vaatgeleentheid was, is ook geval. agvaar soos gewoonlik en my Die ma van een van die ander


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Tel. (06~232) 11 "WerksWinkel Tel. (O~2232) 91, (Kantoor) Posbus 16 .' ...... Fax: (062232) 339 Omaruru, 9000 U WERKSWINKEL VIR ALLEVOORKOMENDE MOtORHERSTELWERK '!

)~, . ,. . . ;: ,.' *:- Elektries~ . T()estene * Gereedskap * .' Motorbedrading * 24' Ulir diens * Herstelwerk .. * SheII vulstasie en Kiosk BESOEK ONS .... ONS HELP GRAAG!! THE NAMIBIAN Friday July 5 1991 17

Omulumentu gwedhina Kat­ Lutsata pomukunda gwawo. sa oku na omwenyo shimwe ti kutya Kamoli okwa shoro ya Kosmas Ehokololo ndjoka lya pewa OSWALD SHIVUTE MOSHAKATI ashike okwa ehama unene ehamekwa unene shimwe gwomomukunda Okapya oshifo shika ku Kamoli, nokwa falwa nale kOshipangelo ashike ota ka kala ngaa nawa popepi nOshikuku, ngoka a li a okuzilila mombete ye kaaIumentu mbaka yaali gumwe mana. kOshikuku. Opolisi oya yi. pamwe, ,ihe uuholo ende pamwe na Alfred moshipangelo shEpangelo komeho nangoka e na andjembo Natse otwa li twa itaala kutya Koshikuku inayi mu adha ko womushasho omo wu li molutu Uugwanga noya ka konga mO~ ku Kamoli nameme e li konima ye. Kamoli okwa sa nale, ihe sho no ye mu landulile kO­ lwe natango -miikokotenge Herman Kamoli Katutshi noku gwe Agnes Kakuwa, otali ti Kamoli ota ti kutya poshoto, twa yi po notwe mu nyenge shipangelo shEpangelo . yoshipepeti she, na okwa tege_ mu yaha nondjembo kutya, aalumentu mbaka yatatu Alfred okwe mu pula sho a otwa mono sho tiinyenge na kOshakati. lelwa wu ka tandwe mo kon­ yomushasho mombunda popepi oye ya megumbo mOotate ninga omutenya, na Kamoli otwa matuka tu ka tale Oya adha Kamoli opo ta ima yomasiku gontumba taga nepepelyokolumoho maandja Katutshi ya gwaya, inaya pita okwa yamukula kutya onda omushiinda shetu fanuel Lot, pangwa. Opolisi anuwa oya landula. he Answer Katutshi posheelo nande, noya pendula dhenga oomukulukadhi gwohe. ngoka e na oshihauto. Fanuel lombwele Kamoli kutya, nani Aakuluntu ya Kamoli, oya momukunda Omagalanga, aanegumbo kutya naya pen­ alfred okwa ti kutya, Kamoli okwe ya nziya notwa fala oku na omwenyo, oshoka yo geela Alfred nongundu ye, sho uusiku wokupendukila Omaan­ d~ke ihe hamuntu tiinyenge okwa lunduka nokwa kala te Kamoli koshipangelo sha oya li ya lombwelwa kutya okwa ya li ya ha1a okudhipaga omona­ daha ga ziko, konima anuwa nande, unene tuu aanona. Oya mu engena popepi. Kamoli ota Shikuku. sa. Oye mu pula kutya ngele mati gwawo. Oya hokololele sho Kamoli a dhenge omuholike ingidha taya ti kutya mwene . ti kutya okwa kutha mo ombele Oonganga dha Shikuku odbe okwa hala okuninga oshipotha, oshifo shika kntya Kamoli okwa gwa Alfred Uugwanga, okwa gwegumbo nomukulukadhi gwe ye ngeno nokwe ya pilamene, mu fala meendelelo kO­ na oya shuna. kala omuvuliki nokwa kala li a kwatwa kOpolisi noku na Kamoli naya pite pondje. sho a ipula kutya itashi kwatha shipangelo shEpangelo Oshinyolwa shika osha aluhe pegummbo te ya yakula edhililwa modholongo mOs­ Mwene gwegumbo sha oku ya kuthila ombele. Sho kOshakati. holokele nale moshifo 'shom­ nawa. hakati na okwa tegelelwa aka nomukulukadhi gwe meme nga a pilameno ko, oku uvite Meme Agnes ota ti kutya ye Etine lya za ko. Otaya indile kutya, oveta nayi pangulwe nena mompangu ya Agnes oya piti pondje noya ka ashike sho a lala nale nothingo kIipangelo inaya ko manga Kepulo, Opolisi oya tseyitha tale po nawa mpoka neho etili­ Mangestrata pOndangwa. tema poshoto. Kamoli sho a ye ya kukuta oshowo olutu lwe uusiku mboka, ihe mangangaa kutya, ngoka ta kufekelwa kntya gane. Ekwato lyaKatshoro olyazi kala ina pita mo nziya, Alfred aluhe na okwa kala keshi kutya opo ·ye li meguwbo, Opolisi oye a yaha Herman Kamoli Pakuuva Alfred, ngoka oye mpoka ·sho ye na 'Alfred okwa yi pokalili ke noku mu oku li peni. oya uluka ko tayi wilikwa ku Katutshi, gwedhina Katshoro . a li e li osheendo komeho, Uugwanga na Immanuela ithana mo kekuni. Kamoli ota Meme Agnes, yi na ya Alfred. Ando oye a li e ke yi Kosrnas, okwa kwatwa po nale molwashoka oye mwene Immata ya li ya yi kaandjawo ti okwa kutha ombele ye nok­ Kamoli, okwa tsikile ko ta ti tala. Kutya nee okwe yi. Kopolisi ya Shakati, e li mondj­ .gwomukUlukadhi ngoka a ya Kamoli konima sho ya uvu upita moo kutya, aalumentu mbaka sho lombwela shike katu shi shi. edhililQ nokwa tegelela a ka dhengwa, oku li a valwa ku tya Kamoli okwa li a dhenge Sho e ya pondjo okwa nga ya yaha Kamoli noya mono Opolisi oye tu lombwele holoke mompangu ya Mang- ' komusamane ya za muyina " omuholike gwa Alfreda gwed­ hingilwa poshoto-polupale kutya a gwila po, oya yi yuuka kutya yo anuwa oya lipotelwa estrata ongula yonena. yimwe nahe ya nakuyahwa, hill.a ~al i tseyika natango mpoka pu na he na yina ya mepya taya umbu ko iikuti yi ile ko orrrudhimba gwomuntu Pakuuva kOonakupanga Herman Katutshi Kamoli. koshifo shika, e mu dhengela tema omulilo. yimwe kondjembo yawo taya a sa nale. Otwe yi lombwele Kamoli moshipangelo Oshipotha otashi anuwa pokakamba ka meme Ota ti okwa li a tulwa pokati ulula uutoni taya ti twe shi kutya omuntu ngoka ya ila ina shEpangelo mOshakati, otaya konaakonwa ano kOpolisi. Nel ta indle elongelokumwe naakalimo

Oshifo shika shomEtiyali lya Okwa ti oku shi shi kutya ziko osha li sha shanga sha sIll OSWALD SHIVUTE MOSHAKAT1 mboka ye li pomikunda moka na sha noonkundathano dhasho mwa enda orrrukanka gwa Elim nOmunambelewa omukulunlu limbililwa unene kaakalimo laadhilo lyokukutha omunino na Sbikuku, oya ~wa omeya mOshitopolwa shOmeya yomOwambo unene mbo ye li mOgongo gwa uka kOkalongo, shili, ihe ngeno okwa li ngaa mOshakati omusamane Leo­ miitopolwa moka mwa enda Omungwelume nOongenga taya etha omeya ga thike pold Niipare, moka a li a ningi omukanka gwomeya, oshoka hoka. kOshakati tango, nena otaya omakumagidho omanene ko­ nande ya indilwa kutya, inaya Omeya ngeno oku za mOs­ ka mona sho omeya taga pat­ shigwana shoka shi li popepi popola we omukanka, kaye uvite hakati, otaga uka ihe kOm­ ululwa nawa ga uke ku Elim. naampoka pwa enda omukanka, ko nande. Omukanka, kutya buga hOD ku na enota enene Omusamane Nel okwa opo shaa popole mo omeya ogwo nee ilgoka gwa za mEtaka lyaakalimo yaahoka niimuna lombwela natango oshifo shika ngoka ga uka kOshakati oku za . gwa uka Onesi, OtsandinOka­ yawo. Ihe shika oshi li tashi , kutya, nomunino ngoka gwaya ko Calueque, oshoka oondanla hao nOtamanzi nenge ogwo dhigupalekwa kaantu mboka' kuushilo wOw ambo gwa enda dhoka dhi li mO~ti po ngoka gwa Calueque, Ombal­ haya popola omukanka opo mUukwanyama, ogu li po tagu Waterwaisa odho manga dlu antu, Ogongo nOshakati, ogu omeya ga tondokele miishana pangululwa pomatsakaneno na okuudha omeya, opo nawa li tagu popolwa nayi, nomeya, nomomatale ngoka ge li mpoka gwa thetelwa kumwe ku gandjwe omeya koshigwana pehala lyokuthika hoka ga pomikunda dhawo, 0IllllD.$a ye yo aakalimo yaampoka taya &hoka shi li kokule nomukanka, nuninwa manga, itaga thiki ko li popepi nomukanka na itaya kutha mo omeya go gamwe unene ngaashi kombuga we IlUIIJ8Il osboka pokati mpaka dhilaadhila yakwawo mbeyaka taga pombolokele miishana nomuushilo wOwambonuum­ otaga thiminikwa ga ende ye li ookilometa omathele nenge momandombe opo bangalantu. ondjila ndjoka hago ga li ge na kokule nomulcanka, kaye na iimuna yawo yi nwe omeya Oshinima shimwe osha Ii okweenda, noknya ke~ hoka omeya na itaya vulu oku ga ngoka. Okwa ti oya dhidhilika ekumagidho .H na sha hako kwa li ge na okuya. mona ngele nani, pehala. kutya na Angola nayo wo ohaya nokwiikoha nokukohela Okwa lombwele oshifo sbib. lyokweendelela okuthika boka, popola ominino dhika noknteka Berend Verster, 00 a fadukapo okudja koSA shaashi momu~, oshoka· omeya kutya, elalakano lyotango otaku katashwa komapopolo moomeya. vati ta dipawa. Okwa Ii a monika ondjo mEtivali melongifo otaga nyata nayi nota ga eta lyoknkutha omeya ko Calueque, gomikanka shaa li pazimino Omusamane Nel okwa li a lehauto pe he na epitikilo lamwene. Efano: TY APPA omukithi. olyo ku ga eta kOgongo.nOs­ lyOshikondo shOmeya. tseyitha kutya oya li ya mona NAMUTEWA. Omusamane Nel ngoka oye hakati, oshowo Onesi, Tsandi, Nel okwa ulika unene kaaka­ aayenda omasiku ngaka, ya za e li Omukuluntu gwOshito­ Okahao nOtamanzi. Okuza limo yopopepi nOshikuku, koHolanda, ye na ko nasha polwa shOmeya mOshitopolwa mOshakati oge na okuya mboka paye, ya popola nokukonaakona onkalo sha Wambo kepulo omutenya nominino ga uka kuuzilo omukanka popepi nOshikuku yEgandjo lyomeya moshito­ Verster a monika gwohela okwa li a lombwele wOwambo nokuumbangalan­ opo ga ye ga lambalala ngoka polwa sha Wambo. Okwa ti oshifo shika kutya, ye oku li a tuushilo. Opu na wo edhi- gwaElim. . okwiinekela kntya ompumbwe yomeya oye yi mona na otaya ka ninga po sha shomupondo ondjo moWindhoek opo ya monene oshitopolwa shetu oonzo dhomeya. Omulumenhu wedina Derend Dawid Jacobus Verster,35, Thuvathaneni yakwetu, shi wokoSouth Africa, okwa Ii a handukilwa a fute eeranda na sha nomeya opo ga topolwe . eyovi limwe ile a kale mokakuma oule wodula,eshi nawa noga pewe kehe mEtitatu kwa Ii a monika ondjo momhangu yaMang­ omukwashigwana niimuna ye. estrata mo Windhoek, melopotelo lokulongifa ehauto pe Oondama dhoka dha Water­ he na epitikilo lamwene. waisa dhi li mOshakati odha udha nale nokuli na edhilaadhilo Ehokololootali ri, Verster, ashike okulishunifa diva sh­ oli li mpoka kutya, omeya ga 0 0 e na omlldina mabapu nokwa aashi la tekela poGrunau. pombwe ga uke kOmbuga hoka dimina nale nokuli yemwene Okwa handukilwa opo a fute ku na aantu niimuna tayi si kutya okwa li oshilyo shokan­ RI ()()() ile a kale konima kenota. Ngeno ngangika om­ gudu okadipai kedina CCB yekumba o:ule wodula. eya oga pita nale ontopa ya moSouth Africa, okw~ li a Ehokololo la Verster ina1i yela Kuvelai pu Thpopyeni ga uka kwatwa mEtivali, konima eshi naana nawa fiyoopapa, ashike kOmbuga, nge okwa li inaga e uya moNamibia nohauto ota hokolola kutya vati okwa popolelwa momukanka gwa yehangano ledina Power Truck ya onhapo eshi ovapolifi Elim na Shikuku omasiku ga Hire. vokoSA va hala oku mu dipaa. ziko. Osho omusamane Nel a Ehauto eli vati okwa li ashike Ota tongo kutya vati okwa tseyitha ngaaka noshipala tashi e li ehela efiku limwe alike, mona oilonga mepangelo laN­ indile elongelokumwe. Okwa ashike okwa kala ine li fikifa ami bia moshikondo sheameno ti ngeno otaya thitike po ihe pefimbo 010 kwa li va udafana. loushitwe, omangaNIko BeSsill­ eshina lyawo lyokuthitika Oovene vehauto ova ninga ger, Oministeli yoshikondo nokufula omukanka olya teka oshibofa shevakepo letuwa, oshop tai ti shidalelwe i kute omasiku ngaka. Ngete lya Meme Nangula Kathind i, womoshikandjo shevava loomeme moCCN, omafiku a dja nosha twala fiyo omekwato He i ka kute omunailongo 00 pangelwa otatu ka kem!>adhala laVerster. moilonga. Omahokololo amwe ko okwa li a pewa ohauto koCCN, oyo tai ka longifwa mokuunganeka oinima yomeme tu thitike mpoka pwa pOf)olwa Verster okwa hokololela otashi dulika a ka holoke nale moshitopolwa shaWambo. Mefano eli, me me Kathindi ota tambula pambelewa go omeya ga ye hoka ?" clhi­ I'mhanp' h.utY3 ye ina vaka moshi fo eshi. shi na sha nomu­ oipatululo yetukutuku 010 I.",'): OS,"V '" n ~ IlVUTE . ho sh01·.· 18 Friday July 5 1991 THE NAMIBIAN

