Junren et al. Chin Med (2021) 16:5 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13020-020-00413-y Chinese Medicine

REVIEW Open Access Pharmacological activities and mechanisms of action of cablin Benth: a review Chen Junren1,2†, Xie Xiaofang1,2†, Li Mengting1,2, Xiong Qiuyun1,2, Li Gangmin1,2, Zhang Huiqiong1,2, Chen Guanru1,2, Xu Xin1,2, Yin Yanpeng1,2, Peng Fu1,2,3* and Peng Cheng1,2,4*

Abstract (“Guanghuoxiang”) or scientifcally known as Pogostemon cablin Benth, belonging to the family Lami- aceae, has been used in traditional Chinse medicine (TCM) since the time of the Eastern Han dynasty. In TCM theory, patchouli can treat colds, nausea, fever, headache, and diarrhea. Various bioactive compounds have been identifed in patchouli, including terpenoids, phytosterols, favonoids, organic acids, lignins, glycosides, alcohols, pyrone, and aldehydes. Among the numerous compounds, patchouli alcohol, β-patchoulene, patchoulene epoxide, pogostone, and pachypodol are of great importance. The pharmacological impacts of these compounds include anti-peptic ulcer efect, antimicrobial efect, anti-oxidative efect, anti-infammatory efect, efect on ischemia/reperfusion injury, analgesic efect, antitumor efect, antidiabetic efect, anti-hypertensive efect, immunoregulatory efect, and oth- ers.For this review, we examined publications from the previous fve years collected from PubMed, Web of Science, Springer, and the Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure databases. This review summarizes the recent progress in phytochemistry, pharmacology, and mechanisms of action and provides a reference for future studies focused on clinical applications of this important extract. Keywords: Pogostemon cablin Benth. (patchouli), Mechanisms, Biological activities, Patchouli alcohol

Introduction cold with summer-heat and dampness syndrome in TCM Pogostemon cablin Benth., also known as patchouli, [2–4]. Previous research revealed that patchouli was or “Guanghuoxiang” in traditional Chinese medicine composed of a variety of chemical substances, including (TCM), is a member of the family of fower- monoterpenoids, triterpenoids, sesquiterpenoids, phy- ing and has been used to treat colds, nausea, fever, tosterols, favonoids, organic acids, lignins, glycosides, headache, and diarrhea [1]. Guanghuoxiang is among the alcohols, pyrone, and aldehydes [5]. Given its multicom- raw materials used in formulations of numerous famous ponent nature, patchouli has been found to promote Chinese patent medicines, including Huoxiang Zhengqi numerous pharmacological activities, and has been Koufuye (oral liquid) and Baoji Pian (tablets). Huoxiang shown to protect against infammation [6], microorgan- Zhengqi Koufuye can be used to treat gastrointestinal isms [7, 8], tumors [9], aging [10], and oxidation [11]. diseases, while Baoji Pian is mainly used for common Moreover, patchouli and its extracts exert remarkable benefcial efects that promote the healthy functioning of organs and tissues. Among these fndings, patchouli *Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] †Chen Junren and Xie Xiaofang contributed to the work equally and extracts have been shown to protect against gastrointes- should be regarded as co-frst authors tinal infection with Helicobacter pylori [12] and ulcers 3 West School of Pharmacy, Sichuan University, 17 South Renmin [13]; they can also suppress adipogenesis and fat accumu- Rd, 610065 Chengdu, China 4 School of Pharmacy, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese lation in adipocytes [14], alleviate ischemia/reperfusion- Medicine, 37 Shierqiao Road, Jinniu District, Chengdu 611137, China induced brain injury [15], and prevent atherosclerosis Full list of author information is available at the end of the article [16]. Based on previous review, it can be concluded that

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patchouli alcohol (PA), β-patchoulene (β-PAE), patchou- the recent fndings (2015–2020) focused on the phyto- lene epoxide (PAO), pogostone, and pachypodol are the chemistry, pharmacological activities and mechanisms material basis for patchouli to exert therapeutic efects. of action of patchouli from studies published in Pub- As a signifcant ingredient in patchouli, PA has been most Med, Web of Science, Springer, and the Chinese National intensively studied in the pharmacological efects includ- Knowledge Infrastructure database. Initial search ing anti-infammatory efect, anti-apoptotic efect, anti- resulted in 171 studies but upon sorting based on the oxidative efect, anti-tumor efect, and others. Recently, three themes (phytochemistry, pharmacological activities some new pharmacological efects of PA have been and mechanisms of action), our search yielded 62 studies explored, a research in 2019 has illustrated that PA could that are featured in this review. Additional publications suppress adipogenesis and fat accumulation in adipo- from years prior to 2015 were also included as they pro- cytes to prevent obesity [17]. Another study in the same vide both insights and critical explanations . year demonstrated that PA could exert analgesic efect by regulating opioid receptors [18]. Furthermore, PA could Phytochemistry overview 2+ exert an intensively vasorelaxant efect as a ­Ca antago- P. cablin Benth. (patchouli) is an important aromatic nist [19]. In addition to PA, pogostone has been reported plant that is native to and now cultivated to possess gastroprotective, anti-photoaging, and antimi- widely in many tropical and subtropical regions, includ- crobial properties. Furthermore, a research in 2017 found ing China, , the , and Tailand [22]. that pogostone exerted the antitumor activity [20], and At present, the analysis and research on the chemical another study in 2019 revealed that pogostone could pro- composition of patchouli mainly focus on the volatile tect lung tissue via its role in regulating oxidative stress, oil, which is also known as patchouli oil (PO). Various which contributes to chronic obstructive pulmonary ingredients have been reported in PO, such as PA, pogos- disease (COPD) [21]. Moreover, other bioactive ingredi- tone, α-guaiene, δ-guaiene, β-caryophyllene, trans-cary- ents such as β-PAE, PAO, and pachypodol have attracted ophyllene, α-patchoulene, β-patchoulene, and β-elemene much attention in recent years, and the researches on [23]. Sesquiterpenes account for a large proportion of their pharmacological efects as well as mechanisms has PO, and the content of PA is the highest among all the been deepened gradually. Te chemical structures of ingredients [24]. PA, a tricyclic sesquiterpene, can be PA, β-PAE, PAO, pogostone, and pachypodol are shown isolated from the whole , stems, and of patch- in Fig. 1. Tis review will provide detailed review of the ouli by GC, GCMS, NMR, and other analytical methods mode of action for the selected chemical on major phar- [25, 26]. It possesses multiple bioactivities and is usu- macological activities. ally remarked as one of the indicators to distinguish the To provide novel insights into the pharmacological quality of PO. Besides, β-patchoulene and patchoulene mechanisms associated with patchouli, we conducted a epoxide are also the signifcant sesquiterpenes in PO, search of the current literature using keywords including and the physicochemical properties as well as biological Pogostemon cablin Benth., patchouli, patchouli alcohol, activities of these two substances have been reported in patchouli oil, pogostone, patchoulene epoxide, beta- many researches [27–29]. Furthermore, pogostone is also patchoulene, and bioactive compounds. We summarized abundant in patchouli, which is the efective ingredient of patchouli oil for insecticidal and antibacterial efects [30]. Te detail information of some major and impor- tant volatile chemical components of patchouli oil are presented in Table 1. In addition to volatile oil, patchouli also contains a variety of non-volatile components with signifcant biological activity. So far, more than 50 non- volatile compounds have been discovered in patchouli and their chemical structures have been determined by various analytical methods [5]. Tese compounds can be roughly divided into terpenoids, favonoids, glycosides, aldehydes, organic acids, and lignins according to their chemical structures. Some major and important com- pounds such as pachypodol, retusine, ombuin, apigenin, β-Sitosterol, stigmasterol, isocrenatoside, tilianin, 3ʺ-O- Methylcrenatoside, dibutyl phthalate, and tschimganical Fig. 1 The chemical structures of PA, β-PAE, PAO, pogostone, and pachypodol A have been reported in a number of researches [31, 32]. And among them, Pachypodol has attracted extensive Junren et al. Chin Med (2021) 16:5 Page 3 of 20

