video downloadhelper download and convert to destination Video downloadhelper download and convert to destination. Go to the official Video DownloadHelper page on the Chrome Web Store and click the Add to Chrome button. If you are of an adventurous temper, you may want to use some features before before they are made available for everyone. You can install early releases from the Video DownloadHelper development forum. How to verify Video DownloadHelper is working. Go to this page and start the video. You should see in the browser toolbar an colored 3-balls icon. The fact the icon is colored indicates there are videos to be downloaded. The number in the small green box shows how many variants of the video are available to choose from. Click on the icon to open the main panel. As everywhere else in Chrome, clicking outside the panel will close it. Click the item in the list. A File Save dialog opens to give you an opportunity to change the name of the file and/or the target folder. Confirm and your file will be soon be on your disk. How to use the companion button. Sorry, there is no companion button on the Chrome version. How to download a video quickly. If you want to skip the file saving dialog and save with the default name to the default directory, click on the 3-dots sign at the right of an item, this opens the list of actions. Check the parameter Use this action as default then click Quick Download . The file will start downloading immediately. Next time you open the VDH panel, simply clicking the item in the list (not the plus sign), it will use the new default action: Quick Download . If you maintain the SHIFT key pressed when clicking on the video entry in the detection list, the Quick Download action will start without closing the panel. This way you can start several downloads quickly as you don't have to reopen the panel for each request. How to read the number next to the VDH icon. This depends on the value for parameter Icon badge in the VDH settings, section Appearance . By default, it is set to Mixed , which means: if there are errors, they appear in red otherwise if there are pinned entries, they appear in black otherwise if there are running tasks, they appear in blue otherwise if there are media detected in the current tab, they appear in green otherwise if there are media detected in other tabs, they appear in orange otherwise no badge displayed. How to prevent some videos from being detected ? Many times, ads videos pollute the Video DownloadHelper hits list. If you want to make sure videos from a particular web site won't be considered by Video DownloadHelper, click on the . sign at the right of the undesired hit, and pick Add to black list . You can choose the domains for which videos served, or appearing in the page content will be ignored. Alternatively, you can also add manually the domains from the settings: More / Black list : Removing domains from the black list can only be done from those settings. How to define the name of the downloaded videos ? Video DownloadHelper includes a feature called Smart Naming . It allows to rename automatically the video file being downloaded from text within the page that contains the video. Smart names are defined on a per-domain basis. By default, when Smart Naming is enabled, the name of the file is taken from the containing page name. To define a video title from a particular site, go to a page containing a video you would like to download and mouse-select a word in the title. Note that it is better to select a word within the title, not at the begining, not at the end. Right-click and select DownloadHelper smart name . If the previewed name is ok to you, confirm. You can remove smart name definitions from the settings, section More / Smart names . From those settings, you can also disable the smart naming feature as a whole. In this case, the file names will be created from the media URL itself. Note that in future add-on version, it will be possible to disable smart naming on a per-domain basis. How to capture media galleries ? Sorry, this feature is not available on the Chrome version. How to use keyboard shortcuts. Sorry, this feature is not available in the Chrome version. How to use pin/auto-pin ? Normally, a detected video remains displayed in VDH while the window that originated this video is still loaded in the browser. When that window closes (you navigated to another page or close the tab), the video appears as "orphan" in VDH and it is removed from the list after 60 seconds (configurable). If you pin that video entry, it does not expire and remain in VDH until you explicitly remove it. If you check Auto-Pin, once a video has been downloaded, it is automatically pinned in VDH. A usage would be that, with Auto-pin set, you navigate the web and whenever you see a video you like, you request the download then continue browsing. After some time, there is in VDH a number of entries, corresponding to downloaded videos, that you just