~,'~' ~ "" ~, . - ~ ~ ...... _. .., ~ - .- THE NAMIBIAN - NEWSPAPER Uffosephine's ((21todes FOR A NEW NATION. ·7:a:nes-sentrum -Pionierspark - Tel. 43855 - Posbus 30945 Invitation TRADE ONLY WINTER UITVERKOPING We invite you to our 1991 D Klere D Skoene D Handsakke bicycle and toy exhibition DATE: Thursday 25th - Friday 26th SPESIAAL VIR DIE Saturday 27th - Sunday 28th July 1991 MODERNE VROUl TIME: 10.00 am to 7.00 pm daily VENUE: Players Inn Room, Sturrock Park Club ALLE GROOITES V ANAF 32 - 48 Showground Road (Next to Western Campus Braamfontein. Wits University) TEEN BAlE REDELIKE PRYSE SNACKS AND DRINKS SERVED 5MBA EN KREDIETKAARTE WELKOM Numerous special offers available for days of show only RSVP - R Abrahams - A H Bhabha - (011) 6143450


We are proud to announce that we have successfully negotiated the takeover of all GSSA operations.

We are currently relocating the control centre and monitoring facilities to our existing offices at 474 Independence Avenue.

We will be providing our clients in Wmdhoek with the following services:

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All existing GSSA clients wishing to make use of the above services will benefit free of charge untiL 1st August 1991.

For further information phone 35339, 32130 or 32136 COIN SECURITY NAMIBIA .....

- THE NAMIBIAN Friday July 5 1991 19

, . SPECIAL ' . AUTO CENTRE, l\oUing mflJcds BUSH MASTER ~ DRIES LUBBE BAK KIE CENTRE fPTY) l TO. SERVICES ~ 2 161(i112f(.7M LIGHT : ""OJ.nl""OURS ~ . " ENGINEERING­ 1981 Nissan B 20 1lJ ''b-, .. ~ ~ WI NIJIIOr.K 9000 MANUFACTURERS Patrol s~iP7iP, a!c, _ P,", BOX 2844, WINOHOEK 9000 , LET US SELL YOUR lEl. foell 22828' OF: r /t, wide tyres, CAR FOR YOU & GET AFTER HOURS 222778 ·Bush Bars, Tow and .. rebuilt engine, THE BEST VALUE. Rollbar ~ ~" , many extras, ex­ WE RECOVER OUR C ontact me now for * Aluminium Chack ~;JJt;~{ ShopIf 19 Old Mutual. PIII[L COMMISSION FROM . .,.,.. P.O. SOlI, 23658 Windhoek 9000 selected Motorcar s plates, stone guards 1 ....1iiT~.ftrf, cellen t condition, TelephonE: 226705 THE SELLER and Bakkies *Burglar Bars R45000.00 o.n.o. Pbone: Dries Lubbe TheENTERT~NT Indira has grown in · Diesel & W ater Tank Tel. 42155 Tel: 216761/216766 Tel: 226261 COMPLEX size and style.•. Ca/h) 212659 Trailers that does not stop! We now stock stylish Cars fully guaranteed ·Dropside Bodies and For more information outfits while on our premises!!! Trallies caJ1216884 1981 VW Micro­ for the elegant lady bus 2L aircooled, *General Steel We also stock. trendy new engine Constructions clothing for the *we do many more ~ student. ProWhite rims YOU NAME IT WE Remember all students with RV 180 DOlT! 10% discount! tyres, new paint, Conta~t: Tel 21S60 (h) ( CLUB MOBY JACK) ;;:, TYRE BARGAINS ... LA DIFFERENCE excellent condi­ (A/h) or visit us at Just arrived from SHOP NO. 16 J",J.J. tion. R16500 overseas (secondhand Tt& hottest o.n.o. Tel42155 and In good condition) ENOKOLD entertainment WE BUY, SELL PAWN AND swOP SECOND· +/. R75 each (excl. GST) COMPOUND complex In town HAND FURNITURE, Are still available at MOSSIE Wednesday ELECTRICAL Woodway Car Sales, 10 Friday APPLIANCES AND Tal street (next to Apollo Saturday BUILDING MATERIAL Restuarant. We have not ONLY THE BEST Fore more information FOR CASH moved come and see us Tel: 644 Oshakati (pAY OVER 3MONTHS) IS GOOD .WERNHIL PARK now for the best prices DISCOUNT ON ENOUGH!! CLUB GUEST BRIDGE NEW FURNITURE BIGGER QUANTITIES! HOUSE 228556 Fandlfa Yomat8lyela OH! WHAT BIG FUN! .CORNER DAIMLER Opo A DI KomBada For your enjoyment AND DIESEL STR. yomafuta CHROMA Wed, Fri & Sat (NEW AND SECOND- (Omakulu, Ashlke-Okull ELECTRONICS Free on Wednesdays HAND FURNITURE) Mongbalo JWa) keshe 221531/1 Poor TV reception? Umwe R75lawwpo Special entertainment ·OPIPIWANGA TYRE BARGAINS TYRE BARGAINS TV Antenna TOP DJ BEN SHOPPING CENTRE. TRADING AS DUCAN OUR PRICES S TART InstallationPhone : For more information D·1822 KATUTURA (PT¥) LTD FROM R50,00 AND 225749 can 61838 ••• Come and have a look OUR UNIQUE MONEY UP and save yourself a lot BACK WE HAVE ALL ALARMS FOR HOME CLUB PUT MORE'FIRE of money o~ our , GUARANTEE WE 10 TalStreet (next to SIZES. AND MOTOR CARS , THE HOTTEST _ WILl. PAY YOU fantastic~ high'qUality' App6lo restaurant) OUR SECOND­ WITH IMMOBILISERS ENTERTAINMENT THE DIFFERENCE IF second-hand tyres with Tel: 33196/7 PHONE SECURITY YOU CAN flND HAND TYRES COMPLEX IN 80% tread! Brakwater 64516 SYSTEMS NAMIBIA ONGWEDIVA · ANY ITEM CHEAPER!! HA VE 80 % TREAD Our new stock has just TEL: 225749 NON·STOP!! YOU'LL FIND US BE­ CREDIT CARDS arrived from Open: Wednesday, HIND TRANSWORD WELCOME Germany. Friday and Saturday ~ CARGO, NO S VON ALARMS! !ALARMS!! We have also the large Matinee: 14:00 - 16:00 BRAUN STREET for the BESTand beautiful size G on Saturday most EFFECTIVE Tel: 10320shakati FANIE 3lx10.S0R1S - AND CHEAPEST ...... SUPERMARKET 10.S0R1S otT road tyres KATUTURA for your 4x4. ·Panelbeaters in Town TEL: 215453 The best second-hand ·Spray painting GENERAL DEALER tyres on the market · Chassis Straightening Contact Tommy at SALON BLACK HAIR with the best prices on iIll 12yr 2!2!;;~d~ S lit · Breakdown Service HOME & OFFICE 212478 from 7:30 - for Quick Curl and the market. lI I 2~~r Uri!;;1.l ·Free Quatations CLEANERS 5pm for your home Perfe ction produ cts We are in the following Open from 08:00 • 19:00 alarm now! ! KENYA CRAFT 6-2947/8 37460 BERHARDSTREET areas: NB we a lso d o t he Windhoek: Ducan GROOTFONTEIN WHY SPOIL instaHations FOR SALE (Ply) Ltd (opp. Wecke & Volgts) YOUR CARPETS We do perruing, rell\Xfng, SISAL BAGS - R50,OO Oshakati: Tyre Bar­ braiding & men's hair AFRICAN DRESSES gain, front of Omartala Why pay for wrong cutting FOR LADIES AND Market VARIOUS methods of c1eaning­ For an appointment GENTS (CHETENGE) Grootfontein: G + E never let any carpet Tel. 3474 R120,00 Garage, (mr Gunther) cleaner wash or steam Visit: do Uhland Street Keetmanshoop: Speedy clean your carpet and Independence Ave. Gonzales Motors MARK ll before it was NOTICE Tel: 225312/224197 Walvis Bay: Tyre Bar­ (No 20 Krupp Street) vacuumed - we KENAM gain, opening soon!! Good second hand specialise in cleaning .' ..... ' ...... Please contact us at the THE DEADLINE FOR tyres, imported carpets, upholstery & following numbers: excellent condition matresses - and THE (061) 228024 or 228040 I~IIII~~I~I~ •• ~~~] · ••I removing soil. ADVERTISEMENTS Von Braun Str eet 5, For all Cars IN THE PAPER, AS THE MATRIX Windhoek and Bakkies FROM THE Business Computers Contact: 221637 For peace of mind BEGINING OF JULV, Educational 31257(after hours) call 37460 any time 1991, WI LL BE TWO Computers DA VS PRIOR TO Personal Computers THE ADVERrS The latest Computers & Printers PUBLICATION. Sole Agents for EPSON TYRE BARGAIN Computers 31994 anything special, in the POPEPI beauty line NOMATALO , to advertise Gustav Voigts Centre contact our advertising Independence Avenue department no,," for very PO Box 6364 OSHAKATI - 692 .: special rate.~: Tel: 36970 Windhoek 20 Friday July 5 1991 THE NAMIBIAN

