TH3 tiNfvilffiSffY Q3 II[¡\]{TTOÏ$. Tlffi Ð}]Vf,:LOT{r¡El{T Ol- gDU0ATfO}il ïIT strtA$ RTVEn VAl,ilffiY 3Ëlï1[G /{ TH]flSr,$ SUrililrTTïD .J0 Tit$ C0irß¿f 'ITliil 0lit FOÍ]ff-Gï-tAÐUAtffi STTIÐÏES flil Pl\&Tfl¡l. l''UI,tr'Iü,,m1'lT Of' tÍffi nEq,UIf-í5[!1fr1TTË SOH T]fg DffiGRiifj 03' JUÁÉTfiR 03 ffiTTJCATTON 3y J OHI{ i'TAffTAl{ fr,OBTffi'T ST,ASK BlÍirT'J0 IîÁrvyfoSA Il[p,üH 194S ACTOTCIiTI,EDGJffiT[T'S The qriter sråshes to ex,press hÍ.s apprecLatåon.to the rara,ny ind.lviduats slho have helped make thfs study posef.ble' fle fe partleularly lndebtecT. to ¡r'ÐoS.9oode oÞean sf Ëhe I'acuJ.ty of .EducatåoarUnJ.verslty of ]'fanj.tobe., for s¡æitrmthetie Aíreetåon and. dåEcernlng arltf.eism throughout the progress af the work; ts offlefale of the Ðeln,rtment of lfdueatfon; bø offi.efals of schooL dlstricts and. rnunlelpa,lf ties wåthln Swan Rlver Valley; to the teaeb¡ers t.rho ansscred. questionnalres; to the pfoneere wbo off,ered. ånforaatlon relatång ta the ffret yeÐ,ws of settlement in thc Valley;a,nd, to thoee engaged. ía buefness enterpråsÇs ':Tho 'mad.e d.ata for the sfudy avallaþIe. ¿¿ BABTtr 0p 0oNriNf$ Fage l,ISf- 0f' fABJ,fS sst o c o o s. o o s o. o c É o ê o oo coó e o o o oo s o o o o G ø ê o oeo. o AfSg 0F llTçt¡lg$ 'or oc.ocóoo. o. ô r. ece oc oo o ú.....c oeÕ. c n. "o... uhap'çer lu' IT{TBOÐUO?IOI'I e. e Ê oc c. o c osoo e coc o...c o eo c. o. e . o. o o oo.o. L Furpose of the Stucly Souraee of Tøþa, Method" of Srocec¡.ure TI' HISïORI@AI, .41{ll gCO}T0lvIIü SACKc'fr,0IJ1'[Ð; POPütAff 01ü TR$ITÐS" . 5 I,oeatåon of Ësan Blver VaJ.ley Expioratåon and 3'r¡r Tra"de fhe Comång öf Èhe Settl"ers Becreatifon; erf the ?ioneers flee *suffra,gf s t i'fiovffirent The lr:inii;or.as rrGoldrr ltueh OeauSlatlens of fhe Feaple Tbe Bó0râ lears , The European Influ,pc fi,ecent Shffte 5.n FopurLa,tåcrn TII. OJ?GÄTTTZ-åTTON OT BHN MIN\TTCTP.AJ,TTTtrS Or' }¿MNTTOI{AS A}rP SnfAlf RIViIR¡ÐmrffI,OIllmÍT 03,THï] SeHO0t SYSfffi[ oGó..norg 2b Thç ßural i,¡iunieÍp.ilty of iiftnåtona.s 5he ltirnteipallty of Swar¡ Rfver fhe I'lrstr Schools anå" Tæ"ehlng Staff Slrst St,egls f mvard. Consoilcla.tf en rhe SulLd-lng Prorya*iurre resuåtÍng from 0ensç1"Í,etatåon ¿ii 0hapter Fage ffra,nspoi:ta,uisn þoblerns resuåtång from ConsolÍd.a.tf orr Tv" $CHOOT, PoÞUI"arr0N Òoo... o,.o o. socooo. o,. oo.oeeo.ocoe 50 Iatr od-uct,l o¡i Shi:flts ín Sch.ool" Fopuì"ation Fþese¡rt Ënroliment of Ëchoo1 Sopula,ole¡n nge-Grade Ðistrfbt¿tåon of pr*pf1s HoJ.ding pemer of the Sch.ool Ëhc Sshooj- þegra¡:tûnê SchooL s'a"i-rs anci G].t¿bs I,{inf{;orras Fíeld Ða.y Iïigtr Sehool Studen,u. Oou¡eciis lÂue Lc, S poken F oetr;r, an.d, Ðra¡må Fes tivai * Swan ftíver Tnter_Iffgþ Track a.