I Admits emovlng• ' Stemm m l * * * ....*"--* * * * * , I at Serving The State University of Iowa and the Peoplp of Iowa City

Press-AP Lell d Wire nnd Photo City. lowll. Saturd:lY. fay 24. 1958 Starkweather Found

AN AIR VIEW OF THE WALTER STEMM FARM 11 mile. south of Iowa City w.. taken by Daily Iowan photographer Darel Hein Friday. Arrow 1 shows the location of the stock tank where Clarence Stemm wa. found Sunday; arrow 2 points to the place whe re the .22 calibtr revolver was found in the roadside Guilty Of Murde r ditch about 75 feet from the stock tank; arrow 3 id entifi .. the Stemm house where office,.. found Clar· ence·. body lying on the floor next to the bed in which lay his father, Waite ... Sentenced To Electric Chair * * * * * * 1958 Iowa Corn Summer Uncle Took Revolver, Monument Design Registration For Killing Robert Jensen

Contest Now Open Summ r. . ion r gi~tration moll'rials may bc obtain d from Uni· SUI c()('ds will hav(' an oppor. vcr itl' Hall on W~dn day. June 11 . 0 material will bc dl trlbutl'd Slayer Shows No Emotion; Later Threw It In Ditch throu h th(' mall . Attorney To Appeal Verdict By DON HANESWORTH tunity to . (' if th(·y can outdo thc tud 'nl \Iho have bl' n enroll d t S I in the collcgl.'. oC Liberal StaH Writer C('lIows again in d('. igning thl' COni Art .• Comm('r '. F.du atinn, Engine riog. ur ing. Law and Gradu t f r,.", TIl~ Dati, I ••aa ' ee",bll'f' 1•• I'd ... Jr~ •• ) A partinl explanation of the my te ry surrounding the d ath of monulll('nt ror S I lIoml.'comlnll ColIl.'gl.'. will f(·gi {('r Tu day ..Jun 17 . U , OL ", eb. _ eh. rle Inrl-well th('r, tilt' 19-\,ear·old I t f II tudenls who III I nome begins with F· H regist r between 9 a,m . Clarence Stemm, 29-year.old Lone Trce f armer, was rel'en I('d nex O . and 12 noon; I-E bt'lwH'n t2 noon and 4 pm. youth \Iho W('nt on a homicidal orgy that too\.. 1 I li~' ('s, W il late Friday by Johnson County Ltamev William \1. Ttl k(,r. ~NY~tNe. colnni(b'CIIl'd witth ttih Cia. s wilt Ix'gin Jun )8 and end August 13. forning cia orden'cI to pay with his ov n Frida.v. 'd Ib S I f ' I I ' d J nlverSI y I. c Ig t· t 0 l'n rr W will. tart on lh(' hour and 1'10. at 10 minute Ix'for Lhe hour ; aItel"' T IIC k' cr sal A e rt temm , une e 0 aren(', lie ITIlt!( t )at monum nt de ign contc t h'ld nch A J'ury of eight women and fOllr men found the redh ired ma s ~ noon. ion. b gm lit 10 aft'r the hour and clo, e on the hour, he had found the .22 caliber revolver in th{' stock tank wht're year. La t y or' winnl'r wa Tuition for Tf.' id~'nt. and graduat . will be $75 for more lhan four J..ill {'r guilty of the murder of jll tOil of hi victim .• but that Wil Clarence was fOllnd Sunday. Marilyn Mickey. A2. Cre ton , lh . m. ter hOllr ; $47 for Ihree 10 four hour ; and $29 for two hours I I h I h ecund sur COl'll to win first prize cnoll~ 1 to commit t(ITI\went er to t I lcetric c air. Albert. who li ves about a mile U Ct' 0 ' or Ie . I H k h d' . h h I south of the Walter Stemm farm. rges rea Ion f In 44 )ll.'ars. on·fl'. idl'nt C('l'. will b 5 for full time (mor than Cour sem ter e too t e \' r Ict WIt t m x· • .,. Chairman of the monument com· hour I: $59 for half time Ithree to four hours); and $36 for two hours Lure of indifCl'rence Bnd bravado told his story Friday aftcrnoon fo e,v, Ian Agency To mittee Don W.aller, E3. Iowa City. or Ie • I which had marked hi 3·week trial. Charles A. Barker. assistant county ) TI I. 11 attorney. and Pete Carmichael. C I A' I announc d F'rlday thaf d ' ign id as PI. c('mC'nt l'xatnination will bc gin'n to new stud nts on Monday. Ie convicled. ... i er poke not ontro If anes are due by eptl'mlx'r 27 at th June 16 . one word in the courtroom except agent from the State Bureau of engineering dran' oWe, to whi per what appear d to be Criminal Investigation. ASH GOP P 'd EMS Of "oodb " t hi d f tt W IN T N ru 1_ re I ent Winners will be announced Octo· xpect erger oon h b I II Y 0 en a orney. AlberL and his wife drovc onto Ei,enhower's ai r safety chief aid ber I. United Press and INS Frenc Re es T, Clement Gaughan, a he> was the Walter Stemm farm Sunday Friday that unified conlrol of civil· LAST YEAR'S pri7 .winnlng d _ led in handcuff out Lh door. morning just as Mrs. Walter ian and military air traffic was a ign con isted of R yellow "I" for EW YORK '.fI A ml'r" r 01 R.po.... r ••topped him I" the 't I 't t b' d t th thr nll·d ·Prl'. A sociation and Id hi he Stemm found the bod y of h er son VI a neces I y 0 ring or er 0 e Iowa rising out of a r d "W" for Demand corr or on • w.y to t . t.te ·, t gl d ' lnt rnationrl tW~. 'Tvic(' IlNS I New It I d k d hi In the stock tank . Cia r ence Wa na tIon s an e airways. Wisconsin. The $300. 20(oot.high pen ent .ry .n as e m, placed on the lawn and given arti· Gen . E. R, QUl.'sada. head of the structure burned in tradition 1 i: in Ih olring. it wa confirmed "How do you feel, Charll.?" I·Ic 1a· I r e sp I ra tIon' . Alb er t t 0 Id 10' - P res ide n t· slaysA'rw ..",0 d ernlZlI. t'Ion fa hion when Iowa bl'at Wiseon. in Friday. An announ~ml.'nt is ex· "I do n ' t thoIn k th ey tr.I d me for vestigators. Board, lestifi d before Lhe Senate In the Bom coming game. pcctl'd undllY· G t J.n ..n ," he .. Id. "They trl.d "When efforts to revive him Aviation Subcommittee. It i. con· It wa. It'llrned that . uch a m r· overnmen me for the whole thint." c failed. Clarence was taken to the sidering legislation to create a suo Hint ,tor pr,osPl'cthe contest· ger. long undl'r con. ideration by The youth' fath r, Guy Stark· bouse and laid on the Door be Ide pel' cl\ ilion agency to ael a traf· anls; thiS year Homcomlng Oil- thl' two n('lIis wire> rvict' , lIa weather. who hard the verdict the bed where his falher Walter fic cop in U.S, air pace. ponents Will b the Wt/dcat of Ix' n under r newl·d di. cu ion and Pflimlin Asks from a ebair j t in Ide th court· James R. Durfee. chairman af Northwe. tern, . who~ color. ar' that. excl'pt for formal iinlng. f d room door, al·d ·. "r thl'nk I'l l go )ay," he said , Walter Stemm die d pI d h t h ..- d 'd d Vote of Con I' en e the Civil Aeronautics Board. 10' in d Ip _ur e an w I (!, a ..... l'n eel t· upon. C al n" wllh Ch~rll·. }'k wa trl' d sometime Saturday evening of • ~ 1" natural causes. Quesada in endorsing the propo • PARI ruP) _ F'r('nch g nerals lor th whole thing." al. By th "whole thin,," they meant Albert then wlnt back to the Both said the President's order A Tmy Halts M d 'f' t' and civilian in Algeria Friday the rampog> oC killing that terror. .tock ,.nk and found the .22 reo bringing orne military jeL flights 0 " CO '0n op nly d('mand d the overthrow of : i1 d Lincoln la t January when he Robert Jensen volver in the tank. H. took it under civilian control would help th Fourth Republic and the forma· and hi 14-year-old girl friend. Car· hom. with him and cleaned it. halt jet·transport collisions and 01 N Ok A · M ""/ tion or a "public sarety" Govern· 11 Fugate. len bodies ·trewn from After que. tloning Sunday, Albert near misses. BuL they warned Lhot I e- 10 X , s S I e S ment under Genl'rol Charles D the lum to the most exclu Ive murder .nd robbery of 17-vur­ realized the Importance of the lasting safety improvements could r 'sld ntlal di triel or Lincoln. old Robert Jen.,n. Th. body of r.volv.r in the case, no I b e rna dc overntg. ht . I WA S H TNG. T0 , (UP) -. Thl.' Iwork "throughout thl' army." Gaulle in Parls. Ir . tarkweather, ated near Jen ..n .nd his girl fri.nd. Carol Albert told investigators that Army Friday haltt'd modifIcation It aid the u pt!n. Ion we - ord r. Fighting to stave off onslaughts her. on at the coun el table, looked King, were found Jan. 27. The early Monday morning he and his ,______-, of its ike·Ajax anti.aircraft mi . I'd by th Army Ordnance lissill' from either the extreme right or traight ahead and did not blink an lirl h.d been disrobtd and an wife drove by the farm and he sites pending an invfstigalion into Command Dt n~d tone Ar nal, the Communi ts on thl' left, moder· eye at Lh verdict. Moments later .ttempt had been m.de to r.vish her. threw the revolver in the ditch. ea er an explosion at the Lt'onardo, N,J .• Hunt Ville: Ala. It will r main In ate Pr mi r Pierre Pnimlin madc he hurried Into Lhe elusion or th When officers again began to W ba yesterday which killed len eCfect unlll till' CIIU • of th ew a nationwide radio-TV broadcast to pr idln" Judge Harry A. Speno In Starkweather's confessions, he search the {arm Monday, Albert I persons. Jersey exploion has bc n det r- cl'r' orne • and obbin, was beard. also told of kill ing a ervicc sto· lion operator in Lincoln Dec. 1 pointed out the area where he MODIFICATION work was un- mined. , announcc thai h would take the Starkweather D."n•• I.wy.,... lard they will during a robbery In which he thought the revolver might be, derway al the base when eight ~nafor H. AI xandcr Smith and life of his lO-day old regime on a mov, 'or. n.w tri.1 .nd Judge supersonic NI.ke.Ajax mis ite ex- Chfford P . Case said they had been confidence vote on hi program to I Spencer set June 7 .. the d.t. ought money 0 he lind Caril Fu­ Tucker found the gun within 20 gate could run away. minutes, plod cd as m 'n Wl'rl' installing a ? ured, by . ~h . Ar.'.ny that the strengthen the executive branch of ;::;;;;;=------==::... for I he.rlng on the motion. new arming device on one of lhl' fuLle t lOve tlgatlOn of the bla ts Government. I W Id N Attorney Gaughan was a k d The next murders oecurr('d J on. Also found a~ about the same weapons, The blast aroused th would b . ~lade to in urI' again t The r.forma mu.t be adopted or ews what he thought of the outcome. 