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[email protected] LIFE News Deadline Monday 6 p.m. McKINLEY PARK Display and Classified Deadline Tues. 12 noon Follow us @BrightonParkMcKinleyParkLIFENewspaper Serving the Communities of Brighton Park, McKinley Park and Archer Heights, for over 85 Years VOL. 86 NO. 41 THURSDAY, AUGUST 1ST, 2019 $65.00 Per Year Your Community Newspaper By Mail in U.S. School Use of St. Jane Scouts at Owasippe Scout Reservation Discretionary Funds safety and academics should go first. If I needed a security officer, I knew that would help everyone. When considering new staff, I learned after many years that someone like a great Math teacher could be useful, but help was limited. Students sel- dom listed that teacher as a reason to come to that school every day. However, a good coach or club moderator can be an incentive for better attendance and better grades if that was man- dated as part of the pro- gram. Clubs and athletics when used properly can help attendance through- out the building. By Dr. R. Pletsch Examples like music classes, flag football, A very significant part board games, attract dif- of a Principal's responsi- ferent students and can bilities is setting the have an effect for the budget and explaining it whole building. Fewer so that it is approved by and fewer kids than ever all those necessary. In the go to play outside after Chicago Public Schools school, except in organ- this includes the Local ized activities.