A n n u a l r e p o r t

ul. Szpitalna 5/3, 00-031 Warszawa tel.: (+48 22) 828 88 82, fax: (+48 22) 831 99 38 www.pah.org.pl











Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

I. General information about the Foundation

1. General information about the Foundation

Organisation name: Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Address: ul. Szpitalna 5/3, 00-031 Warszawa Telephone / Fax: (022) 828 90 86, 831 99 38, 828 88 82 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.pah.org.pl Organisation’s bank Bank BPH S.A account: Warsaw Branch, ul. Nowy Świat 6/12 00-400 Warszawa 56 1060 0076 0000 4011 0000 1906 Governing bodies: • Foundation Council • Board of Directors • Audit Commission Date of registration, December 20, 1994; District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, registration file no: Commercial Court - Division XXI, Commercial Registry no 4443;

Nr KRS 0000136833 REGON statistical 010849302 no: Board of Directors: Chairwoman: Janina Ochojska-Okońska, resident in Cracow at ul. Siemiradzkiego 15 m. 3 Members: • Włodzimierz Sarna, resident in Warsaw at ul. Bruzdowa 93 A • Grzegorz Gruca, resident in Warsaw at ul. Czereśniowa 49 • Małgorzata Jasiczek Gebert, resident in Warsaw at ul. Gałczyńskiego 3 m.2 • Aleksandra Rezunow, resident in Warsaw at ul. Czerwonego Krzyża 6 m. 8

2. The Organisation’s objectives (statute)

The mission of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation is to make the world a better place through the alleviation of suffering and the propagation of humanitarian values. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation helps people (communities) afflicted by crisis situations to become independent and to take control of shaping their own future as quickly as possible, fosters humanitarian attitudes, and cultivates a modern aid-giving culture. In all its activities, the Polish Humanitarian Organisation abides by the overarching principle of acting effectively while respecting human dignity.

Statute § 5

The Foundation’s objective is to organise and give humanitarian and developmental, philanthropic and charitable, social and education aid and counteracting social outcast.

§ 6

The Foundation fulfils the objectives set forth in § 5. by doing the following in particular:

1. Researching and collecting information about aid needs; 2. Obtaining, transporting and distributing aid; 3. Creating permanent and temporary aid missions; 4. Creating and supporting aid centres; 5. Publication and educational activities; 6. Organising cultural and educational events and information campaigns; 7. Organising public collections; 8. Organising conferences and seminars; 9. Offering humanitarian and developmental education; 10. Organising holidays and free time for children and youths.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

3. The Foundation’s organisational structure 1) Foreign Missions Division 2) Immediate Aid Division 3) Permanent Programmes Division 4) Public Relations and Fundraising Division 5) Support Division 6) Regional offices 90-423 Łódź, ul. Piotrkowska 85, tel. 630 34 28; tel./fax 630 34 27 87-100 Toruń, ul. Wielkie Garbary 2, tel./fax 652 13 74 31-010 Cracow, Rynek Główny 29, second floor, tel./fax 422 17 71, fax 422 08 19

4. Financial information The Polish Humanitarian Organisation does not carry on business activity.

The statutory revenues of the Foundation: PLN 14 284 252.02 Including: Cash contributions (from natural and legal persons) PLN 6 742 278.15 Cash contributions (subsidies and grants) PLN 6 487 322.68 Contributions in kind: PLN 877 943.43 Services free of charge: PLN 65 925.58

Expenses associated with the Foundation’s core activities: PLN 11 297 114.02 (including non-cash expenses and costs PLN 1 030 841.43)

Administrative expenses of the Foundation: PLN 1 503 474.01

Remunerations Average annual employment of salaried staff: 47.4 full-time positions Gross remunerations: PLN 1 598 628.53 (without social insurance contributions paid by employer) Commission contracts and contracts for completion of specific tasks PLN 261 930.23

5. Employment roster – positions I. Polish Humanitarian Organisation Warsaw office 1) Foundation Director (Chairwoman of the Board of Directors) – 1 2) Secretariat –1 3) Immediate Aid – 1 4) Foreign Missions – 8 5) Permanent programmes (Education, Refugee Aid Centre, Repatriation, Puppet Programme) – 12 6) Fundraising and Public Relations - 5 7) Support Division (Accountancy and Administration) – 9 II. Polish Humanitarian Organisation Łódź office 1) Office director – 1 2) Permanent programmes - 3 III. Polish Humanitarian Organisation Toruń office 1) Office director – 1 2) Support Division - 1 3) Permanent programmes – 5 IV. Polish Humanitarian Organisation Cracow office 1) Office director – 1 2) Permanent programmes – 1

V. Trainees Warsaw, Toruń, Łódź, Cracow – 5

Employees of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation did not receive any financial awards or bonuses in 2004.

Members of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s Board of Directors do not draw any remuneration in consideration for their work in their respective positions.

6. Bank deposits BPH S.A. deposit of PLN 2 881 768.27


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

7. Value of shares held Not Applicable

8. Real property purchased Not Applicable

9. Purchase of fixed assets with a value in excess of PLN 5 000 Passenger car Renault Thalia 44 876.50 Cargo van Mercedes Sprinter 107 806.00 Laptop computer 5 470.48 Dump truck Gaz -3307 KO-440-3 46 315.62 Passenger car Lada Niva 24 883.78 Generator 11 079.58 Car wash 9 806.04 Car garage 11 436.99

Total 261 674.99

10. Assets and liabilities of the Foundation 1) Total assets PLN 9 156 464.93 2) Total liabilities PLN 294 227.03

11. Information on revenues accrued to the Foundation with respect to paid benefits Not Applicable

12. Information on tasks commissioned to the Foundation by state and local self- government entities (services, state tasks farmed out, public procurement) and financial results Donor Applicant Project Value (PLN) Ministry of National Education Repatriation Polish language course for the 224 925.08 and Sports repatriates Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Warsaw office Iraq 198 115.81 the Republic of Poland Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Warsaw office Afghanistan 304 518.52 the Republic of Poland Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Warsaw office Cameroon Atok 1 9 009.53 the Republic of Poland Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Warsaw office Cameroon Atok 1 42 990.48 the Republic of Poland Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Warsaw office Cameroon Dimako 18 000.04 the Republic of Poland Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Warsaw office Sudan 190 874.82 the Republic of Poland Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Warsaw office Asia 178 125.70 the Republic of Poland MOPS, Łódź Łódź office Community day care centre 32 774.41 Municipal Office, City of Łódź Łódź office Community day care centre 36 827.79 Municipal Office, Capital City of Repatriation Support volunteers 25 476.58 Warsaw Municipal Office, Capital City of Refugee Aid Centre Integration day care centre for 7 361.58 Warsaw foreigners Gmina of the City of Toruń Toruń office 5th Picnic for the fans of the Polish 4 925.09 Humanitarian Organisation Municipal Office, City of Cracow office Humanitarian Cracow 1 941.36 Cracow Voivodship Office, Mazowsze Refugee Aid Centre Social Aid 9 037.60 Voivodship Office, Mazowsze Repatriation Support volunteers 14 903.82 Municipal Office, City of Łódź Łódź office Summer recreation - day camps 3 700.00 Municipal Office, City of Łódź Łódź office Summer recreation 4 000.00 Voivodship Office, Mazowsze Refugee Aid Centre Social Aid 21 871.56 Gmina of the City of Toruń Toruń office Community day care centre 5 970.00 Gmina of the City of Toruń Toruń office Social Information Office 3 120.00 TOTAL 1 338 469.77 *The amounts given above refer to resources actually used.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

13. Information on the Foundation’s settlements with the state with respect to tax liabilities and on tax returns filed 1) Personal income tax (on remunerations and commission contracts) is being deducted on an on- going basis pursuant to the monthly PIT-4 declaration. The tax liabilities as at 31.12.2004 are PLN 17 008.10 2) The Foundation is exempted from corporate income tax. This means that it does not file CIT-2 declarations but only an annual CIT-8 declaration.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

II. Important events concerning institutional development in 2004

1. Iron Capital Project of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation

Pursuant to the assumptions of the application and the grant contests, the Polish Humanitarian Organisation continued its fundraising campaign to increase the value of the Iron Capital. The campaign allowed the Polish Humanitarian Organisation to achieve the following results in 2004: PLN 100 000 - contribution from Bank BPH PLN 35 000- contribution from Philip Morris Polska S.A.

Furthermore, the Foundation filed an application for a grant to JPMorgan Chase Foundation from New York for a support of 50 000 USD.

Pursuant to the assumptions of the project, the Board of Directors elected the Iron Capital Investment Council of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation. The main task of the Council is, among other things, to define the investment rules and to monitor the work of the company managing the funds.

Capital - as at Interest for Interest in USD as Source Interest for 2004 Total USD 31/12/03 2003 at 31.12.2004 The Ford 100 000.00 152.08 249.26 401.34 100 401.34 Foundation

Status as at Interest in PLN as Date received Capital (PLN) Total PLN 31/12/03 at 31.12.2004 Batory - 26/07/2004 1 200 000.00 519.03 1 200 519.03 Foundation

Bank BPH 50 000.00 150 000.00 50.00 150 123.15

Bank BPH 100 000.00 07/07/2004 73.15

Phillip Morris 24/11/2004 35 000.00 0.69 35 000.69 Polska S.A.

Total 1 385 000.00 642.87 1 385 642.87 * funds deposited as part of term deposits

2. List of resolutions adopted by the Management Board of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in 2004 The composition of the Board of Directors of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation has remained unchanged during last year.

In 2004 the Foundation’s Board of Directors met 12 times, adopted 11 resolutions – see the list below. Including the most important ones having a fundamental impact on the organisation’s activities: a resolution on creating Funds and the rules on managing them (Iron and Reserve Capital) and amendments to the statute, especially as it regards narrowing down the objectives of the organisation and on transforming the Donors’ Council into a Foundation Council.

A decision was taken as part of long-term strategic activities to gradually withdraw from the local programmes created around the Puppet Campaigns, which leads to a gradual transformation of the Regional Offices. The changes are supposed to be implemented slowly in order to avoid a drastic cut-off of the beneficiaries from aid. It was also decided to strengthen the efforts related to foreign aid - immediate aid and missions. Since Poland acceded the European Union, new opportunities appeared thanks to the cooperation with ECHO – European Community Humanitarian Office. A sanitary project as part of the efforts of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation mission was accomplished jointly with ECHO in Chechnya. This was a new experience for the Polish Humanitarian Organisation, the effects of which will be summarised next year. The annual report contains a detailed substantive description of all the efforts.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

List of resolutions adopted by the Management Board of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in 2004 1. 20.01.04 – on granting an annual power of attorney to the Directors of the Regional Offices 2. 04.03.04 – approval of the new nomenclature of the positions and duties of the division directors 3. 07.06.04 – approval of the Social Fund Management Regulations 4. 01.07.04 – on the membership in the Foreign Group 5. 29.07.04 – amendments in the statute concerning creation of funds 6. 06.09.04 – decision on giving aid to the victims of the Beslan tragedy 7. 20.09.04 – approval of the financial statements 8. 12.10.04 – approval of the Iron Capital and Reserve Fund regulations 9. 20.10.04 – amendments in the statute concerning the possible change in the objectives 10. 27.12.04 – decision on giving aid to the victims of the Earthquake and Tsunami in South-eastern Asia 11. 29.12.04 – amendments in the statute, including the objectives

3. Other 1) On 19.03.2004 the Polish Humanitarian Organisation was given a status of a public benefit organisation which made it possible to obtain money from 1% income tax for the Polish Humanitarian Organisation. In 2004 the Polish Humanitarian Organisation gathered PLN 1 615 194.30 2) On 29.07.2004 the Board of Directors adopted a resolution to create the following funds: Iron Capital and Immediate Aid Reserve Fund 3) On 29.07.2004 and 29.12.2004 the Board of Directors adopted resolutions to amend the statute of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation (new statute is attached). These changes were the result of: a. the need to update the statute which was originally drawn up in 1994. In February 2000 a paragraph allowing the Polish Humanitarian Organisation to carry on business activities was deleted from the statute. b. the new statute defined new objectives and allowed the Polish Humanitarian Organisation to expand its efforts (such as finding ways to obtain funds for its statutory operations) c. the need to adapt the statute of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation to the act on public benefit organisations d. the need to introduce provisions on creating funds: Iron Capital and Immediate Aid Reserve Fund 4) On 2.08.2004 the Board of Directors made a decision to hand over the day care centres run by the Regional Offices in Łódź and Toruń to other organisations involved in similar activities or to an association established by the persons running these day care centres. This decision was the result of the fact that the Polish Humanitarian Organisation will not expand these activities but will rather focus on humanitarian programmes. 5) In the same year Poland acceded the European Union, the Polish Humanitarian Organisation accomplished the strategy to obtain funds for statutory operations from the European branches and programmes (EuropeAid Co-operation Office, ECHO, EQUAL Community Initiative and the structural funds) 6) The Polish Humanitarian Organisation continued implementing a new computer system called Alatus Orama which covered the Finance departments and the Personnel and Payroll system from Comers. The implementation of the computer systems made it possible to create such a chart of accounts which makes it possible to settle each project and to analyse the revenues and costs in detail.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

III. Humanitarian Aid

1. Aid to natural disaster victims

1.1. Earthquake in Bam – Iran

The aid campaign started on December 27, 2003.

In 2004 the Polish Humanitarian Organisation received PLN 204 076.46 to aid the victims of the Bam earthquake. After the appeals were made to the public following the earthquake, the Polish Humanitarian Organisation received as much as PLN 171 381.08. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation collected PLN 375 457.54 in total.

The need Over 35 thousand residents of Bam were left homeless after the Iran earthquake on December 26, 2003. Initially the most needed items were tents, blankets, clothes, drugs, water containers, cooking utensils, cleaning agents.

Objective The Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s objective in the first stage was to provide the victims with articles guaranteeing temporary survival. The objective of the second stage was to guarantee temporary living conditions. The aim of the third stage was to create permanent living conditions for a selected group of people.

Description of actions undertaken Humanitarian transport The first shipment of cleaning agents, first-aid blankets and cooking stoves worth PLN 7 983 was sent on December 30, 2003.

On January 8, 2004 the second shipment sent by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation included sleeping bags, blankets, tents and vitamins worth PLN 28 707. The shipping costs were covered by the Ministry of National Defence.

Missions of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation Mission to create temporary living conditions for the people of Bam

A temporary Polish Humanitarian Organisation mission has been operating in Bam since January 25 till March 4, 2004 (one employee and one volunteer from Poland).

Distribution of 2 000 cartons (one for each family registered in the zone) with personal hygiene items in zone no. 11 in Bam was completed on February 27. We purchased 1 500 cartons using own money whereas 500 cartons were donated by Save the Children, so that each family received one set. Each set was comprised of: a towel, soap, scissors, a nail cutter, napkins, dishwashing liquid, shampoo, washing detergent, cream, 2 toothpastes, 3 toothbrushes, a hair brush, a razor, razor blades. These products should keep a family going for approx. 2 months. The total number of beneficiaries was approx. 8 000 people. The distribution was conducted in cooperation with the Red Halfmoon operating in zone 11. The representatives of the Bam community participated in the distribution process. Our distribution zone was divided into 4 sub-zones for distribution and other purposes. 6 vehicles (a Polish Humanitarian Organisation representative sat in each one to assure proper distribution) distributed approx. 500 boxes in the morning and approx. 500 boxes in the afternoon. All boxes were handed out after the beneficiaries were identified by a representative of the given sub-zone (a Bam resident) and after being entered in a special log, on the basis of which distribution is performed here. A group of students from Teheran who are organising an orphanage and other forms of aid helped us control the distribution process.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Apart from this, the Polish Humanitarian Organisation financed the construction and installation of 100 toilets and 8 double shower facilities in zone 11.

During our mission there the Polish Humanitarian Organisation commenced relations with a group of Iranian volunteers from the Teheran University who are running an orphanage in Bam. Some of them have already cooperated with Shirin Ebadi at the Children’s Rights Protection organisation. This group established a SIB – Setode Jori be Bam (Bam Aid Committee) organisation one day after the earthquake.

There are approx. 50 children in the orphanage each day. The orphanage is located in a dozen of tents. Apart from building the toilets and showers and supplying water, the Polish Humanitarian Organisation purchased: 1. paper supplies for the art class – colour paper, paint, Bristol paper, drawing paper, folders, colour crayons, etc., 2. disposable dishes – the children are provided with a hot meal at the orphanage, 3. sewing machine and fabrics – older girls are learning to sew and are sewing clothes for younger children, 4. shelves and children’s books, 5. equipment to play learning materials (VCD player) and a computer with a printer and scanner (the children will publish their own bulletin), 6. wooden platforms and roofs (it is very hot in the summer so shading is needed even outside, the platforms protect against snakes and scorpions.

After talks with the leaders of this group in Teheran, the Polish Humanitarian Organisation decided to build the orphanage in May of this year.

Mission to create permanent living conditions for the people of Bam Another temporary Polish Humanitarian Organisation mission has been operating in Bam since May 22 till June 2004 (one employee and one volunteer from Poland). The objective of this mission was to create permanent living conditions for the Bam orphanage.

The orphanage is a home to approx. 50 children who lost either both or one of the parents or siblings. They all have experienced tremendous hardships and witnessed the tragic deaths of their loved ones. They spend the whole day at the orphanage and go back "home" in the evening (are taken under the roof by relatives). The children learn to write, read and perform calculations on a daily basis, they also participate in different sports, music and art classes. One of the tents houses a library where the volunteers read and perform different plays, another tent houses a kindergarten full of colourful building blocks, toys and drawings made by the children. Yet another tent houses a carpet making and sewing facility where girls learn to sew. A soccer field is located among the tents (the children frequently play soccer or dodge ). Lessons and talks with children are held under a tarpaulin (the volunteers include psychology students who help the children to forget about their terrible experiences). Other tents house a kitchen (the children receive two meals each day), a medical post and "accommodations" for the volunteers.

The Polish Humanitarian Organisation made a decision to finance the construction of the building to house the orphanage. As part of its efforts the Polish Humanitarian Organisation contributed financially to the purchase of a temporary building for the orphanage which replaced the tents at the end of July of this year which provided a temporary facility where the children learned and slept and financed the construction of the foundations for the building referred to in item 1 and the foundations for the sanitary container which SIB will receive from ADRA Germany.

Apart from this, the Polish Humanitarian Organisation signed a framework cooperation agreement between the Polish Humanitarian Organisation and SIB, under which the Polish Humanitarian Organisation will be able to finance future SIB projects in Bam, and helped the SIB volunteers with drawing up the projects from Save the Children and Mercy Corps.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Results The Polish Humanitarian Organisation helped approx. 8 thousand beneficiaries (hygiene sets), who were provided with hygiene articles for two months. Approx. 6 thousand people from zone 11 were able to use toilets and showers, which led to better sanitary conditions. It was possible to create temporary and then permanent learning conditions (construction of the orphanage building) for approx. 50 children, so that we can talk about permanent effects of our efforts.

Partners In Bam the Polish Humanitarian Organisation cooperated closely with the local SIB organisation in Iran, which had a very good overview of the situation in Bam. The Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow got involved in the aid mission by organising the collections and the chain during the stay of Shirin Ebadi in Poland.

Arrival of Shirin Ebadi – winner of the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize - in Cracow The winner of the Noble Peace Prize Shirin Ebadi, invited by the Mayor of Cracow and the Polish Humanitarian Organisation, paid a visit to Cracow on March 10, 2004. On this occasion the Cracow office of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation organised a fundraising campaign to raise funds for the Bam orphanage and organised a happening called "Cracow-Bam Aid Chain", which surrounded the Main Square (see detailed description of the local efforts – Cracow)

Organisation of cultural events and collection of and money in Toruń to help the victims of the Iran earthquake

A collection of donations and money was held between February 2-18, 2004 and again between September 08-12 and two series of cultural events were organised. A public fundraising campaign was carried out to gather funds for the victims of the Bam earthquake.

The main objective of the campaigns was to collect funds to help the victims of the Bam earthquake. • Increasing the awareness to help the victims of the disaster in Iran and other parts of the world • Collection of funds to help people in Iran

A subsidy of PLN 10 000 was received from the Municipal Office of Toruń which was allotted in full to purchase dressings, blankets and warm quilts. The purchase was made in January 2004 (the subsidy was allotted on December 30, 2003).

Organisation of a series of cultural events in February 2004 An exhibition of photographs called "My trip to Iran" by Anna Kowal, an Iranian Studies student at the Warsaw University, was organised in the Main Library of the Nicolaus Copernicus University between February 2 and 18, 2004. The photographs portrayed the ancient history of Iran (Persopolis) as well as the modern life – bazaars, mosques, streets. The photographs of the Bam bastion which was destroyed by the earthquake were particularly moving.

A concert "Reggae for Iran" was held on February 12, 2004 at the Toruń Student Club "Od Nowa". Bands such as "Paraliż Band" and "Positive Ferment Sound System" appeared. The musicians from both bands gave up their remunerations for their appearance. Another attraction were the slides from Iran displayed during the concert. Other partners also got involved in the organisation of the concert; Radio Sfera let the audio equipment free of charge and Club Od Nowa let the stage and its staff free of charge.

Between February 17 and 18, 2004 volunteers from the Nicolaus Copernicus University conducted a fundraising campaign at the university, which was approved by the university’s Dean. Students from the Faculty of Sociology, Pedagogy, Biology, International Relations, Law, Marketing Management, Polish Philology encouraged other students to support the people of Bam. The overall proceeds from the concert were: PLN 1 867.08.

A summary of the "Aid for the victims of the earthquake in Iran" took place on February 18, 2004. A meeting with the President of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation - Janina Ochojska, political scientist - Piotr Kłodkowski and globetrotters - Agnieszka and Jacek Hila took place in the Large Hall of the Artus Manor. The meeting was devoted to the current social and political situation in Iran. The efforts of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in Bam were also presented.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Organisation of a series of cultural events in September 2004 The Polish Humanitarian Organisation organised a second series of cultural events in Toruń to help the victims of the Bam earthquake between September 8 and 12, 2004.

A fundraising campaign made it possible to raise funds to furnish the orphanage in Bam. The collection commenced on September 8, immediately after a photo exhibition "Bam – a City of Sadness" was opened in the Courtyard of the Old Town Hall. The President of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation Janina Ochojska and the Mayor of the City of Toruń Michał Zaleski participated in this event. The first fundraisers were the Director of the District Museum in Toruń – Anna Kasicka and Wojciech Konieczny – journalist from the Polish Radio of the Pomorze and Kujawy district. Scouts from the Toruń’s troop of the Scouts’ Association of the Republic of Poland raised funds in the next several days. It was possible to raise as much as PLN 510.44.

During the Friday’s concert of the Toruń Chamber Orchestra at the Artus Manor music lovers were able to listen to Tchaikovsky’s and Dvorak’s symphonies and participate in the auction of the works done by the children. Twenty one works done by small artists from around the world, given to the Foundation by Toruń’s Children Gallery and Art Centre. The auction was run by Witold Tokarski. PLN 1 865 was collected during the auction.

Sources of financing Subsidy: Municipal Office of the City of Toruń – 10 000 Public fundraising: PLN 2 377.52 Contributions from natural persons: 2 115.00 Contributions from entrepreneurs without agreements: PLN 1 000 Contributions from schools: 64.70 A total of PLN 15 557.22 was raised in Toruń in 2004 to help the victims of the Bam disaster.

Volunteers The Foundation worked with approx. 30 volunteers who were involved in the organisation of the events, fundraising and musical performances.

Results The aid for Iran programme made it possible to fulfil the third stage of the aid, i.e. creation of permanent grounds for returning to normal conditions (providing education and food for the children). We were unable though to sustain the aid for the orphanage. This was caused by a poor interest of the media in the results of our efforts (as always the media are only interested in the first stage of the aid which is always portrayed as a great disaster). The Polish Humanitarian Organisation co-organised the stay of the Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi in Cracow but her visit here did not lead to increased interest in the tragedy of the people of Bam. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation even organised an exhibition related to the aid for Iran, and in particular to the orphanage. But the effect of the fundraising campaign in Toruń was PLN 5 557.22 (apart from the subsidy from the Municipal Office)

Collections On December 31, 2003 the Polish Humanitarian Organisation received a permit from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration no. 165/2003 to raise funds until January 20, 2004. It was possible to raise PLN 106 848.34.

On February 27, 2004 the Polish Humanitarian Organisation received a permit from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration no. 15/2004 to raise funds until March 31, 2004. It was possible to raise PLN 13 249.70.

Both collections have been fully settled.

Value of contributions deposited on the account: PLN 375 457.54 Money spent on the programme: PLN 155 090.23 Programme costs: PLN 71 117.39


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

2. Aid to armed conflict victims

Permanent aid: Foreign missions of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation

2.1. Mission in Afghanistan

2.1.1. Reconstruction of the main building of the Middle Agricultural School in Kabul 06.2004 – 01.2005

The need According to the UNICEF statistics, over 70% of the society, including 75% of children, were illiterate in 20021. One of the factors having a negative impact on this is lack of school buildings and an appropriate number of trained staff. Insufficient, neglected development of the agriculture which is the source of income for over 80% of the society has a very significant impact on the poor living conditions of majority of the society2. In result of armed conflicts lasting many years, resulting in a large number of casualties and displacements, traditional farming and breeding methods disappeared in majority of the areas or the farming areas have been mined. A large portion of the infrastructure and the farming equipment has been destroyed. Taking into account the number of people earning a major portion of their living from agricultural production, the currently low output has a negative impact on the incomes of the major portion of the population. This means that there is a need to increase the qualifications of the farmers, in which appropriately trained specialists - graduates of agricultural schools and academies - can play a major role.

Objective Reconstruction of the main building of the Middle Agricultural School in Kabul and ensuring proper learning conditions for over 150 Afghan students.

Description of actions undertaken In February 2004 the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in Afghanistan received subsidies worth 81 000 USD for the reconstruction of the Middle Agricultural School in Kabul. The tender procedure carried out in the beginning of May 2004 by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation made it possible to find a contractor - "Shafaq Reconstruction". Thanks to the savings made by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation and the contractor, it was also possible to rebuild the building adjacent to the main building. Additionally extra toilets have been constructed outside the building. Basic furniture was purchased for the money that was left over (chairs and desks for students and teachers). The building was officially given over to the Ministry of Education on January 17, 2005.

Results The main building of the Middle Agricultural School in Kabul has been reconstructed and furnished with the basic furniture for students and teachers. Furthermore, it was possible to rebuild the adjacent building and the outside toilets for the money that was saved. 150 students will be able to participate in courses in worthy conditions.

Partners • Construction Department – Department of the Ministry of Education in charge of the construction and reconstruction of the school infrastructure - cooperation mainly involved mutual supervision and control of the construction projects run by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation concerning the reconstruction of the school infrastructure Volunteers 2 volunteers holding the posts of programme officers.

1 UNICEF- Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2003 2 AREU- "Out of step"- Agricultural Policy and Afghan Livelihoods"


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

2.1.2. Reconstruction of the library and laboratory at the Middle Vocational School in Kabul 10.2004 – 02.2005

Objective Reconstruction of the library and laboratory at the Middle Agricultural School in Kabul and ensuring proper learning conditions for over 150 Afghan students.

Description of actions undertaken In October 2004 the Polish Humanitarian Organisation received subsidies from the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs worth PLN 300 000 to reconstruct and refurbish the library and the laboratory at the Middle Agricultural School in Kabul. The contractor was "Sadiq – Qazi Zada Reconstruction Company". Unfortunately, due to a very harsh winter it was not possible to complete the project on time, i.e. by the end of 2004.

Results It was not possible to reconstruct the library and the laboratory at the Middle Agricultural School in Kabul on time (by December 31, 2004) due to a particularly harsh winter. The basic furniture and educational materials have been purchased as planned though. Construction work will be continued the moment the weather improves. After this project is completed, students will have better access to specialist agricultural knowledge.