21 when an argument at the Fugate time was a handwritten note which ire of municipal official who hlld any repetition lit the ew J er ey "In the v.ry n.xt few d.y. ... he ") pre ume Charlie got what he girl's home erupt d into a triple said; "Look out north in the tank been assured th bll e was afe. ba e or el. ewher~. , •• Id, If the R.publlc.n .y.t.m If wanted:' Gaughan said. "That Is killing. Slain were Caril's step­ get me out of the east end," The . . UNTIL THE investigation has G t ' to L_ t ..... _ d (From Combined Wire.) what h always wanted," father, Marion Bartlett; Caril's lamily claimed it was in Clarence's Simuitaneou Iy, act.lOg Army been compll't('d, the Army said "i~v~::::-:.;s." - • rengr""ne By the verdiel. the jury rejected half· ister. Betty Jean Bartlett, 2. handwriting. Secretary Hugh !f' r.blton II ex- "only speculation I possible Con. THE SENATE FOREIGN Rela· a defen e contention that Stork. tend.ed the Army s con.dolen~e to cerning the cause of the explo. PfllrnlJn aid the reform wa lions committee vofed Friday to weather was in ane when h set For .Ix day., Staricweath.r and When laboratory reports from Thl' Iowa weatherman allowed C.ril lived .t the B.rtf.tt place himself plenty of room Cor error famlli ~s of the mcn killed 10 the sian," aimed at both the right and left- authorize Pre Id nt Eisenhower to out on one of the bloodiest killing Des Moines Friday eonfirmcd that ex 10 Ion wing "extremists," extend U,S. economic and financial whe,.e bodies of the .Iain family the handwriting on the note was when he made hi s forecast for to· .~ s . J\f anwhile. a team of Army . aid to any Communi t Bloc nation rampages in recent year . members rest.d in outbuildinga Clarence's. authorities return d to day. . Each of thc~e men was aCc pt· in. pectors open d an on.the.spot Plilmbn as .well as o,lher leaders So ln some of seven connlcting con· .t the r.ar. Showers and lhunderstorms are Ing the hazards of del nse against ~ invesligation of th disa ter at thc of th Repubhcan partie were t - :~~e~orth v~~r~~ion, R d China, (es ions Introduced at his trial. th the farm for further questioning. On Jan, 'l:7 th teen·agers started c expected across the state today air atlack ror UIC mutual protec· Lconardo Base which had been ported thunderstruck by the eveht under~ized youth blamed everal It was then that Albert admitted t' f II f d h d AI ' F 'd The committee wrole Lhe provl· out in Starkweather's car. Bl'fore he had found the gun Sunday. but the weatherman added: "Th Ion 0 a 0 us, an t ey eserve termed a "afe a a ga station." I'In glers rl ay. Ion into a bill to authorize 9 ~ .. of the killing on hi traveling com· showers wLil be 0 widely scat­ they were capLured near Douglas. Albert's explanation cleared up ou: humble gratitud." mton Army inspector rated the base Gen. Raoul Salan, France's high· 945 ,000.000 foreign aid program in panion, Caril Ann Fugate. Wyo., Jan. 29, their travels had the mystery of why the revolver tered that for anyone place the said. as "superior" in overall safety est military and civil repre enta- C.rll .w.lts trial. She h •• been chance of no rain is more favorable TH E ARMY said that modifica. only three day before the explo. live in mutinou Algeria, pre id d lh fi cal July 1. ch.rgect ldentic.lly with Staric· been marked by the killing of bach· was found 75 feet from the stock ~ea r be!innin~ than for showers." elor farmer August Meyer of Ben· tank. lion work had been completed. on sion. at the organizational meeting of a THE 44O.STUDENT American w•• ther in the s'-tlnt of Ben. net; the two Bennet teen·agers; The showers should end tonight " hundred .. of missiles throughout Some 30 key American cities. in· "super" Public Safety Commitlee Community School in Beirut closed net, Neb., high .chool junior Ro­ Tucker said he feela Clarence's with cooler air and sunny skies Mr. and Mrs. C. Lauer Ward of death waa wicide, but as of late the country without incident. But dustrial areas. and military bases wh ich claimed itself a "the depO - down Friday as a result of anti. bert Jen ..n who.. body w •• Lincoln and their maid. Lilyan arriving Sunday. Today's highs are in the wake of the New Jersey are defended from air attack by itory of public overeigntu ." found in • storm cay, ne.r Ben. Friday night the ownership of ~ American threats. School princi· Fencl, and Merle Colli on. a Mon­ expected to range Crom 75 to 80 de· explosion it decided to suspend the Nike in tallations. 5.1 .... n.lther asked nor reuly- pal Clarence Schultz of San Fran. n.t with th.t of hla ,In friend. the r.volve,. had not been d.­ grees. tana shoe sale man encountered on c termlned. Also punling is how ed a post on the committee. He ci co mad the decision after reo Caril is being held for safekeep. a Wyoming highway. the note written by Clarence, turned the ch.1r over to r.bltl. ceiving a mysterious letter which ing in a tate mental hospital pend· found Monday on a fence near !ious Gen. Juquu M... u , 1M warn d th institution faced "ex- ing a ruling on whether she will the hou.e, waa missed by oHicers paratrooper commander. who be. tinction," unles the United State be tried in District Court or in ju· Denies Taxpayers -'·I..I-nt of ... - Co~ h • th .. venile court. who .earch.d th, farm Sunday. Highway 6 West Nearly Finished came co-p,. - I"'" "r OWS • sympa y Lo our cause. The will of Walter Stemm was mittee with Sid Car••• Mo.lem About hblf of the 320 day stud nLs ALto rney Gaughan was asked Should Give More (iled Friday in Johnson County Widening Highway 6 on the west .nd onetime Algeri.n ..cretary attending the private school are whether Starkweather would tesli· of state. non-Americans. fy again t the Fugate girl. District Court. and a hearing has To State Schools side of Iowa City entered its final The Committee. with Salon look- ••• "Who knows?" he replied. been scheduled for June 2. Walter made the will the day before he stages Friday a construction ing on, immediately demanded a A 300.POUND BROWN BEAR. "Sometimes he says she will go DES MOINES tWI - Iowa laKpay­ died, with his sisters Minnie and "national revival" of France and rearing suddenly on its hind legs. down with him and at other times ers were asked Friday why th y workers began laying cement. Algeria under De Gaulle. grabbed Lhe dangling arm of a 10- he tells us if we thlnl! he is going should pay more taxes for state Clara Stemm as witnesses. to te tHy against her we are In a separate action, the estate C. M. Fisher. resident engineer, It appealed to aU people in year-old girl Friday and mangled crazy," supported schools when there are 22 private colleges and universities of Clarence Stemm - estimated to said that by mid·arternoon Friday F rance proper t 0 es t a bli h t hel' r it with tooth and claw. St.ricw.. ther wu feund guilty be worth $8,000 - was opened Fri· 550 Ieet in two lanes bad been own illegal "Committees oC Pub· A Racine, Wts,. zoo attendant speclflc.lly on two c.unt. in the throughout the stale which can ac· commodate 500 to 1.000 more stu­ day in Johnson County District completed. He estimated that lic Safety" with the object of Corm. beat the bear by climbing a fence * * * Court. His moLher. Mrs. Myrtle ing a national " Public Safety Gov. and smashing at the beast's head dents. completing the distance from Old Democratic State Chairman Jake Stemm. and brother Alvin ernment" under De Gaulle. with a torn-off tree limb. But the were More in a prepared stafement ac­ Darned administrators. Finkbine goll course around the The Republiun jNrti•• , .11 po- girl's arm rl.'mained wedged In the Westlawn curve to the Iowa avenue bars and attendants had to hold cused Republican of exaggerating Iitic.II, moderate, held urlent off the bear with iron rod while bridge intersection would take the need to increa e taxes to pro­ c.ucu ..s throughout the d.y Oft vide new buildings at sm, Iowa about two weeks. the developments .net on Ptlim. they pried the bars of the cage lin'. appe.1 for. stronge,. execu. apart. State College and Iowa StaLe W~rning! Fisher said the road is scheduled tive to .I\d onc•• nd fir all the Thc girl. lary Heibner of Beach Teachers College. , Lo be ready for trarric by June 28 . revo'till9 door" style of politic. Par. Ill .• was rushed to a hospital "Everyone is in fa vo r of more education. We hould take a look Student Suspended For He estimated that it would be pos· that has allowed the divided n.. where plastic surgery was per· tional aa.. mbly to toppl. Gov. formed . Amputation of the arm at what we now have available be­ sible to complete about 2.000 feet Mutilating Library Book emments .t will since World Wu will not be necessary. fore calLing on Iowa citizens to pay per day with the equipment being , additional taKes Cor capital im· II. • • • A Ilvdent hIS been IUlpended used. THE UNITED ARAB Republic provements which are not needed," fir mutll.tl", .n SU I libr.ry 11'01· A parliamentary committee de· (U .A.R .) accused the United StAtes More said. UIM, Deln of Slvdents M. L. He indicated that work on the reo cided Friday that th e reform meas· 1nd BriLain Friday of encouraging He declared the 22 private col­ Huit gld Frict.y. Laining wall at the Westlawn curve ures proposed by pfilmlin be held !..ebanon to bring charges against leges in Iowa have facilities to take T. take effect .t the ,net of the should be finished. in about a week. over until next Wednesday. It ap­ Ihe U.A.R. before the Security care of from 500 to 1,000 more stu· current lernester, the su.penslon peared that the parties could not Council. dents and asked; will continue until F,b. 1. 