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Arts Travel A fiddler not to « Kreativitet gjør at vi kan tenke Updates from St. oss en verden som ennå ikke be missed finnes: fremtiden. » Olav’s Way Read more on page 15 – Jan Hellesøe Read more on page 9 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 126 No. 30 August 28, 2015 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $2.00 per copy Snøhetta designs America A two-part look at the Norwegian firm’s US projects, from east to west

Photo: Snøhetta Victoria Hofmo Snøhetta’s work on the famous French Laundry restaurant involves enlarging the garden and kitchen, adding an annex with butcher space, test kitchen, Brooklyn, N.Y. and offices. The outdoor spaces will gently deliver guests to the front door.

The architectural firm Snøhetta was born The New York City projects discussed in wegian terrain. There is a smattering of drier The French Laundry Kitchen Expansion in Norway, but has been making its mark the prior article are situated in a dense urban wine country to boot. As with the east coast and Courtyard Renovation globally. They have opened an office in New area. So it is fascinating to see these juxta- projects, I had a chance to ask the Snøhetta This famous eatery located in Califor- York and a studio in San Francisco, which posed with the projects Snøhetta is planning managers questions about each project. I find nia’s Napa Valley was established by world- is perhaps why our two coasts are seeing a for the Pacific Northwest, a land of sea, lush- their insight and attention to details enlight- plethora of projects with the Snøhetta stamp. ness, and height, much more similar to Nor- ening. I hope you will too. See > snøhetta, page 13 What’s inside? News 2-3 Business 4 Capturing the dream of America Sports 5 Rigmor Swensen they coped with life in their times and how Opinion 6-7 Norwegian American Historical Assoc. that story affects us today. Taste of Norway 8 Perhaps it is a good idea to start at the Travel Sverre Mørkhagen tells three gripping very beginning with this question. 9 stories about the Norwegian immigration to Roots & Connections 10 America in his trilogy: Farewell Norway, The Rigmor Swensen: Why did you write about Obituaries & Religion 11 Dream of America, and Norwegian America, the subject of immigration from Norway to In Your Neighborhood 12-13 which await translation into English. the ? Norwegian Heritage At the beginning of his first visit to Sverre Mørkhagen: I had come to a turn- 14 America, Mørkhagen visited the Norwegian ing point in my professional life—10 years Arts & Entertainment 15 Historical Association, Inc. seeking informa- in journalism, 20 in publishing. If I were to Back Page 16 tion about the New York Norwegian-Amer- independently produce a substantial work, ican community. After that, he crisscrossed perhaps a classic work with my signature on $1 = NOK 8.183 the States and Canada, chasing the Norwe- it, I had to grasp the opportunity when there updated 08/24/2015 gian immigrant story back to its very begin- still was time for it. ning in 1825. I had some ideas, and my editor some In comparison Mørkhagen claims that history is not a others. Why not a comprehensive study of 07/24/2015 8.1892 compilation of events and dates. History is Photo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag 02/24/2015 7.6141 the story of those who lived in the past, how See > mørkhagen, page 14 Sverre Mørkhagen. 08/24/2014 6.1667 2 • August 28, 2015 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Skoler får terroralarm Enda mer Norges første dyrepoliti Nå er Norges første dyrepoliti i gang. I løpet av året vil 70 osloskoler ha installert et nytt Med tre statsråder til stede presenterte varslingssystem som kan utløses ved terrorangrep USA-vekst Sør-Trøndelag politidistrikt gruppen som skal sørge for at dyr ikke lider. Passasjertrafikken 21. august lanserte Sør-Trøndelag politidistrikt dyrekrimteamet som skal mellom Norge og Nord- være de første til å teste ut dyrepoli- Amerika har eksplodert tiordningen her til lands, til tross for at politiet selv ikke vil ha eget dyre- ftenposten politi. Tre personer skal arbeide i A denne enheten: politiadvokat Tina Oslo Lufthavns internasjonale nettverk Marielle Værnes, miljøkoordinator er i ferd med å øke dramatisk. 17. august lan- Marius Rønningen og etterforsker serte Norwegian en ny rute neste år som skal Karine Larsen. Det var lenge stor de- gå mellom Oslo til Boston. 18. august slipper batt om hvorvidt Norge skulle få eget SAS flere langrutenyheter. En av nyhetene er dyrepoliti. I januar ble det imidlertid trolig en direkterute mellom Oslo og Miami, kjent at regjeringen, for første gang i i tillegg til nye langruter både via Stockholm historien, skulle teste ut ordningen. I Foto: Lokman Ghorbani NRK og København. slutten av april kom meldingen om at Hovseter skole er en av de første osloskolene som har fått et nytt varslingssystem. En Miami-rute vil gå i direkte konkur- det er Sør-Trøndelag politidistrikt som ranse med Norwegians rute til Fort Lauder- får en egen dyrekrim-gruppe som et positive til det nye varslingssystemet. dale, som ligger under en times biltur unna. prøveprosjekt på tre år. Tre millioner NRK — Alarmen gjør at jeg føler meg ekstra Miami International Airport er blant de kroner er satt av til forsøksprosjektet. — Etter det som har skjedd på skoler i trygg. Da kan lærere komme fortere å hjelpe store i USA, og er den flyplassen som har Prosjektet vil vare i tre år og skal eval- blant annet USA, Tyskland og Finland, har til. Det er fint. Vi har hatt veldig mye om ter- størst internasjonal trafikk etter John F. Ken- ueres underveis. vi spurt oss selv: «Hva gjør vi?» Jeg leder ror på skoler i andre land. Det er trist at noen nedy-flyplassen i New York. (VG) en bedrift med over 700 mennesker. Da må har hjerte til å gjøre noe sånt, sier elevene Opptrappingen mot USA skjer som følge Røde Kors venter på Syria-pengene vi ha en beredskap, og den har vi styrket nå, Henriette Bostad og Frida Fossum. av en markant vekst i trafikken vestover,­ der sier rektor ved Hovseter skole, Evelyn An- Når alarmen går, og det er alvor, vil det spesielt Norwegian har vært aggressiv. Sels- Regjeringen har lovet økonomisk gell Veglo. blinke i en lampe høyt oppe på veggen. I til- kapet har i løpet av kort tid lansert åtte direk- støtte til hjelpearbeidet i Syrias Skolen er en av de første grunnskolene legg vil rektor kunne nå alle med beskjed teruter fra Norge til USA og Karibia, mens nærområder, men Røde Kors har i Oslo som har fått på plass nye verktøy for over høyttalere i klasserom, skolegården og SAS til nå har to—til New York fra Oslo og ikke sett noe til pengene ennå. — Vi internkommunikasjon. Dette skal blant annet på toaletter. til Houston fra Stavanger. er klare, men har ikke sett noe til økt gjøre skolene i bedre stand til å håndtere en Skolen kan også velge å barrikadere Den nye Norwegian-ruten til Boston støtte i nærområdene, slik regjeringen ekstremsituasjon hvor det er fare for liv og bygningen slik at skolen blir hermetisk luk- skal flys to ganger i uken fra Oslo, ogen har bebudet. Nå forventer vi mer øko- helse. ket for uvedkommende. gang fra København. Boston er ellers siste nomisk støtte til arbeidet i Syria og er i — Skolen er en erstatning for hjemmene — Fordelen er at vi kan varsle raskt og nye rute i Bjørn Kjos’ kraftige langrutesats- dialog med politisk ledelse i Utenriks- på dagtid. Da må vi ivareta elevenes sikker- nå ut til alle med viktige beskjeder. Vi kan be ing fra selskapets base på London-flyplassen departementet om dette, sier president het på best mulig måte. Vi kan aldri garantere alle elevene holde seg inne i klasserommene, Gatwick. Sven Mollekleiv i Røde Kors til Dag- for folks absolutte trygghet, og vi vet ikke at de må forflytte seg til et annet rom eller Passasjerveksten er formidabel. Tall bladet. Han forteller at han har vært hvor og når uforutsette hendelser vil skje, forlate skolens område, forklarer rektoren. Oslo Lufthavn har utarbeidet for Aften- i Syria hvert år siden borgerkrigen men elevene skal føle seg trygge på skolen, posten forteller om en vekst fra Gardermoen startet, og at han med egne øyne har sier Evelyn Angell Veglo. English Synopsis: Oslo schools are installing new til ulike reisemål i USA fra 161,000 i 2010 til sett de enorme lidelsene befolkningen Elever som NRK har snakket med er alert systems that could be used during a terror attack. 485,000 i fjor. er utsatt for. Bare inne i Syria er det Når SAS også nå girer opp skjer det på mer enn åtte millioner flyktninger. Fire bakgrunn av at selskapet får inn fire nye lang- millioner er på flukt over grensene, på- distansefly som blant annet settes inn idet peker han. — Når det gjelder ekstra stadig voksende markedet vestover. Derfor midler fra revidert budsjett er vi i ferd Lager arktisk whisky presenterer selskapet en økt satsing på nye med å ferdigstille den overordnede interkontinentale ruter og økte frekvenser på fordelingen av disse nå. Røde Kors er eksisterende ruter som vil omfatte alle de tre blant dem vi har dialog med om dette. På Myken skal de lage whisky av det salte havet skandinaviske hovedstedene. Midlene vil bli utbetalt i løpet av de Norwegian legger ikke skjul på at appe- neste ukene og månedene. De vil bli VG titten på flere USA-ruter er sterk: kanalisert gjennom norske organisas- — Whiskyen vi lager her er i tillegg — Det er helt klart at vi kommer med joner, FN-organisasjoner og Røde verdens første og eneste arktiske whisky, sier mer på USA, både nye ruter og økning på Kors-systemet, opplyser statssekretær en av gründerne, Roar Larsen. eksisterende ruter. Vi flyr nå—med stapp­ Bård Glad Pedersen i UD. Whisky-eventyret helt ytterst på Helge- fulle fly—på åtte amerikanske flyplasser. Vi (Aftenposten) landskysten kan egentlig takke et fryktelig ser også en økning av amerikanske reisende 17 meteorologer mister jobben uvær for at det i det hele tatt kom i gang. til Europa, sier kommunikasjonsdirektør Kjemiprofessoren på NTNU var på båtferie Anne-Sissel Skånvik i selskapet til Aften- Meteorologisk institutt sliter økono- sammen med familien, da de ble liggende posten. misk, og det vil gå ut over værmeld- værfast i Myken i fem døgn. Neste år får Norwegian levert fire nye ingstjenesten. De økonomiske prob- På land gikk familien fra Trondheim og Dreamliner langdistansefly. lemene til Meteorologisk institutt ble kjente på at de trivdes stadig bedre i fiske­ kjent i mars, og allerede da fikk de været helt ytterst i Vestfjorden. De ville til- English Synopsis: Both SAS and Norwegian have an- ansatte varsel om nedbemanning. I bake. Og de kom tilbake: et helt år. nounced that they are adding new routes between the juni fikk de ansatte tilbud om frivillige U.S. and Scandinavia to keep up with the exponential — Vi trivdes veldig godt den tiden vi var growth of travel between the continents. sluttpakker med frist 17. august. Nå er her, og mot slutten av året satte vi oss ned det klart at ikke tilstrekkelig mange for å lage en liste med ideer for hvordan vi har takket ja til tilbudet, skriver Af- kunne få til å bruke mer tid, og kanskje på Foto: VG tenposten. Dermed ligger det an til at sikt bosette oss her, forteller Larsen. Whiskyprodusent Roar Larsen. rundt 17– 18 meteorologer og værkon- — Vi satte ned fire A4-sider med ideer. Abonner sulenter blir sagt opp, ifølge direktør Mye av det var helt spinnvilt og umulig å år på eikefat, før den kan kalles whisky. Anton Eliassen ved Meteorologisk in- gjennomføre. Når vi var ferdig med å stryke — Vi har allerede bestillinger på en på norsk stitutt. Kuttene vil ramme både Oslo, disse, var det whisky-produksjon som sto rekke av de små fatene. Når whiskyen er Bergen og Tromsø, og Eliassen sier øverst på listen. modnet og klar, kan de kjøpe den ut gjen- amerikansk ukentlig! kuttene vil gå ut over værmeldings­ Han fikk med seg seks andre familier nom Vinmonopolet. Ring til (206) 784-4617 tjenestene. Instituttet har i dag rundt 70 på dugnaden det til nå har vært, for ingen av meteorologer og 20 værkonsulenter. dem har til nå tatt ut lønn. English Synopsis: Chemistry professor Roar Larsen Send e-post til (NRK) — Det har selvsagt sammenheng med at and his family decided to move to the Myken fishing [email protected] spriten skal lagres og modnes minimum tre village and make the world’s first Arctic whisky. Norwegian american weekly August 28, 2015 • 3 news page Are more This week in brief Norway-led Ebola World Humanitarian Day 2015 In connection with observing World immigrants Humanitarian Day 2015 on August 19, vaccine “promising” the Norwegian Government announced that it is providing a further NOK 50 on welfare? million in aid for Yemen and a number M. Michael Brady of forgotten crises in the world. Asker, Norway Minister’s statements Foreign Minister Børge Brende said: “World Humanitarian Day is an Ebola virus disease (EVD), often short- problematic, research says important reminder that we are living in ened to Ebola, is a severe, often fatal disease dramatic times. The world is experienc- that typically occurs in outbreaks in the trop- Michael Sandelson ing large-scale humanitarian crises, and ical regions of sub-Sahara Africa. EVD first The Foreigner 60 million people have been forced to appeared in 1976 in two outbreaks, one in flee from their homes.” Sudan and the other in the Democratic Re- Progress’s (FrP) Minister of Labor and World Humanitarian Day was es- public of Congo, in a village near the Ebola Social Affairs declared to reporters that fig- tablished by the UN to draw attention to River, for which the disease is named. The ures for social benefits recipient numbers humanitarian crises and to highlight the ongoing outbreak in West Africa that started “are the highest since 2005”—125,400— tremendous efforts made by aid work- in March 2014 is the largest and most com- with “far too many immigrants on welfare.” ers in the face of adversity and danger plex since EVD was first identified. “37 percent of [those receiving social throughout the world. To date, there are no licensed Ebola benefits] are immigrants,” he continued, call- Aid efforts for Yemen are seriously vaccines. That may soon change. Starting in ing for action due to what he termed as “a underfunded. More than 21 million Ye- March this year, a study of a candidate vac- major overrepresentation.” meni people—some 80 percent of the cine is being conducted in Guinea, a country Predicting that the number of immigrants population—are dependent on humani- severely affected in the ongoing outbreak. Photo courtesy of Norwegian Institute of on benefits will increase if nothing is done, he tarian aid, but only 18 percent of the As of early July, of the 11,000 deaths in Public Health proposes improved qualification procedures. amount called for in the UN appeal for the outbreak, 2,500 have been in Guinea. John-Arne Røttingen. These include better Norwegian language emergency relief has been provided. The ongoing study is collaboration between training and more stringent demands. Not all serious crises receive equal the country’s health authorities, the World of Public Health. The results announced on “We must be able to set clearer expec- attention. “There are serious humanitar- Health Organization (WHO), Doctors With- July 31 were encouraging. As Dr. Røttingen tations and demands for access to our wel- ian crises in a number of countries that out Borders, and the Norwegian Institute of cautiously remarked, “The initial results fare programs,” stated the Minister, adding are not receiving the attention they de- Public Health. The study’s steering commit- give us reason to believe this could be the that he recognizes the challenges immigrants serve. The situation in the Central Afri- tee was headed by Dr. John-Arne Røttin- first effective Ebola vaccine developed.” face when applying for jobs. can Republic, the Democratic Republic gen, Director of the Division of Infections of Congo, or the Sahel, where more than Disease Control at the Norwegian Institute See > ebola, page 6 See > welfare, page 15 28 million people are in need of human- itarian aid, shows how urgently help is needed. The government is today pro- viding NOK 30 million in aid to help July 22 Information Center open alleviate forgotten humanitarian crises,” Brende said. Victims of terror World Humanitarian Day is held on August 19 because it was on this day in attacks remembered 2003 that the UN headquarters in Bagh- dad was bombed and 22 people, most of in Oslo Tower Block them UN personnel, lost their lives. (Norway Post / NRK / SSB) M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway Latest pre-election poll The Labor Party (AP) drops 3.9 percent- On July 22, 2011, Norway suffered two age points in the latest pre-election poll, sequential lone-wolf domestic terrorist at- and now has the support of 32.3 percent tacks against the government in Oslo and of the electorate. Prime Minister Erna against a Labor-Party Youth League (AUF) Solberg’s Conservative Party (Høyre) summer camp that together claimed 77 moves up 1.3 points, to 23.5 percent. lives. It was the most lethal attack in Nor- Government coalition partner the Prog- way since World War II. On the fourth anni- Photo: Ann Kristin Lindaas, courtesy of Ministry of Local Government and Modernization ress Party (FrP), also moves up, by 0.7 versary of the attacks, an information center Three Prime Ministers attended the opening: ex-PM Gro Harlem Brundtland (center), ex-PM Jens points, to 12.5 percent on the poll, made on them was opened on the ground floor of Stoltenberg, and present PM Erna Solberg. by InFact for the newspaper VG. the 17-floor Tower Block of the government The Christian Democrats (KrF), quarter in Oslo, the site of the first attack. rifle and a semiautomatic pistol. The gun- dedicated to the 77 people who lost their which supports the government coali- The interior of the center looks like that man, a 32-year-old Norwegian right-wing lives in them. The texts and photo captions tion, has the support of 5.4 percent of of a bombed building, which is exactly what extremist, was apprehended on the island. In on placards are in English as well as Norwe- the voters, up 0.5 percentage points it is. Like the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, mid 2012, he was tried in the Oslo District gian. from the previous poll. The other sup- the attack on it used a car bomb as the weap- Court and sentenced to 21 years in prison, The center is a joint effort of the Min- porting party, the Liberal Left (Venstre) on of terrorism. The explosion killed eight which upon expiration can be extended in istry of Local Government and Moderniza- drops 0.6 points, to 5.2 percent. people and injured an additional 209. The five-year periods, as long as the prisoner is tion and the Department of Historical Studies The Environmental Party the second attack occurred less than two hours regarded to be a threat to society. at the Norwegian University of Science and Greens (De Grønne) advances 1.4 later, on the island of Utøya in Lake Tyrifjor- The exhibitions of the center—photos, Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim. It is not points, to 5.2 percent. den, 24 miles northwest of the city of Oslo. texts, films, and objects—clearly and touch- intended to be permanent, but rather to have The Agrarians (SP) drop 0.7 points There the lone gunman massacred 69 young ingly detail the scenarios of the two horrific to 6.1 percent, while the Socialist Left people, one-by-one, using a semiautomatic attacks. There’s a separate memorial room See > july 22, page 6 Party (SV) has the support of 4.1 per- cent, down 0.2 points from June. theforeigner.no is one of the top sources for English-language news The municipal elections will be and features from Norway. Subscriptions start at NOK 49 per month held on September 14. There are no foreign (Norway Post / NRK) «lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign. – Robert Louis Stevenson » 4 • August 28, 2015 norwegian american weekly Business