\ ... Hous~SfOrS~le > I ISP~ciat~erVices I rSp~c'al~E;fViCe$1

1984 ISUZU 4 x 4 LE We have the follwing I 2000 CCN Canopy houses to let with with sastiwindow, immediate occupation rollbar, towbar, radio/ CB WELDING TAUBENGLEN tape. Fully furnished 3 bedroom ENGINEERING KHOMASDAL R17.000.00 Negotiable. house or R2500.00 "'For all steel 3SLAAPKAMERS TYRE BARGAINS construction work BADKAMER Phone Tel. 061- 225134 LUDWIGSDORF "'Building of sheds TOILET EETKAMER or Very Large 5 bedroomed house, 3 bathrooms, Large u tale nde to xupifa "'Cattle trailer KOMBUIS IMOTORHUIS 224438 na , 100mge - entertainment area bodies RI07000 oimaliwa ihapu - R4000.00 per month mokulilandela oma­ "'Trellis work KHOMASDAL taiyela makulu xwepo. "'Gates 3 SLAAPKAMERS KHOMASDAL 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Omatayile aa opaife "'Trailers and 2 BADKAMERS KOMBUIS Kitchen with stove, Lounge, okwa konda okudja general welding work SIT IEETKAMER diningroom, stud - R 1400.00 YOU NAME IT WE CAMPER/BAKKIE koNdowisi. Namibia Sand & RIl2000 per month. Otu na yo natango MAKE IT!!! TEL:224884 FOR SALE Stone Supplies 1983 Toyota HOUSES AVAILABLE omaiyela 00 to dulu Tel:: 62543 okulogifa mefUIulu Do you need sand King Cab FROM END OF MONTH (momufitu) eetuwa odo or stone for I.·· •• •••• ••••••• ••• •••••••••• )•. ]g •• !!~ •••••• :: •••••••.•••. ••••: •••• ••• 1 4 - wheel drive, Radio/ OLYMPIA hadi nane akushe building, fertile Tape, 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, (4x4)eenomola ngaashi Double Bed, Lounge, diningroom plus 1 31x10.50 R15 oshoyo soil or manure for Gas stove, Towbar, Im­ bedroom fl at - R2700.00 per month. 10.50 R1S. Odo eeno­ your garden mobiliser, mola domataiyela, Tel: 211523 Insulated Canopy Con­ KHOMASDAL 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, ndele kadi fi ondado vertible to bakkie . yao. NAMIBIA COURIERS L:f:I)S I Eros, Hoch­ VARIETY OF Area Std ~ 7 ' FROM G ARDEN L/I, i'OiJl I Verdien &300 per TO GAnDEH STOCK,NO next to Transworld land Park or Commence on 22 July Dag deur k oeverte MAINTENANCE CHANCERS Cargo Ludwigsdorf 1991 WE Albo SELL Phone Andre at Free quotations · tevul. Contact Gardon Soll@ R4.00 pt-I bag 061·35458 available Ons voorsien volle- Potting Soil @ R4,50 por b.l'J TEL. 36388 ALL Compulab, Mr Jacobs Flmo Manuro @ R4,QO pdr dige instruksies. HOURS Tel:43379 . . bag CITY CENTRE DRIVING SCHOOL Stuur R4.00 plus - Indoor and outdoor plants Pt LESSONSFORLEARNER~UCENCE gefrankeerde lang prices th ut will slul llnybody's koevert aan: TO PLACE YOUR ADVERTS IN I pocket:; + DRIVERS UCENCE TRIOAGENTE I TEL (061) 37220/1/2/3/(B) (061) 33413 (HOME) THE NAMIBIAN CALL MANIE COM E Arm see u s AT I;:X- FAX: 221408 Posbus 50234, FERREIRA'S DEPOT, LEVINSON ARCADE P 0 Box 777 Windhoek Windhoek 9000 OR JONASAT (061) 36970 BRAI

THE NAMIBIAN Friday July 5 1991 21

LONDON: A year ago, agent. Jennifer Capriati was a Jennifer Capriati - giant killer " I think Jenny hasn't had giggly, starry-eyed prod­ great results this year, but she igy living out a fairy tale has been working on an all­ court game," Evert said by just by walking onto Centre telephone on Wednesday from Court. Florida. " She paid the price, Now, she's an intense, no­ Teenager star sets her now she's reaping the benefit nonsense teenager chasing a of all the work." realistic dream - winning the " Today she was unbeliev­ world's most prestigious ten­ able, she was awesome: She nis tournament. handled the nerves unbelieva­ If Capriati' s rookie year on sights on the crown bly. Whenever she was down, the tour was a magical joyride, a break point or whenever she when every match was a cele­ needed to win a point, she went bration of youth and promise, history of the championships. playing. I just went out there Last year, Capriati's Wim­ ment and compiled a modest for broke." bledon debut ended in the round record of 15-7 going into then her second season has been "I finally did it," she said. and I just went for it." Evert thinks there is little a bumpy journey of tough losses "Ican'tbelieveit.lpll 'my "I was totally focused," she of 16 with a 6-2, 6-4 loss to Wimbledon. for Capriati to improve. One reason is that the .other and learning experiences. best tennis today, prob;t ../ my said. "I was so anxious to go Steffi Graf. Afterwards, she "Jennifer probably has the gushed, "It was great ... even players know what to expect Ditching the bubble gum and best ever." out there and play my best best service return of anybody Bart Simpson T-shirts, she And she did it in fearless tennis. I had so much desire in Princess Fergie came." from her now. Another is iliat on the tour right now," she gritted her teeth and went to fashion against the woman she me, that ljust didn't think about This time, she was happy to Capriati has been experiment­ said. ,. And her serve is a weapon work on improving her ganle used to call the "lege," teen­ it. " finish the match before Prin­ ing with her game, trying to now. I don't think her ground­ so she could fmally compete speak for legend. She pounced The only time she felt any cess Diaria arrived in the Royal improve her volley to supple­ strokes can get much better. mentherbaselirie style, work­ with the best. on Navratilova's serves, crush­ nerves was in the last game Box, and she made it clear that There aren 't any glaring weak­ she won't be satisfied unless It all paid off on Wednesday ing returns off both wings, cross­ when she broke Navratilova ing with weights to build up­ nesses in her game." as the 15-year-old Floridian court and down the lines. for the match. she lifts the champion's tro­ per body strength, adding foot­ Evert has no doubt that work drills to her practice · scored the biggest win of her "I didn't want the. whole "I was getting the chills," phy on Saturday. Capriati is on her way to the "Ofcourse, " she said. "If I routine. career, defeating nine-time situation to overawe me," she said. "I couldn't believe top. it. t t Wimble on champion Martina Capriati said. "I did think about didn't think so, why ~ould I Few are better to judge " Jennifer is on course to N avratilova 6-4, 7-5 on Centre it before the match. I thought, But it was Capriati who kept win? Yes, I think I have a good Capriati's development than winning a Grand Slam tourna­ Court. 'here I am going to play Martina her composure, drilling a back­ chance." Chris Evert, the three-time ment," she said. " She is defi­ The win, her first ever over on Centre Court and she has hand return winner at deuce To some, Capriati has had a Wimbledon champion. The two nitely a potential No I, and and watching as Navratilova have similar styles, Evert's one of the top four players in won it nine times. ' But as soon disappointing year. She d.rowed potential winner of many Grand out of the top 10, failed to father once coached Capriati the world, makes Capriati the as I got out there, I didn't re­ choked up and double faulted Slam titles. " - Sapa-AP. youngest semifinalist in the ally think about who I was on match point. reach the final of any tourna- and Evert's brother is the teen's Graf and Sabatini to clash in the finals

LONDON: Steffi Graf and Gabriela Sabatini advanc~d ing duals in men's tennis. to the Wimbledon women's final by defeating a pair of Stich, 22, and the 20-year Americans yesterday on the United States' Independ­ old Courier are two of the best ence Day. yoong players in the game. Each combines awesome power with Graf, the top seed and a two­ Stieh, who slanlffied 15 aces a light touch, and both have the time champion, moved into her in a 6-3, 7-6, 6-2 victory over potential to be good on all fourth Wimbledon final in the Courier, advanced to a semifi­ surfaces - though Courier still last five years by defeating fifth nal clash against defending is learning to play on grass. seed Mary Joe Femandez 6-2, champion Stefan Edberg. "He was serving just mon­ 6-4 in one semifinal. Edberg, the top seed, lost his strous and his returns were really WIMBLEDON: American champion and fourth seed Jim Courier was yesterday The second-seeded Sabatini serve only once in a 6-3, 6-2, pretty effective also," Courier ousted in the men's quarter-finals by Germany's Michael Stitch, seeded sixth. rolled to a 6-4,6-4 victory over 7-5 defeat of Frenchman Thi­ said. "It was just a matter of Jennifer Capriati, who had erry Champion. Edberg has not him being more effective on eliminated nine-time champion lost a set while reaching the this surface. He just beat me Martina Navratilova on Wimbledon semifinals for the fair and square." Wednesday, in the other semi­ fifth straight year. Stich's victory gained him final. Stich, a l,93-metre German revenge for his four-set loss to Capriati lost on the fifth match with a huge reach, comple­ Courier in the French Open point against Sabatini, who mented his hard serves and semifinals a month ago. Cou­ LONDON: Boris Becker, who self now have to play every played all of the men's matches reached her first Wimbledon sharp passing shots with dell­ rier, who went on to win the received a warning for racket day whereas other players have first ... final. The Argentine has de­ cate volleys and lobs to elimi­ tournament, now leads Stieh abuse during his four-set vic­ been able to have a rest day." " This decision means that feated Graf in their last five nate the fourth-seeded Cou­ 3-2 in their head-to-head meet­ tory over Christian Bergstrom Becker beat Bergstrom 6-4, the players no longer have equal meetings and won the US Open rier. The contest was a preview ings. of Sweden on Wednesday, 6-7 (4/7), 6-1, 7-6 (7/2) in the chances." Becker, who copped final against CJraflast Septem­ of one match-up at the Davis " I knew that I could play claimed that bad scheduling fourth-round and who now faces his warning from British umpire ber. Cup semifinals in September really well on grass," Stich could spoil his chances of seventh seeded frenchman Guy Jeremy Shales after hurling his Another American was between the United States and said. "It's a great feeling, just winning a fourth Wimbledon Forget yesterday for a place in racket at the baseline after going ousted in the men's quarterfi­ Germany, and was another four weeks ago reaching the crown. the semi-final. 15-40 down on serve in the nals as fourth seed Jim Courier instalment in what could be­ semis in Paris and now reach­ The 23-year-old German, "Knowing there could be eighth game of the second set, lost to sixth seed Michael Stich. come one of the most intrigu- ing the semis here." - Sapa. winner here In 1985, 1986 and rain later in the day they should appeared particularly morose 1989 and a finalist withStefan not have played the women's after his win. . Edberg the last three years, matches on Tuesday as the • 'I touched the ground a little said: "They have made a big second and third matches", he bit with my racket," he admit­ PUT YOUR EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE mistake. " " Agassi and my- said. " They should instead have ted after the match. TO BETTER USE AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT "Well you know - I was IN OUR DYNAMIC ENVIRONMENT trying to win in straight-sets. I had a set and a break and eve­ we invite applications for the P9sition of Seles takes it easy rything seemed to be quite easy. COMMERCIAL TRAINEE •"Then he piekOO up his game. PALM BEACH: Monica Seles, whose quick exit from He had a stretch of about 15 The ideal candidate will be a mature person of stable character with a successful school record. A good grasp of both English and Afrikaans will be required and N arnibian citizenship will be Wimbledon caught the attention of tournament watch­ minutes when he really hit the ball clean all the time. Then a prerequi~ite. Preference will be given to those who possess a matric qualification, have some ers, was spotted browsing and shopping in this Florida when I lost the second set I exposure to the building industry, and have lived in or around the Grootfontein community for seaside community, a newspaper reported yesterday. knew I would. have to play some time. The successful applicant will be trained by us in all matters of business including Seles, 17, who abruptly withdrew from the Grand Slam tourna­ every day." sales, adnlinistration, purchasing, materials handling and marketing. He will be required to ment outside London, bought an outfit in Bloomingdale's on sign an 18 months training contract, binding himself for a further 18 months of service on Saturday at The Gardens mall in Palm Beach Gardens, the Palm "I wanted to get everything completion of training. From this cadre of trainees the future management of the Pupkewitz Beach Post reported. over as quickly as possible. B and E division will be based. Thu s the successful applicant can look forward to a bright future ''I'm not going to tell you a thing," said the clerk who sold That is why I was a bi-t an­ within the Pupkewitz Group. Seles an outfit with the exclusive Dorma Karan label. "She noyed." Becker, unshaven and deserves her privacy. " Seles was next seen at a Palm Beach unsmiling, refused to answer We offer: grocely store with her parents on Sunday. any questions about an alleged '" Above average remuneration '" Yearly service bonus '" Very favourable pension scheme Health reporter Karen Curtis of WPBF-TV in Palm Beach rift between him and his girl­ '" Medical aid scheme'" Regular training courses'" Staff discounts '" Congenial working conditions Gardens sa w her but didn't recognize her at first. Curtis sai d Seles friend karen schultz. Apply in strict confidence with full details to the Branch Manager Mr Otto, was the last person 'she expected to fmd on the check-out line. "If you don't want to ask Tel: (06731) 207516 or P 0 Box 93 Grootfontein. , 'I ce ~tainl y di dn' t expect her to be in the Palm Beach Publix, " questions about the tennis you said Curtis .• 'I talked myself out of believing It was her. I wish have no business being here," I had been more astute." - Sapa-AP. he snapped. - Sapa-AFP. . . 22 Friday July 5 1991 THE NAMIBIAN NAMIBIAN SPORT · ·PICTURE POWER! I

CATCHME! American track star Carl Lewis (right) sprints next to former Cana­ JUMPIN' IllGH. Orla Venter on her way to beat the world. Orla beat her compatriot dian rival Ben Johnson during the lOOm dash at the international track and field meet Annerie de Klerk into the second place at l,73m in a Junior Club meeting in Polking, in France. Lewis finished second (10,20), with Johnson 7th in 10~46. Germany.

