The Premier Issue July - August 2017 A News Bulletin of Odisha State Legal Services Authority on Mass Legal Awareness Creative Spirit & Voice of the Members of StudentStudent LegalLegal LiteracyLiteracy ClubClub Inside the Issue Message of Hon’ble Patron-in-Chief throughout the State From the desk of Hon’ble Executive Chairman Spot Light - The Cover Story Skit Competition on Inauguration of State Level Skit Competition Stage Show of State Level Skit Competition Felicitation & Awards LegalAwareness District Review An initiative of OSLSA ^ýûd icÉu _ûAñ v³ee³e meye keÀs efueS ACCESS TO JUSTICE FOR ALL ODISHA STATE LEGAL SERVICES AUTHORITY SO-20, Cantonment Road, Cuttack-753 001, Odisha Phone: (0671) 2307678; E-mail:
[email protected] 2 / Premier Issue July-August 2017 PATRON-IN-CHIEF’S M E S S A G E Justice Vineet Saran CHIEF JUSTICE RESIDENCE Cantonment Road, Cuttack-753 001 Phone : (0671)2507808 (O) 2301703, 2301505 (R) Fax : (0671) 2301703 (R) (0671) 2508446 “Access to Justice for all”, is the motto of NALSA, and to make it a reality, NALSA as well as State Legal Services Authorities have accelerated the campaign to reach and give fair and meaningful justice to every strata of the society. Free legal services have been incorporated in the legal system, to make available the legal channels of justice to the poor. But due to illiteracy, ignorance or unawareness, a large section of our society, particularly those who live in remote rural areas, still remain deprived of the advantages of such welfare legislations and schemes. Lack of information and knowledge very often leads to deprivation of statutory entitlements and schematic benefits.