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Davince Tools Generated PDF File Nnw THE DAILY ws Vol. 67. No. 170 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., WEDNE/DAY, JULY 27, 1960 (Price. 7 Cents) Charles Hutton &Sons ..--- '•• • orsens Lord Home To More Troops Ca lied Get Foreign For Bulawayo Area BULAWAYO, Southern Rhodesia Reuters--Police bullets killed a Negro Tuesday, raising to seven the Affairs Post Peculiar death toll in. three days of native rioting against a ban on p·J!i+:~nl meetings. Jl;r FRASER WIGJITOS I the House of Lords, would not Police opened fire three times during the day in L0:\00:"1 tReutml - Prime I be avallable to the House of Situation ~tinister :.larmilian will name: Commons for day-to-day inter­ renewtd cic.si1es wilh t bgrne~ bur the d~ad man, describ­ the Ear\ o~ Home. 57, as Britain's Irogation on internatioool affalrt. HuDSO~. 'BAY .. Sask,. ICPI_- ed as a looter caught in the act was the only r~ported new foreign secretary in his gov· "UNDEMOCRATIC" IDEA j Dm·e an :\css cned out "Pra1se 1 I ' the Lord" so often during a serv i casu a ty. ernment reshuffle today, :cllable Labor p:uty leader Hugh Galt· 1 political sources said Tuesday I skell has de11ounced the Idea aa Iice of the Apostolic Church here A police spokesman said the siluatian was de· night, despite some Conservati\·~ !"most undemocratic and entirely that other members too~ the case I '/eloping into a military operation. An es!ir.111fed 250 as well as socialist dismay that · Inappropriate in modern condi- to court. He was acqmlted on a I • the job should go to a peer. i !Ions." charge of disturbing a religious i Negroes have been arrested. Few nahves went to Macmillan has shown himself 1 But th.! prime minister can ar­ gathering. • work entWly unruffird by the contro- ~ gue that foreign policy today hu Although Magistrate Robert: POLICE EXOSERATED 1 -·----· ------·-· -· .. ··-- \'eJ"S)' which has rat:ed for a week 1 become very much a beads-of. :\tacarn agreed Van Ness could: Police indicated the six Xe- • :\Icanwhile, Southern Rhode­ .,·er the rumor that he would UP· I go\'C~rnments province, and !hot he a nuisance to ot~er members: groes slain ~Iunday were not sia's prime minister chargr.d that 1et a 20-year-old tradition by 1 he himself always is at the dis· Of t~e .church, he said, the ardent killed by law officers. "certain leaders" of the XDP pansh10ner had not broken the· Two were described as looters h d d · ·1 d' d picking a sucressor to Selwyn 1posaJ of the House of Commons 1 1 · . a p1 anne cll'l 1sor ers. Uord from the House of Lords. !!or questioning. • a':· • . · shot by a merchant. It was p:e- · Prime ~I i n is t e r Sir Edgar . \an :->css, 11h0 ll'ent to court. sumed the other !our also dted \\'! ·t h d dd· · p 11 The appointment o! a new for·; 'th 1 · 'f d · ht 1 'ld , 11 e ea a • essmg ar a· ei:n sPcreta:-y will be announred Macmiilan is expected to name : 'r~:. I ~IS Wl e adn c!~·d cbn rtehn: in the bloody upsurge o! rioting,. ment in Salisburv, said the argu. 1 m n~ \1 as esr1 we Y e loot in~ and arson that •aw about t d ed. t "DP t by the prime minister today, : Selwyn Lloyd, who has been for· · t' t " 1·~· f ,.. ' .. mens a vane a ."i mee. Home 5('crrtary R. A. Butler eign secretary for five years, u mag"' ,, ra e as a rc 1.,1ous· 3· ,• 60 per,ons• hurt • half a down·. ·mt.s , " are L..ut!Comm., • ~ more an 0 ~.Jd In the House ol Commons · chancellor of the exchequer. 1 natlr. , hecrhalls burnerl down and ~ hl- more blantantly militant and Tursda.... • The forth coming cabinet 1 :l!aunce _Fu~lcr. pnslor ol the !ration plant 1\'l'e~ked. · anti-Euro an" despit the fact • •I switches ere necessary because , clmrch. r-a1d m court that Van pe e . ~ess lwd the hahit of making: The trouole began Sunday with that the part?·· formed early th1~ The con~tcrnation o! :\IPs In : of the decision of Derick Heath· RELAX AMID TENSION tbe ruling Consen·ative part>·; coat Amory, present ·treasury LEOPOLDVILLE, The Congo-Swedish troops of the U.N. Forces sent here len;thv discourses during the demonstration,; agninst a ban on )'car, "may m theory be open to end o p p o s I t ion Labor party , chief, to gl\·e up his post and re­ time in the church service given : a m~ting of the National Demo- all races .. " . 