need to click to start playing locally. How to get Video DownloadHelper in a specific language ? If the add-on user interface appears in English and not in your browser's language, this means Video DownloadHelper does not have (yet) this locale. You can contribute by providing your translation using Babelzilla. Video downloadhelper download and convert to destination. Some good reasons to register your converter: Converted videos won't hold the DownloadHelper QR code (the black and white sign at the top left of converted/aggregated videos) You will be able to convert videos directly to mp3 audio files You will have access to support for the conversion feature No restriction on HLS downloads (otherwise you can download one file every 2 hours) The converter licensing is a one-time fee without date expiration, except for the free support that is available for one year after the date of the purchase. You can purchase a DownloadHelper/ConvertHelper license choosing at your convenience any of the 2 options: Why we do not support PayPal anymore. Back in early 2007, a few months after we started the DownloadHelper project, we wanted to implement a system to permit donations to the project. We looked around to see what solutions were available to process payments and PayPal was there, so we went for it. Over the years, the system has been working but suffered a number of flaws: multiple bugs in the management interface, lack of reactivity from support. Dozens of times, we talked about moving to an alternative solution. But you know, when you have a system with issues but which roughly does the job and on the other side, enough work to occupy 12 hours of your day, you do what is absolutely necessary. So we remained with PayPal. In late October 2014, we received a mail from PayPal saying that "we were in violation of PayPal's Acceptable Use Policy", (not mentionning which point of this policy)", that our account was "limited" and there was no possible appeal to that decision. "Limited" at PayPal means that you cannot receive nor emit any payment, and they keep your money for 6 months. We also discovered that we were not able to contact their support to get details about this decision. We had to use a personal user account to be able to reach someone at PayPal support, and we were told that apparently, DownloadHelper were in violation with some copyright laws and there was no way to know which ones exactly. Maybe the guy at PayPal who took the decision was overbusy or too lazzy to make a proper due diligence to see what service DownloadHelper was actually providing (remember that if DownloadHelper breaks any copyright law, pressing PrintScreen also does, so you'd better remove that key off your keyboard). The point was that the decision was made without asking information nor giving us chance to explain our case. No appeal. If making a wrong decision in a big company is common and happens every day, suspending a partner business without warning nor explanation is highly unprofessional. But somehow, very consistent with PayPal's attitude we could see over the years. Even worse: a couple of weeks after they suspended our business account, they also closed developers personal PayPal accounts, because there were "linked to one or more accounts not respecting PayPal's policy". So now, in many cases, we don't have a way to donate to the web projects we like since they often implement a single way to make payments, over PayPal. Well, we can't blame them, we have made the same mistake for years. So, if you plan to do business online, think twice before considering PayPal. Keep in mind they can close your account without notice nor explanation. And if you still go with PayPal, never, ever, keep a significant amount of money on your account: they will block it when they will close your account. We looked around see what serious payment solutions were available, and appeared as being the way to go. Regarding technical integration, it's like day and night compared to PayPal: easy REST API, bug-free management tools, and the best of all: a true support (and they are even polite too !). Stripe is certified as a PCI Level 1 Service Provider, the most stringent level of security certification available in the payments industry. They're audited by the same firm that audits Google, Apple, and Amazon. DownloadHelper is using their Checkout product: that means that no sensitive payment information ever hits our server. Card numbers are directly transmitted over HTTPS to their server that encrypt them with AES 256. Beyond this, Stripe is one of the most respected payment platforms in the world. You don't necessary know them because they are not a Consumer brand. Among others, they process payments for Facebook, Twitter and Apple, and have even been the only ones able to process payments for The Interview (resisting the potential attacks of Korean hackers, no breach was revealed). On the latter, please read this article, or this one. Note