Grids and Datums

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Grids and Datums REPUBLIC OF BY Clifford J. Mugnier, CP, CMS, FASPRS GUINEA 15 12 9 Goudiri Sen Koumpentoum e lé g ou a a B Kass Wollof l Bafoulabé F Tambacounda a ko The Grids & Datums column has completed an exploration of lé Ba ye Sukuta m Kolokani Georgetown é Dialafara THE GAMBIA Dialakoto Manantali MALI é l u o every country on the Earth. For those who did not get to enjoy this a Vélingara Manantali Kita SENEGAL B Diana Dam Manantali Malari Kolda G Mako Reservoir Ba Négala Koulikoro am Saraya ko b y ie e Kati Kéniéba Bamako g n i world tour the first time, is reprinting prior articles from f PE&RS a Kédougou Farim B a Koundara b Gabú G Niagassola r ê a e G m g io Bafatá i R Tom iné b Kali N Mansôa GUINEA- Mali ie the column. This month’s article on the Republic of Guinea was 12 12 e y Kangaba BISSAU Koumbia o k a B Buba Gaoual Koubia Kangaré dam n Tougué Siguiri o Bougouni originally printed in 2002 but contains updates to their coordinate g o Labé K Lélouma Dinguiraye sso Catió g Tinki n fi a Sangarédi B Niandakoro Pita é Boké r Bissikrima Sisséla lé system since then. Télimélé u u o Dalaba o k Kouroussa a n Mandiana B o Dabola Timbo r Kamsar K Ni e Fria g Mamou Kankan Boffa San n k a arani Kindia d Faranah n M a i ilo N Dubréka Falaba Samatigila he original inhabitants of Guinea were forced ongo Coyah M Conakry Odienné Forécariah s Kabala e i Kamakwie c Bagbe r a Kérouané c Soukourala Kambia tle S out of the area around 900 A.D., and numerous NORTH Lit Kissidougou 9 Mange 9 ATLANTIC Port Loko Makeni Borotou Lungi Magburaka Sefadu Pepel Guéckédou Beyla kingdoms were subsequently established. OCEAN Freetown Lunsar Kupr SIERRA Macenta Voinjama Waterloo Touba T LEONE Kailahun CÔTE By the mid 1400s, the Portuguese visited the area Bafing ani Jong i Bo D Guinea a Nzérékoré Lola ew Kenema D'IVOIRE S Gbeya Zorzor International boundary Momaligi New Préfecture boundary Yomou and a slave trade was established. The area was Bonthe o Yekepa Man n a National capital M Noway Camp Danané Zimmi l Sanniquellie u Pa Préfecture capital int Gahnpa Sa Railroad Sulima Tubmanburg Gbarnga under active trade with the British, French, and Bong Town Road Robertsport LIBERIA Guiglo Track Tapeta n th oh J Préfectures have the same names as their capitals. Monrovia Harbel Cavally Portuguese in the 17 century; and the coastal t The Capitale d’État - Zone Spéciale de Conakry has n i status equal to that of a préfecture. a Zwedru S 6 6 Taï 0 50 100 Kilometers Buchanan Cavalla region was declared a French Protectorate in 1849. Pyne Town 0 50 100 Miles Lambert Conformal Conic Projection, SP 7N/13N River Cess Delivered by Ingenta 15 12 9 Ad-ministered at various times by Senegal and the Base 802846AI (C00295) 2-02 IP: On: Sat, 02 Oct 2021 18:42:26 Rivieres du Sud, the Copyright:territory ofAmerican French Society Guinea for was Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing made a colony in 1893. The Federation of French boundary with straight lines between 58 markers and along West Africa, which included Guinea as a member, thalwegs of rivers was completed and ap-proved by 1906. In was established in 1895. Its status was changed 1915 an arrêté (decision) by the Governor General of French to that of an overseas territory in 1946, and on 02 West Africa promulgated a French decree establishing a 328 October 1958, Guinea became the first state of the km boundary between French Guinea and Senegal. Early in 1934 an arrêté promulgated a decree of the previous De- former French West Africa to gain independence. cember changing the French Guinea –Senegal boundary in Guinea includes the Los Islands, an island group west of the the sector between the head of the Tanague River and the capitol city of Conakry. The seacoast is marshy and is about junction of the Bitari and Koïla Kabé. A Franco-Liberian 274 km long; the interior rises to hilly and plateau regions. convention of 08 December 1892 delimited a boundary be- The highest point is Mount Nimba (1,752 m), near the tri- tween the possessions of France (Côte d’Ivoire and French point with Côte d’Ivoire and Liberia. Going clockwise from Guinea) and Liberia inland from the mouth of the Cavalla the north Atlantic Ocean to the west, Guinea shares borders River to the tripoint with Sierra Leone. That 560 km bound- with Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, Mali, Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia, ary with French Guinea was redrawn on 18 September 1907. and Sierra Leone. The Guinean maritime boundary is de- Further surveys and commissions settled the matter with fined in large part by a single, unique (in the world) Straight several procès verbaux (verbal proceedings) finally in 1926. Baseline. By Decree of the President of the Republic in 1964, The