Table 1 The chemical information of major components analyses with one-dimensional (1D)- and two-dimen- of patchouli sional (2D)-NMR techniques. Bioactivity testing revealed Chemical name Formula Type of compound Molecular that 14-nor-β-patchoul-1(5),2-diene-4-one was slightly weight (g/ cytotoxic in assays that included both NCI-H1975 and mol) HepG2 cells. Furthermore, another study have identi- Volatile components fed two novel hemiketal sesquiterpenoids that were

Patchouli alcohol C15H26O Sesquiterpenes 222.37 isolated from the extracts from the aerial

α, β-patchoulene C15H24 Sesquiterpene 204.36 parts of patchouli [37]. Te chemical structures of these

Patchoulene epoxide C15H24O Sesquiterpene 220.36 novel compounds, pocahemiketals A and B, were deter-

α, β-Guaiene C15H24 Sesquiterpene 204.36 mined by extensive spectroscopic analyses, electronic

β-Caryophyllene C15H24 Sesquiterpene 204.36 CD calculations, and single-crystal X-ray difraction

Trans-Caryophyllene C15H24 Sesquiterpene 204.36 methods. Both pocahemiketals included a hemiketal α, a

β-Elemene C15H24 Sesquiterpene 204.36 β-unsaturated-γ-lactone moiety, and a bicyclo[3.2.1]-car-

Pogostone C12H16O4 Pyrone 224.26 bon core; bioactivity assays revealed that Pocahemiketals Non-volatile components B promoted signifcant vasorelaxant activity when tested

Pachypodol C18H16O7 Flavonoids 344.32 against phenylephrine-induced contractions of a rat aorta

Retusine C19H18O7 Flavonoids 358.35 ring at a half-maximal efective concentration (EC50) of

Ombuin C17H14O7 Flavonoids 330.29 16.32 µM. In addition, seven novel guaiane sesquiter-

Apigenin C15H10O5 Flavonoids 270.24 penoids including Patchouliguaiol A-G and three previ-

β-Sitosterol C29H50O Phytosterols 414.72 ously characterized seco-guaianes were isolated from the

Stigmasterol C29H48O Phytosterols 412.70 volatile oil of patchouli; their structures were determined

Isocrenatoside C29H34O15 Glycosides 622.58 by spectroscopic analyses, a modifed Mosher’s method,

Tilianin C22H22O10 Glycosides 446.41 X-ray difraction, and electronic CD data. Of these iso-

3ʺ-O- C29H36O15 Glycosides 624.59 lates, Patchouliguaiol C exhibited signifcant vasore- Methylcrenatoside laxant activity (EC50 = 5.4 µM) when tested in assays of Dibutyl phthalate C16H22O4 Organic Acids 278.35 phenylephrine-induced contractions of rat aorta rings.

Tschimganical A C11H16O3 Others 196.25 Patchouliguaiol F was also characterized as a vasorelax- ant with activity against phenylephrine- and KCl-induced contractions of rat aorta rings (EC50 of 1.6 and 24.2 µM, attention due to its multiple biological activities [33, 34]. respectively). Notably, Patchouliguaiol C and Patch- Te information of the non-volatile compounds men- ouliguaiol F also exhibited antifungal activity against tioned above are shown in Table 1. Candida albicans, with minimum inhibitory concentra- Some novel ingredients of patchouli have been tions (MICs) of 500 and 300 µM, respectively. In addition, reported in studies from 2015 to 2020, and their chemical Patchouliguaiol B, Patchouliguaiol G, 7-epi-chabrolidi- properties and pharmacological activities are included in one A, and 1,7-di-epi-chabrolidione A exhibited neuro- Table 2. A Study in 2019 have described the identifcation protective efect in assays of glutamate-induced injuries and isolation of two new glycosidic epimers, cablinosides targeting rat adrenal PC12 cells [38]. Te chemical struc- A and B, which were isolated from the leaves of P. cablin tures of the compounds mentioned above are presented [35]. Teir structures and associated absolute confgu- in Fig. 2. rations were elucidated by nuclear magnetic resonance Generally, the chemical composition of medicinal (NMR) and quantum chemical circular dichroism (CD) materials is infuenced by various factors, and geographic calculations. Pharmacological research demonstrated location is the most important one. In China, patchouli that the epimer mixture (including both cablinosides A is mainly cultivated in Guangzhou city, Zhaoqing city, and B) moderately inhibited the activity of the enzyme Zhanjiang city in Guangdong province, and some areas α-glucosidase, and was not toxic to human liver HepG2 in Hainan province. According to its habitats, patchouli cells. Similarly, four nor-β-patchoulene sesquiterpe- can be divided into P. cablin cv. Shipaiensis (also known noids were isolated from the essential oil of the leaves as Paixiang), P. cablin cv. Gaoyaoensisensis (also known and stems of P. cablin; these include three new com- as Zhaoxiang), P. cablin cv. Zhangjiangensis (also known pounds, namely 14-nor-β-patchoul-1(5)-ene-2,4-dione, as Zhanxiang) and P. cablin cv. Hainanensis (also known 2β-Methoxy-14-nor-β-patchoul-1(5)-ene-4-one, 14-nor- as Nanxiang) [39], and traditional experience believes β-patchoul-1(5),2-diene-4-one and one new natural that Paixiang has the best quality. Previous studies illus- product 14-nor-β-Patchoul-1(5)-ene-4-one [36]. Teir trated that the diference in chemical composition of structures were elucidated by detailed spectroscopic patchouli from diverse habitats was mainly characterized Junren et al. Chin Med (2021) 16:5 Page 4 of 20

Table 2 The chemical properties and pharmacological activities of novel compounds Compound name Formula Plant part Analytical method Type of compound Bioactivity References

Cablinosides A C23H34O10 Leaves HR-ESI-MS; UV; IR; NMR; Glycosides α-glucosidase inhibitory [35] HPLC; CD activity (IC50 278.4 2.8 µM) = ± Cablinosides B C23H34O10 Leaves HR-ESI-MS; UV; IR; NMR; Glycosides [35] HPLC; CD

14-nor-β-patchoul- C14H18O2 Leaves/Stems TLC; NMR; IR; HR-ESI-MS Sesquiterpenoids – [36] 1(5)-ene-2,4-dione

2β-Methoxy-14-nor-β- C15H22O2 Leaves/Stems TLC; NMR; IR; HR-ESI-MS Sesquiterpenoids – [36] patchoul-1(5)- ene-4-one

14-nor-β-patchoul- C14H18O Leaves/Stems TLC; NMR; IR; HR-ESI-MS Sesquiterpenoids Cytotoxic activities against [36] 1(5),2-diene-4-one NCIH1975 (IC50 49.9 µM) = Cytotoxic activities against HePG-2 (IC 56.0 µM) 50 = 14-nor-β-Patchoul-1(5)- C14H20O Leaves/Stems TLC; NMR; IR; HR-ESI-MS Sesquiterpenoids – [36] ene-4-one

Pocahemiketals A C15H20O4 Aerial parts HR-ESI-MS; IR; NMR; X-ray; Sesquiterpenoids – [37] ECD

