House of Commons Business, Innovation and Skills, Defence, Foreign Affairs, and International Development Committees
House of Commons Business, Innovation and Skills, Defence, Foreign Affairs, and International Development Committees Scrutiny of Arms Export Controls (2011): UK Strategic Export Controls Annual Report 2009, Quarterly Reports for 2010, licensing policy and review of export control legislation First Joint Report of Session 2010–11 Fourth Report from the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee of Session 2010–11 Second Report from the Defence Committee of Session 2010–11 Fifth Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee of Session 2010–11 Sixth Report from the International Development Committee of Session 2010–11 Report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 22 March 2011 HC 686 Published on 5 April 2011 by authority of the House of Commons London: The Stationery Office Limited £17.50 The Committees on Arms Export Controls The Business Innovation and Skills, Defence, Foreign Affairs and International Development Committees are appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration, and policy of the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, the Ministry of Defence, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Department for International Development and any associated public bodies. Current membership BUSINESS, INNOVATION AND SKILLS: Mr Adrian Bailey*§, Mr Brian Binley, Paul Blomfield*, Katy Clark*, Rebecca Harris, Margot James*, Dan Jarvis, Simon Kirby, Ian Murray*, Mr David Ward, Nadhim Zahawi* DEFENCE: Rt Hon James Arbuthnot*§, Mr Julian
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