1959. Plans are incomplete for addi· agree on details of the plan. lndications were that the 11·na· "Why should Iowa taxpayers be The Ilvdent'l nalM wu net reo tional work beyond the Iowa POi min appealed urgently for ap tion council will meet early next called iJpon to pay for the solicita· I•• sed by the .an in ke.pil19 Avenue intersection, said Fisher. proval of the prograJ1l that would week to consi~r charges by Leb­ tion of students by state supported CONSTRUCTION ADVANCED Friday Of! Highway 6 as conatrwtien prevent the assembly from ousting ano l1 that U .A.R. nationals sought institutions• • when adequate facili­ with Unlnrlity polley in such because there is a qoestion con· maHtrl. Thl. II the ..cond such worhrs broutht in I.,.e cement _hines to pour the "'.ne road any Government unless it agreed to overturn President Camille Chao ties are available without tax mono cerning right-of·way which must beforehand on the makeup or a moun's regime in Beinlt with acts ey for Lhe educa~oQ ,of our Iowa IUI,.nllon durin, th,· turrent ... from N.wton Road " the In"r.. ction of Riverside Drin ...... &.w. Caril Fugate ""attr. be settled. .J Ave" •• - Dilly ItWln Phet. by W,lter KI.i.... new reiime. oC terrorism and rebellion. youn, people?" . , ' I' " :,ltr:he-'Doily Iowan Jerry Lee Lewis 14 Will Go Medical Fraternity , Marries Before Elects President I GAMMA DELTA AND LUTHER· n. Daily IOWGT' " written and edited by nut/enll and i. gOt!emed by II boa,d of five ltudenJ IrlLfteu elected Divorce Is Final Robert German, ;12, 111 by the nudent body and four faculty trusteu appoinu d by tl.e president of the University. Ti,e Daily l owan'~ AN STUDENTS ASSOCIATION - To Composer town, has been elected p~ will meet at City Park at 3 for a td/torl4/ policy, therefore. II rwt an expels/on of SUI administration policy or opinion in any particulor. MEMPHIS, Tenn. CUP) - Rock of Nu Sigma Nu. prof . bnllgame. Following the game a I and roller Jerry Lee Lewis married medical fralernity. picnic supper will be held. bis newest wife, who is his cousin Otlier new officers include : ~I Page 2 SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1958 Iowa City, low. and only 13. five months before Symposium Herman. M2. Boone, vice-~ NEWMAN CLUB - The annuall his divorce {rom his second wife dent; Tom Ryan. MI, Du DAILY IOWAN EDITORIAL STAFF from 7 to 9:30 a.m .. on s.turday. Fourteen SUI student musicians 'The- 'Doily Iowan Make-COO versity of Illinois and SUI. Dial 4191 lrom noon 10 mldnl,hI to CIa flied Manager • .• Jack Powers EdllOrlal .. .. Arthur M . Sanderson we've been married about two Sioux City; Burton Sandok. III report new.. Jteou. women'. paae PromoUon Mana,er .. .. Jim Orth Advertlsln, to £. John Kottman ROGER WILLIAMS FELLOW­ months." During the three-day event, ori­ 10 ClrculaUon ...... Wilbur Peteroon Levittown. N.Y.; John Sbaw. JiJ. lIems. or announcements The SHIP - The evening's program ginal compositions of music stu­ Dally Iowan. Editorial oW.,... are DAlLY IOWAN CIRCULATION will begin with a cost supper at But court records here showed Britt. In the Communication. Center. Circulation Mana,.. . Paul ne.rd TRUSTEES. BOARD OF ST IIENT dents will be presenled. Iowa stu­ Tom Ryan, MI . Dubuque; PL'BLJCATIONS 5: 30. Thc program is on Green Lake that Lewis married Myra Brown of eat. Subacrlp\lon ralel - by carrier In -'allsunt Manalle, . ... Mlcha~ Dadey Dr. Georle E.slon. Denllstry: David dents whose works will be per­ Wilson, MI, Britt; Weldon MdIt, and the film "Green Lake Adven­ Coro Lake, Tenn., a tiny lown near Iowa City. ~ cent ....eekly or flO H Fitl.:s:lmmons. A3; Thomas S. Ham... formed include Horace J. Reis· MI. Washinglon; Paul Willis. II!. PfJl" year in advancei. .l.x montbl, ~ial 4191 U you do not rec~lv. your lIton. A4: Pro I . HU Jh Kelso. Politl",,1 ture" will be shown. Carol Farchmin Memphis. last Dec. 12. Jane Mitch­ t UO; three montha. ,,", ,00. By mati Oall1 Iowan by 1 .30 a.m. The Dally Science; Dw Ight Lowell Mathe£. A4; am Lewis, 21. his second wife. was berg. G, Kew Gardens. N.Y.; Iowa City; James Hendricks. II!. A Iowa, $9 per year: aix monthl, ~; Iowa Clrculatlon oWce In Communl­ Prol. Lelllle G, Moeller. Journall m; Loran Olsen. G, Ft. Dodge ; Laird Iowa City; Edwin Shulkin. iii. Wee month •. $3; all o\her mall .ub­ caUon. Center is open from 8; a.m. to Prof. L. A. Van Dyke. Education, HILLEL - Services will be held Carol Farchmm, D3, Kansas granted a divorce Crom Lewis on .,rlpUon •. flO per year; .Ix monlla. 5 p.m.. on Monday. from 7 .,m. to 5 Gary W. WIIUams. AI; Thomu 'II' May 14. just nine days ago. Addis. Jr .• A3. Iowa City; William Sioux City ; Larry Seidenfeld. iii. .110: three month •. 13,11 O,m •• '1'1,""'." thmuch "rlda". Ind McKOY. [.a at 9 a,m, at the Local Congregation. City. Mo.. was rccently choscn Rivard. G. Iowa City. and J . Des Moines; George Sabeh. II!. 602 E. Washington. and 7:30 p.m. swectheart of lhe joint Phi Kappa Myra said in London she was 15. Robert Hanson. G. Iowa City. But her birth certificate shows she Iowa City; Edwin Newman Ill. at Hillel. Monday morning services Psi and Phi Epsilon Pi spring for­ Numbers to be presented during Davenport. will be at the Local Congregation, mal. Allending Carol were Joyce was born July 11. 1944. and will not Strom Awarded be 14 until July of this year. the Symposium were selected by a Dale Huff. Ml, Waterloo; Jact 602 E, Washington. Ratner. AI. Wilmette. m.. and faculty committee from two stu­ Hess, Iowa City; Dell Bernslerl. Chemists Medal Joan Baham of Cedar Rapids. The singer's new wife was iden­ dent composers' programs held at MI. Waterloo; and Bob Borgma, 1AAII you CHRISTIAN SCIENCE STUDENT The formal was planned in con­ tified as a daughter of Mr. and SUI this semester. MI. Pella. Edwin T. Strom. A4 . Des Moines. ORGANIZATION - meets Tues­ junction with Playboy Magazine Mrs. J. W. Brown of Coro Lake and &GUDA ~ AClfl1\( CONGBEGATIOPI IIt:OOVAO'S WITNESSES .., II. ",.. bIDrtoD st. ZJ!O II St . has been awarded the American In· days at6:30 p.m. in the East Lobby and featured Woody Herman and a cousin of Lewis. The girl's falher &abba bLaua,y Herml. Sundl Y. 3:00 p.m. Publlo T.lk stitute of Chemists medal as the Conference Room of the Student his orche tra in the celebration is the singer's bass fiddle player. rrlaa, Sonl.o. , p.m. "Wbal'. Tb. World omlnr ToT" Union. party for Herman's birthday. Circuit Judge Harry Adams BaseSchools on Quality, SabbaU. w.r hlp. Bat.rda, •• •.IL t:OO p.m. W.tchlowu Slud): A N.w outstanding student in the SUI De­ Son, tor All )len of Good Will." partment of Chemistry. granted the divorce to the second Tuesday. " p .m . Book " tud)" ASSEMBLY OF GOD "Rearln, Chndren. tor Divine Fa,·or:' The award is one of a series pre­ Mrs. Lewis on grounds of cruel and 4111 8 . CUut.n 8t. The .... DI" 11111." PuU, sented by the American Institute inhuman treatment. Not Quantity-McManus ••1'1110, WOl'lblp. Il •• m . MENNONITE CnURCB of Chemist in recognition of oul­ General Notices Il was the second time Lewis had Obr•• t', Amha.ladora. 6:"~ p ... 614 Clarlt St. standing ability in scholarship as re-married before getting a di­ School reorganization should be they approve. "It will take lilll!: ly.a.e... tI .... lSer"Jee, 1 p.m. The B ey. Vlr,1I Brennam.n, Pa.t.r G.neral Notice. mu.t be rp.celved 01 Th~ Dally I owan offIce. Room 201 . .:0_ Bunda" Scbool nour. 9:4& •• m. well as personal leadership. munlr_lIons Cenler. ,by 8 a...... for publication the followlng mornlnll. The, vorce. according to court records. based on qualitative. not numeri­ he said, but declined to predid I BI!TnANY BAPTIST COUItOD 10:43 Mornlnr WOrlhlp mUlt .... t) pod or leglbly wrlUen and .I/ftled; they will not be accepted bl He married Jane Mitcham at Fay­ cal. standards. said Sen . Edward specific period. Sermon: liThe Community or tlke Holy telepbone. The Datil' Iowan reserve. tho dahl 10 edIt all General Notice.. II st. a Flltb Ave., Iowa Cit, plrlt." ette. Miss .• Sept. 11. 1953. Lawyers J. (Nick) McManus. (D·Keokuk ). tJ.ltled Jl(ornln~ "'o .. bl. B~"I.e. ':U 1:30 p.m. Y.P.R. f. "Most people arc fair·minded i a.lB. THE UNIVERSITY COOPERA­ bouse for students. st>tfl. faculty. for Mrs. Lewis had a certified copy candidate for .Democratic nomina· 1 ••"I.r Go.pel 8eryl_e. 1:110 ..... 8:30 }I.m. Sermon: IO Uow To Sut"('ted WSUI Schedu!e they understand the problem.". In Your ChrllUan 11t~ . " TIVE BABY SITTING LEAGUE their spouses and their (amilie! of Lewis' divorce from his first Lion for Lieutenant Governor. said. "But we are fooling oursell'lS on the second and fourth Wed­ Jll:TUEL AFRICAN MII'tHODISr W,TI - IOWA C'ITY DIO k/e book will be in charge of Mrs. wife dated Oct. 8. 1953. at Monroe. Stopping in Iowa City Thursday if we think we have a republial &EOBGANIZED ClroRcn 0' nBU! George Dohrer from May 27 to nesdays of each month. Recreation· CHUBCO OORIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Saturday, M.) '!I, 10:-,8 La. on his way to an eveniug appear­ form o[ government.. "Filly .. 411 8. Go .. r"or 81. Conreren(:e RGom 1 June 10. Telephone her at 4645 if al swimming and famfly·type actio . lin. O. It. M_DoD.ld. 1'.... , 8,00 Mornlnll Ch"pel ance on a Cedar Rapids television per cent of the people should mUt Deyollooal. a P.'" Iowa 1\lemorlal Union 8:15 New. a sitter or information about join­ program. McManus said school the dceisions _ . not 35 per Cei, W.rsblp. • p.lD. Itl_b.rd C. S.Uub.re. Mlnbtu 8:30 Family Album vities will be available from 7:1511 __ ':50: Cbureb Sebool 9:00 Chnllen,e ing the group is desired. t.o 9:15 p.m. (J' I ystems should be organized on the as is the case now." he said. lO:30 1I10rnln~ "'o.,bl. SU' "m,. 10 :00 Redtnl Hall basis o[ quality of leachers and TDE CBURCR 0' ORBIIT 1:30 p .1II .. Y.l'.III.B. 10:30 Cue PLAYNITES for stuaents. staff "We will not have true rea~ lSZO Klr" ....d A ••• 12 :00 Rhythm Rambles e WOMEN'S GYMNASIUM lockers 'J lem6 school facilities, portionment unless we have 8 CI» Bible Clulel, D • •In . 12 :30 News and faculty and their spouses at I!======:!I SHARON EVANOELlCAL should be emptied now if they are "Mere numbers should not deter- stitutional amendment to that ef· MOnU"r Wonblp. 10 I ,Ill. UNITED BRETIIREN OIlUROD 12 :45 On o ?,lan's OpInion the Fieldhouse eack Tuesday and .'YenID, Wor.hlp Ser"lee. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 Edlto,'la' Pase no longer being lIsed. All now in IOWA STATE TRANSFERS and mine the school organization is­ fect." he said. Kalona I :15 A Yen< Ago ThIs Week use should be emptied by 3 p,m,. Friday night from 7:30 to 9:30 Rey. Howard II. Marty, Pastor 1:30 Bn•• hall Ilowa-Mlchisan) alums will have a picnic Sunday at sue." McManus said. "Other fac- CDuacn 0' JESUB COBIST unday Sohool. U:UO ".m. lOoubleheader) • I Tuesday. June loth. p.m. Admission will be by faculty. 5 p,m. in the shelter house of tors should be considered as well." OF LATTER-DA l! BAINTS Mornln, Wonhlp, 10:90 a.m. 5:30 News stalI or stUdent tD. Card. The I 919 ~. p.lr_bUd SL Evenln~ Wo ..hIP . 7:lW p.m. 5:15 Sllort.r.L.... 81. 9: 45 New. and Sports wives and dales have been invit­ Get Your Copy NOW Decorative Stitches, Jlonsl,nor 8. D. It. Coo.aT. Pa.tor should: CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES - FIRST BAPTIST enURCD 811utl., l\lalle •• 5:4$, 8. P. 10, aad 11:8t WSUI 't'M) SCIIEDULE 01.7 m/c ed. Buttonholes. Monograms, N.rlh Clinton· and r.lrebltd 8... a.m. 1. Write to their local draft board 0:00-9:00 Feature work wIll be: -in June - commencemenl an­ All without attachmtnts Be". G. Tboma. F.llaru.o. Mlal"er Tbe llO ...n ...... I. a Bllb lIll .. nD' requesting deferment and stating ManoD Van D1". Mlnl.ler Of 11•• 10 bw) tbe eon,relatlon. Rachmanlnolf: The BeU. nouncements have arrived. Orders TOWN MEN AND TOWN WOo at 9:8& '.m. Cburch Sebool DIU, Maue.. 8:80 a.tn.. l' •• m .. 7;30 that Selective Service Form 109 will AS limE AS 10:45 a.m. WOrlhlp may be picked up at Alumni House MEN will hold an executive meet­ $2.50 ~:k l SermoD: liThe Foree We Forrd." OFFICIAL DAILY BULLETIN be mailed from the Office of the across from Iowa Memorial Union. ing at 6 p.m. Monday in the Union on our Easy Budgll PI. 11:30 p.m IBoror WIlliam Fellow.bl. s;r. WENCII LAUS COUBCD Registrar within 30 days of the Communications ' :00 p.m. Youtb Choir .)" 830 E. D.... oport III. r...rERSI7).~ Cafeteria in the Iowa Memorial Tho..ltev. Edward W. No ..n. P ••U. close of the current academic year. PENGUINS - There will be no Union. Regular meeting will fol­ .:30 p.m. B.pUo' Youtb F.llow.blp Sunda, Masses, .. :30 a.m., • a.m .• SINGER 10 • •m ., II :40 a.m. University 2, Liberal Arts. Commerce, En­ further meetings of the Penguin low at 7 p.m. in the East Lobby nKST CORISTIAN' COV.CH Oal1; 1J... es, '2 a.m_ , :80 a .m. \~'; ~~ gineering. Law. NurSing. and Grad· Club. Conference Room. SEWINC CENTER lln B. Iowa A.e. ~ i Calendar uate students must also complete a (lilted 1ft phone boo~ ,,,cIer The Be.,.. A. O. J)ofrJebter Jr., .a.tor TBE UNITED COURCD ~~~'9;; CENTER lINGER SEWING ~ACHI ME COWAN" San, A. Smltb, IIUnl.ler of IhcatloD "Request for Selective Service PH.D. GERMAN - reading exam­ WESTMtNSTER FOUNDATION • :15 aod 10:80 a.m. Two WOflblp 80.­ J801 Lower lunaUne Rd . 125 S. Dubuque YlceJ .J. EUlflno Webel, Putor SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1958 Form 109" blank in the Office of ination. Tuesday. May 27, 3-5. in Sunday will feature the annual College and Madison Berm.n: "Reklndl. 'be Flame - Peo- 9:45 'm. "nda,. Sc"ool the Registrar. Room 104 Schaeffer Hall, Please dinner for graduating seniors at tecost" !l:0t) '.m, Mornlnr WorshIp 1:30 p.m. - - SUI YS . Saturday 9 to 12 onfy Phone 2413 • :111 a.m. Cbu r_b Sobool W.dn ..aay. 1-8 p.m.. lunlo, Cbolr Michigan - rdoubleheader) . register in 101 Schaeffer by Mon­ 6 p.m. 10:80 '.m. Chi Rbo and Cl!F Stad,. Practll:e PARKING - The University park­ day. May 26, if taking the exam. 11:85 a.m. Coif•• Tim. 8 p.m. - University Play - "The 11-1 p.m. Dlsclpl .. 8ta deal F.lIow.blp T&INITY EPISCOPAL CouaCD Alchemist" - TJnivl'fsity Thea.!J'e, ing committee reminds student ~O E. Colt.l. St. Baoqu.1 The _flyeren' J. 8 . .lar41... 11 a.m. - Psychiatric Lee~ re autoists that the 12-hour parking FOREIGN STUDIES CERTIFI­ 8:00 a,m. Holy Commuoloa Series - Dr. D. H. FunkenstWl. limit applies to all University Jots CATES - Students expecting lheir FIB8T CnURCH 8: n~ a .m. Breakfast 0' OOBIST O1I!NTIST 9: III a.m. Cbur.b SC\Oo l NarHr" Boslon. Massachusetts. "The Mas­ except the storage lot scuth of the Foreign Studies certificates by the U2 E. Collo,. I .. Family er"Jce tery of Stress" - Classroom. p$y, Hydnulics Laboratory. end of this semester should contact VOUNKIB]RS •••4& 7 Sehool, 9:'1$ • . m . 11:00 lIIornlnr Prayer Sanda, Se",l~,. 11 a.m. W.dnuday. 7:30 p.m., Confirmation chopathic Hospital. . Prof. Erich Funke !l06 Schaeffer "Sati5faction Always" Lellon Sermon: IOSoo l ana Bod,." ':AMIL Y NITES at the Field· Hall) as soon as possible. Wed.. 8 p.m. T•• llmony M.et la~ Monday, May 26 ST. MARY'S CnUROH 4:10 p.m. - Medical lecture naST ·ENGLI S.O LUTDI:&AN . Jefferson and Llno St.. CHURCO at. Rev. C. U. nJeinberl, Pastor spOnsored by AKK - William J. Dab.quo . ud Markel llta. SUDda, ~I ..... 6 a.m" 7:30 a.m., t a.lD .. Fry, Professor and Head. Bio-Phy­ Richeys Presents For a grand weekend holiday and a Be •. Bo , WID,.t., P.eachlar 10:15 ' .m .• 11 :30 a,m, len'ul: S, 8. 11 •.m . sics Research Laboratory. Uni~r­ Nan.rr: t IDol II •.•• sily or Jl1inois - "Present Status summerful of fun! I.a•• , a.h ..l : • a._. ST. PATRICK'S CHUROa . . %21 F.. Coa rl Ht. and Potential of Ultra Souna in Musts for your Wardrobe R e\, OaYI: &:. 5. 7. 8: • •m. and 7:3' JII ~m nKn PRISBYTEBIAN CHUKCH Low MIssel. 8:30, 9:4.). 11 • . ID. Basic and Clinical Research', in to E. Markel SI. ."h II... , 3:15 •.m . the Central Nervous System" Dr. P. a ...IIO" Potloek. 111... 1 •• ...rr. Patrick J, O·R.llIy. P.. l o. The Rev. J erome J . Lek.l.a. . . . ~le dical Amphitheatre. At LOW, LOW Prices! UDI .. rllty 1'1110' ZION LUTHERAN CDURCH Tuesday, May 21 ' :110 and 11 a.m. Choreb Se hool lobnsoa and Bloomln,lon 81 •. See the newest. the latest ':lW and 11 a.m. Mor"ln~ Worship MornJn, Wonhlp, " a.m. and .n·RA ..... 7:30 p.m. - Young D e mocrat ~ - in swimwear by Rose Marie • p.m. F.llow.hlp Sermon: tll\oly l'raet> J I,f.ve n'lth Senate Chamber. Old Capitol. We have added. regrouped. and remarked dresses for I'lltST METDODIST CHUBCH '\'011 ," Dr. W. II. K. Narunl, SUI Monday, June 2 • two sale racks that are musts for your wardrobe. They Reid, Catalina. and Jantzen. Jettenoa and Dubaqae SI.I. Stbool 01 Rollrloo. consist of all wanted materials and colors Cor immediate D•. L. L. DannlorloD. IIIDI.U, Sunday School, D:J!i a.m. 8 p.m. - AA UP Meeting -House wear. C ..... S..... , . 9:!141 and 11 . ,m. Adull Blbl. 01 .... 9:M a.m. Chamber. Old Capitol. 1I0raine WOrlblD, 11 :80 and U a.m, Wednesday. Senior bolr, 7:00 Sermon: tlTbe Measure 01 a Man." PRICES FORMERLY $10.95 to $39.95 • FIBS.. UNITARIAN SOCII" I.... A.... and Gilbo" BI. P ....r Rev. Kboren Arl.I•• I.:.. a.ID.: Charch 8eDHI. 1.:tG a.m.: Ohure. lIo"le •. • NOW • • • • nZI IIETDODIST CDAPBL 931 Thl,d A... Tbe ..... J ...... W. Ha,,"ea. PaaU. Patio and Square Dance Dresses Included I ••da, Sebool, 10 •.•• lI.r"lnr Wo ..blp. 11 . .... FBIINDS· .MEETING ~"CA Room, ]OW& Memorial Dal•• Closing Out On B. BrYln Ml ebu.,. CI.rk ' ." a.m. M.etID ~ f.r WorshIp 1t.1It ...m. DI..,uulo. G.ACI: UNITED ALL Suits and Coats 1118810NAKY CaUBC. IBM MalcatlDe Ave. The It... Norman U • .,bL PuU. 11:46 •. m. Blbl. St UG y ela.... for all • ·res 10:46 "m. Wo rshIp Sorvle. Sleeveless and roll-up sleeves. in prinls 8ermoll: f' What. To Belle" •." Blouses and plains. Drip-drys. 1:011 p.m. y ..th Fellow.hlp 7:30 "m. Adult Blbl. Slud, I :" p.m. Ser...... E"anlelititlCl ' :1It • •m. W ...... , : ~" ..... r BlIII. lIa., ••• Praror S.... I••• The New HILLEL· rOUNDATIOK. . Sizes 10-38 UX Eut 110'." SI. P,... , B.... balh Beryl •• : 7:. , ... BULOVA ~~;;~~;stor Radio lIoolallllor: ':IG 111111. D...... ln: ,:" CHECK our selection of slacks. pedal-pushers, Bermudas. You're invited to Younkers' "Iarda, m.nallll! .."I.... 1.:. '" I.llt .,111 I,,,,, w•• EiI PrId,'.' Alnlllnt 11:80 ...... recoptlon even from dbt.nt stations. Rich. full ton. and T-shirts. Also in stock are many skirts to match and mi~- 'lid room·fillln, .olum •. TinT. ruued transIstor. Ind prInted .'rcult Issura trouble·'", service. match with our blouses and DON'T GET ""1II.lful blU,ry " ... ISO hours pllyilll 111M. T-shirts. SWIMWEAR FASHIO N SHOW MARRIED ..• In lull/ffous Sell .rcnm or Red 1.... h.,.1I. '54"I.ss batterlu . . . wlth •• t l eelDI •• r t.mplete Informal modeling Monday, May 26th. Brl'al B.rvleeo - InYllaUe".. An­ n •• Deemeatl, ...~:!t. "'.pkl.s • Riche';} ~ JOIN US FOR A FREE COKE ...... Bo.k •• ' , ••" H ...... "'.~dIDr Ph ..... "'o.dl", Pl ....n, Alger's Jewelry: "a•• lar C""". III.'" ..... JUscd "thd stoTe with t1le pink lace front" Houri: 12 noon 'til 9: 00 P.M. R.... _ 205 E. Washin Fa.hlon Sportswear - StrHt Floor t Hall's Bridal Shop Phone 3975 ~ . , , 111 s. Dubuque 127 South Dubuque THE DAILY 10WAN-Iowll City, low-s.t., M.y 24, ltSI-P.,. , 'at'rni~ California Oil 'Sub May Se J ident Commencement Unemployed Comm~nist Drops 93,000 Blazes On ,Sunk Off Argentine Coast . eght BUE~ as AmES (uP) - ~n W1ls in Argentine territorial Weekend Planned Into N. Argentine naval squadron that tn· waters. cluded two fOrJ1le'E U.S. cruisers "During this operatlon a peri· On Friday. June 13. SUI's sen· Ithe north dining room at Currier. jors will celebrate the culmination A leature ol the Saturday scbed· During Week LONG BEACH. Calif. I P) - A nk or damaged an unidentified scope wa seen and there were $1.5 million fire which fl'd on re- but pre umably Communist ub- oil slicks on the surface of the sea or lour year's studies when they ule will be an Alumni mbly in lo receive their degrees at the ni. Macbride uditorium at 2:30 p.m.. WASHINGTO. I!I - t" m,) r' peatl'd explosions at the Hancock marine with depth charges off the as when a submarine is damaged." versity Commencement exercises with Prof. Jame· Van Allen. S I ment among y.orkers protected br Oil Co. refinery and burned around southern coast of Argentina last Frondizl told newsmen. joble benefi dropped 93.000 la t the clock w still out of control Wednesday, President Arturo "s..rct..s _re ..,.. SUCc.s· at 9:30 a.m. in the Fieldhouse. phy ieist. speaking on "The Rol I\\i~k. the Go\ernm nt reported Tho Commencl!ment address o[ Research in the Unh·ersity." Friday. Friday night. although firemen Frondizi announced Frida)'. Jiv.ly Ufttll Thundily ...... - id the blaze was contained. NiIY.1 .uthorities 5pKul.ted without .iIY.il. Two _Iusi..,s will be delivered by Francis O. A silver iubilee luncheon for Thi brought the Ci ifT(' do\\n to Wilcox, assistant $terelary in the the gradu.tn of 1933 ,,"eI • 10th M. L. Herman. istant Long th.t .... mysteri0U5 velsel mI,ht CIIn IN deducted: Either the U.S. Department of Stafe and a anniversary luncheon for tho 3.101,500. II wa th bi"l" t y.eek· Beach fire chier. said "it may be hllv.....n iI prowl,r from.... ".lIIiIpd l'*n.rine ,Iuded its Iy decline sincc August. 