Checking in on the Heisman Trophy Race

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Checking in on the Heisman Trophy Race INSIDE What’s new to Netflix this Editorial: Let’s take action Penn State is new football Haleigh Washington B10 October: page 2 to stop violence: page 3 team this season: page 4 player of week: page 4 Vol. 118, No. 32 Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2017 Man charged after pointing gun outside of Beaver Stadium By Stephanie Panny gun at her while telling her to THE DAILY COLLEGIAN get in the car, according to court documents. On Saturday between 5:35 and She refused and walked to con- 5:45 p.m., a Penn State police of- tact police. ficer responded to an alleged al- Swanger reportedly drove tercation involving a .357-caliber to her location, made a verbal handgun, between a man, Aus- threat toward the family’s ani- tin A. Swanger, and a woman mals, and left. After troops went in Lot 12 outside of Beaver Sta- to Swanger’s location and took Camille Stefani/Collegian dium. him into custody, police seized Saquon Barkley (26) gets tackled into Penn State’s bench during the game against Indiana on Sept. 30. The man, Austin A. Swanger, the handgun from the truck’s was arraigned on Sunday, Oct. console. 1, before District Judge Allen After consenting to an inter- Sinclair, and was charged with view, Swanger allegedly acknowl- misdemeanor counts of terror- edged to having a verbal alterca- istic threats with intent to ter- tion with the woman, admitted to Checking in on the rorize another, simple assault, possessing a handgun, to point- reckless endangerment, harass- ing a gun in the woman’s “vicin- ment and disorderly conduct, ity” and telling her to get in the according to court documents. truck, according to court docu- The woman reported the two ments. Heisman Trophy race had left the Penn State football Straight monetary bail was game after she confronted him set at $50,000, and Swanger was By Andrew Rubin in of the season. to game-plan for than Barkley. about seeing a text message taken to Centre County Correc- THE DAILY COLLEGIAN on his phone from an unknown tional Facility, according to court Saquon Barkley, Penn Mason Rudolph, Okla- number. documents. A preliminary With the Heisman race com- After walking to Swanger’s ve- hearing has been scheduled for ing into shape and Penn State’s State running back homa State quarterback hicle, the woman said Swanger Wednesday, Oct. 11. Saquon Barkley in the thick of Barkley has already logged one Rudolph has the same advan- pulled the handgun from his it, we are going to start doing a of the best running back perfor- tages of Mayfield by playing in car after getting inside the ve- To email reporter: [email protected]. weekly update on where the top mances anybody will ever see, in the Big 12: subpar defenses to hicle and allegedly pointed the Follow her on Twitter at @StephaniePanny. contenders stand. the Nittany Lions’ 21-19 thriller hang insane numbers on. But he There is still a long season against the Hawkeyes. Now, he’s also has the advantage of having ahead and a lot can –– and will added a kickoff return for a touch- James Washington, arguable the change –– but as college football down and a touchdown pass vs. best receiver in college football. approaches its midway point, Indiana in Week 5 to show his ver- Washington is a matchup night- it starts to become rare for satility. It’s hard to imagine that mare and already has 647 re- someone to become a finalist any player will have a more excit- ceiving yards this season. With and make it to New York without ing highlight reel for the voters to Rudolph’s cannon for an arm see before they submit their bal- and a great group of receivers already having made a statement. lots in December. on the other end of it, he has a Right now, Barkley is in front great chance to make it to New of the race after his awestriking - York City. primetime performance against Baker Mayfield, Okla Iowa in Week 4. homa quarterback Bryce Love, Stanford As was expected with a deep Many already feel like Baker quarterback class in college and Barkley are far away in front running back football, Barkley shares the in this race. Mayfield has had as Love was an unknown just leaderboard with a number of monumental a moment as any- a couple of weeks ago. Now, he signal callers. one else in the pack when he led has taken LSU’s Derrius Guice’s Some preseason favorites, like his Sooners into Columbus and place as the back trying to give USC quarterback Sam Darnold topped Ohio State with a monster Barkley competition at the top and UCLA quarterback Josh performance. of the college football pecking Rosen, have had