Whistley-in-Hurst. Ford Georg-e, farmer Binfield Thomas, farmer, Hinton farm Andrew G. Oakley cottage Gale William, baker Brown William, farmer & rod merchant Beauchamp Col. George, Hurst lodge Gammon George, farmer Clarke William, beer retailer Broome Rev. Edmund M.A. [vicar] King Oliver & Gilbert, farmers Cox Arthur, blacksmith Cameron Mrs. Hurst house Lewis Isaac, wheelwright George Robert, beer retailer Castle Henry NicholIs Samuel, farmer Giles Philip, carrier Douglas Miss Pither Thomas, farmer King Charles, grocer Finch ~frs. Hurst grove Simonds Henry, shopkeeper Meads John,farmer,WhistleyGreen frm Lee Mrs. Toutley hall Webb William (Mrs.), farmer Robinson George, builder Nicholls Samuel, Frogmore villa Wheeler Edwd.Wheelwrights' Arms P.R Soundy Heury Fras.baker,Ward's cross Wilson Mrs. Woodland White Alfred William, shopkeeper Taylor Thomas, fly proprietor Wicks WiIliam,GreeuMan p.R.&carrier COMMERCIAL. Broad Hinton. 'ViddowsCharles,relieving officer,North Barrett Edward, beer retailer Beauchamp Rev. James district; & registrar of births&deaths Blea Thomas, Castle P.R Byng Rear-Admiral John Clarke, for Wargrave sub-district, Woking­ Brackley Charles, huntsman Haines hill ham union Brown James, Elephant & Castle F.R Garth Thos.ColIeton D.L.,J.p.Haines hill Bullock George, baket' & beer retailer Whitaker Miss, Hinton lodge Winnersh. Collier George Oliver, blacksmith COMMERCIAL. Blake Isaac, farmer, Loddon bridge Cooper Alfred Thomas, beer retailer Adey George, farmer, Broad common Bowyer William, farmer, Murrell green Eaton Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper Bance Wm. Hy. grocer & postmaster Medcalf William, farmer, Murrell green EAST ILSLEY (or MARKET lLSLEY, anciently HILDES- brought for sale on this day), Wednesday after the 19th Sep­ LEY) is a small market town and parish, head a petty tember for sheep and lambs, October 13th for hiring servants sessional division, a polling place for the Southern division and pleasure, known as "Runaway Fair," "Wednesday after of the county, 9 miles north from Newbury, II from Wan- October 17th for sheep, and Wednesday after 12th November tage, II south from Abing-don, 2 miles east from Compton I (Hallow-tide fair) for sheep; dealers and graziers come from station on the Great Western railway, in the hundred of all parts of the country to these fairs to purchase stock to be Compton, union and county court district of Wantage, rural sent into the grazing districts. There are several establish­ deanery of Abingdon, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of ments here for training race horses, the light and springy Oxford; it is situated on the side of a hill, surrounded by a I turf of the downs being well adapted for that purpose. ridge of downs, which extend for some miles, a partof which I Sir Francis Moore kt. M.A., 111.1'. and a serjeant-at-law, is cultivated and the remainder used as sheep walks. The educated at Reading and afterwards at St. John's College, church of St. Mary is a small building of stone and rubble Oxford (M.A. 1612) and the Middle Temple, was born here in in mixed styles, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north I 1558; he represented Reading in the parliaments of 1597, porch and low embattled western tower, of the Decorated 1601 and 1613 and was knighted at Theobalds, March 17th, period, containing 5 bells, dated 1589-1625: the south! 1616; he died 20th November, 1621, aged 63, and was arcade of the nave has Transition Norman arches, but the buried in the old church at Great Fawley; his second son, south aisle is Early English, the north being modern: the Henry, was created a baronet 21st May, 1627, but the title doorway in the nave is Decorated and has t~e ball flower became extinct on the death of Sir Thomas Moore, sixth ornament: the church was enlarged and re-pewed iu 1845, baronet, loth April, 1807. Mrs. 'Voodley is lady of the and in 1881-2 the south aisle was restored and the fine old manor aud Col. Lord Wantage v.c., K.C.B. is chief land­ roof disclosed; the entrance to the rood loft and a piscina owner. The soil is chalk and gravel; subsoil, chalk and were also discovered; the gallery in front of the west window flint. The crops are wheat, barley, oats, turnips and seed was removed, a Norman font, which was fonnd under the hay. The area is 2,979 acres: rateable value, £3,759; the puJpit, restored and placed in the centre of the basement of population in 1881 was 578. the tower, the chancel re-decorated and a stained window Parish Clerk, William Welch. inserted at the east end: in the chancel is a marble slab, POST & MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings with arms, inscribed to the Rev. Joseph Barnes A.lIL rector, Bank.