1956. well toward morning before \II can _rmous SovMt undorw... r 1I"lICk.,.. or olse It WIIS .unk." 1930 SUI graduate. class of 1948 will be served ilt I Initi.1 cloims for benefits do- The commencement exerci. es 12:30 p.m. in tho M.in Loungo of call the fire controlled. Some of fleet, which comprises mor, Be said a Lull inve tigalion was will be only one of the highlight the Union. clined by .',411 to 35'.200 during the tanks still have oil in them th.n 411 lubmilrines, or possibly under way and its outcome would o[ the Alumni Reunion weekend, Alumni Reunion events ",ill end the wHk endod M.y 17, reported THE SUI CLOWN TEAM, which performl ill SUI b.slcotb.1l11ftc1 foot· and are burning more owly than from EllS' Gorm.ny, PoIanli or he announced as soon as po ible. June 12 to 14. with an All-Alumni coffee hour at the L.bor Department's Bure.u ball games, netted four new mombtr. Thur5dlY nillht. Old ".m we expected." Communist Chin.. The Soviet emba y here had of Employment Security (BLS). A full schedule including special 3:30 p.m. in the Union and the GoI· This WIIS tho lowest such figure m.mbers (left to right) Bob Bunts, C4. L.kt P.rk; .nd W.yne Wes· After containing the fire. which Frondizi told a speclalJy-calJed "no comment"· on the mailer. events lor SUI Colleges o[ Medi· dl n Jubilee Dinner for the class ol • sals, C4, Indo.,."don,.; snare n_ momber$ OilY, Levinson, Al, broke out Thur day afternoon, fire· press conference that a squadron cine. Dentistry and Pharmacy, has 1908. which will begin at 6:30 p.m. $lnco .• arly D.ctm~r •. Mason City; Ch,rle. Dyktm.n, A2, W... rfoo; Ron Rogers, Al, 1_. men . aid ~ onJy thiD th t could or three cruisers - including the been arranged Cor the three-day in the south dining room of Currier The Improvem nts In msured .un. City; .nd Martin Bassman. Al, DIS Moines. - D~ly I_.n Photo he done w to I t it bum i!&elf former U.S.S. Boi aDd U. . . period. II 1J I employment and ben fit claims by W.lter Kleine. out and pour water and chemICals I Phoenill - and Cour de troyers ac· City Record A band concert Wednesday. June ~he College of Pharmacy will ar~ tempered by the Cact. offi~ials OD trouble po to check further cid ntaUy discovered the sub- 11. at 7:30 p.m. on the east steps hold its annual nior dinner June Said, that a large number .o f !dled * * * * * * oulbre k.s. Imarin while on man uvers along MARRfAGE LfCENSE o( Old Capitol. will officially open 12 at 6:30 p.m. in the Union. Lat r work rs ~\'e exhausted theIr right New Clowns Chosen for Two m n died in the fire. which the Southern AUantic Argentine Phillip B. Nicholson. 25. San the weekend activities. tnat evening the College of jedi. to benefits. t names almost 1.000 feel in coa t 18 t Wednesday. Francisco. CallI., and Peggy A. Thursday, alumni registration' 0 r ' 11 be h Id I th About 800.000 workers have run F H d J b the air and covered the enlire Long Whll. northwnt of tho sm.1I White, Muscatine. will begin at 1 p.m. in the Iowa cI~fo~o~~dc~~:nc:~vocati~n o~ th: out of benefit right ince th fir tl unny azar ous 0 Bach area with d 11 • block port. Puem CrllCker, in tho Gulfo DEATHS Memorial Unicm and will contino College o! Dentistry will be held in of thc year. but some oC the . un· I . .. doubtedly ha.e found new Job". I mokt'. Nuevo, about '50 mU .. SOuth_It Mrs. Lilian Miller. 79. 817 S. Du· ue until Saturday, June 14, at Macbnde Audlt~num. . . they aid. "It s tough being Cunny," Robert the c rl ad rs. Try-outs w r Thirteen huge tanks containing of Buenos Airel, undorw... r buque St.. May 23. 3:30 p.m. The AII·Medlcal reunIon WIll Th' d I t f Burn C4 Lake Park said fn. held Thursday and the clown can· 300.000 to 400.000 bare were burn· listonl", dovicn .bNrd tho Uoyd Leuthye. 49, Durant, May be in at noon Friday with the • Insurt un,mp oymon 0 .,. . . Ad vance registrations are a·1 g . . 3 tOl SOO for tho wt.k ,nded M.y da)' Burns was one or th thr did3tes went through th lr routin er early in the fire or stilL were dostroyors doteetH a lubIn.rine 23. ready beinl.( received for the SUI tradillonal lawn party for alum- 10 I' till th do bl th . to demonstrate various abilities. allam Friday night. nilvi,iltin, whll. lulMnerJOd, BIRTHS E 't CI b d' F'd I ni, faculty and seniors on the S I mort an u, 0 clown who performed at SUI loot· Hancock e ecutive$ said Friday the Prelldont •• Id. fro and Mrs. Jorn KraU, R.R. 2. men us u Inner n ay or north lawn of tho Modical C,n. figlure ·hy,·r I I' ball and ba ketball games I t all classes of 1907 and earlier in t A so, t e 359.200.,,0, ...Inlba calms Yl.'ar. that tbe fire broke out in or near Art r fruitle altempts to make Kalona, boy. May 23. the south dinning room or Currier er. total (0 th k dcd I 17 an 80,000 barrel proc ing tank the ubmarine identify Uscl( the Ir. and Mrs. Art Bachmann, Ka· Hall. An All·Alumni buff I suppC'r R~gi tration for the f!1edical. pro· compar~ wrthw:)8.~ lor \he8%om. Til n w clown .• who were elect· containing heavy low gravity. par· Argentine squadron made four lona. boy, May 23. will be served at the same time in les510na( s(' slons ~gms Frl~ay. parable w ek I t year. I'd Tilur day night. are probably tinilY refiDl'd product. Cause wa depth ch rge attacks on the fro and Mrs. Donald Ohrt. West June ,l3 at 9 a.m. m the MedIcal The BLS aid the rate of In ured hopm! for a ('asan with fewer cas. not d termln d. my tery hlp, he added, since it Liberty, boy. May 23. AmphJtheater. The se sion them· I . d selves begin the ~ame day at 2:30 ~nemp oyment, or :atio of I~ urI' ualile than la t year's clowns had. p.m. Jo~less workers .to Insured y.orkers Bums broko a knH jumping Saturday'. ,vtnts will bellin at 1111 employed. IS 7.4 per cent for ov,r II rillling at • ba$k,tb.1I 8:30 a.m. whon a on,.d.y rtfresh. the May 1~ week .. Thi repr cnts II'''''. Bill Mun$On. who is now er course on "Newer Drugs and a substantial decline from th 7.7 in the Navy, suffertd • pinched their Dental Application" bo,lns per cent reported for the pr:evlou nerv' in his back whil, retri,v- Ctdar Rapid" Iowa in the auditorium of the SU I Col. ~:ek. r :ett ar ago the ratIo a ing e kicked football. TonJte lejle of Dentistry. pe . \ ayn \ 1'. ~f:'ls, C4. Independ· "BOY MEETS GIRL NITE" Your no. T "ltb enc, Ole third member or lao t Ih. lOST Evans Succeeds year' clown team. . praitll'd hi CHARLIE TRUSSEL'S Radio, TV Men Ilnkle' . c\"cral tim('~ . Sprained AIRLINERS Van Allen as ligaments werc occupational ri. ks Classified Rooml for Ront Apartment for Rent Autos for Salo Re-elect Barnes in the clown bu. inl'ss, Burns said. ROOM - 123 N Dubuqu •. 1·241~. 8·24 PLEA ANT thre! luml hed pntm nl lor m.n. 1-21Ot. 5-14 i . search division ror th S I School pr id nt of the S I chapter of spots It athletic contlSts - be· Five Days •...... 15c a Word .41110 Dial 1-4058 Saturday.. Sun· 19ma Xi. scientific honorary fra· I tween halvel, during time-outs, TWO doubl ••1. pin, room. for men. day. or w",kda),a allH ':00 pm. 11-3 Outdoor Movies or Journnli m. Ten DaYI ...... 20c a Word prl.-te kitchen. bath. TV. Phon. Help Wonted --- ternity. I and befor. the IIlmes. '·2"0 5-21 LARGE furnl hed .part_nt In Kalon. Other new officer for the 1958- He aid thl'y al~o al t the re(. One Monto ..... sSe II Word for Sum",.r Seliion. Pli·OO car PART·Trllrt!: h.lp Ih_ .venln,. and ENDS TONITE ...... ,-.,.,--, 59 slat~ nr vice'pr(' Id('nt. Ralph I'rc e: and t· m mana l'r by re­ 04iDimum Charlie SOc) I~~d~\. rra:n. '~;,.~raduale wO';;'.i~ pool .. Coli !'rlnl< (coil ell 187 II~r , S.turd. a. car t\ co ry. Write BM' K. Stoll In "1'011 '1" p."'. '·3 12. Dilly Iowan '·211 "AbJ.ndon ShlI'" 1'yron~ Po",er I r. Sh~1D r. prof. or 8n~ head of trie\'ing ball' and c rrying quip. UVINO room and btdruom (or lWei DIsplay Ad. AP<\RTMENT lor REAL fltat... lc~Jman . ImmediAte open"":' Cheml try; c("elary, Richard V. ment on und of! the field or floor. .Irla or araduate .tud~nh, aeron In. with 1000al "s.ney. P.O. Box &\5 lo'~:n~:~ow I "'lINK"fOWN TFRROR" ODe InserUon . .. from 8ur•• Hall. Phon .....181. 5-24 Adult ,Dil l 6.~. Bovbjcrg. as.oclat profe sor of The clown are. pon red hy tlw 5·3l $1.20 • Column Incl1 I I- or J MEN to h.r apartment lor Zoology. and IrNlsurer. Jack 1' 1 I P . 0 2 DOIlBL! room. for ",.n. Prlvat" 'UJnmer aero from campul. Pbon~ WANTED: I!:lIperl~nr iiCOok for men', La .ton as 0 iat pro{es or o! S l'P lub thIS y ar and II kitchen and balh 8-:a7a. '·24 '·~244 from 1:00 to 1:00. '-24 hou.ln, unit. Good J)II~. New .tov~. Five InserUons a Moot.h. Meal plannln. IlIWtn tIT" of. 12 meala Pa~hol~gy. chos 'n In the same mannl'r a an' Each Insertion ...... MENS ·urnm .. rooms. $30 N, Clinlon. t..ARGE lurnll ed apartment. DI.I J>


' ~ "Bou:dy. NdI(;dy E.wugh '0 be Frenc:ll" George GoBEL a guy who has but one I aim in life ... and j


.52.,51 PlaUR' .. ~ AWARDS AiiJ:Oe- ~otJ ~ IIOYa: IA/DS·ITA TUOT .UlllIIImII·SIt\lIlM & WORLD &111. =p .m. I MATINEE-lie WID. Sa'.r",,, a.".,. \ IE ... I.. " II Da,. PLUS.... OLOR CARTOON --~. M ..II .... 1 : ti-~ : 80 ~d:I:1 -::..'~ HONO.S ;; ... aJ ... a' 8:\10 p.lII. AaJilma ADDED~OS SU&~:::~:::~"'~:":IO:-:NC:-:Vl=S:::I=T:::S-A"'U"'S:::T::CIUA " L'J COLO."

