Most Board of Education meetings are cablecast live on cable services CHANNEL 28 and webcast live on Board materials are available for review on the district web site at or at the District Office, 25 Churchill Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94306. Beginning with 2014-15, meetings are available on demand at alto/pausd/ Archived meetings of prior years can be found at PAUSDondemand.html.

Should you need special accommodations to participate in the meeting, please contact the Superintendent’s Office at 650.329.3737 or [email protected]. Community members wishing to address the Board are allotted THREE minutes per speaker. Should more than 20 people wish to address any one topic, the Board may elect to allot a shorter time per speaker. Materials presented at the Board meeting will be copied and provided to Board members after the meeting.

Additional instructions are listed on the back page of this agenda.

I. CLOSED SESSION A. Call to Order B. Recess to Closed Session (Conference Room A) 5:30 p.m. Action Anyone wishing to address the Board regarding Closed Session items may do so at this time. Items listed below may be discussed in closed session. Items [√] marked are scheduled for discussion at this meeting. All proceedings are reported to the public in open session where action is taken or staff is given direction.

[ ] 1. Employee Evaluation pursuant to Government Code §54957

[√] 2. Employee Appointment / Employment pursuant to Government Code §54957 – Director of Assessment and Evaluation [ ] 3. Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9 – [√] 4. Liability Claims pursuant to Government Code §54957.1 – One case: Farrar v PAUSD [ ] 5. Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation pursuant to Government Code 54956.9 [√] 6. Conference with Labor Negotiator pursuant to Government Code §54957.6 – Negotiator: Dr. Scott Bowers, regarding PAEA, CSEA, and Non-represented Groups [ ] 7. Conference with Real Property Negotiator pursuant to Government Code §54956 [√] 8. Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release pursuant to Government Code §54957 [ ] 9. Student Discipline 01.27.15 Page 1 Palo Alto Unified School District Vision Statement: We support all PAUSD students as they prepare themselves to thrive as global citizens in a rapidly changing world. We develop our students’ knowledge, critical thinking, and problem solving skills, and nurture their curiosity, creativity, and resilience, empowering every child to reach his or her fullest intellectual, social, and creative potential.

II. OPEN SESSION / REPORTS A. Approval of Agenda Order Action B. Superintendent’s Report / Student and Staff Successes Information 1 C. Student Board Member Reports Information III. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR Action These items are considered routine and will be approved in one action without discussion. If a Board member requests an item be removed from the Calendar or a citizen wishes to speak to an item, it will be considered under Action Items. A. Certificated Personnel Actions Consent 2 It is recommended the Board approve the certificated personnel actions as presented. B. Classified Personnel Actions Consent 3 It is recommended the Board approve the classified personnel actions as presented. C. Approval of Warrants Consent 4 It is recommended the Board approve the warrants for December 2014 as presented. D. Approval of Change Orders Consent 5 It is recommended the Board approve the change orders for December 2014 as presented. IV. OPEN FORUM Anyone wishing to address the Board on non-agenda items may do so at this time. Comments will be taken after the Consent Calendar. Community members wishing to address the Board are allotted THREE minutes per speaker. Please note that speaking time cannot be delegated to another person. Should more than 20 people wish to address any one topic, the Board may elect to allot TWO minutes per speaker. Without taking action, Board members or district staff members may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed by the public about items not appearing on the agenda. V. PUBLIC HEARING 7:00 p A. Parcel Tax Resolution #2014-15.08 Action (6) The Board will conduct a public hearing regarding the ballot language for a parcel tax being considered for placement on the May 5, 2015, ballot. VI. ACTION / DISCUSSION / INFORMATION ITEMS A. Parcel Tax Resolution #2014-15.08 Action 6 The Board will consider approving the ballot language for a parcel tax to be placed on the May 5, 2015, ballot. This item was discussed at the January 13, 2015, regular meeting. B. The Enrollment Management Advisory Committee Charge Action 7 The Board will consider approving the proposed charge for the Enrollment Management Committee. This item was discussed at the January 13, 2015, regular meeting. C. District Mental Health and Wellness Services Information 8 Staff will present an update of services regarding student support services. This is an information item and no action will be taken by the Board. D. Professional Development Management: “My Learning Plan” Information 9 Staff will present an update on “My Learning Plan,” a professional development management program. This is an information item and no action will be taken by the Board. E. Purchase of Dell Chromebook 11 Units for Palo Alto High School Action 10 The Board will consider authorizing the purchased of 465 Dell laptops for Palo Alto High School in the amount of $157,507.31. This item was discussed at the January 13, 2015, regular meeting. A similar purchase for Gunn High School will be considered in the future. Board Policy Updates Discussion 11 The Board will discuss updates and suggested changes to board policies. VII. BOARD MEMBERS’ REPORTS / CORRESPONDENCE / BOARD OPERATIONS / RECOGNITION This is an opportunity for Board members to address activities, correspondence, and operations and to acknowledge or recognize specific programs, activities, or personnel.

01.27.15 Page 2 Palo Alto Unified School District Vision Statement: We support all PAUSD students as they prepare themselves to thrive as global citizens in a rapidly changing world. We develop our students’ knowledge, critical thinking, and problem solving skills, and nurture their curiosity, creativity, and resilience, empowering every child to reach his or her fullest intellectual, social, and creative potential.

A. Reports B. Correspondence C. Operations • Possible Future Board Agenda Items Board members may suggest items for placement on future agendas. D. Acknowledgements and Recognition E. Board Calendar The next regular meeting of the Board is scheduled for February 10, 2015. VIII. ADJOURN Consensus

01.27.15 Page 3 Palo Alto Unified School District Vision Statement: We support all PAUSD students as they prepare themselves to thrive as global citizens in a rapidly changing world. We develop our students’ knowledge, critical thinking, and problem solving skills, and nurture their curiosity, creativity, and resilience, empowering every child to reach his or her fullest intellectual, social, and creative potential.

PALO ALTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 25 Churchill Avenue • Palo Alto, CA 94306 Telephone: (650) 329.3737 • FAX: (650) 321.3810 OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT

January 23, 2015

TO: Board of Education

FROM: Glenn “Max” McGee, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Executive Summary for 1/27/15 Packet

Whoever penned the lyric, “Happy trails to you, until we meet again,” was definitely not from Palo Alto. With a Board retreat, BPRC meeting, and regular Board meeting in the span of a week, not much time elapses between sessions. More importantly than the frequency is our productivity, and it is exciting to see how much we have accomplished as well as how we are collaborating to achieve our mutual goals and common vision.

In between meetings, I have had time to visit several schools and spent a couple of hours at Duveneck last Friday and had the opportunity to visit every class. The faculty are working hard, and the care, commitment, and compassion they have for their charges is palpable. Duveneck is one of our primary inclusion sites, and while there have been bumps in the road with full implementation – as was expected - I was most impressed with the teachers’ ability to manage the diverse needs of students in their classes as well as how supportive the other students are of those who have more challenges. The rest of this week I’ll be at Hays for an extended time and also observing a couple of classes at Gunn.

Turning to the Board meeting, we have a full agenda so I will do my best to keep my Superintendent’s report brief. First and foremost, we will be honoring the Palo Alto mathematics team who competed in the International Mathematical Modeling Competition. Not only did they receive the top award of OUTSTANDING, which they shared with eight other teams (out of 671 competitors), but they also scored the highest in the country on the problem they elected to solve. You read that right – they only had one problem to solve and 36 hours to do so. The attached press release has the details. In addition, I will provide an update from the Minority Achievement and Talent Development Advisory Committee. We have settled on six clusters of key problems and have six subcommittees hard at work pursuing these issues through data analysis, focus groups, research, and resource identification. Also, since we have no news on our OCR cases, I will use my report to relay this news rather than make it a full agenda item. Next, I’ll give a quick update on some matters that relate to the Save the 2,008 agenda, including the depth of thought that is going into discussions around Advancement Placement classes, homework practices, and grade reporting. I will also point out how the agenda item on the parcel tax targets reducing class sizes for some of our large elective classes, that all high schools in our district, and frankly across the country, continue to work on reducing cheating and managing – not banning – smart phone technology. Our MATD facilitators reminded me of a pithy quote popularly attributed to Albert Einstein that is particularly pertinent to issues related to student stress: “If I had an hour to solve a problem, I would spend 55 minutes thinking


about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about the solution.” In J. Daniel Couger’s book, Creative Problem Solving and Opportunity Finding, the author frames it a bit differently: [John] Dewey believed that a problem well stated was half solved. Albert Einstein was even more emphatic about the importance of the definition of the problem. He was once asked: “If you have one hour to save the world, how would you spend that hour?” He replied, “I would spend 55 minutes defining the problem and then five minutes solving it.” Regardless of the exact wording, the point is well-taken. Our students, district, and community will be best served by a deep understanding of the complexity and root causes of the problem, the formation of alternate solutions, and careful evaluation and execution of the most promising solutions. Finally, I’ll mention how fruitful I thought the Board retreat was and trust that President Caswell will add a comment from her perspective, too.

A. Parcel Tax Resolution In response to the Board discussion at the last meeting, we revised the wording on the ballot language and bullet points in the resolution. Also, we have prioritized items listed in the three buckets to reflect those that would have the deepest, broadest, and greatest impact on student learning and well-being. We need to approve the ballot language and resolution as is or as amended through further discussion tonight.

B. Enrollment Management Advisory Committee Following Board recommendations at the last meeting, changes have been made to the Committee charge. We are seeking Board approval at this meeting. Also, a draft of the application form is attached. While the Board does not have to approve the application form, we welcome any recommendations members may have. This draft will also be vetted at a meeting of former enrollment committee members on Friday and at Cabinet on Monday prior to the Board meeting, so there may be changes in the draft that are included in the packet as of this writing.

C. Safe and Welcoming Schools In our Strategic Plan, our primary goal under Strategy B, Personal Development and Support, states, “Support the social-emotional needs of students and celebrate personal growth across multiple dimensions, while ensuring a positive, safe, and healthy environment.” This informational item is designed to provide the Board with an understanding of how we do support the social-emotional needs of students at the individual, school, and district levels with programs, services, and community partners. We will also review some of the many metrics we use to assess the effectiveness of these efforts. Moreover, our presenters will review how we have implemented the components of the bullying policy and administrative regulations and share the most recent data from incident reports and UCP filings. We are eager to hear the Board members’ impressions of progress to date and ideas regarding how we can assure that all schools are safe and welcoming for all students all the time.

D. My Learning Plan Aligned with Strategic Goal Area C (Create an exceptional, positive teaching environment by developing, recruiting, and retaining the most talented staff and supporting a culture of professional growth and innovation), the third Board Goal states: To provide all students the highest quality learning environment in every District school, assure that all certificated and classified staff are continuously engaged in Professional Learning that is aligned with specific, strategic school improvement goals that are tied directly to the District Strategic Plan. A key deliverable under this measure is the analysis of fidelity in faculty completion of “My Learning Plan.” My Learning Plan (MLP) is the system we are using to evaluate and track professional development experiences (C1.4) in order to “foster a culture of relevant and effective


growth among all staff to develop a community of learners.” This informational item will provide an overview of MLP’s features, the first phase of the implementation plan, the features that will be used in the second phase to assess impact on teaching and learning, and some initial feedback from faculty and principals. While it has always been and will continue to be difficult to determine the causal link between professional development and student achievement and engagement, MLP will enable us to begin ascertaining how professional development and resulting professional learning communities around specific initiatives change instructional practices.

E. Chromebook Purchase As we discussed at the last Board meeting, with Paly’s completion of the implementation, professional development, and evaluation plans, the latter of which is included in the packet as it was in last Friday’s Weekly, we are seeking Board approval for the purchase of $157,507.31 of Dell Chromebooks as presented at our last meeting. The source of funds is from a $520,000 grant from the Brin-Wojcicki Foundation.

F. Board Policy Update The BPRC has moved policies to the full Board for discussion and future action. As each policy is discussed, the Board has the options of moving it forward for final reading, returning it to the BPRC for revision, or determining whether an optional policy (or optional portion of a policy) should not move forward for adoption.

In closing, we are looking forward to a meaningful and productive meeting. Staff have worked hard to prepare for the meeting and to welcome Board input. It is most helpful for us to have questions in advance so we can answer them either prior to or at the meeting whenever possible. We realize questions will also arise during discussion, and we will do our best to provide a timely response. As a reminder, the protocol we discussed at the retreat is to send the questions to me, and I will distribute them to the presenter and also provide an initial response to you regarding which we can address now and which we may have to defer due to the amount of staff time that may be required to produce a detailed response.

Have a great weekend. With springtime temperatures and sunshine predicted, Jan and I plan on being outside pretty much every minute and making the most of this welcome change from our sixty-plus past Midwest Januarys.

Coming Events: Agenda Setting for February 10, January 27 Board Meeting, January 27, 5:30 p.m. ACSA, Monterey, January 28-30 Heavenly Bandstand, Gunn Choir/Staff Musical, February 4-5, 8:00 p.m. Juana Run, February 28, 8:30 a.m.



PALO ALTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 25 Churchill Avenue • Palo Alto, CA 94306 Telephone: (650) 329-3737 • FAX: (650) 321-3810


Contact: Tabitha Kappeler-Hurley Communications Coordinator (650) 329-3746

Palo Alto High School Team will Represent the in International Mathematical Modeling Competition

PALO ALTO, CA – Thirty-six hours to solve one real world story problem! That was the challenge posed in the 17th Annual International High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM). A total of 671 teams composed of four students each competed, and of these, only eight, six from American and two from China, received the top award of outstanding. Palo Alto High School’s BC Calculus Team was one of these, scoring ahead of some of the top magnet schools in the country. Team members Kathryn Lee, Allison Zhang, Eric Foster, and Andrew Lee worked with Team Advisor and Palo Alto High Mathematics Instructional Supervisor Radu Toma to prepare for this competition and their perseverance paid off. For achieving the top score in the entire United States on the Commuter Train problem, they were named one of the two top mathematics modeling teams who will be representing the US in the International Mathematical Modeling Competition (IM2C) in April. A photo of the team is attached and the problem they had to solve is below.

The team’s advisor and Palo Alto High Mathematic Instructional Supervisor Mr. Toma, shared, “I am really proud of Allison, Kathryn, Eric, and Andrew. They are truly exceptional youngsters who display all the traits excellent mathematicians have. Highly intelligent and intellectually curious, they also have the stamina, determination, and courage it takes to tackle and solve serious, real-life problems using sophisticated mathematical modelling. The four of them spent two full days together researching and putting together a 33 page solution augmented by 3D graphs, sketches, tables, and references, optimizing the flow of passenger traffic in a congested multi-level train station. Their splendid performance is also a tribute to all the teachers who inspired and guided them over the years, opening their eyes to the beauty of mathematics.”

The April IM2C is a new competition that strives to be a true team competition, held over a number of days with students able to use any inanimate resources. All competition problems emphasize working with mathematics in a way that mirrors the way the world works with mathematics. Students must use a variety of mathematics in order to find a solution. Utilizing various formulas, teamwork, and concepts from the various fields of mathematics gives the students experience with how mathematics can solve real-world problems. The IM2C provides students with a deeper experience both of how mathematics can explain the world and what working with mathematics looks like.

Dr. McGee commented, “I am very proud of Mr. Toma and these outstanding students! Mr. Toma and the faculty who taught these young men and women in previous years opened the door to fresh ways to apply knowledge, critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, resilience, and teamwork skills which epitomizes our Vision in PAUSD. Although many of us adults still have nightmares of story problems in high school, these students embraced the challenge. Working together for 36 hours to devise such an elegant solution to a challenging problem that tens of

PAUSD Vision: We support all PAUSD students as they prepare themselves to thrive as global citizens in a rapidly changing world. We develop our students’ knowledge, critical thinking, and problem solving skills, and nurture their curiosity, creativity, and resilience, empowering every child to reach his or her fullest intellectual, social, and creative potential.

millions of people face daily in urban areas around the world is literally world-class mathematics and requires world- class character. The future of our community and country is bright indeed when our students can comprehend and apply high-level mathematics to solve big problems that improve public safety and the quality of life. This contest is one of the premier international mathematical challenges, and I am deeply appreciative of Mr. Toma, Kathryn, Allison, Eric and Andrew for representing their school and our district so well.”

International teams will receive a common problem in mid-April. The contest will last until mid-May. During that time teams can choose five (5) consecutive days to work together on the problem. The Palo Alto High Team has chosen to work on their problem from April 19-23. All solutions must be sent in by the faculty advisor, who must certify that the students followed the rules of the contest. Papers will be judged in early June by an international expert committee and winners announced by mid-June. Papers will be designated as Outstanding, Meritorious, and Honorable Mention, with appropriate plaques and certificates given in the name of students and their schools. Below is one of the problems from this year’s competition.

The Palo Alto High School team ranked first in the nation on this problem.

Problem: Unloading Commuter Trains Trains arrive often at a central station, the nexus for many commuter trains from suburbs of larger cities on a “commuter” line. Most trains are long (perhaps 10 or more cars long). The distance a passenger has to walk to exit the train area is quite long. Each train car has only two exits, one near each end so that the cars can carry as many people as possible. Each train car has a center aisle and there are two seats on one side and three seats on the other for each row of seats.

To exit a typical station of interest, passengers must exit the car, and then make their way to a stairway to get to the next level to exit the station. Usually these trains are crowded so there is a “fan” of passengers from the train trying to get up the stairway. The stairway could accommodate two columns of people exiting to the top of the stairs.

Most commuter train platforms have two tracks adjacent to the platform. In the worst case, if two fully occupied trains arrived at the same time, it might take a long time for all the passengers to get up to the main level of the station.

Build a mathematical model to estimate the amount of time for a passenger to reach the street level of the station to exit the complex. Assume there are n cars to a train, each car has length d. The length of the platform is p, and the number of stairs in each staircase is q.

Use your model to specifically optimize (minimize) the time traveled to reach street level to exit a station for the following: Requirement 1. One fully occupied train’s passengers to exit the train, and ascend the stairs to reach the street access level of the station Requirement 2. Two fully occupied trains’ passengers (all passengers exit onto a common platform) to exit the trains, and ascend the stairs to reach the street access level of the station. Requirement 3. If you could redesign the location of the stairways along the platform, where should these stairways be placed to minimize the time for one or two trains’ passengers to exit the station? Requirement 4. How does the time to street level vary with the number s of stairways that one builds? Requirement 5. How does the time vary if the stairways can accommodate k people, k an integer greater than one?

In addition to the HiMCM format, prepare a short non-technical article to the director of transportation explaining why they should adopt your model to improve exiting a station.

# # #

2 BOARD OF EDUCATION Attachment: Information 1


TO: Board of Education

FROM: Glenn “Max” McGee, Ph. D., Superintendent Prepared by: Tabitha Kappeler Hurley

SUBJECT: Students and Staff Successes

STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE Governance and Communication

Student Successes:

Palo Alto High School BC Calculus students Kathryn Li, Allison Zhang, Eric Foster, and Andrew Lee were a team of four juniors designated an “outstanding winner” among the 671 participating teams in the 17th Annual National High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM). The team will be one of 2 representing the US in the International Mathematical Modeling Challenge (IM2C) in April.

Palo Alto High School’s Video Production Program has had some films invited to screen at the 25th Anniversary of Cinequest Film Festival, as part of the High School Short Film Competition, occurring February 24 –March 8, 2015 in San Jose, California. The American Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences recognizes award-winners at Cinequest (i.e. short film, documentary, etc.) as qualifiers for the Oscars. This is an A-list industry/talent film festival and chance for students and our department to be promoted by the festival's press.

Palo Alto High School photography student Nicole Berry had her photograph selected as a top winner in the Drexel University National High School Student Photography Contest. This contest includes students from around the US. Nicole’s photo is one of approximately 100 photos to be exhibited at Drexel’s photography gallery from February 7 to March 6, 2015.

Palo Alto High School student Avanika Narayan has won runner-up status in the annual National Center for Women and Information Technology (NCWIT) Award for Aspirations in Computing. Avanika is one of 350 students to receive this honor nationally. Paly student Claire Kokontis placed as a runner up at the Bay Area level for this same award. The award recognizes students for their computing-related aspirations and for demonstrated, outstanding aptitude and interest in information technology and computing; solid leadership ability; good academic history; and plans for post-secondary education.

The Palo Alto High School Choirs just completed recording for their new studio album entitled “A Day In the Life.” The 80 voice Paly Concert Choir, Madrigal Singers, and Spectrum Singers recorded at one of the nation’s premiere recording studios, Fantasy Recording, located in Berkeley. The choirs recorded 14 tracks for the upcoming album which will also include live material from previous concerts.

Staff Successes:

Palo Alto High School teacher Esther Wojcicki has published a new book, "Moonshots in Education: Launching Blended Learning in the Classroom.” This new book focuses on helping teachers shift their teaching to more project-based, collaborative learning. Ms. Wojcicki will present her book on Saturday, January 24, at the Oshman Family JCC in Palo Alto. Palo Alto High School journalism teacher Paul Kandell contributed a chapter to the book as well.

Gunn High School teacher Wayne Hoy has his photography on display in Terminal 2 (before security) at San Francisco International Airport. It will be up until the end of February.

Palo Alto High School teacher David Cohen, who is on leave this year, continues his project to document excellence and innovation in public schools across California. He was interviewed in December by KQED reporter Ana Tintocalis of The California Report. His interview started with highlighting the innovative new MakerSpace at Barron Park Elementary.

Over the January 10 weekend, over 500 music educators from across the state attended the California Music Educators Association (CMEA) conference. Gunn Band Director Todd Summers led the coordination and implementation of the conference as the current President of CMEA. This is a very large undertaking. He was assisted by Gunn music teacher Sandra Lewis who also serves in a leadership role in CMEA. Additionally, PAUSD staff and students participated in the conference by presenting a workshop on technology in the music classroom. Sixteen PAUSD Middle school students were chosen to perform in the conference band, orchestra, and choir.

BOARD OF EDUCATION Attachment: Consent 2


Certificated Personnel Items for the Meeting of: January 27, 2015




NAME EFF. DATES ASSIGNMENT Short Term Assignment None


NAME EFF. DATE ASSIGNMENT TIME EXP. DEGREE UNITS STATUS Temporary Ackard, Allison 1/7/15 Teacher—Gunn 100% 1 MA 75 N

Probationary 0 None

Probationary I None

Probationary II None


Other None




NAME EFF. DATE ASSIGNMENT REASON YRS. OF SERVICE Gutierrez, Amy 1/12/15 Director I—Assessment & Evaluation Personal 1 Wk.








NAME PRESENT STATUS NEW STATUS EFF. DATE Mott, Julie Permanent Teacher/Gunn—80% Permanent Teacher/Gunn—80% 1/5/15 Temporary Teacher/Gunn—20% O’Brien-Carnevale, Kelly * Teacher/Educational Services—100% Teacher/Educational Services—70% 1/5/15 Zevallos, Jennifer Teacher/Student Services—80% Teacher on Special Assignment/Gunn—100% 1/5/15 * Revision of 8/26/14 Personnel Action (change percentage of Reduced Assignment).

RECOMMENDATIONS: The Administration recommends approval of Certificated Personnel Action Items as presented.

(1/27/15) – 2 – BOARD OF EDUCATION Attachment: Consent 3


Classified Personnel Items for the Meeting of: January 27, 2015


I. APPOINTMENTS NAME EFF. DATE ASSIGNMENT TIME STATUS Regular Han, Younju 12/181/4 Instructional Aide GE—Hoover 3.75 Hrs./Day N McTigue, Patricia 1/7/15 Student Attendant/Special Education—Hays 5.5 Hrs./Day N Parada, Efrain 1/5/15 Bus Driver—Transportation 5 Hrs./Day N Sandelin, Kenneth 1/6/15 Warehouse Attendant I—Warehouse 8 Hrs./Day N Varnayev, Ilya 1/5/15 Bus Driver—Transportation 5 Hrs./Day N

NAME EFF. DATES ASSIGNMENT Short-Term Assignments None


II. LEAVES NAME POSITION DURATION REASON Owen, Christina Career-Vocational Education Assistant & Tutorial 1/5/15 – 1/31/15 FMLA Center Assistant—Palo Alto

III. TERMINATIONS NAME EFF. DATE ASSIGNMENT REASON YRS. OF SERVICE Arana, Max 6/30/15 Custodian I—Palo Alto Retirement 19 Yrs. Collom, Patrick 1/23/15 Student Attendant/Special Education—Fairmeadow Another Position 1 Yr., 3 Mos. Jimenez, Regina 1/9/15 Student Attendant/Special Education—Palo Verde Personal 2 Mos. Pitman, Rebecca 1/26/15 Student Attendant/Special Education—Nixon To Study 1 Yr., 1 Mo. Punzalan, Leslie Anne 1/30/15 Instructional Aide GE—Gunn Another Position 2 Yrs., 3 Mos. Sekona, Hansen 1/9/15 Tutorial Center Assistant—Gunn Another Position 4 Yrs. Talbot, Anne 1/30/15 Instructional Aide GE—Escondido Leaving Area 6 Mos.

RECOMMENDATIONS: The Administration recommends approval of Classified Personnel Action Items as presented.

INFORMATION ITEMS: I. CHANGE OF STATUS NAME EFF. DATE STATUS ASSIGNMENT Bato, Reynaldo 1/5/15 From: Custodian I/Jordan—5 Hrs./Day To: Custodian I/Jordan—8 Hrs./Day Brasil, Fernando 1/12/15 From: Custodian I/J. L. Stanford—4 Hrs./Day Custodian I/Fairmeadow—3 Hrs./Day To: Maintenance Tradesperson 1/Maintenance & Operations—8 Hrs./Day Chheng, Tom 1/1/15 From: Custodian I/Ohlone—8 Hrs./Day To: Custodian I/J. L. Stanford—4 Hrs./Day Custodian I/Fairmeadow—3 Hrs./Day Estrada, Sonia 11/19/14 From: Instructional Aide SpEd/Special Education/Hays—5.5 Hrs./Day To: Instructional Aide SpEd/Special Education/Hays—6 Hrs./Day Gonggrijp, Vanessa 11/24/14 From: Student Attendant/Special Education/Escondido—3.5 Hrs./Day To: Student Attendant/Special Education/Escondido—5.8 Hrs./Day

(1/27/15) 1 NAME EFF. DATE STATUS ASSIGNMENT Grande, Jacqueline 1/5/15 From: Library Assistant I/Terman—4 Hrs./Day To: Library Assistant I/Terman—6.5 Hrs./Day Hsiung, Chien-hsi 1/5/15 From: Elementary School Clerk/Palo Verde—5 Hrs./Day To: Secretary-Elementary School/Palo Verde—8 Hrs./Day Jacuzzi, David 1/5/15 From: Bus Driver/Transportation—5 Hrs./Day Lunch Server-Record Keeper/Hays—2 Hrs./Day To: Bus Driver/Transportation—7 Hrs./Day Main, Carole 1/8/15 From: Student Attendant/Special Education/Gunn—7 Hrs./Day To: Typist Clerk III/Gunn—4 Hrs./Day Student Attendant/Special Education/Gunn—3 Hrs./Day Wang, I-Ying 12/8/14 From: Payroll-Benefits Technician/Human Resources—8 Hrs./Day To: Account Clerk II/Business Services—8 Hrs./Day Wong, Glorianne 1/5/15 From: Library Assistant I/J. L. Stanford—5.4 Hrs./Day To: Library Assistant I/J. L. Stanford—6.5 Hrs./Day Yean, Chamroeun 12/1/14 From: Student Attendant/Special Education/Terman—5.05 Hrs./Day To: Student Attendant/Special Education/Terman—6 Hrs./Day

(1/27/15) 2 BOARD OF EDUCATION Attachment: Consent 4


TO: Glenn “Max” McGee, Superintendent

FROM: Cathy Mak, Chief Business Officer

SUBJECT: Approval of Warrants

STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE Budget Trends and Infrastructure

RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education approve the warrant lists as presented.

BACKGROUND The December 2014 warrants list has been provided to the Board for review and approval prior to this meeting. Warrant lists are available for public review in Business Services and our website at

A quarterly warrant list, in excel format, is available by request by emailing [email protected]. 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 0 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Report title: December 2014 With account detail: Y Date issued range: 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant number range: - Sort by: Warrant #

1 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 1 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 <81064094> Canceled 12/17/2014 FLOREA, CRISTINA CISMAS PV404427 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-157000-055-0000 < 382.26 > Sub total: < 382.26 > 81 <81064104> Canceled 12/17/2014 KEARNEY, ANNA PV404452 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 010-0000-0-5210-00-0000-2140-214180-092-0000 < 38.92 > Sub total: < 38.92 > 81 <81064113> Canceled 12/17/2014 MELLOWS, HEATHER PV404412 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-055-0000 < 131.94 > Sub total: < 131.94 > 81 <81064273> Canceled 12/17/2014 PALO ALTO PREPARATORY SCHOOL PO140728 SPECIAL ED SERVICES 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618500-037-0000 < 24,510.00 > Sub total: < 24,510.00 > 81 <81064615> Canceled 12/17/2014 BRANSFIELD, KATHLEEN PV404702 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 < 674.99 > PV404702 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 < 59.06 > PV404702 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 < 33.75 > PV404702 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 < 59.06-> Sub total: < 708.74 > 81 <81064769> Canceled 12/17/2014 BERG, GRETCHEN PV404830 CONTRACTED SERVICES 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 < 94.55 > Sub total: < 94.55 > 81 <81064948> Canceled 12/17/2014 BOLANOS, BEN PV404884 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-1110-1000-708000-057-0000 < 550.00 > Sub total: < 550.00 > 81 <81064995> Canceled 12/17/2014 HERRMANN, DENISE PV404908 CONTRACTED SERVICES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7400-740000-099-0000 < 154.95 > PV404908 CONTRACTED SERVICES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7400-740000-099-0000 < 948.00 > Sub total: < 1,102.95 > 81 <81065125> Canceled 12/17/2014 GUERARD, CARLA PV405027 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-3110-311000-057-0000 < 31.07 > Sub total: < 31.07 > 81 <81065164> Canceled 12/17/2014 EKHOLM, MADELEINE PV405000 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-3110-311000-055-0000 < 20.00 > Sub total: < 20.00 > 81 <81067910> Canceled 12/11/2014 STUDIES WEEKLY PO224325 CA SOCIAL STUDIES INSTRUCTIONA 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-014-0000 < 569.18 > Sub total: < 569.18 > 81 <81067925> Canceled 12/30/2014 STUDIES WEEKLY PO224441 Social Studies Weekly 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-014-0000 < 592.90 > Sub total: < 592.90 >

2 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 2 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 <81068774> Canceled 12/05/2014 MATH/SCIENCE NUCLEUS PO224972 TULE PONDS 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181600-012-0000 < 1,150.00 > Sub total: < 1,150.00 > 81 <81069460> Canceled 12/30/2014 UNITED REFRIGERATION PO150278 HVAC Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 < 377.16 > PO150278 HVAC Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 < 145.87 > Sub total: < 523.03 > 81 <81069687> Canceled 12/30/2014 SAN JOSE CHARTERS INC PO224805 COLOMA FIELD TRIP 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181640-041-0000 < 1,426.45 > PO224805 COLOMA FIELD TRIP 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181640-041-0000 < 1,426.45 > Sub total: < 2,852.90 > 81 <81070202> Canceled 12/05/2014 DORWIN, JENNIFER PV501523 RENTALS, LEASES, & REPAIRS 080-6500-0-5620-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 < 378.45 > Sub total: < 378.45 > 81 <81070264> Canceled 12/30/2014 UNITED REFRIGERATION PO150278 HVAC Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 < 305.54 > Sub total: < 305.54 > 81 <81070653> Canceled 12/05/2014 DORWIN, JENNIFER PV501763 RENTALS, LEASES, & REPAIRS 080-6500-0-5620-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 < 270.79 > Sub total: < 270.79 > 81 81070739 12/02/2014 ALFORD, BARBARA PV501782 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-7405-0-4310-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 89.25 PV501782 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-7405-0-4310-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 92.45 Sub total: 181.70 81 81070740 12/02/2014 ALMANZAN, BELLA PV501790 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-012-0000 159.10 Sub total: 159.10 81 81070741 12/02/2014 ATHLETIC SUPPLY OF CALIFORNIA PV501810 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 346.07 Sub total: 346.07 81 81070742 12/02/2014 BENA, MARY ELLEN PV501823 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141080-057-0000 323.93 Sub total: 323.93 81 81070743 12/02/2014 BERKSON, JERRY PV501830 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-1110-2140-739500-057-0000 407.70 PV501828 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-555130-057-0000 922.49 PV501828 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-555130-057-0000 53.78 PV501828 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-555130-057-0000 49.29 PV501828 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-555130-057-0000 290.00 PV501828 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-555130-057-0000 25.38

3 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 3 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PV501828 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-555130-057-0000 344.01 PV501828 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 060-9010-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 25.38- Sub total: 2,067.27 81 81070744 12/02/2014 BEST, BARBARA PV501794 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-121000-053-0000 191.08 Sub total: 191.08 81 81070745 12/02/2014 BOOTH, BRAD PV501829 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148000-053-0000 960.26 PV501829 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148000-053-0000 84.02 PV501829 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148000-053-0000 682.47 PV501829 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148000-053-0000 1,033.83 PV501829 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 84.02- Sub total: 2,676.56 81 81070746 12/02/2014 BRIMHALL, ELIZABETH PV501807 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-167010-057-0000 640.57 Sub total: 640.57 81 81070747 12/02/2014 BRONSTEIN, ADRIENNE PV501819 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-057-0000 294.78 Sub total: 294.78 81 81070748 12/02/2014 CAFFE CARRELLO PV501798 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-141080-057-0000 350.00 Sub total: 350.00 81 81070749 12/02/2014 CERNOBORI, SANDRA PV501818 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 000-0000-0-5300-00-1110-3110-311020-057-0000 185.00 Sub total: 185.00 81 81070750 12/02/2014 CHANG, EILEEN PV501796 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-149000-052-0000 135.97 Sub total: 135.97 81 81070751 12/02/2014 CITY OF PALO ALTO UTILITIES PO150013 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5501-00-0000-8200-824050-010-0000 198.86 PO150013 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5501-00-0000-8200-824050-014-0000 350.15 PO150013 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5501-00-0000-8200-824050-014-0000 220.22 PO150014 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5501-00-0000-8200-824050-025-0000 240.02 PO150016 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5501-00-0000-8200-824050-037-0000 426.29 PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5501-00-0000-8200-824050-055-0000 6,230.40 PO150013 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5502-00-0000-8200-824050-010-0000 1,524.19 PO150013 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5502-00-0000-8200-824050-014-0000 1,740.26 PO150014 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5502-00-0000-8200-824050-025-0000 1,690.52 PO150016 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5502-00-0000-8200-824050-037-0000 117.21 PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5502-00-0000-8200-824050-055-0000 21,639.81 PO150016 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5502-00-0000-8200-824050-093-0000 232.20 PO150013 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5503-00-0000-8200-824050-010-0000 1,111.96 PO150013 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5503-00-0000-8200-824050-014-0000 1,621.08

4 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 4 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO150014 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5503-00-0000-8200-824050-025-0000 1,068.46 PO150016 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5503-00-0000-8200-824050-037-0000 1,279.52 PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5503-00-0000-8200-824050-055-0000 5,791.15 PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5503-00-0000-8200-824050-055-0000 2,210.52 PO150013 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-010-0000 713.78 PO150013 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-010-0000 249.69 PO150013 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-014-0000 184.57 PO150013 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-014-0000 402.21 PO150014 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-025-0000 77.22 PO150014 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-025-0000 683.65 PO150014 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-025-0000 517.83 PO150016 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-037-0000 210.93 PO150016 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-037-0000 290.28 PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-055-0000 2,839.24 PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-055-0000 2,132.82 PO150013 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5506-00-0000-8200-824050-010-0000 1,187.47 PO150013 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5506-00-0000-8200-824050-014-0000 493.83 PO150013 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5506-00-0000-8200-824050-014-0000 229.99 PO150013 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5506-00-0000-8200-824050-014-0000 2,171.30 PO150014 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5506-00-0000-8200-824050-025-0000 133.32 PO150014 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5506-00-0000-8200-824050-025-0000 1,025.90 PO150016 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5506-00-0000-8200-824050-037-0000 1,603.88 PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5506-00-0000-8200-824050-055-0000 8,897.77 PO150016 Palo Alto Utilities 080-6500-0-5502-00-5001-8200-682050-037-0000 459.88 PO150016 Palo Alto Utilities 080-6500-0-5504-00-5001-8200-682050-037-0000 2.64 PO150016 Palo Alto Utilities 080-6500-0-5506-00-5001-8200-682050-037-0000 177.39 PV501824 UTILITIES 080-6500-0-5550-00-5001-8200-682050-037-0000 8.73 Sub total: 72,387.14 81 81070752 12/02/2014 EDWARDS, YANNETTE PV501786 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 110-0000-0-4310-00-4110-1000-189100-078-0000 210.00 Sub total: 210.00 81 81070753 12/02/2014 EPSTEIN EDUCATIONAL ENTERPRISE PV501820 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-184000-057-0000 110.00 PV501820 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-184000-057-0000 9.63 PV501820 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-184000-057-0000 13.00 PV501820 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 9.63- Sub total: 123.00 81 81070754 12/02/2014 ESPINOZA, MONICA PV501783 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-708000-055-0000 335.94 Sub total: 335.94 81 81070755 12/02/2014 FILOLI CENTER PV501826 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181600-007-0000 240.00 Sub total: 240.00 81 81070756 12/02/2014 GARRISON, EMILY PV501821 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2700-141040-057-0000 267.55 Sub total: 267.55

5 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 5 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81070757 12/02/2014 GILBERT, TERI PV501784 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-3110-153010-051-0000 25.89 PV501784 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-3110-153010-051-0000 55.09 PV501784 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-051-0000 104.26 Sub total: 185.24 81 81070758 12/02/2014 GODDARD, TERRI PV501791 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 110-0000-0-4310-00-4110-1000-173010-078-0000 206.43 Sub total: 206.43 81 81070759 12/02/2014 GYM DOCTORS PV501811 RENTALS, LEASES, & REPAIRS 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-171000-052-0000 299.00 Sub total: 299.00 81 81070760 12/02/2014 HAMMER, HALEY PV501808 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-4200-555160-057-0000 108.21 Sub total: 108.21 81 81070761 12/02/2014 HILMER, JAMES PV501801 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-121000-057-0000 69.64 Sub total: 69.64 81 81070762 12/02/2014 IPROMOTEU PV501788 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-012-0000 311.08 Sub total: 311.08 81 81070763 12/02/2014 JAUREGUI, LISA PV501789 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-012-0000 75.73 Sub total: 75.73 81 81070764 12/02/2014 LAUNER, KINDEL PV501806 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-132000-057-0000 112.90 Sub total: 112.90 81 81070765 12/02/2014 MADCO WELD SUPPLY PV501809 RENTALS, LEASES, & REPAIRS 060-9010-0-5620-00-1110-1000-554390-057-0000 10.00 Sub total: 10.00 81 81070766 12/02/2014 MCCANN, TARA PV501787 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181640-012-0000 125.00 Sub total: 125.00 81 81070767 12/02/2014 MCDERMOTT, THERESA PV501814 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-057-0000 399.99 PV501814 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-057-0000 173.64 Sub total: 573.63 81 81070768 12/02/2014 MERIDIAN ID PV501812 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-121000-057-0000 204.75 Sub total: 204.75

6 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 6 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81070769 12/02/2014 MOFFATT, LAURIE PV501802 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-121000-057-0000 103.21 Sub total: 103.21 81 81070770 12/02/2014 O'NEILL, SUSIE PV501793 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-053-0000 13.00 PV501793 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-053-0000 1.14 PV501793 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-053-0000 85.34 PV501793 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-053-0000 66.51 PV501793 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 1.14- Sub total: 164.85 81 81070771 12/02/2014 OWEN, CHRISTINA PV501817 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-554970-057-0000 48.95 PV501817 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-555210-057-0000 223.30 PV501817 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-555210-057-0000 9.80 Sub total: 282.05 81 81070772 12/02/2014 P.I.P.S PV501797 WORKERS COMPENSATION 010-0000-0-9931-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 233,785.83 Sub total: 233,785.83 81 81070773 12/02/2014 PARK, MIMI PV501799 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-132000-057-0000 54.88 Sub total: 54.88 81 81070774 12/02/2014 PAULSON, ADAM PV501816 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-3110-153000-057-0000 47.56 Sub total: 47.56 81 81070775 12/02/2014 PG AND E PO150054 Escondido & Nixon Utilities 010-0000-0-5502-00-0000-8200-824050-032-0000 4,546.49 Sub total: 4,546.49 81 81070776 12/02/2014 PHILLIPS, DAJA PV501800 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-555210-057-0000 197.32 Sub total: 197.32 81 81070777 12/02/2014 PRO AUDIO RENTAL SYSTEMS PV501805 RENTALS, LEASES, & REPAIRS 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-141080-057-0000 340.00 Sub total: 340.00 81 81070778 12/02/2014 RAPAPORT, DAVID PV501813 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-184000-057-0000 70.85 Sub total: 70.85 81 81070779 12/02/2014 RECHARGE EM PV501795 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-005-0000 85.91 PV501795 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-005-0000 1.00 PV501795 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 1.00- Sub total: 85.91

7 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 7 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81070780 12/02/2014 ROACH, HAL PV501785 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148000-051-0000 446.42 Sub total: 446.42 81 81070781 12/02/2014 ROSS, MIRA PV501804 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-121000-057-0000 46.76 Sub total: 46.76 81 81070782 12/02/2014 SAUSSOTTE, ELAINE PV501825 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-007-0000 137.64 Sub total: 137.64 81 81070783 12/02/2014 SCHOLASTIC PV501815 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106020-057-0000 187.32 Sub total: 187.32 81 81070784 12/02/2014 SINGH, ANAMIKA PV501792 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-739500-025-0000 29.85 Sub total: 29.85 81 81070785 12/02/2014 PO150057 WATER/SEWER LEASE 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-012-0000 1,426.04 PO150057 WATER/SEWER LEASE 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-012-0000 901.09 PO150057 WATER/SEWER LEASE 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-032-0000 3,924.94 PO150057 WATER/SEWER LEASE 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-032-0000 2,617.85 PO150057 WATER/SEWER LEASE 010-0000-0-5506-00-0000-8200-824050-012-0000 2,622.15 PO150057 WATER/SEWER LEASE 010-0000-0-5506-00-0000-8200-824050-012-0000 1,656.89 PO150057 WATER/SEWER LEASE 010-0000-0-5506-00-0000-8200-824050-032-0000 7,217.03 PO150057 WATER/SEWER LEASE 010-0000-0-5506-00-0000-8200-824050-032-0000 4,813.60 Sub total: 25,179.59 81 81070786 12/02/2014 STROH-DEWEES, TERESA PV501803 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-121000-057-0000 207.98 Sub total: 207.98 81 81070787 12/02/2014 SUSTAINABLE SILICON VALLEY PV501781 MAINT/OPERATIONS SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 69.24 Sub total: 69.24 81 81070788 12/02/2014 THEATREWORKS PV501827 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-121000-057-0000 1,000.00 Sub total: 1,000.00 81 81070789 12/02/2014 WOODS, KATHLEEN PV501822 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-121000-057-0000 154.43 Sub total: 154.43 81 81070790 12/02/2014 A VACUUM AND SEWING HOSPITAL PO150516 Vacuum Repairs & Accessories 010-0000-0-5620-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 210.91 PO150516 Vacuum Repairs & Accessories 010-0000-0-5620-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 240.91

8 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 8 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO150516 Vacuum Repairs & Accessories 010-0000-0-5620-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 22.15 PO150516 Vacuum Repairs & Accessories 010-0000-0-5620-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 126.99 PO150516 Vacuum Repairs & Accessories 010-0000-0-5620-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 147.83 Sub total: 748.79 81 81070791 12/02/2014 ABRAMS, JENNIFER PO150087 INSTRUCT SUPERVISOR TRAINING 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-2140-214000-092-0000 2,500.00 Sub total: 2,500.00 81 81070792 12/02/2014 ARROWHEAD MOUNTAIN SPRING WATE PO150815 DISTILLED WATER SCIENCE DEPT 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-178000-055-0000 35.87 Sub total: 35.87 81 81070793 12/02/2014 AUS HAYWARD -SAN JOSE LOCKBOX PO150034 Uniforms #3037002 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7540-754000-099-0000 24.37 PO150287 LAUNDRY SERVICE & SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 74.59 PO150287 LAUNDRY SERVICE & SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 74.59 PO150287 LAUNDRY SERVICE & SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 90.20 PO150287 LAUNDRY SERVICE & SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 148.85 PO150287 LAUNDRY SERVICE & SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 150.41 PO150287 LAUNDRY SERVICE & SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 291.69 PO150287 LAUNDRY SERVICE & SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 209.69 Sub total: 1,064.39 81 81070794 12/02/2014 BADEN SPORTS INC PO225102 WOMENS BASKETBALLS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-4200-110000-055-0000 281.91 Sub total: 281.91 81 81070795 12/02/2014 BARNES HAZMAT INC. PO150049 HAZARDOUS WASTE PICK UP 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 650.00 Sub total: 650.00 81 81070796 12/02/2014 CIARDELLA'S GARDEN SUPPLY INC PO150649 Landscape Supplies 010-0000-0-4383-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 347.57 PO150649 Landscape Supplies 010-0000-0-4383-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 347.57 PO150649 Landscape Supplies 010-0000-0-4383-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 1,042.70 PO150649 Landscape Supplies 010-0000-0-4383-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 499.71 Sub total: 2,237.55 81 81070797 12/02/2014 CIF PO225276 WINTER/SPORTS FEES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-055-0000 1,470.00 PO225276 WINTER/SPORTS FEES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-055-0000 805.00 Sub total: 2,275.00 81 81070798 12/02/2014 CRANE PEST CONTROL PO150784 Pest Control 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 276.00 PO150784 Pest Control 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 276.00 PO150784 Pest Control 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 276.00 PO150784 Pest Control 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 358.00 PO150784 Pest Control 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 358.00 PO150784 Pest Control 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 276.00

9 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 9 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO150784 Pest Control 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 276.00 PO150784 Pest Control 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 276.00 PO150784 Pest Control 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 276.00 PO150784 Pest Control 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 510.00 PO150784 Pest Control 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 510.00 PO150784 Pest Control 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 276.00 PO150784 Pest Control 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 276.00 PO150784 Pest Control 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 148.00 PO150784 Pest Control 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 1,318.00 Sub total: 5,686.00 81 81070799 12/02/2014 DUNKINWORKS PO150205 TRAINING/ CONSULTATION 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-2420-242020-098-0000 300.00 Sub total: 300.00 81 81070800 12/02/2014 ECT DIRECT PO150980 Printer Supplies 110-0000-0-4310-00-4110-1000-173010-078-0000 237.97 PO150980 Printer Supplies 110-0000-0-4310-00-4110-1000-173010-078-0000 75.23 PO150980 Printer Supplies 110-0000-0-4310-00-4110-1000-173010-078-0000 91.35 Sub total: 404.55 81 81070801 12/02/2014 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS PO225299 LIBRARY BOOKS 006-0000-0-4211-00-1110-1000-739500-025-0000 1,471.04 Sub total: 1,471.04 81 81070802 12/02/2014 GLOGSTER EDU INC PO653094 GLOGSTER SCHOOL LICENSE 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-184000-052-0000 195.00 PO653094 GLOGSTER SCHOOL LICENSE 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-242060-052-0000 195.00 Sub total: 390.00 81 81070803 12/02/2014 HEARING CONSERVATION WEST INC PO150098 HEARING SCREENINGS 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3140-314000-097-0000 4,284.04 Sub total: 4,284.04 81 81070804 12/02/2014 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICE PO150730 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 16.57 PO150730 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 36.35 PO150730 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 5.63 PO150730 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 56.58 PO150730 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 83.09 PO150730 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 8.59 PO150730 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 488.32 Sub total: 695.13 81 81070805 12/02/2014 HORIZON AUTOMATIC RAIN PO150289 SPRINKLER AND GROUNDS SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4383-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 103.55 PO150289 SPRINKLER AND GROUNDS SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4383-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 86.03 Sub total: 189.58 81 81070806 12/02/2014 HUBERT COMPANY PO401895 HOT FOOD MERCHANDISER 010-0000-0-4410-00-0000-3700-370000-099-0000 5,949.05 Sub total: 5,949.05