Business News & Notes Oslo Innovation Week Future cooperation on aquaculture celebrates its 10th year Canada, Chile, Scotland, and Norway in a global market, we share some common have this week signed a joint statement on challenges. By cooperation and exchange of Norway hosts Europe’s largest innovation convention future cooperation on aquaculture. information we can learn from each other in Announcing this, the Norwegian Fisher- effort to develop the aquaculture industry in ies Minister Elisabeth Aspaker said: “Today a sustainable way,” says Aspaker. we have taken an important step forward. Scottish Minister for Environment, Cli- The demand for food will increase as the mate Change, and Land Reform Dr. Aileen world’s population is predicted to grow to 9 McLeod said: “I am delighted to be here at billion by 2050. Seafood production must in- Aqua Nor strengthening our international crease substantially to meet the needs of this ties with Norway, Canada, and Chile, rec- expanded population. ognizing the worldwide importance of aqua- “Norway, Scotland, Canada, and Chile culture growth delivered through enhanced are the world’s four main producers of At- cooperation and joint working. lantic salmon. The agreement signed today “Today’s joint statement is good news gives us a unique opportunity to learn from for the future sustainable growth and devel- each other,” Aspaker said. opment of our aquaculture sector. And I look The countries will encourage coopera- forward to sharing the successes and learn- tion; exchange information, knowledge, and ing from the challenges that all our countries experiences; and work together to put sea- have experienced as we look to grow sus- food on the global agenda on food security tainably,” says Dr. McLeod. and nutrition. (Norway Post / Fisheries Ministry) “Although our industries are competitors

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (Aug. 24, 2015) Photo: Gorm K. Gaare Winners Losers In venues all across the city, investors, startups, and industry professionals will discuss innovation. Norsk Kr. 8.1834 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Dansk Kr. 6.4405 Siem Shipping 67.75 23.18% EMAS Offshore 1.08 -28.95% Biotec Pharmacon 11.75 3.98% Atlantic Petroleum 19.40 -22.09% Rasmus Falck talent and successful startups, capable of at- Svensk Kr. 8.2779 Questerre Energy Corp. 1.07 -17.69% Oslo, Norway tracting foreign investors. At the forum some Islandsk Kr. 127.55 Note: For some reason, the Oslo Børs lists Havila Shipping 6.01 -15.94% of the players will share their views on the only two winners this week. Thin Film Electronics 2.22 -14.62% Canadian $ 1.3231 Oslo Innovation Week is celebrating its new venture capital. For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Euro 0.8631 10-year anniversary. They say the Nordic One classic startup problem: the tech- startup scene is getting hot, and right now nology works fine, the customer loves the the heat is on in Norway. Innovation Nor- product, but scaling up and international MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE way is Europe’s largest innovation conven- growth is a totally different game. How do tion. The program includes over 60 events you identify the potential global winners on startup, technology, and creativity. They from those that will remain small, local Attorneys and counselors at law range from keynote talks to pitching compe- businesses forever? How do you go global? titions to investor meetings. They are orga- These themes are up for discussion at this nized by different event partners and held all year’s forum. Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, over the city. Among the other events let me briefly commercial transactions and estate planning. One of my favorites is the Norwegian mention the Cutting Edge 2015 Festival at Investment Forum. The theme this year is the Oslo Science Park. Here the city’s re- the changing landscape of venture investing. search and innovation communities join 2501 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 A new type of investor is funding the start- forces to show their latest and greatest. They ups. Who are they, how do they work, and will present upcoming trends in science, Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 what does this means to the international in- technology, and entrepreneurship, from vestors and entrepreneurs? The forum is the groundbreaking research to exciting startups largest annual venture capital event in Nor- that are changing the world. The three top way and gathers 300 participants from the candidates for winning the prize “Changing Nordic venture capital community, business the World (Wide Web) 2015” will be pre- angels, and startup companies. The most in- sented. The prize will be awarded to a Scan- teresting blend of promising startups, from dinavian web application that changes the RETIRE WITH LIFE! digital mobile, life science and med tech, en- world. Another event is the evening seminar about female entrepreneurship gaining mo- AND ENJOY ALL IT HAS TO OFFER ergy, maritime, and impact investments will be presented. mentum. This event will look at the impor- tance of finding a mentor and creating a sup- Life changes in retirement. Your life With only 3 percent of Europe’s popula- insurance needs may change, too. Now tion, the Nordics have taken on 16 percent port network when embarking on the startup it’s also about protecting assets, enjoying of Europe’s venture capital investment and journey. These are only some highlights on tax advantages, filling financial gaps turned that into 3 billion U.S. dollars year- what’s going on between October 12 and 16 and meeting other financial needs. ly in exit value over the last ten years. The in Oslo! Now it’s time to schedule an number of seed-fund companies has qua- Insurance Checkup with a Thrivent drupled over the last four years in the U.S. Rasmus Falck is a strong Financial representative or visit More than 200 micro venture capital firms Thrivent.com/checkup. innovation and entrepre- have raised more than 4 billion U.S. dollars neurship advocate. The to invest in early stage companies. Angel author of “What do the List and Founders Club are growing. Incu- best do better” and “The INSURANCE bators and accelerators are pushing out large board of directors as a CHECKUP numbers of companies at Demo Day. Now resource in SME,” he re- they look to Europe and the Nordics. The ceived his masters degree European entrepreneurial ecosystems show from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He a general increase in the capacity to generate currently lives in Oslo, Norway.