Pocahemiketals B C14H20O3 Aerial parts HR-ESI-MS; IR; NMR; X-ray; Sesquiterpenoids Vasorelaxant activity [37] ECD (EC 16.32 µM) 50 = Patchouliguaiol A C15H24O2 Aerial parts HR-ESI-MS; IR; NMR; ECD; Sesquiterpenoids – [38] X-ray

Patchouliguaiol B C15H26O2 Aerial parts HR-ESI-MS; IR; NMR; ECD; Sesquiterpenoids Neuroprotective efect [38] X-ray (50µM)

Patchouliguaiol C C15H24O2 Aerial parts HR-ESI-MS; IR; NMR; ECD; Sesquiterpenoids Vasorelaxant activity [38] X-ray against PHE-induced con- traction (EC 5.4 µM) 50 = Antifungal activity against Candida albicans (MIC 500 µM) = Patchouliguaiol D C15H22O Aerial parts HR-ESI-MS; IR; NMR; ECD; Sesquiterpenoids – [38] X-ray

Patchouliguaiol E C15H20O Aerial parts HR-ESI-MS; IR; NMR; ECD; Sesquiterpenoids – [38] X-ray

Patchouliguaiol F C15H24O2 Aerial parts HR-ESI-MS; IR; NMR; ECD; Sesquiterpenoids Vasorelaxant activity [38] X-ray against PHE- induced contraction (EC50 1.6 µM) = Vasorelaxant activity against KCl- induced con- traction (EC 24.2 µM) 50 = Antifungal activity against Candida albicans (MIC 300 µM) = Patchouliguaiol G C15H24O2 Aerial parts HR-ESI-MS; IR; NMR; ECD; Sesquiterpenoids Neuroprotective efect [38] X-ray (50µM)

7-epi-chabrolidione A C15H24O2 Aerial parts NMR Seco-guaianes Neuroprotective efect [38] (50µM)

1,7-di-epi-chabrolidione A C15H24O2 Aerial parts NMR Seco-guaianes Neuroprotective efect [38] (50µM)

by the diference in the content of volatile oil. In 2006, the content of pogostone seems to be more susceptible 31, 33 and 42 volatile components were detected from to cultivation regions than other volatile components Paixiang, Zhaoxiang and Zhanxiang, respectively using in patchouli, which can be summarized as the high- GC-MS. Te extraction rates of essential oils of them est content of pogostone in Zhaoxiang, and the lowest were 0.25%, 0.40% and 0.64% respectively. Remarkably, content of pogostone in Paixiang [40]. In addition, the Junren et al. Chin Med (2021) 16:5 Page 5 of 20

Fig. 2 The chemical structures of new compounds in patchouli

fngerprint of diferent solvent extraction sites of patch- analyzed in 2011. Te studies demonstrated that the sim- ouli from Huangcun (Guangzhou City, Guangdong ilarity value of each extraction part of the water extract Province), Gaoyao (Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Prov- of Zhaoxiang and Paixiang was higher than 0.9, while ince), Wuchuan (Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province) the water extract of patchouli from Wuchuan, Wan- and Wanning (Hainan Province) were compared and ning and Huangcun showed a large diference, which Junren et al. Chin Med (2021) 16:5 Page 6 of 20

was consistent with the traditional experience for clas- similar pharmacological efects; pretreatment with PAO sifying patchouli by habitats. Moreover, the comparison signifcantly limited the extent of ethanol-induced GUs of the fngerprints showed that the more polar compo- in rats. Te administration of PAO resulted in increased nents were less sensitive to cultivation regions [41]. In levels of GSH, SOD, and CAT activities, together with the 2014, the content of PA and pogostone in patchouli from suppression of MDA in gastric tissues. Furthermore, PAO Leizhou County (Guangdong Province), Xuwen County exhibited anti-infammatory activity as it coordinated the (Guangdong Province), Yangchun County (Guangdong production of both pro- and anti-infammatory cytokines Province), Fumian County (Guangxi Province), and Wan- by its capacity to regulate the expression of several NF-κB ning County (Hainan Province ) were determined and pathway-related proteins. Moreover, immunohistochem- compared by GC. Based on the content of PA and pogos- istry revealed that the mechanism underlying PAO-medi- tone, the results indicated that the quality of patchouli ated anti-apoptosis was largely related to its capacity to from Fumian was the best, followed by Yangchun, and inhibit the expression of caspase-3, Fas, and FasL in the the worst was Leizhou and Wanning [42]. It’s worth not- stomach tissue [50]. In addition to PAO, β-PAE mediates ing that the soil composition, climatic conditions and a prominent gastroprotective efect. A prominent metab- growth management of diferent cultivation regions olite of PA, β-PAE was signifcantly better than its parent may afect the properties and quality of the medicinal compound at reducing the size of GUs in rats. Addition- materials. Terefore, the quality control of patchouli ally, the administration of β-PAE resulted in dramatic and the research of medicinal resources are particularly reductions in the levels of MDA, TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6 important. in the serum, as well as the local expression of Fas, FasL, and caspase-3; the activities of SOD, GSH, and CAT were Pharmacological activities all increased concomitantly. Te impact of β-PAE on Anti‑peptic ulcer efect GUs involved its interactions with both the NF-κB and Ulcers are detected primarily in the stomach and the ERK1/2 signaling pathways [51]. proximal duodenum [43]; these lesions are the result of Infammatory bowel disease (IBD) includes both ulcer- a multifactorial gastrointestinal disorder that has been ative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease; both conditions associated with substantial morbidity and mortality, and are chronic and relapsing diseases of the gastrointestinal afects many people worldwide [44]. Both endogenous tract [52]. IBD includes severe gastrointestinal symptoms and exogenous stimulation can contribute to the patho- associated with the ulceration of the mucosa and sub- genesis of this disease [45], most notably the chronic use mucosa of the colon and the rectum [53]; this disease is of nonsteroidal anti-infammatory drugs [46]. Moreover, quite prevalent and afects a large number of individuals pro-infammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis each year [54]. Previous research has revealed roles that factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and interleukin-1 both TNF-α and interleukins contribute to the pathogen- beta (IL-1β), as well as pro-apoptotic factors, are among esis of IBD [55]. Te administration of PO reversed the the critical endogenous mediators that induce or aggra- colonic damage and reduced the disease activity indica- vate GUs [47]. Pogostone, a characterized component tors, including levels of colonic myeloperoxidase (MPO) of patchouli oil (PO), has been confrmed as efective in the 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid-induced model against the oxidative stress associated with GUs [48]. of ulcerative colitis in rats [56]. Likewise, the administra- Recent results have shown that pogostone can protect tion of PA resulted in suppressed levels of colonic MPO the gastrointestinal mucosa from indomethacin-asso- as well as pro-infammatory cytokines (i.e., TNF-α, IL-1β, ciated GUs by its capacity to activate superoxide dis- and IL-6). Te administration of PA also resulted in the mutase (SOD), glutathione (GSH), and catalase (CAT), suppression of several anti-infammatory cytokines, and reduce the concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA) including IL-4 and IL-10. UC-associated cellular pathol- in rat models of disease. Levels of prostaglandin E­2 ogy is dominated by the actions of activated T2 cells, ­(PGE2) and the protein and relative mRNA expression of which mainly produce IL-4; likewise, IL-10 provides cyclooxygenase 1 (COX-1) and cyclooxygenase 2 (COX- negative feedback during infammation, as observed in 2) were all remarkably elevated in pogostone pretreated studies featuring dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-treated rats. Te administration of pogostone also resulted in mice. Te administration of PA also induces the expres- increased levels of heat-shock protein 70 and Bcl-2 pro- sion of mRNA encoding mucin-1 and mucin-2 as well tein, together with the diminished expression of Bax pro- as the expression of the tight junction proteins that tein in ulcerated tissue [49]; these results indicated that maintain the integrity of the intestinal epithelial barrier pogostone was capable of suppressing cellular apoptosis in mouse models of acute colitis. PA can also modulate as part of its gastroprotective mechanism. PAO, another the expression of apoptosis-related Bax and Bcl-2 pro- component that has been isolated from PO, exhibits teins and thereby limit the pathology associated with Junren et al. Chin Med (2021) 16:5 Page 7 of 20

