TH3 tiNfvilffiSffY Q3 II[¡\]{TTOÏ$.

Tlffi Ð}]Vf,:LOT{r¡El{T Ol- gDU0ATfO}il


strtA$ RTVEn VAl,ilffiY

3Ëlï1[G /{ TH]flSr,$ SUrililrTTïD .J0 Tit$

C0irß¿f 'ITliil 0lit FOÍ]ff-Gï-tAÐUAtffi STTIÐÏES flil Pl\&Tfl¡l. l''UI,tr'Iü,,m1'lT Of' tÍffi

nEq,UIf-í5[!1fr1TTË SOH T]fg DffiGRiifj 03'



J OHI{ i'TAffTAl{ fr,OBTffi'T ST,ASK

BlÍirT'J0 IîÁrvyfoSA


The qriter sråshes to ex,press hÍ.s apprecLatå the rara,ny ind.lviduats slho have helped make thfs study posef.ble' fle fe partleularly lndebtecT. to ¡r'ÐoS.9oode oÞean sf Ëhe I'acuJ.ty of .EducatåoarUnJ.verslty of ]'fanj.tobe., for s¡æitrmthetie Aíreetåon and. dåEcernlng arltf.eism throughout the progress af the work; ts offlefale of the Ðeln,rtment of lfdueatfon; bø offi.efals of schooL dlstricts and. rnunlelpa,lf ties wåthln Swan Rlver Valley; to the teaeb¡ers t.rho ansscred. questionnalres; to the pfoneere wbo off,ered. ånforaatlon relatång ta the ffret yeÐ,ws of settlement in thc Valley;a,nd, to thoee engaged. ía buefness enterpråsÇs ':Tho 'mad.e d.ata for the sfudy avallaþIe.

¿¿ BABTtr 0p 0oNriNf$ Fage l,ISf- 0f' fABJ,fS sst o c o o s. o o s o. o c É o ê o oo coó e o o o oo s o o o o G ø ê o oeo. o

AfSg 0F llTçt¡lg$ 'or oc.ocóoo. o. ô r. ece oc oo o ú.....c oeÕ. c n. "o... uhap'çer

lu' IT{TBOÐUO?IOI'I e. e Ê oc c. o c osoo e coc o...c o eo c. o. e . o. o o oo.o. L Furpose of the Stucly Souraee of Tøþa, Method" of Srocec¡.ure

TI' HISïORI@AI, .41{ll gCO}T0lvIIü SACKc'fr,0IJ1'[Ð; POPütAff 01ü TR$ITÐS" . 5 I,oeatåon of Ësan Blver VaJ.ley Expioratåon and 3'r¡r Tra"de fhe Comång öf Èhe Settl"ers Becreatifon; erf the ?ioneers

flee *suffra,gf s t i'fiovffirent The lr:inii; rrGoldrr ltueh OeauSlatlens of fhe Feaple Tbe Bó0râ lears , The European Influ,pc fi,ecent Shffte 5.n FopurLa,tåcrn

TII. OJ?GÄTTTZ-åTTON OT BHN MIN\TTCTP.AJ,TTTtrS Or' }¿MNTTOI{AS A}rP SnfAlf RIViIR¡ÐmrffI,OIllmÍT 03,THï] SeHO0t SYSfffi[ oGó..norg 2b Thç ßural i,¡iunieÍp.ilty of iiftnåtona.s 5he ltirnteipallty of Swar¡ Rfver fhe I'lrstr Schools anå" Tæ"ehlng Staff

Slrst St,egls f mvard. en

rhe SulLd-lng Prorya*iurre resuåtÍng from 0ensç1"Í,etatåon ¿ii 0hapter Fage ffra,nspoi:ta,uisn þoblerns resuåtång from ConsolÍ orr

Tv" $CHOOT, PoÞUI"arr0N Òoo... o,.o o. socooo. o,. oo.oeeo.ocoe 50 Iatr od-uct,l o¡i Shi:flts ín Sch.ool" Fopuì"ation

Fþese¡rt Ënroliment of Ëchoo1 Sopula,ole¡n nge-Grade Ðistrfbt¿tåon of pr*pf1s HoJ.ding pemer of the Sch.ool Ëhc Sshooj- þegra¡:tûnê

SchooL s'a"i-rs anci G].t¿bs

I,{inf{;orras Fíeld Ða.y Iïigtr Sehool Studen,u. Oou¡eciis

lÂue Lc, S poken F oetr;r, an.d, Ðra¡må Fes tivai * Swan ftíver Tnter_Iffgþ Track a.¡:d. I,Lel"el 1ieet Ðíseoverfng fal.enti v" ËcÏfQ0], FBüVI$IOIìS A1[Ð CoS'JS ,...... ,.".7g The Êchoot Flant Hea.tfng and. tfgþi;$.ng

Pla¿vgrou:ad, .&rea a.nd. EquåSrnent fiqulSanent for Selænce Inetrr¿e.blern

ãgur,f pren.b,. fer l{usLe InetructJ. on

ff.eeent BuiJ"d.íng ERqî:ee,os Sroj ected Buiidj"ng Flans Cost of fd,ueatåon ln Søan Riye¡. Valle;r $ala.r*es: Fatå Schooi Frlncåpa,is

Ëalsråes Ïaid Tea,skrers Oost gf Era.nsporta,rlon Cost of Íuitlon

LV Qkta,p'aer Tæ"6e- Sgureen c'f &evenu*

Sfffeyences ån tr'Lnar¿eia.} AbåJ"å{:3, yI, THil p0ËrrfÏul{ CIF fHS: TtrACHjlF" øÉ..! .....cqos gt lntrr¡ri"uct{ on ffia.cia} 0rågfnrl{arf"ba.i Sta'ou.srÄge anci Ses, rIæaeneyg of

Á.ea,e3errrle 1Þepara.tJ. on of TeacherË¿ Frofeeeiona,l 3-beparation pf lt'eaeh.ers þsfep¡síona.l Grog..rth of ,Jeachers

læaç}iey I'enure fn S_rva,lr River" VaLÏey

VIl" gÐIJC.A,l'fO]'i/.LL T,3Lê,Ðl*fi$ o o. a r a..,. }CI? llhe 3tr,.qt Sch-ecl Inspec'bora Tnspec'b or. 3"H.i;alke::

lnspæe tol' J "$u3each Ï,Íf"it'G'Ta¡'}of:

I,li.r "lJ"S,Tfood.s

IM .J nS 'Ður¿ean

i'i.r,17,J, fr,eclger Ê;

' iitr 'J *T,l ofieibe e¡n . 'W.3aid1¡ff n ttai¡u¡-errt ef I'on:rær Fråncipals Slementar;,' Sohoo}"'Ieaehere

0ther,Sclreol l-,ead.errr VTÏI" tÖiii0lru$ICIlrlt .s6ú4.&. ¡.e . {.{ {c. r!.c......¡.ra.c@ø@ }2S

0 oncl u.d.i"n g S ta.t e"ruer¡t s


Ffn¡:Tgçng1l¡1y.4o... èo.ö! L2,/[

.elglftíDTlt ço r r o. ? ! . r . . o' .

r/ Tægæ Á.FFf:ITilTXs'Ar¡ ctFy üF ÐCIçu$,Iffiñï R"Élr"aTri,iG ft plTtl fp*e3E ri{ sç/rtiìf Hfv.trit VÂtLfiy ø øqøçr6.?eoeoóeooooðsóë o J^a?

.APFä}TTTT.f'3I' TTIS trAäLY ÞATË O} $H'TTüfiiIffi}Tr TiÌ Si?T/ilT }TT'V]ÍI1 VÂT,];"EY ô o o o , o Ð o Ð é.. ¡ o o o 6 o e o ¿ ô o ¿ ¡ r e o 6 o . ô , o o o ç o . o " 1gü SnP?l$pfSiifl tr 3$/dlil$ 0F ff.Lt tOTffiCIi,$ OS tHE ir{rIt.If CfpAtff'y üS t!ii¿-t-l I'JU-ùlJli. e..oooúoE! .".J""34 A-ËTllii'i-llÏK¡¡}¡¡ ü0]'I$01,r¡ATrtli 0s $0H001:$ rll s'flAi( Tirvffit vAïtffiy ""3ffi ,{}'Fãi\i}fiÇrtff tt 9.0ëãgS 0F 6Ji4STf {)}ffAfRbl$ Äi'IÐ t ÇC0jriptu1Ïyfi{G lrHfïël3,$.ø.Þô.oor.âòócào úo¿ooo¿... "LLL APFj¡liTDl-tr¡¡3¡¡ f"4.Bl-,31S STItr'fIf,TG ptrITCSflirlAGSl liSCRgAS.rt 0f' FCIplJy' lf"TI0i[¡R-qtIAL ORTGII{ 0F pUpIJ;# å¿o c ào o aô,.'n.. o",å$CI .APFSITDTÍIIGT' LIST 03. FII?Ër ffi:.AüIr"El:S rN $cI{o{L }r5TnI0T6'tf$ stïALf nrvgR vA];f,Æy Þ. . o o oc .. o, o. .ô â .., c .. o e o .. o,..Tg4 ApFSlTprli,"Hil INFOnicATrt$ asrÁrrrvG T0 ffiJËt'þa-0rffiH,rt,m,Æi AcrrvTÍIjllE û..û. .,e.,rrÊ.oâ,o.o c.øàc o...ô " \ã6 $PPffirJ¡fgtig tr 003y 0x' pu3I,rc ¡roTrcÏü ü0r\T0EtrNtTit(i scIf00å SylA?y. , L6Z

ï1 rrËr CIF,TÅ3tE$ 'fable Fagc Jo ßhow*ng t'iae \trTtøaru pleld of jlourteen trap Ðåstr-tet,s Õf Ëhe Frav:\'Aeq r>f llan|'*$ba fo't tite Yea,r L946 aaeeøeø EA J¿" Shor+ing a gÕmpa,ríssn Õf ÄTre?&ge Graín Yfeld. at Kenvfã}e sitir Average Yåelct of the Provl¡rce of ilianj"'brb¿¿ for LgM *L

TÏI " Pepd"atf.on of ,9øan,Rlver and. Lilnl-tonas ituni.ef"pa.litiee and of tlre Town of $wan Båver at Ten year Int,ervais 19ül*I921 o9 0es aeÁ t øe c 4.te øtGtørèþGþsúç.'è.s 3e. É4ú¡ ¡ É&Gú 28 ïv, Popula'bf oi: of Fwan ïllver and. l{inÍt,onas 1{unåcfpaiitles and. of the Tøwn of Stran Blver at S.lve yea,r lntervais 1921*1946 ap @ø e @ & o a 6 ee as aø q c ù o s & e ø& o @ @ qø ù c o E Eøq ø e e c øø e 28 V" fhe sehclol DlstrLets rrl'bhin the Rural iulunLei¡iaifty of iliínÌtanas showing the yea,v eaelt staø erga:irì.zerg ænd- the læa;t of tire.fireetåon of frlre sch,e¡gI }Iouse êq6.¿a&øEøoúe gA vl; schooi ÐlstrÈc: tE @Íthf n the F,urat ffiunLe L*oali ty of swan Ríl.ter shmvfng fhe Yçar eaeh wasú. "*,-"oø.øçø" öb vTl ' sel¿orr"1 Ðlstriets tn. tinorga,nlzed. ferr"l"tory sheellng the Year ø-aeit rras Organízæd" ø o e o ø ù E e eø ø I & b ê ø a ø s ø e.. L s e s a ø@ õ6 VTTT. Á. comlæ,rison of ttre cost of Tsaneportatåon with that of 'galaråere 3aicl Tæaeilævs for Beni.ts CIonsoli.dated. sehgol DÍsi;rÍeûul-9},3 ro 194ã,, øosøsøqsøs&aeøøe@asøeso 46

lje, "À _CIoia5wæison r:f the Oosi; of I'raneporta,e ltrn i¡yf th t:r¡a;b of Ëalarfes Paicl reaehers lor Ður1¡an consorid.a'ced ßelrorri DigtrfetÐL9?-4 To 1945 øøoøosao¿.cç.¡.6 sse ceçoù A't

v .Ao 'å 0orelu,rÍsan of ßalaries of van Ðrfvers wfth 'bhose ôf Teaahere for Benl.tCI Coneolld.ated. Sollosl Þistyie,b at Stlve Yeaæ Pgrfo¿f.s L$t?-i92'7 *uoqeoe @@øø@øoøsøøseþs6&. @ ãl* Raeåa,I trígtn cf BenlÈo to¡reelårtate

vÅr."e Fage .$lrowi.lrg xrv. ffi:rwaL]-;rnent by sex anö- Gya'ð-e ln six Gxa.&æcL anå. 'ffi.lrty-fåvæ Rurar Ëcrrçor"s to Gvarï"e vTTr før @ ( 19@ 't 49 & 6' d ó . ¿ ( 4 Á c 6 c é 6' { . ¿ ¿ è a q c &. q (. d { r.. r, ú ....4 ... 6. é ßE T{ * s}:c-vrj"ng .¿tccel"e¡,a'¿iCIrr*Ræ4øaæäa.,olçn of pupíis in Ëj.x G.ra.deii Schooiei in ftran lllvcr Yatj-ey f ar tiie ilear J-çÆ."., ',,.,; I 49 Ie ¿' o a.' ( { ¿ r . r ¿'.r É c'. r'.,. e.'q{.-. 4 6. ¿ . ( { . ¿ r { ¿ ¡ Á ¿ É.{. ( r ¿ r. ¡ < ñs lfvÏ. Ëlr.ovriilg l+*çclæra"'cå on*Reta,y ö,a'slort of Fupåis ln Fåftr:cr¡ frural in svEa.¡r }?åver r,ialre;r for lg4g-r ¿g an¿ TeaeTter''$chools cþalf flca.ttons]. Tenure- glneæ f gã0., ", ,.-,. . bg SfTTo ShorEÍi:g .Acoeiere,þlarr-Refaröe,.t"tøn of pupfj.s fn Ten Buraï .-qchoor-s ffisran rn Råvcv \raïreJr for ig@-i¿g a,nci Querrr_ fíone a.nd. T,engÉh of Tenü;r,e of Freeent Teacher* ø, 60 ffifrTr' shorrying Aecel,eration-p,efa¡r

XjÃT'!-" Sho$f ng F*aola.l" 0r I gin, frg;er Sexr&lan.åt'ai Statu,s r"a,ftd- Ërofesefe¡rra"i kegnratåen of Tee,eher's {n lJnorganlnæd fgffs"tOfy'Of SWanf ËlVef Velle¿v &øaaa .ooou6aeøe&ø 96

srvvÈf T -Cr.¿!.lr,L.L o Shcrøfirg Haelal" OrigJ"n of ßeaeh-ers fu¿ Srygan frlver Valley @&øëe&çc øøû+i..1.øcr-.'. e.. a!.t ea c. c. o t 6. @,s 96 Shæv*ng Fre'5u.ra'tlon sf Secondery School, xsiffiï1. "AcaCr.emia g3 TeA,çll:elL Of Sg¡an ftfVef' VA,ileSr a.) ê d) e a.' < ø ú ø @ t o t o., ø e 1 ê & Tea,chers fn Ss¡an fråver XËiïV " Showing Q,ualifíeati.orrs of ValÏey .l. uú I ç. r e &t t t.. oc &..o ú..0- ¿ tt e .a e s&oa ose 4t. Le e s t 99

XXXV Shwrlitg a üomlw-rfr¡orr of Gra,d.eil Teach.eret Qu.all:fåea'*. " {lunu õitt:, thõse of Oneåoo¡i frura,i School feaclrere l"n $Wan RfVgr Vatley øe a (' aQ' q t&e *o 4c a'c o Q(to&aaeo& &ot'cøc 99 Frof4Þepåsnal Groqrtli ef secenda.ry $ehool l(NJ[Vl, qts6øø&G TeAehefg 6).)a ó útú..t t çú..c r.,e ùøca Gúa,& &c.!f .'. I01 ttJilIlï" Showln6 Tenure CIf }re$ent Staff of Gracl.ed $ehcol"s i.n ( a a t a es ¿c o s }04 Sçan RåVer Val}e;r @e a a o e aQ e c 3 G t' 3 e o' e!{){'''Ú

* Shewå4g Tcacher Tenur¿e ålr FirårteeR Qne*fi,ogut Aure]" XTJTVIIÏ ooø8q 105 SehqOlS l"n SW*A¿f frfVe,lf Va3.ley oøe .iøeooúerû4þ?3ae T,rsg 0r, srGrmms

Figulre Page

1" MaB of ldanåtoba ehorøing S@an &åver VaJ.Iey øe@ae.,actt@o S

2" X{ap of ffian,.BÍvÊr.{is.}fs,lr shgîcgng Rlvers anoL 1,akcs øøêc, ry æ)" gopy..of -Ia.våci !Ïrenpscrnr e ]Jap of the /resfnåboåne and Søatr Sivgr.Vall.e¡rø a&e úø 6,d@é{r ae a¿,øôøê, a co ønoø ø " u.*orf.S

4' shewlng .oç]næ roealio¡r of settl"ere of rg€ a.tong the l$ortT¿ FglLy Traåi I c a s ù & 3.. c ø o ø o e & o e. r e.r ûú{, ó s t a a ø o, of-[ þ. showlng a, crop of l¡'heat"a'ç thc Foot,.of rhund,er Hl.ll n",zg 6" shoruJ.ng_ t"he r'oca.tåon ef schoor Ðfetrícts organized ín 1900-1902 ån the x{u¡ß1o¿roaiit, of swan Blver a.nd" trfiinl'çonas c&.'cþsoëqct c eø <, ceaú etøaoe &c, c. rc.Øoèoo\E

'l * shoe'ång the r,oeatåon of $ehoÕ1" Ðåstrf ets J"n Éçraa Rlvgr Tal.ley 1n 1,948 aøaúøoó{'&o &ø..'û...c,úr c..!ú{ o,u"o8&

8 , sket,ch of BenLto tonsorletated. school" srected. ån lg3"B ,,az 9u sketch erf Froposed Âd.d-ltfon to Benå*o CIonsollclnteii Sahooi eø ro et as o.6 e e( t ct ú&c e cc atØoe.,oút c 4,. e r'G..6 ,0."4ß 10" shewång Sritåslr saheol popuJ"atj.on of BenltorÐurban . a;ncl. líenville schoeis at Sive yea.¡r rnterùai*, L9?'2'*L941 @ s a e 1: t * ao. e o &.'. Ø Ø a a & ø.'* e à o ø eþ c.. a s ø. n, "u o62- 1"1. Senltö liigh school" Group a chrås,üü F:eogrernme ever Badic¡ Sta'tåon GÏGX,oyorleton aeer on,.6rl

L2" SenLto Higl3 School" trades TX anelXä;o,g,c..oûea.,c.e a,¿1,e"n?0 lfi" Månltonag Higtß School" Grou,p &oø te&øøe Gas.jec & d,s e t !oeu"?0

:( gHAPrffi 5 r$*Ropue rg03r

?tæposø sf the S$udy

rt åe åhe purpøE€,of thås thesås Êo iaa,ke a.etudy of atrl"

the avallaÞLe ¡wfnary and sesondery 6@wo€s ån åhe fÍe}å of *trre eduaa$åena1 håsÛon¡r. of Swan Råver Val}ey; 6o sesæbge and Snter* Peet these data; ar¿d 6ø eone$ruoÈ" a oom¡&eheneåve a,eoount of tbe

orf.6l'n¿obaraater'and åevelaprent of the aehools sf the Valt,ey Ëo &he gmesenü tÍ¡ee,

l?tthf,n reoent yes.:rs studåes hav.e been ruade on the ed1¡o- atlenal d,eve]"o¡ment ln a nur¿ber sf Xoealåtfee of rural Maaåte-r¡ao ïnetruded a¡uong these are Ëheees desLlng wåtJr the groøth, ef ed,u* eatÈe¡ar ån the våtJ.age of Teulenu the Bural Mun{oåpals,*y of Ean- åo6arand other runax atr€eÊr"Books hsve eLse been gru,bltsheå ar¡d SSre euthors have Lnsåuded ehepters dealåag wåth eerly ed,ucaÈåea ln åhe løeallttes abetåt whåeh the þesks ere wr$t8en"flhe çm,*Èer øf r 6hås Èheste al¡na Ëo de f.or $war¡ Elver Valley wlrat has beea d,one 'elEælrere ln the Þevåneø of, }yÏenåÈoþ,o #l$heugþ the etory of d,evelo¡xncnå ef edueatåen J,n any

6åwen eæ84, le ns6'øsßhaurt småeres€rå6 lme eågn3.fåeaæ6€ as â"31 såd, ån the øvslse,#søn ef gnrøgrese made.llâ@ Sreeenb stt*dy øåLtr endeavor"'ôo es$å¡ue6e tJre etatr¡s of ed,ueatåsnal f,aeålåËå@B ptr6* våéed by the Ech,aols ån the ffisn Råver valley at ühe ¡¡reøent

Sfu¡ø as welL as åo Srsoe She úøvete¡xaent ef edueat*on wåf,lr$,n

Shc aæeø' A8 eoaåaå øøadåtl.ens ehange edueo6ås¡aa1 provgøåann

ø&ø 6åe} ehowåd,t,b€ €æmgn@d ei?d, trøry'åßød e6ßsv.dån &v, ürengøs ån soboo$ aMån$¡å meêhoås of ,&øaolclng ææ ofüen a€e€Bsaffy as ':, She resuS* ef, Èåae ,elrø"ngång aeede of Ëbe looallüies ån wÏ¡åeh f,iee sekoois fune$d,on. "&eeord,åne] øtfayto ås møde Sn 6he study te åfse@ye,r silrat ohanges are need,ed åa swan Rl,ver var1ey ta make åhe effort merø eåtr4eüslå.d,, and åo lnevåde s gtøaïar d,egree of eåuoattonaL opporôunf.ty for alr üre ehfrdrerc and, yo"riußg people sttil,åa the swsn vãrrey â,r€êo ,fhe.theøås ås €ðï!* oeEneå vf t'h.a. br,lef håstory, the ¡lreeent såatus of eduoatf on, and proJ eeÈed, plans for åmprovement"

@uã{ees of &te

ßþe øtory ef &he fw trad.e and exploratåon ås þascd,

upon 8outree ne.teråe'l f,orðtad gffi[€ yea,r.e ag6 en Ë]re eåte ef tr'CIrÈ Pelåy as well e.s t¡pon publåshed d.eer:ments' frlre e6ery 6f ea,Eåy sett&æent Í.s þesed, uSron a varåety ef sst¡rces"Avalåaï¡}e rçcCIrde were exemåned and fnfsrmat$.en sffeE'cd, by påeneers eheeked ae te au,thentåeåty.

lñforïnatåon rclatsng te 6he organlzatfon of she Btma1 Munåoågn3.åty of Månååones w&B eeeured frem a study of the fårst Þyleøe ef that mun$eå¡elLr,y'tr'6r theee $.n$crested, ån a,mere d,e- *e,å}ed süu,êy of *l¿e per*od ef the cerly Þylawe êtr€ x,€* Slrodueeê ln f'he append.leeeu ltif,orua*åon re3"aå$.ng te' åhe êrganåø- e,Èåon of ech,ootr éfeÈrlcts wes obtalned frær the månutee øf re€e- Fyerst æeetångw snd ef beerds ef årr¡stees @B well ae fr@t ühe

annueå røpor*s åssråed by 6he Þev$,sre&a} De¡ørtnenÈ sf, Sdmge$6on" lnf,sr,taatåon trel,atång ûe the eesnsml.e baekground and popn*

&st{on trende was obts$.¡aed frem reports øf, the 5'edera} e,nd Þe- vsnolal. Gever@entsuf,rær the reeerds of the ÐomÍnåo¡a Bwseu 6f, *õ- statåstfe$ a.nd. frsæ sch.ool regfsters and. rep@rts" lnforg1atåon

een€€rnång th,c eoe$s ef edueatlsn withsn *he beurÀds of s@a,n Råver Talåe)¡ was obtaåned, fr661 mwråej.paL and seh.soå boasd. treggrds, rnfsrma.'clon reratång te the sehoof popuJ.atåonrtlre

grosltlon of the teaeherrand. extra*eurråcuåar a.etlvstlee Ls tÏ¿e sehool"e wae sbtaåned. by queætionnaåree" copåæ,of e¿uestlsn* naårce sent to teaehere and ¡rrinalpal"e are reprod.uoed ån tJre appendices, Many ether sourc€s yrere used ån the eompå1atåon of da.tarearong tbeøeothe Annual Ë.eports of tt¡e Ðepartrient of ffdt*oat$.en"

&lethsd of Srocedwe

T?b,erever Anglo-saxon eettLæ,ents arc begunrthe organåz- atåon sf, er¡ ed.ucatior¡âJ" system folLws €.ß & naturai develogxnent, A study Ef thc educatlenal advanossent of a gl"ven are&sf,berefore* beglns wåÈh tlre s6ery ef, the first eettlers in the ffi€êe Accor- dång].y Èr^,ta'$eve sougþt pertafning to poÍ¡ulation eiranges and ææ,s setÈ}ed." In tfuncreonsollda,tlon Þeeqrae.:a,n Lssue and the hlstory of thte m,over¿ent åe,orporat'ed. ån the study Ef echool dåetrået exlnns5.on,

fhe story of ed.ucatlonal d.eveioSrnent Ln a rurat area i.s related. to tæ"e.ltør effort and eervåee" lTe attsrrpå å,g r.nad.e bo freat tlrte ahangång personnel ån detaf.L þut &a6e' are mad,e avaåå* able as to ¡meselrt statr¿s and cond.ltísns favorable or uqfaver- ablæ Sp sueeess" pCIpt¿iaÈlr¡n [Tee sehoÐå egas e:ça¡,¡rlned. sgl.Èla reference tÕ enrofuaent þy grad.erag* u,*lnlu*, ffire extent of ¡:e.bard"atåon was na'bed. enå. &:{L atteiapt tyas i,¡rad.e 'Êâ d.lscover c&îJses* $o&e effor'.b we-s rwÕ-e üo rtreþevmlnæ the holdång pøøer of the Hågh sebooi and to d.lscsver årays ån rsirlch po?'er inay be linproved,

"A.n ånclfea'b*on of the ext,eztf" of eduaatlonai d,eve].o¡x ment Ln a gj.ven i,;rea" n"ay be noÈecl frora the effort of etud.ente to organfze and. rnana,ge sehooi elu'tre and. stç¡"d.ent aot,ivi,sies, A etudy of the esttra,-cumiauiar activf'biee of tlre stud.ents of Swen RÍver Valley tras und.ertaken and. infor¡aa'i;íon regardfng sehooL clubs"ficid. d.aysrand. s.åudent eounel,Is crae obtained by gues'tf onnairerlntervf ørvrand. üee ere¡:rinatÍon of yecord. and. mÍnui;e books" 3åna'llyureference is aad.e to the øork of lead,ers fn eÕ'J-on and. the 5iar"t played by tSre irubil"c -gehooL lnspe,o,rorsu the ÞtncÍpa1s of long ten'ulreoand. mi*iriclp",l and. eehool" offleJ.als; ln tire d,eveiopnent af ed.u*at,i,on rn swan Båver valJ.ey" oHA$gffiR gg

Hrs Árm E0 oIüffirrÍ e ¡¿erccnouivD; p0pur,$"ïs 0N r.RffiT{Ѐ T0RruÅL ãgøaÈåon of $wan Råver Val1øy

swa'n Råver valley åø øåtuaÈed beËween Latåtudæ ÐL d,egreee ã0 raånuteauroagåtnd,e lôfu d,egreeø 40 ¡aånuteørand 1e'fstudø .â2 degreee 40 månu.tes and, rong!.tude 100 degreee

46 månu6es wesþ fron Greensåch, $re Bosn of swan Råver åla th,e eenter of the valley i.s aboui ¡raíg way betweea wlnnfpeg ancl r'11¡r Sron on the TfÍ.nnf.peg t0 prånoe Alber8 lÍne of åhe canadlan lvati.onai tsallway* swan Råver val}ey ås a aetural äasån oeventy ml.Les long and. varSråag ån wådth to a ule,ãsåriw sf thlrtg-flve r¿,llee' Sordered sn the aortlr by the Poreup$ne HålIs and. on the sauth Þy Ðr*ck ]fioi¡ntaflns lt ås werl draåned by nwaøroue rlvers anel, ereeks frmlng lato sws,n rake arad. såne e setååqnentn has nst knsern drougþt, Extendlng Lnto tbe

Prorånce af saekatchesan Ë}re shole vatley ås a rorlf"ng EtÀ- eessåen sf eleareå aird cul"tåvated land,uþeautf,fr¡Ily dosted wåth bluff anel lntørspersed wf Èh srsêll la.kes"

The valley åneludes the rr.r,ra} mr¡nåeåpal.åt*es of, Swar¡ Råvør and Månl$enaeeunorgg.i?åzeé, €ørråtory to the ¡ror6Ïrr6he ånearporated. v$.llage of 3enåto sne måIe from the Saelcatahryan bsrdesrand the so"øn of swan Råver' seyereå unåneerperaÈed vå'llages anong whå,sh are ]*[ånåtønae s3owsraønuÐurbanu Kenvå3re and, Båro3r Blver s@rve as lecal eea$ers for the rr¡ral" populatåon"

*5* -6-


L\ \r t, H \ /"e Y' o, -ô þ.( s g, I s.o



* '8tut,Jon fl

l=ig'tøe ø 5WA/V'ffitvffis? frJqre 2 4* ßqråora*åon ead 3w þael,e

Ttre @så'ii"effÈ refereaee f e ffian take åe fgußd en e naË¡ atåråblrted to ï.,a Vcren &ayrø and shffiiång soiae of the ésscoveråee uødc by the Ï?eneh-Oa¡radÍan explorer, .Ir¿ågång by our" greøeat knwlêdgeuthi,s nrap is rathcr crud.æ and l"naecurate ån d.etaåls* L T,sE 0ågnee(søen rak€) ¿e rrre¡rked. on e nap dated L?9, Ehe nune T,ac' cJ.gnes fn;olies tlrat r,a Verendrye or msnbers of hls ¡erly na¡necl. tÈe lake dr¡te3r fn turn provldcd a ne¡nç for the rrver and entLre vall"eyo Ploncers recall seelng rarge sgans a.rsund, the lake and. Ít Ls ¡lesslble that th*s specåes of bf.nd.s,

IJ was plentf.fuJ. tøhen La Verendrye erBlored thze ærea," Á, d.oeusenÈ found. eaong the rulns of i'ort Pelly revea,ls Èhat blre faetor at

the forÈ purchaeed thirty-two prlmc $flanfl j,n l86L at a teta3 of, JË4n Ílre gnaaour and, rfvalry ef tlre fr¿r trad.e åa the days of the Htrdson? e My 0ffipany and, tire $orth weEt con¡nny rÍere played orct 1a the valley d.urÍ.ng tlre early yea,rs of the Las6 ecntary" tþ to 1?90 the lTorth'lïeet 0ompany had Ltttle opposlt$.on br¿t affrerc thet d.ate ?eter and, Ðavåd Grant sta,r€,ed out as nlnd.ependentsg a,nd, tire Hud.son¡ e Bay coralnny a,lso d,eoid,ed ts take a nera &gffêss* lve prt fn the f,f.gþt for fup,

cutlabert Grantrrê'lffesentång the Nor$r ffesti 0ourÏm,øy* openeel tir.e eontesb by þutldfng s-van Rfver ÏÍsusc on the left þank of swan Båver about trgelve ruítøs aþeve fuan Laken flhree äF8ars laterrfn 1?90r6"her1es Frlce Tshem of the HBd.sonr Ê 3ay


Kavanagþ rl{a,n *, flre .6þøL2. ffire PublLc press å9*P-rqåb"o{Eg -Eggæ wånnt pes¡ î) aLg46" H OmSnratlve Statffiqg[_qqq Valr¿a,tion J86prt'ert@;æ of, ReÈurns l8 6l and *'J* -uai:ic iJorirS>ern y buiii ç. i)",t¡a,r¡ 'Li"Lrræy }Iouse en i;.he rig-?rt a'boub

orre*ei gA{'*h af a. i¿i.íi".e a.'bove ûira.rrtt $ nc,use , ,Inq f gl- l úvJlyte *,uo'i6.ii q¡i j.ncj i ea.*, ee i;ire r:lv'air y tha.t i'ol-"lez,¡øú,- 'rïir i"7g# Gr¿l.T]'ú buiii, uprztrq€rîiL nea.T" 'lllnnrje:t or" Ïir"ä. istr i,*';J.'¡' '!'i::l-rri) l¿ouå'b¿r.i:r. :ln liru f r-¡ys off i"rürr 'rne i,ng]-ielr $l'yari "ui -t¡i/ F,i-ve:c iior*1$e" Tn tii¿¿ Í'oj".t fi1'!ir1r¿ :{ç)aT -Ls,Irr,i.r- t'É'ù:,ieC- 'ûU¿i"ä";'"nt ijçrAeÍsqt, ¡iAUs+ 'fr.¡O mii¿¡s ahayt: i'* ant- nqa.t 'çh,e confi-uqnaq of flrunii.ey rJveelç a..r¡(i. tli.e ffran íliver, 'lkrus ', qteTq Í'our fo:rte in 'i;t:is rl_ver y¡;;iø of coirt, r+n'ú -''ji';ii ;iril;rTui'iar,i -iooiç gooris pa.c;;* ": '!'rít'"qt: ii:. ìr;' norse frot.i S,""i,,*.t1 to tire :rlbur,'¡ rli: 'i;.le tr'"tr¡i-lri-l;o1i1,È ¡'}.t^tù lruj-.1i ,*ariboro ijöu.sç 'uii.e:: Ê nlr;,! t,Ite La'ber iloy'¿ ile.ì--l. j¡, '[c 'l;fr+se ry,+:! .n- .iicì.ii. i;ire pos bs of t¡¿e ,i of 'b::l ".,íe::t L.]c,,1jìi-.n J rì,i1(L ti:r:r¡e Ðf ;he üoui.i; üoüipa"n;-'";,,'liicl':.retecaxå-iüg io lle'r,re:r iiidlr+.rrìcui-ì.t üveT agaLn,z''o'i;ire llu.d-sd¡nt Ë 3a.y Llorirpan;it s É"...¡¡an'tlive:r; -:tr.#e it zttú. i.irei;r SÕne:r u e i rio " 3 Iu:iltg íjris period- sever¡ri 4i:cp*d*ys r¡íi:o Laber j¡eca;ire

fa¿ a& ex;pi.orÊrs ;ûa3c ett ''"lltougi: i,;Le r/c"j-_Ley" Tn i,7i¡'l --üavi,i Thorirlrso:r1 vaü girreir b.lie. coi:t¿j.s=íoil 'l;o Éurvejline a,yea, æesï Õf lj* i;Lle l,ake of ''çh.e \íaecì"s* Se'e ïiirg oui; lræ TtÐ"Çrq iri* r¡¡¿y Croirn ÍTinnipeg rivct-' bo i,a,},:e !i'¡rinnj" peEt i;}i:rrrugir "i;ii.e i-ia.uph:Ln rLve.t'

"ça i.'a.,ke iian j.1;aba. z¡.nd. La)te iTiiririlregosie ,Søan yivey ,;l r'i;ir+irup 'i;o J".ire.n lii-¡/r;:.' louse, Tihirh- lte rea,*le& in ,3e.p'teiabcr. /rs

rilcr,-e t-ilrougt: 'iitte yegioir rtt'r,ile g-reiuncl .iías víq,'1, LiyOiit 'uì:e i,r.=,:ry 'Nrt.t:Vrt:; 1:Oirii.s il,+tti; -lu.Li. ili' -la¡:is; ",.. c urresr+ *;" :l.nt'.r,i?.ì.ü '\t¡ ere ii': full- po$ses¡sionr'ìrut'çneír ú.es'ç::uctlon had a'Iv ea.a,y ii 'hegwn -þa,nJ",t'J- &"no- vas iaoï'í in fi¡ii. a'pera.tiojtoi' Tn ii;lriì- li.i0U 1;'i:L:L 'b;ie qr¿'b i¡¡¡¡. Ïia::nrfTr å €, ¡:a;'iner i-n ü or'Ë,i:t ',i 'Joil;ran y, ief i

Lioni;::æ*,L f'or Ínc f¡:.riles-l croøøing S'" Lalçe on üe t,01¡ç:r: 1"0

&.nd. a,,$eenc;"ing 'ríve'.r -îay o i:.s; e S',la"n fits àr3 Ë,ta.i: i:{ iy *r li "

;3" ..-oriûitr:u."ç*,.i¡;' S" rj::å,:,{¿.¿_qåjqji.+__fí31Ð,1--'"j**,,j*1-l,.j;j_ .Ji:, p r';.S[r on í1. oü oins. c; s S i;, i1 e (1 * *åj-*11+, " ", l, : ii ei ûn *r rrr

4 n ü o ci:.ra.rre, Llt.*::)-es itrei:rr i u r1'gy+_tlj',*_ËæS!1*, "p, 6i i'f , 'Jor'rnt o; The lL:ae;iiLl,a.n ünn,ililï-, "

-i;.ire 'Fze*rÍ .r '.1) ii o i1" ¡';;" , r,¿¡: .?¡f ll .ì +.,., l;e ,"J: . . .f , o:: ci. cn anrl or: t¡ir t n O:-r:fl o:: ú. _ÇAg¡.Arllt¿*.Iã " 'i : ':ìar'ç 3 " orl r;!r'i;i:.u:1" .3 ,, ,Çz.,n;¡",¡ia.n ll+r,t'ç - /o-

Co Fy aF ÐA v tÞ Tg4ofvþPSoN? lyrßP atr -rWE ,A55 P N sffiotNE flNp Swçn¡{ Rt,tîn VeLLEJS

-orC4r; tt;lt

f[GunE 3

C o f;e J fro* kavana3h,frl,r[he flss;n;& ße¡;r, ,front;r¡,iec€. *1,ü* ,å etudy sf e etaters.ent purehases of at s,ert Fclly før , bhe yeers lå 6L and. lå 6? reveale the varåeÈy ef fur bøarlng

anåæa].e that made their habitat ån the valrey, I,tånks ø,r,bæ:t,

skur¡k and. rgolverånee "ryere gllønÈåfra1, ,Q. prårnc ffiL- k pelt brougþt fåve sh$.I1ånge¡ etter,seventeen shår}ångs; and, wolveråne,eåght shllli'ngsø Altnoet l€00 gmåiae buffato roþes Bes€ purehameß for

ten shål}ångs eaeh" lhe e waSnny paåd oÌåt s6ugg Jg andi q ån 6l s6166 dwång íhe folíwång f&e.îe flre eonsåd,eraþle d,cerease Ín the oretput on fw ln 18 62 over lB 6L lnd.leaÈee Shat the $nrgrortanee of fur trad.e 16 søan Blver vatLey,wae begånnång to d,eeLl"ne,

fre,Conrlng of the Settåers

ïa tlre 3g ?0e e a ÈeLegrapx e¡rsâøm was buil$ agregs ghe

valley* ÐLsaster soon struek Ln the ferm of bueh fåres and. Bhe gåre was out åir nany placeø by the lndlane sffro feared &]re oourång

of the sett'lers* ,{s arresult of thie d,f"saster fur'oi¡er ptans :ræææ ïralÈeå fog a tl:ne,

ftrråzrg the lå 9CI¡ e a ranoh was operated. n6&LÐ 6hc present vlllage of Sowstuan by a Sreneirman but ån lå 9? ti¡e oøn6r dr,ov€ I hls eattle aeross the þord,er to the llErt'Ïr l:IesÈ ferrååoråes. ln the' yæar ls 9? the colonåzatåsn Road, was þr¿iLt frfin Þu5*rf"n to Eent fwn near wÏ¿ere 3¡llnltonaß n€rw etand,s, TflåÏåa¡n SS.fton was fn chæge of the eonetruotLon and ffåLllarn Gamåooh, eÈålI llvång fn ffian Bfver Val.leyowae a msaber of the conetrue- tlon ga?x6' fbe raad. folrÕrred th6 gravei rådge froin Ðaugürån åo po$.nt a n@sJr the presen6 våIlage ef Ceffia,n at tne eastern extpem$,ty

0oriSu,ratLve I, Statø¡nent and. Val w,t å sn of Rct wne Jg 63 and l8 6?-,Eort Fe;tJ.y* u I, Fåoneerø recall havång s@eä eattLe ûr"aeks early ån lg €Ð . kere,,$ås evåd,ence a tlrat ler6e herd had Swseed. aleng the Nsrth PelL3r f"*L&, *åg- sf the va3"3"eyrand. frem b,ere a tral.å wae macle *hrou,gþ Ðuek

ïfemtalns te Tenå Terv¡lr* ffie 3'ed.ere.í GoverrmenÉ på&ohed. ten€s ænd. later bsåLt åaæge wooder¡ Þuårdínge fer tlie eettiers te uøe wa6åå thgy eouåd trcaeh tlreÍr land.n lhåa øae tire begåvwln& of Tent B@wn, 1¡r-Hr¿6h lIeirJ"eyrtl¡e }and. agentrreaehed Tent foen earr;r fn &iay 3å,8ß anô ee'sablfehed a Lamã, effl,ee sne xaåle eouth a.nd one måle west qf, 6he 5æøeent vÍ.I"lø,ge ef Månåtên&sssn eceêlon lIuÈewnøhå¡r &6trø'nge ?,6" For 6vro yeare Tent Town wee a-ousy eorynw¡tty w*th *te traReåent popuratfsnn !tr'r,åneha¡n wae ln Bent fewn for a elrort tl¡ae before Ï¡e leeated ln Swan Råver ae reeld,ent pr¿¡rsåoge,& for e, tåae"Ae eerly ae J ur¡e 38 B Peter MeKapr operated. a stor€ å¡¡ the pioneer csnraunfty and. r,g.rråB€stone a.rrl.ved. a ehert tÈne later *o pnov*d,e so&e eompetùtåor¡ fer MoKay" Arthiæ Hæmång wê.ß e drugglet åra fent fowir before uaovång te ffia,n Råver"

lhe Beverend ffi Tf .J ohneoa was the fåreÈ ¡*onary ln *,Jre val3.eyu ï{åe exBeråån@@6 &re d.eeertb,ed. ån håe Jsurnal,ïhê pLøwøeæ måssåonery lef'6 Ðaugùl*n fen Fwan fr,åver valley ån J w¡e lS æ ' Áftør three days travelli"ng by por¿y @v@r @n old lndåan 6raåL ffies,hard. s.F e øÈrce$ er¡d al"meet as eneothttnhe-treaeheé the salley and @n J.un@,ã6. esndt¡o6ed tJee fårst, servåCIe freld ån the valleyu Íhe Rcverend J ohr¡eon glvee the followån6 påeturc of 3åfe ån Tent foffinr* it$n€',litcie påoneer têwn æ* tleat tå.me eønsås€ed ef three goverruaeaË t,cntsua,nd, æ }åt,tle hybråd etore Bev'@n f æø1" squ&,r€,and bui,lt wåt& toge flvc føet bågþuw.åth a åent taeked. on t,ep ef åt for a treof* CueÈmeãe-dåd nøt en*eE' the etere but w€r€ eerved ùhrou,glr the trpperhaåf, ef tÏ¿e deor ffiåeh had, been eevered at thc måé4]"e,,fçr 'çirle puff pÕE@ø Fe$er å[el{a.y frem Ce}}ångwoodu0nte,rl.orwe.c tbe merehantn I fotmd or¿t freø the lend effåee tbat there w€re only elx fenåLåes ån 6he wbsLe valle¡ruøo ¡uncaehed.H[ke åa a tent, te eengreggtåene ef frqsr¡ å5 Eø F,5" people erEj oyed geod hes].th" One , ef the fårs& seeådeBts @eeurreÉ wher¡ N@å} Henrff øas h$üehång håø -1&* @ãçen &.s åhe þreeker* flhe moøq1uååeee beång Þaé one cf åhe 6åãeü3 &eseeå båe head and eltt thø 6$"p ef HenrS ß n&se agm.rÈ* H@ berrwed my øød,då@ te g@ ûe 3aag*iån and øae *uoo*ffiËå.-*ãåå-"äånu a ssåg¡ re Ðaus#¡rn end Ler$ me ån ehaægg ef_ hås- øSêtreu I was rmwåålång to sell en Smd.ay ænd" a Yankee wae ø6 pråt etrs 6haå l¿e eaåd iee weuld. 6o to Þu¡ilaln for }råe 6reeerÍeø(øta$en ne dåd but had. a åeueli tråp) 'rrs úfere and" mere eetôlers reaehed Swan Råver VøIle¡r ån lS æ and n 99" flaeee land*hungry B€n ä,ncr wmen aoved effef-}ênd alonS tbc 0elonåze.t$.on Road" Fhey Gsee fren veråçt¿e ¡mæte sf Southern $ánåtebarfrera Eeetern earnado.nend fron ae far seråtl3 áe the State of llansae, flrey traveiieci å¡r e¡ç*cæteron pÞny* Þeokror welk€d' Ïlr'Gbaælês Geodsxan sf SruraderhllL Dåetr$at, the fsLlowlng story of hle **p*ríeo"e*; t¡My brother and. I e6,ne fron tne Stàte sf Kansas gåt'b a tøam of horeee ån 18 B . Ar¡oth€r aan and Ì¡ås sen cte&ted ouÈ wåth ue þat þefore we had, 6one v€ry fsrrtÏ¡ls man beeam,e dåseouraged aad. twrned baek. My Þ,rether and I kept oa snd. crsssed the bgunde,sy åato l¡Íanå*eba €selve måles south of KlLla,r&€go rWhen we eroseed th.e Iåne sfl.e rrere øeked, where we øer€ 6elng and eeåö we qy@re golng northn We were adv*Eed ts go te tþe ffian Blver eouatry þut øere warned. that borsc thfevee were aetlve al"ong the . þerd,er and tha.t we lrad better we"üeh our h@rees* trWe eane sves the CeXonåzatlen Rcad. ån 18 % e¡rd eettle4 ån Se,wnsbåp ã$,rrange â9 nesa fhtrrder* hilf * Father earne est i,n 1$60 and eteæted.. a etsre en the hemeetea.&" La*ey he moved to Durban Dåetråct and et3,11 later to Benåto 6!¿ere he Eept etere f,er geveraS" yeers"tfl0