TAKE TillS! Former world heavyweight champion Mike Tyson gets in a right punch to Donovan 'Razor' Ruddock's jaw last Saturday. Tyson won a 12-round unanimous decision. (Photo: Agence France Presse).

DISCUS QUEEN. Wilna Bredenhaan last Friday set a new Namibian record of 45,7m in the discus during a Junior International Meeting held in Frankfurt, Ger-


wo RLD BEATER. Olympics hopefull Frankie Fredericks, with Nicovan der Merwe HOT -FEET. Sprints star Rudi Buys (No 402) is also one of the local athletes makin, ofRossing, beat Olympic gold medallist Carl Lewis in atime of 20,41 in the 20001 dash a name abroad. Rudi clinched the 300m in a time of 36,57 also at Polking, German: on Wednesday in Stockholm. ' - . on Wednesday. ,THE. NAM IBIAN Friday July 5 1991 23 . )

who is head and shoulders not fmd any reason for above his counterparts Witbeen, who did not lay when it comes to scoring, a hand on the referee, to of a chance to prove that be suspended for such a he is the best striker in the long period. The DC has OKAHANDJA - Battle Boys v. Luton (13h20), Spoilers v. country? had cases where referees Golden Rivers (14h50). One could sympathise wit h have been assaulted and a disappointed Santos of­ they have imposed a sus­ SUNDAY: ficial who phoned me yes­ pension of a few matches ACADEMY FIELD - (Whk) Young Stars v. Spoilers (12hOO), terday to condemn the on the offenders. Arsenal v. Spurs (13bQO), Rio City v. Kingston (l5hOO). Referee George Vink was OKAHANDJA - (Okh) Young Stars v. Obeco Battle Boys decision. (15bOO). The official, who prefeJ's assaulted by a supporter, to stay anonymous out of believed to be of Pepsi fear of victimization, hit African Stars, in one of CENTRAL FIRST DIVISION out at the decision and said the most serious incidents it was a move to block his in the local soccer scene REGIONAL SOCCER TOURNAMENT NFA DC A BUNCH team's chances ofwinnin g for years. a competition this season. Now almost two weeks SATURDAY: OF COWARDS? "Gerros is the best strike r since the incident, the DC REHOBOTH STADIUM - Crusaders v. Afrox Challengers in the country at the mo­ still appears reluctant or (1IhOO), Boundry Bucks v. Lusitano (12h20), Namibia Strikers ment. His goalscorlng tal­ perhaps scared to impose v. Mighty Birds (13h40), Rambo Rangers v. Brave Rangers Player suspended for ents and consistency are a suitable sentence on the (1 5hOO), Flamingoes v. Winners P (16b20). among our biggest assets guilty party. SUNDAY: harrassing referee ... and have resulted in our The DC even has the au­ Jihad Boys v. Flames (lObOO), African Blizzards v. Winners S team's revival this season. dacity to rule that the (1 1h30), Namibia Strikers v. Lusitano (13hOO), Leeds v. Impala THE Disciplinary Com­ clubs. "Some envious people Arrows-SKW match that Chiefs (l4h30). mittee of the Namibia In one of the most scan­ know we stand a good was won by the former ... The final will be played at 161100). Football Association ha') dalous and harsh decisions chance of taking the league team at the Kuisebmond been in existence for al­ of all, a Chief Santos player title with his skills. It is Stadium a few months ago NATIONAL SOCCER most six months butI must Gervatius Gerros Witbeeo, really ridiculous to impose must be replayed. admit that it doesn't im­ was suspended for the rest such a harsh suspension According to their find­ LEAGUE press me at all. of the season. for a first offender," said ings, the referee who What has driven me to His offence - he insulted the official who warned handled the match was not write this column is the and threatened a referee that his team would take competent. But according NSL CASTLE LEAGUE biased - or is it cowardly - after his team lost to legal steps if their appeal to an Arrows official Killa manner in which certain Nashua Black Africa in a fails. Samaria, the official is a TONIGHT: cases are handled. Premier League outing "We cannot afford to be qualified referee who has Mll..PARK - Wits University v. Bosmont Chelsea (20hOO). CHATSWORTH - Manning Rangers v. Vaal Reefs Stars (2ObOO). Many cases have been three weeks ago. without Gerros for a long passed the course con­ heard by the DC since the Fine you might say, it's period. His record in the ducted ·by Zimbabwean­ SA'(URDAY: start of the new season and about time that we penal­ national junior team is tes­ born Nelson Chirwa, MOHLAKENG - Sharp Blackpool y. Ligbtbodys Santos (15hOO). most of them have been ised players who intimi­ timony to this," the offi­ Why should the DC make ORLANDO - Orlando Pirates v. City (15bOO). handled unfairly or even date match officials. cial concluded. this ruling when there are CHATSWORTH - Amazulu v. Crusaders (20hOO). in favour of particular But why deprive a player, I may be wrong but I can- some of the Windhoek­ based referees who failed SUNDAY: the same course? ELLJS PARK - Moroka Swallows v. Bloemfontein Celtic (15bOO). Hopefully the soccer au­ KA-NYAMAZANE - Dangerous Darkies v. Hellenic (l5hOO). KWA-Mlfl...ANGA - WitbaDk Aces v. lwisa Kaizer Chiefs thorities will fmd a mutu­ (15hOO). ally acceptable solution and HMPITJE - Double ActionSundowns v. Umtata Bucks (15bOO). all DC hearing will be PHUfHADIT]HABA - Fairways Stars v. PE Blackpool (l5bOO). handled without any par­ LENASIA - Dynamos v. African,.Wanderers (15hOO). tiality in the future. VOSLOORUS - Jomo Midas Cosmos v. Real Taj (15hOO).

RED WINTER SPECIALS WHISKY Liquers & Imported Spirits SPANISH GALLIARD in full flight. Could repeat this tomorrow in the big one, the J&B Rare 750ml R26.69 Amarula 750 ml R16.09 Durban July. The Namibi~'s selection is: 1. Spanish Galliard; 2. Olympic Duel; 3. Grant's 8 years 750mI R26.49 Jagermeister 750 ml R38.24 Flaming Rock; 4. Dawson Trail. See page 14 for special preview. Poll 45 Rum '750 mI R26.86 BRANDY WINES Connoisseur VO 750 ml R14.90 Tavema Red 750 mI R3.16 Klipdrift Export 750 ml R16.39 Bellingham JohannesbergeI BESTE WAARDE, 750ml R6.81 Boes Brandy 750 ml R15.86 Bellingham Premier Grand BESTE BAKKJES: Crn 750 ml R7.42 JY KRYNIE . Richelieu 750 ml R 16.39 Rossini Rosso lltr R6.31 Rossini Biango 1 Itr R5.99 BETERNIE VODKA Count Pushkin 75() ml RlS.10 Niks kIop '0 Isuzu bakkie as


Northern Sub-Region Log

. TEAM P W D L GF GA PTS Benftca 14 12 2 42 17 26 Chelsea 14 10 4 38 11 24 Monaco 14 12 2 35 10 24 Touch & Go 14 8 5 1 35 14 21 Dynamos 14 6 3 5 38 26 15 Exeters 14 6 3 5 29 21 15 Highland Bucks 14 5 4 5 20 19 14 N.F.P. Rangers 14 5 4 5 21 20 14 Young Aces 14 4 5 5 29 34 13 Super Boys 14 4 5 5 19 24 13 Tiger Running 14 4 3 7 24 39 11 Kombat 14 3 2 9 14 28 8 Poison Arrows 14 2 2 10 15 25 6 Leopards 14 1 2 11 17 40 4 NF A CUP holders Nashua Black Africa can expect trouble when they resume their title defence against BS Tigers KRangers 14 . 1 1 12 13 58 3 at the Independence Stadium tomorrow. The two sides played to a goalless stalemate in an electrifying farst leg game at the Katutura Stadium earlier. Windhoek Lager NFA Cup: Namibia Football Association

'WINDHOEK LAGER NFA CUP SECOND ROUND - SECOND LEG FIRST CLASS soccer SATURDAY: NOMTSOUB - Monaco v. Toyota Young Ones (14hOO), High­ land Bucks v. Civics (l6hOO). KATUTURA - Sarusas Orlando Pirates v. Ramblers (16hOO). INDEPENDENCE - Pepsi African Stars v. Chief Santos (14hOO). expected in return leg KUISEBMOND - Blue Waters v. Real Fighters (l6hOO). RUNDU - Cuca Tops v. Eleven Arrows (15hOO). Defeat this weekend could any goals in the first leg played ence stadium as they possess a SUNDAY: CONRAD ANGULA KUISEBMOND - Super Stars v. Liverpool (14hOO). mean loosing a potential place ~t the Katutura Stadium earlier wonderful appetite for goals. INDEPENDENCE - N ashua Black Africa v. BS Tigers (15hOO). in the African cup so tough last month. In the other match that could TOP class soccer will be . competition and a keen tacti­ Black Africa, struggling since also turn. into a real bumdinger, the order of the day when CROWS INN FIRST DIVISION cal approach is likely to be the departure of David Snewe Pepsi African Stars will take six oft4e Premier League's applied by the various coaches and injuries to some of their on Chief Santos at the Inde­ SATURDAY: top sides clash in the re­ of the teams. key players including last year's pendence Stadium tomorrow. ACDEMY FIELD" Spurs v. Kingston (14hOO), IX Vampires v. turn leg of the presti gious No one is willing to bow·out 'Super Soccer Player of the Both sides are playing with Brave Rangers (l6hOO). Windhoek Lager NF A of the'competition at this early Year', Brian 'Robson' Isaacs newly-found confidence and Continued on page 23 Cup. stage as they all want to prove and the sharpshooting Mike composure at the moment and that they are the best in the 'Barnes' Petersen, will need to it is very difficult to predict a country. pull out all the stops to contain winner. However, Stars will Besides the honour ofrepre­ the attacking Tigers flair. have the home ground advan­ senting our country in the For the first time in years the tage. CDM (Pty) Ltd operates an opencast dia~ond mine on the west African cup competition, the champions will go into this The teams could only man­ coast of Namibia. Our employees and their families live in Or­ wirmer ofNFA Cup will also one as the underdogs. age to score one goal each in . anjemund, a modern, attractive ·town boasting a central shopping become RiO 000 richer plus Tigers, the first team to have the first leg at the Nomtsoub receiving the gold cup and gold won an official tournament this Stadium but the strikers need complex, hospital, nursery school, primary school and excellent medals for the players. season, boasts a bunch of tal­ to score tomorrow if they want sporting and recreational facilities. We wish to appoint a The main attraction of the ented youngsters and are play­ their respective sides to pro­ weekend is undoubtedly the ing excellent football this tenn. ceed any further in the compe­ titanic clash between defend­ Forresta Nickodemus, Bricks tition. Aircraft Pilot ing champions Nashua Black Hangula, Teenage Iyambo and While the Pepsi Boys will Africa and the much improved . the bow-legged Dave Hiiko are rely on the pivot Pule 'Nori- The pilot will operate a King Air but must have experience to fly our new jet, BS Tigers. some of the players to watch The two sides failed to score on Sunday at the ID.depend- TO PAGE 23 which will be acquired soon.

Because of the high profile attached to this position, we need someone with AL TP with 4 000 hours as well as at least 2 000 hours on turbo props. Anyone with experience of flying jet aircraft will receive preference. Namibians will be given preference.