DSS-induced signaling leading to cell death; PA can also hydrolyzes urea in peripheral circulation; this yields downregulate the expression of the necrosis-associated bicarbonate and ammonia that can counteract the acidic protein, receptor-interacting protein kinase 3 [57]. Other environment in the stomach [61]. However, H. pylori studies [58] revealed that the PA-mediated activation of also releases pro-infammatory toxins, such as vacuolat- cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) via a pregnane X recep- ing cytotoxin A (Vac A) and cytotoxin-associated gene A tor (PXR)-dependent mechanism resulted in attenuated (Cag A); these toxins promote the release of pro-infam- infammation via downstream signaling, which ultimately matory cytokines that ultimately damage the epithelial served to inhibit NF-κB activation and nuclear translo- cells in the gastric mucosa [62]. In addition, H. pylori can cation; importantly, this study identifed PA as a critical survive and persist within macrophages, as urease pro- exogenous agonist of PXR. In vivo experiments revealed duction serves to modulate the phagosome pH and the that PA prevented DDS-induced infammation in mice formation of megasomes [63]. PA is a critical pharmaco- by regulating PXR–NF-κB signaling. Taken together, logical agent isolated from patchouli that exhibits antimi- these studies suggest that patchouli may have a profound crobial activity against H. pylori both in vitro and in vivo. impact on the pathogenesis of IBD mainly by its capacity PA has selective antibacterial activity against H. pylori; it to alleviate infammation and modulate cellular apopto- has no impact on the survival and proliferation of normal sis. Moreover, the identifcation of PA as a PXR agonist gastrointestinal bacteria and does not promote bacterial and a mediator of PXR–NF-κB signaling has provided resistance. Te administration of PA limits the adhesion insights into novel therapies that might be used to treat and motility of H. pylori, and inhibits the expression of colitis. Te pharmacological activities of patchouli with critical bacterial genes together with host infammatory respect to peptic ulcer disease are included in Table 3. mediators [64]. PA has been shown to inhibit the activ- ity of urease protein in both acidic and neutral condi- Antimicrobial efect tions by blocking both protein maturation [65] and the Efect targeting H. pylori pathway that facilitates the translocation of Ni­ 2+, which H. pylori is a Gram-negative bacterial species that colo- eventually decrease the acid resistance of this bacterial nizes the gut of ~ 50% of the human population world- strain [66]. PA at 25 and 50 µM can inhibit intracellular wide [59]; H. pylori has been associated with various H. pylori-associated urease activity by downregulating gastrointestinal diseases including gastritis, peptic ulcers, the expression of genes encoding ureB, ureE, ureI, and and gastric cancer [60]. Previous research identifed bac- nixA; this reduces the UreB protein level and thus facili- terial virulence factors that promote the pathogenesis of tates macrophage-mediated antimicrobial activity [67]. H. pylori-associated disease. Among the mechanisms that PA also promotes direct cytoprotective efects and limits have been discovered, H. pylori produces urease, which the damage to epithelial cells associated with persistent

Table 3 Pharmacological activities of patchouli on peptic ulcer Chemical name Animals & pathological model Efcient doses & administration Mechanisms References route

Pogostone SD Rats; Indomethacin-induced 10, 20 and 40 mg/kg, oral administra- SOD , GSH , CAT , PGE2 , COX-1 , [48, 49] gastric ulcer tion COX-2↑ , HSP-70↑ ↑, Bcl-2↑, MDA ↑, Bax ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ PAO SD Rats; Ethanol-induced gastric ulcer 10, 20 and 40 mg/kg, oral administra- GSH , SOD , CAT , IL-10 , MDA , [50] tion caspase-3↑ ↑ , Fas↑, Fasl ↑, TNF-α↓, IL-1β ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ β-PAE SD Rats, Ethanol-induced gastric 10, 20 and 40 mg/kg, oral administra- SOD , GSH , CAT [51] injury tion MDA↑ , TNF-α↑ , IL-1β↑ , IL-6 , Fas , FasL↓ , caspase-3↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ PO SD Rats; 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic 270 mg/kg, rectal instillation MPO [56] acid-induced IBD ↓ PA BalB/C mice; dextran sulfate sodium- 10, 20 and 40 mg/kg, oral administra- MPO , TNF-α , IFN-γ , IL-1β , [57] induced colitis tion IL-6↓ , IL-4 ,↓ IL-10 , ↓ZO-1, ZO-2↓ , claudin-1↓ ↓, occludin↓ , mucin-1↑ , mucin-2 ↑, Bax , Bcl-2↑ , RIP3 , ↑ MLKL , IDO-1↑ ↓, TPH-1↑ , ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ C57BL/6 mice; dextran sulphate 6.25, 12.5 and 25 mg/kg, oral admin- CYP3A4 , PXR NF-κB , IL-1β , IL-6 , [48] sodium-induced colitis istration IL-10 ↑, TNF-α↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Arrow up denotes activation; arrow down denotes suppression Junren et al. Chin Med (2021) 16:5 Page 8 of 20

H. pylori infection. Recent studies [68] revealed that PA the intracellular lysosome compartment [71]. Te phar- could also reverse the cytotoxicity for gastric epithelial macological mechanisms used by PA to target H. pylori- cells (GES-1) that results from an overabundance of H. induced GU are shown in Fig. 3. Taken together, these pylori-associated urease. Specifcally, the administra- results suggest that patchouli extracts may be useful for tion of PA efectively attenuated GES-1 apoptosis by the treatment of GU activities by their capacity to inhibit actions that support the integrity of the mitochondrial oxidative damage, reverse infammation, induce apopto- membrane potential, which attenuate oxidative stress sis-associated signaling pathways, and eliminate the H. by decreasing the contents of intracellular reactive oxy- pylori pathogen. gen species (ROS) and MDA, and which promote the synthesis and activation of both SOD and CAT. As such, Other antimicrobial efect PA serves as an anti-infammatory agent by eliminating Earlier studies identifed numerous antimicrobial activi- H. pylori and inhibiting the expression of bacterial viru- ties associated with the use of patchouli [7]; among the lence factors and also by its actions that modulate signal- microorganisms identifed in these studies, patchouli ing via the NF-κB and NLRP3 infammasome activation promotes resistance against Staphylococcus aureus, pathways [69]. PA can also reduce H. pylori-mediated Vibrio harveyi, and Moraxella catarrhalis. Aqueous neutrophil recruitment and activation by inhibiting the extracts of patchouli efectively inhibit bioflm formation production of pro-infammatory cytokines, by its actions associated with multidrug-resistant V. harveyi by induc- that target p22 and p47-phox, as well by modulating the ing the upregulation of the bioflm-related bacterial genes expression of the H. pylori neutrophil activation-related luxR and faB, and by downregulating the expression of gene [70]. Furthermore, PA can eradicate H. pylori and luxS, hfq, and ompW with an MIC of 31.25 mg/mL [72]. limit oxidative stress by blocking bacterial escape from In addition, PO has antimicrobial activities against both