c pa•• 4-THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, Iowa-Sat., May 24, 1m , , " , .. trl4 I ( l ' .

Blasts Brand Only 24 of · Spahn Loses Perfect Game Roberts Says 6 Veteran Rookies Of Basketball S2 football In 7th, Giants Win in 9th To MSU 5-2, He Is Pitching 1M· ' · 1958 I Tenders In MILWAUKEE I.fI - The San Pia 2 Toda n alors In , Played at KU Franciseo Giants Friday smashed y Y Now As In SS NEW YORK (uP) - Even in the old days, when the bushes Weft Warren Spahn's bid for a perfect By ALAN HOSKINS full or talent wailing to be discovered, 30-year·old rookles were a rant, NEW YORK IA'I- Wilt (The Stilt> Iowa football may be hurting in game as they thundered from be· Iowa .Nelmen ' Chamberlain, one of the mo l pub· a couple of years as only 24 of 52 StaH Writer PHILADELPHIA IA'I _ Robin bulthere are a half dOlen in that bracket today, including a dandy ~ "need" scholarShip tenders have hind on home runs to defeat the the colorful handle of Riverboat Smith, a for the Boston Red SoI,' Iicized basketball player of the Milwaukee Braves 5-3 and increase Michigan State unleashed a 1L­ Roberts feels he has regained the generation, announced Friday he been received from football pros­ attack against Iowa Friday to winning touch as the re ult of sue. They christened him Robert Wal- pects during May. their lead to two Leadjng Big was quitting the Univer ity of Kan· and one·half games. knock the Hawkeyes further into cessfu] treatment of a shoulder and kay Smith back in Clarence. Mo .• Purdue 19 Strokes sas to launch a 160·game barn· Iowa football coach Fore t Eva­ The victory went to Johnny An. the Big Ten cellar as the Spartans elbow condition which cut his ef- just one county removed from the storming lour. shevski aid. "We don 't regard tonelli whe stopped the Brave. scored a 5-2 win. feclivene s. wide track of the Mississippi, and At the same tim.. h. l.v.lI.d thi as a very good return as many Ten' Tourney Ahead in Golf As on thrH hit.. but pit~h.d in Spart.n southpaw Ron Perran­ The 31 -year·old Roberts, once re- "Rjverboat" he soon became when • blnt at the brand of bask.tball of the best men on our list haven't Sp.hn'I .hildow for six ._ Iowa's tennis team went into the ..ki hurled • steady S-hi"" to cognized as the best pitcher in baseball called . Liechty Holds 2nd play.d .t K.nlu. saying it was signed their tenders or at least, The Gianb .elned the victory on ch.lk up his fifth conf.rence baseball. never before has admit­ "hurtl", my chancII of .v.r de· haven't mailed them." lead in team standings of the Big But the Riverboat ..emed to solo homers by Bob Schmiclt and Ten Tennis Championships Friday. win ag.inst no 10SHS and move ted any physical di ability. He has COLUMBUS, Ohio (All - Purdue', v.lopi", Into a lucc.ssful profes­ Evy indicated that therc may be complained of a "tired" arm, but be cruising upstre.m - eight Willie Kirkland and a two-run The Hawks qualified four men for the Spart.ns a step closer to the years in the minors - before he sophomore·studded golf team tolk Iional play.r." a few more on the list who will re­ blast by Willie M.ys that d.c1ded Big T.n ch.mplon.hlp. The Spar­ denied sufCering from a "sore a 19-stroke lead Friday at the hall­ In a copyrighted, signed article the singles finals today and all hooked on with the Red Sox this turn their signed tenders as they the game in the ninth. three Iowa doubles teams ad· tans hilve • 10.3 record and can arm." way point of the 72-hole Big T. in Look Magazine, he said '·the had a mailing dcadline of May 2L. spring, Indeed, there Wei a time It was the fourth victory against vanced to the semi·final round. clinch iI titl. tie with a split in when he w.. iust one pitch aw.y Conference golf championships. game I was forced to play al K.U. Evashevski blamed the Big Ten three defeats for Antonelli, a for­ a doubl.he.der at Minnnota to· wasn't basketball. It was hurting The Hawkeyes have scored 36 from being shipped back to the The Boilermakers' John Konsek. "need" program for not getting a mer Brave. Two qf the Milwaukee dey. my chances of ever developing jn· points, Michigan 31, pre·tourna· minors but now he'l solid again an 18-year·old sensation from But better return on his invitations to hits were homers by Ed Mathews The Spartans jumped off to a one with a 3·0 record. Hil latllt w.. falo, N.Y.. paced the 6O-man field to.' a successful professional play· high school football stars. and Del Crandall. It was the first ment favorite Illinois 25. North­ run lead in the first inning off Iowa er. " western 24, Indiana 22, Minnesota • three·hitt.r over CI.veland on with a 70·74-144, three strout Evy and hiS staff were also dis· defeat against six victories for burler Glen Van Fossen. A walk to May 20. better than his nearest rival. Than he explain.d that he was appointed that several Iowa high Spahn who fanned eight and 10, Wisconsin 8, Michigan State 6, shortstop Dick Golden and Frank 1. Perhaps because so many bonus referrin • . to the tactics used bV school prep~ had indicated they walked only one. phio State 4~ and Purdue Palamara's long double produced Konsek 's even p shooting fC!l' plan to enroll in other institutions. Through six the 37·year· Art Andrews defeated Carl Noble the run. babies have been flopping in this the 36 holes helpe~ give Purdue a "get rich quick" era, it seems to Among these are Pal Clare, 195- old Spahn was bidding for a per· of Illinois, 6·1, 6·1 in the quarter­ Michigan State added two more team total of 756. pound all-slate halfback from East fect game. After retiring 19 Gi­ (inals and then powned John Erick­ in the third on a single by Ted be a good year all around for the John Liechty of Iowa held sec· , slow·developers who did it the hard Sioux City, who is already enrolled ants in a row, he saw three San ~on of Michigan. 7·5. 6·3, in the Kearly. Gary Warner's double. a ond pillce with a 74·73-147. Ollt way. at Nebraska; Bcn Fellows. 192· Francisco batters take away from ~emifinals. Andrews will play sacrifice fly by Palamara and Don stroke .head of Wlseonlin's Jim pound ali-stater from Ames who him in order, the perfect game. a Jerry Parchude of Indiana in the Gilbert's slnglc. Also in the Red Sox stable is 31- R.mmert. who had. 141. year-old Murray Wall, who still plans to enroll at Oklahoma and no-hitter and a shutout. Danny inals. low. .ot its fint run in the Back of Purdue in a deadlock (or rates the rookie pitcher label. Then Dennis Niewoehner, Sumner's star O'Connell walked in the seventh Bob Potthast defeated Al Holt­ bottem of the inning wh.n Don there's Rine Duren, 29·year-old fire­ second place are Indiana nnd Min· quarterback, who will attend Dart· to become the first Giant to reach !Uan, Illinois, 75, 7-5. in the q\Ulr· p.den Icored on PerranOlki's nesota with 775, foliC/wed by Wis· mouth. Niewoehner was a Kinnick base. The first hit was May's sin­ wild pitch after being hit to lead bailer of the Yankees, who indio ~erfinals and in the semi·finals Bill cate he's up to stay at last. consin 778, Ohio State 784. Illinois scholarship candidate. gle and an infield out by Hank Petrick. Indiana, was a 5-7. 6-4, 6-0 oH the inning. 785, Michigan 788, Iowa 790, Michi· Evashevski said that the "need" Sauer allowed O'Connell to score yictim. Potthast will {ace John The Spartans added a run in the Add to these lG·year·old H.rry gan State 795 and Northwestem Hilnn.brink of the BravII. a util. program handicaps all Big Ten the first run. ~arris. Michigan, in the finals. fifth on singles by Palamara and ity infielder; pitcher Frank 802. schools and that once a tender is Gilbert and Al Klinger's two-base The tourney winds up Saturday San Francisco ... .000 000 12t- 5 1 1 Joe Martin dropped Hans Polte. throwing error. The Spartans com­ Barnes. 29. of the Cardln.ls•• nd signed and returned, doesn't mean Milwaukee ...... 100 020 000- 3 3 0 with another 36 holes of competi­ AniDnelli and Schmidt; Spahn and Ohio State, in the quarterfinals, 7- pleted their scoring in the ninth 30-year·old John Gray of the Phil. the athlete will enroll at Iowa. "It Crandall. tion. only means we've won the baWe fi , 6-2. and Bob Breckinridge. n­ when Golden and Palamara suc· lies. [ Home runs - San Francisco. Schmidt from 9 other schools in the confer· 15'. Kirkland 131. MaYI (131 . Milwau­ linois. 6-2. 6·1, in the semi-finals. cessfully pulled a double /iteal. Robi n Roberts Some had brief twirls at the rna· kee, Malhewl (10). Crandall (4). ence. Now we have to go out and Marlin's opponent todat' will be Iowa's last run came in the lIas WOIl Thl'ee Straig'lt jors in other years but they all Celt CBS To Begin Sunday convince the boy he should come to Bob SaCsone. Michigan. the heartbreak only a long-timc vet­ Iowa rather than some other insti· Indians Edge Senators Don Middlebrook beat Bill Shrop­ Roberts sudden.lik. colt.pse af· eran of the bumpy minor league Baseball on TV June 1 tution. " shle. Purdue. 