Partners • Construction Department – Department of the Ministry of Education in charge of the construction and reconstruction of the school infrastructure - cooperation mainly involved mutual supervision and control of the construction projects run by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation concerning the reconstruction of the school infrastructure

Volunteers 1 volunteer holding the post of a programme officer

2.1.3. Music lessons for girls from the Allahudin orphanage 08.2003 – 08.2004

The need As in any other society culture plays a significant role in the lives of the Afghans. During the Taliban rule all cultural activities were banned in Afghanistan. The local population has been cut off from the possibility to enjoy and create works of art, and that is why increased interest of the local population in all types of art can be observed. A very significant problem in Afghanistan is still the situation of the women. Their situation deteriorated significantly during the Taliban rule. Girls and women could not attend schools, pursue their learned professions, participate in public life, or leave home without being accompanied by a male relative. According to the UNICEF statistics from 2002 as many as 79% of Afghan women are illiterate. In recent years the number of girls attending elementary schools is estimated at approx. 15%.

Objective Offering music lessons to learn to play traditional Afghan instruments: Tabla and Armonia for 25 girls from the Allahudin orphanage.

Description of actions undertaken In 2004 the Polish Humanitarian Organisation mission in Afghanistan continued with the music lessons for 25 girls at the Allahudin orphanage, giving the children most afflicted by fate an opportunity to learn to play instruments. Mr. Saber, a music teacher employed by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation, held 3 classes a week, each one lasting hour and a half. The project was completed with a small concert in August 2004 in which the representatives from UNESCO and the Ministry of Labour and Social Care participated. It was possible to extend the project for another 5 months thanks to the savings made by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation while implementing the project.

Results 25 children from the Allahudin orphanage in Kabul who took the music classes learned how to play traditional Afghan instruments (tabla and armonia). The project was completed with a concert by the pupils.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Partners • Allahudin orphanage – a government institution established in mid 80s providing care and education for over 700 kids (mainly girls and young boys). The orphanage’s management lets rooms free of charge and the Polish Humanitarian Organisation is responsible for the full implementation of the project (course timetable, teacher supervision, logistics, etc.)

Volunteers 2 volunteers holding the posts of programme officers.

2.1.4. Music lessons for women from the Afghan Housewives Organisation 12.2003 – 09.2004

Objective Offering a six-month music course to learn to play traditional Afghan instruments: Tabla, Armonia and Rubab for 25 women belonging to the Afghan Housewives Organisation.

Description of actions undertaken In 2004 the Polish Humanitarian Organisation mission in Afghanistan continued with music lessons for 25 women in cooperation with the local Afghan Housewives Organisation. Mr. Naeem, a music teacher employed by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation, held 3 classes a week, each one lasting hour and a half. The project was completed in September 2004. Unfortunately, due to an unstable security situation before the presidential elections in October 2004 it was not possible to organise a concert to present the progress of the female musicians.

Results The music lessons for women ended in September 2004, thanks to which 25 women learned to play tabla, armonia and rubab.

Partners • Afghan Housewives Organisation – an organisation established in 2002 after the collapse of the Taliban regime by Mrs. Shahla Abawi trying to promote the rights of women in Afghanistan. Apart from different campaigns for women, the AHO also offers a number of afternoon classes for women, including music classes for Polish Humanitarian Organisation women until September 2004.

Volunteers 2 volunteers holding the posts of programme officers.

2.1.5. Construction of a playground at the centre for street children – ASCHIANA 01 – 04.2004

The need In result of the armed conflict lasting many years, common poverty and lack of access to the basic medical services, many children lost their parents and were deprived of any care because overcrowded orphanages are unable to guarantee a place for everyone who needs it. Many children live out in the streets trying to earn or beg for money for the basic items that will allow them to stay alive. In majority of cases these children do not attend schools and are deprived of the opportunities to develop normally or learn a profession, thanks to which they could improve their situation. They are also exposed to many dangers, mainly they run the risk of being kidnapped by criminal groups selling human organs to western countries. Unofficial statistics maintained by non-governmental organisations dealing with this problem indicate that there are over 8 thousand such children in Kabul alone.

Objective Construction of a playground at the centre for street children – ASCHIANA

Description of actions undertaken In January 2004 the Polish Humanitarian Organisation mission in Afghanistan received subsidies from UNESCO- Afghanistan totalling 30 thousand dollars to go ahead with the DREAM programme, the main component of which was the construction of a playground and a theatre stage for children attending the centre for street children – ASCHIANA. Apart from the construction of the playground, the Polish Humanitarian Organisation offered computer and photography courses (in cooperation with


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Alternatives). The official opening of the playground took place on April 19, 2004 during which the children presented an artistic programme that they prepared themselves and participated in a friendly volleyball game.

Results A playground and a theatre stage for 600 street children being cared for by the local ASCHIANA organisation were built as part of the DREAM programme. A computer and photography course has also been organised. The children were provided with appropriate conditions for playing and gained the basic computer and photography skills. The project was completed with an artistic programme and a volleyball game.

Partners • Afghan Street Working Children Association- an organisation established in 1996 by the engineer Mohammad Yousuf in Kabul. The main statutory objective of ASCHIANA is to help the street children by organising numerous extracurricular activities and an evening school. There are currently 6 ASCHIANA centres in all of Afghanistan. • Alternatives – a Canadian non-governmental organisation

Volunteers 1 volunteer holding the post of a programme officer

2.1.6. Music lessons for girls from the Allahudin orphanage and for boys from the Tahan Maskan orphanage in Kabul 09.2004 - present

Objective Continuation of the music lessons for 25 girls from the Allahudin orphanage and extension thereof to include 15 boys from the Tahan Maskan orphanage in Kabul.

Description of actions undertaken Since September 2004 the project involving music lessons for girls from the Allahudin orphanage, financed by UNESCO up to this point, was given a financial support of 15 thousand dollars from the Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development, which allowed the girls to continue with the lessons. The project was expanded further to include boys from the Tahan Maskan orphanage, who started their lessons with the traditional Afghan instruments - the tabla and armonia. Completion of the project is planned for May 2005.

Results The music lessons for 25 girls from the Allahudin orphanage, expanded to include 15 boys from the Tahan Maskan orphanage, are being continued. The kids are learning to play traditional Afghan instruments.

Partners • Allahudin orphanage – a government institution established in mid 80s providing care and education for over 700 kids (mainly girls and young boys). The orphanage’s management lets rooms free of charge and the Polish Humanitarian Organisation is responsible for the full implementation of the project (course timetable, teacher supervision, logistics, etc.) • Tahan Maskan orphanage - a government institution established in mid 80s providing care and education for over 500 boys. The orphanage’s management lets the premises to the Polish Humanitarian Organisation which makes sure that the programme is carried out correctly. • Volunteers 1 volunteer holding the post of a programme officer


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2.1.7. Music and art project "My multicultural, diverse home Afghanistan" for the children of the Allahudin orphanage 12.2004 - present

Objective Realisation of an annual music and art programme for the children of the Allahudin orphanage. 50 children are learning to draw, paint and play instruments (keyboard, violin, guitar) and participate once a week in activities devoted to the multi-culturalism of Afghanistan, tolerance and children’s rights.

Description of actions undertaken In December 2004, thanks to a subsidy of 15 thousand dollars from UNESCO- Afghanistan, the Polish Humanitarian Organisation commenced the realisation of the programme called "My multicultural, diverse home Afghanistan" for 50 children of the Allahudin orphanage. The children are learning to play musical instruments, to draw and paint. Additionally, once a week they participate in activities devoted to the multi-culturalism of Afghanistan, tolerance and children’s rights. The children actively participate in activities where they think up poems, different skits or talk about different areas of life of young people.

Results 50 children from the Allahudin orphanage participate in music and art classes (they learn to play keyboard, guitar and violin, and to draw and paint) and learn about the multi-culturalism of Afghanistan, tolerance and children’s rights.

Partners • Allahudin orphanage – a government institution established in mid 80s providing care and education for over 700 kids (mainly girls and young boys). The orphanage’s management lets the premises free of charge and the Polish Humanitarian Organisation is responsible for the full implementation of the project (course timetable, teacher supervision, logistics, etc.)

2.1.8. Distribution of gifts collected by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in Poland among different relief organisations in Kabul and the Paktia province 01-12.2004

The need In result of the conflicts, natural disasters and other factors which caused that Afghanistan is at the top of the list of the poorest countries, majority of the infrastructure has been destroyed. The refugees currently returning home find their homes destroyed, their villages without schools and medical centres to which they were used to while staying abroad in Pakistan or Iran. The situation is complicated even more by lack of legal regulations as regards the ownership of arable or breeding land. This means that people are basically deprived of the basic source of income and frequently regret the decision to return to their native land.

Objective Distribution of gifts collected by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in Poland among different relief organisations in Kabul and in the Paktia province in southern Afghanistan among internally displaced people and refugees returning home from Pakistan and Iran. The gifts included, among other things, heaters, clothes, shoes, school supplies.

Description of actions undertaken The distribution of the gifts sent by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation from Poland lasted from January to December 2004. The shipment included, among other things: heaters, clothes, shoes, and school supplies. Institutions cooperating with the Polish Humanitarian Organisation, such as the Municipal Hospital in Kabul, the Allahudin orphanage, ASCHIANA were given the gifts first. Furthermore, some of the gifts were shipped to Gardez in the Paktia province where, in cooperation with UNHCR, the Polish Humanitarian Organisation distributed clothes, shoes and school supplies in camps for the internally displaced.

Results The Municipal Hospital, the Allahudin orphanage and the centre for street children ASCHIANA in Kabul and camps for the internally displaced people (IDP’s) in Gardez (Paktia province) received gifts collected in Poland by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation (heaters, clothes, shoes, and school supplies).

Partners • Municipal Hospital in Kabul • Allahudin orphanage


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Sources of financing

Donor’s name Subsidy Spent


EMBASSY OF 81 949.00 44 901.50 JAPAN/SR1

SDC/ZM3 12 200.00 5 910.84

UNESCO/PZ1 19 950.00 26 744.92

MSZ/SR3 124 630.00 122 705.06

MSZ/SR4 181 000.00 181 813.46

UNESCO/ZMP1 5 000.00 5 511.95

UNESCO/ZM1 2 200.00 3 685.33

NOVIB/KAI 29 634.00

NOVIB/ZM2 32 969.46

UNESCO 2 115.10

TOTAL 150 933.00 305 630.00 119 724.00 306 633.62

2.2. Mission in Chechnya

The Chechen mission of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation has been continued since 2000. The water supply programme for the residents of Grozny was started in October 2000 and the sanitation programme in December 2001.

Needs Despite of progressing stabilisation, the water supply and sewage system in Grozny still remains unrebuilt after the war. Neither the water purification (there was a chlorination station at each of the four water intakes) nor the sewage treatment plant has been rebuilt. Neither the water mains nor the sewage system has been rebuilt. Polluted water from the intakes flowing through leaking mains gets through to underground water and gets mixed with the sewage sipping from leaking sewage mains.

The need for drinking as well as technical water is increasing because as the living conditions are becoming more stable, the water consumption per household increases, for instance, it is used in construction, cleaning, washing. As the population increases, so does the demand for water on one hand and the production of sewage on the other hand. Schools and medical centres are being rebuilt. But reconstruction of buildings does not mean that water mains and sewage systems are being rebuilt as well. Toilets in majority of public buildings are out of order.

As the population increases, so does the volume of garbage and the problem with comprehensive disposal thereof.

The populations of other Chechen cities are also growing. The problem of water supply, even technical water, sewage or garbage disposal is the same there. All this causes that the risk of infection is not diminishing.


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Objective Improvement of the water and sanitary conditions in Grozny and other Chechen cities. 1) Supplying the users of educational and health care facilities with drinking and technical water. 2) Supplying the private users with drinking water. 3) Continuation of removal of garbage and faecal matter from educational and health care facilities as part of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s system. 4) Providing the users of public buildings with access to sanitary facilities. 5) building of public awareness of rational consumption of water (why and how water should be saved) and respect for public property 6) stimulation of the volunteer work.

Description of actions undertaken 1) The water programme was carried out in Grozny and included the following measures: a) production of drinking water (purification of technical water taken from the water main) b) installation of drinking water tanks (the so-called pillows) around the city c) distribution of water using tanker cars to the above tanks d) examination of the quality of the water at every stage of production and distribution e) distribution of canisters to the consumers to assure purity of water at every stage f) cooperation with public television and local press as instruments of informing the public on how water should be used and how public property should be respected g) cooperation with the volunteers responsible for the equipment in the private sector

2) Measures undertaken as part of the sanitary portion of the programme: a) installation of garbage containers in buildings covered under the garbage removal system b) systematised removal of garbage and faecal matter from educational and health care facilities c) a one-time garbage removal action from facilities not covered under the system (not having containers) d) construction of toilets at those facilities e) systematic emptying of toilets f) construction of garbage incineration facilities in hospitals g) installation of hand pumps for technical water h) instructing teachers about hygiene and water consumption

Results 1) An average volume of 514 thousand litres of drinking water was delivered each day. 2) 240 water distribution points were established by installing new tanks (pillows) a) 58 at educational institutions, b) 32 at health care facilities, c) 137 for the private sector, d) 6 so-called PWRs – temporary stay centres for the internal refugees who came back but do not have their own homes e) 7 other (NGO, state administration) 3) 34 hand-operated pumps to pump technical water at hospitals and schools have been installed 4) 90 water tests are performed each month 5) 10 786 drinking water canisters have been distributed in areas where tanks have been installed 6) 85 thousand users of the water programme have been achieved 7) In the last stage of the project 89 m3 of garbage were removed each day 8) 2 644 m3 of garbage have been removed during the one-time cleanup action at facilities not covered under the system 9) 261 garbage containers were installed at educational and health care facilities 10) 400 cleaning sets and 560 garbage bins have been distributed to these facilities 11) 86 new toilets have been built, half of them outside of Grozny (Gudermes and Schali) 12) 10 m3 of faecal matter on average was being removed each day. 13) 3 hospital refuse incineration plants have been built in hospitals in Achoy-Marten, Old Ataga and Schali 14) 77 thousand recipients of the sanitation programme have been achieved


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15) 3 thousand surveys concerning the water and sanitation conditions have been conducted altogether among the recipients 16) Equipment used in the programme a) 4 purification units (filters) b) 16 tanker cars c) 3 dump trucks d) 1 waste removal vehicle

17) Training courses a) 92 teachers have been trained on hygiene and economic consumption of drinking water so that they can teach children in their schools b) 6 operators of the incineration plants have been trained on how to sort and incinerate waste c) 41 new volunteers responsible for the tanks (pillows) out in the field have been trained

3) Two campaigns for children have been carried out as part of the Chechen mission: a) aid for the Christian Orphanage "Rodnaja Semja" – PLN 14 739.31 (material aid and financing of medical treatment of children) b) aid for the School for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired in Grozny – PLN 45 000

Sources of financing UNICEF – PLN 1 819 899.45 ECHO – PLN 1 229 520.20 CCFD – PLN 121 949.50 Foundation Education for Democracy – PLN 45 000

The total cost of all projects in 2004 was PLN 3 583 756.46

Until April 2004 inclusive, the programme was run as a single, joint water and sanitary project financed by UNICEF. Starting on May 1 the water portion of the programme was run as a separate project financed by UNICEF, and the sanitary portion was financed by ECHO and the French CCFD. As for UNICEF and CCFD, this was a continuation of cooperation from previous years, and as for ECHO, this was the first joint project.

Partners Material support (equipment and spare parts) – UNHCR, ICRC Local partners – Municipal Office of Grozny, Ministry of Communal Services, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Grozny Water Works Cooperation has been commenced with consultants in Poland - the Warsaw University of Technology – to find specialist support for the project.

Volunteers There are 137 local volunteers (responsible for the tanks in the private sector in Grozny) and 7 volunteers in the Warsaw office.

2.3. Mission in Iraq

The Polish Humanitarian Organisation opened a permanent mission in Iraq in July 2003. The mission operated till April 2004 when for security reasons the Polish Humanitarian Organisation evacuated the Polish personnel from Iraq. However, the relief efforts were and still are continued and are supervised by the local coordinator.

Needs Education Iraq had one of the best education systems in the Arab world in the early 80s. After 3 wars and 13 years of sanctions, the quality of the Iraqi education system deteriorated significantly, a proof of which is the fact that 40% of the population is illiterate. This bad situation of the education system causes


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40% of kids to leave the school at the elementary school level. According to the reports by UN and the World Bank, 80% of 13 thousand Iraqi schools should be renovated. Seven hundred schools must be completely reconstructed. During the last conflict 3 thousand schools have been turned into army barracks, lots of them have been plundered and devastated. The local Youth and Sports Centres are also in a very bad shape – one of very few places where kids could safely spend their free time and practice their hobbies. Broken electrical installations, lack of water and sanitary installations, completely destroyed equipment and school supplies are a frequent picture observed by the employees of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation. The learning conditions of the kids living in rural areas are tragic. In 27 villages in the Babil province lessons are frequently held in small mud shanties without electricity and sanitary installations, the roofs of which are frequently made of palm leaves and the floor made of compacted soil. The children learned in small, dark rooms where the temperature reached 40 oC during the summer or dropped to below 15oC on cooler days.

The water and sanitary system Until the early 90s the drinking water distribution system in Iraq was able to satisfy the needs of 75% of the rural population. After 1991 its effectiveness deteriorated significantly, mainly due to mismanagement, economic sanctions and general crisis. The number of residents of rural areas having access to drinking water decreased in 2000 to approx. 46% while the volume of drinking water per capita dropped by 50%. This limitation of access to drinking water led to a deterioration of the sanitary conditions. According to UNICEF, nearly 25% of deaths among the Iraqi population is caused by diseases related to improper sanitary conditions and insufficient access to purified drinking water. Bad sanitary conditions led to a dramatic increase in the number of deaths among the infants (from 47 deaths per 1 000 births between 1984 and 1989 to 108 deaths per 1 000 births between 1994 and 1999) and children up to the age of 5 (from 56 deaths per 1 000 births between 1984 and 1989 to 131 deaths per 1 000 births between 1994 and 1999).

Objectives 1) Revitalisation of elementary and secondary education 2) Improvement of the water and sanitary conditions in rural areas

Activities undertaken Renovation and reconstruction of the school buildings in the Wassit province. The project commenced in November 2003 was completed in February where two school buildings in the Wassit province were reopened. The work included the renovation of brick buildings (replacement of the roof, windows, doors, painting) and construction of new brick buildings to replace the shanties.

Renovation and furnishing of Youth Centres The renovation of seven Youth Centres located in the Babil province, commenced in November of last year, was completed in March. The renovation included: replacement of windows and doors, painting of the walls, replacement and repair of the water, sanitary and electrical installations. The Centres have been equipped with computer, art, ceramics, music rooms, libraries and sports equipment.

Renovation and furnishing of Sport Clubs The sport clubs in the Babil province have also undergone a comprehensive renovation. Apart from the standard renovation work (replacement of the electrical installations, repair of the water and sewage systems, replacement/repair of doors and windows, improvement of the ventilation system), the Polish Humanitarian Organisation built soccer, volleyball and basketball fields as well as a boxing ring. The project lasted from March to May 2004.

Construction of 8 elementary schools A project which included the construction of school buildings in eight villages of the Babil province was commenced in March. Five thousand children from eight villages in the Babil province who previously took lessons in small shanties now were able to attend schools built from brick. This project was completed in June 2004


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Renovation of 6 Water Purification Stations The first water and sanitation project run by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in Iraq was completed in March 2004. It covered 6 Water Purification Stations in the villages of the Babil province. Force and suction pumps were repaired or replaced (depending on their condition), each unit was equipped with a power generator, filters were cleaned, chlorine feeders were replaced. Also, each unit was fenced off and equipped with a storage room. Roofs have been erected over the tanks and filters.

Purchase and installation of new components at 6 Water Purification Stations The water project commenced by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in November 2004 is a continuation of the efforts. It included the renovation of 6 Water Purification Stations in the villages of the Babil province. New station components (pumps, water purification systems, control panels, generator) were purchased by the end of 2004 and installed in January 2005.

Results 1) 1 elementary school built and 1 school renovated and enlarged in the villages of the Wassit province 2) 8 elementary schools built in the villages of the Babil province, 3) 7 youth centres in the Babil province renovated and furnished 4) 3 sport clubs in the Babil province renovated and furnished 5) 6 Water Purification stations renovated in the Babil province 6) New components purchased and installed at 6 Water Purification Stations 7) The projects in the education sector covered over 5 000 children and 250 teachers 8) Both projects in the water and sanitation sector guaranteed water for 36 500 residents of various villages

Partners • the Water Works Department, the Education Department, the Youth and Sports Department of the Babil province - their role was to prepare the needs and to control the work being done by the contractors, to take receipt of the constructed or renovated buildings, to protect the construction sites • Directors and employees of the schools, youth centres and sport clubs helped with the plans concerning the necessary work and supervised the work of the contractors • Local engineering and construction companies - direct project contractors

Sources of financing

Subsidies - Civil Military Cooperation of Multinational Division (CIMIC MND) contributed an equivalent of 55 056 EUR to renovate and rebuild schools in the Wassit province. - Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), contributed an equivalent of 675 378 EUR to build 8 schools in the Babil province and an equivalent of 168 059 EUR to renovate the sport clubs - Development Alternatives Int (DAI) contributed an equivalent of 225 432 EUR to renovate the Youth Centres and an equivalent of 72 345 EUR to renovate the Water Purification Stations - The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs contributed an equivalent of 47 900 EUR to replace the components at the Water Purification Stations

The financial contribution of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in the Iraqi projects in 2004 - 12 208 EUR

Volunteers One volunteer who developed and coordinated one of the projects helped with the efforts in Iraq.

2.4. Assistance to the victims of the terrorist attack on school in Beslan in Northern Osetia (the Russian Federation)

This was an intervention in a crisis situation. The efforts were undertaken on September 6, 2004 and were continued until the end of 2004 and in 2005.

The need During the September 1 terrorist attack on School no. 1 in Beslan there were presumably 1 200 people at the school, adults and children. The beginning of the school year is a big event for children and adults alike. Pupils aged between 6 and 17 and their younger siblings participated in the opening ceremonies: young children and infants carried by mothers as well as parents, grandparents and teachers. The terrorists kept the hostages for over two days without food or water. They did not make any demands,


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004 only fuelling the feeling of fear and disorientation. They did not allow anyone to use toilets after 24 hours. They placed explosives over the heads of the hostages and threatened to set them off in case of any resistance.

An uncoordinated attempt to free the hostages was made 52 hours later. Special task force as well as armed civilians, relatives of the hostages, participated in the assault. It is not sure whether the information that has been released, including the number of victims, is true. According to the Beslan Commission, 330 died there, mainly children. Approx. 500 people were injured, many people were shocked or collapsed due to dehydration.

Hospitals in Northern Osetia - Alania, neglected and underfunded, were not able to accept so many injured people at the same time. There were insufficient quantities of medical supplies, equipment, and even sheets and clothes for the personnel.

Objective The objective of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation was to provide appropriate medical and psychological care for the surviving victims of this tragedy. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation decided to supply the hospitals where the injured people were hospitalised with drugs and medical equipment needed to treat the casualties.

To provide psychological rehabilitation, the Polish Humanitarian Organisation decided to organise (adapt and equip the rooms, train the staff) a psychotherapeutic centre where the afflicted families could find help.

Another objective of the campaign was to educate the youth in Poland – i.e. to invoke a feeling of solidarity and willingness to help, which was expressed by a very good participation of the schools in the campaign.

Description of actions undertaken Provision of appropriate medical care for the victims was carried out by supplying the hospitals and individuals with the necessary medical equipment and supplies.

Air transport On September 11, 2004, as part of the first stage of the relief efforts, an air transport was sent to the medical centres at which the persons injured during the assault were hospitalised. Multi-function beds with accessories, medical dressings, surgical instruments and diagnostic equipment. The gifts were sent to the hospitals in Beslan, Vladikavkaz and Mozdok.

Temporary mission in Beslan A Polish Humanitarian Organisation volunteer went to Vladikavkaz, 15 km from Beslan, to organise the relief efforts there. He oversaw the distribution of the gifts, took photographs for the record, and marked the equipment supplied by the Foundation. He then verified the justness of the needs reported by the hospitals.

To coordinate the mass inflow of international relief, the authorities of Northern Osetia - Alania established a Beslan Rebirth Foundation which was the only institution having a foreign currency account and acted as an intermediary in transferring the funds to the hospitals, the delegate of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation had to control the flow of funds sent to that account from Poland, the exchange of these money and had to make sure that the money is sent to the hospitals and had to oversee the purchases made by the hospitals.

Information about the needs of individual persons was collected through local surveyors who conducted surveys among the afflicted families. Children and adults needing specialised medical examinations and surgeries as well as simple material assistance were named. The purchases and distribution were performed on site.

The monitoring of the needs and the distribution of the gifts were performed using the local Polish community. The local Polish community also acted as an intermediary in passing on Christmas letters and cards from the kids in Poland through the teachers of the school in Beslan.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

The employees of the permanent mission of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in the neighbouring Ingushetia providing relief to Chechnya cooperated with the Ministry of Health of Northern Osetia-Alania and other international organisations on organising a psychotherapeutic rehabilitation centre right from the beginning. Several sites have been looked at and an initial approval of the authorities has been obtained.

Results 5 hospitals in Northern Osetia - Alania received help under the Beslan campaign: 1) Right Bank Self-governing District Clinical Hospital in Beslan 2) Emergency Clinical Hospital in Vladikavkaz 3) Republican Clinical Hospital in Vladikavkaz 4) Republican Children’s Hospital in Vladikavkaz 5) Republican Hospital in Mozdok

Drugs, disposable materials, dressing materials, ECG monitors, cardio monitors, sheets and surgical uniforms as well as hospital furniture have been donated.

The value of the aid provided to the hospitals was PLN 346 436.00. This amount includes the air shipping costs, the purchases made on site and funds transferred from Poland.

60 individual persons also received help. Guided by the information presented in the surveys, the Polish Humanitarian Organisation financed the purchase of drugs and anti- depressants, tranquilisers, solutions accelerating the wound and burn healing processes, vitamin and mineral supplements. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation financed the hospitalisation of 2 persons in Moscow, an eye surgery for 1 person and the purchase of hearing aids for 12 persons. The blast caused many people to have hearing problems. Diagnosis of this type of injuries many take even six months from the moment they occurred. It has not been ruled out that there will still be other people that will need help. Specialised treatment, the purchase of blood pressure monitors, anti-bedsore mattresses and eyeglasses has been financed in several cases. Warm clothes, bedclothes and simple household appliances have been purchased for several people.

Very few Poles that live there also received assistance.

Unfortunately, the project to organise the psychotherapeutic rehabilitation centre failed. The official reason is the lack of approval by the authorities of North Osetia - Alania. There are justified grounds to believe that political issues, the fear of finding out the truth which is so important in such therapies, played a major role. In exchange proposals were made to rebuild the sport or pioneer centres, but these were not approved by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation since they do not relate directly to the victims of this tragedy.

Sources of financing Europol Gaz SA Transit Gas Pipeline System – PLN 180 000 Public fundraising – PLN 150 504.24 Foundation Education for Democracy – PLN 55 000 Gruner+Jahr Polska Sp. z o.o. – PLN 25 000 Municipal Office of the city of Częstochowa – PLN 25 000 Petrobaltic – PLN 20 000

Individual aid: PLN 40181,31. Cost of the Beslan campaign until the end of 2004 – PLN 438 328.97

Partners • Ministry of National Defence – airplane to carry the gifts • Aesculap Chifa – material gifts • Local partners – Beslan Rebirth Foundation, Ministry of Health of Northern Osetia - Alania


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

2.5. Relief offered by the local communities in the Atok province in Cameroon

The relief programme was run from November 16, 2004 to December 31, 2004 by the local Catholic Marian Priests mission

The need The Catholic Mission in the Atok province in Cameroon takes care of the sick and poorest local populations in the region. The financial resources are not huge and the Polish Humanitarian Organisation was able to obtain funds from the subsidies provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Objective The projects pertained to the relief for the most needy persons in the regions where the missions have their centres. The aim of these projects was to help those needing care, forlorn youth and handicapped persons. The projects were supposed to meet the most urgent needs of the local community.