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28447NBB N8-15 norwegian american weekly August 28, 2015 • 5 sports Christiansen crushes Norwegian records 18-year-old swimmer breaks three national records during the 16th FINA World Champs And that’s exactly where Christiansen’s thoughts are now: Rio 2016. Within the next Molly Jones year, he plans to boost his training to 1,500 Norwegian American Weekly hours over 200 days of training sessions and competitions. Since he won’t be studying If it wasn’t clear before, it sure is now; full time, he will have much more time for Norwegian swimmer Henrik Christiansen is training this season. unstoppable. At just 18, Christiansen already About half of those days will be spent holds the national records in the 400m, training at altitude camps in Flagstaff and Si- 800m, and 1500m freestyle, as well as the erra Nevada—a very significant increase for 400m individual medley. And he just keeps the young swimmer. on shattering his own records. “It will be exciting. I have only been to Following a recent transition from ju- one altitude camp, but I think I have gotten nior to senior international competition, a lot out of it. Now I will get to really try it Christiansen earned a spot among the 2,400 out,” says Christiansen. athletes participating in the 16th FINA “It is a lot, but Henrik has been at such World Championships in Kazan, Russia. heights before and knows how his body re- For his first major accomplishment of acts. If there is someone who dares so many the competition, Christiansen beat his per- Photo: Halvor Ekeland / NRK days at that altitude, it is Henrik,” adds Het- sonal record in the 800m freestyle on August Henrik Christiansen is setting the water on fire with his speed. land to NRK. 4 with a time of 7:49.70, coming in eighth Olympiatoppen’s Espen Tønnesen is place. This was an improvement of over sev- know what to say. It is totally sick. I don’t a disappointment to Christiansen, however. optimistic about the 18-year-old’s future and en seconds from his 2014 national record of know how I did it,” he continued. He did manage to improve his PR by seven agrees that 100 days of altitude training is 7:57.07. And for the first time, Christiansen “I have never been more impressed with seconds, but his time of 15:02.37 left him 4.5 a good amount of time. “He has extremely qualified for a World Championships final. Henrik than I am now. I had hoped that he seconds away from qualification to the finals. good training conditions, and he has a very That record didn’t last long, though! would set a new PR by a half second, but “I have mixed feelings. It is the best good coach in Petter Løvberg who has been The following day, Christiansen swam into he’s fighting for medals,” commented NRK- race I’ve done and a great achievement in it- doing this for 10 to 15 years. At the same fifth place in the finals and took another four expert Aleksander Hetland. “It is unbeliev- self, but I feel I have more capacity,” he told time, he has good support from Olympiatop- seconds off of his record, with a time of ably great, incredibly impressive, and far NRK. pen, so I think there are very good chances 7:45.66, for Norway’s best performance in beyond my expectations.” “His goal was to come out under 15 that this will go very well.” the World Championships since Alexander With two outstanding performances in minutes, and following the strong 800 me- Christiansen claims he isn’t about to an- Dale Oen’s gold in 2011. the 800m, Christiansen and his coach Petter ter, neither he nor we are completely satis- nounce his intentions for a medal just yet, The 18-year-old was happy, excited, Løvberg were hopeful going into the 1500m fied, even though it was a big improvement but he is hoping to set a personal record in and a bit shocked after the race. “It was ab- freestyle on August 8. If Christiansen could of the Norwegian record,” admitted Løvberg Rio. And with the amount of training the am- solutely incredible. I hadn’t thought it would break his record by 10 seconds, Hetland be- to NRK. “Nevertheless, this is an incredible bitious Norwegian has scheduled leading up go so fast at all,” he said to NRK just min- lieved he would get a medal. championship for Henrik and valuable expe- to the Games, a new record seems more than utes after his record-breaking swim. “I don’t The 1500m race ended up being a bit of rience leading to the Olympics,” he added. likely!

Sports News & Notes Track & Field: Okparaebo out of World Europa League: Victory for Rosenborg Cup Rosenborg played a perfect counter attack On Aug. 23, Ezinne Okparaebo delivered a in the Europa League match and beat Steaua strong 100 meters in 11:12 with -1.2 head- București 3-0 in Romania. Sealift Inc. wind. It was a clear season best and only (NRK) two-hundredths behind her Norwegian re- cord. But in the semifinals the next day, she Europa League: Molde wins after a good • Ship Owners • was second to last in the third heat and far first half away from placing in the 100m final with A very good first half gave Molde a 2-0 lead a mediocre time of 11:19. Dafne Schippers over Standard Liege in the Europa League. • Ship & Cargo Brokers • won with the new Dutch record of 10:83. Tommy Høiland and Mohamed Elyounuossi Veronica Campbell-Brown finished second. scored the goals within four minutes. (NRK) (NRK) • Steamship Agents • Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League results Standings

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Sandefjord 21 13 6 • August 28, 2015 norwegian american weekly opinion An opinion column about current issues in < july 22 From page 3 Norway and the United States a life span of about five years, the estimat- Join the conversation! ed time for completion of the rehabilitation On the EDGE works on the government quarter. Opportunity of social mobility great in Scandinavia Further reading: • “2011 Norway attacks,” Wikipedia entry, link at: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_ Norway_attacks M. Michael Brady • “Infosenter om 22. juli ved Høy- Asker, Norway blokka” (“July 22 Information Center at the Tower Building”), Ministry of Local Gov- Economic opportunity and upward ernment and Modernization press release mobility now seem elusive in face of in- upon announcement of building of center, creasing inequality in high-income coun- January 4, 2015 (in Norwegian), online at: tries. Why that is so has recently been the www.regjeringen.no/no/aktuelt/infosenter- object of much research. The resultant om-22.-juli-ved-hoyblokka/id2357136/ comparative rankings of the social mo- • July 22 and the Negotiation of Memory bility of countries imply that the Scan- by the Norwegian University of Science and dinavian countries offer greater opportu- Technology (NTNU), description of joint nity than most others. government-academic project (in English), Social mobility in a society is usual- online at: www.ntnu.edu/july22memory ly expressed in terms of its opposite, the intergenerational persistence of income, Center details: which is the likelihood that someone The center is on the ground floor of the 17-floor will inherit their parents’ relative income Høyblokka (“Tower Block”) of Regjerings­ level. kvasrtalet (“The Government Quarter”) The intergenerational persistence of in downtown Oslo, with an entrance from income is measured by a statistical mea- Akersgata, website at www.22julisenteret. sure called the intergenerational income no, email: [email protected], opening elasticity (IIE), which expresses the rela- hours Monday-Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 tionship between the incomes of fathers p.m., Sunday 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., free. and the incomes of their sons. In a coun- try with high intergenerational income Bar chart: Michael Rogers elasticity, financial standing tends to be Intergenerational persistence of incomes for 11 developed countries. < ebola passed on from generation to genera- From page 3 tion. In a country with low intergenera- the American president’s Council of Eco- In Norway, University of Bergen tional income elasticity, the persistence nomic Advisors. sociologist Johannes Hjellbrekke warns Dr. Røttingen points out that the study of financial standing is weaker and social Named for F. Scott Fitzgerald’s 1922 against broad generalizing on the basis of will continue to gather data to further mobility hence greater. novel, the “Great Gatsby Curve” is a graphic comparisons of intergenerational income. strengthen the evaluation of the vaccine. If The Organization for Economic plot that illustrates the relationship between He believes that “Norwegian society is verified, the Ebola vaccine most likely may Cooperation and Development (OECD) inequality and mobility in the U.S. and 12 more open than many others, but class be licensed and available in early 2016. published a report of a study of that issue other developed countries. demarcations also are clear here. Includ- in 2010 (Further reading). In it, intergen- Other economists have also probed the ing investment earnings and the income Further reading: erational income elasticity was found to threat to the middle class and the economy of both parents would lower the assess- • Ebola virus disease, World Health be high in the UK and the U.S. and low as a whole. In a book published September ment of social mobility in Norwegian so- Organization Fact Sheet No. 103, updated in the Scandinavian countries. Today that 2013 (Further reading), George Mason Uni- ciety.” (Further reading). April 2015, link: www.who.int/mediacentre/ means that the Scandinavian countries versity cultural economist Tyler Cowen pre- Despite predictions and warnings, factsheets/fs103/en/ plus Australia and Canada have the most dicts that the ever faster changing world of renowned weekly The Economist argued • “Norwegian-led Ebola vaccine study mobile societies. work and wages signals an end to the Ameri- in 2006 that “inequality is not inherently shows promising results in Guinea,” Nor- Much of the data used in the OECD can dream. No longer will hard work trample wrong—as long as three conditions are wegian Institute of Public Health press study came from the Economic Mobility a path to prosperity. The elite of the future met: first, society as a whole is getting release July 31, 2015, link: www.fhi.no/ Project conducted by University of Ot- will comprise those who master tomorrow’s richer; second, there is a safety net for the artikler/?id=115584 tawa labor economist Miles Corak. Pro- technologies, and the young will struggle in a very poor; and third, everybody, regard- • “Ebola vaccine trial in Guinea,” by fessor Corak’s data also contributed sig- labor market that rewards brains over brawn. less of class, race, creed, or sex, has an op- John-Arne Røttingen on behalf of 28 signa- nificantly to the “Great Gatsby Curve,” The comfortable security of an average life portunity to climb up through the system.” tories, The Lancet, Volume 385, No. 9986, first presented in 2012 by economist Alan somewhere in the middle of the spectrum of p. 2459-2460, June 20, 2015, published Krueger (Further reading), Chairman of wealth is over. See > mobility, page 16 online May 22, 2015, link: www.thelan- The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not cet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140- an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. 6736%2815%2960656-0/fulltext Just the right amount of NAW

Want to try NAW on for size? Name: ______Phone: ______Looking for a lower-priced gift Address: ______for the Norwegian in your life? Here’s a secret: we’ll pro-rate City/State/Zip: ______subscriptions to fit your budget. Visa / Mastercard: ______Expiration: ______CVV: one year: $70 Email: Questions? Call us at (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected]. Or buy part of a year for less! You can also subscribe with a credit card over the phone! or mail check to: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 norwegian american weekly August 28, 2015 • 7 opinion Letters to the Editor Norwegian American Weekly Published since May 17, 1889 Do you have something to say? 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 Write to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Letter to the Editor, 7301 Fifth Avenue Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, or email us at [email protected], subject line Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Publisher Norwegian American Foundation Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] Editorial Assistant Molly Jones [email protected] Taste of Norway Editor NAWMailing issues notes Daytona Strong [email protected] By far the most problematic Advertising part of bringing you the paper is Drew Gardner [email protected] the actual shipping of said paper. Subscriptions NAWEven during the notes best of times, it John Erik Stacy [email protected] takes longer than it should for our papers to get to you (in fact, we’d Contributors be interested in getting a sense Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. of exactly how long, if you’d like Lina Aas-Helseth Gran Canaria, Canary Islands Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. to drop a quick email to naw@ Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. na-weekly telling us your location M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway and usual date of paper arrival Carla Danziger McLean, Va. / Albany, Calif. Daughters of Norway Members Various relative to its issue date). Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. For shipping to work right Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway we have to enter you into soft- Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. ware, compile a list, and send it Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. to the printer, and then they do Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway some kind of magic that turns Rosalie Grangaard Grosch Arden Hills, Minn. Goodbye, Little Norway husband and I would bring our sons, Kris- Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. that info into mailing labels. Kari Heistad Edina, Minn. We are very sorry to report tian and Erik, to visit the cave and then Little Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. that since around the June 19 Dear Editor, Norway. It was also a good place to stop be- Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. I was sorry to read about the closing of tween Chicago and Decorah, Iowa, when we Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y issue something hasn’t been Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. working correctly. Many new Little Norway located outside of Mt. Horeb, had relatives visiting from Brevik, Norway. Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. subscriptions, therefore, haven’t Wis. I have very fond memories of visiting Quite a few years ago we also took our oldest Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. the grounds and touring the buildings. Of granddaughters, Viktoria and Emily, to visit Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. been delivered. This was com- Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. pounded by our three-week course, I also enjoyed the gift shop! as part of a mini tour of Norwegian places to Darin Lietz Seattle, Wash. break, and the fact that we just I began visiting Little Norway when I visit in Iowa and Wisconsin. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. was two years old (68 years ago). My par- Thank you to the owners for staying Whitney Love Stavanger, Norway discovered the problem. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. The good news is that as ents would drive from Chicago to have a open as long as they did; we really appreciate Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. of the Aug. 21 issue, we believe picnic on the wide open grounds. I know I all of the work it took to keep up the build- David Moe Sun City, Calif. have several photos, but the only one I can ings and the grounds. David Nikel Trondheim, Norway it has been resolved. If you’ve Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. missed papers in June and July, find is the one taken when I was two holding Finn Roed West Bloomfield, Mich. please let us know so we can my Teddy Bear with my mother behind me Sincerely, Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho and my father next to me. It was a perfect Eileen Olsen Ronning John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. make it up to you! Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. destination to spend the day. As an adult my Hastings, Minn. Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif.

