99A-031 2000.8.31 5:48 PM D‰¿Ã¡ˆ418 Journal of Economic Integration 15(3), September 2000; 418– 435 Customs Unions and Free Trade Are a s Kimberly A. Clausing Reed College Abstract This paper compares free trade areas and customs unions in terms of their potential to liberalize trade. While neither arrangement is shown to be unambiguously preferable, this paper generates specific conditions that d e t e r mine when customs unions are pre f e r red to free trade areas. The rank- ing of the two arrangements depends on how common external tariffs are set in customs unions, the restrictiveness of rules of origin in free trade a g r eements, and the original tariff levels among the member coun- tries. JEL Classification: F13 Key Words: Customs Unions, Free Trade Areas, Rules of Origin *Correspondence Address: Department of Economics, *Reed College, 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd, Portland. OR 97202-8199 U.S.A. (Tel)(503)771-1112, x7388, (E-mail)
[email protected]. Acknowledgments ; This work has been supported in part by a National Science Foun- dation Graduate Fellowship. I am grateful to James Hines, Donald Davis, and partici- pants at Harvard University’s international economics workshop for helpful com- ments. 2000 Center for International Economics, Sejong Institution. All rights reserved. 99A-031 2000.8.31 5:48 PM D‰¿Ã¡ˆ419 Kimberly A. Clausing 4 1 9 I. Introduction P re f e r ential trading agreements are growing rapidly, in both size and number. An incomplete inventory of recent initiatives includes proposals to extend NAFTA to Chile, to create a Free Trade Area of the Americas encompassing the entire We s t e r n Hemisphere, to establish free trade among the APEC nations, and to continue the expansion of the EU to other E u r opean countries.