The package for Namibians will include: • generous leave. suitable married JOHANNESBURG: Twenty-two leading South African athletes, frustrated by the slow pace of current unity talks, met with the visiting International Amateur Athletics accommodation. subsidised board for single employees . 13th cheque eq,ual Federation (IAAF) delegation in Johannesburg on Wednesday. to la % of annual salary. subsidised primary and secondary schooling. And the outcome of the tion endorsed the fact that South ing that some parties were too membership of the Company's own Provident Fund and De Beets Medical meeting, attended by some of Africa's athletes need repre­ busy pressing for international Benefit Society and. assistance with relocation expenses. the country's leading athletes sentation at all levels of the competition, at the expense of and led by fonner Springbok new SA Amateur Athletics true unity. Athletes agreed that Expatriates will be offered a similar package. captain Stanley Valentine and Association (SAAAA). an invitation be extended to all nine-time Comrades Marathon With this in mind, a meeting South African athletes, includ­ Applicants are advised to respond imme­ wirmer Bruce Fordyce, was an will be requested with the new ing those affiliated to the SA diately by faxing full details to Miss C le open letter to IAAF president Association to confinn the Amateur Athletics Board Roux at (06332) 2283 or forwarding writ­ Dr Primo Nebiolo. athletes participation in the (SAAAB), and the SA Athlet­ ten applications, accompanied by a de­ Among the athletes present fonnalising of the constitution ics Congress (SAACON), to on Wednesday were: Spring­ and development programme. discuss the future involvement tailed CV and non-returnable certified bok half marathon captain 'Ihls latest development is of the athletes in the adminis­ copies of highest qualifications and iden­ Matthews Motshwarateu, half proof of the growing disillu­ trative and development proc­ tity documents to: marathon champion Lawrence sion among sportsmen and ess in South Africa. The Senior Personnel Manager, Peu, SA high jwnp reconlliolder women as well as some ad­ In a statement released after CDM CDM (Pty) Limited, . Desire Du Plessis, SA long ministrators who feel the unity the meeting the group said: jump recordholder Francois progress is moving along far "We believe unity is of para­ (Proprietary) LimiteJ PO Box 35, Oranjemund 9000. Fouche, mile king Ioban Fourie, too slowly. mount importance. The key and newly crowned SA 1500m Just last week, South Afri­ steps to achieving unity are Closing date: 12 July 1991. champion Iohan Landsman. can Road Running Associa­ unified participation, domes- Valentine said the mood of tion (SARRA) chainnan Mick . tic ally and internationally, and .' -f.. :::.. • , ,~ , the meeting was extremely Winn, launched a scathing a unified development pro­ ~ TH EBES T PEOPLE FOR THE JOB positive and the IAAF delega- attack on the unity talks, say- gramme. " - Sapa,....::.----- 1 • I ~ • ., I .. Friday July 5'1991 25

riage work. Will finds Hilary has Children's series A leading Finnish film com­ Starring: Burt Reynolds, dropped out of school. 18~16: Hunt for the pany has produced a compre­ GoldieHawn 19h07: Life goes On world's hensive series of films pre­ 22hlS: Birdmen and 19h55: Filler most secret ani- senting the best of Russia's TELEVISION Birdsongs mals circuses and featuring scores 20hOO: News A tribute to Charlie Parker 21h40: St Elsewhere An innovative and entertain­ of internationally acclaimed featuring some of America's Episode 7: "Close Encoun­ ing video safari artists PROGRAMME finest living jazz players and ters" 18h45: Perfect Strangers 17h48: Educational singers, including saxophon­ Craig takes his comatose 19h10: Sport Programme 5 -11 JULY istPhil Woods who inherited daughter-in-law back to her 19h55: Filler Decisions, decisions the master's saxophone and parents, determined to fulfil 20hOO: News 18h06: Agriculture for All has been the leading light in his promise to his wife to bring 20h45: Beyond 2000 18h38: The Travel threatened to cut off his in­ the be-bop tradition ever since .. back their baby granddaugh­ An entertaining science and Magazine ' FRIDAY 11 heritance - $750 million - Recorded in January 1990 in ter. Morrison puts his shaky technology documentary This series captures the es­ unless he marries a cloying Palais des Festivals, Cannes. career on the line to protect 21h31: Moonlighting sence of travel with exciting 16h56: Opening debutante and gives up the an astronaut under his care. Episode 10: " My fair David" looks at life on the beaches of 17hOO: Religious shoplifter he loves. MONDAY • 21h31: First Among David and Maddie take on a Hawaii and the Caribbean, programme Starring: Dudley Moore, Liza Equals bet aimed at changing each the. nights of Rio and the 17h05: Teenage Mutant Minelli, John Gielgud 16h56: Opening In the 19608 four ambitious other' s personal sty le -just as Riviera, behind Moscow's Ninja Turtles 22h15: Spenser for Hire 17hOO: Religious new members of parliament they take on a big case. walls and shopping in the Starring: CybiU Shepherd and 17h29: Mach 1 Episode 11: "Play it again, programme take their seats in the House dazzling markets of Marakesh, 17hS9: Neighbours Sammy" 17hOS: Joeyand Redhawk ofCommons in Westminster. Bruce Willis Hong Kong and Singapore. 18h24: Sport Spenser is in for more trouble 17h27: Educational One of them will become 22h21: Cheers 19h06: Beauty and 18h54: Baywatch than he bargained for when Programme Prime Minister. This drama­ Cheers is a bar in Boston run the Beast Starring David Hasselhoff, con-artist and would-be au­ Artefacts and space tisation of Jeffrey Archer's by owner and chief bartender 19h5S: Filler Parker S tevenson thor, Sammy Backlin returns 17h42: Butterfly Island best-selling novel follows their Sam Malone, an ex-baseball 20hOO: News 20h4S: LA Law (new) . 19h55: Filler to Boston, desperately need­ 18h07: Namibia Inter public lives for over 30 years player who has hired his out­ 20hOO: News ing protection from assassins Sport as their paths cross in the battle to-lunch former coach to help Courtroom drama series that 20h38: Variete Variete on his trail. 18h42: Neighbours for power. him. deals with the personal and 21h30: Wimbledon Starring: Robert Urich and 19h07: MacGyver Starring: Tom Wilkinson, Episode 2: Diane can't con­ professional lives of a group Highlights of the day Avery Brooks. Episode 13: "The Wasteland" James Faulkner, David Robb ceal her scorn for Sam's pa­ of specialist lawyers at a repu­ 22h22: Feature Film 23h02: Bordertown (new) MacGyver fights developer and Jeremy Child rade of beautiful but dumb table Los Angeles law firm. , Freeze frame" On the untamed US and Ca­ Andrew Bartlett over the con­ 22h20: Sport dates and puts him on the 22h29: The Strauss family defensive about his taste in The story of a 17-year-old nadian border lies 1880 fron­ struction of a new housing Rugby, the second test be­ Episode 6: "Hetti" women. high school student, Lindsay tier town Bordertown, where development in an ecologi­ tween Namibia and Zimbabwe Johan falls in love with Hen­ Scott and her father, Dr Mi­ right and wrong are often de­ cally delicate area. Starring: Ted Danson, Shelley rietta Traffz, the mistress of a Long, Rhea Perlman chael Scott, a respected sur­ termined by the quickness of Starring: Richard Dean An­ WEDNESDAY 11 wealthy businessman. It geon. Dr Scott is eager to see a man's gun. Home to pros­ derson, Dana Elcar causes a break with his mother his daughter follow in his pectors, gamblers and rene­ 19h5S: Filler 16h56: Opening but he marries her and she foootsteps and become the gades, two systems of law are 20hOO: News 17hOO: Religious takes over the running of his business affairs. first female surgeon at the enforced by ex-gunfighter US 20h45: Ivory Wars programme 16h56: Opening 22h21: Sport local hospital. Lindsay, how­ marshall Jack Craddock and From Africa to Asia this docu­ 17h05: Kiddies Filler 17hOO: Religious ... This schedule is subject to ever, has other ideas and plans play-it-by-the-book Canadian mentary investigates the ille­ 17h21: Educational programme to pursue a career in investi­ mountie Clive Bennet. The gal trade of ivory which cur­ programme 17hOS: Russian Circus change without prior notice. gative journalism. two men reluctantly join forces rently threatens the African Cedric the Crow Starring: Shannon Doherty, to bring justice to this small elephant with extinction. The Vitamins: What they do Charles Haid, Robyn Douglass town. film caprures the unique be­ 17h51: Punky Brewster 23h52: Sophiscated Starring: Richard Cromar, haviour and close family ties Gents (new) John Brennan, S ophie Barjac of the elephant and reveals This series explores the the catastrophic effect poach­ ing has had on the social struc­ THE SPARKLE IN THE CITY changes over twenty-five ream ,SUNDAY • in the lives of nine men who ture of these majestic ruUmals. were members of a teenage 21h40: The Bourne NAMIBIA NITE llhOO • 13hOO: Religious pro­ Identity athletic and social club. While grammes they prepare for a reunion, Based on the best-selling novel 15hOO: Wimbledon of the same name" about a PRESENTS each man's life is seen in the Men's singles final light of youthful dreams that man who struggles to regain 16hOO: Educational his lost memory and a beauti­ have or have not been real­ programmes WED. ized in terms of work, mar­ ful women who unwittingly Sesame Street assists and later befriends the The highly exsposive Band Loading Zone featuring riage and relationships with An educational series for pre­ one another. handsome stranger. the voice of J ackson Cassidy as' well as Portugeuse schoolers Starring: Richard Chamber­ sensation SACO (listen to the Latin sounds of Africa Starring: Bernie Casey, Ro­ 17hOO: Storybook sie Grier, Robert Hook, Ron lain, Jaclyn Smith and the sound of AI Jerreau) Live at the Powerhouse. International O'Neal. 22h22: Slap Maxwell Ladies free from 9.00 - 9.30. Adm. RIO.OO Stories from around the world (new) 17h25: Namibian talent Comedy series about a THURS: Cultural music - Zambian night colourful sportswriter with a Open for your pleasure adm. R5.00 A concert of traditional mu­ nose for more than just news, 15hOO: Wimbledon sic by the Zambian Cultural beset by a fading career. He Ladies singles final Ensemble, better know as takes irreverance to the limits 16hS6: Opening Amayenge under the leader­ in the "beat-em-up" column 17hOO: Religious ship of Chris Chali. he writes for The Ledger, a programme 17h54: Dive to Adventure second rate newspaper. 17h05: The Champions Exciting documentary ftl.ms Starring: Dabney Coleman, Episode 12: The Champions on underwater life filmed all Megan Gallagher, Susan Ans­ follow a tricky trail when track­ over the world. pach ing down the suppliers of 18h16: Full House tainted drugs. Comedy series about three 17h54: Kiddies Filler grown men experiencing the TUESDAY 11 18h13: New Attitude "joys of motherhood". Vicky and Yvonne St James 18h41: Women of 16h56: Opening are two sisters who are part­ the World 17hOO: Religious ners in a Los Angeles beauty 19h04: Tube Concert programme shop· where the conversation Special 17h05: Kiddies Filler is often hotter than the blow Dire Straits 17h26: Educational dryers. Vicky is meticulous, An exhilerating concert per­ programme conscientious and efficient. formance mmed during the Solve it, Mental computation FRt & SAT Yvonne is off-beat and im­ band's sell out concert dates 17h51: The Roxy Rock your bottom to the new Sound sensation Saco, pulsive, quick with an opin­ from the Wembley Arena in Hosted by Britain's top DJ Iackson and Loading ZOne specially to our Por-' ion and eager to take charge July 1985 on the first leg of David Jensen and newcomer tugeuse clientele. Be there adm. R12.00 in all situations. their world tour. Kevin Sharkey, the show pu 1- StatTing: Sheryl Lee Ralph, 19h55: Filler sates with top line action on SUN: Phyllis Yvonne Stickley 20hOO: News stage, up-to-the-minute chart Get a load of mis. The hottest Jazz Fusion and Golden 18h37: Local Band Stand 20h45: Feature Film news and exclusive hot vid­ Oldies in one night with Loading Zone and Whannie Jansen 19h07: Resuce 911 "Best Friends" eos. adm. R2.00 19h5S: Filler A hilarious, romantic com­ 18h13: Window on 20hOO: News edy about two Californian the World 20h4S: Feature film: screen writers who upset their Namibia's own international "Arthur" stable relationship by getting magazine programme. P.S. Ladies if you're pragnent please don't attend Arthur is the world's richest manied only to face prob­ 18h43: Fresh Prince of cause this Band sing 'n Hond uit 'n Boss playboy whose convival ca­ lems from themselves, their Bel-Air rou sing may be coming to an families and friends as they Episode 12: "Knowledge is end because his family has struggle to make their mar- power" 26 Friday July 5 1991 THE NAMIBIAN


All deposits & insllllments include G.s.1. Prices applicable to RSA only. Prices COITIICt at time of printing.

