Shabbat Mevarchim Parashat Pinchas 24 Tammuz, 5776- July 29-30 2016

Contact Us: Mazal Tov to President Richard and Dr. Esther Joel on the birth of a : Shmuel Hain [email protected] grandson to their children Dr. Noam and Dr. Leora Joel. President: Gur Roshwalb Vice Presidents: Samuel Groner, Lee Botnick Reserve your upcoming Treasurer: Sam Susswein Schedule for Parashat Pinchas Simcha At YIOZ! Recording Secretary: Lauren Shinar As our shul continues to grow, the num- Financial Secretary: ber of Bnei and Bnot and other Friday, July 29th Joshua Neuman Trustees: milestone smachot increases as well. We Mincha: 7:00 PM (Summer schedule) Nachman Mazurek, Allison look forward to sharing these milestone Miller, Elissa Ordan, smachot together as a community. We are Candle lighting: 7:56 PM Miriam Schacter, Judah also proud of our tradition for Schorr, Marilyn Sopher, Shabbat, July 30th our boys and girls to Tesler, Spencer Waxman, Shacharit I: 7:00 AM followed by and mini- David Winter deliver divrei in shul to mark the Gabba’im: occasion. With that in mind, if you are Jeffrey Bocarsly, Samuel thinking about or planning a simcha at Shacharit II: 9:00 AM, Groner, Jeffrey Miller, Rabbi YIOZ between Sept. 2016 and Aug. 2017, Yehoshua Lindenbaum email: [email protected] and Kiddush sponsored by the YIOZ Office Manager: [email protected] to reserve the date Yael Monselise Mincha: 7:45 PM [email protected] and inquire about any other details. Youth Directors: To avoid conflicts with other smachot and Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by YIOZ Zack and Adi Sax with educational programming, please Havdalla: 8:55 PM [email protected] inform us now of the dates for your celebratory meals, , and other Schedule of Services: functions. Mazal Tov, in advance. Shacharit: To sponsor a Kiddush or a Seudah Sunday: 8:15 AM Shlishit, No gemara shiur this week please contact Yael: Monday, Thursday: 6:20 AM [email protected] Tues., Wed.: 6:30 AM and visit our Kiddush webpage Friday– Rosh Chodesh: 6:15

Mincha/Ma’ariv: Sunday– Thursday: 8 PM Av Yahrzeits: 4 Max Rosin (Father) Supermarket Program 6 Miriam Dreisinger (Father) 6 Toby Feinerman Purchase scrip for Riverdale Kosher Market, Skyview Wine &

Riverdale Update: 9 Joan Neufeld (Mother) Liquor, Pizza Block, and Gruenebaum. Entrance to the Mikveh is now 10 Mark & Seth Botnick (Grandfather) For more information and to purchase scrip please contact through the rear. Hours: 11 Ellen Cohen (Father) [email protected] Sunday– Thursday: 9:00-10:30 13 Esther Turkel (Father) PM 18 Jennifer Fenster (Husband) YIOZ has an AMAZON.COM purchasing link! Friday night: 40 minutes after 21 Eli Ivri (Mother) Click here to place orders on Amazon using your own login candle lighting 22 Asher Lopatin (Brother) Saturday night: 9:45-11 PM and regular payment options - YIOZ will receive at least 4%! 23 Steven Schloss (Father) For further updates, call the Amazon Smile only gives 0.5% - please use the above 24 Denise Gang (Father) Mikveh at 718-549-8336. 30 Hasson (Father) link instead! A Crescendo of Mourning for the Temple: The Three Weeks from the Fast of Shivah Asar Be-Tammuz to Tishah Be-Av