Fig. 3 The pharmacological mechanisms of PA on H. pylori-induced gastric ulcer Junren et al. Chin Med (2021) 16:5 Page 9 of 20

Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms, with [86]. Hepatic steatosis has been widely recognized as an an MIC of 25 mg/mL against isolates of Streptococcus early and reversible consequence of excessive alcohol mutans, and 12.5 mg/mL against both Shigella fexneri consumption [87]; pretreatment with PO results in the and S. aureus in studies carried out in vitro [73]. Like- increased concentration of the hepatic antioxidant, GSH, wise, the patchouli constituent, pogostone, exhibited sig- and a concomitant increase in the GSH/GSSG ratio, nifcant antibacterial efect on S. aureus in experiments as well as the activation of anti-oxidative enzymes glu- carried out in vitro with an MIC of 4 µg/mL. Pogostone tathione reductase (GR) and SOD. Tese responses serve may exert its antibacterial efect by interacting with S. to suppress the accumulation of ROS and decrease the aureus cell membrane proteins and its capacity to alter expression of protein and mRNA encoding CYP2E1. Te cell membrane permeability [74]. Acute otitis media, one administration of PO could also prevent fatty degenera- of the most common diseases in early infancy and child- tion by its capacity to accelerate adipose metabolism [88]. hood [75], is a common bacterial complication of viral Similar to what is observed in response to biochemical upper respiratory tract infection [76]. In vitro experi- oxidative stress, heat shock-induced oxidative stress may ments revealed that PO was active against both S. aureus promote damage to and apoptosis of intestinal epithe- and M. catarrhalis with MICs of 0.21 and 0.026 mg/mL, lial-6 cells (IEC-6) [89]. Pretreatment with PA circum- respectively. Te administration of PO promotes the res- vents the damage to the cellular morphology and results olution of S. aureus and M. catarrhalis infections in the in a decrease in the MDA content that accumulated sec- middle ear and reduces the extent of infammatory cell ondary to heat shock. High doses of PA also resulted in infltration at the middle ear mucosa [77]. signifcant increases in the expression of Nrf2 and HO-1. Taken together, these results demonstrated that PA was Anti‑oxidative efect capable of mitigating cell damage and alleviating the oxi- Oxidative stress refers to increased levels of intracel- dative stress responses of IEC-6 cells by the activation of lular ROS that result in damage to lipids, proteins, and the Nrf2-Keap1 pathway [90]. DNA [78]; this is the negative efect associated with the Aging of the skin, induced by both intrinsic and extrin- production of free radicals in vivo [79]. Oxidative stress sic factors, is associated with a gradual loss of structural can result from numerous external and endogenous fac- integrity and physiological function [91]. Skin photoag- tors [80], including alcohol, drugs, and environmental ing is related to the increased activity of matrix metal- pollutants; these factors eventually promote premature loproteinases (MMPs) that were induced in response to aging and the negative sequelae of severe diseases [81]. the production of ROS [92]. MMP-mediated alterations NF-E2-related factor-2 (Nrf2) is a transcription factor in the extracellular matrix typically lead to skin wrin- that activates antioxidant response elements to regu- kling, which is a prominent feature of premature aging late the expression of a variety of cytoprotective genes, [93]. Te administration of pogostone alleviates both the including detoxifying, antioxidant, and antiapoptotic macroscopic and histopathological lesions observed in proteins [82]. Previous studies revealed that PO exhib- UV-damaged skin in mouse model systems; it promoted its signifcant antioxidant potential, by actions that pro- the activities of the antioxidant enzymes, including CAT, mote the elimination of superoxide anion free radicals SOD, and GSH-PX, downregulated MDA levels, and and hydroxyl free radicals, and that inhibit lipid peroxi- inhibited aberrant expression of MMP-1 and MMP-3 dation [83]. In addition to the nonvolatile constituents of [94]. In addition, PO had a substantial therapeutic P. cablin, the administration of pachypodol can attenuate impact on photoaged rat skin by its capacity to regulate ROS production and thereby protect hepatocytes from p38MAPK/ERK and the associated apoptotic signaling oxidative cell death induced by tert-butyl-hydroperox- pathway. Recent studies [95] revealed that the admin- ide. Te underlying mechanism of this efect relates to istration of PO prevented aberrant increases in MDA, the amplifcation of the endogenous antioxidant defense p38MAPK, Ras, Raf, mitogen-activated protein kinase system via the ERK1/2-dependent activation of Nrf2 (MEK), ERK1/2, Bax, Caspase9, c-Fos, and c-Jun, as well [34]. Alcohol intake can also promote oxidative dam- as the aberrant decreases in Bcl2, SOD, GSH-PX, and age to the liver, as it increases the activity of cytochrome CAT. As such, we conclude that patchouli-mediated anti- P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) and leads to the generation of large photoaging activities may be associated with its anti-oxi- quantities of ROS; this ultimately destroys the oxidation/ dative, anti-infammatory, and antiapoptotic properties. reduction balance maintained by GSH/GSSG [84, 85]. Ethanol-induced acute liver injury, typically caused by Anti‑infammatory efect excessive alcohol consumption, has been associated with Infammation is characterized by redness, swell- several serious liver disorders including alcoholic fatty ing, heat, and pain at one or more afected locations; liver, hepatitis, hepatic fbrosis, steatosis, and cirrhosis this process represents a primary protective response Junren et al. Chin Med (2021) 16:5 Page 10 of 20

against invading pathogens [96]. Tese responses are also promote a decrease in the levels of both MDA and mediated by circulating pro-infammatory mediators, MPO activity in association with edema, and suppress including IL-6, IL-1β, TNF-α, nitric oxide (NO), and the activation of pro-infammatory cytokines including ­PGE2, among others [97]. As such, agents capable of TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β, PGE­ 2, and NO in a dose-depend- regulating infammation by the synthesis and release ent manner in mouse models. Given its high degree of pro-infammatory mediators are great signifcance of structural similarity to β-PAE, it was not surprising as a means to control this response. Lipopolysaccha- to fnd that aged preparations enriched in PAO also ride (LPS) is a major component of Gram-negative exhibit anti-infammatory efect. Te administration of bacteria that mediates infammation initiated by mac- PAO resulted in decreased levels of IL-1β, IL-6, TNF- rophage responses [98]. β-PAE exhibits signifcant anti- α, PGE2, and NO, and concomitant increased levels of infammatory efect on LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 IL-4 and IL-10. PAO also promoted the downregulation macrophages by its capacity to maintain the balance of both protein and mRNA encoding COX-2 and iNOS, between pro- and anti-infammatory cytokine pro- and limited the activation of NF-κB signaling pathways duction [99]. Pretreatment with β-PAE results in sig- by its capacity to inhibit the translocation of p50 and nifcantly diminished levels of TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1β p65 from the cytosol to the nucleus [102]. Interestingly, biosynthesis, accompanied by an increased expression recent studies revealed that PAO was superior to β-PAE of IL-10. β-PAE also suppressed inducible nitric-oxide with respect to their capacities to limit infammation. synthase (iNOS) and COX-2 signaling pathways, result- As the oxidative product of β-PAE, PAO exerted potent ing in decreased levels of NO and ­PGE2. NF-κB sign- anti-infammatory activities in vivo, which included aling is central to the development and progression of the decreased expression of both protein and mRNA acute infammation; its activation and translocation encoding TNF-α, IL-12, IL-1β, and monocyte chemo- is required to promote the transcription of many pro- tactic protein-1 (MCP-1). In addition, the anti-infam- infammatory mediators. NF-κB is a hetero-tetramer matory efect of PAO were superior to those of β-PAE comprised of two proteins known as p65 and p50. In in experiments that examined production of NO and the latent state, NF-κB is sequestered in the cytosol in PGE2 via their corresponding iNOS and COX-2 sign- association with its inhibitor, IκB (inhibitor of NF-κB); aling pathways [103]. Te anti-infammatory efect of the induction of an infammatory response destroys PO were also examined; this agent served to limit leu- this balance, which results in proteasomal degradation kocyte recruitment by its capacity to interfere with the and the nuclear translocation of NF-κB [100]. β-PAE production and activation of NO and pro-infamma- inhibits the translocation of NF-κB from the cytoplasm tory cytokines [104]. Te pharmacological activities of to the nucleus and stabilizes the cytoplasmic nuclear patchouli with respect to anti-infammatory responses factor-κBα (IκBα) complex [101]. Te actions of β-PAE are presented in Table 4.