Norwegian American Weekly strives to make Hjalmar by Nils Axle Kanten its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy, and/or space, and the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publica- tion of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942- 1389) is published weekly except the first week of the calendar year, the week after Easter, the last week of July, and the first two weeks of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, Wash. and at additional mailing offices. • POSTMASTER: Please send ad- dress changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE Suite A Seat- Look who’s come to visit! Poor uncle. I think he tle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Cost: US $70 Say hello to uncle, now. Hooold on! Keep that snotty kid away! I refuse to get sick… deserves a big hug! Domestic, US $94 to Canada, US $212 to Norway and all other foreign countries.

SINCE MAY 17, 1889: Han Ola og Han Per by Peter J. Rosendahl, with new translations by John Erik Stacy Formerly Norway Times Western Viking & Washington Posten

Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona, and Skandinaven

Hold on, hold on, Per, NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. But aren’t you’re backing off! we going to No, we will drive up? back up.

I think, Ola, Climb up on the stack, that we could Well you see, Per, Ola, this is going all right. have done the Farm Bureau and Back up, back up! small stacks. the County Agent recommend big stacks. 8 • August 28, 2015 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Classic brownies with a Nordic touch Lingonberries add a Scandinavian swirl to these bittersweet chocolate brownies

Daytona Strong Norwegian American Weekly

I always keep a large tub of lingonberry butter. The butter starts out smelling sweet preserves in my fridge. Tart in that way that and rich and creamy, then as it goes on it all Norwegians know well, I serve it in tra- smells of caramel or toffee studded with ditional manners such as with waffles, but nuts. Bubbling and sizzling butter is always I also like to experiment with new ways to the promise of something good, right? Then use it. I recently discovered how well ling- add lingonberry and you’re set. onbery pairs with chocolate. It’s reminiscent of the classic combination of raspberry and Daytona Strong is a Se- attle-based food writer chocolate, but the sweet-tart lingonberry has and recipe developer. She an extra complexity that I particularly love. writes about her fam- I added lingonberry preserves to a batch ily’s Scandinavian heritage of brownies for my book club recently and through the lens of food loved the results. The base for these is adapt- at www.outside-oslo.com. ed from the bittersweet brownies with salted Find her on Facebook peanut butter frosting in Date Night In by www.facebook.com/OutsideOslo; Twitter @ Ashley Rodriguez. Ashley gives her brown- daytonastrong; Pinterest @daytonastrong; and ies an extra-special touch by using browned Instagram @daytonastrong.

Photo: Daytona Strong Sweet-tart lingonberry adds complexity to these delicious brownies. Lingonberry Swirl Brownies

3/4 cup unsalted butter, plus more for 3 eggs the pan 1/4 tsp. kosher salt 3 ounces semisweet chocolate, 1/2 tsp. instant espresso powder (optional) chopped (or 1/2 cup chocolate chips) 1/2 cup cocoa powder 1 1/2 cups sugar 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1 tbsp. vanilla extract 1/2 cup lingonberry preserves

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees and prepare an 8-inch spare pan by lining it with parch- ment paper so the paper hangs over the edges, then grease the parchment. Melt the butter in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, and keep cooking until the butter browns, 3 to 5 minutes. You should be able the see milk solids start to form and turn golden. Pour the butter into a heatproof mixing bowl and add the chopped chocolate or the chips and allow to sit for a minute so the chocolate melts. Give it a stir, then whisk in the sugar and vanilla. When it’s smooth, add the eggs, salt, and espresso powder, and continue to stir 5351 24th Ave NW • Seattle, WA 98107 • Tel: 206-784-2562 • Fax: 206-784-1986 until smooth. Sift the cocoa powder and flour into the batter, then fold just until the ingredients are incorporated. Pour into the pan, then spoon dollops of the lingonberry preserves over the surface. Run a knife through the preserves to swirl them into the top of the brownie batter. Bake until a toothpick inserted in the brownie portion (not into the lingonberry) comes out mostly clean. The original recipe called for 25 to 30 minutes, but the preserves will add extra baking time to the process.

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Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C.

The Virtual Pilgrimage created by the Sons of Norway was a brilliant idea. I am learning a great deal about Norway’s histo- ry, in particular, but I am becoming familiar with today’s Norway as well. I started out along St. Olav’s Way in Oslo last December. So far I have complet- ed six of the nine legs of the journey (Legs A-F). In my last report I had reached the town of Otta, the halfway mark to Trond- heim, the final destination. I will begin this report of Leg F in Otta and conclude at Dov- regubben Hall.

Pillarguri Café This leg of the journey begins at the his- toric Pillarguri Café, which has been here for over 100 years. It is named after the brave girl who warned the people in Otta about the attack before the Battle of Kringen in 1612. (See my progress report in the July 3 NAW for a description of this famous battle.) If you go to the café’s website at www. pillarguricafe.no/#!meny/cose, you will see a lovely illustrated menu. From this menu I ordered a delicious pizza, the chocolate des- sert, and a cup of coffee. Photos: (above) Asgeir Helgestad / Artic Light AS / visitnorway.com, (far left) Bjoertvedt / Wikimedia I sat at a table outside and enjoyed the Commons, (left) Kagee / beautiful view. It brought back fond memo- Wikimedia Commons ries of when I visited Otta in 2012 on my Above: Autumn in Rondane Nasjonalpark is a beauti- way to Lom to visit my Norwegian cousins. ful time. Far left: Sel Kirke. Left: Nord-Sel Kirke. Sel Kirke I never tire of visiting the lovely church- es along this journey. The Sel Kirke is an- other beautiful white church, built in 1742 in what was called the Century of Beauty (the Baroque Period). Churches built at this time differed from the stave churches in that they had more room for worshippers and the discovered a special section with the graves ural beauty. Cabins can be found throughout healthy. But pilgrims also believe it gives preacher’s pulpit was closer to the people. of 33 Allied soldiers from World War II in the park. I was able to book one in advance. them the strength needed to climb the Dovre The pulpit in the Sel Kirke is lavishly this cemetery. Mountains. So I stopped here to splash some decorated with rosemaling. (If you google Vollheim Camping and Cabins—Over- on my face and fill my water jug. Sel Kirke/images, some striking photos of Jørundgard Middelaldersenter (Medieval night Location the pulpit will come up.) Center) This is a wonderful place to spend the Tofte Farm If you would like to see the inside the This Medieval Center was built in 1994 night. Cabins are available near the shores This farm is abandoned today, but it church, go to www.gd.no/tv/ingrid-olava-i- for the filming of Sigrid Undset’s literary of the Gudbrandsdalslågen. This river is con- used to be a very lively and important place. sel-kirke-1-934610-7656560.html. As you masterpiece Kristin Lavransdatter. It is a re- sidered one of the best rivers for trout fish- Norway’s first king, Harald Hårfagre, men- tour the church, you will hear the exquisite alistic recreation of a typical medieval farm. ing in Norway. I do not fish so this aspect tioned it in his writings. And we know that voice of Ingrid Olava, a well-known Norwe- I found it fascinating to visit the buildings was not of interest to me, but it is to many King Hakon Håkonsson built a banquet hall gian singer and actress. She, by the way, ap- and the stave church. travelers. here in the 13th century. According to the pears in “Kalde Hjerter,” a Varg Veum film. In the inner courtyard I toured the forge, This beautiful campground was estab- Norwegian historian Gerhard Schoning, it (Veum is the eccentric protagonist of a series the stables, the long loft, the coal oven, the lished in 1971. If you share a cabin with an- was a transport center and guest house for of crime novels by Gunnar Staalesen.) cookhouse, the storehouse, two open-hearth other person, you will pay only about $20 a pilgrims by 1775. houses, the sauna, the hallway, the bridal night. There are showers and restroom facili- Selsverket loft, and the weaving house. In the outer ties near each cabin. Toftemo Turiststasjon Next I went through Selsverket, a vil- courtyard I explored the pig house, the sheep The Toftemo Tourist Station is two kilo- lage north of Otta. Again the natural beau- house, the barn, and the exhibition house. Dovre Kirke meters north of Dovre and a short walk from ty took my breath away. (This happens to I was thrilled to arrive in Dovre because the Tofte Farm. me often in Norway!) To experience this Rondane Nasjonalpark (Rondane Nation- some of my ancestors had lived in this vil- This hotel, built in 1820, was originally beauty yourself, go to www.youtube.com/ al Park) lage. I was especially moved when I visited part of the royal Tofte estate. Its primary watch?v=9kd6BHZqehM. This YouTube You should definitely view the video the church. It was built in 1736 and it was, claim to fame is that King Haakon VII and video is not only lovely for the eyes but also tour of this magnificent park. Go to www. therefore, the church of my ancestors. They Queen Maud stayed here after their 1906 for the ears. youtube.com/watch?v=eE3uEcEJoik. were most likely baptized and married in this coronation in Trondheim. I discovered another lovely church Rondane was Norway’s first national very church! If you would rather not stay in the hotel, here, Nord-Sel Kirke. It is a small brown park. It was established in 1962. It covers It is a lovely cruciform church made out Toftemo also offers 21 cabins, 11 large and long church that was built in 1932. The long an area of 221 square miles in two coun- of timber with a red steeple and walls cov- 10 small. Each cabin is suitable for three to church in Norway is defined as follows: ties, Opp­land and Hedmark. It is principally ered with slate. five people. “The long church (langkirke) has a rectan- mountainous terrain. Because the soil is of I decided not to spend the night but I gular plan with nave and choir of the same poor quality, there is very little vegetation Olavskilde—Olav’s Fountain did take advantage of the café where I had width. The nave will usually take up two with only a few trees, conifers and dwarf Approximately fifteen springs named an economical bite to eat. Before my meal, thirds of the whole length.” (Wikipedia) birch. The wildlife is represented by rein- after St. Olav can be found in Norway. The however, I took a quick hike through the A statue of Kristin Lavransdatter, the deer, wolverines, and red foxes. water in this one near Dovre along St. Olav’s pine trees along the river and had a pleas- protagonist of Undset’s masterpiece, has I found this park a perfect place to walk Way, however, has a unique attribute. It is ant swim in the heated swimming pool. I felt been placed at the entrance to the cemetery. I in. It has miles of hiking trails amid great nat- said to protect children and to keep them completely refreshed when I set out again. 10 • August 28, 2015 norwegian american weekly Roots & Connections “Gen. Toftoy Day” at ’ Norsk Museum Celebrate World War II Army rocket scientist of Norwegian descent on Sept. 5

and development, procurement and produc- Special Release tion, storage, maintenance, and issue of the Norsk Museum entire family of Army missiles and rockets. They included the Jupiter, Redstone, “General Toftoy Day” will be celebrat- Pershing, Sergeant, Corporal, LaCrosse, ed from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 5, Honest John, Little John, Nike–Ajax, Nike- at the Norsk Museum on Rt. 71 in Norway, Hercules, , Hawk, Plato, Jupiter-C, Ill. The museum will unveil a permanent Explorer I, and the Pioneer. exhibit profiling the late Major Gen. Holger When General Toftoy left, people of Nelson Toftoy. Huntsville erected a monument and named a Toftoy was born of Norwegian parents road for him. Additionally, Toftoy Hall was on Oct. 31, 1902, in Lasalle County’s Miller built at the U.S. Army Missile and Munitions Township, north of Marseilles. Center and School at . After leading efforts to adapt Nazi Ger- Toftoy retired in 1960 to Treasure Is- many’s missile research to U.S. military ef- land, Fla. He died on April 19, 1969, at Wal- forts, Toftoy became known as “Mr. Missile.” ter Reed Army Medical Center in Washing- Dave Johnson, president of the Norsk ton, D.C., and was buried with full military Museum board, said, “Toftoy was a pioneer, honors at Arlington National Cemetery. visionary, leader, and soldier. His foresight, His awards included Legion of Merit, persuasiveness, and persistence led our Bronze Star Medal, Army Commendation country to win the space race. Ribbon with Metal Pendant, French Croix de “Without Holger Toftoy, our world be Guerre with Palm, and Distinguished Service very different; we probably wouldn’t have Medal. computers, cell phones, and the internet.” Photo courtesy of Norsk Museum Toftoy graduated from the U.S. Military A sampling of the new Toftoy exhibit at the Norsk Museum. Norsk Museum hours are 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Academy at West Point in 1926. After dis- weekends from June through September. Ad- covering that pilot flight training wasn’t his Mine Depot at Ft. Monroe, he directed the By the end of 1950, Toftoy outgrew the mission is free but donations are accepted. forte, he transferred to Coast Artillery where design and development of a new controlled facility at Fort Bliss and transferred every- The museum is also available to groups by he served three years in Hawaii as a battery submarine mine system that was widely used thing to Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Ala- appointment. Founded in 1978, the museum commander. Then he returned to West Point in World War II. bama. Within six years, he had 1,800 civilian is a non-profit 501(c)(3) and non-tax sup- as an instructor for five years. After the war, Toftoy was assigned to employees, German V-2 rocket scientists, ported, operating through fundraising events In the 1930s he commanded the mine develop Army guided missiles. Using cap- and 120 military personnel. and donations. Call (815) 343-5070, email defenses of the Pacific approach to the Pana- tured German scientists and technology, Redstone Arsenal, under Gen. Toftoy’s [email protected], or visit Facebook/ ma Canal. During six years at the Submarine Toftoy set up shop at Ft. Bliss, Texas. command, was responsible for the research Norsk Museum for more information. Join our community! Norway: A key player in the Atomic Age