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duced important personalities in Namibia.


Communal land T-Shirts WE all accept that all Namibians * can move and settle anywhere in Sweatshirts this country. The crucial point * however, is that the movement * Caps and settlement is to happen in a hands in order to reverse the we are all tainted with the same Sort it out way acceptable to all. People Stickers decisions of the referee. brush in the end, Witness the * cannot just come to Windhoek Banners 2. No person may enter the entire expulsion ofBritair.. from and build somewhere without * I WRITE on behalf of the teach­ field of play unless he has the the European soccer scene for the permission of the city au­ Brochures ing profession and the execu­ perrnissionofthereferee. This a number of years, also for thorities. Neither can one move * tive of the Wiiidhoek South includes substitutes, coaches, soccer hooligans. onto a privately owned farm and , "' * Posters Schools Soccer when I say that 'medics, managers,linesman and In conclusion, I would say just settle. This must also apply I was appalled at the thuggery spectators. There may be only · that the senior soccer authori­ * Signs . to communal areas. ~ ..-, ,,~ I witnessed on television on 23 people on the field. The two ties need to • sort out their act '. :/ ..... People cannot just move from HOT AIR MARKETING cc ' .. Monday night June 26. teams and the referee. Any hooligan will think twice one communal area to another all promotion~ I should like to recount what 3. Was the spectator that if he knows he is,.going to be with their cattle. This is not just • For your requirements I view to be a criminal act. An assaulted the referee arrested? apprehended. Alcohol should to prevent overgrazing and de­ " Mter Hours: 061 - 423337 important soccer game was in Did the referee lay charges of not be sold in or bIPught into a sertification. There .mu~t be con­ .. Free quotes 24 Hrs (~.Sk for Nik) progress between two of our assault? My reading of the situ­ stadium. There i,~little doubt sultation with ~ people who TRY US wellknown premier teams. This ation was that the man should in my own mind that the rela­ are already living there. The game had taken place on the have been arrested and the tionship between the imbibing main reason is that the colonial previous Saturday afternoon, referee should lay charges of of alcohol and s~cer hooli­ practice must nqW: stop.. No people, however weak they may June 22. One. of the teams took assault. ganis~ .i s strong. I would fur­ be, should ,; 'be "- dispossesseu, a long rang~ shot at the goal 4. It is hardly surprising that . ther suggest that security men marginali~ed, 'displaced, 'or and it was indeed disputable the number of referee·' s from , or police with dogs be posted pushed from the land they are whether the ball went into the the referee association who are at all premier leauge matches living on. So consultation is goal or not. It' was unclear to prepapred to handle premier until such time as the criminal necessary. Communal land is me what ~e referee's decision league games is rapidly dimin­ element among our spectators not state property, it is owned by was, because a number of ishing. What kind of country learn that their behaviour will the people who live there. Ac­ spectators then invaded the field. do we live in where someone not be tolerated. cording to the traditional law, What ensued was disgraceful. inhis own free time who wants PHILIP HA WKE the people who inhabit a certain The referee was being escorted to serve sport but refuses to WlNDHOEK region, own that land commun­ off the field by the players and because he fears for his own ally. The chief or headman regu­ officials, who clearly felt that life? After Saturday's incident lates access to the use of that his life was endangered by the can one blame referees who Dobra association land. Anyone who thinks that intrusion of the spectators. Next feel this way? there is only state and individual MANGO GKOOv.u, I%t,tl EDUCATION is a very impor­ thing, in full view of the televi­ 4. How is it that spectators ownership of land are com­ DatP.: Sot. 3rd P,ugust 1991 0 li@~ tant phenomenon in the world . sion cameras and crowds, a were able to run onto the field pletely wrong, and even uncon­ today. It is the key to every door Tlrne: 2 . ? p:11 . !/' B. aCOC t:r&1.. spectator squares up to the with gay abandon in the first stitutional. We from communal ff 6~~v •• where things are assumed to be areas, our cultivated land and .__ ~ _. _. __ . _ _ __ \lIP' " ., referee and swings both a -left place? If the security was what equal. It has made some people and right fist at him, knocking it should have been (consider­ grazing fields. belong to us as a important personalities. It has community corpotately. No­ him almost to the ground. At ing past incidents) then they sharpened people's way of the same moment the camera shouldhave been apprehended body can dare tell us that we thinking and sense of judge­ don't own the land of our ances­ homed in on a man who had a long before they set foot on the ment. Education is not only tors. How can individual com­ SEND YOUR NAMEANDADDRESSWITHYOUR R20 ,OO weapon in his hand, fortunately, field. important, but it isa very expen­ mercial farmers have ownership POSTALORDERTOTHEFOLLOWINGADDRESSTOGEl I think still in its holster but It seems to me that some sive commodity. of their land and we as commu­ . YOUR TICKET clearly out to be used should Namibian spectators have a -Many institutions have con­ nities not. This is legal nonsense. r~------' -- the situation have warranted •gung ho' attitude toward sport tributed a lot to the availability In any case there is a constitu­ NAMIBIA NITE , NAME:------it. Who was this gentleman? in this country. Witness the of education services to man y tional provision for the consulta­ P.O. Box 20639 Official, security guard, plain ugly spectator incidents at the important people in our society. tion of traditional leaders about I clothes policeman or specta­ rugby test match between Italy They (educational institutions) the control and utilisation of WINDHOEK 9000 'ADDRESS: ----­ tor? Was the weapon to be and Namibia, also on Satur­ have prepared the ground. and communal lands (see article 102 , used to protect the referee or the foundation from which all day, June 22. As someone who (5)). This must be respected if CONTACT PERSON: , --,------attack him? We will probably is heavily involved in schools are built. It is against this back­ communal unrest is to be E.PRESSLIN never know. There are a num­ soccer in this country, I am ground that I am suggesting to avoided. ,TEL. ------­ former students of Dobra to form ber or" random observations I truly aghast at the kind of TEL. 212677 an association. CONCERNED DELEGATE , . should like to make. example that adults, both play­ The aim of the association WlNDHOEK 1. In terms of the rules of the ers and spectators, are setting could be: to assist the sc-hool game of soccer, the referee's for our junior citizens, Do we fmancially through donations; decision is final. He is the sole really want to become like caged to boost the morale of school arbiter ofjustice on the field of animals, where in Europe fences staffby consultative meetings or play. Irrespective of whether with razor wire are erected to discussions; to re-unite former or not his decisions are good or keep hooligans off the field? students; to mould a spirit of bad, no one, players, officials As always it is the minority friendship between former stu­ ...:- ... or spectators, have the right to who indulge in these tasteless dents. Dobra, just like other take the law into their own acts of soccer hooliganism and schools in this country, has pro-

A Namibia-based co nsulting firm specialising in applied social and socio-economic resea rch is looking for suitably-qualified Namibians for the fol lowing key associate, full -time and part-time posts: • professionals with ology, public LIVE IN WINDHOEK environmental science, business tion and natural resource form a core of key associates; STIMELA • individuals with at least twelve education for full-time office and field featuring • University students and individuals * COYOTE least twelve years of education for *NDILIMANI office and field posts. Please post your C.V. and a cover letter Rakotoka (S upporting acts) address indicated below. Featuring: WiUy Mbuende P.O. Box 82, Wlndhoek, Date: 13th July 1991 Namibia Time: 12 p.m. Adm: R1S.00 Children under 12yrs RS.OO DON'T MISS THIS SHOW! ! ! 28 Friday July 5 1991 THE NAMIBIAN

