Countdown to the National Slovak Society of the United States of America Národné Noviny Happy New Year! Fraternal Life Insurance Since 1890 Join us and start the New Year off on the right foot with the NSS “Fitness Matters” Walking Program Find out about your complete hearing benefits today! NATIONAL NEWS Call (888) 705-6920 or visit JANUARY 2018 | NUMBER 3513 VOLUME 110 NATIONAL NEWS Inside this Issue... ational lovak ociety Assembly Activities Activities at a Glance ............................ 3 Periodical Postage Paid at McMurray, Pennsylvania and Additional Mailing Offices Owned and Published by the NATIONAL SLOVAK SOCIETY From the Executive Officers OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Organized February 16, 1890 President’s Column ................................. 4 351 Valley Brook Road, McMurray, PA 15317-3337 Secretary/Treasurer’s Column ................ 5 USES 0371-140 - ISSN: 0027-7940 Phone: (724) 731- 0094 -- E-Mail:
[email protected] NSS Web Site: NSS Financial Matters Fax No: 724-731-0145 Annuity Interest Rates ............................ 8 Founder and Honorary President, Peter V. Rovnianek 3rd Quarter Financial Report .................. 6 EDITOR LORI CROWLEY Published Monthly NSS Sales Department Send articles for publication to: National Sales Director............................. 9 351 Valley Brook Road Convention Campaign.............................. 10 McMurray, PA 15317-3337 Deadline: 5th of preceding month. NSS News/Activities “POSTMASTER” SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: NATIONAL SLOVAK SOCIETY Fraternal Activities Coordinator .............. 7 351 VALLEY BROOK ROAD, MCMURRAY, PA 15317-3337 Employee Spotlight ................................. 16 NSS EXECUTIVE OFFICERS NSS History ............................................ 16 David G. Blazek, FIC, President, CEO & Elder Youth Magazine .................................. Insert Joseph Stefka, Jr., Chairman of the Board Linda M.