Finn Roed There, chemicals were manufactured West Bloomfield, Mich. related to the production of fertilizer, such as ammonia, potassium, nitrate, nitrogen, ******Just $70 for 47 issues Who knew? Norway is more than and heavy water. Fertilizer was appar- Call (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected] for details sardines, lutefisk, goat cheese, and bu- ently an important Norwegian invention. nads. Norway is a technologically ad- Norsk Hydro built the first commer- vanced country and has been for years. cial heavy water plant. For the production Remember the American film Heroes of hydrogen and oxygen, a plant was built MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE of Telemark with Kirk Douglas? The film next to Vemork. The plant required “direct tackled the the destruction of Vemork, a current,” which is why it was located next heavy water plant in Rjukan, Telemark. to a power plant. Discovery was made that Attorneys and counselors at law The film also dealt with the sabotage of a the plant also produced five liters of heavy ship, carrying heavy water, on Lake Mjøsa. water as a by-product each year. There was The Germans were producing heavy a market for this among scientists. Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, water for their atomic research program Heavy water is deuterium oxide, commercial transactions and estate planning. there. If the heavy water had reached an aspect of water that contains a larger Germany, Hitler undoubtedly would have amount of the hydrogen isotope deute- produced an atomic bomb. rium. Also called D20, it’s water in which 2501 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 The leader of the saboteurs, Joachim deuterium replaces both hydrogen atoms. Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 Rønneberg, was only 22 years old. His This heavy water is essential to one group had no specific information as to type of reactor, in which plutonium can be how to accomplish their tasks; they had produced from natural uranium. to solve the problems as they presented As soon as World War II was over, Come help us celebrate themselves. They succeeded magnificent- a number of countries used Norwegian WOODEN SPOON ly in halting German research progress. heavy water to make atomic weapons. SCANDINAVIAN SHOP 27 years in business! What was Vemork? It was a power Norwegian equipment and knowledge 1617 K Avenue, Plano, TX 75074 • (972) 424-6867 station in Vestforddalen, west of Rjukan, were at the core of many atomic programs. Complimentary foods; established in 1922. Norway was an atomic power in the Anniversary salmon, Swedish Rjukan was a modern industrial city, 1950s and 60s; Norway was the first, out- one of the most advanced technical cities side the Big Powers, to build an atomic Summer cake, herrings, saft, crisp in the world, operated by Norsk Hydro reactor. “Jeep 1,” outside Lillestrøm at breads, Vaffler and Swedish coffee. Rjukan from 1911 to 1991. The waterfall Kjeller, was dedicated in 1951. In the six Music by our local musicians, had been put in pipes, and the power gen- years since WWII, only four other coun- Display of handwork, carving, etc. erated was used by the chemical industry. tries had managed to build reactors. $10.00 wooden money on all The workers lived in nice houses. A li- Even while Norway sought to re- brary, a church, a spa, and municipal build- strict atomic development, it was also the purchases over $70.00. ings were built. Even a cable car line car- source or main supplier of equipment to All for your enjoyment. ried workers up to the sun at the top of the countries working on atomic weapons. mountain in the winter months when the Such was Norwegian politics at the [email protected] • www.woodenspoon.ws sun couldn’t reach down into the valley. time. norwegian american weekly August 28, 2015 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Judith I. Bentley Gordon E. Hansen October 24, 1933 – March 4, 1954 – Light and faith August 13, 2015 August 14, 2015 When I graduated from the Seminary grows according to how much we allow 50 years ago, I was assigned to a congre- the light of Christ to enter into our lives. Judy passed away peacefully on August Gordon E. Hansen, 61, of New Milford, gation in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, If we desire to have a living, strong, and 13, 2015, after a long battle with dementia. Conn., passed away peacefully on August 14, Canada. Last month I had a chance to re- active faith, we must pay attention to how She was a faithful Christian from the time 2015, surrounded by his family, following a turn to North Battleford for a week-long much the light of Christ shines into our she was young and all the way through her 16-month battle with a Glioblastoma. He re- visit. During my visit, I was struck, once life. illness. She was an anchor in the family and mained optimistic throughout his treatment again, by the beautiful lush green country- As we approach the end of another will be greatly missed. which included three brain surgeries in one side in that part of Saskatchewan. While summer, churches all over the country are Judy was born to Norwegian immi- year. He was a devoted friend and respected I was there, one of the families I visited gearing up for fall. In many congregations grants Greg and Anna Lovrak in Tacoma, leader and had a great sense of humor. gave me a tour of their vegetable garden. I plans are being made for “Rally Day” Washington. She taught her parents and two Gordon was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., was surprised to see that their garden was when Sunday School and adult learn- brothers to speak English. She retained the son of Einar and Astrid (Andersen) Hansen, just as far along as my garden back in Min- ing programs start up once again. These ability to speak, read, and write Norwegian. and was raised as a proud Norwegian. He nesota. Because they are a thousand miles programs have as their main purpose the Judy graduated from Lincoln High was a graduate of Stuyvesant High School, north of us they get a late start with their strengthening of our faith by shining the School in Tacoma, Wash., in 1952, always received his bachelor’s degree from NYU, gardens. However, because their days are light of Christ upon both our hearts and walking to school and never missing a day. and his master’s degree from the University so much longer than ours, the increased our minds. As we participate in these She worked as a medical assistant for sev- of Delaware. He was the VP of Analytical daylight enables their gardens to catch up learning opportunities, Christ’s light will eral medical doctors, and then worked 28 Sciences at Boehringer Ingelheim where very quickly. shine upon us and we will grow in faith years for Blue Cross in Spokane, Wash. he worked for 33 years. He was a longtime My time in Saskatchewan remind- and love. May the light of Christ shine Judy was an active member of Indian Trail member of Salem Covenant Church where ed me that plants grow according to the brightly in your life as another season of Church and a charter member of Northview he loved singing in the choir and served as amount of light they receive. It also growth in faith begins in your congrega- Bible Church, both of Spokane, Washington. Church Chairman for many years. brought to mind the fact that our faith tion. She was a beautiful wife, mother, and He is survived by his loving wife of grandmother. A highlight of every year for 36 years, Diane (Olsen) Hansen; devoted Judy was Bloomsday. She ran the course son Andrew and his fiancée Andrea, daugh- every year for 17 years. She was also an ex- ter Elyse Lessa and her husband Bill, and Community Connections cellent cook, and her Sunday dinners will be beloved cockapoo, Lacey. He was looking remembered for years to come. forward to his son’s wedding in September Gratulerer med Dagen! Judy is survived by her husband of 57 and anxiously awaiting the arrival of his first years, Winston Bentley; her two children, grandchild, a granddaughter, in October. Rebecca Buckingham and Tony Bentley; Gordon was an avid cyclist and went on Happy birthday / grandchildren Taiten, James, Addy, and many bike trips throughout the country with Cylee; and great-grandson Brennan. She is his co-workers. He never missed an oppor- engagement / etc! also survived by numerous nieces, nephews, tunity to take a photograph and loved shar- and cousins. ing them with others. He loved to cook and spend time with his family. He was a diehard Your name and New York Mets fan who was loyal even dur- ing the tough seasons. message here!

Harold Ellingsen Berkeley CA For more information, call Mrs. Valley Frossmo Seattle WA us at (206) 784-4617 or email Kristine Kjøndal Landås Norway Gunnar Marøy Bøvågen Norway [email protected]. Lawrence Steberg Pennock MN