10 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 10 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81070807 12/02/2014 JP PAVING & GRADING INC. PO150183 RFQ #2 Asphalt, Concrete, etc 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 1,660.00 PO150183 RFQ #2 Asphalt, Concrete, etc 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 800.00 PO150183 RFQ #2 Asphalt, Concrete, etc 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 510.00 Sub total: 2,970.00 81 81070808 12/02/2014 KELLY PAPER PO150088 Copy Paper 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141080-051-0000 842.81 Sub total: 842.81 81 81070809 12/02/2014 MAYER JOHNSON PO225016 BOARDMAKER ONLINE 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 625.85 Sub total: 625.85 81 81070810 12/02/2014 ALFORD, BARBARA PV501848 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-034-0000 16.51 Sub total: 16.51 81 81070811 12/02/2014 AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE ASSURANCE PV501849 MEDICAL INSURANCE 010-0000-0-9942-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 124.20 Sub total: 124.20 81 81070812 12/02/2014 ASCD PV501859 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 009-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141020-053-0000 423.00 Sub total: 423.00 81 81070813 12/02/2014 BAIRD, EDGAR PV501862 PARCEL TAXES 040-0000-0-8621-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 638.00 Sub total: 638.00 81 81070814 12/02/2014 BARRERA-CRUZ, ALEYDA PV501832 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-012-0000 149.56 PV501832 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 000-0000-0-5250-00-1110-1000-181010-012-0000 200.00 Sub total: 349.56 81 81070815 12/02/2014 BARTELS, LYNN PV501858 ALL OTHER LOCAL REVENUE 000-0000-0-8699-00-1110-1000-162000-053-0000 530.00 Sub total: 530.00 81 81070816 12/02/2014 CA ASSC SCH PSYCH AND PSYCH PV501851 DUES 010-0000-0-9945-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 15.50 Sub total: 15.50 81 81070817 12/02/2014 COMMUNITY HEALTH CHARITIES PV501852 VOLUNTARY DEDUCTIONS 010-0000-0-9950-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 46.00 Sub total: 46.00 81 81070818 12/02/2014 CRANE PEST CONTROL PV501845 CONTRACTED SERVICES 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-014-0000 170.00 PV501845 CONTRACTED SERVICES 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-037-0000 90.00 Sub total: 260.00

11 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 11 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81070819 12/02/2014 FELDSTEIN, DARLENE PV501844 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-114000-055-0000 69.99 PV501844 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-114000-055-0000 6.12 PV501844 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141080-055-0000 239.94 PV501844 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141080-055-0000 20.99 PV501844 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 6.12- PV501844 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 20.99- PV501844 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-554390-055-0000 55.00 PV501844 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-554390-055-0000 4.81 PV501844 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 060-9010-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 4.81- Sub total: 364.93 81 81070820 12/02/2014 FERNANDEZ, JENNIFER PV501866 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-010-0000 91.39 Sub total: 91.39 81 81070821 12/02/2014 FLINN SCIENTIFIC INC PV501841 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-055-0000 28.80 Sub total: 28.80 81 81070822 12/02/2014 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS PV501835 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-014-0000 344.87 Sub total: 344.87 81 81070823 12/02/2014 FORTUNE CABLING SERVICES PV501869 CONTRACTED SERVICES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7700-770000-099-0000 505.00 Sub total: 505.00 81 81070824 12/02/2014 FRIES, MARIELUISE PV501834 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-544040-034-0000 242.65 Sub total: 242.65 81 81070825 12/02/2014 FUJIOKA, KAZUMICHI PV501865 TRANSP FEES FROM INDIVIDUAL 070-0000-0-8675-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 480.00 Sub total: 480.00 81 81070826 12/02/2014 GANSCHOW, MICHELLE PV501860 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-002-0000 201.04 Sub total: 201.04 81 81070827 12/02/2014 GILA, ANN PV501864 PARCEL TAXES 040-0000-0-8621-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 638.00 Sub total: 638.00 81 81070828 12/02/2014 GYVES, MERI PV501833 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-196000-088-0000 43.07 PV501833 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 010-0000-0-5250-00-1110-1000-196000-088-0000 152.70 Sub total: 195.77 81 81070829 12/02/2014 HORPEL, CHRIS PV501856 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-055-0000 290.00 Sub total: 290.00

12 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 12 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81070830 12/02/2014 KIGER, JALYNN PV501846 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181010-025-0000 504.00 Sub total: 504.00 81 81070831 12/02/2014 LEE, JAEJIN PV501868 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 110-0000-0-4310-00-4110-1000-173010-078-0000 58.45 Sub total: 58.45 81 81070832 12/02/2014 LEE, KRISTEN PV501839 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-242060-052-0000 210.99 PV501840 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-242060-052-0000 290.37 Sub total: 501.36 81 81070833 12/02/2014 LENOIR, LINDA PV501847 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-3900-390000-099-0000 123.97 Sub total: 123.97 81 81070834 12/02/2014 LINDNER, MATTHEW PV501831 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-4760-1000-709000-099-0000 948.48 Sub total: 948.48 81 81070835 12/02/2014 LYNBROOK HS GIRLS BBALL PV501842 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-055-0000 325.00 Sub total: 325.00 81 81070836 12/02/2014 MESSINGER, DEANNA PV501855 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106000-055-0000 99.77 Sub total: 99.77 81 81070837 12/02/2014 MORIMOTO, CHRIS PV501837 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 009-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-041-0000 204.88 Sub total: 204.88 81 81070838 12/02/2014 NOTRE DAME HIGH SCHOOL PV501843 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-055-0000 300.00 Sub total: 300.00 81 81070839 12/02/2014 OU, TIFFANY PV501838 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-162000-052-0000 47.25 Sub total: 47.25 81 81070840 12/02/2014 PARTNERS IN EDUCATION PV501850 VOLUNTARY DEDUCTIONS 010-0000-0-9950-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 202.60 Sub total: 202.60 81 81070841 12/02/2014 PETERS, CINDY PV501854 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-055-0000 153.78 PV501854 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-055-0000 37.95 Sub total: 191.73 81 81070842 12/02/2014 PETERS, MARY ANN PV501863 PARCEL TAXES 040-0000-0-8621-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 638.00 Sub total: 638.00

13 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 13 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81070843 12/02/2014 PETERS, ZOE PV501867 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-036-0000 35.94 PV501867 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-036-0000 3.14 PV501867 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-036-0000 131.32 PV501867 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 3.14- Sub total: 167.26 81 81070844 12/02/2014 POWELL, MARIA PV501853 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-055-0000 59.80 Sub total: 59.80 81 81070845 12/02/2014 SCHWORETZKY, NAVNEET PV501857 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-055-0000 51.83 Sub total: 51.83 81 81070846 12/02/2014 THOMAS, MICHELLE PV501861 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-025-0000 151.43 Sub total: 151.43 81 81070847 12/02/2014 ALISON MORANTZ & DAN WOHL PO225316 REIMBURSE PER MEDIATED AGRMNT 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 39,600.00 Sub total: 39,600.00 81 81070848 12/02/2014 FIRST BANKCARD CENTER PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2700-270000-055-0000 931.42 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141000-051-0000 160.38 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141000-052-0000 1,403.33 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141000-053-0000 2,595.47 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-055-0000 1,200.00 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-002-0000 495.84 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-005-0000 2,232.48 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-007-0000 373.14 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-010-0000 449.31 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-012-0000 1,698.64 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-014-0000 578.07 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-024-0000 810.50 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-032-0000 1,444.69 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-034-0000 1,066.95 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-035-0000 12.00 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-035-0000 76.70 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-041-0000 540.95 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-2420-242060-055-0000 24.97 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-4200-110000-055-0000 83.97 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-4200-110000-055-0000 7.35 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-4200-110000-055-0000 14.90 PV501836 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 7.35- PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-640500-099-0000 1,093.16 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-640500-099-0000 95.65 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-640500-099-0000 1,561.25 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-708000-055-0000 231.14

14 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 14 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-708000-055-0000 20.22 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 006-0000-0-4310-00-4760-1000-709000-099-0000 946.26 PV501836 NON-CAP EQUIPMENT 006-0000-0-4410-00-1110-1000-676010-052-0000 4,078.11 PV501836 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 006-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 95.65- PV501836 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 006-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 20.22- PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2100-210000-099-0000 3,742.79 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2140-214000-092-0000 227.00 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2140-214180-092-0000 1,346.09 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2140-214190-092-0000 566.00 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-3120-312000-097-0000 90.89 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-7100-711000-099-0000 122.15 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-7200-720010-099-0000 127.50 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-7400-740000-099-0000 91.76 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-7700-770000-099-0000 29.99 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-7700-770000-099-0000 55.50 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-7700-770000-099-0000 17.00 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 359.28 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-8300-830000-099-0000 3,995.75 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-8300-830000-099-0000 349.63 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-8300-830000-099-0000 147.53 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106000-095-0000 413.82 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-162000-094-0000 1,455.27 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-1110-2420-242000-096-0000 2,029.38 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-1110-4200-420010-053-0000 1,463.60 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-1110-4200-420010-053-0000 128.07 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-1110-4200-420010-053-0000 54.59 PV501836 RECRUITMENT 010-0000-0-5235-00-0000-7400-740000-099-0000 525.00 PV501836 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 010-0000-0-5250-00-0000-2140-214190-092-0000 704.71 PV501836 CONTRACTED SERVICES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7100-711030-099-0000 1,583.50 PV501836 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 010-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 349.63- PV501836 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 010-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 128.07- PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-554380-057-0000 3,161.15 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 080-6500-0-4310-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 3,792.19 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 110-0000-0-4310-00-4110-1000-173010-078-0000 1,087.63 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 110-0000-0-4310-00-4110-2700-270000-078-0000 1,621.78 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 130-5310-0-4310-00-0000-3700-370000-099-0000 73.35 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 130-5310-0-4310-00-0000-3700-370000-099-0000 6.42 PV501836 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 130-5310-0-4310-00-0000-3700-370000-099-0000 9.29 PV501836 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 130-5310-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 6.42- Sub total: 52,998.12 81 81070849 12/02/2014 LAKEMARY CENTER PO150719 Residential Program 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 3,861.00 PO150719 Residential Program 080-6512-0-5830-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 18,197.00 Sub total: 22,058.00 81 81070850 12/03/2014 COULTER CONSTRUCTION INC PO116637 framing Building A & D 212-0000-0-6299-00-0000-8500-855010-014-0000 7,415.00 PO116553 louver replacement 212-0000-0-6299-00-0000-8500-855010-052-0000 19,016.50 PO116552 louver replacement 212-0000-0-6299-00-0000-8500-855020-053-0000 20,986.35 Sub total: 47,417.85

15 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 15 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81070851 12/03/2014 DLM ARCHITECTURE PO116546 architectural 212-0000-0-5852-00-0000-8500-855090-055-0000 89,000.00 PO116629 architectural at centeral buil 212-0000-0-5852-00-0000-8500-855090-055-0000 17,287.80 Sub total: 106,287.80 81 81070852 12/03/2014 PCCI PO116157 DWK-TAISIE CONSULTANT 212-0000-0-5845-00-0000-8500-855000-099-0000 15,274.26 Sub total: 15,274.26 81 81070853 12/04/2014 ABC CLIO LLC PO225275 DATABASE RENEWAL 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-2420-242060-055-0000 1,418.00 Sub total: 1,418.00 81 81070854 12/04/2014 ACSA PV501894 DUES 010-0000-0-9945-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 1,858.91 Sub total: 1,858.91 81 81070855 12/04/2014 ADOLESCENT COUNSELING SERVICES PO150926 Counselor Program 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3120-312000-097-0000 150.00 Sub total: 150.00 81 81070856 12/04/2014 AIR FILTER CONTROL PO150281 HVAC Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 1,206.26 Sub total: 1,206.26 81 81070857 12/04/2014 ALERT SERVICES PO225122 FIRST AID/TRAINER SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-4200-110000-055-0000 635.64 Sub total: 635.64 81 81070858 12/04/2014 ALTHOUSE, GRANT PV501910 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-014-0000 10.00 PV501910 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-014-0000 .88 PV501910 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-014-0000 277.97 PV501910 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 .88- Sub total: 287.97 81 81070859 12/04/2014 AUS HAYWARD -SAN JOSE LOCKBOX PO150059 Uniform Services #3037001 070-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 119.64 PO150059 Uniform Services #3037001 070-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 39.74 PO150059 Uniform Services #3037001 070-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 119.64 PO150059 Uniform Services #3037001 070-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 39.74 PO150059 Uniform Services #3037001 070-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 119.64 PO150059 Uniform Services #3037001 070-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 39.74 PO150059 Uniform Services #3037001 070-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 39.74 PO150059 Uniform Services #3037001 070-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 119.64 Sub total: 637.52 81 81070860 12/04/2014 BARCO PRODUCTS COMPANY PO225135 MEMORIAL BENCH 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141000-051-0000 841.00 PO225135 MEMORIAL BENCH 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141000-051-0000 73.59

16 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 16 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO225135 MEMORIAL BENCH 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141000-051-0000 166.66 PO225135 MEMORIAL BENCH 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 73.59- Sub total: 1,007.66 81 81070861 12/04/2014 BARNES HAZMAT INC. PO150049 HAZARDOUS WASTE PICK UP 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 7,320.00 Sub total: 7,320.00 81 81070862 12/04/2014 BERKSON, JERRY PV501902 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-1110-2140-739500-057-0000 3,485.00 Sub total: 3,485.00 81 81070863 12/04/2014 BOETHING TREELAND PO150407 Plants & Landscape Supplies 010-0000-0-4383-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 447.99 Sub total: 447.99 81 81070864 12/04/2014 BOLANOS, BENJAMIN PV501904 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-1110-2140-739500-057-0000 758.00 PV501904 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-1110-2140-739500-057-0000 309.20 Sub total: 1,067.20 81 81070865 12/04/2014 BROWN, ANNE PV501907 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-035-0000 33.00 Sub total: 33.00 81 81070866 12/04/2014 BUCKLES SMITH ELECTRIC DISTRIB PO150858 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 15.42 PO150858 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 393.69 Sub total: 409.11 81 81070867 12/04/2014 BUNGARDEN, JACK PV501891 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-184000-057-0000 312.99 Sub total: 312.99 81 81070868 12/04/2014 CADWELL-BRUBAKER, MEGAN PV501873 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 080-6500-0-5210-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 77.28 Sub total: 77.28 81 81070869 12/04/2014 CAL STEAM PO150296 PLUMBING SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 689.56 PO150296 PLUMBING SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 307.50 PO150296 PLUMBING SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 807.97 PO150296 PLUMBING SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 355.03 PO150296 PLUMBING SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 29.65 PO150296 PLUMBING SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 1,453.26 PO150296 PLUMBING SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 215.67 Sub total: 3,858.64 81 81070870 12/04/2014 CALANO, TERESA PV501880 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 080-6500-0-4310-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 20.00 PV501875 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 080-6500-0-5210-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 87.36 Sub total: 107.36

17 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 17 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81070871 12/04/2014 CENGAGE LEARNING PO225182 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-131000-055-0000 68.78 Sub total: 68.78 81 81070872 12/04/2014 CENTURY GRAPHICS PO401888 SCREEN CLEANER/STAND/LED LIGHT 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-7200-720010-099-0000 966.94 Sub total: 966.94 81 81070873 12/04/2014 CITY AUTO SUPPLY PO150825 AUTO PARTS 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 107.65 PO150825 AUTO PARTS 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 65.34 PO150825 AUTO PARTS 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 60.32 PO150825 AUTO PARTS 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 4.42 PO150825 AUTO PARTS 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 39.75 PO150825 AUTO PARTS 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 106.10 Sub total: 383.58 81 81070874 12/04/2014 CITY OF PALO ALTO UTILITIES PO150013 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5501-00-0000-8200-824050-007-0000 644.33 PO150014 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5501-00-0000-8200-824050-034-0000 436.18 PO150014 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5501-00-0000-8200-824050-035-0000 238.58 PO150013 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5502-00-0000-8200-824050-007-0000 2,134.21 PO150014 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5502-00-0000-8200-824050-034-0000 1,618.22 PO150014 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5502-00-0000-8200-824050-035-0000 1,261.87 PO150013 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5503-00-0000-8200-824050-007-0000 1,056.46 PO150014 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5503-00-0000-8200-824050-034-0000 1,059.46 PO150014 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5503-00-0000-8200-824050-035-0000 1,083.46 PO150013 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-007-0000 184.57 PO150013 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-007-0000 338.25 PO150014 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-034-0000 421.87 PO150014 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-035-0000 252.37 PO150014 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-035-0000 306.27 PO150013 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5506-00-0000-8200-824050-007-0000 309.33 PO150013 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5506-00-0000-8200-824050-007-0000 1,191.65 PO150014 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5506-00-0000-8200-824050-034-0000 702.32 PO150014 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5506-00-0000-8200-824050-035-0000 761.05 PV501911 UTILITIES 010-0000-0-5550-00-0000-8200-824050-007-0000 52.08 Sub total: 14,052.53 81 81070875 12/04/2014 CLARK SECURITY PRODUCTS PO150450 Locksmith Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 618.14 PO150450 Locksmith Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 114.26 Sub total: 732.40 81 81070876 12/04/2014 CLARK, MELISSA PV501881 CONTRACTED SERVICES 080-6500-0-5830-00-5001-3120-631700-037-0000 323.15 Sub total: 323.15 81 81070877 12/04/2014 COLLABORATION SOLUTIONS INC PO150446 Service Agreement 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7700-770000-099-0000 22,500.00 Sub total: 22,500.00

18 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 18 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81070878 12/04/2014 CREST/GOOD PO151014 Plumbing Parts Only 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 437.58 Sub total: 437.58 81 81070879 12/04/2014 CUPERTINO SUPPLY, INC PO150279 Plumbing Parts 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 114.73 Sub total: 114.73 81 81070880 12/04/2014 CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES INC PO225187 iReady Instruction/Webinar 010-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-192000-035-0000 2,043.75 Sub total: 2,043.75 81 81070881 12/04/2014 DAVIS, AUSTIN ALEXANDER PV501903 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-1110-2140-739500-057-0000 758.00 PV501903 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-1110-2140-739500-057-0000 397.70 Sub total: 1,155.70 81 81070882 12/04/2014 DISCOUNT MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION PO225184 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-2420-242060-055-0000 403.74 Sub total: 403.74 81 81070883 12/04/2014 DL-MPM CONSULTING LLC PO150304 Infinite Campus Project 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7700-770000-099-0000 8,925.00 Sub total: 8,925.00 81 81070884 12/04/2014 DOROSTI, ARCIA PV501874 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 010-0000-0-5210-00-0000-2140-214180-092-0000 64.96 Sub total: 64.96 81 81070885 12/04/2014 DUNN-EDWARDS CORPORATION PO150309 Paint & Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 53.65 PO150309 Paint & Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 162.44 Sub total: 216.09 81 81070886 12/04/2014 EDUCATIONAL DATA SYSTEMS PO225047 CELDT TESTING MATERIALS 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-3160-316020-099-0000 2.12 Sub total: 2.12 81 81070887 12/04/2014 ELLISONS TOWING INC PO150535 TOWING SERVICE 070-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 100.00 Sub total: 100.00 81 81070888 12/04/2014 EPS/SCHOOL SPECIALTY LITERACY PO225190 EXPLODE THE CODE INSTRUCTIONAL 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-024-0000 284.26 Sub total: 284.26 81 81070889 12/04/2014 FITTORIA, MAGDALENA PV501909 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-041-0000 340.87 Sub total: 340.87 81 81070890 12/04/2014 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS PO225215 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-132000-055-0000 809.07 Sub total: 809.07

19 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 19 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81070891 12/04/2014 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS PO150623 Library Books 000-0000-0-4211-00-1110-2420-242060-055-0000 343.94 PO225305 LIBRARY BOOKS 006-0000-0-4211-00-1110-1000-739500-032-0000 679.00 PO225305 LIBRARY BOOKS 006-0000-0-4211-00-1110-1000-739500-032-0000 2,479.15 PO225239 LIBRARY BOOKS 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-553040-052-0000 459.50 Sub total: 3,961.59 81 81070892 12/04/2014 GEEN LEW, VICTORIA PV501908 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-8300-830000-099-0000 26.61 Sub total: 26.61 81 81070893 12/04/2014 GENERAL HARDWARE AND SUPPLY IN PO150315 Maintenance Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 655.08 Sub total: 655.08 81 81070894 12/04/2014 GRAINGER PO150382 Misc Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 90.75 PO150382 Misc Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 102.05 PO150382 Misc Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 82.82 PO150382 Misc Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 31.11 Sub total: 306.73 81 81070895 12/04/2014 HAKE, KAISEY PV501884 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-3010-0-5250-00-1110-1000-301000-012-0000 742.40 Sub total: 742.40 81 81070896 12/04/2014 HEINEMANN EDUCATIONAL BOOKS PO225191 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 153.20 Sub total: 153.20 81 81070897 12/04/2014 HICKEY, LISA PV501906 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-005-0000 128.47 PV501906 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-005-0000 11.24 PV501906 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-005-0000 31.78 PV501906 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-005-0000 7.55 PV501906 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 11.24- Sub total: 167.80 81 81070898 12/04/2014 HILLYARD / SAN FRANCISCO PO500657 CLEANING SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-9325-00-0000-7540-754000-099-0000 4,050.17 PO500657 CLEANING SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-9325-00-0000-7540-754000-099-0000 1,271.69 Sub total: 5,321.86 81 81070899 12/04/2014 HORIZON AUTOMATIC RAIN PO150289 SPRINKLER AND GROUNDS SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4383-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 142.05 Sub total: 142.05 81 81070900 12/04/2014 KELLY PAPER PO150545 COPY PAPER 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-012-0000 1,218.00 Sub total: 1,218.00

20 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 20 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81070901 12/04/2014 KETCHUM, DAVID PV501885 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-4035-0-5250-00-0000-2700-403500-034-0000 729.00 Sub total: 729.00 81 81070902 12/04/2014 KIM, VICKI PV501887 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-0000-3110-708000-057-0000 393.24 PV501887 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 006-0000-0-5300-00-1110-1000-708000-057-0000 40.00 PV501887 CONTRACTED SERVICES 006-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3110-708000-057-0000 160.00 Sub total: 593.24 81 81070903 12/04/2014 LA PLACE, PIER ANGELI PV501901 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 010-0000-0-5250-00-1110-2100-214070-099-0000 794.20 Sub total: 794.20 81 81070904 12/04/2014 LAGUNA, CRYSTAL PV501889 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-0000-3110-708000-057-0000 50.00 PV501889 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-0000-3110-708000-057-0000 95.00 Sub total: 145.00 81 81070905 12/04/2014 LEE, JAEJIN PV501871 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 080-6500-0-4310-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 80.63 PV501871 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 080-6500-0-4310-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 7.06 PV501871 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 080-6500-0-4310-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 88.98 PV501871 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 080-6500-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 7.06- Sub total: 169.61 81 81070906 12/04/2014 LINCOLN EQUIPMENT CO PO150331 POOL CHEMICALS & SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4389-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 4,921.12 Sub total: 4,921.12 81 81070907 12/04/2014 MITCHNER, JACQUIE PV501878 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 080-6500-0-5210-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 77.95 Sub total: 77.95 81 81070908 12/04/2014 OFEK, SHARON PV501900 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-0000-2140-739500-053-0000 559.20 Sub total: 559.20 81 81070909 12/04/2014 PACIFIC EDUCATORS PV501896 LIFE INSURANCE 010-0000-0-9943-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 1,200.47 Sub total: 1,200.47 81 81070910 12/04/2014 PAEA PV501895 DUES 010-0000-0-9945-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 83,727.60 Sub total: 83,727.60 81 81070911 12/04/2014 PAUSD - FLEX SPENDING PV501897 MEDICAL INSURANCE 010-0000-0-9942-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 50,717.03 PV501897 VOLUNTARY DEDUCTIONS 010-0000-0-9950-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 28,562.66 Sub total: 79,279.69

21 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 21 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81070912 12/04/2014 PG AND E PO150054 Escondido & Nixon Utilities 010-0000-0-5502-00-0000-8200-824050-012-0000 19.06 Sub total: 19.06 81 81070913 12/04/2014 QUAN, ANH PV501872 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-9010-0-5250-00-1110-2140-555200-014-0000 330.00 Sub total: 330.00 81 81070914 12/04/2014 RESINGER, CHRISTIANNE PV501890 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-0000-3110-708000-057-0000 189.00 Sub total: 189.00 81 81070915 12/04/2014 ROCK, VIRGINIA PV501870 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-544040-034-0000 454.29 Sub total: 454.29 81 81070916 12/04/2014 SANCHEZ, SHARON PV501879 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 080-6500-0-5210-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 38.19 Sub total: 38.19 81 81070917 12/04/2014 SCHOLASTIC PV501882 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 080-6500-0-4310-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 63.14 Sub total: 63.14 81 81070918 12/04/2014 SHERIDAN, ANGEL PV501876 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 080-6500-0-5210-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 20.83 PV501876 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 080-6500-0-5210-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 113.18 PV501876 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 080-6500-0-5210-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 160.89 PV501876 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 080-6500-0-5210-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 95.09 Sub total: 389.99 81 81070919 12/04/2014 ST JOHN, BERNADETTE PV501886 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 080-3410-0-5210-00-1110-1000-341000-088-0000 80.52 PV501886 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 080-3410-0-5250-00-1110-1000-341000-088-0000 45.00 Sub total: 125.52 81 81070920 12/04/2014 STETSON & ASSOCIATES PV501892 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 080-6500-0-4310-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 975.00 PV501892 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 080-6500-0-4310-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 85.31 PV501892 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 080-6500-0-4310-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 5.00 PV501892 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 080-6500-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 85.31- Sub total: 980.00 81 81070921 12/04/2014 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL PV501898 LIFE INSURANCE 010-0000-0-9943-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 11,546.84 PV501898 VOLUNTARY DEDUCTIONS 010-0000-0-9950-01-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 7.64 Sub total: 11,554.48 81 81070922 12/04/2014 TOLENTINO, MARC PV501888 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-0000-3110-708000-057-0000 160.00

22 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 22 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PV501888 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-0000-3110-708000-057-0000 20.08 PV501888 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 006-0000-0-5300-00-1110-1000-708000-057-0000 40.00 Sub total: 220.08 81 81070923 12/04/2014 TRUSTMARK VOLUNTARY BENEFIT AD PV501899 MEDICAL INSURANCE 010-0000-0-9942-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 1,317.18 PV501899 LIFE INSURANCE 010-0000-0-9943-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 4,510.96 Sub total: 5,828.14 81 81070924 12/04/2014 VOLKOV, OLEG PV501877 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 080-6500-0-5210-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 220.64 Sub total: 220.64 81 81070925 12/04/2014 WESTFRESH CATERING PV501883 CONTRACTED SERVICES 060-3010-0-5830-00-1110-1000-301000-080-0000 426.38 Sub total: 426.38 81 81070926 12/04/2014 YONKERS, ADAM PV501905 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-1110-2140-739500-057-0000 758.00 PV501905 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-1110-2140-739500-057-0000 309.20 Sub total: 1,067.20 81 81070927 12/04/2014 CENGAGE LEARNING PO224958 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 060-3010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-301000-012-0000 488.98 Sub total: 488.98 81 81070928 12/04/2014 HAROLD BROWN PO150783 TELEPHONE MAINTENANCE/SERVICE 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8200-824050-099-0000 460.00 PO150783 TELEPHONE MAINTENANCE/SERVICE 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8200-824050-099-0000 935.78 Sub total: 1,395.78 81 81070929 12/04/2014 INTERPRETIVE PROGRAMS APPLIC PO225298 FOOTHILLS PARK PROGRAM 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181600-012-0000 900.00 Sub total: 900.00 81 81070930 12/04/2014 MONAHAN PAPER COMPANY PO500655 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-9325-00-0000-7540-754000-099-0000 2,017.69 Sub total: 2,017.69 81 81070931 12/04/2014 MUSICTRIP.COM PO225295 SO CAL TOUR 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-162000-053-0000 53,400.00 Sub total: 53,400.00 81 81070932 12/04/2014 NASCO MODESTO PO150511 SCIENCE SUPPLIES 060-6300-0-4310-00-1110-1000-630000-093-0000 13.40 PO150511 SCIENCE SUPPLIES 060-6300-0-4310-00-1110-1000-630000-093-0000 110.14 PO150511 SCIENCE SUPPLIES 060-6300-0-4310-00-1110-1000-630000-093-0000 41.92 Sub total: 165.46 81 81070933 12/04/2014 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY PO224991 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-024-0000 1,795.20

23 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 23 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO224991 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-024-0000 157.08 PO224991 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 157.08- Sub total: 1,795.20 81 81070934 12/04/2014 OFFICE DEPOT PO150152 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-034-0000 16.07 PO150152 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-034-0000 36.57 PO150152 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-034-0000 425.73 PO150152 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-034-0000 194.19 PO150152 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-034-0000 456.22 PO150152 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-034-0000 20.81 PO150152 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-034-0000 17.55 PO150152 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-034-0000 357.53 PO150152 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-034-0000 397.95 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-4200-110000-055-0000 94.20 PO150968 Office Supplies 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-7700-770000-099-0000 29.35 PO150968 Office Supplies 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-7700-770000-099-0000 29.35- PO150968 Office Supplies 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-7700-770000-099-0000 29.35 PO150968 Office Supplies 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-7700-770000-099-0000 29.35- PO150968 Office Supplies 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-7700-770000-099-0000 16.78 PO150968 Office Supplies 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-7700-770000-099-0000 305.26 PO150968 Office Supplies 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-7700-770000-099-0000 8.98 PO150714 Office Supplies 050-8150-0-4310-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 65.11 PO150714 Office Supplies 050-8150-0-4310-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 6.41 Sub total: 2,419.36 81 81070935 12/04/2014 PASCO SCIENTIFIC PO225213 SCIENCE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-055-0000 802.32 PO225213 SCIENCE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-055-0000 446.65 Sub total: 1,248.97 81 81070936 12/04/2014 PENINSULA CATERING & EVENTS PO225314 BREAKFAST GRATITUDE EVENT 009-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141020-053-0000 1,419.44 Sub total: 1,419.44 81 81070937 12/04/2014 ROSEN PUBLISHING COMPANY PO225152 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 1,892.23 Sub total: 1,892.23 81 81070938 12/04/2014 SAFEWAY STORES PO150161 GROCERIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-055-0000 12.58 Sub total: 12.58 81 81070939 12/04/2014 SANTA CLARA COE PO224995 LIBRARY WORKSHOP 010-0000-0-5830-00-1110-2420-242000-096-0000 325.00 Sub total: 325.00 81 81070940 12/04/2014 SCHOOL SERVICES OF CALIF INC PO150041 SCHOOL FINANCE SVCS 010-0000-0-5250-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 390.00 Sub total: 390.00 81 81070941 12/04/2014 SMITH, MARSHALL PO225322 REIMBURSE BOOKS FROM AMAZON 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-034-0000 417.84

24 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 24 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO225322 REIMBURSE BOOKS FROM AMAZON 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-628600-034-0000 528.65 PO225322 REIMBURSE BOOKS FROM AMAZON 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-676110-034-0000 71.82 Sub total: 1,018.31 81 81070942 12/04/2014 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL AND OFFICE PO150415 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-005-0000 16.05 PO150415 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-005-0000 46.37 PO150212 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-010-0000 281.33 PO150902 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-014-0000 55.29 PO150902 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-014-0000 66.50 PO150902 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-014-0000 9.44 PO150902 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-014-0000 220.23 PO150027 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-034-0000 316.91 PO150027 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-034-0000 352.89 PO150789 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-041-0000 383.83 PO150789 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-041-0000 9.81 PO150139 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 312.09 PO150139 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 585.78 PO150002 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 009-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-002-0000 29.49 PO150002 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 009-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-002-0000 274.56 Sub total: 2,960.57 81 81070943 12/04/2014 SPRINGSHARE LLC PO150576 LIB GUIDES 010-0000-0-5830-00-1110-2420-242000-096-0000 1,908.00 Sub total: 1,908.00 81 81070944 12/04/2014 THEATREWORKS PO225315 PLAYING WITH POETRY 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181060-041-0000 1,500.00 Sub total: 1,500.00 81 81070945 12/04/2014 VALIANT PRIVATE SECURITY PO150510 Security Services 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8200-824060-099-0000 4,150.00 Sub total: 4,150.00 81 81070946 12/04/2014 WALSH ASSOCIATES LLC PO225326 SPEAKER FOR STAFF/PARENTS 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-2140-214000-092-0000 2,000.00 Sub total: 2,000.00 81 81070947 12/04/2014 3QC INC PO116534 commisioning service 212-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8500-855040-057-0000 1,760.00 PO116534 commisioning service 212-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8500-855040-057-0000 1,510.00 Sub total: 3,270.00 81 81070948 12/04/2014 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SERV. PO116549 IOR 212-0000-0-5871-00-0000-8500-855040-057-0000 9,690.00 Sub total: 9,690.00 81 81070949 12/04/2014 CORNERSTONE EARTH GROUP INC PO116548 testing service 212-0000-0-5864-00-0000-8500-855040-057-0000 3,085.50 Sub total: 3,085.50 81 81070950 12/04/2014 DANNIS WOLIVER KELLEY PO116601 legal contract 212-0000-0-5845-00-0000-8500-855000-099-0000 668.50

25 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 25 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO116601 legal contract 212-0000-0-5845-00-0000-8500-855000-099-0000 714.00 PO116601 legal contract 212-0000-0-5845-00-0000-8500-855000-099-0000 1,185.31 PO116601 legal contract 212-0000-0-5845-00-0000-8500-855000-099-0000 54,391.64 Sub total: 56,959.45 81 81070951 12/04/2014 ELLIS, DEBORAH PO115449 consulting 212-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8500-855040-057-0000 333.00 Sub total: 333.00 81 81070952 12/04/2014 FS3 INC PO116489 construction management 212-0000-0-5855-00-0000-8500-855040-057-0000 32,685.75 PO116604 Construction management 212-0000-0-5863-00-0000-8500-855000-099-0000 37,615.50 Sub total: 70,301.25 81 81070953 12/04/2014 HAROLD BROWN PV501893 CONSTRUCTION-GENERAL CONDITION 212-0000-0-6299-00-0000-8500-855020-051-0000 4,113.66 Sub total: 4,113.66 81 81070954 12/04/2014 SCHOOL FACILITY CONSULTANTS PO116530 school consulting 212-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8500-855000-099-0000 510.00 Sub total: 510.00 81 81070955 12/04/2014 SMITH, RON PV501912 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 211-0000-0-5210-00-0000-8500-854000-099-0000 126.56 Sub total: 126.56 81 81070956 12/04/2014 A VACUUM AND SEWING HOSPITAL PO150516 Vacuum Repairs & Accessories 010-0000-0-5620-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 272.90 Sub total: 272.90 81 81070957 12/04/2014 A-ABCO RENTS PO225098 COLLGE FAIR CHAIR/TBLE RENTAL 000-0000-0-5620-00-0000-3110-311000-055-0000 879.80 Sub total: 879.80 81 81070958 12/04/2014 ACSA PO150678 EDCAL ADVERTISING 010-0000-0-5235-00-0000-7400-740000-099-0000 492.00 Sub total: 492.00 81 81070959 12/04/2014 ALL CARE PLUS INC PO150106 Live Scan 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7400-740000-099-0000 90.00 PO150106 Live Scan 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7400-740000-099-0000 198.00 PO150106 Live Scan 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7400-740000-099-0000 180.00 Sub total: 468.00 81 81070960 12/04/2014 APPLE COMPUTER INC PO653098 WIRELESS KEYBOARD 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-640500-099-0000 75.04 PO653074 MACBOOK AIR 006-0000-0-4420-00-1110-1000-739400-089-0000 1,297.13 PO653074 MACBOOK AIR 006-0000-0-4420-00-1110-1000-739400-089-0000 143.20 PO653065 IPAD AIR 006-0000-0-4420-00-1110-1000-739500-002-0000 830.33 PO653092 VOLUME PURCHASE PROGRAM CREDIT 009-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141020-053-0000 150.00 PO653091 IPAD AIR 009-0000-0-4420-00-1110-1000-141020-053-0000 1,660.65

26 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 26 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO653100 DISPLAYPORT TO VGA ADAPTER 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2140-214180-092-0000 63.08 PO653099 POWER ADAPTER 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2420-242020-098-0000 429.56 PO653059 653059 010-0000-0-4420-00-0000-2140-214180-092-0000 144.26 PO653059 653059 010-0000-0-4420-00-0000-2140-214180-092-0000 1,633.97 PO653101 IPAD MINI 060-3010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-301000-080-0000 262.91 PO653068 MACBOOK AIR 080-6500-0-4310-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 140.80 PO653068 MACBOOK AIR 080-6500-0-4310-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 875.50 Sub total: 7,706.43 81 81070961 12/04/2014 CDW GOVERNMENT INC PO653080 LASERJET ENTERPRISE 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-114000-051-0000 994.54 PO653079 ACAD GOOGLE CHROME OS MGMT 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141560-055-0000 1,860.00 PO653078 OFFICE JET PRO 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-012-0000 355.28 PO653096 VERTICAL MOUSE 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-640500-099-0000 128.37 PO653093 KEYBOARD FOR IPAD 009-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141020-053-0000 1,425.66 PO653090 HP SB 4GB DIM 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-7400-740000-099-0000 62.58 PO653083 BLACK BOX USB 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-7700-770000-099-0000 169.81 PO653083 BLACK BOX USB 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-7700-770000-099-0000 305.66 PO653070 DVD-RAM DRIVE 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 62.06 PO653102 CASE FOR TABLET 060-3010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-301000-080-0000 34.00 Sub total: 5,397.96 81 81070962 12/04/2014 CREATION ENGINE INC PO653086 VMWARE FUSION 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-7700-770000-099-0000 79.99 Sub total: 79.99 81 81070963 12/04/2014 DELL COMPUTERS PO653095 CHROMEBOOK 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-034-0000 6,940.55 PO653088 OPTIPLEX W/MONITORS 010-0000-0-4420-00-0000-3700-370000-099-0000 985.16 Sub total: 7,925.71 81 81070964 12/04/2014 DREAMBOX LEARNING INC PO653063 SITE LICENSE RENEWAL 006-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-739500-002-0000 6,500.00 Sub total: 6,500.00 81 81070965 12/04/2014 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICE PO150730 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 40.74 PO150730 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 10.51 PO150730 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 100.04 Sub total: 151.29 81 81070966 12/04/2014 BINGAMAN, RENEE PO150670 Behavior Therapy 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618500-037-0000 6,898.50 Sub total: 6,898.50 81 81070967 12/04/2014 CASA PACIFICA CENTER FOR PO150167 ED/MENTAL HEALTH/RESIDENTIAL 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 3,427.00 PO150167 ED/MENTAL HEALTH/RESIDENTIAL 080-6512-0-5830-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 13,928.92 Sub total: 17,355.92 81 81070968 12/04/2014 COOK, SUSAN PO150681 Counseling Services 080-6512-0-5830-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 2,400.00

27 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 27 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO150681 Counseling Services 080-6512-0-5830-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 4,290.00 PO150681 Counseling Services 080-6512-0-5830-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 4,170.00 Sub total: 10,860.00 81 81070969 12/04/2014 DAVIS, SHELLEY PO150503 Behavior Intervention 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618500-037-0000 1,170.00 Sub total: 1,170.00 81 81070970 12/04/2014 GAVALDON, ANDREA PO150254 Behavior Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 1,781.25 Sub total: 1,781.25 81 81070971 12/04/2014 GONZALEZ, DEISI PO150399 Behavior Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 2,579.25 PO150399 Behavior Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 2,014.00 Sub total: 4,593.25 81 81070972 12/04/2014 HERITAGE SCHOOLS, INC. PO150144 Education, Residential, Mental 080-6512-0-5830-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 9,393.00 Sub total: 9,393.00 81 81070973 12/04/2014 HOWARD, RACHEL PO150391 MUSIC THERAPY 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 440.00 Sub total: 440.00 81 81070974 12/04/2014 LOGAN RIVER ACADEMY PO150398 Residential & Educ Program 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 2,280.18 PO150398 Residential & Educ Program 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 2,497.34 PO150398 Residential & Educ Program 080-6512-0-5830-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 6,522.60 PO150398 Residential & Educ Program 080-6512-0-5830-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 6,740.02 Sub total: 18,040.14 81 81070975 12/04/2014 PEREZ, KAREN PO150269 Behavior Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 1,116.25 Sub total: 1,116.25 81 81070976 12/04/2014 PLANCARTE, JASMIN PO150532 Behavior Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 1,577.00 Sub total: 1,577.00 81 81070977 12/04/2014 RAINBOW MUSIC THERAPY SERVICES PO150169 BASIC ED/RESIDENTIA/MENTL HLTH 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 260.00 PO150169 BASIC ED/RESIDENTIA/MENTL HLTH 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 300.00 Sub total: 560.00 81 81070978 12/04/2014 REBEKAH CHILDREN'S SERVICES PO150110 WRAP Services 080-6512-0-5830-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 948.75 PO150110 WRAP Services 080-6512-0-5830-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 1,523.75 PO150110 WRAP Services 080-6512-0-5830-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 4,250.00 PO150110 WRAP Services 080-6512-0-5830-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 4,250.00 PO150110 WRAP Services 080-6512-0-5830-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 4,250.00

28 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 28 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO150110 WRAP Services 080-6512-0-5830-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 4,250.00 Sub total: 19,472.50 81 81070979 12/04/2014 TLC CHILD & FAMILY SERVICES PO150640 Therapy 080-6512-0-5830-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 17,428.00 PO150640 Therapy 080-6512-0-5830-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 5,343.33 Sub total: 22,771.33 81 81070980 12/05/2014 MACKE WATER SYSTEMS PO150235 WATER COOLER SERVICE 010-0000-0-5620-00-0000-3700-370000-099-0000 32.08 Sub total: 32.08 81 81070981 12/05/2014 METROMOBILE COMMUNICATIONS PO151018 EMERGENCY RADIO/GPS 070-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 1,323.05 Sub total: 1,323.05 81 81070982 12/05/2014 NUMOTION PO222500 SPECIAL ED SUPPLIES 080-6500-0-4310-00-5750-1130-614500-037-0000 5,647.04 Sub total: 5,647.04 81 81070983 12/05/2014 O C MCDONALD COMPANY INC PO225172 INSTALL KITS FOR BACKFLOWS 050-8150-0-5620-00-0000-8110-811000-002-0000 674.79 PO224906 RUBBER KIT FOR BACKFLOWS 050-8150-0-5620-00-0000-8110-811000-024-0000 747.82 PO224907 RUBBER KIT FOR BACKFLOWS 050-8150-0-5620-00-0000-8110-811000-035-0000 670.53 PO224909 RUBBER KIT FOR BACKFLOW 050-8150-0-5620-00-0000-8110-811000-051-0000 674.79 Sub total: 2,767.93 81 81070984 12/05/2014 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS INC PO150671 Auto Parts 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148000-055-0000 57.77 PO150671 Auto Parts 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148000-055-0000 14.61 PO150671 Auto Parts 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148000-055-0000 314.46 PO150671 Auto Parts 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148000-055-0000 65.22 Sub total: 452.06 81 81070985 12/05/2014 PACE SUPPLY CORP PO150028 Plumbing Parts & Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 1,230.07 PO150028 Plumbing Parts & Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 111.31 PO150028 Plumbing Parts & Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 699.72 PO150028 Plumbing Parts & Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 179.75 PO150028 Plumbing Parts & Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 166.25 Sub total: 2,387.10 81 81070986 12/05/2014 PALO ALTO ELECTRIC PO150345 Equipment Repair & Service 050-8150-0-5620-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 58.99 Sub total: 58.99 81 81070987 12/05/2014 PEARSON AUTOMOBILE CO INC PO150764 PARTS AND SUPPLIES 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 284.52 PO150764 PARTS AND SUPPLIES 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 59.81 Sub total: 344.33 81 81070988 12/05/2014 PETERSON POWER SYSTEMS INC PO150873 Service Agreement 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7700-770000-099-0000 495.00 Sub total: 495.00

29 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 29 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81070989 12/05/2014 RESTORATION MANAGEMENT COMPANY PO225311 MOLD REMEDIATION 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-010-0000 1,075.81 Sub total: 1,075.81 81 81070990 12/05/2014 S & M COMMERCIAL BODY & FLEET PO150550 REPAIR/REPAINT VEHICLES 070-0000-0-5620-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 1,418.94 PO150550 REPAIR/REPAINT VEHICLES 070-0000-0-5620-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 1,510.54 Sub total: 2,929.48 81 81070991 12/05/2014 SAFETY KLEEN CORPORATION PO150050 Hazardous Waste Pickup & Svc 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 471.29 PO150050 Hazardous Waste Pickup & Svc 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 1,037.79 Sub total: 1,509.08 81 81070992 12/05/2014 SAFEWAY STORES PO150223 HOME EC SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-052-0000 194.47 PO150223 HOME EC SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-052-0000 31.99 PO150223 HOME EC SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-052-0000 81.29 PO150223 HOME EC SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-052-0000 27.66 PO150223 HOME EC SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-052-0000 23.97 PO150223 HOME EC SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-052-0000 243.92 PO150223 HOME EC SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-052-0000 11.43 PO150223 HOME EC SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-052-0000 195.38 PO150223 HOME EC SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-052-0000 107.10 PO150223 HOME EC SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-052-0000 28.33 PO150223 HOME EC SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-052-0000 5.45- Sub total: 940.09 81 81070993 12/05/2014 SAN MATEO COUNTY TRANST DIST PO150568 BUS PASSES 006-0000-0-5830-00-1110-2110-739400-089-0000 5,000.00 Sub total: 5,000.00 81 81070994 12/05/2014 SANTA CLARA VTA PO150991 MONTHLY BUS PASSES 006-0000-0-5830-00-1110-2110-739400-089-0000 1,350.00 PO150991 MONTHLY BUS PASSES 006-0000-0-5830-00-1110-2110-739400-089-0000 4,850.00 Sub total: 6,200.00 81 81070995 12/05/2014 SCAPES INC PO150660 Lancscaping Supplies 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 360.00 Sub total: 360.00 81 81070996 12/05/2014 SHARP BUSINESS SYSTEMS PO150508 SHARP COPIER MAINTENANCE 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-141080-051-0000 217.93 Sub total: 217.93 81 81070997 12/05/2014 SIMPLEX GRINNELL PO150369 Clock Supplies for 5100 Series 050-8150-0-5620-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 1,430.00 PO150369 Clock Supplies for 5100 Series 050-8150-0-5620-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 1,643.50 PO150369 Clock Supplies for 5100 Series 050-8150-0-5620-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 2,273.50 Sub total: 5,347.00