-Edwin Thomas Taylor, postmaster. Letters d. 1753, and to his wife, d. 1721 ; in the aisle is a brass, with arrive from Newbury at 7.35 a.m. ; dispatched at 5.25 p.m arms, placed by their daughter Katherine, to the wife of INSURANCE AGENTS :_ William Hildeslea, ob. January, 1.606, havil1~ survived him Imperial Fire & Life, T. Jardine 30 ye~r~; the churchyard cO:r;ttams memOrIals to the Rev. Liverpool & London & Globe, M. Wells G. WrllIams B.A. d. 187~; LIeut. qharles Hemsted R.N. Hoyal Farmers' & General, W. H. Darling Governor of the Naval Knrghts of Wmdsor, d. 1833; Rev. Thomas Loveday, 34 years rector, d. 1873, and his wife, d. COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR THE ILSLEY DIVISION. 1845 : there are 300 sittings, 150 being free. The register Best H. P. esq. Donnington, Newbury dates from November, 1653. The living is a rectory, Bowles T. J. esq. Milton hill, Steventon average yearly value of tithe reut-charge £588, with 63 Denis De Vitre Henry esq. Wantage acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of :\'Iagdalen College, Morland E. esq. Abingdon Oxford, and held since 1884 by the Rev. Thomas Robert MorIand E. H. esq. , Newbury Terry M.A. late fellow and tutor of that college. The poor Wroughton P. esq. M.P. Woolley park, Wantage of this parish have the right of gathering furze upou several Clerk to the Magistrates, Edward Ormond downs. Ilsley has long been noted for its sheep markets Petty sessions are held at the Police station the first friday and fairs, a graut for the holding of which was obtained by in each month Sir Francis Moore, from James I. in 1620; previous to this The following places are within the division :-, time fairs were held at Cuckhamsley Hill (Cwichelmes hlmwe) , Chilton, Compton, Farnborough, Ilsley (East), but on the issue of the grant were traditionally removed to llsley (~'est) a square enclosure now planted and called ., The Warren;" A School Board of 5 members was formed in 18 ; Rev. the markets commence on the Wednesday fortnight before Thomas Robert Terry lL..!. chairman & clerk to he Board Easter and sometimes earlier, and continue every alternate Board School, erected 1832 as a National Sc 01 & con- Wednesday till July; the sheep and lamb fairs are held from verted into a Board School in 1872; it will hold 100 chil- Easter till November; the fairs are on Wednesday in Easter dren; average attendanr:e, 86; & has an endowment of week for sheep, Wednesday in Whitsun week for sheep, the £5 yearly from Betton's charity; Theodore Lucas, master; 1st Wednesday in July for wool, the 1st of August for lambs, Miss Emma Lucas, mistress 26th August for sheep and lambs (this is the largest fair in CARRIER-Thomas Stimpson, to Newbnry, every day, except the year and as many as 50,000 sheep and lambs have been wed. ; & to Abingdon, mono & tues. ; Reading, we Josey Rev. Benjamin John [Baptist] Bayley Mary Ellen (Mrs.), confectioner Hibbert Thomas, Sun P.H. & engine r Terry Rev. Thomas Robert M.A. [rector] Birch George, Star F.R Horsman Alfred, coal & whiting dealer 'l'Voodhouse William Henry, The Hall Darling Wm.Henry,painter & druggist Jardine Thomas, assistant overseer COMMERCIAL. Davison Thomas & Co. drapers Lowe Joseph, trainer of race-horses AlIen John jun. tailor Deacon Charlotte (Mrs.), mason Main Robert, surgeon & medical officer, Bartholemew John, butcher Dover J ames, trainer of race-horses & public vaccinator for IIsley district, Booker Joseph, relieving & vaccination Field George, blacksmith Wantage union officer No. 2 district & registrar of Gale WaIter, beer retailer Marriot Thomas Young (Mrs.), f~rmer births & deaths for Ilsley sub-district, Goddard Jas. Minchin, shoe ma.&drapr Passey EdwardGeorge,WhiteHors~ inn Wantage union & registrar of mar- Gregory Eliza (Mrs.), Lamb P.R Pearce James, saddler riages for Wantage district Hamm Annie (Mrs.), grocer !Prior :Frederick, miller (wind) B. B. & o. 6*