Sikkim Assembly Constituency Map Before General Assembly Election,2009.

Numbered Assembly constituencies in color represent areas of field studies.

Constituencies with higher skiews or greater anti- incumbency character.

Constituencues with little or moderate skews or pro- incumbency character.

(xviii) Photographs of Chief Ministers of

Researcher with Mr. Nar Bahadur Bhandari, Researcher with Mr. B.B. Gooroong, Former of Sikkim Former Chief Minister of Sikkim (1979- 1984, 1985-1994) (11 May 1984-24 May 1984)

Researcher with Mr.Sanchaman Lim boo, Mr. Former Chief Minister of Sikki.m Chief Minister of Sikkim (18 May- 11 December 1994)

(xix) Some Political Leaders in the Previous and the Present Legislative Assembly of Sikkim

Researcher with Mr.Padam Bahadur Chettri, Researcher with Mr.A.D.Subba, President, President, Sikkim State Unit, BJP Sikkim Himali Rajya Parishad Party

Researcher with Mr. K.N. Upreti, Ex- Minister Researcher with Mr., President, Sikkim National People's Party

{xx) (1) Researcher with Mr. C. D. Rai, retired Bureaucrat and Editor. (2) Researcher with Jigme N. Kazi Eminent Joumalist, Editor and Writer.3. Researcher with Mr. Nakul Das Rai, Ex M.P.. (4) Researcher with Mr. P.T. Gyamtso, Ex M.P. Rajya Sabha. (5) Researcher with Mr. Sonam Wangdi, retired Chief Secretary of Sikkim. (6) Researcher with Mr. Manoj Gupta, a Sikkimese-Indian Businessman. Glimpses of Locales with People Being Interviewed

1. Researcher with a respondent at NREGA site. 2. Researcher with a Lepcha lady in a village. 3. Researcher with an Octagenerian locally known as Kaka-Tak. 4. Researcher with respondents at Rinchenpong Constituency. 5. An Octagenerian who belonged to Chogyal Era. 6. An Octagenerian locally named as Pala who belonged to Chogyal Era.