Guinea-Sierra Leone boundary has a length of approx- the limits of the territorial waters are fixed “to the north, by imately 648 km. Established by Anglo-French convention of parallel of altitude 10° 56´ 42.55˝ north, and to the south, by 28 June 1882, a boundary was delimited from the Atlantic parallel of altitude 9° 03´ 18˝ north, along a distance of 130 sea miles seaward, reckoning from a straight line passing by Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing the south-west of Sene Island of the Tristao group, and to Vol. 86, No. 7, July 2020, pp. 413–416. the south, by the south-west foreland (cape) of Tamara Is- 0099-1112/20/413–416 land, at low tide.” The boundary between Guinea and Guin- © 2020 American Society for Photogrammetry ea-Bissau was established through a Franco-Portuguese and Remote Sensing convention of 12 May 1886. The demarcation of the 384-km doi: 10.14358/PERS.86.7.413 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING & REMOTE SENSING July 2020 413 July 2020 Layout.indd 413 6/18/2020 12:08:39 PM Ocean inland along the drainage divide of the Great Scarcies 1:200,000 scale. The latter consists of sheets mainly based on and Mélikhouré (rivers) to an in-definite point in the interior. ground surveys. A small portion of Guinea has 1:50,000-scale Later deter-mined by field surveys, the last agreement fixing topographic sheets compiled, mostly by the French IGN the boundary was signed on 04 September 1913. In places, the in the coastal west, and by a cooperative agreement with boundary measurements are described to the closest half-me- the Japanese (JICA) for some sheets around Kankan and ter. Reading between the lines, I’d guess that the boundary Kérouané-Macenta. commission surveyors had people literally looking over their The oldest coordinate system in Guinea that I have been shoulders during that process! able to locate (with help) is the Conakry Datum of 1905 where When the federation of the eight territories constituting Φo = 9° 30´ 58.997 N, Λo = 13° 42´ 47.483˝ West of Green- French West Africa came into being in 1904, the Annexe de wich, ξo = –4.50˝, ηo = –0.02˝, and the ellipsoid of reference 1 l’Institut Géographique National á Dakar had the local re- is the Clarke 1880 (IGN) where a = 6,378,249.2 m and /f sponsibility for topographic mapping. Also known as the Ser- = 293.4660208. Thanks go to both John W. Hager, retired from vice Géographique de l’Afrique Occidentale Française SGAOF NIMA, and to Russell Fox of the Ordnance Survey of the U.K. (Geographic Service of the French West Africa), topographic The origin point is at the Public Works Building in Conakry, mapping of Guinea has been largely at the scales of 1:200,000 and John W. Hager went on to say: “Reingold cites Les Man- and 1:500,000. This agency has performed a small amount of uels Coloneaux, “Cartographie Coloniale,” Paris, 1935 and mapping at the scales of 1:20,000, 1:50,000, and 1:100,000. “Catalogue de Positions Géographiques,” Paris, 1923 give the Topographic mapping of Guinea was in the past largely the position to the nearest second. Annales Hydrographiques, 4e result of rapid ground surveys. After WWII, the French ad- Série, Tome 1, Année 1950, Paris 1951, p. 155 gives the above opted aerial photography controlled by astronomical points but is listed as 3rd order. A position for the Railway Astro (“Astro” stations) as the means of surveying and mapping at Pillar is given as latitude = 9° 30´ 54.5 N and longitude = 13° scales of 1:50,000 and 1:200,000. These compilations were 42´ 47.1˝ W, a difference in position of 138.6 meters. I would also used for derivative mapping at smaller scales. There is assume that the astro pillar was not permanently marked.” complete coverage of the country at 1:500,000 scale, and at Some minor hydrographic surveys were performed by the STAND OUT FROM THE REST Delivered by Ingenta IP: On: Sat, 02 Oct 2021 18:42:26 Copyright: AmericanEARN Society ASPRS for PhotogrammetryCERTIFICATION and Remote Sensing ASPRS congratulates these recently Certified and Re-certified individuals: CERTIFIED MAPPING SCIENTIST LIDAR CERTIFIED GIS/LIS TECHNOLOGISTS Sarah Stillman, Certification #L052 Morgan Ridler, Certification #303GST Effective June 1, 2020, expires June 1, 2025 Effective May 27, 2020, expires May 27, 2023 Taylor Moore, Certification #302GST CERTIFIED LIDAR TECHNOLOGIST Effective May 19, 2020, expires May 19, 2023 Tyler Stentz, Certification #035LT Matthew Brice , Certification #301GST Effective May 27, 2020, expires May 27, 2025 Effective May 19, 2020, expires May 19, 2023 CERTIFIED UAS TECHNOLOGIST Michael Mann, Certification #300GST John Monaco, Certification #034UAST Effective May 19, 2020, expires May 19, 2023 Effective June 2, 2020, expires June 2, 2023 RECERTIFIED PHOTOGRAMMETRIST Dennis P.
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