The laws of mourning guide the bereaved individual from a period of intense mourning, when the loss of a loved one is usually most deeply felt, through stages of decreasing intensity as the pain abates: the profound grieving of Shivah is succeeded by the more subtle sadness of Sheloshim, which is muted still further in the year-long practices of mourning observed for the loss of a parent. Each summer, as we mourn the destruction of both Temples, we experience as a community a process exactly the opposite of the usual pattern of mourning. Instead of lessening our mourning as time goes on, we gradually increase the intensity of our sadness, beginning with the fast of Shivah Asar Be-Tammuz (which falls out on Shabbat July 23rd and is observed Sunday, July 24h) and culminating three weeks later with the deep mourning of Tishah Be-Av (observed Saturday Night, August 13th- Sunday, August 14th). Just as the personal process of mourning is marked by significant points (seven days, thirty days, and a full year), so is the communal process of mourning for the Temple marked by stages. Our expressions of mourning become more apparent at each stage. We begin with the fast of 17 Tammuz, commemorating the Roman army’s breach of ’s walls, a significant step toward the Second Temple’s destruction. Starting from this day, Ashkenazim do not hold weddings or haircuts. We also avoid saying the blessing of She-Hechiyyanu, and therefore refrain from eating new fruits and buying or wearing expensive new clothing. On each Shabbat during this period, we read a which expresses the sad themes and warnings of destruction. The (Ta’anit 26b) instructs that as the month of Av begins (Thursday night, August 4th), we are to mute our sense of joy, as this month brings with it the day on which both Temples were destroyed. Ashkenazim abstain from meat and wine (except on Shabbat or for the infirm) because of their association with celebration (Sefaradim abstain beginning with the Sunday before the 9th of Av). Washing or dry-cleaning clothing, other than children’s clothing and other circumstances of great necessity, is delayed until after Tishah Be-Av. Freshly dry-cleaned clothing (other than clothing for Shabbat) should not be worn until the afternoon of the 10th of Av. It is recommended that clothing to be worn between 1-10 of Av be worn very briefly before the 1st of Av.) Activities for the purpose of celebration or pleasure, such as beautifying or expanding one’s home, are best suspended until after the 9th. Swimming and even extended bathing for pleasure are avoided as well. Our mourning reaches its depth on Tishah Be-Av itself, the day of ultimate tragedy. History has singled out this day for catastrophe: besides the destruction of both Temples, the 9th of Av has brought many other terrible events, including the evil report of the meraglim, the scouts sent to reconnoiter the Land of . “Whoever mourns over Jerusalem shall merit witnessing its rejoicing” (Ta’anit 30a). May our observance of this sad time enable us to merit greeting Tishah Be-Av in the future with rejoicing at the rebuilding of the Temple and the return of God’s presence to our midst.

The observance of Tishah Be-Av this year is more complicated due to the fact that it falls out on Shabbat and is pushed off to Saturday night-Sunday.

Laws when Tisha b'Av Coincides with Shabbat The observance of Shabbat takes precedence over Tish B'Av. Therefore, some Shabbat customs are different and should be noted: There is no traditional Seudah Mafseket. The pre-fast meal, which in this case will be Seudah Shlishit, can consist of anything, including meat and wine, though some authorities believe it should not be held as a communal meal. Therefore, Mincha on August 13th will take place at YIOZ at 6:00 PM to allow everyone time to eat Seudah Shlishit at home. Please finish eating and drinking by 7:56 PM, when the fast begins.  may be recited as a mezuman if the opportunity arises. The prayer Tzidkatcha Tzedek is not said during Mincha. Regular is not said. The blessing on the fire is said on Saturday night. The blessing on the wine and haMavdil are said on Sunday. No blessing at all is made on the spices. After 8:38 PM, please recite the words "Baruch hamavdil bein kodesh l'chol" in order to officially end Shabbat. Maariv and the reading of Megillat Eicha will take place at 9:00 PM at YIOZ. All should wear their non-leather footwear to services.

The Pollack family is making Aliyah. They have 2 cars under lease (2015 Honda Accord and a 2015 Honda CRV). If anyone is interested in assuming the lease on 1 or both cars please let Geoffrey Pollack know. They can work out favorable terms. Geoffrey Pollack: 917-837-0098