The Coast Advertiser in the Stories
1 4 B uy B etter Support The In Belmar Cancer Fund THE COASTOFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR BELMAR. SOUTHADVERTISER BELMAR AND WALL TOWNSHIP Single Copy Seven Cents BELMAR, NEW JERSEY, APRIL 14, 1955 Sixty-First Year, No. 50 — 8 Pages RELAY DRILL FOR St. Rose PTA To Hold Board Appoints Application For Proposed Zoning FIREMEN SUNDAY Communion Breakfast Belmar Nets $33,446 The first annual communion S e a S p r a y A Civil Defense drill of fire breakfast of St. Rose PTA will Rink Committee Changes In Wall fighting equipment of seven Seasonal Liquor be held Sunday, April 24, at municipalities will be held the Hotel New Windsor. The A LARGE BIRD, believed this Sunday morning in Bel From Beach Last Year Taken For Study breakfast will follow the 8:30 Group Named To Study mar. The fire companies tak License Opposed to be a species of hawk, was A. M. mass at St. Rose captured by Patrolman Lloyd ing part will be from Belmar, Proposed Oval At South Belmar, Spring Lake, Church. Goss of Wall Township today Sweeping Revisions Mrs, Timothy Brennan, PTA on a farm in Ramshorn drive, Bradley Beach, Avon, Nep Marine Basin Commission Reserves president, is honorary chair Bathing, Concession Revenues Totaled $ 164,705, Allenwood. Police were called Recommended By tune City and Ocean Grove. Decision In Seacrest man and Mrs. Anthony W. from a nearby home when Planning Board The firemen, directed by Towey is general chairman. A committee to study the Expenses $131,258 children saw the bird power Fire Chief Oliver Measure of Other committee leaders are: proposed construction of a Hotel Case dive and crash into overhead Recommendations of the Belmar and Frank Wilgus of Mrs.
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