1 to stem the unrest relax at tl:le airport July 22nd. Congolese Premier o\·er to testimonirs. • cratic Party, a Xrgro ~!roup He said som7 . wh1~es w~r~ comes from the fact that a prer: turn to his famlly S textile busl­ which has had sereral of its lead- kno'li!l to be assisting m sethng as foreil:ll serretar)', sitting in I ness. Patrice Lumumba arrived in New York July 24th to have conference with ASKED TO STAY AW.\Y ers Drrestec!. , up party acti;·itie~. ----------------- United Nations Secretary General Dog Hommarskjold.-(UPI Photo), Van :--;css attended a church . The Rhoc!cswn federal defence service Julv 15 even though he i Tuesday, government industrial: ministry ordered four battalions· h:~d bC{!n asked to slav away the . o:'!icers were stoned at :-ipopom'o · of troops to duty Tuesday in the Congo Ministry pastor said. • ' ; Township afte: failing to per- llubwayo area. Th~y will aup. i suade a crowd of more than 7,000 · port three compames flown In Durin~ the service he repea- natives to go to work. l :llonday from Salisbury to aid Smaller Nations Seek. tedly shouted "Prais~ the Lord .. DISORDERS "PLANNED" 1 police units. .. ----- Disavo,vs Pact Amen." Eventually the pastor had to gil·e up the service. :llr •. LEOPOLD\'ILLE meuters I - i do not conflict with the Interests i Fuller said his vocal parishoner ; Premier Patrie Lumumba's fi- of the country." shouted the words even when . 1 1 aance ministry Tuesday back· i F~ ANCIAL CRISIS Probe Of RB-4 7 Flight 1 they did not apply, pedalled on his $2,000,000,000 D~splte their questloninl ef I Castro Attends agretment with Aml':·ican fin an-i the agreement's validity, flnanoe , , .. I Van Ness said his only purpose i cier Edgar Detwiler to develop ! ministry officials deued theJ UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. lAP) IMonday that the plane nover was I the lnc1dent sounds to me' in going to church was to pray the Congo's resources. J were making a "formal dlsa· The Sov_lc~ Union Tuesday faced: e_loser than 30 miles to Soviet ter- 1thoroughly. ~nconvinclng Sfd rnt-1 and sing. He went in defiance ol : A spokesmnn for the ministry ; vewal" or it. the.possib1lity of a ~tback as the· 1'1\ot-y. .. I her bl1.1rred• by the obY.Itilm--at- threats to throw him out bodily 1 ., uid the agrrement, signed last 1 They admitted the montb-olll United Nations Security Cou~cill ASKS COr:"DEM."'ATIO'N 1 tempt of overshooting the real/ In testimony prefaced by ~ 1 neared a showdown on Russmn I The. SoVIet U~ion had asked the : purpose of the ease." : prayer in which he led the court, week, is not lega:ly binding be· ' Congo republic Is In desperate 1 7th. Anniversary cause Finance ~linister Pascale i financial s t r a i t s. ~ayl said charges that a downed U.S. RB-47' Sccunty Council to cond~mn the 1 he tried to quote lengthv p:: ·sages : Nkayi had not been con.~ultcd • the!'! bad been a "~atastrophlc" plane violated Soviet territ~ry. i RB-47_ flight as n p:ovo_cative, ng- ! He contended the Soviet ease: ~r~m scripture bitt ~~ 5 re-: LAR ~IERCEDESO Cu~a <APl barracks. In the final hours of debate i grcSSJve act: The States was vague "md open to question . strained bv the m;gistrnte. Premler Fidel Castro, looking Pl'T ASIDE DOUBTS about it. 1 inc~ease in unemploym~nt In the ~n Umte~ i Lumumba flew to the United! last few weeks. Soviet charges, UN souyces s~ul: ~ount~red w1th a. resoluhon _ask- ! because the Russians rdused to 1 1'he magistrate said it was n 1 haggard and stern, drew cherrs · There had been doubts thB\ Nations in Xew York with Dct- 1 it was po_sslble the So\'tet Umon 1 !n~ Cl.the\ lmparhal_ i~ternatto~nl: allow the two captir~ Am~rican · "most peculiar situation." I Tues~a:; at a ma~silc r~Uy eel-, Castro, who_ has b~n seen Jn. would ba~e to cast two more ve-l m1 estJg_ahon o! the mcJ,dcnt or 1ts ! crew membc:s to h.; mt:N_Iewcd ebratmg the se~-enth anmversary • !requent_lr m public since be wiler Thursday shortly afte~ 1 "Jf In the ne~t few weeks Bel· i maltine his surprise announ~e-. <ibn ?.nd fa,·dg'l technicians are toes-it~ 8&th and 89th. , submssJO!l ~o the n.ernntlonal i by th U.S. d1plomat1c mt~s1on Jn o! thr revoluttowdry movement: was stncken recently by pneu- One w~uld be to defeat an: court of JUShce, 1\ioscow. j that swept him to power. ; monia, would appear for the eel· ment about the ag~•ement.
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