Approved on November , 2013 by the CEO, Chairman of the Executive Board of Sberbank of RussiaOJSC (indicate the issuing credit institution's body that approved the Quarterly Report on Securities) QUARTERLY REPORT for Q3 2013 Sberbank of Russia Open Joint-Stock Company Code of the issuing credit institution:01481-В Location of the issuing credit institution: 19 Vavilova St., Moscow, Moscow, Russia, 117997 (indicate the location (address of the permanent executive body of the issuing credit institution) Information contained in this quarterly report is subject to disclosure pursuant to the laws of the Russian Federation on securities CEO, Chairman of the Executive Board of Sberbank of Russia OJSC __________ H.O. Gref signature November , 2013 Acting Chief Accountant of Sberbank of Russia OJSC of Director of the Accounting and Reporting M. Yu. Department __________ Lukyanova signature November , 2013 Seal of the issuing credit institution Contact person: Deputy Head of the Corporate Secretary Service - Head of the Corporate Work and Information Disclosure Sector - Mikhail Ushakov (indicate position and full name of contact person in the issuing credit institution) Telephone: (495) 505-88-85 Fax: (495) 505-88-84 (indicate the contact person's telephone (fax) number(s)) E-mail address:
[email protected] (indicate the contact person's e-mail address (if any)) Address of the Internet page(s) where the information contained in this quarterly report is disclosed:, =3043 8 CONTENTS