31. august Alf Andersen Tacoma WA Funeral Home 28. august Mrs. Walter Johnson Lloyd Bogstad Northridge CA Running Springs CA SOlie and Crematory Mrs. Hector O. Gustad Irene SD Hagbart Larsen Jerome ID Honoring • Caring • Serving Fred G. Hegre Seattle WA Gerhard Strand Stanwood WA Mrs. Erick Johnson Trail MN Berit Siren Vassdal Bellingham WA 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 Donalda P Nakkerud Edmonds WA Paul Sando Olympia WA 1. september Oliver H. Simonsen Marysville WA John Erekstol Lebanon OR Lisa Sjong-Wilson Mukilteo WA Ody Moseng Kirkland WA Sinn Solberg Newport Richey FL The Scandinavian Hour Thilda Soyland Vista CA 2. september Celebrating over 50 years on the air! O. T. Wiprud Dutton MT Christine Fornes Manalapan NJ Severt L. Kvamme Arvada CO KKNW – 1150 AM 29. august Gunnar Kvande Alamo ND Signe Hansen Lopatcong Center NJ Lillian Nielsen Oakland CA Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Mrs. August Johnson Yankton SD Halvor Nysteen Bend OR Darwin D. Johnson Federal Way WA Petra Ravnaa Kirkland WA Streaming live on the internet at: Effie O. Krogvold Brodhead WI Elsa Almaas Todd Walla Walla WA 3. september www.1150kknw.com Gorm Aasen Anaheim CA 30. august Mrs. Karl M. Brandal Seattle WA Ruth Carlson Stanwood WA Karen H. Tysdal Fargo ND Vesterheim Want to see your birthday in the Norwegian American Weekly? the national Norwegian-American museum and heritage center Email [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617. Must be submitted one month in advance. • The largest collection of Norwegian-American artifacts in the world NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! • A national center for folk-art classes • Open all year in Decorah, Iowa 12 • August 28, 2015 norwegian american weekly in your neighborhood What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events arizona “Apocalypse, girl” Tour at the 31st annual festival in rustic Vasa Park. Visit utah “Apocalypse, girl” Tour Sept. 2, 9:00 p.m. www.scanfest.org for more info. Norwegian Genealogy Research Tour to the Sept. 19, 7:30 p.m. Iowa City, Iowa Family History Library in Salt Lake City Phoenix, Ariz. Norwegian artist Jenny Hval will perform her new new york Sept. 13—20 Norwegian artist Jenny Hval will perform her record “Apocalypse, girl” with Seattle-based art- “Apocalypse, girl” Tour Salt Lake City, Utah new record “Apocalypse, girl” with Seattle- ist Briana Marela ​at The Mill. Tickets are $10. For Sept. 6, 8:00 p.m. Participating in this tour will give you an op- based artist Briana Marela​ at Valley Bar. Tick- more info visit jennyhval.com. 19+. Brooklyn, N.Y. portunity to work with the largest collection ets are $10 in advance or $12 on day of show. Norwegian artist Jenny Hval will perform her new of genealogical materials in the world. Knowl- For more info visit jennyhval.com. massachusetts record “Apocalypse, girl” with Seattle-based artist edgeable library staff and volunteers will be Smørgåsbord Nordic Food Festival Briana Marela​ at Rough Trade. Tickets are $12. For available to help you research. Note: Registra- california Sept. 12, 11:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. more info visit jennyhval.com. 21+. tion fees do not include airfare. Cost is $1,220 West Newton, Mass. “Apocalypse, girl” Tour for NAGC members or $1,300 for non-mem- Local chefs will present a dish that captures the “Apocalypse, girl” Tour Sept. 20, 8:30 p.m. bers. For more info, contact NAGC at (608) cuisine of each Nordic culture and you’ll be the Sept. 12 West Hollywood, Calif. 255-2224 or [email protected]. judge! Join us for tasting stations, Nordic vendors, Hudson, N.Y. Norwegian artist Jenny Hval will perform her music, and fun for all ages, including a Viking en- Norwegian artist Jenny Hval will perform her new new record “Apocalypse, girl” with Seattle- virginia campment and battle! Price is $15-$20 for GA and record “Apocalypse, girl” with Seattle-based art- based artist Briana Marela​ at the Roxy. Tickets “Apocalypse, girl” Tour $20-$25 for “Foodie.” Visit www.scandicenter.org ist Briana Marela​ at the Basilica Soundscape fes- are $15. For more info visit jennyhval.com. Sept. 11, 9:00 p.m. for more info. At Scandinavian Cultural Center. tival. Visit basilicasoundscape.com for more info. Richmond, Va. Norwegian artist Jenny Hval will perform her district of columbia Norumbega Lodge 45th Anniversary Fest north carolina “Apocalypse, girl” Tour new record “Apocalypse, girl” with Seattle- Sept. 13, 5:00—9:00 p.m. “Apocalypse, girl” Tour Sept. 9, 9:00 p.m. based artist Briana Marela​ at Strange Matter. Sudbury, Mass. Sept. 10 Washington, D.C. Tickets are $10. For more info visit jennyhval. Norumbega Lodge, Sons of Norway, Boston, in- Raleigh, N.C. Norwegian artist Jenny Hval will perform her com. 18+. vites you to its 45th Anniversary Fest. There will Norwegian artist Jenny Hval will perform her new new record “Apocalypse, girl” with Seattle- be a banquet with cash bar, music featuring Ole record “Apocalypse, girl” with Seattle-based artist Washington based artist Briana Marela​ at DC9. Tickets are Bull and Grieg, and a “tale for dagen.” Cost is $42 Briana Marela​ at the Hopscotch Music Festival. Wheat Weaving Workshop $10. For more info visit jennyhval.com. per person until the Sept. 1 deadline. Visit www. Visit hopscotchmusicfest.com for more info. Sept. 15, 11:00 a.m. norumbegasofn.org/T2015/Jun2015.pdf for reg- Tacoma, Wash. georgia istration form. At the Wayside Inn. north dakota “Apocalypse, girl” Tour Jean Whipple will return to the PLU Scandina- Norsk Høstfest Sept. 14, 8:30 p.m. vian Cultural Center for a one-day workshop Minnesota Sept. 29—Oct. 3 Atlanta, Ga. on wheat weaving. This traditional craft is es- Revivers of the Church Minot, N.D. Norwegian artist Jenny Hval will perform her pecially useful to practice in the fall when the Aug. 31—Sept. 3 Norsk Høstfest celebrates the culture and heri- new record “Apocalypse, girl” with Seattle- wheat is harvested, in time to make Christmas Alexandria, Minn. tage of the five Nordic countries. The festival based artist Briana Marela​ at the EARL. Tick- ornaments in classic Scandinavian designs. Hear about how Lina Sandell, Elisabeth Fedde, features world-class entertainment, authentic ets are $10 in advance or $12 on day of show. Learn how to make wreaths, hearts, animal and Thea Ronning changed the world. Gracia Scandinavian cuisine, culture on display, hand- For more info visit jennyhval.com. shapes, and geometric patterns with wheat Grindal and Dr. Mark Granquist are speakers at crafted Norsk merchandise, plus a fine dining and other grasses. Cost is $5 and you get to this three-day Elderversity. Enjoy a Scandinavian establishment led by guest chefs. The festival is take home whatever you make! illinois dinner, a hymn sing, or visit the Runestone Muse- entering its 38th year and has grown into North “Apocalypse, girl” Tour um and take a picture with Ole, the Viking Statue. America’s largest Scandinavian festival. At North Tapestry Project Sept. 3, 8:30 p.m. Call Shelli at (320) 846-2744 or visit www.Mount- Dakota State Fair Center. Visit www.hostfest.com Sept. 16—17, 12:00—3:00 p.m. Chicago, Ill. CarmelMinistries.com. At Mount Carmel Camp & for more info. Tacoma, Wash. Norwegian artist Jenny Hval will perform her Conference Center. Linda Caspersen has agreed to hold a two-day new record “Apocalypse, girl” with Seattle- pennsylvania workshop focused on the amazing tapestry based artist Briana Marela ​ at Constellation “Apocalypse, girl” Tour “Apocalypse, girl” Tour collection in the PLU Scandinavian Cultural Room. Tickets are $12. For more info visit Sept. 1, 8:30 p.m. Sept. 8, 8:00 p.m. Center. During the workshop, Linda will pull jennyhval.com. 18+. Minneapolis, Minn. Philadelphia, Penn. out a selection of tapestries, and explain how Norwegian artist Jenny Hval will perform her new Norwegian artist Jenny Hval will perform her new they were made, including the kinds of dyes 36th Annual Scandinavian Day Festival record “Apocalypse, girl” with Seattle-based art- record “Apocalypse, girl” with Seattle-based artist and weaving techniques. Participants will be Sept. 13, 10:00—6:00 p.m. ist Briana Marela​ at 7th St. Entry. Tickets are $10. Briana Marela​ at Boot & Saddle. Tickets are $10. able to get hands-on with the pieces, as they South Elgin, Ill. For more info visit jennyhval.com. 18+. For more info visit jennyhval.com. 21+. work with Linda to sew “sleeves” onto the Enjoy a late summer day with traditional back of the chosen pieces. The workshop is food, crafts, gifts, and entertainment repre- Mrs. Anderson, The Preacher’s Wife Bernt Balchen Lodge Scandinavian Craft Fair free and coffee will be provided. senting the five Nordic Cultures. Bring the Sept. 11, 6:00—8:00 p.m. Sept. 12, 10:00—4:00 p.m. family for a full day of fun and enjoy music, Isle, Minn. Lackawaxen, Penn. Wisconsin dance, and a relaxed day in the park. $10 for Join Tusenvann Lodge 1-659 for a program on Enjoy the annual Scandinavian Craft Fair, spon- Wood Carving Classes by Phillip and Else adults and free for children 12 and under. Vis- Mrs. Anderson, The Preacher’s Wife. Jan Smith sored by Sons of Norway Bernt Balchen Lodge, Sept. 14—18, 21—25, 8:30 a.m.—5:00 p.m. it www.scandinaviandayil.com for more info. is a professional storyteller and lecturer who in- at the Lackawaxen Volunteer Fire House! Nor- Barronett, Wis. teracts in costume telling Nordic cultural tales, wegian foods will be served, along with desserts Visit the Viking Ship Classes will be held at the Norsk Wood Works myths, legends, troll stories, and American fron- and beverages. The fair features arts and crafts Sept. 19, 1:00—4:00 p.m. carving studio, located at Phillip and Else’s tier tales. The story of Mrs. Anderson is one of an and rosemaling demonstrations. Scandinavian Geneva, Ill. farmstead on county road H west of Bar- 1890s preacher’s wife who faces daily struggles jewelry, sweaters, and other items await. Tradi- Visit the Viking ship, a real, full-size replica of ronett. Beginners and experienced carvers in a small rural homesteading area. At Isle Recre- tional Norwegian food, including cheeses, fiske- a ninth-century Viking ship that sailed across are welcome. Tools, wood, and patterns will ation Education Center. boller, lefse, lingonberry jam, and chocolates will the Atlantic in 1893. Docent-led tours begin be available. You will be able to complete at be available for purchase. A beautiful handmade least one reasonable project during the week. every 30 minutes. Learn of Viking construc- Nordfjordlag Stevne quilt, crafted by Elsie Andersen, will be raffled off. Class size is limited to 12 students. Tuition for tion, journey, and significance. Cost is $5 to Sept. 20. 9:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. each five-day class is $500; half is due with enter the park and $5 for adults, $3 for teens Spicer, Minn. registration. For more info visit www.nor- to tour the ship. Established in 1909, “The Nordfjord Lag in Amer- texas skwoodworks.com. ica” is a yearly gathering of people with Norwe- “Apocalypse, girl” Tour gian ancestry generally from the Nordfjord area. Sept. 16, 9:00 p.m. iowa Solørlag/Romerikslaget Joint Stevne We get together for fellowship, food, and enter- Houston, Texas From Underwear to Everywhere: Norwegian Sept. 16—18 tainment. Many who first come to us looking for Norwegian artist Jenny Hval will perform her Sweaters La Crosse, Wis. genealogical connections return for the cultural new record “Apocalypse, girl” with Seattle-based now—April 24, 2016 Retreat to the Best Western Riverfront Hotel and personal contacts. See nordfjordlag.com for artist Briana Marela​ at Holy Mountain. Tick- Decorah, Iowa for the Solørlag/Romerikslaget Joint Stevne. details. At Green Lake Bible Camp. ets are $11. For more info visit jennyhval.com. From humble beginnings as a warm layer Saturday night’s banquet will feature Ole and under a vest and jacket, Norwegian sweaters Sven, who sing interesting songs, tell Ole and are now worn all over the world, for almost new jersey “Apocalypse, girl” Tour Sept. 17, 8:00 p.m. Lena jokes, and provide light-hearted enter- every occasion. This exhibition will focus on Scandinavian Fest tainment. Chris Falteisek will present “Lap- the history and different styles of Norwegian Sept. 6, 10:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. Dallas, Texas Norwegian artist Jenny Hval will perform her new land, Yesterday and Today,” and a bus tour will sweaters. Learn about the symbolism behind Budd Lake, N.J. take you through Norskedalen, a nature and patterns and colors and consider the tech- Scandinavian Fest is an all-day celebration of record “Apocalypse, girl” with Seattle-based artist Briana Marela​ at Three Links. Tickets are $12. For heritage center exploring the region’s natural nology and artistry of this iconic garment. At Scandinavia, where you’ll discover the customs, beauty, history, and Norwegian heritage. Vesterheim. history, and ethnic variety of the six Nordic na- more info visit jennyhval.com. tions: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland,- Nor way, and Sweden. Catch a Scandinavian moment Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Check www.na-weekly.com/events for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. norwegian american weekly August 28, 2015 • 13 In your neighborhood

