1952.06.04 Hamilton High School Federalist

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1952.06.04 Hamilton High School Federalist Charlene Lacey Wins Presidential Post "Balloting in the elections held last Thursday and Mon­ -, OUT OF THE I -- dav was the strongest Ham­ TYPEWRITER ilton has had in its 20-odd By Judee 1'\laskin year history. With 78 per· • ~ent of the student body The last three weeks of voting, the elections were a tre· the Senior Aye semester are .. mendous success." slates Chuck the mo~t m em 0 1' y -filled Wright, Student Body vice-presi· weelo; of high school fot• ,dent, in charge of F.>lections. most students. The gradua­ Chllrll'lll! Laotly, (•nrrt>nt Stu­ tion festivities begin with (J(•nt Body trl'asnrrr, n·a" t>lrrtNI the senior tea and end with hiqh, h\' an o\·erwh~>hnlng mn.lorlt~· ale.xan.du hamilton, schoot Stutlent graduation. These three week!ll t~ th~ ol'fil't' of Bndy began for the OLYMPIAN class j»resldent. Charll'nt>, who hu last W ednes· Vol. 42, No~·_:_ 7 _____:=....::::..:.:.::.:.:....::......- Los A. ngeles, California____________ Jmie 4, 1952_ 1wrn~d the Ml'hool and the stu· day afternoon dent. hotly fnr four l'll·llt _!!t:nw~· with the Sen­ tl'lrs, Wl\!1 \'Ot~d Into offlc~ In the ior tea. The Jacobs, Marks Attend first ballot. lwld last; Thursdn~·· · 0 L Y M PI· Boys, Girls lo Take Judges Select Top Len Hnnt, popular Yankl'C AN S met ·CASC Region Convention; trackman, won the position of their parents Over State in June Photos at Salon Student Body vice-president. In front of June 21-28 Vl'ill be an Impor- Haml WiU Be President In a close contest, one of the t h e auditot·· The Federalist is proud to an­ closest ever witnessed in Hamil· tant weelt In the lives of three Th-e California Association ·of nounce the winners of Hamil· ium betwet'n Hamilton eleven\h grade boys. Student Councils held a confer- ton, Carol Lasater was chosen a~ 2 and 2:30 ton's 1952 Photo Salon. Judges Student Body treasurer. Carol During this week, these boys will ence of Regions 4 and 5, at Ox· Fred Archer, Will Connell ,Alys­ and then pro· travel to Sacramento at tttend nard, May 22 to 24: · Anthony was elected Student ceeded to es· worth Kleihaur, Ray Jones, and Body secretary. , ,Jmlre Kl11"kln the 15th Annual Boys' State. Gary Jacobs, vi<:e-preliident of Edward Kaminsld, professional cort them to The boys will ret,relent three District A~ and Joyce Marks, Both propositions were passed the Auditorium for the program. professional pho_tographers and by a majority of the student orga.nlzatlons In f.he Hamilton new secretary to District A, artists, have chosen the photo, Thrre were short talks by the ,·lclnlty. These groups lndmle were ~he two students who at­ body, ·and the Associated Stu­ administration and music, dane· "Through a Glass Darkly," by dent Body Issue was very well tht> Cuh•er City-Palms Lions' tended the annual convention Loren Frank, A-12, the most !ncr and recitations by members Club represented by Dlck Oliver, from Hamilton. supported. Class organizations • oc"'the class. After the program outstanding picture entered. will continue according to the altl'rnate, Robert Fairman; the The main purpose was t~ elect Three of the judges gave this In the aud, everyone went to the B'nal · B'rlth, represented by officers from Region 4 and also wishes or an overwhelming ma· lunch court for punch, calte and photo blue ribbons. jority of Yank voters. Gary Ja~obs, alternate,· Harry a third vice-president of the candy. On the lunch court the This, the eleventh annual Sa­ Girls' J,eague, whose lnstalla· Wt>l~bart; and the American Le- state. Michael Kovar, from Ox­ parents met some of the teach· lon the Camera Guild of Hamil· · tlon 111 to bl" held latPr toduy, glon, represented by David Pol· nard, was chosen president. of ton has presented, has attracted ers and, in a very subtle way, Joclt, alternate, Jim Gilbert. Region 4, Erwin Schneekluth, have chosen u their officers for asked whether or not their sons · throngs of interested students, next semester ll \'ery able execu­ The boys will trave} by bus ex-student of H!lmilton· and now faculty and visitors. The Salon or daughters were going to caravan or special train to S;tc· attending John Francis Poly· th•e cabinet, Ba.rbara Le\·lnsou graduate. opened June 2 and will come to will be Installed as I,resldcnt, ramento where they will be techic high' school, was elected a successful close today, Any­ The next big event the OLYM· quartered in barracks on the se- vice-president of .Region 4. Jim with Audrey Berry as vlcC·I)resl· PIANS. are looking