Epukululo hano onika ongosbinima sho­ paumwene. ile eshundulo Osbinima sba nyika okuhaudako elongo oshesbi Tete ohandi pandula komapukululo oudu ta nyepyeta oimaliwa ya woAIDS, unene 00 haa mwa kwatelwa nounona ovo da kutwa moilonga odo ngaashi da kutwa udu? landwa otiivii. Naameomunhu, elongo holoka moRadio yetu oma­ inavashlivaomrunaoYQ.tamu ngaho alusbe di kwetele Nye ava hamu long9 Tu nyamukula diva Chief kali shi ashike okulesha fiku amwe. Nonande nda popi. oinima komesho, fye vati komesho pamwe nombulu yetu, shaashi oove hatu udu pandula, ondi na po omap­ Oaids mboli okufatulula hatu dimine nee ile hatu oyo, nanye tamekeni nee wa yandja eemhango kom­ omambo nokutala koshipe­ ulo amwe a yukilila ovo hava ovanhu nghee va shitwa? landula mo nee mudo. okulonga paushili ngaashi bulu ei, itatu mwena nande ·lende. Ounyuni ou weni u popi moprogarama ei, un . Fye okwa li tu shi oudu. Onda hala o1cupulakutya: mwa lwila ousbili weman­ fiyo oto tu nyamukula, u tu he na eetiivii hao vali tu li paife. Elongo hano ola ene tuu oondokotola . Ngeenge osho tamu twikile Vayandjivoilonga, hano guluko losbiwana shetu. pe nande omunhu umwe 00 fikama moinima ihapu, Meendaka daavo hava nokupopya oinima ikukutu mboli eemhdu omwe di kuta Oobailwa vahapu ova ta ka kala omunanghena ngaasbi nee meetiivii, popi meeprograma odo vati ogaho, otamu tilifa ouoyuni, moilonga di tu londe fyaalamekondjomolwong­ oafye. oifonghundana,eeradio otava pukulula otamu holoka notamu shundula ounhu komapepe ile odi longele halo yoita, onghee inamu Ohatu popile komanyeme, nosbotuu. edimba la fa inava hala nawa wetu. epangelo paushili? Eembulu kengelela eemwenyo davo shaashi fye otwe ku lineek­ okufimaneka ounhu Hano eekondoma otadi hano onaini da oinga ovanbu nohonde yavo oyo ya kun­ ela shaasbi shito oho udu Onawa naana eshi u shii womynhu Dohava kendabala loogifwa fiyo ooaioi? vawa kunye, ode mu lon­ gulukila Namibia letu. omaudjuu etu, ile edimiri­ kutya mulpumbu omu na eemhumbwe dihapi, imwe unene okuya kokule N geeoge oshiwana otasbi gela shike hano? Ovaingilisha nee ovo hava afanepo ola etelela etopoko yomudo okwa li nee otiivii.. nomukifi woovene. loogifa eengumi, ope na' Paife ohatu uhala goo nee ifanwa BMATf, navaxulife letweni hano? Tate Shali tu Inda mounyuni He Eendokotola hano omolw­ ogaho vali elikw ato looawa batu tilifwa na Brigadier po drutuula "Russian people nyamukula. koushimba u tale nghee ashike tamu tu yambulula opo ogaashi kombioga Shali nomoinima ei inai yuka oshoyo Communists. Fye Tate Shali shaMartin, uda moradio kombinga youdu youkadona? Ngeenge ouka­ nokai na sba nouwa Ovanamibia ngaashi keshe omaudjuu etu, ofye ava tu li eefikola hadi longo. Eefikola woAIDS. Hanokapena vali dooa vamwe okwa li have wepangelo laNamibia. uwe. Ngeenge mboli ove moSuiderhof hatu kongo oda pumbwa eetiivii, eekom­ biuta, oiketala, ouxumba omukalo urn we tau dulu likwata nawa va bala vaha Elombwelo letaatao uya drututukaula nava shune oufikepamwe. naikwao ibapu. okuudifako ovanhu shi he oyemateke ovakuluohu moilonga ngeenge otali oku vadja. Hatu kongo oundeenduno, Ondi wete kutya ove sbi paradio? Fye paife katu vavo, paife ovanhu hata va tongwa keembulu ola fa Ame okwa li ndi shi ove twahala tu ude yo ounyenye sbii vali ngeenge otamu ti ashike oilonganai loogwe ashike omunhu to lombwele uya okutupaka kumwe naavo wepangelo. Pwaashe ei umwe waava inava hala oshi­ pukulula ile otamu tu yam­ shaashi eeogumi opo di li. ovanailonga vopofaalama va li nale ovatondi vetu, konakooa nee omaudjuu aa longo sbetu shi xume bulula. Sha hala okutya, osbiwana yaye, a dimbwa kutya naye ndele mondjila ei va wa lopotelwa okudilila komesho. Ounona ova pumbwa opo va ikililc oin­ Otwe lineekela kutya ot- asbishe otasbi wile ashike okwakutwa. ifanenwakepangeloovadja kokamba ei. ima nda tumbula pombada • amu ka tya ovanhu kave na moluhaelo. Fye ongovakondjeliman­ moo Ngaha, ngeenge ito tu udu, omanga ve li mofikola, apa hava amwa, ndele kakele Heeoo, otu uditeko kutya guluko otwa lwa opo tu Shikwao ope na ngaho oto kala novakwaita va sbaasbi oyo oinima tava ka kaasho omwa popya oitya eemwenyo tadi ameowa, mbilipalelwe, ndele paife eendjebo doludi 10R-l tadi ngonande toyolwa. Okutya ikukutu moprograma yeni, kakele kaasho kape oa vali keshe fiku ohatu tilifwa hapupala ngaa mokati ngaa oumailwa vetu mona monghalamwenyo unene tuu ndokotola 00 elikwatonawa opo! asbike keembulu. koilumbu moNDF. ovashona, fye hatu londwa yavo. Ounona ova pumbwa efudepo ngaashi mOmati­ mwati adjakombadanaavo Ovanyasba otava ningi Ohatti lombwelwa kutya Odashike hano do inadi pewa nee vali komaudjuu 00 twe kwa li tave mu pula ashike oinima yavo nove he oNDF kai fi oshinia ovanhu aveshe. Fye ode tu ku lombwela, ohatu fiki nee tanG nOmalomakaya. Hano Omwa lombwela ovanhu na oumbada washa, shaashi shopolotika,kakelekaasho, tilifa, onghee natu lobwelwe peni. tu uda, tu udal ove na okutala eekino no­ tiivii y~vo , ya landwa kutya nava longife eengumi. ove shii kutya itapa di sha omolwashike eembulu/ova­ nawa. Fye ihatu li vali omash­ Ortiolwashike nee tamu Pukululeni ovanhu ndele tilyaoo hava popi oinima oyo ini, ndele obatu a mono noimaliwa yofikola popile eenghalo dovanhu shi oingeni pamikalo ogaasbi tai tu udifa nai. Unahappy NDF Member ashike eshi tava a twala Otiivii tuu oyo,oyo ngaho nghee hava kalafana pam­ ovanhu. Otwe lineekela ava Omolwashike ovo va li Central Namibia komaumbo avo, vati owa ti tai ka longifwa nokounona belela? Nande tu sbishii hamu popi moprograma ei nale omakakunya hava ku wete po ondjo opo, Oh, tava ka dalwa mongula ino tya pamwe osbinima sbo­ J:...'Utya oudu woAIDS opo hau kamu fi ounona, ooghee ningwa nawa, ndele fye fye otwa tila, ashike itatu Tate Shali Martin paumwene. Chief oku na di opo pekalafano. Inasbi diodeni omapulo 00 e shii ohatu tilifwa ashike kom­ teka omukumo onghee tu pumbiwa mu yambulule okupulwa ootaa dulu okup­ bulu yedina Koloneb J F tu kwafela! uda ashike ode to nyamukula . oradio notiivi yaye mwene oyo ya kala nokuli oyo hai ovanhu ngaho paradio, oyo wilikinwa kukeshe. Oosthuizen, 00 e li omukwa­ u tu vatele. hai pwilikinwa nokoinhov­ telikomesho wovanhu, ndele Ofye vamwe vometanga longifwa kovanafikola ele. Tupukululafaneni Taudooya alushe ota tongo ashike leameno twe uya kwoove Ya dja Kovakwaita voye manga inaku landwa otiivii Hano ekalafano lopam­ Oshikango oipolopolo a fa ashike a tala luhetatu notwe ku dengela vaKulu oyo to popi. belela kali shi vali Northern Namibia. kutya NDF eumbo laye 10- eengodi lwefele shaashi hatu Suiderhof Base Nye ovadali, kaleni bano osbibolekwa, esbi mwe li paumwene. li hatu pi mokamba yaSuid­ mwa sbiiva kutya ounona ninga ohasbida? Oupyakadi Ombulu ei natango alushe erhof. Djako konima ohava longwa neetiivii, Fye omwe tu tilifa, sb­ ngeenge pa holoka epuko Tate Shali,fye obatu mono eeradio, omambo nosho tuU. aashi noinhovele paife oi moArmy ohai ti ashike, ovanhu veni oixuna Ohatu tukwa, hatu yeflya Omolwoimaliwa ashike ei shii shihapu kombinga yo­ ve sbi ninga. Vawiliki vetu, tewa moilonga, hatu tewa ya pumba, ngeno pofikola milele omolwomapopyo eni. Ame oodi li oshilyo shet­ tamu kanifa ongushu yeni meetuodi moinima iha fele, Onda hala okunyamukula keshe ope na oinima nda Vakwetu tu fimanekeni anga leameoo loshiloogo noyetu, tamu i yandje po obatu lundululwa mokamba ombapila yaH T tumbula. Hano ounhu wetu fye ovanhu. (NDF) nonda hala okuyarxlja ac;bike mboli keembulu! hatu twalwa keekamba Naameomunhu yomoma­ Naameomunhu djaa konima Otamu popi unene oitya nokueta poluhaela oilonga i Oinima nai talike ko ogoo dim we , ndele ovanhu oku fiku 17 Mai. Ombapila ei yefiya ndee to tale kutya ikukutu moprograma yeni. nyemateka tai longwa kOva­ paushili wayo, ndelenee otava li nee nedina loye, oya ulika lela kutya ounyuni owa yuka peni. Om­ Ovanhu nghee va dja ohava tHyane metanga losbilongo oipupulu hayo ashike na i otava ti oove ho yandje nakushanga ke udite esbi ta bapila yoye otai rrionika ya inai hala eputuko lalpumbu pukululafana ndele kashi fi shetu, ovo ve li mo tava talikeko shaasbi tai di omalombwelo aesho 00. ti nongbee kai na omakang­ nee pamikalo di li ngaho. udifa nai fyee ava twa mokanya kombulu. Tate Brigadier, ngeenge hameno asha. noi na ondubo naChief no­ Oitya ei hamu tumbula kondjela oshilongo esbi Otu sbishii nawa kutya oove we sbi tya, hano ohatu Y oovene oya tameka valanduli vaye. oya kumwifa ovanhu vahapu Namibia, twa mona oixuna eembulu dimwe edi di li yuka peni, natu ye hano nokudibulukifa Chief eshi Oye nee unene ngaashi oyo mwa mekondjo lokueta eman­ moionga pamwe nafye kOkabinete tu ka ingide kwa li ye (omunyoli) e mu S. Nghidihumo popya kombinga yovakainhu guluko eli tu na paife. Ovanamibia vakwetu, asbike kutatekulu Mweshihange ile amena odula University of Hull tamu ndjadjukununa nghee Ame mwene ohandi · nadi tambule ko nee oma­ natu ka fikamene tate yomakuyunguto Department of Education va sbitwa momatwi akesbe, kumwa ngeenge eembulu edi lunduluko epangelo pausbili Sbafiishuna pam",e te tu mOngwediva, naasbi otashi . United Kingdom

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Today is Friday, July 5, the 186th day of 1991. There .1989· Sudan's ruling junta decrees one·month unilat· are 179 days er,.aJ cease·fU'e in war with rebels in southern Sudan. left in the year. 1990 • Leaders of NATO countries approve proposal Highlights in history on this date: from President Bush to open alliance to visit from 1556 . France's King Henry n renews war against 1959 . President Sukarno dissolves Indonesia's Con· Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. Hapsburgs in Italy. stituent Assembly. 1596 • Expedition under Lord Howard of Eff'mgham 1960 • Congolese national army mutinies. Today's Birthdays: and Earl of Essex sacks Cadiz and ravages Spanish 1969· Tom Mboya, Kenya's economic planning com· coast. missioner and likely successor to President Jomo Ken· Phineas Taylor Barnum, V.S. circus pioneer (1810- 1796 • British force captures island of Elba. yatta, is assassinated in Nairobi. 1891); Cecil Rhodes, English statesman and Central 1811 . Venezuela becomes fU'st South American coun· 1973 • Government of small Central African nation of Africa pioneer (1853·1902); Jean Cocteau, French au· try to declare its independence from Spain. Rwanda is overthrown in military coup. thor·fIlm maker (1889-1963). 1812 • Britain makes peace with Russia and Sweden. 1975- Cape Verde Islands become independent after 1830 . French launch invasion of Algeria and take 500 years of Portuguese rule. Thought For Today: Algiers. 1977 • Pakistan army sei7.es power in bloodless coup . In peace, sons bury their fathers; in war, fathers bury 1940 • Vichy government in France breaks off rela· that unseats Prime Minister Zulfikar All Bhutto. their sons· Herodotus, Greek historian (fifth century tions with Britain in World War n. 1988-Iran's president says the Islamic Republic has the B.C.). 1943 • German offensive on Soviet front begins with "right to avenge" the airliner shot down by U.S. war· Battle of Kursk in World War n. ship.

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PARTNERSH IP (~)JO/ E/ R 30 Friday July 5 1991 THE' NAMIBIAN

Okavq n go 5wamp-~s~H_~_bj_t_a_ts~ • 11

non - tl oodi~~ {ev.el 7 wa teY

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I I 'Y i ~ar i aJ1 M o pa Jll 2. i : cha nne /· fl ood pl Ci iVl : wood l d Vld : 1YCfs5 J ~h o1 W oooi l cin d

correspond to the time of year are the hippopotamus (Hippo­ They nonnally occur in herds when flooding takes place. To potamus amphibius) and the of one or two hundred animals put this another way, the sitatunga (Tragel!!plrus s,pekei). but sometimes form bigger Okavango Swamps receive The hippopotamus is a heavy grrups. From December to May, water from two different sources barrel-shaped animal with sb(,rt they are mainly found on the at different times of the year. stout legs and a broad head permanently dry land. As the The rainy season is from with a very big mouth. It weighs grazing gets poorer, they tend November to April, with most up to two and a half tons! With to move more into the flood rain falling in January and its large incisor and canine teeth plains. They are herbivorous. February. The average annual and its large size it can be a Animal life - other animals rainfall is about 500 mm al­ dangerous animal and will tu m There are many crocodiles . Plant and Animal life of the Okavango though it varies a great deal, over canoes. The eyes, SJTh'\ll in the permanent water chan­ So tre swamps usua1ly get more ears and nostrils are on top of nels of the delta and you have rain than most of Namibia. the flat head so that the animal probably all heard stories about Swamps and the Makgadikgadi Pans In contrast, the peak time can use these above water wh.;n crocodiles killing and eating for flooding is about July in the rest of the animal is sub­ people, some of which are true. In the last article the general flood every year, others less nalia sericea. There are also the central swamps, earlier in merged. They eat birds and mammals geography and history of the frequently. The areas which areas of grassland and some the north-west where the They are herbivorous, feeJ­ which come to drink, young region whIch contains these flood yearly have large areas pans. Okavango river enters and later ing on aquatic plants and crocodiles feed a lot on fishes two areas was described. ThIs covered in grass-like plants Round the edges of the dry in the south east near Maun. grasses. By day they swim or and sometimes small animals article concentrates on the called sedges. The less fre­ land bordering the flood plains Consequently tre grasslands sleep on the banks of the chan­ like insec ts. plant and animalllfe quently flooded areas are of­ and permanent channels is a of the land areas and the vege­ nels. At night they come ashore There are two large Monitor Okavango Swamps ten covered in dense and metre fringe of tall trees (called tation of the flood plains are at sometimes going a long way to lizard species and quite a vari­ For an appreciation of the high grass (species such as " riparian woodland"). Here their best at different times of graze. ety of snakes, including the animal life of the swamp area, Imperata cylindric a and Chlo­ trees like the rain tree (Lon­ the year and correspondingly, The sitatunga is an antelope African python (which is the it is important to understand ris gayana). choc

PLACE YOUR ENTRY FORM Carnivores IN THE BOX ON Lion THE SECOND FLOOR AT OK Spotted hyaena Cheetah (NO PHOTOCOPIES) Wild dog THE NAMIBIAN Friday July 5 1991 31

Oil: 300 ,000 barrels daily. Reserves 2 billion barrels. Natural gas 50 bn cubic metres

CATOCA World's 3rd largest diamond field. Output only 1!6th of record in 70s

HUILA Iron ore

LAND Vast potential. Only 2% cultivated. Coffee Huila down to 5.3% of pre­ eCuito independence figure. Cuan ava le l{tmt:t:tlIt Cotton, sugar cane, sisal, forestry, livestock

Also: Copper, manganese,. 11111' phosphates, salt, eo ura nium I\1J 2435 AQ.gola gears up for free elections

