Memphis Section of the Oil Mill Gazetteer

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Memphis Section of the Oil Mill Gazetteer Oil Mill Gazetteer OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE NATIONAL OIL MILL SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION VOLUME 30, NO. 8 WHARTON, TEXAS, FEBRUARY, 1926 PRICE TEN CENTS BADER BROS 507 B A U E R BJLfDG. SPRINGFIELD PRESS CLOTH! WE MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF HAIR and WOOL PRESS CLOTH Our products are known throughout the world for their su­ perior structure and Quality. WHY? Because we employ in their manufacture only the best raw material, mechanical equipment and textile talent. We sell them to you for relatively less, afforded by our vol­ ume of production and ripe experience. Our reputation is established and you take no chance. There­ fore, with our press cloth you are in competing advantage with your products to meet your neighboring mill competitor. We do not make test rolls, but stock rolls, that run uniformly throughout the year; we do not trifle with your credulity through means of confusing technical theories merely to sell a trial roll. We dependably take care of your needs and are responsible; won't you invest us with your confidence and your Press Cloth contract? Oriental Textile Mills AGENCIES ATLANTA, GA. Security Warehouse Company COLUMBIA, S. C. Kaminer & Neil, 804 Nat’l Loan & Exch. Bank Bid?. NEW ORLEANS; LA., George B. Aarons, 441 S. Peters St. MEMPHIS, TENN., Linden Storage Co., Linden Station SHIPMENTS DIRECT FROM FACTORY OR ABOVE AGENCY POINTS m ip Main Office and Mills, Houston, Texas New York Office, 67 Wall St. Oil Mill Gazetteer OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE NATIONAL OIL MILL SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION VOLUME 30. NO. 8 WHARTON. TEXAS, FEBRUARY, 1926 PRICE TEN CENTS Monthly Letter from President McKinley Mr. H. E.Wilson, Wharton, Texas. go puli -the rods cn the north side of No. 1 seed Dear Wilson: house and see if those seed are any warmer The matter of an annual meeting place was since you left, thrashed out at length this morning by Messrs. • C. S. McKINLEY. Nolen and Stansbury, president and vice-presi- ----------------------------- dent of the Oil Mill Machinery and Supply Men’s HALF AND HALF SEED MUST GO; Association, and Mr. Castillow and the writer SMITH CO. TO PLA N T PEDIGREED SEED representing the National Oil Mill Superintend- ----------- ents’ Association. Tyler, Texas, Jan. 16.—A campaign is being We have had a number of invitations; from carried cn throughout Smith county with a view Oklahoma City, Fort Worth, Galveston, Houston to eliminating all short-staple varieties of cotton and San Antonio. It was decided at the meeting and making Smith county a strictly staple cotton that we should first go into the matter of rail- county. Both producers and buyers claim that road rates and convention hall facilities, as at the short staple heretofore raised is unprofitable, two recent conventions, the machinery men were and every effort is being made to secure proper forced to expend sevreal hundred dollars un- seed for next season’s planting. C. J. Brogan, necessarily, and in line with this, Mr. Nolen chairman of the marketing committee; Judge J. was directed to go into these features of the W. Fitzgerald, chairman of the Smith county matter and report so that we could announce the Agricultural Council; T. N. Jones and County meeting place and date in the March issue of the Agent E. Gentry, are taking the lead in the Gazetteeer. movement. New, I want to write to the members through More than five carloads of high-grade staple the columns of our paper and have a heart to cotton seed is being sold to farmers at actual heart talk about this matter of a president’s cost. County Agent Gentry is back from North monthly letter, and also the writing of letters by Texas, where he went to purchase several thous- our membership to the Gazetteer. It seems that and bushels of pedigreed seed. He says there is bcth the editor and the president are either on an enormous demand for improved seed and they the wrong trail or barking up the wrong tree. It are very scarce. However, about 10,000 bushels takes time and money and some per centage already have been secured, which will be enough cf brains to get out a trade paper each month, to begin on 15,000 acres of cotton, year after year, and it is next to impossible to please all your readers; what Mr. Wilson and I would bcth appreciate will be an answer to the following two questions. Question No. 1 Shall HOUSTON LABORATORIES the Gazetteer continue asking the members for P. S. TI'LSCN, M. S. letter and articles that are seldom or never forthcoming, and continue with the help of the Analytical and Consulting Chemist president and secretary