The London Gazette, June 1, 1866. 3305
THE LONDON GAZETTE, JUNE 1, 1866. 3305 Thomas Darwin, formerly of Barrow-in-Furness, in the bankrupt (in forma pauperis), on the 23rd day of March, county of Lancaster, Beerhouse Keeper and Carter, and 1866. An Order of Discharge was granted by the County afterwards of Warton, in the said county, Carter, and now Court of Warwickshire, holden at Warwick, on the 24th or late of the Coach and .Horses Inn, in Yealand Conyers, day of May, 1866. in the said county, Innkeeper and Carter, adjudicated Charles John Riland Bedford, late of Great Malvern, in bankrupt on the 23rd day of March, 1866. An Order of the county of Worcester, previously of Leamington Priors, Discharge was granted by the County Court of Lancashire, in the county of Warwick, out of business and employment, holden at Lancaster, on the 18th day of May, 1866. adjudicated bankrupt on the 8th day of December, 1865. Richard Uttley, formerly of No. 28, Saint James'-s'.rcet, An Order of Discharge was granted by the County Court Burnley, in the county of Lancaster, Bread Baker and Pro- of Warwickshire, holden at Warwick, on the 24th day of vision Dealer, afterwards in lodgings with one James May, 1866. Shackleton Parker, of Marlborough-terrace, within the borough of Burnley aforesaid, out of business, and after- Michael O'Hare, of Stratford-upon-Avon, in the county wards and now of No. 6, Wellington-buildings, Harrow- of Warwick, Travelling Draper, adjudicated bankrupt on- road, Kensall-green, in the county of Middlesex, Night the 28th day of March, 1866. An Order of Discharge Watchman, adjudicated bankrupt; on the 2nd day of April, was granted by the County Court of Warwickshire, holden 1866.
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