Table 4 Pharmacological activities of patchouli in anti-infammation Chemical name Animals/cells and Pathological Type Efcient doses Results References model and administration route

β-PAE LPS-stimulatedRAW264.7 mac- In vitro 10, 20, 40 μmol/L TNF-α , IL-6 , IL-1β , IL-10 , [99] rophages iNOS↓ , COX-2↓ , NO↓ , PGE2↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Kun Ming (KM) mice; Xylene- In vivo 10, 20, 40 mg/kgoral administration MDA , MPO , TNF-α , IL-1β , [100] induced ear edema, Acetic PGE2↓ , IL-6↓ , NO ,↓ iNOS ,↓ COX- acid-induced vascular perme- 2 , p65↓ (nuclear)↓ ↓ ↓ ability, Carrageenan-induced ↓ ↓ paw edema PAO KM mice; Xylene-induced ear In vivo 10, 20, 40 mg/kg oral administra- TNF-α , IL-1β , IL-6 , PGE2 , NO , [102] edema, Acetic acid-induced vas- tion IL-4 ↓, IL-10 ↓, COX-2↓ , iNOS↓ , ↓ cular permeability, Carrageenan- p-IKKβ↑ and↑ IκBα ↓ ↓ induced paw edema ↓ LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 mac- In vitro 10, 20, 40 μmol/L TNF-α , IL-12 , IL-1β , MCP-1 , [103] rophages PGE2↓ , NO ↓, iNOS↓, COX-2 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ PO Swiss mice; Zymosan-induced In vivo 100, 200, 300 mg/kg oral admin- Leukocyte recruitment , NO , [104] peritonitis istration leukocyte number ↓ ↓ ↓ fMLP-induced neutrophils In vitro 1, 3, 10, 30, 60, 90 mg/ml Neutrophil migration ↓ 3, 10 mg/ml Phagocytic activity of neutrophils ↑ Note: Arrow up denotes activation; arrow down denotes suppression Junren et al. Chin Med (2021) 16:5 Page 11 of 20

Efect on ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury opioid systems are critical with respect to pain regula- I/R injury is associated with several serious clinical mani- tion, pain-associated behavior, and pain relief [110]. MOR festations, including acute heart failure, gastrointestinal upregulation has a direct impact on intracellular calcium dysfunction, myocardial hibernation, cerebral dysfunc- concentrations by the activation of calcium channels; as tion, systemic infammatory response syndrome, and such, the calcium ion concentration can be utilized as a multiple organ dysfunction [105]; the last condition is marker to study the role of PA vis-à-vis the function of associated with an extraordinarily high mortality rate MOR [111]. Recent studies suggest that PA could simul- and requires timely treatment to protect the brain from taneously upregulate MOR expression in the mouse injury [106]. Infammation is a critical feature of cerebral brain and decrease intracellular calcium levels; this was I/R injury. Te specifcs associated with the infammatory not observed in response to the administration of aspirin. response determine the extent and nature of the brain As such, the role of patchouli with respect to its capacity damage that may ensue; these factors are connected with to modulate the activation of both COX-2 and MOR may several signaling pathways, including the MAPK and provide a signifcant basis for further studies of PA as a the Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)/NF-κB signaling path- new form of analgesic. ways, among others. Terefore, it is critical to suppress the infammatory response associated with I/R. Toward Antitumor efect this end, the results of several studies revealed that the Several recent studies provided results that elucidated administration of PA could reduce infarct volume and patchouli-mediated antitumor activity; the underlying alleviate the ensuing blood–brain barrier dysfunction mechanisms have been revealed to some extent. Recent in a model of obese mice with cerebral I/R injury. Lev- results revealed that an aqueous extract of patchouli els of protein and mRNA encoding TNF-α and IL-1β could overcome the resistance of endometrial cancer were diminished in response to the administration of cells to paclitaxel and could likewise promote growth PA, together with diminished phosphorylation of JNK inhibition [112]. PA also exhibited antitumor efect when and p38; these results demonstrate that PA can provide targeting cells of the human lung cancer A549 line both protection against cerebral I/R injury by its capacity to in vitro and in vivo by activating both caspase 9 and cas- inhibit infammatory responses [15]. Interestingly, cell pase 3 and modulating mitochondria-mediated apop- apoptosis and oxidative stress also contributed to the tosis; the underlying molecular mechanism involves development and progression of I/R injury. In addition to inhibited phosphorylation of EGFR and the phosphoryla- its capacity to alleviate infammation by inhibiting TLR4/ tion of targets within the JNK signaling pathway [113]. NF-κB signaling, pretreatment with β-PAE also results Te administration of PA can also inhibit the prolifera- in a signifcant suppression of cellular apoptosis in I/R tion of human leukemia MV4-11 cells and thereby induce injury in rats, largely by decreasing the Bax/Bcl-2 expres- their apoptosis; the mechanisms underlying this response sion ratio and limiting the induction of caspase-3 activ- may be related to a decrease in NF-κB and phospho- ity. Elevated levels of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX) pyruvate kinase M2 (p-PKM2), and the increase of Cas- and SOD were detected, while superoxide generation and pase-3 protein expression [114]. Pogostone is another MDA levels were reduced [107]. antitumor constituent of patchouli; recent studies [20] revealed that pogostone could inhibit the prolifera- Analgesic efect tion and the colony formation of gallbladder carcinoma Pain is initiated by the activation of various nocicep- SGC-996 cells by its capacity to promote the expression tors via specifc stimulus modalities. Pain is a common of caspase-9, caspase-3, and poly-ADP-ribose polymer- symptom of many diseases and has an outsized impact ase-1 (PARP-1), to increase the Bax/Bcl-2 ratio, and to on normal life and physiological homeostasis. Patch- decrease the expression of cyclin D1, cyclin A, and cyclin ouli directly inhibited the impact of acetic acid-induced B. Taken together, these fndings suggest that the antitu- writhing (pain) in mice; these results implied that patch- mor efect of pogostone may be related to the regulation ouli exhibits an analgesic efect in vivo [108]. COX-2, an of apoptosis- and cell cycle-regulated proteins. infammatory cyclooxygenase, is induced in response to pro-infammatory cytokines at sites of infammation; Antidiabetic efect this enzyme is often upregulated in response to infam- Obesity is highly correlated with incidence of type 2 dia- mation and in association with neoplastic disease [109]. betes and a primary risk factor for various metabolic dis- Te administration of PA upregulated COX-2 mRNA and eases. It is a factor contributing to the condition known protein expression both in vivo and in vitro. Te anti- as metabolic syndrome; this condition is exacerbated by nociceptive impact of PA involves the mu-opioid recep- environmental factors, including a fat-enriched diet, a tor (MOR) [18]. Opioids are highly efective analgesics; sedentary lifestyle, and potentially by aging [115]. Te Junren et al. Chin Med (2021) 16:5 Page 12 of 20