< snøhetta From page 1 renowned chef Thomas Keller in 1978. It is located in a historic building dating from 1900, which has had many incarnations, in- cluding a saloon and a French steam laundry. The Laundry’s expansion and rejuvena- tion is being done in celebration of the restau- rant’s 20th anniversary. The garden is being increased to twice its size, creating a delicate landscape lobby that gently delivers diners from the exterior space to the interior spaces. A new Kitchen Annex will house offices, a butcher, a prep room for produce, and a test kitchen. Perhaps the most delicious detail can be found in the kitchen expansion: “The form in the kitchen ceiling evokes a table cloth being gently unfurled across a table.” It also serves to hide the necessary mechanics. Nic Rader, Director of West Coast Operations answered the following. Photos: (above) Snøhetta, (left) MIR & Snøhetta Victoria Hofmo: Snøhetta’s work at Above: Concept rendering of what the Willamette Falls River- the French Laundry has several com- walk might look like. The design is currently in the very early stages. ponents working around an existing Left: The James Beard Public Market in Portland will include building. Can you speak about how sweeping winglike features, and a permeability between in- these work together? door and outdoor space. Nic Rader: The new components are all about refining and enhancing the guest experience. The courtyard and far from the waterfront location of the origi- the grove create two new outdoor nal Portland Public Market, the spectacular rooms as part of the arrival experience site straddles an iconic drawbridge, sits ad- leading to the iconic blue door of the jacent to a waterfront park, and brings with French Laundry’s main entry. The new it a host of unique challenges. Currently, kitchen is a lantern in the courtyard the Morrison Street Bridge and automobile that pulls you through the garden and ramps slice the site into two symmetrical immediately connects you to the chefs and were only just selected for the project and of the market to access the rooftop, where halves, barring pedestrian access from three the food being prepared as well as allow- the renderings on our website demonstrate large occupiable terraces afford views of sides. Two broad moves are proposed—the ing the chefs to be connected to the arriving an approach to the project, not a final design. the waterfront park, the Willamette River, straightening of the Morrison Bridge ramps guests. The annex is a new edge to the prop- The project hasn’t even started yet. At this and Mt. Hood in the distance. Soaring ceil- and the introduction of a pedestrian through- erty that you move along. time, we can’t answer any additional ques- ings clad in natural wood are supported by road along the western edge of the market tions other than what was posted in our press exposed structural steel columns and trusses, in order to increase the overall buildable site VH: The ceiling, “evoking a table cloth be- release and on our website.” reminiscent of the neighboring bridges. area, and make the new market accessible ing gently unfurled across a table, while hid- I’m curious about many aspects of this At the ground level, large doors open and safe for pedestrians from all four sides. ing the ceiling’s functional elements,” is bril- project, such as how Snøhetta’s approach up along the entire market façade to a wid- The site, bisected by the bridge, became liant. Who came up with that idea?” differs when building in a natural site rather ened sidewalk, a permeability which allows a primary driver of the design. By embrac- NR: Our work evolves through many con- than an urban setting, whether the paper mill for goods and seating along the edge of the ing the roadway rather than fighting it, the versations and a better understanding of both will be incorporated into the project or de- building. Once inside, vendors are arranged market becomes a gateway to the city, and a our client and their ambitions for a project. molished, how the historical layers of the site along a varied and meandering path which dynamic platform from which to engage and This idea was part of many brainstorms for will be incorporated, and how the firm will leads to dedicated seating areas and to the view the city, the bridge, the park, the river, the project and became an exciting narrative involve the public in the design process. outdoor market beyond. The outdoor market and the mountains beyond. that we all latched onto. is also accessible by a new pedestrian street James Beard Public Market running along the side of the market halls, VH: Can you speak to how the roof will en- VH: Can you note any other Snøhetta proj- Portland’s passion for food is palpable, allowing pedestrian access from all sides of hance this project? ects where the form, function, and purpose with the many pop-up food sites, food trucks, the new market. The once-inaccessible and NM: The inhabitable green roof functions on of the building fit together so seamlessly? and outdoor farmer’s markets. Portland once underutilized site is transformed into a lively many levels—stormwater management, roof- NR: One of the key characters of our work had a Public Market that closed in 1942. and active asset to the city, connecting down- top gardening, acoustic buffer, and as a beau- is that we do not hold ourselves to a build- Snøhetta has been hired to change that town to the waterfront, and providing a rich tiful occupied terrace spilling out from the ing style or typology, which allows us to get loss with a new Public Market building to be and healthy resource for the community. mezzanines. On a larger scale, the roof lifts down to the essence of what a project needs named after James Beard, a world-famous to either end, creating double height spaces to be and work with the client to really un- foodie and locavore who was a Portland na- VH: How does this market incorporate the within the market and a distinctive presence derstand their ambitions. I think you’d find tive. The new building will connect to the purposes of traditional public markets? for the market in the foreground of the city. that most, if not all of our projects, have such Willamette River, near the site of Oregon’s NM: If the Greek Agora was the people’s a balance and fit. original Public Market. There are physical gathering and assembly place of the city, so These three Snøhetta projects on the challenges to be overcome at the site, as like can the James Beard Public Market be the West Coast have three different purposes. Willamette Falls Riverwalk many towns across America, much of the gateway to, and focal point of Portland, a What do they have in common? The Willamette Falls, in Oregon City, city was amputated from its waterfront de- market that uniquely could only exist in Nic Rader explained: “All of these proj- are the second largest in the U.S. However, cades ago in order to accommodate vehicles. Portland, specific to the place and of the peo- ects require an integration of multiple design they have not been accessible to the public Snøhetta has found a clever and power- ple, but with the potential to be the heart of disciplines and provide opportunities for for over 100 years, as the site was occupied ful way to meet these challenges. The build- the city in much the same way as the Agora. very innovative design solutions. We do our by the Blue Heron Paper Mill, which has ing is designed to work around a bridge and While the Greeks would visit the market best work with tough parameters that require been defunct since 2011. Snøhetta has been Snøhetta describes how it “will rise up in a for sustenance and shoes, equally they would digging deep and asking lots of questions, commissioned to bring the public back to the wing-like form to either side of the bridge, go to meet and socialize with their friends and these projects definitely allow this. The falls by creating access. acting as a gateway to Portland.” I imagine and business partners. While the James brand is really in our transdisciplinary dis- A sensitivity to the “Northwest’s collec- a sea bird soaring above the satiated locals. Beard Public Market will not necessarily be covery and design process. If it looks like tive history” is essential to Snøhetta’s proj- Nathan McRae, Project Director, an- the equivalent to the Agora in Athens in this something we’ve never done before, then it’s ect. And it is an amazing history beginning swered the following respect, it is envisioned as a place of commu- probably ours.” with natural elements, then leading to its use nity, of familiarity, of family, and in a sense, These three projects run the gamut: as a fishing site for Native Americans, and VH: What were the essential key elements of inevitability. public and private, indoor and outdoor, new later, as Europeans developed the site, to for the James Beard Public Market Project? construction, renovations, and green spaces. produce wool and flour, process timber, and Nathan McRae: The “Flying Carpet” of the VH: One huge physical challenge for the site But no matter what the challenge, one can- create paper and electricity. inhabitable green roof splits and folds, form- was that it was divided by a bridge and ve- not help but be impressed by the results. I for Kelly Tigera of Snøhetta explained that, ing large clerestories which naturally light hicle ramps. How have you resolved this? one cannot wait to see the next gift they will “For the Willamette Falls Riverwalk, we the market below and allow the upper level NM: Located on the Willamette River, not bestow upon our country. 14 • August 28, 2015 norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Documenting the immigrant’s journey An interview with Sverre Mørkhagen, expert on Norwegian migration to North America

< mørkhagen From page 1 the Norwegian emigration to America? We looked at each other. We knew some- thing about the topic, but not very much. Why didn’t we know much more? It was evident to us that this considerable migration must have had a huge impact on Norwegian society. However, Norwegian historians and chroniclers have not given the subject very much attention. This was so despite the enormous num- ber of contemporary Norwegian families living today who give evidence of what did happen during the 150 years. Many can tell about a grandfather who disappeared into America. In parts of Norway you can still see houses left in disrepair because the own- er never returned, and so on. Families were left home in poverty. Empty farms became wastelands. Or on the contrary—farmhouses historians have made worthy efforts to se- what to omit? year altogether I have traveled in America were restored with money from brothers or cure different parts of this immigration his- SV: To work out a three-volume history in a and Canada, visiting 26 American states and uncles in the New World. One parish gained tory. Theodore Blegen’s well-written, ana- limited time, you have to make compromis- four Canadian provinces. new churchbells with grants from Ameri- lytic two volume collective work is much es. Private letters to and from the homeland Looking backwards, life seems a little ca, another a new organ. Norwegians who like a Bible—written with great authority. In most frequently talk about personal con- different. When I started, my two children settled in America often sent money home the postwar period, Odd Lovoll has carried cerns: children, health, small family events, were still in school, but long before I finished to their villages, to build technical schools, on the tradition with supplements to the Ble- perhaps a new horse or a new stable, and they had left the house and started life as homes for the elderly, etc. You can find gen/Semmingsen achievements. I owe them so on. These are easy to exclude, and they adults. Now we are only us—me, my wife, memories that remind of what happened in sincerely my great esteem. But there were shall be excluded. In many other cases an and the cat. recent history all over the U.S. two additional principal elements necessary author is forced to use his nose. A glimpse The causes of emigration to America to comply with the challenge of popular en- on some pages of a book—does this author RS: What are the major challenges you faced were many and varied, but an overriding rea- lightenment. write comprehensively enough? I cannot in writing these books? son was the huge gap in the society. On the Foremost, I saw the challenge of go- guarantee that I haven’t missed information SM: To be honest, it was the reaction from part one side we find the small, ruling group of ing deeper into the Norwegian history of the of crucial importance—and I’m pretty afraid of the professional milieu working with Nor- wealthy people, officials, some remains of 1800s to find a more profound way of ex- I have done so now and then. But I hope the wegian-American history. Some reckoned me the aristocracy, and new rich patricians. At plaining why the Norwegian emigration to total result gives a representative impression as an unwanted intruder. I was surprised and the other end was the comprehensive group America started so early and grew into those of what this amazing and all-embracing Nor- confused when that occurred. Maybe it was of commoners, unpretentious farmers, and huge numbers. If we talk about the European wegian-American history really is all about. a human, understandable reaction. However, hard-working laborers. With the opportunity continent—Bristish Isles excluded—immi- I want to emphasize the name of professor of emigration—they wanted to create better gration from Norway was the largest group. RS: Did you expect to write a trilogy when John Gjerde from Berkeley. He died far too lives for themselves in another place. Why was this so? you began the project? early in 2008, but I was happy to meet him, A second major reason was the sudden This question more or less forced me SM: No, the contract with my publisher men- and he was always encouraging and eager on rise of the population in the 1800s. Within to look back at Norwegian society as it was tions only two volumes—one about Norwe- my behalf. I deeply regret that he passed so 70 years, from 1820 to 1890, the population 150-200 years ago, not from the viewpoint of gian history, the second to describe how the suddenly, and I miss him very much. doubled, which created unemployment to an the political leaders, but from the perspective immigrants fared in America. The period ex- extent unknown in Norway up to that point. of the lower classes. This eventful century in tends over 150 years—from 1825, when the RS: We know your books are factual history. The resulting poverty drove many to look Norwegian history gave honor and favors first emigrant ship Restauration crossed the However, is there a message you would like over the Atlantic to earn a living. to the ruling officials and the upper classes Atlantic, until 1975. your readers to grasp from the whole story? But the migration facts of the 1800s did in general, while the common people had to As my editor followed the progress of SM: It’s hard to point out certain issues from not conform to the plans of the officials set- pay the cost of it. The degree of suppression the second book, he was increasingly wor- a very exciting and interesting history, but I ting up the climate of enthusiasm and confi- and frustration was evident. ried. Time seemed to be running out. I tried have an extra feeling for all the everyday he- dence in the newly established nation. That It is an interesting fact that the victories to keep him calm, saying “Let us see, I had roes, especially in the settling period. is probably the reason why emigration has in Norway’s struggles for independence from the same worried feeling when working on I think it is important to study the genera- been more or less ignored in the established Sweden and Swedish influence, especially in volume one.” But with only one year left to tions before us: their dreams, their ambitions, version of Norwegian history. 1884 and 1905, did not deter the number of the time for launching, I had to face reality. their views, and their hopes for the future. I left the editor’s office and needed only people leaving the country at all. It was necessary to divide the new material And then perhaps we should ask ourselves if 24 hours to think it over. Then I went back to Another issue that occupied me was the into two books, one describing the first 75 we are fighting for the same goals as they did, him and said: “I will do it.” need to present this history in a more anec- years, another one the last 75. That meant or if we aim for less respectable targets. dotal way than what had been done so far. one more book and two more years of work- RS: What were your sources of information? All history is a countless number of stories ing. Altogether 1,800 pages. I have lived in- RS: How did researching and writing these SM: Just around the corner, in the National about individuals, families, orphans, heroes, tensively with Norwegian-American history books affect you? Library in Oslo, curator Dina Tolfsby had careers, adventures, groups, losers, victims, for eight years. SM: I learned to be deeply impressed by, and built up the largest collection of literature and so on. Stories link the reader closer to respectful towards, all the people who had about the Norwegian emigration to America the history, and at the same time certain tales RS: How did you manage to write three long, the courage to break free from their home- in existence. Mrs . Tolfsby encouraged me can illustrate the process of social dynamics comprehensive books in such a short time? land and go for a new life under totally un- in several ways. I received access to the col- in an informative manner. The task is to find SM: I think my 10 years in journalism taught known and foreign conditions. Usually they lection. Moreover I was assigned a reserved, the right, representative, and eventful stories. me how to find out what is essential and what lived through a lot of suffering before they free, working desk in the library for the dura- In a few words, I had to use all kinds is not, in an effective way, without wasting eventually could relax in their golden years, tion of the project. of sources—general works, special stud- too much time and energy. I am also thankful confirming that they in one way or other had Several authors had made significant ies, statistics, annuals, newspaper reports, that I have a strong physical constitution. made it. contributions to the entire story, most of them magazine articles, letters, and meetings with Yes, in one way these eight years’ period I think we, the following generations, Norwegian-Americans. However, the Norwe- immigrants and their descendants. Meeting have gone by quickly. I do not feel that I have too easily forget their efforts and their con- gian historian Ingrid Semmingsen’s books are still-living sources in America has been of spent eight years sitting at a working desk cerns for the future. To say it with Churchill’s a very important work, even though they were great value. in the library. I haven’t either. Much time is words: “The farther back you can look, the edited more than 50 years ago. used for traveling around, first in Norway, farther forward you are likely to see.” In America, an impressive number of RS: How do you decide what to include and later in America. Through more than half a norwegian american weekly August 28, 2015 • 15 arts & entertainment Young fiddler thrills Pure voice: Chicago-area audience Åkervinda sings Skogen Sällström is a talent not to be missed for Brooklyn Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y.