[tee .eett]-ese Ê&6r¿ spread. aerth te seke,€ ås n€'@ Bwsmfr,n and Sårefi.$EBtrrt"y and, vrest üo ilre &r€@ of wtsLeh 3enlte åe the }eægeet øenter" ln tbe sïwi"n6 ef 1899 tevmehåp ã4 wae net &n

I çhneon"Bev"E"W, Í u eættraet frm æfggg"g.gffitg e oræûeoy of the Reveren& ZutLsk'er *Swan Råver rMenåtoþe @ 10 Narrated to the wrlter þy ldr*Charl"cs GeodmanrFønå6øu !ian$,tsbe* _trt_ '?,,rhhtrTm\L

Po rcu f tn Fo n f ft Ru t e r"ve

Sutan R;ve, -," Gor7er'.en Jø Jbhrzr.f ð¡ltq 2,5y.!,'^""'4U îeHouse L

'25:r¿2,:: ^"f tG,V'Cooxç -,r.rld¡ ¡t

R,L15a>lsrt.''W:J' ¡R,'l('E>'mond

F ¿ Jr¿rê t *åþ* the mørket, btet e nwlber åf squettere furgroved. land tn thåa townslråp, In "&ragust of €be sa&re y@ay 6Ïre land ça&€ @nto the s,arket a.nå tlre land a.6ent ree;uesteé the ffiqrm,ÈterË te 1åa6 *3¿e 3:aprevemenÈe they haå ua,Se æ,f,ter sEh*sh they @€re gåven tÏ,rree monthe to øake offl" entry* flhorrla.s 3åaek wa,s the fårst 1rçnloeeseader l¡: townshåp ã4rtlie tewnehlp ån srhletr the vå ef Ben$to ås lsea.teå" Ih Oeto?¡er l8 99.' te'bs ïiê.ye ssLd ln ftøan RLver ar¡d 3IåntÈor¿as and thc two vå3,Iagee grew rapiêIy" fle@ Canadfan Nsc*hern Raå3.øa¡r entered the va.Iley ln 18 99 and, res&,ed Sgan R$.ver later i.n the y€aff * Maå3 cgme te $war¡ Råver wåth Èhe raål"way and I[a"HarleyrÈlee land a6entrbecame the fårs6 Best*naeter ln tbat vllJ.age" ?revåous3y aettlers f¡aq, recelvcd theår nsål at Tenü Tecsn" In ï900 R'I,prsns hand]"eé the maåI fer the eet,tlere tn the nÏ¿unelerÏ¡1"l} e¿reg- a.nd lqvåú trÍanesak wa.s the fLrst postnia.øter ¿n ù¡ruano 3sr She eetÈ1{'3'É; of toffnshf,p ða A,CoÐykwan loeked aiûer tne'magl en Ï¡ås fa.E"m freu¡ 190ã t.e L90ã' fbe fi"rst' re3åg$eus eervåees åe be held, ln M$.n*tüna.s w€r€ eeni,lr¿eteé fn the Xærler of lIote3 de ÏËånåtsr¡â.srowned. by the late E.L.Cø,üden. flhese were neld ótæång thc wånter of 18 99-1900 and sere esnduoted by the BreebyterÍan etr¡d,entrMr.Kårhp,6råoku and tbe l[e6hsd.*st studente$r,Petebrsaklng the servåeee en a]tef- na6e SundeSæ, .& wrlon Surday Sehoo& qae ex'ganåzecl wåt'b BoÞert Kae¡ç ån elraæge' Ia 1900 SÏ¡e Metlrodi,st and. Presbyberåan ehtæeh,es rsere þuålt i.n Månlt6ne.s, Íhe ]Aetleodlst Cburalr sas øBened en the laså Ërarday ån Oetober wåth a stueántrtrlr"luÍålkå¡reoß$.ng effLeåeåød. tT¡e Snat6Wal 8@8tßOBe ffi "Sau¡rderera etudent aloe, et thc openlng of the r¡66 Prcsbyteråan Chr,æoh on tbe follerwing *å6*

stmdæy' ffhe @rxåy erdas.ned månås&er ån the va&&eyr6be Reverend g.W'Joltnssr¡gwas st6.6åened ån ûÏne grøwÍn6 vål}age ef Swan Råver, Måú$"Ëonae øtraåms ereååt for organåøång *n L904 tbe fårsÈ Lsdåeer ¿¿ei ån ffia¡r Båver Vaåley*

ln tl¡e year 1p0å þhx'eø troung.ned,åeax d.oetererÞuoeu$ås& and koetorureaehed the va}ley and åeee*ed ån swan Båver, hoÐtruce sûåIl reeådes ånrr8hø 'T6wæ @f.r 6wan Båver sv¡d, s,øçalls,,r n€ùny of-hås ereperåenoeß aB a p$oneer d,oetor"

Reopeatåon of, the P$sneers

Whl.å¡c påeneer ll.fe sas of,ôen herd, a.nd, devoid of øa,ny eorilf orte 6]ra6 inod,ern people regard. as necessåtles, åÈ !rad, Erany såinp€n$atåsns" 3ooåbail qras a f,aver*te oport and tire l"fån$,éÐnas nrås*tes beeasire fa¡ns&s far bepond, the bounds of the valley*In lgO¿ the treåeËIe 0lnb was øvgønLzød, anå tkrree years la$er

u enüereå the Intermed,laÈe League,$€ssg s,.I G. Oæ rÐ" $"Woods u and ,ï o3tæhairan were lresåd,entrSeeretaJf y-fgEo,s'ürer and, t:þaLne:E respeotåve1y'

ln 190? and 19@ eeveral gänreÐ w&y@ played" Månaed,osa defeaôed Mln$"6snas at Gladstoner3[ån$6onae defeasred. Soxwarrea aå lleepaøa anel, then the Cåvåe Wand,erers ea l?3.nnlpeg Club. lhe v$etory 6v€r the Oåvåe Tfand"erers ga.v€ l,[ånLtoiree the lnter- meelåaÈe f'ooû't¡aÏl ChanplonCIiråp ,ef Ëire Prr¡vånee of i"ta.nåtoþa,fhe Wf,nnl.Sreg e1uþ Snotestecl the gæe bmô the protesÈ wae ååsalLcryred. and the ruånltonae Club retaLned. the CI]ra¡nplonshf*;o, In 1910 tlre LßnlÉoiras flsåstles a.dvanced, to senåt¡r Feotball and d,efeated, Snanåon and Sheal T.ake þurt Loet the fånale to the Brå I of tire Ct ry ef Wlnnå.þ€€* Blva1ry ån baeeþall and fostbatrl besseen 6o'øns and, vål}ages *1y* eften beeerse væry marked durång thc påoneer perå'ad and playæå n6 1ess a pætt ån the }åfe of $wa:r Råver Valley than ån åther elu-elë,s of }ianå,tøþa, ?aæüåes a,nd, dane@s "€ere helé oceasåonaI3y and seeveå te neøt, the ssoåal nøøds of tlre eeÈ*Lere ån Èhe d,a;ns bef,ore 6he auto:nobåIeuiaotåon pietaee and, radfe*

fhe $uf, Mevtråent

Va,såoue elube @êre organåøed $o F€rv€ the speoåfi.e Burp6eês as well as So afford çpportunåty for seoåat lnter- eolun€, Roarå¡rg Båver Ði.strleårfive målee rryest of l'[ånåtonass clsi¡ns tbe dåstinctåon of ha,ving the fårst organåøcd Eq,u,al $dfrage AÉssoåation ån tlre SlrovånCIe' Sf¡e fi.rst meetång was held ån the sgmång of 1912. Iå was by no m€a¡ts exe3.ue3.rely a gordent s organlzatf.on a8 a nwnber of husþande and sons were ¡nemþers, frre folÏowlag extraot frsm ûhc assowåaÈlons e mlnute bCIok rs¡Lnile ue of a bygene @Få,s- 0tÏloved by 3Lr"fr,i"ehardsôRssessnd,ed, by ]liåes $b,a,tl 6haÈ the Seeretary wråte to 6ire PsISÈÍ,eaå Equalåty T,eagues at trVånn$.Beg €o aek.ry&etiåer åhey lzave tahen stepe Ëwa¡rds organizlng e Bev$i-laåal assoeåatåon and ff, eo ø]rat t'lre åerr¿ç are for stlrer soeåe$åes affåIlatång' CaærÍed,' r¡Mçved Þy trf,los Ghagrseoonded by lfrr.Cox that we sdveråtsø fos ¿¿9,$*St$f,ragåsÈs to meet f,ss d,lseussåsn st gur next neetång" Casr$,cd" rrMsved, by ]frrs"3fartånrsessnded by lflss Shaw_þhat h?¡e Seeretary wråie ts She Graån Grsserss GuåSerth_e eflfumipæg trþee þ'eås,ßelesra¿a and the frå1ar¿r¡e statång wha$, ouw soeåety ls-dolng and offerång lnfor¡aatåsn to any Wårhång Èg organtze" 0a"rråed"nlt It ls åntcree*ång Éo nøte €hat tr1se Shas nenÈåened ln $lre foregoång extraote tryas the loeal Eeasnev" Altlrougþ only så.x*een y€a,rs Bf eg€ aB Slre tårnershe played a Xeadång ro3"e

ån fosterång Lnteresô $"s¡ Ûhe msveoaenå"

11 .rlsnant Roarång Råver E Suffba,ge Aee ee åaß åon rnÄån uÈø SookuæxÈraat of aånutem oTanuery J.0s191.8" *la _

,Ihe Tüini'bçnr¡.w i'G01dtt ffi,ueh

rn i"911 p- Tath.@T siartlíng event, tr¡olc pJ.a.ce avøunâ

¡'IinÍto¡ra.s* Ëoine ti"rriie;i's piciced- up copp€r E¡lye tha.t rta1z :næen vneJ.'t;eö a.nd. rvhen tlrr*;r fuåfi1.ter.T. their d-esi;lnie*;rthe briglit iruggetg Ír: 'i'nr¿j.r crops lier€i mi*staker¡ for gôld." 'Jhe np¡i¡s of tlis ciiercovery of golä starteci a rr¡sh from va,rj.orw Srarts of 'çTtq p::orrir:ce a,nci. r''r1'blrii: a fer¡r days tire viilage of Tiiniiona.ei hç:-Ö, a.eç.t¡i.r'ed. the eppea.Tance of a ttrriviirg frontl"er tovrrn,Clerlss fi:e¡r¿ cii:y ð-ep,axtntental s'tlores i-eft i,Ìreir poritions tO has'ben to ä1ní'i;onas tc¡ stake their clerf:n; farmersi carie from ai.L pa,rts of tlre provii:ce a,nö" fyo[i neì ghboring provÍnceø;'r,orirnsi:re]xr'úoo,

h.a,d- lro d,esire i;o be ainong the Last 'oo make a bid- for v:ealthu'iren t:f irir:rltona,r¡ rt.h.e proprf *,tyes$ of i,]re boarclkig hor¡.se a.nú" 'ru!tç iíver;i" cTrív.'er profii;leíi fyrtyt the busirress" J-k Í'inally ?rofersor i¡aI}a.ce of the d.epaetnrent, of geology,

Unlvçrsii;;'' oí''boÌ:auceú'ne to i,Jliritc¡rl¿Ì.s and nta.,d.e tests rvirieh

sh.orveil ihzI goLd d.ld no'c exiet 1n 'bhe va"l.Ley. lTåiilrin a ferri 6.¿U*

tne i' r'çrsh T,na.s ev€ir a.i:ci" iiiinit$i1a.s Ðnee more returneä to Ttæy øeauE'i;c¡¡ired 'Íita,nne'y of living,

The new sett,lemerr"b reprocluced, the in,s'ui'i;utions of ihe d.i stri c'çs u¡hence the eettl.ers ] eo1tl@o 1i ii;i:.ín rri:e ;'rcars af'cer tne fj.rst settler h.a.å. ayyiveci,,tl:iri:;n trio schooJ-s iiíere es'cahlislied.ociru::ches ber¿n 'oi¡iIi and. :irinÍs¡i;ers å.i.rd sti¡cl.ente J-.J of -qevera,l rel1 glous clenor¿ina,t,í ons i-ng'ç¿r11ed"' \2 id oEy e iif e e ciue ilr ii: i 1e.1 a.ila u *r]t s Un Ìv er s Í t ;,", Kin gs,ú on o Cnta,råc' L& Rura-3r Ttiver Ðepê.T'.",fi-drl'üs of Ëocia.I -Ë-r{q¡r*g-.9-¡ë[.-?i1-îil;-itt-e'ätoì:,iîr'"ã'nü Va,iJ-e¿, $ervi"e a.n¿i ffii,,ãfreîîñ''of 3re,s'L:y;erÍ.4,n iJlrçlr eiies, 1914, 1l ê u *19* 0ecupati.erne o'i ther Feopl.e

"'Ji'sir tile firsl, set,tiers eaÍ!\@ tlie fir'st lw¿lberrren" j:iill.s ríerñ es't¿r,þlished. anrJ- tne riíaoet"yr ayrú Svra,i: lìÍve¡:$ we:re tiie sceÌ1es of l.erg drivee eveÊ J' spring, Tn i.94ð the la,s'c ärÍil. in Foï'fsrita,r:

clc¡r'ecri. ciowä" .L.inÍioiia.s si;ii.t. Tæ,s a. sma"lL ir:-Íl"l o-¡:rera.rii:g br-ri; 1u¿'oerir:g ha..s pra.cticall¡i ceaseö" as a.n Ì.ridusir;r*

'lb"r¿ cnief rea.Érolr feir t'i:e in:f].u"-x of eettlers ir: ie% we#

La.nC,,." Ágricr,¡i.t,ure cc¡n-þinues i;o be tire f ounCLa.ii on af .bhe €conoiilic l"j.fe of ilie peoplc" lja.ny of tire residen'os of''¿i'ie villages:i'iitf:in

'i;ir.e vaiïey' or i;.lre 'Jor¡¡n of S'¡¡a.¡r 5iÍver €Lve retired farr¿ers"

llho-'+F¿','to no'¿ a.cti.vei;,- eng¿-geð. L'tt fa.rrr-ríng or.rífhö are not

xe'vLyeri aEç* engageð- ín 'l;li.e usual oe cupa.'cioi:s of s¡la.ll itïLrr¡s, ,ål"L a.yæ ttiroT"i;y ó-epenê,.en'L ripÕn Lne surrourclirrg agricultr¡ral.'úric'b'

There ha.s :'J..j1,rcT' 'aes'rt Ð. crop fa^íiræe i¡r Sqan fllver: Valie;¡ -icusÍness' a.ncl the rich soil has ¡,ra,d.e farniing a, very' trrosperoufi TabLe I siior,'rs 'che irui;rber of acres of i:il-ree.t sü'tr'fi1,fire ¿rt+iij- per ã,erq a.ndL'i;i:e totai irushels for of the four'ü6en crop die- t::J-cts reporti,i:g for itre J-eay ti¡45" The yield. per {Lcve soYJn'cc¡ oats for açne crop clisirict of Sr¡"fa1 liiver r¡¿as ffi "6 for 1945, TirÍs¿æöæd tira.'e of a"11 Other c:rÕ? reporting d-ist,rÌcts " lire ;'rieicìs f or l¡ariey a,.nä fIa"x:sceci aLso sur*oassed. tlrorsæ of t'i];.l.e oilrer a,yea$. 'Jabie TI conrps.res ti:r* crop yiel"ri. a'i i(ei:vÍii-e wii;i:" proviricieul ?nver.a.ges for i9/r$. In "i;Ïie yea,r å948 i;ire BoE¡s¡ria.n RÍver Fool 3levat,or sirl5rSred i;h.e second- Latgesf" c¡ua.ntity of gilaÍn of an¡r ;-oo1 Eleva1,or irr i,ire provj"nae' 'fraøtoi' fari' lia.s r:epla.ced, ihe Ï¿orsê-dra.r¡n iripiaaætr'ü and coinbítij-ng ilre grairi is grovir:g siea,ciil¡r iir popr-rîer,::i-f y" Livestocl"c iir conntan'bi;'r

gtor:tittg i1i-.trribers j.s snipped" fl'çi,t 'Li:.e va,i:*e¡. *Ê0- Å4 TARr.g, fi

ËHOl¡f11ÍG TÍIE WHEAT ffi$LD 0I', fHE f'OImfpmÍ cRoP ÐrsgRrçrs 03 rHE P&OVTNCE 03 MANTTOBA 3OR TTÍE YflAR 1945

D*strleå Aeres Swn Ylcld Per Aere fotai Strg u 3t*øhcls

3Ãe1tta 901 900 I e 16 "1 õeã49 egso 2 Kù1Ïarney 918 16 5 s400 "8 ,3õX s t00 ô Red Biver ã29 e 600 16"? I,B& s00o 4 lflånnipeg e9É00 18 '0 555 s000 6 S¡rfirgfSeld. 94r4CI0 ?,L"4 289P,0 e00o 6 Esstern å9r000 1?"? 40? s 000 7 Virden 246 r600 20,5 5E04?å000 I CarÞerry 1?0 olo0 I8 .9 & ooo o s2l2s Seepawa to5 s400 P,8'8 2,453 o 000 10 RuEseXI L?6 s400 ?,8åæ 4r102s000 1:" Ðau¡ùr*n 16 o 0CI0 L',l,1 1r909a00ei l2 ffld-Lake 51,200 22"õ I ,1"4õ s 000 15 Søan RLv 39,500 26 I ,025 s 000 14 T/est Shor "0 õ?, ?00 18 "6 ?01 eooo

äæ*eIe e1õ2s000 40 e 000 åQQû

14 CroSl Belle*ån No@lÊ4'Kp*93*'o"ry-Såo,m_pJ*.1_v*e*_$__s__e-qq a Itrod.uped- ån tr{aniteba ån 1945 , p, $õ ¿a *PL* 'I5 irsmÆ gr

StrOFfTi$Ö A OOtrPARTSO$ OT' AVSRAçË GBAT}T YrffiÞ Ar Kmnr$,r,$ l{r'f}f A\rffiAGE ffiÆ}Ð 93 ITIE PRWII$Cä Og, MAI.TTTOBA FOR 19€

Tlttøe,t,, SaeJ.ey

Taæåety Ken- i v"r*ety! ruo* f uant- Verlat¡f Ken- l,Ía,r¡å- vflle toba ; i å rürq ville tobs

Ehåt €.4 õ9"Ð Vangrær 10ã, 84€ Tåta,¡r €'1 Sã.1 Redman 4'l 114"5 CIa,03I" 66 62"9 "6 8"0 Garuy { i08 ' "?, RegenÈ 4ã*9 86.ß I'ortme I xll" 84,6 $e,nal ?b "1 &"4 46 CLfnåon ! 68 6T Apex "A âag,"4 66' "0 P]"wh 68'9j "õ 4&"3 ¡ Sa l'94"4 Sxeter ; 11õ" 94"ß Ve;ntag{ 66"õ 59 "2 ,{J ax 88" 8L"2 '18r3- 66 '6

Hfthin roeeent years several ntrt ê,rea.e he"ve been opened fff fernning" Slreh ßfve¡'rf$ve nilee norgh of the Iuiunlclpa.}lÈy ef MlnltonassJ.s h}re centre of an a.rce that ie being cleared. rapidly for agrlovåt$re" þaelss of land sou.Èh of Ðurba.n r¡rere eonsåetered. to be too,es¡ar¿py for ãtroduclng gr€,åno Ðuring aonilrara'r;lveJ.y dry yee,r$ the lanå l"oet nuah of lts stæpLrÅÊ eo¿sture" fl¿e e'ræ" fa nær befng clee"red. and. crops seeond to none Ln the va,iley ere þeing gf,iotrn(

frhe,3oæ Yeare

frlrc.f,lret tøo sf tbe Srresent eentury sh€ffied e steeely Lnerease ln populatlon for the ts¡o nulrlalSnl"fålee of 6war¿ Råve¡' and I[lnåtonas " Th'e popuJ"e'çJ'on fågure for both rese f?or¿ Lrf?;6 ån l"90L to ?929 ån L92nåe, norela.l grerwth for a nøw

agr$"ctütura1 @.t€&,ø

1s Report 6f e reSrescn*a'cåve ef ffiænf.tobe $eed, Grcffiersr AssealatLon" Infsrgratåon supp].åeê by B"AblgA*i rræ.ns,ger,ôBenå.bç coopera'*åv'e ãrcvator AseCIeåatåon roér gg, *P,2*:

Tab1e lV ebms tbat ln the flve yeaå" peråad from 1921 to 1"926 fhere sas a, sLtgþt deelåne ån pop$rlatfon, lÏrås shoul4 not be regarded ae slgnåfleentu Flrc movmenÈ of people lnto the valLey had eea,sed. f or the tl¡ae befngrlrerwever ra,nd woulá need an ad.d.ed" åneentåve åf soüie measure of the former ånereaee was to be reeorered.u

Itre Etæspean Tnfåurc

lmrång the fírst qr¡arter of the twenÈieth eentury the poputa.tion of the ¡¿ïmåeåpa.tit¡r of L{ånåtonañ was alirroe* entire3y Anglo-saxone In the yea,r 1"900 Rues:¿as {nraågrants arrived. and, eettl"ed west sf the Manftoba boimelary' Le ye@rs Snssed ma,ay of them drlft,ed acroÊs the border and ptæehaeed land ån the Senf to &ve& c*Iere they etå1l reefde" GermanÊ and czechs éamæ 1n 192? and r ãB rprrehased farms and. settled prlnclpalJ.y ln Mfnitonas }iËäÍeåpa1fty" fhe clrara;etær ef, the gropulation was ehanged" thereby fræi a.n almoet tetal AngJ.o-Saxon to &.n &Tq& i.n qh.lch. peop3"e sf varåous rseåe'X orlglne ere al"nost equal ln nunbers" Tbeee nffi' settlers þouæþt theår tra.dåtlons of frugaL*ty and fndust'ry a.nd added eolor Èo the htman tagrestry sroyen i.n Sbe valley. fabåe rv eheøe the populatlon of xrånååonas a.nâ ffian Rlver ffr*nå for eaah G€nsus yeaa frø*r L921 åo 1946u frlrc eeneus dåvleåon ef whteh the two munLcfpalit'åes a'Te e parå fr¿eLu-d.e6. eonsååerable urtorgAnlzed terråtory butreåncø the boun* deæåes of the dlvåsåon lnø¡ræ ehangeôuthe popuLat,åon CIf the ur¿- aægææL,aed terrååory ås not Sno1uded" A str¡dy sf Tabåe TV shtr@'s f;hat tlre gr*aiæ** ånerease ef populatåon $.n 6he Ès¡o rounLeiSæå "28- BA3Íffi rrg

P03tÛd,f I0¡T 0I', S1flAST nfVffi ANÐ rÃfi'Tf fOlTAË ffiIIxTfOfFAT,f ßIgS .+lrÐ 0r', r¡rs ro'nl or *fä*l:ffi;u- rm{-ffiAn ri{ßfrBvals

1901 1911 19P1

$tnåtonae 96ä' 10æ F.4W Swe,n R*ver Lø6& â1L2 4æs

Sse,n RLver (tenøn) 6fl4 90&

Teta1 Ll 28 eæ4 Y929


PO3Tfi,A,ITO}T OS' SWA}T RTVSR AT{Ð NATNTSO}TAS 1{TJN-rürPÁfrrTrffg ,{i{Ð 03 THg rwN 0ï gFígx Rrvffi Ag SrvE wAR rmrmnvgr,s L9P.1-1946

3.921 Lg?,6 19ã1 19ã6 l L946

3Ílni,tonae 2,4æ P,?.Æ åCIB 6 õ?1& sw4 õ6Ë8 I 38 $wan Ri,ver 4ffiå e61& 49t6 þ?1ã ã?æ ãã93 ffiar¡ Rl,ver (t'ovun) 909 900 968 1016 11Ë9 1"193"

Bot¿i 7g?e wzL 9t29 t"0440 1æ 41 10350

16 Ðmånåon Sureag sf Statåe$åeer0eaeuø CIf, kasr*e Frsvåneee 19ã6 op.9"0tteffiarLgffi , L'T flråø f,*gæe sneludes 2g& nsw tåre våIlage of BenåÈon åneorporat,ed, ån Lg4l

1å Tbåø fågwe.åneludes ßEg føx Èlee vÍ"Irage of Benåtoe *-4^ eccurred durång the d,eeade 1"926*19õ6 wåth 6he firså iraLf of t'he ten year peråod shovølng the greetest gafn"

Reeent ShLff,s lm Poptu],ati.on

Table fV shor*s a desllne ån popuSatfon ån betlr nlutåe- å¡xalttåes for the flve year peråodrl9AL*r 46" The decllne ån Swan HLver }iwilolp.ltty tstals 1õ? persotts s?¡en the Lneol'pCIr* steê vf.llage of Benfto ås ånelr¿ded" flhe greateet shlft ån popul-atf.on hae teJcen plaee ån Ïfiånåtonas Mrntåeåpalf ty qvhích losÈ 4L6" fiee pspulatien of the town of Sman RLvex lnereased by 62 but tbis lnerease roay be regerd.ed" as negJ"f gible fn a fruwa of oï'er 1100 popuLatl.on' flre recent cleetr*ne ln populatåon ln irîånåtonas I{unle- lSralfiy may be partåall"y eecounåeci for by the façt. that there hae been a fa.årly large exodus of retired. fa.rmers io tlne West Çeaså, }{od,ern methoôe of fermitrg and the advent of Bower maehlnery permlt, faymers to operate On an ånereasfngS.y large scale, tr'a,triners q¡ho Õns€ esrnecl L60 seres of, Land ere lnereasång thelr holdångs * Anetlrer lrend that muel be notecl ls tÏ¡at wlth- ån the 1ast five y€ars flfteen Czeeh f,a¡riål"lee mev€d fsonr the vailey te tbe åndr¡strlal centree of Onte*.åo. 3y and lerge¡bffi* ev€ruthe exodus fræt tbe valièy has been of the Anglo-Saxon gtou.po Tn fihe faee of thfs deel"åne the wrLneorporated vlilage of l¡I$nå*onas ha.s lnereaeed eonslderably wlthån reeent ff@&rso

PLane a1e wÇ6q beång me,de to have ${nååonas fuie orporateci' Aeoerålng to a reeent eount' the populat'len af *he våJ.lage ås 560' ?opuJ.atlsrr #ha.nges age fur*lrer refl€çS€el, ån the ln- ereaøång rãur$ber of pr¡piLs @ eeheolsuaf se"hool åeaehere æployeôu anei Ln exgøzrdång hfgh" sehool Sxovåeåone" OHAPgffi TTT

OBGÆIÏZAEI0I{ 03 TH3 Mtl},TS0IFAtffTES 0f, MIIq-ffONAg .ANÐ sEr-Al,l- BÏltffi; sgvfiLoHffiNg 0r' rffi s0Ii00t sysTffi,fi

ïÌ*e,, ft,1s,ai I1uni.e1¡m,f åty of Månåtonsst

A stucly of r3Ïre ir¿vLags sf "bhe of the Iftsnj"o$l¡a}åty of I[Lni.tona,s ehows that' the munf eiSeiiÈ¡¡ was organíz,ed. j.n the sprlng of 19Ð1" {iÏr€ rninuûe book of the ffrst raee€snga of the oour¡olL øas not available ancl was proba,ÞLy d.estr oyeå. åir a fire sèrue yeê,::Ë ð"gÐe P¡re ffu¡st by3.øø was citaebrpd f,or tire 3>ur;oooe of appofnttng a seeretar¡r-treasurer for the næy};r organized. munl* ei-¡aiLtye iTB,,C"Nor'eir recefv,æd the ap¡lolntrne¡rÈ and, remalned, fn offiee uirtå1 I90õ" Tlre fùrst reevæ of the munieå3n3.16y was Ð.Ðünn* fie sas sueoeed,ed by "tV.SnSlfton ån 1902" An eleetlon gas he1d on Ðeçqabæ1" ?o3_7\Tuand. E"Wåd¡ne¡r€r'ftras eleeÈe¿l r@êY€c

Tn J Ê'A¡ Qa,mpbei-i. Was 'r:æeVe a-;rd. ffi.Vf drne;rer seere*ary* '19Ð4 " treasi*rerå S'Ðunn beca;ne r@erye ån 190?å na¡.aes *lae In,.t?re fonegoång. -ÐeregraSür #æ Li.sted the ef re4ves and, seeretary*trêagu3'e5rs fsr Ûhe ffrst ¡rea3's¡e;ftüw:e ìrÉ1,Þ theÐalltyärganízed," 'Ihe gork of the eoune&1s åt¿g'f'ng' *,iels peråod, was å,nportan'*i beeause LÈ d.etermlned' to a }a':rge eæsønt thø nature oî f'ttø øaæIy provf'slon' munieÍ'¡xaitty lÃr,¿eh of the sork of the f,lrst counclL ef the CIff,leLa3eu of Måirf.bonag iÍas eCIneerned gi'eh munlolpal 0n Juiy 2ãeL901uln,TJånelraar of swan Råver was appeÍnter1 healtla offleer' Otb,er øork åmvo3E'eå Smegmrflng s,n &gsessraqTaf, a;fl& j"teraåzlng the stuaE Èo bæ l"cvåef, for varåo'¿"rs purposes" Â.ppendtx 6lRclr¿des ,2ä* ^P,6* a e6.oy of tire ff¡'s'g ass@ßsiiren"& Þylaø Snssed Oatober ?eLgCIL, Tkre I{unåef,pa} tas was set at 6 må}lsrthe GeneraL sehootr Èaæ aå l$ ru*1Ls, Ëpeeåal eehooL ratee were set f,6r tSre dl.strÈets næed, ltaxø;ø,lE€Fe*T,å1nå'b'sn*sr? rufälls; 0akhurstr4 rall]"s; "ües'1..r'avei, +å ¡aållrs; and f,or l,idstonerls rufLls, L€sæ tiran øne year }ateruln atrgrret "l,902sBY i,a,q ruffi fi.sed åhe rate and. author*,øeå $he s¿ras to be åevÍ,ed f,o:r edueatioir.a-1- purposes" Both tiae general sei:ooL

åax and,tTre øpecfal sohooi 'haxes -rgere ålrereasetåu*he GeneraL $chool Ta¡c franr 1å Èo & r¿å}l"eç Bhe speeiaÏ sçÌloo} *axes sere set ae fsl.loqs**f,Ðr jlÏlnltanasr$S m111e; TfeeÈ 3'aveå*? mlïLsE

CIallcÏ¡uretrl0å mfLlsi ; tldEtonqos míli"s; tr'Ioradø}€r4å mll"ås; aierJ,, Egtre.moilbrfi millsê ïgrenont Schooi Dfs* fn nogr w1'ohLir the bo'r¡rrls of Sqan River 3,fi*nåeåpalfty,

Íhe tr[ur¡leåpatåty,. of ffianr Båver.

ffLre rurai mi¡nlcl5Þ,Iåt,y øf, ftran Råqer was orgaarized ån

190L' Í "1ff' Reþson lras the ffrst reere and3[&esrs 3ba¡rk ]rïyersu ALex Sæå1or ghavr T qtere åJ'K" rir[ur1l}ryuÐ"Hawe, and. " C, ßi]""¡erÈhorn€ eou¡rcåiJ.srs " ffire e3ee tf on gas heïd- by shor-¡¡ ôf Ïrai:d.e fne f,irs"b aouneål meetÍ"ng q¡as hel.d i.n the offlee of

H,:S. GSendennf.rig, edåtor ef rrïhe Êrga.¡r Hlver Ste¡rrt, Mr"Glend"ennlng r¿âeéÍveci the appoln*ment of Eeere$aæy*treã.sttro€r ø Iflue]r of *he svork of $he ffrst aormeå3 was eoneerned. wlth appoån'f;ång r¿unåeåpal offleåals*øfth organå.ãlng øehooJ. dLstr*ote a.nd. deflnång bot¡¡rdeæ*eøre,nei wlblt formlng. e. draÍnage dåstr*,et'e ffaeh counci"iåor gmegmæeei s,R esffiesement for hl,s wJEi watrd bu* the eow:aå1 wae ånetruc'cec te ferm a va.åuatåEn on wli"e3.

Løatö"* Tlre rus,ai ml*nåcå¡m.Lj.Èy of søan RLves. åp eatØ af t*he *P?*

larges'o mulrf.eå$wlåtles ån *he Hrovånee,. of Msnåt,ol¡e'* Ii'*gure 6 ehÊrvrs t},a.þ i.t.åe msre than r$ tånes as J.arge as å*s aff aeønt '[?re ntunå'13.tye Smen sf Swan Bi.ver.rt]re $.ne orporateei våj.]age ef 3enåtora,ati ttre uråireorpsra.tecl ville.gcs of Ðurba¡r a.nd KenvåLLe arel,ølthln 1t,ç¡ laer¿sids* flkle..poErduat,$,on of the rau¡rl.etpaifty e¡re3tre såve of the Tovun of swan Båver and the våJ.lage of Bcnlto j.e nost L?eO nrore tJre,n tlre popule,tåon of the Munåcåpaiåty 6f Må¡rl* tonas aeeerdlng to the GensuË fer 1g46"

llræ 3Írs'c Seheoås e-nd, Teaeliång Staff

InsårucÈl"en wae flrst gJ.ven ln SWan BLver Valley ån Fent

[c@¡r as eæ']¡i ae 1899 by ]SreolT'.0,"Nor$h" A sbort, 'cå¡ae af$er eLaøsee wer&,,held-,.Sn *hc V$,ilage of, 8wán'Håver ån a ro0ËÌ a.bove Ast1r"¡nr li€emin&t $.-,drug store, ITor¡nøR Ingþam eras the fLrst *eaeher" .Êu one- FÐou¡r: ¡ school g¡as buåIt,. tn L900 a,Rd å."CuÐotrrar¿e&.,8!8"fi t'he fåre$ tæøølnet of thle sehool.* WåtÏ¡ln a. sh¿srt tåue e,,'secÊRd roCIm we6 ad.ded. te tlre sekreoleané fþ.&uGnfayS.or beeam,e tJ¿e.f,lrst Pråireågw.3 with Mles WaddeLl s.s hfs aseistant* Tnspeabe¡r &ïaEuårer e fårs'ú rcporå fer Swanr Rlvør Valle¡r refers to thås school €'s fellowsr* w*be toç,rn saheol te a øelL br¡¿Ltntwo-etory Þufldlnguøåttr twe 1" roeü¡srbeth of, deich n€w occupåeei"rl gtlre.fJ"rst æheol" dåstråct te be orga,nåzed 3,n SWan frJ.ver

VaiJ.ey sra.s WesÈ 3'þ"ve1, [?¡Ls óåsÈrl.c* was orga.nfred å¡i 19S6 and lnspee'uor Maqr¿ire perfomied the &perrfng sereffirony" Thc schço} heure wa.s erecteô ån 190i" and Ðor¿g!'as Ðltrkf.nuron ef ene of the p*oneær fermereehecesae tbe f5"reÈ *caeher* Ðuricån åaÈer beea¡¡ie

Æ4'.'.'.@?.,,.&,+-.9:.F.&..æ . c;:e

å Report of, *he Ðegxan:tment of, ffiduaatJ.on for the yestr end$.ng Ðeeestber ð:.s190CI¡p,õl, Wånn*gæSåKångl s Sg,ånter kawånce of jffia¡rLlbq¡ba* fan h.oæ ø <í:-1 - a ûana,ð"ian s¡ri'ler, Sr/a,n Valle;rriir fjq'la.n llive¡' Íìi¡fta.i ïiliu¡ricipa"ii'by , qrÐ,s tile second s;chool C.istrici orgariizeci 1n Sqa.i: fr.j.ver Vailey"

$qui;re llai¡rsrabout f:ì-ve míies soutn-q¡est of ,S""f¡p-,.ir liíver {':JØ,s r)r'* ganizeö. a shorb ti¡re latero In July 1900 Tnspectcrr ifa.quÍ.rc* visÍ-i:eii^ fli¡trlfl i:ii1r€r' to lr.ol-d" courts o-f .,ievislorr anci. 'oo iooiç into the ÕT'gâ*i1- i-zati.on of severa.i schooi c.istricts *i"ie f onncl, tr¡¡o schools rS';'tai1 Ve.l.i-e¡r a.ncl- Scjuai'e ï'la.ins, i.n operation" Tnspecior -A.i;/.ï{oope:c, i.n his reirort, f or tire Wa,! enC,.ing Deçem.he'r,i9CIL.,listed. tire folloving school

.Lr:r:eioria,ri:Jgr ç;rnont, a.nri lor¡lsüra-n d:l*'çri.ct $ " ïirile ¡iie scnool buiio"ing r¡,¡a,s being erect;ecL ín Hinitona,s,

I;he cliurch r¡fa.s used. as a, cla.ssroon anö" a J¡oung fita.n i'i¿lr"::teçl Gvanl. ij,qyveil a.s treacher " 'Ihe first trustees of i,.inf i;e¡n¡:.s Sch,ool. I,ist'ricf xf:¿4ï€ Ï?obert I{noxrJohn llurkin a.nä 'fhoutae licj-,aur:nl-J.n" Those teacn- ing in the ï.,íiniTon¿¡s 'qcilool in succession tllere üori;ra,n In6ha.rn, 1)uL-acJienzíe,liIss J e¡::rie liiicGaf¡,'uDon iiì.os* ,i:i. G. Ta;rlor a..nú D" S'Tf çrot1.s " Tn 190? it we-s fou¡ld ilecesÉ¿]'r;r to apen a' prlära'rir Íoolit* r's"T'/ood'l: -'¡¡a.s yitlnei'pa;- of t,¡t,r:'¿',,ro-room sch.ool:,"¡itil i;igs:Ífilson as Ïiis a.s s1,¿i,nt, si "  short tinie late:' t.i:ie trusiees of rire ci"istrici hægan i;o raalçe plai"irs for tire er¡lct,Íon of a. four-rooi,r 'iri:ii-äi-ng" Tnspecio::

E,i-!;{íe,T};ex reportecj. i;o ti:.e lepa¡:-i,i:ir;nt of ¿elucer.'r,:lon in t9Qß iira-t *2-9* aey@{\ eif -neau' si-i;uated. ground.r" 0n'bhi.s -i;ire't7:t;$"v+et ar+et ec'ì. ¿r eubsj;¿rn'çr:"ai four*:l,oc¡ni builciÍ.:rg r,..¡hich qriil 'nø co::rpl eteci ea.rl-;r iri nh.æ neti¡ yearolt Tni$ sch.ool q¡a.s fÍniskreci. ''i iir Augi.tst l-çü9 " "J "llenderrron f oi"] c¡r:ited Ð" S"l,Teioü.ti F, trincipã-1.1 .r,':,ærs of tiie school * Jl i;hirä tcacl¡.er r¡,r;ì-eï-ed i;o tire rz1',a.f f i4 ,riugu*l *çea.chey i-ç)16" A fetU iræ€ì.rs J^at,er 2). fOur'çir "í!a.s a,ó"Q.r¡ð.* In;{Ugu.r:r'r,, ''aecaniæ içì4Õri;Ìinitanas Fjcho+1" e, tr¡,¡o-roonr high øch,ooj e¡nö. a,

fifth tea.eher w'11..ß a,.d.d.ecï* ProvlsioT) li1ü.ts ¡¿arJ.e foi: 'cire prina,ry cla,s,$ in a.n unur¡eC" cilr-l:i:c?i, Tinall;r,i.n riugust Ï943 ua si.)itii T,'ã,$ â.d.cÀeC, anc1 p::r:"rÌ-¡¡i:Lc¡r.r in+lj.e f ei:r' anoiirer :reoni i¡r a.n trnuseii buiiding" At the precen| 'cirü* four cia.sses lieÍng helil in 'Li:e schooÏrÇixe ç iä an -dnu$ed. cirure]nra.aci. one

cJ" 1n a :cÊ(tai\.el.j,eii. ga.TÐ"Èse* Sçlrei;;' a, bui.i ri').n,g; prograiîúne

i s if olii i:r. ord-er f ¡i iilini.1)oilit* *

ütt l].i;gtts'¿ õ1,,1.905râ" b -,,!4¡¡ t1¡¡E pa.f,seci- in it-ínf 'brri'rere: Courrcii f o:rrninE ßorls,Txa.n lLni oir. Schooi lìisir j.ct " Tn 0cto'ber 1.1)02 a.byl,a+.r tra.ø pa.,tsed. foräriirg a. schooi d.ieriiriet tc¡ be knori'ln a,s liiiood-y Riveil School Iietric'i:,. iiio tyi¡.,stee$ r¡rere eleeted. anÕ.. no gchooL house'bt"lili; ricr 'vhe 1ty\ai,i¡ 1'!ar:r resr:i.ncir+ci.* Sorts:ma-,1:

Iårioir" Schcto-l- -Dis'lri e't) "i!ê.ø f øvn'ed. Í'::oiri see hion,î o::iginal.!".¡l' in'benrj.ed to cora;orise 'do ttd.Jr !\iyÐy ä.j-sty içi; aø rïel"j- a.s sectioi:s t¡íhicji \!ere givr;i:'çÐ fr:rni tJir; nerj union d.ieri;rict,.å sehooi i..''Ðs 'ùlii;.'ç 1n 1".904' 'ilee scire¡oi popuir:.'cior.r quicict")/:Li:lcreâ.sieii. ø,nú j.'ú ua s fle*es8?1t:-1" 'L'c¡ a ri"ä iltore e.r:aeluned-a.t,içyt* ln 1?2fi

ã-n. e5,gi:t-r'eioli scirsoi rÍ¿¿.s ili:iii; n Fo¡i/siua.ii inLoi: i*¡ ç¡''t,et.îf eú

r) !<' -i:}i.e ,çjr# Ræport c¡f ùæpa..T i.,iiL.*r¿'i; of 'Éid.ucation for' y'æ{d:t eir.rl.inE ïeceriþer ;L ¿i 9r{Fi ,p"??. tilinni'peg;KirLgr $ Fj:in.ú+r for tj:c ¿:r oviir+e rr:i j',rar:i.[; ojra. e *30* by sÍx tesehereo Tliere ås plenty €f ro&n ln t}¿e eehoel end twe roms aay þe ueeo as egeæ,þly ha1ls er work s.beps€ Bgwsmarr Iþr*on Sehool" fe at ¡rresenÈ ene ef the twe v$.1Lage schoole ln Swan Rlver VaÏlepr that have euf,flcleat roo¡r for tbe sobool populatlon wåthøut mekång use of beeenenÈ rems or va,eant bulidf.ngs.

