I Admits emovlng• ' Stemm m l * * * ....*"--* * * * * , I at Serving The State University of Iowa and the Peoplp of Iowa City Press-AP Lell d Wire nnd Photo City. lowll. Saturd:lY. fay 24. 1958 Starkweather Found AN AIR VIEW OF THE WALTER STEMM FARM 11 mile. south of Iowa City w.. taken by Daily Iowan photographer Darel Hein Friday. Arrow 1 shows the location of the stock tank where Clarence Stemm wa. found Sunday; arrow 2 points to the place whe re the .22 calibtr revolver was found in the roadside Guilty Of Murde r ditch about 75 feet from the stock tank; arrow 3 id entifi .. the Stemm house where office,.. found Clar· ence·. body lying on the floor next to the bed in which lay his father, Waite ... Sentenced To Electric Chair * * * * * * 1958 Iowa Corn Summer Uncle Took Revolver, Monument Design Registration For Killing Robert Jensen Contest Now Open Summ r. ion r gi~tration moll'rials may bc obtain d from Uni· SUI c()('ds will hav(' an oppor. vcr itl' Hall on W~dn day. June 11 . 0 material will bc dl trlbutl'd Slayer Shows No Emotion; Later Threw It In Ditch throu h th(' mall . Attorney To Appeal Verdict By DON HANESWORTH tunity to . (' if th(·y can outdo thc tud 'nl \Iho have bl' n enroll d t S I in the collcgl.'. oC Liberal StaH Writer C('lIows again in d('. igning thl' COni Art .• Comm('r '. F.du atinn, Engine riog. ur ing. Law and Gradu t f r,.", TIl~ Dati, I ••aa ' ee",bll'f' 1•• I'd ... Jr~ •• ) A partinl explanation of the my te ry surrounding the d ath of monulll('nt ror S I lIoml.'comlnll ColIl.'gl.'. will f(·gi {('r Tu day ..Jun 17 . U , OL ", eb. _ eh. rle Inrl-well th('r, tilt' 19-\,ear·old I t f II tudenls who III I nome begins with F· H regist r between 9 a,m . Clarence Stemm, 29-year.old Lone Trce f armer, was rel'en I('d nex O . and 12 noon; I-E bt'lwH'n t2 noon and 4 pm. youth \Iho W('nt on a homicidal orgy that too\.. 1 I li~' ('s, W il late Friday by Johnson County Ltamev William \1. Ttl k(,r. ~NY~tNe. colnni(b'CIIl'd witth ttih Cia. s wilt Ix'gin Jun )8 and end August 13. forning cia orden'cI to pay with his ov n Frida.v. 'd Ib S I f ' I I ' d J nlverSI y I. c Ig t· t 0 l'n rr W will. tart on lh(' hour and 1'10. at 10 minute Ix'for Lhe hour ; aItel"' T IIC k' cr sal A e rt temm , une e 0 aren(', lie ITIlt!( t )at monum nt de ign contc t h'ld nch A J'ury of eight women and fOllr men found the redh ired ma s ~ noon. ion. b gm lit 10 aft'r the hour and clo, e on the hour, he had found the .22 caliber revolver in th{' stock tank wht're year. La t y or' winnl'r wa Tuition for Tf.' id~'nt. and graduat . will be $75 for more lhan four J..ill {'r guilty of the murder of jll tOil of hi victim .• but that Wil Clarence was fOllnd Sunday. Marilyn Mickey. A2. Cre ton , lh . m. ter hOllr ; $47 for Ihree 10 four hour ; and $29 for two hours I I h I h ecund sur COl'll to win first prize cnoll~ 1 to commit t(ITI\went er to t I lcetric c air. Albert. who li ves about a mile U Ct' 0 ' or Ie . I H k h d' . h h I south of the Walter Stemm farm. rges rea Ion f In 44 )ll.'ars. on·fl'. idl'nt C('l'. will b 5 for full time (mor than Cour sem ter e too t e \' r Ict WIt t m x· • .,. Chairman of the monument com· hour I: $59 for half time Ithree to four hours); and $36 for two hours Lure of indifCl'rence Bnd bravado told his story Friday aftcrnoon fo e,v, Ian Agency To mittee Don W.aller, E3. Iowa City. or Ie • I which had marked hi 3·week trial. Charles A. Barker. assistant county ) TI I. 11 attorney. and Pete Carmichael. C I A' I announc d F'rlday thaf d ' ign id as PI. c('mC'nt l'xatnination will bc gin'n to new stud nts on Monday. Ie convicled. ... i er poke not ontro If anes are due by eptl'mlx'r 27 at th June 16 . one word in the courtroom except agent from the State Bureau