that the payment is entirely handled by Stripe, one of the most used payment platform on the Web. We (DownloadHelper) do not have access to any of your banking information. Video downloadhelper download and convert to destination. DownloadHelper is developed and supported under a free model. But for this model to continue existing, it requires contributions from its users. If you like DownloadHelper and use it a lot, please consider giving a little something to support further development of Downloadhelper. Alternatively, you can get a Premium license for unrestricted usage. If you cannot afford a donation, we would appreciate you leave a rated comment on the Chrome WebStore . Why we do not support PayPal anymore. Back in early 2007, a few months after we started the DownloadHelper project, we wanted to implement a system to permit donations to the project. We looked around to see what solutions were available to process payments and PayPal was there, so we went for it. Over the years, the system has been working but suffered a number of flaws: multiple bugs in the management interface, lack of reactivity from support. Dozens of times, we talked about moving to an alternative solution. But you know, when you have a system with issues but which roughly does the job and on the other side, enough work to occupy 12 hours of your day, you do what is absolutely necessary. So we remained with PayPal. In late October 2014, we received a mail from PayPal saying that "we were in violation of PayPal's Acceptable Use Policy", (not mentionning which point of this policy)", that our account was "limited" and there was no possible appeal to that decision. "Limited" at PayPal means that you cannot receive nor emit any payment, and they keep your money for 6 months. We also discovered that we were not able to contact their support to get details about this decision. We had to use a personal user account to be able to reach someone at PayPal support, and we were told that apparently, DownloadHelper were in violation with some copyright laws and there was no way to know which ones exactly. Maybe the guy at PayPal who took the decision was overbusy or too lazzy to make a proper due diligence to see what service DownloadHelper was actually providing (remember that if DownloadHelper breaks any copyright law, pressing PrintScreen also does, so you'd better remove that key off your keyboard). The point was that the decision was made without asking information nor giving us chance to explain our case. No appeal. If making a wrong decision in a big company is common and happens every day, suspending a partner business without warning nor explanation is highly unprofessional. But somehow, very consistent with PayPal's attitude we could see over the years. Even worse: a couple of weeks after they suspended our business account, they also closed developers personal PayPal accounts, because there were "linked to one or more accounts not respecting PayPal's policy". So now, in many cases, we don't have a way to donate to the web projects we like since they often implement a single way to make payments, over PayPal. Well, we can't blame them, we have made the same mistake for years. So, if you plan to do business online, think twice before considering PayPal. Keep in mind they can close your account without notice nor explanation. And if you still go with PayPal, never, ever, keep a significant amount of money on your account: they will block it when they will close your account. We looked around see what serious payment solutions were available, and appeared as being the way to go. Regarding technical integration, it's like day and night compared to PayPal: easy REST API, bug-free management tools, and the best of all: a true support (and they are even polite too !). Stripe is certified as a PCI Level 1 Service Provider, the most stringent level of security certification available in the payments industry. They're audited by the same firm that audits Google, Apple, and Amazon. DownloadHelper is using their Checkout product: that means that no sensitive payment information ever hits our server. Card numbers are directly transmitted over HTTPS to their server that encrypt them with AES 256. Beyond this, Stripe is one of the most respected payment platforms in the world. You don't necessary know them because they are not a Consumer brand. Among others, they process payments for Facebook, Twitter and Apple, and have even been the only ones able to process payments for The Interview (resisting the potential attacks of Korean hackers, no breach was revealed). On the latter, please read this article, or this one. Donations are entirely processed by Stripe and can be made with a credit card. Note that we don't have access to any of your banking private data. Installing converter for Video DownloadHelper. On all operating systems, the conversion feature of Video DownloadHelper relies on Libav. Once installed, Video DownloadHelper should