Description of actions undertaken Help offered to sick and handicapped persons at the Atok mission and at six health centres of the Doume Abong Mbang Diocese run by the Polish Mission Nuns. Offering the basic help to sick and handicapped persons (providing the basic medical care) is one of the objectives of the mission in Atok. Over a hundred people needing help were found after a thorough inspection of the villages for which the mission is responsible. Medical assistance and accompaniment have been provided to several persons suffering from AIDS. The funds have been raised by animation of various benefactors and persons cooperating with the mission. There are eleven crippled persons among the persons needing immediate assistance. Thanks to the project and the funds provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it was possible to provide wheelchairs for the handicapped persons. Funds under the same project made it possible to equip six health care centres in the Doume Abong Mbang Diocese run by the Polish nuns. The nuns were able to buy drugs and small medical equipment for these centres.

A project to create a social formation and vocational centre at the Atok mission and an elementary school in Sombou The aim of the first project was to increase the social awareness among the forlorn youth. Education is extremely important for the youth because their future, work and earnings depend on it. The aim of the project is not only to run schools but to provide vocational courses.

For this purpose the mission in Atok organised a Formation Centre. The first pavilion has already been built. A group of young boys has been organised, which, formed by the missionaries, will get involved in various small initiatives. Such as the construction of chapels, classrooms, meeting rooms, renovation of the existing facilities and production of small furniture (tables, benches, chairs, etc.)

Similarly, several girls have been organised as leaders, which were sent to take courses with the nuns running life adaptation courses where they were able to learn to sew and cook. And the basic hygiene. After completing the courses the girls will go back to the mission in Atok and will serve others.

Under the same project assistance was provided to the teachers and pupils of the elementary school in Sombou for which the mission in Atok is responsible. This school is located the farthest from the mission and the centre in a tropical forest and has been lacking the basic books and school supplies which have been bought thanks to the subsidy.

The youths have been provided with the basic books and tools like: sewing machines, irons, woodworking tools and construction tools (wheel-barrows, trowels, mason’s levels, saws, carpenter knives, tile cutters), as well as protective clothing (safety helmets, gloves). This is an investment into young people which gives them greater autonomy and availability. Moreover, they learn how to get involved, be responsible and professional.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Support for the Health Centre in Dimako One of the projects was to support the newly opened health care centre in Dimako. It made it possible to buy the necessary drugs for the centre which accepts approximately 30 to 40 patients each day, which means that the stock is depleted very quickly. This makes it possible to treat the most frequent diseases at the centre such as malaria, pneumonia, improper nourishment, venereal diseases, AIDS, dermatitis and other tropical diseases and to help in emergency cases, with birth giving and to increase awareness of hygiene.

This project has been treated separately since the Health Care Centre run by the Carmelite nuns in Dimako is new. The nuns started work in 2004 and had a hard time renovating the facility, furnishing the centre with equipment and drugs. That is why the relief provided to them by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation allowed the people to find work and earn a living.

Results 1) Under the project Atok 2 the handicapped persons received wheelchairs which allowed them to move around on their own. 2) Under the Atok 1 project it was possible to get boys and girls to learn specific trades, some of them were equipped with tools that allowed them to find jobs. 3) Under the Dimako project the demand for drugs has been satisfied for a long time, which will make it possible to maintain a good medical condition of the local community.

Sources of financing Subsidies from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs totalling: PLN 70 569.00 Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s own contribution totalling: PLN 51 833.16

Partners It was possible to complete the project thanks to the local partner, i.e. the Catholic Mission in the Atok province in Cameroon. They have a very good picture of the needs of the local community, are constantly in touch with the community which trusts them.

2.6. Relief provided to the refugees at the Darfur camp

On November 16, 2004 the Polish Humanitarian Organisation signed a contract with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to finance the relief efforts for the refugees at the Darfur camp and received a subsidy of PLN 196 000.

The need The conflict in Darfur broke out at the beginning of 2003 when the residents of this western part of Sudan wanted to have rights similar to those which Khartoum gave to the southern part of the country under a peace treaty. The peace treaty ending a 50-year war between the Arab and Muslim North and the black South was finally signed in January. Khartoum gave in to the South but did not intend to give in to the West. In response to the Darfur guerrilla uprising, the government mobilised Arab militants who quashed the rebellion with fire and swords and exterminated entire African villages. It is estimated that over 70 thousand people lost their lives in Darfur and million and a half became refugees. The Arab militants destroyed majority of the black villages. The number of refugees at Darfur is increasing each day.

The Polish Humanitarian Organisation believes that Poland cannot remain indifferent to the tragedy, about which the Poles, unfortunately, know very little. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation has been placing information on www.pomagamy.pl for two years now.

Objective The objective of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation was to provide relief to the refugees staying at the Zam Zam camp in Al Fasher in Darfur.

Description of actions undertaken A plane with tents and medical equipment took off on December 28, 2004. The shipping costs were covered by the Ministry of National Defence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The plane landed at Al Fasher from where the Polish Humanitarian Organisation transported the gifts by trucks to the Zam Zam


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004 camp run by the local SUDO. The employees of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation also went to the camps outside of Khartoum where some refugees have been living there for over 20 years.

Results The Polish Humanitarian Organisation provided relief to approx. 20 thousand people living in the Zam Zam camp. The medical services improved.

The commencement of the relief programme and convincing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to finance it was a success in itself. It was not possible to publicise these relief efforts in the media because of the Tsunami disaster. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation plans to go back to Sudan in the middle of next year.

Sources of financing Subsidy from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs totalling PLN 196 000 Fundraising permit from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration no. dated Raised PLN 1 050 Value of contributions deposited on the account: PLN 33 601 Total raised: PLN 320 551 Total cost of the campaign: PLN 197 515.20

Partners The Polish Humanitarian Organisation cooperates with the local SUDO (Sudan Social Development Organization). This organisation was established in April 2001 by 33 intellectuals (doctors, engineers, lawyers, teachers), who are aware of the fact that the people who are now refugees "paid for" their education and social position and decided to do something about it. They got involved in the human rights issues, the so-called peace building, i.e. softening conflicts between different ethnic groups and in specific relief efforts to help the refugees in Darfur as well as Khartoum. SUDO decided about the type of help to be provided by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation and took care of the logistics on site.

2.7. Relief for the tsunami victims in Asia

On November 30, 2004 the Polish Humanitarian Organisation signed a contract with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to finance the relief efforts for the tsunami victims in Sri Lanka and received a subsidy of PLN 180 000. The relief efforts are being continued in 2005.

The need The tsunami was one of the largest natural catastrophes in recent years and affected a very large number of people. The aid had to be provided as soon as possible.

Objective The objective of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation was to supply drugs and disposable medical instruments and water purification tablets to Sri Lanka.

Description of actions undertaken A plane with drugs and disposable medical instruments and water purification tablets took off on December 30, 2004. The shipping costs were covered by the Ministry of National Defence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The plane landed in Colombo and Indonesia.

Results The aid was given to CNO.

Sources of financing Subsidy from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs totalling PLN 180 000

Partners The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and CNO


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

3. Aid to persons afflicted with structural poverty

3.1. The Puppet Programme (relief provided to the victims of structural poverty in Poland).

The Puppet Programme involves financing of the food aid at schools. Numerous campaigns supporting the Puppet Programme were run in 2004, the aim of which was to disseminate the idea: "Every child must eat every day" and raising funds to finance food aid at schools.

The Polish Humanitarian Organisation started the food aid campaign in 1996 at schools in the Bieszczady region. The name Puppet Campaign was adopted in 1998 and the campaign is run every year.

The need The results of the surveys conducted by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in 2004 show that 30% of Polish pupils attending elementary and junior high schools required to be provided with free extra ood during the school year.

The food aid campaign was initially supposed to involve financing meals for the pupils coming from families whose income exceeds certain criteria that make it possible to obtain a subsidy under the state social relief funds and yet these parents are unable to afford meals. The social relief centres do not have sufficient funds to support even the persons entitled to this aid and that is why the Foundation made a decision to support these children who are not receiving any aid from the government, although they are entitled to such aid under the Polish laws.

Objectives The objective of the campaign is to cover as many schools and children as possible under the programme thanks to the money raised by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation. Only pupils can benefit under this programme. Other objectives: 1) commencing cooperation with schools and day care centres to transform them into local activity centres. It is possible to achieve this effect by having the institutions participate in the campaigns organised by the Foundation; 2) diagnosis of the need for food aid at elementary and junior high schools in Poland;

Description of actions undertaken 3) The feeding campaign in 2004 4) Sociological survey on the food aid for school children in Poland 5) 2nd Conference on the "Problem of undernourishment of children in Poland. Proposed solutions" 6) Puppet Day 7) Christmas Puppet Table 8) Summer Holidays (the efforts made under this project are described in the report of the Pomorskie Office in Toruń and in the report of the Repatriation Division of the Warsaw Office) 9) Umilisko u Kaszczorka (the efforts made under this project are described in the report of the Pomorskie Office in Toruń) 10) Community and therapeutic centre (the efforts made under this project are described in the report of the Regional Office in Łódź) 11) Social Information Office (the efforts made under this project are described in the report of the Pomorskie Office in Toruń) 12) Scholarship Fund (the efforts made under this project are described in the report of the Pomorskie Office in Toruń) 13) Picnic with the Polish Humanitarian Organisation (the efforts made under this project are described in the report of the Pomorskie Office in Toruń and Łódź) 14) Children’s Christmas Holidays (the efforts made under this project are described in the report of the Pomorskie Office in Toruń) 15) Training for the Local Leaders (the efforts made under this project are described in the report of the Pomorskie Office in Toruń)


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

3.2. Food aid in 2004

Sources of financing Children in all voivodships were covered under the Puppet food aid programme in 2004.

8 326 children at 173 schools were covered under the food aid programme between January and June 2004 and the cost of the project was PLN 1 497 005.39 2 158 children at 67 schools were covered under the food aid programme between September and December 2004 and the cost of the project was PLN 327 895.50

The average price of a meal in the 2003/2004 school year was PLN 2.08. The average price of a meal in the 1st semester of the 2004/2005 school year was PLN 2.35. PLN 1 693 644.85 in total were spent on the food aid programme in the 2004 calendar year.

PLN 1 824 900.89 were spent on the food aid programme. The reconciliation of the costs of the food aid programme in the 2003/2004 school year shows that the schools actually spent PLN 1 320 894.39 between January and June 2004. Money left over was returned to the Foundation’s account in accordance with the agreements.

Subsidising rules The Polish Humanitarian Organisation subsidised the food aid programme as part of a contest, on the basis of an assessment of the applications by a commission which were filed by the interested institutions. Schools as well as community centres were entitled to apply for the food subsidies. The application form has been prepared by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation and is available for download from the website: www.pah.org.pl or can be faxed or e-mailed at the school’s request.

The applications were collected and reviewed twice in 2004. On 16.02.2004 the commission comprised of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation employees reviewed 139 requests for food aid in the 2nd semester of the 2003/2004 school year. Funds to finance meals for 5 811 children from 114 institutions in 16 voivodships have been allotted.

On 19.08.2004 the commission allotted funds for the food aid programme for the 2004/2005 school year. 586 applications were reviewed. Funds to subsidise meals for 2 158 from 67 institutions for the entire 2004/2005 were distributed.

Spending control The Polish Humanitarian Organisation made a reservation in the agreements signed with schools that it can check how this money is spent. Inspections were carried out at randomly chosen institutions. In 2004 the Foundation’s employees carried out inspections at 20 institutions in the following voivodships: kujawsko-pomorskie, lubuskie, pomorskie, warmińsko-mazurskie and wielkopolskie.

Schools and community centres inspected in May and June of 2004 No. institution’s name voivodship 1. Public Junior High School in Solec Kujawski kujawsko-pomorskie 1st T. Kościuszko Infantry Division Elementary School no. 1 in 2. kujawsko-pomorskie Solec Kujawski 3. Elementary School no. 4 in Solec Kujawski kujawsko-pomorskie 4. Elementary School in Jenin lubuskie 5. Elementary School in Jeniniec lubuskie 6. Elementary School in Lubczyn lubuskie 7. Special School Complex in Zielona Góra lubuskie 8. Junior High School in Goręczyn pomorskie 9. Public Elementary School in Bytonia pomorskie 10. John Paul II Elementary School in Brusy pomorskie 11. Elementary School in Objazd pomorskie 12. Rural Community Centre in Mielno pomorskie 13. School and Pre-school Complex in Marzęcin pomorskie 14. Special Educational and Reform Centre in Gołdapia warmińsko-mazurskie 15. Elementary School in Jabłońskie warmińsko-mazurskie 16. Elementary School in Juchnajcie warmińsko-mazurskie 17. Educational Institutions Complex in Banie Mazurskie warmińsko-mazurskie 18. Elementary School in Gizałki wielkopolskie 19. Elementary School in Tomice wielkopolskie 20. School Complex in Nekla wielkopolskie


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Food aid during summer holidays The Puppet Commission met on June 21, 2004 and reviewed 11 applications for the food aid during summer holidays. The applicants were obliged to attach information to the applications on how the summer holidays would be spent, along with the programme and full budget. The commission selected 8 institutions which received the money for the food aid during the summer holidays totalling: PLN 26. 065.

Courses for the local leaders on how to raise funds for local projects. Due to the fact that in recent years the Polish Humanitarian Organisation received hardly any requests for food aid to feed the children in the podlaskie and śląskie voivodships, it has been decided that courses will be held for the local leaders and teachers on how to raise funds for the food aid and on how to finance the meals under the Puppet Programme. Overall 30 people participated in both courses. The courses in the podlaskie voivodships were held on April 29 and 30, 2004 and in the śląskie voivodship on June 3 and 4, 2004. The courses were financed as part of a subsidy from JP Morgan Chase.

The most important effect of this was an increase in the number and quality of the applications filed in those voivodships, which meant that a higher number of children were covered under the food aid programme. For instance, in the 2003/2004 school year the Foundation financed 16 086 meals a year while in the 2004/2005 school year it financed nearly 2 000 meals more, i.e. 17 952 meals.

3.3. The Polish Hunger Site and the Promotion of the Programme

On February 19, 2001 a website www.pajacyk.pl was created for the needs of the Puppet Campaign, the aim of which is to raise funds and to inform about the Puppet Campaign. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation placed the banners of the Puppet donors on the Polish Hunger Site. In 2004 the donors included: WBK, Volkswagen Bank, Volkswagen Leasing, Volkswagen Insurance Service, which were thanked in this way for their substantial support. The Association of Friends of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation was one of the largest donors thanks to the sale of the advertising banner packages on http://www.pajacyk.pl/index_banery.php3.The Puppet site is visited by approx. 30 thousand people each day. 34 076 438 Internet users clicked on the Puppet’s tummy since the first click in February 2001 until 31.12.2004. A total of PLN 233 120.08 was booked on the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s account in 2004 with the assistance of PSG. A social campaign concerning the Puppet Campaign was held in the press in August and September 2004. The "Puppet Calendar" campaign was carried out to make the people aware of the existence of the Puppet programme, to build loyalty among the donors and to encourage them to finance the campaign on a regular basis. It was possible to run the campaign thanks to the cooperation with Saatchi & Saatchi and the Zenithmedia Media House.

3.4. Sociological survey on the food aid for school children in Poland

One of the decisions of the Working Group established as a result of the Conference on the "Problem of undernourishment of children in Poland. Facts and challenges" (Warsaw, April 3-4, 2003), was a postulate to perform an in-depth analysis of the problem of undernourishment of children in Poland and to estimate the number of school-aged children requiring extra meals during the school year.

This survey was performed on a sample of 5 906 schools between 31.05.04 and 01.09.04. Detailed figures and percentages concerning the problem of undernourishment at the national, voivodship and sub-regional levels were obtained, taking into account the following variables: type of school, population, social and economic situation of the region, sources of meal financing, institutions not providing free food aid and institutions providing only free food aid. The data collected made it possible to construct a Map of undernourished pupils in Poland, broken down by voivodships.

The results show that: 31.1 percent of all pupils eat meals at school; 18.7 percent of all pupils eat free meals at school; 10.3 percent of all pupils, 26 pupils on average in each school, do not eat meals at school although they should according to the school counsellors; 54.9 percent of schools, 6.9 percent of private persons, 13.4 percent of parishes, 7.8 percent of non- governmental organisations take advantage of the social aid offered by self-governments and 7.1 percent of schools take advantage of other sources; The report is available on the Foundation’s website. http://www.pah.org.pl/pah/download/raport_www.pdf

The main sponsor of the survey was Danone which donated PLN 32 100 to be used exclusively for the purpose of conducting the survey by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

3.5. 2nd Conference on the "Problem of undernourishment of children in Poland. Proposed solutions"

The Conference was held in Warsaw on September 1-2, 2004 and was a continuation of last year’s meeting held under the slogan "Problem of undernourishment of children in Poland. Facts and challenges". A press conference with the premier Izabela Jaruga-Nawacka, Janina Ochojska (the Polish Humanitarian Organisation), Przemysław Pohrybieniuk (Danone), father Adam Dereń (Caritas Poland), Marek Borowski (Federation of Food Banks) and experts Prof. Wielisława Warzywoda – Kruszyńska and Dorota Wiśniewska (the Polish Humanitarian Organisation) was held on the first day. Nearly one hundred representatives of social relief organisations debated for two days on how to solve the problem of undernourishment of children in Poland. Representatives of the government (Ministry of Social Policy, Ministry of National Education and Sports), self-governments and education also voiced their opinions. The results of the research on the scale of the problem of undernourishment of children in Poland that the Polish Humanitarian Organisation conducted during the 2003/2004 school year were presented during the meeting. The conference was organised in cooperation with Danone which donated PLN 68 300.00 for this purpose.

3.6. Christmas Puppet Table

The Christmas Puppet Table Campaign was held for the third time in Cracow (2002, 2003, 2004) and for the first time in Warsaw, Toruń and Łódź.

Objectives 1) raise funds for the food aid as part of the Puppet programme 2) create a positive image around the Puppet programme 3) create awareness of the need to feed the children in difficult situation.

The involvement of the restaurant owners was also important - a merger of the idea to raise funds to feed the children under the Puppet programme with the companies earning income on the sale of meals, running restaurants, pubs and cafes. The assumption of the Christmas Puppet Table was to transfer the success of the two editions of the programme in Cracow (2002 and 2003) to the cities in which the Polish Humanitarian Organisation runs its regional offices. Support of the employees and volunteers in those cities guaranteed good coordination of the campaign. Based on the Cracow experience (the number of outlets increased by 30% each year and so did the proceeds), it was assumed that approx. 50% of the outlets that received the invitations will join the campaign, which was confirmed by the results of the campaign. 145 food outlets participating in the campaign agreed to contribute 1/10th of sales made on December 5. Each outlet received posters to be put up, informing customers about the campaign. The proceeds made in 2004 under this campaign were PLN 15 618.81. The campaign will be summed up in January 2005.

3.7. Puppet Day

The Puppet Day is a means of becoming acquainted with the "Puppet" and the idea of feeding the school children during free time of the residents of the cities where the Foundation’s offices are located. In 2004 the Puppet Day was held on September 19.

Objectives 1) fundraising 2) inviting the children and adults to participate in the Puppet Day celebrations and getting acquainted with the Puppet programme 3) showing the celebrations in the media as a pretext for a debate on food aid at schools and on ways to solve the problem of structural poverty The main partner and sponsor was the Association of Friends of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation. During the Puppet Day held in four cities: Warsaw, Cracow, Łódź and Toruń, family picnics, happenings, concerts, cabarets, kids’ contests and other attractions (e.g. fire truck show) were organised. The culmination point in every city was the erection of a large cardboard Puppet and creation of a very long paper chain by the children, composed of small colourful puppets. During this event funds were raised in Warsaw, Toruń, Łódź and Cracow under Decision no. 99/2004 on public fundraising issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration, in result of which PLN 9 441.81 were raised.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Results 1) In the 2003/2004 school year the Polish Humanitarian Organisation provided food aid to 8 326 pupils, and to 2 158 pupils in the first semester of next year. 2) The total amount of money spent on food aid was PLN 1 824 900.89. 3) Schools in all voivodships took advantage of the food aid in 2004 (only in 11 voivodships in 2003). The interest of the schools in the Puppet programme in other voivodships surely ensues from the deteriorating financial condition of schools and managing bodies and is the result of the courses for 39 local leaders on raising funds for the food aid provided by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s employees in the śląskie and podlaskie voivodships. 4) It was possible to estimate for the first time the number of children in Poland needing to be offered extra meals (30 % of all pupils in elementary and junior high schools). The survey was conducted for the first time by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation. 5) The conference on the problem of undernourishment of children in Poland was organised for the second time and was attended by the representatives of the educational and government institutions and people working with hungry kids on a daily basis. The conference on the undernourishment of school children made it possible for this issue to be raised in the Polish media. 6) The Puppet Programme was also promoted thanks to two campaigns held simultaneously in four cities: Warsaw, Cracow, Toruń and Łódź - the Puppet Day (19.09.2004) and the Christmas Puppet Table (5.12.2004). Warsaw Łódź Toruń Cracow all contributions from natural 756193.86 4085.00 14669.79 4428.00 779376.65 persons contributions from 110380.41 226.00 23500.00 134106.41 entrepreneurs !% 182935.30 6.69 182941.99 public fundraising* 4960.00 2929.06 7889.06 contributions from schools 5377.92 640.77 907.11 6925.80 surplusage 800.00 20.00 820.00 BP Polska 303906.65 303906.65 Tredor 40000.00 40000.00 AKM 8250.00 8250.00 MASPEX 50000.00 50000.00 Contrast 325.00 325.00 Danone 99000.00 150000.00 249000.00 Poligrafia 3500.00 3500.00 Onet 26795.43 26795.43 Pryzmat 63000.43 63000.43 Befado 9000.00 9000.00 Roche 5000.00 5000.00 R.R.Donelley 1300.00 1300.00 Human Dialog 2250.00 2250.00 Merck Sp. z o.o. 21947.50 21947.50 Again Advertising Agency 2921.12 2921.12 BZ WBK 89870.08 89870.08 CaLyon Bank 2500.00 2500.00 SPPAH 80750.00 80750.00 Domainmaker 2272.50 2272.50 Marek Rozak Publishing 25000.00 25000.00 House Philips Polska Sp. z o.o 30000.00 30000.00 Volkswagen Bank 20000.00 20000.00 Volkswagen Leasing 20000.00 20000.00 Volkswagen Service 20000.00 20000.00 B4P Sp. z o.o. 4950.00 4950.00 Polpharma 2000.00 2000.00 Phillip Morris 10000.00 10000.00 JP Morgan 15 000.02 15000.02 Warta Foundation 1500.00 1500.00 TOTAL 1994686.20 4951.77 207032.67 16428.00 2223098.64 *Under decision no. 99/2004 on public fundraising issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Partners 1) Survey on undernourishment of children in Poland a. The main partner in this undertaking was Danone, mainly as the financial partner. 2) 2nd Conference on undernourishment of children in Poland a. The main partner in this undertaking was Danone, mainly as the financial partner. 3) Puppet Day a. The co-organiser and main sponsor was the Association of Friends of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation. The Association was given funds to organise the Puppet Day from the sponsor - BP 4) Services that were offered included: a. public areas were made available b. fire trucks were displayed in Warsaw, Toruń and Łódź c. band, musicians and speakers 5) the Polish Hunger Site http://www.pajacyk.pl/ a. Artnet sp. z o.o. – site webmasters and administrators b. Idmnet sp. z o.o. – technical management of the banner space, generation of statistics and study "Real Profile" defining the statistical attributes of the Puppet "click-throughs" in collaboration with Gemius.pl and Imetria sp. z o.o. c. e. 2004 campaign d. Saatchi & Saatchi advertising agency – authors and creators of all social campaigns concerning the Puppet e. Zenithmedia – authors of the media plans for the social campaigns concerning the Puppet

Volunteers 5 volunteers participated in the survey on the undernourishment of school age children. 15 volunteers participated in the Christmas Puppet Table campaign. 25 volunteers participated in the Puppet Day campaign.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

IV. Aid to Refugees and Repatriates

1. The Refugees Aid Centre (RAC)

1.1. Basic social assistance and social and legal counselling

The need 8 077 foreigners applied for a refugee status in Poland in 2004. This is a small increase of approx. 5% in comparison to the previous year. The citizens of the Russian Federation, mostly Chechens, made up nearly 88% of this group.

1 135 (14.1%) of positive decisions were issued altogether, including: - 305 decisions giving a refugee status (3.78%), - 830 people received a so-called Tolerated Stay permit (10.28%).

Approx. 86.89% of the persons who were given a positive decision regarding the status is made up of the citizens of the Russian Federation. As for the tolerated stay permit, the citizens of the Russian Federation (mainly Chechens) account for 88.43%.

In connection with Poland’s accession to the European Union and the application of the Dublin II Regulation, Poland is slowly ceasing to be a transit country for the refugees and the foreigners who decided to leave Poland after 1.05.2004 are returned back to our country ever more frequently. One of the consequences of Poland’s accession to the European Union is the actual increase in the number of foreigners and refugees who are forced to adopt Poland as the country of ultimate destination. Despite a very small increase in the number of people applying for a refugee status, the number of people awaiting the refugee status at refugee centres increased nearly threefold. In 2004 the Office for Repatriation and Aliens had to open new refugee centres in Moszna near Pruszków, Radom, Jachranka, Linin near Góra Kalwaria.

Objective Assist foreigners in finding the optimum migration strategies, prepare and assist with integration, co- create the refugee and foreigner assimilation system in Poland.

Description of actions undertaken 1) Social and legal counselling a. Relations with all organisations and institutions dealing with the issue of migration in Poland were either commenced or continued as part of the counselling process. 2) The only non-governmental Refugee Home run by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation has been in operation since 1996. 3) The International Refugee Day has been organised for a tenth time by the UNHCR representative offices and all Polish Humanitarian Organisation offices. 4) In 2004 the Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation commenced the following projects, the aim of which is to inform the public about the refugee issues: a. preparations to publish an on-line bulletin devoted to the migration and refugee issues. The bulletin is addressed to young people and opinion makers in Poland and abroad; b. preparations to publish children’s stories in the languages of the refugees. The project is being carried out by the Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in collaboration with UNHCR. 5) Regular language and computer courses were held by volunteers for the people awaiting the decision on the refugee status as part of the integration centre run by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation. 6) The counsellor in charge of employment opportunities for foreigners was regularly on call as part of the integration centre. 7) Integration meetings for the children of the refugees staying in Warsaw and surrounding areas. 8) Meetings for the children were organised at the refugee centres. 9) The Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation organised reconnaissance trips to the refugee centres in Dębak, Linin, Wołomin, Łomża, Łuków, Czerwony Bór and Warsaw (Ciołka).