6-1 , 6-4, in the quar· Rudeen, Nora To Pitch ter winning 20 games or be"er CLEVELAND IA'I - Cal McLish for six straight years for the trail experiences in his baseball SUI fans "When we sent out the tenders tosscd a three-hitter Friday night terCinals and in the semi·finals Against Michigan Today career. who plan to cram for finals over we knew we wouldn't get them all Middlebrook dereated Ray Cadose­ Philadelphia Philli .. has been one Wilt Chamberlain to shade Washington's Pedro Ra· of baseball's big mysteries. AI. Smith. a I.fty. II a starting the Memorial Day weekend, had back. That means we have no way mos jn a pitching duel of right. vich, Minnesota, 6-1, 6-4. Roger Right handers Roger Rudeen and pitcher. but w.1l is a reli.ver so better stay away from their TV Kanws' oppon.nt.. He said they of planning ahead. We might get Bielefield, Illinois, will meet Mid· Jack Nora are expected to pitch most everyone, players. mana­ handers as the Cleveland Indians gers. coaches. fans and oHicials it's not likely the city of Boston sets. put two. thr.. .nd lom.timn acceptances from five quarterbacks d1ebrook in the finals. today as the Hawkeyes wind up won their third straight, 2-1. hay. ventured an opinion. will see a repeat of the ....nsa. Television history will be made four men on him, and sometimes and no tackles," Evy said. th 1958 season with a doubl ehead­ The Senators scored in the first In the quarterfinal doubles. An­ Some said the fast ball-throwing tlon of '37." when Casey St.ngel on June 1 with the first nation-wide h.ld the ball for long periods. He inning when they collected two of drews and Potthast defeated Noble er against. Michigan. The twin·bill of the old Brave. extracted a to- telecast of a Sunday major league wid he had to neglect many pha.· will start at 1:30 p.m. on the Iowa right handcr had lost it, pitched their hits. They were blanked the and Holtman oC Illinois, 6-4, 3-6, himself out. was all washed up. tal of 40 victories and only 21 de. baseball game other than a Worl~ • , of pia V which "a man should DI~mond . rest of the way-except for an 6·3. The No. 2 leam of Martin and Others opined Robbie would have feab from his two rockl'" ch.ir Series contest. It will be CBS­ ., muter if he II to be a real pro." 8 Hawkeyes IQwa is faced with the task of rook in - Jim Tum.r and L.ou TV's initial "Sunday Game or the eIghth inning single. Middlebrook downed Don Hend· to learn the so·called "cute" pitch. The seven· foot AlI·America star sweeping the doubleheader to get Herb Plews singled to right field , rickson and Roger Jackman of ing technique to replace his lost Fette. aged 30. Week'" production. from Philadelphia said he planned out of the conference eeller. stole second and rode home on Neil Minnesota, 6-1. 5'7, 6-2. The No. 3 fast ball. There were those who "You never can tell about some Rivals in the history·making tele- to organize two 10·man squads. one Chrisley's singlc to right in the team of Bill Vox man and John i of 'em," Stengel says. "Some you cast, the first of 17 such productillll$ of Negro players and one of whites, Qualify In said he pitched like a pitcher with opening Crame. Stoy beat Dean Dixon and HarfY eighth when Fred Long walked and a sore arm. can rush up in a hurry and they scheduled through the remainder for the tour. The Indians tied it up in their Garnette of Indiana, 6·1, 6-2. moved around on two passed balls make good but you take a feller of the season, will be the CincJa. . We' II play 160 games, beginning Apparently the sore arm guessers half oC the Cirst on Gary Geiger's and a wild pitch. were right. like Duren and he don't find out nati Redlegs and the Philadelp/Jit in South America very soon and perrano ki. the league's leading about himself for awhile." PhiJlies, who clash at Connie MII~ continuing the next basketball sea· Big Ten Track double and a single by Preston 239th victory oC his career aDd his Roberts till won·t describe his Ward. fourth against two losses this $eas· pitcher, walked rive and struck out trouble of the Pllst two seasons, Smith hit a lot of way-points af- Stadium in Philadelphia. In caSe son through the United States," he LAFAYETTE, Ind. IA'I- Olympic five he went the distance. His of postponement, a stand-by ere' Cleveland scored the winning run on, struck out nine Orioles and al­ as during which he won a total of 29 ter signing with Louisville at the will be ready to substitute with tlo.. added. "This tour will give me broad jump champion Greg Bell opponent, Van Fossen, pitched good the competition I need to get ready in the Courth on singles by Roger lowed only one man to reach third. games and lost 40, as a sore arm. end of his collegiate career at the ~ led defending team champion Ind­ Maris and Russ Nixon and a force ball, walking four and fanning But that's what it amounts to. University of Micsouri _ Albany, Washington Senators-Baltimore Or· for the pro league." The triumph was Wynn's ~5th ~ ioles battle in Baltimore. ' iana to an impressive prelimin­ out on a grounder hit by Billy Har· three. but did not get the hitting "My arm has been tight and I Roanoke, three more years at Lou- 'rew other details wcre given of ary showing in the Big Ten track against 2 losses in competition support the Spartans gave Perran­ isville, and on to San Francisco, "Dizzy" Dean and Buddy Blatl­ the proposed campaign. Chamber­ rell. against Baltimore. haven't been loose and free, but and field meet Friday. Waab lneton ...... 100 000 000- 1 3 0 oski. where last year he was 13-10 in the ner, play-by-play announcers OIl lain said the tour would be man· A crowd of 10,192. braving 40- now I feel fine ," said Roberts Bell qualified in three events, Cleveland . . . 100 100 OOx- Z 7 0 X/le Hawkeyes' big threat came Thursday when asked the magic Pacific Coast League. the regular "Saturday Game Br aglld by Bill Leuchner and that Ramol and Courtney: McLl.h and degree temperatures. s.aw ex-Sox disappointing somewhat in the Nixon. in ,he first when they loaded the formula that has helped him win the Week'" telecasts for a sixth Leuchner believed it could gross broad jump with a best oC 24-3 to Jack Harshman suCfer nis second Wall, out of the University of straight season, also will descri~ $250,000. bases but Perranoski got Les three in a row, including Wednes· Texas, toured the minors for eight Ule Sunday action. pace the 10 Hoosiers who gained defeat against nve wins. Harsh· Zanotti and Tom Haye on force day night' 1-0 shutout of St. Louis. He added that he was looking Saturday's finals in seven events. Cubs Blast Phils man allowed seven hits but was years. finally attracting major no· .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'" forward to playing pro basketball ollts. "I have had mv shoulder and lice with a 16·7 record at Dallas • Indoor champion illinois end PHILADELPHIA IA'I - The Chi­ the victim of a sloppy play on MlClflOAN T~TE elbow worked on and that has in the National Basketball Assn. surprising Iowa each qualified • cago Cubs scored seven runs in which the Sox scored the came's AB It tr RBI last year. He came up to the Red ••• member of the Philadelphia Golden. a.... , ...... 4 2 I o enabled me to pitch b.tt.r than Sox briefly for 11 games at the end 1958 men. followed by Ohio Stat. with the CiCth inning after Philadelphia's only run in the third inning. Xearlt. rl ...... 4 1 1 o at any time since 19S5," he said. W.rriors, who hold draft rights 7. Michigan, Michig.n St.t. end Chico Fernandez muffed a double Baltimore ...... 000 00II oeG- 0 3 I FI~ser . If ...... , . 1 1 0 o of '57. to his .ervices. But h. cannot Chlcoro ...... , .. 001 000 OOx- 1 1 0 Vllimel. It ...... 3 o I o Ask Wlechec about it. H.'11 fill Duren was "on the road" for Purdue with 5 each; North· play and went on to defeat the H.... hman and Triandos: Wynn and Palamara. 2b ...... 3 1 2 2 you in." join the Warriors until 1959, after western with 4. Minnesota with Phillies 11-4 Friday nieht. Lollar. Gilbert, c .. , ...... 4 o 2 I nine minor le.gue ..uonl. Ipiced his 'cless Is graduated. StllI~r. Ib ...... 5 o 1 o Frank Wiechec, trainer of the with brief trials at Baltimore and 3. and Wisconsin with 2, Th. Hv.n run. were lcored en RlI$sell. ef .• .• . •• 4 o 1 o Phillies. put it this way : Hawkey~ ".The game I was forced to play Bch le ... l. 3b .... 2 o I o K.nsas City. before hi"ing • 13.2 Saturday's program will include AI Dark's basel' loaded triple. Er­ Reds Down Dodgers 4-1 "Robbie noticed from time to at K. U. wasn't basketball. finals in 13 events. the only cham­ nie B.nkl' two-run homer .nd Perrano okl. p ...... 4 o 1 o mark on the Yank .. farm at "At K. U. 1 wasn't developing CINCINNATI IA'I - A three·run ----- time that hc got Ured. He felt a pionship decided Friday was the BobbV Thomson'l doubl. with two TOTALS ...... 3~ 11 3 D.nver last year. That did it, Get Your Copy NOW the all-around game I need to meet pain in his shoulder." discus. on. It was Banles' ninth homer. scoring outburst plus Ed Bailey's IOWA Hannebrink stuck in the Braves lhe' kind of challenge Bill Russell home run helped Cincinnati·s Red­ ~B It H ItBI "It was decided that Roberts had The discus title went to Ohio The PhilJies scored twice in Peden.3b ...... 3 1 I o a 'trigger area,' a kind of sensitive farm system for LO years. Barnes had to face when he moved up State's Jim Marshall with a toss their half of the fifth, after filling legs keep out oC the N alional Haroeh. 2b ...... t o ] o at from the University of San Fran­ Weatherly. c ...... o 2 o area in one part of the body - Ro­ had a long stint in the minors with of 172 feet, 1 inch, well behind the the bases on two singles and a League cellar Friday night with a cisco to the Boston Cellics. Lon,. 11 ...... 3 o I o berts' shoulder - which sends out a '55 no·hitter at Oklahoma City Big Ten mark of 178-11 ~. walk. Chuck Essegian singled 4·1 victory over the Los Angeles Zanotll, I b ...... 2 I 0 o but no big break until this year 81 ...•. impulses through the brain to an­ Communications "There is so much big talent in Indiana's Willie May, defending Dodgers. Reliefer Hal JeCCcoat had Haye, 4- o 0 o the pros that they don't look up to driving in the runs. The PhiJIies Boul'danOl, rf '" .... 4 o 0 o other area which also feels pain . when the Cards kept him. Gray in the 120 highs and 220 lows, qual­ scored again in the sixth after Rip to pitch his way out or big trouble Kllncer. cf ...... 