30 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 30 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81070998 12/05/2014 SOCIAL THINKING PO225223 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-739500-002-0000 469.07 Sub total: 469.07 81 81070999 12/05/2014 STEEL FENCE SYSTEMS PO150349 Steel Fence Services 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 310.00 PO150349 Steel Fence Services 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 438.00 Sub total: 748.00 81 81071000 12/05/2014 SUNNYVALE FORD, INC PO150972 PARTS AND SUPPLIES 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 335.77 PO150972 PARTS AND SUPPLIES 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 349.76 PO150972 PARTS AND SUPPLIES 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 6.05 Sub total: 691.58 81 81071001 12/05/2014 TEHAMA TIRE SERVICE INC PO150280 TIRE REPAIRS AND PARTS 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 546.10 PO150280 TIRE REPAIRS AND PARTS 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 1,097.05 Sub total: 1,643.15 81 81071002 12/05/2014 US SECURITY SUPPLY INC PO150444 Locksmith Supplies and Hardwar 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 2,034.57 PO150444 Locksmith Supplies and Hardwar 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 2,022.09 Sub total: 4,056.66 81 81071003 12/05/2014 VALLEY OIL PO150997 DIESEL AND UNLEADED FUEL 070-0000-0-4361-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 7,299.57 Sub total: 7,299.57 81 81071004 12/05/2014 WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL LEASING PO150412 SHARP COPIER LEASE 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-141000-052-0000 333.91 PO150799 SHARP COPIER LEASE 010-0000-0-5620-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 1,053.12 PO150408 SHARP COPIER LEASE 010-0000-0-5620-00-0000-7550-755000-099-0000 667.82 PO150835 SHARP COPIER LEASE 010-0000-0-5620-00-0000-7550-755020-099-0000 884.64 PO150416 SHARP COPIER LEASE 210-0000-0-5620-00-0000-8500-755010-099-0000 5,676.38 Sub total: 8,615.87 81 81071005 12/05/2014 XEROX CORPORATION PO150903 COPIER MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 000-0000-0-5620-00-0000-2700-270000-053-0000 165.12 PO150351 COPIER MAINTENANCE 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-162010-057-0000 9.80 PO150748 COPIER LEASE & MAINTENANCE 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-178000-055-0000 55.59 PO150748 COPIER LEASE & MAINTENANCE 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-184000-055-0000 55.59 PO150948 COPIER MAINTENANCE 010-0000-0-5620-00-0000-7550-755000-099-0000 339.91 PO150948 COPIER MAINTENANCE 010-0000-0-5620-00-0000-7550-755000-099-0000 531.70 Sub total: 1,157.71 81 81071006 12/05/2014 YELLOW CHECKER CAB PO150559 TRANSPORTATION SVCS 070-0000-0-5830-00-5770-3600-724000-037-0000 610.00 PO150559 TRANSPORTATION SVCS 070-0000-0-5830-00-5770-3600-724000-037-0000 441.80 PO150559 TRANSPORTATION SVCS 070-0000-0-5830-00-5770-3600-724000-037-0000 250.00

31 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 31 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO150559 TRANSPORTATION SVCS 070-0000-0-5830-00-5770-3600-724000-037-0000 1,774.00 Sub total: 3,075.80 81 81071007 12/09/2014 AKELLA, PRASAD PV501955 RENTALS, LEASES, & REPAIRS 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-162000-051-0000 62.50 Sub total: 62.50 81 81071008 12/09/2014 AMES, STEVE PV501923 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-4760-1000-709000-099-0000 1,016.91 Sub total: 1,016.91 81 81071009 12/09/2014 BALBUENA, PATRICIA PV501950 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141010-051-0000 48.28 Sub total: 48.28 81 81071010 12/09/2014 BARRERA, ALEYDA PV501943 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-012-0000 28.06 PV501943 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-012-0000 273.87 Sub total: 301.93 81 81071011 12/09/2014 BLACKBURN, KRISTY PV501961 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-132000-055-0000 315.00 PV501961 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-132000-055-0000 27.56 PV501961 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 27.56- Sub total: 315.00 81 81071012 12/09/2014 BLOOM, JEDD PV501951 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141020-051-0000 141.70 Sub total: 141.70 81 81071013 12/09/2014 BOGGS, DENISE PV501946 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 130-5310-0-4310-00-0000-3700-370000-099-0000 10.97 Sub total: 10.97 81 81071014 12/09/2014 BOWMAN, ERIK PV501972 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106000-053-0000 68.94 Sub total: 68.94 81 81071015 12/09/2014 CAMICIA, MIKE PV501940 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148000-055-0000 81.05 PV501940 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148000-055-0000 35.13 Sub total: 116.18 81 81071016 12/09/2014 CITY OF PALO ALTO UTILITIES PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5501-00-0000-8200-824050-053-0000 1,181.37 PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5501-00-0000-8200-824050-053-0000 1,068.12 PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5502-00-0000-8200-824050-053-0000 10,144.08 PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5502-00-0000-8200-824050-053-0000 8,507.13 PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5503-00-0000-8200-824050-053-0000 2,957.86 PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5503-00-0000-8200-824050-053-0000 2,957.86 PO150014 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-034-0000 425.58

32 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 32 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-053-0000 1,708.18 PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-053-0000 1,332.09 PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-053-0000 1,708.18 PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-053-0000 1,332.09 PO150014 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5506-00-0000-8200-824050-034-0000 500.59 PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5506-00-0000-8200-824050-053-0000 6,112.23 PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5506-00-0000-8200-824050-053-0000 3,584.58 Sub total: 43,519.94 81 81071017 12/09/2014 CORPUZ, ED PV501963 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-149000-055-0000 145.54 PV501963 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-149000-055-0000 12.73 PV501963 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-149000-055-0000 847.88 PV501963 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 12.73- Sub total: 993.42 81 81071018 12/09/2014 DESTEFANO, ANNETTE PV501926 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-051-0000 217.98 PV501930 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-051-0000 286.58 Sub total: 504.56 81 81071019 12/09/2014 DISPRINT PV501944 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 080-3410-0-4310-00-1110-1000-341000-088-0000 517.70 Sub total: 517.70 81 81071020 12/09/2014 EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP LLC PV501922 CONTRACTED SERVICES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7100-711000-099-0000 2,934.20 Sub total: 2,934.20 81 81071021 12/09/2014 FRIES, MARIELUISE PV501968 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-544040-034-0000 472.61 PV501968 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-544040-034-0000 34.34 PV501968 CONTRACTED SERVICES 060-9010-0-5830-00-1110-1000-544040-034-0000 139.62 Sub total: 646.57 81 81071022 12/09/2014 GILBERT, TERI PV501952 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-051-0000 69.99 PV501952 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-051-0000 6.12 PV501952 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-051-0000 56.69 PV501952 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 6.12- Sub total: 126.68 81 81071023 12/09/2014 GLOVER, LYNN PV501962 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-132000-055-0000 19.51 PV501962 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-157000-055-0000 43.90 Sub total: 63.41 81 81071024 12/09/2014 GRALEN, PAUL PV501928 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106000-051-0000 72.83 Sub total: 72.83 81 81071025 12/09/2014 HARVEY, JENNIFER PV501915 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 000-0000-0-5250-00-1110-1000-181010-041-0000 100.00 Sub total: 100.00

33 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 33 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071026 12/09/2014 HOOVER PTA PV501920 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-025-0000 154.23 Sub total: 154.23 81 81071027 12/09/2014 HORPEL, CHRIS PV501965 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-055-0000 220.00 Sub total: 220.00 81 81071028 12/09/2014 HYMES, NORMA PV501927 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141000-051-0000 74.45 PV501925 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141020-051-0000 46.34 Sub total: 120.79 81 81071029 12/09/2014 JARVIS, LARA PV501917 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 000-0000-0-5250-00-1110-1000-181010-041-0000 149.00 Sub total: 149.00 81 81071030 12/09/2014 JENSEN, ANNE PV501960 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-139000-055-0000 61.79 Sub total: 61.79 81 81071031 12/09/2014 JONES, CAROLYN PV501918 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-9010-0-5250-00-1110-2140-555200-007-0000 380.00 PV501918 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-9010-0-5250-00-1110-2140-555200-007-0000 375.20 Sub total: 755.20 81 81071032 12/09/2014 KAMIMOTO PV501973 RENTALS, LEASES, & REPAIRS 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-162000-053-0000 123.00 Sub total: 123.00 81 81071033 12/09/2014 KAVANAGH, HEATHER PV501947 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 010-0000-0-5210-00-0000-3140-314000-097-0000 70.22 Sub total: 70.22 81 81071034 12/09/2014 KEENAN & ASSOCIATES PO150052 LOSS REPLENISHMENT 671-0000-0-5830-00-0000-6000-600010-099-0000 1,668.31 Sub total: 1,668.31 81 81071035 12/09/2014 KEITH, TARA PV501914 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-4760-1000-709000-099-0000 687.56 Sub total: 687.56 81 81071036 12/09/2014 KITCHENS BY MEYER PV501976 RENTALS, LEASES, & REPAIRS 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-141080-055-0000 95.00 Sub total: 95.00 81 81071037 12/09/2014 KRUMBOLTZ, BETTY PV501953 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-3110-153000-051-0000 226.85 Sub total: 226.85 81 81071038 12/09/2014 LOREY, ANN PV501971 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-739500-053-0000 159.95 Sub total: 159.95

34 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 34 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071039 12/09/2014 MACATANGAY, JENNIFER PV501956 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-141160-051-0000 368.00 Sub total: 368.00 81 81071040 12/09/2014 MARCHAND, AMANDA PV501932 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-2420-242060-051-0000 433.61 Sub total: 433.61 81 81071041 12/09/2014 MESSINGER, DEANNA PV501935 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-676110-055-0000 37.47 PV501935 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-1110-2140-676110-055-0000 700.12 PV501935 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-1110-2140-676110-055-0000 395.00 PV501935 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-1110-2140-676110-055-0000 222.20 Sub total: 1,354.79 81 81071042 12/09/2014 MOIN, LIQA PV501931 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141160-051-0000 45.51 Sub total: 45.51 81 81071043 12/09/2014 NAVARRO, LYNNE PV501942 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-055-0000 247.95 PV501942 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-184000-055-0000 113.02 PV501942 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-184000-055-0000 247.95 Sub total: 608.92 81 81071044 12/09/2014 NAYLOR, JILL PV501967 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-4200-110000-055-0000 116.50 Sub total: 116.50 81 81071045 12/09/2014 NISHIYAMA, JUDY PV501939 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2140-214190-092-0000 17.00 Sub total: 17.00 81 81071046 12/09/2014 NOSEK, CHRISTINA PV501937 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 010-0000-0-5210-00-0000-2140-214180-092-0000 42.00 PV501937 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 010-0000-0-5210-00-0000-2140-214180-092-0000 42.50 Sub total: 84.50 81 81071047 12/09/2014 O'NEILL, SUSIE PV501970 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-053-0000 197.23 Sub total: 197.23 81 81071048 12/09/2014 OLIVER WORLDCLASS LABS PV501958 CONTRACTED SERVICES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-2420-242020-098-0000 395.00 Sub total: 395.00 81 81071049 12/09/2014 PENINSULA SANITARY SERVICE PO150055 Garbage - Nixon, Escondido 010-0000-0-5503-00-0000-8200-824050-012-0000 902.48 PO150055 Garbage - Nixon, Escondido 010-0000-0-5503-00-0000-8200-824050-032-0000 862.01 Sub total: 1,764.49

35 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 35 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071050 12/09/2014 PERRY, VICKIE PV501936 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2700-270000-051-0000 39.20 PV501936 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141000-051-0000 122.34 PV501936 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141010-051-0000 143.91 PV501936 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141020-051-0000 18.49 PV501936 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141020-051-0000 1.62 PV501936 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141020-051-0000 36.04 PV501936 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-162000-051-0000 39.11 PV501936 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-051-0000 64.69 PV501936 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 1.62- Sub total: 463.78 81 81071051 12/09/2014 PETERS, CINDY PV501975 RENTALS, LEASES, & REPAIRS 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-141080-055-0000 300.11 Sub total: 300.11 81 81071052 12/09/2014 POUNDERS, ELIZABETH PV501938 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-185000-093-0000 57.62 Sub total: 57.62 81 81071053 12/09/2014 PRESENTATION HIGH SCHOOL PV501964 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-055-0000 80.00 Sub total: 80.00 81 81071054 12/09/2014 RAINBOW IMAGES PV501974 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-014-0000 391.50 Sub total: 391.50 81 81071055 12/09/2014 ROACH, HAL PV501929 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148000-051-0000 157.45 PV501949 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148000-051-0000 245.32 Sub total: 402.77 81 81071056 12/09/2014 SHIV, REVATHY PV501916 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 000-0000-0-5250-00-1110-1000-181010-041-0000 149.00 Sub total: 149.00 81 81071057 12/09/2014 SMITH, MARSHALL PV501919 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-034-0000 733.00 PV501919 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-739500-034-0000 199.64 Sub total: 932.64 81 81071058 12/09/2014 STAUFFER, MEGAN PV501924 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-4760-1000-709000-099-0000 1,436.23 Sub total: 1,436.23 81 81071059 12/09/2014 SULLIVAN, KATHERINE PV501945 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-032-0000 9.80 PV501945 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181010-032-0000 69.00 Sub total: 78.80

36 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 36 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071060 12/09/2014 THE STANDARD PV501921 LIFE INSURANCE 010-0000-0-9943-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 2,076.96 PV501921 OTHER INSURANCE 010-0000-0-9944-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 14,512.08 Sub total: 16,589.04 81 81071061 12/09/2014 THOMAS, MARIA PV501934 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141030-051-0000 157.17 Sub total: 157.17 81 81071062 12/09/2014 TUOMY, ARIANE PV501966 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-167000-055-0000 53.38 Sub total: 53.38 81 81071063 12/09/2014 WANG, NIANDONG PV501957 FOOD SERVICES SALES 130-5310-0-8634-01-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 321.50 Sub total: 321.50 81 81071064 12/09/2014 WARR, TAMI PV501948 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141000-051-0000 279.65 Sub total: 279.65 81 81071065 12/09/2014 WILSON, MARIANNE PV501941 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-3110-153000-053-0000 70.80 PV501941 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-3140-314000-053-0000 11.63 PV501941 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106000-053-0000 44.36 PV501941 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-131000-053-0000 17.81 PV501941 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141160-053-0000 45.73 PV501941 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-053-0000 23.99 PV501941 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-053-0000 2.10 PV501941 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-053-0000 20.86 PV501941 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-2420-242060-053-0000 9.00 PV501941 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 2.10- PV501941 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-739500-053-0000 100.88 PV501941 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 009-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141020-053-0000 33.37 PV501941 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-1110-4200-420010-053-0000 46.75 Sub total: 425.18 81 81071066 12/09/2014 WINSTON, PHIL PV501933 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141000-051-0000 50.00 Sub total: 50.00 81 81071067 12/09/2014 YRIBARREN, ROBERT PV501969 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141160-053-0000 56.51 PV501969 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-555300-053-0000 48.99 PV501969 CONTRACTED SERVICES 060-9010-0-5830-00-1110-1000-555300-053-0000 4.99 Sub total: 110.49 81 81071068 12/09/2014 ZENGER, KELLY PV501954 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-3140-314000-051-0000 44.84 Sub total: 44.84

37 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 37 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071069 12/09/2014 A.C.T.S. PO150715 Augmentive Comm & Tech Service 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 244.00 Sub total: 244.00 81 81071070 12/09/2014 B AND H PHOTO-Video PO225138 PHOTO SUPPLIES 006-0000-0-4410-00-1110-1000-739500-055-0000 5,530.75 Sub total: 5,530.75 81 81071071 12/09/2014 BARNES HAZMAT INC. PO150885 Safety & Training 010-0000-0-5250-00-0000-8300-830000-099-0000 92.00 Sub total: 92.00 81 81071072 12/09/2014 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS PO225280 VENTURES 110-0000-0-9320-00-4110-1000-141000-078-0000 2,755.72 Sub total: 2,755.72 81 81071073 12/09/2014 CASSY PO150594 SCHOOL BASED COUNSELING 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181010-005-0000 1,950.00 PO150594 SCHOOL BASED COUNSELING 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181010-007-0000 1,000.00 PO150594 SCHOOL BASED COUNSELING 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181010-012-0000 2,575.00 PO150594 SCHOOL BASED COUNSELING 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181010-032-0000 1,050.00 PO150594 SCHOOL BASED COUNSELING 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 2,225.00 PO150594 SCHOOL BASED COUNSELING 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181060-007-0000 300.00 PO150594 SCHOOL BASED COUNSELING 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181060-034-0000 1,300.00 PO150594 SCHOOL BASED COUNSELING 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3120-312000-097-0000 9,550.00 PO150594 SCHOOL BASED COUNSELING 080-6512-0-5830-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 2,500.00 Sub total: 22,450.00 81 81071074 12/09/2014 CENERGISTIC INC PO150744 ENERGY EDUCATION PROGRAM 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8200-824080-099-0000 25,400.00 Sub total: 25,400.00 81 81071075 12/09/2014 CLAY PLANET PO150754 Clay & Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106000-051-0000 219.14 Sub total: 219.14 81 81071076 12/09/2014 COULTER CONSTRUCTION INC PO225348 RECONFIGURE OFFICE FURNITURE 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-2140-214190-092-0000 139.85 Sub total: 139.85 81 81071077 12/09/2014 DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIAL SVC PO150393 Konica Rental 080-3410-0-5620-00-1110-1000-341000-088-0000 96.79 Sub total: 96.79 81 81071078 12/09/2014 DELTA SYSTEMS CO PO225281 ITALIAN PROJECT 110-0000-0-9320-00-4110-1000-141000-078-0000 672.17 Sub total: 672.17 81 81071079 12/09/2014 DEMCO INC PO150241 Library Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-2420-242060-053-0000 191.48 Sub total: 191.48

38 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 38 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071080 12/09/2014 EDUCATION TO GO INC PO150445 Attending Students 110-0000-0-5830-00-4110-1000-189020-078-0000 520.00 PO150445 Attending Students 110-0000-0-5830-00-4110-1000-189020-078-0000 15.75 Sub total: 535.75 81 81071081 12/09/2014 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS PO225212 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 009-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141020-053-0000 55.37 Sub total: 55.37 81 81071082 12/09/2014 HAAN CRAFTS CORP PO150239 Home Ec Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-053-0000 69.82 Sub total: 69.82 81 81071083 12/09/2014 HANDWRITING WITHOUT TEARS PO225221 PRINTING POWER 060-6300-0-4310-00-1110-1000-630000-002-0000 667.97 Sub total: 667.97 81 81071084 12/09/2014 HEARING CONSERVATION WEST INC PO150098 HEARING SCREENINGS 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3140-314000-097-0000 838.92 Sub total: 838.92 81 81071085 12/09/2014 HES PO150597 AED ACCESSORIES 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-640500-099-0000 348.43 Sub total: 348.43 81 81071086 12/09/2014 HOPE SERVICES PO150177 Rental Services Adult TPP 010-0000-0-5830-00-1110-2110-210000-088-0000 250.00 Sub total: 250.00 81 81071087 12/09/2014 HUBERT COMPANY PO401896 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT 130-5310-0-4410-00-0000-3700-370000-099-0000 1,546.72 Sub total: 1,546.72 81 81071088 12/09/2014 INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATIONAL PO225199 WORKSHOP REGISTRATION 009-0000-0-5250-00-1110-1000-141020-052-0000 229.00 PO225199 WORKSHOP REGISTRATION 009-0000-0-5250-00-1110-1000-141020-052-0000 458.00 Sub total: 687.00 81 81071089 12/09/2014 KELLY PAPER PO150237 Copy Paper 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2700-270000-053-0000 1,011.38 Sub total: 1,011.38 81 81071090 12/09/2014 ALLIANCE OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE PO150925 Workers Comp Medical Care 006-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-640500-099-0000 172.30 Sub total: 172.30 81 81071091 12/09/2014 COULTER CONSTRUCTION INC PO150348 ERGO SET UPS 006-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-640500-099-0000 421.00 PO150348 ERGO SET UPS 006-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-640500-099-0000 252.61 PO150348 ERGO SET UPS 006-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-640500-099-0000 168.40

39 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 39 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO150348 ERGO SET UPS 006-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-640500-099-0000 93.23 Sub total: 935.24 81 81071092 12/09/2014 CITY OF PALO ALTO PV501977 CONTRACTED SERVICES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3900-390010-099-0000 194,696.63 Sub total: 194,696.63 81 81071093 12/09/2014 NASCO MODESTO PO224077 ART SUPPLIES 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-676010-051-0000 1,385.30 Sub total: 1,385.30 81 81071094 12/09/2014 OFFICE DEPOT PO150962 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-024-0000 114.99 PO150962 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 852.80 PO150962 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 53.53 PO150962 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 83.98 PO150962 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 10.77 PO150962 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 1,794.95 PO150962 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 177.98 PO150962 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 10.85 PO150617 Office Supplies 010-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-131000-099-0000 83.52 PO150617 Office Supplies 010-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-131000-099-0000 59.02 PO150617 Office Supplies 010-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-131000-099-0000 219.70 Sub total: 3,462.09 81 81071095 12/09/2014 PALO ALTO HARDWARE PO150347 Misc Supplies (NO EQUIP) 010-0000-0-4380-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 73.92 PO150347 Misc Supplies (NO EQUIP) 010-0000-0-4383-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 73.92 PO150347 Misc Supplies (NO EQUIP) 010-0000-0-4383-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 26.08 PO150347 Misc Supplies (NO EQUIP) 010-0000-0-4383-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 92.38 Sub total: 266.30 81 81071096 12/09/2014 RUSH HOUR INC PO225358 INCLUSION BREAKFAST 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-141010-051-0000 1,218.00 Sub total: 1,218.00 81 81071097 12/09/2014 SHARP BUSINESS SYSTEMS PO150683 SHARP MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 000-0000-0-5620-00-0000-2700-270000-053-0000 2,541.54 PO150954 SHARP MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-141000-052-0000 210.91 PO150907 SHARP MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 010-0000-0-5620-00-0000-7550-755000-099-0000 290.87 Sub total: 3,043.32 81 81071098 12/09/2014 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL AND OFFICE PO150002 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-6300-0-4310-00-1110-1000-630000-002-0000 197.95 Sub total: 197.95 81 81071099 12/09/2014 TADCO SUPPLY INC PO500654 CAN LINERS 010-0000-0-9325-00-0000-7540-754000-099-0000 3,915.00 Sub total: 3,915.00 81 81071100 12/09/2014 TUOMY, CAROLYN PO150816 CONSULTANT SERVICES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-2420-242020-098-0000 3,621.00

40 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 40 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO150816 CONSULTANT SERVICES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-2420-242020-098-0000 3,519.00 Sub total: 7,140.00 81 81071101 12/09/2014 UNITED REFRIGERATION INC PO150278 HVAC Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 129.02 PO150278 HVAC Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 322.08 PO150278 HVAC Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 272.19 Sub total: 723.29 81 81071102 12/09/2014 US HEALTHWORKS PO150823 DRIVERS PHYSICAL EXAMS 070-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 100.00 Sub total: 100.00 81 81071103 12/09/2014 VISIONARY INTEGRATION PO150395 IT PROJECT MANAGER 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7700-770000-099-0000 17,500.00 Sub total: 17,500.00 81 81071104 12/09/2014 WATERPROOFING ASSC INC PO150273 Roof Leak Service 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 1,365.00 PO150273 Roof Leak Service 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 295.25 PO150273 Roof Leak Service 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 25.83 PO150273 Roof Leak Service 050-8150-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 25.83- Sub total: 1,660.25 81 81071105 12/09/2014 XEROX CORPORATION PO150948 COPIER MAINTENANCE 010-0000-0-5620-00-0000-7550-755000-099-0000 2,548.72 Sub total: 2,548.72 81 81071106 12/09/2014 YELLOW CHECKER CAB PO150559 TRANSPORTATION SVCS 070-0000-0-5830-00-5770-3600-724000-037-0000 791.80 PO150559 TRANSPORTATION SVCS 070-0000-0-5830-00-5770-3600-724000-037-0000 125.00 PO150559 TRANSPORTATION SVCS 070-0000-0-5830-00-5770-3600-724000-037-0000 1,420.00 PO150559 TRANSPORTATION SVCS 070-0000-0-5830-00-5770-3600-724000-037-0000 1,008.00 Sub total: 3,344.80 81 81071107 12/09/2014 ALLIED STORAGE CONTAINERS INC PO150864 STORAGE FOR SYMPHONIC BAND 110-0000-0-5620-00-4110-1000-189220-078-0000 65.25 Sub total: 65.25 81 81071108 12/09/2014 AZ BUS SALES INC PO150529 VEHICLE SUPPORT SUPPLIES 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 735.80- PO150529 VEHICLE SUPPORT SUPPLIES 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 52.91 PO150529 VEHICLE SUPPORT SUPPLIES 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 538.94 PO150529 VEHICLE SUPPORT SUPPLIES 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 506.46 Sub total: 362.51 81 81071109 12/09/2014 CARS+ ORGANIZATION FOR PO225313 CARS+ REGISTRATION 060-3010-0-5250-00-1110-1000-301000-012-0000 255.00 Sub total: 255.00 81 81071110 12/09/2014 CASBO PO150606 CONFERENCES 010-0000-0-5250-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 475.00 Sub total: 475.00

41 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 41 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071111 12/09/2014 CENGAGE LEARNING PO225287 TOEFL IBT TEST CD ROM PKG 110-0000-0-9320-00-4110-1000-141000-078-0000 1,471.39 Sub total: 1,471.39 81 81071112 12/09/2014 CLAY PLANET PO150754 Clay & Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106000-051-0000 288.21 PO150754 Clay & Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106000-051-0000 606.93 PO150171 Art Materials 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106000-055-0000 132.84 Sub total: 1,027.98 81 81071113 12/09/2014 EASTER SEALS PO225387 CAMP 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-141050-057-0000 929.25 Sub total: 929.25 81 81071114 12/09/2014 EDUCATIONAL RECORDS BUREAU PO225332 PUBLIC SCHOOL MEMBERSHIP 010-0000-0-5300-00-0000-3160-316050-099-0000 350.00 Sub total: 350.00 81 81071115 12/09/2014 FIT-TECH SERVICE PO225271 REPAIRS SPIN BIKES 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-171000-051-0000 1,269.62 Sub total: 1,269.62 81 81071116 12/09/2014 FLINN SCIENTIFIC INC PO225214 SCIENCE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-055-0000 1,397.48 Sub total: 1,397.48 81 81071117 12/09/2014 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS PO225216 STUDENT COMPANION WKBKS 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-715600-055-0000 267.96 Sub total: 267.96 81 81071118 12/09/2014 HITE, ROSS T PO150523 INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7600-313000-099-0000 5,307.84 Sub total: 5,307.84 81 81071119 12/09/2014 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICE PO150730 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4380-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 300.58 PO150730 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 16.22 PO150730 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 110.23 PO150730 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 160.42 Sub total: 587.45 81 81071120 12/09/2014 JW PEPPER & SON INC PO150158 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-162000-055-0000 108.96 PO150158 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-162000-055-0000 254.35 PO150158 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-162000-055-0000 105.70 PO150158 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-162000-055-0000 87.21 Sub total: 556.22 81 81071121 12/09/2014 KELLY PAPER PO150417 Copy Paper 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-7550-755000-055-0000 1,551.45

42 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 42 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO150942 Copy Paper 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141080-057-0000 31.75 PO150942 Copy Paper 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141080-057-0000 577.25 PO150942 Copy Paper 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141080-057-0000 1,348.50 PO150941 BOND PAPER 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-025-0000 443.18 PO150943 White Copy Paper 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-035-0000 303.41 Sub total: 4,255.54 81 81071122 12/09/2014 LEONARD'S CONSTRUCTION PO225198 REMOVE/DISPOSE/INSTALL SWIZZLE 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-007-0000 2,435.00 Sub total: 2,435.00 81 81071123 12/09/2014 LEXISNEXIS RISK DATA MANAGEMNT PO150466 RESIDENCY VERIFICATION 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7600-313000-099-0000 8.65 Sub total: 8.65 81 81071124 12/09/2014 MARKOWITZ, DAVID PO225345 REIMBURSE PER MEDIATED AGREEMN 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 12,868.00 Sub total: 12,868.00 81 81071125 12/09/2014 STANBRIDGE ACADEMY PO150370 TUITION 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 3,330.00 PO150371 TUITION 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 3,330.00 PO150371 TUITION 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 3,330.00 PO150373 TUITION 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 3,330.00 PO150373 TUITION 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 3,330.00 PO150374 TUITION 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 3,330.00 PO150374 TUITION 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 3,330.00 PO150372 TUITON 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 3,330.00 PO150372 TUITON 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 3,330.00 Sub total: 29,970.00 81 81071126 12/09/2014 STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION PV501959 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 1,571.54 PV501959 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 006-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 550.79 PV501959 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 009-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 18.73 PV501959 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 010-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 889.42 PV501959 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 060-3010-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 9.05 PV501959 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 060-6300-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 2.15 PV501959 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 060-9010-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 114.45 PV501959 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 080-6500-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 37.97 PV501959 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 110-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 24.15 PV501959 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 130-5310-0-4310-00-0000-3700-370000-099-0000 73.22 PV501959 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 130-5310-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 87.15 PV501959 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 671-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 4.38 Sub total: 3,383.00 81 81071127 12/11/2014 ANTHEM BLUE CROSS PV501988 MEDICAL INSURANCE 010-0000-0-9942-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 29,265.16 PV501988 MEDICAL INSURANCE 010-0000-0-9942-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 856,694.29 PV501988 VOLUNTARY DEDUCTIONS 010-0000-0-9950-01-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 8,490.91 PV501988 VOLUNTARY DEDUCTIONS 010-0000-0-9950-01-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 4,833.89 Sub total: 899,284.25

43 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 43 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071128 12/11/2014 ARNOLD, JESSICA PV502013 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-024-0000 125.12 Sub total: 125.12 81 81071129 12/11/2014 ARNOUT, JEN PV502015 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-024-0000 73.23 PV502015 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-024-0000 6.41 PV502015 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-024-0000 383.96 PV502015 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181600-024-0000 42.00 PV502015 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 6.41- Sub total: 499.19 81 81071130 12/11/2014 BAGNIEFSKI, JULIE PV502027 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 000-0000-0-5250-00-0000-2140-181010-034-0000 111.77 PV502027 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-4035-0-5250-00-0000-2700-403500-034-0000 271.00 Sub total: 382.77 81 81071131 12/11/2014 BATTERY SYSTEMS PO150820 COMMERCIAL BATTERIES 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 175.14 PO150820 COMMERCIAL BATTERIES 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 114.19 PO150820 COMMERCIAL BATTERIES 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 725.14 Sub total: 1,014.47 81 81071132 12/11/2014 BENA, MARY ELLEN PV501997 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2700-141040-057-0000 229.24 PV501997 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141030-057-0000 204.42 Sub total: 433.66 81 81071133 12/11/2014 BOWEN, AMANDA PV502025 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-4200-555160-057-0000 2,450.25 Sub total: 2,450.25 81 81071134 12/11/2014 CA SCHOOLS DENTAL COALITION PV501991 CONTRACTED SERVICES 670-0000-0-5830-00-0000-6000-600000-099-0000 161,268.00 Sub total: 161,268.00 81 81071135 12/11/2014 CALIFORNIA VISION SERV.PLAN PV501989 VISION INSURANCE 010-0000-0-9940-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 22,226.68 PV501989 VOLUNTARY DEDUCTIONS 010-0000-0-9950-01-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 606.39 Sub total: 22,833.07 81 81071136 12/11/2014 CASTRO VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL PV502042 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 60.00 Sub total: 60.00 81 81071137 12/11/2014 CENTRAL COAST SECTION PV501984 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 326.00 Sub total: 326.00 81 81071138 12/11/2014 CITY OF PALO ALTO PV502008 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181600-007-0000 794.00 Sub total: 794.00

44 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 44 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071139 12/11/2014 CLIFTON, STACEY PV502017 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 110-0000-0-4310-00-4110-1000-173010-078-0000 62.51 Sub total: 62.51 81 81071140 12/11/2014 DARNER, LIS PV501998 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 010-0000-0-5210-00-0000-3140-314000-097-0000 181.72 Sub total: 181.72 81 81071141 12/11/2014 DELTA DENTAL PV501990 VOLUNTARY DEDUCTIONS 010-0000-0-9950-01-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 13,639.85 Sub total: 13,639.85 81 81071142 12/11/2014 DUFFY, KEVIN PV502037 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-139000-057-0000 102.66 PV502037 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-139000-057-0000 8.98 PV502037 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-139000-057-0000 342.81 PV502037 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 8.98- Sub total: 445.47 81 81071143 12/11/2014 ELLINGTON, JENNIFER PV502002 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-121000-052-0000 366.14 PV502002 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-121000-052-0000 32.04 PV502002 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-121000-052-0000 22.95 PV502002 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 32.04- PV502033 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-1110-1000-676010-099-0000 370.00 PV502033 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-1110-1000-676010-099-0000 279.40 Sub total: 1,038.49 81 81071144 12/11/2014 ESTRADA, ELIZABETH PV502032 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-3010-0-5250-00-0000-2420-301000-005-0000 600.00 Sub total: 600.00 81 81071145 12/11/2014 FAGEN FRIEDMAN & FULFROST PO150418 LEGAL SERVICES 010-0000-0-5845-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 1,815.00 PO150418 LEGAL SERVICES 010-0000-0-5845-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 1,073.00 PO150418 LEGAL SERVICES 010-0000-0-5845-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 7,896.46 PO150418 LEGAL SERVICES 010-0000-0-5845-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 1,120.56 PO150418 LEGAL SERVICES 010-0000-0-5845-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 495.00 PO150418 LEGAL SERVICES 010-0000-0-5845-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 192.50 PO150418 LEGAL SERVICES 010-0000-0-5845-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 1,314.00 PO150418 LEGAL SERVICES 010-0000-0-5845-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 5,758.00 PO150418 LEGAL SERVICES 010-0000-0-5845-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 10,153.16 Sub total: 29,817.68 81 81071146 12/11/2014 FAN, ZHEWEI PV502001 ALL OTHER LOCAL REVENUE 000-0000-0-8699-00-1110-1000-141620-052-0000 395.00 Sub total: 395.00 81 81071147 12/11/2014 GARRISON, EMILY PV501985 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 000-0000-0-5250-00-0000-2140-141080-057-0000 69.30 Sub total: 69.30

45 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 45 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071148 12/11/2014 GLENISTER, ROBERT PV502016 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 080-3410-0-4310-00-1110-1000-341000-088-0000 9.75 PV502016 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 080-3410-0-5210-00-1110-1000-341000-088-0000 53.14 Sub total: 62.89 81 81071149 12/11/2014 GODDARD, TERRI PV502019 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 110-0000-0-4310-00-4110-1000-173010-078-0000 193.58 PV502019 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 110-0000-0-4310-00-4110-1000-173010-078-0000 49.25 Sub total: 242.83 81 81071150 12/11/2014 GUERARD, CARLA PV502039 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-139000-057-0000 73.95 Sub total: 73.95 81 81071151 12/11/2014 GYVES, MERI PV502034 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 010-0000-0-5250-00-1110-1000-196000-088-0000 455.82 Sub total: 455.82 81 81071152 12/11/2014 HARRISON, HENRY PV502044 PARCEL TAXES 040-0000-0-8621-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 638.00 Sub total: 638.00 81 81071153 12/11/2014 HAYES, KRISTINA PV502028 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-1110-1000-739500-032-0000 962.92 Sub total: 962.92 81 81071154 12/11/2014 HENARD, RUTA PV502012 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2700-270010-024-0000 181.35 Sub total: 181.35 81 81071155 12/11/2014 HENARD, RUTA PV502011 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2700-270010-024-0000 136.46 PV502011 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 123.49 Sub total: 259.95 81 81071156 12/11/2014 HOME ECONOMICS EDUCATION PV502030 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-1110-2140-739500-057-0000 190.00 Sub total: 190.00 81 81071157 12/11/2014 HOSHIWARA, DAVID PV501993 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 080-3410-0-5210-00-1110-1000-341000-088-0000 127.52 PV502031 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 080-6520-0-5250-00-5770-1190-652000-088-0000 376.75 Sub total: 504.27 81 81071158 12/11/2014 KANDELL, PAUL PV501978 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-132040-057-0000 793.44 PV501978 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-132040-057-0000 69.43 PV501978 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 69.43- Sub total: 793.44 81 81071159 12/11/2014 KIGER, JALYNN PV502004 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-025-0000 453.60

46 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 46 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PV502004 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-025-0000 39.69 PV502004 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-025-0000 40.76 PV502004 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181010-025-0000 804.00 PV502004 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 39.69- Sub total: 1,298.36 81 81071160 12/11/2014 KING, JORDAN PV502006 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-676010-055-0000 155.46 Sub total: 155.46 81 81071161 12/11/2014 KOMPELLA, JACINTHA PV502005 CONTRACTED SERVICES 006-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-739500-055-0000 250.00 Sub total: 250.00 81 81071162 12/11/2014 KRAUS, AMY PV502018 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 110-0000-0-4310-00-4110-1000-173010-078-0000 21.40 Sub total: 21.40 81 81071163 12/11/2014 LAGUNA, CRYSTAL PV502035 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 006-0000-0-4310-00-4760-1000-709000-057-0000 170.51 Sub total: 170.51 81 81071164 12/11/2014 LARGENT, DIANA PV502014 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 331.23 PV502014 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181600-024-0000 42.00 PV502014 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181600-024-0000 172.50 Sub total: 545.73 81 81071165 12/11/2014 LOZANO SMITH LLP PO150045 LEGAL SERVICES 010-0000-0-5845-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 226.00 PO150045 LEGAL SERVICES 010-0000-0-5845-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 232.00 PO150045 LEGAL SERVICES 010-0000-0-5845-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 6,997.50 PO150045 LEGAL SERVICES 010-0000-0-5845-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 5,997.50 PO150045 LEGAL SERVICES 010-0000-0-5845-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 82.50 PO150045 LEGAL SERVICES 010-0000-0-5845-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 3,441.50 PO150045 LEGAL SERVICES 010-0000-0-5845-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 294.44 PO150045 LEGAL SERVICES 010-0000-0-5845-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 4,747.00 Sub total: 22,018.44 81 81071166 12/11/2014 MATH/SCIENCE NUCLEUS PV501979 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181600-012-0000 1,150.00 Sub total: 1,150.00 81 81071167 12/11/2014 MCDERMOTT, THERESA PV501996 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-057-0000 255.96 PV501996 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-057-0000 112.47 PV501996 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-057-0000 242.77 Sub total: 611.20 81 81071168 12/11/2014 MICHEL, JULIA PV502003 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-628600-052-0000 119.63 Sub total: 119.63

47 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 47 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071169 12/11/2014 TIMES, THE PV501982 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-2420-242060-057-0000 61.99 Sub total: 61.99 81 81071170 12/11/2014 OCHOA, MELISSA PV502010 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 40.94 PV502010 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 3.58 PV502010 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 3.58- Sub total: 40.94 81 81071171 12/11/2014 OFEK, SHARON PV501986 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 009-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141020-053-0000 224.64 Sub total: 224.64 81 81071172 12/11/2014 ORTEGA, CECILIA PV501980 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181640-012-0000 170.00 Sub total: 170.00 81 81071173 12/11/2014 PAUSD CLEARING ACCOUNT PV501992 MEDICAL INSURANCE 010-0000-0-9942-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 595,365.81 PV501992 VOLUNTARY DEDUCTIONS 010-0000-0-9950-01-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 9,107.47 Sub total: 604,473.28 81 81071174 12/11/2014 PENINSULA SPORTS INC PV502041 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 369.80 Sub total: 369.80 81 81071175 12/11/2014 PIERCE, SARAH PV502029 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 000-0000-0-5250-00-0000-2140-214000-051-0000 220.00 Sub total: 220.00 81 81071176 12/11/2014 RAHNEMA, LALEH PV502036 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-555210-057-0000 81.81 Sub total: 81.81 81 81071177 12/11/2014 RESINGER, CHRISTIANNE PV502038 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-139000-057-0000 44.58 Sub total: 44.58 81 81071178 12/11/2014 RIVERA, ROBERTO PV501999 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 010-0000-0-5210-00-0000-7600-313000-099-0000 119.84 PV501999 CONTRACTED SERVICES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7600-313000-099-0000 6.50 Sub total: 126.34 81 81071179 12/11/2014 SAN MATEO-FOSTER CITY SCH DIST PV501994 CONTRACTED SERVICES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-2140-214200-092-0000 1,000.00 Sub total: 1,000.00 81 81071180 12/11/2014 SCHOOL NURSE SUPPLY INC PV501981 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-3140-314000-057-0000 106.35 Sub total: 106.35

48 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 48 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071181 12/11/2014 SHERIDAN, ANGELINE PV502000 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-171000-052-0000 59.33 Sub total: 59.33 81 81071182 12/11/2014 SMYTHE, LISA PV501987 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-544040-034-0000 2,212.00 PV501987 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-544040-034-0000 193.55 PV501987 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-544040-034-0000 85.90 PV501987 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 060-9010-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 193.55- Sub total: 2,297.90 81 81071183 12/11/2014 SPECTOR, SARI PV502007 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-192000-005-0000 49.85 Sub total: 49.85 81 81071184 12/11/2014 SQUIRRELS LLC PV502009 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 009-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-007-0000 280.00 PV502009 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 009-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-007-0000 24.50 PV502009 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 009-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 24.50- Sub total: 280.00 81 81071185 12/11/2014 STANFORD UNIVERSITY PO150057 WATER/SEWER LEASE 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-012-0000 540.56 PO150057 WATER/SEWER LEASE 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-032-0000 1,468.29 PO150057 WATER/SEWER LEASE 010-0000-0-5506-00-0000-8200-824050-012-0000 993.97 PO150057 WATER/SEWER LEASE 010-0000-0-5506-00-0000-8200-824050-032-0000 2,699.84 Sub total: 5,702.66 81 81071186 12/11/2014 THE BASIX/LARRY ROUSE PV501995 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 208.31 Sub total: 208.31 81 81071187 12/11/2014 THOMAS, MARIA PV502043 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141020-051-0000 106.23 Sub total: 106.23 81 81071188 12/11/2014 WILLIS, MAUREEN PV502026 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-112000-053-0000 187.50 PV502026 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-112000-053-0000 130.76 Sub total: 318.26 81 81071189 12/11/2014 WIXSOM, MARGO PV501983 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106050-057-0000 198.63 PV501983 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106050-057-0000 210.75 Sub total: 409.38 81 81071190 12/11/2014 CANON SOLUTIONS AMERICA INC PO150251 COPIER LEASE 010-0000-0-5620-00-0000-7550-755000-099-0000 1,965.26 Sub total: 1,965.26 81 81071191 12/11/2014 HAROLD BROWN PO652967 OUTDOOR CLOCK 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181010-025-0000 600.00

49 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 49 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO150783 TELEPHONE MAINTENANCE/SERVICE 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8200-824050-099-0000 108.05 PO150783 TELEPHONE MAINTENANCE/SERVICE 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8200-824050-099-0000 380.00 Sub total: 1,088.05 81 81071192 12/11/2014 PALO ALTO JR MUSEUM AND ZOO PO225321 SCIENCE CLASSES 006-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-739500-034-0000 2,350.00 PO225321 SCIENCE CLASSES 060-9010-0-5830-00-1110-1000-554380-034-0000 8,099.00 Sub total: 10,449.00 81 81071193 12/11/2014 PERMA BOUND PO224668 KITE RUNNER 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-715600-057-0000 835.20 Sub total: 835.20 81 81071194 12/11/2014 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES PO225391 AIRFARE 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-132070-057-0000 1,450.00 Sub total: 1,450.00 81 81071195 12/11/2014 WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL LEASING PO150502 SHARP COPIER LEASE 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-141080-051-0000 526.35 Sub total: 526.35 81 81071196 12/11/2014 ARC PV502023 PRINTING SERVICES 212-0000-0-5836-00-0000-8500-855040-057-0000 1,013.43 PV502024 PRINTING SERVICES 212-0000-0-5836-00-0000-8500-855040-057-0000 279.17 Sub total: 1,292.60 81 81071197 12/11/2014 ATI ENGINEERING SERVICES INC PO878026 drawing for modular 216-0000-0-5852-00-0000-8500-850000-099-0000 2,431.25 PO878026 drawing for modular 216-0000-0-5852-00-0000-8500-850000-099-0000 5,277.50 Sub total: 7,708.75 81 81071198 12/11/2014 DIVISION OF THE STATE ARCHITEC PV502020 DSA PLAN CHECK/PERMITS 212-0000-0-5873-00-0000-8500-855010-014-0000 1,050.00 Sub total: 1,050.00 81 81071199 12/11/2014 HAROLD BROWN PV502022 CONSTRUCTION-GENERAL CONDITION 212-0000-0-6299-00-0000-8500-855010-007-0000 115.00 Sub total: 115.00 81 81071200 12/11/2014 MACKE WATER SYSTEMS PO113543 water 211-0000-0-5620-00-0000-8500-854000-099-0000 65.90 PO113543 water 211-0000-0-5620-00-0000-8500-854000-099-0000 65.90 Sub total: 131.80 81 81071201 12/11/2014 MOBILE MODULAR PO878000 modular building from MA fund 250-0000-0-5620-00-0000-8500-850000-053-0000 1,824.00 PO807603 lease 587152,587156 250-0000-0-5652-00-0000-8500-850000-002-0000 455.00 PO807603 lease 587152,587156 250-0000-0-5652-00-0000-8500-850000-007-0000 455.00 Sub total: 2,734.00 81 81071202 12/11/2014 PACIFIC MOBILE STRUCTURES INC PO807807 lease 98r342-019 250-0000-0-5652-00-0000-8500-850000-055-0000 565.50 Sub total: 565.50

50 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 50 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071203 12/11/2014 PALO ALTO WEEKLY PV502021 CONTRACTED SERVICES 212-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8500-855000-099-0000 246.00 PV502021 CONTRACTED SERVICES 212-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8500-855000-099-0000 246.00 Sub total: 492.00 81 81071204 12/11/2014 RGM & ASSOCIATES INC PO116319 LABOR COMP 212-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8500-855010-007-0000 2,877.50 Sub total: 2,877.50 81 81071205 12/11/2014 A VACUUM AND SEWING HOSPITAL PO150516 Vacuum Repairs & Accessories 010-0000-0-5620-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 178.18 PO150516 Vacuum Repairs & Accessories 010-0000-0-5620-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 148.87 PO150516 Vacuum Repairs & Accessories 010-0000-0-5620-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 87.73 Sub total: 414.78 81 81071206 12/11/2014 ACKNOWLEDGE ALLIANCE PO150132 SCHOOL BASED COUNSELING 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181010-002-0000 10,000.00 PO150132 SCHOOL BASED COUNSELING 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181010-035-0000 10,000.00 PV502040 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181060-025-0000 13,000.00 PO150132 SCHOOL BASED COUNSELING 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181060-041-0000 20,000.00 Sub total: 53,000.00 81 81071207 12/11/2014 AIR FILTER CONTROL PO150281 HVAC Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 713.02 Sub total: 713.02 81 81071208 12/11/2014 AUS HAYWARD -SAN JOSE LOCKBOX PO150034 Uniforms #3037002 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7540-754000-099-0000 24.37 PO150287 LAUNDRY SERVICE & SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 25.00 PO150287 LAUNDRY SERVICE & SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 90.20 PO150287 LAUNDRY SERVICE & SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 148.85 PO150287 LAUNDRY SERVICE & SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 25.00 PO150287 LAUNDRY SERVICE & SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 25.00 PO150287 LAUNDRY SERVICE & SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 25.00 Sub total: 363.42 81 81071209 12/11/2014 BARRON PARK SUPPLY CO PO150290 PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 38.77 PO150290 PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 8.70 PO150290 PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 9.72 PO150290 PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 22.89 PO150290 PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 78.03 PO150290 PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 25.28 Sub total: 183.39 81 81071210 12/11/2014 BARRONS PO225282 WORLD LANG INSTRUCTIONAL 110-0000-0-9320-00-4110-1000-141000-078-0000 351.33 Sub total: 351.33 81 81071211 12/11/2014 CAL STEAM PO150296 PLUMBING SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 426.88