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Results 1) The immediate beneficiaries of the programme are refugees and foreigners seeking a refugee status. The Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation provided assistance to 743 persons in 2004. 2) The persons who benefit indirectly from the efforts of the Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation are all Poles thanks to organisation, among other things, of campaigns and events disseminating the refugee issues, such as the Refugee Day. 3) The celebrations of the International Refugee Day organised in Warsaw by the Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation and UNHCR were attended by approx. 15 000 people (refugees, foreigners seeking a refugee status and Poles), in Łódź by 200 pupils and 20 students (the campaign was organised by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation Regional Office), in Toruń by approx. 300 people (organised by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation Regional Office), Cracow (organised by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation Regional Office) and Wrocław (organised by a Local Group of Polish Humanitarian Organisation Volunteers). 4) The Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation provided information to all the beneficiaries (743 persons) about the potential solutions to their situation. 5) The Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation assisted the beneficiaries with finding shelter. It maintained ties with 15 shelters in Warsaw and the surrounding areas. 100 foreigners found temporary assistance and shelter there. 55 persons resided in the Refugee Home in 2004; apartments were found for 15 persons. One family received a welfare apartment in Downtown Warsaw; assistance in the form of adaptation of the apartment and partial furnishing thereof was offered. 6) The Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation provided assistance in the form of medical care: a. by assisting with getting in touch with doctors, medical centres and hospitals specialising in different areas, depending on the need. b. by paying for drugs, examinations or visits to a doctor for 20 foreigners not entitled to free medical care; another 20 persons were sent to volunteer doctors. 7) The Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation provided material assistance: a. by providing food products received under cooperation with the SOS "Food Bank" Foundation to over 200 refugees, persons having a tolerated stay permit and foreigners seeking a refugee status. b. by providing clothes to the refugees and persons seeking a refugee status staying in the refugee centres in Dębak, Moszna, ul.Ciołka, Czerwony Bór, Wołomin, Linin – to over 1 000 persons overall. 8) 61 foreigners took advantage of the Polish language lessons organised by the Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation 9) 43 foreigners took advantage of job counselling and employment assistance offered by the Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation 10) The Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation organised summer holidays for 39 refugee children 11) Volunteers of the Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation organised various activities for children at the day care centres 12) Volunteers of the Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation organised various activities for children at the day care centres in Dębak and ul.Ciołka in Warsaw 13) The Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation helped children with access to education (see details in item 6.4) a. by purchasing books and school supplies, b. by maintaining relations with the schools, c. by offering individual lessons with the volunteers.

The efforts of the Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation lead to a creation of systematised solutions concerning the refugees. Their situation is improving very slowly but noticeably.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

1.2. The following programmes have been accomplished

Polish language courses: 21 volunteers from the Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation held lessons for 61 refugees and foreigners awaiting the refugee status. The lessons were offered from Monday to Friday for 5-6 hours a day.

Job club: an employee of the Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation offered job counselling to 43 refugees and foreigners having a work permit (refugee status, stay permit): she taught how to actively look for jobs, discussed the work ethics and assisted with job applications for 3 hours twice a week. 15 foreigners found jobs, including 4 with permanent employment contracts.

The children’s programme:

day care centre for children: 15 volunteers of the Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation organised various activities for 43 refugee and Polish children (overall during the year). The activities took place each Saturday for 5-6 hours. Participants: children of the refugees, persons with the tolerated stay permit as well as persons awaiting a refugee status residing in Warsaw, children from the refugee centre at ul. Ciołka, Polish children from poverty-stricken or dysfunctional families. Activities: art activities, sports, integration activities, going to a movie, theatre, museum, art galleries, participation in local events. 11 volunteers from the Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation organised meetings at the refugee centre at ul. Ciołka as part of the Saturday activities. Approx. 50 children participated in each meeting. education: The Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation organised school supplies and textbooks for 40 refugee children at the beginning of the school year. All new children arriving at the Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation during the school year are provided with textbooks and school supplies. The employees of the Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation are constantly in touch with the schools (teachers, counsellors) and parents and solve problems if such arise. 4 volunteers of the Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation assisted 6 children who had difficulties with learning. summer camps: The Refugee Aid Centre and the Repatriate Aid Programme of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation organised an 11-day integration camp for 72 children (39 refugee children and 33 Polish children) at the turn of July and August. The following children participated in the summer camp: 19 refugee children from the refugee centres in Dębak-Podkowa Leśna, Wołomin and ul. Ciołka in Warsaw, 16 children from the Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation day care centre, 4 refugees from Lublin, 24 Polish children from poverty-stricken or dysfunctional families, including 20 children from the Refugee Aid Centre day care centre in Łódź, 4 children from the Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation day care centre and 9 repatriates. St. Nicholas’ Day: 11 volunteers from the Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation organised a St. Nicholas’ Day in December for the refugees of the refugee centre at ul.Ciołka. They organised various games and distributed gifts that they prepared themselves earlier. Every child received sweets, toys and children’s magazines. Approx. 90 local refugee children and 9 children from the Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation day care centre participated in the event singing Polish and Chechen songs. In January 9 volunteers of the Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation organised a funfair with gifts at the refugee centre in Dębak Podkowa-Leśna. Approx. 60 refugee children participated in it.

Refugee Day: The Polish Humanitarian Organisation and UNHCR organised a full-day concert in Warsaw, educational workshops and a film festival dedicated to the issues of refugees in Łódź, a concert and a film festival in Toruń. Participants: Warsaw - approx. 15 000 refugees and Poles. The International Refugee Day was also organised by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in Cracow, Łódź and Toruń (see the reports of the regional offices).

The Refugee Home: The Refugee Aid Centre of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation runs a home for persons seeking a refugee status but can no longer stay at the refugee centre. In 2004 the Refugee Home served as a shelter for 55 people.

The largest success of the programme is the acceptance of EQUAL’s application to run the MUR partnership; a leading organisation of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation cooperating with the Office for Repatriation and Aliens, Voivode of the Mazowieckie Voivodship, IOM, PSEP and Halina Nieć Human Rights Association.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Sources of financing Companies PZU Życie – PLN 1 000 Szczepan Miazek Driving School – PLN 200.00 Józef Chomicki Driving School – PLN 100.00 "Eurodent" Dental Office – PLN 50.00 Pub Baghdad Cafe – PLN 200.00 SNN Poligrafia Sp. z o.o.- PLN 10 000.00 PACK PLAST – PLN 500.00 SERVISCO Sp.z o.o. – PLN 164.46 DAMP-British Embassy (British Council) – PLN 5 458.32 "Food Bank" Foundation - PLN 20 124.99 British Airways – PLN 4 723.00 EDDA – PLN 400.00 NESTLE – PLN 5 000.00 The children’s programme sponsored by individuals and companies for a total of PLN 4 180.31

Subsidies Voivode of the Mazowieckie Voivodship - PLN 30 664.48– Support of the refugee integration Capital City of Warsaw – PLN 11 480.33 – Integration day care centre for refugees Voivodship Office, Mazowsze – PLN 30 000.00 – Aid for the Refugee Home UNHCR – PLN 319 204,00 - Refugee Aid Centre UNHCR – PLN 2 000.00 – Refugee Day in Cracow UNHCR – PLN 2 870.00 – Refugee Day in Toruń

Collections PLN 3 244.64 - public fundraising during the Refugee Day

Value of contributions deposited on the account: PLN 4 062.00

Other cash contributions – PLN 3 743.68 Material donations – PLN 35 205.30 Service donations – PLN 4 887.46

Programme costs – PLN 424 714.69

Partners Warsaw Centre for Family Aid Municipal Social Aid Centres Council of the Capital City of Warsaw – communal apartments Voivodship Office, Mazowsze - Social Policy Department Voivodship Employment Office in Warsaw Project MATRA Faculty of Law, Jagiellonian University Halina Nieć Human Rights Association Caritas Poland Information Bureau for Migrants and Refugees in Lublin, Białystok, Zgorzelec and Warsaw. Shelters for the homeless in Warsaw and vicinities run by various organisations Association "Doctors of Hope" – volunteers Federation for Women and Family Planning Women’s Aid Centre Women’s Rights Centre La Strada – Foundation Against Violence Against Women Office of the Commissioner for Civil Rights Protection ECRE Office for Repatriation and Foreigners Central Reception Centre for Foreigners Seeking a Refugee Status or Asylum in Dębak – Podkowa Leśna Polish Association for Legal Education UNHCR Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights in Warsaw: permanent cooperation as regards solving of the legal problems of the refugees and persons seeking a refugee status Toruń: organisation of an apprenticeship for a legal advisor offering advice to foreigners and distribution of legal pamphlets. TESTARDO-BATES advertising agency - a nationwide advertising campaign of the International Refugee Day


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Centre for Career Information and Planning in Toruń – co-organisation of a course for job counsellors Voivodship Employment Office – co-organisation of a course for job counsellors Creative Work Student Club "Od Nowa" – assistance with organising the African music concert during the Refugee Days in Toruń In Solidarity With Africa Association – letting of slides from Africa and assistance with organising the concert during the Refugee Days in Toruń MAITRI Movement – free participation of the movement’s representative in the event. Presentation of slides and giving of rights to a film Crime and Love during the Refugee Days in Toruń Association of Refugees in Poland – free participation of the association’s representative during the Refugee Days in Toruń MONADA advertising agency – free project of the poster promoting the Refugee Days in Toruń and express printing thereof NOWA advertising agency – free placement of 20 posters on advertising boards in the city centre promoting the Refugee Days in Toruń MUZ House – letting of a hall and equipment free of charge during the Refugee Days in Toruń Garrison Club – letting of a movie theatre together with the equipment operator during the Refugee Days in Toruń Department of Public International Law and International Relations, Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Łódź - substantive support during the preparations for the Refugee Day Student Scientific Human Rights Society of the University of Łódź - substantive support during the preparations for the Refugee Day

Volunteers 71 volunteers participated in various campaigns and programmes: 6 volunteers in Łódź, 22 volunteers in Toruń, 43 volunteers in Warsaw

2. Repatriates Aid Programme

The Repatriates Aid Programme was run in the following voivodships: mazowieckie, kujawsko- pomorskie, łódzkie, dolnośląskie and małopolskie.

Duration The Repatriates Aid Programme was run: for 3 years in the mazowieckie voivodship; for 2 years in the kujawsko-pomorskie, łódzkie and dolnośląskie voivodships; for 1 year in the małopolskie voivodship.

The need As the Repatriation Act took effect, the Poles living east of the border were suddenly able to return to their homeland and many of them took advantage of this opportunity. They are experiencing difficulties with the language, adaptation, integration, work and access to reliable and current information concerning their rights and obligations.

Objective The aim of the Repatriates Aid Programme is to assist the repatriate families with adaptation and integration with the Polish society by:

1) Providing the repatriate families with permanent access to social, legal, psychological and career counselling; 2) Improving the language skills of the repatriates and their families; 3) Facilitating contact with other persons with the same status and facilitating the exchange of experiences; 4) Teaching social workers and counsellors how to work with repatriates. 5) Fostering acceptance of the repatriates by the Polish society by developing and introducing activities based on 3 repatriation lesson scenarios. 6) Contact with the culture.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Description of actions undertaken 1) Project Support volunteers in Warsaw and the mazowieckie voivodship 2) Counselling 3) Courses for job counsellors 4) Project Friendly homecoming 5) Informational meetings concerning repatriation 6) Language courses for repatriates 7) Computer and Internet courses 8) Integration meetings for repatriates and contact with the culture 9) Summer integration camps 10) Material help

Results All activities carried out in 2004 under the Repatriate Aid Programme (RAP) led to an acceleration and facilitation of the adaptation and integration of repatriates participating in the Programme. Meetings with the repatriate families made it possible to become acquainted with the problems of this community and to develop appropriate forms of assistance. Approx. 500 repatriates have been provided direct and indirect assistance under this Programme.

2.1. Support volunteers in Warsaw and the mazowieckie voivodship

The need The last post-war repatriation back to Poland has been taking place since 1992. Approx. 4 500 people came home up to date under this programme. It is estimated that approx. 450 repatriates live in the mazowieckie voivodship. The repatriate families that come to Poland are not prepared to live in Poland – they do not know their rights, how the government institutions operate, have problems with finding a job.

Objective The aim of the project is to assist the repatriate families living in Warsaw and the mazowieckie voivodship with social adaptation and integration.

Description of actions undertaken The Support volunteers project was carried out from January to December 2004. This is a continuation of the pilot programme that was commenced in 2002. The following were carried out as part of it: free social, legal, psychological and career counselling, courses for volunteers, cooperation of the repatriate families with the specially qualified volunteers, integration meetings and update of the repatriation portion of the Guidebook for repatriates.

Results Thanks to the Support volunteers project the repatriate families were better prepared to function independently in the Polish society and to find jobs. Participation of the repatriate families in the project and good contact with the volunteers allowed them to obtain good knowledge and skills needed to function in the Polish society. An important effect of this cooperation is the fact that the repatriate families sought jobs on their own (75%), undertook education on their own (60%), increased their qualifications on their own (45%), reported to the volunteers offering to help others (10%). 2 courses were held to properly prepare the volunteers to work with the repatriate families. The repatriation portion of the Guidebook for repatriates has been updated. There are plans to publish and distribute it. 27 repatriate families and 23 volunteers participate in the project.

2.2. Counselling he need Ignorance of the law and administrative rules in effect in Poland is the source of many problems for the repatriates and their families, even when taking care of small official matters. They often do not know where and how to obtain information which allows them to take advantage of their rights and to fulfil their obligations.

Objective The objective of the counselling service is to provide them with knowledge and to assist them with moving around the Polish legal system and administrative offices and to provide them with permanent access to information.

Description of actions undertaken The counselling service was provided in the mazowieckie, kujawsko-pomorskie, łódzkie and małopolskie voivodships. It was addressed to the repatriate families and volunteers participating in the Programme.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Counselling was free of charge and offered on an on-going basis. It pertained to the social, legal, psychological and job areas. Counselling was provided by social, legal, job counsellors, psychologists, lawyers, employees of the Social Insurance Institution, students. Counselling was provided in cooperation with institutions like the Civil Counselling Office, the Social Insurance Institution, the Student Career Office and the European Law Students’ Association ELSA.

Results The counselling services allowed the repatriate families to obtain expert advice and to receive answers to specific questions. The advice allowed them to prepare themselves for job interviews, to prepare an appropriate CV and cover letter, to understand the situation in a new country. The repatriate families got better acquainted with the Polish job market, learned how to present their knowledge, experience and skills, how to move around administrative offices and to understand the laws. To improve the quality of work the volunteers working with the repatriate families took advantage of the counselling services. Approx. 100 repatriate families took advantage of the counselling services.

2.3. Courses for job counsellors

The need Approx. 150 repatriates live in 24 municipalities in the kujawsko-pomorskie voivodships. The adaptation and integration problems of this social group are treated marginally. There are no courses increasing the qualifications of the persons who work with the repatriates such as the employees of the Municipal Family Aid Centres and District Employment Offices. In effect the repatriate families cannot obtain reliable information and take advantage of the assistance offered to them.

Objective The objective of the course is to teach social workers and job counsellors how to work with repatriates.

Description of actions undertaken On June 8, 2004 a course "Job counselling for repatriates and foreigners" was held at the Centre for Career Information and Planning in Toruń. The course was addressed to job counsellors at 24 District Employment Offices in the kujawsko-pomorskie voivodship. The topics of the course included, among other things, the rights and obligations of the repatriates and their family members, not having a Polish citizenship (ensuing from the Repatriations Act and the Act on Aliens), job activation of the repatriates, adaptation and integration problems of the repatriates and foreigners. The course made it possible for the employees of the District Employment Offices and the lecturers to exchange experiences, i.e.: a representative of the Department of Civil Affairs and Migration of the Voivodship Office in Bydgoszcz, a representative of the Department of Health and Social Policy of the Municipal Office in Toruń. The course was held in cooperation with the Voivodship Employment Office.

Results Thanks to the course dedicated to job counselling for repatriates and foreigners, the Foundation acquired partners to cooperate on the Repatriate Aid Programme – i.e. employees of all 24 District Employment Offices in the kujawsko-pomorskie voivodship. A permanent effect of the course is a guidebook called "Job activation of the repatriates" which was distributed to the job counsellors of the District Employment Offices. The guidebook includes basic information about the benefits being guaranteed by the Repatriation Act to the potential employers who employ repatriates and lists organisations helping with the repatriation. 100 copies have been published.

2.4. Project "Friendly homecoming"

The need The project "Friendly homecoming" is addressed to communes awaiting the arrival of the repatriates. Acceptance of such social group means new responsibilities, a need to understand their situation and to learn how to help them.

Objective The aim of the project is to prepare the communes and local communities to accept new repatriate families.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Description of actions undertaken In 2004 the project was carried out in three communes: Gostycyn, Brodnica and Włocławek. Four volunteers held courses on repatriation (in cooperation with the Humanitarian Education Programme) in those towns, in three junior high and one elementary school. Cooperation with the employees of these communes was commenced as regards the integration of the newly arriving repatriates. Information meetings devoted to repatriation were also held in the łódzkie voivodship.

Results Under the "Friendly homecoming" project courses and meetings devoted to repatriation and 3 lesson scenarios have been prepared in 3 communes. They were held in 3 junior high and 1 elementary school and were addressed to the principals, teachers, pupils and social workers. These activities led to an improved awareness of the repatriation, problems, responsibilities and possibilities associated with it among the local communities. A sense of openness towards the new residents was developed.

2.5. Language courses for repatriates

The need The repatriates arriving in Poland with their families encounter the first basic barrier - lack or very scant knowledge of the Polish language. This situation makes it difficult for the repatriates to function normally, to establish new connections, to take care of official matters. Another problem encountered by this group is lack of knowledge of foreign languages which are required ever more frequently by the current job market.

Objective The aim of the language courses is to overcome the barrier and to increase the language skills of the repatriates and their family members.

Description of actions undertaken A free Polish course for the repatriate families living in the mazowieckie, łódzkie, kujawsko-pomorskie and dolnośląskie voivodships was organised and held from 12.05 to 30.08.2004 at the request of the Ministry of National Education and Sports. It was a continuation of the first part of the course that was held in 2003. The second part of the course included 60 didactic hours. The course covered the following topics: grammar, phonetics, understanding of spoken language, spelling, writing and understanding of written texts and conversations.

An independent Polish course was held between January 10 and March 6, 2004 in Toruń, Włocławek, Bydgoszcz. It included 36 didactic hours. Altogether 22 repatriates from Przysiek, Toruń, Lubicz, Włocławek, Choceń, Brześć Kujawski, Bydgoszcz and Białe Błota participated in it.

English courses were organised in Cracow starting in October, which were held in licensed language schools. 28 repatriates participated in those courses.

Results Thanks to the courses majority of the repatriates were able to improve their language skills. The final exam showed that the participants in the course had a better knowledge of the Polish language. Another effect of the courses was a better integration of this community. Altogether 145 repatriates participated in the Polish language course and 28 in the English language course.

2.6. Computer and Internet courses

The need The demands of the present job market, the methods of establishing contact, acquiring knowledge are based to a large extent on modern technology, i.e. computers, the Internet. The younger repatriate generation should and has the need to become acquainted with these technologies if it wants to quickly and effectively adjust itself to the new living conditions.

Objective The aim of the computer and Internet courses is to improve the knowledge and practical computer and Internet skills.

Description of actions undertaken Starting in June 2004 a computer and Internet course has been organised for the young generation repatriates living in Cracow. The course was run by volunteer computer experts. The place and the computers were provided by 4 Internet cafes.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Results The computer and Internet courses made it possible for 18 people to acquire computer and Internet knowledge and practical skills.

2.7. Integration meetings for repatriates and contact with the culture The need The repatriate families come to Poland at different times of the year to different locations. They are frequently not aware of the fact that other repatriate families might live in the vicinity. Because of the language barrier and difficulties encountered during the initial stage of their stay, they are not able to quickly and boldly establish new contacts and to create a social community. Also, the Polish government does not undertake any systematised efforts to integrate the repatriates and to make them acquainted with the culture.

Objective The aim of the integration meetings is to speed up the process of integrating the repatriate community with the Polish society and to get this community acquainted with the Polish history and culture.

Description of actions undertaken Integration meetings of explorative, cultural, occasional and informative nature were organised in 2004. These meetings were held in museums (the Warsaw Uprising Museum), theatres (Ochota Theatre in Warsaw, Old Theatre in Cracow), galleries and places where large groups of repatriates are concentrated (Social Aid Home in Cracow). An important element of this series of meetings were the meetings with the representatives of state institutions, such as the representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration, Municipal Offices, Voivodship Offices.

Results The meetings made it possible to increase the level of integration of the repatriates with their own community and the Polish society and to become better acquainted with the Polish culture, history and art. The effect of the integration meetings and the cooperation of the repatriates is the registration of the Association of Repatriates from Cracow and the Małopolskie Voivodship and establishment of a coherent group which became the founding committee of the Association of Repatriates from the Pomorze-Kujawy Region. 25 meetings were held altogether which were attended by over 400 people.

2.8. Summer integration camps

The need The repatriate children arriving in Poland immerse themselves in a new community where they learn how to establish new contacts, encounter difficult situations, learn the language. Even though they adapt to the new situation quite quickly, they still need the support of their parents who are not always able to provide it because they are going through the same difficult stage. The material situation of the repatriate families, particularly in the initial stages, does not allow the parents to send their children to a camp or pay for other forms of recreation.

Objective The objective of the integration camps is to allow the repatriate children to participate in organised forms of recreation, to meet their peers from other cultures, to overcome stereotypes and to grow personally.

Description of actions undertaken In 2004 the summer camp was organised in Gołdapia in the warmińsko-mazurskie voivodship. 72 kids and teenagers cared for by the Foundation participated in the camp. The 11-day camp covered groups activities related to art, sports, discussions, integration, music, as well as sightseeing trips, contests and humanitarian education workshops.

Results The summer camp in Gołdapia allowed the 72 children and teens to integrate, to overcome the stereotypes and to meet peers from other countries and cultures. The humanitarian education workshops allowed the children to become acquainted with the humanitarian problems, definitions and values. The issue of tolerance and understanding of other cultures was raised.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

2.9. Material help

The need Some of the repatriate families are in a difficult material situation. Their members are unemployed, are not entitled to social allowances, receive no support from others or organisations.

Objective The aim of the aid is to provide the needy families with the most essential items.

Description of actions undertaken Based on the reports of the repatriate families living in Cracow the most urgent needs have been recognised and a list of the essential items has been prepared. 30 telephone interviews have been conducted and 28 fax messages to clothing wholesalers have been sent. In response 2 wholesalers and 2 supermarkets offered material help. Gifts from individuals have also been received. The gifts have been given to the repatriate families in need.

Results The material help has been organised for families in a difficult material situation. These families were offered help in the form of dictionaries, clothes, school textbooks and supplies, textbooks for learning Polish, Christmas gifts.

Sources of financing Companies

Subsidy of the general activities of the Repatriate Aid Programme: Zalco Sp. z o.o. – PLN 5 000.00 P. Nowakowski Law Office and the Academy of Management – PLN 800.00

Contributions in kind: Carrefour – PLN 3 061.00 Stantrade – PLN 460.00 Selgros – PLN 5 316.84

Service contributions: Language schools – PLN 33 924.00

Subsidy of a Christmas Eve meeting: Deutsche Bank – PLN 500.00

Subsidy of a summer camp: Polish Soccer Association – PLN 7 000.00 Agora-Holding Sp. z o.o. – PLN 4 000.00 Caritas – PLN 2 131.88 Akadem Travel Agency – PLN 500.00 Makton Meat Centre – PLN 300.00 Anpa-Travel – PLN 50.00 Elementary School no. 303 – PLN 110.95

Financing of the Christmas cards: Edda – PLN 400.00

Subsidies: Warsaw Municipal Government Office – PLN 26 688.48 Voivodship Office, Mazowsze – PLN 15 008.32 Ministry of National Education and Sports – PLN 228 342.95 J&S Pro Bono Poloniae – PLN 10 284.31 Municipal Office of the city of Łódź – PLN 4 000.00 Office for Repatriation and Foreigners – PLN 6 270.00 Municipal and Communal Government Offices – PLN 1 119.60 Social Aid Centres – PLN 1 450.00

Collections – PLN 2 329.88


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Value of contributions deposited on the account:

Proceeds and expenses:

Incomes Donor’s name Value of subsidy/proceeds Warsaw Toruń Łódź Cracow All 1% 1 947.00 1 947.00 Collections 1 155.35 201.03 973.50 2 329.88 Contributions from natural persons 4 158.00 1 000.00 5 158.00 Cash contributions from companies 27 821.48 800.00 1 500.00 30 121.48 Donations 400.00 42 761.84 43 161.84 Ministry of National Education and Sports 228 342.95 228 342.95 Municipal Office of the city of Warsaw 26 677.44 26 677.44 Voivodship Office, Mazowsze 15 000.00 15 000.00 Contributions from schools 110.95 110.95 J&S Pro Bono Poloniae 10 284.31 10 284.31 total 305 613.17 10 485.34 800.00 46 235.34 363 133.85

Expenses Programme Total spending Warsaw Toruń Łódź Cracow All Repatriation 26 411.00 3 675.34 100.00 30 186.34 Polish language/Ministry of National 224 899.70 224 899.70 Education and Sports Support volunteers 47 887.62 7 892.77 55 780.39 Puppet/holidays 20 016.99 20 016.99 Repatriation/courses 2 683.84 2 683.84 Repatriation/adaptation 45 332.20 45 332.20 total 319 215.31 14 251.95 100.00 45 332.20 378 899.46

Partners Municipal Offices Voivodship Offices Ministry of National Education and Sports Office for Repatriation and Foreigners, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration Social Aid Centres Employment Offices Municipal Centres for Family Aid Faculty of Philology, N. Copernicus University in Toruń Centre for Family Aid General Knowledge Association in Łódź Association of the Displaced to Kazakhstan Centre for Continued Education Social Insurance Institution European Law Students’ Association ELSA Cultural institutions (theatres, museums, galleries)

The above partners participated actively in the efforts undertaken as part of the Repatriate Aid Programme, for instance, by providing information about the communes which decided to invite the Poles living East of the border and about the current legal and official procedures concerning the repatriation process, by providing subsidies and financial assistance, by letting premises free of charge, by holding lectures for job counsellors, and by co-organising integration meetings for the repatriates. The cultural institutions gave discounts or distributed tickets free of charge.

Volunteers 65 volunteers helped with the Repatriate Aid Programme in 2004. They took care of the repatriate families, organised contests, created databases, organised integration meetings and participated in on- going campaigns.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

V. Humanitarian Education

The Humanitarian Education Programme is a permanent programme run by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation since 1993. Its aim is to popularise the humanitarian attitude among children and teenagers. The courses are mainly held by volunteer coaches trained by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation and teachers trained under the Humanitarian Education programme.

1. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation network of volunteer trainers

A nationwide network of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation volunteer trainers, whose task is to hold lectures at schools, has been operating since 1999,.The topics of the most frequent workshops for the youth held in 2003 included:

The need The social culture of the present day neglects the issue of aid for the needy. This situation is fostered by a superficial and occasional interest of the society in humanitarian and pro-social actions. The reason for this is a low level of awareness of the society that individuals can affect the social issues through volunteer work. Despite numerous efforts made by schools, the youth does not have a habit of helping others, does not know how to become socially involved and does not have sufficient motivation. Social work calls for appropriate competencies and conscious decision to become involved.

To meet the aforementioned needs, the Foundation created a network of volunteer trainers trained to educate the youth and children. They use active methods encouraging the youth and children to think on their own and to draw own conclusions. The Foundation is forming an awareness of the need to help others and to be open to the differences between people such as nationality, race, , handicap. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation encouraged young people to help others within their closest community. They are trying to spread the humanitarian education in their local communities.

Objective Activation of the local communities, increasing the number of charitable youth campaigns, increasing the humanitarian awareness among youth and the quality of social campaigns.

Description of actions undertaken 322 ninety-minute workshops have been held in various schools (elementary, junior and senior high schools).We estimate that approx. 8 100 pupils participated in them.

As part of an Anti-racism Week (March) a contest "Schools against racism" (Słupsk) was organised as well as an educational campaign, under which 41 workshops "Racism - a day to day problem" were held at 9 senior high schools. (Wrocław), a conference "Earth - a planet for the people" was held at the "Pod Jaszczurami" club (Cracow). The European Anti-racism Week was also celebrated in Suwałki. The efforts related to the Anti-racism Week were addressed to the pupils and students interested in anti-racism and efforts to counteract intolerance, xenophobia, and racism. Information was given to young people about racism in Poland and around the world and how to combat discrimination.