¡:d. I,Lel"el 1ieet Ðíseoverfng fal.enti v" ËcÏfQ0], FBüVI$IOIìS A1[Ð CoS'JS oc.co...o. ,......,.".7g The Êchoot Flant Hea.tfng and. tfgþi;$.ng Pla¿vgrou:ad, .&rea a.nd. EquåSrnent fiqulSanent for Selænce Inetrr¿e.blern ãgur,f pren.b,. fer l{usLe InetructJ. on ff.eeent BuiJ"d.íng ERqî:ee,os Sroj ected Buiidj"ng Flans Cost of fd,ueatåon ln Søan Riye¡. Valle;r $ala.r*es: Fatå Schooi Frlncåpa,is Ëalsråes Ïaid Tea,skrers Oost gf Era.nsporta,rlon Cost of Íuitlon LV Qkta,p'aer Tæ"6e- Sgureen c'f &evenu* Sfffeyences ån tr'Lnar¿eia.} AbåJ"å{:3, yI, THil p0ËrrfÏul{ CIF fHS: TtrACHjlF" øÉ..! .....cqos gt lntrr¡ri"uct{ on ffia.cia} 0rågfnrl{arf"ba.i Sta'ou.srÄge anci Ses, rIæaeneyg of Á.ea,e3errrle 1Þepara.tJ. on of TeacherË¿ Frofeeeiona,l 3-beparation pf lt'eaeh.ers þsfep¡síona.l Grog..rth of ,Jeachers læaç}iey I'enure fn S_rva,lr River" VaLÏey VIl" gÐIJC.A,l'fO]'i/.LL T,3Lê,Ðl*fi$ o o. a r a..,. }CI? llhe 3tr,.qt Sch-ecl Inspec'bora Tnspec'b or. 3"H.i;alke:: lnspæe tol' J "$u3each Ï,Íf"it'G'Ta¡'}of: I,li.r "lJ"S,Tfood.s IM .J nS 'Ður¿ean i'i.r,17,J, fr,eclger Ê; ' iitr 'J *T,l ofieibe e¡n . 'W.3aid1¡ff n ttai¡u¡-errt ef I'on:rær Fråncipals Slementar;,' Sohoo}"'Ieaehere 0ther,Sclreol l-,ead.errr VTÏI" tÖiii0lru$ICIlrlt .s6ú4.&. ¡.e . {.{ {c. r!.c.......c.cd¡.ra.c@ø@ }2S 0 oncl u.d.i"n g S ta.t e"ruer¡t s fice orar.er¡öø.u.Lons Ffn¡:Tgçng1l¡1y.4o... èo.ö! ...ao L2,/[ .elglftíDTlt ço r r o. ? ! . r . o' . r/ Tægæ Á.FFf:ITilTXs'Ar¡ ctFy üF ÐCIçu$,Iffiñï R"Élr"aTri,iG ft plTtl fp*e3E ri{ sç/rtiìf Hfv.trit VÂtLfiy ø øqøçr6.?eoeoóeooooðsóë o J^a? .APFä}TTTT.f'3I' TTIS trAäLY ÞATË O} $H'TTüfiiIffi}Tr TiÌ Si?T/ilT }TT'V]ÍI1 VÂT,];"EY ô o o o , o Ð o Ð é.. ¡ o o o 6 o e o ¿ ô o ¿ ¡ r e o 6 o . ô , o o o ç o . o " 1gü SnP?l$pfSiifl tr 3$/dlil$ 0F ff.Lt tOTffiCIi,$ OS tHE ir{rIt.If CfpAtff'y üS t!ii¿-t-l I'JU-ùlJli. e..oooúoE! .".J""34 A-ËTllii'i-llÏK¡¡}¡¡ ü0]'I$01,r¡ATrtli 0s $0H001:$ rll s'flAi( Tirvffit vAïtffiy ""3ffi ,{}'Fãi\i}fiÇrtff tt 9.0ëãgS 0F 6Ji4STf {)}ffAfRbl$ Äi'IÐ t ÇC0jriptu1Ïyfi{G lrHfïël3,$.ø.Þô.oor.âòócào úo¿ooo¿... "LLL APFj¡liTDl-tr¡¡3¡¡ f"4.Bl-,31S STItr'fIf,TG ptrITCSflirlAGSl liSCRgAS.rt 0f' FCIplJy' lf"TI0i[¡R-qtIAL ORTGII{ 0F pUpIJ;# å¿o c ào o aô,.'n.. o",å$CI .APFSITDTÍIIGT' LIST 03. FII?Ër ffi:.AüIr"El:S rN $cI{o{L }r5TnI0T6'tf$ stïALf nrvgR vA];f,Æy Þ. o o oc .. o, o. .