51 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 51 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO150296 PLUMBING SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 38.03 PO150296 PLUMBING SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 246.52 Sub total: 711.43 81 81071212 12/11/2014 CIARDELLA'S GARDEN SUPPLY INC PO150649 Landscape Supplies 010-0000-0-4383-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 46.21 PO150649 Landscape Supplies 010-0000-0-4383-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 110.85 Sub total: 157.06 81 81071213 12/11/2014 CLARK SECURITY PRODUCTS PO150450 Locksmith Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 366.19 Sub total: 366.19 81 81071214 12/11/2014 COMMUNITY PLAYTHINGS & RIFTON PO225273 ROUND TABLE & CHAIRS 110-0000-0-4310-00-4110-1000-173010-078-0000 384.98 Sub total: 384.98 81 81071215 12/11/2014 CREST/GOOD PO151014 Plumbing Parts Only 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 289.91 PO151014 Plumbing Parts Only 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 308.31 PO151014 Plumbing Parts Only 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 151.82 Sub total: 750.04 81 81071216 12/11/2014 DELL COMPUTERS PO653088 OPTIPLEX W/MONITORS 010-0000-0-4420-00-0000-3700-370000-099-0000 4,018.15 Sub total: 4,018.15 81 81071217 12/11/2014 DUNN-EDWARDS CORPORATION PO150309 Paint & Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 36.81 Sub total: 36.81 81 81071218 12/11/2014 ELLIS, DEBORAH PO225379 EVALUATE TREES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 1,000.00 Sub total: 1,000.00 81 81071219 12/11/2014 EWING IRRIGATION PO150182 Irrigation Supplies 010-0000-0-4383-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 212.75 PO150182 Irrigation Supplies 010-0000-0-4383-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 29.88 Sub total: 242.63 81 81071220 12/11/2014 GEARY PACIFIC SUPPLY PO150359 HVAC Parts 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 17.77 Sub total: 17.77 81 81071221 12/11/2014 GRAINGER PO225319 OUTDOOR MATS DISTRICT OFFICE 010-0000-0-4380-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 169.31 PO150382 Misc Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 195.03- PO150382 Misc Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 195.03 PO150382 Misc Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 18.55 Sub total: 187.86 81 81071222 12/11/2014 HILLYARD / SAN FRANCISCO PO150731 Custodial Chemicals & Supplies 010-0000-0-4380-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 797.19 Sub total: 797.19

52 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 52 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071223 12/11/2014 JC PAPER -DEPT 34781 PO150686 Custodial Supplies 010-0000-0-4380-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 755.27 PO150686 Custodial Supplies 010-0000-0-4380-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 1,049.44 PO500659 JUMBO PAPER TOWELS 010-0000-0-9325-00-0000-7540-754000-099-0000 7,269.39 Sub total: 9,074.10 81 81071224 12/11/2014 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY PO150324 HVAC Parts 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 125.33 Sub total: 125.33 81 81071225 12/11/2014 JW PEPPER & SON INC PO150220 SHEET MUSIC AND SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-162000-053-0000 98.04 PO150158 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-162000-055-0000 121.67 Sub total: 219.71 81 81071226 12/11/2014 LINCOLN EQUIPMENT CO PO150331 POOL CHEMICALS & SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4389-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 99.51 PO150331 POOL CHEMICALS & SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4389-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 815.13 PO150331 POOL CHEMICALS & SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4389-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 452.47 PO150331 POOL CHEMICALS & SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4389-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 633.79 PO150331 POOL CHEMICALS & SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4389-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 426.56 PO150331 POOL CHEMICALS & SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4389-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 687.16 PO150331 POOL CHEMICALS & SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4389-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 828.08 Sub total: 3,942.70 81 81071227 12/11/2014 BERKSON, JERRY PV502049 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141080-057-0000 45.63 PV502049 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141080-057-0000 3.99 PV502049 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 3.99- Sub total: 45.63 81 81071228 12/11/2014 BOWEN, AMANDA PV502048 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-4200-555160-057-0000 3,446.88 PV502048 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-4200-555160-057-0000 301.60 PV502048 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-4200-555160-057-0000 816.55 PV502048 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 060-9010-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 301.60- Sub total: 4,263.43 81 81071229 12/11/2014 BOYCE, AMANDA PV502047 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-002-0000 106.56 Sub total: 106.56 81 81071230 12/11/2014 BYUN, JULIA PV502057 CONTRACTED SERVICES 006-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-676010-095-0000 461.04 Sub total: 461.04 81 81071231 12/11/2014 CARRILLO, BRENDA PV502046 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-3120-312000-097-0000 37.53 Sub total: 37.53 81 81071232 12/11/2014 CORDERO, BRIAN PV502051 RENTALS, LEASES, & REPAIRS 080-6500-0-5620-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 900.00 Sub total: 900.00

53 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 53 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071233 12/11/2014 DILLON, LINDA PV502056 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2100-210000-099-0000 60.73 Sub total: 60.73 81 81071234 12/11/2014 GADUS, BRIAN PV502054 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 080-6500-0-5210-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 324.24 Sub total: 324.24 81 81071235 12/11/2014 KIGER, JALYNN PV502045 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181010-025-0000 1,124.00 Sub total: 1,124.00 81 81071236 12/11/2014 SHERIDAN, ANGELINE PV502053 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 080-6500-0-4310-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 26.02 PV502053 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 080-6500-0-4310-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 2.28 PV502053 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 080-6500-0-4310-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 271.42 PV502053 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 080-6500-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 2.28- Sub total: 297.44 81 81071237 12/11/2014 SYVERTSON, PEGGY PV502050 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 080-6500-0-4310-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 197.47 Sub total: 197.47 81 81071238 12/11/2014 ZAIDA, SYEDALI PV502055 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 080-6500-0-5210-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 86.02 Sub total: 86.02 81 81071239 12/12/2014 AUS WEST LOCKBOX PV502070 CONTRACTED SERVICES 010-0000-0-5830-00-7110-2110-920000-088-0000 45.14 PV502070 CONTRACTED SERVICES 010-0000-0-5830-00-7110-2110-920000-088-0000 45.14 Sub total: 90.28 81 81071240 12/12/2014 BARRERA-CRUZ, ALEYDA PV502074 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-192000-012-0000 63.92 Sub total: 63.92 81 81071241 12/12/2014 CALIFORNIA STATE PARKS PV502069 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181600-035-0000 150.00 Sub total: 150.00 81 81071242 12/12/2014 CHOICELUNCH PO150093 FOOD ENTREE SERVICES 130-5310-0-4710-00-0000-3700-370000-052-0000 7,796.40 Sub total: 7,796.40 81 81071243 12/12/2014 CITY OF PALO ALTO UTILITIES PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5501-00-0000-8200-824050-051-0000 1,993.54 PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5502-00-0000-8200-824050-051-0000 7,682.04 PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5503-00-0000-8200-824050-051-0000 2,391.90 PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5504-00-0000-8200-824050-051-0000 923.73 PO150015 Palo Alto Utilities 010-0000-0-5506-00-0000-8200-824050-051-0000 3,908.23

54 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 54 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PV502058 UTILITIES 010-0000-0-5550-00-0000-8200-824050-051-0000 128.34 PO150160 DARK FIBER OPTIC NON RECURRING 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7700-770000-099-0000 1,664.68 Sub total: 18,692.46 81 81071244 12/12/2014 COLEMAN, LAURA PV502080 CONTRACTED SERVICES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7400-740000-099-0000 150.00 Sub total: 150.00 81 81071245 12/12/2014 DUFFY, KEVIN PV502084 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-0000-2140-214000-057-0000 962.02 Sub total: 962.02 81 81071246 12/12/2014 FERGUSON, SHARON PV502079 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106000-095-0000 200.92 Sub total: 200.92 81 81071247 12/12/2014 FLYNN, JULIE PV502064 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141000-051-0000 438.91 Sub total: 438.91 81 81071248 12/12/2014 GLAZIER CLINICS PV502082 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 000-0000-0-5250-00-0000-2140-110000-057-0000 397.00 Sub total: 397.00 81 81071249 12/12/2014 GRALEN, PAUL PV502063 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106000-051-0000 67.45 PV502065 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106000-051-0000 163.93 Sub total: 231.38 81 81071250 12/12/2014 HONG, HYUN PV502068 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-544040-034-0000 407.14 Sub total: 407.14 81 81071251 12/12/2014 IPROMOTEU PV502073 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-012-0000 311.08 Sub total: 311.08 81 81071252 12/12/2014 ISSA PV502066 MAINT/OPERATIONS SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4380-00-0000-8200-824000-099-0000 470.00 Sub total: 470.00 81 81071253 12/12/2014 JANUARIO, MARIA PV502076 PARCEL TAXES 040-0000-0-8621-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 638.00 Sub total: 638.00 81 81071254 12/12/2014 KEENAN AND ASSOCIATES PO150769 WORKERS COMP MONTHLY ADMIN FEE 671-0000-0-5830-00-0000-6000-600000-099-0000 5,428.33 Sub total: 5,428.33 81 81071255 12/12/2014 LEW, ANGIE PV502081 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 010-0000-0-5210-00-0000-2140-214180-092-0000 35.28

55 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 55 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PV502081 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 010-0000-0-5210-00-0000-2140-214180-092-0000 52.25 Sub total: 87.53 81 81071256 12/12/2014 LIBRARY STORE INC PV502062 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141000-051-0000 253.41 Sub total: 253.41 81 81071257 12/12/2014 MCCOMB, JENNA PV502083 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 080-6500-0-5250-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 199.00 Sub total: 199.00 81 81071258 12/12/2014 NISHIYAMA, JUDY PV502067 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2140-214190-092-0000 133.98 Sub total: 133.98 81 81071259 12/12/2014 OLD MISSION SAN JUAN BAUTISTA PV502075 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181600-035-0000 60.00 Sub total: 60.00 81 81071260 12/12/2014 PETERS, CINDY PV502059 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-055-0000 155.12 Sub total: 155.12 81 81071261 12/12/2014 PETERS, ZOE PV502071 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-036-0000 20.00 PV502071 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-036-0000 1.75 PV502071 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-036-0000 217.58 PV502071 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 1.75- Sub total: 237.58 81 81071262 12/12/2014 SCHERER, JOAN PV502060 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-3110-153000-055-0000 185.58 Sub total: 185.58 81 81071263 12/12/2014 SCOTT, LISA PV502072 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-012-0000 7.00 PV502072 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-012-0000 .61 PV502072 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-012-0000 289.46 PV502072 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 .61- Sub total: 296.46 81 81071264 12/12/2014 STAUFFER, MEGAN PV502061 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-3120-312050-055-0000 90.26 Sub total: 90.26 81 81071265 12/12/2014 TOMA, RADU PV502085 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 757.00 Sub total: 757.00 81 81071266 12/12/2014 USMAN, SUSAN PV502077 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-4760-1000-709000-099-0000 1,545.49 Sub total: 1,545.49

56 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 56 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071267 12/12/2014 WESTFRESH CATERING PV502078 CONTRACTED SERVICES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7100-711000-099-0000 202.41 Sub total: 202.41 81 81071268 12/12/2014 ADOLESCENT COUNSELING SERVICES PO150926 Counselor Program 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3120-312000-097-0000 150.00 PO150926 Counselor Program 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3120-312000-097-0000 150.00 PO150926 Counselor Program 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3120-312000-097-0000 150.00 Sub total: 450.00 81 81071269 12/12/2014 ALL CARE PLUS INC PO150106 Live Scan 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7400-740000-099-0000 54.00 Sub total: 54.00 81 81071270 12/12/2014 BELSON OUTDOORS INC PO401894 LUNCH TABLES 000-0000-0-4410-00-1110-1000-141080-057-0000 466.40 PO401894 LUNCH TABLES 000-0000-0-4410-00-1110-1000-141080-057-0000 1,464.00 PO401894 LUNCH TABLES 000-0000-0-4410-00-1110-1000-141080-057-0000 128.10 PO401894 LUNCH TABLES 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 128.10- Sub total: 1,930.40 81 81071271 12/12/2014 BLICK ART MATERIALS PO150901 Art Classroom Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106000-057-0000 1,376.45 Sub total: 1,376.45 81 81071272 12/12/2014 CALIFORNIA SECURITY ALARMS INC PO150298 INTRUSION MONITORING & REPAIRS 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 160.00 PO150298 INTRUSION MONITORING & REPAIRS 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 140.00 PO150298 INTRUSION MONITORING & REPAIRS 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 56.24 PO150298 INTRUSION MONITORING & REPAIRS 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 420.00 PO150298 INTRUSION MONITORING & REPAIRS 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 760.00 Sub total: 1,536.24 81 81071273 12/12/2014 CARS+ ORGANIZATION FOR PO225331 CARS+ REGISTRATION 060-3010-0-5250-00-1110-1000-301000-012-0000 255.00 Sub total: 255.00 81 81071274 12/12/2014 CHENG & TSUI CO PO225247 NI HAO STUDENT WORKSHOP 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-139000-057-0000 316.80 PO225247 NI HAO STUDENT WORKSHOP 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-139000-057-0000 27.72 PO225247 NI HAO STUDENT WORKSHOP 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-139000-057-0000 31.68 PO225247 NI HAO STUDENT WORKSHOP 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-139000-057-0000 2.77 PO225247 NI HAO STUDENT WORKSHOP 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 27.72- PO225247 NI HAO STUDENT WORKSHOP 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 2.77- Sub total: 348.48 81 81071275 12/12/2014 DUNN-EDWARDS CORPORATION PO150309 Paint & Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 574.00 Sub total: 574.00 81 81071276 12/12/2014 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION PO150527 MAIL SERVUCES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3160-316010-099-0000 144.46 Sub total: 144.46

57 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 57 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071277 12/12/2014 FLINN SCIENTIFIC INC PO225248 SCIENCE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-057-0000 559.65 Sub total: 559.65 81 81071278 12/12/2014 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICE PO150730 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 121.56 PO150730 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 84.48 Sub total: 206.04 81 81071279 12/12/2014 J & M CUSTOM EMBROIDERY PO225150 SWEATSHIRTS 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-555170-055-0000 599.50 Sub total: 599.50 81 81071280 12/12/2014 JW PEPPER & SON INC PO150158 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-162000-055-0000 31.40 Sub total: 31.40 81 81071281 12/12/2014 KELLY PAPER PO150893 Copy Paper 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2700-270000-052-0000 243.60 PO150545 COPY PAPER 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-012-0000 51.66 Sub total: 295.26 81 81071282 12/12/2014 KRUEGER INTERNATIONAL (KI) PO224934 LIBRARY FURNITURE 060-9010-0-4410-00-1110-1000-555130-057-0000 19,878.09 Sub total: 19,878.09 81 81071283 12/12/2014 WORKSPACE CONNEXIONS LLC PO225262 CLASSROOM FURNITURE 060-9010-0-4410-00-1110-1000-555130-057-0000 13,929.14 Sub total: 13,929.14 81 81071284 12/16/2014 THEATRE WORKS PO225419 PETER & STARCATCHER MATINEE 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181010-005-0000 1,430.00 Sub total: 1,430.00 81 81071285 12/16/2014 HAROLD BROWN PV502086 CONTRACTED SERVICES 212-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8500-855000-099-0000 2,000.00 Sub total: 2,000.00 81 81071286 12/16/2014 MOBILE MODULAR PO116536 modular rent 212-0000-0-5620-00-0000-8500-855070-057-0000 150.08 PO878018 portable from MA 250-0000-0-5620-00-0000-8500-850470-051-0000 456.00 PO878010 MODULAR BUILDING 30583 250-0000-0-5652-00-0000-8500-850000-055-0000 455.00 Sub total: 1,061.08 81 81071287 12/16/2014 OFFICE DEPOT PO115405 supply 10-11 212-0000-0-4310-00-0000-8500-855000-099-0000 107.66 Sub total: 107.66 81 81071288 12/16/2014 OFFICE DEPOT PO150221 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2700-270000-053-0000 132.41

58 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 58 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO150221 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2700-270000-053-0000 133.75 PO150221 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2700-270000-053-0000 82.13 PO150743 OFFICE/CLASSROOM SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-3110-311000-057-0000 11.94- PO150221 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-132000-053-0000 119.41 PO150022 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-132080-051-0000 42.98 PO150221 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141160-053-0000 145.12 PO150221 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141160-053-0000 410.19 PO150022 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-167000-051-0000 37.65 PO150022 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-167000-051-0000 262.35 PO150022 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-167000-051-0000 200.00 PO150022 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-167000-051-0000 99.44 PO150221 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-053-0000 2.13 PO150405 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2140-214190-092-0000 543.74 PO150653 Office Supplies 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-7400-740000-099-0000 131.55 Sub total: 2,330.91 81 81071289 12/16/2014 STUDIES WEEKLY PV502089 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-014-0000 569.18 Sub total: 569.18 81 81071290 12/16/2014 WE FIX MACS PO150449 TECHNOLOGY REPAIRS 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-114000-053-0000 88.70 PO150449 TECHNOLOGY REPAIRS 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-114000-053-0000 88.70 PO150449 TECHNOLOGY REPAIRS 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-114000-053-0000 146.02 PO150449 TECHNOLOGY REPAIRS 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-114000-053-0000 88.70 PO150449 TECHNOLOGY REPAIRS 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-114000-053-0000 88.70 PO150449 TECHNOLOGY REPAIRS 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-114000-053-0000 88.70 PO150449 TECHNOLOGY REPAIRS 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-114000-053-0000 88.70 PO150449 TECHNOLOGY REPAIRS 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-114000-053-0000 88.70 PO150449 TECHNOLOGY REPAIRS 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-114000-053-0000 88.70 Sub total: 855.62 81 81071291 12/16/2014 XEROX CORPORATION PO150903 COPIER MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 000-0000-0-5620-00-0000-2700-270000-053-0000 312.00 Sub total: 312.00 81 81071292 12/16/2014 BINGAMAN, RENEE PO150670 Behavior Therapy 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618500-037-0000 5,040.00 Sub total: 5,040.00 81 81071293 12/16/2014 GAVALDON, ANDREA PO150254 Behavior Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 1,645.40 Sub total: 1,645.40 81 81071294 12/16/2014 IKEA PV502106 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 212-0000-0-4310-00-0000-8500-855080-055-0000 3,253.57 Sub total: 3,253.57 81 <81071294> Canceled 12/22/2014 IKEA PV502106 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 212-0000-0-4310-00-0000-8500-855080-055-0000 < 3,253.57 > Sub total: < 3,253.57 >

59 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 59 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071295 12/17/2014 FIRST BANKCARD CENTER PV502119 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181610-012-0000 35,310.38 Sub total: 35,310.38 81 81071296 12/17/2014 JAKUBOWSKI, BRIAN AND DIANE PO225416 REIMBURSE PER MEDIATED AGREEMN 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 24,672.00 Sub total: 24,672.00 81 81071297 12/17/2014 ALLOY, RENEE PV502113 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181010-034-0000 398.67 Sub total: 398.67 81 81071298 12/17/2014 ATHLETIC SUPPLY OF CALIFORNIA PV502107 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 344.93 PV502107 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 106.22 PV502107 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 313.31 PV502107 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 342.91 Sub total: 1,107.37 81 81071299 12/17/2014 BIKLE, KELLY PV502123 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-4035-0-5250-00-1110-1000-403500-099-0000 425.04 Sub total: 425.04 81 81071300 12/17/2014 BRANSFIELD, KATHLEEN PV502114 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 147.14 Sub total: 147.14 81 81071301 12/17/2014 BRIDGEPOINT MUSIC LLC CM500061 RENTALS, LEASES, & REPAIRS 010-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-162000-094-0000 100.00- PV502116 RENTALS, LEASES, & REPAIRS 010-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-162000-094-0000 88.00 PV502116 RENTALS, LEASES, & REPAIRS 010-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-162000-094-0000 86.46 PV502116 RENTALS, LEASES, & REPAIRS 010-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-162000-094-0000 51.31 Sub total: 125.77 81 81071302 12/17/2014 BUNTON, KEN PV502110 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-024-0000 119.90 PV502110 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-024-0000 10.49 PV502110 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-024-0000 9.49 PV502110 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-024-0000 39.56 PV502110 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 10.49- Sub total: 168.95 81 81071303 12/17/2014 CARLSON, BETH PV502108 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 547.68 PV502108 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 132.70 PV502108 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 66.00 Sub total: 746.38 81 81071304 12/17/2014 CAWEE PV502124 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 010-0000-0-5250-00-1110-1000-196000-088-0000 55.00 Sub total: 55.00

60 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 60 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071305 12/17/2014 CENTRAL COAST SECTION PV502104 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 112.00 Sub total: 112.00 81 81071306 12/17/2014 DEGREGORIO, CHRISTINA PV502109 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 504.00 PV502109 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 92.45 PV502109 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 44.00 Sub total: 640.45 81 81071307 12/17/2014 DORWIN, JENNIFER PV502087 RENTALS, LEASES, & REPAIRS 080-6500-0-5620-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 270.79 PV502087 CONTRACTED SERVICES 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 378.45 Sub total: 649.24 81 81071308 12/17/2014 DOUGHERTY VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL PV502097 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 375.00 Sub total: 375.00 81 81071309 12/17/2014 EVERGREEN VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL PV502101 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 100.00 Sub total: 100.00 81 81071310 12/17/2014 GANTLEY, AMANDA PV502122 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-1110-1000-739500-032-0000 341.07 Sub total: 341.07 81 81071311 12/17/2014 GRALEN, PAUL PV502100 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-676010-051-0000 294.24 Sub total: 294.24 81 81071312 12/17/2014 HAYES, KRISTINA PV502121 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-1110-1000-739500-032-0000 341.07 Sub total: 341.07 81 81071313 12/17/2014 HENRY, MEGHAN PV502120 CONTRACTED SERVICES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3120-312000-097-0000 500.00 Sub total: 500.00 81 81071314 12/17/2014 KEENAN & ASSOCIATES PO150052 LOSS REPLENISHMENT 671-0000-0-5830-00-0000-6000-600010-099-0000 7,562.87 Sub total: 7,562.87 81 81071315 12/17/2014 KEENAN AND ASSOCIATES PO150481 LIABILITY/PROPERTY CLAIMS 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7200-721000-099-0000 16.33 Sub total: 16.33 81 81071316 12/17/2014 LEON, REBECCA PV502095 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-121000-057-0000 771.41 Sub total: 771.41

61 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 61 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071317 12/17/2014 LUBBE, JAMES PV502088 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2700-270000-055-0000 446.56 PV502088 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141050-055-0000 228.03 PV502088 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-167010-055-0000 24.74 PV502088 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 000-0000-0-5250-00-0000-7410-270000-055-0000 2,436.00 Sub total: 3,135.33 81 81071318 12/17/2014 MCALLISTER, BRIDGET PV502094 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-121000-057-0000 19.99 PV502094 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-121000-057-0000 1.75 PV502094 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-121000-057-0000 489.48 PV502094 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 1.75- Sub total: 509.47 81 81071319 12/17/2014 MILPITAS HIGH SCHOOL PV502103 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 375.00 Sub total: 375.00 81 81071320 12/17/2014 NOTRE DAME HIGH SCHOOL PV502098 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 400.00 Sub total: 400.00 81 81071321 12/17/2014 NUNES, TONY PV502118 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 377.00 Sub total: 377.00 81 81071322 12/17/2014 O'NEILL, SUSIE PV502111 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-053-0000 221.55 Sub total: 221.55 81 81071323 12/17/2014 OAK GROVE BOYS SOCCER PV502105 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 375.00 Sub total: 375.00 81 81071324 12/17/2014 OFEK, SHARON PV502090 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 009-0000-0-5250-00-1110-1000-141020-053-0000 1,078.55 PV502090 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 009-0000-0-5250-00-1110-1000-141020-053-0000 113.89 Sub total: 1,192.44 81 81071325 12/17/2014 PAUSD REVOLVING FUND PV502093 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181010-012-0000 449.08 PV502093 LIFE INSURANCE 010-0000-0-9943-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 3,000.00 Sub total: 3,449.08 81 81071326 12/17/2014 PENNEY, JANINE PV502125 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 416.90 Sub total: 416.90 81 81071327 12/17/2014 ROBELL, MICHELLE PV502091 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 1,105.99 Sub total: 1,105.99

62 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 62 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071328 12/17/2014 SAN MATEO HS GIRLS BBALL PV502102 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 375.00 Sub total: 375.00 81 81071329 12/17/2014 SAUSSOTTE, ELAINE PV502092 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-007-0000 71.25 PV502092 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-007-0000 6.23 PV502092 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-007-0000 74.26 PV502092 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-007-0000 35.45 PV502092 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-007-0000 3.10 PV502092 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-007-0000 11.04 PV502092 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 6.23- PV502092 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 3.10- Sub total: 192.00 81 81071330 12/17/2014 SCHLOTTERBECK, STEVEN PV502115 CONTRACTED SERVICES 010-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-162000-094-0000 70.00 Sub total: 70.00 81 81071331 12/17/2014 TAMALPAIS GIRLS BASKETBALL PV502096 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 375.00 Sub total: 375.00 81 81071332 12/17/2014 TRUSTMARK VOLUNTARY BENEFIT AD PV502099 LIFE INSURANCE 010-0000-0-9943-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 210.52 Sub total: 210.52 81 81071333 12/17/2014 WILLIS, MAUREEN PV502112 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-112000-053-0000 203.90 Sub total: 203.90 81 81071334 12/17/2014 ABRAMS, JENNIFER PO150087 INSTRUCT SUPERVISOR TRAINING 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-2140-214000-092-0000 3,500.00 Sub total: 3,500.00 81 81071335 12/17/2014 ARBOR SCIENTIFIC PO225202 SCIENCE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-057-0000 39.45 PO225202 SCIENCE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-057-0000 3.45 PO225202 SCIENCE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-057-0000 17.51 PO225202 SCIENCE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 3.45- Sub total: 56.96 81 81071336 12/17/2014 AT BATTERY COMPANY INC PO225264 DEEP CYCLE BATTERY 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148010-055-0000 3,516.73 Sub total: 3,516.73 81 81071337 12/17/2014 AUS HAYWARD -SAN JOSE LOCKBOX PO150287 LAUNDRY SERVICE & SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 74.59 PO150287 LAUNDRY SERVICE & SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 74.59 PO150287 LAUNDRY SERVICE & SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 74.59

63 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 63 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO150287 LAUNDRY SERVICE & SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 150.41 PO150287 LAUNDRY SERVICE & SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 291.69 PO150287 LAUNDRY SERVICE & SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 209.69 PO150059 Uniform Services #3037001 070-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 119.64 PO150059 Uniform Services #3037001 070-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 119.64 PO150059 Uniform Services #3037001 070-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 119.64 PO150059 Uniform Services #3037001 070-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 119.64 PO150059 Uniform Services #3037001 070-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 39.74 PO150059 Uniform Services #3037001 070-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 39.74 PO150059 Uniform Services #3037001 070-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 39.74 Sub total: 1,473.34 81 81071338 12/17/2014 AZ BUS SALES INC PO150529 VEHICLE SUPPORT SUPPLIES 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 81.39 PO150529 VEHICLE SUPPORT SUPPLIES 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 79.37 PO150529 VEHICLE SUPPORT SUPPLIES 070-0000-0-4360-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 79.37 Sub total: 240.13 81 81071339 12/17/2014 BECERRA-MENDOZA, ALICIA J. PO150861 Consulting Services 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181060-010-0000 3,750.00 Sub total: 3,750.00 81 81071340 12/17/2014 BLICK ART MATERIALS PO150250 Art Materials 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106000-053-0000 518.97 PO150250 Art Materials 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106000-053-0000 35.72 Sub total: 554.69 81 81071341 12/17/2014 BRIDGEPOINT MUSIC LLC PO150245 Music Supplies; Instr Repair 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-162000-053-0000 12.07 PO150245 Music Supplies; Instr Repair 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-162000-053-0000 51.49 PO150245 Music Supplies; Instr Repair 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-162000-053-0000 71.85 PO150245 Music Supplies; Instr Repair 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-162000-053-0000 20.00 PO150245 Music Supplies; Instr Repair 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-162000-053-0000 136.88 Sub total: 292.29 81 81071342 12/17/2014 DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIAL SVC PO150490 RISO LEASE 000-0000-0-5620-00-0000-2700-270000-053-0000 123.71 Sub total: 123.71 81 81071343 12/17/2014 FIRST SERVICE PO225237 ELECTRIC WINCH 050-8150-0-5620-00-0000-8110-811000-055-0000 58.30 Sub total: 58.30 81 81071344 12/17/2014 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS PO225239 LIBRARY BOOKS 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-553040-052-0000 63.98 PO225240 LIBRARY BOOKS 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-553040-052-0000 323.79 Sub total: 387.77 81 81071345 12/17/2014 GARDENLAND POWER EQUIPMENT PO150209 Landscape Parts 010-0000-0-4383-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 121.73 Sub total: 121.73

64 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 64 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071346 12/17/2014 GRAINGER PO150382 Misc Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 28.06 PO150382 Misc Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 18.52 Sub total: 46.58 81 81071347 12/17/2014 HORIZON AUTOMATIC RAIN PO150289 SPRINKLER AND GROUNDS SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4383-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 106.15 PO150289 SPRINKLER AND GROUNDS SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4383-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 170.06 PO150289 SPRINKLER AND GROUNDS SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4383-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 258.10 Sub total: 534.31 81 81071348 12/17/2014 HUBERT COMPANY PO401889 UTILITY CART 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-8300-830000-099-0000 427.50 Sub total: 427.50 81 81071349 12/17/2014 JW PEPPER & SON INC PO150158 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-162000-055-0000 70.90 Sub total: 70.90 81 81071350 12/17/2014 KELLY PAPER PO150677 Copy Paper 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-005-0000 303.41 PO150699 Paper Supplies 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-7550-755000-099-0000 893.92 Sub total: 1,197.33 81 81071351 12/17/2014 LENZ ARTS PO150745 Art Supplies 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-676010-095-0000 227.61 PO150745 Art Supplies 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-676010-095-0000 165.07 Sub total: 392.68 81 81071352 12/17/2014 ACHIEVE KIDS PO150489 Special Ed Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618500-037-0000 3,630.00 PO150489 Special Ed Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618500-037-0000 4,096.00 PO150489 Special Ed Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618500-037-0000 2,816.00 PO150489 Special Ed Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618500-037-0000 3,310.00 PO150489 Special Ed Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618500-037-0000 3,790.00 PO150489 Special Ed Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618500-037-0000 3,790.00 PO150489 Special Ed Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618500-037-0000 4,560.00 PO150489 Special Ed Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618500-037-0000 3,950.00 PO150489 Special Ed Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618500-037-0000 6,523.00 PO150489 Special Ed Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618500-037-0000 8,352.00 PO150489 Special Ed Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618500-037-0000 5,584.00 PO150489 Special Ed Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618500-037-0000 8,300.00 PO150489 Special Ed Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618500-037-0000 6,481.00 PO150489 Special Ed Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618500-037-0000 7,860.00 PO150489 Special Ed Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618500-037-0000 7,980.00 PO150489 Special Ed Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618500-037-0000 9,744.00 PO150489 Special Ed Services 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618500-037-0000 480.00 PO150489 Special Ed Services 080-6512-0-5830-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 280.00 PO150489 Special Ed Services 080-6512-0-5830-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 320.00 PO150489 Special Ed Services 080-6512-0-5830-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 480.00

65 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 65 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO150489 Special Ed Services 080-6512-0-5830-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 560.00 Sub total: 92,886.00 81 81071353 12/17/2014 PENINSULA ASSOCIATES PO150128 AAC SERVICES 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 7,872.00 Sub total: 7,872.00 81 81071354 12/17/2014 SCHOOL FOR INDEPENDENT LEARNER PO150716 Educational Program 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 5,992.50 Sub total: 5,992.50 81 81071355 12/17/2014 SECOND START LEARNING PO150166 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 2,860.00 Sub total: 2,860.00 81 81071356 12/17/2014 TLC CHILD & FAMILY SERVICES PO150640 Therapy 080-6500-0-5830-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 4,186.75 PO150640 Therapy 080-6512-0-5830-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 14,523.00 Sub total: 18,709.75 81 81071357 12/17/2014 CITY OF PALO ALTO PO225378 THEATRE TICKETS 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 636.00 PO225378 THEATRE TICKETS 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 732.00 PO225385 CHILDREN'S THEATRE 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181600-007-0000 1,028.00 Sub total: 2,396.00 81 81071358 12/17/2014 MACKE WATER SYSTEMS PO150249 WATER DISPENSER RENTAL 000-0000-0-5620-00-0000-2700-270010-025-0000 23.82 PO150538 WATER DISPENSER 010-0000-0-5620-00-0000-7550-755000-099-0000 129.19 Sub total: 153.01 81 81071359 12/17/2014 MHS INC PO225180 EXAM MANUAL/SUMMARY FORMS 080-6500-0-4310-00-5001-3120-631700-037-0000 95.70 PO225266 SPEC ED ONLINE FORMS 080-6500-0-4310-00-5001-3120-631700-037-0000 687.50 Sub total: 783.20 81 81071360 12/17/2014 NASCO MODESTO PO225201 SAFE-T COMPASS CLASS PACK 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-057-0000 30.67 PO150511 SCIENCE SUPPLIES 060-6300-0-4310-00-1110-1000-630000-093-0000 47.63 Sub total: 78.30 81 81071361 12/17/2014 NEW TEACHER CENTER PO225405 READING RECOVERY SPANISH 060-3010-0-5250-00-1110-1000-301000-012-0000 1,500.00 Sub total: 1,500.00 81 81071362 12/17/2014 OVERDRIVE PO150898 Digital Library Provider 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-2420-242060-057-0000 320.76 PO150898 Digital Library Provider 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-2420-242060-057-0000 75.00 PO150898 Digital Library Provider 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-2420-242060-057-0000 62.94 PO150898 Digital Library Provider 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-2420-242060-057-0000 233.90 Sub total: 692.60

66 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 66 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071363 12/17/2014 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS PO225381 DATABASE SUBSCRIPTIONS 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-2420-242060-057-0000 750.00 Sub total: 750.00 81 81071364 12/17/2014 PEARSON EDUCATION PO225394 LANG CULT EXAM BOOKS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-139000-057-0000 1,079.80 Sub total: 1,079.80 81 81071365 12/17/2014 PEARSON EDUCATION, INC. PO225309 WORLD LANG INSTRUCTIONAL 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-139000-057-0000 807.11 PO225308 ALGEBRA I TEXT 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-715600-057-0000 526.18 Sub total: 1,333.29 81 81071366 12/17/2014 PENINSULA SPORTS INC PO225383 FALL GAME FEES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 8,858.64 Sub total: 8,858.64 81 81071367 12/17/2014 PHONAK PO225224 ROGER RECEIVERS/TRANSMITTERS 080-6500-0-4310-00-5750-1130-614500-037-0000 2,701.26 Sub total: 2,701.26 81 81071368 12/17/2014 PHONAK, INC PO150809 Equipment Repair 080-6500-0-5620-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 107.59 Sub total: 107.59 81 81071369 12/17/2014 PITNEY BOWES INC PO150007 DIGITAL MAILING SYSTEM 010-0000-0-5620-00-0000-7540-754010-099-0000 274.05 Sub total: 274.05 81 81071370 12/17/2014 Parent Project Inc PO225291 LOVING SOLUTIONS SPANISH 080-6512-0-4310-00-5750-1190-651200-037-0000 724.50 Sub total: 724.50 81 81071371 12/17/2014 RUSH HOUR INC PO225434 FOOD FOR STAFF DEVELOPMENT 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-034-0000 963.56 PO225434 FOOD FOR STAFF DEVELOPMENT 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-034-0000 963.56 Sub total: 1,927.12 81 81071372 12/17/2014 Riddell/All American Sports PO150451 REPAIR OF SPORTS EQUIP 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 120.88 PO150451 REPAIR OF SPORTS EQUIP 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 753.28 PO150451 REPAIR OF SPORTS EQUIP 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 598.19 PO150451 REPAIR OF SPORTS EQUIP 000-0000-0-5620-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 246.53 Sub total: 1,718.88 81 81071373 12/17/2014 SAUNDERS, KIM PO225395 ACTORS TRAINING 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-121000-057-0000 500.00 Sub total: 500.00 81 81071374 12/17/2014 SCAPES INC PO225392 BENCHES INNER QUAD 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141080-057-0000 1,994.00 Sub total: 1,994.00

67 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 67 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071375 12/17/2014 SEQUOIA UNION HIGH SCH DIST PV502117 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181010-041-0000 354.27 Sub total: 354.27 81 81071376 12/17/2014 SOCIAL THINKING PO225238 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-739500-041-0000 378.82 Sub total: 378.82 81 81071377 12/17/2014 SOLUTION TREE PO225336 SPEAKER FEES 006-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-739500-053-0000 6,500.00 Sub total: 6,500.00 81 81071378 12/17/2014 VALIANT PRIVATE SECURITY PO150381 SECURITY SERVICE 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 360.00 Sub total: 360.00 81 81071379 12/17/2014 ALERT SERVICES PO225400 ATHLETIC TRAINER SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148020-057-0000 594.68 Sub total: 594.68 81 81071380 12/17/2014 ALL STAR CPR PO150065 Training & Materials 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8300-830000-099-0000 1,620.00 Sub total: 1,620.00 81 81071381 12/17/2014 APRINTIS INC PO225438 CMAG 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-132030-057-0000 779.00 PO225399 CMAG ISSUE 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-132030-057-0000 779.00 PO225399 CMAG ISSUE 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-132030-057-0000 779.00 Sub total: 2,337.00 81 81071382 12/17/2014 B AND H PHOTO-Video PO225307 PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT 000-0000-0-4410-00-1110-1000-149000-055-0000 1,101.82 PO225307 PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT 000-0000-0-4410-00-1110-1000-149000-055-0000 96.41 PO225307 PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 96.41- Sub total: 1,101.82 81 81071383 12/17/2014 BIG BITE INC PO225404 VIDEO BLENDED LEARNING MEDIA 060-9010-0-5830-00-1110-1000-555270-057-0000 9,100.00 Sub total: 9,100.00 81 81071384 12/17/2014 BRIDGEPOINT MUSIC LLC PO225432 INSTRUMENT REPAIR 006-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-676010-052-0000 86.18 PO225432 INSTRUMENT REPAIR 006-0000-0-5620-00-1110-1000-676010-052-0000 683.60 Sub total: 769.78 81 81071385 12/17/2014 CALIFORNIA SECURITY ALARMS INC PO150298 INTRUSION MONITORING & REPAIRS 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 38.87 Sub total: 38.87 81 81071386 12/17/2014 CALTRONICS BUSINESS SYSTEMS PO150710 Copier Overage 080-3410-0-5620-00-1110-1000-341000-088-0000 27.01 Sub total: 27.01

68 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 68 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071387 12/17/2014 CRS ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY PO150025 Sub Finder Monthly Support 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7400-740000-099-0000 10,103.96 Sub total: 10,103.96 81 81071388 12/17/2014 JW PEPPER & SON INC PO150220 SHEET MUSIC AND SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-162000-053-0000 152.08 PO150220 SHEET MUSIC AND SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-162000-053-0000 119.80 PO150220 SHEET MUSIC AND SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-162000-053-0000 248.47 Sub total: 520.35 81 81071389 12/17/2014 LEMAIRE, MARK PO225436 CONSULT PA SYSTEM CAFETORIUM 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-141000-053-0000 4,900.00 Sub total: 4,900.00 81 81071390 12/18/2014 MATSMATSMATS.COM PO225243 KNEELING PAD 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-640500-099-0000 39.63 Sub total: 39.63 81 81071391 12/18/2014 MAXIM STAFFING SOLUTIONS PO150168 NURSE 080-6500-0-5804-00-5770-1180-618700-037-0000 242.50 Sub total: 242.50 81 81071392 12/18/2014 MCMASTER-CARR PO150419 ENGINEERING TECH SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148010-055-0000 163.84 Sub total: 163.84 81 81071393 12/18/2014 METRO MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS PO151019 EMERGENCY RADIOS 010-0000-0-4379-00-0000-8400-840000-099-0000 392.63 PO151019 EMERGENCY RADIOS 010-0000-0-4379-00-0000-8400-840000-099-0000 4,367.81 PO151019 EMERGENCY RADIOS 010-0000-0-4379-00-0000-8400-840000-099-0000 602.25 PO151019 EMERGENCY RADIOS 010-0000-0-4379-00-0000-8400-840000-099-0000 58.94 PO151019 EMERGENCY RADIOS 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8400-840000-099-0000 598.80 PO151019 EMERGENCY RADIOS 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8400-840000-099-0000 359.00 PO150988 REPEATER SERVICE/GPS 130-5310-0-5930-00-0000-3700-370000-099-0000 94.85 PO150988 REPEATER SERVICE/GPS 130-5310-0-5930-00-0000-3700-370000-099-0000 94.85 Sub total: 6,569.13 81 81071394 12/18/2014 MFASCO HEALTH & SAFETY PO224971 DISASTER PREP SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4379-00-0000-8400-840000-099-0000 60.66 PO224971 DISASTER PREP SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4379-00-0000-8400-840000-099-0000 5.31 PO224971 DISASTER PREP SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4379-00-0000-8400-840000-099-0000 24.40 PO224971 DISASTER PREP SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4379-00-0000-8400-840000-099-0000 2.14 PO224971 DISASTER PREP SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 5.31- PO224971 DISASTER PREP SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 2.14- Sub total: 85.06 81 81071395 12/18/2014 MOBILE MODULAR PO150971 MODULAR BUILDING RENTAL 010-0000-0-5620-00-0000-8700-870010-099-0000 641.35 Sub total: 641.35 81 81071396 12/18/2014 MUSICTRIP.COM PO225241 SO CAL MUSIC TRIP 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-162000-052-0000 22,000.00 Sub total: 22,000.00

69 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 69 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071397 12/18/2014 NASCO MODESTO PO150270 ART SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106000-051-0000 155.95 Sub total: 155.95 81 81071398 12/18/2014 NATUREBRIDGE PO224208 SCIENCE CAMP 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-141620-052-0000 21,796.00 PO224208 SCIENCE CAMP 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-141620-052-0000 33,574.00 Sub total: 55,370.00 81 81071399 12/18/2014 NCS PEARSON INC. PO222786 AIMSWEB TRAINING 060-3010-0-5830-00-1110-1000-301000-012-0000 5,000.00 Sub total: 5,000.00 81 81071400 12/18/2014 PACKET FUSION INC. PO225350 SHORE PHONE LICENSE 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7700-770000-099-0000 4,044.54 Sub total: 4,044.54 81 81071401 12/18/2014 PALO ALTO HARDWARE PO150453 Hardware for Robots 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-554390-057-0000 10.84 Sub total: 10.84 81 81071402 12/18/2014 PARCHMENT INC PO225330 ANNUAL PARCHMENT SENDER SVC 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7700-770000-099-0000 4,000.00 Sub total: 4,000.00 81 81071403 12/18/2014 PATTERSON MEDICAL SUPPLY PO225225 ICE PACKS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-014-0000 57.47 Sub total: 57.47 81 81071404 12/18/2014 PENINSULA SPORTS INC PO225325 GAME FEES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-055-0000 114.00 PO225325 GAME FEES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-055-0000 10,315.84 Sub total: 10,429.84 81 81071405 12/18/2014 PESTRONG, SHANON PO150238 ADVERTISING CHARGES 110-0000-0-5830-00-4110-2700-270010-078-0000 237.50 PO150238 ADVERTISING CHARGES 110-0000-0-5830-00-4110-2700-270010-078-0000 375.00 Sub total: 612.50 81 81071406 12/18/2014 PINGUELO CONSTRUCTION INC PO225027 ELEMENTARY WINDOW COVERINGS 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8500-850540-099-0000 134,341.41 Sub total: 134,341.41 81 81071407 12/18/2014 PITSCO PO225189 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148000-051-0000 591.44 Sub total: 591.44 81 81071408 12/18/2014 PLOGER, MARIANNE PO225433 REIMBURSE WORKSHOP FEE 006-0000-0-5800-00-1110-1000-676010-055-0000 1,019.70 Sub total: 1,019.70

70 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 70 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071409 12/18/2014 PRIORITY RESEARCH GROUP PO150455 Investigative Services 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7600-313000-099-0000 50.00 Sub total: 50.00 81 81071410 12/18/2014 READING WRITING PROJECT PO225174 PROF DEV SERVICES 060-7405-0-5830-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 5,504.33 PO225174 PROF DEV SERVICES 060-7405-0-5830-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 6,750.09 Sub total: 12,254.42 81 81071411 12/18/2014 REALLY GOOD STUFF PO225217 CLASSROOM SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-014-0000 64.82 PO225217 CLASSROOM SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-014-0000 5.67 PO225217 CLASSROOM SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 5.67- Sub total: 64.82 81 81071412 12/18/2014 RICHARD P CARR PHYSICAL THERAP PO150675 Ergonomic Services 006-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-640500-099-0000 185.00 Sub total: 185.00 81 81071413 12/18/2014 S AND S WORLDWIDE PO225268 JUMP ROPES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-024-0000 61.11 Sub total: 61.11 81 81071414 12/18/2014 SAN JOSE CHARTERS INC PO224993 TRANSPORT TO HEADLANDS 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-141620-052-0000 1,398.50 PO224993 TRANSPORT TO HEADLANDS 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-141620-052-0000 2,265.35 PO224993 TRANSPORT TO HEADLANDS 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-141620-052-0000 2,080.50 Sub total: 5,744.35 81 81071415 12/18/2014 SCHOLASTIC PO225193 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 127.80 Sub total: 127.80 81 81071416 12/18/2014 SCHOOLBINDER INC PO225359 TEACHBOOST ANNUAL LICENSE 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-141580-055-0000 6,966.00 Sub total: 6,966.00 81 81071417 12/18/2014 SCVAL -SANTA CLARA HIGH SCHOOL PO225362 PLAYOFF FEES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-055-0000 700.00 PO225382 FALL PLAYOFF FEES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 850.00 Sub total: 1,550.00 81 81071418 12/18/2014 SECOND START LEARNING PO150357 Employment & Training at VA 010-0000-0-5830-00-7110-2110-920000-088-0000 9,818.00 Sub total: 9,818.00 81 81071419 12/18/2014 SFMNPA PO225407 AGE OF SAIL PROGRAM 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181600-025-0000 4,980.00 Sub total: 4,980.00 81 81071420 12/18/2014 SIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL PO225435 MONTHLY STORM WATER OBSERVATN 050-8150-0-5830-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 1,365.00 Sub total: 1,365.00

71 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 71 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071421 12/18/2014 TAG/AMS INC. PO150785 Employee Screening 070-0000-0-5830-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 520.00 Sub total: 520.00 81 81071422 12/18/2014 TRIARCO PO225272 SCRATCH FOAM BOARD 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-014-0000 87.43 Sub total: 87.43 81 81071423 12/18/2014 TRIUMPH LEARNING PO225306 WRITER'S THESAURUS 009-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141020-052-0000 346.53 Sub total: 346.53 81 81071424 12/18/2014 VAVRINEK TRINE DAY AND CO PO150042 AUDIT SERVICES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 27,000.00 PO150042 AUDIT SERVICES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 5,000.00 Sub total: 32,000.00 81 81071425 12/18/2014 VISIONARY INTEGRATION PO150395 IT PROJECT MANAGER 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7700-770000-099-0000 12,700.00 Sub total: 12,700.00 81 81071426 12/18/2014 VWR INTERNATIONAL PO225116 SCIENCE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-057-0000 21.16 PO225116 SCIENCE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-057-0000 82.18 Sub total: 103.34 81 81071427 12/18/2014 WESTFRESH CATERING PO225324 STAFF WELLNESS CATERING 000-0000-0-5830-00-0000-2700-270000-055-0000 3,488.27 Sub total: 3,488.27 81 81071428 12/18/2014 ALFORD, BARBARA PV502142 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 1,327.31 Sub total: 1,327.31 81 81071429 12/18/2014 AT & T MOBILITY PV502158 TELEPHONE 080-3410-0-5930-00-1110-1000-341000-088-0000 192.66 Sub total: 192.66 81 81071430 12/18/2014 BAHRAMI, MITRA PV502135 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 110-0000-0-5250-00-4110-2140-188070-078-0000 320.00 Sub total: 320.00 81 81071431 12/18/2014 BALES-STUTES, ELIZABETH PV502133 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 110-0000-0-5250-00-4110-2140-188070-078-0000 190.00 Sub total: 190.00 81 81071432 12/18/2014 BERKSON, JERRY PV502165 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-555210-057-0000 486.49 Sub total: 486.49 81 81071433 12/18/2014 BREU, WENDY PV502168 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-132000-057-0000 42.88

