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Th E Scholastic THE SCHOLASTIC:-MAYt t 6 \ »—.-»•—-< For important summer occasions • o • COOL, WHITE TUXEDO JACKET $28.95 Tropical weight formal trousers, $12.95 Enjoy the casual comfort that makes it a pleasure to wear an After Six light­ weight white dinner jacket. Authentic in ever)' detail . natural shoulders . tapered sleeves . slender lapels . smoother fit through chest and waist. Have your own summer tuxedo jacket . tailored to fit you perfectly . ready when you need it. Charge it the Campus Shop way. ^ILBERrS On the Campus—Notre Dame CHARGE IT THE CAMPUS SHOP WAY Pay One-third in July Pay One-third in August Pay One-third in Septemper No Carrying Charge. GET YOUR CAREFREE. SUMMER CLOTHIHG BY PALM BEACH AT THE CAMPUS SHOP There's no need to wait for hot weather . the Campus Shop is ready now to show you the famous Palm Beach hnc of comfortable clothing for summer wear. Suits, slacks, sport coats, sport outfits . they're all her now. Whv not ffet vours now and be ready when hot weather arrives to stay. Charge it the Campus Shop way. RESORTWEAVE PEGISTERED IRAOE MARKS PALM BEACH WASH 'N WEAR SUITS 39.95 PALM BEACH SLACKS, from 9.95 PALM BEACH SPORT COATS, from 29.95 ^ILBERrS On tfu CMmpus—Notre Dmme ray 6, 1960 fi^fte^ciUSdo^U OUR SOUTHERN READERS OnCan^ Editor: (Author of "I Was a Teen-age Dwarf","The Many In reply to the article entitled "Begin­ Loves of Dobie Gillis", etc.) ning Tomorrow," by Al Pinado, Secre­ tary of the South Bend NAACP, I think the following facts extracted from an editorial in the South Bend Tribune (April 8,1960) should be sited [sic]. First, Mrs. Charles H. Wills, President of the EUROPE MADE SIMPLE: No. 1 South Bend NAACP, has stated, "the lo­ cal units of these national chain stores Summer vacation is just around the cor­ Shaw, author of Jo's Boys, fought all his do not discriminate." Therefore, the ex­ ner, and naturallj- all of j'ou are going to life to simplifj'- English spelling. He once ercise of the "silent protest," does raise the question of whether the Negi'o is jus­ asked a friend, "\^^lat does g-h-o-t-i Europe. Perhaps I can offer a handj- tip tified in striking a friend as a means of or two. (I must confess I have never been spell?" The friend pondered a bit and retaliating against someone who is not to Eurojie myself, but I eat a lot of Scotch replied, "Goatee." Shaw sniggered. considered a friend. In effect this "silent broth and French dressing, so I am not "Pshaw," said Shaw. "G-h-o-t-i does not protest," amounts to a secondary boycott entirely without qualification.) spell goatee. It spells fish. Gh as in which may or may not produce the de­ enough, o as in women, ii as in motion." sired effect of influencing national man­ First let me say that no trip to Europe agement into changing its policy of dis­ is complete without a visit to England, It must be remembered, however, that crimination in southern units. The edi­ Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Ger­ Shaw was a vegetarian—which, all in all, torial prudently suggests that, "under many, Sjwin, Portugal, Italy, Lichtenstein, was probabl}^ a good thing. As Disraeli the circumstances there is ample grounds once remarked to Guy Fawkes, "If Shaw for suggesting that it will not, in the Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxem­ end, be the instrument of winning bourg, Denmark, Sweden, Norwa}^ Fin­ were not a vegetarian, no lamb chop in friends and influencing people so far as land, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Latvia, London would be safe." the Negro is concei'ned. There must be a Lithuania, Estonia, Russia, Greece, But I digress. We were speaking of the better way for the Negro (indeed for all Yugoslavia, Albania, Crete, Sardinia, palace of the Duke of Marlborough—or of us) in the North to extend a helping hand to his brethren in the South." Sicily, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Marlboro, as it is called in the United Lapland, and Andorra. States. It is called Marlboro bj-^ everj' Terry Lamb, 237 Pangborn smoker who knows flavor did not go out Let us take up these countries in order. Editor: First, England. when filters came in. Be sure j'^ou are I have just finished reading this week's The capital of England is London—or well supplied with Marlboros when you SCH0L.4STIC. I have never Avi-itten you Liverpool, as it is sometimes called. There make j^our trip abroad. After a long before, but this time I just can't hold my are manj"^ interesting things to see in tiring daj-^ of sightseeing, there is nothing opinions back. so welcome as a fine, flavorful Marlboro It seems to me a terrible shame that London—chiefh', the changing of the the "supposed spokesmen and