In tr904a@¡t¿3r á'oræ yeers e,f$er tne sehool wae bul.lùrtbe vfJ.lage of Swan Rl.ver doubleé the elzc ef åts seboolrthus lre- vLtling fotæ elaeeroffis" Swan Rlver SoÏ¡sol" reeelvecl In&ermediaåe staneiång ån 1905 and Jam,eÉ¡ trfr.X[eI{ab becane ¡rlneå¡el. I'åf$een pul¡åle w,ere enrolled. ln seeond.ary wsrk" lhere $ere three teaehere sn the Etaff ln 190õ and the tste]' Esnadent er¡rolLnent, was 16?, TÏ¡e fO1towång year the staff wae lncreaeed Se fow teaehers" In L90? J"$"Pese!¡ þeeame p:rlaelpal anó ræaåaed in 6hat poeftf.on trntll ígfg qrhen he wae appointed Inspeetor of Sehools wi'bh headqrartere at $war¡ Rlver" Tn 19L5 Sean Båver Seh,ooï be* sruire a åwo-roê&uili: hf6þ eohool* ?he etatus of the gcbool øas ral"sed t,a a Cel3.egtate Ðepertraent åir 19"34 trhen s thlrd. teacher øas ad,d,ed, to the hígh eehool etaffn flhe sehool þeoesre a 0eLleglatø ïnstf tuÈe in 19æ " l'or the year endlng J ¡*rie \947uåhe er¡rollment ¿n 6he hfgh sobooL was 1Iâ. fbe folLo¡líag are a¡Bong the Sri.nclsnls whCI were Sn oharge of Swan Båver Êshoole"t'T 'M'1[la11açeeJ oS'Dmeanu S"S"[email protected]"Hn Gues{ and. .4.Í,WlJ.eon" The Seaahå-ng staff ånereasedufowteen noør b€ reqr*i.reå" Eveirriltit fOurteen

ûeaehere e:æø;ny of the elaesroffis are erogd.ed"

Tlre eongesÈed si.tuatåon ån Ëwen Råver Sairoo} has maÕe neeesÉary a further þwldfng ptrogffi@e ere at gmeøenÈ

Eelug f,err¿alateå So er@et e nffi þuåLdång whåeh wå1I Brobably be ueed &a ê, hidå sehooluleavång the Smeeenâ þus}åf,ng for elæentars pÉ?p6øe# o *õ1* ! At a tl¿ae glren plans are beåag mad,e to btdLd. ners sohooLe

ån Swan fiiver rTrfiånåtonas oKenvå]ierSf.reh Råver" and T¿afekåirg and, an additfon to Ðurbair toneolldated Sehso1 a long raug€ vlæ¡ ehou1d be taJ¡en and, the advåeaÞ1lf.ty ef havång a eenposita Hågn Sehool shourld be earefulty eoneidered" Stgure 6 shsss the locatåon of, the f,lrst saheols bu*1t -n¿r** ia Swan Valley and. I'lgure fl,, sbtrtrs the locatåon of the Eehool,s fn exåstence at, present. A aenBlet,e llst of sehsol dLstricts shwång datee of organåzatåoa and bulldlng of sehool is reported 1n Table .V" Sehooi dtsÈrlçÈe organåzed Ín the mrmicipaLft,y of Swan River ancL l.n unorganlzed. terrftory a,re reported. Ln feþles VI and, VIT' Scnlt¡o $ehocl. Dietråct was organiaed on }.{ay 38 ¡J.90?" Â$ ôhe orgpnl.zati.on meeôfngÍSr#srs' C'Goo&aane John Ðykmen and Norman Yest wars eleoteå trustees" Noman West rtras appolnted,

Chai,rrn¿n and' C. Geo&nan eeeretary-treaeurer. Plans q€re åmnedf.aÈeJ.y in$,61aÈed 6o ereet a sehooL-hoase gf oeneg@t€,:bloeke r¿sd,e @f 6ne ¡æt Porôland as-*entr*hree ÍÞ,rte eand and sl,rc an't'tø ggavel" Among the fårsÈ teachere of 3en*to Salubo1 €er€ J êhn 3.$eråbner, trfiåes teesåø eorþe6trl'.tlss Ëtra $mlthr3*[åsø-,ã]sle Pa¡nae and W,ó Meldrua* In 19LL W'MeLdruã sas pråno3.pal af the sehool whleh lrad been eralarged 6o tqo rome wåth ÏÂles'Pa¡6re as håe assås$a'n8. nÂlsses I'lorençe Ïfenr¡r,ancl H"i&mmsnd sucoeed,ed 3üåee Payne as 3,[r"Tüeldrr¡ørt e aeeåøtan$s u kånelpalo sueeeed,*ng T4r.&Iældrrmr w€re An G o Sblfordu "A'-T'ELlåot and G.Garrett* ifa"Gaffrett served as 3xt*ire*trøl øt Benlto eeneøll.d.aåed Saheoï frm SeBtø'nber 19n6 unt*I June L922" g6re SrSneågm,ls f,ol,losång n{ruGarrett .4.I"¡få11"øe J "1{,Beers WøT "Þlgmt H.T,' St eln ø,¡taæt uJ' t,8* s J *ã'Morr åe oa u R,3uCIk rA *J,ff oran uffi *H øl¡t¡c ffi and, ,I 'N'elark" -3L

i,ocarrO$ o3 scHooI, Ðr8ßnr6ßs 0RGA'NI?'&Ð IN L900-1902

I5 ]Tffi , MTJ¡TT ETPAåT TTSS O3 MT$I'¿-ONA$ 4ff3 SWAI{ RrVfiR

.¿1 ft. at -eê

T 3î 3 ¡ cLar'd Je¡ Loc*, oerloys T 37 Eyen ,rf tL Fl"' tóafe t l- J,./a. PÉ"¿, t t2- T t Oal $u¡sf 2. t:,t,vt: r.t?t 3& 5arån t/alle,u r-hn #ffi inihnas F,'sher's t3 ort t,? Sié;aS '{¡tarhnSl: tr' ,ensaorü T- llrn årn' 3t h;lt 5åau¡ å't,^nf,fr* ttl n ; þ"n as Nø+m ; c ; I ; ?5 (t Fr"n, h; ¡a t Du¡b*-, VaNS 3l 7 fia T , 33

l 32-

Su¡aq ß;nu" Fl^n,ìc; ¡raf;tS

- fr Sqr€. b - 33-

(s õ ? a -c () { cE


s Tù

F ts

o q AJ o 'erf l'ercl \ cí,€'J' .* Norfûl o 4,'i, ñ\ tl¿ø1 ê E tsoít d ¡; hc Tîr"n¿tr- n5 r¿ort|'t h¡tt CJ c, ? { N in ; tøn ss Íl s

t'ar\ t 00^årI0¡T 03 S0ÍI00t Ðr,sTRrc' s E ì 11{ $T/Ai{ RTVJ'Ë VAT,J,EY F {J rI[ 194s e rÕ

-ir^:avo ßu*en Ì4 rl->n;c i¡a l;\ *ð4*

l,fuåIe the Srer'3.ed. of tenure for mos$ sf the teaø wito servecì, wfÈhln Swan Ri.ver Valle;r has beøn ehort espeef"alåy in the rr¿ra} schooLertlrree grlneåpa3"s served for ma.ny yee',rs ln to\tæ

val1ey" V"Í oBedgers has serveci ae Slr$ne tpaJ. of Ðurba,r¡ e onso* lj.eïe.ted, Selroo} for gl yeers rtine late J'S,Ðxalee,¡å served as prfln* ei3nl of Sørui Rlver Sehool for â0 y€arsuand. A"ffi'Sera$@ was prårreå5e.1 of KenvLJ.l"e'Sch.ool for lå years' ffhese raen 3ùayef a Srenrfnøn$ paqÈ åri the develolment of eôucatåon fn tlrelr åletråe*s and ltr"Rod,gers eontånues t¡o serve wl,tli eff*eÍeney ln Ðsrþer¡e



Sehooå Ð Nur¡bæ Yeâtr öf 'eff of tuectåom CIrgenf.øa*åen of Sehoel HoPse

West !'aveL 109? Leo0 1901 Ildstone 1064 1900 t 901 3ÂlnlÈona.s xl02 t 901" 1"901 0aklewst 11L4 I901 39S1 SIarscleJ.e t r.lã 19S1" 1902 Bavenswsrth L38 Þ 1909 xe0õ 0ropper*ops Lr8 6 1902 Lg02 3*Eberr s Sldfng 1900 x90ã t 90ã tsearJ,ng RåYæ L215 190Ê r.90,é Bogexmel &rlotr LzYB r.909 1904 K€üxdreh Lø?'& L904 t 906 Avonlea 1606 LgX2*t 1ã t 91õ Bf,l€Bl"ey 161ã 19¿*-8 1ã 191ß' 0faågef w6 L'l64 L91.4*t l"þ t 9&6 3[el(ay 38e 4 L9L6*r 1? 191? Sl¡xelaår l8 99 l9L?*t l8 t 9l€ lens ?,AP,æ L919-t 20 L92CI Dtmeamnrå1,J"e ?,LP'z 1996 Gra*hffiTrå.i1€ 22T& t9õ0 Aåla,nvai.e 2224 1egI 1e93, Swamf orei P,?,@ å9õ6 N.ørtårr s ereek 2æ+ 19æ 19#9 HaI1 *2,96 LS4CI &94et Ѐer Ps"glx åß00 194t

1{oter*ry1eg.e e. blã,nrç sgeee }la.m been åcft ånÎaþle vue:æ,et *nfærue,tåon ø'ae not avaLåaËl,e* *ð5*'


8C}IOOI, ÞTSïBTCTS 1TTTHTN T}iffi RUnår, IluNr c lpAr,l :rY 0r' skfÄN RIvffi slicÁrr$e ffffi :mAR EACT{ ITAS OTTG.å}TÍUßP

$ehool" Ðås'erlct ITw¡ber Yeeæ of Year of fueetfon organ5.zat$"on of 3'i"rst School" Ilouse

Swan Valley 1&æ r.900 r"900 Swa,n Båver. \04'l 1900 L900 Sqtmre Pl"a.lns L0ãõ 1"900 L900 Ðræban 1æCI r,900 1901 Buby Tæ ]. 1901 1901" T,avender 1æ2 L903. t 901 Sheø 110? 1901 190t lgrmont LLLÐ L901 1901*o 02 Ebunciar Hf13 11.56 L90L 190ã FrettSr Vøl.le;r LL62 L901 L906 IïerLíngton 1164 190t" 190P Ðavldscm 1250 1906 L9CI4 T,f.'r,tle Woody 12?r. 1 904 Kenvl,l.l"e Lgo4 t 906 t 90? Tfild Roee L406 L90? 3eníto r.4@ 190? 190?*8 CIB Seåis0R r416 Is¿reaster L642 3fg Tf,oodSr 162L A1pfne Cons" r.?æ L9L? CrestvfctÍ-; 20@ 1920-f 2L 192L Stountafn Crest P0?9 19?1*o q.> 1 ADÐ Lady Hubble 208 191f.?- TÃeVey 2,6A& ].942*1 4&

FL:re's .,Stepø Tsqrard 0 onselåil€,tlen

Ae early as 1904 the eer¡tra¿løefÍ.en of sehool dåsÈråcts sa.s &. lfve topfc tlrroughout a ].aægc axart of the provlnoe of 3åani'coba" The niatter of eoneOl"ldatåsn r as dleerresed fa the -;-e-Pretoråa',

Oentsai VaIl" ey, Sennyv læ' C orbet*, onv$Ïl e anå Boþs olr, *6lrf 6g' ç6 - u lnto eoneolldatåon a fer* yeaffs af,ter thc dåsÈrgots w€re erganåøed. and are nw Smrt of Ðræben and. 3enåtb consçå*da,ted gehool ''irrere e blemk Ðretrr"**me ø'wee ha* been ån [rab].e lnfor¡¡a.tfon çyae nsÈ avaåiable, 'ef,t vrre:æ.et *ß6*

ffABT,tr IÍT


Seirootr Ðls'6r"fot Ntmber Yeer of, Yeer sf.ffirectfon @ganlza,tåo¡r ef SoheoJ" IIouse

&'æy r.6?1 r.9r.ã 8ËeeLe 18 00 19i.ã 1915*r L6 01d 5'or"b' j8@ 1916 Bl^r€h Biver Tållage 2,o88 1"9å0 $e-L¿ tt]"v€3' ?,Lã'I 192ts Sf,ovrå'. 2Lï?, 19å9 1'[cKlnJ.ey P,?,86 19õ6 Glov€s Creek 23A4 L94õ llttl"e 0reek 2go6 ,946_t 4y $gfe,n-T,rood"y zgou 1946-t 47

North*Western Ins;oeo{;orai Dåv*sion ibtet t"he generaJ. a*tått¿d,e gå,s oa€ of rgaltlir,g for soine authoritatLve report fuemr a ålstrleÈ 'i¡¡åtirirr the þo¡rånee r¡*¡ere the errperfr¿ent "gou,i"d. be Èråed" .{T fffi ia,onths La"ier ln 190Þ VLrden a,nd, Sha¡ee Sahool Ðistrlcte unfted formång tlre fisst consoiídat,ed. sehool ln l{anito'lta' Ho}land' foil"rolecl close xåpÐn Viråen a# & centre of eonsolfdatåon" 1Þus{;eøs rrithia the þounds of tlae !ïorth-1'Iestern Ïnspectoral Ðlvl'sfoa as Erø9Tø noW afford,ed. emple opportunlty to study eoneoiid'aÈion seen operating ån Vírd'en a,nd l{ai1-and'" Ðr.rring the tea ye{ä- peråod. from 190L to L911 tlre Bopu-l"atåCIn t''E 21L2 of Søan Rlver Burai LÍunieå5m,f.ity lnereased' frær L864 frcËl and the Bop$e1atlon of 3iånltonas llunåci*oa,lity lncreased' and there sas 562 þø 10g3 ' SehooL d'fstsiets rryere organføe'å eonsid.eraj¡Le åiesa'båsfaetlon ov.€'r' bor¡nclaries and rmec1ua].åzed

IToter-gçhool lxeruses have not been ereegect a,s yet ån T,iåtl"e- creek er¿d ñwan;tif oody sehoor. Ðåe bs.åete * ffirere a irlank space ha* hæen ieft in Bable VIT e:*ae,ü i.nfsrina,tloa was not e,vaålab1e* qr-t EG, ,6 ta¡çatlon" Petltååns r€questlng¡r clra.nges were eoneid,ered, frequently by the Muntaf.gml Cotmelln $vem elthough r¿any d¿ff¿* culties arose 1n organfzing school. distriotsrne steps were taken ln Swan Rfver Valle¡r towarci eonsoLfdatlo¡r untj.L lg1p, InsS¡ector H.II. Tla,lker played- e pronlrreat gurt 1n the ssvenrent tæiarô coneolfdatien, 0n Ðeeffiber 12s1"912r4 speaf,al meetLng of Benåto sehooL 3sard. wa's herd at the elod.e of the annuaL Batepayersr Meet,ångu Át tU¿s specla3. meetlng a motf on was latrodueed, by g.geåth tha.t, the board petåtlon the 0ounail of Sqsan Rlver.Bwal t¿mfolpslity to eonsol"ldate Benlto SèbooL Ðlstrict No€L4CB wtth the dfstråcts of Sonnpnnåen,rCorbet,trBobson a.nd. ?arsonvålLe, th,ls motåon se.6 .Ð @ ca,rrl.ed., l?re ftrst reference to 'esueoLidstlon of echooL dÍstrricts by the Ootmell" of thc RwaI I[unicipa3.lty of Swan RLver ùs found fn the eeuneil- uinutes ef the neetfng of Ðeeæber p0¡J.grp" ' ilII€ffe-GeLdsmltJ¡¡-flk¡at the resoLu.tfon frm tJre llrr¡såeee ef Sonn¡nriæ¡ and. Corbett,,ÐLstrlets be reoeåved. and Laåd sn the taþIe and that no fræther a,ctlon þe taken by eourell" unt*]. slmålas resolutfsns ar€ reeefved from the trustees of all other sehool.s lnterested ln tJae proposed, coneoLl.da,tåon 4 and tha.t the cLerk notffy 413. ¡nrtles eoncerned"üarråedn 0a t€Lnîrary ?sl9Lgu3enlto Sehool Sosrd eS,ecteil Iæ. Baldwån chairne.n for the yee,:r 19L5 and. Ja??1es H.3eet eeereta$;r-treaswer" On .Tanue,r y 2?, a ru,otlot¡ wes earr*ed, that the board petåtåon tine eeuseå1" to Ben*to School DLstrået ITe"l4QB øåth Corbett,

q? IÄånute Seok of 3enålç SehooL Såstrået ¿L- n4ånutes of Í1re esueol"l" Heetång of the l*unåeignååty ef $wan Råver uÐeeæber 28 ¡L9LP.* *::;t, - ;;ilir¿ SonnJn¡.L r¿"','..Ì ann F*,rs oirV äi g'bri û-i,s n /-t sh(¡r A 1-a,"',.¿:: 't ;rc coi:nci-i" :recei-\recl. t,iie ile'r,i'úinn arrcl nü --!1eb:eu-l:Jt,5 a''¿ 'i:)'te i;ou:rci-"1

.i,,ìe¡:'liirg üouircil"-Lo¡: [-]i,ins Ìlt.01.¡çd a.nrJ- uouli,;:i1,1-or i)a:il,Bo(r se,;oncierl. 'cira',; a llyl'a::r'l cDllrrnl-iC.a,i:i¡rg'i:;ie rura,7.. scirool o-is';::icts of Bení'fo,

Enni:l¡¡ie','¡, Co:'i:e'i;t a.nd" 'Ìa.t-,=onvii-.1- e þe lni;r:r:rd.i;lceri" a.nú. reaíl a. fi,rc'b ti:¿e" fhis no'biDn ï:ta# çarrLed* Å gecond uåiioJ1 1ill.,$ 'lhe¡: cla¡'z'ied" i,jr¿rt a. b'¡LLe.:'it con,$o11da'bin g 'sne f oregoi-ng na,rirecl scnool äí stricîs be talrcn a,s reaó- ît see onri anil. 'onird i,í::ae, si gner-!., e'ea). eÔ-

¡runJ:q:r er.L ' irCûn:zt;"-i-i.rla.'"ietl An eäi"f o-r.,iaj- 'itrittæn hy A" S,-r,¡f eir ent,i'l'.Lei,L ,Sclrrrol$" appeareci in i'ne;,/ 2L rl"Ð\;s, i*sue rlf '!ne S'ça:t: anil. 'i,j-irtes" l1riE¡ ee'l.i'bO:r:i¿.i- i",s yeir::Oi:li;c t¿(1. a.S f O-t-"1-Oïf$ r- ill'',j irs a,irl¡areni; "i¡.ai; 'çte peopJ-e sLlït'o',.mciíng Seni'bn a.,ye leloicing îoyvaæÕ- 'ço cÐnso-Lidating 'tireir .echoois, Th&e ie Ín Line ii¡i''¡n 'hne ;oolruj-;r.i: ecj-uca'i;ianai insl¡Élirleni :ì"n iiiani'f,a\t'ë, to,.le.;.ras '9ei.-1" .as ín nany oiher pa.::'bs ef iJa..na3'"a.* ?iie ,*ystei,r irasr heen tries:. in ' fâr sjoJlle i{ttÐ.rri" 'ilnef"ltey rlr ilei \jte sysf o,:rr "*i.ì.1- .¿r::,:lc ':¡s)"3" d-eirend"s rlÐr€ ilr' iese iJ;rlon'b.tre ino¡:al su3:port ii; rril] be giiren hy'vite colrrnuriities, BeaÌrls to be nÐ raorn for doubt 'bh¿¡t a coilsn--il

.A pubi:le notfl;e was Íssued by T os+pÏt Arr¿strong bha,C by BySaw ITo.L99 the Ëurai Municåpã"tity of Swan Ril¡er unÍ-led Lhe school districts of Senl'bortsonn;rvleørCorbe'çi and. iiarsön- vll}e into one dists'ict' Notlce ",iTas also given that a meetlng of rat,epayers of the abor¡e na.r¡ed sehool" d.íetriobe þe held in Benf'bo Sc?rooL ÏIoi¿sæ on TuÏaran 25 r1913rfor tire purrpose of el@e* t,fng trr¿eteee for the nry=vly organized. eoneolida'bed. School Ðist,¡'iet, On lllarcln 2Ð þhe rateSrayerst meei;ing -rvas ireld. as sehe* d.u1ed and after the po}} closed at, J"op*m"tire following trustees Tfere d.eclared.'aeùr-E" a,nå" A.E.0orbett 'uo irold. offÍee for t,hree yeâ,vß;Þ'Baldt/in and. Ote Farson trr hoid offiee for tq¡ta yæÐ,rs;and Ja¡nes i{.3es'b 'co iroi

Çent,ral Vail e y u Dtm }¡an a.ncl Tlr et or Í-a, undoubt, ed.1 y lnf} r¿enc e d- by tire cÐn$olida,tion tnove*ien'i; ín BenltrrrpetltÍrrned the Couneåi þ,o rJon$ the three d.istricte' 0n AprlS õ0åj.9].SuCou:acå11o:r Slilrs rnoverå ancl Counei.l-}cr Yeung sæeonrLed a"i,Íon lhat a Sylaa-i p::e;vie1i"ng for eonsoLfda'cion sf the three distrå*i;e i¡e ånt,;ra* úucæú and. reaú. T¡æ inotiÐn A ¡notioyr a firet 'cime" '.Tas earrfed" 4{'trafi 'baken â ilaen searr ieri t'i:at 'çh-e þy1as.i¡ be as read a ßE"-conrl and

'ohirel ti¡ne uøigneð-r,sea,Ied. aird- nranb+recl, 'Ihe üe¡;rsoiLita,ted- ßchoeå

Ðisrl:ric'u rl'l Ðt¿;tlnan became the see gnd consoif da.l;ecl sehooå

d.lçf.ricf; 1n $qfan Rivei: ValÏe¡r,

Tn "Âregu,eb a EyLætt 'ço tåni"be a poybíon of 'çhe Bobsön *4$- selrool Ðlstrlet to the 0oneollite.åed, sehsol Ðås'srlc'c of Benlto was introduced.rread three tlmesrslgnedreealed and nrmberecl" Þrt of the dlstrfet wae unlted wåth Ðurba.n Coneolidated lic]rool rilstrtct a-nd, the remaåning portion with Benlto tonsoLíd,ated

óirt*¿ct ån r.g¿CI lhe enJ.y other conEoJ.fêstlon to take place ån Swaa RLver Va'LJ.ey @em,e tn 191? wlren Alptne tJonsoLid.ated Sehool ÍÍstrå,et was órganlzed." '¡bås unli is Emal}shøweverue,s A1påne Ëehsol haE onty

&gro elagF*roffis ø ffiere wae som@ support for consolfd.atLon fn ôhe Munåc* lXtalLty ef, Månåtonas and. l"etters wråt'i;en by pareats wcr€ pub* lished in lbe Star and Ti.neørthe Êiwan Rlcer weekly neyrspa.pere but no poelôfve sctåon foLlovred."

fhe,;hiLéfng kograname result$ng frm üenes3ådatfen

AE soon e,s thê Ëchool Dlstrlete of Sonn¡ro*ew, üonbett, PareenvÍLle and. Senlto were eoneoll"de.teôuseveraJ. pr6ble&s {mned* lat,ely airos@o It beea,ne n€ces€laæy te ehoose s eeh,ool såterto $rovf,de tæaporery e@€@, fer the pupåJ.sute Xrovlde a &,€ans of tranepor$atlon for thc sh{}drennand fånally te buåId a, g¡€w sçhooå. .et the rstepeyeren meetång ef Mareh å$rwhen the flre* tru.steee of t'he a€ffi oCIasolldated, dlsÈråe€ w€r€ eJ.eeÈe4r.rirr" J,3.Ðeu€åas moved. ê,nô ii¡r"0'3"K@lghley eeeendeê that åhe fire6 eheåee of e. eehso3 ei.€e be Eäe &rÕuÍtds west of, 6he våtlege 6f

Senåûo knwn ae thø Bperåøn Growrd.e" Theee gromd.s eenÈaåned e*gtrIt aeres' 0B "AfmåL &ÐsX9l"ge tlre $elaoel Bsetrd auther$.øeê the eeeretar¡r-treaeurer åe purehaee thls lan¿i r,rm the lse'$åon8"3" F'a*xeløry e.nd ån a ehsrt ôlme *he busåneßs *ranee,etåoxa -41- -'üa,# coinpleteri.,

"{\rr.angeürent rtÐ"s nraáe to brlng the chilårerr froin i;he Lit"væe ilistr.Lcts to Beiri''oo $cllcrc¡J-" -A roorr iir r,Dykanre,irt s slt¿rc¡;'¡ !,.:ab prepared. ia aeeo:¡¡rocle,te tire extÏa ci'lilcireir" 0n /+prli ?-22r.ç1-.3rTru*tee Ã'f,,Corbctt i*oved and .Irvue'üfre -"Holcl.en rsec,:,:d.ecî '¿ira'b J ,lI. Boesoirs lte eiaployed. as arciri.tee b for tlre i:erg consoliciated. school tttne sa,{lle ts be a, f o-rJr-roo:1i1 school, l¡rj-cï: v€rleçr rhealecT by st,easnrest,iraated cost about iil¿r0OO or 6 615r000,i' Subsecli.tenL iiistory of Ïeniio Consoli(.1ated. $chooÏ slro',,r,s tha1! tÏ.re boarcl of tru.sltee,s er::ed" in j urlgnení an& tha.t pla,ns should. lirc1udecl fi:e"iirg of a.t J.east, e si:,<*rooia school- insten.,,l- çf a. four-l"ooïn 'ìruil.ding, -,jltirÍn a føw yæaxs it lreca¿ue neo€,sså,ry ei'bher io buiiå an adclítion to tire sci-rqr:1" or t,a coilveri; tire 'Ï:a.senent into t"'lte eJ.a.seroor,ils" The sçconcl i¡retlrorl of accoiäinod.a.iing the increased. schooL pcpula'fien r¡ta.s aÕ.op't,ed" The resi.¡i.t .irae been tlira"'b iìrany clrilcl*'eit itave suffe::ecl frorir ihe ð"efec'ç lighti:rg*

The 3Èånø a,s pre;oarerl iryJ 'Ii"3e$sion,s were not ut*"led ancl- Í!"Jl"Tutt,ei ri',ras engaged. to prepale plano for 'u!t@ natit sohooi" fhe buù was to ire eiilii" 'oo ,Starbuck Ssiiorli* Tt, t"'¡a,e 'í;o ile ix,'1,rie renæey Írith cei:rent 'r:rir:urtings anrd sías ¡;a be lneat"ed. by lrot a,ir* Tire bi;Ílciing øas t,o face 'ihe ea,st* In,l"une John fi'lree ,{'faË eirgagecl to ta-Ke cirarge of tlre eoirs'bruct'1on rÍorid" ' ,,t re,rL^"^ Jreärl'Ë] ia.ter: TllaÊn ti:e scl:oo1 had, becolue Svqyz:t:ç':fùe& plens for a one story fot"tr-x'oolü buii.cling tÍere er"afûlned aitd.

,st,uci.Íect" Oire of \ne tn:u.s1,ees ,n¡t:ter{,t:r,, u,ìgg*u Ieú., ð-el¿øJ, to sB-€

I'i1i:u'be Bo*a a.l Bænt';,o Cr¡neJeriiilaieri- S€.}lgså--Ðis'ürio'ür]ìur/ ' è -: ... ' l r"

N:ti 1 sf gu:ne . sffiTGg otr' EENrlo ,0oN$or,rÐATm I 80II00r frRgcrËÐ lN lg&$-s å4 qred. ddú'ô'oqr /9, Fx ts t¡a{0. 8 ur(dr't .p - &ea¡to Ao^soûila kd llot ereeãd €te"cfed /g/e -/g

frlctre ? *4&* rvlceåher porôLons of 6he dlstrlet to thø nsrôh and. soiatJr wouLd be taken .off . fhe other me$bers of the þonrd rej eCIåed thfs suggeståÕa aad. a motå6n sas earrted, tieat tire þoerd, preeeed gåtir a bull"dlng progråfrli{,êo In lanusry L923 e motÍÕß ives eaæråed, that a ratepal€rsr be ealleå to ask perrrlssåon to bsrrsw &2OOOO"OO for tite buåLdång progra;¡¡me, Nothång was d,ose wrtlå tÉ* rr.**i laeetång helå on Jîåly 16s At thåe ".neeSång the fol"LosLng mot$,on saË earr*ed.u* üSmlth*Ðykæranr-flhat tiae ratelpyêrÊ ree€Etm€nå to thc tyr¡s,fee Þoard" to provlele as acormate an estlaate as pogß* lbLei of, thc oost sf buålding a ÈT,rree €r fowr sotrn adüi.€Son to owr sahosl and, euMl.t Lt to the raâeSnyers fn publto meetfng and 1f acaepted. to taJre neeessa;ry eteps f,or se}l!"ng debcntlæes to eoy€r eost of saeû€" Carråcd,trT .Atthoræl¡ subseqirens motLoas to begln a buåldirag Ïmo- gr,drnrq€ were passedrnotlríilg more eonorete gae done and, the use of basseent rooms øas oontínued" fhree,ye&rs later ån 1926 the questlon of startlng a build,lng Srograme êtrose onee more and, the trr¿etees ?Ferc fnstruetert by the ratepayers n'Èo fånd ot¿t the, a¡nour¡t of roam needed. to aoeunmsdate thø ¡nep$ls and to br¿t1d an ad,d.1t*on l"arge €neugh t0 do away rYåffi ühe þaeænenû schooL yooßes'n A Þu* prOgrtr¡me was not ste¡rtedohowe'uero Coneolùdation of the School Ðletrlets of OenÈrai Valløy, Ðr¿rban and. Pnetorla åir I9Lã nade ncoeÐsa,ry a b,uåll*t U ¡negrarim@ 1n h¡rban, S$ 1915-? LA ø $1rys-p6gnu,,'ì schoo1 was br¡ílåu TS øhor6J.y Þecame aeeeßsary Ë0 tls€ 4 port*on of the þaeøirent f,or e 6Ï.48s- r&ütro Tn ï92I an adÔ1tåon wae þu{Lt on thø sout}¡ end of the schoo} provid.*lrg tr-wo nere classroo¡ae. Iå wae then urÀnecessa,rã¡ to nake use of tlre þaemenÈ roûrß l;ittLl" 194? €hen a f*fth Seaelrer

lbådep"1õ6 ' -45- øas add,ed åo pLans the staf,f, are iånd,ep wa6r as preeent to begån a fuctlrer butlding progp*nffi,€o

tbansportatlon proþler¡ls reß d.tlng frmr conesLådatåon

As soon ss Benlto consslåd,ated sehool Ðåstrlet "øas ,ohe oxganLzed,rplans were mad,e by nøøly eleeted board üo have Èhe chå}4ren eonveyed ts and, from scl¿gol ln Benåto" Trt¡etee 01e ParsCIn authorrzed, ',as to htre e CIon.''eyance to brfng tlre shilctren frocn ?arssnvilre Ðl,etrfeÈ to the Benfto sclroo3 and, take thenr ba,ok againn rhe rar¡uneratl.on for eonvø¡rj,ng these ehlldren røae aot ts exeeed, 6ã"00 per day" .åmangørnents sar€ aLso nad'e to Gonvey the ehÍrdren frarn the other eoneor.åd.ated

dåstrlcte " ïn August lgtõ the BeaåÈo 0oneoif,dated Scheoi 86fltrd asked, for tend,ere for van drd.sers and, the fo}lowlng åend,ere were aeoe¡ltedr*

NiIs Boos ab #g,00 per dayrthe parson Boute-noute Chaælee.l'eêre .aþ &4"00 pei-dayrthe Oorbet,t R'Jobnstone at,iþõ"50 per dåyrähe Eae* no.¿*e- fk¡e fi"ret eeirool ïran @as Bræehaeed, from tile soney,wagon CImpaayofirånn!.pegaat Èhe ooet of apSunoxliaøtely sgco"00u rree eost .fhe sf rran and, freågbt on the yen &ffiðunted, to &p,llÍ,&e" $eh¿ool vans rt€re aleo præehaoed. fro¡r Perry 3rsø, flhre@, Jrears 1aûer åe 39L6 sand.y Kelll. {tî was emproyed to ball"d & Tan and, to irave å* read.y to håteh at a eost of 6pp6"00

lhe nrs¡rber' øf van reuÉee hag.l lnereaeed. frem Shree:C,g 193,õ to eeven at tlre presei:t tåme, fhe cost of traneportation has rleen ec€eeôdåirggy sr1¿ fer a ntærber øf yeare wae greaêer 6iran 6hæ saiaråøø gard. to the seae?aå*g etaff" fsþr.e vrrr presengs a eoiaSnråøon øf hkze eoet ef, transpor*atåon wå'6h that of salæ*åes *46*


A OO]dFAftTSÐ}T 0!' 'JI#i t0sf 03 TtTAt[sp0a'IATr0],T t{rTE TI{Af 03' s/rJJÂRriiË FAID'I&IA0HETIS I'OR B.rtt{I'JO CONSOIIDAT:EÐ ËcHü0t, DrsrHl0rolglå1 'fCI 194õ

rJranspas_.bat Yø8"r, tJ oe t,,. of f ,Ðn ?eashes"et 6alaråæRt

191õ-r 14, # 1õðÞ"00 & Ê02ã"00 tBI4-f 15 . 19?0,00 ?u0CI,00 1915-' 16 lg 66,00 2õð?,00 191S-f 1? ?ãrl2"gÐ õ050",00 191?-? ls ß24,2"8O õ250"00 L918 -! L9 b1ãâ"00 å94Ð. o0 1919-! 20, 691þ,0t € 00"00 J.g?Q^t 2L 10P55 "00 I 640"00 L9?-L^1 *,2, 9CIL.5"Ð0 I 6P6 Igz?-t 2ß € 1ã"00 gLõ4"00"OCI rg?"&*t 24 6??0"0Ð g ?9õ,OCI tr924^t 26 4493 00 " 5 ?1? "00 L92ã-\ 26 ø46n.ÐÐ g ã44,OCI tg26-t 2,fi 6CIõ4 g "ÐÐ ð40.oCI L92ry*t æ 6Ð04 00 " ?6s 6 "0å 19æ *' 29 53åõ,00 ??18 192,9-1 3g 5 761 "00 "0Ð ?511 " 00 19ð0-r õt 5 ?4? ,00 ?8 2ö *00 19õ1-' 52 3??9"ö0 6û64*00 L9F2*t &# 4?,æL"QÐ 448L"Ðû 199ð*r ö4 440ã "00 õ4L0"tCI 19ð4*t 55 4õûõ,0Ð 4ð60"00 L985*t 86 4P?Ð,CI0 4&8 19õ6*? ð? 4õã6,00 "00 4ãõ0 "0û I9ö?-r ãg 4162,'ÐÐ 4694 0ü 19æ -r g9 E2A2.Ðg 469õ"0t" 19ð9*r 40 5@ ? 44?t Juty 1e194Q- '00 "0t Ðec"õ1â194CI 44ð6 "00 181å'00 1943 18 4?."QÐ @8 4,00 ag4?- 42?,6.QÐ 5ÐÕã.0t 47b6 1949 "8Q 62,4&"ÐÐ rg44 6?60,00 6õfrö,00 r.94ä ãb42"ÐÐ ?1,9tô,gt'

gm'ld $o teaehers of Benito $ehoot anÕ 'fabte lx, gi\r@s a slflflar eÕrnparison for Ðurban Coneolåd.a.teå Sehool,

Tt qilt be noted. from labie VTIÏ vha,s the a*nou-üt spenÉ 0n 1;eaø!te-ts? ea3a.;rÍes fn 3en1Èo ryas less thæn the araor¿nt spent

(äA Þata obtai¡:ed. from sehool l,fnp,netai. ReSrøT'c,ø" gost,s are taken to the near€st dol}ar, ^4Y^ r.afütr rx


! :, Xea;r Gee't of lþansperôatf.on Teacherst SaLarf es

L924^t 26 #æ ¿t. oo $4?CIo.oo 19å5-! e6 9999,00 464õ*00 L9' ,6*l ?tI 4Pgå"00 455? '00 192?-! æ 4290"00 4690"00 1"9åB -! 29 &Ll2"O0 449L"00 1929-1 60 äB ?4,00 4æ 9,00 19å0-! 51 ãåõ? "00 4õõ1 ?00 3Ê ?;2,3& ã46õ l95l-! "OA "00 L98?å 88 2Þ49,00 ðCI8 ?rOCI L9õõ-! õ4 26ã0,00 30L9"00 19.54-t ã6 2?91"00 29LF "oCI 19å6-! õ6 õãB 0,00 õ195,00 19ã6-! ã? 3L6ã"00 õ1õ6 "00 195?*t fr8 3õ1å.00 õ@ 3 '00 1940 2õl?"00 3åã0ø00 1941 l?Þå"00 914õ"00 L94?¿ g$øL.Ðo ð260"00 L94'"3 4400"0CI 36P.4"QÐ bågrl 4900"00 L944 "8Q r94S 5?68 .00 4?50,00

ôn transportat'Íon durf.r:g the poot war $ree,rs 1919 bø L9?.2* Ðuråug a nienb€r of other yeårs the eost of, Èransportaûfðrå eþ¿ost equaLled êhe æount spent en teeeherËt øalaJråes* Taþle IX shs¡ss that Tånt1L 19õ6 the east of transportation ä8 Durban ConeoLl.dated Sehool Wes Less Èhan èhc ænor¡nt spent oa t€aCIh€rsî sala,rge#" 3or the yea,r endång Deeember ãlrLg€ rthe CIost of tranreporôatl.on ån Ðwbaa Ðåstrf.eå exceed.@d th€ eoøô of *uåSåon by a,fuaost {i'660*00"

A øÈudy of Èiee f,lnaneLal reporêB of BenåÈo 06ns61ådated

sehoðl Ðåstråeå shwß that h]ne saåary of a van dtråyer e@ßI¡æ€d

6g M,*a obtaåaed f,rscr sshool Aanus& 3ånsneåa} Reportø" 0sste eye üek@n *o &he Eã44tr€ßå &oÏl"ar @ - -@-

very favorably wlth t'hat an an elementary eohool teaaher. .À stud.y øf Table X Elearly f,J.Lrastrates this faet, Tt fs furpoesfhle *o eou¡r)are the average salary of 6eaehørs wsÈh tJrat ef, ven drfvere after 1931 besause rateSmyes.s gere peraftted to øerk ouf sone of thel.r taxes by dråving yanso ra LgåzJ ãß thc eost sf transporta*fon as per teaeher øaproyed was &609"00,,ane1 the everage salaæy per teaeSrer was 66ãõ,00o Tn 1gõ6-r õ? the,,eost sf transportaÈåon &s per Èeacher enptoyed, wae &6zp,.Eg gÏ¡il.ø average the satary per ücaeher was #6lg "6V,

sABrffi x 10 å co&IPARïsoN OÏ,.SAI,ARïES 03.VAN ÐRïvgBS wïrH THOSE 0F TNACHERS tr'OR 3ENTTO OOIÏSOITDATSJÐ SCTÍOOTJ Ðrs?_RÎ0f Âts r'ws wAB FERÏ0ÐS 191?*192? i ¡conth Year Van ,Sala,ry ßeaeire¡ Salarp Average Salary Dnl,vrEr Dnfverg leaehere t Septæ A 'lgll e{94.00, þg "go .A,, #L¿o"o 3 @ 4"0d .88 o00 3 ?2"0 0 @ 4,0d 88 .00 c 65,0 Ð @ 4"ãq 99"00 Ð 65 "0 #90' þ o'50 I Septeru 192â A @ S.00 L00.00 A L90u0 B @ ã'50 110.00 B 190"0 e @ õ'90 Þ .00 c 100"0 I D @ õ"50 LLo "00 D 90"0 I m 6 4,b0 9CI.00 ß 90,0 I i rl @ 8*'16 ?ã "00 3 120.CI t¡ @ ß'Yã ?ã "00 n @ 2'"9Ð 5g "oCI I ?,00 120,00

$eptm Lg?.1 Â @ 4"2Q L00€ 0 .A 190'00 B @ õ"00 L20*ô0 3 140'00 a @ õo50 I4,00 C 90 r00 Ð @ 5"00 L20"00 p D 90*00 @ &'8Ð Lm "00 n g õ,00 F Ø 8"29 ru .00 r' 8õ"00 t¡ @ õ,00 ?P,00 G I0'00 E @ 2"ÐQ 60 ø00

1"0 ,.3þS-d i{oteg-lra.i? drir¡ers prorrid.ed. thej.r t)T¡n tea¡¿s anù IeeQ- I Of TiL€ fl0f se$ e - ejv- Altholt.gþ 'bire cos'b of tra.nsporLr;.t"l"an $€4.ti1s to i¡e i:igk.r iir coiilr]å".ri"soi'l i¡¡it]: ' cost of tca.chersr sa.larier¡ in tne 'iJeni,r,a 'Jonsoi-1r1a''oeri Schooi Ðír¡t::icirÍt is dif:flicr¡J.'f to es'i;iä:s,1,e -t¡:¿a,l tTre cost of eo"uca'bion r.'ior,l-rcl ira,ve heen not cols,sci-id"a.bfirn tax^en .¡.:lr.a.ce n 'rrte ia,L:ger scli+ol is ursua.ii;r i:rrer€ effieie:r'i tna:: i,ire oûÇ-roolir r"r-æai schoo"!. a.ncl a str.ri.'l-y rf tire quå,iifica'cj-ons Ðf fire 'Lea'cirers of S:'¡a¡r Tl,iver Vall-ey sir-oriis ihat tlre uon$si-Lá,eted,

Íicitool ïis'i;::Íci,e of Seni'i:o an,j,. ÐurJ¡.an ila,ve :io.b hcud. i:rrrclr in a,f, quaii:fieit I,eaen+rs l:i1iJ.e the naj ori'i,y of t]:e çrie- rooiil rmcai sch.ools ]:a.rrç ireei: s-baffedr'ir;r lrernrÍi:, 1:eaehexgt riot¿e of '¿ltsr:r for 'che last nånæ :l'eerß, Benl bo .ha,s nad, gtea.f er ¿i-if:flj.- cuj"'lJ. j.n re'ba,ining 'Lea.cheys than Ïurlcan" OTfAPTffi TV



Else e,ãÈenÈ Èe srhåoh people r¿aJse ì¡se of seb,ooã. f,aod,Lå61,eø ls refleeÈed Ln the pereentage of the ssheol popula8åon regu,larly enrolled lsr the eahools, fre exte¡rt to shieb sehools ve'çeoi.a their pupflø after they reaoh f,er:rteen years,.of age of,fers sone fndleatåon sf, the aÞllfty of, the echool eystem to meet the needs and. to hoLd the inferests of .the eehool poBtüaÈf.on" *he ¿"t=o þ, teaohers are well traåncd. and d.o Èheir trork effeet* lvety and, the cöurse of study 1s tveIl ad,apted to eonnrmity need,s åå i.s ¡rrobable thot a hleb pereeatage of the €nro1l&ent sill bc ån regul aæ ati,endanee and that, Èhe degree of retard.atf on wlII be ellghs" lfson the other handrnthe peopLe f,or r¡thom Èhe sehooLs are estabLåehed, fafL to make fu.L1 usc of tbæl or Lack lnteresÈ ån the work as ehsrra by f,megular aÈtendanee iÈ Le reasonable to asstene T that the seboot.e are not wel"L adapôed to popufaJP n6eds"n

Shåfte::Ln Sehoo1 ?øptdlatåon

Popr[atlon changeË ar€ refleeted åa the fnereasång ntmrber ef pupi.Is Ln echooLe and. ån tlre raeia'l orÍgln of the ptapl}s, Table X.f shorys the raoåel oi'ågin of the 3enåto eehool Stoptúatton at year intervale slnce \9?,?- ehite Table #S'S sSsE¡s the raeLat ertgla

$oghtrHaroåd w"åa srtrï€y sg nqq€"gÈå_an ån tlre ?rovrnøe e![ F.-aekatehøan aþ.A1.n*U¡. -50- *51*

of sæoondary scirâoi sfuclents fsr 'ü!te yêÐ;r end.ång Jur¡e Lg ?" TaþLes âLre provÍc1ed. in Append,fx I, for st,rqå;r of shifts in

s ch o po-oula,t p,,nd. jif oi Í on of Ðurban uïíeirvil .Le 1nÍ t onas s CIir o oI e *


nÄtrnr oRÏGrü PUPTTs $i"ffäffi i,?äiñl+ilå*#nËi*n0}


Raee L922 Lg?Fl 19õA i.9õ? 194? L94U 1949,

þ1ti.sir t4ã 159 r.1g 85 ?õ ?5 s9 SLavfc 36 .* l¿ 68 ?0 84 84 ?1 Seandfnavian lL 26 2rl L0 16 L2 x5 $ther :eaefal Orlgi.irs B Õ I L2, 11

To*ai i.9? 22rl zffi 1?0 382 r8ã L66


kitish ?2" ffi ?0"04 84*32, 60"00 40"1"1 40*ft3 ßFl e2 SLavÍ.e ß ^21 3g ä?*vlQ 43*19 46,lb 45,90 46"6L Saand,åna,v- "50 lan 5,58 1å,46 lP.æ 5€8 I,?9 6"66 g.6L Other Påc* åaL Orfgf.ns4'O? 2"94 4"gb 6 rõõr rttr :ñw TW*- LTW ffiW"66 ffiw-? '06 {}3vta"* lJçraånianrfi,ussåanrFolùeh; Seanelånav$.ann-Søeöåeh, ïe eiand,Íc; å 0ther rae laÏ or gins r - G€rnta,rr r Fr ene?i r jÍebr æf ,

Taþie ltÏ lnd.åcates a d.ecLåtre Ln *he Þår31eh el"æei¡,c ';rr thtæ schoot poprxLatj.oir and. the oorresponcl,iirg ínerease of Ë}avåo pupj.åm *n the Benito 'Jr:neoiidated. SehooL, A study ef the tables ån the apBcnd'åses sir$ss a e5.¡¿å1çæ Èrend. ån the Ðræba,i} ûanøa]¿Ldp,,çæd sclrool and- i!rc"t a, såm* change r.s eeei¡*åirg ån ïíenvårre, ffire racåal orf"gån of the i;o.bal T,,{ånitonas Selaçoi popiålÐ,ÈLøn lyae not sär'dr.ed'* Beblem fn ühe appæn,fåx Í t .t:'oa. reB¿d tlrere has a åeeåånc of håen sehooå '¡ee* Fi¿þf1s of Bråtleh oråg{n sånee :¿gi¿L mn& p0Pï,1[ÁfI0]T ffilfrËH s0HCIor. 0$ BffiTÏ'JO'DUHSAN A1[Ð KUIWÏlilÆ SCHOOÏ,$ .43 $IVlt Y!:Afr TNTffiVAr,$r1922*1947

/et '' '-t.--\-:."

l^ ?0 \ \

GQ ¿O \" tl¡ o t¡ 50 I a¡ s1 *ro s a (¡3o 'Ye n v.; l/ g SeÁoè¿ @ \ -,,.8... qe¡ &s( d"Å.?r, forrro/r'deh"f Sehrol - - q ß e r,;fo f,or,s olidafeJ Scåoo{ ;l -

qèar tr& I t?e'l tî32 t137 llttr: tctll , q4q 3'å.grurre l0 *ãS- s,n ¿ner@aËe of pu$¡¿l.s of Gerumri or*gfn" Á. etudy of fabl,e XIE eherws that the percentage of pupliø ef 3råtteli orj.gfn Íf¡ 3owß- man Hfgþ $cboo1 ls stllL empaæatÍvel.y hågfr, A etudy of schosl enrolLment ltrdlcatee that echooL populatlon ls lnereaelng f.n the Swan Rfver rl,ilultone.s a,nö" Dwþerr sehoole but decl"å¡rfng Sn Senlto Consellde"ted Sehool,

rABi.æ xrr


I Ba,ce Benl*o 3ffisütân ÐBrþa KenvÍ1le Hlnlto¡ Swer¡ iniv*-t þttåsh 19 46 11 26 i, Ln Ilkrainlan x9 I 1CI 6 lrry Pol*sla 4 õ q P i-- Busslan KJ 2 F-l-- Gerga'n 4 I ?.L16 tr?ensh & tl-- Ë'wedLsir I I É6 l+ QzeaI+ 4 år Others I 2{1"