72 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 72 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PV502168 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-132000-057-0000 3.75 PV502168 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-132000-057-0000 54.71 PV502168 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 3.75- Sub total: 97.59 81 81071434 12/18/2014 BRIGGS, DON PV502166 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 391.60 PV502166 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 34.27 PV502166 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 25.49 PV502166 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 34.27- Sub total: 417.09 81 81071435 12/18/2014 BROWN, SUZANNE PV502183 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-3110-311000-057-0000 60.86 Sub total: 60.86 81 81071436 12/18/2014 BULAN, JOHN PV502151 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141080-055-0000 54.95 PV502151 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141080-055-0000 4.81 PV502151 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141080-055-0000 45.83 PV502151 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-4200-110000-055-0000 58.39 PV502151 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 4.81- Sub total: 159.17 81 81071437 12/18/2014 BUSSMANN, MARY PV502138 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-024-0000 31.43 Sub total: 31.43 81 81071438 12/18/2014 CARLSON, BETH PV502146 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141060-052-0000 51.96 Sub total: 51.96 81 81071439 12/18/2014 CHEN, ELSA PV502177 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181010-025-0000 35.00 Sub total: 35.00 81 81071440 12/18/2014 CHILDRESS, MARY PV502175 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-6300-0-4310-00-1110-1000-630000-093-0000 15.53 PV502175 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-6300-0-4310-00-1110-1000-630000-093-0000 518.00 Sub total: 533.53 81 81071441 12/18/2014 COLE, SUSAN PV502137 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 110-0000-0-5250-00-4110-2140-188070-078-0000 305.00 Sub total: 305.00 81 81071442 12/18/2014 COX, JIM PV502143 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 010-0000-0-5250-00-0000-2140-214000-092-0000 1,836.98 Sub total: 1,836.98 81 81071443 12/18/2014 DAY, LORI ANDERSON PV502147 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-052-0000 220.50 Sub total: 220.50

73 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 73 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071444 12/18/2014 DINNEEN, JILL PV502156 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-005-0000 108.92 Sub total: 108.92 81 81071445 12/18/2014 DOANE, SALLY PV502167 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-121000-057-0000 497.97 PV502167 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-121000-057-0000 43.57 PV502167 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-121000-057-0000 103.50 PV502167 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 43.57- Sub total: 601.47 81 81071446 12/18/2014 EL CAJON PROJECT INC. PV502159 CONTRACTED SERVICES 006-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-637700-088-0000 429.00 Sub total: 429.00 81 81071447 12/18/2014 FELDSTEIN, DARLENE PV502150 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141560-055-0000 120.42 PV502150 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-141560-055-0000 79.80 Sub total: 200.22 81 81071448 12/18/2014 GILROY HS WRESTLING PV502187 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 150.00 Sub total: 150.00 81 81071449 12/18/2014 GODDARD, TERRI PV502161 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 110-0000-0-4310-00-4110-1000-173010-078-0000 155.17 Sub total: 155.17 81 81071450 12/18/2014 GRANLUND-MOYER, KRISTINA PV502153 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148010-055-0000 225.70 PV502153 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148010-055-0000 19.75 PV502153 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148010-055-0000 625.28 PV502153 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 19.75- Sub total: 850.98 81 81071451 12/18/2014 GREGORY, CATHY PV502189 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106050-057-0000 40.78 Sub total: 40.78 81 81071452 12/18/2014 GRIERSON, CHRIS PV502141 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 4,191.96 Sub total: 4,191.96 81 81071453 12/18/2014 IPROMOTEU PV502163 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-014-0000 332.10 Sub total: 332.10 81 81071454 12/18/2014 KIGER, JALYNN PV502171 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-025-0000 83.86 PV502172 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-025-0000 99.90

74 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 74 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PV502172 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-025-0000 8.74 PV502172 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-025-0000 15.38 PV502172 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 8.74- Sub total: 199.14 81 81071455 12/18/2014 KIGER, JALYNN PV502170 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-025-0000 34.92 PV502170 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-025-0000 3.06 PV502170 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-025-0000 156.17 PV502170 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 3.06- Sub total: 191.09 81 81071456 12/18/2014 LA PLACE, PIER ANGELI PV502130 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 000-0000-0-5250-00-0000-2140-141000-052-0000 60.00 Sub total: 60.00 81 81071457 12/18/2014 LOREY, ANN PV502132 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-0000-2140-739500-053-0000 239.00 Sub total: 239.00 81 81071458 12/18/2014 LUO, LINDA PV502178 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 009-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141020-053-0000 154.12 Sub total: 154.12 81 81071459 12/18/2014 LYNBROOK HIGH SCHOOL PV502180 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 395.00 Sub total: 395.00 81 81071460 12/18/2014 MADCO WELD SUPPLY PV502169 RENTALS, LEASES, & REPAIRS 060-9010-0-5620-00-1110-1000-554390-057-0000 10.00 Sub total: 10.00 81 81071461 12/18/2014 MCALLISTER, BRIDGET PV502181 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-121000-057-0000 514.14 Sub total: 514.14 81 81071462 12/18/2014 MCDANIEL, HILARY PV502145 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-553020-057-0000 1,464.90 Sub total: 1,464.90 81 81071463 12/18/2014 MCKENNA, MIKAELA PV502128 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 752.35 Sub total: 752.35 81 81071464 12/18/2014 MCKENZIE, KATE PV502173 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-676010-057-0000 28.56 PV502173 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-676010-057-0000 2.50 PV502173 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-676010-057-0000 85.45 PV502173 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 006-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 2.50- Sub total: 114.01 81 81071465 12/18/2014 MORIMOTO, CHRIS PV502176 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 009-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-041-0000 351.09 Sub total: 351.09

75 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 75 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071466 12/18/2014 NAJAR, MICHAEL PV502131 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 006-0000-0-5250-00-1110-1000-676010-099-0000 352.26 Sub total: 352.26 81 81071467 12/18/2014 NASSP PV502164 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 009-0000-0-5300-00-1110-1000-141020-053-0000 250.00 Sub total: 250.00 81 81071468 12/18/2014 NEW YORK TIMES, THE PV502182 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-2420-242060-057-0000 23.70 Sub total: 23.70 81 81071469 12/18/2014 NGUYEN, HANNAH PV502179 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-121000-057-0000 22.83 Sub total: 22.83 81 81071470 12/18/2014 NOETH, TERRY PV502144 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 1,005.72 Sub total: 1,005.72 81 81071471 12/18/2014 OCLC INC PV502188 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-2420-242060-057-0000 67.50 PV502188 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-2420-242060-057-0000 27.00 Sub total: 94.50 81 81071472 12/18/2014 OZA, MANGLA PV502136 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 997.39 Sub total: 997.39 81 81071473 12/18/2014 PANG, NANCY PV502127 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 010-0000-0-5250-00-0000-2420-242020-098-0000 579.90 Sub total: 579.90 81 81071474 12/18/2014 PAPANICOLAU, LINDA PV502149 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106000-052-0000 62.66 Sub total: 62.66 81 81071475 12/18/2014 PARKINSON, KATHLEEN PV502162 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181600-036-0000 82.89 PV502162 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181060-036-0000 252.00 Sub total: 334.89 81 81071476 12/18/2014 PAUSD COMMUTER ACCOUNT PV502140 CONTRACTED SERVICES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7400-740030-099-0000 300.00 PV502140 MISCELLANEOUS DEDUCTIONS 010-0000-0-9946-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 1,282.30 Sub total: 1,582.30 81 81071477 12/18/2014 PAYFLEX PV502139 CONTRACTED SERVICES 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7400-740030-099-0000 2,162.90 Sub total: 2,162.90

76 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 76 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071478 12/18/2014 RAINBOW MUSIC THERAPY SERVICES PV502126 CONTRACTED SERVICES 110-0000-0-5830-00-4110-1000-173010-078-0000 762.50 PV502126 CONTRACTED SERVICES 110-0000-0-5830-00-4110-1000-173010-078-0000 446.25 Sub total: 1,208.75 81 81071479 12/18/2014 RAMIREZ, SARAH PV502157 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181010-041-0000 97.72 Sub total: 97.72 81 81071480 12/18/2014 REDFIELD, CHRIS PV502155 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141070-055-0000 50.00 PV502155 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-141070-055-0000 492.00 Sub total: 542.00 81 81071481 12/18/2014 SAN BENITO HS WRESTLING PV502186 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-4200-110000-057-0000 60.00 Sub total: 60.00 81 81071482 12/18/2014 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS - 13 PV502148 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-242060-052-0000 3,552.08 Sub total: 3,552.08 81 81071483 12/18/2014 SHI, KELLY PV502184 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-121000-057-0000 27.18 Sub total: 27.18 81 81071484 12/18/2014 SHIELDS, DANA PV502174 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 010-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106000-095-0000 68.12 Sub total: 68.12 81 81071485 12/18/2014 SHIRLEY, STEVEN A PV502129 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 758.54 Sub total: 758.54 81 81071486 12/18/2014 STAUFFER, MEGAN PV502154 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-3120-312050-055-0000 43.30 Sub total: 43.30 81 81071487 12/18/2014 WOJTOWICZ, SIMONE PV502134 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 110-0000-0-5250-00-4110-2140-188070-078-0000 280.00 PV502134 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 110-0000-0-5250-00-4110-2140-188070-078-0000 23.52 Sub total: 303.52 81 81071488 12/18/2014 YOUNG, PEARL PV502160 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 080-3410-0-4310-00-1110-1000-341000-088-0000 130.45 Sub total: 130.45 81 81071489 12/18/2014 ALTEN CONSTRUCTION INC CM500063 IMPROVEMENT OF BLDGS 212-0000-0-6230-00-0000-8500-855040-057-0000 23,382.66- PO116550 paly new theater 212-0000-0-6230-00-0000-8500-855040-057-0000 444,270.53

77 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 77 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO116550 paly new theater 212-0000-0-6230-00-0000-8500-855040-057-0000 23,382.66 Sub total: 444,270.53 81 81071490 12/18/2014 BANK OF MARIN PV502185 IMPROVEMENT OF BLDGS 212-0000-0-6230-00-0000-8500-855040-057-0000 23,382.66 Sub total: 23,382.66 81 81071491 12/18/2014 MOBILE MODULAR PO807600 MODULAR 250-0000-0-5652-00-0000-8500-850000-034-0000 1,196.00 PO807600 MODULAR 250-0000-0-5652-00-0000-8500-850000-034-0000 1,196.00 PO878020 portable at gunn from MA 250-0000-0-5652-00-0000-8500-850000-055-0000 928.00 Sub total: 3,320.00 81 81071492 12/18/2014 OFFICEFURNITURE.COM PO116647 furniture 212-0000-0-4410-00-0000-8500-855080-055-0000 2,483.30 PO116647 furniture 212-0000-0-4410-00-0000-8500-855080-055-0000 863.47 Sub total: 3,346.77 81 81071493 12/18/2014 STEEL FENCE SYSTEMS PO116648 fence 212-0000-0-6299-00-0000-8500-855020-051-0000 1,385.00 PO116653 fence 212-0000-0-6299-00-0000-8500-855020-051-0000 5,090.00 Sub total: 6,475.00 81 81071494 12/18/2014 VIRCO INC PO401886 TRAPEZOID TABLE 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2700-270000-055-0000 224.72 CM500062 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 212-0000-0-4310-00-0000-8500-855030-057-0000 8,970.75- PV502152 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 212-0000-0-4310-00-0000-8500-855030-057-0000 8,970.75 Sub total: 224.72 81 81071495 12/18/2014 MADCO WELD SUPPLY PO150396 Welding Supplies 010-0000-0-4383-00-0000-8200-820000-099-0000 10.00 Sub total: 10.00 81 81071496 12/18/2014 NCS PEARSON PO225156 WISC-V COMPLETE KIT 080-6500-0-4310-00-5001-3120-631700-037-0000 1,370.69 Sub total: 1,370.69 81 81071497 12/18/2014 OFFICE DEPOT PO150179 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2700-270000-052-0000 278.73 PO150179 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2700-270000-052-0000 27.18 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2700-270000-055-0000 112.45 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2700-270000-055-0000 17.25 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2700-270000-055-0000 218.90 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2700-270000-055-0000 20.00 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2700-270000-055-0000 14.55 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2700-270000-055-0000 160.84 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2700-270000-055-0000 12.81 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-0000-3110-311000-055-0000 469.53 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-131000-055-0000 4.34 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-132000-055-0000 81.07 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-139000-055-0000 227.66

78 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 78 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-139000-055-0000 38.35 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-139000-055-0000 39.48 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141550-055-0000 191.16 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-157000-055-0000 575.07 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-167000-055-0000 15.36 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-167000-055-0000 29.51 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-167000-055-0000 10.85 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-055-0000 104.20 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-055-0000 3.46 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-055-0000 69.93 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-055-0000 113.09 PO150625 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-032-0000 198.61 PO150625 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-032-0000 10.66 PO150625 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-032-0000 34.51 PO150625 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-032-0000 47.81 PO150625 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-032-0000 256.63 PO150625 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-032-0000 190.54 PO150625 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-032-0000 245.08 PO150625 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-032-0000 86.57 PO150625 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-032-0000 156.56 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-184000-055-0000 1.15 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-184000-055-0000 96.33 PO150176 Office Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-2420-242060-055-0000 28.32 PO150927 Office Supplies 010-0000-0-4310-00-0000-2140-214180-092-0000 325.29 PO150176 Office Supplies 010-0000-0-4310-00-1110-4200-420010-055-0000 207.48 PO150262 Office Supplies 060-6300-0-4310-00-1110-1000-630000-093-0000 77.28 Sub total: 4,798.59 81 81071498 12/18/2014 SAFEWAY STORES PO150263 GROCERIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-051-0000 160.19 PO150263 GROCERIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-051-0000 18.15- PO150263 GROCERIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-051-0000 92.68 PO150263 GROCERIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-051-0000 3.52- PO150263 GROCERIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-051-0000 125.23 PO150263 GROCERIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-051-0000 39.45- PO150263 GROCERIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-051-0000 116.17 PO150263 GROCERIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-051-0000 38.61 PO150240 FOOD FOR COOKING CLASS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-053-0000 255.94 PO150240 FOOD FOR COOKING CLASS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-053-0000 89.74 PO150240 FOOD FOR COOKING CLASS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-053-0000 113.29 PO150240 FOOD FOR COOKING CLASS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-053-0000 22.97 PO150240 FOOD FOR COOKING CLASS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-053-0000 337.67 PO150240 FOOD FOR COOKING CLASS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-053-0000 9.75 PO150161 GROCERIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-145000-055-0000 5.49 PO150149 SCIENCE RESOURCE SUPPLIES 060-6300-0-4310-00-1110-1000-630000-093-0000 154.35 Sub total: 1,460.96 81 81071499 12/18/2014 VALIANT PRIVATE SECURITY PO150510 Security Services 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-8200-824060-099-0000 830.00 Sub total: 830.00 81 81071500 12/18/2014 ACHIEVEMENT PRODUCTS PO225343 QUILTED VEST/WEIGHTED BLANKET 080-6500-0-4310-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 191.27 Sub total: 191.27

79 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 79 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071501 12/18/2014 ALIMED INC PO225344 SPEC ED SUPPLIES 080-6500-0-4310-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 73.75 PO225344 SPEC ED SUPPLIES 080-6500-0-4310-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 6.45 PO225344 SPEC ED SUPPLIES 080-6500-0-4310-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 12.95 PO225344 SPEC ED SUPPLIES 080-6500-0-4310-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 1.13 PO225344 SPEC ED SUPPLIES 080-6500-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 6.45- PO225344 SPEC ED SUPPLIES 080-6500-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 1.13- Sub total: 86.70 81 81071502 12/18/2014 ALLIANCE OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE PO150925 Workers Comp Medical Care 006-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-640500-099-0000 84.99 Sub total: 84.99 81 81071503 12/18/2014 BARNES HAZMAT INC. PO150885 Safety & Training 010-0000-0-5250-00-0000-8300-830000-099-0000 124.00 Sub total: 124.00 81 81071504 12/18/2014 BECERRA-MENDOZA, ALICIA J. PO150861 Consulting Services 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181060-010-0000 787.50 Sub total: 787.50 81 81071505 12/18/2014 BLICK ART MATERIALS PO225234 MODEL MAGIC 006-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-676010-095-0000 1,039.31 Sub total: 1,039.31 81 81071506 12/18/2014 CAL STEAM PO150296 PLUMBING SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 353.33 Sub total: 353.33 81 81071507 12/18/2014 CALSSD PO150392 MEMBERSHIP 010-0000-0-5300-00-0000-7100-715000-099-0000 3,000.00 Sub total: 3,000.00 81 81071508 12/18/2014 COUSIN'S VIDEO INC PO225323 BOOM MICROPHONE HEADSET 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-167000-055-0000 22.45 PO225323 BOOM MICROPHONE HEADSET 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-167000-055-0000 1.96 PO225323 BOOM MICROPHONE HEADSET 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-167000-055-0000 7.95 PO225323 BOOM MICROPHONE HEADSET 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-167000-055-0000 .70 PO225323 BOOM MICROPHONE HEADSET 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 1.96- PO225323 BOOM MICROPHONE HEADSET 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 .70- Sub total: 30.40 81 81071509 12/18/2014 CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES INC PO225274 iReady Diagnostic Math/Reading 010-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-192000-005-0000 990.00 PO225292 STANDARDIZED KIT 080-6500-0-4310-00-5770-1110-611700-037-0000 412.91 Sub total: 1,402.91 81 81071510 12/18/2014 DAKOTA PRESS INC PO151021 PRINTING ADULT SCH SCHEDULE 110-0000-0-5830-00-4110-2700-270010-078-0000 12,306.32 Sub total: 12,306.32

80 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 80 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071511 12/18/2014 DECISIONINSITE LLC PO150201 DEMOGRAPHCS/ENROLLMNT ANALYSIS 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7300-730000-099-0000 2,100.00 Sub total: 2,100.00 81 81071512 12/18/2014 FIRST SERVICE PO225163 GYM BACKSTOP REPAIR 050-8150-0-5620-00-0000-8110-811000-055-0000 1,900.00 Sub total: 1,900.00 81 81071513 12/18/2014 FLINN SCIENTIFIC INC PO225214 SCIENCE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-178000-055-0000 123.41 Sub total: 123.41 81 81071514 12/18/2014 FOLGER GRAPHICS INC PO225439 VERDE MAGAZINE 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-132040-057-0000 2,909.06 PO225398 VERDE MAGAZINE PRINTING 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-132040-057-0000 2,865.56 PO225397 VIKING MAGAZINE PRINTING 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-132050-057-0000 3,063.94 PO225397 VIKING MAGAZINE PRINTING 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-132050-057-0000 2,962.19 Sub total: 11,800.75 81 81071515 12/18/2014 GEARY PACIFIC SUPPLY PO150359 HVAC Parts 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 101.07 Sub total: 101.07 81 81071516 12/18/2014 GENERAL HARDWARE AND SUPPLY IN PO150315 Maintenance Supplies 050-8150-0-4380-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 521.57 Sub total: 521.57 81 81071517 12/18/2014 HEINEMANN EDUCATIONAL BOOKS PO225253 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 006-0000-0-4310-00-4760-1000-709000-041-0000 6,771.53 PO225252 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 010-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-192000-041-0000 5,545.63 PO225246 PRINCIPAL'S GUIDE TO LEADERSHP 060-7405-0-4210-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 698.25 PO225312 WRITING PATHWAYS STUDY BUNDLE 060-7405-0-4210-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 711.62 Sub total: 13,727.03 81 81071518 12/18/2014 JW PEPPER & SON INC PO150257 SHEET MUSIC 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-162000-051-0000 117.66 PO150158 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-162000-055-0000 199.97 PO150158 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-162000-055-0000 346.34 Sub total: 663.97 81 81071519 12/18/2014 K-LOG, INC. PO401899 CONFERENCE TABLE 000-0000-0-4410-00-1110-1000-181010-014-0000 749.00 PO401899 CONFERENCE TABLE 000-0000-0-4410-00-1110-1000-181010-014-0000 65.54 PO401899 CONFERENCE TABLE 000-0000-0-4410-00-1110-1000-181010-014-0000 279.08 PO401899 CONFERENCE TABLE 000-0000-0-4410-00-1110-1000-181010-014-0000 24.42 PO401899 CONFERENCE TABLE 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 65.54- PO401899 CONFERENCE TABLE 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 24.42- Sub total: 1,028.08 81 81071520 12/18/2014 KELLY PAPER PO150088 Copy Paper 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-141080-051-0000 842.81 Sub total: 842.81

81 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 81 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ 81 81071521 12/18/2014 KOHLWEISS AUTO PARTS PO150172 Instr Materials & Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148000-055-0000 341.89- PO150172 Instr Materials & Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148000-055-0000 218.45 PO150172 Instr Materials & Supplies 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-148000-055-0000 467.60 Sub total: 344.16 81 81071522 12/18/2014 LINCOLN EQUIPMENT CO PO150331 POOL CHEMICALS & SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4389-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 685.61 PO150331 POOL CHEMICALS & SUPPLIES 050-8150-0-4389-00-0000-8110-811000-099-0000 2,023.96 Sub total: 2,709.57 81 81071523 12/18/2014 ALL CARE PLUS INC PO150106 Live Scan 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7400-740000-099-0000 270.00 PO150106 Live Scan 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7400-740000-099-0000 234.00 PO150106 Live Scan 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7400-740000-099-0000 288.00 PO150106 Live Scan 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7400-740000-099-0000 216.00 PO150106 Live Scan 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7400-740000-099-0000 54.00 PO150106 Live Scan 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7400-740000-099-0000 144.00 PO150106 Live Scan 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7400-740000-099-0000 180.00 PO150106 Live Scan 010-0000-0-5830-00-0000-7400-740000-099-0000 144.00 Sub total: 1,530.00 81 81071524 12/18/2014 ANTINK, SUZANNE PV502191 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-157000-057-0000 110.00 PV502191 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-157000-057-0000 9.63 PV502191 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-157000-057-0000 45.87 PV502191 ACCTS PAYABLE-USE TAX 000-0000-0-9512-00-0000-0000-000000-000-0000 9.63- Sub total: 155.87 81 81071525 12/18/2014 BERKSON, JERRY PV502194 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-132070-057-0000 3,230.00 PV502198 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 1,207.20 PV502198 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 539.00 PV502198 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 060-9010-0-4310-00-1110-1000-555130-057-0000 93.50 Sub total: 5,069.70 81 81071526 12/18/2014 CENTURY GRAPHICS PV502192 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181010-002-0000 761.68 PV502192 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 009-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-181020-002-0000 500.00 Sub total: 1,261.68 81 81071527 12/18/2014 DIORIO, KIMBERLY PV502201 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 893.55 Sub total: 893.55 81 81071528 12/18/2014 ERBER, ALICE PV502190 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-3110-311020-057-0000 183.61 PV502190 MILEAGE/PERSONAL EXP REIMB 000-0000-0-5210-00-1110-3110-311020-057-0000 20.00 Sub total: 203.61 81 81071529 12/18/2014 ERLENDSON, WILLIAM PV502199 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 1,212.79

82 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 82 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PV502203 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 175.00 Sub total: 1,387.79 81 81071530 12/18/2014 FARINA, CHRISTOPHER PV502204 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 185.77 Sub total: 185.77 81 81071531 12/18/2014 KIGER, JALYNN PV502205 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-181010-025-0000 613.03 Sub total: 613.03 81 81071532 12/18/2014 KODO, KAZUKI PV502196 TRANSP FEES FROM INDIVIDUAL 070-0000-0-8675-00-0000-3600-723000-099-0000 1,540.00 Sub total: 1,540.00 81 81071533 12/18/2014 TAYLOR, CHARLES PV502200 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 2,874.01 Sub total: 2,874.01 81 81071534 12/18/2014 TOMA, RADU PV502202 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 060-7405-0-5250-00-0000-2140-740500-092-0000 639.42 Sub total: 639.42 81 81071535 12/18/2014 VALIANT PRIVATE SECURITY PV502197 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-0000-2700-270000-055-0000 360.00 PV502197 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-0000-2700-270000-055-0000 607.50 PV502197 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-0000-2700-270000-055-0000 360.00 Sub total: 1,327.50 81 81071536 12/18/2014 WIXSOM, MARGO PV502193 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106020-057-0000 27.35 PV502195 CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 000-0000-0-4310-00-1110-1000-106020-057-0000 168.18 PV502193 CONTRACTED SERVICES 000-0000-0-5830-00-1110-1000-106020-057-0000 2,840.00 Sub total: 3,035.53 81 81071537 12/19/2014 AEDIS INC PO115168 ARCHITECTURAL SVC-TERMAN 1 212-0000-0-5852-00-0000-8500-855010-052-0000 13,476.55 PO115169 ARCHITECTURAL SVC-JORDAN 2 212-0000-0-5852-00-0000-8500-855020-051-0000 18,665.71 Sub total: 32,142.26 81 81071538 12/19/2014 AM WOO CONSTRUCTION INC PO116539 Gunn E & K 212-0000-0-6230-00-0000-8500-855080-055-0000 61,792.69 Sub total: 61,792.69 81 81071539 12/19/2014 ARC PV502206 PRINTING SERVICES 212-0000-0-5836-00-0000-8500-855030-057-0000 362.71 PV502207 PRINTING SERVICES 212-0000-0-5836-00-0000-8500-855030-057-0000 426.17 Sub total: 788.88 81 81071540 12/19/2014 ATI ENGINEERING SERVICES INC PO807881 fire alarm drawing 140-0000-0-5852-00-0000-8500-819810-099-0000 1,128.74

83 81 PALO ALTO UNIFIED Board Warrant Approval List J1138 WARBRDSC H.00.06 01/20/15 PAGE 83 December 2014 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 Warrant Reference Issue Number Number Date Payee and Purpose Fnd Resc Y Objt SO Goal Func CstCtr Ste Mngr Expenditure ------ PO116505 architects 212-0000-0-5852-00-0000-8500-855060-057-0000 6,173.54 PO807856 REPLACEMENT OF POOL 216-0000-0-5852-00-0000-8500-850000-051-0000 2,844.28 Sub total: 10,146.56 81 81071541 12/19/2014 CASBO PV502208 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 211-0000-0-5250-00-0000-8500-854000-099-0000 845.00 Sub total: 845.00 Total Warrants Issued: 5,203,467.66 Total Warrants Canceled: 37,466.79 Total Warrants (Issued - Canceled): 5,166,000.87

84 BOARD OF EDUCATION Attachment: Consent 5


TO: Glenn “Max” McGee, Superintendent

FROM: Bob Golton, Bond Program Manager

SUBJECT: Approval of Strong Schools Bond Change Order

STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE Budget Trends and Infrastructure

RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education approve the attached Strong Schools Bond change order as listed.

BACKGROUND The Board of Education currently reviews and approves a list of warrants issued by the District for the previous month. The list of warrants issued is presented to the Board of Education for approval retroactively as a consent item.

The same consent agenda process is used for Strong Schools Bond change orders to construction contracts. As is the case with the warrants, the approval is retroactive since the change orders will have already been agreed to with the contractors.

This item lists the Strong Schools Bond change order for the previous month.

PROPOSAL It is proposed the Board of Education approve the attached change order.

FISCAL IMPACT The total amount of this change order is within the 10% change order allowance for the project.

CHANGE ORDER REPORT (Through December 2014)

School Project Name: Palo Alto High School - New Performing Arts Center Contract: Alten Construction, Inc.

Change Order Contingency (10%) $ 2,184,400.00 PCO Date Description Authorized

Change Order: # 02

15R1 12/17/14 Backfilling pot holes for fire line $ 2,746.00 17R1 12/17/14 Repair, re-route (E) shallow conduit & re-pull wire $ 7,865.79 20R1 12/17/14 Pothole conduit, fence work & stump Removal$ 1,234.12 21 12/17/14 Extend main connection to foundation subdrain system$ 9,937.00 21 12/17/14 Add Two Day Time Extension - foundation subdrain system$ - 23 12/17/14 Temporary 1" irrigation tie-in to (E) planter $ 511.22 24 12/17/14 Install steps at SD and SS pump stations$ 3,539.95 26 12/17/14 Switch to shotcrete at basement walls and 2 walls at 1st floor $ (20,574.00) 29 12/17/14 Add Twelve Day Time Extension - Gas Service Delay $ - Total Submitted for Approval: $ 5,260.00

Previously Approved: $ 34,270.48 Total: $ 39,530.48

Remaining Contingency Amount:$ 2,144,869.52

* Change order also grants 14 day time extension BOARD OF EDUCATION Attachment: Action 6


TO: Glenn “Max” McGee, Superintendent

FROM: Cathy Mak, Chief Business Officer

SUBJECT: Parcel Tax Resolution #2014-15.08

STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE Budget Trends and Infrastructure

RECOMMENDATION Pending the results of the discussion at this meeting, it will be recommended at the next meeting of the Board of Education, that a public hearing be held regarding this resolution and also that the Board of Education approve the ballot language for a parcel tax to be placed on the May 5, 2015, ballot. Changes to this item are noted in bold italics or bold italics strikethrough (page 2, 3, 4).

BACKGROUND The current parcel tax expires after the end of the 2015-16 fiscal year. The current tax started in July 2010 and is for six years. The tax started at $589 per parcel in 2010 and has a two percent annual escalator and allows senior exemptions. The current rate for 2014-15 is $638 per parcel. The revenue from this parcel tax is an estimated $12.4 million for 2014-15. This is 7% of the District budget and so there is a need to renew it. Specifically, the current parcel tax enables us to: • Preserve excellence in core academic programs such as reading, writing, math, and science; • Minimize class size increases in all grades and layoffs of teachers and school employees; • Continue teacher professional development by providing training programs and activities that support high quality teaching; • Provide up-to-date textbooks and instructional materials for students; • Help protect critical high school course offerings and electives that challenge students, allow students to be highly competitive for colleges and university admissions, provide career vocational education that prepares students for the workforce, and provide instructional support for those struggling with the basics; • Increase counseling support to students; • Reduce the impact of deep budget cuts by providing a stable local funding source that cannot be taken away by the state or other school districts;

Moreover, since the last economic downturn in 2008, our per student operating funding has risen by 8%, that is at a slower rate than the 13% increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). During the same period, student enrollment has increased by approximately 1,100 and is projected to grow by more than 700 students over the next five years. Although property taxes have risen in recent years, we have faced more than a $10 million reduction in our general operating funds as the result of reductions in funding from the state, a reduction in our lease revenues, and a substantial increase in annual pension costs mandated by state law. Expiration of the parcel tax would result in deep cuts to educational programs that are important to students and valued by the community.


In early December, a community poll with a sample size of 402 was administered in order to test the willingness of the community to vote to renew and also to increase the parcel tax amount in order to implement new programs and/or to expand certain existing programs. The results of the poll are shown in Attachment A.

The poll tested an additional tax in the range of $48 to $120 per parcel. The poll shows that any amount in the range tested could reach the 2/3 required majority. A $120 additional tax would generate approximately $2.3 million in additional revenue. At the Board study session on December 17, 2014, the board reviewed the results of the survey and the majority of members expressed support to renew the tax with an additional amount of $120 per parcel.

The District made budget cuts from 2009 to 2012. As the economy started to recover and property tax growth got back on a healthy track, the District was able to gradually apply the additional resources to address some critical needs throughout the Districts. However, there are not sufficient new ongoing resources to invest in new programs. With the proposed parcel tax increase, the District will be able to invest in new programs that the community has indicated are important and valued.

To assure our vision to “support all PAUSD students as they prepare themselves to thrive as global citizens in a rapidly changing world” becomes a reality, we foresee investing in three areas: 1) assuring equitable opportunities and access to a comprehensive, innovative, and robust curriculum and instruction that will prepare students for college and careers, including those that do not yet exist in fields we have yet to discover; 2) increasing innovative science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) programming for all students; and 3) fostering student physical, psychological, and social-emotional wellness. As we learned at the Board’s December 17 study session, there is significant community support for these three areas.

While some new programs, services, and opportunities would replace existing practices, most would require additional staff, materials, and equipment. Specifically, we are asking the community to support an increase in the parcel tax that will enable us to address, at least in part, these top priorities within each of the three areas. (The wording of the bullet point list in the enclosed resolution includes references to what the current parcel tax funds, as well as a broad overview of what the new one would fund. The language below is more specific than that in the resolution.) accomplish some of the following program improvements. Please note that a parcel tax increase is not adequate to fund all or even most of the items on the list, and staff will be identifying the

1. Equitable Opportunities and access for all youth to excel at the highest levels. The Minority Achievement and Talent Development Advisory Committee will be preparing a list of strategic recommendations to close the achievement gap and to assure that students have access and opportunities to the full range of our rich curriculum and extracurricular activities, and while these have yet to be finalized, the list may well be likely to include: • Extended Summer School expansion • PK-2 Literacy Support Expanded intense early (PK-2) literacy support and intervention • Expert tutoring across multiple grades and subjects • After school and Saturday weekend programming and services • Transportation to assure students can access after school and weekend programs • Support for Buena Vista students if (or when) displaced


2. Innovative STEAM Initiatives Programming and Pathways PAUSD high school students are highly capable of completing authentic research projects, succeeding in advanced classes that are beyond the scope of our current offerings, and pursuing interests in topics and classes that integrate various disciplines. Middle school and elementary school students have shown exceptional interest in and capacity for engineering and design in both “Maker’s Studio” pilots and Industrial Technology hands-on classes. In addition, while we have opportunities for students to take engineering, robotics and computer science classes from middle school through high school do not have a coherent curriculum or pathway classes in these areas. Examples of opportunities for improvement in this area include: • Staff for further Class size reduction of current electives (currently there are more than when class size exceeds 30 students in several of our advanced elective classes) • Support for differentiated instruction in K-6 mathematics instruction in grades K-6 to assure all students are challenged appropriately • Advanced authentic research/production program in science and arts for grades 10-12. We intend to provide qualified students with the opportunity to pursue a year-long research project in an area where they have a fierce passion to explore, be it in the hard sciences, the humanities, or the arts. Students will learn advanced research methods and be paired with off-campus mentors who can guide and support their work. Throughout the year, students will be required to complete and present a formal proposal, maintain detailed weekly logs, provide interim progress reports, complete a formal poster, deliver a presentation to a professional audience, and prepare a publication quality paper. • Advanced Computer science curriculum from grades 7-12 programming and computer science classes • Additional electives for middle and high school students, beyond what is currently funded by the current parcel tax and PiE donations, to challenge top students, e.g. Calculus Based Physics, Organic Chemistry, Computational Chemistry and Physics, Multi-variable Calculus, Discrete Mathematics, Graph Theory • Expanding investment in innovative STEM programs, Industrial Technology, and integrated classes • Engineering curriculum and instruction for grades 6-12

3. Student Wellness Of prominent importance is our extensive strategic commitment to assuring we have safe and welcoming schools for all students. The schools need to provide staffing and facilities for the complete spectrum of student health and wellness. Current needs include: • Physical wellness supports for exercise programming, nutrition counseling, and preventing sleep disorders and sleep deprivation • Family and student counseling, workshops, classes, etc. beyond what the existing parcel tax and PiE already provide programs and services • Nursing services for elementary school students and expanded nursing services for upper grades • Stress management workshops, classes, and seminars for students • Annual bias and harassment training for students and staff • Extended innovative independent study courses tailored to students’ needs


The proposed parcel tax renewal is for an additional $120 per parcel with a continued senior exemption and 2% annual escalation adjustment. The proposed 2015 tax will start at $758 per parcel and is expected to initially generate $14.7 million in revenue. The plan is to use the current $12.4 million in existing parcel tax revenue and the estimated $2.3 million in new parcel tax revenue, if approved, to fund programs currently supported by the current parcel tax as well as selected programs and services in the three areas described above.

PROPOSAL Staff has worked with Charles Heath, consultant, and Jeff Kuhn, attorney with Lozano Smith, to prepare a resolution and ballot language for a new parcel tax. The resolution and ballot language increase the current parcel tax rate by $120 to $758 per year, per parcel, for six years; and continues: an optional senior exemption, the 2% annual escalation adjustments, and an independent oversight committee with annual audits. The terms of the proposed measure are consistent with past parcel tax proposal in the District. The ballot language states:

“To preserve support excellence in core academic programs, including advanced science, math, reading and writing with locally controlled funds that cannot be taken by the state; attract and retain qualified teachers; protect student electives, including arts and music, and advance health, well-being and equitable opportunities for all students support at-risk students struggling with the basics, shall Palo Alto Unified School District renew its expiring parcel tax for six years, increase the rate by $120, and continue exemptions for seniors, annual two percent escalation adjustments, and independent oversight?”

The resolution and exhibits to the resolution are shown as Attachment B.

FISCAL IMPACT It is proposed that a special mail-in election be called for May 5, 2015. The cost of this election is estimated by the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters to be $306,000.




RESOLUTION #2014-15.08


WHEREAS, the Board of Education (the “Board”) believes that renewal and extension of the District’s expiring parcel tax is necessary to maintain quality education for the students of Palo Alto Unified School District (the “District”); and

WHEREAS, Section 4 of Article XIIIA of the California Constitution and Sections 50075, 50076, 50077, 50079 and 53722 et seq. of the California Government Code authorize a school district, upon approval of two-thirds of the electorate voting on the measure, to levy a qualified special parcel tax for specified purposes following notice and a public hearing; and

WHEREAS, Section 4000 of the California Elections Code authorizes the District to call a mail ballot election for May 5, 2015; and

WHEREAS, the Board has conducted a noticed public hearing, as required by law, on the question of whether or not to request the District’s voters to renew and extend funding to continue the programs and for the purposes identified below.


Section 1. That the Board has determined in its best judgment that in order to maintain quality education in Palo Alto, an election is advisable and on that basis hereby orders the Santa Clara County Registrar Voters to call an election and submit to the voters of the District the question of whether to renew and extend a qualified special parcel tax to maintain high quality education in our schools, support preserve excellence in core academic programs, including advanced science, math, reading and writing with locally controlled funds that cannot be taken by the state; attract and retain qualified teachers and school employees; protect student electives, including arts and music, and advance health, well-being and equitable opportunities for all students support at-risk students struggling with the basics, and enhance student achievement in order to maximize learning by our community’s children.

Section 2. That said qualified special parcel tax shall be in an amount not to exceed $758 per year for 6 years beginning as of July 1, 2015, with annual two percent escalation adjustments (rounded to the nearest dollar) beginning in fiscal year 2016-17, assessed against each parcel of taxable land in the District.

1 1/22/2015

A parcel shall be defined as any unit of land in the District that now receives a separate property tax bill from the County of Santa Clara. All property that would otherwise be exempt from property taxes will also be exempt from the imposition of said qualified special parcel tax.

The qualified special parcel tax authorized hereunder renews, extends, and replaces the qualified special parcel tax approved by the voters of the District on May 4, 2010, as Measure A. If the ballot measure proposed herein is approved by two thirds of the voters casting ballots on the measure, then effective July 1, 2015, the qualified special parcel tax so authorized will entirely supersede and replace the qualified special parcel tax authorized by Measure A. If this measure is not so approved, then the qualified special parcel tax approved by Measure A will continue in effect only until June 30, 2016, at which time that qualified special parcel tax and Measure A will cease to be in effect, in accordance with the terms of Measure A.

Section 3. That an optional exemption shall also be available for a person 65 years or older who owns and occupies as a principal residence a parcel (as defined above) and applies to the District for such exemption in accordance with guidelines established by the District.

Section 4. That the date of the election shall be May 5, 2015.

Section 5. That the purpose of the election shall be for the voters in the District to vote on a ballot measure, a full copy of which is attached hereto and marked Exhibit A and incorporated by reference herein. As required by California Elections Code section 13247, the abbreviated form of the measure to appear on the ballot is attached hereto as Exhibit B.

Section 6. That the Board has the authority for ordering the election.

Section 7. That the authority for the specifications of this election order is contained in Section 5322 of the California Education Code and section 4000 of the California Elections Code.

Section 8. That this Resolution shall stand as the order to the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters to call an election within the boundaries of the District on May 5, 2015. The Board requests that this election be conducted as a mail ballot election as permitted by California Elections Code section 4000.

Section 9. That the Secretary of the Board is hereby directed immediately to send a certified copy of this Resolution to the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, and the Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools so that said Superintendent receives it no later than February 6, 2015.

2 1/22/2015

Section 10. That the Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools is hereby requested to deliver this Resolution, which constitutes the order of election, and a formal notice of the election, to the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters no later than February 6, 2015. The Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools is hereby requested to perform the duties under Education Code Section 5302, to call the election, prepare recommendations, statements, or arguments for the election as required and to receive petitions, as necessary.

Section 11. That the Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools is hereby requested to prepare a Formal Notice of School Parcel Tax Election (the “Notice”) containing the information specified in Section 5361 of the Education Code, in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit C and to publish and/or post the Notice as required by law.

Section 12. That pursuant to Section 5303 of the Education Code, the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters is hereby requested to take all steps incident to the preparation for and the holding of the election in accordance with law and these specifications. The Board requests that the Registrar of Voters deliver a copy of all published notices to the Secretary of this Board pursuant to Section 12113 of the Elections Code. The District will reimburse the County of Santa Clara for election services as required by law.

Section 13. That the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara County is authorized to canvass the returns of the election pursuant to Section 10411 of the Elections Code.

Section 14. That subject to two-thirds approval of the voters, the qualified special parcel tax shall become effective as of July 1, 2015 and be collected by the Santa Clara County Tax Collector at the same time as and along with, and shall be subject to the same penalties as general ad valorem taxes collected by said tax collector. The tax and penalty shall bear interest at the same rate as the rate for unpaid ad valorem property taxes until paid.

Section 15. That the members of the Board, the Superintendent of the District, and officers of the District are hereby authorized and directed, individually and collectively, to do any and all things and to execute, deliver, and perform any and all agreements and documents that they deem necessary or advisable in order to effectuate the purposes of this Resolution, including, without limitation, to prepare and submit for inclusion in the voter information pamphlet an argument in favor of passage of the ballot measure. All actions heretofore taken by the officers and agents of the District that are in conformity with the purposes and intent of this Resolution are hereby ratified, confirmed, and approved in all respects.

Section 16. That the members of the Board, the Superintendent of the District, and officers of the District are hereby requested and directed, individually and collectively, to provide accountability measures pursuant to Government Code Section 50075.1 that include, but are not limited to, all of the following: (a) A statement indicating the specific

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purposes of the qualified special parcel tax; (b) a requirement that the proceeds be applied only to the specific purposes identified pursuant to subsection (a); (c) the creation of an account into which the proceeds shall be deposited; and (d) an annual report pursuant to Section 50075.3 of the Government Code, as provided in Section 17 hereof.

Section 17. That pursuant to Section 50075.3 of the Government Code, the Board directs that the chief fiscal officer of the District file a report with the Board no later than January 1, 2016, and at least once a year thereafter. The annual report shall contain both of the following: (a) The amount of funds collected and expended, and (b) the status of any project required or authorized to be funded as identified in Exhibit A hereof.

Section 18. That the District’s Superintendent, and his designee, are hereby authorized and directed to make any changes to the text of the measure described in this Resolution, or to the abbreviated form of the measure, or to the text of this Resolution, as may be convenient or necessary to comply with the intent of this Resolution, the requirements of elections officials, and requirements of law.

Section 19. That the Board hereby declares, and the voters by approving this measure concur, that every section and part of this measure has independent value, and the Board and the voters would have adopted each provision hereof regardless of every other provision hereof. Upon approval of this measure by the voters, should any part of the measure or tax rates be found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid for any reason, all remaining parts of the measure or tax rates shall remain in full force and effect to the fullest extent allowed by law.

PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Board of Education of the Palo Alto Unified School District this _____ day of ______, 2015.


I, Dr. Glenn “Max” McGee, Secretary of the Board of Education of the Palo Alto Unified School District of Santa Clara County, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true, full, and correct copy of a resolution adopted by said Board of Education at a meeting thereof held at its regular meeting place on the date and by the vote shown above, which resolution is on file in the office of said Board.

Date: January __, 2015 Signed:

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Palo Alto Unified School District Quality Public Education Preservation Act of 2015


To preserve support excellence in core academic programs, including advanced science, math, reading, and writing with locally controlled funds that cannot be taken by the state; attract and retain qualified teachers; protect student electives, including arts and music, and advance health, well-being, and equitable opportunity for all students and support at-risk students struggling with the basics, shall Palo Alto Unified School District renew its expiring parcel tax for six years, increase the rate by $120, and continue exemptions for seniors, annual two percent escalation adjustments, and independent oversight?” Said qualified special parcel tax would renew, extend, and replace the qualified special parcel tax approved by the voters of the District on May 4, 2010, as Measure A.


To provide local revenue that cannot be taken by the State and to maintain exceptional public education in our schools, the Palo Alto Unified School District proposes to renew, extend, and replace its expiring qualified special parcel tax for a period of 6 years, beginning July 1, 2015, at the rate of $758 per year on each assessor’s parcel located within the School District, with an optional exemption annually available, upon application, for senior citizens, and an annual two percent increase (rounded to the nearest dollar) beginning with the 2016-17 fiscal year to account for increasing student enrollment and the rising cost of providing programs, and to implement accountability measures in connection with the special parcel tax to provide oversight and accountability to ensure that funds are used to:

• Preserve excellence in core academic programs including advanced science, math, and reading and writing; • Protect class sizes by recruiting teachers to meet the demands of growing student enrollment; • Provide equitable opportunities and access for all students to excel at the highest levels; • Add support staff to help at-risk students who are struggling with the basics;

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• Protect class sizes by recruiting teachers to meet the demands of growing student enrollment; • Continue teacher professional development by providing training programs and activities that support high quality teaching and keep teachers up-to-date on the latest advancements in their fields; • Help protect critical high school electives, including arts, music, computer science, and social sciences that provide a well-rounded education, challenge students, and allow students to be highly competitive for colleges and university admissions, and that provide career vocational education to prepare students for the workforce; • Accommodate growing student enrollment throughout the District; • Provide staff and programming to advance the physical, social, emotional and mental health and well-being of all students; • Provide innovative programming and pathways in science, engineering, technology and math (STEM) to prepare students for college and 21st Century careers; • Offer competitive compensation so the best teachers can continue to work in this high cost of living area; • Accommodate growing student enrollment throughout the District; • Provide wellness and educational counselors to support students and help them succeed in school; • Expand advanced instruction in engineering, robotics, bio-tech and other programs that prepare students for in-demand careers; • Protect teaching and learning programs from budget cuts caused by 10 million dollars per year in reduced funding and new cost mandates; • Expand independent research programs allowing local students to take advantage of working work with mentors from universities, laboratories, medical facilities, cutting edge businesses, and others that are available in Silicon Valley; • Provide the opportunity for all students in first through sixth grades to start learning a foreign language, such as Spanish or Mandarin; • Keep elementary school libraries open and fully staffed; • Provide a stable local funding source that cannot be taken away by the State for other school districts; and • Protect the taxpayers’ investment in education and ensure District accountability by providing for oversight and independent financial audits of revenues and expenditures.

The Board of Education will utilize parcel tax proceeds for the purposes listed above, unless the Board of Education determines in any given year that changes in student population, fiscal constraints, or other changes in state or federal funding or requirements make doing so infeasible or inadvisable. In any event, the Board of Education will not fund any program or purpose other than those listed above from the proceeds of the special parcel taxes.

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Subject to two thirds approval of the voters, the renewed and extended replacement parcel tax shall become effective as of July 1, 2015 and be collected by the Santa Clara County Tax Collector at the same time as and along with, and shall be subject to the same penalties as general ad valorem property taxes collected by said tax collector. The tax and penalty shall bear interest at the same rate as the rate for unpaid ad valorem property taxes until paid. Any tax levied shall become a lien upon the properties against which taxes are assessed and collectible as herein provided.

With respect to all general property tax matters within its jurisdiction, the Santa Clara County Tax Assessor or other appropriate County tax official (“County”) shall make all final determinations of tax exemption or relief for any reason, and that decision shall be final and binding. With respect to matters specific to the levy of the special parcel tax, including the Senior Citizen Exemption as allowed below, the decisions of the District shall be final and binding. The procedures described herein, and any additional procedures established by the Board of Education, shall be the exclusive claims procedure for claimants seeking an exemption, refund, reduction, or re-computation of the special parcel tax. Whether any particular claim is to be resolved by the District or by the County shall be determined by the District, in coordination with the County as necessary.

