Of Animals, Nature and People.[Student's Guide.] Preparing
DOCUMENT RESUME ED-23'0 377 SE 041 574 i . AUTHOR Iozzi, Louis A.; And Others TITLE Of Animals,-Nature and People. (S:udent's Guide.] Preparing for Tomorrow's World. 4 IN5TITUTION . Rutgers, The State Univ., New Brunswick, N.J. Center . for Coastal and Environmental Studies. SPONS AGENCY New Jersey State Dept. of Education, Trenton. PUB DATE 80 - , NOTE 132p.; For related documents, see SE 61 564-585. A complete catalog of the multi-media packages making , up this program is contained in,SE 041 585. , AVAILABLE FROMSOPRIS WEST, Inc., 1120 Delaware Ave., Longmont, CO . 80501 (Complete multi-media module, including stddent materials, $95; replacement student worksheets, $2). PUB TYPE Guides- Classroom Use -,Materials (For Learner) (051) EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available froM'EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Animals; Critical ThinkingrDecision Making; *Environmental Education; *Futures (of Society); High Schools; Interdisciplinary Approach; Learning Activities;. Moral Development; *Moral Issues; *tatural Resources; Physical Environffient; *Problem Solving; Role Plaking; Science Education; Secondary SChool Science; Social Studies; Student'Attitudes; Technology; Wildlife IDENTIFIERS. Dilemma Discussion Approach; *Environmental Ethic; . Preparing for Tomorrows'World PrograM; *Science and Society ABSTRACT Developing an awareness of the need to evolim an environmental ethic is the intent of this module, designed for the . senior high school level (grades 10-11)% The module is divided into two sections. Section 1 contains a series of dilemma/discussion activities raising issues regarding hulnan behavior toward, animals and the natural environment. Dilemmas.are-brief stories posing a critical decision to be made by a mainscharacter: This decision.revolves aroUnd conflicts between two .or more moral/ethical'isstes (as .
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