?otel 5ð 62 26 æ 6g 4 112


Bri.tlste õã€5 8A .46 44 "o 42A 6 ?B "00 Ilhalnfan õ6€6 g€õ 4CI"0 9,82 lF,19 Polåeh 1"ô5 g'1? Rueeien s "lB 8"0 Gerng,n ? ::::l 4o0 z3,38 5 "55 1"Þ9 "3S IBeneh 5 "66 SwedLeh 4rO õ,ã? Qzøe,b 6.96 ^3:13 3.lg Othere WI '92 reffi Law LW*"90 -ä4- Sresent Knroilnrenb. of Sehool 3oÞuåatåon

lkre peopl"e of, gøan Rlver Valley ma,ke use of thelr schools so. far as the errroLLment of puplle þets¡een the age linlts of cempulsory attendanee fs eoncerneci. Begf.nnf,ng puplis etre erurolied at the sf tlae 3b11 Term oy a,h Saster" Ðurfng 'i,be schooJ. year all tft¿e chLldren såx yesrs old enrolL and åt 1s exceptlonal to find. a pupÍi of thÍe age net enrolled.* fâ.b1e X,III Ehme the enroSlsen$ ln six gf*cied sehools in Swa,n Råver Va3.J.ey. More thar¡ 1200 Ft¡¡¡íl.e atre e¡trol"Led in slx of t¡re seyen graôe4 schools ån Swa¡r Val"le;rr468 of wbm

attend Swan Båver Sehool. @


Seheol Soys Går1S fotal

3eaåtE v6 80 166 3w¡sman Unåon 71 8$ L62 Ðttr'@n 84 Þ L62 Kenvfil.e õ0 4"4 '14 Silnitonas 9? 110 2gT Swa;n 8åver 22rl P,4.L Totel 991 6æ L22Q

la the fe'rty*e{d1¿ an€*reça rural eahools tne enrotå* nent vasLes fror+ I to 4ã" fhe eæ,eh enrolLaent ef *b.e forty*

elgþt eeboo.s wap nst a"vaål"abl"e bu* a totaå of 450 bep amd. 4õâ gårls &tre enroll"eê *n tbårtJ¡-flre rrmel eelrosås , L@øs tba¡¡ on€-berf swar¿ ef River valre¡r pupåie etre earol"r.ed ln TABLE XÏV


School, Gr, I ïïï rV VÏT Totai" Bü B& BG B G¡B ü tsü

I {Jl


S]{O''i'ITÏ\,iG I]NF-OI,L},(I}TT] BY ST']X AXT]] GRADT I}1 SIX G]],I\D]ID A.I\TI) THTRT]Y*Ffv.ii RLTP.AI,,5C}-{OOLS iIO GRtrD¡t \rTII FOR l-g\B* r Lr9

$chnn-l- ÏTT nr VTI VTT T Total Tota 1 BG

T l+6 f Brought Fon¡¡ard 97 706 8Á 9 100 00 ?t+ 76 Bh 7 6 rl(] 77 ?Ð 631 bb J l-?94 î r ? Fisi:e:: s Si-riing 3 2 3 _1 3 J I J l- 1_ L9 I ? ?1 I -i 1 É, I a 0l-,1 Fort ") 6 ,! .L 3 ? t", -: .r"5 t- ? ?7 ? ri a /l .Be-Ì.1" Bi'¡¡e.r" J o t: ? 1. { _1 :l- 6 ) .ì -1 i lq 35 Creek n 1" t Gl-c'ver _l 3 2 :l- ú -i -; -; -; r-[ I 23 f L¡ t $r¡¡an Va1-1,ey ? 1 ? : LI 1.2 :! n 29 : -_l 3 '{ J Souare P-l-ei-ns I 2:, ?, - 1 1 I 1" 4 5 9 't i ; 1 ; ts\ Rr-ih;r 3 -ì, I I ¿ 5: ) ¿ ¡ r' ?l I 1,5 :t- 7 c-t o Äil ï..trrèn.d,'¡y ¿. 2 ). 3 3 ; 4 ?* -!- rì ? 1A O ./-+ Lt 'ii -1 Iìgi.1-snn : I ¿ ?_ ?* _1_ t. ¿ 1i i_ I ,1-? o ?_? I -'t { 1 ì ï,*.d1r llubbl-e 2 l ? ;1 *l?! t_ 3 J-. i 7 1 0 r7 \¡ Õ 'rl O\ Fro'h l-r¡ llcl ew a_- *i 1,3 -1 I - 4 : 1i Ll 1 /- ]i 2 l" 1tt I ! t Dav j d s':n t_ 1 ?l 1? 3 ¡ I It "; 7 0 l+ t, I .) 2 È 1 Lit,tl e Woody I l 5 "-| ?l Ji ? r 3l i ? 16 a- ?'7 : 1 ¡ Eg.remnnt t. 1 1l ót 2 l ,i iI 1 1, t- B o 14 l+ i r1 j t+ ?J .L W1l,d Rrrse I 3i r,t 4 ri 1 1 tg 1" t) ; I 35 i'Irfoocl,¡r 17 L¡. l+ Fi.g 5 1 \" 5i 2¡ I 2 dl l. t,-; l_ lCr ?4 4r, ËTs'Ì"1 i ngtnn :) t -¡ { J 1 1 ii -Li ? i ã li 2i 3 1 14 I 0 2ü Ivioi-i.ntiain Crest L : : * 1i )t ¿r 1. 4 t h í;i l-lrury 2 a 6 t. L 3 Í ?? 1. 7 35 f ¡ r} 1 Fl-orada.-i.e -) h 5 t. ¿ ? I il ?, I t8 1 2 .30


1 Tniia "i. ,t+3 I 39 12q 1ôql t4B148 lt+1?l¡- 1i)71ç r14 l_24 116 Lo4 98 0Õ l B6 sel -"?34" 'i - )-i eo¿ 282 zez'' ! 2?6 240 f,'. .t la 1óö r-801 I BOl *5?* one*ro0üB rural seh001s6 [b@ åotal enrol]¡nent ln swan 1latr]ey echools ås þetween 2þOO e"nd. 2É00. Íke hfgfr seh.ooL enroll¡uent in the eeeond.ary eehooLe ie âY o Tn addftlonuabout 40 etud.este are ersoLi.ed. ån Gracle IX, or X Îyttti the t,torueepondence ffianch of the ÐeãB"rtnent ef Ed.ueatÍon. [Ue e*rot].nent by sex and gracle in thfrtff*fåve n"lral and. elx'graded sah,ools ås shsrrn åa TabLe "ÍIV, fable f'IV åndå- cates that there ís a gradue.J. d.eclíne Ln er¡rolLment frmr Grade T to Grade VIII ln most of, tbe rural a¡.a grad.ed sçhools" this deellnê le greaver fer Þoye Ëha.a fer gf&}s lnêåcatfag

t};re1u &ore gårls attend eobool for a longør perÍoê tham d.o boys'

Á,ge-Grdde Ð$.etrÍ,butlon of 3u5låLs

B"&,,pupli.ås saåd to be retard.ed. øhcn h,e has arråved at a.polnt,, in the eehooL Çot¡rs6 he should have reaehed. at an,eagller agêeflZ Ehte nor"rmal rate of progress of e, pupi3. ln eehool Ls generall.y ta,,ken to þe oRê ryade per y€gtr" A prryåI" ehors-d' requirC fO'ol yeaå's Èo cover fOur" Tf he reqUiree flve ygutsena fe retan'decl one yøe*-" If he reqUtres tluree Sfean'sr3le ås aeeeierated one ye&*:" TaþLe l$Í ånd,1ea'tes llnaü üinæ degfee 6f retârdatl.on $e not so greaÈ in KenvLlie'SehsøL as åa'the

eß|gløy gfaded BchboLg Of Sffian RJ.var trr411"-ey" A gg,ee,ter pereentage of ã¡upåia ar€ a;øeaf'æreæbed ln Kenvåiie Sehçsl than ån the oåher gradecl sohoolÉ neåth the eeçcep'bJ"on of l,tånåtonafl' Of L?,?;9 graded puplls 2'16 a,re aeçeierated and 42'l retøæded'" !+eeøLøvætÍ"oa is geæabørån the prdrumy grad"es tira¡l ån



SHCffi T3TG .AOOffi,ffiAT T CI}T-R3T^åRIATTON OT' puPxrs rN srx GnAÐ3:Þ scH00!s TI'T SWAN ATVER VALTBY 3'OR 3}ffi :ßAR L94S-¡ 49

Sehoo]. &rroiLuenf Aeeeløra$lot Sorraal Betas la-båsn Noo No. fr Naø fo ïtrO " SenLta Lã6 gL L9"9 6g 44"Å 66 gõ,9 BffisnåR ts{,o 163 15 9'5 9e õ6 "d å? ãÞ "L L6È 2L LP"9 EO 49 61 ßl *'l Ðwþa,n i "4 ,14 26 ã1"3. 4g ö4,il LL 14€ KenvlLle i g0? 3'l 5o ?.4.2 r,[f,nåüonae I 80 ffi"6 lrl "2 2?-.1 56,õ L9ã 4Xr0 Swan Rlver I 468 L06 r?0

8ote,l L2,29 236 2?-,"6 â2;6 42,e ezY 8&'Fl

8able 5Vr lnd,lea,tes ÙhaÈ bhe e¡ctønt of retardatåçn is håeþ f.n many scheols dr¡ere perr¿f"t teaohers have Þeen ffiaplêJ¡cê l,n suesessfve yea;rso Seavy eirro3.}uenÈ also eonteSbubed tsrrarô pupÍ.l retatrde"tlon ae ehsstn l,n the sase sf Ravensworäh SehooL' In the l,edy Hr*þb1e sohooi dTrere 'bhere Ls no retardatåonufåve qualifleå and. tllr¡ee perialt teachers 8&:re æirployed ssnce 1"940* f¡¡e ï"ens gehool has a hsgr¡ aceeleratåon þut t¡}re'ra4 oråty 6f, grad'eo' Sable t*laoee aooelbraÈe¡:l s,re enso]]eet 5'n Èhe flset fsrm Iwï, shws.'.Èhat the pereentage of retard.atåon 1n flfteen cohools 49 flhose @næne perralt, teaohers are eg1ployecl e,t SureseaÈ åe '&/o* yelaeded. tse or 86re y€arfs constf'but'ø f;â"6fe ef, the ã?ñ enrolled shø'us tSre W1xitæ Lffi ggfl|æ,.yetardeð t*?:rce yea¡fs or more'Taþle ffiff eæåøirt¡ Of seta;rdatåon ån 1Ô ræ41 sehooXs at Smesent servæd þy &eaoherp, feae3rer tenr¡re hae Þeen åonger ån møst ef

åbese eeheor.s ÈÏmn ån she soirools rse€ed ¿31 TabJ.æ ffi& åsd a TAr[..m ]fVI SHC'WTNË AÍISHLffiATTO$-NSrÂRDAfTO}T Or PUPrr,S IN T'TSfEEhT RT}NAL SCHOOI,S TN ffiA3[ RTVM VAJ,T,SY $'0n 1949*1 49 .AITD rnAcffiR q,IIALTSI0ASIONS A}TD flU[$UR3 $INEE 1940

Soheel" QwLåff c Aeeel"er eterd.- etaæd.-,or¡ of atåCIn e.tÍon tÍ.on Preeent; Yeers Teecher or No"

3eLl" R$.ver Sernåt I I 55 sl e ô2i 9L,4 P.2, 6Ê.8 MeI(i.nJ-ey PermS.t 1o,o 4 's o ")c, Lå'1 6 ¡18 .2 231 69 *? 2? 01d. S'srt; Sermå'b 10,0 ãîl "g I lnõ I læ € L?l 6ä'9 1ð 6ö "6 Gl"over Creek Per¡aåt (iin 2ï 4?€ Ðlâ1"7 ?t 3ô"6 1? 14 o n{eI{ay Perur*t t8 E æL 8tffi"L rsl Sl 4 19,(l nel1 Per¡¡Í.t 6 2ø 4u0 '$ ô I laIo I 9l 36.0 r5l 60'0 É 8"0 Þ *er3"ey Perrnåt 10 ¡Þ så 1$ 3 L6 5¡26,õ 1Li 6? A ã1" "g '9 s Ravencworth ?ern¡*t ? â2, a 45 ql 6"9 3V'.g 66 ,r '0 fIt L?, æ¡ "2 I ð9'6 (o Allanvale Per¡of.t 10 $s r 1r 2 11€ 1ðl ?6.4 2l 11.8 I s) LÍ.dsSone Perml"t ? 3t 2p E 9o1 s¡ &6.4 & 18 o2 r) ìç 0rsågsford Pero*t ? 1? 4 91 6õ"0 äõ'6 -ä:ä gl q. Lens Pernåt I ¡'i 6 õ2 t8 26"0 r8@ a) Lady Hubble Pernt b I ¡o I l8 L$l Yä"P eçod tue*{:y Velle Fermlt ? ü? q ¿t 10'14? 4? u 4årS ff6åI"oon Pennf t Ð e 22 "6 4CI*9'6 j*****Ir 1älö9"L a, Lõ'6 c Toteå { ! s?6 fl

No*ea*Glwer Creek Schoo3" ha,s laeen operat$rag for 4 yee,sñ snd, h,g.s nev@r had s qus&åfåed, tee.eher* *{rU- gu"eeter number of oua.lif1ed teachers h.t^l,e been erirpl-oped. In these schools r¿rith a total enrol-in-rent of 239, ,?0,j{' are reta.r'ded*

TABT,E }3/:I.T


School na l-if i, ca t ion Tenure of nt A ccel-- ItTorma l- Retard * t-- of Pr"esent Present I ere.ti-on ation Tea cher I Tea.cher. fr:n::orrme lTo. {' llo, {, IIo" f'

1É ol( É Egremont Second lfo L.,l f ! \j@ I Snt'¡q nc È - ¡ I o LLL L it: Pl-a.ins First B 1- 4 I 2?.2 3 4 T,a.Vendef B 2 Õ 1? (Lr . First Jrrs, 24 9 t1ú " 5 Da.'"'iii .ç on Second 2 yl:s o Ll_ " 14 7" 7^2 1á8.6 Iitile i f l¡-ê c \[oody First B J ?q 36 olr. R ? l*I rê 2 p (tR Cr"onperto "1 Seccnci. b yls 1? 7 4 30,8 ¿ 4 ê " lr5. Si¡an i/a1l- Special- Ferm'" t_ Ð 11 (1 ( il^ J¡ )tr' 3,1 L8,2_ 1Ð ¡ --)L' o Buby ! (Lt ( 120 )+ L Second" l- 2 )/-r " 3-3 b"l -iB 1_3 TTpnJ inotn I I Iì4 hlc n" Flrst B yIS e 2q Rn _r_-1. 12 ê ô j I "o -18 lîU Rose I I VF. ^ )*C,O tt57. É ',{i--i-C Flrst B i 35 *l B.l l+ I " ¡

Tota.1 2lc) ?q 5? "8


ßradinø.-'_ - " -- "-- llumber

Accel era.ted l-8"1 l,l-o:'nt.a1 L-ì"2

Reta rd ei Jv @ L-

Tota l-

Note: The tr-.f¡-1 fi rtrpo in Trble XVTIT renre sent s Ba% of the en::o,l lrnent in th¡: school-s of St¡,lan Rj-s"'ef Val-J-ey. *S3* Holding Potøer af the ãclrooå Flre .lro}¿ power of 3eni"&orÐtæbanrKenvåile and, ï[l.nåtonae

Tf¿gf,À Sehsote sas traeed oyer the "ben ycar perfodrlgS$*r 46o Tn begr'e*nber 1-947 fifteen sirråente enrolled Ln Gra,ée lX ín ililn*Èanas Sehool* fhree fafled, to taiø.e Oradc X åhe foli"enryfng yea.¿" and eåx of tirose who åld retwn wåtlrdr*E fror¿ school before tire end" of, tl¡e Waæ. Þræfng 'bhe nåne yeøæ perlod.rl9ß6*f &&?LQ?. Þuplts enrelled

lir C.rad.e IX ån 'bhe T,,[inltonas Ëchoo]. ,-a?- rea,ehlng Gred.e'. NI 'sçro yee,rs l"ater Ðurlng the ten yaaæ perlod. tlrc irold.íirg poøer from Gvë,âe lN te Graôe llÏ f sr f,sur secondary sohools j.n S'san Ríver Valley vras a,s foli-erøss*B€níto a66,#p ; Ðwban þ0'V,.4 ; Kenvåäf.ærfifi'Ll/a"u a,nd, lliínåÈonasr$O"$+* TairLe TJX sixs'r¡s tiaat, Èlre pøøer of the four sehools sÈuåíeå øas 8,3"1;á"3enLto anei. Kenvå}Ie shoïred. sllgf¡tly bettær holelfng porrer than diô Ðtæban and, I'[l.nåtonas

Sehoole" HryereverronS.y æ 'Lìt; of tlre etudents wleo entered, ürad,e Tä ln 3enåto Hågh Sehooi reasired. Grad.e N,IT Ín the Ea&e sohso].'

". TÄBT*E XIX gHtrffEI'üü T}TE HO}ÐTI{G Pü$fffiR OT' X'OTJR SffiÜO}TTIART ËOHOOJ-.S T}T slfr/Àlr RrvÍß vAJ.,r,Fy FoR fJtE TffiAas i"996-3946

Sehoeil l,t,.*** u ßLnåsited, Gr*ïX ntered, Gr Entered Gr "J$, al "X,T Ì'l ^-t No. j'o I er",tx 0s 7Ê No. "lt I Ì g 3eni.¡a LzL 109 90'ffi 8CI 66,1 1 86 "3, Ðurþan ?8 Y& 9ß'Ð9 ã0 64"1" i øg ã0 "0 KenvåI}e æ 86 8?"?6 69 Y8"41 eA þõ.å 3$.iniåÕna 10P, .s6 94,LA 69 87 "61 AZ þ0"s

Ïetaå fr99 364 91,2ß 2@ 6ol ,2i 2Lß 5ã '1

1lo e,tteinp'c was rna,d-e *o &ætermLnæ þnæ veasgns f*r þr.ø ^61å* unÉêtl.$faetory hoXdång perøer of tSre #chools d,r*rång the €en yeêJr perl.od Þut some effsrt sas mad.s to dleoover faatore exfstfng at present thaÈ raågþ'e eontrtþu$c toward lery hoJ.dång

$¡tr$ter e At ¡rement out of 106 Grsde 3X puplJ"s enroÏlçd ån eåx eecend,ary echooLs ln Swan &å¡rer Va11eyr40 are retarded one or ä16-r@ yê&1"ã" fWent¡r*four of E6 Grad.e X, s*ud,ents and â8. øt l8 Oraåe XI etuetents are retarded." ?he peroentage ef, retardøtlsn

le greatest f.n Graôe IXrlaeång ïrf "T'frn More tinan $ffi of A6ð second,ary sohoot stud.ents are retard.eel."

lh,e SahooL kegr@r@

Mtnåtsnamn$wan R*ver and, Bweman $tgh SelrooL øtud.en&s w€r€.,rresårteêed, afunos$ en&årcly to the Saåråea3atlon 0ers'see Any veråetlon f,ron the Maûrteulatlon Programe oeotlrred, whe¡r 'studente enåor*iag Grade K ør Xl after lravång üaken onæ er raere grad.ea by Corr.eøpondençe laaked a eeeond, J.anguaS€a Th'ese stucl.en*s wer@ reetrieteå ts the llarr¿a1 Entvanae eouree and se3eeted, GeeggaSüry and Busiirese Arlt?uaeâ .å language otieer than fingl{eh has not Þee¡r of,f,ered Ln &rrban ÏIfgfr Sehool and. only reeentS.y h,as þeem,e a ¡nnt of the Seeond,a,ry Sehool Frogra,m€,of Kenvåtle Schoot" Þuring Èhe years 1941 to L945 a eowee wae affeyed ån BenLto Hl"eh School arrder the ålreeÈlon of the 5rråncl3ml, *{oJ,n[oraa" lhl.s gae the only departure fros¡ the r¡et¡a} eeeond.ary sch,ooL prograüme offered Ln &he sehools ef Swa¡r R*ver iralleyu

"å€ gueeoent al"} øeeonåary øebool etud,ents ån ffie,n Rlver val"løy

ba#'ø Èhe Generai Coræse

Ðurång tlre tea y€&e' peråoår193,#*t 46uæåxÈy*ei,gf¿û øtr¡dente åesk Grade xr ån r{å¡råàenas }Ilgh sehoo}rÈwo of @hqß ønteræd, -6õ- ÏåniversåÈy, Twen*y*sLæ students proe€ed,ed te Grêd.e Xll or €s a Sxarttar eoæBc þBt df d, not enter unåvereÍ,ty, nTlne of,. the 26 en€ered Normsf sahooï and later oÞtaåned teaehlng posåål,onm,

Søhool, I'afrs and ÇIuþs

303ær and Gårlet CIlube were organiøed ån BenåÈorKenvåI1e and Ï,[*nåtonas as early ae 19tã and ln Swan &åver and Bwe¡üan $n the ø of L9L6 o rhe flrst faår and fåeld d,ay eonþlned, Ln ffian Råver valley wae organåøcd þy Ð.s.woode wlro gas ae$åag* Inspeetan f,r"o¡n SiIa,roh to *{ugustsL9l5u ffiåe f,aår wae he}d at ififnftona,s but 3øwsaraRrunder the leederøhåp of thc Axlne$pal, Sert Peareer*nd ruraX eehools çCIoBerated.o 3aårs w@t@ held, å.n a nrærber of eahoole Í.n Swan RÍ.ver Valley ln 1916 and, eaoh eueoeed,- fng year for eeryeral yeaJrs, SehosL worknae geXL ae tile resulte of tlee eLaÞ øorkrwae e¡daåþf ûed, fn 3.S26 lnspeetor Peaeh repor6,ed,. ooneernlng a f,aår held aS 3fånåsonasc-nffie sork cxjelþf.ted. Yas *? of a hågþ ord,er and. a eredf.t ta the pupLls snd teeehers.w trlre ehsldren, and. young people took e'n aetåve ånÈereså ln øpor$, 3Äå.nf,Ùo:aøe haå a Gfrle? 3aseball 01r¿b ghose ncm,bere helped to make Èhe fleld day @f, 191Þ & ßucceÐBø A plesure åa the Annr¡al Beporê of, the Ðølwrtmenü of, ãd,uoatåon før thc Yeø,t endsag J me ]91S eherrs tlreee gårlø ån aeÛ$.on* tshese and, many other aa*lvåtåes ån wlrleh å}re young people sf eeryeral åeeaåee ago engaged wene consådered Êo be fmportent Ln eehool" lif,e €?en åÏrougfÀ *hey wer@ @ã@o'6tås'råetutar' Fbey ga,u€h$ sLþ*aenøhåp and heJ.pcó Èø gmeSare Þo¡æ anð g5*lø 6o eeørm@ r€øpsnsåb$.Iltåes ån eø¡rourmLty and natåonaL &lfe"

&eporâ of Èhc ÞepætnenÈ gll_ffi=åuoaå{oryrf,or the year endång J Me ß0,19ã6 rpo4ã.ffånnåpeg;Kång¡ ø Pråater f,or tÏ¡e ?rovåaçe of Manltoba@ *'64*

3[$.aL6onas f'S,eåd Day

a øttrdy of âhe inspeotorr e a¡nual reports ehws ttra& fteld days were herd at varioue Blaeeø åa 6he varrey as weå[ as a* other plaoee ln tire d,lvåeåon y€ar by yearo Tn lg26 a fåeld. day wa,e held Íã B€nåto anð toek ån eeveral owrowrd, eelrool dietrfets' rn tr9õ5 fleLd d.aye wer@ held at 3tg lileod.y, SthelbertrS'ork RåverrGarland, and, fre pasrthe latter naæed Btaeeø beång ån 6he ånepeetoral d.Ív'åsfon but ouüeååe Èhe vaJ.ley, lnspeetor Seaoþ smeå up the valt¿e of, fleld daye ån Èhe fol[w- åirg øord,s r* nl'leld days mean mtrcb extra sork for the teaehere Þut the effort and tfune spent are se}} lnvested" 3esådeø'havlag other iaerå$suttrey brång pug¡åLenteachere anrd ¡ørentø a Ii.t€Le eLoser togetherrand, tlrue fosÈer the spfråt of good ryi&L and f elLssieh$.po tt4 ffie f,lret $Itnl,tonas 3funåelp¡at fåø]d day øas he]d, durÍng the Çoronatlo¡r Yeeærl9õ?' 3'or ssi!,e Jr€ers a fåeld day had noÈ been beld ån nÃånåtenss and several aåtlaene began to feel that 3ùip*eal tralnlng of sehoal ehlld¡rea øas þeåag neg1ee8ed," l'ee1ång that,they shouJ"d aøsrilT¡e 6oúÐ,e respon*lbilJ.tyuthey oalled. a meeÛ and ûhe }-{luåtonas I'lel"d Day Organisati.on wae for¡aed wfth Í4e68 s'l{alt¡nan ês keeLd'en* and' Gordon T{endørsqntseeretary-årea*H*€Ïø Most of tlre sehoole withl.ra the nunl.eå3mlLÈy weve ful}y r€pr€s€nûcd aS tire f,feld day belå €}ra€ yearo Sfr"Maltuan serveil as PresfrlenÈ antåL :{¡rrå1 L9&2 and on hls resågnat$.on wae 6end.ered a vete of Èhanks for hås faåthftú and tmtlrJ.rrg servåee* ffile ÏfiÍnstoaae 3{tmiof"Inl" r'åeld Day ie finsneed by åhe

Reporâ of Èhe DeSnrtment gåÆkååg reE" tsre year endåns J une õ0 å19õ5 aÞ*5 ?,r,TånnJ.¡lôg;Klags e Pråater for ålre prsvånee of i'*ianitgT¡ø* *6S-

B@boolß €akfng part. a, fee of fI5,00 per room 1e eharged. and, thi.e'aoney ls ueed, for prlzeerentertair,¡ment and. for generar exp€nøe8 " TT¡ø å'åeld Day prograïi¡me begfne eaeh year wlth a parad,e leå by l]nq Qøeehoelsvaklan Saptåøt'. ehrseh hraøe band* The þand, sf tr'ÍreÈ BaBtlet (Gernan) ehwoh has alao Ëaken Þart ån the parad.e wlthin recent $@41^Be Saeh yea,î afËer the addre6s@€ and, announoenente of Brfze wl,nnerø for the banner and. marohingr6he ehildren were forr¡ed. into age groups and, those ån eharge of thc d,lfferent gsoirps were røsponslble for Èhe øportør evente" ln the s¡lrlng of I94?ra de¡artwe was taken ghen a d.effntte Brogra¡ril¡ne of exerclses Ha8 arra.nged for eaeh a,ga gr@upo A øtud,y of Áppend.j.x H q111 fndleate the Ecope of the fÍeld d.ay,

High, Scbool $åudenÈ Counctls

DurSng recent yeaÊs Hårgh ScheoL str*dent Ceunc.fle }¡e,vø þøen organized in @Tery eeoond,ary øehoo} 1n ffian River velrey e.nd the øtud,ente are ôaklng,an aettve part ån ex€ra-ourrleuLar aetåvttfes* The growth of the øtud,ent eounclL td.ea fe eøpeeåally noted, ln SenlÈo ÌItgh Sehoo},. Tbe mlnutee for BenltE ¡tigh Se}aoo1 CaunoåL raeet*agø are avallable f or the year@ foltewing 194CI, Those dated Sepâærber 2g o 1941rare quotød. i,n X¡art ac followße- tWe opened thle meeting by appofntlng one. day of üie såonth an whleh,the cor¿ncll ç¡ll]. meet and any matter dellvereci te the secretary* I,ytre rioved and. Fred øee that E¡e set the ftrøt trbl,åay 1n everJ¡ month a,gwrt îøx our mectångs* I'lyåe moved and- &rarion eeconded. gilat tbe eeeretary be appoånted to took after any fundø sw øet",çærw brought to the Ce'unc1Ï" -66* Hfidna sroved end Ï,iar;r seconded åt thaå at any ttne the Cormoli uia,y be fn dou"þt *n any æiat,ter lt ehould apply to the t,eaehere for advl€@on$

.&, øtud.y of the preeent councll mlnt¡Èeø rcveale the gfowth that ha"ø taken plaee dtæ1ng the past e*eht yeare net only *rr the scope of the aatfvåtlee br*S a.Laø tn the me*hod

of, eonôuetln6, meetings and takålrg nånutee 6 Ð the seh.ool y€ara194?*¡ @ oetudent counclle w€ré

or 6anized. i.n Benf t o s Bo$s&ia.n rKenv*lj.e uMånl'b snas u Ðurben T{f dl SehsoLs end. Sgan River Colleglate Ine'cåtut€" Mån*,te¡nasrKcnvåIJ"e end Sgå,n Rlver couneåle carrfed- on an actlve cportsr progra¡nme and" an Tater-Hågh Traek and FleLd 3ûeet v¡ae øxgønlaød, by 6he Swan RLver 0olleglate Stud.ent eouneli' In the flei"d" of journa,å- i.ero e, Ycar Èooþ wae preEnred, by Swan fll¡rer etudente and. Benitç s'i;ucient,e ueed" the HSgh Sohool prLnti,ng pres6 fer the flrst tlmc to publlsh a sehool pa.pero In 1946 the SenLto $¿gb Sehooi 0sr¡neå] adepted a eons*å6-

u*åen whlch provecl to be valuable to eueceeéång oouneileo .å. eep;f of,-the Osnetåtu.t$on fe gÍven ån Append.åx ÍI' ln Sep$wiber 19@ øtudent eounclle were organ*zed i.n eaeh of thc eåx eeeondary eehoolc ån ÉWan Råver Valley, Execut,J.veer ønd eonveners Of e@- m$t*eee w€r€ eleeted by the stud-ente ef ¡[SnÍtøn&øåBowsemnrBenlts end. Søan River sehools and exeeutlvee ønly, ln the KenvliLe e.nd Ðrnrþan Hådl $ehoole" eonøtåtutlone ha"ve been adopted Þy thc ffånåtçnaø and. Sowsrrian stud.ents as ryeJ"[ ae by the studente of 3enåtc I{f gþ Sehool*

Ten eosmrfttees have been farrned ån BcnÍto trf.gþ $ebeoL and. eaeh etudent j.m a member eS one of Èhe eqmnåáteee, ge@h eoalm¡l.t"uee

ð ggggg¿S C_oimcl,i niånuâe soot¡ n Benå t ø Ii å e"h Ë eh o gå, F e BÈ mrber, 29 rLgALø --.:.;*::-_*;*;;.**,ï I 6.\s I

(a'ol" io ro*e sìnt ¡ns CArisbras ßeni/- H¡çh Sclt"o[ ßeJ Q 6(e, dlAx \orkÍo'a, Deee>Jf" er ll,4?tfb Jno*r"nle| rdces írv- ;n The Al"ovel'"nf' F¡t" I Fi3ure rl *@* hae a chalrrue¿erøecre$ary and abou$ tûrree other mmþere* ffhe foll.æ:1ng eeumåttees eere fo¡med ln ÊepÈmiber L}ilY¡*Iåþrary, T.J.teraæyrltusermrBed eroøsr$ebool a.nd Grourids uSoeía} and Sper*ø" lurfng *he yea.r ts¡s n€w eçronÍtte@s were formed and Sreved tE Þe Çaiue.blen ffiese were the l,eboratory and Fress ees¡i!âlttees' In Septemrber L9€ a MueLo Ceffif,ttee we,s organized makång a to'cal of ten comnltteeeueach øpecåal funetfons' ffirree cs¡nltteeø r1,åÞrar;i', Sohool a,nd. Grounds rand Íøbgratosffg- ere entrusted sfth the eere anel naån&enanee of eohosl Swoperty' fire lêþsretor;r 0orsmåttee keeps tlre laborator;r elean and tådy ánA ànc checlced" Stand.s for fSorenae fLaeks snci a holder for g3.ase Subång ï¡er€ buf,l*rthus ad.df.n6 üo the eonven$.enee eæel value of, thc &abora'torY'

IÄt¡$¡roken Poe$ry, and Þama Seetlvale

fieeh yeæ a lir¿sfe e,nd" Spoken pøeåry $'eøtåveå åe held lg fuan nlver" ch,lld¡:cn of varlaw eleseee eompete åndåvååua&ly e,nd Ln grou,peu froraå poetryrfoLk denefng end. eleoår sångångu ee well a,s voea1 selssee,re a{Jud$.oe,teécå. Íthe.,:rgraL selrool"e ee ye6 de net ts"k@ g;rl1 aetfve gmrt â"n ühe swaa val}ey 3',eståva1 þt¡s Ûhe gradeÕ schoelsrsenltorKenv$"i]'eu Èake pe'rt l"n the 3Õwsruan tbåensmånåtene's and swan Båvera*titsually feetåva}n rhe åraÍ.nlng reeel.ved 5.u voiee eu}$we ancl J"n faeång for t}¡e an¡åsenees åc V'e,lueb}c to tJee studente and' ceiapensa&ec $å¡ae taken 6s ï¡reXsre for t'l¡e festlva}*

ffie Ëwan RLver laå]"ey Ð?æa T,eegr*@ ås aseoeløt,a& @åtb the nffus$,s Feståve1" ln the øSrr$ng of 1"9@ åt øeø deeådeô by

*he eseeutåv'e å6 Ï¡ô14 aze ånter*eellegle-t.e feø&åve.3, fff¿åe d.eeåsåon -69- dld nst meøt wåålr su,ppor* fræ ¡nå,ny sehøole and fiwe,n l{åves 0ellegf.ate åe the only secondesy sehool ln tbe veåIey tha,€ ha.s te,leen as 3m,rt"

$þer¿ Ri.ver Sater-Hi.gþ fraøk and 5'åeid 3Ãeet

S3¡erts¡ aetivltåes are stressed, by the KenvåI.Ier3Ãånå'bonae and. Swan Rfver ßtudent Cor¡nelle' flh,€ eÈerdents of the oth,er hfgfi sehoole al,so engag€ fn a prograüu¡€ ef ørganlzec. sporte buÈ no€

to the degree foI}effi€d by the foregøång øehooJ.s* The ew3måna&$,os of the aunlesj.e aeslriå ls Swan Råver Va}le3r 1s tlie Lnter- hr#. scb.oo]. traelc and fåeld meet' fhls meet ås sponsored. by S@e,v¿ Råvæ eoll.egåate SÈtadentsr Cer¡neåi snd. le Sreld annuaj"åy on tbe Ïb$.c. Groundsuswan Råverrueua3ly øn May â4, tu rfiay P.4aLg€ raboa€ å00 ettldenÈs fþæ¡ Benåtoo3ffismann

Kenvl,ll.e 6&t$,nltone's and Swan Blver Sehoole ompeted ån She ve,r$CIr¡s even*s' The Ethelbert Be¡røn Ssftbal.l Teera eoripeted, eleo and d,ef,eatcd the Swsrrån tea& ån the flneå gaxn.€e Íhe resrllt,s of fJre empetståon er4ong Èbe eehoole were a.s folloseo-swa,s pnåver162 polnÈs; Keav$.ålø,

5? peånts; rÍånåtonaersö polnte¡ Bealtor40 po{.ntsg and Bø ãã poåntmo fte gole lndnvådr:a"1 0h,amp{,onshåp was wora by g6rx€y

Mel&rersenuswa,n Ri.ver ewfth, TüeL lfendersonrlülnl,tonas r seeend, frL¡e

Gf,rlr s claemgrf.onshf"p was sron by paô Ba,rkerrKenvfålerwltå 1,au¡ra ca,rmåehaelraløo of KenvålSeurtarnsr-råse $gar¡ Rlver tiron the ehj,exd for *he eeni"er relay p&€€ø Sueb sn occaeåon as the ffia,n 1la11e;r lnter-Iflgh Frack and 5'åe1d' l4ee* of,f,ers hae educaÈåonaå a¡ed eeeåaå salr¿e and. tþ.ere ås a'n ø3¡PorÈureåty *e d,eve3op goeå mport*manshlx¡ and Êe ferm ft"åer¡deh.åp*ø -?o-


Fìve racial ori5tis s¡¿ ßenih H'ih Schopt 6ræc's= S andx ' Í'efrcsentÉd i¡ l-he ahove 31o.+f ' Ft3wæ tâ'

:ì--¡.1:rh f'liz,i hnut É/,3& Jeåuod 6,'o*¡ Fí3*re t3 ed&@E? ÐSeoçverång Balen*

One valtmhle feaåure ån stadent orgenåøat$.er¡e *s tbe opportruri.liy tha,t ma,y be grovlded. to dåseovcr taLent among the mesibers" Stt¿d.ent extra-etærfouJ.a"r actåvåçeee often bn5"ng ou* Leadershåp cltra3åt'Íes that may have reæa$,ned domanð, Hldden talent æaay also þe d.lsaovened and eãercf.sed e,s a result ef e:cürs- e Lær J.crllaæ astÍ.v$.tå es . Fossåbly the moet ur¡usr¡p.& anrd mos'ú f,ruå*ft¡& d,leoovery of, ta,3enå i.n ffiær Båver VaLl.ey wa,ff tlrat nade by She 3enå$o Hådr Schoo3 str"ldents' Ín Ðecæberal"94?re, y@tmg Ïllaealnsarr Ðåsplaced Person a¡måved fn CIanads, from Genaany and. ca¡re te 3ønlt*: ÐåsÈråef" ffilåhl¡r a. month lre had enroåled. ån Senfto Setrooå a"ltirougþ hc dld noÈ tmdereËand aæy fugl.$.sle" In due tÍ"tle tbe De$artrnent of gdB* ee*åon aes€eseÕ thc eertlfåoates he hed þroueþt wlth hdm frwa Etæope erld requl3'ed Ï¡årr to pess Grad,e Xl and XIf güxgt"åak¿ and Grade XI Hås.fjor3¡ fn oæåer to oþta$n $enåor ftafrrl,en¡"1at,fen" TJntåi the end of tune he etudÍed eLælenðe^ry ftaglåsh a¡lcl flle€or;'rrthuø seaurLng a feundatf,enubtr$ sånee Septwnber ?¡e has been eåudyd'ag Gred.e xr Håsgor;a and, 3ng[åsb wlt]i conså.deraþle ßue€egs snci eaR spee& ßng1*øb fltæntlY" A.:.fffi ruonttrs after he had enrolled ån 3enåto HÍ,Cf¿ SeboÓ3.t mmbers of, thø SÈad.ent eou¡reåi dåeeovereei t'h'at he had musÍ'eaå' theSwa,nRåverVall-e,tr3frasåeI'eeÈåvaå"Aelr@r€tåmeaft'ereemÍ¡e$ång' by ø* .t.bc feeÈSvalrlre appeared wer **' araateræ hotm hroedeass ReåSo Staü$,on fJGX and sson eeeend påae" Ëånee Sep€gibers}S@ Ïre hae stmg a* nwrevous frme'cåo¡¿æ åneludång ffeaeirerse 0envent$.one *Yib

e'Û swen Råver a,nd l{amsaek" He won flrs* gråøe a* a eeeo¡¡d a¡nateur and on Decernber ltr at the Ggsnú Flnale held fn yorkton won & ÇøÕ*00 xri*u and, sva,s reeognåzed ae the anateur wlga hs-d Maée she greateet, 3rrÕgr€ss durång tlre yeetr end suho had th.e bes6 eha¡eee CIf sneeeee fn a u,rrslca1 êsr@€tro Tn Oetober lre bege,n to ølng eaeh week over the Yorkton broad.caetfng sta*f.on, Håe broadcast,s a;Fe Srrepared, ln Benåto Seheol and. eaæe 1s taken w1*h the eholee of son6e, 0ä ÐeeæÞer 21 ble gtaests were the Benl,$q Glrået S€å*e$âerdlro broedaast a half hour progranme of Chrletmas earols, PLans &re nw mad.e for ar¡ Saster bnoadcast'by the sa&e grorapo So far ae oen be learneå 3enåtCI Hfgb Sehool åø the on3.y seeonder¡r eehool *n ffian &åver VwIJ.ey that h,ae ventered 1n*a radlo breadeastång" me e3.ertness of tbe genåto ffå& SeboeL sÊudente bere greater frult than migþt h,ave been expeoåeê' fr€ stud.ents are et$.11. bclplne tae ¡reung dåsplaeed. Berson 6e f,lnô a wep sf [*fe åt¡,,a nffi ees$Bry and ån eo dofng they too are f,åndång for them- EeXvee e wey ef l.lfc $.n thc Xend of tbeår þlrtho cÏiÄ?'.i'llR v ÊíülfoOt Pl,,OvTsïoi,qs .Àiii! ü0,5îg

Tlre Srresent clr.apter ie a 6;ænerai survey of 'ü;Þ€ 5:ürysfeal provisions an& costs of ed.uca15i"on in S'øan ff.iver Valie;r* The sci:ooi systa:rr in Sv.¡an B.i,te:e Va,lJ'e;r cflrlsi,ste of

.Bç grad.ed"roi:e 'ú'rîo*r oo:l ancl fort,y-nii:e Õrra-?oo*ï seiloo]so

T}:y æ<¿ t rlnß ol i clat ed s sirooi di s'0r ie'çs a,x e l¡rcl" i.¡rieel a;nong tire fiflJ¡-sÊv6¿r1 distrielre, T'hê loca,i school board.s vary 1n mei¡.ber- s?rigr f'::oi:r thræe in:rost ruea.i rlistric"i;s i;o seven in* iJr:e eìr 'ç'u,¡o rural dietrÍe'ûs are -iir chiarge of of:flicia1 trLtst,Ѐßo fi,csponsJ.'bi}Ít,y r¡¿s1,s "[tre ]- oeal schoo] i¡oarde feir providing aetequa,'i,q a"aao¡:rinoclat,ion f or pup-ì--Lsrfurnløhi::g atrcl raai::i;aiirlng schr:o1 btrii,åiirgs, colJ-ect,iirg f ees fronr pupils ¡ êlllployÌ.ng ancl di,scjraygÍitg t,ea.*')ieys uanû. i;ire genex'd,I fii:atre ial ad, on ojl tne school rlistric'c, ïn acli{.Íf,ion ,'*l*e boards CIf conßol j.fiated. úisüríots a..te res;oonsi'ble f or "i,rai:epor'e children t,o and" fr ot¿ scile01"

The Scnooi. "P1a,n'b

.À ,$urvey ef ine echool. buiÏôlitgs shoe¡s t'irat lnere are seyent ï-'eØTen *la.esrootris avaílabler tlf ',í'ihich ßey Ênti y- five a"re in clail.y i¿ße a,s such* St'farr ,l?'lve¡: Ïra's "i;irc l-a.rges'l builCriirgreie'r/en rçoiìls beii:g used" a.e cLassrooiilñ as Yleil a.s two oiirer sina".ll. T:uildings orl "bir-e grôul:r^r1,s' Swan i{"iver S*Ð, and- Seni'co anð. ])i;*:Jrp.,n úonsoi.ida'i;edL Íichot:l Ðie'l¡lici;s :rrake

^7&* ^-/ A.- -ijse of bãt'g41lr'Ji'l il :t:ûcn13 å.s çLr.t*:s:f {)olls " -iri.lpi, i -., in i;":ì.n:î.' ,3,:l:*i:i. aL:ç irou$eil i.n three bu:li.ðings; r*ihe .iiou.c*roo:n ,3ci:oo-l,i:slii*re f ,::: ffracie V t cl ,ir I ¿'r,.n urliJs et-i r:h i¡: c-ii f r::,: Gya,d.e,z ï r j: a.ná ïV a,ircï" æ'

::e,iriorl.el".-L ed- ¿a,:ca,ge f or Gi'ad.4s.r "i a.irii, TI * Tlte j.+,,t,'i:ey itutii!.i1ii:gs a.t:Ð so¿i€ C.:l,s bance fro:a 'oi¿e f cuv,-:¡oo:,,1 sr.,irçoi, Fr"rpÍ.-L,e in -ilirc.t.r

F'iver ViJ" '5chooj" J)i-ef,ricl, a.r+*r'i. in 'ocro 1:uil-cl.ings a'ç considera,]rle ,l.ista.nce fror¿ one anotttet, 3oq/sÍte,:n ünion Se:hnol ha.r: æ:Ì.gh.t classrooÌiìsusix of q¡nich ate i.n userl-ea.r¡j,i:rg i'..¡fo ia l¡e usec.l. as a.ssøniri-;r ilai-'["s.