The District’s Board of Education may adopt such additional or supplemental procedures as it deems necessary or convenient for the administration of the special parcel tax.


An optional exemption from the special parcel tax will be made available annually to each individual in the District who will attain 65 years of age prior to July 1 of the tax year, and who owns a beneficial interest in the parcel, and who uses that parcel as his or her principal place of residence, and who applies to the School District on or before July 1, 2015, or July 1 of any succeeding tax year. Any application for such exemption must be renewed annually.

The District shall annually provide to the County Tax Collector or other appropriate County tax official a list of parcels that the District has approved for a Senior Citizen Exemption.


In accordance with the requirements of California Government Code sections 50075.1 and 50075.3, the following accountability measures, among others, shall apply to the special parcel taxes levied in accordance with this Measure: (a) the specific purposes of the special parcel tax shall be those purposes identified above; (b) the proceeds of the special parcel tax shall be applied only to those specific purposes identified above; (c) a

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separate, special account shall be created into which the proceeds of the special parcel taxes must be deposited; and (d) an annual written report shall be made to the Board of Education of the District showing (i) the amount of funds collected and expended from the proceeds of the special taxes and (ii) the status of any projects, programs, or purposes required or authorized to be funded from the proceeds of the special taxes, as identified above.

In addition to the accountability measures required by State law, an independent Community Oversight Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Education to advise the Board on the expenditures funded by the measure in order to help ensure that said funds are spent for the purposes approved by the voters. The Community Oversight Committee will monitor the expenditures of these funds by the District and will report on an annual basis to the Board and community on how these funds have been spent.


Current law forbids any decrease in State or Federal funding to the District because of the District’s adoption of a parcel tax. However, if any such funds are reduced because of the adoption of this parcel tax, then the amount of the special parcel taxes will be reduced annually as necessary in order to restore such State or Federal funding.


The qualified special parcel tax authorized hereunder renews, extends, and replaces the qualified special parcel tax approved by the voters of the District on May 4, 2010 as Measure A. If the ballot measure proposed herein is approved by two thirds of the voters casting ballots on the measure, then effective July 1, 2015 the qualified special parcel tax so authorized will entirely supersede and replace the qualified special parcel tax authorized by Measure A. If this measure is not so approved, then the qualified special parcel tax approved by Measure A will continue in effect only until June 30, 2016, at which time that qualified special parcel tax and Measure A will cease to be in effect, in accordance with the terms of Measure A.

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“To preserve support excellence in core academic programs, including advanced science, math, reading and writing with locally controlled funds that cannot be taken by the state; attract and retain qualified teachers; protect student electives, including arts and music, and advance health, well-being and equitable opportunities for all students support at-risk students struggling with the basics, shall Palo Alto Unified School District renew its expiring parcel tax for six years, increase the rate by $120, and continue exemptions for seniors, annual two percent escalation adjustments, and independent oversight?”

Tax - Yes Tax – No”

* Limited to 75 words pursuant to California Elections Code section 13247.

B-1 1/22/2015



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the qualified electors of the Palo Alto Unified School District of Santa Clara County, California, that in accordance with the provisions of the Education Code of the State of California, an election will be held on May 5, 2015, by mail ballot, at which election the following measure shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the District and voted upon:

“To preserve support excellence in core academic programs, including advanced science, math, reading and writing with locally controlled funds that cannot be taken by the state; attract and retain qualified teachers; protect student electives, including arts and music, and advance health, well-being and equitable opportunities for all students support at-risk students struggling with the basics, shall Palo Alto Unified School District renew its expiring parcel tax for six years, increase the rate by $120, and continue exemptions for seniors, annual two percent escalation adjustments, and independent oversight?”

Tax - Yes Tax – No”

All of the purposes enumerated in the foregoing measure shall be united and voted upon as one single measure.

The County Superintendent of Schools of Santa Clara County, by this Notice of Election, has called the election pursuant to a Resolution of the Board of Education of the Palo Alto Unified School District, adopted January __, 2015, in accordance with the provisions of Education Code Sections 5325 and 5361 and Elections Code section 4000.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ____ day of ______, 2015.

County Superintendent of Schools, Santa Clara County, California




RESOLUTION #2014-15.08


WHEREAS, the Board of Education (the “Board”) believes that renewal and extension of the District’s expiring parcel tax is necessary to maintain quality education for the students of Palo Alto Unified School District (the “District”); and

WHEREAS, Section 4 of Article XIIIA of the California Constitution and Sections 50075, 50076, 50077, 50079 and 53722 et seq. of the California Government Code authorize a school district, upon approval of two-thirds of the electorate voting on the measure, to levy a qualified special parcel tax for specified purposes following notice and a public hearing; and

WHEREAS, Section 4000 of the California Elections Code authorizes the District to call a mail ballot election for May 5, 2015; and

WHEREAS, the Board has conducted a noticed public hearing, as required by law, on the question of whether or not to request the District’s voters to renew and extend funding to continue the programs and for the purposes identified below.


Section 1. That the Board has determined in its best judgment that in order to maintain quality education in Palo Alto, an election is advisable and on that basis hereby orders the Santa Clara County Registrar Voters to call an election and submit to the voters of the District the question of whether to renew and extend a qualified special parcel tax to preserve excellence in core academic programs, including advanced science, math, reading and writing with locally controlled funds that cannot be taken by the state; attract and retain qualified teachers and school employees; protect student electives, including arts and music, and advance health, well-being and equitable opportunities for all students, and enhance student achievement in order to maximize learning by our community’s children.

Section 2. That said qualified special parcel tax shall be in an amount not to exceed $758 per year for 6 years beginning as of July 1, 2015, with annual two percent escalation adjustments (rounded to the nearest dollar) beginning in fiscal year 2016-17, assessed against each parcel of taxable land in the District.

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A parcel shall be defined as any unit of land in the District that now receives a separate property tax bill from the County of Santa Clara. All property that would otherwise be exempt from property taxes will also be exempt from the imposition of said qualified special parcel tax.

The qualified special parcel tax authorized hereunder renews, extends, and replaces the qualified special parcel tax approved by the voters of the District on May 4, 2010, as Measure A. If the ballot measure proposed herein is approved by two thirds of the voters casting ballots on the measure, then effective July 1, 2015, the qualified special parcel tax so authorized will entirely supersede and replace the qualified special parcel tax authorized by Measure A. If this measure is not so approved, then the qualified special parcel tax approved by Measure A will continue in effect only until June 30, 2016, at which time that qualified special parcel tax and Measure A will cease to be in effect, in accordance with the terms of Measure A.

Section 3. That an optional exemption shall also be available for a person 65 years or older who owns and occupies as a principal residence a parcel (as defined above) and applies to the District for such exemption in accordance with guidelines established by the District.

Section 4. That the date of the election shall be May 5, 2015.

Section 5. That the purpose of the election shall be for the voters in the District to vote on a ballot measure, a full copy of which is attached hereto and marked Exhibit A and incorporated by reference herein. As required by California Elections Code section 13247, the abbreviated form of the measure to appear on the ballot is attached hereto as Exhibit B.

Section 6. That the Board has the authority for ordering the election.

Section 7. That the authority for the specifications of this election order is contained in Section 5322 of the California Education Code and section 4000 of the California Elections Code.

Section 8. That this Resolution shall stand as the order to the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters to call an election within the boundaries of the District on May 5, 2015. The Board requests that this election be conducted as a mail ballot election as permitted by California Elections Code section 4000.

Section 9. That the Secretary of the Board is hereby directed immediately to send a certified copy of this Resolution to the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, and the Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools so that said Superintendent receives it no later than February 6, 2015.

Section 10. That the Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools is hereby requested to deliver this Resolution, which constitutes the order of election, and a

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formal notice of the election, to the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters no later than February 6, 2015. The Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools is hereby requested to perform the duties under Education Code Section 5302, to call the election, prepare recommendations, statements, or arguments for the election as required and to receive petitions, as necessary.

Section 11. That the Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools is hereby requested to prepare a Formal Notice of School Parcel Tax Election (the “Notice”) containing the information specified in Section 5361 of the Education Code, in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit C and to publish and/or post the Notice as required by law.

Section 12. That pursuant to Section 5303 of the Education Code, the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters is hereby requested to take all steps incident to the preparation for and the holding of the election in accordance with law and these specifications. The Board requests that the Registrar of Voters deliver a copy of all published notices to the Secretary of this Board pursuant to Section 12113 of the Elections Code. The District will reimburse the County of Santa Clara for election services as required by law.

Section 13. That the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara County is authorized to canvass the returns of the election pursuant to Section 10411 of the Elections Code.

Section 14. That subject to two-thirds approval of the voters, the qualified special parcel tax shall become effective as of July 1, 2015 and be collected by the Santa Clara County Tax Collector at the same time as and along with, and shall be subject to the same penalties as general ad valorem taxes collected by said tax collector. The tax and penalty shall bear interest at the same rate as the rate for unpaid ad valorem property taxes until paid.

Section 15. That the members of the Board, the Superintendent of the District, and officers of the District are hereby authorized and directed, individually and collectively, to do any and all things and to execute, deliver, and perform any and all agreements and documents that they deem necessary or advisable in order to effectuate the purposes of this Resolution, including, without limitation, to prepare and submit for inclusion in the voter information pamphlet an argument in favor of passage of the ballot measure. All actions heretofore taken by the officers and agents of the District that are in conformity with the purposes and intent of this Resolution are hereby ratified, confirmed, and approved in all respects.

Section 16. That the members of the Board, the Superintendent of the District, and officers of the District are hereby requested and directed, individually and collectively, to provide accountability measures pursuant to Government Code Section 50075.1 that include, but are not limited to, all of the following: (a) A statement indicating the specific purposes of the qualified special parcel tax; (b) a requirement that the proceeds be applied only to the specific purposes identified pursuant to subsection (a); (c) the

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creation of an account into which the proceeds shall be deposited; and (d) an annual report pursuant to Section 50075.3 of the Government Code, as provided in Section 17 hereof.

Section 17. That pursuant to Section 50075.3 of the Government Code, the Board directs that the chief fiscal officer of the District file a report with the Board no later than January 1, 2016, and at least once a year thereafter. The annual report shall contain both of the following: (a) The amount of funds collected and expended, and (b) the status of any project required or authorized to be funded as identified in Exhibit A hereof.

Section 18. That the District’s Superintendent, and his designee, are hereby authorized and directed to make any changes to the text of the measure described in this Resolution, or to the abbreviated form of the measure, or to the text of this Resolution, as may be convenient or necessary to comply with the intent of this Resolution, the requirements of elections officials, and requirements of law.

Section 19. That the Board hereby declares, and the voters by approving this measure concur, that every section and part of this measure has independent value, and the Board and the voters would have adopted each provision hereof regardless of every other provision hereof. Upon approval of this measure by the voters, should any part of the measure or tax rates be found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid for any reason, all remaining parts of the measure or tax rates shall remain in full force and effect to the fullest extent allowed by law.

PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Board of Education of the Palo Alto Unified School District this _____ day of ______, 2015.


I, Dr. Glenn “Max” McGee, Secretary of the Board of Education of the Palo Alto Unified School District of Santa Clara County, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true, full, and correct copy of a resolution adopted by said Board of Education at a meeting thereof held at its regular meeting place on the date and by the vote shown above, which resolution is on file in the office of said Board.

Date: January __, 2015 Signed:

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Palo Alto Unified School District Quality Public Education Preservation Act of 2015


To preserve excellence in core academic programs, including advanced science, math, reading, and writing with locally controlled funds that cannot be taken by the state; attract and retain qualified teachers; protect student electives, including arts and music, and advance health, well-being, and equitable opportunity for all students, shall Palo Alto Unified School District renew its expiring parcel tax for six years, increase the rate by $120, and continue exemptions for seniors, annual two percent escalation adjustments, and independent oversight?” Said qualified special parcel tax would renew, extend, and replace the qualified special parcel tax approved by the voters of the District on May 4, 2010, as Measure A.


To provide local revenue that cannot be taken by the State and to maintain exceptional public education in our schools, the Palo Alto Unified School District proposes to renew, extend, and replace its expiring qualified special parcel tax for a period of 6 years, beginning July 1, 2015, at the rate of $758 per year on each assessor’s parcel located within the School District, with an optional exemption annually available, upon application, for senior citizens, and an annual two percent increase (rounded to the nearest dollar) beginning with the 2016-17 fiscal year to account for increasing student enrollment and the rising cost of providing programs, and to implement accountability measures in connection with the special parcel tax to provide oversight and accountability to ensure that funds are used to:

• Preserve excellence in core academic programs including advanced science, math, and reading and writing; • Protect class sizes by recruiting teachers to meet the demands of growing student enrollment; • Provide equitable opportunities and access for all students to excel at the highest levels; • Continue teacher professional development by providing training programs and activities that support high quality teaching and keep teachers up-to-date on the latest advancements in their fields;

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• Help protect critical high school electives, including arts, music, computer science, and social sciences that provide a well-rounded education, challenge students, and allow students to be highly competitive for colleges and university admissions, and that provide career vocational education to prepare students for the workforce; • Accommodate growing student enrollment throughout the District; • Provide staff and programming to advance the physical, social, emotional and mental health and well-being of all students; • Provide innovative programming and pathways in science, engineering, technology and math (STEM) to prepare students for college and 21st Century careers; • Protect teaching and learning programs from budget cuts caused by 10 million dollars per year in reduced funding and new cost mandates; • Expand independent research programs allowing local students to work with mentors from universities, laboratories, medical facilities, cutting edge businesses, and others that are available in Silicon Valley; • Keep elementary school libraries open and fully staffed; • Provide a stable local funding source that cannot be taken away by the State for other school districts; and • Protect the taxpayers’ investment in education and ensure District accountability by providing for oversight and independent financial audits of revenues and expenditures.

The Board of Education will utilize parcel tax proceeds for the purposes listed above, unless the Board of Education determines in any given year that changes in student population, fiscal constraints, or other changes in state or federal funding or requirements make doing so infeasible or inadvisable. In any event, the Board of Education will not fund any program or purpose other than those listed above from the proceeds of the special parcel taxes.


Subject to two thirds approval of the voters, the renewed and extended replacement parcel tax shall become effective as of July 1, 2015 and be collected by the Santa Clara County Tax Collector at the same time as and along with, and shall be subject to the same penalties as general ad valorem property taxes collected by said tax collector. The tax and penalty shall bear interest at the same rate as the rate for unpaid ad valorem property taxes until paid. Any tax levied shall become a lien upon the properties against which taxes are assessed and collectible as herein provided.

With respect to all general property tax matters within its jurisdiction, the Santa Clara County Tax Assessor or other appropriate County tax official (“County”) shall make all final determinations of tax exemption or relief for any reason, and that decision shall be final and binding. With respect to matters specific to the levy of the special parcel tax, including the Senior Citizen Exemption as allowed below, the decisions of the District shall be final and binding. The procedures described herein, and any additional

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procedures established by the Board of Education, shall be the exclusive claims procedure for claimants seeking an exemption, refund, reduction, or re-computation of the special parcel tax. Whether any particular claim is to be resolved by the District or by the County shall be determined by the District, in coordination with the County as necessary.

The District’s Board of Education may adopt such additional or supplemental procedures as it deems necessary or convenient for the administration of the special parcel tax.


An optional exemption from the special parcel tax will be made available annually to each individual in the District who will attain 65 years of age prior to July 1 of the tax year, and who owns a beneficial interest in the parcel, and who uses that parcel as his or her principal place of residence, and who applies to the School District on or before July 1, 2015, or July 1 of any succeeding tax year. Any application for such exemption must be renewed annually.

The District shall annually provide to the County Tax Collector or other appropriate County tax official a list of parcels that the District has approved for a Senior Citizen Exemption.


In accordance with the requirements of California Government Code sections 50075.1 and 50075.3, the following accountability measures, among others, shall apply to the special parcel taxes levied in accordance with this Measure: (a) the specific purposes of the special parcel tax shall be those purposes identified above; (b) the proceeds of the special parcel tax shall be applied only to those specific purposes identified above; (c) a separate, special account shall be created into which the proceeds of the special parcel taxes must be deposited; and (d) an annual written report shall be made to the Board of Education of the District showing (i) the amount of funds collected and expended from the proceeds of the special taxes and (ii) the status of any projects, programs, or purposes required or authorized to be funded from the proceeds of the special taxes, as identified above.

In addition to the accountability measures required by State law, an independent Community Oversight Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Education to advise the Board on the expenditures funded by the measure in order to help ensure that said funds are spent for the purposes approved by the voters. The Community Oversight Committee will monitor the expenditures of these funds by the District and will report on an annual basis to the Board and community on how these funds have been spent.

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Current law forbids any decrease in State or Federal funding to the District because of the District’s adoption of a parcel tax. However, if any such funds are reduced because of the adoption of this parcel tax, then the amount of the special parcel taxes will be reduced annually as necessary in order to restore such State or Federal funding.


The qualified special parcel tax authorized hereunder renews, extends, and replaces the qualified special parcel tax approved by the voters of the District on May 4, 2010 as Measure A. If the ballot measure proposed herein is approved by two thirds of the voters casting ballots on the measure, then effective July 1, 2015 the qualified special parcel tax so authorized will entirely supersede and replace the qualified special parcel tax authorized by Measure A. If this measure is not so approved, then the qualified special parcel tax approved by Measure A will continue in effect only until June 30, 2016, at which time that qualified special parcel tax and Measure A will cease to be in effect, in accordance with the terms of Measure A.

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“To preserve excellence in core academic programs, including advanced science, math, reading and writing with locally controlled funds that cannot be taken by the state; attract and retain qualified teachers; protect student electives, including arts and music, and advance health, well-being and equitable opportunities for all students, shall Palo Alto Unified School District renew its expiring parcel tax for six years, increase the rate by $120, and continue exemptions for seniors, annual two percent escalation adjustments, and independent oversight?”

Tax - Yes Tax – No”

* Limited to 75 words pursuant to California Elections Code section 13247.

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the qualified electors of the Palo Alto Unified School District of Santa Clara County, California, that in accordance with the provisions of the Education Code of the State of California, an election will be held on May 5, 2015, by mail ballot, at which election the following measure shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the District and voted upon:

“To preserve excellence in core academic programs, including advanced science, math, reading and writing with locally controlled funds that cannot be taken by the state; attract and retain qualified teachers; protect student electives, including arts and music, and advance health, well-being and equitable opportunities for all students, shall Palo Alto Unified School District renew its expiring parcel tax for six years, increase the rate by $120, and continue exemptions for seniors, annual two percent escalation adjustments, and independent oversight?”

Tax - Yes Tax – No”

All of the purposes enumerated in the foregoing measure shall be united and voted upon as one single measure.

The County Superintendent of Schools of Santa Clara County, by this Notice of Election, has called the election pursuant to a Resolution of the Board of Education of the Palo Alto Unified School District, adopted January __, 2015, in accordance with the provisions of Education Code Sections 5325 and 5361 and Elections Code section 4000.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ____ day of ______, 2015.

County Superintendent of Schools, Santa Clara County, California


C-1 1/22/2015 BOARD OF EDUCATION Attachment: Action 7


TO: Board of Education

FROM: Glenn “Max” McGee, Superintendent

SUBJECT: The Enrollment Management Advisory Committee Charge

STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE Academic Excellence and Learning

RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board approve the charge to the Enrollment Management Advisory Committee. This item was discussed at the January 13, 2015, regular meeting. Changes are noted in bold italics and bold italics strikethrough.

The Charge: Using a design-thinking process the Advisory Committee is charged to prepare a set of strategic, evidence-based, actionable recommendations that will enable the district to design, develop, and implement short- and long-term plans for accommodating projected PAUSD enrollment consistent with PAUSD educational standards and the thirteen Community Values and seven Planning Standards of BP7110. The Committee will be representative of all key stakeholders and use the following to inform their efforts:

• Current and past enrollment projections • Recommendations and background information of previous Advisory Committees • Information regarding demographic projections from the City of Palo Alto, Stanford University and the State of California • Data on overflowed students and choice program enrollment. • Other information as deemed necessary.

The Charge: The purpose of this Advisory Committee is to prepare a set of strategic, evidence based, actionable recommendations that will enable the district to design, develop, and implement short- and long-term plans for accommodating projected PAUSD enrollment, consistent with PAUSD educational standards, financial capacity, and the Community Values and Planning Standards of BP 7110 Enrollment and Facilities Master Planning (attached). The Committee will use current and past enrollment projections, the recommendations and background information of the Elementary School Site Advisory Committee, information from the City of Palo Alto, Stanford University, and the State regarding population growth, evidence-based research regarding efficient and effective class size and school size, data on overflowed students and choice program enrollments, and other relevant information as determined during the Committee’s work.

1 BACKGROUND At the January 13 meeting, we discussed potential revisions to the Enrollment Management Committee’s charge, and language has been incorporated to address these points. This revised charge should be clearer, though it is not as brief as I had hoped it to become through the editing process.

Once the charge is approved, we will finalize the application and selection process with the goal of beginning meetings in later February or early March. On Friday, I am meeting with former members of the Elementary School Site Advisory Committee to get input from them on the feedback and selection process and will also be soliciting feedback from the Cabinet and principals.

A draft of the application is enclosed along with BP 7110 which contains the thirteen Community Values and seven planning standards.

During the past three years, there have been two other committees formed to pursue the feasibility of opening a thirteenth elementary school. A Board agenda item from the February 11, 2014, meeting describes the charges for both of these committees:

“Staff recommends the Thirteenth Elementary School Program Advisory Committee recommend potential program offerings and the school’s location to the Board at a regularly scheduled meeting in May, 2014, should the Board choose to open a thirteenth elementary school …

The committee will frame its work from the charge given the Elementary School Site Advisory Committee states: identify and compare the benefits and tradeoffs of reopening Greendell/525 San Antonio or Garland as the 13th elementary school, based on their capacity and flexibility to address projected district-wide enrollment growth (as neighborhood, district program, or hybrid sites), and guided by the Elementary Planning Assumptions and the principles outline the Board policy on facilities planning school size and elementary school panning values. (June 11, 2012, Regular Meeting)”

As we know, last May the Board chose not to move toward opening of a thirteenth elementary school at that time.

Given that the enrollment in the elementary schools has not increased significantly in the last few years and is not projected to do so, coupled with the fact that Terman Middle School is near capacity and both JLS and Jordan middle schools currently enroll more than their 1,100 student rated capacity, I am eager to establish a Superintendent’s Advisory Committee to explore enrollment issues and identify and address the problems created by our enrollment growth. The charge of the proposed Committee is not restricted to making recommendations regarding a thirteenth elementary school. Instead, the Committee will explore a range of solutions after first articulating underlying problems. Solutions may involve opening a thirteenth elementary school, a fourth middle school, a K-8 school, or none of these. The Committee will likely explore other options for managing enrollment growth as well, and while they will not make determinations regarding attendance area boundary changes, moving current choice programs, or recommending

2 new ones, they could recommend that the District pursue these options or make other innovative suggestions.

In keeping with BP 7110, the process will be open and transparent and seek significant community input:

“The Superintendent or designee shall solicit broad input into the planning process, and may establish a facilities advisory committee consisting of staff, parents/guardians, and business, local government, and other community representatives. He/she also shall ensure that the public is informed of the need for construction and modernization of facilities and of the district's plans for facilities.”

Likewise, as required by BP 1220 – Community Relations (attached), “The membership of citizen advisory committees should reflect the diversity of the community and represent a diversity of viewpoints.” To this end, membership on the Committee will consist of approximately twelve individuals representing staff, parents, community members who do not have children in PAUSD schools, the City of Palo Alto, and local business. An application process will take place, and the Committee will be co-chaired by a staff member and a community representative. Based on our experience with the Minority Achievement and Talent Development Advisory Committee, I recommend that a professional facilitator be contracted to manage the process.

Finally, it is important to note the wording of BP 1220: “Citizen advisory committees shall serve in an advisory capacity; they may make recommendations, but their actions shall not be binding on the Board or Superintendent.” Our goal is to have the recommendations prepared for presentation to the Board next fall, and following that the Board will determine how to proceed.

3 Facilities BP 7110


The Board of Education recognizes the importance of long-range planning for school facilities in order to address changes in student enrollment and in the district's educational program needs. The Superintendent or designee shall develop, for Board approval, a master plan for district facilities that describes the district's anticipated short- and long-term facilities needs and priorities.

(cf. 7000 - Concepts and Roles) (cf. 7160 - Charter School Facilities) (cf. 7210 - Facilities Financing)

Planning Components

The facilities master plan shall include:

1. A statement of purpose, including district goals, philosophy, community values, and related policies

2. A description of the planning process, timeline, and strategy for community input

3. A projection of future enrollment, including short- and long-term assumptions based on the district’s historical and recent enrollment and grade migration trends, local economic and home sale trends, and additional housing anticipated by jurisdictions within the district boundaries.

4. A description of the educational program, such as grade-level organization, class size, school size, staffing patterns, technology plans, special programs, support services and other educational specifications, in order to align facilities planning with the district’s vision for the instructional program

5. An assessment of the condition and adequacy of existing facilities, including an analysis of the safety, adequacy, and equity of existing facilities and potential for expansion, including the adequacy of classrooms, school cafeterias and food preparation areas, physical activity areas, playgrounds, parking areas, and other school grounds

(cf. 3514 - Environmental Safety) (cf. 3517 - Facilities Inspection) (cf. 3550 - Food Service/Child Nutrition Program) (cf. 5030 - Student Wellness) (cf. 5141.7 - Sun Safety)

1 BP 7110


(cf. 5142 - Safety) (cf. 6142.7 - Physical Education and Activity) (cf. 7111 - Evaluating Existing Buildings)

6. Site selection criteria and process

7. Development of a capital planning budget and potential funding sources

8. A process for reviewing and updating the plan

Community Values

The district's facilities master plan shall reflect the following community values:

1. Learning: Provide indoor and outdoor spaces that are aligned with the district’s educational goals and are highly conducive to teaching and learning in all curricular areas. School construction will be managed to minimize disruption to students and staff.

2. Safety: Facilitate safe pedestrian and bicycle commutes for students, using attendance area boundaries to minimize neighborhood student travel across busy streets such as Alma, El Camino and Oregon.

3. Flexibility: Build a strategic surplus of empty seats and classrooms at each school level and in each neighborhood cluster to prepare for projected enrollment, and plan a permanent flexible-program classroom at all elementary schools.

4. Progressive Parity: Provide adequate and comparable school facilities, learning environments, educational experiences, opportunities, and staffing ratios throughout the district, including shared resources (such as libraries, subject specific classrooms, elective spaces, support staff areas, and athletic/play/outdoor areas). While recognizing that major facility renovations are incremental and sequential by nature ("progressive"), all facility improvements will be deliberately planned and phased to honor and work towards districtwide parity.

5. Neighborhoods: Provide sufficient capacity so new student residents and siblings have predictable and routine access to neighborhood schools. Place overflowed students within their cluster when possible.

6. Peer Streaming: Plan and provide feeder school structures that group neighborhood classmates together for middle and high school.

2 BP 7110


7. Preserve Programs: Cultivate the district's pre-kindergarten options and long- standing culture of "choice" programs that appeal to families and meet the diverse needs of children.

8. Class Size: Plan and preserve educationally effective student-to-teacher staffing ratios to support the district’s instructional practices and ensure district-wide comparability, recognizing that our community values small class size and that the number of students in a class may affect the extent to which teachers can identify and respond to individual student needs. The Superintendent will regularly evaluate the alignment of our class sizes with our District’s methods of instruction and resource availability.

9. School Size: Plan and preserve educationally effective school sizes throughout the district that promote positive student connections and community, strengthen adult- student relationships, and build a sense of individual belonging in the schools. School size should be determined by multiple criteria, including the educational and recreational capacity of the site, traffic and student commute safety (pedestrian and bicycle), and natural neighborhood divisions. The Board is committed to balancing school enrollments when feasible.

10. Special Education: Special Day Classes shall continue to be placed at sites based on the needs of the students and the overall Special Education Program. When possible, build K-5 strands that promote student sense of belonging to a school community.

11. Fiscal Stewardship: Achieve a good return to the community on all capital investments and carefully analyze the operating cost impacts of facility decisions.

12. Opportunity: Consider securing strategically located facilities/properties as appropriate to complement district sites and support education/enrollment trends.

13. Diversity: Consider the benefits of heterogeneous school communities.

Neighborhood & Alternative Program Options

To foster strong neighborhood connections, and facilitate pedestrian and bicycle commutes, the Board places a high priority on providing new students with an option to attend their neighborhood school. The Superintendent or designee shall maintain school attendance areas so that, to the extent possible, neighborhood classroom supply meets neighborhood student demand.

The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that students who reside in the attendance area of a school (including current students with approved inter/intra-district transfers),

3 BP 7110


have placement priority over students transferring from other attendance areas. (Education Code 58505)

When classroom space at the neighborhood elementary school is not available, new students shall be assigned to schools located within their cluster or geographic area if possible, and efforts in general shall be made to offer family-friendly solutions (e.g., placing siblings at the same school).

The Board of Education also seeks to preserve and support the district’s legacy of robust and successful alternative (“choice”) programs that positively serve the diverse educational goals of children and families. The Superintendent or designee shall incorporate district- level strategies to provide access and stability to proven alternative programs.

The Board may establish and maintain alternative programs within a school, within an attendance area, on a districtwide basis, or any combination thereof. The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that enrollment in alternative programs is on a space-available basis and guided by a random, unbiased process. (Education Code 35160.5b)

Planning Standards

Planning shall ensure that school facilities meet the following minimum standards: (5 CCR 14001)

1. Are aligned with the district's educational goals and objectives

(cf. 0000 - Vision)

2. Provide optimal layout of school facilities

3. Are located on a site that meets California Department of Education standards as specified in 5 CCR 14010 when feasible

(cf. 7150 - Site Selection and Development)

4. Are designed for the environmental comfort and work efficiency of the occupants

5. Are designed to require a practical minimum of maintenance

6. Are designed to meet federal, state, and local statutory requirements for structure, fire, and public safety

BP 7110



7. Are designed and engineered with flexibility to accommodate future needs

Plans for the design and construction of new school facilities also shall meet the standards described in 5 CCR 14030, green building standards pursuant to 24 CCR 101 et seq., the Americans with Disabilities Act pursuant to 42 USC 12101-12213, and any other requirements applicable to the funding source and type of project.

(cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities) (cf. 3510 - Green School Operations)

Community Input

The Superintendent or designee shall solicit broad input into the planning process, and may establish a facilities advisory committee consisting of staff, parents/guardians, and business, local government, and other community representatives. He/she also shall ensure that the public is informed of the need for construction and modernization of facilities and of the district's plans for facilities.

(cf. 1220 - Citizen Advisory Committees)

Agency Coordination/Communication

The Superintendent or designee shall work with jurisdictions within the district boundaries to address common planning, safe routes to school, crossings and parking.

At least 45 days prior to completion of any facilities plan that relates to the potential expansion of existing school sites or the necessity to acquire additional school sites, the Superintendent or designee shall notify and provide copies of the plan or any relevant and available information to the planning commission or agency of the city or county with land use jurisdiction within the district. (Government Code 65352.2)

If the city or county commission or agency requests a meeting, the Superintendent or designee shall meet with them within 15 days following the notification. Items that the parties may discuss at the meeting include, but are not limited to, methods of coordinating planning with proposed revitalization efforts and recreation and park programs, options for new school sites, methods of maximizing the safety of persons traveling to and from the site, and opportunities for financial assistance. (Government Code 65352.2)

To facilitate the efficient use of public resources when planning for new construction or modernization of school facilities, the district may consider designs that facilitate joint

BP 7110

5 ENROLLMENT AND FACILITIES MASTER PLANNING (Continued) use of the facility with a local governmental agency, public postsecondary institution, or nonprofit organization.

(cf. 1330.1 - Joint Use Agreements)

Annual Review

The Superintendent or designee shall review the facilities master plan on a regular basis, and provide an annual Board update to reflect changes in the educational program, existing facilities, finances, demographic data, enrollment planning assumptions and recommendations.

Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 16011 Long-range comprehensive master plan 16322 California Department of Education services 17017.5 Approval of applications for projects 17070.10-17079.30 Leroy F. Greene School Facilities Act 17251 Powers and duties of California Department of Education 17260-17268 Plans and specifications for school facilities 17280-17317 Field Act 17365-17374 Fitness for occupancy 17405 Relocatable structures; lease requirements 35275 New school planning; cooperation with recreation and park authorities GOVERNMENT CODE 53090-53097.5 Regulation of local agencies by counties and cities 65352.2 Communicating and coordinating of school sites 65995.6 School facilities needs analysis CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 2 1859-1859.199 Leroy F. Greene School Facilities Act CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 5 14001 Minimum standards 14010 Site selection standards 14030-14036 Standards, planning, and approval of school facilities CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 24 101 et seq. Green building standards code UNITED STATES CODE, TITLE 42 12101-12213 Americans with Disabilities Act CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, TITLE 28 35.101-35.190 Americans with Disabilities Act

BP 7110


Management Resources: CSBA PUBLICATIONS Maximizing Opportunities for Physical Activity Through Joint Use of Facilities, September 2009 Facilities Master Planning, Fact Sheet, November 2007 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PUBLICATIONS Schools of the Future Report, September 2011 Educational Specifications: Linking Design of School Facilities to Educational Program, 1997 Guide for the Development of a Long-Range Facilities Plan, 1986 OFFICE OF PUBLIC SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION PUBLICATIONS An Overview of the State School Facility Programs, rev. October 2011 School Facility Program Handbook, 2008 STATE ALLOCATION BOARD PUBLICATIONS Public School Construction Cost Reduction Guidelines, 2000

Policy PALO ALTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT adopted: 01.12.10, 10.09.12, 01.29.13 Palo Alto, California

7 BOARD POLICY Community Relations BP 1220


The Board of Education recognizes that citizen advisory committees enable the Board to better understand the interests and concerns of the community.

The Board shall establish citizen advisory committees when required by law, to strengthen the effectiveness of district and school operations, or to enhance student learning. The purpose of any such committees shall be clearly defined and aligned to the district's vision, mission, and goals. The Board may dissolve any advisory committee not required by law when the committee has fulfilled its duties or at any time the Board deems it necessary. (cf. 0000 - Vision) (cf. 0200 - Goals for the School District) (cf. 0420 - School Plans/Site Councils) (cf. 0420.1 - School-Based Program Coordination) (cf. 0430 - Comprehensive Local Plan for Special Education) (cf. 2230 - Representative and Deliberative Groups) (cf. 3280 - Sale, Lease, Rental of District-Owned Real Property) (cf. 5030 - Student Wellness) (cf. 6020 - Parent Involvement) (cf. 6174 - Education for English Language Learners) (cf. 6175 - Migrant Education Program) (cf. 6178 - Career Technical Education) (cf. 9130 - Board Committees)

The Superintendent or designee may establish advisory committees which shall report to him/her in accordance with law, Board policy, and administrative regulation.

Citizen advisory committees shall serve in an advisory capacity; they may make recommendations, but their actions shall not be binding on the Board or Superintendent.

The membership of citizen advisory committees should reflect the diversity of the community and represent a diversity of viewpoints.

The Superintendent or designee shall provide training and information, as necessary, to enable committee members to understand the goals of the committee and to fulfill their role as committee members.

Within budget allocations, the Superintendent or designee may approve requests for committee travel and may reimburse committee members for expenses at the same rates and under the same conditions as those provided for district employees. (cf. 3350 - Travel Expenses)

Legal reference next page



Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 8070 Career technical education advisory committee 11503 Parent involvement program 15278-15282 Citizens' oversight committee 15359.3 School facilities improvement districts 17387-17391 Advisory committees for use of excess school facilities 35147 School site councils and advisory committees 41505-41508 Pupil Retention Block Grant 41570-41573 School and Library Improvement Block Grant 44032 Travel expense payment 52176 Advisory committees, limited-English proficient students program 52852 Site council, school-based program coordination 54425 Advisory committees, compensatory education 54444.1-54444.2 Parent advisory councils, services to migrant children 56190-56194 Community advisory committee, special education 62002.5 Continuing parent advisory committees REPEALED EDUCATION CODE FOR CATEGORICAL PROGRAMS 52012 School site council GOVERNMENT CODE 810.2 Tort claims act, definition employee 810.4 Tort claims act, definition employment 815.2 Injuries by employees within scope of employment 820.9 Members of local public boards not vicariously liable 6250-6270 California Public Records Act 54950-54963 Brown Act UNITED STATES CODE, TITLE 42 1751 Note Local wellness policy COURT DECISIONS Frazer v. Dixon Unified School District, (1993) 18 Cal.App.4th 781

Management Resources: CSBA PUBLICATIONS Maximizing School Board Leadership: Community Leadership, 1996 WEB SITES CSBA: California Department of Education:

Policy PALO ALTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT adopted: 01.12.10 and 11.18.14 Palo Alto, California


Palo Alto Unified School District

Enrollment Management Advisory Committee

The Superintendent of the Palo Alto Unified School District is seeking applicants for appointment to serve on the Enrollment Management Advisory Committee. Applicants must reside or work within the boundaries of the Palo Alto Unified School District.

Using a design thinking process, the Advisory Committee is charged to prepare a set of strategic, evidence-based, actionable recommendations that will enable the district to design, develop, and implement short- and long-term plans for accommodating projected PAUSD enrollment consistent with PAUSD educational standards and the thirteen Community Values and seven Planning Standards of BP 7110. The Committee will be representative of all key stakeholders and use the following to inform their efforts.

• Current and past enrollment projections • Recommendations and background information of previous Advisory Committees • Information regarding demographic projections from the City of Palo Alto, Stanford University and the State of California • Data on overflowed students and choice program enrollment • Other information as deemed necessary

Application forms can be obtained by contacting the assistant to the Superintendent, Kathleen Ruegsegger, at [email protected]. You can obtain information by phone by calling 650-329- 3737. Applications may also be found online at the district home page:

Completed applications must be sent to: Dr. Glenn “Max” McGee, Superintendent, Palo Alto Unified School District, 25 Churchill Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94306, or emailed to: [email protected]. All applications must be received by Friday, February 20, 2015, at 4:30 pm.

Palo Alto Unified School District Vision Statement: We support all PAUSD students as they prepare themselves to thrive as global citizens in a rapidly changing world. We develop our students’ knowledge, critical thinking, and problem solving skills, and nurture their curiosity, creativity, and resilience, empowering every child to reach his or her fullest intellectual, social, and creative potential.

PALO ALTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 25 Churchill Avenue • Palo Alto, CA 94306 Telephone: (650) 329.3737 • FAX: (650) 321.3810


Superintendent’s Enrollment Management Advisory Committee Application Due Date: Friday, February 20, 2015, 4:30 p.m.

Palo Alto Unified School District (PAUSD) enrollment in the elementary schools will be increasing at a moderate rate in the next few years, that growth is occurring more rapidly in certain sectors of the district, the fact that Terman Middle School is near capacity, and that both JLS and Jordan middle schools currently enroll more than 1,100 students, we expect the Superintendent’s Advisory Committee to explore enrollment issues and identify and address the problems created by our enrollment growth. The charge of the proposed Committee is not restricted to making recommendations regarding a thirteenth elementary school. Instead, the Committee will explore a range of solutions after first articulating underlying problems.

The Committee will consist of four parents, four members of the community at large, two administrators, and four faculty and staff. We welcome your application. Members of the committee will be notified by March 1st of their selection.

Name: ______

Contact Information: ______Address

______Preferred Phone Number Email

Membership Classification (check that which best fits):

□ Current Student

□ Parent

□ Community Member (if currently employed, please list employer) ______

□ Staff Member (list assignment and school(s)) ______

□ Faculty Member (list grade/department and school) ______

Palo Alto Unified School District Vision Statement: We support all PAUSD students as they prepare themselves to thrive as global citizens in a rapidly changing world. We develop our students’ knowledge, critical thinking, and problem solving skills, and nurture their curiosity, creativity, and resilience, empowering every child to reach his or her fullest intellectual, social, and creative potential.

Superintendent’s Enrollment Management Advisory Committee Application Due Date: Friday, February 20, 2015, 4:30 p.m.

1. Why are you interested in being a member of the Advisory Committee?

2. What can you contribute to the Advisory Committee in terms of experience and/or expertise?

3. Please list resources you would recommend to the Advisory Committee to inform their work:

4. As Steven Covey wrote, "Begin with the end in mind." What are some measures for determining how successful the Advisory Committee will be in fulfilling its charge?

5. Below are the 13 Community Values listed in Board Policy 7110. Please circle five, and only five values, that in your opinion are the most important values and priorities.

1. Learning: Provide indoor and outdoor spaces that are aligned with the district’s educational goals and are highly conducive to teaching and learning in all curricular areas. School construction will be managed to minimize disruption to students and staff.

2. Safety: Facilitate safe pedestrian and bicycle commutes for students, using attendance area boundaries to minimize neighborhood student travel across busy streets such as Alma, El Camino and Oregon.

3. Flexibility: Build a strategic surplus of empty seats and classrooms at each school level and in each neighborhood cluster to prepare for projected enrollment, and plan a permanent flexible-program classroom at all elementary schools.

Palo Alto Unified School District Vision Statement: We support all PAUSD students as they prepare themselves to thrive as global citizens in a rapidly changing world. We develop our students’ knowledge, critical thinking, and problem solving skills, and nurture their curiosity, creativity, and resilience, empowering every child to reach his or her fullest intellectual, social, and creative potential.

4. Progressive Parity: Provide adequate and comparable school facilities, learning environments, educational experiences, opportunities, and staffing ratios throughout the district, including shared resources (such as libraries, subject specific classrooms, elective spaces, support staff areas, and athletic/play/outdoor areas). While recognizing that major facility renovations are incremental and sequential by nature ("progressive"), all facility improvements will be deliberately planned and phased to honor and work towards district-wide parity.

5. Neighborhoods: Provide sufficient capacity so new student residents and siblings have predictable and routine access to neighborhood schools. Place overflowed students within their cluster when possible.

6. Peer Streaming: Plan and provide feeder school structures that group neighborhood classmates together for middle and high school.

7. Preserve Programs: Cultivate the district's pre-kindergarten options and long-standing culture of "choice" programs that appeal to families and meet the diverse needs of children.

8. Class Size: Plan and preserve educationally effective student-to-teacher staffing ratios to support the district’s instructional practices and ensure district-wide comparability, recognizing that our community values small class size and that the number of students in a class may affect the extent to which teachers can identify and respond to individual student needs. The Superintendent will regularly evaluate the alignment of our class sizes with our District’s methods of instruction and resource availability.

9. School Size: Plan and preserve educationally effective school sizes throughout the district that promote positive student connections and community, strengthen adult student relationships, and build a sense of individual belonging in the schools. School size should be determined by multiple criteria, including the educational and recreational capacity of the site, traffic and student commute safety (pedestrian and bicycle), and natural neighborhood divisions. The Board is committed to balancing school enrollments when feasible.

10. Special Education: Special Day Classes shall continue to be placed at sites based on the needs of the students and the overall Special Education Program. When possible, build K-5 strands that promote student sense of belonging to a school community.

11. Fiscal Stewardship: Achieve a good return to the community on all capital investments and carefully analyze the operating cost impacts of facility decisions.

12. Opportunity: Consider securing strategically located facilities/properties as appropriate to complement district sites and support education/enrollment trends.

Palo Alto Unified School District Vision Statement: We support all PAUSD students as they prepare themselves to thrive as global citizens in a rapidly changing world. We develop our students’ knowledge, critical thinking, and problem solving skills, and nurture their curiosity, creativity, and resilience, empowering every child to reach his or her fullest intellectual, social, and creative potential.

13. Diversity: Consider the benefits of heterogeneous school communities.

6. Are you interested being interviewed to be a co-chair? What special skills and experience do you have that would make you a successful co-chair?

OPTIONAL: The following question is NOT part of the formal application process, but it is important to the success of the Committee, so we would like your input if you have any.

7. The Board has authorized us to contract with an outside expert to co-chair and/or be an active advisor to this Committee. Is there anyone whom you could recommend? Why would you recommend this individual?

Time Commitment With membership comes an expectation for regular attendance. Meetings will generally be held on Monday evenings once or twice a month through July 1. There will also be meetings or hearings on other evenings or perhaps even a weekend as well as a significant amount of work with specific subcommittees that members will schedule themselves.

Palo Alto Unified School District Vision Statement: We support all PAUSD students as they prepare themselves to thrive as global citizens in a rapidly changing world. We develop our students’ knowledge, critical thinking, and problem solving skills, and nurture their curiosity, creativity, and resilience, empowering every child to reach his or her fullest intellectual, social, and creative potential.

BOARD OF EDUCATION Attachment: Information 8


TO: Glenn “Max” McGee, Superintendent

FROM: Charles Young, Associate Superintendent - Educational Services PREPARED BY: Brenda Carrillo, Coordinator -Student Services

SUBJECT: District Mental Health and Wellness Services

STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE Personal Development and Support

RECOMMENDATION This item is for information only and no action is required. Staff is available to answer Board Members’ questions.

BACKGROUND Palo Alto Unified School District supports students in becoming strong critical thinkers, problem solvers, and resilient individuals so they may reach their full potential. To this end, PAUSD offers a wide range of student support services that promote learning and wellbeing. Support services are meant to address the diverse needs of students across a continuum, from those needing minimal guidance to experience school success to those requiring more intensive interventions.

Commitment to this important work, reflected in Strategic Plan Initiatives B1, B2, and B3, centers on fostering personal development and health of all students, ensuring safe and positive school environments, and improving counseling support services for students. Additional focus on these efforts is reflected in this year’s Board Goal 3i, which includes implementation of the bullying prevention policy and administrative regulation, launch of the Safe and Welcoming School space on the district website, and analysis of the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) and Palo Alto Reality Check Survey (PARCS) data.

Student support services include system-wide policies and programs that support safe learning environments, as well as direct services that meet the needs of all students and families. Partnerships with key community organizations such as Project Safety Net (PSN), Stanford Medical Center, and Adolescent Counseling Services (ACS) assist the District in providing quality programs and outreach efforts.

At the site level, each school offers an onsite mental health program that provides individual, family, and group counseling at no cost. These services are augmented by offsite mental health services for those situations requiring additional services. Additionally, each school promotes student wellbeing by offering programs that build developmental assets and encourage connectedness. At the individual level, the Student Services office and school sites work directly with students and families around issues that affect learning, such as health, attendance, homelessness, and other related areas. Key services are detailed in the attached PowerPoint report, which focuses on describing services at the district and school levels. These include mental health services, Developmental Assets implementation, school counseling, parent engagement, and safe schools. Strategic Plan goals related to students support services are also included.

The District is diligent in promoting safe schools, including the implementation of the bullying prevention policy and administrative regulation. The Board policy, administrative regulation, incident reporting form, flow chart, and resources are now available on the district’s newly created anti-bullying webpage. Further, the district is developing a baseline of bullying reports by tracking all incidents via an incident reporting form and an anonymous online reporting option. Targeted goals will be set using this baseline data. Finally, PAUSD staff and secondary students have been trained to develop a common understanding and language in order to identify and intervene in any bullying or harassment incidents.