administration of PA resulted in a net decrease in body immune responses [123]. Tere are also recent reports weight of high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obese mice; PA of PO-mediated immunomodulatory activities; these are suppressed adipogenesis and fat accumulation in adi- associated mainly with its capacity to promote the syn- pocytes by increasing the expression and activation of thesis and release of secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA). beta-catenin [116]. Te chronic intake of a HFD has SIgA is a frst-line immune defense of the surface of the also been associated with numerous other diseases, intestinal mucosa; SIgA antibodies promote mucosal including NAFLD. NAFLD is a major cause of liver dis- immunity, which includes host defense against food anti- ease that afects ~ 30% of the US population [117], and gens, bacteria, viruses, and toxins [124]. Te administra- is currently the most common chronic liver disorder tion of PO promotes te repair of the intestinal epithelial worldwide [118]. Recent studies [14] have explored the ultrastructure, reduces intestinal permeability, and pro- protective efects of PA when used to treat HFD-induced tects the intestinal mucosal mechanical barrier in a rat hepatic steatosis in rats; these studies demonstrated that model of post-infectious IBS; the underlying mechanisms PA was efective in ameliorating hepatic steatosis result- include promoting increased levels of SIgA while inhibit- ing from a HFD. PA mediated this efect by suppressing ing the expression of ICAM-1 [125]. endoplasmic reticulum stress signals and by regulating the uptake, assembly, and secretion of very low-density Efect on intestinal microecology lipoproteins. Among the underlying mechanisms consid- Te appropriate balance of the gut microbiota (GM) is ered, the administration of PA is also associated with the of great importance for human health. Te GM extract regulation of the very low-density lipoprotein receptor, nutrients and energy [126], protect us from enteropath- apolipoprotein B100, as well as microsomal triglyceride- ogens [127] and cancer [128], and may even infuence transfer protein expression. brain function and behavior [129]. Irregularities of the GM, a state known as dysbiosis, may be a predisposing Anti‑hypertensive efect factor associated with IBD [130, 131], obesity [132, 133], Hypertension is a chronic and critical factor that pro- and neoplastic disease [134]. Te results of several stud- motes disability and can lead to premature death [119]. ies have suggested that PO and its derivatives, including More than one billion individuals worldwide carry a diag- pogostone, PA, and β-PAE, serve to support the function nosis of hypertension; this condition is associated with of the gut epithelial barrier, to facilitate the polarization ~ 9.4 million deaths each year [120]. Agents capable of of M1 to M2 macrophage phenotypes, to increase the reducing systemic blood pressure can signifcantly reduce diversity of the GM, and to suppress the pro-infamma- the risk of events associated with major cardiovascu- tory cytokines in mouse model systems. Taken together, lar disease, including stroke and coronary heart disease, these results suggest that the pharmacological activities among others [121]. As such, it is particularly important of PA, pogostone, and β-PAE contribute to the dynamic to maintain blood pressure within a normal range. PA interactions between the host and the GM [135]. promotes signifcant vasorelaxant efect as a result of its role as a Ca­ 2+ antagonist in an endothelium-independent Antidiarrheal efect pathway. Te underlying mechanisms include the block- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common functional ade of extracellular ­Ca2+ infux via the membrane of vas- bowel disorder; diarrhea-predominant IBS (IBS-D) is a cular smooth muscle cells and the release of intracellular major subtype of this disease [136]. At least one study has Ca­ 2+ through IP3R- and RYR-mediated ­Ca2+ channels in demonstrated that PA exhibits a concentration-depend- the sarcolemma [19]. Pocahemiketal B isolated from the ent inhibitory efect on spontaneous contractions of the essential oil generated from the aerial parts of P. cablin colonic longitudinal smooth muscle, with an EC50 of exhibited signifcant vasorelaxant activity against phe- 41.9 µM [137]. PA also promoted the inhibition of IBS-D nylephrine-induced contractions of rat aorta rings, with as modeled in the rat colon by actions associated with + an EC50 of 16.32 µM [37]. cholinergic, nitrergic, and K­ channel pathways. Tese results demonstrated that PA might be the active ele- Immunoregulatory efect ment underlying the antidiarrheal activity of patchouli, Te immune system plays a vital role in maintaining the although the pharmacological targets of these efects integrity of an organism; the immune system mediates remain unknown. both resistance to pathogens and defense against cancer [122]. Previous research revealed that PA has a positive Other efects efect on the immune system, and can promote immu- Secretory otitis media (SOM) includes infammation nomodulatory actions by activating the mononuclear of the mucosa of the middle ear, and is characterized phagocytic system and by suppressing overactive cellular by tympanic efusion, ear tightness, and hearing loss; Junren et al. Chin Med (2021) 16:5 Page 13 of 20

these responses are typically associated with bacterial Previous experiments carried out in mice revealed that infection and can eventually lead to auditory tube dys- PA was associated with comparatively low toxicity; the function [138]. Recent studies revealed that pogostone lethal dose (LD50) of PA was determined to be 4.7 g/kg could reverse the hearing loss typically associated with when administered via intragastric administration and SOM in experiments performed in a guinea pig model; 3.1 g/kg in response to intraperitoneal injections [142]. the administration of pogostone alleviated the thicken- Recently, PO and its major components (PA and pogos- ing of the mucous membrane and neutrophil infltra- tone) exerted signifcant toxicity with respect to the tion by its capacity to inhibit the expression of TNF-α development of zebrafsh embryos; among the fndings, and intercellular cell adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1 in the these agents were associated with an increased incidence mucous membranes of the ear [139]. In addition, lung of notochord malformation as well as cardiac and yolk infammation has been associated with several serious edema in zebrafsh larvae, with the toxicity of pogos- respiratory diseases, including acute respiratory distress tone > PA > PO. Te 50% lethal concentrations (LC50s) of syndrome and COPD, among others. Te administra- PA and pogostone were 50.3 and 12.9 mg/L, respectively, tion of PA serves to protect against LPS-induced acute determined at 24 h after administration; the LC50s of lung injury in mice by the suppression of TNF-α, IL-1β, PO, PA, and pogostone were 21.2, 12.9, and 11.8 mg/L, and IL-6 synthesis and release, as well as by its capacity respectively, at 96 h after administration [143]. Although to inhibit the phosphorylation of IκB-α and p65 NF-κB. patchouli has been used for > 2000 years in China, our Te overall mechanism underlying the PA-mediated inhi- current understanding of systemic toxicity and safety bition of the infammatory response could be attributed remain inadequate; these points require much additional to the inhibition of the NF-kB signaling pathway [140]. study and careful evaluation. Moreover, pogostone could exert protective efect with respect to lung injury associated with COPD, also in a Conclusion and future research mouse model; pogosone suppressed the expression of In recent time, and extractions from TCM, as infammatory-related proteins (p-IκBα and p-NF-κBp65) well as derivatives, are gaining acceptance as potentially and promoted a signifcant increase in Nrf-2 and HO-1. promising complementary and alternative medicines for Overall, these results suggested that the pogostone-medi- various diseases treatment [144–146]. Te plant fam- ated inhibition of the NF-κB signaling pathway could ily Labiatae (Lamiaceae) is famous for its outstanding be the central mechanism underlying the protection of medicinal and aromatic herbs, which is a rich source of pulmonary tissue [21]. Infammatory cytokines, includ- essential oils for the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic ing iNOS, TNF-α, and the interleukins, all promote the industry [147]. In addition to patchouli, several other pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a herbs such as rugosa, Elsholtzia ciliata (Tuab) chronic disease of the arterial wall [141]; the disorder is Hyland., Leonurus japonicas Houtt., and frute- characterized by lipid deposition and the formation of scens (L.) Britt. also possess kinds of bioactivities and foam cells in the vessel intima. Recent studies have illus- can be used to treat diseases. Among the diverse herbs trated that the administration of PA resulted in a signif- in the Labiatae family, (A. rugosa), a cant attenuation of atherosclerotic plaques both in the medicinal plant of Labiatae genus’s Agastache rugosa aorta and at the aortic root; PA also resulted in the elimi- (Fisch. et Mey.) O. Ktze., has a lot of characteristics that nation of macrophages from the cell contents of lesions are similar to patchouli. A. rugosa, commonly known as in atherosclerosis-prone apolipoprotein E knockout “Tuhuoxiang” or “Chuanhuoxiang” in China, is native to (ApoE KO) mice. Moreover, PA inhibited the expression Sichuan Province, Jiangsu Province, and Zhejiang Prov- of aortic-associated macrophage infammatory cytokines, ince. As an edible plant, it is used as a herbal medicine such as IL-1β, iNOS, MCP-1, IL-6, and chemokine to treat nausea, vomiting and dispel damp in TCM [148]. (C-X-C motif) ligand 11 in mouse model systems; these A. rugosa was reported to have prominent pharmaco- results demonstrated that PA could promote the attenua- logical activities, such as anti-gastritis efect [149], anti- tion of atherosclerosis, possibly by inhibiting macrophage photoaging efect [150], anti-melanogenesis efect [151], infltration and its infammatory responses [16]. anti-microbial efect [152], anti-tumor efect [153], anti- oxidant efect [154], and anti-atherogenic efect [155]. Toxicity Although most of its pharmacological efects are similar Given the widespread interest in and application of TCM to that of patchouli, its main chemical components are throughout the world, reports of adverse reactions and quite diferent. In 2013, a total of 88 chromatographic adverse events have been increasing; this has generated peaks were separated from the volatile oil of A. rugosa, signifcant concern regarding the toxicities associated and 45 compounds were identifed. Among these com- with TCM and TCM-associated medicinal preparations. pounds, isopulegone, pulegone, as well as isomenthone Junren et al. Chin Med (2021) 16:5 Page 14 of 20