of engineering dran' oWe, to whi per what appear d to be Criminal Investigation. ASH GOP P 'd EMS Of "oodb " t hi d f tt W IN T N ru 1_ re I ent Winners will be announced Octo· xpect erger oon h b I II Y 0 en a orney. AlberL and his wife drovc onto Ei,enhower's ai r safety chief aid ber I. United Press and INS Frenc Re es T, Clement Gaughan, a he> was the Walter Stemm farm Sunday Friday that unified conlrol of civil· LAST YEAR'S pri7 .winnlng d _ led in handcuff out Lh door. morning just as Mrs. Walter ian and military air traffic was a ign con isted of R yellow "I" for EW YORK '.fI A ml'r" r 01 R.po.... r ••topped him I" the 't I 't t b' d t th thr nll·d ·Prl'. A sociation and Id hi he Stemm found the bod y of h er son VI a neces I y 0 ring or er 0 e Iowa rising out of a r d "W" for Demand corr or on • w.y to t . t.te ·, t gl d ' lnt rnationrl tW~. 'Tvic(' IlNS I New It I d k d hi In the stock tank . Cia r ence Wa na tIon s an e airways. Wisconsin. The $300. 20(oot.high pen ent .ry .n as e m, placed on the lawn and given arti· Gen . E. R, QUl.'sada. head of the structure burned in tradition 1 i: in Ih olring. it wa confirmed "How do you feel, Charll.?" I·Ic 1a· I r e sp I ra tIon' . Alb er t t 0 Id 10' - P res ide n t· slaysA'rw ..",0 d ernlZlI. t'Ion fa hion when Iowa bl'at Wiseon. in Friday. An announ~ml.'nt is ex· "I do n ' t thoIn k th ey tr.I d me for vestigators. Board, lestifi d before Lhe Senate In the Bom coming game. pcctl'd undllY· G t J.n ..n ," he .. Id. "They trl.d "When efforts to revive him Aviation Subcommittee. It i. con· It wa. It'llrned that . uch a m r· overnmen me for the whole thint." c failed. Clarence was taken to the sidering legislation to create a suo Hint ,tor pr,osPl'cthe contest· ger. long undl'r con. ideration by The youth' fath r, Guy Stark· bouse and laid on the Door be Ide pel' cl\ ilion agency to ael a traf· anls; thiS year Homcomlng Oil- thl' two n('lIis wire> rvict' , lIa weather. who hard the verdict the bed where his falher Walter fic cop in U.S, air pace. ponents Will b the Wt/dcat of Ix' n under r newl·d di. cu ion and Pflimlin Asks from a ebair j t in Ide th court· James R. Durfee. chairman af Northwe. tern, . who~ color. ar' that. excl'pt for formal iinlng. f d room door, al·d ·. "r thl'nk I'l l go )ay," he said , Walter Stemm die d pI d h t h ..- d 'd d Vote of Con I' en e the Civil Aeronautics Board. 10' in d Ip _ur e an w I (!, a ..... l'n eel t· upon. C al n" wllh Ch~rll·. }'k wa trl' d sometime Saturday evening of • ~ 1" natural causes. Quesada in endorsing the propo • PARI ruP) _ F'r('nch g nerals lor th whole thing." al. By th "whole thin,," they meant Albert then wlnt back to the Both said the President's order A Tmy Halts M d 'f' t' and civilian in Algeria Friday the rampog> oC killing that terror. .tock ,.nk and found the .22 reo bringing orne military jeL flights 0 " CO '0n op nly d('mand d the overthrow of : i1 d Lincoln la t January when he Robert Jensen volver in the tank. H. took it under civilian control would help th Fourth Republic and the forma· and hi 14-year-old girl friend. Car· hom. with him and cleaned it. halt jet·transport collisions and 01 N Ok A · M ""/ tion or a "public sarety" Govern· 11 Fugate. len bodies ·trewn from After que. tloning Sunday, Albert near misses. BuL they warned Lhot I e- 10 X , s S I e S ment under Genl'rol Charles D the lum to the most exclu Ive murder .nd robbery of 17-vur­ realized the Importance of the lasting safety improvements could r 'sld ntlal di triel or Lincoln. old Robert Jen.,n. Th. body of r.volv.r in the case, no I b e rna dc overntg. ht . I WA S H TNG. T0 , (UP) -. Thl.' Iwork "throughout thl' army." Gaulle in Parls.
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