Memphis Section of the Oil Mill Gazetteer
Oil Mill Gazetteer OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE NATIONAL OIL MILL SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION VOLUME 30, NO. 8 WHARTON, TEXAS, FEBRUARY, 1926 PRICE TEN CENTS BADER BROS 507 B A U E R BJLfDG. SPRINGFIELD PRESS CLOTH! WE MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF HAIR and WOOL PRESS CLOTH Our products are known throughout the world for their su perior structure and Quality. WHY? Because we employ in their manufacture only the best raw material, mechanical equipment and textile talent. We sell them to you for relatively less, afforded by our vol ume of production and ripe experience. Our reputation is established and you take no chance. There fore, with our press cloth you are in competing advantage with your products to meet your neighboring mill competitor. We do not make test rolls, but stock rolls, that run uniformly throughout the year; we do not trifle with your credulity through means of confusing technical theories merely to sell a trial roll. We dependably take care of your needs and are responsible; won't you invest us with your confidence and your Press Cloth contract? Oriental Textile Mills AGENCIES ATLANTA, GA. Security Warehouse Company COLUMBIA, S. C. Kaminer & Neil, 804 Nat’l Loan & Exch. Bank Bid?. NEW ORLEANS; LA., George B. Aarons, 441 S. Peters St. MEMPHIS, TENN., Linden Storage Co., Linden Station SHIPMENTS DIRECT FROM FACTORY OR ABOVE AGENCY POINTS m ip Main Office and Mills, Houston, Texas New York Office, 67 Wall St. Oil Mill Gazetteer OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE NATIONAL OIL MILL SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION VOLUME 30. NO. 8 WHARTON. TEXAS, FEBRUARY, 1926 PRICE TEN CENTS Monthly Letter from President McKinley Mr.
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