PAUSD’s comprehensive approach to supporting students involves community partnerships, parents, counselors, teachers, and students. It is through the successful collaboration of all members of our school community that we are able to offer students robust and effective services at all levels. The Student Services office will continue to support current efforts and to develop new efforts in the areas of school attendance and connectedness. 1/22/2015

+ School Mental Health Student Services in Climate Services PAUSD

Developmental Bullying Assets Prevention

Presented to the PAUSD Board of Education by Dr. Charles Young January 27, 2015 Prepared by Brenda Carrillo, Student Services Coordinator

+ 2 Outcomes of Presentation

 Learn about District-wide Student Services Programs and Initiatives

 Understand District-wide Mental Health and Student Connectedness Efforts

 Receive Update on Bullying Prevention Efforts

1 1/22/2015

+ 3


2 1/22/2015


+ The Student Services Office 6 Enhances Teaching and Learning

The Student Services Office promotes safe and supportive learning environments to enhance the educational experiences of all students, via:

 Systemic supports to promote equity and access

 Policy and practice development across multiple domains of health

 Direct services to students, families, and schools

 Outreach and support to school communities

 Collaboration with key partners to promote a community of support for students

3 1/22/2015

+ A Wide Range of Student Support 7 Services are Offered at the District Macro Level Mezzo Level

 Committees (Safe and  Consultation and training Welcoming, LGBTQQ, Health  Guide secondary counseling efforts Council, Attendance, Continuity  Maintain and develop mental health of Care) services district-wide  Project Safety Net Leadership  Monitor student data (CHKS, PARCs and  County Liaison (McKinney Vento, DA) Foster Youth, Tobacco Use  Social Work program development Prevention and Education,)  Oversee 3 Session Referral  Policy development  Living Skills classes  Community outreach (Student  Micro Level Services Fair, Unity Day)   Liaison with key community 3 Session Referral partners  McKinney Vento (Homeless)  Federal 504 efforts  Foster Youth   Parent education and outreach Student Attendance Review Board  Parent support

8 + Wide Range of Student Support Services Offered at Secondary Level

 Developmental Assets/Project Cornerstone  Life Skills (HS)

 School Climate committees  School Climate and social kindness programs  School Climate TOSAs (HS)  Digital Citizenship curricula  Not in our Schools (NIOS)  Project Outlet  Onsite mental health counseling  Camp Everytown (HS)  Student assemblies/clubs  SSTs/HST/Parent meetings  Monthly activities  Kaiser Permanente (MS)  Counselor check-ins  Transition Camps  Challenge Success (HS)  Unity Day  Inclusion Week  Staff training

4 1/22/2015

+ 9 Wide Range of Student Support Services Offered at Elementary Level

 Developmental Assets (Project Cornerstone)

 School Climate and Social Kindness programs (Steps to Respect, Second Step, Six Seconds, Core Values, Project Resilience, Talk it Out, Expect Respect, Project Resilience)

 School Climate committees

 Onsite mental health counseling

 TheatreWorks

 Digital Citizen curricula

 SSTs/HST’s

 School assemblies

 Staff training

+ Robust Mental Health Services 10 Offered K-12

 Mental Health Services improve student mental, emotional, and social health and contribute to health of school environment

 Staffed by professional mental health clinicians

 Services free to students, parents, and staff

 Offer individual, group, and crisis support

 Additional mental health services:  3 Session Referral program  Stanford Fellows  District social worker  Kara (grief counseling)

5 1/22/2015

11 + Secondary Sites served by Adolescent Counseling Services

2014-15 2013-14 Number of Schools 55 Served Number of Students 739 (632 students and 841 (students) Served 107 family members) 4,790 individual, group, and 2,350 individual, group, family sessions and family sessions Top 5 Reasons for Academic stress Academic stress Referral Communication with Communication with parents parents Peer relationships Self-esteem School performance Peer relationships Anxiety Anxiety

Outcome Measures Yearly Report to PAUSD (Based on student assessment and surveys)

+ Elementary Sites Served by 3 12 Providers Counseling & Support Services for Youth (CASSY)

2014-15 2013-14

Number of Schools 7 schools 6 schools Served Number of Students 277 298 assessments, 2225 Served sessions, 1109 parent consultations, 2,086 & staff consults Top 5 reasons for Peer relationships Peer relationships Referral Social skills Social skills Difficulty making friends Difficulty making friends Anxiety Anxiety Impulsivity Impulsivity

Outcome Measures: Yearly report to PAUSD (Based on student assessment and surveys)

6 1/22/2015

+ Elementary Sites Served by 3 13 Providers (Family & Children’s)

Family & Children’s Services 2014-15 2013-14 Number of Schools 1 2 Number of Students 17 (133 total individual or 66 (1054 individual and Served group sessions) group sessions, 366 collateral meetings with teachers and parents) Top 5 Reasons for Referral Trauma Trauma Anxiety Anxiety Depression Depression Deregulation of behavior Deregulation of behavior Social skills Social skills Outcome Measures Yearly report to PAUSD (Based on student assessment and surveys)

14 + Elementary Sites Served by 3 Providers

Acknowledge Alliance

2014-15 2013-14 Number of Schools 4 3 Number of Students 83 150 (2,328 individual and Served group sessions) Top 5 Reasons for Family Issue Family issues Referral Anxiety Anxiety Social skills Social skills/friendship issues Mental Health (Depression Self confidence/Self-Efficacy 14and ADHD) Trauma Impulsivity/Self control

Outcome Measures Yearly report to PAUSD (Based on student assessment and surveys)

7 1/22/2015

+ Multiple Sources Used to Measure 15 Student Mental Health Outcomes

1. California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS)

2. Palo Alto Reality Check (PARC)

3. Developmental Assets Survey (DA)

4. Alumni Survey

5. End of Year Reports from Providers

6. Site Feedback on Services

7. Site Level Goals (WASC, SPSA, Other)

8. Participant Feedback

9. Continuity of Care Committee Feedback

+ 16 Middle School SPSA Goal Example

Goal B2.1: Ensure school environments are safe and welcoming for all students through: student education; mentoring relationships; research-based programs; training for staff, volunteers,and substitutes; and avenues for students to access support.

Measurable Goal:

 Jordan Middle School will see a 50% decrease in all categories to the following Palo Alto Reality Check survey question: “In the the past 12 months how often have you taken part in bullying other students?”

E.g.: Physically hurt - decrease from 28 to 14 responses

8 1/22/2015

+ 17 High School WASC Goal Example

Strategy #3 – WELLNESS – Create a comprehensive Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum that will allow students to develop awareness and skills to improve their emotional wellness and foster emotional growth as measured through the California Healthy Kids Survey.

Measurable Goal:

 Explore the attributes/components that should be included in a Gunn specific SEL wellness program (i.e. empathy, awareness, engagement, nutrition, mindfulness, etc.).

+ Key Elements of School 18 Connectedness & Positive Climate

Developmental Assets

Student and parent engagement

A healthy and safe school environment

Physical, emotional, and social conditions that affect the well-being of students and staff

9 1/22/2015

+ Developmental Assets are 19 Foundational to our Efforts

 All sites utilize a Developmental Assets framework to develop programs and services

 Examples:  NIOS Week  Assemblies  Weekly team meetings  6th grade camps  Counselor check-ins  School Climate committees  Camp Everytown  School Climate TOSAs  Challenge Success

+ Our Partnership with Project 20 Cornerstone Continues to Grow

Project Cornerstone continues to partner with sites to provide the following:  ABC Program at Addison, Briones, El Carmelo, Hoover and Palo Verde  Training to 113 parents volunteers, who volunteer about 339 hours every month to impact approximately 2,500 students  El Carmelo hosted a Take it Personally Workshop, 29 parents from 12 elementary schools attended  Staff Training held at Hoover with 31 staff  Principal consultations at JLS and El Carmelo

10 1/22/2015

+ 21 Youth Community Services (YCS) Partnership has Expanded

 The District has partnered with YCS this year to provide attendance interventions at the secondary level

 YCS curriculum focuses on: Self Awareness, Alignment of Values with Actions, Social Awareness and Individual Responsibility.

 To date 53 high school students have participated in this program

 This intervention will be measured by tracking participation in intervention programs as well as recidivism rates

+ 22 Parent Engagement Efforts are Robust and Engaging

Highlights of parent engagement topics/programs offered this year:

 Parent Project  Suicide prevention

 Special Education outreach  Sleep and wellness

 Voluntary Transfer Program  Brain development of teens Parent outreach  Digital Citizenship  A-G for Underrepresented  Mental health awareness Minorities

 Parent nights on College and  Loving Solutions Career  Cultural issues

11 1/22/2015

+ 23 Secondary School Counseling Program Alignment

 Counselors engaged in cross training and professional learning to deepen knowledge and skills

 Counselors working on further alignment of systems to support students district-wide

 Counseling Logic Model guides the 6-12 counseling program and is based on ASCA Standards

 Logic Model metrics to include academic, college and career, and personal/social


12 1/22/2015

+ 25 School Counseling Strategic Plan Goals

By 2018, increase percentage of stakeholders who are satisfied with:

 Non-academic counseling - from 72% to 82%

 College counseling - from 57% to 67%

 Career counseling - from 47% to 62%

26 + Student Connectedness Strategic Plan Goals

 By 2015, increase percent of students reporting support from three or more non-parent adults on Developmental Assets Survey from: 52% to 57% for elementary; 58% to 63% for middle school; 50% to 55% for high school students

 By 2015, increase percentage of students reporting they care about school on the Developmental Assets Survey from 89% to 94% for elementary; 82% to 87% for middle school; by 74% to 79% for high school

 By 2017, reduce district-wide truancy rates from 50% to 35% (5% annually) through the development of formalized policies and practices that support consistent attendance as measured by district attendance data

13 1/22/2015

+ 27 Safe & Positive School Environment Strategic Plan Goals

 By 2015, increase percent of students reporting a caring school climate on the Developmental Assets Survey from: 75% to 80% for elementary; 48% to 53% for middle; 39% to 44% for high school

 By 2018, increase percent of stakeholders satisfied with social and emotional experience students have at PAUSD from 83% to 88%.

 By 2018, increase proportion of students scoring “high” on school connectedness scale on the California Healthy Kids Survey from 73% to 78% for 5th graders; 67% to 72% for 7th graders; 62% to 67% for 9th graders;

 By 2018, create a report that documents all programs related to the Safe and Welcoming Schools Initiative at all sites.

+ 28 Safe and Welcoming Schools Efforts Continue to be Strong

 The SAWS Committee meets monthly

 Developed a webpage

 Membership consistent

 Have assisted in:  Developing a bullying reporting flow chart  Planning for Unity Day  Development (in progress) of a School Climate webpage  Development of bullying policy

14 1/22/2015

29 + Bullying Prevention Goals Have Been Met or are Ongoing:

1. Document percentage compliance with Board Bullying Prevention Policy BP 5131.2 and Student Conduct Policy BP 5131 and their administrative regulation trainings:

 All PAUSD staff trained on disability based harassment in Fall 2013. Administrators receive ongoing training to calibrate practice. 2. Launch Safe and Welcoming School space on district website:

 A Safe and Welcoming Schools space launched on district website last year.

+ 30 Bullying Prevention Goals Met or Ongoing

3. Develop baseline data on bullying incidents and case disposition:  Incident Reporting form developed. To date, 26 reports received by Student Services Office. By site: JLS 9, Jordan 5, Paly 5, Palo Verde 2, Gunn 4, and Nixon 1. Of total number of reports, 11 substantiated, 12 unsubstantiated, 1 partially substantiated, 1 substantiated and referred to UCP and 1 report does not indicate an outcome.

4. Report on survey results from annual California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) and Palo Alto Reality Check Survey (PARCs).  This information presented to the Board on December 9, 2014.

5. Results from Spring 2015 Strategic Plan Survey  Will be reviewed and compared to 2014 data

15 1/22/2015

+ 31 The Student Services Office Supports Teaching & Learning

Ongoing Work:  Integrate various committees to strengthen communication and efforts to support students

 Develop a Social Work Intern Program

 Create a Student Services model that describes services, activities, and outcome measures district-wide

 Increase culturally relevant services to student and families

 Meet goals as specified in Strategic Plan

 Align systems to support all students

 Continue Secondary Counseling program comparability work

+ 32 Key Community Partnerships

 Adolescent Counseling  Palo Alto Medical Services (ACS) Foundation

 Counseling And Support  Project Outlet Services for Youth (CASSY)  Youth Community Services (YCS)  Acknowledge Alliance  Project Cornerstone  Kara  Stanford School of  Project Safety Net Medicine

 Family and Children’s  Parent Groups (PTAC Services and CAC)

16 BOARD OF EDUCATION Attachment: Information 9


TO: Glenn “Max” McGee, Superintendent

FROM: Charles Young, Associate Superintendent - Educational Services PREPARED BY: Kelly Bikle, Coordinator – Professional Learning

SUBJECT: Professional Development Management: My Learning Plan

STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE Staff Development and Recruitment Governance and Communication

RECOMMENDATION This item is for information only and no action is required.

BACKGROUND In 2013-14, the Board approved the allocation of $5 million to support professional learning for all staff. A key component to the distribution of these funds includes the professional learning stipend added to the contract in 2013-14. Management of the stipends, tracking professional learning opportunities, creating an efficient approval process, and tracking data about the impact of professional learning necessitates a level of organization most efficiently addressed through a software product. Many of our pre-existing systems were paper-based, including the process for requesting units for salary advancement and professional growth credits. To facilitate these processes, we purchased and implemented My Learning Plan, a Professional Development Management System.

Utilizing My Learning Plan supports our work for the third Board of Education Goal: “To provide all students the highest quality learning environment in every District school and assure that all certificated and classified staff are continuously engaged in Professional Learning that is aligned with specific, strategic school improvement goals that are tied to the District Strategic Plan.” This report will provide an update on our implementation efforts, which speaks to Measure and Deliverable 3a: “Analysis of fidelity in faculty completion of ‘My Learning Plan.’”

What is a Professional Development Management System? Why do we need one? A Professional Development Management System (PDMS) is a software tool to facilitate and streamline planning, managing, tracking, and evaluating the effectiveness of professional learning activities.

Users request approval to attend professional learning activities through My Learning Plan’s online forms. The electronic routing process is efficient and allows users to access one system for multiple purposes (stipend, units, etc.). My Learning Plan provides the capability to use professional learning data more efficiently. With relative ease, we can now examine attendance data, alignment with district goals, and teacher feedback on workshop effectiveness. Site and district administration is now able to gather detailed information regarding available conferences and to track what teachers are attending.

What is the intended impact on teaching and learning? My Learning Plan will assist us in our efforts to understand the impact of the professional learning opportunities we offer. We now have data about professional learning activities housed in one system and also have the capability to build customized reports. Moving forward we are planning for several intended impacts on teaching and learning. • We will integrate a common feedback/evaluation form into the system to understand (1) the impact our district workshops have on teacher knowledge; (2) teachers’ plans for applying new learning in their classrooms; and (3) teachers’ evaluations of workshop quality. • We will begin to promote the use of the Personal Goals tool. This feature allows teachers to input their own professional goals for the year and to connect them to specific professional learning activities. • We will leverage the reporting features to examine the data in the system. Principals will have access to teacher and site level data to assist in identifying strengths and next steps. At the district level, we will have the capacity to examine feedback and evaluation data across workshops. • The system houses requests for attending courses, workshops, and conferences. For the first time we will have access to this data in electronic form to help us evaluate the types of professional learning our teachers attend. • My Learning Plan offers an array of options for supporting learning over time. For example, workshop participants can communicate in a “Team Room” that allows for sharing documents and threaded discussions.

What process was used to select My Learning Plan? A selection committee was formed and included district and site level representation. The selection committee consisted of representatives from Educational Services, Human Resources, and Instructional Technology. We began by identifying our needs and solution criteria to establish the priorities in reviewing products. Dr. Kelly Bikle, Coordinator of Professional Learning, and Dr. Nancy Pang, Coordinator of Educational Technology, conducted an initial review of a range of potential products using the criteria outlined by the committee. After reviewing a wide range of products, the list was narrowed and vendors were invited to conduct webinars, to provide a deeper understanding of each product’s features, and to answer questions. Finalists were invited to conduct a demonstration with the larger committee. Each vendor provided a demo-login where committee members experimented with the programs. Results of this step in the process were shared, leading to a consensus decision to purchase My Learning Plan. The committee identified three key features to My Learning Plan they found particularly attractive, which included ease of use, the flexible reporting feature, and responsive customer service. Since the selection of My Learning Plan, their customer service continues to remain high.

What was the implementation process? Once the software was purchased, Dr. Bikle began working with My Learning Plan to customize the features to meet the needs for PAUSD’s sites. This included reviewing and updating existing district forms and processes for approval and sharing those with My Learning Plan. My Learning Plan built the District’s initial forms, loaded the user data, and provided training to Dr. Bikle and Dr. Pang.

Over the summer the major focus of the work was to review and test the system and to develop training documents to support users in our initial roll out.

How was My Learning Plan rolled out? My Learning Plan is intuitive and easy to use. Our roll out plan was built on the theory that most users, with a brief overview, would feel comfortable exploring its features independently. We developed resources to support users, including written instructions and screencasts. Training dates for administrators and teachers are reflected in the following:

Administrators August 2014: Train administrators on basic features of My Learning Plan and how to review requests for approval Ongoing 2014-15: Monitor usage and approvals and provide support as needed

Teachers August 2014: Email blast with instructions (in print and screencast form) August-September 2014: Onsite support at secondary sites October 2014: Train tech leads, ask tech leads to support teachers in accessing system Ongoing 2014-15: Provide workshops as needed, ongoing support via email and phone

How is the roll out proceeding? Feedback from staff has been overwhelmingly positive. Anecdotally, teachers appreciate the paperless system, the ease and transparency of the approval process, and the capacity to maintain an electronic portfolio.

A recent review of tracking data revealed the software is well utilized. Since the August launch, approximately 625 teachers have accessed their accounts. To date, 238 stipends have been processed and an additional 30 units applied toward salary advancement. District instructors have created 65 workshops, all of which are listed in the My Learning Plan user interface.

What are some potential next steps? Looking forward, we will tap the power of the goal setting, feedback, and evaluation tools to better understand the impact of professional learning on educator knowledge and student outcomes.


My Learning Plan A Professional Development Management System

January 27, 2015 Dr. Charles Young Prepared by Dr. Kelly Bikle

Presentation Outcomes

● See an overview of My Learning Plan’s features ● Learn about first implementation steps ● Understand additional features available ● Hear about early outcomes and planned impact on teaching and learning


1 1/22/2015

Professional Learning in PAUSD

● Shared Commitment - Board and Staff ● Vision and Pillars of Excellence ● Professional Learning Stipend ($1,200/18 hours)


Strategic Plan and Professional Learning


2 1/22/2015

Vision for Professional Learning for PAUSD

Professional Learning is a comprehensive, sustained, and intensive approach to improving teachers’, principals,’ and support staffs’ effectiveness in raising student achievement. In order to provide all students the highest-quality learning environment in every Palo Alto school, all certificated and classified staff must be continuously engaged in Professional Learning.

PAUSD’s Professional Learning will:

● be focused on student learning goals and outcomes based on evidence (data) ● strengthen content knowledge and instructional strategies to meet the needs of all students ● be collaborative and foster a sense of collective responsibility focused on improved student performance, PK-12 ● be ongoing, embedded in our daily work, with an emphasis on inquiry and reflection to improve practice ● be regularly evaluated to ensure experiences are high-quality, research-based, and effective in meeting intended goals ● be in alignment with site and district goals


What is a PDMS?

A Professional Development Management System is software that facilitates and streamlines planning, managing, tracking, and evaluating the effectiveness of professional learning opportunities.


3 1/22/2015

Reflections on Phase One of the Implementation Plan ● Value of paperless system ● A single transparent and efficient approval and tracking system ● Data/reporting tools: ○ Customizable ○ Single data system for Professional Learning


Rolling Out My Learning Plan: Fall 2014 Plan: Resources: ● Train administrators

● Provide resources to teachers

● On-demand workshops, email, phone calls


4 1/22/2015

Teacher Feedback

My Learning Plan makes managing my Professional Development and continued learning easy and efficient. The District Catalog posts PAUSD’s offered sessions with descriptions to help me quickly identify which workshops would be useful for me to attend.

Additionally, I am able to have quick feedback about the processing of my units or stipend by seeing whether my request is approved and in progress or completed. I enjoy the convenience of My Learning Plan and the transparency it provides users and administrators in continuing PD. ~Middle School Teacher


Teacher Feedback

My favorite part of My Learning Plan is that I no longer have to deal with all those loose papers! As teachers, we are constantly working to grow and improve; My Learning Plan makes it easy to track this progress, discover new workshops, and continue our professional development. I love that I can log on and look at what I have done, what I am doing, and what I will do in the future. The process is much more efficient, and I love that I don't have to try to track down administrators or other teachers to get signatures. My Learning Plan is convenient, effective, and helpful. ~Middle School Teacher


5 1/22/2015

Administrator Feedback

I have found MLP to be helpful in managing staff PD...The records help to remind me about who has been actively involved in professional development and in what areas. I use this information to refer staff who have questions or want more those who have participated in activities around that topic to strengthen the knowledge of the entire group. ~Elementary Principal 11

Administrator Feedback

I like MLP, but I could use more guided practice on how to use it effectively.

I think my teachers love it, because they get approval for their PD right away.

MLP is a good way to track the PD that teachers are interested in and I like the web-based format.

Overall, using MLP is much easier than the pre-planning sheets we have used in the past. ~Elementary Principal 12

6 1/22/2015

MLP Usage and User Information

● Number of teachers logged on: ~625 ● Number of stipends paid: 283 ● Number of units towards salary advancement: ~30 ● Number of courses created: 65


Planned Impact on Teaching and Learning ● Utilizing feedback/evaluation data to o understand the impact of professional learning on educator knowledge o understand classroom application and impact on students o gather teachers’ evaluation of workshop quality ● Leveraging reporting features


7 1/22/2015

Planned Impact (cont.)

● Integrating professional goals


Planned Impact (cont.) ● Fostering collaboration and ongoing learning

Job-embedded professional development is learning grounded in day-to-day teaching practice and is designed to enhance teachers’ content-specific instructional practices. It is…integrated into the workday, consisting of teachers assessing and finding solutions for authentic and immediate problems of practice. (By definition it requires) active teacher involvement in cooperative, inquiry-based work.

Adapted from Croft, Coggshall, Dolan, Powers and Killion (2010) 16

8 1/22/2015

An Example: Team Room



9 BOARD OF EDUCATION Attachment: Action 10


TO: Board of Education

FROM: Glenn “Max” McGee, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Purchase of Dell Chromebook 11 Units for Palo Alto High School

STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE Academic Excellence and Learning

RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Board of Education authorize staff to purchase 465 Dell Chromebook 11 units in the amount of $157,507.31 for Palo Alto High School using the Western States Contracting Alliance (WSCA) piggyback bid #B27160 awarded to Dell Marketing LP. This item was discussed at the January 13, 2015, regular meeting.

BACKGROUND This fall, the superintendent authorized the acceptance of a $520,000 gift from the Brin/Wojicki Foundation to purchase Chromebooks and carts and to fund teacher training in the operation and educational applications of the devices for Paly and Gunn ($260,000 for each school). This gift was accepted in consultation with Board officers and in accordance with BP 3290 which states:

The Board of Education or Superintendent or designee may accept any bequest or gift of money or property on behalf of the district . . . the Board or Superintendent or designee discourages any gifts which directly or indirectly impair its commitment to providing equal educational opportunities for all district students. {Clearly, this gift supports equal educational opportunities.}

Before accepting a gift, the Board or Superintendent or designee shall consider whether the gift:

1. Has a purpose consistent with the district’s vision and philosophy 2. Begins a program which the Board would be unable to continue when the donated funds are exhausted 3. Entails undesirable or excessive costs 4. Implies endorsement of any business or product

Gift books and instructional materials shall be accepted only if they meet regular district criteria.

1 The Chromebooks were not purchased at that time because we did not have an evaluation plan. As written to the Board in August:

“They have a thoughtful plan for using the Chromebooks as tools for writing and for collaborative projects. Also, given the demand for the Computer on Wheel (COW) carts, they noted this donation would alleviate problems teachers have faced regarding reserving COWs for their classes, getting everything set up ahead of time, and occasional connectivity issues, one of which I witnessed firsthand today regarding a printer interface. Since the donation will be split equally among Gunn and Paly and that the educational plan is sound … I was in favor of accepting the donation provided: (1) we had definitive specs for the Chromebook so we could bid their purchase; (2) we had a staff member who would provide the professional training and ongoing support; and (3) an evaluation plan was developed, reviewed, and approved by Charles Young, Katherine Baker, and me.”

During the past months, Paly administration and faculty have worked with Derek Moore, Chief Technology Officer, to fine-tune their plans for the educational use of the technology and to assure faculty have the professional development necessary to put the Chromebooks to optimal use. Staff also has since developed a thorough evaluation plan. Given the dollar amount of the equipment purchase, Board approval is requested. Gunn is still in the process of developing detailed plans for implementation and evaluation next school year, and the request for that purchase will be made at a future date.

While there is minimal cost to the District, primarily from assuring the upkeep of the machines, there are substantial benefits to this acquisition aligned both with our strategic plan and our vision – especially in developing problem solving, critical thinking, and nurturing curiosity and creativity. Having Chromebooks in the ninth and tenth grade English and History classes will create more collaborative learning environments within the class and through networks beyond the classroom walls. This environment will enable and support students and teachers to implement transformative uses of technology while enhancing students’ engagement with content and in promoting the development of self-directed and lifelong learners. Both Paly and Gunn endeavor to prepare students for an ever-changing world that sees technological advancements happening at a rapid rate and are committed to preparing students for whatever path they choose after high school.

This acquisition supports our high school WASC goals and the PAUSD Strategic Plan initiatives as we work towards creating learning environments on our campuses that ensure all of our students are future ready. Faculty have been supportive of the plan, and already fifteen of the eighteen teachers who are accepting sets of the Chromebooks have attended one or more of the following professional learning events where they have learned how to operate the computers and also learned how to use them in innovative ways to improve teaching and learning:

- Computer Using Educators (CUE) annual conference - Google Apps for Education Summit(s) - Learning Forward conference - Participating in our own blended learning cohort programs - Participating in our District-run Tech Integration workshops

2 Additional professional development will focus on collaborative work among teachers in using the devices for more frequent formative assessment, for collaborative and cross-curricular student projects, and for improving writing instruction.

The benefits of increasing the number of Chromebook devices in our classrooms includes the opportunity:

o to ensure great teaching and learning can happen in all classrooms and not be dependent upon access o to collaborate both synchronously and asynchronously with other students seamlessly o for students to receive more timely and specific feedback from teachers on formative assessments and writing o for students to create a positive digital footprint with learning being public on the web o for students to generate more writing and to create more authentic representations of their learning than ever before o for students to choose how they present their learning o to level the playing field for access for all our students o to remove the ceiling on what they can learn, produce, and pursue

In addition to providing Chromebooks for ninth and tenth grade English and History classes at Paly, every student in the AVID program will receive one as will approximately 50 to 100 students from socio-economically disadvantaged families. Several machines will also be designated for use in special education classrooms.

PROPOSAL The proposal is for the Board of Education to authorize staff to purchase 465 Dell Chromebook 11 units in the amount of $157,507.31 for Palo Alto High School using the Western States Contracting Alliance (WSCA) piggyback bid #B27160 awarded to Dell Marketing L.P.

Using the piggyback bid complies with Public Contract Code 20118 which permits a public agency to enter into a contract for purchase, without bidding, by allowing the school district to “piggyback” on an identical contract that was already bid by another public agency. WSCA contract #B27160 was made between Dell Marketing LP and the Minnesota Department of Administration, authorized for use in the state of California by the California Department of General Services, Procurement Division. Chief Business Officer, Cathy Mak, and the District’s attorney, have verified the District is in full legal compliance.

3 Chromebook Pilot Evaluation Plan for Palo Alto High School

Paly endeavors to prepare students for an ever-changing world in which technological advancements happens rapidly and we are committed to preparing students for whatever path they choose after high school. Our Chromebook pilot is designed to advance the PAUSD vision statement as students “prepare themselves to thrive as global citizens in a rapidly changing world” by creating collaborative learning environments for learners in our classrooms that enable them to deepen their knowledge and develop problem solving and critical thinking skills. This environment will enable and support students and teachers to implement transformative uses of technology while enhancing students’ engagement with content and promoting the development of self-directed learners. Students will become more than consumers of information but creative producers of knowledge. It is important to note that the intent is not to measure the effectiveness of particular piece of hardware; rather, the intent is to measure how well we develop our students’ knowledge, critical thinking, and problem solving skills and nurture their curiosity and creativity. The hardware is a small component of the learning environment, one that will help create a more realistic representation of what will be expected of our students to meet the challenges of living in a fast-changing world. In addition to aligning with the District’s vision, this pilot supports our second and third WASC goals, first three Board goals, and selected PAUSD Strategic Plan initiatives as we work towards creating learning environments on our campus that ensure all of our students are future ready.

How will we measure the effectiveness of our pilot? In September 2014, a small group of teachers and administrators, including Esther Wojicki, Roni Habib, Kim Diorio and Adam Paulson, met to discuss an evaluation process for determining the effectiveness of our pilot. We researched other schools that have instituted Chromebook policies and pilots to determine best practices and specific measures.

As a result of this research we adopted the following guiding questions for our pilot:

1. What is the effectiveness of class sets of Chromebooks in improving learning and teaching based on: • Student experience with respect to learning and instruction • Teacher experience with respect to learning and instruction • Chromebook’s effectiveness as a 1:1 device for learning and instruction?

2. What improvements should be made when 1:1 devices or BYOD initiatives are incorporated in other schools and at other grade levels?

DATA ANALYSIS We will collect following data from six sources and use the first year data as both a benchmark for the following semesters and information for improving the implementation, training, and use of the Chromebooks. Data sources are:

• Experience Sampling Snapshot • Written Anecdotal Feedback from Students and Teachers • Surveys of Students • Surveys of Teachers • Focus Groups of Students and Teachers • Google Analytics

Please note that the probes and questions below are still subject to editorial refinement and may expand to include other questions generated by users.

1. Experience Sampling Method At a randomly selected time, each student in a given class will be asked to “freeze” and take a quick survey that in essence provided a “snapshot” of their current experiences and enter them on a Google Form. The snapshot asks:

1. What are you working on right now: Sample responses (these will be refined and finalized) include: • Browsing the internet for information on a topic related to this class • Using the internet for an activity unrelated to class • Writing an email or chatting on a matter not related to this class • Working collaboratively with other students on our assignment • Working on a document for this class • Creating a presentation for this class • Creating a video or animation related to this class • Finding an image or video related to this class • Other:

2. What were you thinking about?

3. Students will then be asked to respond to ten questions using a six point Likert Scale. For all questions, 6= extremely, 5 = very, 4 = moderately, 3 = somewhat, 2 = not very much, 1 = not at all). Questions may include:

• How engaged were you in the activity? • Did you enjoy the activity? • How challenging was the activity? • How skilled were you at the activity? • How challenging was the activity? • How meaningful was the activity? • How much were you concentrating? • How well were your Chromebook and/or internet connectivity working? • How much were you learning? (6 = a great deal to 1 = nothing) • Did you have a choice in picking this activity? (6 = Yes, 1 = No)

Frequency: One “snapshot” per student toward the end of the pilot period

2. Anecdotal Feedback from Students and Teachers Students and teachers will be asked to give anecdotal feedback in the form of class- based surveys, unstructured requests for comment, and email correspondence.

Frequency: Two times per semester (March 2015, June 2015)

3. and 4. Surveys All students and teachers will be asked to complete the Chromebook Evaluation Survey at the end of the pilot period. The questions focused on the previously mentioned school goals and will include open-ended comment questions. Examples of questions are:

Part 1. Demographic Data Gender, racial/ethnic, grade level, course, previous PAUSD schools

Part 2. Likert Scale Respondents will be asked the extent to which they agree or disagree with a series of statements. (6 Strongly Agree, 5 Agree, 4 Somewhat Agree, 3 Somewhat Disagree, 2 Disagree, 1 Strongly Disagree). Questions include:

• The Chromebooks (CB) have increased the level of engagement for all students • CB have enabled me to use personalize learning • I have used (experienced) CB for some new instructional practices • I have used (experienced) CB for effective assessment practices • Students have used CB for interdisciplinary learning • Students have completed collaborative projects • CB have been helpful for my at risk/struggling students • CB enable me to appropriately challenge every student • The CB pilot has encouraged me to improve my teaching • CB used to facilitate Project Based Learning • CB has given students access to more resource and content • CB have benefitted student learning • CB create distractions on a regular basis • CB are easy to use

Part 3. Open Ended Questions • If you were to tweet about your CB experience, what would you say? • Describe briefly how your use of CB has changed how you teach/learn. • Describe briefly how your use of CB has changed what you teach/learn. • Please list two or three things that you as a teacher have learned about incorporating CB into your instructional and assessment practices • What additional training or support do you need to use CB more effectively in your classes? • Which CB Apps and Extensions were most helpful to you this year? • What advice can you give other teachers/students who will have the opportunity to use CB in their classes? • What recommendations do you have for your teacher to do to make the CV experience better for students?

Frequency: once per student and twice per teacher at the end of the quarters (March and June 2015).

We will also administer a short survey (using google forms) to all students and teachers every quarter (March 2015, end of 3rd quarter, June 2015, end of 4th quarter) to collect qualitative data regarding infrastructure issues, obstacles to success, frequency of use in class and for homework, and professional development needs.

5. Focus Groups Responses to the surveys will likely generate data that we want to probe with focus groups of students and teachers. For example, if a significant difference exists between engagement in classes, we would conduct a focus group of students to identify possible causes for the difference. Likewise, for teachers who report Chromebooks were a distraction, we would conduct a focus group to identify what caused them to be so distracting.

6. Analytics Google Analytics can provide daily, weekly, and monthly counts for important usage statistics including: • Types of documents generated • Number of documents generated by each student • Number of collaborators for each document created by a student • Average number of users working on a document • Frequency of off-topic internet access (e.g. Facebook)

Next steps Following our data analysis, our committee will compile a report with additional recommendations and key learnings that our schools have experienced based on this pilot. We will also use this information to identify additional professional learning that our teachers may need as they integrate technology in their classrooms. This information will be shared out with the District administration and all stakeholder groups. BOARD OF EDUCATION Attachment: Discussion 11


TO: Board of Education

FROM: Glenn “Max” McGee, Superintendent

SUBJECT: Board Policy Updates

STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE Governance and Communication

RECOMMENDATION The Board of Education will discuss adopting the Board policy updates as presented below. .

BACKGROUND The Board of Education adopted a set of new policies from the California School Boards Association (CSBA) in January 2010. Since that time, updated policies are presented to comply with changes in legislation.

The following policies review those policies marked as “Under Review” and those with updates provided by the California School Boards Association (CSBA), as noted below. Review was completed by the 2014 Board Policy Review Committee (BPRC) which includes Camille Townsend, Heidi Emberling, Glenn “Max” McGee, and Theresa Baldwin, president of PAEA, after first being examined by appropriate staff members for recommendations (staff member indicated by each policy).

BPs and ARs are presented in the packet with: a mark-up (CSBA changes are noted in Bold Italics or Strikethroughs) (Reviewing changes by staff, BPRC, or other stakeholders are Highlighted), and the CSBA sample(s).

BP 6000 – Instruction – Concepts and Roles Charles Young – RECOMMENDED AS IS This policy was adopted by the Board in January 2010 and immediately marked for review. CSBA has not updated this policy since July 2006.

BP 6141 – Instruction – Curriculum Development and Evaluation Charles Young – ONE BPRC CHANGE This policy was adopted by the Board in January 2010 and immediately marked for review. CSBA has not updated this policy since July 2008. Suggested change by BPC is recommended.

1 BP 6142.93 – Instruction – Science Instruction Charles Young – ONE STAFF RECOMMENDED CHANGE This policy was adopted by the Board in January 2010 and immediately marked for review. CSBA has not updated this policy since October 1995. NOTE: Staff believes this policy may be updated to align with Common Core State Standards soon as both BP 6142.92 (Mathematics) and BP 6142.94 (History-Social Science) have recently been updated. Staff recommended changes are noted in the last paragraph in the meantime.

BP 6142.94 – Instruction – History-Social Scient Instruction Charles Young – UPDATES RECOMMENDED This is a NEW policy for the district. In reviewing the CSBA updates from April 2014, it was discovered the current policy with this number was listed as Alternative Programs/Curriculum, which actually should be BP 6181. BP 6181 is presented separately. Updates are recommended..

BP and AR 6181 – Instruction – Alternative Schools / Choice Programs Charles Young – UPDATES RECOMMENDED In reviewing the CSBA updates of April 2014, it was discovered this policy number was incorrect. It should be BP 6181, a policy that has not been adopted. Policy language is taken from CSBA’s 2009 version. The balance of the policy was labeled Administrative Procedure, and this has been broken out into a separate AR. Language for the AR is from CSBA’s 2009 version.

E 9323.2 – Actions by the Board – Actions Requiring A Super Majority Vote Board of Education – UPDATES RECOMMENDED This exhibit lists actions requiring a two-thirds vote of the Board. BPRC has suggesting deleting three of the listed items.

2 This policy was adopted by the Board of Education in January 2010 and immediately marked for review. CSBA has not updated this policy since July 2006. No changes are recommended.

BOARD POLICY Instruction BP 6000


The Board of Education desires to provide a comprehensive, research-based curriculum that motivates every student to succeed. The district’s educational program shall provide students with opportunities to attain the skills, knowledge, and abilities they need to be successful in school and develop to their full potential. (cf. 9000 - Role of the Board)

Strategies for improving the educational program shall take into consideration the needs of individual students and subpopulations of students. Students who are failing or at risk of failing to meet academic standards shall be provided with alternative programs and/or supplemental assistance designed to raise achievement. (cf. 0520.1 - High Priority Schools Grant Program) (cf. 0520.2 - Title I Program Improvement Schools) (cf. 0520.3 - Title I Program Improvement Districts) (cf. 6158 - Independent Study) (cf. 6159 - Individualized Education Program) (cf. 6164.5 - Student Success Teams) (cf. 6164.6 - Identification and Education Under Section 504) (cf. 6172 - Gifted and Talented Student Program) (cf. 6173 - Education for Homeless Children) (cf. 6173.1 - Education for Foster Youth) (cf. 6174 - Education for English Language Learners) (cf. 6175 - Migrant Education Program) (cf. 6176 - Weekend/Saturday Classes) (cf. 6177 - Summer School) (cf. 6179 - Supplemental Instruction) (cf. 6181 - Alternative Schools) (cf. 6183 - Home and Hospital Instruction) (cf. 6184 - Continuation Education) (cf. 6185 - Community Day School)

Inasmuch as parents/guardians are critical partners in their children’s education, parents/guardians shall be provided with opportunities to be meaningfully involved both in support of their children's education program at school and with learning at home. (cf. 5020 - Parent Rights and Responsibilities) (cf. 6020 - Parent Involvement)



The Board shall:

1. Establish standards of student achievement for core subjects at each grade level that are aligned with the district’s vision for student learning, the specific needs and strengths of the students, the expectations of parents/guardians and the community, and available resources (cf. 0100 - Philosophy) (cf. 0200 - Goals for the School District) (cf. 5123 - Promotion/Acceleration/Retention) (cf. 6011 - Academic Standards)

2. Establish graduation requirements (cf. 6146.1 - High School Graduation Requirements) (cf. 6146.5 - Elementary/Middle School Graduation Requirements)

3. Ensure that a process is in place, involving teachers, administrators, students, and parents/guardians, for the development and review of the district's curriculum (cf. 6141 - Curriculum Development and Evaluation)

4. Adopt the district curriculum and courses of study to be offered (cf. 6143 - Courses of Study)

5. Adopt textbooks and other instructional materials (cf. 1312.2 - Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials) (cf. 6161 - Equipment, Books and Materials) (cf. 6161.1 - Selection and Evaluation of Instructional Materials) (cf. 6161.11 - Supplementary Instructional Materials)

6. Support the professional staff’s implementation of the curriculum by providing consistent policy direction, allocating resources based on educational program priorities, ensuring that collective bargaining agreements do not constrain the district’s ability to achieve curricular goals, recognizing staff accomplishments, and including reasonable annual goals related to student learning in the Superintendent evaluation process (cf. 2140 - Evaluation of the Superintendent) (cf. 3100 - Budget) (cf. 4143 - Negotiations/Consultation) (cf. 9310 - Board Policies)

7. Provide a continuing program of professional development to keep instructional staff, administrators, and Board members updated about current issues and research pertaining to curriculum, instructional strategies, and student assessment (cf. 4131 - Staff Development) (cf. 4222 - Teacher Aides/Paraprofessionals) (cf. 4331 - Staff Development) (cf. 9240 - Board Development)



8. Review and evaluate the educational program on the basis of state and federal accountability measures, disaggregated student achievement data, and other indicators and ensure that evaluation results are used to improve programs, curriculum, and/or instructional practices as necessary to enhance student achievement (cf. 0500 - Accountability) (cf. 6162.5 - Student Assessment) (cf. 6161.51 - Standardized Testing and Reporting Program) (cf. 6162.51 - High School Exit Examination) (cf. 6190 - Evaluation of the Instructional Program)

9. Communicate clear information about district instructional goals, programs, and progress in student achievement to the community and media (cf. 0510 - School Accountability Report Card) (cf. 1100 - Communication with the Public) (cf. 1112 - Media Relations)

The Superintendent or designee shall:

1. Review research related to curriculum issues 2. Select and/or develop curricula for recommendation to the Board in accordance with the district’s curriculum development and review process 3. Ensure the articulation of the curriculum between grade levels and with postsecondary education and the workplace (cf. 1700 - Relations between Private Industry and the Schools)

4. Determine the general methods of instruction to be used 5. Assign instructors and schedule classes for all curricular offerings (cf. 4113 - Assignment) (cf. 6112 - School Day) (cf. 6117 - Year-Round Schedules)

6. Recommend instructional materials to the Board and direct the purchase of approved materials and equipment (cf. 3310 - Expenditures and Purchases)

7. Evaluate and report to the Board on student achievement as demonstrated through testing and other types of appraisal, and recommend necessary changes in curriculum, programs, and instruction as indicated by student performance data

Comparability in Instruction The district shall provide comparable educational opportunities for all students. Instruction in the core curriculum shall be in no way diminished when students receive supplementary services funded by special governmental programs. Services funded by any categorical program shall supplement, not supplant, the district-provided core curriculum and any services which may be provided by other categorical programs. 3


(cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities) (cf. 6171 - Title I Programs)

Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 51000-51007 Legislative intent, educational program CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 5 3940 Maintenance of effort 4424 Comparability of services UNITED STATES CODE, TITLE 20 6321 Fiscal requirements/comparability of services

Management Resources: CSBA PUBLICATIONS Maximizing School Board Leadership: Curriculum, 1996 WEB SITES CSBA: California Department of Education:

Policy PALO ALTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT adopted: 01.12.10 Palo Alto, California


This policy was adopted by the Board of Education in January 2010 and immediately marked for review. CSBA has not updated this policy since July 2008. One BPRC suggested change is on Page 2.

BOARD POLICY Instruction BP 6141


The Board of Education desires to provide a research-based, sequential curriculum which promotes high levels of student achievement and emphasizes the development of basic skills, problem solving, and decision making. Upon recommendation of the Superintendent or designee, the Board shall adopt a written district curriculum which describes, for each subject area and grade level, the content objectives which are to be taught in all district schools. (cf. 6000 - Concepts and Roles) (cf. 6141.6 - Multicultural Education) (cf. 6142.1 - Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention Instruction) (cf. 6142.3 - Civic Education) (cf. 6142.4 - Service Learning/Community Service Classes) (cf. 6142.5 - Environmental Education) (cf. 6142.6 - Visual and Performing Arts Education) (cf. 6142.7 - Physical Education) (cf. 6142.8 - Comprehensive Health Education) (cf. 6142.91 - Reading/Language Arts Instruction) (cf. 6142.92 - Mathematics Instruction) (cf. 6142.93 - Science Instruction) (cf. 6143 - Courses of Study) (cf. 6178 - Career Technical Education) (cf. 6178.2 - Regional Occupational Center/Program) (cf. 9000 - Role of the Board)

The district's curriculum shall be aligned with the district's vision and goals for student learning, Board policies, academic content standards, state curriculum frameworks, state and district assessments, graduation requirements, school and district improvement plans, and, when necessary, related legal requirements. (cf. 0000 - Vision) (cf. 0200 - Goals for the School District) (cf. 0420 - School Plans/Site Councils) (cf. 0420.1 - School-Based Program Coordination) (cf. 0520.1 - High Priority Schools Grant Program) (cf. 0520.2 - Title I Program Improvement Schools) (cf. 0520.3 - Title I Program Improvement Districts) (cf. 0520.4 - Quality Education Investment Schools) (cf. 6011 - Academic Standards) (cf. 6146.1 - High School Graduation Requirements) (cf. 6162.5 - Student Assessment) (cf. 6162.51 - Standardized Testing and Reporting Program) (cf. 6162.52 - High School Exit Examination) (cf. 6171 - Title I Programs) (cf. 9310 - Board Policies)


The Superintendent or designee shall establish a process for curriculum development, selection, and/or adaptation which utilizes the professional expertise of teachers, principals, and district administrators representing various grade levels, disciplines, special programs, and categories of students as appropriate. The process also may shall provide opportunities for input from students, parents/guardians, representatives of local businesses and postsecondary institutions, and other community members. (cf. 1220 - Citizen Advisory Committees) (cf. 1700 - Relations Between Private Industry and the Schools)

The selection and evaluation of instructional materials shall be coordinated with the curriculum development and evaluation process. (cf. 1312.2 - Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials) (cf. 6161 - Equipment, Books and Materials) (cf. 6161.1 - Selection and Evaluation of Instructional Materials) (cf. 6161.11 - Supplementary Instructional Materials) (cf. 6163.1 - Library Media Centers)

When presenting a recommended curriculum for adoption, the Superintendent or designee shall provide research, data, or other evidence demonstrating the proven effectiveness of the proposed curriculum. He/she also shall present information about the resources that would be necessary to successfully implement the curriculum and describe any modifications or supplementary services that would be needed to make the curriculum accessible to all students. (cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities) (cf. 3100 - Budget) (cf. 4131 - Staff Development) (cf. 4143/4243 - Negotiations/Consultation) (cf. 5149 - At-Risk Students) (cf. 6141.5 - Advanced Placement) (cf. 6159 - Individualized Education Program) (cf. 6172 - Gifted and Talented Student Program) (cf. 6174 - Education for English Language Learners) (cf. 6179 - Supplemental Instruction)

The Board shall establish a review cycle for regularly evaluating the district's curriculum in order to ensure continued alignment with state and district goals for student achievement. At a minimum, these reviews shall be conducted whenever the State Board of Education adopts new or revised content standards or the curriculum framework for a particular subject or when new law requires a change or addition to the curriculum.

In addition, the Board may require a review of the curriculum in one or more subject areas as needed in response to student assessment results; feedback from teachers, administrators, or parent/guardians; new research on program effectiveness; or changing student needs. (cf. 0500 - Accountability) (cf. 6190 - Evaluation of the Instructional Program)


Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 221.5 Equal opportunity 35160 Authority of governing boards 35160.1 Broad authority of school districts 51050-51057 Enforcement of courses of study 51200-51263 Required courses of study 51500-51540 Prohibited instruction 51720-51879.9 Authorized classes and courses of instruction 60000-60424 Instructional materials GOVERNMENT CODE 3543.2 Scope of representation CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 5 4000-4091 School improvement programs 4400-4426 Improvement of elementary and secondary education

Management Resources: CSBA PUBLICATIONS Maximizing School Board Leadership: Curriculum, 1996 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PUBLICATIONS Content Standards for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade 12 Curriculum Frameworks for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade 12 WEB SITES CSBA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development: Association of California School Administrators: California Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development: California Department of Education, Curriculum and Instruction:

Policy PALO ALTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT adopted: 01.12.10 Under Board/Staff Review Palo Alto, California


This policy was adopted by the Board of Education in January 2010 and immediately marked for review. CSBA has not updated this policy since October 1995. NOTE: Staff believes this policy may be updated to align with Common Core State Standards soon as both BP 6142.92 (Mathematics) and BP 6142.94 (History-Social Science) have recently been updated. Staff recommended changes are noted in the last paragraph in the meantime.

BOARD POLICY Instruction BP 6142.93


The Board of Education believes that science education should focus on giving students an understanding of key scientific concepts and a capacity for scientific ways of thinking. Students should become familiar with the natural world and the interrelation of science, mathematics and technology. As part of their science instruction, students should learn how to apply scientific knowledge and ways of thinking for individual and social purposes. (cf. 0440 - District Technology Plan) (cf. 6142.92 - Mathematics Instruction) (cf. 6143 - Courses of Study)

As a matter of principle, science teachers are professionally bound to limit their teaching to content that meets the criteria of scientific fact, hypothesis and theory as these terms are used in natural sciences. A scientific fact is an understanding based on confirmable observations and is subject to test and rejection. A scientific hypothesis is an attempt to frame a question as a testable proposition. A scientific theory organizes and explains a range of natural phenomena on the basis of facts and hypotheses. Scientific theories are constantly subject to testing, modification and refutation as new evidence and new ideas emerge.