2 o 0 o anybody." Furlong, of ...... 1 0 o In Roberts' case the second area has been getting some relief work ified in both his specialties, al· in the eighth inning to protect the o At Lawrence, Kan.. Dick Harp, Repulski doubled and scored on a Van Fo~aen . p ...•.... S o 0 o was his elbow. with the Phillies. triumph. a-Nora ... , '" ...... 1 o 0 o though he placed third in his 120 fly ball. In the eighth Granny "Robbie discovered he couldn't But no matter how little they Kansas coach, refused to comment Two straigbt singles in the eighth ----- on Chamberlain's criUcism of Kan­ heat while taking his 220 low heat Hamner's single drove' in Harry TOTALS ...... 31 2 5 0 straighten out his elbow. It lock­ play - or how well - you can bet CENTER inning had sent Redleg starter Bob a .- ,rounded out lor Von Fossen In sas basketball but he wi hed his in 23.5. Anderson who had doubled. ed. H. couldn't get the usual this is one group of ball players Purkey to an early shower. Jeff· .th. College and Madison protege success in his new venture. Another returning double cham­ Rookie Hobbie won his third Michigan Stale ...... 102 010 001-5 flip .t the .nd of his pitching mo­ that really knows what it means to pion, Willmer Fowler, defending game against four defeats. Ray coat finally jammed the bases on a Iowa ...... 001 000 01~2 S.turday , to 12 .nly "~ am certain Wilt will go on to E - Buadanos. Haye, Klinger: PO·A tion." be a big leaguer. prove himself the fincst playcr in in the 100 and 220 dashes. quali­ Semproch was the loser. walk to Carl Furillo. but fanned - MSU. 27-8; Iowa. 27·14. DP - Golden fied in the 100 with 9.7 and was sec­ Chlca.o ...... 100 010 012-11 It I Charlie Neal and got Gil Hodges to to Palamara 10 Stiller. LOB - MSU the hiStory of the games," Harp Ph lladelphl. .. .. 000 021 010- '10 2 10 . Iowa 8. said. ond to Hugh Hines of Iowa in his Hobble and Tappe: SemprOC!h, MJller fly out, ending the inning. 1P H R EX BB SO 220 trial. 15). Moreheod (51. Gray. Hacker (8, The firth inning was Cincinnati's Van Fossen .... . 9 11 5 4 4 3 and Lopata. L - gemproch. Perranoskl .... . g 5 2 2 5 5 Results of Friday's qualifying in Home runs - Chic8ao. Banks (." big one. The Reds touched starter H.BP - Peden IPerranolkli. WP - the Big Ten track and field meet: Wall. 1121 . Johnny Podres Cor three runs on Perranoskl 2. PB - Gilbert 2. Um­ EVERYDAY OLD FASHION PRICES- pire. Gamber and Leye.. Tim. 2:24 . Broad Jam_Bell, Indiana. 24-3; three hits and an error. Berler. Mlnneaols. 23-2: MOlTow. Min­ Los ~n,eles ...... 000 00II lOG- I • 1 nesota, 23'.; Mitchel\. 1IIlnol., 22-1I'~; Cards Bow to Bucs 3·2 Dav", Ohio Stale. 22·e,,; Camamo. Cincinnati ...... 00II 031 OOx-' 8 1 Kids Still Love Tigers Iowa. 22-5 V• • PITTSBURGH IA'I - Second base Podre., Roel;ouclc (7J and Roseboro ; «0 1ard .....-Nlxon, Wisconsin; Purkey, Jef(coat (81 and Bailey. W - 'DETROIT IA'I - . The DetrOit Ti· Davi •. Ohio Stale; Brown. Iowa; Cafley man Bill Mazeroski broke up a 2·2 Purkey. L - Padre •. gers are last i.n the American CURB MENU INSIDE MENU and Laconl, Indiana : CasUe. Mlehlgan ball game with a run·scoring sin­ Home run. - Lol Ancelel, Neal (8) . Slate; Conatt, Northwellern: Kerr. Cln<.lnnoU, Bailey (4). League but they are still tops with Illinois; Kine. Purdue. Best time-Kerr gle in the eighth inning Friday the kids. :48. night as the 100 yatd d.. b - HJne. and Burrow., Yanks Win 10th in Row Thursday night, after losing to Baskets Iowa: MJtehell and McKown, Illinois: trimmed the St. Louis Cardinals the New York Yankees 5-4, ten of Chef's special sirloin steak 1.50 Bell and Williams. Indiana ; Fowler. 3·2. DETROIT I.fI - Bob Turley got . the Tigers put in personal appear. AMEIUCAN LEAO E Northwestcrn. Elhoerton. Purdue. Belt Ronnie Kline. with help from Chicken in the basket 75c • W L Pel OB lime-Hines :08.' (with (avortne wind) . horne-run help from Gil McDou· ances at a suburban Royal Oak Fried Chicken ...... 1.25 New York ...... 23 5 .821 120 yat4 bl,. bardlel-Staneer and Don Gross in the ninth inning. gald, Elston Howard and Yogi sliopping center promotion. Cleveland ...... IS 17 .514 8'~ Trowbridge; Mlchlaan; May and Camp­ picked up his CiCth victory of the Shrimp in the basket ..... 75c Sla~ ; Berra and the New York Yankees They were all but mobbed by a Channel Catfish ...... 1.75 Bolton '" '" .. 17 17 .500 9 bell. Indiana; Hauck. Ohio season against three defeats. Gross Kansas City .. 14 15 .483 9'~ Pederson. MlnnellOta: Geruts. Wlaconaln ; walloped the Detroit Tigers 8-1 crowd estimated by store officials Baltimore ...... It 15 .483 9'. SWlw8gon. Purdue. Beat time -H.uck came on with none out after pinch Friday night. The triumph was at from 4,000 to 5.000 - mostly Fish basket .,...... 75c Washln&ton .. ... It 18 .436 II :14.3. hitter Joe Cunningham opened with Baked Swiss Steak .... ,. 1.35 Chlcaco ...... 13 18 .419 lJ1 ~ !'.!O ,.ar. I." h.,dlea-Hauck and Turley's seventh without a loss. children seeking autographs. Detroit ...... 13 21 .383 13 Wltuams, Ohio Stale: OlTls and Mc­ a single. the Yankee's 10th in succession. Harvey Kuenn had to take refuge FIlIDAl"S RESULTS Donald, 10"'0; Trowbrldae and Stan.­ Dick Groat batted in one run Baked Ham, pineapple glazed Cblc:alo 1. BalUmore 0 er, Mlch.l.on; May, Indiana ; StlUwa.on. and sent the Tigers to their ninth amid shoe bQxes at one store until Sandwiches Purdue. But lime-May :23.5. and scored the other two and gave New York 8. Detroit I straight defeat. tbe kids could be formed into a line. " -. " " , , 1.35 Clev"land 2, Waablncton 1 220 ,.,. • ••h-Htnes and Burrow_, Kline invaluable assistance in the ...... Boston t. Kansa. City 1 Iowa: Fowler and Jo •• I. Northwe.lern: Turley lost his shutout in the One 5·year-old slood quielly in Tenderloin ...... 19c TODAl"S PITCHER8 Lattimore and Mitchell, nUnolo; Bell. field as he came up with 10 assists. ninth Inning, endlng a string ot 26 front of Frank Bolling even after Washtnaton a' Cleveland - Stobbs Indiana .. Elh~iDn. Purdue: Dabl., Kline ,i1ve up 10 hit, - th .... (0-3' va Mos I 14-31 . Ohol State. Best tlmes-Hln.. and scoreless Innings. This was his sev· receiving his autograph. Hamburger . " , ...... 19c Served with above New York at o..lrolt - Maclle (1.(1) Davl. :21.2. of them to Stan MUllal, the Na­ ., 11M enth straight complete game_ "Didn't you get one?" Frank v. ~ry (3-4) or Shaw (1·2). yord r.n- Lean. HuCb.. , Lake tional L.ague I.ader In hitting. Boeton at K.n.... City - Sullivan and Atterberry, Mlchl,an State: Imrie New York ...... 303 00II 0»-. . 0 asked. "Yes." the boy replied, and Kerr, IIUnol.; Smith. Indiana: Hank Foiles. the Pirates start­ Detroit ...... 000 000 001- 1 8 1 "but I want you to sign your broth- 11-1) v. Kellner 10·11. Turley and Berra: Hoeft. Mor,an Potatoes Dessert Baltlmor" at Chlc310 - O'Dell (4-4) Deardorrl, Mlchl,an: Jone.. Ohio ing catcher, tripped over a tar­ Malts & Shakes va Moore II-lIar Keelan (0-01 . Stale. Best lime-Lean 1:51.7. r31. Shaw 18), au""" (7), SI"aler Ig) er's name, too," DI•••• lin ai-I. Jame. Marshall. Ohio paulin in the fourth inning while andHome Wilson. runs L - - N.wHoeft. York . McDou- •liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillil Salad All the coH •• NATIONAL LEAOUI Stat., 172-1. 2. Rober! Pellant., IllInol •. chasing a foul fly and cut his chin. All flavors .. ,...... 19c W L Pol OB 171-2. 3. Tom Pele ... WisconsIn. 181- laid ($" Howard (I), "'rra (4'. San Francisco . 24 12 .667 II. 4. David Pop pIer. Ohio Stale. It took 21 stitches to close the Milwaukee ...... Ia 12 .613 2'.!o 157·2"'. 5. Sam EUowllz, Mlchl,an wound. The injury will be x·rayed Relish TrQY you can drink State. 1M-l,0"'. French Fries . , ..... , .... 15c Pltt"burab ...... Ii 15 .559 4 Saturday. Bosox Rip A's 9·1 Chll;a,o ...... 18 18 .486 6'~ Fhe Men's Shop st. Loul...... 001 000 000- 2 10 I PlUladelphla .... 15 Ilg. '.4'!SI a HOLE IN ONE KANSAS CITY Lfl-Boston blasted 8t. Louis ...... 14 ~ 8 Plttsbur,h ...... 200 ooe Olx- 3 t 0 ClnelhpaU ...... 12 11 .387 8'~ Mizell. Wlaht 181 and H. Smltb: out seven runs in the second inti­ Lao Anaelel .. ... 13 22 .371 10',; SPENCER 1.fI- C. G. Johnson of Kline, Groos \11 Ind 1'ollel. Kravitz distinctive at , ing Friday ni.ht as Don Bud~ln FalllAl"S aESULTS Spencer, who took up golf four (4'. W - Kline. L - Mizell. , Clnolnnatl 4. Lao Ancelel I and Dicit Gernert hit home runs, mens wear sari .... nelaco 5. Milwaukee 3 years ago- at the age of 67. shot a and the Red Sox coasted to ".... 0 1.. Phllac\olphla 4 t1 ,,*UI~ 3. SI. Loul. 2 140-yard hole·in-one at the ~r Y'ynn ~t' Oriol., ,-0 victorY over t11r KanSJI clty - •C!lJ,CAGO -, E¥I . w'"nn he • JO~l"~ PITCU,R8 Golf and Country Clllb. letts • I · I.~edo re ¢ , ~ a hll-.telphla -- Droit rl-n lea'go • tJ ~~~ v.; I on. (4-4). The, 71-year-old man appar tly' ma~r wtnnln~st pit~er, 80.... .~...... 070 100 I I \4 I ... he(ldquar~,~ . \lis Plltotlur,b - Jackson was too modest to boast of his at. hurled the C cago White Sox to a an Cil ..... 100 000 I I I 1 '''' .rl'" (1-2). Nlxo erberet. MIttU. Cracldoc.lI 6 won Lao An,,,lea at Cincinnati - Enklne Although he made the shot w a l~, three-hit Yictory Frtday ni&ht (2" Herbt!rt ISl, Burnette til and jOlJhr'l :~. (2-2' v. Nuxl\all f1-I)' seven iron last Tuesday, It dldn't over the Baltimore Orioles. Smith. L - Maa.. ' 105 E. CoUege San Francisco at Milwaukee - Me· Home runl - 8o1lon, Budelln (I), Connlek \t-o) VI COllley (0-2) • become Imown unW Friday. The bi, right·hander, scorinl his tCterntrt til. {iflllfhffl\f[iWiiiillfiMlii1MWblfViilJibitllifiitliil j ~ I ., .. ~