Rationalizability in General Situations"
Rationalizability in General Situations a a, b Yi-Chun Chen , Xiao Luo y, Chen Qu aDepartment of Economics, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117570 bDepartment of Economics, BI Norwegian Business School, N-0442 Oslo This version: May 2014 Abstract We present an analytical framework that can be used to study ra- tionalizable strategic behavior in general situations – i.e., arbitrary strategic games with various modes of behavior. We show that, under mild conditions, the notion of rationalizability de…ned in general situ- ations has nice properties similar to those in …nite games. The major features of this paper are (i) our approach does not require any kind of technical assumptions on the structure of the game, and (ii) the analytical framework provides a uni…ed treatment of players’general preferences, including expected utility as a special case. In this paper, we also investigate the relationship between rationalizability and Nash equilibrium in general games. JEL Classi…cation: C70, D81. Keywords: Strategic games; general preferences; rationalizability; com- mon knowledge of rationality; Nash equilibrium We thank Stephen Morris for pointing out this research topic to us. We also thank Murali Agastya, Geir Asheim, Duozhe Li, Ming Li, Bart Lipman, Takashi Kunimoto, Bin Miao, Dag Einar Sommervoll, Xiang Sun, Satoru Takahashi, Ben Wang, Licun Xue, Chih-Chun Yang, Chun-Lei Yang, Yongchao Zhang, and participants at NUS theory workshops and seminars at Chinese University of Hong Kong, BI Norwegian Business School, Fudan University and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics for helpful comments and discussions. This paper was presented at the 2012 Game Theory Congress in Istanbul, Turkey and the 12th SAET Conference in Brisbane, Australia.
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