Be-r:,Is:rna,i: ilnlo¡;t i-g 'uite oniy gra.4,et" schaol in Sv¡an ili.yer Va.Ll- eï "i,!ta'i *-i; i:t'r;sr:n-[ 1:rovi,;1es eatÍ sfacl,rr.r;¡ accrril-morl.a.,t,íoi: f nr

çl'te scl:ool po¡iuia'i:j.o¡:* ,:;ini'br:n;r,s rszitant 111r¡e+¡' anð.'Bít:oh .i::1.:i''¡+l. ,gcirooi,e are cong;eøi;erlrinost of -i:.he stoorÌts ho'r"rsing li$ Ðr ijlore p-urpi-Ls, Kenvj.i--l.e Schooi neyeei;eC iir tÇ0? ,a..ná l,'i*nito:nå.s SchnoJ,, bui.i.t 1,uo yeaL: r¿ )-e,te.r ,l:a.r/e ite conç unsa"tl '¿:itt.e1:or: j¡ as scl:or:J-

.Ì:iot:rieg o 'ihere i-s col:t$ Ldr¿xe"'ai"e'variation ä,iilong rural elcirrloiø, siQ:tL€ i:æÍng coTlg€fJ'';q,7 a".itrl oi;Ïre;:s i:a¡¡i-lig -l-o',y 4i1::elrteni, li'he t-Eo qÇ*'i,te'i:tÊ{i ¿¿re gito'.¡fil in't,ire enr0i.inen'[ *f llaven 3\:to"r'ç]l Sclroo-L ,,ii'bir 4,3 a,nc)" ;:i.ou-ri'ü¿i,-ii1 íj3'eílil ,.;i'çit S ;:r"i1:i-i^r " SOiitæ schc"¡ols âJlç írt need of re;cai:: ol: reltui"l"¡l.Íns r"¡i1iiu othe:rr¿ :ilave beeir j:€htodeli-.er1 cCIrrplete\y' Sayeîa.i ::ur"ai *¡chooirs irave rÍTaLen a,Te j.orts i¡seri- as ¿r-La¡rvooi.åfs ia v¡Ln'çe:r' a.iiiì- f or coir"r*ltt:i1;y f unc ij "

Senito rSor'lsi¡ra,n tinionrlJuritan and",'i,ilÐ,!r Tliver,Schoois aT e equipped l'¡i'oir s ui'bab-L e laico:i:a,iar y r ooms " Se i elnaq equigriren'ï; )-n iiiini'br)r]å_r.,s,sc.hoc_i. i,s i:e1:t.Ln l¡ui.L'i;-in closç,çrB *.nci eriperiinen,r"r --;:rq perfo:rir:.ect in '¿", siiial-l" i:oc::j1 il,tide¡' 'oiie bel:Íry,'J,Jen3.ttlrß".:;air ?,1::-rw: a'nð"

Botifsirtan ijigh $cliooi'g 'rtÐ"\ie oe5:ai:a'[e ii-lrrary r{]oljts ,fl,.ilp-rTr F.ive:rr3o'r.f-e;.rrarr -i'Ð -" ancí. g l-.'rr::ba.n 'Sc?rool"sr l:.eve !,::i::icipai-,t of :ii çr¿rs ¿{i.iíayr i:iir-yêf, ai-E¡o lrein.g eqUisiireä :¡r¡ith a',"ea Cltr¿T. ç;t CûIlt-i:ir.Õn .( {¡()?',ic,

!!,ea ii-:rt.g ç ir ij l.j. gir,iiiig

ßt¡an I?ilj'ri.;j:' Sch_ooi i.g t\ent,rtci. ,,:ti',;jr hÕ'l; a:-x, *.nr.i Ll o'r .i!a,ùq:( i¡¡ilj--i"e llenj-'úo,Durha.n,rEI)TJfl::iia,n iL"rrj-oririii.iirÍ"'bürLa.t¡rl',i-pinr: ai-Lri ¿¡.b,:ui

2)t7, of ''¿i,e orr€-ïOûil sehool*.ate "rLea'çr;Cr ivitl:i .l'ioi a,ir, Tlnr* i,iini'bc,n¿;.,q ,rchool- s urp;c,io-i'rients ine h-ea..'ç fr oi";i tLre f ru.i:;-rce .i¡i'i;i: s-i;erv;.:s in ea"oir ç'La..nsrOOi'fr., ?rçnVij..i.Ê ScnCrcrl. a.nci â.b0 ut I0).r Of tii.e ruyaA sciroÐ1".s are equi3r5r,:ci q¡itir stolres"

Sr¡la,n lliver rßav.'! 15\i\r-,n Uni oii, Iìen.i trr +.nd l)urbar: $ciroole¡ Ð.t{¿ equipl;æd.:r¡i'bii e-t"ee'i,:ric t:Lgþ.'hs i"n süffie roo¡ir.s* f'Iu..ttr**r:çnL iigirtÊj aï€ p::ovi.ri,-:o:'-n'i:he''b cJ-a.rsrÕoi-l$ oÍ'ïeiri-i;o anä.

Iurhaii Coirr¡ni:'.cl¿.teii Ëc;hool-s * So:rie trcubl e !\ç,,s been caüseci" iir

Ïeni'[o Sc]iooJ" ?:;r J igii'[s fl j-c.icerjïrg r er+?¿;q(i\;r", ira.i:lj t)' iiit"i* :ïinl¡'rl:ì.o:l:in tiie ba..ser:ien'i; r'oLrüi.r: of Eæni'çcr Scir.oo.i i:as lis.d sç-r:Ï.riuci r¡f prôÉ..ljjc.qf3 j- îeo'b¡on tj:e he¡1.j"tÌr a.r:'j of ser,rer¡:r pi.t¡i,i-* " llhc ::eglr^i-a ii on. of i;ire Depar.Lllen'r, o'i 11ciu.c:;.r'çj.o¡;:. f orbi:r¡*

.i:ror,-j"::lcc e¡:il jiiairi-Lo?.rr;. r:i;t,aj{'4# t:la'L trr;¡i11{.61¡s ,ghoi,ticL fr:,çrè in ÐrcåeT'

pr" gelr.i'hli. ü1uri'1, fj.'r'i;e ci. of ef e-!en*e; ea,,*i,'t'riß'r, _of zrtqa;ir¿T rrcf t,ir.ranci. he J. r;¡iti: usi;abie l.rlinqs*r' ll,ore 'itian,','lblii of {ç]ne cia.?,srôoni t¡"aw ripa..ce of ilurir¡ir: SchooI ís on tiie =ries'ç ç;ici.e of the jruiii.i-j.i:g lrui rù0i,', CIf 'çha.i;, of EeilÍt,o a.nd. i"ini'+çira*: SchooL¡¡ j-s on the nor'oit

€iJ-{i r* Ð.nd nQi.' sOuì:i: o C'üilr+r L:Ci.LOcti-s ¡1";O';.i-t. ¡;p:a¡Srtt anú O}:t*-T'C}oiil t'''.tit"ït.3. ,Tnvæ corÌÉier.ez'e,irl-e :'¡iirci.o-* , jlä.cr* $11 tlae. nor''uil r:ie' r* u

i ì^, Í?'t: ii:l- oi:,¡ oi- rn* .ue 5ø:r1"'iaen",:' i¡ f ,,;cl ll i: ¿1.'ú i. if r .r , r P { îi:ri.nf3rr+9,;; Kíngt et 3':: irlie:r' , _1.:, ¿iÉ* € Prøysroun- *;i;nd Equåxmen*

Bable ](X ehøqvs t'he total BS.aygreund arearer€e Sler pt*påå aad tota1 enroLLpenÈ i.n four gradeci and tqrelve rura.3 eehooLs"

gAHLffi IüC


k -:É....-G.d*..È.. @r€Fq.æ Êet:eeL ,gf, Aree per gnæø[;,$eaå yground FtepåI

ffSnltsnas (a 4 aeges 14$1? 8Ç["fË n L?,g, (¡ { acre 2,ßq EQ"ft'. 46 (e Ierge øportst grotrnd ? æ swsn,;r 6 eeree 6@ 9Qof,fe &6A Senlte I acres 2,P,94 8Q"ft r Lõ6 ÐTårbs.a I aores PTFX EQ"ft e 169 Ðtgleanvllle õ aeEee g6a2 89"f,6r sl Ðeer Fat¡l 2 aares 62g.& 9Q'ft" 14, Bea,rång RÍ. â ecree P,640 F8,fto øâ Kæsleb 3 aores 4æ6 SÇ"ft o 1g I,l4stone 1, aere r.B 0 SQ"ft o 2E A]"le.nva3e f aere Lg22 9Q"f,t ø 1? I@fÀF õ aeres 4æe SQ"f,t o 82 eres¡lwrÈops & acres r"CI05õ 8Q"ftø Lã ãgl,løen 2 a.ones 5960 ðQ"ft" 2Ð 01d ï'orâ låaeree l¿,&2ø ßQ"f$" 2Y RavensffiorÈ1r õ seres geg9 sÇ"ft, 4g Þåerlegr ß aeres 458 ä ßQ"ft r 19 Mfnå,r¡itæ¿ 160 8{"ft '

l$,,wl,Xl be seen ftm faþ}e )fX tlist the echools lùêtre suf,fLescr¡* playgroffiici for gresenÈ erffolLmerlts * Sq*algment fer eperte ån moet ßehools eoneåste ôf feetþ1l"srøoftba-ILs and bats' FlaygtrÕund eqçåEe@nt. eoneåsts of, ewlngs e,nd tee$ers* Hígþ sehool pup$-ls have e.e€€ss &e ekatång r$,nke åæ Èhe vållagee" g!€por MesÈ teacÏrere í;crci õii&t they supcrvi"sed" 3i3ay aç*Sv* rtåeø dwrng t'hc mpång ænd autwn bt$ dæårig the wån*er ¡son*rs t&rere åe ver¡r ålt*le supervÍølerra ef tJee þåayffiound, ;?3* Equt lruent, for Scf ensc Instruc$son

3enåtoulurben and. ffian RLver eehools ere equåpped wl,tb e&åtabte apSmeat,vs for ånstrÌåeÈLon Ln Ehys*eø and, Ohæasetry" Oensåd.era.bre eere has been ehoøn ån the seåeetåon of usefe¿.I ruaters,a'ls" A mieroscope ls avaåLable ån Benåte sebool fer ånstruct{en $.n 3åo3.ogy,

r,eEe *|nan 2ô/o of tJee rræar eeheoLe have adequate eqrÃ*p* ruent ror ånetructfen Ln Grad,e vlr e.nd vrrr $eåenee, Th,ere åe no so3enee equfsmen$ ån ecveraå schools*

EgnLlment fer Musfe lnstrupt{en

ffian Råver and. Senlto eehools have a pfanoura,dåo and güronogra'Ïfuå¡owsrûan ftelon school ha,e a Snonogra,gr and a radåo¡ Ðurþ@-n sehooå has e påeæoglelnåtonas sehooSra ¡üronogragür and est srgan;and Kenvlil-ç Seheolue,n ôTg&,ne S$ent;r grereent of the rural. sehools ere equåpped wåtir påa.nos whÍle most have eå*lrer a 5üronograXür or a.n orge"n 6r bgtlr, Severøl 3üaonegfag*rs ur¡ueeble, a* preeente I'w,teaehers are siai'r¿c倡¡tly Srained to teacb m¡*s$,e end 1åttLe uee åe made of elther the Blaæo or org&n ln musle$rt¡e* tåon" ffie Asrnua.J. Swa,n fiåver Ï[uslc Seståva] has grovlded Fom€ lncenå å,n ühc gra,ded, eehools e,nd an ef,fort ûs sad.e to gmegøre pupåi.e for the CICImpetå$1ons*

Beaent SuliôånE; 3rÕ$ ectg

Ðtæ$.ng åhe Jreess å94? and r @ eonsåelerable buåådång emd regm.3,rång eets were easråed Wej euô by øæte eehoeã boaæds åm Ëøan Råver VaJ.åey, f&rø Sehssl Beærå of 3Sg Ffoody dås6r$,et roade -fÈÍ* a' fi^ur¿bcr of v¿r.iua,1¡:te Ì:::.provç:iient,* la.ying a. cønsxeÊ,* fJ-oo:: 1n ' l:a,yn e.i'lii l,-lggfrrr¿ e, sev"ìll foot rrei-L f¡r ,ohe sehooi i:asei:.reirt tcr -ser"\r€ €r.s iira.iirage * !üa"n:¡ pr:üj ee't F3 uel.e tinäerbhe

j.r+c'bÍ 't ci orl r:f ire't,ea.ehey r-r,ir uT, u'fr n (j.Të..çe * -During the yea.T içi48 'úga'Q¡e¡"fii res:'-r-i.e¡cÊÍ1 r¡i1v¿E iliiiil

ín tire RLl]rir si16 3ei:rito Scitçoi Tjis'ç:rict.$ n '.1)h*t 3c:i:rÍ bo Sehooi

3oa.r cI rtte-.cie ü.n uriugua.f. ciepa,r"í;w* r,,lnen a twa^yooili 'i;ee,ch.erage

-1íirJ.$ constirucl'ued. for us€ by {i'#o elexaen"f,at'y tæa.el¡€Tsis

lrtrj *cteci. 3uil"r.ï.ing Flans

llane a,xe 1oqlng ñade io eyÉri'', i'Iei,;f sr¡liools ín Tjliriionas** ii-enr¡il.] ïi.íverrBirch Fiver ra.nû. loîafeking a.itci i.n a nrrtber öf rura.i schaol iLisri,ricts end. to buiicl a,n a,¡ï"cJ.l'c,Ìorr 'i;o DurT:an Ëcl:col ' 'lhe follo'.1írrg ex.hra.ct,* f"aken íronr ffhe Ster anei îlrrtesrSøa,n Ri.ver, jntínar¡r isrsue f or J a,naÐ:r:yt 2i rl-949rii:rii'¿a.t Qß sol:1e at íhe preJ- tr,a.ken, Êi'r,er{r;s being - Oalçlrurs'ç¡-sr,At th.e a,rrnua.l meetíirg i.'c -øar decicleä io call a' generai ra.'t,epa,g'e'tst ineeíÍ to be settLeci. q¡¡li".1 b;r tl:e tx',ts'(,*esra.i; rarhíeh it be äeciüçd if ,v;.ir"ere, t¡ne-nua,ird" iror¡'¡ to bu,íi,ci a. :g.w*t schoe)l a,nö. a.f'øet cont*rcting other cli stri e't's ,tttha"t kind ãr.].s o, It Roa,r5.nË Ïi,ivn+rr-trplr,iils fo:r bul-La:i;:i¡¿ ë. næw school. \træyæ å.I"scussecì a.¡rd. tire seci:q'ua,.r'y a.sleeei io øeiae ci.efinile Ínf orrr¡e.t:i on en 'rh.e subj ect, r'

iviinitoilÐ.s ¡-¡¡Corlso1iiìa.'ceci. Schoo; Ar er. All inter'¡+ty'boh j.:r ' forrnatiçn c¡f a üor1se¡.i^icì.aterl ßcn*o1 Area. coiir¡rrÍ ning, - iìiniianæ,s s"Ð" }}CIz i,inr'çiit s Çree:i'; S*Ð" 2-Æ4 Qaj.rir i ¡'i: r; f fi i1:14 -',; 'Ð ' est ir'a.vr;i. S *-Ð, 10"3? lìa.v Êi.r si;T oit tli S ]"1fl 5 A "tr' I .1-r i: F,iver i)øi)e J.--1".i..) j\Te :fl.e!:':?¡Jr i:û'bj.f.j..eô- 9f p,, lrui;Lic i*ee'i;Lng; i:o be lne!,..Õ- in the 'i'arlr'n äal-L on fürrur s:Ô.+Jr ';!t* iÛ1,h. cl-a;t ,rf i'ei:r uax ¡na.E 8 peli.Êf0T'*ne Furposç of díecr;ssi::g'b:r+ possibiJ-Í'b;' ø'Í a iloir.s"a.1,eçi. Sc]:oni -Area,"

üha::ies T¿:LL ,fleere'ùa.r ir^trè&sttrQT a"rÐ:r1ä,..s S. Ð" ilt2it *?e*

flre nat;t,u:e sf tl:e builrlÍng progra¡iuîe fn 'f;hæ foregoing narned. echool d.ístråcts will ri.ou't¡tless be d.e'berrulned by tlre d.eeLslons made regarding the propoe-ed Consoiidabert Sch,ool Area, Fla'ns are 'being 'lradre 'bo colrqenee a iruild.lng prograftftte

at T(enrrillie Ín i;he of 1949 an& a" fanrl çf aå'rnost {}3OOO has j¡e+n eet aså(t* far bha'b prrrpose, Althougþ 'bireee clase- roerils Ln opcrailoir ia llafekingrplans are ireÍng ;roj eci:ed to loui.Lß a tltree-roeia echoo}, lf the preseirt a,nnua,i increase ín popuJ-a,'ofon Ín the åÍstriet fs mal"nta,Lne&rsuch a schoÐå w1ll

not, lce aôequate EÍ'rhln a f qw gØê"ti# c ln Ðurban pie-ns are heing proj ecterl f o bulld- a E'ill* roÐiirl, B,c1d.ltion ts 'bire ¡rræsent buÍi.,ling* ßlere le sQtile d.csÍre oir i;he pâ,r'ü of rnan;r r'ale"pe"¡rers of t,ne distrået to provåd.e "to apportrxrf.fy for st,u"denäs tefee Grad"e iCIl ån Ðurbalr 'Schooi," tl¡''"r-ç raa,klng nece;ãsary an additÍonaj. roonr fn t:he High ßehoo]." fi,efereitce has been i:iade ej^sø.¡ftrcrø in the ;cresent report' Lo bulLåfng pians beiirg piroj Êot'ed iir Swa"n Rlvere

eost øf frd"une"t,ion ín -$n¡e'n Rive;c Talïey

I'oi"lo''+lng cJ.oseiy upon the diseussJ.on af ødt¿ça'tlonal prov5.slone tt j.,e logical to proceed t'o a Ireåef susvey of tlre cos'b of the serr¡Íces provieleel" Ï'To at'rbraap'b has been ¡irac-l.e to d.i.scover the cost of ed.ucat,åsn 1n exrery schoo]. distrí*t' Ln

SWa;¡, Rtve:r Valley but experrdif"rl?es f or tlre yæa.T Ðece.ntþar õiå194 rof tire l"xwæe eonFe¡ilda,t,ecl scha0L dÍ.str:le1ls and of KengÍlLerTúlrrÍ""t,Anae a-nd ËWan Rirrer ,SChOoi Ðístrie'es hatre b++n

eeamlneßø .À eoiuSæ¿"åeon of saiarÍes paåd åndica.Les so:aæthauå .¡¡aråoue¡ the soeb of eervj.r*es provfd.ed in tite sahaoL dj.e,6råeijs anå"rLa &&Tge^ exrSent rtlle +jraracter of tire ger¡rices, ;kl attwnpt €0* hae been rlø'&æ to shosr d.ffferences Ín school dÍ.gtric'u a,,y"

ßalarå-es 3afd. Schsoi. klncåpals

Tabie I'å,T sirorys t¡le saia,ries paåd second.a-ry schooS. p;riir.ci1:a-is for '['ire Jrêa;rs lg27 tio ]"9ffi " A stud.y CIf rabS_e .xxl shov¡s that d.uring tSre yea.r,s of cesna:nic eteSression tire eaLa- ries of tjre 3:rincipals of $gan R,iverrnnrban anet Kenvl]-.t_e 'Sehoeiis v:tere Lees a,ffeeted. than '{ræye those at Benå.borï,(J"nå- t'onas anel Scrs¡siaan Rivern 0f the six seoondery sehsols the Ïo-avest a^Veyage salary r¡¡a,s p€rfd. by TjiinåtOna,s õcleool Distrlct* Tlre average salary paÍit a,t Benåt,Ð wa,s hÍgher than those of several of the otirer råístrlcts bul eala,rfcs deereased. rapirlly durlng tlre depresslon years" Ðurång fitese yÊa.E# 'bhere ças a. tend.eney to red.uee sa3"aríe,e sfi.ll Lsltrel'¡rylth ehanges of prår:- clpalsuwhile r3.i"trlng t'he reeoarer$'yeetrs tlre grålrclpalr s sa1æty lnereased substantlalty "¡'th.ænev*:t tlrere wa"s a, ehange of prineåp*1, [1re eett'çn;ta,'oÍvei.y ]ow prlncipa]r s øø3"aty $]id- at, trilnitonas and. fh'e pol$.ey folÏoqred. by Senl{;o tons,rlJ.d,a'ueå Sehooj. Board.s und.ouät* cd*ly çontrÍ'B'ule& hgotavd. short period.s of pråncÍ;oa"1 t,enureo gon* verseiyutlre greater øalary stability ån Ðr¡."banfKenvJ.åre anel Ssran Rlver Dief,ricts eontrfbul;ed. torvard long peråoels of. 3rånaipa"l tenure*

Sai-arÍr¡e Fald. Teaciters

The pneeent eala,rÍes pai.d elementary teache'îl &:Êæ ia,rgely cle'¿e;riaÍned, hy teaçhe:ir,on* Tn acçor &a,nce rgi'hir r,trepa"rti':ræn'çaL ;regraiatåcn fourt,een meirsoS dåstriets ån Stsan Hiyer ={a.i,l.øy ea,*h pay {i,}0CI0 ea}ary sqfhåLe fourÈeen ï,.AET,S XXf SHOffTlTG S,àLAIITUß }ATD TTÍH I{TGH SCHOO].,, PRT:I{CTSALS OÏ SIIfAN NT'VJÜ}1 Vi\]]TEY T'OH, T,IüI 'Y]I,A}IS 192? T0 19/&

! r Behool" r9Ë,'1 l9æ 1929 I9,30 l"9i3r itg:s¿ 193;5 19ð4 19õ5 t9õ? 1eæ Ðl stei.ot

Benlter #rsooirtool*rooírnu,1900 Jrsso å000 ]fi 00 1?OCI { 12CI0 1û00 LP.86 1å50 Bowsäie.n Uf ä000: þJ 00 jiglfi 00lrsOo 00Oc !fB I900 17Ð0 1400 | rroo 1100 i 1}0CI i 1r5 CI I 1t500 1600 1b00 Durban i ?000; ?000 ì 2000A000 ì 2000¿OOO #l CIo t,35 ü 1U00 {1200 1200i 1200 i 1200i r¿oo 1900 Kenvi1.t"e I rtoo I u oo írooo it,7oo 16õ0 1?00 1100 ; t 200 12001 reooi jrOOo ruooi raoo Iõ00 ll1n:L'boilsls im oO {rOOo lre oO }}CIO 1å00 e5o I 950 1000¡ 1CI00; ]"0001 rooo 110û svran fiiveryp000 i 2000 i200CI iegoo 2400 L95 0 1500;140CI l4ooi r¿oo{ r¿oot r+oo 1400i lþo0i 1500 ¿d,i I & -i"-**-r---ï**' - *-*ì*-"*-+-*--*L -"- "***i***j* *-- H - I schr.¡ci:.,¡ I rg¿B I roar írp¿+ irs+s t"946 L94',1{194s t949 Affrer* i.,,owest,Salary Dist,^ricit : -u&.q. : hálæ :| ædÉ\6@6 ! * .-.i_**,,* e Fairi. ti:l Benf '[o p000 år+ooìrnso lrt¡io i:a so 2000 ì 2200 { j *nro Boï¡s¡ira,n U i15 00 1ö00 ;16ö 0 lie OO lfi 00 1900 I 200CI I eroo ü j L)urban 1300 1400 115 00 !r6n O 1?00 1?bü i rsso i eooo Kenv1j.le ll"$0011400 i1500 ;15þ0 1?00 t.3 50 t 2000 åâ00 lvlLniiöna,s 11Ï50 if AOO :1400 ;f OOO 1600 lå 00 tr2000 2P00 200r) å100 220Q iZ,A"Ðt 2600

2, Annrmi Repori;e of the De¡m,rt:nent of Ttd.trcatåon ancl 6ehool" Reglsters &2- diel'çrÍcts Ê-mplo;üing pcrrnÍt t,ca.eher*q r¡¡1th Grad-e ..,.íII and. ei:c co¡eeks of professlonal instruciion p?,y tl,,ffOO, Selarles paåct guallfied rurat teacher$ i/ary from itr1400 .¡o l;lOOelrrnost being {l15oo" salavj"es for graded. school teac}¿ers avera,ge gi}Þ00, rn most sohooL$ Grad.e VIT a.nd- VïïI teacb.eys ä,r.e paici q-1,Þ0 rnore t;ha¿: e¡ther elementar¡r t+ach€rsø In 3enÍ'bo the pråniar;i t,ea.eTLey reeçivee a,e much a.s t]ne Gracl-e VIT*VIII teacher, Ður:Lng t}:e y'ea:r end-ing Ðeaenber Eislg4 rthe fol.Lowlng expend.ittires ver"e ¡nade on teaclrergr ealarj.een-ÉWa¡r fiåver S"Ð, e fr20r500; Benito Çonsol-tiì.ateci suÞu r$lO ¡0ö4; i,,flnitones.{þ 549; Durba.n ConsoLld.ated" r'"jlgngi Kenviile SnÐn rlþâi-æ; Atpine 0onso- lie3.a.ted S.Ð. r,,51g¿¿, During the yee'r $v¿an ftfver S"D, employæC- 1õ tøe.cltersrBenlto S.D" r6; I,ilni.tona,srS uni;1i J une õ0r6 in 'tlite tr'alL; Ïuriranrã;Kenvflier&; a,nd. .A.lpine Csnsol-ictat'ec} SoÐ' ¡? teaehere, T}re followlirg grante froni the Frovlneiai Gçverrunent vÍere receiverlu* swan Rlver ,ípi+a600; Seni'b€r s"D" rli:Ð ,400; Ðurbanr S.Ð. u{i;6?40;iriånltorra.s SoÐ" r$jggfg; Keirvllle S.Ð, r{569 9; and A1plne tonsolicra".ted $'Ð,r{peðOO, Ðurlng the yee.v A1ptne Çoneo- l1c].a'ced Sehool Disi,r'ict receiveci a.Ë a. genera'l grant íi560 nrore þlne;n wa.s paicl. the teachers' LTntii June ð0 perrnft t'ea'ahcrs were employed,

0oet' of TransT:ort¿r,tlon

Tt¡e coet of transportatlon of pupils for Benl"bo,Ðurirarrr j.cts and Alplne Consollrtated Scirool illertr totallecl íiI? sB 6þ ' i.urin6 194S tra.trsportatlQn cost Durha.n ConmCIifela.tçd Sehooi Sistrlet inr,æ; 3en*to uliat+u and irlpt4erq|rggn" T.'he t' portation çs¡sts were ptealer tþan the total |"æaelne,rst ealarles 4õ* ín Ðurban and. rTS.pine d.l"strie'Ðs' TaÏ¡l"e XSTÏ eiro"l¡e aúte tvans* por'ea'blonrtuifÍ¿rnriRaÍn'i;enã,:fleenand 'bo'çai" eoe'b per pupi"L êi1-

rolled i-n t.tre e sciroole f ar 1949"



Sehooi Tea,cilerst tqst p€r Transpor- ost per Ltain- Cost -Ѐ:" Sa,la,rÍee Fupåå ta'rlon PupåT. tenance 3uplJ- and Re-

Alplne & mez 25 "90 líiãÕ sl¡ ? "9.3 tfiLF4ã ffeo'g? Senfto 100ã4 6n.,13. 6t4r ff3 "& ðå$? 19"B Dtmba,n ?65ð 4V râg 81æ 6ü.8?, 4a49 25 "ßQ

È Scl¿or:L ! Iderr, B1å11- iCçst p6r Stirer ost per Fo'cai Coet p€r' dfng ¡ 3u.pli lxpe:r*e Fup$"1 3æpen* FuplJ. d1*''rre ç ?cgo 94*4û Senitrri l#rçs0 fi6.44 2,2-L:L?" 1æ "19 Ður'ba,ir 200õ0 12Þ,00

Table jtTxTT siro'rgs {;ha'L Dur'ba.i: ,$c1:ooi ])lstrfct, y-.l,ici in 'liiranrsportation costs :roare ;Õer pupf..L tna;n dicl Alpiue æ,ir'J. 3en:L'i;rr

dletr':lcts. A sti"erl;r of schooi. enrolltleni; 'ehotYs 'çhat 4 grePr,ter "pexeentage of pu3r5"J,.fl ê,re, transport'ecl to ancl fron school in Ðurba:rr and Alpiire clist'r'iat,s t'ha,n a,tæ bxantsporter} to alrd from 3enÍlo Scl:ooi " DwÍ'7ra¡n and Alplne pa"þ more pgr pnpll for trans;rror"ba'çfon than for tuit,itrn, t1rls :ntay be ae coirnterl for by LT¡q fa.çt, tha'i; ^Enqre rì:r€ ir]Ðy€ r¡arrdrlvçrs øtnpïayeö.'çiran teaeherrt

in 'çiresæ d-íst:' jr-'lts * *B 4- Coei; of 'Íul'båon

A,,str;.dy of Table IHTIT shogg tite.b 3enåto Seh,ooi Ðiet'rlct paid more per pupi.L for tuitfon th¡an d1¿l DurbanuKenvíi'Ieniíínf- tonae ancl Svran River seirooi r11¡g'br:ie ts" 3n eehoois lyllere enroll-* rrren'i; per teaeire:: "aa.ø 'neany the cos'f per pupiJ' åenrled to be iess 'L,Ïian in sohools lVlth smaller enrsii¡nents* Thlrs t:fas tvue of i,ilnitonas rÐlu'ban and'Sgan Biver d'is'çvi-elsu



Ssh.or¡1 oÍeaeirec*¡t Cost pe;r Total Coejli per Sal.a,rf es i?upii iloø{; Fr¿:oLi

Ben,if o fito o o"g+ í,?,62,.r'lj* îiez oL:tz {itga 'tg 2Ð Ðurlra,n 'l $5:3 4'l eß å Ðõ0 125,00 4 56 10 L3Ó Kenviile "| a?rre^ ¡151 "94 i,.llnitotr+r,'s I A e549 4P'"'15"lîl L'l ,\L4 8s'5? Ssran Blvei' P0 så00 44.56 õo , 06õ 6-D.Bâ i I

The f,çf"aL cost per pupil" fo:r hnæ flrst four ¡ra*¡tted sehooi. d.letricts qå,É åircreaeed. aonsÍeterably þeeause crf the btri.Lelfng anel repair progra;r¡urre tirat '¡¡as carr-'Lr*d' on"

Ëource;c of Rev*¡riue

ProVi"gc:la,ll gratrts anú.'Eaxes are t'hg ttyO tirallr solÀre4Ð of rever¡'rre for cduca'bLsn* Rrmai s*iroolr- ôlsÈriciis a,:re requlrêd 'bo pay a iirfll ra',;a tha''r; t¡ou1el ooite 1;o 6 m1lIe on ibire 1¡e'iane eil a,s,€çsst¡fen"i,* Sinee ,soïitç j.air'å'c¡ithin a tnUniclpailty ie nOt 'Aaxeù, tlre generaL- levy im usue,ily ruore the,i: 6 iaiL}s' In Mlni'boiras TTuraL iruniofpaLÈ'by the genera:- lev;i vra,ø ? rnl1l*e i.n l"?/8 u Thc

genørr*L Sevy of i::e or;oor a,teû. ví}la,geø ia $ean Ï.ì.iye:r Va,L1ey iø "€ 5- 6 mille" 'Ihe provlnçíal" gra"nb per echool distrået fe fhc differenee collect,eri tlrrou€þ tlre general levy an¿ $l4OO per çlaeeroomr íe in opera'eion at' Leaet 200 eaÏ¿ool days peryeev and *n oharge of a. teaeher drawin6 a saLary of at leaet $fAOO' Fotr hfgh sehools an ad,dltlonal $500 pev second,ary el.assrom le granted.' Where teaçhers reeeåv*ng ealariee under SteOO are ffiployeduthe differenee betwecn thc sala.r;r reeeived, and #feOO fs subtraeted frqm {Þ1¿oo' Ttte g:a.n\ le thcn eatrculated by subtraetlng the a¡nount raleed throu.gþ the genera,L Levy frmt the¡re reaehed after calcuåa,tlone are made aB d.escribed absve. Revenue d.erived' fron grants is soïrffi?i1at iràgher in conssLi,j.ateù dietrfcte Ln vfryE of blne trairsportatfsn factor, fn L9@ r#10õrle$ rra.s reeelved by six schosi d,istrfete ln

SWa,n River Va}ley tÏ¡r'or¿gh t,axee anel gran'Co for educa'çi'snal" pur;ooses* Of thl.s annount iiLga50;3'ç,ras hy gtant" anå" Tabl"e 4þ5gr 6€.tbrar nliglntly o¡ez' ï'llfoswa.$ provlrleå by taxatlon' XX,W shovfs the sÐilrc€Ð Of rcvenue fcr a;he eshooi ¿lletricf's' A eturty of Taþ1e lãlV s?rorrls t'iraÙrexcJ.rleLve af lÞ.aLancet Benl.i;O aird j*iÌnå'i:Ona,$ sohooi dtetrf ct,e reeetVecl mere rel¡enue and' sourçes frola ,,trnofftilç*.a} gran'i,sr.s"bucient fees Other .t'han from municlpa,l Levies ancl AJ"plne al-rnocjt as rnuch* llUrban and' Kenvålj,e dlr¡trict,g recel.ved t" as :rnueh from muni"elpal levfes as from gran'i"e or other soüFoeÊç Taþåe lüff ooittaln.g etatletLeal j.nforr¡rati"on fo:r 'wgenb'Jl-

ot\& schooi d.istrtots in tiie T,IunieiSra'}t'by of ì,{tni'bonas" 'Ihe

Co¡rl¡':ilrUt,lOn 'bç i!]i.e ,r,funLeipai î-,Þ-,'irl Wê,# cair;Uf,'a'bed frçu the ta"x raf,e and asseeeitrent, An a'bf'e¡*T't 'çr¡ caL*wl.r-t,e the pro* &6^. v$" gtør,t was rirad"e bu.t ti[iffåe ui"ty atrQÉ@ frest t]re fe'ct tlra.{; the totai sa3.aråe€.¡ ps,åd pertafi; teacherç cva.s no{* knorïn fçr: êl¡ery dlstråct* SÕme dis i:rictn;ied c¿uailfi.ed, t,ea.ehers fi:orrr;r 'bç¡.Ju;:¡e 391€ and permi.t tea.shers fronr Septerober to the rsnd of tk¿e y6e-ro ?Ïte flgures 1åsteel feir provinc-fieLl grants: a.r€ aslpro¡cf¡¡æ,te a.nd subj eet te errêr for tlre reasc¡ne glven aboveø

TÁ3r,9 ruffiv ËÐiEItFiË 0F nffi1ÆIìtþ.t üs srlç stHeCIt ÐrssRr0T$ r'en Í'Hffi y#Ag tgÆ

Sclreol" SaLanoe Graæte ksmaf ss6r Ðlstr'1ct Revenl¿e fi,evenue fr'om lli,Ì.i r insiep låsä from other ßeureem " - " - - * -q"?g$å-eJi- 3"HRrJ.r' i --j j " Í-- grpí-1e ftir e øe "Ba i {l Br:Ðâ"'ioi liþ-****-' I ¡¡ ---- {} 9"8 !g 00o"oo j rq 90"00¡ 500 lenf"te, i ; --:-n "00 Ðurbe.nÐurba=n i-**o-**J-**o---1 g?40€Z!€qåfl-g-ui aêdé@ê å trn ? i 96,00 "oCI Kenvtil,e i ------=.i æe 9"æ ¡ r€dÉÉæ i lv? *L0 2&6 aQ0 Einitoiresi ïBE"Q4:vu * v 5õ18wvøE !\,v: -ôvvvev\¡ -r "60; 4000,00 i, ç/u]&.@&Ftãü""12 õ04"L0 Sq?a"n fr,åvet.*--66eÉj L4604*00i--t 6édææãÉ å fírr' ' I -****- @ -i-Þ.-*._*.,_*_"_r"_q*"*-

l¡t I I iü'*n:i,c:i- | To,oai ifievenue Exciusl.1,e çrarrts Ði.s'çri.u'L;Flirgol {Percent ! 3:ai I,ev¡r! F,evenue !of,nee a.nð. !v.*er'e of neten {Revenue @:;Ç1" I iffi#åiåor',;r 0f 3a.1 ø eírd. P.Þ'È*,,È:.e.!i9;.3' .Bssy*Jkå#***_ Atpine ffi 5bÞ0"00j {þ ?õ5,õ ffi 6ryL6"ñ4 46 Benåto i le¡øOç.OOi åS900 ?1"s0CI,00 49*ffi'9 Ðut'oø"n I rg ooo, oo z3a ij& 218 õã,08 i õ0 '6 10?6&.tt 2,û e ïrlntto4a,si 5496 j 161s0 116Ð6 -gg !*8 swan p,lvøþLtiffi60 "06 ggf*O "6 !. "00 i õÊ1"6e¡.00 4Ð *4 1

Tabl.e ]j{V siicc¡nr 'cha.t i;he school d.J,stric,ef5 c"".åth t*e hlgheøf€s$r,xents arc rÃå*rrr,íd.s ,útnq a.,nñ ta**¿i¡r$t wh.råæ a"ssessment schoel '-rt'' dlstr*ct,îr t:î& A'.J"anval,*, HaLSrkåerJ"ey a.nd. Gre"hp.¿un*'l-le,l,ene S"Ð*flerrË j.ncl, uñ*å æz*ang *h.æ dåstrr'ç** li"ed;æcï. ås lærtåa'*y ån u.norga.nå zæú t,*y'*lt,ar;r* The *8 ?* cont,ributjr:l.:. of tire provinciai govertïäerit v'a.rieiî fronr ciletrle? t,s cílst,rictui,n eeverai eti,q'cricts çxeeecilng 1[hat raiereci. throri.gþ th,e nunici. oæ.1 lev;i', Sixty-eigirt res::lrÍ.errt iand,oq,-¡rreers :in KenviLj e t¡ere as#€ssed åit?140, Tn a.dci.f ûÍorr 62 S*æcü ons ??etre assesseei. ¡ifrfgtrormeJci.irg a t,otai a,eseesr¿ent, sf #45ffi?0" t?re genexa]* levy' for nrchool purtr)osee ffas ? a:iil.s and the specíal lev;¡ wae 2? mill,e'Tri[inåtor¡ae nith a larger aeseesrnent ]-evi.c]ci. a,i; total of 20

TASTÆ KX]/ ffiOH0Ër, ÐT$Tll,Ter ?JllÍfitr]{Ts g0!5/4ft]) 'JHlit cOËT CIF ]tÐu$¡rtr'oiç ¿:rn Ï13j]03i}lT'5 tr'RQiri ?R0vflilt]ô,L' GRA1['J$ s'0R tqi,rfNTY*OlTtr SÇHOQI''q- t'BTeT'9 rN TIffi RUllÀ"i.. ntul'TT0TSArrrY 03' ItIH'TT'itoÌ{Â$ ï'orr l^94 {. *È"h_.^.*'4 - " r'****'*rj¡l Scho*i. j i'f o. of: Jtssese- benera3lSpecÍ¡ SpceÍa1 Prr¡y" 1¡f nrt,ric'ç i '!æa,eti*ment I'erí J,evy ii'¡fr:. IreV;r CrVani I ere ]s.]n I þ,ate i _*J"_-_"._.-_*_"_j ---*:-**- I I " ii¡q3*3e Allanva,j"*: IJ rI ¡,reaoro j}fi rs6m e I 1? ;;; Âvonlea, ilif¿1ffi0:11?1;30 I FCIOF00 i ? 500 6?ü Brierrey irì42?ot i zçs itz"# 5P'5 I2,4 8?1 crafsøfórcî írìäeo?oi. ; äe0?e¡ I zoT?'08!æ læ :-654 18 5? VgLl Çroppertope il,í58?/"0 iõ55 i].ß 660 101å 1"04s Ðuneenv* i tL T8õ50c¡i Iõ500 t æ+ i 3r.2 P,6rl 8Fï 63.6 X,ieherr s Sid.lnel ì ã1¿SA ßfie I 19 9?Þ T")ó4} &11 î1ora.d.a,i"e t 1!841.60 å 5Sg i 6€ grl2 116:" '148 Gra.]r.anriiie í\i42,29A 1 ?-96 ¡ I 42 ðef5 IL4 Hall" 1: ffi1"40 ?,6? ! 8,5 82,4 591 9Aß

Ken¡uåch t1Ì8ã680 i 586 I 9-,ã 19b 1æ1 1 5?.4 ricletone il{rb¿e-60 \ vbøiw, tg64 2099 i 66F TiicKay I rl tß22A ¡ 5æ : 6 Ê89 62.7 88n Idortlrts 0reeh! 1Ì50??0 i ß65 ¡ 0 000 &ãb e7n ÐaJdrr.wstÐaJdrr"wst ;filis?1;J0 le?1;J0 iì grogrO íi ø"bø ã66 11.?6 ?90 Ravensr¡lor.tii ; f. ; ?bB 00 ; 631 I 'l Þõ1" 1t62 S?Q .Roarfrigftiver.j i;13"6sÞA : 816, $oE â2,4 JÐó*U ',-1n'i* ijåneiaís:såneiaås: iiri ri 6464064Õ40 ,i 4øeaøe i sg 00CI 4b?" ?18 go+ 4r&4 sq,,a.nfor<=, ;s 1;.¡. r 4&4F¿Qs.-tzuW i, BÐ4øJVry :.1 t0rot\i 'læ 866 \{æsþ -$e¡¡çtit,i.e j rl 'ê?ãa ; ã5I i. L,4 1:Lt 6Ð1 6ss rlnÉi,s }Íínf i: !!ti þ i2?9å1r) 195? t 1õ : E6'å4 5591 ã&16 *8å - Ðfffer"er¡oee ir¡ Sína,ncåal Abfiåt;r

,{ stud.y niad.e some years aga i.ndieateô- t}ra.t, in 19ä9-

19ä0 murnlcilø.lÍtf.€ff qfith a 1oo,r.l fnoome anci" small efforterrê&ffi- rrrcd" ín dollarsrpald the highest val"eø on incoäre per eenslls l¡up1l' The i:iargina,l munÍci3ral1t;r sg Hossburn r¿ad"e a.n efforh 1,6S times tha,t of the lrfiniota liunLctSw] $chool llåstrictrerhíle the øub-marginal munlcl¡raiif,y of Cha'cfieid made a.n efforb 2"4 tlrctat¡,,,a.a great" as Suta,n ft1ver,.jliunicl¡x.lÍt;r a,nd I'gqfn' Teible XJCVÏiädice.tee the eff or t' Fer øænþ us mad.e by rura.i and urir€rn municlpaifi;1es to su3rport, publle sch<¡slst ín i"929-19ð0, õ TARI,}i XXVT ff¡'3'OA'J FfiR CPI{SUS ?UPIT, }{iADFi 3Y RUHAL ,qNÐ UHBAN IL[UNI0T]'AI..,ÏfI]I$ 'f0 suFpoST PUSrrÇ scH0ets11929-19å0

ïftunf e 1.3raiÍ'li¡r Looal fiffortTar Haþe- on &,100 og Tax fiateg 0Tl per Ceneus TotaL eaeh I'arm {l;roo 0f curr- ¡ per tsupli i and Curyent Vii]. enl lncçrte e$e Ineome per Çenæ Cênsus Supt1 Pu,

Stratlicçna. Íi,Æ 'V# 3 "24 Ðufferftr a,nd. Carman foqgn 68"4# 3 *116 fhompsorr Í 64.&6 ß"42 f¡lånl o*ç4, lÀun I c,iç þe,L School Ðået,råct å 9.09 4,06 5 "6? 4 6 rnuph*n(rurai ) 43,,39 "29 "CIä eha"tf i.eld 28 "06 1l'08 Roeebrryn 86 *36 6.9 l" I uB Et'helbert 21€ I g ,69 ftEan Bl"ver a,nci ¡ Tcwn Ð6.b2 tr +,a,l I óó@é 1"f innlpeg 6?'86 I¡ a$Ies 43,.46 {! ---- St 'S Transeona â2*?6 ! øøea ¿ Ðaulrlrln (tEqsn ) 55€6 ; *---

ffoode eD" s " ,3lryg"3åg--gk-åq4-qp.+g* på WS- W#*e¡e" p,3.99' eh*+ago; The &-lv-erett,y of Chlca,go Låbraråe8 q"L97aÓ * -€ 9* Theræ Ís ssrrre åfffc:rençe fn t?re abiilty of eehool dletrÍeÈs ¡¡yithfn Ëffan Rfver Val"].e¡r g6 ytay ed"veation costse

Tn tirs easteyn pår"t .ef l{lnitöna,re ïr,Iunlci5m,}Ít,y alrsl ln s0úi1e trltÐ:r'ga,nlzed. a,veÐ"* the la.nd is not so productlve as ån ø"çhex 5n'rt'e of the vaileyo üotrej.cle;i:ai¡ie ruareh land. exj.ete fn these Ï>arl)ø thus lesseirlng the 1xotf.u,c'blv,e ca;oå.cif,y of tire area* $chooi" di¡¡'1,.:ll*'c.g h-ere irot a.e':a,bJ"e to pay ecluca'i;f onai"

;oe:riu1.t t,ea*nexø &ve e-mpl ayed in ::rroet of, 1'nese ¡tietrie ís and fire çtret of tultlon is thue gubstantially red"rreed. of'uen to the'rent çf tire pLrpils"

TA3[,]¡ hxrTrr l'¡IE &$EíIIüG OF f'lTgl{TY SCHOOÏ, DIriT}?ICfS Tif I\,iif1,IIf0i'[AS rl,lrffT0Ï* PÂtÏTY ACC0fr,ÐIITG '1'0 "ASSSSSUEI{r å1)IsrfEI(l'J COI\TïRIBUifIOr:'T füs,IAfiTJ 00$TS r-rU{Ð P}?OVÏi\TCI.AL rffitufT

{*¡ Ëohoeii '0 it{anlcHanlc ecoor-ac ac c oreli:trg Barrk a"ccordlirg ÐielrÐlefrì"e te b ie.ingid.ùng to'to ito Þistrlct to Fr ovirr*ia3 Gra.nt Feceit$ -*J4ä?swqqqL*"-@¡ì , Roartng Sivef i (raree$t) i 4 t I (leas'i; ) Llds'üolre ?, (g"reate eÞ 5 | ; 1 ¡ üakhrrr"gt ¡3 i 0 i 10 I' 14 ! ? J I al Kemul-clr i5 I S Ãr Duneanr¡läi.elA I ff e) ifest i'a,v*pij.ei ? I f¿ A ry Ha,vens-rtor'üi1 i8 I A I Ar¡onlea ì9 ¡ l0 o SinclaÍ:r ;10 ! æ I Cralgsf o:rrl :11 I e ls tr'1eire:r¡ g ËiéIng i3?. ñ 11 North¡ e t Qyøeir, lL.3 19 19 Cropperf;o¡:e lt+ I áa i,icl(ay if n 1"6 1ß Srryã.nf {¡L'¡1 ¡16 \& t¿L 't, m"_leriey i1? 15 Gral,ra;.n'r¡låi.e í1"8 t¿V Lt'- Ha.ii ?19 1ã 16 All.anvaie tZA l"? LV -8 9b* ln,vievú of the wealth of the are&zgood arÕpsrand goverrrrrent a.esf etance roueh of the Søan frfver a.rea' haø not been provfding to loca,l abtlity* fn raraï school d,is'b"r:icte'bire øpeelal mlll rate'¡arled fronr 0 la â mf}le.