automatically recognize and use the converter. On Windows. Since installing Libav on Windows is not very user friendly, we packaged the application into an easily installable binary you can download from here then execute on your computer. On Mac OS X. An easy method for installing Libav consists of using Homebrew from a terminal: Start the Terminal application from Applications → Utilities → Terminal Type brew install libav --with-fdk-aac --with-ffplay --with-freetype -- with-libass --with-libquvi --with-libvorbis --with-libvpx --with-opus --with-x265. If Homebrew is not installed on your Mac: Start the Terminal application from Applications → Utilities → Terminal Type ruby -e "$( -fsSL" For more details about installing Homebrew , check their homepage. On Linux. On Ubuntu, you should be able to install Libav using: sudo apt-get install -y libav-tools ubuntu-restricted-extras sudo apt-get install -y libavcodec-extra-54 libavformat-extra-54. [Updated] DownloadHelper Not Working? Fix it Right Now! When people find them keeping stopping and starting an online video clip to wait for the buffering, many of them will turn to DownloadHelper for help. The Firefox YouTube video downloader is an add-on designed to capture video, audio, and image files from many sites. This online video downloader supports almost all the websites and is effective, popular and downloadable for free. However, a quick search of the technical forums indicates that not all users are happy with the plug-in. Actually, many users are complaining about video Download Helper not working problems . If you also suffer from DownloadHelper problems, check the tips and solution to DownloadHelper not downloading and learn the top DownloadHelper alternative below. How to Fix Download Helper Not Working Problem? Seeking for once-and-for-all solution to fix Video DownloadHelper is not working problem? The top alternative to DownloadHelper MacX YouTube Downloader provides the best solutions to "DownloadHelper won't work" problem as it can free download videos, music, Hollywood/Bollywood movies in 4K Ultra HD, 1080P, 720P formatted by MP4, MKV, AVI, FLV, H264, H265, etc. from 1000+ video sharing sites, including Facebook, Metacafe, Vimeo, Instagram, Dailymotion, PopcornFlix, etc. DownloadHelper Not Working Tips and Solutions. 1. DownloadHelper YouTube Problem - Important news. I have been using the Firefox add-on to download online videos for years with no problem. But recently, I noticed that Download Helper stopped working with YouTube. The downloading process will show up, but comes up '0 bytes' for every type of video. I tried every workarounds found online but the Firefox YouTube video downloader problem with YouTube still exists. This is both awkward and very frustrating for me. Any help for this? The YT video not downloading error occurs in various tools, menifasting errors such as "Can't parse this link. Please send it to our support and we'll check it", "This site is unsupported", and more. But you can try MacX YouTube Downloader to fix the error. 2. DownloadHelper 7.0.0 Not Working. Why the V.7.0.0 is not detecting videos, it can't download video on my firefox browser any more? I don't adjust any settings on firefox. It just finishes the update. Is this related to firefox updates? Any advice? Solution: Update to 7.1.0. Yes. It's related to firefox updates, which requires you to update the FireFox addon from 7.0.0 to 7.1.0 at the same time. After the update is over, try again to test if it can download video on firefox now. 3. Download Helper Not Working in Firefox. I'm bumping up DownloadHelper Firefox not working problem after most recent update. It doesn't seem to be quite working properly with the new version of Firefox. Whenever I try to download a video, the Downloads window immediately closes and no file appears in the window. I have cleared cache and cookies and re-install the helper but get no luck. Why is Download Helper not working in Firefox? How to stop DownloadHelper is not working problem? Solution: Reinstall Firefox. As a free add-on for Firefox, users may get DownloadHelper Firefox not working in some cases. There are many reasons responsible for this situation, but the most common root lies in the Firefox version. If DownloadHelper does not work properly with the new version of Firefox, try to overwrite the current version with an older version. Or you can still use the latest Firefox and disable the auto-addon-update feature of it at the same time. Go to Tools > Add-ons > Tools for All Add-ons and close Automatic Updates. 4. DownloadHelper Not Working in Other Browsers. I used to download online videos with Firefox plug-in. But now I am using Chrome as may primary browser and find Download Helper not working in browsers other than Firefox. That forces me to open Firefox every time I need to download a video from some site. Is it possible to solve the situation or any alternative to DownloadHelper for Good Chrome? Solution: Find A Downloadhelper Alternative. DownloadHelper is an add-on built in Firefox, which means it's not available for any other web browsers. In fact, there is no similar plug-ins or add-ons for Internet Explorer, , Opera, and Safari. If you want to download online videos easily, stick with Firefox. Or you will need to find an alternative to DownloadHelper. Other Tips to Get DownloadHelper Problems Fixed. 