The Foundation also held meetings on the efforts undertaken in Iran and discussions on the activities of the Foundation. Lectures for the students attending the Academy of Economics in Wroclaw, the Student Human Rights Organisation, a seminar for the YouthDEP, the students of Higher School of Public Administration in Białystok, a seminar "Young people against xenophobia" and other courses were held. We estimate that approx. 600 people participated in the above activities.

Results We achieved the following results by running the project in 2004: Altogether 322 workshops were held at various schools, i.e. 74 more than in the previous year. Each workshop lasts approx. one and a half hours. The most popular topics included: Racism 71 lectures Refugees 60 lectures Tolerance 47 lectures Volunteer work 31 lectures Human rights 22 lectures


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Lectures devoted to the Repatriates (once), the Roms (once), cultural variability (twice) and balanced development (once) were held for the first time. A "Treneiro" column was established in the "Pomagamy" magazine. The coaches also developed educational materials: informational material called "Water - endless good or treasure?", a script for the lectures devoted to stereotypes and a script for the lectures devoted to volunteer work.

A meeting for the coaches - volunteers of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation - was held in Warsaw from March 18 to 21, 2004. 19 volunteer coaches from all over Poland participated in it. The objective of the meetings is to think about the plans and courses of development of the volunteer coaches network. It is also an excellent opportunity to exchange experiences, to improve the skills, to discuss issues important from the point of view of the persons working with the youth.

During this meeting the volunteer coaches organised a joint educational campaign for the first time. Nine coaches from various cities held double-lecture workshops devoted to racism as part of the "Anti-racism Week". The lectures were held at Junior High School no. 6 in Stare Bemowo. 9 workshops were held altogether, which were attended by approx. 230 pupils. This was a very important educational campaign because the coaches from various cities, who have never cooperated before, had the opportunity to run joint courses.

The efforts of the Polish coaches network is being coordinated by a volunteer, a student of sociology and coach from Warsaw. In 2004 the Coaches established a position of a Spokesperson for the Volunteer Coaches Network of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation. A volunteer coach from Warsaw became the spokesperson.

Sources of financing J&S Pro Bono Poloniae Foundation amount received: PLN 4 662.90 and amount spent: PLN 3 444.68

Partners elementary schools, junior and senior high schools at which the volunteer coaches held the lectures the Cracow’s Club "Pod Jaszczurami" - conference organised as part of the European Anti-racism Week the Academy of Economics in Wrocław - lectures for students on non-governmental organisations the Cracow’s "U Siemachy" Sociotherapeutic Centre - lectures held in accordance with the script "A Tale of Quarterland" the Volunteer Centre in Słupsk - discussion on humanitarian education the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights - a presentation of the efforts undertaken by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s Coaches Network during the seminar "Young people against xenophobia" Higher School of Public Administration in Białystok AIESEC - presentation of the efforts undertaken by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s Coaches Network Educational Festival in Warsaw - lectures for the pupils of elementary, junior and senior high schools

Volunteers 29 coaches participated in the project altogether - 21 active and 8 support coaches.

2. Training for teachers

The Foundation commenced the training for teachers project in 2000.

The need The project constitutes a response to the need to supplement the Polish children and youth educational system with elements related to open society education. The project allows the teachers to gain knowledge and skills on how to teach about the human rights, refugees, tolerance, multi-culturalism, and how to run educational campaigns jointly with the pupils.

Objective 1) Supplement the current children and youth educational programme by introducing open society education at schools. 2) Increase the awareness of the human rights, the problems faced by the refugees and tolerance among teachers and pupils of elementary, junior and senior high schools.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Description of actions undertaken 7 sessions for teachers were held in 2004. Overall 196 people participated in them. Following the workshops the teachers organised educational campaigns at their educational institutions in which the entire student body got involved.

The courses were conducted by two employees of the foundation and by two volunteers.

Educational modules have been developed in order to unify the topics suggested to the teachers and to facilitate the work of the persons running the courses. The course topics concerned the opportunity for the schools to cooperate with non-governmental organisations (including the Polish Humanitarian Organisation) and some more detailed issues related to education concerning:

the human rights the refugees the repatriation the tolerance

Results We achieved the following results by running the project in 2004:

1) 7 training sessions for teachers were held 2) 196 teachers were taught how to organise Humanitarian Education 3) 5 educational modules were developed 4) 7 educational campaigns were organised by the teachers following the training sessions

Partners 1) Kujawsko-Pomorskie Centre for Teacher Education in Włocławek – co-organisation of the training sessions 2) Junior High School no. 3 in Grudziądz – co-organisation of the training sessions 3) Vocational Skills Training Centre in Słupsk – co-organisation of the training sessions 4) Women’s Democratic Union in Słupsk – co-organisation of the training sessions 5) School Complex no. 13 in Toruń – co-organisation of the training sessions 6) Junior High School no. 2 in Inowrocław – co-organisation of the training sessions 7) Junior High School no. 5 in Gliwice – co-organisation of the training sessions

Volunteers Two volunteers were involved in the project who held the lectures for the teachers.

3. Humanitarian school

"The Humanitarian School" – a nationwide educational project addressed to the pupils of Polish junior high schools. 01.01.2004 – 4.02.2005 the project was coordinated by the Foundation’s Cracow Office. This is the second edition of the Humanitarian School Project. The first edition was run in 2001/2002.

The need The idea of the "Humanitarian School" project is to convince young people that they can participate in the process of development of their society. This project is based on close cooperation of the pupils, teachers and parents. The pupils select a number of tasks thanks to which they get to understand the key issues related to the human rights and the role that they play in everyone’s life. We also would like to show the youth how to help people in need while respecting their dignity and to foster empathy and solidarity with the people needing assistance and whose rights are being violated.

Objectives The primary objective of the campaign was to get the pupils from selected junior high schools from all over Poland involved in a long-term project aimed at making them develop a humanitarian attitude, to respect the human rights, and to be willing to help others as well as to pass on appropriate knowledge on how to effectively help others without violating their dignity.

This objective was met by fulfilling the following detailed objectives: 1) Increasing the youth’s awareness of the issues related to the human rights and humanitarian aid 2) Developing partnership cooperation between the pupils and the teachers as well as between the teachers and the parents 3) Fostering a sense of civil initiative among the youth


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

4) Providing the youth with specific knowledge on how one can and should help so that the aid is effective, does not rely on and violate the human dignity and the basic human rights 5) Developing group and individual work skills

Description of actions undertaken The addressees of the efforts were mainly the pupils of 10 junior high schools from all over Poland selected during a two-stage elimination process. The teachers and the pupils’ parents also got involved in the project. Pupils from schools in Krosno, Bieruń, Wrocław, Chobień, Zielona Góra, Gdańsk, Inowrocław, Grudziądz, Turek and Łódź qualified for the project.

Actions undertaken as part of the project In June 2004, 10 schools were selected from among the schools which met the substantive criteria which qualified for the "Humanitarian School" project. The criteria that were taken into account when selecting the schools included: 1. Understanding of the humanitarian issues and human rights as well as of the need to respect the human dignity and to help others by the pupils 2. Understanding of their role in the humanitarian processes by the pupils 3. The pupils’ sensitivity to the needs of others 4. Ability for the pupils and teachers to act and to cooperate 5. True willingness to provide humanitarian education at schools and to continue with it after the project is completed A poster promoting the campaign was developed and printed, informational materials for the pupils, teachers and parents were printed and burned on CDs and sent to the schools in July and August of 2004. A special website was developed in August which was supposed to serve as a platform for communication between the schools participating in the project and for publishing the achievements made during the project.

Commencement of the project in schools Under the project the pupils and the teachers commenced a number of appropriately graded educational and charitable projects. These included, among other things: 1. Organisation of the Anti-racism Week at school - 25 points 2. Organisation of the Refugee Day at school - 20 points 3. Realisation of the project "Refugee’s Suitcase" - 20 points 4. Organisation of the Volunteer’s Club at school - 15 to 30 points 5. Publication of a school bulletin on the human rights - 5 to 20 points (per publication) 6. Organisation of a school library with books on the humanitarian work and human rights - Humanitarian Library - 15 points 7. Organisation of a school meeting with Mrs. Janina Ochojska - the President of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation - 20 points 8. Organisation of a school meeting with a refugee - 20 points 9. Realisation of one large educational project - 20 points 10. Organisation of a charity campaign - 20 points 11. Lectures held by teachers or Polish Humanitarian Organisation coaches according to the scripts proposed by the Humanitarian Education programme - 3 points for each lecture (45 minutes) 12. Participation in the development of the WIKI website where the pupils publish their letters and statutes and describe two projects conducted at their school - 5 to 30 points (per project) 13. Writing an essay for Pomagamy on-line dedicated to the human rights/humanitarian work - 5 to 15 points (per essay) 14. Creation of a bulletin board devoted to at least one country in which the Polish Humanitarian Organisation has a permanent mission - 20 points 15. Creation of a map with the migration regions and presentation thereof in the school corridor - 15 points 16. Organisation of the "One zloty for water" campaign at school - 20 points The projects were run at schools until the end of November 2004. In December 2004 a commission established by the Foundation awarded the "Humanitarian School" title to all schools participating in the project.

Results Approx. 3 000 pupils and 200 teachers participated in the project. The pupils’ knowledge about the issues related to human rights, tolerance, volunteer work and national minorities increased in all schools where the project was run. The lectures conducted as part of the Humanitarian Education served this purpose. The school bulletins, the bulletin boards devoted to the humanitarian and charity work and the maps with the migration and refugee regions prepared by the pupils as well as the meetings with the refugees and repatriates held at schools played a role in improving the pupils’ knowledge about the humanitarian work. The "humanitarian libraries" organised by majority of the schools and very popular among the


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004 pupils also played a major role in improving the knowledge of the humanitarian issues. The measure of the knowledge acquired by the pupils were their articles concerning humanitarian efforts placed in the school bulletins, on the project’s website and in the on-line volunteers’ magazine "Pomagamy". The realisation of the "Humanitarian School" project at the schools also made the pupils more interested in the problems of the people in need in their community. The "Volunteer Clubs" that were established at the schools organised numerous charitable campaigns for the poorest people in the region, for the local Social Aid Centres, orphanages, hospitals or hospices. The estimated number of people that the pupils helped directly was approx. 1 500. It should be pointed out, as ensues from observations and reports, that majority of the humanitarian campaigns conducted at the schools were initiated by the pupils themselves in accordance with their own ideas. The knowledge about the aid that the pupils gained during the project made it possible, in majority of cases, for the pupils to coordinate majority of the campaigns on their own, with the necessary support from the teachers (promotion of the campaigns, fundraising, counting money, drawing up reports, etc.). All schools declared their willingness to cooperate with the Foundation in the long run on organising charitable and educational campaigns in the years to follow. Such activities have been performed for many years in many of the schools and were not just a consequence of participation in the project.

Sources of financing the European Council, as part of the programme. "Human Rights Education" Subsidy – 4 000 Euro Amount spent – 3 689.50 Euro

Partners The campaign was run by the employees and volunteers of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in cooperation with the schools. No outside partners were involved in the project.

Volunteers 10 volunteers participated in the campaign. Three of them conducted workshops, one was in constant touch with the sponsor, one created and administered the WIKI website, five of them assessed the reports prepared by the schools on the realisation of the tasks.

4. "Pomagamy" – A modern periodical for volunteers

"Pomagamy" is a monthly magazine published since 1999 in hard copy form and an on-line form – www.pomagamy.pl since 2002.

The need There are still no magazines in Poland dedicated to the humanitarian issues. Five years after the first issue appeared the interest in it is still strong and there is still no other periodical on the market dedicated to the same issues.

Objective The main objectives that we set ourselves in 2004:

1) promoting the idea of cooperation and aid for the developing countries 2) reaching as many readers as possible, i.e. readers of the hard copy and the on-line version of our magazine 3) creating a stable editorial team

Description of actions undertaken The following efforts were undertaken to reach the above objectives: 1) acquisition of a larger number of readers by making the magazine more attractive (on-line contests, publication of a larger number of news, addition of illustrations and photographs to text and news) 2) distribution of the magazine during training sessions, workshops 3) on-going publication of news, articles, photographs on www.pomagamy.pl, on-line forum 4) use of the "Pomagamy" articles as educational materials during lectures held by Polish Humanitarian Organisation coaches

Results The most important results of the efforts include: 1) we published 306 on-line articles in 2004 2) the website was visited by 163 619 unique users (data according to Gemius statistics) 3) there were 413 215 click-throughs (data according to Gemius statistics)


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

4) 6 issues of our magazine were published and distributed in 2004 (no. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 – also available on-line at www.pomagamy.pl) with a circulation of 4 thousand copies of each issue (24 thousand copies altogether) 5) More copies were sent to our permanent subscribers - several dozen schools (over 160), the Polish Scouts Association (17), several dozen libraries (over 20), over 50 career centres, over 60 teacher centres, non-governmental organisations (including foreign ones), coaches (28) and Polish Humanitarian Organisation offices, nearly 800 subscribers (including individuals, corporations, volunteer centres) 6) holding the second edition of the on-line "Pomagamy" contest on the knowledge provided in the news published on www.pomagamy.pl (other editions are also planned)

Sources of financing Interdruk - PLN 1 000 for the Humanitarian Education - these funds were spent on typesetting The European Commission sponsored the printing of 6 issues (as part of the Solidary Europe), amount received 5 400 Euro and amount spent 5 159.80 Euro

Volunteers Approx. 25 (+/- 2) volunteers (authors of the news and texts to Pomagamy, graphic designers, editorial team’s secretary, proofreaders, persons assisting with distribution) participated in the project in 2004.

5. Global Development Education

The Global Development Education was conducted during the entire 2004.

The need The Global Development Education means building of awareness and understanding of how global problems affect the daily lives of people, communities and societies and how each one of us can have influence on the global issues. The issues related to the humanitarian work, human rights, the refugees, co-existence of different cultures and tolerance are particularly important in this education. For the Polish Humanitarian Organisation the development education and the global education are a continuation and expansion of the humanitarian education pursued since 1993, which included, right from the start, the issues of interpersonal solidarity going beyond the frontiers, national, religious and cultural differences.

In 2004, similarly to previous years, the global development education was a part of majority of the humanitarian education projects pursued by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation. This pertains to the following projects in particular: "the Solidary Europe", the on-line bulletin and service "Pomagamy", GLEN - Polish volunteers in the countries of the South and courses "Polish non-governmental organisations and the developing countries".

Objective The aim of these efforts was to make the Polish society aware of the humanitarian issues on the global scale. The result of these efforts was the fact that children, youth, teachers, educational institutions, non- governmental organisations and the media became aware of these issues.

Description of actions undertaken The following efforts were undertaken as part of the global development education: 1) participated in the work of the Information Working Group as part of the DEEEP project; 2) a training session was held for the development education volunteer coaches in cooperation with the ASA Programme and the GLEN project partner organisations. The training session was held in Warsaw from December 2 to 5, 2004 and was attended by 29 persons from Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. The lecturers included the representatives of the Development Education Association (DEA) and GLADE from Great Britain; 3) played the role of a development ambassador as part of the UNDP campaign in Poland to fulfil the Millennium Development Objectives; 4) participated in the Development Education Summer School in Ostend and in the Development Education Forum in Amsterdam; 5) participated in the seminars organised by the Finnish Service Centre for Development Cooperation (KEPA) in Helsinki. A presentation on the condition of the development education was prepared as part of the seminars. 6) articles on the development education were re-printed in magazines such as Index, Development Education Journal and Perekrestok; 7) a meeting devoted to the international humanitarian aid was held during the Film Festival "Human Rights in Film" in Warsaw;


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

8) efforts of the development education group as part of the "Zagranica" group, an association of Polish non-governmental organisations operating outside of Poland, were initiated jointly with other NGOs;

Results Thanks to the development education pursued by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation it was possible to make various social groups (youth, other organisations) sensitive to this issue and to develop the potential for other organisations and institutions to pursue global development education in our country. The Foundation was able to speak on behalf of the Polish NGOs among the organisations from other EU member states.

During the Development Education Forum held in Amsterdam in November 2004 the Polish Humanitarian Organisation was re-elected to the steering group of the Development Education Forum.

During the seminar in Helsinki we commenced cooperation with the Finnish organisation Taksvarkki. This cooperation resulted in a joint project for the budget line 210203 EuropeAid.

Sources of financing The global development education was financed mainly with the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s own funds. The trips were financed by the Trialog and Concord.

Volunteers Approx. 100 volunteers altogether were involved in various projects. These were frequently Polish Humanitarian Organisation volunteers involved in other educational projects.

6. Solidary Europe – building strong awareness of the humanitarian aspect of the European identity

The programme was run from November 15, 2003 to October 14, 2004.

The need Despite large generosity of the Poles in crisis situations, the humanitarian and development issues are still not well know in our country. Discussions concerning these issues usually do not go beyond quite narrow groups of people and organisations directly involved in humanitarian aid and development cooperation. The aim of the "Solidary Europe" project was to change this situation by reaching out to other Polish non- governmental organisations and educational institutions. A particular opportunity for this was Poland’s accession to the European Union, where the development and humanitarian issues are more apparent and popular.

Objective The aim of this project is to show the Polish society that the sense of humanitarian responsibility and the awareness of the problems of the developing countries are an integral part of the European identity.

In particular, the human rights organisations, the organisations fostering tolerance, humanitarian and charity organisations, ecological organisations, educational organisations, student associations concerned with international issues, teacher training centres, organisations concerned with the European integration, youth organisations, scout organisations, European clubs, organisations working for or cooperating with the countries of the South, training organisations, missions run by the Catholic and other churches have been made aware of the issue of international solidarity.

Description of actions undertaken 1) 300 copies of a CD with five documentary films concerning the aid delivered by the European Union and European non-governmental organisations have been produced and distributed to the addressees of the project. 2) Ten discussion seminars devoted to the awareness of the Europeans of the humanitarian and development issues have been organised. These seminars were held in Warsaw (three meetings organised at the Stefan Batory Foundation), in Białystok, Gdańsk, Cracow, Łódź, Poznań, Toruń and Wrocław. 3) Five educational publications have been written and published, which show the efforts of the European Union and the cooperation between the member states as well as the non-governmental


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

organisations as concerns humanitarian aid and support of the development efforts of the Third World countries. The titles of the brochures are as follows: "The European Union’s Humanitarian Aid", "The EU’s Development Policy", "European Development Organisations", "The Global Development Education in Europe", "Europe’s assistance to the refugees in the developing countries". 4) Six issues of "Pomagamy" magazine with a special focus on the aid for the developing countries have been circulated. 5) 8 000 post cards promoting the humanitarian aspect of the European identity have been distributed. The post card designs have been taken from the works awarded as part of the contests organised for the youth. 21 schools participated in the contests and 150 works were received. 6) A website www.solidarna-europa.pomagamy.pl has been developed which served as a communication tool and an instrument for fostering humanitarian attitudes among the Polish non- governmental organisations.

Results The result of this project was a permanent increase in the interest of the Polish non-governmental organisations and educational institutions in the issue of international solidarity. And in particular: 1) many Polish non-governmental organisations considered including the humanitarian and development issues in their activities; 2) significantly more educational institutions are willing to pursue the global development education; 3) during seminars the representatives of the organisations and institutions discussed problematic issues related to international solidarity and are ready to present these problems in their organisations; 4) a collection of pioneer publications in Polish has been developed, which is available to organisations and institutions in many cities; 5) in result of the increased interest in the issue of development solidarity the Polish organisations dealing with these issues commenced cooperation.

Sources of financing the European Commission amount received - 23 000 Euro (80% of the project’s budget, the project’s overall budget was 28 750 Euro) amount spent - 18 572.17 Euro (80% of the project’s budget, the total was 23 227.79 Euro)

Volunteers Approx. 100 volunteers participated in the project. These were frequently Polish Humanitarian Organisation volunteers involved in other projects.

7. GLeN - Volunteer work in the South (Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda, India)

GLeN (Global Learning Network) is an international project where European volunteers are sent to work in the developing countries. Its aim is to raise the awareness of the problems facing these countries and to assist the local non-governmental organisations in the South in running their development projects.

It is a continuation of the programme that was started in autumn of 2003 when the Polish Humanitarian Organisation commenced cooperation with the German organisation INWENT and other partner organisations from Central and Eastern Europe.

During the first stage of the project the volunteers got trained and left the country between July and September 2004. During the next stage they were immersed in the work of Humanitarian Education for one year.

The need The expansion of the European Union causes the old and new member states to face huge challenges. One of them is to build joint awareness with the population and countries in the South of which they practically have no clue. At the same time the enlarged European Union must become accountable for the world where there are joint interdependencies. The European cooperation in the field of development will play a major role in this process. However, this cooperation will be effective only if it is accepted by the residents of the European Union. Young people from Germany and Central and Eastern Europe give a fair promise that these intentions will be fulfilled thanks to their involvement in international affairs. It is them who will plan cooperation in the future as regards development in their countries and will deal with international affairs in their own communities. The group of young people


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004 trying to strengthen the cooperation with the countries of the South is increasing. However, they are practically not offered any opportunities to gain experience in this field. The GLEN programme is supposed to offer them such opportunity thanks to comprehensive training and by sending them on a mission to work on projects in the South.

Objective The aim of the project is to introduce changes on three levels. First of all, it encourages young participants acquire skills; second of all, it makes an input in the education process pursued by the organisations working in the South and in Europe; third of all, thanks to the involvement of these young people and their organisations the project should have an impact on their circles and communities, especially on the creation of international development programmes.

The project supports the process of building a permanent, effective network between the development supporters and competent young decision-makers from Germany, Central and Eastern Europe, and new EU member states. In this way the programme provides new incentives to promote modern and entrepreneurial youth to national and global programmes concerning the development of the participating countries and the cooperation programmes concerning development of the enlarged Europe.

Description of actions undertaken A description of the actions undertaken by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation to accomplish the volunteer missions under the programme is provided below. It should be pointed out that intensive cooperation and communication with the project partners (correspondence and numerous meetings) were pursued on an on-going basis.

Acquisition of the participants and selection The Polish Humanitarian Organisation recruited the participants for the summer 2004 projects at the end of 2003. Five persons who left on a 3-month mission from July to October 2004 were chosen from among 156 applicants, they all declared their cooperation with the Polish Humanitarian Organisation. The second recruitment round took place in November and December 2004 and the missions will last from July to September 2005.

Preparation The participants in the GLEN 2004 programme underwent intensive training during two 5-day seminars conducted in English. The workshops were run by teams comprised of seminar leaders and domestic tutors. They acquired the necessary knowledge about the development cooperation, about the project and the country where they will work, about their role in the local community.

Realisation of the projects The main part of the project is composed of 3 or 4-month working or scientific missions organised in Africa or Asia. Tandems made up of young people from Germany as well as new member states from Central and Eastern Europe work and study together under these projects. The jobs and the scientific missions are selected from a wide range of offers made by national, European and international development organisations as well as by local organisations from the host countries in the South.

Ghana Theatre against AIDS "Onion and yam in the fight against hunger". The non-governmental organisation Agbeyeye Drama Group prepares plays to make people aware of the dangers related to AIDS. The ADG head office is located in the Southern District of Ket in the Volta region. 4 employees and 24 volunteer actors started an AIDS prevention educational programme. They disseminate information and offer help, especially to women and youth. AIDS, poverty, poor nutrition, illiteracy, poor sanitary conditions are a serious problem observed in the Southern District of Ket. The participants in the GLEN programme worked in the theatre group, the aim of which was to make young people aware of the dangers associated with AIDS and other venereal diseases. The volunteers must have experience working with the youth and social work. Meetings with members of the theatre group were held three times a week, and the plays were performed twice every two weeks at schools, mosques and churches. Also, stage performances addressed to merchants and people travelling through the border with Ghana and Togo were planned once every two months.

Uganda Education and balanced development

Zinunula Omunaku Educational Centre (ZOEC) is a non-governmental organisation based in the capital district of Kampala. Many illiterate migrants without education live here who can hardly make ends meet. ZOEC helps the least privileged children by offering them basic education. Starting in July 2004 the participants in the GLEN programme started work in the village of Kyebando and


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004 in the rural district of Kasawo. Their task was to participate in an educational programme for children and adults, in teaching languages, music, cooking, art and sports, and in making nets for volleyball, basketball and soccer. In addition to teaching they also promoted the centre in the Kasawo region. The adults participated in seminars promoting ecological agriculture and other activities.

Tanzania Education in the fight with poverty

The Musoma People’s Education Group (PEDGO) was established in June 2002. It is a part of Tanzania’s educational programme right from its start. PEDGO is a local non-profit organisation from the northern part of the country. Its head office is located in Musoma located on Lake Victoria. It runs a school for the children and adults who cannot afford to attend public schools and who would have never obtained a formal education. It holds seminars, discussions, workshops and vocational courses (sewing, pottery, cooking) in the evenings. The aim of these courses is to improve the economic condition of the local community in the long run. PEDGO organised English, geography and biology lessons and conducted an educational campaign devoted to HIV. It also offered special courses for women. The participants in the GLEN programme cooperated with two local teachers at the PEDGO school, which allowed them to become mutually acquainted with various teaching methods. The volunteers implemented an educational campaign for the adults.

Teaching democracy "Building a participation culture"

Agenda Participation 2000 was designed and implemented before the parliamentary elections of 2000. Its aim is to disseminate the basic knowledge about democracy, strengthen the democratic participation in public life and to prevent conflicts. The Agenda is an independent non-profit organisation since 2002, whose slogan says: free and honest elections. It set a task for itself to continue with the development of a democratic culture and to reduce the number of conflicts in Tanzania. The GLEN participants were responsible for gathering data on "democracy clubs" in Dar Es Sa-laam, Zanzibar and Tanga together with Agenda’s representatives and to find out how they work. During the second stage the volunteers were responsible for developing the concept of Agenda Participation 2000 based on research and own knowledge. The aim of these efforts was to optimise the organisational structure and to expand the crisis prevention and solution measures.

India Working children need support

"Our children should have better lives." These words are uttered by many families where working children is a common phenomenon. Instead of going to school they must support their families financially by having to work for money. The Development Education Society (DEEDS) is running the Bangalore Working Children project. Volunteers take care of the children and hold lectures for their parents, especially for women, at clubs created specially for this purpose. Thanks to these centres the residents can play and learn together (math, writing) in small groups. DEEDS also organises very popular art performances (dancing, theatre) and handcraft workshops (pottery), as well as lectures on health and the natural environment. The task of the GLEN participants was to hold lectures, courses, to organise events that related to the interests and skills of the persons attending the clubs. Particular emphasis was placed on work with the parents, especially the mothers of the children attending the centre. The participants were able to gain experience in the field of development work on the basic level, to become acquainted with India’s culture and with the living conditions of the working children.

Assessment and continuation All participants had to write a minimum 15 page report on their mission. A 4-day assessment seminar allows the participants to think about their experiences and how to transfer them and apply them in their own communities and in their work. Another GLEN 2004 assessment seminar will be held in 2005. A one- year cooperation with the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s Educational Department is a continuation of the work of the volunteers who completed their missions in the South.

Results The main result was the completion of the projects in the countries of the South. 5 persons left on 3- month missions (One person each in India, Ghana and Uganda and two persons in Tanzania).

After completing the projects, the GLEN volunteers participate in the work of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s Educational Department. They are working on the 2005 edition of GLEN (they recruited new candidates), are developing a training system for new volunteers, are creating a Support Group, write articles to Pomagamy, are cooperating with the European GLEN partners.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Sources of financing Financing in 2004 came from the following sources: TRIALOG - Vienna, which has access to EU’s funds to finance participation of young people from Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (funds available for the Germans) Hamburg’s self-government (funds available for the young people from the Baltic region) Schleswig - Holstein Province (funds available for young people from this province)

Partners Germany – ASA programme, invented by GmbH InWEnt. Lithuania - Apicentras, environmental information centre, Vilnius Latvia - SO Strategia, NGO – Aid Centre, Valmiera Estonia - Eesti Roheline Liikumine, Estonian Green Movement, Tallinn Czech Republic - INEX, Prague Slovakia - Tabita, Bratislava

Volunteers 10 volunteers (5 persons administering the programme and 5 persons who got involved in the work of Humanitarian Education after completing their projects)

8. "One zloty for water" campaign

This is the third edition of the campaign that was started in the 2001/2002 season and which was addressed to schools, known as the "One zloty" campaign. The "One zloty for water" campaign was started on September 1, 2004 and is planned to be completed on May 31, 2005.