$n the fiurai" ¿{ulniÇ13}a}f"by of ïi{1ni.l;Ðnas" fhroutg}rorr'Þ '$ltæ Val}ey rila'rly .,scirt¡ois are ån need of reSre,lr anel mever+r.i of rebuilrling" 'ffitir gt*a."ber effort on tire Snrt of ra,'t,epa'YeÊra

ånpr avízïreni e oulrl be made and a ete¡r forq¡ar0 fn lhe edu- ca'bfonaÏ ef.evelo'¡rnept of $wan Rlver Valley taJeen" C}LAPTER VÏ



Among lmportant questfons funda¡nental to the progress of edueatLon is that whlch eoneerns the posltion of the teacher" If her position in soeS.ety is t,o be ciear'i-y' unders'i:oc.d e ar; a'b'ùerûi:,rc lrlüs b be roa.cie 'i-,cr Ciscov'erblie all.s'¡,er$ 'r,o a nu-:nber cf i:e::tinent questians, These questions include teacher preparation, security of tenure and the effect of financ$.tà3. pro"rÌ-sions on the teachlng personnel' rrThe admlnlstrative, finaneía1, supervisory and most other serviees of the school- system re- volve around the activities of the teacher and of the children ln his charge. Expendltures for salarles of professlonal workers 1n a typieaS- sehool- s;rstem much larger tha.n all other school expenditures eombined, Even sllght improvements in personnel policies of teachers in a given systen may lncrease materialiy the returned from school ex- pend itr"rre s111 Possibly the mclst important factor whleh influences the effectlveness of the teaching situation is the person- alit¡' 6¡ the teacher" The teacher serves as an example to her pupils and molds child character and personality to a greater extent than she may realize. Her aetívities within and withou-t the classroon are subjected to close scrutlny* Small ehilclren esrrecia.lly are influenced by their teacherßs mannerisns and persona.l-1ty"

1_ Survey F-eport of the Cincinnati Schoolsu p,242 * c lne I nna t i. @ffi ve I'ññãñr*Rêßë"årchî L935,

"90* -q] - The present ehapter comprises a survey of the teaching staff 1n the schools of . Data rflere obtained by means of a questionnaire addressed to all teachers, The response was very satfsfac#€ry âs ninety pereent of the teaehers replied, Names are onitted frsm the tables and discussions which follovr, All infornatlon refers to the teaehlng staff as constituted at Ðecember llste 1948. Four teachers rvere replaeed at the beginning of Ja.nuary, 1-9\9e and one more classroom has been opened at Swan River" The teaching personnel of Sv¡an River and Rural Î,{unlcipai-lties were studied separately and a comp- arj-son made of the two sta.ffs frorn the standpoint of prep- aration, qualiflcatlon and tenure, The personnel of the incorporated Town of Swan River aniì the villages of Benito and Bowsmane as vuell as of the unorganized terrltoryu v/as considered separately from that of the two rural municipal-* Ítles.

Racia.l Origin, Marital Statusr Age and Sex of Teaehers

RacÍal o-rigÍn, rnarltal statusp âgêe sêxe training and qualifleations of the teachers of Minitonas and Svran River Rtrra.l l{unlcipallties, of the Town of Swan River and the incorporated village of Benito and of the unorganized territory to the north are shown in Tables XXVIII, XXIX' XXXï X& and " Twenty-eight teachers comprise the teacLring staff wlthin the municl-pality of Minltonas. 0f these slx are -92* enployed by Minltonas Sehool Board and twenty-two serve 1n one-room rural schools" Forty*six percent are of Brltlsh raclal origin ancl the remaining j4fi of Ukralniane Pol.ish, German and Scandinavian origin" Nineteen of twenty- nine teachers within Swan Ri.ver Rurâl Munlcipality are Brltlsh" Only sj-x of twenty-f1ve teachers of Swan Rlveru Benito and Unlon Schools are non--Ang1o-Saxon. 0f the eleven teachers 1n the unorganized terrltor;r, four are Brltish, 0f nlnety-three teachers withln Swan River Val1ey, J).2/, are of British racial orlglnç L8"2fi, Slavic ã 9.7%s Germani 9"7f", Scandinavian; and 3.2%u other racla1 orlgin" The average age of teachers in Minitonas Municipal- ity is 21 years. More than 6\fi are under 20 old" The average age of teachers elsewhere in Swan Rlver Va11ey 1s l1 years g f5.\/, being less than 20 years, Twenty-six percent of the teaehers in Swan Rlver Valley are male, FortSr-síx percent of male teachers and 8O{, of female teachers are single, Most of the married female teachers are enployed ln Swan Rlver MunÍcipallty and the unorganízed. terrltory,

Aeaclemie Preparation of Teachers

The academic preparation of all but one of the teachers of ffiinltonas Munleipallty was acquired 1n Slianitoba, Severa,l teaehers 1n Swan River Municipalfty received thelr elementary and pa.rt or all of their seeordary education in Saskatcherran or 1n Ontarlo" One teacher attended school in North Ðakotah aird. one in Australåa, The academic prep- TABLE XXVÏTT


Teaeher Raee Age Sex Marltal Teacher Trainlng Year of tength of Certi.ficate Status School Attended Attendance Ierm, Month¡ or Permit

1- Danish \z Male UIarr'1ed Reglna rg24-25 ¿ 10 months Flrst A Per¡n Icelandíc 32 Male MarrÍed U" of 1943-44 9 months Coll ïnt 3 Ukralnian 23 Male Slngl-e Prov" (Iilpg, " " 4 Nornal 1947-LiB I months First B. Int German 25 Female Single Prov" Normal- (wpg 19+4-45 1O nonths Flrst B,Pern 5 Ilkralnian 22 Female Slngle Prov.Normal (\üpg," 1941-\6 6 1O months First B" Cohohd. Britieh 2t Female Sfngle s.sÐEE4d€ € Permlt 7 S'¡'edlsh 20 Female Single (Vrtpg" gt+Z-tr6 Prov"Normal ) f 10 months First B. Intnto I B Brltlsh 25 Female Singf- e Prov,Normal (T[pg ) 1943-4\ 10 months \o 9 1B " First B" Pererm" LÁJ Brltish Female Single ? ? ! 10 ? Second Class Brlti-sh 4t Female Marrled Dauphln Normal- 7925-26 10 months Second Class 11 Ukralnlan 17 Female Single Prov.Normal u Tuxede 1948 1+ months Permlt L2 Brltlsh 17 Female Single Prov. Normal Tuxede 1948 11 13 , -.a nonths Permít Brltish 18 Female Slngle Prov" Normal-, Tuxedc 19)+B 1+- months Permlt 14 Britlsh L9 Female Single 'l q' Prov. Normal, Tuxedc l9LrB 1"1 months Pernit Brltish L7 Female Slng1e Prov. Normal, Tuxedc 1948 L+ months Pernlt L6 Ukra inlan 1B Male Single Prov. Normal , Tuxedc 1948 1-L montÌrs Permit 1rì Pollskr t7 Male Slngle Prov. Normal u Tuxedc 19hB months Pernit 1B Briti sh 1B Male Sln91e it 1q Prov. Nornal,Tuxede 1948 1+ roontkrs Permit Pol1sh t9 l{a,1e 31ng1e Prov. Normal 1948 20 rTuxedc 1+ months Permlt German 18 Female 51ng1e Prov Normal luxedc 1948 1+- 21 " , months Permi'b Ukrainlan 18 Female 31ng1e Prov.Normall- uTuxedc 1948 1-f- months Per¡oit ¿t_ Female Britl sh 1B Sing:le Prov,Normal uTrrxedo 19hB 1+ months Permlt Ukralnlan 1B Female iingle Prov.Normal 19\ B 1+ zLt uTuxedo nontLrs Permlt German 17 Female iln91e Prov"NormalrTuxedo 191+B 14- months Perrnit 25 Britlsh 17 Female )lngle Prov 1948 26 "Normal rTuxedo 1+- months Permlt British L6 Female ilng1e Prov Normal, Tuxedo 1948 1+ months Pernlt 27 Femde " British T6 ilngle Prov , Normal , Tuxe do 1948 rl- months Permlt 2B Ilkralnian Femal-e ilng1e I6 ?nov " Normal, Tuxedo 19hB 1* nonths Permit TÀBLE XX]X


Teaeher Marita Teacher Tralnlng I Year of tength of, Certifieate Status School Attended i Attendance Term, Mths, or Permit

l" r1 t1 sh l7 Mal-e Married Dauphin, Reglna ? ? Flrst ? us s lan 2B Male Maruled Brandon Nornal 1938-39 10 irst A 3 ermân 2L Femal Single Prov"Normalp !Vpg" Le)6+? 10 Flrst EI Pern. + utch 23 Femal SingJ-e Prov"Normals Wpg" r*5-46 10 First B Petrm, 24 5 ritish Femal Sfngle Prov.Normal, Wpg" r-945-46 10 First B ? 6 riti sh 20 Femal SingIe Prov"Normal¡ fllp€f" 1947-l+8 10 Flrst B Int * 7 ritl sh 21 Femal Single t ô Prov.NormalE Wpg, r94Z-48 1-0 Flrst B fnt. \o 0 Briti- sh 2I Femal Slngle Prov,Normal, !Vpg" t94f *48 + o 10 First B Int, erman 25 Femal Single Vüpg, B Prov"lrlormale ? 10 First B Cond 10 " riti sh 22 Femal Slngle Prov"Normalu S/pg, l-946*t+7 10 First B Cond l"l- " Brftish 2Ð Femal Single Prov.Normal, Ii{pg, rghz-48 10 First B Cond L2 -? " Brit ish 45 Fernal I,[arrled Prov,Normal-r lVpg, Lo Flrst B Perm" 11 Srryedlsh 26 Femal S1ng1e Prov"Normal: ülpg. 1945-46 10 Fl"rst B ïnt. 1[ r llr Briti-sh 22 Femal Sf-ng1-e Pror¡"Norma1r lJVpg, a9)6-47 10 Ffrst B J- {¿o r5 r'ltish 60 Male Marrfed ? ? ? Second Class l_6 S'sedf skr 4r Male Marri-ed I ? ? Second Clas s 17 Briti sh tro Male Married Prov,Normal, Vüpg, å 7921+-25 10 Second Class 18 Britlsh 4r Femal ]tr1dow Dauphin, trVpg.Nornral I ? Second 1q Class Britlsh 38 Femal Single Prov.Normalr Wpg, 1931-32 10 Second Class 2A I Briti sh 57 Femal Marrled ?! ? ? Second Class 2L rlt I sh 4g Fenal I\4arried Portage la Pralrf.el l4lpg " r 2I ? Second Class ¿.¿ ritlsh 63 Femal Marrled Teacherrs Collegeu N.D. l-9r5 ? Speclal Permit 27 German 1B Femal Stngle Prov"Normal, Tuxedo 1948 1I Permit 2)+ r"ainlan 24 Male S1ng1e Prov" Normal uTuxedo 191+8 1+ Permlt 25 Brttlsh 18 Femal S1ngle Prov.Normal Tuxedo 1948 1& Perml b 26 I o Brltlsh I 18 Femal Single Prov,Normal uTuxedo 1948 rl Permlt 27 1n 1-L British I Femal Single Prov Tuxedo 191+B L2 Permit 28 "Norma1, 1J German i L7 Femal Single Prov,lTormal r Turredo 1948 !Õ Permit 29 Ukrainlan 1B Femal- SlngI- e Prov. Normal uT¡lxedo 1948 ú Perml'b TABTE XXX


Teacher Race Ige Sex Marltal- Teacher Trainlng Year of Length of Certi-f icate Status Sehool Attended. Attendance Terrn, IViths or Permft

1 Brltish 36 Ma.le Ularried Prov"Normal, T[pg, | 1931-32 L0 Col.l-egiate Per¡o Faculty of Edueation several Ffrst A. Pe fI[' 2 lcelandl-c Mal-e 34 MarrLed Prov.Nôrmal, üIpg" | 1932-33 10 First B" InLtn ? Brltlsh 27 Male Slngl-e ¿ I Prov"Normal, Wpg" I \945-46 10 Flrst B" Tn.l¿ o + Czeeh 2L Male Slngle Prov.NormalrTuxedd 19þ7-þ8 10 Flrst B" Be FM.o 5 Brftish 24 Female Single Prsv"Normal, wpg" | 1943-l+þ 10 Flrst B, Pe fülc 6 24 Female Brltlsh Sin$e Prov.Normalu ltrpg" I 1943-44 1_O 7 British 35 Female Slngj- e Prov.Normal, .Wpg. I f%r-36 10 Colleglate 0 ô Faeulty of Educatlon severaL Flrst B" Pefill" \o () Brltish Female IVIarrled \n 3B Normal Sehoolr TVpg" A927-28 10 Secsnd Clas

I'iOte *. öi,Je e eges PiLl¡ rj]l ¿i-r.'rl. n\r .r vu r,, ¡; ; t,r4 ê è-ì"i)St" o:;i¡¡.1a-L e , TABLT] X}O(T


Teache Race Age Sex MarÍta1 Teacher Training f vear or Length of, Certi-fica te Status School Attended I Attendanc< Term, Mths or Perml +

1 German 2 UIale IÂlidol¡rer ?l ? I Second Cl-l-ass 2 German ? Female Marrled ?f 193I ^32 10 Seeond Cllass 3 Brftlsh ? Female It{arried ?i ? 10 Second ellass 4 Brltlsh 2I Female Single Prov.Normal6 Tuxedo 19)7-48 10 First B.IInt, , Brltish ? Male Marrled ? ? ? Second Cl-l-ass 6 UkraLnlan 34 Female Married Normal School'WPG" ? 10 Flrst B"PPerm" 7 Brl t ish ? Female Marrled ? ? ? Flrst B" B Icelandie 18 Male Slnsþ :----_:----:--:*---- 0 Permlt ð 20 1I \o 9 Ukrainian Female Single Prov"Nor¡nal, Tuxedo 194 B .L') Permlt o\ l_0 Ukrainian 1B Female Si.ngle 1 L4- I Prov"Normalu Tuxedcl 9)I Permlt ïl_ Po11sh 1B Female Single Prov"ltlormalu Tuxede 1 9t+ B 1;- Permlt



Racial Or1gin Minttonas Swan Rlver i Towns e Benito Unorganl-zed Swan Rlver Munielpallty Munlcipalltyl' "l Bowsman,' Swan R. Val1ey No' fr No" % No" /o No" fÁ No. f,

13 46 l+3 19 4 BrLtlsh " 65.52 19 76.oo 36.36 55 59.t\ Slav o 32"14 3 10.34 1 4"oo 4 36.36 17 18"28 Germar: 3 10.71 4 L3 "79 o 0.oo 2 18"18 9 g "68 Scandlnavlan 3 IO "72 2 6 "Bg 3 12.0O 1- 9.10 9 9 "68 Ot,hers I 3 "46 2 8.oo 0 0.00 I TOIAT, m TW w root/, ry rooT tr reT,iø- 9.3 -97* aration of )Of' of the teachers of Srruan River Va1ley was wlthin the valley" seventy-three percent of these employed 1n the school districts of Mlnltonas MunÍcipal; ity' Many are pernit teachers who attended seeondary schools located in Swan River Vali ey" No attenpt 1s made to summ¿¡f¿s the academlc prep- aratÍon of the ninety-three teachers who serve in the schools of Swan Rir¡er Val1ey. A sunmary of academlc preparatfon of secondary school teaehers is given 1n Table XXXfff" Twelve teachers give instructlon in six secondary sehools witt¿ln the valley. Three of the six prlnclpals a universlty degree, Seven of the twelve teachers, lncludlng the prln; clpals, each hold a unlversity degree" Besides the secondary school- teachers only one teacher at present employed in Swan Rlver Valley holds a uni-versity degree. Junlor Matrlculatåon is the highest academle standing of over 4Ofr of the teachers. Twenty-flve pereent of the quallfled attained no higher aeademie standing than Junior Matrlculatlon" Eleven of the twelve secondary school teachers âFrs* wererl the questionnaire that was forwarded to then" Table ÐCXïIï shov¡s that nine of the eleven received their hlgh. sehool- training in lUa.nltobae sfx attending Tilinnlpeg schoolsu

Professlonal Preparatl-on of Teachers

TeaeLrlng effieiency depends to a la_rge extent upoÌl professional preparation before and after beginning to teach" For sf-xty-elght percent of the teaehers in MfnJ.tonas Munie- lpa11ty the only professfonal preparatlon has been the síx -98- weeksr short course taken at the provlncial Normal School, slx teaehers possess interim or permanent first elass cert-

iflcates; two hold second class eertiffeates; and one? axl rnterim 0o11 egiate certificate and a Dlplome of the Faculty of Educatlon, university of Manitoba, All but one recelved their professional traíning ln fulanitoba., Teacher qualífieatlons for the twenty*nine teaehers of Swan River Bural Municipality are as folt6y¿ss first class, 14; second classu 7; permf.t, B" of the twenty-five teachers employed by Benito, Bov,rsman and swan River sehoot Distriets, 6 hold colleglate eertificates; 14u first and 5u second class eertfficates" Th::ee of the eleven teachers in unorgan- lzed terrisogry holo first; four, second class certif- icates and four permlts"



Teacher School Grades Diploma Universit Maþr Degree Attended or Colle Years

A St, Johnrs X-X]T S.M" Manitoba PhysLcs 3 B, Se. B Selklrk ÏX*XT J"M" Uníted Englistr ì+ B.A * St" Manyrs ÏX-XTI S "M. St. Maryrs ? 3 B.AU D Tweed (Ont ,) X-XÏT S.M. Manftoba Hfstory tF E Jon Bjarna son ÍX-XTT r)oMo^ F Moose Jaw r X-XIT S"&T" : l=i= n Lundar I ÏX-XT Jon B.jarna SO h X]T S,M" United ?4 B.A. H St. Maryss ÏX*XIT S.M. St, Mar]tt s Psychology B"Ar I Minnedosa ÏX-XIT s;3d. J Central XÏ-XIT s "11, K Benlto XÏ Swan Rlver XTT s,M" T' ? French B.A " *99* Table ruffiIV shows the qualifieatlons of the nlnety* three teachers eoneernecl 1n the present study and tabl-e )o{xv compares the qualifieatlons of oriê-roonl ruraL school teaehiers with those of graded school-so



Certiflcate &qral Munlelpalities ïfnorgani-zed Valley or Dlpl-oroa Swan River{ Mi-nltonas

i Coll"eglate o -Classf o o o ø o First 1l+ 49, 6 21"4 l"\ 1 27 -? 56 "a "2 37 39, Second Class 7 24"1 2 7,2 , 20,0 I 36 18 lg.4 Permit B 27 10 l+ "l+ o "6 67 "8 o OCI "0 ì6"1+ 31 tl"l Total I 29 w, ñ !ffiT 8 reõffi l_1 rao14 93 IAOr/o f

T¿,BLE ffiV


Certlfleate One Room Rural or No" Dlploma %

CoLleg'late 16,3 0 00,0 Flrst Class 2T lr.8 't? 26 Seeond "O Class l_0 23 "2 I 16,0 Pernlt ¿ \.7 29 5B "o TotaL qT too% w Taõ4

Table xxxv sh¡ows that TZ,L?Á oî the graded sehool teachers possess first elass or eollegiate eertlf,feates, while only 26/' or the rural scLrool teachers possess ftrst cle"ss certifícates, Tea.chers holding first el_ass or coll* egiate certiflcates comprise 4T.3/" of the swan River valley staff " "100- Frgfe,ssion¿1l Gro:'¡tir of .Jeachers

Ïn Swan äives' Val]ey ryi1{Þr€ oflê-t.h.irc1 of the tcashers hold. per:nits and shere ten qualiffed teachere completed. t.aeir 1{orinal training iit the sprÍng of }94 ,hrtexe is 1ittle evictence that iilany of the rural echool teachers have endeavor¡red to improve tirenrselvee profeesJ"r:¡rierj--t";¡ thïeugj.r extenefon or srujliner school cotÌrses, Vety few on€-Íooäl rurai ,sehrcol teacJrers Íi: S"c¡an Ï{iver \ra'l}€J¡ have a.tiend.ecl sr{iuäer schoo} a.nci iuost Of tlreee are narrled. r,¿ouien t,eaci:.1ng in ,gchools near tireir llsmeo rn the grad"eci. schoolerlese ha.lf the teacjr.ers ha,rre taken st&u?ter courseß to in3:rove theír" TÌlc gtæaiiesL eviri.ence of f]ne cicsire to irirprove profen,siona.j- sríairciing as ç¡ell as sinply te e. certíf lea¡t,e per¡na.Ilent Le, found äinong the eeconüa.r;v"school iea.clters, 'Jhe exte¡:t to 1oû:icir eleven Srvan fr,iver Vat1ey ]rigfi schooL leae]ners have end-ea,voured, tE¡ itirprove therrselves ihror:g1l Fitrirliier cÒui:,seÊJ is s¡hr¡r:tn i¡r 'Ja.ble XåWI" OnIy oire teacher ha..e ørltten a.rticles on eciucation for pu-bl1ee,tit:n" 'fhe a.esistant prånclpal of 3enit,o, Clon,gctïiö.c¡a;eö.

6chooi ¡I'.'ir "G" 3,.4n Isf e1d. ¿r:trelúÊ the f o1}ouf irg a.y'çieiee; ¡rComposi*io¡r St¿-r.nda.rci.mrrr¡rI{,eVisiçn of CurrÍcr¡i'rart eir- ï,ietj:od.?t'n¡rÇ çajúiort by l,iierit¡'" rhe fir$t 'i,v,,o art,j.Çlepi werq pubrleheä i¡1 ii,iani,coba j,ianitcrba Sci:croi .i ournaj. a.nd th.e thirrl in ffihe Tea,øItey " enæ rure.i ¿ichool ler*eh.e.y con'ûr"j-ilu'eed a c"Lrrf s'ç¡ra.m pl€.y tc i,iod.ern Ir¡.rrtr'ue tor,*

rj.ftecn. $f ilre"ly*t?æeø teaeTteys rwve a.t,"üenú.qö. "fici"ucetf the iitanåtoÏla on -âssocia.t,içn ûçnven'i;j.çn, *1 O1* these Eeven permit teachers reported that they hact att* ended" this convention, Further investigation re.¡¡ee.led that the seven teachers had confused the Manitoba Education Associ.ation conr¡ention withr the annual Fal-'r- coni¡ention whieh all teachers are resuired to attend@



Teache Courses xtension or Year lploma umßer Sehool ceíved

Six Elementary Sehool , Ext, a935,L937 Írst Perman* iProfessfonal Courses ent {Two Edueation Courses L947 o1leglate B ¡-----*- î ¡*--*------i-a Tì iElementary School Pro* iùê)o 1935-40 econd Perm, !f e.ssiona 1 Courses ¡ ÏB ¡ac l¿rts Courses lrJ o !, e l.937 írst Á, Courses ?^ ã lEducation .¡ÞøÞo a9)5-\? "Ed, lEdueatÍon Gourses is,s. 1942-48 H School Pro- å lElementary l^ã åfessional Courses rÐôùê 1q?7 Fi-rst B lEngl1sh TI !Gorrespond o 1942-43 First A iShop iffork iS"S" L9\6 Economics TT lCorrespond o 1942*48 f Maths., Hist., Eng, t Philosophy, French IS"S. I Superior( Sask" ) G t------H lca 2 Maths,II, French TI iv ø¿ ø Flrst A Professfonal Courses Ext" e I is.s"u I Edueation Courses {S.S. Lg\6e 1948 ï I þ---- t J t----*:---- t K El-ementary School Pro* ¡ I fessional Courses c 191+o-42 n a þirst Englishr II oUø L9\2 pirst A e ? ? i?

Note a Teachers B, C? and G recej-ved Diplomas in Educatfon after a.ttending Faculty of EducatÍon, Unir¡ei:sity of Manltoba, durlng winter sesslonso *102- Very few teachers have had training in the tech- nioue of educatlonal and intelligence testing. Foïrr" prin- of secondary schools taken courses in testlng methods and three are using eduea.tional tests at present" Three other teachers have taken some testing at the Faculty of Educatlon, University cf Þla.nitoba, Severa'] reported that they had reeeived partial training 1n testing at Ncnmal school" sÍx permit teachers thought that they rvere trained. The questionnaire replies vrould seen to indicate that most teachers misunderstood the meaning of educational and inte11* lgence. testing,

Nine teachers repnrted tha.t they are doing sóme experimental- vrork at present" Ir,[uch of this vrork, hovuever, nay be e lassed as pro je ct rather experimental work. No teacher has carried on exþerimenta,l y¡ork v¡ith controlled

gl'oups ø Abclut twenty-f1ve percent of the teaehers reported musieal a.bility, Oree ru.rp-l teacher has one examlna.tion to write ín order to a diploma, Six teachers have soae vocational- training i one having considerable ability 1n taxid.ermyu wood turning, bench u¡ork and oil paintfng" Two teachers reported specia.l physical education training; two have ta.ken honema,kl-ng courses and threee courses in publfc spea.king. None âf,e qualified to typing oã" shorthand* Tenure ín Sv¡an River Val-ley

The tenure of teachers ín Swan Rj-ver Va3^1_ey was found to be shortu especlally ln the Rural Munlcipallty of -'lft ?- Minltonas where onÎy four of the present staff have taught 1n tire sane school prlor to September, Ig4B. The tenure of one rura.l teacher has been six years. Two teachers have served Minitonas sehool Distriet for three years or nor€ø ïn Swan River Rural Municilal_ity eight teaehers contj-nue to serve in the same schools they serr¡ed dr.l.ring 19\7-)+8' One of them has been principan- of Durban consor-id-- ated School for l1 years" fn the unorganízed territory one teacher has taught in BÍrch Rlver village sehool for 2j years and one in a rura.l school- for 26 years" Such long periods of tenure are exceptions 1n swan RÍ.ver valley, Xtlore t]nan 66/, of Swan River ilæ"lley teachers are serving in their present schools for the first year, Sixty* eight percent of teachers whose tenure has been more than onç year aï,e employed in gra.ded schooLs, The period of tenure of the seven graded schooLs v¡lthin the valley is shown in Tabl-e Xffi\rIT * Twenty-two out of forty-three teachers are employed ln their present school d-lstrlets for the f,irst year. Fr:urteen teaehers, lnel udtng four principal.s have served their present dlstricts for more than two yearso

Except in Durba.n, Kenvill-e and Birctr Rir¡er there ' has been a constant ehange of principals for the past five )¡ears at least, Kenvílle School-.Board retalned their prin* cipal for eighteen years until- June j l-947 " After this lengthy perlod of tenure the principal- resigned and ûas succeeded by four p::incipai-s; three of then e¡lthin one school yearo -104* TABLE XÐryTÏ


Swasl stsman Benito Mlnltonas Ðurba Kenville Birch Rlver n10n River

No No,i Y T T YT Service"Yrs ers !

L¡ ? 1 B 12 11 I I J 1? 12 2 ¿ 21 24 2 2 ¿ ? ? ?1 3 3 1 3 I 3 ?- 4 1 4 4 4 4 l+ 41 (1 5 )- , 5 I 5 5 6 I 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 7 "7a' 7 7 7 7 7 9 9 q1 9 9 9 9 L2 1,2 1 T2 12 T?. L2 t2 24 ; 24 2\ 2\ 24 2\ 24 2q /a 25 )4 2, 2q 2, 1 31 ?1 ?1 3L 31 I ?1 * ?1 1? ---E ¿J b 6 - , 3

Tenure for secondary school has dj-ffered considerably from school to school throughout Suan Rlver Valley" In Benito and fulinitonas the avera-ge períod of tenure has bee¡r low, being less than tL:.ree years in Benlto and less tha.n four '¿ years in l{initonas. fn Swan River and Kenville the late Mr' J. S. Duncan and Mr" A, E. Scrase served twenty and eighteeC!. years respectåvely" The everage tenure has been short slncee belng two years 1n Sv¡an River and four months in Kenville, Four pninci-pals have been employed 1n each school since the engagements of M&srs" Duncan and Scrase qiere termina.ted " Shnrt tenure has been the practice in most rural *Lü,i*

schools, ône sehool opened in 1931" has had sfxteen teachers, nine of them permft" Several school-s have been ln sínee 1940 without a qualtflecl teeches, Many of the permtt teachers who staffed these school-s had taken ürade Xl but had falled three or more suhJeets. Teaeher tenure in thårteen ruraL schools is shçwn l"n TabLe iffi)nfÏïIo



t Seheol Í Ke" of Tea.ehers 3{t. of' Loeatlon of ¡ sÍnee L94CI PernÍt leachers Sehool Distriet i MeKa¡r I I nltonas &{unlc, All-anvaLe L0 9 nftonas Munfc" EeLl" H,lver of1 I Fnorgarrized Frury l_ 0 fiJnorganized OLrl Fsrt L0 9 lTlnorganízed tens öft Munlc, tì 7 ffiinitonas Ï, ifubble o 3 i$wan River M¡rnic. Thunderhå1L 6 ¿ i$v¿an Rlver &funLcX Havens-çi¡orth 7 2 bîlnltonas ffunic. IdcKlnley L0 6 iÏlnorgenized Ï1a11 I 6 iþlinltonas &luniee tsrierley 1"0 6 þtnltonas Munleå Båg Tioody I 3 i$wan Råver Munie' I r

Exaet Lnformatlon was not available for al-l the Õnê* rÕom rural- sehool-s of Si.van River Valley but a study of the foregoång tabLe glves soãrÉ indieati.on of vhat has *aken place ln our rurel äreas sinee i9b0" Ko atbempt ts , the eauses oi.' low tenure ln eany rureJ. school.q and sÕäe graded sehools hes been made but a stud¡r of ffnanelal prorrisåünsu workÍ.ng conditions and eommunlty låfe .*ioald seerå to faeters æhbh J-argeLy rletermåne the lssuçsu The faet thet Sr¡an Rlver Valley X-s so far from the -106- larger centres of Þ.{anito}:a has been blamed locally for the diff,iculty of schools r¡¡ithin the Valley to secure and hol-d qualified teachers o CHAPTER VÏT


The part pi-ayed by the educational leaders of Swan River Valley in the development of education, 1n organizing the school system, and. in providiag educational facll-ities has been considerable" Lfany of these leaders played their role the earl¡r years of the twentieth century while other,s offerecl leadership for a quarter of a century or more, Slnce the first school dÍstr"ict 1n Srqran Rjver Va'l-1-ey was organized, flve school i-nspectors and" one acting school inspeetor have provided educatlonal leadership for varying periods of time. Three second.arv school principals served i"n the va11,ey for a tota1 of almost ser¡enty -r'ears and a number of elementary teachers had long periods of tenure. Á,11 contribu.ted tn the devel- opment of educati.on in Swan River Valley" Many teachers ancl prlncipal-s iryho served in Sr,¡ian River Valley for a time since contributed lmportant educetl.onal leadershlp elsev¡here in the Province of Manitoba. Several- principa-ls became inspectors of schools or joined uníversity staffs, Others beeame princl-pa1s of sehools in la.rge towns or citi-es. The educational lea.C"ershlp provid.ed in S''¡ran River Valley has not been confined lnrholl-y" to inspectors of schools and to members of the teaching staff. Men of vision have served on school board-s and on municlpa"l- council-s and have ha"d the welfare of nupi-ls and teachers at heart" Their infl-uence ha.s been considerable and thev ha,ve raad.e their *1^OT* *108-

eontríbutlon toward the devel-opment of erlucation ín srn,an River Val1e¡.

The First Sehool Inspectors

, The first Jnspector of schools to visit the newly organized. school districts of swan River va]-ley was rn- spector T, ffi. Macuire of la prairie, rnspector Maquire performed the opening ceremony of l,rtest Favel s.D,e the first school district to be organized in swan valley" The flrst trnspeetoral report to the Department of Education of work done in sv¡an River va1ley was rnspector uiaqui.rers report for the year ending December 31ste 1900, rn this report the lnspector referred to the diffieulty experienced in organi-zing school dlstricts as well as to the work that had been accomplished" Hls report i.s quoted in part as f ol-lovçs; _ I'Ay?I tg the north of thre Dauphin Distri.ct, about 100 m1le+ ls the s,¡'an River valley, into'lvhich settlers have been pouring ever slnce the advent of the railroad, about tr¡ro years ago, This dis- triet, with itts nìf,merous streams a.nci belts of tlnber and much hilly anti broken country, is mueh more diffÍcult to divlde up into school districts than the level open prairiè of the south and central parts of the province" I found it necessary durlng July to go up to Swan River to hold Çourts of Re- vision and incldently to look into the orga.nization of ser¡eral sehool distrlets that had been petltloned for. I found of orga.niza.tion excãedingly difficrilt owing to conflicting interests resultlnþ from the nature of the country. The settl-ers are an fntelligentu progressi-ve class of people and, exceed- in$y anxious to get schools in operation" There rryere two schools open at the time of my vl_sit. T wgs onl¡r abl-e to reach one of them, Square Planeu about nlne mlles south-west of the town. The Sqúare Plane school j.s a. neat frame building, a tributé to the inteli-igence anrl enterprise of 'the settlers, ï was not able to get to the Swan Valley school, about five m1] es north-west of the town. The town school is a well bu1lt, two-story bui1"díng, withl two rooms, both of which are nory occupled" At MÍnitrnase a v-ì-1-l-age oír Lirlr¿ l-ine of raihva;" eas't of S''¡¡an F,ive::, ihere :is e greei'b need of a school, whl1e the cnuntr¡r south and north is al,l- wel-l settled" From nÍinit*nas south there eppear to be no sett,lements re- areÍ.r'ing schools until Ethel-bert is reached"r'1 Du::ing the f irst school year j-n the Val-1eyu the a.reâ in¡as part of the lTorth Central fnspectora.l Divi_sior-t. The fr..llowing yeare 1901, Swan River Vall.ey beceme narL of the North-i¡iestey'n Tnsr;ectoral Dir¡ísj-on ancl Tnspector "4. Iry" Hooper with. head.qua.rts in Dauphin took over the d.rities eif fnspecior Macruir"e in the Valley, the vear endlng Ðecember 31st e 1-}At-' ten school cilstricts in the Sr¡ran.Va.Lle¡' tñJere orga.nized anci about ten school houses erected, ïnspector Hooper, in his fi::st insp'ectora1. report of the areau noted the difficulty experj-enced in secu.ring oua.l-ified tea.chers. The fol_lovr'i-n.g quotatÍ-on is taken I from Inspector Hooper s report e trGrea.t diffieult;r has been experienced. during the I¡ear in aualifled. tea.chers. Thfs has been particularly felt in the c¿ìses of ney/ districts anrl summer schools . I har¡e no doubt that in ou-tl¡¡i-nl" cl.istricts sueh as the Si¡râ.n River Va11e-rlthis state of affaj-:'s vril1 continue until a sufficient nurrrber of 1oca1. students atta.ín the necessåry'sta.nriing to fi:i -1 the nositions" At present ihere are twelve students doing certificate work ån Swan River School and no dou-bt wit.h the advent of these and a loca1 normal schoo_1-, there vuil-1. be Ð.n irnprorrement {¡ this particular*112 trn each of Tnspector Hooper s s subsecluent reports

the lack of oual-ifiecl teache:rs in Sloran Rive:: \.ral-J e-1' lg

l_ Repprt $-lþe Ðeira::tment of E f,clr the Year endln.g Ðecember -?lst ? L9OÐ, p" Ji-. Winñîpegj KLngt s printer fer the Provinee of lltanij:oba" 2 Re._goqt of the De ent atiop for the yea.r ending ne ing t s printer for the Province of Manitoba, -11 0- especía.1"J-y noted. The suppl-;r of teachers $/as inadeau.a"te tc the needs anri. teacher tenure rEas short. Ma.n¡r teachers possessing interin certificates shnwed Ð. sti:ong i-ncl-lna.tion to drÍft onv,ra.rrl to the lTorth*lVest Terrítori-es,l

ïnspector E" H. iIIa.l-ker

Tnspector E" H, lnlalker was apoointecl to succeed Inspeetor Hooper in 1_905 " During the elght years he served- the llorth*\¡,restern Inspectoral Divisione many school districts Ìeere organi.zed and school houses erected.. Scirool grouncls \ryere improved and the Council of the Rural }llunicipality of Lvîinitonas gra,nted libera'i pri.zes for the districts making the grea.test progress in general improvements" Ravens,.r¡orth Schc¡o1 Di-strict received first pri-ze, IVlinitonas second and Oakhurst th j-rd prize, In 191I , ltorth-!',restern Tnspectoral D1r¡Ís 1on Inspectoral- Ðlvision Nurnber 1. fn the same yeare a. Teaeherrs Assoei-a.tion was formed in S.,ran River Valley. The movenent tov¡a.rcl consc¡1i-detion of school dlstri.cts r¡lhich began in -l-912 f,ound. Inspector a stau.nch leader "iüa"lker and. sunporter" Out of thls movement, eight scitool districts i¡rere organized into two eonsolidateC. school dÍstricts in 1913,

Inspector J. S" Peach

llo one macle h imself e. part of Sl¿ran River Va11-e¡r te a greater extent than Tnspeetor J" S" Peacb.u who servecl. the aree fo:: thirty-four years until- his retirement in l-91+?. ji{r, Peach taught in ,{ddington, Centre ancl Good Hope rural-

3, - ECæef,L_qt_J h e . D e Ë,a r tme nt _A¿gguge.E¡, qt f or the yeÐ.r ending nec ngrs Printer for the Pr"ovince of Mani,tobâ, -L1_1- sehooLs anC Ín Cypress Rlv'er High $ehool before going to Swan Riner as prlnc1pai- In :-.907 i'¡here he remaÍned in thls positfon untfl- he r*¡as appof.nted Inspector of SehooLs in August¡ 1913, For-r{any yeä,rs fnspector Peaeh had the mnst eNtended division ín Manitoba, cov ring as 1t did the âreê between the Duck ,T.{ountai-ns and Lake laJlnnipegosise the Srsan River Valley, the Birch River eountryu ?he Pase Fl1n Flon, and the schools along the Hudsont s Bay rail-wêlo T,ater his fleld TJas rilade smaller in area as populatlon lnereased and more school c1Ís* triets rlere org:+nized. For soûle 'príor to his retire- ment e his f iel-d extended from itrinnipegosf s to Barrows on the ffianítoba*Sa skatche.¡¿ån border " The writer of the cduron rrWhors Who j-n the Departnentr? indicated the respect felt for Tnspector Peach and his v¡¡ork by thre offlcials of the Department of Eclucation, ?tÏhrough all the busy yearsu ?r'Tr" Peach has been eonscj-entious ån the performanee of his s¿ork and faithful- in his obligations to tho schools on the one hancl and to the Department on the other" HLs at'titude tor'¡ard teaehers i.s one of syppathetíe understandlng L anci he1-pfu1n€ss,f?- In June u L947, Tnspeetor made hfs l-ast visit to sehools in Swan Ríver Tall-ey" Y&any tnkens of appreefetåon lr'ere shorsn him by the teechersu pupil-s and schobl boards" Tn Aug,ust, 19\7u he lrro'be a" farer.';el-l- siessage for the r?Benito T{i-gh

4 The l{pnltoba Sahool- Journalu Vo3-" T" 3{r:, l+? Ðeeember, 1942e po l+u -112* Sehool- RevÍev¿fr " The followfng quotation is taken from the Benito High School Paper. rri[y farewell advice would be to get a.11 you can out of your schoo-l- yeê,r; enter i"nto all the various activities, -lntellectualc physical and soeíalr- of your sehool with interest and zeaLg also be sure to glve your teachers all the poss- 1ble a.ssf stance f trust you" wil-l give my slrccessoro Inspector T[, C" Rhlnd, thre same co-operation and good will you gave meo T sincerely wish every girl and bole as well as their teachers, a very suecessful year in the mâny school aetivitiesu as well as al-l good r,visLres and suceess and the best of health in the yeå.r to be rrf "

Mr. R. G,' Taylor

Mr, R. G. Tayl-or was the flrst prinelpal of the tivo-roomlr.i school tha.t was ereeted in Sv;an River about 1901, He served a.s prlncipal of this school until- I9O5 when he accepted the principalshlp of Minitonas Sehool" T[hile at Minitonas, UIr. Taylor suggested that th.e council of the Rura]" i1,{unicipa.lit¡r o-f Dlinitonas grant priues for districts ma.king the greatest progress in general im- provementsu the competition to extend over a. period oi: three, Considerahle interest was aroused and the majority of the schools entered the competition" Ravens- worth secured first prize an<1 Minítonas second" In l-906, Mr" Taylor established a busíness in Swan River where he continues to operate as realtor, During the years he has taken an aetive interest in the schools of Si,iran River Val-1ey and in edueational- pro ject.s " T'líthin r.ecent

, Benito High School Reviewu f947-\E issue" -:i3-

Jtæ'à.:t'fi ire h.a.s j iiiìgeii" ti:e l¿i¡:itonas jiluirici:::1. tr'ielc1. Ða"rv

pa..ta.ö"e a,.na. inr+ sci:ooi -bp,-ni:ers Ör.t sê1.erai ücca,*Íoüsa

ï'i:t* Ð* $"'tlioodg

*ú" ß' ?ooos sucec;eci.eci. 11" G, 'Ja,;åel:r: ã.-q prirtcÍ-1:a3 Õf j.n -Li.Le ii-inf i;rtTrâi.,s ,3ch+oi. i906, Irurång 'çhree ,\'er-,1-u n- S. if*nd.,r t:çt:lç.|neú rì.i:t biin.i'i;r¡na.ei ¡]:e ßa:tí fhre schaol provísl. ons *xpanieted" fyoär a, oo€*ilocm to a fotii:-.rÐÐ;..ì scfioül, Tn fi)0Çl he hec;a"fle

ilre f:ì.i;'*,r'ç pr.incipai oÍ' the n.q¿t f c¡uf'-r*orlr flchooJ. *

"û,'ir"TJoeç1",8 took ¿,,..n a,ctive pa.r'i; in coRririuní'*y aíiairs

+r.Trri ri,{a,s rsæcxeta.y; r}f the .íiiÍi'li'Lçäa.s Thir.¡'hl"ee' ¡4. foo'¿-t-,a.i1 cit¡b t\ra.|o'ûee,a:¡te faniâu*t t?u:'+ugh.out, t}:e pravi-nce'

In LSl.ä:lir"i'!rÐod.,B r'4'úurneçi, to S.l#a.i-r River Yali'¿'J"

Ð.Ð acting*Ti.lsjlr;rtl,oro In J une u¡iclerbhr* äiree tion of iri,rni;fooci.s, ïih,l qiras assir.r'L,ee'ì by. pr:Lncipai*: and. i;ça'cners in Síinit$na'frl I,iulicipr,li'r'¡'rir:.e jlirP¡t fÍeici aa.,y a'n& fai:: ccir¡ihÍirr;ci. t'o be helij. iir Swan Ïii.vç:r Valïe { Tta.s i:el-cl Ífu lrríni{;$lLari SeirooLu Llhe fol"l"ouing vvea:r# 5a,1i,I fiei,cj d-a,y* a.i:

]ir ' ,T ' S. Ðuncan -fr,Iyey lllre Lajç John Sultuüce.n ez:t;tq t+ Êiwa.i: ft:ei::i

Ur.ii-oti Scirc¡oi- fi;tere' rii.rrJ.n¿ tiie 'c"*èn"j; JI l*e servnld. a.,s priirci. ;'¡J of ËrÍa.n 3ì tlcjr.rrr-r]-, i;i:e enrr)iirien"L, ine:reaseó. fron 20 io i.Ð in iire Ïiig.h schrlol a.:rci Lii,=Tçt,í!å,* ît, ÇtyyJ:Ê$püti- qê,,\q ri"'r-ng :i.i-rcT in LTtr¿ E\çxtertt,ely y schooj- , [),Jcii:6 iriF-r 3)].:llcj-pa._ï- ship ¡; bui i*irLir ilj'ã'y)-ra$ál.â ireca:nç i'Lçcet3 fiat: { a.rrcì. i;ire ¡ireserli, -114- school r¡rlas erected" The late Mr" Dunean took a. keen interest in the welfare of his puplls and regarcied, them as his pr-rpils even after the;' Ivere gror¡Jn up and had establlshed homes of theír oïrln, A teacher who had served on his staff for several years wrote that he was rtoutstandi-ng for his s¡rmpathetíc understandi-ng d Ìroys ancl girLs .tr In 1936 the school trustees urged Mr, Duncan to take a six months vacation with half pay" He refused to leave his work, hoinreveru ancl carried on until a few weeks before his death in 1938" A bronøe plaque vras secured by his former pupils and plaeed in the ha]1-way of the school-, The folloiryins is the lnscriptic,n on the plaauee

Sacred- to the memory of our trBeloved TeacherrN John S, Duncan who served as principal 1n the Srsan Rlrrer Public and High School r9L7 -L938 rrA l-ife well- spentrf rrA rq/ork well donerl This token of esteem has been erected by his gra.teful pupils ancl many friencl.s

l{ro '|ff. J. Rodgers

[1r. f\1" J. Rod.gers holds the record of havlng the longest period of teacher tenure in Slvan River Valley and one of the longest in the Province of l{ani:bcba" Mr, F"odgers attended Central- Co1-1 egiate, 'Winnlpeg, and later attended Dauphin and tr{innipeg lTorma-]- School-s, He tau.ght in Silver* wood and Sun-ny Slope Schools near Deepdalec a.t Lauder and then at Durban where he has served as prlncipal sinee 4917" His teaching lnstruction has been markecl by its -116* efficiency ancl thoroughness a.nd. he ha-s never sêcrificed standard for reeord, At the sâme time the results of hi.s students on departmenta.l examj-nations have been very sat- isfactory, The regard shovrn by Durban Consolidated School Boa"rd. for IlIr" Rodgerst work v¡as lndieated during the

econornie depression of the t 30 t s when the principal 3 s sal-ary did not sink as l-ow as those of the principals of&qne other *""oná""y schools in Swan Blver Valley, The long range viei,'¡ of the Ðurban School Board ha"s paid dlvidends not received in school distrlcts where the teachers and

pr'Íncipals ï,iere repeatedly given sal ary cuts e ß{r, Rodgers has,,ays taken an active interest in tire wcrk of teacherst organizations. He has served

a.s president of the Benito-Durban-Kenvill-e-Alpine Teachers ¡ Local and has al-so held various offieesu lneluding ihe presideney, of the Teachersl Assoeiation of Dlvlsion No,L, Du.ring his long prlnclpalship of Durban Çonsolidated" Seh"ool-, Mr, Rodgers has taken an active part in comrnunity life and has become a part of the community 1n which he continues to resi-de,