organs" of guards. The guards are changed daily. and a foot bath with hot Epsom salts. the student body are run by, it seems, The old ones are thrown agents of the local NAACP. away. This issue even put in an article say­ ing that the South Bend NAACP was Another "must" while in going to demonstrate downtown Satur­ London is a ^asit to Buck­ day, April 9! This is student news? ingham Palace. Frequently Let's stick to campus news, or is that in the afternoons Her Maj- asking too much? estj' the Queen comes out There was one good point in the on the balcony of the palace SCHOLASTIC, though. I was glad to see the "Repercussions" against another and waves to her loj'al sub­ "supposed spokesman" of the student jects below. The loj'al sub­ body, our soon-to-be ex-student body jects wave back at the president (thank God) and his obviously Queen. However, they onlj' rash and unsupported letter to the 30 continue to wave as long as Her Majesty Epsom salts can be obtained in England southern colleges supporting the "sit- down" strikes. "Look before you leap," is wa\-ing. This of course is the origin of at Epsom Downs. Kensington salts can next time, Babbitt!! wave lengths from which we liave derived be obtained at Kensington Gardens, Don Hendon, numerous benefits including radio, tele­ Albert salts can be obtained at Albert 153 Cavanaugh vision and the A&P GjT^sies. Hall, Hyde salts can be obtained at Hj'de (Continued on page 24) Be sure also when j'ou are in London Park, and the crown jewels can be ob­ tained at the Tower of London. to \nsit the palace of the Duke of Marl­ The SCHOLASTIC is entered as second clas« borough. Marlborough is spelled Marl­ Well sir, now you know all you need to mail at Notre Dame, Indiana, at a special postage rate authorized June 23, 1918. Thi borough, but pronounced Marlboro. know about England. Next week we will magazine a a member of the Catholic School Press Association and the Associated CoUe^ate English spelling is verj"^ quaint but terribly •\asit the Land of the Midnight Sun- *^T-^;5c Tt ic rm*"*«^n**»*^ fn»* Vatlonal Adv^rt*^»'<» by National Advertising Seiyice and by Don disorganized. The late George Bernard France. © I960 Max Sbulman Spencer, College Magazines Corp., 420 Madison Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. Pub­ lished weekly during the school year, except during vacation and examination periods, the SCHOLASTIC is printed at the Ave Maria Press. The subscription rate is $5.00 a year. Please address all maniivripts to the Editor* Box 185, Notre Dame, Indiana. All unsolicite<l And you also know all you need to know about smoking: material beoomet the property of the SCHO­ Marlboro if you want the best of the filter cigarettes—Philip LASTIC. Morris if you want the best of the unfiltered cigarettes. The Scholastic The Notre Dame l^ ^ ^ GommuUa^ •; ' 1 . •- -N . , •* -^ , ON CATHOLIC EDUCATION: Recently, we received in our mail an unassuming and \%- largely unpublicized document from the NFCCS. Entitled "The Campus Eeports," Vol. 101 No. 23 the pamphlet is a comprehensive study of the problems of Catholic higher education. MAY 6, 1960 It takes the Catholic university apart and gives careful consideration to the purpose of the Catholic university, its cun-iculum, its students, and its future. Making no pre­ I tense of answering the problems concerned, the NFCCS is primaiily interested in detei-mining the exact nature of the difficulties it points up. One of the basic problems outlined is an anti-intellectualism which seems to be characteristic of Catholics in Founded 1867 general. This feeling naturally arrives at the university and we find students pri­ marily interested in grades, job preparation, or finding a marriage partner. But all editor-in-chief the indictment does not fall on the students, alone. It is suggested that sometimes RONAID BIU8AUGH there is a confusion among the leaders of the schools as to what relationship exists between the tei-m "Catholic" and the term "college." It often "seems to be thought -W associate editors that the purpose of a Catholic univei-sity is to save souls and that of secular universi­ E. (TED) THOMPSON ties is to make leaders." CHARLES TAUSCHE Religious instruction and administration policies are also inspected by the NFCCS sui-vey. Again quoting the pamphlet, "Generally, the outstanding paradox in Catholic news editor and staff higher education is the weakness of the religion curriculum." Religion coui-ses often ROY RUBELI tend to be repetitious and "lacking in intellectual challenge." Moreover, the students Wade Clarke themselves often feel religion courses will be "snaps" and they fail to approach them Arthur Graham with the proper attitude.
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