1. Restart Firefox or Computer. Every time when you meet with program stop working problem, the very first thing is try to restart that program or computer. To fix DownloadHelper does not work problem, no exception. This works in many cases, give it a shot. 2. Make Sure Download Helper Stopped Working Is True. If you happen to have trouble with MP4 or other format video download, do not rush to blame it. That's to say, the reason responsible for DownloadHelper not downloading may not lies in the addon, but other factors. For example, if the video sharing site has no video available in MP4, then you can't get video downloaded in MP4 naturally. So make sure it's a DownloadHelper problem before hitting the forum for help. If you are badly in need of a certain format that a site doesn't provide, you'd better find a proper video downloader and converter. Fix Download Helper Not Working Problem Once-for-all with DownloadHelper Alternative. Scratching your head figuring out the reason why is Download Helper not working, there is actually a option to fix the DownloadHelper not detecting/showing/downloading problems for good and all. Yes, rather than bother with problems of this or that kind, why not switch to a more reliable alternative to DownloadHelper? To that end, this MacX YouTube Downloaderstands out to take that responsibility. This free and professional Fireforx add-on alternative comes with a better performance to free download online videos, MP3 music from 1000+ sites, including Facebook, Vimeo, Dailymotion and many more. It supports free downloading videos of different resolution and format, be it MP4, WebM, FLV, HD 720p, 1080p and even 4k UHD 2160p in fast speed and high quality. It's compatible with all the browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari etc. Therefore you no longer need to struggle with DownloadHelper not downloading. Best Download Helper Alternative Comparison with DownloadHelper. Pros. Easily download online videos from 1000+ online sites. Easy to operate, fast speed (within 30 seconds) and no quality loss. Supports all the web browsers and almost all the video formats HD, 4K. Supports playback with the built-in player while downloading. Free available for the most commonly used Mozilla Firefox. Lightweight, easy to use and operate. Download videos from almost all major video websites without reduction in quality. Cons. A little bit bored interface. Not more known yet. Only Mozilla Firefox supported and no other browser and Download Helper stopped working in certain cases. Effect on bandwidth and considerably slowed down the operation as well as browser response. Firefox has to hang if multiple videos are simultaneously queued for download. Firefox may crash when watching videos in full screen mode. Guide on the Top Solution to DownloadHelper Not Working. Step 1 : Free download this top Video DownloadHelper alternative on your Mac (Yosemite) and launch it. Copy and paste the URL of the online video for download. Then click "analyze" to load the video details. Or click "paste & analyze" button to automatically detect the video clips opened in browse. Step 2 : Choose video format, resolution and file size you want. You can easily download any hot music videos, mp3 songs, movies, trailers etc in MP4, FLV, 3GP or WebM format. Step 3 : Specify output folder on your computer to save the output files. Step 4 : Click "Download Now" to start to download any hot videos you like free from Facebook, Vimeo, Dailymotion etc. Tips : 1. This alternative to DownloadHelper gives you the capability to automatically transfer the output MP4 videos to iTunes Library for further playback on iPhone, iPad, iPod or any other further use. 2. If you would like to download online videos to more output formats like MP4, MOV, FLV, AVI, MKV, WMV or directly to mobile devices iPhone, iPad, iPad, Samsung, HTC, etc, the advanced version MacX Video Converter Pro is exactly the professional application you can rely on to get the job done on Mac smooth and fast. Notice: MacXDVD Software doesn't advocate any reproduce, distribute, transmit, broadcast or sell any content for any other purposes without prior written permission of YouTube or the respective licensors of the content. Please refer to YouTube terms of service before doing so. Notice: MacXDVD Software doesn't advocate any reproduce, distribute, transmit, broadcast or sell any content for any other purposes without prior written permission of YouTube or the respective licensors of the content. Please refer to YouTube terms of service before doing so.