Clark the Development.Pdf
TH3 tiNfvilffiSffY Q3 II[¡\]{TTOÏ$. Tlffi Ð}]Vf,:LOT{r¡El{T Ol- gDU0ATfO}il ïIT strtA$ RTVEn VAl,ilffiY 3Ëlï1[G /{ TH]flSr,$ SUrililrTTïD .J0 Tit$ C0irß¿f 'ITliil 0lit FOÍ]ff-Gï-tAÐUAtffi STTIÐÏES flil Pl\&Tfl¡l. l''UI,tr'Iü,,m1'lT Of' tÍffi nEq,UIf-í5[!1fr1TTË SOH T]fg DffiGRiifj 03' JUÁÉTfiR 03 ffiTTJCATTON 3y J OHI{ i'TAffTAl{ fr,OBTffi'T ST,ASK BlÍirT'J0 IîÁrvyfoSA Il[p,üH 194S ACTOTCIiTI,EDGJffiT[T'S The qriter sråshes to ex,press hÍ.s apprecLatå the rara,ny ind.lviduats slho have helped make thfs study posef.ble' fle fe partleularly lndebtecT. to ¡r'ÐoS.9oode oÞean sf Ëhe I'acuJ.ty of .EducatåoarUnJ.verslty of ]'fanj.tobe., for s¡æitrmthetie Aíreetåon and. dåEcernlng arltf.eism throughout the progress af the work; ts offlefale of the Ðeln,rtment of lfdueatfon; bø offi.efals of schooL dlstricts and. rnunlelpa,lf ties wåthln Swan Rlver Valley; to the teaeb¡ers t.rho ansscred. questionnalres; to the pfoneere wbo off,ered. ånforaatlon relatång ta the ffret yeÐ,ws of settlement in thc Valley;a,nd, to thoee engaged. ía buefness enterpråsÇs ':Tho 'mad.e d.ata for the sfudy avallaþIe. ¿¿ BABTtr 0p 0oNriNf$ Fage l,ISf- 0f' fABJ,fS sst o c o o s. o o s o. o c É o ê o oo coó e o o o oo s o o o o G ø ê o oeo. o AfSg 0F llTçt¡lg$ 'or oc.ocóoo. o. ô r. ece oc oo o ú.....c oeÕ.
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