
DNA explained

DNA is material that governs inheritance of eye color, hair color, stature, bone density and many other human and animal traits. DNA is a long, but narrow string-like object. A one foot long string or strand of DNA is normally packed into a space roughly equal to a cube 1/millionth of an inch on a side. This is possible only because DNA is a very thin string.

Our body's cells each contain a complete sample of our DNA. One cell is roughly equal in size to the cube described in the previous paragraph. There are muscle cells, brain cells, liver cells, blood cells, sperm cells and others. Basically, every part of the body is made up of these tiny cells and each contains a sample or complement of DNA identical to that of every other cell within a given person. There are a few exceptions. For example, our red blood cells lack DNA. Blood itself can be typed because of the DNA contained in our white blood cells.

Not only does the human body rely on DNA but so do most living things including plants, animals and bacteria.A strand of DNA is made up of tiny building-blocks. There are only four, different basic building-blocks. Scientists usually refer to these using four letters, A, T, G, and C. These four letters are short nicknames for more complicated building-block chemical names, but actually the letters (A,T, G and C) are used much more commonly than the chemical names so the latter will not be mentioned here. Another term for DNA's building blocks is the term, "bases." A, T, G and C are bases.

For example, to refer to a particular piece of DNA, we might write: AATTGCCTTTTAAAAA. This is a perfectly acceptable way of describing a piece of DNA. Someone with a machine called a DNA synthesizer could actually synthesize the same piece of DNA from the information AATTGCCTTTTAAAAA alone.

The sequence of bases (letters) can code for many properties of the body's cells. The cells can read this code. Some DNA sequences encode important information for the cell. Such DNA is called, not surprisingly, "coding DNA." Our cells also contain much DNA that doesn't encode anything that we know about. If the DNA doesn't encode anything, it is called non-coding DNA or sometimes, "junk DNA."1[1]

The DNA code, or genetic code as it is called, is passed through the sperm and egg to the offspring. A single sperm cell contains about three billion bases consisting of A, T, G and C that follow each other in a well defined sequence along the strand of DNA. Each egg cell also contains three billion bases arranged in a well-defined sequence very similar, but not identical to the sperm.

Both coding and non-coding DNAs may vary from one individual to another. These DNA variations can be used to identify people or at least distinguish one person from another.

Hep C (non AB) R/O infection prev. Antibody Screen exposure Antibody Screen - Refugee Hepatitis B Screen

Drug Screen, IDP6 chain of custody Hepatitis B Screen - Refugee

Drug Screen, urine (Utox) parent wants to Hepatitis C Screen know Hepatitis profile (screening for infection Intestinal Parasites or prev. exposure Intestinal Parasites - Refugee Herpes Simplex


Amylase 24 hr. Urine IGE

Amylase, Imipramine Level (Tofranil)

ANA Iron Profile

Anafranil (Clomipramine Level) Iron Serum

Anemia Profile Lead level

Arthritis Profile Lead Screening

AST LH (Lutenizing Horm)

AST TB LH (Lutenizing Horm) FP

Beta Strep B Profile

Bilirubin Total Lipid Profile FP

Bilirubin Neonatal Lipid Profile SHAPP

Bilirubin, Dir. Lithium Levels

Biochem Profile Liver Profile

Biochem Profile FP Liver Profile FP

Blood Test - Refugee Liver Profile FP

Blood Test (School, Employment) Liver Profile TB

Blood Test Marriage Metabolic Screen/PKU

BTM 3 days Misc. Test Code

C Reactive Protein Monospot

Calcium - included in Chem 7 Nortrityline Level

Cancer Antigen 125 Ova & Parasite

Carbamazepine (Tegretol) Package I0 (cbc, cmp, hypothyroid)

CBC Package 12 (cbc,cmp,lipp,rpr,tsh)

CBC TB Package 14 (alt,ast,alkphos,tbil,ldh,cpk)

CEA, EIA Package 15 (cbc,cmp,rpr,rub,hbag,abrh)

Chem 7 FP Package 2 (cbc,cmp,lipp)

Chem 7 SHAPP Package 3 (cbc,cmp,lipp,t4)

Chem 7 TB Package 4 (cmp,cmp,lipp,tsh)

Chem 7 (na, k, cl, co2, glu, creat, ca & Package 5 (cmp,tsh) bun) Chlamydia EIA Package 6 (cbc,cmp,tsh)

Clomipramine Level-Anafranil Package 7 (cmp,lipp,iron,tsh)

Clostridium Diff Package 9 (cbc,cmp,t4)

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP) (bun, na, k, cl,co2, glu, creat, ca, tot bili, Package I (cbc,cmp) alb, tot prot, ast, alk phosphotase, alt)


Cortisol Pin Worm Prep

Creat Clear 24 Hr. Pin Worm Prep

Creat Clear 24 Hr. TB Pin Worm Test

Creatinine, Serum Placil

Creatinine, Serum SHAPP Potassium

Cryptospor Spec Potassium SHAPP

Preg Test (Quant) – serum / Preg Test Depakane (Valproic Acid Level) (Urine) Digoxin Procainamide & N. Acetyl Procainamide

Dilantin Progesterone

DNA Referral Prolactin Level

DNA Testing (Mother,Father,1 Child) Prolactin Level FP

DNA Testing each Add. Prostatic Specif. PSA Screening

Electrolytes Protein, 24 Hr. Urine

Estradiol Protein, Electrophoresis

Estradiol FP Protime with INR

Fecal Occult Blood SHAPP PTT

Fecal Occult Blood (3 slides) Rabies Titer

Ferritin Rapid Strep Screen

Fibrinogen Retic Count

Free & Total Prostatic Antigen Rheumatoid Arthritis

FSH Rotovirus Antigen

RPR Card Test - Performed only at FSH FP Norcross RPR Card Test - Performed only at Fungus Culture Norcross GC Culture RSV, serum

Giardia Dir. Exam Rubella

Giardia Spec. AG, Stool Sed Rate (Westergren)

Glucose Screen Sickle Cell Screen

Glyco Hemo SHAPP Sickle Cell Test

Glyco Hemo Hemoglobin AIC Sodium, Serum

Health Profile 01 SHAPP Sodium, Serum SHAPP

Health Profile 02 (cbc,cmp,lipp,ferr) Stool Culture

Health Profile 03 (cmp, ferr) Stool Culture - Refugee

Health Profile 04 T3, Total (CMP,TIBC,LIPP,MAG) Health Profile 0I (cmp,tsh,lipp,iron,ferr, T3, Total FP uric acid, cbc) Hemoglobin & Hematocrit T4 Free

Hemoglobin Check T4 Free FP

Hep A Antibody T4 Total

Hep B Core Anti T4 Total FP

Hep B Surface AG Tegretol (Carbamazepine)

Hep B, Antibody - check for immunity Theophylline

Hep C (non AB) R/O infection prev. Throat Culture exposure Transferrin




Uric Acid

Uric Acid SHAPP



Urinalysis SHAPP

Urine Chlamydia/Gonorrhea Test

Urine Culture & Sensitivity Only

Utox, urine (mom wants to know)

Valproic Acid Level (Depakane)

Varicella Zoster

X Ray