forward to one attending was eligible to dent;; Nita Baldridge, treasurer: nlor h{gh and jjunior colloge · Holt, of Hollywood, treasurer, cast his vote for his favorite isis the Senior Prom. This, as is grounds. All meals will be pro· and Naricy Rugoff, State Re­ and Ardis Smith, secretary. the custom, will be decorated. in photo, and many viewers found Ed Lafferty will lead the Boys' vided at the conference. gional representative. Sa 11 Y this very hard because of the tht• theme of the Senior Bees. During their stay at S.a.ct·a- Freckletoo was chose!) State League next semester, .with This year, those attending the great variety of excellent pho· Jim Gilbert, vice-president: Jim mento the boys will organize a third vice-president. tos on display. prom will be dancing undet• wa­ state government with two 'po- A· sock hop was held on Fri­ Mertzel, secretary; and Peter ter. The name of the Senior Bee lltical parties. The represcnta- day night In Oxnard High's new "Marshes," by Phyllis Marks, Banks, treasurer. class is the "Tritons," and their tlves will hold do\vn the many half-million-dollar gym, The stu.;. A-12, won second place. Thh:d "This Is the first election In whole theme is about the sea. offices of various state officials. dents. from different schools best picture was "First Love" by Student Body hist~ry that aU At the prom one can see the Assisting , the boys In running· made many new friends and ex· Morley Langford, B-12, and elections for classes, leagues and girls dressed in billowing evening their state will be American Le· changed Jdeas on school spirit, chairman of the Salon commit• Student Bo1ly have been held at gowns and beautiful corsages, gionnaires, who sponsor Boys' social clubs on and off-campus, tee. Fourth position was giYen the same time-a forward step and the boys all decked out in State. and sports. to Robert Campbell for "A Tul"· In Hamilton Student govern• d1·ess suits and even dressier on the calenda.r of e\·ents will Gary Jacobs, who will be pres· tle ln the Hand.'-' ment," states 1\lrs. Gertrude ties. be a \'lslt to the cat,ltal whf're !dent of Distl'ict A in Septem• Results of the popularity con· MacQueen, Student Boay spon• Two days after the prom IS the high officials of Boys' Statf" ber, states, "I hope to be work· test voting will not be known sor. the Baccalaureate Service. This will "slt In" with our st.ate of· lng on a new Yankee rulde and until the Salon is ended .. Many While the Stldent Body was is the 1crious event in the three f.lc.lals for one day. I received many. new Ideas from surprises often come with the voting whether class organiza• weeks of fun. There are speak· Girls' State will be represent- the CoDterence. In the future I results of the popularity con· tions would be continued, they ers of every faith, a rabbi, a ed from Hamilton by Kay Mar- hope It Is possible for· me fo ro · test as the favorites of the gen· were also voting on next semes• minister, and a priest, who speal< tin A-11. She Is sponsored by . again." eral public are compared with ter's class officers. on faith and the idealistic side the Cheviot Hills American Le· those selected by professionals. Class officers for next scmes· of life. gion Auxiliaries. There will be Sixty dollars worth of prizes ter are as follows: • T h e recognition assembly 200 girls from all over the state Dripi Drlpl Dl'lpl donated by local photo concerns A·l2 Class Officers comes the day before gradu­ ol California enjoying themselves Water, water, and MORE wa­ interested In this annual event President .................. Dick Brown ation. At this time the whole while getting educated. .. ter! When a hot water line in will go to the students winnini Boys' VIce-Pres. ..1\-la.yo Stelgler 1chool gives recognition to these Donna Griffin, one of last the attic burst last Monday, the the most ribbons. Girls' Vfce·Presldent..Ann Alt,lne seniors who have done much to· year's candidates, says: "This 1111 third and second· floora were lit· To date, Phyllis Marks heads Secretary ............ Diane Ruthford ward helping to make Hamilton one of the biggest honors thn.t a erally flooded. Restrooms on the the list for first prize, with 10 Trl'nsurer ...................... Patt Lynn a better school. The Senior Ayes hl~~;h tchool girl can ha\'e be· second and the SBO were the pictures hanging and a total of (Contlnue1l on Page 2) also sing their class song for the stowed· upon her. It Is some• most damaged, leaving the SBO four blue first ribbons, two sec• last time before they graduate.
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