on the same line as in the past? Question No. 2—Or shall the editor COTTON SEED ANI) TEA NUT discontinue requests for letters from the mem­ PRODUCTS A SPECIALTY bers and fill the columns cf our paper with mat­ Member of the Interstate and Texas Cotton Seed ter “lifted” from other trade journals in the Crushers’ Ass’ns. and Referee Chemist of the American Oil Chemists’ same or parallel industries? Society Now, if you have not the time to answer these questions at length, just put an “X mark op­ 215 1-2 Main Street posite the question you prefer, tear the page out HOUSTON, TEXAS and get the cashier to mail it to Wilson and then 6 OIL MILL GAZETTEER February 1926 Memphis Section of the Oil Mill Gazetteer The Farmers Cotton Oil Mill gin at Dyersburg, Arkansas men. This new company will con­ Tenn., was completely destroyed by fire on the struct new buildings, add new equipment and night of January 12, also several bales of cot­ make many other improvements including elec­ ton. Had it not been for the very efficient trification of the plant which will make the work of the fire department the oil mill would Monticello mill the largest mill in the state of have also burned. The plant is now under the Arkansas, and will represent an investment of management of C. W. Hazen, of Memphis, former $750,000.00. The present mill, buildings and manager of the Bellevue Cotton Oil Company, residence for employes, bills receivable and cash and is owned by the National Cottonseed Pro­ in bank which were involved in the transfer, rep. ducts Corporation. The loss by fire is estimated resent $350,000.00. Several of the old stock­ at $32,000.00 and is only partly covered by insur­ holders remain as members of the board of ance. The gin will not be rebuilt this season directors. J. C. Williamson who was president but the mill will continue to operate. for the old company, will be president for the # # :{: % # new company. Joe Nichol, president of the Sim­ Mr. Issac Wagemaker, sales representative of mons National Bank of Pine Bluff will be vice Foster Alexander Corporation of Birmingham, president. Adrain Williamson of Monticello will Ala, was in Memphis on the 14th and was call­ be secretary and L. R. Meyers of Pine Bluff, ing cn the trade with Mr. O. J. Williford who treasurer*and assistant secretary with the fol­ has charge of the oil mill supplies of N. O. lowing directors: Col. Joe Harris, of Monticello; Nelson Manufacturing Company. H. C. Couch, o f Pine B lu ff; Col. H. L. Remmel, of * * s|c sH * Little Rock; C. J. Mansfield, of Warren. Mr. C. Mr. Edgar L. Pearson, of the Edgar L. Pearson T. Harris who has been in active charge of the Company, linter dealers of Houston, Texas, was mill will continue the management and also be­ in Memphis on the 9th en route to Chicago to come a member of the directors. attend the National Bedding Convention. si:***** Mr. Prentice Arnold formerly night Superin­ Mr. E. J. Tower, representing Edward Rose tendent for the Shelby County Cotton Oil Com­ Company, linter dealers of Chicago, was in Mem­ pany, is now night superintendent for the De Soto phis the first week in January. Oil Company, while Mr. T. E. Roberts the night superintendent is relieving Mr. J. P. Dickinson, Mr. J. N. Florence of Massasoit Manufactur­ day superintendent who was injured in a fall on ing Company, of Chicago, spent a few days in December 28th and will be unable to work for Memphis the middle of themonth. some weeks yet. % ^ jJ; sfs ^ H* Mr. W. H. Dial, representative of Edward Rose Mr. G. O. Coker, superintendent of the East­ Company, of the Houston office, was in Memphis man Cotton Oil Company, Jonestown, Miss., was on the 11th en route to Chicago to attend the in Memphis on the 8th and 9th, having brought National Bedding Convention. his son to a local hospital for treatment. $ ^ ;j: ;{c $ % Mr. F. H. Glarner of F. H. Glarner & Company, S. N. Pitzell & Company of Walnut Ridge, linter dealers, of St Louis, was in Memphis on Ark., suffered a large fire loss of $35,000.00 the 9th to attend the Inter-State Commerce Com­ to $40,000.00, which was, however, protected by mission linter hearing on rates which was held insurance, during the last days of December. in Memphis on the 9th. The cotton gin, cotton houso and seed house was totally destroyed also 75 to 100 bales of cotton The stockholders of the Monticello Cotton Mill was burned. at Mcnticello, Ark., have ratified the merger of >!> ’!■ 'i* -t* that organization with the Monticello Cotton Mills The International Vegetable Oil Company, re­ Company, which is an Arkansas corporation, or­ cently moved their offices from Atlanta, Ga., to ganized to take over and enlarge and operate Memphis, have sent out their first dividend check the Monticello mill, and is being financed by Col.
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