account for a large proportion, while PA and pogostone antidiabetic efect, anti-hypertensive efect, immu- are the major components of patchouli [156]. In addition, noregulatory efect, efect on intestinal microecology, the microscopic identifcation of A. rugosa and patch- antidiarrheal efect and others. Results from multiple ouli also showed some diferences. For instance, two cells studies demonstrated that patchouli and its deriva- formed the head of glandular hairy in the leaves of patch- tives can promote protective efects on the stomach, ouli, while only one formed the head of glandular hairy in intestines, liver, and even the middle ear. Te phar- the leaves of A. rugosa. Moreover, the nonglandular hair macological activities of patchouli noted above are was mainly constituted by one to three cells in patchouli, featured in Fig. 4. With the development of research, while one to four cells constituted the nonglandular hair the monomeric components in patchouli such as PA, in A. rugosa [157]. β-patchoulene, patchoulene epoxide, pogostone, as P. cablin Benth., commonly known as patchouli, is an well as pachypodol have been explored to some extent, important medicinal herb with huge market potential and the pharmacological mechanisms study of PA is in the fragrance industry; it is also the main ingredi- the most profound. Te molecular and cellular targets ent in numerous Chinese patent medicines. Compre- of PA mentioned in this review are portrayed in Fig. 5. hensive experimental research studies performed in From these studies, we can conclude that the thera- the past fve years have complemented the pharmaco- peutic actions of PA are related to its capacity to sup- logical activities and mechanisms of action of patch- press infammation, alleviate oxidative stress, regulate ouli, including anti-peptic ulcer efect, antimicrobial apoptosis, relieve ER stress, increase VLDL metabo- efect, anti-oxidative efect, anti-infammatory efect, lism, and others. Further investigations focusing on I/R injury protection, analgesic efect, antitumor efect, the molecular mechanisms indicated that multiple

Fig. 4 The pharmacological activities of patchouli Junren et al. Chin Med (2021) 16:5 Page 15 of 20

Fig. 5 The molecular and cellular targets of PA

signalling pathways are involved in the treatment pro- results in the downregulation of PERK, IRE1, and cess. Te PA-mediated relief of peptic ulcer is associ- ATF6, the inhibition of VLDLR, the increase of apoB ated with the activation of PXR signalling pathway, the 100, the enhancement of MTP, the increased expres- inhibition of the NF-κB pathway, the preservation of sion of smad7, and the stabilization of β-catenin [14, intestinal barrier integrity, the suppression of trypto- 17]. Moreover, by activating the ERK signaling pathway phan catabolism, and the inhibition of cell death sign- and inhibiting the MAPKs pathway, PA plays a impor- aling [57, 58]. Te modulations of the these pathways tant role in the treatment of I/R injury [15]. Further- result in the decrease of pro-infammatory cytokines, more, other pathways such as the EGFR pathways, JNK the downregulation of the necroptosis related RIP3 and pathways, Nrf2-keap1 pathways, as well as Cholinergic MLKL proteins, the downregulation of the IDO-1 and channel, Nitrergic channel, ­K+ channel, and ­Ca2+ chan- TPH-1 protein, the downregulation of pro-apoptotic nel also participate in the therapeutic actions of PA protein Bax, and increase of the anti-apoptotic pro- [16, 18, 19, 90, 113]. Te novel pharmacological efects tein Bcl-2. In addition, the PA-mediated treatment of associated with PA, for instance, its role in preventing diabetes is related to the inhibition of the PERK, IRE1, obesity and promoting analgesia, have attracted signif- ATF6, and Wnt/β-catenin pathways, which eventually cant attention in recent years, although the underlying Junren et al. Chin Med (2021) 16:5 Page 16 of 20

mechanisms remain unclear. Likewise, more researches Competing interests The authors declared that there are no conficts of interest. are needed to elucidate the molecular mechanism of action and protein targets of other ingredients in Author details 1 patchouli. Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu 610075, China. 2 State Key Laboratory of Traditional Chinese Medicine Resources In addition, our current understanding of the criti- in Southwest China, Chengdu 610075, China. 3 West China School of Phar- cal safety factors of patchouli is somewhat inadequate; macy, Sichuan University, 17 South Renmin Rd, 610065 Chengdu, China. 4 additional preclinical studies that feature both acute and School of Pharmacy, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 37 Shierqiao Road, Jinniu District, Chengdu 611137, China. long-term toxicities associated with patchouli should be carried out in the near future. Pharmacological studies of Received: 18 August 2020 Revised: 18 November 2020 Accepted: 11 patchouli and its derivative compounds have been per- December 2020 formed primarily in vitro and in vivo using small animal models. As such, clinical studies in humans are urgently needed to confrm these pharmacological fndings and References to promote the development of TCM preparations for 1. Chinese Pharmacopoeia Committee. Pharmacopoeia of the People’s extended use worldwide. Republic of China. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press; 2015. 2. Liu Y, Liu W, Peng QX, Peng JL, Yu LZ. Protective efect of huoxiang zhengqi oral liquid on intestinal mucosal mechanical barrier of rats with Abbreviations postinfectious irritable bowel syndrome induced by acetic acid. Evid PA: Patchoulialcohol; β-PAE: β-patchoulene; PAO: Patchouleneepoxide; β-PAO: Based Comp Alternative Med. 2014;2014:218383. β-patchouleneepoxide; PEO: Patchouliessential oil; PO: Patchoulioil; GU: 3. 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