A YEAR's difficult negotiations have led to a result in Angola signed, there were around 150 by British, French and Portu­ transition period inneighbour­ .respectors of democracy doesn't which is 10 its own way as profound as the changes taking ()()() men under arms in the guese officers. The new 40000 ing Namibia in 1989190, where 'equal one democracy", asserted place 10 eastern Europe. Next year free elections will be held country. Since June, they have strong anny should be in exis­ conflict was comparatively Joaquim Pinto de Andrade, a and the main contestants will be the same warring forces who begun filing into 50 assembly tence by the time of the elec­ muted, and which has a popu­ 63-year-old Sakharov-like have been killing each other and laying waste to the huge points in rural areas of Angola tion. but it will be confined to lation of 1.2 million people, a figure who leads the Associa­ natural resources of Angola for the past IS years. Gemini (23 of the camps ofUnita troops, barracks during the voting. UN force of 4 350 was in­ cao Civica Angolana, a move­ News Service reports on an extraordinary African turnabout. 27 for MPLA) where they are The coming period will be volved, compared to 600 in ment to revive civic values and being disanned under superv i­ complex and difficult for Angola, population 8.9 mil­ restore human rights. A for­ IN EARLY July Jonas Savimbi, events, encompassing changes sion of joint MPLA-Unita Angolans, who remember well lion. mer MPLA leader, his asso­ leader of the National Uoion as profound as those which conunissions, and a small force the fragility of an earlier New voices are being heard ciation was banned by the for the Total Independence of earlier gripped eastern Europe, of UN monitors. ceasefire made at Gbabolite, in Angola, with new parties government until recently and Angola (Uoita) movement, will stems from the tenns of the Atahigherlevel, a verifica­ Zaire, inJune 1989, and which registering to compete in the he has now come under attack enter the Angolan capital of ceasefire agreement, drafted tion conunission made up of collapsed after only a few weeks. elections. There is a clamour from Unita for his conunents, Luanda for the first time since during a year's difficult nego­ MPLA, Unita, Portuguese, There are glaring structural to uncover the past, including in violent language describing 1975, when the civil war erupted tiations in Portugal painstak­ American and Soviet represen­ weaknesses in the accord: It a move to open mass graves him as a "coward and a trai­ which has since cost thousands ingly mediated by junior for­ tatives, is the final authority in could fail for example, because allegedly holding the bodies tor". dead and tens of thousands eign minister Jose Manuel policing the ceasefire and set­ monitoring of the ceasefire of government opponents exe­ Whereas the MPLA has the maimed. Durao Barroso. tling disputes over alleged ultimately depends on the cuted in 1977. resources of a government The war ended fonnally on In the closing phase of the violations. warring parties themselves. In Among the small political behind it, and Unita has Ameri­ May 31 this year when Savimbi negotiations Barroso called in The MPLA government will addition, the external interna­ groupings hoping to run, there can financial backing, the small and President Jose Eduardo dos Soviet and American diplomats remain in power until Septem­ tional presence is an insignifi­ are complaints that the peace parties have no money behind Santos of the governing Popu­ to coax their respective prox­ ber 1992 elections under this cant one, considering the in­ deal has divided Angola be­ their campaigns and feel help­ lar Movement for the Libera­ ies in the civil war to come to scheme, although effective tensity and duration of the tween the two political parties less against the vastly superior tion of Angola (MPLA) party tenns. (In the 16 years of frat­ power during the transition conllict and the scale ofweap­ with the guns. propaganda resources of the signed a ceasefire treaty in ricidal conflict Unit a has en­ period will rest with a body ons involved. In a comparable .. Adding together two dis- two fonner belligerents . Lisbon in the presence of world joyed the backing of South called the Joint Military Po­ leaders. Africa and the United States, litical Commission, made up Savimbi will enter the capi­ with the MPLA government ofMPLA and Unita delegates. WE MANUFACTURE tal not as a conqueror but as an supported by Cuba and the Once in the camps and dis­ AND INSTALL election candidate whose chief Soviet Union). The two super­ anned, the soldiers are to be rival is President dos Santos. powers acted as final guaran­ confined within a 10kmradius The streets of Luanda are al­ tors of peace, agreeing to cut until their individual fates are b;"',IJmw ready plastered with election off weapons supplies to the decided. Theonlyexception to posters of the two men. Only a two sides from the moment the this will be forays to de-acti­ VERTICAL BLINDS few months ago, when the two ceasefire was signed. vate the thousands of mines sides wele engaged in bitter The 58-page ceasefire docu­ sown in the Angolan country­ 4 Dalton St. and high-powered conflict ment allowed for a truce effec­ side, which will make travel S Industria (around SOO lives were lost in tive from June to be imple­ difficult for some time to come. the closing battle of Luena) it mented in various phases lead­ Many soldiers will be de­ Tel. 227377 was dangerous to utter or write ing up to Angola's first demo­ mobilised, to return to their Box 20670 Savimbi's name, let alone cratic elections, tentatively set families. Others will be recruited publish his photograph. for September 1992. for a united, western-style Windhoek This extraordinary turn of Before the ceasefire was national anny to be retrained 32 Friday July 5 1991 , , •• ' I ifiHE NAMIBIAN

NEWS FOCUS Chinese youth get the message - on T-shirts

BEllING: China's youth has found a new way of pro­ viewed said. They also pro­ testing the communist leadership, but in a less dramatic vide some comic relief and a way than 1989 when their democracy movement was vent for pent-up anger at the crushed. system. "Before, we didn't have a This time it is in the form of Xiaoping, known best for his sense of who we were, and we messages on I-shirts. pragmatic one liner: "It doesn't didn't know it," said the 25- "Pissed off," "I'm fed up, matter whether the cat is black year-old girlfriend of one shirt leave me 'alone, " or "No way or white, as long as it catches salesman. ' 'Now we still don't out" are on just a few of the mice." have that sense - but at least we cotton, short-sleeve I-shirts Another shirt goes further. know it." selling out at private clothes On it, the two characters for Many urban young people stalls across the capital and ., old man" - which form part say in private that the commu­ being worn on the streets, at of a'message reading "be an nist party holds little if any universities and even in gov­ honest man" - have been set importance for them. They say ernment agencies. askew, as if they are toppling they are frustrated at being Others poke fun at the eld­ over. forbidden to live freely or de­ erly men who rule the country . Chinese derisively refer to tennine their careers. and one even calls discreetly Deng, 87 next month, and olher As one shirt puts it: "Get­ for their downfall. . old-guard revolutionaries as the ting nowhere. ' , Beijing, deeply traumatized " Gang of old men." Most of the shirts, vendors by the June 4, 1989crackdown Stall owners say city authori­ said, came from China's most on protests for greater free- ties have already banned the freewheeling province, Guang­ • dom and the repression that sale of the shirts, and they expect dang, which is far enough south still persists, has discovered a the police to soon crack down -near Hong Kong - to elude the new public forum. on the manufacturers. ideological orthodoxy of Bei­ , 'After June 4, no one has In the meantime, they have jingo been allowed to question any­ been offering discounts to get Despite the futility of the T­ thing, " a sociologist in his late rid of their stock and stashing shirts, there was at least one 20s said. "That's why these their goods every time an offi­ that held out hope for a better' shirts are so popular, because cer passes by. future. people want to have Iheir voices " They don't like them (the On the front was the face in heard, they want to speak." shirts) because they're not in red of the late chairman, Mao Many of the multi-coloured the right spirit," a 26-year-old Zedong. shirts, which sell for 10 yuan vendor said, his dark sunglasses On the back was printed the (1,85 dollars), have a hidden sign of a new breed. " They're great helmsman's 1930 rally­ meaning. too individualistic. " ing call for the revolution to NARBONNE, France: Police arrest an alleged stone-thrower here in the City of Olives housing A seemingly innocent, crying The shirts reflect the dejec­ spread: • 'A single spark can project where Harki youths clashed with CRS,injuring nine people with sones. Harkis were black cat printed on one shirt is tion and impotence of a lost start a prairie fire." - Sapa­ Algerians who fought for the French during the Algerian war. really a jab at leader Deng generation, many youths inter- AFP. Alternative press censorship Mau-Mauing the media in South Africa

JOHANNESBURG: Press else." According to Mazwai, "You thrown at the home of another censorship still existed in South He said some journalists lu!d are not allowed to say, 'this is journalist employed by the Africa, though it was largely managed to maintain their what happened'. I am not talk­ paper; unrecognised and unreported, credibility, but unfortunately ing of conunent, I am not talk­ * The circulation of the the South African Institute of not all of them. ing about thinking". Inkatha-owned newspaper ------NAMIBIA------. Race Relations said in a new , 'As a result, what appears Mazwai said the Sowetan llangahad dropped by as much book. in the newspapers, even today, bad started a campaign for press as 23 after shopkeepers, WHkly R30 R60 000 The book, entitled "Mau­ will perhaps be 40 per cent or freedom. He added: "We are who sold it, were attacked, and Daily R125 R~ O Mauing the Media: New Cen­ 50 per cent accurate, but there going to face tremendous prob­ people who were caught read­ €"CUTH AFRICA------. -!..----- sorship for the New South is that 50 per cent which is lems, I know that, but I believe ing it were forced to eat it, and Weekly R33 R66 Africa", contains tr;UlScripts that there is a core of journal­ . Daily Rl40 R280 made up of particular political sometimes threatened with of talks and discussions at an positions, specific distortions ists, who would lay their lives death; , BOTSWANA, LESPTHO, MALAWI, ZIMBABWE Institute seminar in August last and an attempt to influence the on the line to protect your right * A news editor could not Weekly Rn Rl44 year at which senior black readership to think in a par­ to know." , come to work one day because Daily R3 S0 . R700 journalists, the managing di­ ticular direction." According to Kaizer local youngsters called him to ------ZAMBIA, ZAIRE ------"-. rector of the only black-owned Criticising strategies, such Nyatsumba, a writer and a senior a meeting. "Here were 13-year­ Weekly RI02 Rl71 newspaper, a leading writer and as class boycotts, was consid­ political correspondent, cen­ olds, who could hardly spell Dwly RJ9S R790 critic, and one of the country's ered taboo by political activ­ sorship from the left took a their names, questioning a FRANCE, GERMANY, EUROPE, BRITAIN --t. best known entertainers, de­ ists, many of whom organised worse form than that from the journalist on the policy of his Weekly RlOO R200 scribed unofficial censorship class boycotts in Soweto, but government. newspaper. "; Daily R4S5 R970 perpetrated by political activ­ sent their children to private He said when the govern­ * Reporters received abu­ ------NORTH AMERICA -----_. ists, which emerged on the schools in white areas. But, if ment detained a journalist, he sive calls at night; Weekly' RI28 R255 ground during the political a journalist dared to write about became a hero in the people's * A reporter had to evacuate Daily R6 25 RI ~O turbulence 'of the last decade. this, he was seen as being eyes, but that was not the case his wife and children from his ..---- AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND ----- They indicated that in recent •'against the struggle", Mazwai. when organisations on the left house after receiving a warn­ Weekly Rl48 R295 years this "alternative" cen­ said. took action against a reporter. ing that he was about to be Daily R485 R970 sorship had been fierce enough Mazwai said reporters in When that happened, nobody attacked; and to block the publication of much Natal were having difficulty knew about it. * A boycott of a newspaper that happened in the country' s practising their profession. Government censorship was had been announced after POSI IO: Ihe Namlblan PO Box 20783 black townships. "One night, people from one overt, but nobody knew who prominent activists accused the ,.. Wlndhoek 9000 Namibia Thami Mazwai, the senior organisation will come to them the censors on the left were. paper of "sowing division".­

N~ ______assistant editor of the Sowetan, saying, 'Look, we don't like " They are very many and very Sapa told the seminar: "We have a what you are writing. ' And dangerous," Nyatsumba said. Address ...... ••...•....•• " ...... situation in which journalists then the next night, people from Among examples of the kinds Po~tat<:;ode ...... ,...... are far less exposed to arrest, a rival organisation will come of pressures faced by journal­ detention and incarceration by and say, 'Look, we don't like ists "on a day-to-day basis" I enclose a .cheque/postal order to the amount the government than they used what you are writing', and in were: of ...... ro~ ...... 1 ••••• weeks subscription to the to be, but are being threatened the end, they feel like saying, * A reporter had been threat­ \'Iamibian (ple~~e ensure the exact amount In and manhandled by political "I have had enough', and get­ ened withnecklacing by activ­ Ronds or equivat.~t currency) activists in the townships, in ting out." ists, who accused him of be­ the towns and everywhere, and Even purely factual reports longing to a rival organisation, are being told to toe the line or ran into difficulty and a petrol bomb bad been