tough starts to In the defensively suspect Big order. Love has an insane 1,088 their campaigns and dropped off 12, Mayfield should be able to put rushing yards in five games this the leaderboard. up gaudy numbers week after season. His 11.1 yards per carry Alex Yuan/Collegian However, some surprises have week. He also has the advantage is even crazier. taken their place, so here is the of being a dual threat quarter- To read full story, visit The Nittany Lion does push ups during the game at Beaver Stadium Collegian’s first Heisman check back, making him more difficult against Indiana on Sept. 30. ‘Sweet’ new musical 2017 coming to Penn State student By Morgan Seiff “It’s usually the reverse,” FOR THE COLLEGIAN Speer said. “The male charac- ters are really well drawn and Musical lovers will be tickled the women are kind of sketchily court pink about Penn State’s produc- figured in, and it’s so exciting to tion of “Sweet Charity.” be able to do something oppo- Step into the Playhouse The- site.” ater and enter the rosy and The artistic direction is unde- revealed whimsical world of Charity Hope niably girly. The set is a pink, ab- Valentine. Sure, her job as a taxi stract cityscape of NYC inspired By Shelby Kaplan dancer may seem sketchy, but by a Georgia O’Keefe paint- THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Christopher Sanders/Collegian charming, ditsy and optimistic ing. “Charity drives the whole There is an increasing number of students who vape on campus. Charity’s only dream in life is to show. That’s why the design is Members of the Homecoming find true love. “It’s really excit- so feminine,” said Speer. “Any Royalty committee spent their ing to tell a story about a wom- time we enter into Charity’s Monday taking part in their an, and a really strong woman, fantasy world, things go pink,” yearly Court Crashes. Vaping trend gains especially right now,” said Erin added Richard St. Clair, head of A court crash is an event Farrell Speer , director and Costume Design , who has been where committee members vis- third-year grad student study- designing professionally for 30 it new homecoming court mem- ing for her MFA in Directing for years. He explained this as the bers and announce they’ve won popularity on campus Musical Theatre. “Sweet Char- actors were in the midst of a and celebrate ity” is her thesis production. In “quick-change” rehearsal, test- “Court Crash is most definite- this female-forward story, the ing how fast they could switch ly my favorite event,” Royalty By Cissy Ming the user’s lungs via the com- men go in and out of scenes, but outfits between scenes. Director Anuja Jonnalagadda FOR THE COLLEGIAN bustion of a solution containing the women carry the show from To read full story, visit said in a press release. “The the substance, possibly with beginning to end. Royalty and Executive Com- There was a time when stu- additional flavorings. The com- mittees go to classrooms, club dents might go out in public, vape bustion process produces water meetings, or lunches to surprise and draw a lot of attention; how- vapor, which inspired the collo- members of the Court through- ever, State College local and Val- quial name “vaping.” out their day. We try to involve ley Vapes employee Ryan Lun- While the percentage of col- Court members’ close friends sford said the “big white cloud lege students using cigarettes in this process so that the day of smoke has become a normal, daily or every other day dropped is all the more special and everyday thing.” below five percent in the Ameri- meaningful.” Every year, the Since Lunsford began vaping can College Health Association’s royalty committee selects stu- four years ago, he has witnessed Fall 2016 survey, the numbers of dents for the court, then via an a dramatic evolution in public students vaping increased. 2015 online survey, Penn State Uni- perceptions of his hobby as the was the first time the survey in- versity Park seniors vote for 10 numbers of vapers grew. cluded questions on vaping. men and 10 women for the court. During his five months at Val- Although regular cigarette This year’s Student Court ley Vapes — a downtown State smokers still outnumber vapers includes: Cayla Castells, Megan College store specializing in e- according to the ACHA data, the McCloskey, Kosar Abolhassani, cigarettes and vaping-related popularity of vaping on campus Katie Jordan, Hannah Phol- merchandise — he said the vast has led to discussions among mann, Aaron Blackney, Ryan majority of his customers attend Penn State administrators about Lennon, Alex Shockley, Jorge Penn State. how to best address the trend.
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