J. lf " Robson

Among the first ploneers in Siqan River Va11-ey was J. Iiù, Robson, a graduate of Guelph Agricultural College" lllr, Robson homesteaded in tolrnship l\ near syhere the Village of Benito now sta.nd.s, lïhen the Munici.pallty of S*an giver wâs organløed 1n 1901E Mr, Robson was elected reev'e end, served in that eapacity for a number of j/ears" His tral-n- *LI6Þ

ing in college hel-ped him in municipa.l affaj-rs and he rendered valuable a.ssl-sta.nce to the councilloïso

During the years Mr, Robson serveci as reevee a number of school di.stricts Ìvere organized throughout the municipality of Swan River, 1",ïr, Robson shov¡ed judgement CIn moï'e than one oceasion in this conneetion and his advi-ce was sought after continually. Robson School Ðistriet was named in his honour but became consolld.ated

some years l-atere . Mtr. Robson became the first member of the Ïvlanitoba ï,egislative ÂssembS-y to represent Siryan Rir¡er constitueney and 1n this capacity continued to serve the best interests of his constituents, He opposed the plan of the provincial government to a 1lne of government owned elevators anc-'ì, lost the support of many fa.rmers " Hís defeat f ollowed and a short time ]-ater he moveci ai¡iay from the Val1ey the interests of rruhich he had. served faithfully f err years. Sub* sequent events prc'ved that he had been correet 1n his judgement eoncerning the government owned grain elevators"

Dr, Baldwin

Ðr, Baldwin took hls normal trainlng in Bra.ndon anci. later taught in Kelloeu ï,/oodlands, Dominioqi Çity, and r¡tås principal of Cypress River Sehool" He attenderi medica.l- co1-1ege anc1, upon graduating, went tc Sr¡an River Valley in 1.947" He loeated in Benitn where he continues to serve the medieal neecl-s of many peoole, The treining and exlrerlence Dr" Baldn¡in had gaÍ-ned. as a teacher gave hiili a live interest in school administratÍon -l't 7* and teacher $/elfare. Tn Januaryu 1913, he became Chairman of Benito Sehool Board and less than a montli later the board- petltioned the council to consol-i-date Benlto Sehool Ðåstrået with three adjacent schooL distrlcts. ïvhen eonsolidation came into effect, Dr. ?ra.s elected chalrman and. served ln that capacity for a number of years" The first yeârs of eonsolldatlon called for lyritiatír¡e ano problems tvere constantly arising which demancjed speedy settlement" Largely through the lnitiatÍve of Dr. Baldrvln an eieht :'ã;ewe site was chosen for sehool grounds and after the bu.siness transaction had been conpleted a buildlng pro- grairme $ia.s begun, Trees and shrubs ïilere planted and grass

sowne Although Dr. Baldwin does not now take an aetive part ín school affa.irs, his interest remains and occasionally he has enrf,ched the school- mllseu.m b3? donations of birds and

other species " Dr. BaldvøÍn has taken an active,Ínterest in community and munlcipal affaÍrs and was promirgnt in the movement to have Benito incorporated" IVhen the v111-age became i.ncorpor- ated in l-943, he served on the mumicipaS- cøumcfl fcr a tlme,

&ttain¡nent of Former Princinal-s

1l/j-th the exception of e few cases principal tenure has been quite 1ow¡ in S'¡¡a.n River Valley and. in ma.n¡r cases , does not exceed three yeers . lnam;y ¡rrincipals left Sv,ran River Valley to take further tra.lning or to accetrt positi,ons elsewhere

r¿hich. they eonsldered to be promotions financially or otherwiseo Within a. fe'çv years they haci become feaders fn their respeeiive -118* fields. several former principals of seconda.ry schools ln swan Rlver valIe;r later beca¡ne Tnspectors of schools, The la"te rnspector s/, J" Hend.erson of Daüphin was principa.l of $,{initona.s sehool ln 190g ancl Tnspectors Norinan Robson

ancl B.obert Dalton ïrere principals of h{initonas and. Bowsman Union Sehools respeetively* D, S" iffoods was fnspeeton of schools with headquarters in Miami for a number of years and later jolned the staff of the uni¡¡ersity of Manitoba v¡here he founclecl the Faeulty of Education which he sttll adminlst#Fs,,; r a.s d.ean. . Another member of the staff of the Faculty of Ed.uca.tion is Ðr, H. L" steinu a former principa.L of Benit,o Consolidated Sehool" At least three former principals proceecred to the doetorate in educatÍon" Drn Ð. s" vfoods received hls doctor of philosophy degree from the Unversit¡r of Chieago and Ðr" H" L" stein anci. Ðr, Du-dley reeeir¡ed thelrs from the unj.ver- sity of Minnesota, several others have recei,r¡eci. their Ba.chelor of Edueation degree ancl one or two their r{aster of Education degree,

El-ementary School Teachers

several elementary teachers have hac long periods of tenu::e in school of Swan Rir¡s¡ Valley, IûÍss Armistead, one of the flrst teachers in Roa.ring River sehool. latetr rvas teacher of ,the primary grade in slvan River sehool for almost ti,rrentv, she helped or"ganize, in rgl.r, the first Teachers¡ Association to be formed in ,Sr¡¡a-n River val_ley" Othe¡' tea.chers who have tra

Oj;]¡er Éch.ooi ï"ead-q'Í s

Tire l,isf c¡f inoee'uïno i'rave pl;ayeil sotnÊ part irr rieter- raiiríi:g'ühe d"evelopnenb of'ed"i"rca'blon i;r S'Evan Ïllve:: Valie-. is tço tr insi u.d.e 1n 'o.he present sir.rdy* Bvery r.a*íl'ùet of eværy sehool boa.ret in SHan Ïr,,ir¡e:c'Va1ley ira"s playecl .eerire pari ¡¡.¡hetiier f*r good or ilI ii: tire d-eveio3;;ren"i af educa.tion Ín 'ì;ire ValJ..+;r, irr'lrj-le bhc poli.cÍee of lrrany scirool boards in l;?:.e past nave been ii:fluencecl- at tii¡res b;. tþe effoy'ç'i;o keæp tlie coet of eråueatÍon as iori¡ as possi.'bJ-e rvli;irboo ilf'cle :rega,rd. 'üo ti.ic ef ieçt, such pol.icies çoulct l:a.,ve on i;ire ciril.dseirssoT$e r;:elnbe1"s i:ravç end"ea"vr¿uææ& ;- secure the be,st service posøible r,sithor.rl; regard" to coet uÐfi,en ,.reir beeir opposæd. b;i o'i,Ïier ::lerû]:ers of tÌre board* r\rnong 'bhe iiren iffho sevvr¿d a,s chairruen on ecir'ool boards in Ewa.n River Valle y 'a,Te incl-uiled i,i.eesrr.s"i:{c1-L 1r?rtgh'i; antå.'I1"Corbe1,i; of 3ení'f a and. George ßr¿csei:iro1b çf liini'boî1ä,s" 'Jhese j¿en enrSea¡ro'*r"#r1 to e:xæca:,fue 'i,helr Ciu:i; effLcieiri;i.y anil i¡¡i'Eh fairness tr¡ 'beacnerss a.nô- Ta'úeptr,y'ef,s o

George Ílenor"lf ï,i.L,,.4. ta.icqes an i¡rterest in the lvoric o:fl tire sçhools Ín Fryan HÍver ''Ía,lLey" Hie a,ö:vLçe and" ãtq treely given at a,ny tu'ne, Affi a me,l:rirer: of lo'lae Se1ect üoin¡rif,tee af t'itæ i,ia;e.'r"'i;o]:a Legl*l.a'otti'Êrhe a'ssi$'l'ec" ín preSia'ring a. veplr'ú a' f e=r¡ yeays ago r*i.a,tive 'ço "hlre l-a.xger r-lnit of school aeþrii:rist-t"atioll*

* C nf;n:i,nd.e su,c c es s i; dt,: S l?ea.çli ïns l-rçct o:: ïf or o ïns ¡:ec-b J' " is givii:g a goorÍ- Leade:rsirip a.i:ci. ire úesi'rçs i;ha'b eci.uca-fiqrn tlilt con'bi¡rue'i;o c;i-e¡ræio*ii r¡itiri-n^bnç Sv'ran itivex Ta,iley'antï't-¡ta,t, aLI

FuFi".i-sliÍj'.\.\'itave e{i*ua.iíl3r of educa'ij.ona} opporbunj*Ey" ÜH-4F'ffiJH VÏÏÏ cöiiicl,u$Iolil

ç 6nç [r.r d.:ir.r g S f, af e"täel:t *

The *er-i.;r piorreers i;ook e yi'çaJ_ inbøtesh Ín esfabJ"ln;iit:rg an €ciueatislna.i ferr-:näa.tíorr ín Ss¡a.n Rfver 1¡a11elr â,T*& in pror¡iriing

*7t.e1.y çtrÍJ.dren qlitl: a,ir educa.liOi?,' 1#ithj.n recçn"b ï'ë'er# l;!ie'te lr.a.s been 'boo gr*a.'t, a lænd.eyt*y' tor¡'ra:lcl. IaiEssez fa,irr¿ anÔ.. titr* re$uit has beeir d.etrl¡ttcitta'l 't,o r¡d'¿ce'1il*nai progr€3ss j-on Va.r' iouc¡ fa'et ûr*r con'l,ribu'i,ing'¿Qffia.rd pqili rætarclat ira.yç beqn noted,* 'Í'heøe incluele elhort perÍtrdø of ieacirer t'enuÍ.e çíih t}:e sorrespond,Íng clran,ge CIf teaçhey p€ïsonnel a'nd Íirntruc- ti ona.l :nethOrås,laclç of aea,öerl.ic a,nä 3rrof emslonal preS:ara'e lon of ri'iany 't,ea.çlner*ra.ncl fr::regui"a'r: att,enda.i:ce of Srupij-s å."i; schço1" For tr¡e purpo$e of tlris repor b lrç at,'centpt, swa,z rùa.&e tc ir:11,1.a-te ã ltrÐgra.nne of '6esting* I{ad 'chie }:eerr d"onerthe rer:r;i.tø ruräoubt- eùL-¡ 1,(oulä iiroica.ted TnaL ruaIÌ)r pupllsl !ß.Õ- lteen pronto'e eci l'lheir;i ïf ere no'b ¿rrepareci.' Tirre væ'1,a"*ô.a,1;i.r,)rÌ Troulcl be grea'L'*ey

l, 'çha,t, e;1:o-'¡¡n by the stucl¡r of t'lne age-gra'd.æ d.istrÍbutlon" '!hæ tencrenc;ø for sonie teaclne1.s to a'Ö.here to th"e expreøeed r¡¡1.qhee of pareni's irr tl:e irra.t'i"ær of prorrÌotlon Croes not har¡e å' sa'çisîa'çtOi'y effect tlpÕ-Jl eäUcational &evei.opil€ni ancl nta.y grea,.'aLy retard, tne pï"OgTecB of the clrilil, Teacllers shoulá be irrfi..r¡encæd by ùiie a.biij.t'.y of '*he c.hiid ancl not by ürle sociai,

econrlr¡-íe ç)r politieal pr*tirinerrce of ti:e parr-:nts nor b-v- tne

fae1, tha.t ;oa.rerlt* lrlay he ïileÅr."aey* of tire scirrJói" 'boaru" fire loq¡ holeling por'.ter of ilie secondary school$ in

ßlva"ä Rfver' líalie;¡ ind-ic+.t,ee ttsa..i 'çnerq ie neeei. for grea.tær

a ñ,'. -Jt,t.,* *LzT* C'ifi' of the secondary sciroo3- prograúüir+" At, present rle ås ruacie Ín'ühe seconda,r¡r øchoole of Swan F.iver Va,iley for ån,v oeurse other than i;Ïre Genexa:- Coræseu Tn an aEricu.lti:r'ai d.istrict 1t rvouJ.d eeem appropràate tna'ç provlsfçn shouicl. be ¡nacle for irrstruction in Ägr1çui'úu¡:+rGene:"ai Í:hop ,€ufie. i{o¡ne Ee qnoirri e ei n Thc a,ç aird. 3irofessíonal s'r;anci,ing of a, ltfgh pere errt,age of teaeherw eut presen'o ernp1o;red iil school

çrs,hes certifí " [here is not a, cloee correlatlor¡ ]r,ehween ìhe econontÍc ahiilt y of the and the eff ort to make aö"equahe ed.uca"tlona.l. provlsions irr ma.ny disiricis, Sevr.:re,i r1.1elråctø iqi'úh hrÍgh a,ssee¡sal€nts nra&e smaller con'L'ributlonr¡ tolvard" t']re cost ef educa.'oion tlran do so¡ï1e dÍeltric'us ttith much logyer a,fißeßgr¡.ents" In våem CIf th€ wealth of ihe €.'rea' sone district*q hra.vê not be€n con'byåbu.'cing aecording to loce'i abllit;'r' l,ack of 1n'l,errcet lnra"i:d^ und€r*i;anding ofrtire problemø Of edueatlon çn tÏre pa.rt of äran;r tatæpayevø lta've prevent'ed grea,reï' educa^i;i"onal

Reo onmrendat i one

At, the thÍrty-sevenåh a.nntø,L conventj.on of the læac.l.erøt j.n Aseoeía..tíonrÐlvimion No*" 1r¡ Sc¡an RÍvçr Oet'ol¡erâ19€ e a Teeolutlon was pasøed urging the Ërovlrrcia..l Government i;o impterorent planø toward eøt¿l.bli*híng a Largex unit Of 'echool a,dminlstration in Sga,n River ValÏey" The es'6abliehnrent of such an a'Tea unåt would be an i.mpor'cant etep forwarct in tlre ecluaatlona.l develo1xtent of Ssgan Rlver Valle¡r and. wot¡1d gÍve greaþex eecurf ty to leacher,s and. pupll retardat,lsn* At, a tlae rlhen buÍldring prograúi¡nes are belng inltla.ted t,lrrougþout Sq¡an RÍvær Valley the a.dvisabj.ll"ty Ðf havfng a Compoeite High Sehool should be carefuliy' 'fhe 1Õl.ry irOJ-Críng pÐ.¡ter Of 'úhe seconç1al'y øchOoi,s íi: SWan iìiVer VALiey rile,¡r þ6 a,ttriþut,eci partial}y to li:e fact' 'ohat htgþ scþool stuclnf"rß f eeJ- t.irat fnally øubj ecta the;r muøt stuo-y will lte of little ta,Ltw f o therü"ïYor¡ieion ehouJ-d. be i¡rad.e to øatiefy the i:eeds and interc.ste of a great'er irUnl¡er Of seçOn&av y øcirOol ettxlents " There L;s need of i:npro''re(il4ilt$ in hca'tlir'gr1Íghting, 'ltgve anrl 'roOi.Let fa,cj}1tie.s in weves:a! schooia, strtt"a"þIe lii::r:ary f,acij,j,lies aircl- tire aÔcljtion of nei,'l 'osok,g a"re nee&ær] in man;r ,sclioei,s" .iir¿u1;ixnenl" elrflfleient, for inntruÇ',;1')n ln j"n G.rad-e rfÏÏ u.i:d. r/ÏÏÏ lj*ience EihelAi

Txisting 1rrar¿ua,llties oonir":ì.lri,ù" e t owarð. si'1ort 3reri oús o:fl tenu;,:'e an'l- eonsta.irt s?ti-ftiirg r:f 'r,ea.oire:' p€r$,onnei o 'ûtÊ yet"'ú-t, ]1rr"g Teen clcl:rirnen'baÏ to t:re pupllsrtea.cirerø and ',:o tire school dls'çrÍets" /i"e sa.,i-ary,seired.ule 1ryotl1íl c1ol:tuch -bo over- coiile exi.*t ing grievances *

Care shoulri be 1;n.içen 'bo elec'ü raei¿rire:re io .scirocl Jcoard"e! r¡lno ¡rl1-!.1 i)rCIgressive idças airä. tsho qtil.:L no{j l¡e gorrernad. iry exped.iency o.r: 'bhe d.csire to reduce 'uaxes iry securitrg eervLcee a,,$ chea,"irl y aÆ possi'ble, 3TB],T Üü]*\F]TY Sonl;e

13r yc e, ine P,ev ere:rcl. Geor:' I. 1",.'&åjÆEå._Ð,f 8iÇ, jlr!Sg*Ëg:*1{3}-}fu i onC-oir anci'J or on'i; o ; Oxf o:r dr'Unirr e:r s i t .-¡ ç'e s, l- I ?ö " Cor:h::anerÇ}earles i.:orrisrF,gr1jJå*'it¡gg._gLqrq*To:ronto:îhe i,tacliiillair ü0. r19æ '

T'o gtri ,lìa,r oJ.,1 ï/ " ,Ä*åg1-{g¿gå å{ggei¿åi¡1*i+iþ-åf.$Li*9-ZÆ S""*$S#g{æ" i-tegiira; Kingt e Pr i¡it e:':, 1-9i-S' líarrai1s,4.,l:a,,!lhe. åg-g_i41ågj4sJgF-UL: 1'finni1re€i; Tlte liub]-ic Press uI94û ' ¿ ì/\ l)A f\.,a i.¡{..}- _i'J3 ltù,- I ,l,ios"b on n.Crr th i¡r S *,A iIi s-t oÍl¡ -of* -!"f.f"=-*C-++atfri*¿s--T9jl;[ -Lø Lonúon: Tho*ias iTeieon dc Seine¡ 1i1'd." 'Ëutira,i¡ aird ili er , s uilir e¿_qL*1tr_-Ë.9,åg-qlË-¡p*gg1Lr_HS.y-iggg-_nr Br i"b j. sir üoît¡îîfufrn c^ir ür]ãIffir-ä'r:æ--tr;*¡a-'i:'¡ljdîä,îsân . Sirrr¡er¡ l.ìe-cort of the Cinc: iirnatÍ Sch.oois' CincÍünatf :3weau :-:_;-¡I::.¡.E _--:-f-=. of Govrcri-ì'ae-rtl -l?,e s ria.T' ci1'.Lvli{J ú gs&iþi¿Ê' ïy oods,- ÐavÍ cl sc o'i'ü r ¡ir_æg-*g-!n e 01rÍcag¡):Srivate ãèition aistrlbuted-ÞJeg!,1å*s:Fi{&L by t'næ * üniveãsi t,y af Chicago Librarl'eø u I9õS

i,ii s c el].,ane o ue iña,i; er ial Annua} P,€porte oi' t:fe- =-*-*-TEõ-5:ï9æ;ï/: ..."'# -efoqiL-c¿4l- "il:l$aï-tl-@j. i irn I ¡Je g : i(i ir sB ?r ir f e'r"

cens us og_Ërêl{Åg _BI lyi¡ag_efu }95€ú Ùt,t,a1¡fa: Klngt ø FrinteÏ I 1gffi '!p-qæLlT.e-*Slpt*ql1_-egL--?n.É-Ta1uat,f on of i1-ei:rqryr,Jeé,+ * rÎ'[an1'l'oba"=?ngJå9?c crop 3ul1etin of iire Depar r-¡n_çpå /!g1*-cultur e e:ttÕ. l',ar,r1E::-e-.i;ì-on, =''å{" -E*5:dp.;ll-¡:¡¡g?lt'r-i--9i_ Kinãî s-prïfter',ïii?-F'."

"ri g.LËeiå-rff gL. SÉ-qç-e*;-or,' f n i1 l p.,* s ; K i n sr e r. ? - u" *n*ro*o=u;!ggå 'lT 1i]'ú €1' ¡ J V '1+ o

=oî -tiiä K----.S--qr-q'jn$:,r'f.*.Fg-rrvt}g-o::--,Depar"fiir,ei:rtsofSÐcj'aiServ:].cer:nf);rvanget]ä'i'r. iiéîã-aî',ï¡¡t- a.nÕ Pxee,"o;:{,eri+:.n ü}iur cnr*s' ¡1914" j'+r'i Ë.f ver í'i; or e ana ne;¡'i st æxLt:a'e "ú* E fqp_""&}-gg- -*-*L"$,*ygP uffi_Yl' '-Ëd j.çrl. j.bra'r Ïg1.5, f UäÇðn f iie irl i;ire Pr ovi::rc T ¡r,iegi sia tir¡e 3ui. 1 ci.i-n g,ï/5. nii i P e g'

^\bti* -13S* ïiapubll shed trÂeter åal" Senf t o ]îielx sotio ol student c or*nc li .as s ea åe.t L CIn, ¡r_åzu!-gJps&r l" $40e

I,{lnute__3_oo_1çs Isunicåi¡alI$unicåfral tlC of ouneil rMånfnl,fånft,ona,s t,c " SÍ},}Ée_åSk of sehoot Boerds" -":.- Roarlng Rlver W'oma.n¡ e Suffrase Âsøoeie.tåon, !fi,n_iJkl*,e* s]-gJ,g" Sahool. EegLst,ers sÍEOrcrffifðv s¡V$ XÏG.flffiddY üopy Õ¡' Ðoet&ffiIrr ng¿r]rl{G r0 r'tr¡¿ rn¿Ðrl r}T sr'{lúii Rrvi,ffi Ðrsrfir$r

00]ú]PARATIVSj sTÀT'rf,',"rrïÏuff*Tflålå*ffäu03. ffçTA$ RTvrß ÐT$.J&Tuir ftãrTJBrqs

OuT 1å 6t" Our is 6ä 1So" di ß' S ¡ ll . 9o pe ,,1 Sadgers prfme JI BÐ2 n3 á d 6 i r) l8 effiiülÕn eså'¡65 11 t 6 ÉÉ 11 11 T 1ä¡ I p Sears,.b1aek grrfuie &2/6iE8 1¿iõ I 1051 1?0 L2 c€ffiûon L6/'si 1? 1ð 16 s3 r.6l Ls þrw;:r prf"nc 82,/6s 60 9? L0 ?Ðl 11õ ;5 ctffi'Jion L6/3l 6 4 L? g 6t 4 1? {9 grey Srlse s2/6!1Ï l.? 1Y 6 ?4å låCI Ð eceüfl,CIn 16/ði 2 I L2 Þ te & tr Seavers la.rge prfuie 'l/ " 8ßZ 29L A I ?8e! 2rl6 e) 0Qnffilon ß1'6! ß L0 Þ i ssl I L6 ffi ei:ie,il" 7/ 1 ê4'? ¿ 3'ã;6 I I eael ði.0 16 " 6 eorEriðn 8/'6J æ Is J?f, i r.æi /,(, TJ Cast,cr rm, 2ã/ 4L Þ reoj 1ö? 1"0 "l i5? ! €ÉÉf Srrnin*,s 3urläe È,"ie' I 1"4,4 ii. t"6 _ã Ì póÕ 1-2- 4rei +&v 4 f'lslrers ¡",rfu+e re/"l?o+ ¡ Ë e eriuicxl e/ 1? ¡ry Y L5 1?;1 r€ "{t- -:: Fexee såiver Srlnre 22a/ ei Ð 55 lzl É'á er0sÉ cæ/imsn 2V I I t" iri I 1 pr5*ie 42/ "l,l 91 391 2 I zøl fi4 L2 red gri'mc 6/ r)()ß3. 6 ssa! Lfl ttilrurr I €ffiä.rÐ3X B/ "Slc:t 1ä ioì þ iñi g*1Í'çe al't/n t .i GÉ- I <'l :i; 3.4 o T1aæee Árctåc *) l6 :__ I 6 ¡ e?0¡ Fo¡res Kåf,e gråne 6/, heøç 49L L4 ! 641"j Lgz Þ 7e L,56ræes Pr$ae 9/t6iõtB 1ã1 t tti xs6i eOïrfß031 4/,el 6 L I o | æøoj ï[erterrs pt.å:rie Lã/ , hegl A4{) 1þ i eee¡ E¡0J" 10 eQalinon Ylt6l rs t* 1? 6 ¡5¡ l" 1? 6 ntf.nice ,gr*,me 5/ " f g90 222 10 I zz+ø. ã6r. 1S conmon 2/t6i LQ? L2 L5 rss¡ 1g- 1q þ ,TL2 I,2L9?,6i llusguash Frine {e 2S480 52*H ç3 rye 60Q l"E) I rruol 64 L5 e ffiEn0n Ic ? rÈt)e?^ -* þæ i" srei 44a 6 Oôterg -eurinre L'll'o I !t: e0#1110n 8/t6l ffi 10 LA 6 44 Ëkunks prímê 4/,"1298 59 12 i ?,?,0, 2/,( s2 I Ëwans prfune 64!n lilel TÍeençekes þ tú **: t l¡tt eontånr¡eci on the f011ewiri8 le,8æ

-fB - *L29- conæÁfi.A'Jrvfi s['"åTinfiE]rr Æ{Ð vAtriATrON 0Ï p;nTuRtî,Sålg6l. 8€ lg62 coÏ{fr Ð

ouT l8 61. oüff lå 6a ItTo* S ß' ldo 8o t ' I T'folves 5lrJrle pòr i T'7l Yg9 sòs þ gt q Hol"verånes Srl.n€ ç 4'I 18 c orrErlon I Åt'Í I Ã" d Bongues ,,StlifaLo 4ã q rd q 1 Bobee ltrùr,re: ! -I 990 498 i 2L 6 I,'Íoegesklns laæge i:3 t s$aLI *J Gl Red, deerski"ns large -*l õ I ã emeå1 -J L & 3:üf,fal"o sklns l8 2 1L

t 6'¿sstr 51"66 F3E i

I$otes.rTh6 faeegoing ls a capy of a, d.ocr"ment w}¡Èch was fournd affiorig the rrelns of oLd }-ort PelJ"y a. færy yee'r*i -eglø frf¡ås d,oe r.atent J.s ln the possessf.on ef l,:rs'3crr;rnScnltos3{anl* Sndlåsh men€y 6a$ useC- 1n 'çhe transaet.¿one* fne flrs-c¡e glves the vaiue ln ehl,lllngs anci tWo pence Per pelt" Th@ second" ceLtmn lå*s'r,æ tTre nr:mrber of peLt,s' Th,e thlrdrfourtlr anó fåfthe eo].wi33s list the ou*puic ån SiounclershJ.llf"ngs and two pence',?h€ ne:ct' col"r¡ms¡ åe tnc nr*r¡ei of pólts f,or t'he year 3&62, and the l"ast tlnvee eolffi$ns gfve the eost@ ' -i:uselua*h. is tlie Ctee $ayci" fos' ¡¡.rffii.erat ç¡hiie 3)roi:a.bly ryø,y be a r"nf øspclJÍ-ng of the Cyee na;trLÊ "ieei:,çskeliien gr o ur¡k ntæe.nin g unc1.*hog " Tlre v¡rs,tÊir il.a.rk of 'çl;e d,"ilcl&l€nt ås T Ii j,gr30" ilEsr XlCNffittr Bemiirlsc€ncee of a Plorreer

3y ia,n fiawæ

rrÏn the month of Jtrne leæ aecompanÍed Try a netghbor and equlpped srith a team of small poniesse. buekboard.ra" of . oa,tsra fçw loavee of breadra, side of ba.conra fr¡rån€ Þar¡e a, tea.pot and. teara ba,r of soap and tosrel (tire-latter ãrt{e¿es used the least)rwe slarted th.e long trek frem Southern ,lytanl* tsbe to tire country thet we fully expeated. wou.ld be the means of lnereaø1ng our worlclly poseeesLons; detenr¿fnecl tha.t no obetq.eler6peat or siaallrwould. be al"loweê to turn us aeld.e from ou¡' obj eetive' The greater ¡lert ef our j ourney was accompS.lshed over roade that trere ln aår eondltionåesneldering tlre eond.ltlon of roads generally at the above d.ateubut, pase*ng the t,own of Þaug*rtn and. steering a eourse in a nor*h-Weøterly dlreetåonu çrosslng the TÍflson and Valley råversewe etruck a, gtavel rfclge bl;,.a,h for: eeveral slles afford,ed. eomfôr"tä"bl¡ê+ drlvíng and pS"ea,eant seenery" Finally rie reaehed the end of the rf ctge and strrrok the tra.ll that tosk sE ôTer the North*3aet end of the Ðuclc &iorrntatne and at long last landed. t¡s at tÏ¿e 3avel Rlvesrrøltuatcd in tlnæ Ee'æbern enCr of the Valleyra"nd øae instrrwrental in aeslstÍng the late H"Har}-ey fn ereei;ång Ëbe+tðnåÉ tlra,t did d.uty for receåving and rcesrdång Homeeteaå en*rÍee ae wclL aø lmpaæt,ång fnformatlon ae to lande that were ;ret avaj"lable for entry. Sefore paeøing on to other phaees of a. Påoseert e e¡sp@r* iençe let, zne say tbat the trall over the mauntaine wae quåte frcquentS"y lnterseetcd by nud holeeuwater hoLesr_stream.s and rivereeov,€r v¡hlch there not been constru.etecl elther cor* elrmoy or brådge and to j udge by ÈÏre rma.rkE earved on the treee by the wayslde by semæ of the påoneers whCI had Smeceded. usrthe oúerseer óf tne erork of cutting out the traf.i a's qreLl as those øho did the work Tfere plalnly tol"d to go t'o that plaec where the ç&rr€rs thougbå they ehoul"d be. Thc fl"rst nf gf¿t ln tne va3.ley was epent at Èhe tente whåeh at thet tine rferc tine heaâ.gr,aartere fsr al"l who ee&âc Supper over and. the ponles attendecl. torth.ere being conelder- a¡iä sunlåght left uãrwe deeided to s/alk to the t'op of a large- nifu *n thã d"åstanee táhere we expeetect ts have a þetter Ylæ of tnã-"ount,ry to the srestwarelrbut befsre reaching t'hc. h111 we ctrüibl"ed en a.-eir*ne of tetåg,a5lh ølr€ mueh ef-whåch wae buråeci rmd€r eeveral ylrái*- æærtlt oã räng gragß and onLy at great" dågtancgs Ttag tnere a pole stand'1ng@ @Gø4soøø@ao6eeaø Ieavång tile- tentä ths iopos'fl'g xaornlng ??d armed' showlng the land.s ava*La¡fe foñ homeetea'dångrwe fel"Larøed a trafl narkect-äut-¡y teame anei wagonø aarrying ,eu¡lç]les t'o prevloun øæile to-thã hoiÕlng of tile the $wveyöre the ;i4-a& "'íl@ 'bo ïÍhÐ lïas Ðne of She flrst' eettlere Plmf+" anå ]¿Ð"t,@'f'/m.Såf'úqn púutt bø tire øæed a s-*w"LL eeleÐ,geuusíng an ald lOng handlcå turn sóArø,wfng by hand-and coverång tlre øeæ& by areane of Ùraå}ång &æad."breee shafned. togeÈirer åir plaoe af a'Mærw" leavång tire SåfÈçn f,æurøtea*rwe con*ånue¡í. oi:r @effrer*:eøån 6 t!¡e ffiol}lng and, s,lE'an Båvereuwe atàe:apteå to make our way nçrtha

*L&J^* *L&ã* been ånforroed thêû gåod åand, was to þç ha,d, in ÈÏre Bows* san 8,åver dfetrÍeÙuinat after wendlng our wayetvlstång a1¡sut to shwt s]"ougþs and, hay ¡readswsrthe tEaåI 3trsyed too muolr for o¡jtr ponf"es and we reluerlan"biy turncå ba,ek and. Srleked, up È ol"å nerth Felly trail leadång ses"hçardusearehlng Èhe eoutrtry for lanå tlrat s&t$ed aß $e groeeeded* HalÈl,irg for tiae nlgþt and tetlre:lLng our ;ooníesrÐtåT' nex'b cðre €a,s glspBÈr{, oôoee@oe eeø&øo ÏÃy traveiltng eoraSe,nåCIn and feålesy hornestead. seeker was tire Sate Rlehard Sta" of t¡¡"nor¿ T shal"l gf"ve rusye peæt5.* otúarns Later* The shadw ea'*sed. by the sånkång sur¿ bd¡ånd f' ifåt1 rest,e,i- on 'bire ryomrd we had seåe*te$- for ËiiJr futi*re hsme ålrat eonSrriseå tiræ ifort]rJrÍest and iforti¡*Es,e'ü of õec'oåo.n ä ui.n 'lmrnship ð5 and Range 29* Senre tSrfrty rnåies ån-berveneå hettgeen o'ür seieotå')n and the land. offfee arrel CI'rr.T eirief eonocrn Ëvas to reaelr Èhc Offfs€ as eluLekl"jr as groes$,ble les'b goínß earLier jrÍ.rd hact gobbled. tire gsrrn" TherefÐr@ÐearJ"y ån the.mornlirg we e oupì.ett the pon*es to tire þuckbearå ln whlelru st+n' up lrolding tlre Ii¡resrthe ponies cherrnpång *irelr båts, we gavË üirree;:rorlÊing eheers for sld Thuncle:e ÏÍÍã-L and were eff in a flasir far air ånterviryg rvitir .bhe Lanô ageÞt at Srcadquart'ers wlro*wlren -tre a¡rrlveqlri.nformed. us that the clal¡ns ge harl seleoted werè stíll open for entryrancl wftlr Srands a Sfttfe shaky frotir anxietyrwe subeerå1¡ed gr¡r-nar¿es to the forrus that ¡nad.e ue ruastere of the" iand already deserÈieerf.rand. tlren bega'n SreSmra'Í;ions f or otæ ret',.lrn j otrney to ottt ho¡ues" To sur 1¡odies for the tr:lSlewe trvere fot'tuna"be in eecuring t'iuee smp,lt }oavæs *f hread.rpa,yÍrrg ?5 cent's f,or caeir loaf*& o é.,o,' uil

dtÆ -i:.(4i.X, ¡.'

lT*Èer-The êüÇ€wnt tryas eoplrett from a e1å teieen fror¿ rtflhc Benít,o ]Ievfew¡f ua weehiy -æ,p€r noÈ næy publ*mheri,* The ei'j'ppiirg was kÍndJ".v fss''ed' tire qae of Èhe first esuneå''ore 'vrååer by ïr{r"iÍayfc ryiro ÕrÌe of $wan n¿vãr ã**e iilruniclp,J.tty* ^L88* rr$rgan RLver Valley: Ite Fast rFreserrt and, I'uturerl

3y A.J "Cottonoswa¡a frlver

u-Igq þesepl_e .A,fter se.,,'en y€ars of settlæ,ent a.nâ prosperitffie'æñËtand. on the sirúr¿¿'tj of Ðuek l¡foun'baåns andr take anotlrer l"ook over the vaLl"Êg"Ifolry changed" How w€iå ee&tled. Ehat evlel-encee of Sirosperft;r. Wc Tra¡re-1:,Trq 1åne of thc C.,N""llwa.y wÍnctrtng Èhrough the Vslle¡rrthe grow'ing town- of T¡ilnltonasrtlrc alrosperous taq'sn of swan Håverrthæ, råsång yorrrsg tmsn of Sgvrsnia.n" ÞTe see t:he n t swan Rlver*?hunder Hi.11- byancJ;" graded su* 22 miies and the steeL being leíd. on lt" ['&-is ril].L the farmers of t]re Valley prôsperÕu^s;a.nd the såte of thc firs'e tonttrsglJår,¡-c FlaLneonfne nifles eouth*weet of Sgan Biverris eurveyed., Thfs wíiÏ he thc most fuiportant, tæn on thíe næ¡ þra1çh llnersu.rreurldec by tlre flnest wheat dis*ylcts øhereu tneieie of sl"v" J¡earsra ullJ.ion br¡,shel"s of wheat s¡iiL be aar* kehe&" Thle nevf tÐsirn is alread.þ in rieed. or new storeeshatrd* y ax ÊPr 1 åver ;r s tabLes s ba,nlç 3 clruggl s t, d"oc'o or * blaoksml tlr, ã,n d. boa,rd.fng hsu,ses, Fhcre ls a first-eLase openÍng for åll enterS:råses for _a. gooé-sízed. tosn" llrÍs toq¡n ie baeked. by a sell-settied and, srealthy faæmlng d.istrf et, fltere ?råLr be-tsro füor6 -qld.L¡rgs ancl a good. site for anoilrer te¡wn near the hsnre of J.lT"RobsonrM"P.P. fhere e"ve nw 8p sehosls t*p ln the valt eyr and. g post offi,cesrcaLled-ltinl'b_ona.soffia,n RåveFsBcñTsma.rxrrfdsäonãryrari¿ne* tg**ThunçLcr TILll ¡Ðurbanr3enl bo'ketérla" Tháre aæe tsro munj.l' eåpø,3åt$,es re, Ðomlnf orr ancl a ¡rovlneia.l sonståtu€nÇrre we shall €¡çFort tliis fatl fu.L]"y ã00a00€r buåhel.s of wJ:æat, of high grad.e' The erop$ have beän enðrfleus" Thê faet, f-s the.t ecareely ?_poor erop ls to be eeenuthe wlreat yåe}êång alL tþe vay f,rmr-2õ u.p to 60 bushels per aðreåênd- otlrer gpaiñø,., have kææn exe ept'ionally heavyn CIats oñ (sectÍ"on fr,obert-fisruonetr e tetytrt 6rtoviãshtp õ5-nrange- i¿W"rln the H¿11 df.stråat) averaged. J"Þ0 bushels per a.c'e* flrreehf,ng wriJ. metl,i Ç1rrls,ünas* noû be ffn.J.shcd. flre lancr. rn tke val.Iey f* ?.3rigrr-elaos-ãñä*" grarn landu moetly scrub lan¿' ïrut easål-y ãrought curtåvatj.on* fs roLlfng,mre* watered niiå rt ptentyrerreap r"ur¿berrts Ftgiü-"iluårurhas firemood ån ereii *i.ãrtäs:uãlåÃa ad.apted to t,.e grr¡qrtlr of fa'li w?reat"- ^å J"arge e,creã.ge of, tl¡is--u,æ*ã*r* eere*l ha,s .Ðeen this falr. and gane ewred h*s ínto #¡.ntãr rn exeeil.ent co,,_ dLtJ"orr" Ífnoth;v a.nd. ctover ¿o growa weLr; á;*li fr*tts alse can be l,n abr¡"¡rdanceuand apples a.e well" Tflr"L{oneees gf soicl #tu¿oo sf strå'w-a*"äåäu rrcm 3orqsr¡Þn øæa#orìø .favarecl niã p*t"1, d.uråi-ig rhe past tfls ar"e s1ili eal"mvçt""¿'¿ futlf'¡;* srlnteisçv¿r,&ers a"nd geareeLy @&@ @ @s øø&ø c e c)&a.,"Ír any

Ekte tçr egofng ez<"braø* ffias publlehed laæmer ån fhe 1lor¡ *1yest oÐeeemrber å0 åIgOF * nC;¡ XïGìWüitV 3:S.,.A1TS 0F THÆ COffiTCTI,S OF 'fi{E ilIUt{IcrFÀT,I:t'y 03 ¡{Ii'{r?01itas

fr¡e foi.lenøing a"te eopies of bylaws taken fronr rcasrds kept ån the ffles sf tire i,¡ir¡niefpal OffJ.eeuïit-lnitonas. I'hey, consi,åerable informatlon relatlng to thc arganl-zað1on and. fånair* cing of sehCIo} distrÍcÈe*

3YL"êJ'ÊT r

By Lavt of .lr,IinitônÐ,s }Iuníei.oaiity for tire pw-grose CIf appofntlng a $eeretary*fþeas FÊr ø =r'thereas lt åe exped.ient and neeessary to have a clerk who wllt keep a record. of the busåness transaoti.on of the eouhcå} And. rryhereae it ls also n€ce,€$ary to have a treas*r'er -rçho s1111 recelve and. d,ís.Iturse t?re iaoneys of tlre munieípalfty ãlhe,. Cou¡reå} cna.cts thah tSrese two offåces ehall" be eornblned. and fflled by sne and the sarae person vrho shall þe knostrn as Sccretary Treasutrer of munåe1;oality øho ehal} frrnleh satfsfactory bonde to tlre aourreil" The Cou,r¡ef1 furti:er enaeås thar? 'çhis bylaø shall eorûe J.nto foree by e}"eetlng lfi"L.tlao C"North bs tha"b offlee at, a salary of dolLa,rs f,or the rmaå of this yea.y t'iri.s ?nd. døy eif July å901" lilm,C "Nortlr Ð*Dur¡n CLær]r' Beeve

3gJfrV K Respeetång heaåt'h off*eer Ilbereas i.* Ls expeelien9 anð. nesessary to irave a heal"th offlcer appofnted. fsr 'bLtæ yural munJ"eJ.3:a1ùty of }Í1tråtCInas ftre neene an& Co'ur:nell nolif ln sesslon assemþled. enaete as foLlorEs ?hat,DrsÏ,ånenå#t of Ssan frtver be the heal"th offieer of thùs murieÍ5n11t'y This e oar-€s ånto effest on d.ay and da,t'e of paesång' Ðsne and,'passed. tlris 25 day of July L9CI1" tffm;Norbh Ð"Ðlrr¡n Secty'-?Peâ's, Re€Yd3

^Lßb^ -Ii3O- ASSHSSI,,ümIT 31[,Ag ãrI lTlrereas It 1s necessary t,o )aave a by3.aø to fix the rate ancl iterulze tSre sw¿ to be leyied. for the varlous prr"- poses Ín the ïi[rü]fcípallty of }IfnfÈÐ:ûas The Couircå1 legal.y organÞ,ed an& ln sesslon he-reby enac'bs t'lrab tlre folloqJing shall be the ar:rounte for the pur- poscs natned, for ihe year 1901 vic

t',{unicfpal Tax 6 ro1l}s on the {l General Ssh.ooL Tax 1å mills en fhe {Ë 0onunÍssd.oner Tax f mllls sn ttre fi Speclal ,$ehooi fax for ÏvlÍnÍtonae 'l nllls on the 4l for ?.fest l'a"ve} 4å nåI1s on the {j; for 0akh'r¡ret 4 ¡ai1ls on the $ for l,Ídstone 1å mille on the {i Sfatute Laborers åiil 'tr0 Thle las siraLl eolae i¡rto fsroe on da,y anrd date of passing".Ðone and. gnsscd. thÍe 'l day of Oate"i:er 1901" Tilm,C "ITorth Ð"Ður¡n Seey" 1'reag " Reeve

39,{Tl x}í A pætLt,J.on ha"ving þcen sígned. by I" trþaser and. obhers pra,ying the forrna,tíon of the a,bove d.isårÈet and, the council Sraving aocept,ed Snseed the same at a former meeting the fol- lenring by3.av avas Ïmssed." 3e 1È enacfed. f,hat a school d.fstrict be for¡aecl of the f,o}løvLng secûions "3L a,72 d33 sß4 pA1 aã0 s?g aæ r7rl s26 ,2Ð eZL e22 e N-bP,ãrSîTåzge15 116r1? u8 39aN1V-À10rTp,5?eTT"26 t*o be knawn as È}ic Se1r¿ont,,Schoo} Ð @ m¡1s bylarv to eo¡ne fnto operation oo tlre døy and. d¿te of åts gmssÍ.ng" Þone- a,nd passed, this 6 d.ay of May L90e" 'iïm,I{orth ItuA."Kat'son CLçrh Ohalr¡na,n

NoÈea*3€Imon'e SehooI Ðåstrict ås now called tropper Bops Sehooi DLsÈrfet' -1"3?- B:[,4?l XX]rV

I'ort¿Lng a Unlsn Schoo1 Èo be l*aryryn as Bcrfirsman Unlon SaisoaL DistrfeÈ I{o*

Whereas a byS.atr was lnseed, by this lfinl'bonas Tr¡iunfeLpa,l Oouc¡cti ön the 'ltkt My of Ootsber lgoe foræing a echsol díãt* rfct to be icnown ae tire lïoody Rfver Sehool" Dists'Lct ¡Nnd ffi¡etreas the foLlowlng sections nere d.etaehed by resolutfon of tjre Colrnefl" on Jul}r J.Ith lg0ð fuoi¿ the eaÍd.- tfoody Biver SchooL ÐÍetriet f oy tlre purpoee of for"ming a ¡mion sch,ool disùrict to be kn@n as tlre Bæls&en TJnion Ð1sÈrået tlrat ís eectlons 25 alnd. 36 in Tp"õ? B,"Ðtl and. s@e- tions l and 1ã in Tp.&Rã2?ra3"so sectlone 6e6r?€ 1n ßp,& R,ã6, And. whereas SyLañr 24 jlrad never þeen aeted, onsrxo trustees havång been eleeted. and, no school house buittube åt enacted. and ít is hereby enacted lgg that bylaur 24 be ressÍnd.ed,r2nd. tlnâ,i.thc foliorving sectfins of lånd be glven to ,form a ïlnåon S4hooi Ðlstrfeû t,o be knryn as 3@sraan ïlnlon Schoo1 Dletriet No" vlz sectlons 2F and õ6 tn Tp"õ? fr,.ã?osecåf ona L anffiþ"& R"2ï seeúl,ons С6, ? sB in fp'& R"P6 a Ðene and. ¡nssed in Ïtlnåtonas 0srmoll thfs .3l"st day of ,&ugirst 1909i ffm"C"i{orth elerk"

B][.Al.Y ÏJ1üIT I{oter* Brle bylaw 1s noÈ reprod.uoed. here" It øas cnaeted. on July 24s1906 and. made provisisn for an assessmenô af 8 nflle sn the dsLlar for aunioignl pÌÂr:ooses and. 4 ruå}ls for Gene¡"al Seh.ooi Taxo SBecfal Schosl Tax