ô â .., c .. o e o .. o,..Tg4 ApFSlTprli,"Hil INFOnicATrt$ asrÁrrrvG T0 ffiJËt'þa-0rffiH,rt,m,Æi AcrrvTÍIjllE û..û. .,e.,rrÊ.oâ,o.o c.øàc o...ô " \ã6 $PPffirJ¡fgtig tr 003y 0x' pu3I,rc ¡roTrcÏü ü0r\T0EtrNtTit(i scIf00å SylA?y. , L6Z ï1 rrËr CIF,TÅ3tE$ 'fable Fagc Jo ßhow*ng t'iae \trTtøaru pleld of jlourteen trap Ðåstr-tet,s Õf Ëhe Frav:\'Aeq r>f llan|'*$ba fo't tite Yea,r L946 aaeeøeø EA J¿" Shor+ing a gÕmpa,ríssn Õf ÄTre?&ge Graín Yfeld. at Kenvfã}e sitir Average Yåelct of the Provl¡rce of ilianj"'brb¿¿ for LgM *L TÏI " Pepd"atf.on of ,9øan,Rlver and. Lilnl-tonas ituni.ef"pa.litiee and of tlre Town of $wan Båver at Ten year Int,ervais 19ül*I921 o9 0es aeÁ t øe c 4.te øtGtørèþGþsúç.'è.s 3e. É4ú¡ ¡ É&Gú 28 ïv, Popula'bf oi: of Fwan ïllver and. l{inÍt,onas 1{unåcfpaiitles and. of the Tøwn of Stran Blver at S.lve yea,r lntervais 1921*1946 ap @ø e @ & o a 6 ee as aø q c ù o s & e ø& o @ @ qø ù c o E Eøq ø e e c øø e 28 V" fhe sehclol DlstrLets rrl'bhin the Rural iulunLei¡iaifty of iliínÌtanas showing the yea,v eaelt staø erga:irì.zerg ænd- the læa;t of tire.fireetåon of frlre sch,e¡gI }Iouse êq6.¿a&øEøoúe gA vl; schooi ÐlstrÈc: tE @Íthf n the F,urat ffiunLe L*oali ty of swan Ríl.ter shmvfng fhe Yçar eaeh was Qtga.nl.zeú. "*,-"oø.øçø" öb vTl ' sel¿orr"1 Ðlstriets tn. tinorga,nlzed. ferr"l"tory sheellng the Year ø-aeit rras Organízæd" ø o e o ø ù E e eø ø I & b ê ø a ø s ø e.. L s e s a ø@ õ6 VTTT. Á. comlæ,rison of ttre cost of Tsaneportatåon with that of 'galaråere 3aicl Tæaeilævs for Beni.ts CIonsoli.dated. sehgol DÍsi;rÍeûul-9},3 ro 194ã,, øosøsøqsøs&aeøøe@asøeso 46 lje, "À _CIoia5wæison r:f the Oosi; of I'raneporta,e ltrn i¡yf th t:r¡a;b of Ëalarfes Paicl reaehers lor Ður1¡an consorid.a'ced ßelrorri DigtrfetÐL9?-4 To 1945 øøoøosao¿.cç.¡.6 sse ceçoù A't v .Ao 'å 0orelu,rÍsan of ßalaries of van Ðrfvers wfth 'bhose ôf Teaahere for Benl.tCI Coneolld.ated. Sollosl Þistyie,b at Stlve Yeaæ Pgrfo¿f.s L$t?-i92'7 *uoqeoe @@øø@øoøsøøseþs6&. @ ãl* Raeåa,I trígtn cf BenlÈo to¡reelårtate<L $ahooÏ Fupåre at rt*vg Tæa'y Intervalg 1922- e)øøeøaúeê3,øþseeó&6,o Eèþø&, 5l JITÏ. TactaÏ 0rígån of Hleþ School- $tud,ænte of the $L;e seconda¡'y schoois ån gwan fr,í'¡cr valley ior ycai end.fng June i94Y @6&øa@øs c aùø@ oaee oaøøøaeøø@øøoøØëaç " bß, xrrr' Hnroi.Ïirent of Supirs ån søaæ fråver vaJ.Iey Gradect $eliooj.g @ e Q ø c ø s ø ú s s a o s Q þ s a &@ q q@ a þ ê tt s ø & a e 4 e ø ø.. u s q þ ø a a û 54 vÅr.
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