On Monday, August 10, the Scandina- trained. In this they were very successful. vian East Coast Museum hosted a concert by My feet were in motion before I knew I Åkervinda, a female quartet, who filled the was hearing a Swedish song about dancing space with their wonderful renditions of pro- in the summer time. Perhaps one of the most gressive Scandinavian folk music. The more effective pieces was a heartbreaking love than ample acoustics were provided gratis, story between a man and a woman, which courtesy of Bethlehem Lutheran Church. one of the pair denies, leading to chilling The four lovely women, Agnes Åhlund, Iris consequences. The woman reminds her for- Bergcrantz, Lise Kroner, and Hanna Grahm, mer lover of their affair and he keeps deny- gave a nod to folk music in their attire— ing it. Finally, in desperation she tells him heads wreathed in flowers, ethereal skirts, to “come and kiss your nose and cheek.” In and unshod feet. actuality she is speaking about the nose and It is wonderful to hear pure voice—so cheek of his child, a result of their tryst. He ancient, so eternal, so moving. Their voic- still denies their relationship and thus the es and songs resonated with everyone. The paternity of his child. The woman ends by group explained the meaning of each song, saying, “if the mountains and valleys could usually after the last note had faded. Each speak we would know the truth.” The vocal was based on big themes: death, love, and tension Åkervinda achieves in this song is loss. stupendous. After the performance they were asked They did do an encore, in Danish, to Photo: Arthur Andersen what makes their music “progressive” folk. please the Danes in the audience. In this one Sällström entertains the audience at Buik Recital Hall, completely immersed in the music. The members explained that they have add- they further used their jazz training by im- ed more feelings to the compositions, based provising. According to one audience mem- on the same methods found in jazz impro- ber, Shannon Wade, “That was a beautifully Nancy Andersen by Eide, “The Farmer and the Gypsy Girl,” visations, in which they have all been aptly haunting concert.” Chicago contrasted a traditional Norwegian country dance with a complex and captivating gypsy The richly evocative tones of his Har- motif. The popular and charming gammel- danger fiddle first came to the listeners from dans, “Bergrosa,” or Mountain Rose, by fid- the rear of the hall as fiddler Skogen Säll- dler/composer Sven Nyhus, was played with ström slowly made his way forward toward lilting nuances. the stage, stepping in time to the music of Sällström concluded the concert with “The Miller Boy’s Bridal March.” The mu- two of his own compositions: a halling sic painted a wistful picture of the youth who played on the Hardanger fiddle, beginning traveled over mountains and fjords to watch with a slow pace that gradually picks up in the bridal procession of his beloved, who was rhythm, and a waltz with a melancholic tone to marry another. As the wedding celebration played on the violin that evokes nostalgia for continued with dancing, the tempo of the Norway. Both pieces were delightful, and fiddle music picked up, and Sällström’s foot showed how he is totally steeped in Norwe- tapped, and then stomped with the rhythm. gian folk music and its interpretation. What- The listeners unconsciously moved with the ever Sällström plays, he conveys deep feel- magnetic beat of the music. The story was ings through his masterful technique and his as clearly illustrated with the changing tones complete involvement in the music. and tempo, and the intensity of the artist, as Skogen Sällström originally comes if it had been painted. from Fairbanks, Alaska, but much of his life Thus Skogen Sällström began his con- has been spent in Trondheim, Norway, im- cert in Buik Recital Hall of Elmhurst Col- mersed in music. His self-designed Master’s Photo: Emma Engström / Svengström Musik & Illustration lege, west of Chicago, on August 16, 2015. degree program at the music conservatory Åkervinda is reinventing the Nordic folk tune. With his violin and Hardanger fiddle, Skogen of the Norwegian University of Science and continued with many types of Norwegian Technology in Trondheim spanned classi- dance music: vals, polka, halling, reinlender, cal, traditional folk, and contemporary mu- < welfare bers of people receiving social assistance, and hoppvals. His immersion in the music sic. He has performed the Hardanger Fiddle From page 3 with this scheme being a main source of was so complete that his fiddle seemed to be Concerto No. 2: Tri Fjordar (Three Fjords) income. The trend follows a downward one an extension of his body, as his fingers and by twentieth century composer Geirr Tveitt SSB social assistance researcher Harald between 2006 and 2011. bow flew, and the strongly accented portions with the Sør-Trøndelag Orchestra, and he Tønseth tells The Foreigner that Labor and Levels of payments are linked to the size flowed out through the rhythm of his foot on has also performed with the well-known Social Affairs Minister Robert Eriksson’s of municipalities, “reflecting differences in the floor boards. His sure touch on the strings Norwegian folk-rock band, Vamp. comments are not unproblematic, as “any the cost of living,” it is stated. “Recipients in produced delicate trills and cadences, along This ambitious and talented young mu- comments on the level of social assistance cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants re- with the melancholy minor key chord pro- sician is considering returning to the Chi- must take into account a slight change in data ceived payments almost twice the amount of gressions immediately recognizable as Nor- cago area for another concert in October publication from 2013 onwards.” recipients in the smallest municipalities (less wegian. With one of the pieces written by his of this year, with an accompanist to enable “Before 2013, immigrants and Norwe- than 5,000 inhabitants).” teacher, Sturla Eide, “Ants in Your Pants,” a broader range of program. Wherever you gian-born to immigrant parents were pub- Immigrants of all ages received social Skogen showed how he could play with a have opportunity to hear him, you will not lished as one group of recipients,” he says. assistance in 2013 and 2014, with the re- fast and rollicking bluegrass sound. Another be disappointed. At the same time, data before and af- spective numbers for these years being some ter 2013 is comparable, “that taken into ac- 42,900 and 46,600. count,” states Tønseth. Roughly 1,300 (2013) and 1,400 (2014) 2014’s social assistance levels for all re- recipients were classified as Norwegian-born Subscribe to NAW! cipients were up four percent on the previous to immigrant parents, with the unknown im- one year: year, with payments six percent higher when migration category consisting of approxi- $ controlled for the general price increase, ac- mately 920 a year. 70 cording to Statistics Norway (SSB). The respective figures for the rest of The past three years have seen a contin- the population for 2013 and 2014 are some Call (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected] ual half a percentage point increase in num- 75,640 and 76,470. 16 • August 28, 2015 norwegian american weekly back page

< mobility 12 January 2012. Norwegian Language Corner From page 6 • Average is Over by Tyler Cowen, New York, Dutton Books, 2013, 304 pages NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES and TROLLS Further reading: hardcover, ISBN 978-0525953739. • “Intergenerational Social Mobility • Sosial mobilitet (“Social mobility”) in OECD Countries” by Orsetta Causa and by Johannes Hjellbrekke and Olav Korsnes, Åsa Johansson, OECD Journal: Economic Oslo, Det Norske Samlaget, 2012, 199 pag- Studies, Volume 2010, 44 page PDF. es softcover, ISBN 978-82-521-7942-2 (in Volume 2 • “Income Inequality, Equality of Nynorsk). Opportunity, and Intergenerational Mobil- With 21 classic folk tales, fairy tales, and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now ity” by Miles Corak, Journal of Economic M. Michael Brady was serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the collections educated as a scientist and of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Perspectives, 27(3), 2013, pp 79-102. with time turned to writing Johannes Farestveit, and Nana Rise-Lynum. Translated by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad • “Inequality from generation to gen- Raneng. Illustrated by Solveig Muren Sanden, Jens R. Nilssen, and Ralph A. Styker. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, and translating. designed, and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad. eration: the United States in Comparison” by Miles Corak, Wordpress.com 2012. • “The Rise and Consequences of In- equality,” speech delivered by Alan Krueger, Be our friend on Facebook! 8.NAW.Ulvestad3VolSet.CMYK.21March2014.qxp_Layout 1 3/21/14 11:58 AM Page 1 facebook.com/naweekly

NATIONAL AWARD WINNING 3-VOLUME-SET SAVE $20 Norwegians in America, their History and Record: on 3- A translated version of the 1907 and 1913 vol-set Nordmændene i Amerika, deres Historie og Rekord Written by Martin Ulvestad Volume 1 — 480 pages, years 1825-1907 • Pioneer sagas, maps & immigration • USA (41 states, 500 counties) & Canada Volume 2 — 640 pages, years 1825-1907 • Norwegians in American Wars incl. Civil War • 25,000 pioneers by 1,700 locations in Norway Trollet og Toreveret The Troll and the Thunderstorm Volume 3 — 704 pages, years 1825-1913 del 2 part 2 • GENEALOGY, biographical sketches • Where emigrated from, year, where to Ei mørk vinternatt sneik mannen seg On a dark winter’s night the man Price = $39.95 for each book or $99.95 for the 3-volume-set av garde, og gjekk til han kom til fjellet. sneaked off, and walked until he came Hardcover, 7″x10″, Smyth sewn Der banka han på. Og då det tok til å rum- to the mountain. There he knocked on a Call, send a check, or order from website la inne i fjellet, var det ikkje fritt for at han door. And then when it began to rumble Plus FREE shipping in USA vart både bleik og redd. and crash inside the mountain, it can- Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com Om litt opna trollet ein port i fjellet, not be denied that he was both pale and Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 og spurde kva mannen ville. — Eg treng afraid. 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] både mat og pengar, stamma bonden. — After a while the troll opened a door Eg har hatt mange uhell, og no svelt både in the mountain and asked what the man vi og borna, og til våren ventar vi endå ein wanted. “I need both food and money,” the unge. the farmer stammered. “I have had many — Du skulle ha kome til meg for lenge misfortunes, and now both we and the Hearthstone sidan, sa trollet. — Så kunne du hatt det children are starving, and in spring we like godt som dei andre. Men her skal du are expecting another child.” få ein pung med pengar av meg slik at du “You should have come to me a long greier deg fram til hausten. time ago,” said the troll. “Then you could Mannen vart så glad at han både have lived well like the others. But for takka og bukka. — Når det nye barnet blir now you will get a pouch of money from fødd, vil eg gjerne vera fadder, sa trollet. me so that you can manage until the fall.” Det lova mannen, og sprang glad og lyk- The man was so glad that he both keleg heim med pengane han hadde fått. thanked and he bowed. “When the new No hadde bonden og familien hans child is born, I would like to be a godpar- gode dagar. Han kjøpte fleire kyr, og han ent,” said the troll. This, the man prom- var heldig med åkeren. Heile familien var ised and ran happily and joyously home glad og lykkeleg, og snart vart også det with the money he had been given. nye barnet fødd. Now the farmer and his family had No har vi råd til ein dåpsfest, tenkte good days. He bought more cows, and he mannen. Men ber eg trollet, kjem alle was lucky with his pastures. The whole Welcome to the Neighborhood! folk i grenda til å le av meg fordi eg ikkje family was glad and happy, and soon the trudde på det, og venta så lenge med å be new child was also born. om hjelp. Og det vil eg ikkje. Now we can afford a christening cel- ebration, thought the man. But if I ask the troll, all the people in the village will laugh at me because I didn’t believe in him, and I waited so long to ask for help. And I don’t want them laughing at me.

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the $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. www.astrimyastri.com Hearthstone Retirement Living 6720 E Green Lake Way N Seattle, WA 98103 Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! at Seattle’s Green Lake www.hearthstone.org (206) 784-4617 • [email protected] (206) 517-2213