Online Journals: Utility of ToCs vs. Fulltext

George S. Porter Ed Sponsler

Caltech Library System [email protected] Caltech

• 285 Tenure-track faculty • 250 Principal investigators • 900 Undergraduates • 1100 Graduate students Caltech Library System

• 55 FTE staff • 13 librarians • 5 information technologists

• 49% of budget spent on information resources Why Use Click- Through Technology to Get Data on Ejournal Use?

Never listen to what people say in response to a survey:

Asking high-tech employees what will keep them in their jobs provides very different answers than the factors that actually drive retention.

Jakob Nielsen, Alertbox 4 March 2001 CLSweb & the OJDB es

i 5000 r

t 4000 3827 n 3000 3234 2000 1582 1000 nal E 654 0 156

Jour 7 8 9 -9 -97 -9 -9 -00 y c un ar J Nov M Ma De CLS Licensed Ejournals

Ejournals Licensed

900 800 77 0 700 600 500 45 4 400 32 1 300 200 100 29 82 0 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 What’s Happened to the Print Use?

"TOP 40" JOURNAL USE (Titles first available fulltext @ Caltech pre-1998)


3500 e s

U 3000 t in r 2500 P d e

d 2000 r o

c 1500 e l R

a 1000 t o T 500

0 1997 1998 1999 2000 Year

Journal of molecular biology (12/95) The Astrophysical journal (10/96) Applied physics letters (7/97) PNAS (9/97) The Journal of neuroscience (9/97) The Journal of chemical physics (10/97) Physical review letters (10/97) Journal of applied physics (10/97) The Journal of biological (12/97) What’s Happened to the Print Use?

"TOP 40" JOURNAL USE (Titles first available fulltext @ CIT 1/98-3/98)


3000 e s

t U 2500 n i r

P 2000 d e d r

o 1500 c e R

l 1000 ta o T 500

0 1997 1998 1999 2000 Year

Genes & developmen (1/98) Tetrahedron letters (2/98) Journal of fluid mechanics (2/98) Tetrahedron (2/98) Geophysical research letters (2/98) FEBS letters (2/98) Nucleic acids research (3/98) What’s Happened to the Print Use?

"TOP 40" JOURNAL USE (Titles first available fulltext @ Caltech 4/98)

7000 e

s 6000 U t

in 5000 r P

d 4000 e d r 3000 co e 2000 l R a t 1000 o T 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 Year

Journal of the American (4/98) Biochemistry (4/98) Journal of organic chemistry (4/98) Inorganic chemistry (4/98) Analytical chemistry (4/98) Molecular and cellular biology (4/98) Macromolecules (4/98) What’s Happened to the Print Use?

"TOP 40" JOURNAL USE (Titles available fulltext @ CIT 5/98 to present)


e 5000 s U t

in 4000 r P d e

d 3000 r o c

e 2000 l R a t o

T 1000

0 1997 1998 1999 2000 Year

Developmental biology (5/98) Development (6/98) Cell (7/98) The EMBO journal (3/99) Nature (6/99) Scientific American (9/99) Science (2/00) Icarus (10/00) Applied optics (2/01) What’s Happened to the Print Use?

"TOP 40" JOURNAL USE (Titles not available fulltext at Caltech)


3500 e s 3000 t U n i r 2500 P d e

d 2000 r o c

e 1500 R


ta 1000 o T 500

0 1997 1998 1999 2000 Year

Chemical physics letters. Journal of geophysical research. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta. Earth and planetary science letters. Journal of organometallic chemistry. Geology. Current biology : CB. Biochimica et biophysica acta What Constitutes Heavily Trafficked Ejournals? What Constitutes Heavily Trafficked Ejournals (Global)?