The need The two previous campaigns, also addressed to schools, were run in the 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 school years in Afghanistan. A Middle Music and Art School in Kabul was reconstructed and furnished thanks to these campaigns. The topic of this year’s campaign was one of the largest challenges of the 21st century to provide access to drinking water and proper sanitary conditions. In developed countries drinking water and proper sanitary conditions are taken for granted and not too many people are aware of the extent of the problem. This campaign covered public and non-public educational institutions and youth organisations throughout the entire Poland.

Objectives 1) making others aware that there are whole communities in other countries which are deprived of the basic human right – access to water 2) help the communities having to overcome the problem with drinking water (money raised during the campaign will be used to finance the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s water projects) 3) promote the humanitarian attitudes among pupils 4) provide practical information on how to organise humanitarian aid, and especially on how to prepare, run and settle fundraising campaigns

Activities undertaken In order to encourage schools to participate in the 2004 "One zloty for water" campaign, flyers promoting the campaign were distributed to 3 thousand schools through boards of education and education departments. The planned activities were also promoted on many websites such as interkl@sa, www.gery.pl. The local media from the cities where the Foundation’s offices are located also got involved in the campaign by informing about it. The information packages were also mailed to approx. 1 500 schools. 5 500 CDs with methodological and information materials have been prepared. The Centre for Citizenship Education - an organisation with many years of experience in the field of education - also joined the campaign in August as a co-organiser.

The Polish Humanitarian Organisation placed a particular emphasis on the educational aspect of the campaign. Teachers have been encouraged to hold at least 5 lectures prepared by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation, The youth was supposed to act as an initiator of thematic contests, to organise a collection of recyclable materials and a thematic trip. The campaign’s organisers adopted a rule that the pupils who are willing to donate a symbolic one zloty to guarantee others access to drinking water and proper sanitary conditions did it consciously.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

A special sub website at www.pah.org.pl was developed for the purpose of the campaign. It contains an educational package and articles written on the basis of source texts which make it easy for the teachers to prepare supplementary materials.

Results 215 schools participated in the campaign by the end of 2004. Seven schools have already completed the campaign.

Schools that participated in the campaign deposited the money in a bank account that was opened specifically for this purpose. A total of PLN 1 140.94 was received by the end of the year from 7 schools.

Sources of financing The campaign’s sponsor, same as in the past, was Bank Polski PKO S.A. It gave PLN 50 000 to the Foundation to cover the costs of the third edition of the campaign. amount spent – PLN 9 868.41 (the project is being continued in 2005)

The costs of burning 5 000 CDs with the educational package were covered by GM Records. The value of free services was PLN 5 917. Thanks to the donations from: Jakon S.A. in Piaseczno, Perry Plate CTP Studio in Łódź and Wrochna Printing House in Łódź an information pamphlet for the schools was prepared.

Partners The Polish Humanitarian Organisation commenced cooperation with the Centre for Citizenship Education and Gazeta Wyborcza (schools participating in the programme "School with a Class". 11 institutions (boards of education and education departments of the municipal offices), the Social Educational Society, Edukacja, Interkl@sa, www.gery.pl and the local media from Warsaw, Łódź, Cracow and Toruń cooperated with the Polish Humanitarian Organisation on promoting the campaign.

Volunteers The materials comprising the educational package were prepared by a group of 5 volunteers from Łódź, Wrocław and Puławy. 4 volunteer IT experts from Łódź took care of the technical aspects of this package.

9. Institute of Developing Countries

"Developing countries and the Polish non-governmental organisations". Courses for non-governmental organisations in cooperation with the Warsaw University Institute of Developing Countries (IDC) 01.11.2004 – 31.01.2005 The project was commenced in November 2004. Two training sessions for the activists of the Polish non-governmental organisations were held as part of the project.

The need Increasing international aid, including development assistance addressed to the countries of the global South, is one of the largest challenges being currently faced by the Polish society, especially after accession to the European Union where the development policy constitutes an important aspect of the EU’s foreign policy. The development and humanitarian aid coming from the EU funds and the governments of the member states is distributed to a large extent by non-governmental organisations. The basic factor deciding about the poor involvement of the organisations is inadequate knowledge of the situation in the countries of the South. On this account the Polish Humanitarian Organisation proposed to hold courses concerning the countries of the South.

Objective The objective of the project was to increase the volume and the quality of the development and humanitarian aid being provided to the countries of the global South. Polish non-governmental organisations were the target group. The aim of the courses organised in cooperation with the IDC was to provide the Polish organisations with the knowledge needed to understand the problems of the countries of the South, their economic and political situation, the cultural conditions, the impact of the development aid on the given countries, the natural conditions and the consequences of natural disasters and health conditions. All these aspects are necessary to appropriately recognise the needs and problems of the countries of the South and to pursue pro-social education concerning these countries. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation got the other organisations acquainted with its activities out in the field and the concepts of the development education and demonstrated useful methods of pursuing them.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Description of actions undertaken Preliminary talks were held in 2004 with the Institute of the Developing Countries, all the details concerning cooperation and the course dates have been determined by October. The agreement with the sponsor (ODACE Program of the Canadian International Development Agency) was concluded at the end of October 2004. The promotion of the courses started in November, mainly through mailing lists, discussion forums and the on-line portal: www.ngo.pl and the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s website. Information about the courses was also distributed to members of the Zagranica Group.

The participants were selected based on the registrations in the form of questionnaires (19 persons/course from among over 40 applicants). The first course was held from November 26 to 28 and from December 10 to 12, 2004. It included 30 full hour lectures held by IDC and 14 hours organised by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation.

Results 1) Because of a very large interest, there are plans to organise the second edition of the courses in 2005. 2) Knowledge about the developing countries and the competencies to provide development education increased by offering training to 21 persons from non-governmental organisations, government institutions and the Polish office of CIDA 3) The representatives of the Zagranica Group have been trained 4) Educational materials and documents concerning the countries of the South and development education have been developed. By the initiative of the participants in the first edition of the training session work on the database of organisations helping the countries of the South has been commenced.

Sources of financing ODACE Program of the Canadian International Development Agency ODACE/CIDA amount received 13 450 CAD amount spent 13 147.23 CAD

Partners Warsaw University Institute of Developing Countries. The IDC lecturers passed on their knowledge about various issues related to the countries of the global South, shared their experiences concerning their field research.

Volunteers 2 volunteers organised the project. 7 Polish Humanitarian Organisation volunteers were the beneficiaries of the training session.

10. "Refugee’s suitcase"

The project "Refugee’s suitcase" was commenced in September 2000.

The need The need to spread the knowledge about the refugees is increasing from year to year because the number of asylum seekers in Poland is also increasing from year to year (by 1 000 persons a year). Persons seeking the refugee status also consider Poland more frequently as their final destination place. The Polish society is underinformed as to the reasons and the essence of the "refugee" phenomenon. It often confuses refugees with economic immigrants and hence frequently defines this phenomenon in terms of a threat. Poles do not know much about refugees and are frequently guided by stereotypes. Hence the need for a widespread education campaign related to this matter which will make it possible not only to understand this phenomenon but to develop open, positive attitudes. The project is focused on young recipients who are just beginning to develop their philosophies of life.

Objective On a larger scale the project teaches how to be open to other cultures, how to overcome stereotypes and thinking processes. On the global scale it is supposed to play a role in shaping conscious members of the civic society.

Description of actions undertaken The project "Refugee’s suitcase" is being realised in four stages. The educational package is used in the project. The educational package is comprised of four elements corresponding to each stage of the project. Stage 1 – presentation of a film about refugees and a discussion after it, 2 - interactive workshops about the refugees, 3 - a simulated game during which the participants are able to "play" the role of a


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004 refugee (instructions to the game), 4 - exhibition of posters and information boards. Project coordinators in seven Polish cities oversee the realisation of the project out in the field.

Results The project "Refugee’s suitcase" was completed in 57 schools. Very good grades given to the project by the teachers carrying it out and the pupils’ involvement indicated by the teachers and the declared willingness to participate in similar project can be deemed as a great success.

Sources of financing The project was financed from the UNHCR funds received in previous years. They were used to finance the materials for the educational packages for the "Suitcase".

Partners The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Warsaw. Forms of cooperation: use, among other things, of the educational materials of the UNHCR to carry out the project (action plans, posters, film), access to UNHCR resources - photographs, slides, literature; provision of educational materials for the project coordinators, project consultations.

Volunteers The volunteers working on the project "Refugee’s suitcase" are persons working as project coordinators where this title is a long-term title - 10 persons. The coaches of the humanitarian education network who held workshops dedicated to the refugees also got involved in the project (approx. 6 persons).


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

VI. Polish Humanitarian Organisation Actions

1. Cracow-Bam Aid Chain Together with the Mayor of the city of Cracow, the Polish Humanitarian Organisation invited Shirin Ebadi, a Nobel peace prize winner, to Poland. On March 10 the Polish Humanitarian Organisation organised a happening called "Cracow-Bam Aid Chain" in the Main Square in Cracow. At the same time money was raised for the victims of the Bam earthquake. Toruń for the kids of Bam. The Pomorskie Office of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation organised a campaign called "Toruń for the kids of Bam" under the patronage of the city’s Mayor. The city’s residents were invited to visit a photo exhibition between September 8 and 12 organised at the Old City Hall: "Bam – a city in grief" and were able to get a post card with the photographs. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation run a fundraising campaign and an auction in the old part of the city.

2. International Refugee Day The Polish Humanitarian Organisation, together with UNHCR, organised the tenth edition of the International Refugee Day. It is traditionally comprised of a social campaign and events organised in various cities throughout the country. The leading issue in 2004 was the problem of integration. Galas were organised in Warsaw and Cracow, film festivals were organised in Toruń and Łódź. These events were attended by the representatives of the organisations dealing with the refugees in Poland. The following organisations set up information booths in Warsaw: the Polish Humanitarian Organisation, UNHCR, the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, Amnesty International, Polish Red Cross, One World Association, the Refugee Association, the Office for the Organisation of Centres for Foreigners Seeking a Refugee Status or Asylum.

3. Puppet Day The first outdoor edition of the Puppet Day was organised in 2004. During the Puppet Day held in four cities: Warsaw, Cracow, Łódź and Toruń, family picnics, happenings, concerts, cabarets, kids’ contests and other attractions (e.g. fire truck show) were offered. The culmination point in every city was the erection of a large cardboard Puppet and creation of a very long paper chain by the children, composed of small colourful puppets. A fundraising campaign was conducted during the event during which PLN 9 441.81 were raised. "The Children of Europe" Doll exhibition and auction. The campaign was prepared jointly with Hotel Novotel. A formal gala combined with a charitable auction of dolls was held on December 11 at Hotel Novotel in Warsaw

4. "The Children of Europe" being the crop of a contest in which many young artists from various art schools throughout Poland participated. The proceeds from the auction supported the Puppet programme. In effect nearly PLN 20 000 were raised. All dolls were exhibited in Hotel Novotel in Warsaw until the end of 2004. In 2005 the exhibition will tour several Polish cities where it will be displayed in large shopping malls. Concert "Children saved from oblivion" The Polish Humanitarian Organisation and the Ludwig van Beethoven Society organised a charity concert "Children saved from oblivion" - musicians for the children - on December 2, 2004 at the National Philharmony in Warsaw. The aim of the concert was to take notice of the fate of all children around the world who are suffering each day as a result of terrorist attacks, wars, hunger and natural disasters. The inspiration for the concert was the tragedy in Beslan. Famous Polish artists appeared during the concert: the European Sinfonia Varsovia conducted by Krzysztof Penderecki and young virtuosos: pianist Stanisław Drzewiecki, cellist Rafał Kwiatkowski and violinist Patrycja Piekutowska.

5. Film Festival Human Rights in Film A lot is being said about the human rights in Poland but there are no publications devoted to humanitarian aid nor documents presenting the humanitarian situation in various countries. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation approached the Helsinki Foundation with an initiative to organise a video track dedicated to humanitarian aid as part of the 4th International Documentary Film Festival Human Rights in Film. The following documentaries comprised a jointly prepared block of films: Jung (War) in the country of the Mujahideens, Soldiers of peace missions and women, Ethiopia – country of apocalypse, The price of aid. The


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004 festival took place in Warsaw between December 10 and 15, 2004. The film festivals will tour other Polish cities in 2005.

6. Christmas Puppet Table The Polish Humanitarian Organisation organised a "Christmas Puppet Table" on December 5, 2004 in Warsaw, Toruń, Cracow and Łódź. The aim of this campaign was to raise money for feeding the children in Polish schools and day care centres and to promote the Puppet food aid programme. The participating restaurants, clubs and cafes donated 1/10th of their turnover on the day of the campaign. Each eating house received a poster from the Polish Humanitarian Organisation informing about the participation in the campaign and its purpose. The patronage over the "Christmas Puppet Table" in Warsaw was exercised by Agnieszka and Marcin Kręglicki, owners of renown restaurants. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation has been organising this campaign in Cracow since 2001, 2004 was the first year that it was organised in other cities. 145 different eating houses contributed PLN 22 690 to the programme.

Results The campaigns caused the media to speak out about the Bam disaster, undernourishment of Polish children and general humanitarian problems. The media presented the campaign in the following way: Cracow-Bam Aid Chain – 8 articles in the press, 4 TV spots, Toruń for the Children of Bam – 8 articles in the press, International Refugee Day – 9 articles in the press, 3 radio spots, Puppet Day – 16 articles in the press, 11 TV spots including a programme on TVP 1 and 3 radio spots, "The Children of Europe" Doll exhibition and auction – 12 articles and an interview on TVP during the "Coffee or Tea" programme Concert "Children saved from oblivion" – 10 articles in the press, 3 TV spots and participation in the "Echa Dnia w TVP3", 3 radio interviews, Film Festival Human Rights in Film – 5 articles in the press, Christmas Puppet Table – 16 articles in the press, information broadcasted in "Panorama" on TVP2, 5 radio spots. Also, thousands of people participated in the events organised by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation. They had a personal opportunity to become acquainted with the activities of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation or, in more general terms, with the humanitarian issues and got convinced that they are doing something good by helping others.

7. Transport to Lithuania At the request of the Lithuanian partners a shipment with donations for the educational institutions in the Solechniki region was sent on August 14 and 15, 2004. The shipment included books, notebooks, school furniture as well as plumbing fixtures and cleaning agents to renovate the sanitary facilities at a Senior High School in Male Solechniki and a kindergarten in Yachuny. The total value of these donations was PLN 13 157.22.

The Polish Humanitarian Organisation no longer provides aid to Polish schools in Lithuania; however, it keeps in touch with the teachers and the employees of the education authorities of the Solechniki Region – the animators of the civic activities in this area. This shipment was the result of these relations.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

VII. Local Aid

In 2004 all Local Offices of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation actively participated in nationwide Polish Humanitarian Organisation projects under the following programmes: Humanitarian Education (such as Solidary Europe, volunteer coaches network, the Refugee’s Suitcase), Repatriates Aid Programme (such as Polish language courses), Refugees Aid Centre (such as the Refugee Day), Puppet (such as the Puppet Day) and campaigns and fundraisers were conducted for the Foundation’s missions. The national projects "One zloty for water" - Łódź, "Humanitarian School" and "Christmas Puppet Table" - Cracow, "Puppet Programme" and "Training for teachers" - Toruń, were coordinated by Local Offices.

1. Local aid by the Toruń office of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation

1.1. Social Information Office (SIO)

The Social Information Office (SIO) in Toruń was opened in 2002 and has been operating uninterrupted ever since.

The need Thanks to its 10-year presence in Toruń, the Foundation is a well recognisable and identifiable institution working also for the good of the local communities. Apart from material assistance, the city’s residents asked for help with solving their problems - consultations and information. This caused the Foundation to make a decision to open a Social Information Office providing free legal and psychological advice.

Objective The main objective of the Social Information Office is to provide access to free legal and psychological information to persons living in Toruń and experiencing life and financial problems, including foreigners, repatriates and refugees.

Description of actions undertaken 80 to 100 people took advantage of the consultations offered by the 13 Office’s volunteers each month. The SIO is the only institution in the kujawsko-pomorskie voivodship to offer legal advice to foreigners, repatriates and refugees. 1) 800 legal and psychological consultations were offered 2) Publications The Polish Humanitarian Organisation published two information brochures thanks to the subsidy received from the Stefan Batory Foundation. The publications were prepared by the Office’s advisors. Their objective was to freely provide information so that people seeking it are able to solve their problems on their own. Apart from answers to the frequently asked questions, each information brochure also included sample official letters and selected examples of judicial decisions. The brochures were then distributed to social aid centres (such as the Municipal Centres for Family Aid in Toruń and Włocławek), non-governmental organisations (such as the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights) and the local public authorities (Bojszowa Communal Office) and the Office’s clients. The publications were also placed on the Foundation’s website at www.pah.org.pl where they could have been downloaded in electronic form.

Results The most important results that the Foundation achieved last year were: 1) Giving advice to 800 clients. 80 to 100 people on average took advantage of the consultations each month. 2) 13 volunteers offered free services. This meant 6 volunteers more than the year before. The number of advisors increased by over 50%. 3) Two legal information brochures were prepared and published. The circulation of each one was 3 000 copies. 4) The advice offer was extended by adding legal consultations for foreigners, repatriates and refugees.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Sources of financing Stefan Batory Foundation – legal information brochures – PLN 5 260 (subsidy obtained in 2003, spent in 2004). Municipal Office of the City of Toruń – consultations – PLN 3 120 Exemplary damages from district courts in Aleksandrów Kujawski and Toruń – PLN 1 800 Total raised: PLN 4 920.00 Total cost of the campaign: PLN 4 608.57 (exclusive of personal costs)

Partners Stefan Batory Foundation – co-financing of legal publications and assistance with distribution thereof in Polish courts. Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights in Warsaw – organisation of an internship for the advisor providing advice to foreigners and distribution of legal information brochures. Municipal Office of the City of Toruń – co-financing of counselling services. Municipal Centres for Family Aid in Toruń – distribution of legal information brochures among the clients Municipal Centres for Family Aid in Włocławek – distribution of legal information brochures among the clients Bojszowa Communal Office – distribution of legal information brochures among the local community Special Educational and Reform Centre in Suwałki – distribution of legal information brochures among the social aid centres in Suwałki

Volunteers 13 volunteers currently act as advisors for the Social Information Office. These are mainly law students in their last two years of study (7 persons) and one experienced legal advisor, 2 masters of law, 1 master of administration and 1 advisor providing advice on international appeals (such as the European Court of Human Rights). There are also two psychologists working for the SIO. Moreover, efforts have been undertaken to improve the advisors’ qualifications (a one-month internship at the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights).

1.2. Scholarship Fund

The Pomorskie Office of the Polish Human Organisation started a new project in November 2003 called the Scholarship Fund of the Polish Human Organisation. To accomplish the project a fundraising campaign was conducted on April 4, 2004 (permit given by the Municipal Office of the City of Toruń dated 27.02.2004).

The need High unemployment rate (32% in January 2004 – Voivodship Employment Office) observed in the Toruń poviat is felt the hardest by the children and youth. Young people are not given the opportunity to get educated while education is one of very few means of getting out of poverty.

Objective The objective of the Scholarship Fund is to allow high school students living in Toruń and vicinity who come from poor families to continue with education.

Description of actions undertaken In 2004 the Polish Humanitarian Organisation granted 75 scholarships (financial and non-financial) to high school students. In the first half of 2004 financial scholarships (PLN 100 a month) were given to 22 students (where 1 scholarship was revoked in April of that year because the scholarship holder failed to observe the terms of the agreement) and 22 non-financial scholarships in the form of language courses and private lessons (International House Language School - 18 placements, POINT Education Academy - 1 placement and 3 placements for private lessons provided by a Polish Humanitarian Organisation volunteer). The scholarships were disbursed by June 2004. In the second half of 2004 the Scholarship Committee also awarded 22 financial scholarships (PLN 150 a month) and 9 non-financial scholarships, free language courses at the International House Language School. This year’s scholarship holders included 12 last year’s scholarship holders whose scholarships have been extended for another school year by virtue of a decision of the Scholarship Committee. These include 8 financial scholarship holders and 4 non-financial scholarship holders.

Rules of the Scholarship Fund The scholarship can be applied for by pupils being in a poor financial situation, with an average grade of at least 3.5 points at the end of the school year, who managed to get into a high school, obtained at least a good grade for behaviour, were selected by the school’s counsellor or another teaching staff


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004 representative and were involved in social activities at school and outside of it (such as school clubs, participation in knowledge Olympics, sport events, scout troop memberships, volunteer work for non- governmental organisations).

Results 1) There were 75 beneficiaries in 2004 who took advantage of the scholarships offered by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation. 2) Non-financial scholarships allowed the pupils to improve their foreign language skills, thus giving them a better start in their lives. 3) All 2004 scholarship holders from graduation classes (8 pupils) finished the schools with a graduation certificate of secondary education. Three of them were accepted by universities to study: computer science, archaeology and architecture. 4) Seventy scholarship holders were involved in the Foundation’s activities. 5) Two scholarship holders participated in a contest called The Magnificent Eight. One received a distinction for her involvement and help while the other one became one of the Magnificent Eight.

Sources of financing - Stefan Batory Foundation - PLN 25 000 - JP Morgan - PLN 10 000 - Let’s Help the Children Foundation - PLN 7 800 - Nesta Bis - PLN 1 800 - Fundraiser - PLN 3 560

Total proceeds: PLN 46 653.98 Expenses borne in 2004: PLN 23 398.83 (exclusive of personal costs)

Partners - Stefan Batory Foundation - thanks to the Stefan Batory Foundation the Polish Humanitarian Organisation is able to grant over 50% more scholarships each year. - International House Language School and Point Education Academy –– English language courses. - Let’s Help the Children Foundation – this Foundation has been supporting the activities related to the Scholarship Fund right from the beginning. It transfers PLN 650 each month for this purpose, which makes it possible to award several scholarships. - JP Morgan – the Fund gave PLN 10 000 for the project in 2004. The money was spent by the end of 2004 on scholarships.

Volunteers Two volunteers were permanently involved in the project in 2004. They acted as the scholarship holder superintendents and helped with the administrative matters related to the Scholarship Fund.

1.3. "Umilisko u Kaszczorka" community and integration day care centre

The day care centre has been operating since January 2001. It is attended by 50 children between the age of 7 and 13.

The need The day care centre is a place integrating the local community which varies a lot as regards the material status. The centre prevents marginalisation of children coming from poor families.

Objective The aim of the centre is to provide the children with safe and developing forms of spending free time after school. Specific objectives: 1) Fostering social sensitiveness in children and developing openness towards others; 2) Assisting children with their education; 3) Allowing the children to develop their abilities and skills; 4) Providing children with meals after school;

Description of actions undertaken The "Umilisko u Kaszczorka" day care centre is open for 10 months each year. The following activities were offered regularly during the school year: humanitarian education, art classes, handicrafts, interpersonal activities, "Traveller’s Club", "School of Imagination", computer learning, "Mind exercises", sports, ecological activities and assistance with homework.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

1) In 2004 special events were organised as well as: a. the following workshops: cartoons, anti-racist, percussion, arts, ecological and a "Tree Day", b. slide shows of: Armenia, Morocco, Iran and Moscow – shows fostering children’s openness towards other cultures, c. trips: to the Museum of Ethnography, ZOO, Fire Station, Polish Postal Services, 2) Two innovative projects have been realised during the years: a. educational/ecological project called "Looking for the Spring" comprised of a series of ecological activities, trips and art and crafts. It was run from 19.03 to 26.04.2004. b. preventive project "I am OK" – comprised of a series of activities related to addiction prevention as well as day care activities and trips. It was run in the following period: 01.09.-15.12.2004. 3) A winter day camp for 30 children was organised between 26 and 30.01.2004 for 5 hours each day. Trips were made each day to places like Radio Gra, Toruń, Sfera, Museum of Print and Writing, Printing House, Fairyland Theatre, Traveller’s Museum, the editorial office of Gazeta Wyborcza.

Results 1) It was attended by 50 children between the age of 7 and 13. 2) The children became more open to the real world, more open in expressing their own views, learned to be a part of a team. 3) Thanks to the activities offered by the day care centre the children can participate in activities and workshops for which they would have to pay at other day care centres. This is a unique opportunity for the children coming from poor families to participate in activities fostering their hobbies and learning new skills. 4) 3 issues of the Day Care Centre’s Bulletin were published in 2004, which summarizes the activities at the centre. 5) 2 programmes addressed to children between the ages of 7 and 13 have been accomplished: a. Educational and ecological project called "Looking for the Spring" during which the children learned how to interact with nature and animals, followed by some artwork under the slogan: "What a small man can do". b. Preventive project "I am OK" – lectures on prevention were held for 2 hours each week for two different age groups. 30 children participated in the prevention programme altogether.

Sources of financing Companies PZU ŻYCIE S.A., Zakład Energetyczny Toruń S.A., Polfa Kutno S.A., A-Tex,. The total amount deposited to the day care centre’s account: PLN 47 200.00

Subsidies "Let’s Help the Children" Foundation, Gmina of the City of Toruń, JP Morgan.

The total amount deposited to the day care centre’s account: PLN 54 970.00 No fundraising campaigns for the day care centre were held in 2004.

Individual contributions made to the account: PLN 450.00

Total raised: PLN 85 949.99 Total spent: PLN 49 501.09 (exclusive of personal costs)

Partners Cierpiszewo Forestry Inspectorate, ZOO, Municipal Centre for Ecological Education, Club Gaja, District Museum in Toruń, Museum of Print and Writing in Grębociń, local media. as regards: assistance with organising specific activities and promoting the events organised at the day care centre.

Volunteers Approx. 10 volunteers got involved in the day care centre’s activities who assisted with running the activities and workshops.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

1.4. Summer holidays - summer camp in Gołdapia

The summer camp organised in 2004 was the fifth edition of the summer camp and was organised from July 12 to 22.

To raise funds for this project a fundraising campaign was carried out on May 16, 2004 during the 5th Picnic of Friends of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation – see next item (permit given by the Municipal Office of the City of Toruń dated 27.02.2004).

The need The experience gained during the Puppet programme shows that children coming from poor families are often left without adult supervision and do not participate in organised activities during the summer break. Many children stay home because the financial condition of their families does not allow their parents to pay for summer camps.

Organisation of a free summer camp for these children gives them an opportunity to discover new places, to develop social skills such as personal hygiene, responsibility for oneself and others, work in groups. Furthermore, a summer camp is an excellent opportunity for the children from various social and cultural spheres to integrate - i.e. children exposed to pathological deviations and those living in normal families.

Objective The main objective of the summer camp is to allow children from poor families to enjoy their summer holidays in an organised and active manner. Specific objectives: 1) Integration of children from different cultural and social spheres. 2) Prevention of aggressive behaviour. Learning how to solve conflicts, to negotiate, to discharge energy, how to be assertive. 3) Nourishment of children.

Description of actions undertaken 1) Raising of funds to organise summer camps. The funds to organise the summer camps were obtained from individuals, companies and the Municipal Office of Toruń. The Picnic for the Friends of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in Kaszczorek (16.04.2004), during which money was raised, has played a major role. Also, the idea of the Picnic appeared in the local media, which caused individual persons to contribute money.