Philosophical and religious theories are based, at least in part, on faith, and are not subject to scientific test and refutation. Such beliefs may be addressed in science classes, in the context of the history of science and the scientific process. shall not be discussed but may be addressed in the social science and language arts curricula. (cf. 6141.2 - Recognition of Religious Beliefs and Customs) (cf. 6142.91 - Reading/Language Arts Instruction)

Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 51210 Areas of study, grades 1 through 6 51220 Areas of study, grades 7 through 12 Management Resources: CDE PUBLICATIONS Science Framework for California Public Schools, 1990 SBE POLICIES Policy Statement on the Teaching of Natural Sciences, January 13, 1989

Policy PALO ALTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT adopted: 01.12.10 Under Board/Staff Review Palo Alto, California

1 This is a new policy for the district. In reviewing the CSBA updates from April 2014, it was discovered the current policy with this number was listed as Alternative Programs/Curriculum, which actually should be BP 6181. BP 6181 is presented separately.

BOARD POLICY Instruction

History-Social Science Instruction BP 6142.94

The Governing Board of Education believes that the study of history and other social sciences is essential to prepare students to engage in responsible citizenship, comprehend complex global interrelationships, and understand the vital connections among the past, present, and future. The district's history-social science education program shall be designed to develop students' knowledge of historical events within a chronological and geographic context and shall include, at appropriate grade levels, instruction in American and world history, geography, economics, political science, anthropology, psychology, and sociology. (cf. 6143 - Courses of Study) (cf. 6146.1 - High School Graduation Requirements)

The Board shall adopt academic standards for history-social science which meet or exceed state content standards and describe the knowledge and skills that students shall be expected to achieve at each grade level. (cf. 6011 - Academic Standards)

The Superintendent or designee shall develop a comprehensive, sequential curriculum that is aligned with the district standards and is consistent with the state's curriculum framework. At each grade level, the curriculum shall integrate age-appropriate instruction designed to develop student achievement in the following areas:

1. Knowledge and cultural understanding, including historical, ethical, cultural, geographic, economic, and sociopolitical literacy 2. Democratic understanding and civic values, including an understanding of national identity; constitutional heritage; and an individual's civic values, rights, and responsibilities 3. Skills attainment and social participation, including basic study skills, critical thinking skills, and participation skills that are essential for effective citizenship (cf. 6141 - Curriculum Development and Evaluation) (cf. 6142.3 - Civic Education) (cf. 6142.4 - Service Learning/Community Service Classes)

History-Social Science Instruction BP 6142.94

The district's history-social science curriculum shall include a multicultural education component which is designed to teach students to respect and appreciate cultural diversity and different points of view while also developing their understanding of commonalities and collective experiences. The curriculum shall reflect the experiences of men and women and of various cultural, ethnic, racial, religious, and social groups and their contributions to the history, life, and culture of the local community, California, the United States, and other nations. (cf. 6115 - Ceremonies and Observances) (cf. 6141.2 - Recognition of Religious Beliefs and Customs)

The Board shall adopt standards-aligned instructional materials for history-social science in accordance with applicable law, Board policy, and administrative regulation. In addition, teachers are encouraged to supplement the curriculum through the use of biographies, original documents, diaries, letters, legends, speeches, other narrative artifacts, and literature from and about the period being studied. (cf. 0400 - District Technology Plan) (cf. 1312.2 - Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials) (cf. 6161.1 - Selection and Evaluation of Instructional Materials) (cf. 6161.11 - Supplementary Instructional Materials) (cf. 6162.6 - Use of Copyrighted Materials) (cf. 6163.1 - Library Media Centers)

The Superintendent or designee shall provide a standards-based professional development program designed to increase teachers' knowledge of adopted instructional materials and instructional strategies for teaching history-social science. (cf. 4131 - Staff Development)

Legal Reference: (next page)

History-Social Science Instruction BP 6142.94

Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 33540 History-social science curriculum framework 51204 Course of study designed for student's needs 51204.5 History of California; contributions of men, women, and ethnic groups 51210 Course of study, grades 1-6 51220 Course of study, grades 7-12 51220.2 Instruction in legal system; teen or peer court programs 51221 Social science course of study, inclusion of instruction in use of natural resources 51221.3-51221.4 Instruction on World War II and Vietnam War; use of oral histories 51225.3 High school graduation requirements 60040-60051 Criteria for instructional materials 60119 Public hearing on the sufficiency of instructional materials 60200-60206 Instructional materials, grades K-8 60400-60411 Instructional materials, grades 9-12 60640-60649 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress 99200-99206 Subject matter projects

Management Resources: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PUBLICATIONS History-Social Science Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve, rev. 2005 Model Curriculum for Human Rights and Genocide, 2000 History-Social Science Content Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve, October 1998 WEB SITES CSBA: California Council for the Humanities: California Council for the Social Studies: California Department of Education: California History-Social Science Course Models: California Subject Matter Project: National Association for Multicultural Education: National Council for History Education:

Policy PALO ALTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT adopted: Palo Alto, California CSBA Sample Board Policy History-Social Science Instruction

BP 6142.94 Instruction

***Note: The following optional policy may be revised to reflect district practice. Education Code 51210 and 51220 require that social studies be included in the course of study offered in grades 1-12, including age-appropriate instruction drawing upon the disciplines of anthropology, economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, and sociology. For specific topics that must be included in the history-social science curriculum, see BP 6143 - Courses of Study.***

***Note: In addition, Education Code 51225.3 requires completion of three courses of social studies for high school graduation; see BP 6146.1 - High School Graduation Requirements.***

The Governing Board believes that the study of history and other social sciences is essential to prepare students to engage in responsible citizenship, comprehend complex global interrelationships, and understand the vital connections among the past, present, and future. The district's history-social science education program shall be designed to develop students' knowledge of historical events within a chronological and geographic context and shall include, at appropriate grade levels, instruction in American and world history, geography, economics, political science, anthropology, psychology, and sociology.

(cf. 6143 - Courses of Study) (cf. 6146.1 - High School Graduation Requirements)

***Note: The State Board of Education (SBE) has adopted History-Social Science Content Standards for California Public Schools which covers grades K-12, with the exception of grade 9 which, in current California practice, is traditionally the year in which students choose a history-social science elective. In addition to core content knowledge, the standards describe intellectual reasoning, reflection, and research skills that should be learned through the content standards for grade ranges K-5, 6-8, and 9-12.***

The Board shall adopt academic standards for history-social science which meet or exceed state content standards and describe the knowledge and skills that students shall be expected to achieve at each grade level.

(cf. 6011 - Academic Standards)

***Note: The SBE's History-Social Science Framework for California Public Schools, updated in 2005, reflects the state content standards and is organized into three broad categories of curricular goals, each with several "basic learnings" or curriculum strands, as provided in items #1-3 below.***

The Superintendent or designee shall develop a comprehensive, sequential curriculum that is aligned with the district standards and is consistent with the state's curriculum framework. At each grade level, the curriculum shall integrate age-appropriate instruction designed to develop student achievement in the following areas:

1. Knowledge and cultural understanding, including historical, ethical, cultural, geographic, economic, and sociopolitical literacy

2. Democratic understanding and civic values, including an understanding of national identity; constitutional heritage; and an individual's civic values, rights, and responsibilities

3. Skills attainment and social participation, including basic study skills, critical thinking skills, and participation skills that are essential for effective citizenship

(cf. 6141 - Curriculum Development and Evaluation) (cf. 6142.3 - Civic Education) (cf. 6142.4 - Service Learning/Community Service Classes)

The district's history-social science curriculum shall include a multicultural education component which is designed to teach students to respect and appreciate cultural diversity and different points of view while also developing their understanding of commonalities and collective experiences. The curriculum shall reflect the experiences of men and women and of various cultural, ethnic, racial, religious, and social groups and their contributions to the history, life, and culture of the local community, California, the United States, and other nations.

(cf. 6115 - Ceremonies and Observances) (cf. 6141.2 - Recognition of Religious Beliefs and Customs)

***Note: Instructional materials that will be used by the district must be adopted by the Governing Board in accordance with Education Code 60200-60206 for grades K-8 and Education Code 60400-60411 for grades 9-12.***

***Note: Education Code 60119 requires the Board to hold a public hearing on the sufficiency of standards-aligned instructional materials in certain subjects, including history-social science; see BP 6161.1 - Selection and Evaluation of Instructional Materials. ***

***Note: The state content standards for history-social science encourage schools to use supplementary materials as provided in the following paragraph.***

The Board shall adopt standards-aligned instructional materials for history-social science in accordance with applicable law, Board policy, and administrative regulation. In addition, teachers are encouraged to supplement the curriculum through the use of biographies, original documents, diaries, letters, legends, speeches, other narrative artifacts, and literature from and about the period being studied.

(cf. 0400 - District Technology Plan) (cf. 1312.2 - Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials) (cf. 6161.1 - Selection and Evaluation of Instructional Materials) (cf. 6161.11 - Supplementary Instructional Materials) (cf. 6162.6 - Use of Copyrighted Materials) (cf. 6163.1 - Library Media Centers)

***Note: Education Code 99200-99206 establish the California History-Social Science Project, a statewide professional development project designed to develop and enhance teachers' knowledge and instructional strategies to improve student achievement in history-social science. Professional development resources also may be located through state and national professional associations, such as the California Council for the Social Studies or the National Council for History Education.***

The Superintendent or designee shall provide a standards-based professional development program designed to increase teachers' knowledge of adopted instructional materials and instructional strategies for teaching history-social science.

(cf. 4131 - Staff Development)

***Note: The following optional paragraph should be revised to reflect indictors that will be used to evaluate program effectiveness as agreed upon by the Board and Superintendent or designee. ***

The Superintendent or designee shall regularly evaluate and report to the Board regarding the implementation and effectiveness of the history-social science curriculum at each grade level, including, but not limited to, the extent to which the program is aligned with state standards, any applicable student assessmen results, and feedback from students, parents/guardians, and staff regarding the program.

(cf. 0500 - Accountability) (cf. 6162.51 - State Academic Achievement Tests)

Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 33540 History-social science curriculum framework 51204 Course of study designed for student's needs 51204.5 History of California; contributions of men, women, and ethnic groups 51210 Course of study, grades 1-6 51220 Course of study, grades 7-12 51220.2 Instruction in legal system; teen or peer court programs 51221 Social science course of study, inclusion of instruction in use of natural resources 51221.3-51221.4 Instruction on World War II and Vietnam War; use of oral histories 51225.3 High school graduation requirements 60040-60051 Criteria for instructional materials 60119 Public hearing on the sufficiency of instructional materials 60200-60206 Instructional materials, grades K-8 60400-60411 Instructional materials, grades 9-12 60640-60649 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress 99200-99206 Subject matter projects

Management Resources: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PUBLICATIONS History-Social Science Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve, rev. 2005 Model Curriculum for Human Rights and Genocide, 2000 History-Social Science Content Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve, October 1998 WEB SITES CSBA: California Council for the Humanities: California Council for the Social Studies: California Department of Education: California History-Social Science Course Models: California Subject Matter Project: National Association for Multicultural Education: National Council for History Education:


In reviewing the CSBA updates of April 2014, it was discovered this policy number is incorrect. It should be BP 6181, a policy that has not been adopted. Policy language is taken from CSBA’s 2009 version. The balance of the policy was labeled Administrative Procedure, and this has been broken out into a separate Administrative Regulation. Language for the AR is from CSBA’s 2009 version.

BOARD POLICY Instruction BP 6181 BP 6142.94


Alternative Programs The Board of Education supports alternative (“choice”) programs that are educationally sound and consistent with the district mission of addressing diverse educational needs of children. Programs of choice must be approved by the Board and will be administered by the district in compliance with all district policies, unless explicitly exempted. Such programs must be fiscally sound within existing financial resources, and similar to the cost of other school programs. Enrollment in alternative programs will be on a non- discriminatory basis. The Board acknowledges that groups of teachers and/or parent/guardians may have concerns with programs of choice within a school, because of possible effects on the culture of the school, and therefore expects reasonable care to address these considerations. ((BPRC has recommended keeping this paragraph.))

The Governing Board of Education desires to provide a variety of innovative educational programs to accommodate students' diverse learning needs and interests, foster student engagement in the schools, and enhance student achievement. Toward this end, the Board may establish and maintain alternative schools or programs of choice.

A district alternative school or program of choice may differ from the traditional educational program in its academic emphasis, sequence of curriculum, educational philosophy, instructional strategy, structure, setting, size, scheduling, targeted student population, decision-making process, and/or other components. All alternative schools or programs of choice shall offer enrolled students the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve district content standards in core academic subjects and shall provide access to the course of study required for high school graduation. (cf. 6011 - Academic Standards) (cf. 6143 - Courses of Study) (cf. 6146.1 - High School Graduation Requirements) (cf. 6158 - Independent Study) (cf. 6172.1 - Concurrent Enrollment in College Classes) (cf. 6178 - Career Technical Education)


Any staff member, parent/guardian of any student, or other interested person may request the Board to establish an alternative school or program of choice. The Superintendent or designee shall establish procedures and criteria for reviewing proposals. Based on such criteria, he/she shall evaluate all proposals received and present his/her recommendation to the Board for action.

As necessary to provide flexibility to alternative schools or programs of choice to improve student performance and/or streamline operations, the Superintendent or designee may request that the Superintendent of Public Instruction waive any provision of the Education Code except provisions specified in Education Code 58509. (cf. 0420 - School Plans/Site Councils)

The Superintendent or designee shall establish processes to ensure communication among staff in the alternative schools or programs of choice and staff in the regular educational program in order to share information and ideas.

Program Evaluation The Superintendent or designee shall conduct an annual evaluation of each alternative school or program of choice which includes testing of basic skills for student participants and which identifies the variables that may have affected student academic achievement. The evaluation process shall include input from teachers, parents/guardians, and students from the alternative school or program of choice. (Education Code 58510)

Evaluation reports shall be sent to the Superintendent of Public Instruction on or before August 1 following the close of the school year. (Education Code 58510) (cf. 6162.5 - Student Assessment) (cf. 6162.51 - State Academic Achievement Tests)

Prior to submitting the evaluation report to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the The Superintendent or designee shall may report the evaluation results to the Board. The Board shall may review the effectiveness of the school or program in meeting program objectives, compare student achievement data with that of students in other district schools, evaluate changes in the school or program over time, and make program modifications as needed. ((This paragraph was rewritten at the request of the BPRC. Changes are from “shall” to “may” as this is language is not part of Education Code 58510.)) (cf. 0500 - Accountability) (cf. 6190 - Evaluation of the Instructional Program)

Legal Reference: (next page)


Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 35160.5 Intradistrict open enrollment 48980 Parental notifications 52052 Academic Performance Index 58500-58512 Alternative schools and programs of choice CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 5 1068-1074 Alternative schools accountability model 11705 Charter schools as alternative schools COURT DECISIONS American Civil Rights Foundation v. Los Angeles Unified School District, (2008) 169 Cal.App.4th 436

Management Resources: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PUBLICATIONS Creating and Sustaining Successful K-8 Magnet Schools, September 2008 Innovations in Education: Successful Magnet High Schools, September 2008 WEB SITES California Department of Education, Alternative Schools of Choice: Foundation for California Community Colleges, Early College High School Initiative: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Innovation and Improvement:

Policy PALO ALTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT adopted: Palo Alto, California


At the beginning of each school year, the "Notice of Alternative Schools" shall be sent to all parents/guardians as set forth in Education Code 58501. During the entire month of March of each year, a copy of this notice shall be posted at each school in at least two places normally visible to students, teachers, and visiting parents/guardians. (Education Code 58501) (cf. 5145.6 - Parental Notifications)

Copies of the law providing for alternative schools or programs of choice (Education Code 58500-58512) shall be made available in the district office and each school office to any interested parent/guardian, teacher, or student. (Education Code 58501)

Proposals All proposals for the establishment of an alternative school or program of choice shall:

1. Address the district's vision, goals, and academic standards (cf. 0000 - Vision) (cf. 0200 - Goals for the School District) (cf. 6011 - Academic Standards) 2. Demonstrate that the number of students interested in enrolling in the alternative school or program of choice is sufficient to meet desired student-teacher staffing ratios (cf. 6151 - Class Size) 3. Demonstrate that teachers are willing to work within the school or program 4. Demonstrate that the proposed operational plan conforms with district timelines and makes equitable use of district staff, facilities, and resources 5. Provide a statement of the specific anticipated costs of implementing the proposal as well as funding sources, including outside funding sources and/or district support 6. Include a comprehensive plan for an annual evaluation of the program to be carried out by the district (cf. 0500 - Accountability) (cf. 6190 - Evaluation of the Instructional Program)

The Superintendent or designee may establish an advisory committee of staff, parents/guardians, and community members to evaluate proposals for alternative schools or programs of choice and make recommendations to the Superintendent. (cf. 1220 - Citizen Advisory Committees)

Enrollment The district may establish alternative schools or programs of choice in each attendance area and/or on a districtwide basis with enrollment open to all students districtwide. (Education Code 58505) (cf. 5116.1 - Intradistrict Open Enrollment)


Students enrolled in alternative schools or programs of choice shall be selected entirely from volunteers. (Education Code 58503)

Alternative schools and programs of choice shall comply with state and federal law and Board policy regarding nondiscrimination in district programs. (cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities)

Previous classroom performance shall not be a criterion limiting any student from the opportunity to attend an alternative school or program of choice. (Education Code 58504)

When an alternative class group is established within a school, the Superintendent or designee shall ensure that students currently enrolled in the school will not be displaced.

Operations The district shall maintain and fund alternative schools or programs of choice at the same level of support as other district educational programs for students of the same age level. (Education Code 58507) (cf. 3100 - Budget)

Teachers employed in alternative schools or programs of choice shall be selected entirely from volunteers. (Education Code 58503) (cf. 4113 - Assignment)

Course credits earned in an alternative school or program of choice shall be equivalent to the credits earned in other district schools. Students enrolled in such schools or programs shall be expected to complete all district graduation requirements and shall earn a regular diploma. (cf. 6146.1 - High School Graduation Requirements) (cf. 6162.52 - High School Exit Examination)

Students enrolled in alternative schools may be eligible for district transportation in the same manner as students attending other district schools. (cf. 3250 - Transportation Fees) (cf. 3540 - Transportation)

5 ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS/CHOICE PROGRAMS AR 6181 AR 6142.94 From this point forward, this is the regulation accepted in January 2010.

Administrative Procedures 1. Educational alternative (“choice”) programs must be sufficiently distinctive from other available school programs. Prior to initializing an alternative program, opportunities for addressing parent/guardian and student interests within existing school programs must be seriously examined. 2. Interest must be demonstrated by survey, or by other means, that a sufficient number of parent/guardians and students exist for an educational alternative to be implemented by the Board. Interest and availability of appropriate staff must be a consideration. 3. Requests to consider alternative options need to be accommodated with the context of available fiscal and administrative responsibilities. 4. Students in alternative programs are expected to meet academic outcomes established by the district. 5. Procedures governing alternative programs do not pertain to elective courses. 6. Additional startup costs may be required, and some programs may have inherently higher costs, such as programs that rely on technology. Parent/guardians of students in the program may be required to provide for these additional costs through contributions. 7. Information about the availability of alternative programs will be provided to all families and with sufficient time to ensure that all families may indicate their interest in the program. 8. When alternative programs exist within a school, space will be reserved in each classroom for students with special needs in order to ensure equity with other programs.

Curriculum 1. Content. The subject matter of the curriculum shall be selected at district level by a representative group of experts in each subject area and approved by the Board. It shall be a responsibility of the administration to see that the selected content of each course is comprehensively and effectively presented in each classroom. Significant departures from, or abridgements of, course content shall not be made without approval of the Superintendent of Schools, who shall report such variation to the Board.

In addition to meeting state requirements and providing entrance requirements for college-bound students, the curriculum should include for all students those subjects most likely to be useful to the individual in later life or learning, and those which give him the perspective, appreciation and judgment required for a constructive role in society. In the total development of the individual, care should be taken to assist the learner to develop positive human relationships and to enjoy a range of cultural opportunities which will lead toward self-enrichment.


While it is most important to teach truths, principles and concepts and to develop the processes of inquiry, it must be recognized that a great deal of factual knowledge is essential. Discrimination should be made between facts unlikely to be of any importance to an individual (inert knowledge) and facts frequently used by the individual in his adult life (vital knowledge). Wherever possible, the inter- relationships between facts should be stressed so that the structure of a body of knowledge is revealed to the student, the aim being to develop understanding as well as knowledge.

A good curriculum teaches the most basic things first and then builds on this knowledge. It proceeds from the familiar to the unknown, from the simple to the complex. No child should be required to do tasks which he cannot comprehend or for which he has not been prepared. Adherence to a logical developmental sequence is important, not only within a given subject, but also from subject to subject. (Education Code 8762-63, 44806, 51040-41, 51050, 51202, 51210-13)

2. Courses of Study. The courses of study of the district shall fit the needs of the students and shall conform to the curriculum requirements as stated in the Education Code and the policies of the California State Department of Education. (Education Code 51054, 51210-13, 51220-27)

Administrative Procedure: In developing the details of courses of study, the Superintendent and his staff shall utilize the minimum requirements of the state, the general purposes and philosophy of education adopted by the Board of Education, the best available research, the current and future needs of the youngsters of the district and the desires and aspirations of the citizens of the community. District courses of study shall be recommended to the Board of Education by the Superintendent. Within the district-defined policies and procedures, specific classroom instructional schedules and programs shall be established by teachers under the supervision of the principal.

3. Curriculum Planning, Adoption and Review. The district shall establish grade level curriculum standards in the elementary schools and curriculum standards for required courses in the secondary schools. a. Process for establishing elementary curriculum. (1) Since the goal is to establish curriculum guides that will be acceptable and useful throughout the district, existing subject area committees should be expanded to ensure membership of teachers who have expertise at each grade level, various teaching philosophies and experience in teaching combined level classes.


(2) Committees should review existing guides (“What We Teach,” new language arts, math, social studies guides) with the purpose of determining whether these guides adequately establish clear, limited or minimum objectives for each grade level, and with the purpose of establishing guides where they do not already exist in any useful form. (3) The committees should solicit input from other teachers and from parent/guardians regarding curriculum priorities. To obtain this input, some formal process with appropriate time limitations should be established by each working committee. This procedure should be clearly communicated to the community and staff. (Examples of procedures might include public meetings, formal questionnaires or meetings with PTA or Site Council representatives.) (4) The committee will then draft clear, concise, useful guides as explained in this policy (see section c). The committee may choose to draft a tentative curriculum which will be used by teachers for one year, evaluated and refined prior to final adoption. (If the committee wishes to use existing or recently completed guides as “the” official guides, they may do so if they comply with Section c.) (5) Once approved by the subject area committee (and the Board if it is a change from existing policy), these minimum curriculum standards shall be considered required. Teachers will teach at least those concepts and skills designated as required or essential in each subject area. Teachers will be expected to give assignments designed to implement skill development goals that have been adopted. (6) Provisions should be made for periodic review of these requirements by subject area committees. Teachers should be encouraged to record their successful experiences as well as their frustrations in dealing with the established curriculum. This will greatly facilitate review and will help the committee make revisions which will be more helpful to teachers.

Individual schools or teachers wishing to initiate new or experimental programs that would substantially deviate from the required curriculum, as opposed to supplementing it, must submit their proposals to subject area committees for review and approval. The committee must establish a process by which new programs can be evaluated if they are designed to replace adopted curriculum. They must require that any approved experimental course be carefully evaluated before it becomes a permanent feature of the curriculum. Individual schools or teachers may not delete required curriculum without this approval, or the policy of establishing districtwide guides will be meaningless.


b. Process for establishing secondary curriculum. (1) The existing Steering Committees should continue to establish curriculum requirements in accordance with local and state requirements. (2) Recommendations for changes in district policy with regard to required courses must be approved by the Board. (3) To develop curriculum guides for required subjects, Steering Committees should enlist the help of teachers who have expertise in teaching these courses. Teachers from each secondary school should be involved in curriculum writing since guides are to be districtwide. The curriculum guides should meet the requirements or be in the form set forth in Section d of this policy. The extent to which teachers use alternative materials or texts for a given required course should be clearly specified by the Steering Committee so that there is no misunderstanding. (4) The Steering Committees should solicit input from teachers, students and parent/guardians regarding curriculum priorities. To obtain this input, some formal process (e.g., meeting with the Steering Committee, formal questionnaires, meetings with PTA or Site Council representatives, etc.) should be established, with appropriate time limitations set for this input. This procedure should be clearly communicated to the staff and to the community. (5) Once curriculum guides are written and approved by the Steering Committee, teachers must use at least these guides. (6) Provision should be made for periodic review of these guides by the Steering Committee. Teachers teaching required courses should formally evaluate them with the purpose of recommending changes to the Steering Committee.

Individual schools or teachers must have the approval of the Steering Committee before they can initiate an experimental course in lieu of a required course. (Board approval shall be necessary for dropping a required course.) The Steering Committee must establish criteria, or a process for evaluating such experimental courses, and must evaluate them before they can be repeated. The district has always been flexible in allowing teachers to develop elective courses to meet the changing needs of their students. This policy should continue and be encouraged. Guides and course descriptions of elective courses should be shared among secondary schools.


c. Types of elementary curriculum guides to be established. (1) It is the goal of the district to develop clear, useful curriculum guides for each grade level in the following subject areas: (a) Reading development (b) Writing and spelling (c) Math (d) Social studies (e) Science (f) Fine arts (g) Physical education (h) Human relations (i) Other subjects required by state law

These guides will be developed by teachers on subject area committees. (2) Curriculum guides for each subject will do the following: (a) State clearly and simply what concepts are to be taught for each grade level. Only those concepts that are considered essential or basic should be included in this list of requirements. Additional concepts should be suggested in sections of the guide dealing with supplementary work. (b) List the major skill developments to be emphasized. (Rather than listing every possible skill that is potentially involved in dealing with a particular subject, the guide should list only those skills to be worked on especially hard in a given year.) (c) List materials such as texts or specific units of study which are generally covered in a given year. (d) Provide suggestions for classroom activities to meet stated objectives. (e) Provide suggestions for supplementary materials, activities or objectives clearly distinguishing these from any required ones. (f) Suggest evaluation methods to ascertain students’ progress.

(3) Special curriculum guides should be developed for teaching combined level classes, if they become necessary.

d. Types of secondary curriculum guides to be established. (1) In the secondary schools there will be curriculum guides for those subjects the district or the State of California has mandated as required courses. (2) For elective subjects, each secondary school will establish guides, or complete course descriptions, so that objectives are clear.


(3) Secondary guides will contain clear statements of the following: (a) Concepts to be taught in the course (b) Skills to be developed (major skills to be emphasized rather than any long lists of skills in some way relevant to the course) (c) Lists of any materials which are essential to the course (d) Lists of any course requirements considered to be essential (e.g., lab work, research paper assignments, essay writing, etc.) (e) Suggested supplementary materials and activities (f) Suggested methods of evaluating student achievement (g) If appropriate, estimates of time it will take during a semester or year to cover basic materials.

e. Additional policy statements. (1) Site Councils at each school may not disregard district curriculum guides in their planning of special programs for their schools. They may work toward supplementing curriculum in any way they feel will best meet the needs of their students but they may not delete required curriculum. (2) Regardless of a particular instructional philosophy, every school in the district must include curriculum which is generally considered basic. Alternative schools should continue to develop their unique and valuable methods of instruction. These schools may develop distinctive approaches for dealing with the curriculum, as well as unique methods of organizing classes and dealing with students. They will, of course, facilitate the learning of at least the minimum curriculum established by the district committees, so that regardless of their particular philosophy they do not omit curriculum which is generally considered basic. Curriculum guides will suggest methods of meeting skill and concept objectives, but will in no way limit alternative methods of instruction or individualized instructional programs developed to help students meet curriculum goals. Some means of evaluating students’ experiences must be used so that teachers and parent/guardians will know what students are learning. (3) Teachers are expected either to use evaluation methods suggested in curriculum guides or to develop their own clearly defined process for evaluating students’ work. This does not mean that students should be made to feel like failures if they do not know all the concepts the teacher is trying to teach or have not mastered all of the skills being emphasized. The evaluation process is to be one which helps teachers answer such questions as the following: (a) To what extent are my students learning the basic concepts and skills emphasized in the curriculum guides?


(b) Have the methods of instruction and the kinds of assignments given students enabled them to develop skills in accordance with state objectives? (c) Which objectives have students been most successful in meeting and which have been more difficult for them to attain? (d) What follow-up activities may be necessary to reinforce or re-teach areas which are still weak? (e) What revisions to the guide would seem appropriate?

(4) Principals and instructional supervisors are expected to know what teachers are doing to implement required minimum curriculum objectives. They are responsible for making sure that these minimum requirements are met in their school or department. The principals and instructional supervisors will identify exemplary practices and send written descriptions to subject area committees for consideration and/or distribution. They will also help teachers evaluate whatever means they are using to assess student achievement. As part of teacher evaluation, building principals or instructional supervisors will assess the degree to which teachers are attempting to meet district curriculum standards in each subject area.

4. Foreign Language Study a. Proficiency. It is the intent of the district to stress the importance of all students acquiring the knowledge, skills, and values which will enable them to be effective participants in an increasingly interdependent world.

Graduates of the district must become sensitive to the values and beliefs of different cultures and be equipped to become successful participants in our increasingly global society. The Board, therefore, believes that it is important for all students of the district to acquire proficiency in a second language and directs the Superintendent to take the steps necessary to help all students acquire proficiency in a second language, which shall include but not be limited to the following: (1) Ensure that our teacher recruitment and hiring practices seek out and employ teachers who are fluent in our target languages and adept at providing communicatively-based classroom instruction (2) Structure courses so that the first three levels emphasize, but not be limited to, development of oral fluency and listening comprehension (3) Provide ongoing opportunities for professional training in competency-based instruction and in strategies that are successful in heterogeneously-grouped classrooms


(4) Develop a cost-effective means of evaluating progress being made toward communicative competency and raise student performance substantially (5) Develop a test for assessing student proficiency for those who wish to demonstrate competency by taking a test in lieu of taking courses (6) Investigate various program models for elementary and middle school students and develop a list of options, including the number of languages to be taught

Administrative Procedure: The Superintendent shall define the skills to be assessed and the level of proficiency to be required. Prior to establishing a proficiency level, the Superintendent and staff shall review proficiency standards established by the California state colleges and universities and other educational institutions serving university and K-12 students.

Special education students whose disabilities preclude second language proficiency may be granted an exemption from this through the IEP process.

b. Course Offerings. American Sign Language, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish will be listed in the district high school course catalogs. French, Japanese, and Spanish will be listed in middle school course catalogs. These courses will be offered subject to the following conditions: (1) Adequate enrollment levels by June 1. Enrollment of 24 students per section at each school, exclusive of seniors, will be required to initiate a language sequence. The principal may waive this enrollment limit if the number of students enrolled is 20 or above. (2) Minimum enrollment level for the combined class is 20 or above. (3) Once a beginning language course is initiated, a three-year sequence shall be provided except that principals may consolidate courses within schools and/or between schools in order to ensure a sufficient level of enrollment to meet staffing requirements. (4) Appeals regarding the offering of second language courses, within the parameters established by this policy, may be made to the Superintendent or designee. The decision of the Superintendent or designee shall be final. (5) The Superintendent is directed to explore options for expanding second language offerings through cooperation with community colleges and greater use of educational technology.


c. Credit for Study Elsewhere. Credit for second language studies successfully completed in a private school shall be granted. The student must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the principal that achievement in second language is equivalent to that expected of a student of comparable ability taking the same level of instruction in the schools of the district. Credit may also be granted for study in less traditional settings at the discretion of the principal.

5. Experimental Programs. In the interest of improving education here and elsewhere, the Board may, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, approve certain experimental programs. These programs shall be limited in number and, when appropriate, parental consent for participation shall be secured. All experimental programs shall be carefully evaluated and reported to the Board with recommendations for acceptance, modification or elimination.

Administrative Procedure: District personnel shall be assigned responsibilities for designing, conducting and evaluating experimental programs and pilot courses. These personnel shall be responsible to the Associate Superintendent-Educational Services

6. Consultive Services. Procedures shall be employed by the administration to furnish services for the development of the program of curriculum and instruction.

Administrative Procedure: The Associate Superintendent-Educational Services shall be responsible for assigning, coordinating and evaluating all consultants assigned to the development of curriculum and instruction.

Regulation PALO ALTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT accepted: 01.12.10 Under Board/Staff Review Palo Alto, California

14 CSBA Sample Board Policy Alternative Schools/Programs Of Choice

BP 6181 Instruction

***Note: Education Code 58500-58512 authorize the Governing Board to establish and maintain one or more alternative schools, or separate class groups within traditional schools, which offer a different structure, learning philosophy, or academic emphasis. Examples of such schools and programs are on the California Department of Education's (CDE) web site and include magnet schools, schools organized around a curricular theme, independent study, "schools without walls" utilizing community facilities and resources, online learning, newcomer centers, and "school-within-a-school" programs. The CDE refers to these as "alternative schools or programs of choice" to distinguish them from alternative schools for at-risk students, such as community day schools, continuation schools, and opportunity schools.***

The Governing Board desires to provide a variety of innovative educational programs to accommodate students' diverse learning needs and interests, foster student engagement in the schools, and enhance student achievement. Toward this end, the Board may establish and maintain alternative schools or programs of choice.

A district alternative school or program of choice may differ from the traditional educational program in its academic emphasis, sequence of curriculum, educational philosophy, instructional strategy, structure, setting, size, scheduling, targeted student population, decision-making process, and/or other components. All alternative schools or programs of choice shall offer enrolled students the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve district content standards in core academic subjects and shall provide access to the course of study required for high school graduation.

(cf. 6011 - Academic Standards) (cf. 6143 - Courses of Study) (cf. 6146.1 - High School Graduation Requirements) (cf. 6158 - Independent Study) (cf. 6172.1 - Concurrent Enrollment in College Classes) (cf. 6178 - Career Technical Education)

***Note: Education Code 58502 allows a parent/guardian to request that the Board establish an alternative school or program of choice. The following optional paragraph extends this authority to staff and other interested persons.***

Any staff member, parent/guardian of any student, or other interested person may request the Board to establish an alternative school or program of choice. The Superintendent or designee shall establish procedures and criteria for reviewing proposals. Based on such criteria, he/she shall evaluate all proposals received and present his/her recommendation to the Board for action.

***Note: Education Code 58509 authorizes the Superintendent of Public Instruction, upon the district's application, to grant an alternative school an administrative waiver of all Education Code provisions except those specifically related to alternative schools (Education Code 58500-58512) and earthquake safety. As with all waiver requests, the CDE's Alternative School of Choice Waiver Request form contains spaces for certifying that employee bargaining units, the public, and advisory committees or councils have had opportunities for input.***

As necessary to provide flexibility to alternative schools or programs of choice to improve student performance and/or streamline operations, the Superintendent or designee may request that the Superintendent of Public Instruction waive any provision of the Education Code except provisions specified in Education Code 58509.

(cf. 0420 - School Plans/Site Councils)

The Superintendent or designee shall establish processes to ensure communication among staff in the alternative schools or programs of choice and staff in the regular educational program in order to share information and ideas.

Program Evaluation

***Note: Education Code 58510 requires that the district conduct an annual evaluation of each alternative school of choice which includes testing of enrolled students' basic skills, identification of variables that may have affected achievement, and input from teachers, parents/guardians, and students. The CDE's Guidelines for Annual Evaluations and Reports for Alternative Schools and Programs of Choice, available on its web site, clarify that testing of basic skills can be accomplished through the state assessment system. In addition, the guidelines specify that, when identifying variables that may have affected student achievement, the focus should be on features of the school or program that differentiate it from traditional schools and programs, rather than on student characteristics. Surveys or questionnaires are commonly used to solicit input from teachers, parents/guardians, and students.***

***Note: Pursuant to Education Code 52052 and 5 CCR 1068-1074, alternative schools of choice that meet eligibility requirements approved by the State Board of Education (e.g., those that serve highly mobile or at-risk students) may participate in the state's alternative schools accountability model and not be included in the district's Academic Performance Index rankings.***

The Superintendent or designee shall conduct an annual evaluation of each alternative school or program of choice which includes testing of basic skills for student participants and which identifies the variables that may have affected student academic achievement. The evaluation process shall include input from teachers, parents/guardians, and students from the alternative school or program of choice. (Education Code 58510)

Evaluation reports shall be sent to the Superintendent of Public Instruction on or before August 1 following the close of the school year. (Education Code 58510)

(cf. 6162.5 - Student Assessment) (cf. 6162.51 - State Academic Achievement Tests)

Prior to submitting the evaluation report to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Superintendent or designee shall report the evaluation results to the Board. The Board shall review the effectiveness of the school or program in meeting program objectives, compare student achievement data with that of students in other district schools, evaluate changes in the school or program over time, and make program modifications as needed.

(cf. 0500 - Accountability) (cf. 6190 - Evaluation of the Instructional Program)

Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 35160.5 Intradistrict open enrollment 48980 Parental notifications 52052 Academic Performance Index 58500-58512 Alternative schools and programs of choice CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 5 1068-1074 Alternative schools accountability model 11705 Charter schools as alternative schools COURT DECISIONS American Civil Rights Foundation v. Los Angeles Unified School District, (2008) 169 Cal.App.4th 436

Management Resources: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PUBLICATIONS Creating and Sustaining Successful K-8 Magnet Schools, September 2008 Innovations in Education: Successful Magnet High Schools, September 2008 WEB SITES California Department of Education, Alternative Schools of Choice: Foundation for California Community Colleges, Early College High School Initiative: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Innovation and Improvement:

(12/92 7/00) 7/09

This Exhibit from CSBA is new. Changes recommended by BPRC are noted below.

Exhibit to Board Bylaws Actions by the Board E 9323.2


Actions Requiring a Two-Thirds Vote of the Board:

1. Resolution declaring intention to sell or lease real property (Education Code 17466) (cf. 3280 - Sale or Lease of District-Owned Real Property) 2. Resolution declaring intent of Board of Education to convey or dedicate property to the state or any political subdivision for the purposes specified in Education Code 17556 (Education Code 17557) 3. Resolution authorizing and directing the Board president, or any other presiding officer, secretary, or member, to execute a deed of dedication or conveyance of property to the state or a political subdivision (Education Code 17559) 4. Lease, for up to three months, of school property which has a residence on it and which cannot be developed for district purposes because funds are unavailable (Education Code 17481) 5. Request for temporary borrowing pursuant to Government Code 53820-53833, to pay district obligations incurred before the receipt of district income for the fiscal year sufficient to meet the payment(s) (Government Code 53821) 6. Upon complying with Government Code 65352.2 and Public Resources Code 21151.2, action to render city or county zoning ordinances inapplicable to a proposed use of the property by the district (Government Code 53094) (cf. 7131 - Relations with Local Agencies) (cf. 7150 - Site Selection and Development) (cf. 7160 - Charter School Facilities) 7. When the district has an average daily attendance (ADA) of 2,500 or less and seeks to situate a community day school on an existing school site, certification that satisfactory alternative facilities are not available for a community day school (Education Code 48661) 8. When the district is organized to serve only grades K-8 and seeks to situate a community day school on an existing school site, certification that satisfactory alternative facilities are not available for a community day school (Education Code 48661) 9. When the district desires to operate a community day school to serve any of grades K-6 (and no higher grades) on an existing school site, certification that satisfactory alternative facilities are not available for a community day school (Education Code 48661) (cf. 6185 - Community Day School) 7. 10. Resolution of intent to issue general obligation bonds with the approval of 55 percent of the voters of the district (Education Code 15266) (cf. 7214 - General Obligation Bonds) ACTIONS REQUIRING A SUPER MAJORITY VOTE E 9323.2

8.11. Resolution of intent to issue bonds within a school facilities improvement district with the approval of 55 percent of the voters of the school facilities improvement district (Education Code 15266) (cf. 7213 - School Facilities Improvement Districts) 9.12. Resolution to place a parcel tax on the ballot (Government Code 53724) 10.13. Resolution of necessity to proceed with an eminent domain action and, if the Board subsequently desires to use the property for a different use than stated in the resolution of necessity, a subsequent resolution so authorizing the different use (Code of Civil Procedure 1245.240, 1245.245)

Actions Requiring a Two-Thirds Vote of the Board Members Present at the Meeting:

1. Determination that there is a need to take immediate action and that the need for action came to the district's attention after the posting of the agenda. If less than two-thirds of the Board members are present at the meeting, a unanimous vote of all members present is required. (Government Code 54954.2) 2. Determination that a closed session is necessary during an emergency meeting. If less than two-thirds of the Board members are present, a unanimous vote of all members present is required. (Government Code 54956.5) (cf. 9320 - Meetings and Notices) (cf. 9321 - Closed Session Purposes and Agendas)

Actions Requiring a Four-Fifths Vote of the Board:

1. Expenditure and transfer of necessary funds and use of district property or personnel to meet a national or local emergency created by war, military, naval, or air attack, or sabotage, or to provide for adequate national or local defense (Government Code 53790-53792) (cf. 3110 - Transfer of Funds) 2. Resolution for district borrowing based on issuance of notes, tax anticipation warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness, in an amount up to 50 percent of the district's estimated income and revenue for the fiscal year or the portion not yet collected at the time of the borrowing (Government Code 53822, 53824) 3. Resolution for district borrowing, between July 15 and August 30 of any fiscal year, of up to 25 percent of the estimated income and revenue to be received by the district during that fiscal year from apportionments based on ADA for the preceding school year (Government Code 53823-53824) 4. Declaration of an emergency in order to authorize the district to include a particular brand name or product in a bid specification (Public Contract Code 3400) (cf. 3311 - Bids)


Actions Requiring a Unanimous Vote of the Board:

1. Resolution authorizing and prescribing the terms of a community lease for extraction of gas (Education Code 17510-17511) 2. Waiver of the competitive bid process pursuant to Public Contract Code 20111 when the Board determines that an emergency exists and upon approval of the County Superintendent of Schools (Public Contract Code 20113)

Action Requiring a Unanimous Vote of the Board Members Present at the Meeting:

Private sale of surplus property without advertisement in order to establish that such property is not worth more than $2,500. Disposal of surplus property in the local dump or donation to a charitable organization requires the unanimous vote of the Board members present to establish that the value of such property would not defray the cost of arranging its sale. (Education Code 17546) (cf. 3270 - Sale and Disposal of Books, Equipment and Supplies)

Exhibit Date: CSBA Sample Exhibit Actions By The Board

E 9323.2 Board Bylaws


***Note: The following exhibit lists some of the Governing Board actions that require more than a simple majority vote. Other such actions may exist and may be identified in the future. ***

Actions Requiring a Two-Thirds Vote of the Board:

1. Resolution declaring intention to sell or lease real property (Education Code 17466)

(cf. 3280 - Sale or Lease of District-Owned Real Property)

2. Resolution declaring intent of Governing Board to convey or dedicate property to the state or any political subdivision for the purposes specified in Education Code 17556 (Education Code 17557)

3. Resolution authorizing and directing the Board president, or any other presiding officer, secretary, or member, to execute a deed of dedication or conveyance of property to the state or a political subdivision (Education Code 17559)

4. Lease, for up to three months, of school property which has a residence on it and which cannot be developed for district purposes because funds are unavailable (Education Code 17481)

***Note: Item #5 below is different from temporary borrowing pursuant to Government Code 53850-53858 which requires only a majority vote of the Board. ***

5. Request for temporary borrowing pursuant to Government Code 53820-53833, to pay district obligations incurred before the receipt of district income for the fiscal year sufficient to meet the payment(s) (Government Code 53821)

6. Upon complying with Government Code 65352.2 and Public Resources Code 21151.2, action to render city or county zoning ordinances inapplicable to a proposed use of the property by the district (Government Code 53094)

(cf. 7131 - Relations with Local Agencies) (cf. 7150 - Site Selection and Development) (cf. 7160 - Charter School Facilities)

***Note: Items #7-9 below are for use by districts seeking to establish a community day school on an existing school site. ***

7. When the district has an average daily attendance (ADA) of 2,500 or less and seeks to situate a community day school on an existing school site, certification that satisfactory alternative facilities are not available for a community day school (Education Code 48661)

8. When the district is organized to serve only grades K-8 and seeks to situate a community day school on an existing school site, certification that satisfactory alternative facilities are not available for a community day school (Education Code 48661)

9. When the district desires to operate a community day school to serve any of grades K-6 (and no higher grades) on an existing school site, certification that satisfactory alternative facilities are not available for a community day school (Education Code 48661)

(cf. 6185 - Community Day School)

10. Resolution of intent to issue general obligation bonds with the approval of 55 percent of the voters of the district (Education Code 15266)

(cf. 7214 - General Obligation Bonds)

11. Resolution of intent to issue bonds within a school facilities improvement district with the approval of 55 percent of the voters of the school facilities improvement district (Education Code 15266)

(cf. 7213 - School Facilities Improvement Districts)

12. Resolution to place a parcel tax on the ballot (Government Code 53724)

***Note: Code of Civil Procedure 1245.240 requires that, prior to commencing an eminent domain action, the Board adopt a resolution of necessity approved by a two-thirds vote of the Board unless a greater vote is required by statute, charter, or ordinance. In addition, if the Board desires to use the property for a different purpose than stated in the resolution of necessity, then pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure 1245.245, the Board must adopt, by two-thirds vote, another resolution authorizing the different use unless a greater vote is required by statute, charter, or ordinance. ***

13. Resolution of necessity to proceed with an eminent domain action and, if the Board subsequently desires to use the property for a different use than stated in the resolution of necessity, a subsequent resolution so authorizing the different use (Code of Civil Procedure 1245.240, 1245.245)

Actions Requiring a Two-Thirds Vote of the Board Members Present at the Meeting:

1. Determination that there is a need to take immediate action and that the need for action came to the district's attention after the posting of the agenda. If less than two-thirds of the Board members are present at the meeting, a unanimous vote of all members present is required. (Government Code 54954.2)

2. Determination that a closed session is necessary during an emergency meeting. If less than two-thirds of the Board members are present, a unanimous vote of all members present is required. (Government Code 54956.5)

(cf. 9320 - Meetings and Notices) (cf. 9321 - Closed Session Purposes and Agendas)

Actions Requiring a Four-Fifths Vote of the Board:

1. Expenditure and transfer of necessary funds and use of district property or personnel to meet a national or local emergency created by war, military, naval, or air attack, or sabotage, or to provide for adequate national or local defense (Government Code 53790-53792)

(cf. 3110 - Transfer of Funds)

2. Resolution for district borrowing based on issuance of notes, tax anticipation warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness, in an amount up to 50 percent of the district's estimated income and revenue for the fiscal year or the portion not yet collected at the time of the borrowing (Government Code 53822, 53824)

3. Resolution for district borrowing, between July 15 and August 30 of any fiscal year, of up to 25 percent of the estimated income and revenue to be received by the district during that fiscal year from apportionments based on ADA for the preceding school year (Government Code 53823-53824)

4. Declaration of an emergency in order to authorize the district to include a particular brand name or product in a bid specification (Public Contract Code 3400)

(cf. 3311 - Bids)

Actions Requiring a Unanimous Vote of the Board:

1. Resolution authorizing and prescribing the terms of a community lease for extraction of gas (Education Code 17510-17511)

2. Waiver of the competitive bid process pursuant to Public Contract Code 20111 when the Board determines that an emergency exists and upon approval of the County Superintendent of Schools (Public Contract Code 20113)

Action Requiring a Unanimous Vote of the Board Members Present at the Meeting:

1. Private sale of surplus property without advertisement in order to establish that such property is not worth more than $2,500. Disposal of surplus property in the local dump or donation to a charitable organization requires the unanimous vote of the Board members present to establish that the value of such property would not defray the cost of arranging its sale. (Education Code 17546)

(cf. 3270 - Sale and Disposal of Books, Equipment and Supplies)

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