Journal Title Visits Nature 3583 Science 3085 JACS 2275 PNAS 1705 Cell 1217 Journal of Biological 1165 Chemistry Angewandte Chemie (Int. 1107 Ed.) Physical Review Letters 973 Biochemistry 900 Journal of Chemical Physics 825 What Constitutes Heavily Trafficked Ejournals (Local)? Journal Title Visits Visits thru thru 12/2000 2/2001 Nature 2966 4192 Science 2648 3792 JACS 1934 2464 PNAS 1450 1851 Cell 1084 1564 Angewandte Chemie 1015 1528 (Int. Ed.) Journal of Biological 995 1495 Chemistry Physical Review Letters 866 1161 Journal of Chemical 735 1019 Physics Biochemistry 724 1052 What About Other Major Journals Available Online? Annual Reviews (AR) Annual Review of … Visits Visits thru thru 12/2000 2/2001 Biochemistry 242 18 Biophysics & 106 10 Biomolecular Structure Cellular & 66 1 Developmental Biology Earth & Planetary 73 4 Sciences Fluid Mechanics 47 9 Genetics 57 11 Neuroscience 96 20 Physical Chemistry 96 7 Nature & Its Monthlies Journal Title Visits Photocopy thru Requests 2/2001 Nature 4192 400 Nature 576 37 BioTechnology Nature Cell 254 21 Biology Nature Genetics 402 38 Nature Medicine 238 19 Nature 450 34 Neuroscience Nature Structural 405 15 Biology Physical Review…

Title Clicks DocDel Fulltext 2/2001 Requests Download Phys Rev A 301 90 261

Phys Rev B 561 140 512

Phys Rev C 33 2 29

Phys Rev D 136 21 185

Phys Rev E 230 48 251

Phys Rev 1161 144 1464 Letters PROLA 58 N/A N/A

Special Thanks to Douglas Lafrenier & Christine Orr of AIP for the download stats! But What About the Tables of Contents & Abstracts??? Not Fulltext! Title Clicks Clicks 12/2000 2/2001 Molecular & Cellular 301* 301 Biology Developmental Biology 224* 224 Chemical Physics 177 396 Letters Geochimica et 136 174 Cosmochimica Acta European Journal of 134* 134 Biochemistry Biochemical & 113* 113 Biophysical Research Communications Analytical Biochemistry 111* 111 Chemical Geology 104 125 C&EN 101^ 127 Nuclear Physics A 101 225 More Tables of Contents

Title Clicks 2/2001 Radiochimica 21 Acta Why is this Relevant?

Title Clicks 2/2001 Radiochimica Acta 21 Why Is This Relevant?

Grad student email message:

On the 1st and 15th of every month I do a quick survey of what's new in a few journals. It was nice to see the contents on Radiochimica again. I appreciate your help in getting this back on the library's listing of on-line journals. What Else Are Tables of Contents Good For? Cancelled Journals Title Clicks DocDel 2/2001 Requests

Archives of 53 21 Microbiology

International 44 48 Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Zeitschrift fur 40 11 Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie Heterocycles 34 10 What Else? Journals not Subscribed At All Title Clicks DocDel 2/2001 Requests

Inorganic Chimica 63 16 Acta

Angewandte 28 1 Chemie (German Ed.) Advances in Space 20 7 Research

Inorganic Chemical 20 0 Research What About Free Fulltext Ejournals? Free Fulltext Ejournals from AIP Title Clicks Fulltext 2/2001 Download ARLO 5 N/A Physical Review 4 N/A Special Topics – Accelerators & Beams Physical Review 12 N/A Focus Virtual Journal of 2 5 Biological Physics Research Virtual Journal of 7 59 Science & Technology More Free Ejournals

Title Clicks 2/2001 The Onion 276 LinuxWorld 112 Philosophical 72 Transactions of the Royal Society New Scientist 24^ Alertbox 22 D-Lib Magazine 22 Optics Express 22 SPARC: Will It Catch Fire?

Title Clicks 2/2001 Tetrahedron 649 Letters Organic Letters 341

PhysChemComm 8 New Journal of 2 Physics Geometry & 3 Topology Lessons Learned

Tables of Contents website use as a gauge of campus demand for a title

Useful for licensing decisions ⌧IoP package evaluation ⌧IDEAL and the “Big Deal” Lessons Learned

User behavior indicates that new search features are not rapidly adopted.

Users continue to overwhelmingly prefer browsing to searching. Lessons Learned

If you build it, they will come. Lesson Learned

If you build it, they will come.

If you do not provide the service, they WILL go elsewhere.

If you make a good faith effort, your early adopters will assist you. Conclusions

Caltech is not typical.

YMMV – Your Mileage May Vary. In Fact, Your Mileage WILL Vary!

The Techniques Are Generalizable. Acknowledgements

Ed Sponsler – Coauthor & Programmer

Sandy Garstang – Circulation data

John McDonald – Acquisitions Librarian

Douglas Lafrenier & Christine Orr - AIP