2) Organisation of the summer camps a. It was possible to secure lodging, medical care, and food thanks to cooperation with the Elementary School no. 3 in Gołdapia. The partner from Gołdapia also helped with preparing the activity plan and with taking care of all the formalities related to the registration of the summer camp with the Board of Education. 3) Summer camp from July 12 to 22, 2004 4) 80 children participated in the summer camp altogether: a. 70 poor children from Toruń and the vicinity exposed to pathological deviations, including four repatriate children in a difficult financial situation. b. 10 poor children from the Kaliningrad District. c. 30 poor children exposed to pathological deviations from Gołdapia also participated in the summer camp activities. Results 1) 110 children participated in the summer camp, including: 2) 70 poor children from Toruń and the vicinity exposed to pathological deviations, including four repatriate children in a difficult financial situation. 3) 10 poor children from the Kaliningrad District. 4) 30 poor children exposed to pathological deviations from Gołdapia. 5) It was possible to observe changes in the feeling of self-worthiness, assertive behaviours, and a decrease in aggressive behaviour.

Sources of financing Entrepreneurs, "Let’s Help the Children" Foundation – PLN 20 000.00 Funds left over from previous year – PLN 13 458.76

Total raised: PLN 32 720.00 Total cost of the campaign: PLN 18 005.37 (exclusive of personal costs)


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Partners "Let’s Help the Children" Foundation – financial support

Volunteers 2 volunteers helped the summer camp teachers with their activities with the children.

1.5. Picnic for the Friends of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation The Picnic for the Friends of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation is organised each spring since 1999. In 2004 it was held on May 16. A public fundraising campaign was carried out by virtue of the decision issued by the Municipal Office of the City of Toruń dated 27.02.2004.

The need The idea of the family picnic is to find new volunteers, donors or associates and to thank all those who have supported the Foundation.

Objective The main objective of the event is to promote the Foundation’s efforts and to encourage the residents of Toruń to get involved in these efforts, to raise funds to finance the projects run by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation – the funds raised in 2004 were used to subsidise the summer camps.

Activities undertaken The Picnic was held on 11.05.2004 in Kaszczorek. The various activities included, among other things, band performances, including a military band and numerous contests for the older and younger participants. PLN 5 012.23 were raised during the event which were then spent on organising the summer camp in Gołdapia.

Results of the efforts 1) Information about the efforts of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation appeared in various local media; 2) A large portion of funds needed to finance the summer camps for children were raised during a fundraising campaign; 3) New donors were acquired – mainly individuals who contributed to the summer camp account.

Sources of financing Gmina of the City of Toruń: PLN 5 000.00 Collections: Proceeds from the Picnic – PLN 5 012.23

Total raised: PLN 10 012.13 Total cost of the campaign: PLN 4 343.23 (exclusive of personal costs)

Partners Kądziołeczek Band, Ciuruś Agrotouristic Farm

Volunteers 20 volunteers helped with the picnic.

1.6. "Children’s Christmas" Campaign

The "Children’s Christmas" Campaign has been organised regularly for the past 10 years. In 2004 the campaign was carried out from 10.11.2004 to 31.12.2004 A part of the campaign was comprised of a public fundraiser that was carried out between 10 and 11.12.2004 by virtue of the decision issued by the Municipal Office of the City of Toruń dated 27.02.2004.

The need The children whose meals are financed by the Foundation under the Puppet programme also need support outside of school. The Christmas season is particularly hard for them because they are not able to consume meals at school. Many people approach the Foundation during that time wanting to help the children from poor families and to donate gifts. The "Children’s Christmas" Campaign makes it possible to help needy children and allows others to share their goods.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Objective The Pomorskie Office has been organising the "Children’s Christmas" Campaign for the past 10 years. Its objective is to give gifts to children from poor or dysfunctional families during the Christmas time. Another objective was to get the pupils of Toruń’s elementary schools to help others.

Description of actions undertaken The following actions were undertaken to raise funds to purchase and make 300 Christmas gifts:

1) "Give me a hug" is a collection of plush toys at Toruń’s elementary schools in December 2004.16 schools collected over a hundred toys. The toys were put in the Christmas gifts. 2) Raffle to raise funds to purchase sweets and food for the Christmas gifts. 3) Finding sponsors who would either donate their goods for the raffle or would donate money to buy the Christmas gifts.

Results 1) 16 schools participated in the "Give me a hug" campaign. The toys (approx. 100) were put in the Christmas gifts. 2) Thanks to the raffle we raised funds to buy 300 Christmas gifts with sweets and 20 food packages for families (of a total value of: PLN 10 230.00) 3) We also purchased winter clothing (of a total value of: PLN 5 816.66). 4) The campaign was promoted in the local media (TV Bydgoszcz, TV MSM, Radio Gra, GW, Gazeta Pomorza i Kujaw "Nowości")

Sources of financing Subsidies: "Let’s Help the Children" Foundation: PLN 7 500.00 Proceeds from the fundraiser: PLN 3 480.90

Total amount raised: PLN 16 268.69 Total cost of the campaign: PLN 17 418.23 (the difference of PLN 1 133.07 ensues from the fact that the funds raised in December 2003 were carried over to January 2004)

Partners Energohandel – donations for the raffle

Volunteers 15 volunteers participated in the "Children’s Christmas" campaign.

1.7. Humanitarian Education Programme – local actions taken in Toruń

The Humanitarian Education Programme has been operating since 1996. Regular efforts under this programme were started in Toruń in 2003. No public fundraising was performed for these activities.

The need Realisation of the efforts under the Humanitarian Education Programme in the kujawsko-pomorskie voivodship is a response to the need to supplement the education programme for the children and youth by introducing elements related to the human rights, tolerance, multi-culturalism, social involvement, refugees and repatriates. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation is the only organisation dealing with these issues in our voivodship.

Objective Objectives of the project: 1) Supplement the current children and youth educational programme by introducing open society education at schools 2) Increase the awareness of the human rights, the problems faced by the refugees and tolerance among pupils of elementary, junior and senior high schools 3) Provide the pupils with the necessary knowledge and skills allowing them to understand the processes taking place in the society 4) Develop positive elements of their character such as responsibility, honesty, tolerance, social activeness and cooperation


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Description of actions undertaken 1) Acquisition of volunteers a. The process of recruiting new volunteers to carry out activities at schools started at the beginning of November 2004. 35 people declared their readiness. These were mainly students pursuing the following courses of study: pedagogy, sociology, political science and international relations. 19 people decided to conduct lectures. 2) Cooperation with schools a. At the same time the process of finding schools willing to participate in the project was commenced. This was done in several ways: b. via the Department of Education and Sports in Toruń c. via a meeting with the school principals and teachers

The aim of the project was to commence long-term cooperation. In the end cooperation was commenced with 4 schools (2 senior high schools and 2 junior high schools), at which the project was carried out in 15 classes. The lectures were held once or twice each month (each lecture lasted 90 minutes). The lectures were also held regularly every two weeks at the "Umilisko u Kaszczorka" day care centre. Also, 4 single lectures were held at other schools (senior high schools and one elementary school). 31 lectures altogether were held from November to the end of December 2004.

The topics discussed during the lectures were selected on the basis of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s textbook "" containing ready-made scenarios. However, teachers’ suggestions are taken into account and efforts are made to make sure that current issues are discussed during the lectures. Other topics that were raised are: "Human dignity and rights", "Racism", "Poverty and homelessness", "Repatriates", "Refugees".

3) Information about the "Humanitarian education" project a. Cooperation was commenced with the on-line portal www.kuj-pom.ngo.pl where a permanent section called "Humanitarian, Development Education and the Human Rights" was created. Information about the efforts appeared there on a regular basis. b. Also, press releases were sent to the media several times informing about the Humanitarian Education Programme. c. Information about the efforts undertaken in Toruń also appeared on the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s website at www.pah.org.pl

Results 1) Volunteers held humanitarian education lectures at 31 classes; 2) Permanent cooperation has been commenced with 4 schools; 3) Pupils from 31 classes gained new knowledge related to humanitarian education;

Partners 1) Department of Education and Sports of the Municipal Office of Toruń – distributed information about the Humanitarian Education Programme to all schools in the city 2) Portal www.kuj-pom.ngo.pl – created a permanent section "Humanitarian, Development Education and the Human Rights" 3) Junior High School no. 2 in Inowrocław – invited volunteers to hold lectures on Humanitarian Education 4) Junior High School no. 30 in Toruń – permanent cooperation related to organisation of lectures on Humanitarian Education 5) Senior High School no. 5 – invited volunteers to hold lectures on Humanitarian Education 6) Senior High School no. 6 – permanent cooperation related to organisation of lectures on Humanitarian Education 7) Junior High School no. 6 – permanent cooperation related to organisation of lectures on Humanitarian Education 8) Senior High School no. 10 – permanent cooperation related to organisation of lectures on Humanitarian Education 9) Day Care Centre "Umilisko u Kaszczorka" – permanent cooperation related to organisation of lectures on Humanitarian Education

Volunteers 19 volunteers were involved in the project where 18 of them held lectures at schools and 1 person coordinated the entire work.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

1.8. Aid for the refugees

The campaign was held from May 5 to June 2, 2004. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation actively participates each year in the International Refugee Day celebrations.

Objective 1) attract social attention to the issues concerning refugees among 2) school age children and youth and among students, 3) participate in discussions concerning refugees, 4) obtain additional knowledge and information about the aforementioned issues 5) promote the efforts of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation among the residents of Łódź and vicinity

Description of actions undertaken 1) educational workshops on the issues concerning refugees, 2) film shows concerning the issues related to refugees, 3) short lectures presented by guest speakers (employee of University of Łódź, Polish Humanitarian Organisation volunteer, representatives of other non-governmental institutions), 4) discussions.

Results 1) Approx. 300 people participated in the Refugee Days in Toruń 2) A positive attitude towards foreigners and refugees was developed during the Refugee Days in Toruń

Sources of financing UNHCR – PLN 2 870 PZU Życie – PLN 1 000 The total amount raised in 2004 was PLN 3 870 , and the amount that was spent was PLN 3 537.61

Partners Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights in Warsaw – organisation of an internship for the advisor providing advice to foreigners and distribution of legal information brochures. Centre for Career Information and Planning in Toruń – co-organisation of a course for job counsellors Voivodship Employment Office – co-organisation of a course for job counsellors Creative Work Student Club "Od Nowa" – assistance with organising the African music concert during the Refugee Days in Toruń In Solidarity With Africa Association – letting of slides from Africa and assistance with organising the concert during the Refugee Days in Toruń MAITRI Movement – free participation of the movement’s representative in the event. Presentation of slides and giving of rights to a film Crime and Love during the Refugee Days in Toruń Association of Refugees in Poland – free participation of the association’s representative during the Refugee Days in Toruń MONADA advertising agency – free project of the poster promoting the Refugee Days in Toruń and express printing thereof NOWA advertising agency – free placement of 20 posters on advertising boards in the city centre promoting the Refugee Days in Toruń MUZ House – letting of a hall and equipment free of charge during the Refugee Days in Toruń Garrison Club – letting of a movie theatre together with the equipment operator during the Refugee Days in Toruń

Volunteers The Foundation cooperates with 1 volunteer providing legal advice to foreigners and refugees and another 15 volunteers who helped with the organisation of the Refugee Days in Toruń. We also cooperated with 6 volunteers on preparing an information pamphlet and translating it into other languages. 22 volunteers altogether were involved in the efforts related to foreigners and refugees in 2004.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

2. Local aid by the Cracow office of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation

2.1. "Humanitarian Cracow" – Humanitarian Education workshops and educational campaigns in Cracow

7.01.2004 – 21.12.2004 The project is being run uninterrupted since the beginning of 2001.

The need The Cracow Regional Office of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation has been conducting the Humanitarian Education programme in Cracow schools. This ensues from a strong conviction to develop a humanitarian attitude in young people in the wake of increasing intolerance and manifestation of xenophobia and racism by young people. This conviction is shared by the school principals, school counsellors and teachers who have reported a need to the Cracow office of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation to conduct Humanitarian Education workshops. They believe that apart from passing on knowledge to the pupils, the schools must also foster appropriate behaviour and attitudes.

Objectives The aim of the programme is to generate appropriate social attitudes among the young residents of Cracow by inculcating an attitude of tolerance, openness to others in them, by preventing xenophobic and racist attitudes and behaviours that are so common among the young people these days, including in Cracow and Małopolska, and by instilling an internal need to help others and by passing on information on how they can help. The project is made up of workshops on the human rights, tolerance, social activeness and issues related to tolerance of national minorities, as well as charitable and educational activities.

Description of actions undertaken School workshops 25 Cracow schools (including two integrated schools), 3 sociotherapeutic centres "U Siemachy", 1 school day care centre and 1 Special Educational and Reform Centre participated in the project.

During the project that was run from 7.01.2004 to 21.12.2004 82 educational workshops on human rights, tolerance, social activeness and national minorities were held. Approx. 1 500 pupils from 60 different classes and groups, approx. 50 teachers, educators and school counsellors participated in the project. The lectures were conducted by the project coordinator and 12 volunteers (5 Polish Humanitarian Organisation coaches and 8 volunteer apprentices).

Conference "Earth, the planet of the people" The campaign was addressed to the pupils of senior high schools and students interested in anti-racism issues and specific efforts counteracting intolerance, xenophobia and racism. Approx. 50 senior high school pupils and students participated in the project.

The event took place on March 21, 2004 during the International Anti-racism Day. The educational objective of this event was to provide young people, especially the pupils of senior high schools and students, with information on racism in Poland and around the world and on how to counteract discrimination. The organisers wanted to arouse interest of the participants in the issue of racism observed in Poland and around the world. The programme involved a creation of a huge poster "Earth, the planet of the people" and it was possible to sign a petition and declaration addressed to countries violating the human rights at the Amnesty International booth. A contest testing the knowledge concerning racism was held, during which prizes were awarded.

Africa Days in Cracow The project was addressed to the pupils of senior high schools and students interested in the problems being faced by the "Global South", especially the African countries. 200 pupils of Cracow’s senior high schools and students participated in the project.

The aim of the event organised between December 9 and 12 was to take a closer look at the real Africa: its people and their cultures, and to focus the youth’s attention on the problems of the poorest countries related to lack of drinking water as part of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s project "One zloty for water". The programme included, among other things: Lecture: "The Masai Culture" – Magdalena Gnutek (ethnography at the Jagiellonian University) Exhibition of photographs from Sudan taken by Wojciech Kalociński "Between Ghana and Chad" - slideshow by Janusz Tichoniuk


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

A slideshow called: "Social problems in Ghana" Film show by African students from Cape Town Presentation and sale of books on Africa African makeup show Concert by Barakha band Concerts by Drum Attack Kultura de Natura VJ Felipe Tamtamitutu DJ Trans Cairo - Cape Town Jorgos Skolias, Bronek Duży, Jan Pilch (World Trio) A "picture and sound" show organised by the volunteers of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation Cracow office, during which the participants of all events were able to become acquainted with the problems being faced by the residents of the "poor south" related to lack of drinking water.

Results Approx. 1 750 pupils and students, approx. 50 teachers, educators and school counsellors, the project coordinator and 13 volunteers participated in the project. These educational activities allowed the pupils to increase their humanitarian knowledge and to increase their awareness of the social needs and to gain knowledge on "how to help effectively without causing harm". The lectures and meetings resulted in various youth initiatives such as the participation of the children from the Elementary School no. 114 in the Puppet Day picnic, collection of donations and toys at schools involved in the project to be distributed by the Foundation (food aid for the children under the Puppet campaign PLN 250 , organisation of the "Refugee Days" PLN 300 , aid for Iraq PLN 100 , aid for the residents of Bam PLN 2 829 and Beslan PLN 5 945). A dozen of pupils from schools where we held the workshops became our volunteers. Nine schools where we ran the Humanitarian Education programme joined the nationwide campaign "One zloty for water". The pupils of the schools where we ran the Humanitarian Education programme also participated in the Cracow-Bam Aid Chain project. They raised PLN 2 269 during a fundraising campaign on the Main Square. The pupils also raised funds at their schools to help the earthquake victims.

Sources of financing Municipal Office of the city of Cracow – PLN 2 000 Individual donors – PLN 5 259.57 Expenses for Humanitarian Education – PLN 6 242.82

Partners Conference "Earth, the planet of the people": "Never Again" Association, "In Solidarity with Africa" Association, Cracow’s Amnesty International, and Club "Pod Jaszczurami" Africa Days in Cracow: "In Solidarity with Africa" Association, Jagiellonian University Student Council, Halina Nieć Human Rights Association, CK Rotunda and Restaurant "Smaki Świata".

Volunteers 12 volunteers participated in the campaign.

2.2. "Cracow-Bam Aid Chain"

A happening took place on March 10, 2004 where the pupils formed a human chain by joining hands around Sukiennice and where they raised funds for the Bam disaster.

The need On December 26, 2003 a strong earthquake destroyed nearly the entire city. A need appeared to show solidarity with Bam residents and to raise funds so that the Polish Humanitarian Organisation could rebuild an orphanage in Bam. The immediate cause for this campaign was the visit of Mrs. Shirin Ebadi, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, in Cracow on March 10.

Objective raise funds for the orphanage in Bam, get schools involve in the humanitarian aid, make the residents and pupils aware of the needs of the Iranian people after the Bam earthquake, show solidarity with the suffering population of Bam.

Description of actions undertaken 178 schools were informed about the campaign and asked to hold internal fundraisers at schools. The Municipal Office of the City of Cracow gave its permission to run the campaign and the fundraiser, the Police, the Emergency Medical Services and the Municipal Police assisted with security, the Polish Scouts


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Association helped organise the happening in the Main Square and with the fundraising. The MATRAS bookstore agreed to receive Mrs. Shirin Ebadi and to organise a formal meeting there with the Cracow residents. Humanitarian education workshops and lectures on Iran were held at schools. On March 10 we organised a happening on the Cracow’s Main Square called the "Cracow-Bam Aid Chain" and a fundraising campaign. 5 Polish Humanitarian Organisation volunteers raised funds in foil-wrapped photographs from Bam. The chain was made up of approx. 600 people. We managed to join hands around Sukiennice. Each participant received a commemorative sticker. At the MATRAS bookstore Mrs. Shirin Ebadi signed diplomas for the individuals, companies and schools participating in the fundraising campaign, which were then handed or sent to the schools participating in the campaign.

Results We raised PLN 2 270 on the Main Square. The pupils’ and residents’ awareness of the tragedy in Bam increased, the consequences of the earthquake in Iran and the need to rebuild the orphanage in Bam were made clear. 5 lectures on Iran were held as part of the Humanitarian Education programme, interviews and reports were published in all local media.

Sources of financing There were no financial sponsors. Donations: MOTIVE agency – design and printing of stickers FHU Api – production of a commemorative stamp

Partners Municipal Office of the City of Cracow, Podgórze Scout Troop, 28 elementary and junior high schools from Cracow, MATRAS bookstore.

Volunteers 60 volunteers participated in the campaign. 20 volunteers raised money with money boxes around the Main Square, 30 volunteers (scouts from the Podgórze Troop) helped with organising the human chain, 5 volunteers wore photographs of the devastated Bam, creating a "live exhibition" on the Main Square, 5 volunteers were involved in the preparations for the event (sent e-mails and faxes, called schools, delivered and picked up official documents, etc.).

2.3. The Roms and the Poles in Małopolska – joint cooperation and joint future

April 2004 - December 2004

The need There is a large Rom community in Cracow and Małopolska experiencing internal conflicts and in which numerous associations and societies operate. The Roms are divided, not integrated with the local Polish communities. The Rom children and youths often do not go to school, are undernourished and need medical attention.

Objectives The main objective was to develop a joint plan with the Roms to overcome the isolation of the Rom children and youths within their age groups. Another objective was to conduct medical examinations of the Rom children living in Cracow.

Description of actions undertaken Consultations with the representatives of the Rom communities and institutions supporting the Roms have been conducted. Meetings at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration (National Minorities Department), Educational Society of Małopolska, Association of Rom Women in Cracow, Association of Roms in Cracow, the Voivodship Office – national minorities department, the Harangos Association were held.

Results The consultations and meetings with the representatives of Rom communities resulted in a constructive dialog and a decision to commence partnership cooperation in the future. The result of these consultations is a decision to prepare a project to conduct medical examinations of Rom children and a project to publish Polish and Rom fairytales in accordance with the criteria of the contest announced by the Ministry of Culture.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

A list of pharmaceutical companies was drawn up and a request to subsidise the medical examinations of the Rom children was sent out. PLN 2 000 was received from Polpharma from Starogard Gdański.

Further sources of financing the Rom projects will be sought in 2005 and realisation thereof will be continued.

Sources of financing Polpharma S.A. – PLN 2 000 , this amount will be used in 2005 to conduct medical examinations of the Rom children.

Partners Harangos Association Association of Rom Women Rom Association

Volunteers 3 volunteers participated in the campaign.

3. Local aid by the Łódź office of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation

3.1. Humanitarian Education in Łódź

The educational team operating out of the Łódź Office of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation was established in 2003 and continued its operations in 2004.

Description of actions undertaken The team carried out the following campaigns and projects under the programme: 1) the "Colourful Tolerance" campaign from March 12 to 21, 2004 2) the Winter Education Campaign from February 1 to 6, 2004 3) the "Solidary Europe" project from March 1 to July 5, 2004 4) the "Humanitarian School" project from March 1, 2004 to January 31, 2005

Results The "Colourful Tolerance" campaign 25 workshops on tolerance and racism were conducted for approx. 600 pupils. The finale of the campaign involved painting over of vulgar expressions by 200 pupils on 2 schools and 10 apartment blocks. The Winter Education Campaign Together with the Łódź Flag and the Command Post of the Łódź-Widzew Troop in Załęcz Wielki, 20 workshops for 50 instructors were held as part of the educational campaign for the scouts. The following topics were discussed: tolerance, volunteer work, refugees, international missions of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation and fundraising. The "Solidary Europe" project A seminar called "Solidary Europe" was organised in Łódź on June 31, 2004. A nationwide art contest for children and youth to design a "Solidary Europe" post card was announced - over 120 art works have been received. Ten designs that were awarded were published in the form of 8 post cards, on which quotations related to balanced development were inscribed. A circulation of 8 000 post cards was prepared. The cards were sent out to non-governmental organisations and institutions throughout Poland and to Polish Humanitarian Organisation coaches. The "Humanitarian School" project Among 10 schools that qualified for the project there was the Junior High School no. 31 from Łódź and the Junior High School no. 1 from Turek, at which members of the educational team from Łódź held regular workshops. At Turek the coaches held lectures on the refugees for 50 pupils. In Łódź 75 pupils from a junior high school participated in workshops on the same topics. Meetings with a repatriate were held at a junior high school in Łódź for a group of 50 pupils.

The educational team started its work at the end of 2003 when it commenced cooperation with schools and scouts. Four successful campaigns were carried out in 2004. A large interest of the youth in the programme was observed. Schools declared their willingness to continue cooperation.

In addition to the repetition of the 2004 campaign, the organisers plan in 2005 to: find 5 volunteers to join the educational team, to train 15 teachers who will run the workshops at schools on their own and to organise a nationwide meeting for coaches in Łódź.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Sources of financing It was possible to carry out the "Humanitarian Education" programme in the Łódź micro region thanks to the financial support provided by the following sponsors: the European Council financed the entire art contest for the "Solidary Europe" post card, the Command Post of the Łódź-Widzew Scout Troop – covered the costs of the "Humanitarian Education" course for the scout instructors, the Municipal Office of the City of Łódź financed the paint for the "Colourful Tolerance" campaign.

Volunteers All tasks were carried out by army recruits doing substitute service at the Polish Humanitarian Organisation and 5 volunteers.

3.2. The Community and Therapeutic Centre "Pod Pajacykiem"

The centre has been operating uninterrupted since September 1997. It is open on business days during the entire year.

The need 70 children and teens from dysfunctional families (families with alcohol abuse, incomplete families, foster parents, families with many kids, unemployed families or families with criminal records) spend their after- school hours at the centre. These children are neglected by their parents, suffer from various disorders (emotional, behavioural, developmental disorders). They also run the risk of becoming addicts and coming in conflict with the law. Another problem is undernourishment caused by a difficult situation at home.

Objective Help families experiencing life’s difficulties in fulfilling their basic functions by providing after school help to the children and youths and by carrying out social, educational, preventive, therapeutic activities.

Description of actions undertaken The tasks of the "Pryzmat" programme have been accomplished during the reporting period at the Community and Therapeutic Centre "Pod Pajacykiem". This programme is based on preventive measures, sociotherapy and art therapy, i.e. therapy through art. Work with the children was carried out within educational groups (educational talks, games) and within closed and open groups depending on the age and problems experienced by the kids. An important element of this work was individual contact between the instructors and the children as regards psychological, behavioural and social assistance.

The centre also carried out a project called "From a pupil to a volunteer" addressed to youths 16 years of age and older. Those interested were able to do an internship so that they can help others in the future. The volunteer internship was based on the idea of humanitarian work promoted by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation, under which they would learn how to offer charitable and socially useful help.

Results The pupils: 1) Acquired interpersonal and assertive skills facilitating social relations; 2) Learned about the socially acceptable methods of solving problems and conflicts; 3) Learned about addiction, the impact of alcohol addiction on the closest environment; 4) Learned about the effects on psychoactive substances on the physical, psychological and spiritual health and the dangers associated with them; 5) Acquired knowledge about humanitarian aid. 6) The educational process is long and its effects will not be visible right away.

Sources of financing During the reporting period the community and therapeutic centre was financed by:

Subsidies MOPS PLN 32 527.00 spent PLN 32 527.00 WE UMŁ PLN 36 300.00 spent PLN 36 300.00 WS UMŁ PLN 8 000.00 spent PLN 8 000.00

Donations Nestle Polska PLN 20 000.00 spent PLN 20 000.00 Pay-roll PLN 1 870.00 spent PLN 1 870.00


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Contributions from individuals PLN 5 214.30 spent PLN 5 214.30

Contributions from entrepreneurs without contracts PLN 3 000.00 spent PLN 3 000.00

TOTAL PLN 106 911.30 spent PLN 106 911.30

The centre received material assistance (food, school supplies, medicine, clothes and other articles) worth PLN 36 588.52.

The centre received material assistance (food, school supplies, medicine, clothes and other articles) worth PLN 36 588.52.

Partners During the reporting period the centre cooperated with: 1) the Elementary Schools no. 46, 70, 160, 173, 175 and the Junior High Schools no. 2, 4 (principals, teachers, counsellors). This cooperation included: 2) Probation officers. This cooperation was based on individual contacts depending on the on-going needs of the pupils 3) PARPA – substantive and material support; 4) OPUS – staff training, substantive support; 5) Universities and colleges: University of Łódź, Higher School of Computer Technology, Higher School of Humanistic and Economic Studies, Post-graduate School for Social Workers; 6) Regional Volunteer Centre - assistance with the tasks; 7) Poviat Employment Office – agreements related to graduate internships.

Volunteers The following volunteers worked at the centre during the reporting period: 1) administration – 2 volunteers 2) assistance with work with the children – 10 volunteers 3) supervision of the computer equipment in the computer room – 2 volunteers 4) renovation work and cleanup – 3 volunteers

3.3. The "Christmas Food Collection"

On November 26 to 28 the Regional Office of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in Łódź participated for the third time in a nationwide food collection campaign organised by the "Food Bank" Foundation. The employees and volunteers from the Polish Humanitarian Organisation collected gifts on the premises of "TESCO" in Łódź worth PLN 1 840.00. The food was then given to the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s Community and Therapeutic Centre in Łódź.

Material support for associations and organisations in the region Under the "Local aid" programme the Regional Office of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in Łódź gave the institutions and associations from the region a material support worth PLN 119 969.20.