F, 1 l,f d,stone v2 nålIs on the & Egremont +þ mLlls on tire & ¿, 3æ¡sr¿an Y on df, mflls thc JI BavenslÍorôh 10 mflls on çlre Þ &oaring Biver 0ã' måIie QI\ the fi ¿,$ n[inltonas 6 nÍils 0n the üÈ 0ab3iurst, 6È 0n ¿,Þ mlil.s tire CPit CD ffest 5'a,vç3 r+: mfil.s Õn the ,¿ on tij X'Ioradal"e I æåiIs b]ne ii Cropperf eips l8 nsfl]-e Õn the ri Kernuieh, l8 raåil"s 0n the ft uGm XlGIffiffdV C0lrTSOtrTfAffON 03' S0i{OCILS IN S1#'A}i nIVfß V"ef,L,JÍy T'he fol"l"orving e1a,te, s,rere taken frona the efffwlai &.lnu"bee of the eour:cåI of t'}re F,ural" ï,trmlcf.3xal"j,'by of ssair B.i.verufÞeq the mfnu,tee of Benf,tcr sshootr soãrdoaä.d. from re;oorts of eouncf.l nieetfngs pubJ"lshed fn fhe Star and 3f.rues gSrva".n Båver " nÐæcmber 20rJ.91å; 3[oved. by Councii]-or IIew€sseeonc3ed by touneåiiçr Goldsnf tkt uttø.t",,tlre reeolutLen fr:orn tÈe Erus'cr+es of , Bor-rn;ivlew and corbett Ðåetriots be receåved. and. l"a.ld on the ta'ble and tlra.È no fwther actlen be taken b¡r eouncåI tsrt,ii slriiia-r reeolrrtloÍ¡Fi ê.r:,€ ree efved fræi the- trr¡s'çees of aLl" othcr sclrools lntercs'oed groposec sonsoLlde.tlon ¿*h¡e,b ln the a,n& tlrc elerk notf f3r e.J"J. gurtses rorÀçerned,rtl stSe?rrua.ry S rJ.93""5; l,[oved by Counc*ilor ßl¡ns oseoonci,eei. by to'øneåilcr Iiaw$on obbqlt a byJ"a+i conËolldatlng the Rural Sahocå ÐistrJ.ets of Se¡rltos3otxny' Vleør0orbett and Faæson- vfl"å,e Tre nsg lntrod-ueed a.nd. read. a flrst lla*"¡¡z st3el¡nuasy' 5, J.91å: ; I{oved. b;i' 0ouncj.Ll" or Sùns usceon.ei,ecl, by Cotrncåilor IÞwßonut&at æ by3.a,tv eoneolå€la.tång Slle RwraL selrool- rrístríc'cs ef SenitÕ sBonnln¡iffi , 0orbett ne,nd. pa¡rss¡r- råiLe be- taken ae read a sécond"and ðtrtrcl ti¡äersi.flãd., eea.led, and ntmbered." r,õ rtAlriL ãâ; ffioved. by 0ouncl.itor Ðawßonrseconeied h;i' Couric*lior Goldsr¿å'çlrrtha,t tlre pe'cftlpn of, the trustees of üentraå VaLlçyoÐurbau ran6" ÞetorLa Sjchooå Ðlstr$.ai;s asklng for cCInselidatåon be taJeen r*p at the next reguieæ meet$,ng of the ceuncii a,nd, lha.t thc çlerk notåfy tirc [þusteee of .fi,sbson Scþooi Ðåstrict of tlie a,bove,sr4 ß,å3rrli ðCI uI"91õE :ï[oved. by Couneåilor ,5í¡nsrseeonded by Councf:il or Youngo th.a,b . a'tryJ.avr eonso3"Íela,ting the Sehool Dlstri.cts of Ðtmbe"n ufu etor la, ranð" Centrai Valle;r be nosf fntrod"ue eÕ. a.ndt yeaå. a flrst tl"lue"116 tt.April .80 r3.91"õ;3,[oved by Oou:rc$,i.]"or glms usecond.e ö. by couneiilor Yeungrtlta,'ç a. byla,vl eonsoLida.tårig thã sehool ÐLs* trlc*s of Ðwbanus-etorla.ranû.Oentrai va.lJ"ey be taken as vee,ô- e, Éeeond. s,nd. thfrd tLmersågnedueeal"ed åné numbered,*r,6

, L t oseph A:nmsÈrongr0S.erk¡liinutæs ef, Couricå:. *&Lry3,ksÆ igs*å*JryååSx==qS""Fg*es,=Eæj2 rbfd ;i J þl-d. î* rbåd å Tbtå 6 fb¿rl

-1ã9- -140- flÐeeernl,er 2,0\9L22 Movecl by E"Sruf 'bltrseaoneied, by Ja,mee H"3cs'ç 'ü3na"'6 tlie board pct,ítåon'*he eou¡rell to eon$er3åda'ee Seni'lo Ðlstrict Ilo"14æ r¡i'bir the feilorv,lng

di s'[r i c'u s e Bonny V å eç,¡ 3 F" obs eR, Faæ s onvåii e, 0 or bet t * Cary ls, d.¡t ? tlanwt:y 2årJ,9L,r; Ïioved, by E"SnS.thrsee ond,ecl by h" 3e,1fuln tiia-t the boas'd petftiein the eeuncå1" to ooneç3"lela.Xø Senit,o Sehoc¡l ÐfstrJ"c'¿ vfl'clr tlrc follmt:lrig dåstri.ets rr r-BonnJr Våeq¡, C or belbt, Far e onv:lii e e Carr leci., I tnApråi 1"0rI.91fi; lüovecl. bJ, A,S, eorbettusecond-eci by S" S,Tfolden t]na,t, thc boerd. a,uthorlze tlre seer€ta*.y'-Xrca$urer s Je,roes H" fr:om 'che t.l["&¡ the pieäe of la.nd wesrû of thc town knoç¡n a,s the spor¿þt,' gbouncl. for the nec{ school slte' 0a,rrf ecl"fi I üOctói¡er 25 rJgL,3: Movecï by ll"HoJ. ô"en"second.eci by 4iæ*Corbetr) tbTt tire tenders for the purcha,se of tlre Bonny Vfqt -¿"nô, Qovhet'r, schoo1 !nopertJ¡ bc openéd,"çagLed,,r;1"0 ilJ r¡r¡e ?6 by J êffie$ H,Sest t'y uL91"3;Xlor¡ed. 'bomor¡rsr;;, E*Holclen trha,t lne trrrstees pa,ss a byLaw to #1tr0000 b3r tlre lseuj"ng of debcnåures to rwr over a" bøz,rn of 20$ p*'y !g {¡500 -3rríne ig:ai and- ånteres'ü yeer for the flrst ie years an¿ {þroo0 Ïrårrcipaï and lnteres;c fo$ the ræialnJ.nE 1"0 yga{sr!þe above na,¡oecJ. åelcenturcs to bear interest at g/li Ca"ffiJ.eci" nll 6i¡[arcir_ 19_r]"91-4¡S[oved. by fr.E, Corhet'b r second.ed, by ÏE, * 3ê,idTJln tlrelÈ the boa.r.é'aee ept thc offe.r of H"0r ]fieæa ås ós" of Tsronto of {þrgr?0'00 fàr tiräir {lrr ^0e10;0e) øi{,aæøe.n*u*u* "carr*q¿ uâtLZ iJFy ãJ.rJ"9f;0aHevert by N'Tfrå&tb'seconäed by ã"Sm$.th *ha.{; ne a'ceept thc add'åtton of the fol.lçq-ring land.e to our ctåetrlct from the Roþson dÍstrfc* p:rev:i.ellng the fiunl;åpgi cou¡¡cii granrr" $ern€ Y'ln os *w I "f _see"?ltp.ð! rrge"ãgf ir*ir- og sectåçns ãe rzø,anrÉ 8ÊZ all of sections æ a,nd.,õ3;,.west at A+ ;"d-Z?; ääå;:*"7 af E2 ån t,p*õ4efg€*Ê9,Çarpl"ed.; ttlã $ ttJ-o1y ï e3-g2l: Ir[ovecl. by R"&unoncosee onded. by 0,Farsons th'a.l; the aha,fuTåarl a,nf, secrctai;r be authår*ucd to ;ig,, a byJ"arø to givæ ti*le of Bobeon proper\g' ta It"iIaruJ.s*carråed.*r,L4

? ii{lnu.tes of sehool Bsard. of Bcnåto schooL ilås,ürlet" l¿inuj[e:- jgoJc" I ïbíd p. I irlnutes CIf School 3sa.rd. lrieetångrBenlt,o Schooi Conssij.c1e.j"ed. ItíEtrj.ct I[o, ].4eg aFuS *Ek"f.* 1"8 fbåit p"J"# 11 ïbícl p"9 lP fbicl. p"21 L# fbåd p"69 1"4, Ibj.Ç1 p€ ? uEru XlCtfrfrütr ü0ÏY 03 qu$sTrolä[ArHÏ] Al'l-D ll.CC0t![FA]ï1ÍN'c T,ã¡TT$R s3li'{r 30 ïHru Tr,ACHrnS OF S1VIA]S RTtr'Tl}I VAIT,TY

Bcnlto uManÍtob*u

lÍovmibe:r 2 eïgæ " Teachor o School,

'¡lritani t c¡þa u Deer Íea.cher r-

ï ar¿ makÍng a stud¡r of the levelopnent of fiduca.r;f on øithfir Swa,n River 1.ra13e¡r a.nd. a¡n devoting one chapter to t¡e Sssltilon of the Teaerreru .frs Í'b is n.ecessê,yyt"for nre to obta"fn cø't a' c onçernfng the prepara,tJ. on u quar*fi ça|iutt rs,fiö" exBerÍ.ence cf the tee.chers î- a;m foxr¡ y.ou a queståonrraíre f orm" would yeiu be so kinci. a,s to firr ín this form and yeïuyn ít lo ¡ie a't yotæ ee,rllest convenlence? The ð-ata, v¿ill be treertecl. s.$ e onficl.entla,l and no narûe wlil be published fn the report Ï a'm ma"king* T a'ra eendfng a. copy of t,hfs form t,o ereryt Eeae,,ey Ín Swan ftivee Vaile¡r" T a¡r encl0sfng a star*ped"rself-eôdressed. envæI*pe for your conveni ence ó Yours slrrcereiyu

J ohn l$"0larle , Senfto Cone olf ete.teii Schor¡l,

^L42^ ^L4f,-

PRSFAIT,AT I 01[ â f¿TIA.r IFT 0Af T rNS sANÐ EXïriRrþü'{C$ 05' ÎEACI{$}1S IT'T ST¿/'AN H,TVI,I, V"A"TJÆY

1{ar¿e age Certi.fíee,te I'luscber e,f Years fn preserr"b schooL


fI I{i$ -schoerls A-t,tended, Ad.drcse tr{trat Teare? Grades Ðipl"oma.s Í I I I t c

iUníversi'u¡,' or Years l,{qj ors nilÍnors Ðægree Year iOolLeee "Attencied.

! I ¡ i

2 FF.Qtr',llSS F&3:tPåfi"ATr 0]T " r üi'mÃ

ü ferm in CertJ"f:ì.ea.te r I',íonths recelvø,et ¡ *.---*: t I ¡ -* - -*.-,j ! *,*-***il. I I õ'$TJiiï'/Æfr, ñCHQOI, e0UA$liS AJ{Ð C0I{IIüS3O1[ÐE]TÜI{ nf0ruÍ

Courses Hgvrr anei Year lr'or øhat Ðlplomia ¡ recæived. *î I t **'it *J


4 . TSé.0ETN 0f 3l7,P$ Cï

Yeeæs Gracles Saåe.::¡r

i t i æ''e.

3 1 Í %!ft-l+

{ ^L44- Questiorrna:lre c ont,åi:u.ed. ó u lÍave you ever contrLbu6éd to teachersr ruagszÍ¡res? pLeaee glve F'artf ç'

6" Ðo yCIu, take an a@tåTe part ln tæa,elncr"sr r¿eet,*ngs? ?" llave grou ever a'ç'çcncieci the M'E.A, 0onven*for¡? I " you errer çarrie(i on e:(perl¡lental ?rCIrlç af a.ix ecluea* tlonal nature ln thc olaserÕem? GÍve part,i.culã.rsa

9' "Are $ou earr;llng on experluental r,o¡orh at, present? Give

Srerticulâ.f s o

J"0, Are y'ou. tra,:irred to gíve standa.rdí2,æð" tests?

11" .åre SrOu tra.inr¡d to glve nenrta¿ uee*Us? 1F-* Ðo you teJne Ba.r'h lnoand guld€rthe play activåtles of thc priplls? * 1õ' S¡hat su."l,1j ect,s elo you prefer to teach? ån orçler of ehoJ,ee' (r )*.***(s) (s) L4" 1í,!!ta.L grad.e* d.o you. Srrefcr to t,æa.ctt?

1þ' Kre ;¡elT¿ fralned. t,o teach muslç $.n ¡reur school? L6* T{}t:a,t musical lnetrur¡errt cls yeu play? l"? " tri-et a.R;a f ç¿chlng ablitt you ¡nay poss€ßrs t'}ra.'ç aææ nö{rJ åncl"u.d.eå' ån the q.uestfon¡¡aire" -145-

Benlto u1ianå'loba, l$over¿lrer 15 ¡L9@ *

Teaclner u

I am rna.L

J ohn N"Çla,rk, Benito Csnsoii.ii.ated Sclrool' -L46* ^âr[iÍïNrsrn"eflr0N 03 s0i{CI0}s II{ SYYA$ RfVlffi VALÏ,trY 1o Nanr¡e of Sehooi P. lÏunber of Seheol Ðåstriçû õ, trTar¡e of Fri:aci:ra,l Õr Teacjrer 4" le tite 6ohÐor (") rbæ*e (b) bråek (n) stone ? pLease uncler- Llne f,ire e orrect answer" 5, Nwnber of alaesrootÐs ln schoo}

6* Kínd of ÏTeatång s;rs{en (a) qtov*¡ (b) hot alr (") såeann (d) hoi) r¡/a'üer'-pleasò ünder'Lfnè inc esrrect a,nsrsør." , 'l " Te tlte:re a fíre escape ån the ssirooL? a reatr æxít? I * WÏ:at ie the ap;onoxfunat,e area of tire playground.? %--_ræ4æ_ 9. Hav€ ?ny trees been planted. on the grounds? . Abo*t Ttty+l :,',tany?__ 10" Is there a ¡lTronogra¡ri1 :-- -píano _ srga.n-¿ffic radio in tlre schooi? Þreffiþu'u a ffiädË ',naËx prãpeffina" 1å* Ntårb@r of rnaps ån thc schooL _ @ Is there a globe? 12" lflrat ùs the appr oxfurnate nuanbe:: of books ån yowr ilbrary? 18" Slrç the ]¡çoics eataiogued. ?_ claesåffed.? L4" Ha¡ræ you a eiu¡ient iíbrryian? rs 6he teaoirer Ll]r¡raylan? T.--* 15" Ðo the pupi.3.s uËe the 'lroolçe freguenÈiy?

L6" fs È a&eq:uø"t,e sclence ecluålunent ? 1?. List 'che playgrouird. equl3nrenâ _ @ 18. ltrave yÐu. _any stuclente witr:n extreme hearfng _Esåght _8 speeoh @,- d,ef,eets? 19" Haø often.d.o you gåvc¿ or pran to gåve exarsltra,tfons Ín your sehool? 20. tr{ha.t systein of ¡æaæisf¡rd. do you use? percentages _, T.,etåers @8" ArBn C sÐrg 'ú$e 3'L * Ðo yÐtå iong anfiwe'r , short anffrryer tes*e extensÍveåy ?.ã-, Ðo you keep a reeord of pupfJ"ør yce-r,¡J-ts? ls such a record. of prevåous yeä,rs? resu.|!.,çs a,t yol¿it dfsposal? z::l*za"t affi* æxt'ra*ewssroCIm aeååvå,efe6 e#e æS" earråe* on ån yÐîtr echooå? Smrtåæe ueaneerts uhåiees, ^Lå'l* Questionnai¡re eontinued. 24ø i{xerber of Pupils i.n each grade

Grad,c 3Õys Gir1e Gvad'e 30J¡s GirLe


r3 VTTT ïIr rX

1Í ïv J\. V IrI Vr XÏÏ Ê5 " Nr*aber af FupS.lLs ace o:ed.f.irg to:trgas Age 3o¡æ GJ"rls Age 3oüre Gårls 5 'ta

o 1Ð ,r ¿9

I l"?

1"0 18 ].t L9 T2 20&

0ïrer G@ ¿"J Totaå @ *148'-

Benåto¡nÎarl, u tr'ebyuary 4s1949,

S ecr cta¡' y- Tr ea,s ur. er,

Sehoo} Ðåetr5.ct *

ontanåtoba,, Ðear Sir,*

r an worklng on my thcsls for the &egpee of "tíÌasbey ç,f fid,uaa'oion and ae pirelprfng a study on flne Ðeverolnrent of Sd,ucatåen ln swan ftÍver valJ.e¡r" One eha.pter deals y¡ith the coe'ù of edueat,i"orr and l* is neeessa.r¡r for me to obtafn sffie ånforrnatlon eoncernlsig your school d.istrÍct*

Tfould, ¡rour, be kind. enou,gþ te fiil or¡t the enelosed. fÐrns at ïrour eerl"Lest convezråence? Any fnforirra'çion reratlng to th.e earLy organiza,Tiøn of, the ój.strået qrlil a,leo be apprealated,* r'ar¿ airxLou.s to obtaln a.e eura.te rnf orznatíon a,ncl J¡our Ço* operati an ln this ma'oter wlil be ryeatiy appreclatecì., r aar encJ"oslng a eelf-a'ddresseé .st'arapeci enveio¡le for your c.onvenåerrÇieø Skrankfng ;rou ån a,dva,nçerÏ arn Yours slneerel;r,

J ok¡n,lü, Clark, Þ fncl1'w,l,

3enåto e onssl"åde.ted. .Sehoo]". 3enåtn3ÏÞ,n. *r49*


OOSTJ OE' ÏDIJCA TTON TN åtrs.å.HÆ* Måimz- Sala.ncæ îi Salarlee feachers

Grants Tcacherç qi Seeretar ¿*

fransport, o Br*ílßinge (ne"w)

Genera,l Mtmle,I,eYy Squf lønent, Speeial Dietrlct Repair 'Iax Caretaking ffioceeds frem eale of Ðebcntures I'uel¡llght

Promieeor;l notes lJ¿ þrarJr dfeeounted Sta'cå onerlA X'ees frçw 3u5l11s supplics Present overdraft Tranegrortatlon

3æon 6ther Sources Ðebentures: þ åns " Tnt * Proml*ecry notee paid Overdraf i ,last ]rear Other Ïxpenses Tota,l Expendft,uree Bal"ance Total Informa.tion for yea.T end"in6 Decenber ã111948 * Seer etar y-îr eaetrr er Sehool Ðåe' of s.[s¡ XlGldffilåT -1"61--

'JAnr,n f g¿1 FTRÜÏ]I{TAG¡] TNTIAJIIASH üVå4}ì TiiÍ PHECÌI]DTI{IG ÞäúADg ¡ 19tt-1

; ]e01 | 1911 1 :tzj- c

t Månl t ona.e iríunl cl pa.l f ty 2,Ðã,ßA 112A" t4 I . t Ss¡an Biver lflunfci-¡;e11ty B "8? I 68.õ? 1 Søan F,lver {town) !I i_ * i** .* . *.*. ¿ï Percenta,ge for Total 15õ.99 !40.91*


F!]RÇ!:NTA.G& ti\ cí{}llsrj üv¡ilT PHSXtrrOUS LIENSUS ¿ 192i*1946

L9?,6 1946

1Ílnitona,e -?'?91 8wa,n fi,lvc+r' 1"9 5 6.& I r¿æl "?61* 2,"?,2

Swa.n Eive*r (toqvn ) 'l .ãõ ! 4'96 rr,råj 5,4ç

Fercent' for To'cal*}"#6

I 'Ihe slf,"ix (-) d"enôtes e. ån popula.llone ? qñ @L¿ <,@ t'.A3l;lt rTl fi,ACTÀt $r+:orl 03 T{E$vTI,tl4 SCHOOL FUPTIS



wf,'Llsli i aZ 114 10L þ.4 66 88 SlavJ.a , 0 \) I 2 È3 ? Seandfnav"* I t \J <' ia.n I Ï 0 I ä 0 Qtlrer sI ä 4 6 I È7 i I I I 'F 3o$'aÏ 1 trã Lát<, ¿Uþ 64 ëá I r I !

I I rî l t øTt i *fivá I *"56ri 3ú'1ti ! I I I0"49 99"?9 S1a.v1 ú¡-l L.' 0"00t 2"46 '9õ 2,L-^5 ø.6n1 7 "LÅ' Sca¡rd.'ln- I "g -,,-.t. Et.n i 1,1-l-9 t '00 0.0ö É'tLÐ 6,1"0 0 "00 4 "L0 & "?'l i 6"fi8 I "'14 ð '0'¡ 1 {\{^É)L J,Vttrt lwr* I i mff"; ***,*i JjY_ l*-.*.-,-.-.*.-.,..¿ ,Jb3]tr TV

A.É,(}T"AJ, OT{TGTN O}' ¡IiT]fTTOI{AË }ITGT{ SCHOOT PTJST],S T'ON THIT Y1]4fr$ L9ßâ r0 1946

.t ¡ Raee ; 942, Lg¿!& 9tL4 L94ñ Ð 4ß I ¡ ***.å*-.* ."

Fritf ofi' :1.4 : to zoi tv rsier lyt (ìer¡,',a.tii lr.eIr: \znI :15 trFi '. ! 1i Z Õ ifO't, i1,2-l .*l:-0:1.3 srã..'rc; i i z j z,i ø ) z B i ai ri ¿ 1 n ; i, czech,l i i ! ! i : 2, 1 otirersj_¿ '! 1 3t .j¿¡ a I r i: \ Ji l_t_:-&, rota.i r:5 iTä-? iffi;. mlm iTï im iW.a"mlffi:õF--A, q@?"1**--f--"--:-- ;-'-._---i-'.=-'+ ' i i t ; Brri;rsiri sji.,nì i;;";-î,n"î'i" ;;;" ;;f;;"; i;:"- i;:{;;;;;;; Gerr¡ian I I : i A"Ai I "ð I 1?'6 i34"5 iæ,9i 26"',t) 2',1 '&, "3ß sla'vJeSla..vle ¡: I lB.3:I 8.3: Ia"ol "0¡ te"e1ã"6 !i tl"elln9*õ i n"vì9"Vì 7"r:J*.þrl'å"¿4 J.:1.\ :t-"3 (lzech ì i : : 6o6' ?&\, 7, ::;-:::- i..',rnI i... ., l.- *t o - trI .e a {; n et ; * e': orhers i;g* !:"g"-3 *e-:,S!^i _S_r.e"' !;ð*S LåÆi Z"&i*-r i ** i B. iraA;! I I ¡.**| 1':' rI : : t*î _ ;*li**11r . ¿ i*1 f rory,o b,ÞW hoo;; i :.0,T¡ roo¡l jroq; rooÈ 10q# 100j, i þoøi j*-.*-t-:--i ***-i---***r***-¿*---i-- " -1. .*-J------j --, - i"-* "i-- -tãtr* Til3I-.,ï V fiÄeïÅJ. OIr,TGltl 0F iluftStrN c0lTs0trÐAt'rD scHQOI p0"ul:aTr0N

Brfi;lsh,i tZø i.0ð 10e 8ã i 86 84 SLe,vic 1 1.ã L 16 ztlZs 8i" 8? Ëeand.Ín{ ,l av}å.i1 i ?-i4i6;6 I Othere 2 t" 4lrg 2 ;J*;-*:*i _ i i t;t¡¿ Total i :.+ç r 10? I tZt* i'tzø i ris LÖ{+ 160 ::!:i I **-{--* **-" -å --*"-* -{-*** Ì | - -- -* r?2, ¡ríilj,sli; çt"æ i g6.z6i ao'e¿ i ø*t"lø i '12,*QA, 4&e6l 40,00 (J P w" 54 sls.v1e}J.LerVJ,u iI 8å2,r,ltu i 't1.87ll],2-'90 l1Þ€'l 121^2t;Ie "n9 i "#1 i Scanct.ln-,1 ; 4"111 l, n,ø& a.sfari i 8,23 i. F"ffi A.gbrt ' I othere i i I'S? 3*23: 11."90 1,69 d lil t- i a¿ i 10ol',, 10Oii LQff¡,å 10rJá I 1007p i roryo È Ltw l 1;till t ., '..,,-, !!.- *-+.+; ." -"".''", '... "i"_.*J_ ¡¡Ðn XÏ0lffiðtÏl llie tr'írs'h Tæac]reys

The foilerw'Íng is a pa.rtia.l li"st of lhe firs'b teaehers ín eohool distr*ct,s lr-r Swan l?lver VaJ-].e;r.'

Sclrçoi -Tea*"gr_ ffest i'avelåe Ðurkfn 1901 S€an friver .&. C" Ðorra.nce L9e} ruin¿t (rrrã.ß I{srffiar¡ Ingþarn i.901" Sgrm,ont trlåGable 190¿ Raveneçrorth S *J . Shr¡i:tier,çortb L9eõ Croppertogrs Amþros€ T-.e$er 1909 ÌiarS"lngton i,[iss Irouisa Grcgg 1909 Roaring River C,*Spicer Le06 (s5xrånsi Bsbson ffií s g, K.Idl,AÍ s en ? lavender ldiss,. ï Sterns i.906 Sretty VaiI"ey- 1lîiss iviâr ga,ret ãli.íst . L906 T'f1lci Rose lrjfss 1[."H,oss t90? ? 3enåÙcr J ohn ã'"Scribnr+r 1gCB BierS"ey lÈr "I[cGcr#an 19t"ã 3ig Wood.Sr &{íss : .q.nnie T,a,ttl"mer 191# Irur;v' IÀ1ss Addåe ['honras 1"914 3,ûcl{a.y liiss F.obinson L9l.? Lene J,frg ,A'PeckJraro 1920 Ðuncan",'åiJ.e iüf ss liiq f,lâur.iey' 1926 AåJ"a.nvale Måss Vera SYaser L9õ1 3eli" Håver ffifss Titlrempsoir 1eæ l,{cIiinJ"ey jiiiss L,ånd,sæ3r L9&? i'lorthl s 0rreeli If*ss $"nne $trong 1gfr9 Ðeer ?a'çir 1î.rs "V"9" 3or¡ham .194t Gfover Creæk Ðo3,0ryEa.,n L945

fea,ehf.äg lxper Leneø ef lÍlse ff¡ra ÂrmÍstçerd. ln Swanr Blvcr Val3"ey

Iloarårrg &åver l"ge)B-tp0? I Ðavid,sçn i"9æ Roaring F,lver r"90e-r911 Skan RLver r9i.1*1929

;:. i:' *,'i -,-

-15ã- $H¡c XIGNÍIäðV ïNS0AÌÂArÏON Rg.i"arrtTe fCI æxTfiå-cuRRlcuJnAR A0grvrgff:s

fI[fi çO1{SfTTUTTON 0r. m{rT0 Í{IG}f ßcH00L gTUÐrNTsr 00tffi0rr,

FngAMBLIÉl; YfiseTIlE sTUDIfttTS 03 Bm[ITo HIGri scH00t ÐßpAntumTTA IIT oåDffiRjTO PREpAS$ oTlB$ItwtÍS 3'On cITSUmSSHTpbr0 pROlû0ÍE T¡rg irygr,¡Àng 4J{Ð INIÍAN0$ rHE lfapprl\-Ess 0r' rgg sru¡ruffis 0r mnigo" ñ0ëo0r,r T0 3R01i0Tr. Oo-orffiarI0l{ BE[rffiîm'I rHE sruÐmïT IQly,gNl f'$OtIl,TYsTO IITC&EA'$ff TIIE ilSff3UL,N'ESS 03 filß SOHOOI, þu,¡.lr AN-Ð.figuIITüENT 3y rROrruR .SARE AlfÐ SUplnVIStONrÐo oBÐAIN Arw ssg.aB[,rs¡t tgrs 0oNsTITUTrot{ r'oR BmNrgo ¡lreig scHQ0L STUDmTTS! CoUltÇXJ," gngEtjf,g OI\TE Q"ttt*U,-, (") There sh,ail be a Ðesid,ent aleeÈed by and frm a¡r,ong the Sfudent Bod,y" (b) There sirai} be a Vlee-Fres$.d,,an'ib e1ee6ed, freely 1ry aircl.frCIiu arnoiig the Sody' (c) fk¿ere sira,lt be'Stuclenb a Seeretary: eleetietl. frreely by ancl f,:ro::o.æila*g tire ,Stuclent 3od.y" (d) fne ?rfnctpai ehail aeþ a,s ÏTonor#y Treasrpe;r and. shall" hea¡l tire FínaneLal Conænl,ttree eaneisÈfng of hlmeelf .Èhe Rresådent and. tire,Tiee-Prcsåd,eirÈ" No fi.Ran* oåal tranrsae"biqns nay be entered, utpon by tire 3ir,¡ancla& Corrioiütee: exeept as dlrected, by a rnqi.orlty of Studonts 1n seseåçn a,f" a raeeting of the Student 3od,y"

,4,RfICI*t fi.10 0nÐffR 0r' Susllïffi$g

Ttre ord"er of þusfnøss fo be foll"s$ed at ne*'6lngs of the $tudent 3oðy,shaii 'oe aø follerts: Readftag orî l4inutee (e) ßeporte of CorøuLttecs trl Correpponqlence Unftnlsired, Busåness Treaswer¡ e Repgrt New 3aeå¡1e5s, iål OoneÈ:i.'cutt onal" Changeo iål A{j ownr.ntant ARTTTT.E '3}ffiffi A3ffi}iTTMTT OF TTTE CON$TT'TUTTOI{ flris €onetåtutåon i:ray be araendedrchanged. and' enlavged by a Èirrec*fernrtl:e vo'üe óf tire Str¿.Jents al eo mee' oi tire ßtuden'c }Od,y" ?roposed. r:?ranges ¡n-crst be ;ore;oarad, Ln trlp}i.eaÈeuone oCIpy ßs hs sulx'itÍf,ted to Èhe 3ri.ncl3n'i ranæ la tnæ fues dåntrat J.east twenty*fow hours before Èhe meetlng at tffiilø¡t lt ifã f,o þe oonaådereåranå the tir*rd eopy to be re'taf.lred b;r tl:e pe'bL'elone:r * 0n ail rnatteäsro'birer âiran Srroposerl ekøngæs of, åhe Çoiae'bl* tutionrd.eeisùçns ehail he wad.e by a s5:np1e raqj ority Te'úe' of, Èhe ,9tudents"

-Lã?- -158 * T,ïTf¡:Iì R3r.,/.TrT{G fo MII{IrOi{As }[ri]TÏcrpAt 3rffitD ÐAy

Tii.ilitonae ,I{aia, , ï'.[ay 9t]:re194? " To the feacirer,g of the Mr¿nfeåpø,iity : Dear SÍr or¡ At rast T eair give you sojiie defini.te infor¡aa,tion reiating !o tlre annua.l Fiel"d. Ð?y, ¿t ihe ÐirecÈsysr meetiirg recen'o1y tire fo1.!"owíng øas d.ecidcd; Ðaii€å the d.ate of tire fleld. eay sháII be Juäe L"5th (r'n:.aa,y)" Plae.e:the ;olaøe ehalr þe the str*e as usual,here ln tttnl"boäås* 3ee: .[he fee silalr be t"ne saiîe as usuaJ.;ff6,00 per schoor (qne ryooffir) øLth more thcur I'nenty pupiLs!çe"SO -ä*r school tr¡¿tf¿ Ewært'ty pupitrs or tessi#5'00 per rolua (trgo-or nore)" ArL f,eee payable _iim,edfatelyi SLease d,o nst deiayå rt maJres Ít_veqy di.fffcuit for-the ftreaswer: to oaruy on rmless all fees are ¡n.Íd" þcfore fåeld. day, "&ssømbJ"y: al"I schools shati gather on tãe scnoãl ryou;rd.s ån tsrgnrnot iater Èiran 12.00 or elsek Eooisø Sarad.e: frwr thc eehsol grounds the parad.e sheuLl proceeå to t'he local sportor grou;nels 'ryhere the Srrogr#rr+€ of the da;' shøtl begflr" T,¡Tarching¡ the rnarehl"ng srder of fire eehooLs ehall be dræ¡vir Tay. Lot" ll€rsre-ver uih.c rnarehång orcler 1n each eeþool #oup shaLl be aefü up to the teaeher(Í"€. whetl:er Ìay $1rysþ'.or tirreet e and. erheÈher th,e srnall"'cirfLdreir slraLl maroh at 'bhe front*eúe") So"nners; ffaeï¡ echoo} ø11"1 ca;ery a banner Ln the Snrade" Ttre. bq,n-ners wLLl be j udged. for or$,gfnality as seJ.l as fer erafÈs:nanshf.p* All þ"nners raus* be È}re work of the sehooL (teaetrerCI may aseået in the eonstructåonobut no outsid.e heLp le per¡råssable) 'LaeS gæarl s þB,ltaetr may be usedrbut Et qlLl" be j adgcd as eueh ln the eompe6J.tioR" hl.aes¡lhere wlnf þe a firEtueeoond"raird" tlrird prfze f,sn iaarch$.ng @nd å}re same fos Èhe firstusecond, a.nd tlrÍ-rd best ban:ner" 3os sther lmåzesrsec belrøg* Sports¡ Eveats¡ .gn entirely nw eystet4 has loeen arranged' for thls yew, flcÍ"s ls to be a field day +n the e'eal senße of tiró øord.o$, shield le bclng puÈ up for eonpetf.tiont and the point e¡rstmrr iqiLl be '¡¡eed. to aseertaån tbe lcesf sehooL at tiie meeÈa-the school theb wllt"carry hsse tlre shåc}¡l"Tlrat seh,ool øåL1 be tïre one e*lleh has tJre Ïrl.êFrce$ nwrlrer of wliuters Í.n 'blre {ndlvåcl¡¡a,l evc¡rts of thc dayt Fer Supii * ' :y]r.¿ø"t le re. sehool måtil ten f,året prize sl.nnerË amongsã åtr; twenty úupå].s qrlil" have e. fift'¡r pereent' standilg ån 1[he ehle]"r] øemrpetlfåc1r]e 0f coursert'ha't' ç¡i11" wLear¿ t]rç't tlre more pugråle *ha.'ç a, echool" trafr:s enó ha"s com5¡ete in th.e events tlre bettqy çhønee i"t eti.ål hia*re to cEin' Idffia r*nd,cr thc fç}lw$.ng eys'ocm øe Srope to lrave every ptryåi te,kc gm,rt ån eaclr event' Aæ was d.ccåded" a"t the pmblfe rueet,ång to orga.nåaæ thc f$.eld d.ay ln lfiere]rri.t wa,s d"ecåded. te grougr tlie pt*påis a.eeorciång tø a,ge an& nøt, ascord.J"ng to gtaãe* t"lre fol,åcruåieg gr.çu.pø øere dee J"cted ene: -L59* Group .A; aJJ" pug:fì"s ui:der nå¡re yæø"Ts of age Group !: aLl pupfis níne aird ten yearË of a,ge Group Ç; all pupiis eleven and years Group Q¡ q}+ pupåis $rLrteen and" four*eer¡ yee.Ks GrouSr 3; a.1"1 Sluplis fífteen anei stxteen yeã.rs Grêu,p 3å all" pupåis sf.xtcen yæarv (*ge _*q,'p,t,{un€ i.ltfrlro+?utire cta,oe or åne Fie1d Ðay) wllh tl¡.e grou"p$ fuewn up anei clivåd,ed a.s outifüede tþ"æ events t¡1i1 bc run as folr"ows a*T,ack teaelner is asËed te eu.Tstlü to tire sceretar¡i" a Llsi;" of all the pupils l¡r hle er irer schooL CIr gadæ s¡fth the agee of each þu;oåi gåyen wf'çh tlre Tüarie" fhe tr'ield. Ða.y eorrmi.btee siij" tiren grõu.T) aj.I i;he puplis aceorciing to age a,i:d. sexutækti:g th,em rrem ar:. .¡b*æ sehosS.s and mlxlng thøn together" Theee grou.r¡s*of cay ten or turenty pupfisrwåil on ï'lerci. My be *aãen, ¡y-an apþotnted. leaqlcr tlw,ough a eerfes of events" å.1å pupfj"s wåiL tiSt ç¿o5 even'r,'Recorcls of s,¡hã.t ea,ch chlicl el,oes wlil be kept by- tlre leader" Tn th:a.l.tret"¡r ¿tri6 school e-¡åth tlic moet Trilnners s¡åiL be readlJ"¡z knærn" Now 'che ensces#.*,of the plan clepenrls on the teael:rex"ß¡*f$"rgt,sU.tmilttfr*6 an aeevya,'úq llet, Of atl theÍr pu'pilsran{, also gåvf-ng thelr support to the p}an by gívlng t;heiy 5:upiis ,eo&Ìe eoaehing in" the event,s" Eveätst Grou.p ,X. (gir.Lq) ?& J¡el" da"eh doel"ge;tear;is q.¡ili compete;tlie 1a.s,c three of eaeln t,æe.wn t,o be pu,'6 out l,e s'dinncr$, wÍil 'clrc "ne,ckl-rard.s shi.ppíng contes'6 : sklppfng frontwê,rcs, ue.nd. onr on€ fooû (either foot,)r*the puþt;s skfppirig tlre J"ongest g¡liI be the trl"nn€x's" (þEg) 26 ycr,cîa,slr hÍgh j ump; j umpÍ.ng nver ã. rope soft. ba,1l" throrv: for dfsta,nee" Group 3" (giris anä bei;rs) earuc as for th.e above g:rsup c*:ceptÍng tktaru the dls'sanae for bhe sha3l. be B5 yd.s*'fer both boJre arrd glrle ån thf.e gfou.Iþ* _ Gr 0 up c ("gg$€ i låq,ffii Ð0'yd.e desh säxae as for the gfrls Lrr thl"$ gtrou"gr h¿#i J isnp f rurnfrrg broacl j wrp soft,*balÏ *hsæ¡

Cæor*p Ð (9tu'3s) se,Ele as J,r, the abave grou,p C exeept 'çl .r:-.'ç ån this group thc d.åe1¡aEiee for tlre daslx shall be ?6 yds" (to3* ¡ sa*a€ even'cs as Sn thc absve gror*p e eæeept tha.h ln tlils grou,B the dlsta.Rçe fos' tlre daeh"} l,e 100 yd,s* Group E (lsffi) 300 l"t0 Tâ.. dæ.sh broad" j u:rip breacl j rmp 3xi.g}r j tæ¡p h¿gh j soft rmp beSt tlrrçç'¡ runnång hop e,oe3l and j ump sçf,t*ba}} b!rcw¡ -3.60* Group 3¡- sãrßåÉ ä.s Group lt for troth gårås a,nd, be;rs" ft¡erc Erfll- "be a.n Itopen ælren'Ë,it for boys f.n Groups D"8"3" Tt tvflL be e. ha,lf ¡ ra.@e v,rith hancl,ieaps te 'be gåven f,or eontest,ants freiri grou,ps Ð and ffi" fuj,zqsllnd,lvlc,-ue.i rfbþons qfil 'oe gåven to t].l.e ffrs'crsecond. and .thiret nryå.nners ån ee,eh event arrci J.n æa.ekt grotÀpo Thenrof Çour$r+utlrere 'be tire si¡ieid glvcrr to,the wånnlrrg seho01, Soft-bail" fourira¿¡rent;as usus.i ihere Eili] be a. sof**baLl tour'sram,ent* ConÉesj.gÊgg: Çn3.y $ra"des T Èo VITT can eonrpJ.ete" tTnås eie'Ìr€ ffiË*"ffiã-Ts öveicome ttre difffcul1:;r of lra,ving Grad,c Il, torresporrdence stud.ents from the outsåç1e schEoLe com,petång E¡ 'çhe Gra,de IX sttreients from tbe t e\:ítn werg, þe"rred," ki.zee;.. næ s¡iotmi of ¡nÍzes¡ hae been declcled uponn Tnst,ea'C of there j ust thyee.prlzesre firstrsecend.uand. a tlrírd., e,s Ín pas'e y€arssa-, prize of one doll¿,r ErLll" be given for eash t{r*n" Tn tha.t way €aeh team ha,s a ç]nançæ of wínn$rrg sÊm€ Frlze .ffiarrÊlrø School"e ÐoubJ.fng up for Cæpetf'cåon¡ fwo schoo].s havlng lesø *lnan teent'¡r etu,cler¡ts ma;i d.ouble u,3l but 0nLy Fsyo* l3re t"ea,æTtcrs 'øe a'oIe a.nd. øfl-Llng to vou,ch for thcår stuåerrts,Âny tæ¿uä found gutJ.ty Õf, a vLol"atior¡ of tlrlsr ruilng leillL be d,isquaii.fÍçd * fixcept fçv a, fe-lg lnclci.e¡:ta,; i.¡istrreet,forrs T th1rr '*]rat ls al"I I ha,ve ter rcport t,e¡ yêlå just noEl" Ap yÐu ea.n see¡thls c'¡å11" be c¿ulte a big da¡t l3 we a,AL r,rork togetirer " fhere ls a lot of work enta,f ted" T krorqrbu:b Ít ïtrLil be r.rortti åt to a. reeå fåe1d d.a'y" I tlrflik the pupÍ.is wl"il enfer wirole*hearted,Ly ånto åt all 13' tlre teaeher do t'Ïieftisel"ves.D If there ãtr€ a.n;¡ cluestÍorrs ¡zou, wfsh to ask a'oout e.ny lmr'r; of, the p3"ansd"orr$ å hesLtate to plrone me at i"99-1"ð" Saeh sehool" enterJ"ng the ba,1l" üqatnamærrt sru,st lrrång a ba.Ll- a.ncl a bat ctrea,rL¡r rrtarkeci ån fnd.elfbl"e inic r¡¡liih Xltr* nantæ of tSre scho oJ. " lïa,ch 6itr1 enl,erlng the sklpping e ontest rnus'ú bråirg her úîtyr I'O¡lÉ e 'la,ch sehool is askeC" to brång al'or*g a docige be,Ll (foot baål"s wl,ii õ.a ) clee,æ3.;r niarìseci @ T tlrl¡*k 'i;ha.t ie alL f or næv, Yo"*:rs ïer¡r tru.i¡i, &"",{oHa.,r1re}r,' Ëcc "Tlreas " fffniÈoris,s li'leld Ða.y Corurnittee* -I6}*

B E F{ ,l ffi


B,-E -l{:I-1:0 Ee ,are pr oud I to Boast of- our, old high, Sing her praise! She has taught us never to say die Voices rai'se! And always we'il cheer her, And'werl'i' hold nothing nearer

To our hearts o Than good old B. H. S. I

the ëøuæ,v Eage €f Èhe Benl*e Ifå€rl $e3rçe3 FaE¡er ofu XIGTWüðV plJBtIC) t{OTTcE 001{0i:ffilfÏt\lc scTlo0t ByJ,Aii,t Biil,A5.,f1it$ TCI rffiIfÏüt}.i sci{oOt R3 VorfïNG oi,T SCHO0I, 3iã,Jrïiil rtPubllc fioticr+ Ís hereby given tha.t, Byia.n J.å of tlre trustee$ of the School Ðisilrj.ct-of Kenvfiie Xä"1+Oã'ee-¡håeh ha"s i1acl its firs'[ e,nd seconci rea,dírig by t]rc trusteesågrlil hæ eu.Traíi;ted^ to the vote of the ratepayerã of thc eaiå åchool" Df s'cr'Íct æntttied. to vote thereon at tltæ tiure a,nd plae e rtreve* inafter rrientionedrthe obj eet of tSre eaåd bytaw Ís î,o autlroylnæ the saåd Sehool I'istrfct t,o borrow upon thã of the sal.d. Schooi Ð1s'ürJ,et tlre srm of llllrt¡r-f*ve ,Thousanei. ({iAS rg00r000) Ðollars for lhe pwpose of erectfng and equfpplnÀ a iour-roc¿äed sehool a.nd. to iseue d.ebentures for-bhc safA sr.tüt Ëea,rårig fnterest 9q +\i,per aïmunr 3x*3rab1€ J.n twenty equal. annual ínstalÍrente of $205Yn.86 ea.choinciu¡li¡rg Ïrråneípai a¡i¿ interest à.å inc rate a.foresafd' rhe ffrst of saicl åns'çalËßento æa,y be lnereasecì or deçr'ease¿ ar¿ount uçhe Þy the of interest ncccssai;r to correr the caee wherc ti^ae betv¡een 'Ëh.e date of lseue a,nd- da.te of the ffrst !a;me!È exseede or Ls less ttran CIne yearrthc ar¡rou.nt, of tlrc ffret inst'afurrent being {ii¡.re9e"oõ a.nd to beóone-due ancl paya,ble on *he l''årst Fy or Ðeeffiber¿.4.'nulg4g, Thc t:inre for takfng-the vote of tkt+ ra,'sæs¡ayers for a.nd, agains'r the saiÇt bylaw syfll-be on lTedglcs- &e.j/tthe lãth d,ay of aprll¿A"T)¡lg4grbetweeñ the hor¡rs of nl,ae ot clock llr thre forenoon and flve st eLoclç ln the atteynaan al the Gormunity Hal1 in the VfLlaþæ'af Kenr¡Íi"ieuliïanltoba,, The fi,eeve of the Ïlwa'i $u,nåci1:e.1fty of Ssan River qriil-on 3?lcta.Srot]:e ZSt:n da,y of Ïriarch "ô,'Ð'1949 ra,tt,enr3. a,i the sff*ce of the.geeréãary Treasurãr- a!$ elgvgn Õt etoctç-Ín the foreRoon for the purpose or aÞpói"tlÀe in q¡råting pérsons ínterestec" in the bylar+lciãher for õr aeg¿nãt, to attend" at, the polling place a.nd the final euramlng up ef-the ba1}flt$' The searetary Treasurer of the fr,r¡ra.l }¿unlclr,aå1t3r of ffwan River Eråil" bæ firursd.ayrthe l4tlr. day ef AprilrÁ."tulg4Þuat the hour of cleven ÐN el"ock in tlre forenoon at hls-office sim up the votes gåven f.or or agains'c tlre safd byiaw, Ðated a't S'nan RåverrlidanítobartlrÍs lst öay of XiiarcheA.Ðol"g4$, J."3"Hu,t,cheson, Seeretar3r Sreasur€r, tl

1 flfie fis¡an ftåver Star a.nd. l,'al"ley f í.&e6 nL;tayc,kt I?s j.g4gê þtø9,*