3.4. "Picnic with the Polish Humanitarian Organisation"

Together with the Association of Friends of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation, the Regional Office of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in Łódź organised a family event in the concert bowl in the Piłsudski park in Łódź. A permit was obtained to organise a public fundraising campaign to finance the summer camp for the children attending the Community and Therapeutic Centre in Łódź which was conducted during the picnic - Decision no. SSP.IV.5022/15/04 dated May 20, 2004 issued by the Mayor of the City of Łódź.

The need Under the "Local aid" programme, based on the contacts with associations and information published in the media, the Regional Office of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in Łódź assessed the financial situation of Łódź families as difficult. The "Picnic with the Polish Humanitarian Organisation" allowed the parents and children to spend time together. It made it possible to consolidate and strengthen their family ties.

Objective 1) integrate the families by allowing them to participate in a cultural event free of charge, 2) promote the efforts of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation among the residents of Łódź and vicinity,


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

3) raise funds to finance the summer camp for the children attending the Community and Therapeutic Centre in Łódź during a fundraising campaign.

Description of actions undertaken 14 amateur bands were invited to the picnic: ("Mały Big Band", "SMYK", "Wiolinki", "Dom Kultury 502", "MIŚ", "FLEX", soloists from the Junior High School in Rzgów, "HULA-HOP", "LOS BAMBEROS", Vocal group "Pałac Młodzieży", "PĘDZIWIATRY", soloist Andżelika Kłaczyńska - appeared free of charge) and a Rom ensemble "Perełka i Jej Bracia" from Pabianice. Art performances were supplemented by contests and quizzes for children, for which prizes were awarded. As always, the youngest participants in the Picnic were treated to sweets and bean soup.

Results Approx. 1 000 people participated in the event. Unfavourable weather conditions (rain and cold) surely affected the frequency. During those few hours the Foundation managed to entertain, feed and give presents to many children. PLN 569.58 were raised. Pursuant to the decision of the Mayor of Łódź, the money was spent on organising the summer camp in Gołdapia in July 2004.

Sources of financing The following people and entrepreneurs financed the event: Association of Friends of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation (PLN 3 295.00), Zakład Wodociągów i Kanalizacji sp. z o.o. in Łódź (PLN 800.00), Waldemar Biliński from Łódź (PLN 400.00) and an anonymous donor (PLN 20.00). 58 enterprises and institutions from the Łódź region provided their services and donated gifts free of charge. The total amount provided by third parties was PLN 4 515.00 whereas the cost of the picnic was PLN 3 920.00. The remaining PLN 595.00 was spent to cover the operating costs of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s Community and Therapeutic Centre in Łódź.

Partners The Association of Friends of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in Warsaw financially supported the event for the third time and took out an insurance policy on the event.

Volunteers 66 volunteers helped with the organisation of the third Polish Humanitarian Organisation Picnic. 5 volunteers acquired gifts for the prizes and took care of the documentation, 14 volunteers provided technical support and acted as couriers, 4 volunteers provided their own vehicles for transportation needs, 4 volunteers were responsible for the fundraising campaign, 5 volunteers distributed beverages and food. 4 volunteers took care of the games and contests. During the picnic 30 people made sure that the picnic area is kept clean and acted as drivers if necessary.

4. Efforts of the Wrocław Volunteer Group

4.1. Humanitarian Education

Objective Fulfilment of the objectives of the "Humanitarian Education" programme in Wrocław

Description of actions undertaken 3 large educational campaigns were carried out as part of the programme:

Educational campaign as part of the European Anti-racism Week. Under this campaign the Wrocław coaches and permanent volunteers of the Wrocław Volunteer Group of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation conducted 41 one-hour workshops called "Racism – a daily problem". The campaign was carried out from 08 to 12.03.2004 at nine senior high schools.

Refugee Day educational campaign during which 36 workshops called "Refugees" were held. The campaign was carried out from 24 to 28.05.2004 at 5 senior high schools.

Educational campaign on human rights during which 19 workshops called "Human Rights" were held. The campaign was carried out from 6 to 10.12.2004 at 4 senior high schools.

Also, a seminar was organised in Wrocław on 16.07.2004 for the representatives of non-governmental organisations as part of the "Solidary Europe" project.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Results The Educational Campaigns carried out in Wrocław were attended by a relatively large number of youths. Assuming that each workshop is attended by 25 people on average, approx. 2 400 pupils participated in 96 workshops carried out in 2004. The regularity of the annual campaign led to a permanent cooperation with the schools.

4.2. Refugee Day

The campaign was carried out as part of the International Refugee Day, in which the Wrocław Volunteer Group of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation participates each year.

Objective The main objective of this campaign was to promote the problem of refugees to as large a group of people as possible, to give information on this subject, to educate and make others aware of the need to help and be tolerant.

Description of actions undertaken These efforts were addressed to as large number of Wrocław residents as possible, which the Wrocław Volunteer Group of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation intended to accomplish by setting up an information booth in the city centre in Świdnicka street. The efforts were undertaken jointly with the Wrocław branch of Amnesty International which gathered signatures on petitions concerning refugees, provided informational materials and actively participated in the activities of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation. The project was promoted in the local press ("Gazeta Wyborcza", "Gazeta Wrocławska") and in regional TV. The Wrocław Volunteer Group of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation also promoted the event by putting up posters in various educational institutions around Wrocław. The campaign included: distribution of informational and educational materials on refugees by designated volunteers (including the bulletin of the Wrocław Volunteer Group of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation "Ecce Homo"), presentation of photographs about refugees (each shrink-wrapped photograph was placed on the street in two rows so that they could be viewed by pedestrians), and information given through a police megaphone. In order to attract the pedestrians’ attention, the Wrocław Volunteer Group of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation hired a team of batucada drummers "Przestrzeń" and constructed a "refugee village". Old scout tents, camp beds and blankets were used in order to simulate the material problems and the living conditions of the refugees. 9 volunteers were responsible for the preparations and were in charge of appropriate tasks. 3 volunteers were responsible for distributing flyers and informational materials, 2 answered the questions raised by people who wanted to know more about the refugees and the Polish Humanitarian Organisation, another 2 volunteers were in charge of the "refugee village" and "played" the role of the refugees. One of the volunteers used the megaphone to explain the reason for the campaign and talked about the problem of refugees. The campaign’s coordinator was responsible for the entire event, for designing the posters, collecting the flyers and arranging the permit from the Municipal Office.

Results The Wrocław Volunteer Group of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation managed to reach a large group of people, which, as one may assume, led to a change in the way the Wrocław residents look at the problem of refugees. It was also possible to strengthen the positive image of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation thanks to the reports that appeared on TV and in the press. The reasons for this success were, above all, the various ways of attracting the pedestrians and the various means of communicating the messages (picture – exhibition, sound – megaphone and the batucada concert, variation and large quantity of informational materials, motion – refugee camp that looked like a happening).


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

VIII. Volunteer work

The Polish Humanitarian Organisation cooperated with over 200 volunteers in 2003. They perform various jobs – from fundraising and administration to running programmes on their own (such as the pilotage of the Humanitarian School) or managing the Foundation (all members of the management board are volunteers as regards the duties of the management board members, 2 of them are permanent volunteers not doing any work for the Foundation for money).

The volunteers are usually students or retirees. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation volunteers also include highly qualified people employed elsewhere who work for the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in their spare time. These include graphic designers, programmers and computer experts, interpreters, PR specialists, people running volunteer projects at their workplaces.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

IX. Public Relations and Fundraising

1. Fundraising

In 2004 the Polish Humanitarian Organisation continued the cooperation commenced in the past with commercial enterprises to obtain material donations in the form of services or cash, including the BP partnerclub loyalty programme or the "Return an empty one to the Puppet" campaign. The Foundation also continued with the forms of cooperation with individual donors developed in the past: Card payments, transfer24 and pay roll. In 2004 the Polish Humanitarian Organisation created a new form of supporting the Foundation’s efforts for natural persons – Aukcje24. It also became possible to donate 1% of one’s income tax to support the Polish Humanitarian Organisation as a public benefit organisation.

1.2 Material donations

Material donations help the Polish Humanitarian Organisation to fulfil its statutory objectives and make taking care of organisational matters easier (such as running the office). With limited funds, they make it possible to keep operating without the need to make purchases.

In 2004 the Foundation managed to get, among other things, English language books from Oxford University Press for the Polish Humanitarian Organisation mission in Iraq (PLN 18 424.00), kids cosmetics from Johnson&Johnson Poland Sp. z o.o. (PLN 17 197.08), pharmaceuticals from Merck Sp. z o.o. (PLN 42 586.00), medical instruments from Aesculap Chifa (PLN 27 191.40).

1.3 Service donations

The of services to the Polish Humanitarian Organisation make it possible to significantly reduce administrative costs and for the Foundation to spend the money saved on fulfilling its statutory objectives. In 2004 the Polish Humanitarian Organisation continued cooperation with:

Servisco Sp. z.o.o. - has been helping the Foundation since 1995, since 1996 cooperates on the basis of a permanent cooperation agreement where it provides transportation services around the country. The result of the efficient and professional service provided by Servisco Sp. z o.o. is increased effectiveness in providing humanitarian aid. The limit allotted to the Foundation on the services provided by Servisco in 2004 was PLN 25 000.00.

PLL LOT S.A. - supports the Polish Humanitarian Organisation since 1996 where it awards cash limits on the purchase of tickets on any route serviced by LOT. It provides fast access to places where immediate aid is necessary, facilitates connections to permanent missions of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation by guaranteeing transfer flights. It also allows the Foundation to cooperate in conferences, workshops and training sessions abroad. The limit allotted to the Foundation on the services provided by PLL LOT in 2004 was PLN 20 000.00.

PTK Centertel Sp. z o.o – cooperation commenced in 1999. Idea gave the Foundation 10 cellular phones without any limits on calls (4 800 free minutes a month). The phones serve as useful tools in every day’s work. They make communication between Polish Humanitarian Organisation employees easier and allow us to reach our donors quickly.

Media Monitoring Institute (the Polish Humanitarian Organisation has not signed any formal agreements with the MMI) – the Institute has been offering press and electronic publications monitoring services since 2003. The result of these free services provided by the MMI is a professional archive of publications created at the Foundation. Thanks to the fact that all publications about the Polish Humanitarian Organisation are sent to the Foundation on the same day they appear, we managed to prevent several hoaxes and set some information straight in 2004. Thanks to the MMI the Foundation has access to all information concerning the Foundation.

Market Research Institute GfK Polonia (the Polish Humanitarian Organisation has not signed any formal agreements with GfK) – the Institute performs quantitative surveys and prepares the results for the Foundation. It was possible to plan and carry out several social campaigns thanks to the involvement of GfK Polonia employees; it was also possible to plan PR activities based on the research results. UPS – has been providing transportation services abroad since 1996. The aid provided in 2004 was worth PLN 6 520.85.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Many new enterprises joined the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in its efforts in 2004, such as:

Kontekst s.c. – translation of Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s documents and translation of the Foundation’s website into English, Russian, and French. Shepherd Institute of Development - will conduct a series of courses for the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s employees by December 31, 2005 on the following topics: group work, time management, communication and follow up after the courses taking into account the issues of organisational culture.

Gemius S.A. - provides web statistics services for www.pah.org.pl.

INTERDRUK Korporacja Papiernicza - prints the monthly magazine POMAGAMY and printed informational pamphlets about the Polish Humanitarian Organisation.

STOLICA Messenger Service – this company provided films shown during the International Film Festival "HUMAN RIGHTS IN FILM", organised by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, which was held between December 10 and 15, 2004. Thanks to the support of Stolica, the Polish Humanitarian Organisation was able to co-organise the festival and to show the films on humanitarian aid to the public.

1.4 Financial donations

Financial donations allow the Polish Humanitarian Organisation to finance its aid programmes. Numerous enterprises have been supporting selected programmes with their financial donations for years, such as:

Danone Sp. z o.o. – has been supporting the Puppet programme since 2003. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation, together with Danone, has been conducting research for the past two years on undernourishment of children in Poland and has been organising conferences on the "Problem of undernourishment of children in Poland". The support given in 2004 was worth PLN 349 400.00

Nestle Polska S.A. – starting in 2002 the company donates PLN 50 000.00 each year for the Foundation’s statutory operations. Volkswagen Bank Polska S.A., Volkswagen Leasing Polska Sp. z o.o., Volkswagen Serwis Ubezpieczeniowy Sp. z o.o. - starting in 2002 they jointly donate PLN 60 000.00 each year for the Puppet programme. 18 new enterprises joined the aid efforts in 2004, such as:

DaimlerChrysler Automotive Polska Sp. z o.o. – the company donated PLN 95 000.00 to finance the purchase of a Mercedes Sprinter van. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation must have a reliable cargo van to offer effective help. The cargo van is used by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation to distribute material aid. It participates in convoys abroad and travels all over Poland distributing gifts to the schools participating in the "Puppet" programme.

Onet.pl S.A. – the Polish Humanitarian Organisation signed an agreement with Onet.pl which offers OnetKonekt Dial-up service. It is possible to connect to the Internet by dialling 020 95 80. The company donated some of the profits to support the Puppet programme (PLN 28 639.13).

Philips Polska Sp. z o.o. – donated PLN 30 000.00 to the Puppet programme.

Loyalty programme Under the loyalty programme not only enterprises but their customers can help by donating points to a selected programme of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation. It allows people in a hurry to help people in need in an uncomplicated way. An example of a loyalty programme is the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s cooperation with BP Poland Sp. z o.o. This cooperation was commenced in 2000 when the corporation introduced a new form of promoting its products - the BP partnerclub. Thanks to the promotion of the BP partnerclub programme the Puppet programme has received a wide social acceptance. Last year BP Poland was named the "Donor of the Year 2003" by the Academy for the Development of Philantrophy in Poland. The value of the donations received under the BP’s programme is growing from year to year. The donations totalled PLN 325 432.50 in 2004.

PRYZMAT - "Return an empty one to the Puppet" - Pryzmat created a campaign called "Return an empty one to the Puppet" where enterprises and individuals can participate in the Puppet programme. The company receives empty printer cartridges that it needs for production and donates their equivalent value to the Polish Humanitarian Organisation. This campaign pursued by Pryzmat is not just a form of humanitarian aid but an action to protect the natural environment. The support given in 2004 was worth PLN 63 000.00.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Charge card contributions The Polish Humanitarian Organisation is the first non-governmental organisation in Poland accepting payments made by a credit or charge card through its website at www.pah.ngo.pl. This option was made available in 2001. The contributions made in this way in 2004 totalled PLN 151 414.00.

Przelew24 - Thanks to Przelew24 from BZWBK, customers of Bank Zachodni WBK can easily and safely transfer money to the Puppet programme account. Cheques are not very popular in Poland, meaning that card payments are an attribute for the Foundation and a great convenience for the sponsors, especially those who have the funds but do not have time to donate them. The contributions made in this way in 2004 totalled PLN 46 542.00.

Pay-roll - This a relatively new form of supporting charitable activities in Poland. Employees contribute a declared portion of their salary to a charitable cause. 3 companies in Poland pursue the payroll programme in cooperation with the Polish Humanitarian Organisation (Nestle Polska S.A., Bank BISE and Bank ING Bank Śląski S.A.).The contributions made in this way in 2004 totalled PLN 45 646.00.

Aukcje24.pl - A joint initiative of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation and Aukcje24.pl was started in 2004. Everyone can participate in online auctions at http://pah.aukcje24.pl/. The proceeds from the sale of the items being auctioned there are used to support the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s programmes. The service is provided free of charge: there is no charge for listing, selling or buying items put up on auction. The contributions made in this way in 2004 totalled PLN 7 367.88.

Contributions 1% - the Polish Humanitarian Organisation was given a status of a public benefit organisation by virtue of the decision of the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw dated March 19, 2004. This means that pursuant to the Public Benefit and Volunteer Work Act each natural person may decide to donate 1% of his income tax to support the efforts of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation. The contributions made under this act in 2004 totalled PLN 1 604 694.30.

2. PR activities in 2004

Social and informational campaigns One percent. The campaign was carried out for the first time from March 19 to April 30, 2004. The need The Polish Humanitarian Organisation was given the status of a public benefit organisation on March 19, 2004. This meant that natural persons were able to donate one percent of their income tax for 2003 to the Foundation. The tax payers were offered this option for the first time and did not know much about it. The aim of the campaign was to reach the maximum number of tax payers with information that the Polish Humanitarian Organisation has a status of a public benefit organisation and how to take advantage of this option and to encourage them to support the Foundation’s efforts.

Actions: The Polish Humanitarian Organisation prepared pamphlets informing about the 1% option and developed a layout of an advertisement. It commenced cooperation with the media by placing information about the possibility to donate one percent of the income tax to the Polish Humanitarian Organisation and by indicating the Foundation’s account number. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation turned to all enterprises with which it cooperates to send out letters to their employees asking them to contribute 1% of their income tax and to inform about this option on their websites and in the informational materials. The letter informing about the possibility of donating 1% of the income tax was sent to the individual donors of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation informed about this on its website at www.pah.org.pl during the entire campaign.

Results The result of the media efforts was information in 25 articles on the possibility of donating one percent to the Polish Humanitarian Organisation (these articles appeared in the national and local newspapers), in 77 programmes on national TV and in 35 programmes on national radio. Information on the possibility of donating one percent to public benefit organisations appeared on bank account statements of: Bank BPH and Bank Zachodni WBK, it was also placed in the advertisements of Pryzmat, and BP prepared special flyers that could be picked up at all BP fuel stations. PLN 1 615 194.30 was raised in result of this campaign.

Refugees. The campaign was organised for the tenth time from June 1 to 30, 2004. The need The Polish Humanitarian Organisation has been operating a Refugee Aid Centre since 1993. Each year it organises a Refugee Day in Toruń, Cracow, Łódź and Warsaw.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

Objective: Disseminating information about the events organised by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation and encouraging the residents to come. Pointing out the fact that there are people in the Polish society with a refugee status and emphasizing their problems with adaptation in Poland.

Actions: A radio spot, a press layout and a project of a poster design were developed in cooperation with the Testardo Red Cell agency. The social advertisement appeared in newspapers and local radio stations throughout Poland. The posters were put up in the cities where the International Refugee Days were being celebrated, including Warsaw. The advertising slogan read: "They can contribute more than just two words" and pertained to Polish words of foreign origin.

Results Several thousand people participated in the events organised in Toruń, Łódź, Warsaw and Cracow who had the opportunity to meet the refugees themselves to learn about their problems.

Water. The social campaign, planned for the future years, was pursued for the first time from July 1 to August 31, 2004. The need Over a billion people worldwide do not have access to drinking water. Most of these people live the countries of the South. Awareness of this situation in developed countries is very scant. Lack of information and conviction about the need and possibility to help people deprived of drinking water is one of the reasons for not receiving money from individual donors and entrepreneurs for the water projects being carried out by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation.

Objective: Attracting attention to the problem of access to drinking water in the countries of the South and raising money to provide access to drinking water in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Iraq, Iran, North Korea. Actions: A TV spot, a radio spot, a press layout, posters and an Internet banner were developed in collaboration with Saatchi & Saatchi. Thanks to the cooperation with Zenithmedia the social advertisement appeared in the press, radio, Internet portals and cinemas throughout Poland. Also, posters were placed on boards in trains.

Results The Polish Humanitarian Organisation ran a social campaign for the first time which concerned a general problem and not a specific programme. It will not be possible to assess its impact on the society’s consciousness until a few years later. The proceeds from the campaign totalled PLN 7 234.49. We did not manage to organise a SMS fundraising campaign, which meant that people who wanted to support the water programmes had to make payments to the account. This form of raising money is not very effective in comparison to a SMS fundraiser, and poses a problem to people who are on holidays at that time. It was also impossible to get TV stations to join the campaign, and moreover, the summer, which is presumably supposed to contribute to empathy towards those feeling thirsty, was cool. Hence the poor financial result.

The Puppet. This campaign, started six years ago, was run from August 1 to September 30, 2004. The need: Every tenth child attending a school in Poland does not receive a hot meal despite the fact that it is undernourished. For some reason or another, these children do not receive any support from communes, local communities or non-governmental organisations. There is a need to raise funds to finance the meals for the children attending schools or day care centres. The Puppet food aid programme is the best known programme run by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation, although the Foundation must carry out a social campaign each year to maintain and increase its popularity.

Objective: Preserving the social awareness of the existence of the Puppet programme, building loyalty among the Puppet’s donors and encouraging them to financially support the programme on a regular basis.

Actions: A new press layout with a slogan promoting the Puppet campaign "Remember - children must eat every day" was developed in collaboration with Saatchi & Saatchi advertising agency. Thanks to the cooperation with Zenithmedia, the advertisements of the Puppet campaign appeared in 21: newspapers, bi-weekly and monthly magazines.

Results: Not a lot of money was received in the account during the campaign. However, in the period from September to December 2004 individual donors contributed approx. 900 thousand PLN to the Puppet campaign, many of them supporting the programme on a regular basis. It can be thus assumed that the campaign accomplished its role of preserving the awareness of the existence of the problem of undernourishment and of showing how this problem can be overcome.


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004

3. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation in the media

The Foundation uses the following tools: Press releases – the Polish Humanitarian Organisation released 60 press releases in 2004 which concerned the efforts undertaken by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in Bam in Iran, in Beslan and Asia, the projects being carried out by the Missions in Afghanistan, Iraq and Chechnya and the programmes being carried out in Poland such as the aid for the refugees and repatriates, the food aid under the Puppet programme. Press conferences – the Polish Humanitarian Organisation organised 5 press conferences on the food aid for children, the Mission in Iraq, the Mission in Iran, the International Refugee Day, the Water Campaign. Informational materials – informational materials about the Polish Humanitarian Organisation and all its programmes were prepared in Polish and English.

Results The following materials appeared in the media as a result of the conferences: Conference on food aid – press (41), radio (11), TV (23) Conference on the Mission in Iraq – press (7), radio (20), TV (25) Conference on the aid for Iran – press (12), radio (5), TV (3). Media support was given to the following programmes: crisis relief programme (Iran, Beslan, Asia), Mission in Chechnya (articles on the Mission in Chechnya appeared, among others, in Rzeczpospolita which acts as the media patron for the Mission in Chechnya), Mission in Afghanistan (information on the mission appeared in the press during the coverage of the presidential elections in Afghanistan), aid for Sudan (the Polish Humanitarian Organisation organised a trip for the news anchors from TVN24, TAI, IAR, Gazeta Wyborcza and a PAP photo reporter, who documented the relief efforts of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation in Sudan). In effect, the Polish media published materials on the situation in Sudan (Gazeta Wyborcza published a report by Wojciech Jagielski on its front page) and on the project "Solidary Europe" carried out as part of the Humanitarian Education programme (such as a one-hour public discussion on Radio Tok FM organised by the Polish Humanitarian Organisation concerning the humanitarian aid offered by the European Union). In effect the Polish Humanitarian Organisation played a part in and supported the appearance of 1 197 press materials, 214 radio programmes and 296 TV programmes. These materials concerned: Afghanistan – press 24; TV 3; radio 1 Asia – press 32; radio 32; TV 28 Beslan – press 79; radio 61; TV 71 Chechnya – press 27; radio 5; TV 2 Iraq – press 49; radio 30; TV 35 Iran – press 63; radio 36; TV 11 One Percent campaign – press 59; radio 2; TV 8 Puppet campaign – press 196; radio 21; TV 42 Sudan – press 7; radio 3; TV 11 Refugee Day – press 9; radio 3 Partners Media Monitoring Institute – daily monitoring of the media

4. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s Internet platforms

Having one’s own website is an essential element of creating the Foundation’s image as a responsible organisation. It makes it possible to present the Foundation’s mission and activities. It may, as the Puppet website www.pajacyk.pl does, constitute a tool for raising funds for the Foundation’s statutory activities.

It serves as a platform for building the Foundation’s image, for increases the public awareness of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s missions and efforts and for raising funds for the Foundation’s statutory activities.

Actions The Polish Humanitarian Organisation maintains two website on a permanent basis: www.pah.org.pl and www.pajacyk.pl. Furthermore, a separate Polish Water Website was developed for the needs of the Water Campaign. Thanks to a user friendly administration panel, apart from regular articles on the programmes you can find current information on the Foundation’s activities on www.pah.org.pl. Nearly four hundred short articles were published on the website during the year. Most of them (23%) concerned the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s programmes abroad. The Humanitarian Education Programme (including GLEN) accounted for 23% of all articles, the Puppet programme – for 21% and the Foundation in general – for 13%. New sub-sites dedicated to the following matters were developed: the


Polish Humanitarian Organisation Foundation Report for 2004 aid for Bam and the aid for the casualties of the tragedy in Beslan and the One zloty for Water campaign. The option to make online contributions using cards was reinstated in April.

The site www.pajacyk.pl was created to raise funds for the food aid for children programme – if you click on the Puppet, the sponsor’s banner will appear; the sponsor pays PLN 0.05 per click. The website also serves as a source of information on the programme and a means of promoting the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s efforts related to the Puppet programme, such as the charitable auctions by aukcje24.pl, or the Puppet Christmas Table. The Polish Humanitarian Organisation also used the www.pajacyk.pl site to encourage people to donate 1% of their income tax to the Foundation.

Results The www.pah.org.pl website is visited by approx. 37.5 thousand users each month, i.e. over 1 700 users a day, where this figure ranges between just under 1 000 (on non-business days) and over 4 000. This sudden increase in popularity was caused by two factors: the Foundation’s participation in the relief efforts in particularly shocking events (such as the tragedy in Beslan) or placement of a link on the main website at www.pajacyk.pl. The Puppet programme was most popular among the Internet surfers – 51% of clicks. 18% of surfers go to the home page. General information about the Foundation was viewed by 13% of the users, about the Polish Humanitarian Organisation’s foreign missions by 8% of the users, about the Humanitarian Education (including GLEN) by 5% of the users. Online contributions made using charge cards totalled over 90 thousand PLN, where contributions to help the casualties of the Beslan tragedy accounted for over 1/3 of the overall contributions. Nearly 40 thousand people visited the www.pajacyk.pl website each day, making it one of the most popular websites. Banners with links to this website can be found on at least 28 thousand other websites. This website promotes the Puppet programme and allows the programme’s logo to be widely recognised. In effect, this increases the willingness of the potential donors to commence cooperation. The Polish Water Website was visited by over 22 thousand users during the campaign. Partners The www.pah.org.pl website is maintained on Magprojekt’s servers free of charge. Internet- related companies like Artnet and IDM Net maintain the www.pajacyk.pl website. By signing an agreement with Gemius S.A. in July the Polish Humanitarian Organisation is able to view the statistics for www.pah.org.pl

5. Summary of collections

Decision’s Decision Duration of the Pos. Objective Funds raised date no. campaign Help the civilian casualties of the Bam 1 2004.02.27 15/2004 27.02 - 31.03 13249.70 earthquake in Iran 2 2004.03.05 19/2004 05.03 - 30.06 Assist the repatriates 1155.41 3 2004.03.12 30/2004 12.03 - 30.05 Assist the residents of Kabul, Afghanistan 805.70 Provide access to drinking water for the 4 06.08.2004 84/2004 06.08 - 30.09 people of Afghanistan, Chechnya, Iran, 7237.49 Iraq and North Korea Provide humanitarian aid to the internal 5 30.08.2004 91/2004 30.08 - 31.10 1050.00 refugees in the Darfur province in Sudan Help the casualties of the terrorist attack 6 09.09.2004 96/2004 09.09 - 31.10 150504.24 in Beslan Feed the children in Polish schools and 7 15.09.2004 99/2004 15.09 - 31.12 7889.06 day care centres Assist the casualties of the earthquake 29.12.04 - collection is 8 29.12.2004 150/2004 and tsunami in southern and south- 31.03.05 underway eastern Asia

6. Awards and distinctions

1) Outstanding Woman Award for Janina Ochojska awarded by Management Board of the European Forum of Women Business Owners 2) The Order of the Open Heart awarded to Janina Ochojska by a chapter operating by the Warsaw Chamber of Commerce.