THE SPORTING LIFE Thinks That the Philadelphit Dam Unknown; Bred by John Horter, of Buffalo, N

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THE SPORTING LIFE Thinks That the Philadelphit Dam Unknown; Bred by John Horter, of Buffalo, N OOPTBIOHT, 1883, BY THE SPOBTISO LIFB PUBLISHING Oo. ^ ^^ ->-^^ THE SPORTING EHTEBBD ATLIFE. POST OFFICE AT PHILADELPHIA AS BBOOHD CTLiSS MATTER. VOLUME 2. NUMBER 13. PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, JANUARY, 9, 1884. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. LATE NEWS. ull complement of ameers and men, and six Rudolphe was threatened with arrest. A THE SPORTING LIFE nonths' provisions. The yacht is greatly BILLIARDS. representative of the Horning ffeios finally mproved in beauty and symmetry by the PUBLISHED WEEKLY guaranteed the payment of Budolphe's share, Sporting Matters Gathered by Telegraph alterations just completed. By the ad- and trouble was avoided. The score at the AT lition of a 16-foot section just aft the en- Facts and Fancies Concerning the "Gentle­ )nd of the game stood 3,000 for Vignaux and For Our Readtfcs. ;ine-room her length is now 246^ feet over 2,417 for Kudolphe. Vignaux led from the ill. The immediate effect of this insertion man's Game." No. 202 South Ninth Street, Philada. las been to raise her stern nearlv two feet higher start. AND n the water. With this Improved equilibrium, [Below will lie found the latest sporting news vp he builders confidently expeota material Increase POOL TOCRNAMENT. to Sunday morning, gathered by teler/raph, Caroms. No. 23 Park Bow, New York. n the Atalanta's speed. The additional room Hciser and Slosson are not practicing together correspondents, and reporters. This news ar­ las been utlllzod to give the engineers better ac- Preliminary Gameg for Place* In the Cham­ jny more. (Jcorge makes the pace too hot for (DR. WILLIAM.MORRISON, Sew York Agent.) rived too late for proper departmental classifi­ ommodationEbelow, »nd the owner's private 8a- iandolph. cation,] oon and bedroom on deck. All the arrangements pionship Tournament. arc new, and such us to insure the greatest com- The pool tournament is progressing favoru- The games that have been played between (Jar- FOREIGN OFFICE : while cruising In warm latitudes. The nier and Daly, at Brussels and Lyons were at 7 ort nch balk-lino billiards. K». 1 Scott's Tard, Cannon St., London, E. C. louses astern In the crews' quartets have been rc- >ly in New York, and more interest .is taken NEW OBLKANS RACING. noved entirely, and the elevation of the bridge af- n the matter than when it first opened. The KogcrB defeated T. Pollard In a pool match on (F. R. GRIFFITH, Resident Correspondent.-) ordi a better outlook forward. Tho main saloon Friday night at McLaugblln's, Philadelphia, for Everything Bespeaking Success—Good At­ and state-room remain unchanged except that iron preliminary games that are now being played 60. At the conclusion tho games stood 11 to 7. itanchlons have been Inserted to strengthen th« are to find three contestants for the champion­ Heiser and Sloscon gave an exhibition In Now 1EBMS. Two dollars and fifty cents a. year tendance and Fair Fields. upper deck In case of rough weather. York, Dec. 88. They played straight rail, and rtrictly in. advance. Single copies, five cents. The following is a summary of the racing ship, which commences Jan. 7 in New York. SlosMin won by 400 to about 209. Hoiser won the Postage free In the United States. at New Orleans during the past week: CHICK KT. Up to the present Malone and Manning are anoy shots. CORRESPONDENCE on sporting topics, from any almost sure players, the third man being John Roberta Jr., W. J. Mltcholl. Tom Taylor, Notion of the City, State or country, solicited. THURSDAY, JAN. 3. Wharton. The following W. J. I'eull and.1. (KSala have formed a com- The Contemplated viHlt of a Philadelphia either Leonard or iluatlon to glvo exhibitions In all the loading COMMUNICATIONS. Manuscript Intended for The track was in fair condition on Thurs­ Team to Kngland. are the summaries of ench day's play during publication should be written on one side of the day, aud the betting was spirited. Two hot the piist week: owns In England. paper only, and must be accompanied by the In September last THE SI-OJITISO LIKE A nftoon-ball pool tournament Is announced to- favorites were howled over, and only for the On Saturday, Dec. Moth, Hamilton defeated Den­ commence at Thomas Morrlnney's Opera House writer's name and address, not necessarily for timely appearance of Princess! the favorite announced the prospective visit of a team of ning 11 1, Van Buekirk defeated Heman 11 7, publication, but as a private guarantee of good Manning defeated Johnxon 11 (J Malone ueiuatod oom, Syracuse, N. Y., on January 24. Frey, aitii, and all communications, upon any sub­ backers would have had a feeler. The sum­ epreseutative amateurs of Philadelphia to Zlinmerumn 11 0. Knight, King, Lambert, Van Busklrk and Suttun ject, or for any department, must be addressed mary follows: On Monday Leonard defeated Heman 11 7 "111 participate for money prizes. England. The arrangements »ro now com- of billiards be- FRANCIS C. RICHTEB, FIRST RACE Purse of $200. one ratio, over hur­ Donning defeated Van Hunkirk 11 10. Wharton Tho nrstof the series of games dles. Katie Creel (140) 1st, Bagdad (145) 2d, Eva letcd, and some 87,000 have been contributed defeated Johnson 11 9, and Manning defeated weeu tho Philadelphia worklngtueu's clubs wa§ Managing Editor THIS SPORTIHO LIFK, A. (140) 3d; Carter Harrison and Mary II. fell; n Philadelphia toward defraying the ex­ Hamilton. ilayed J*n. 2, at the rooms of tho St. Mark's Olub time, 2:03J^ ' On Tuesday Van Dunkirk defeated V -mllton Seventeenth and Kutor nlreots. It was won by St. No. 202 S. Ninth St., Philada., Pa. SECOND RACE Purse $200, seven furlongs Vol­ penses of the team. Some of the most influ- .1 5, Johnson defeated Zliniiieniian 11 10 Timothy's Club, Of Wismlilckon, by 34 points. taire (DO) 1st, Boulette (82) 2d, Pilferer (SO) 3d. intial cricketers and supporters of cricket in defeated Denning 11 3, and Malono do- In a handicap pool tournament at tho Hoyal Also ran Foster (108), Referee (102). and Riddle his country think tbat the expenses of the fetited Hemnn 11 7. Aquarium London, W. Mltcliell won Brut prize tDVERTISINO RATES. Nonpareil type mea- (1)6); time. 1,41^. Wednesday 'Leonard defeated Hamilton 11 r>, jti,o, and O.Oollliiiaud W. J. I'eall divided sicumt (ure, 12 lines to an inch, 16 cents per fine for THIRD RACK Purse SWO, one mile. Princess earn should be paid by the contributors to a icinan defeated Whurton 11 7. Manning de- iriyso, Xio. The tournament, was so successful, each and every insertion. (104) 1st, Manitoba (Ul) 2d, ttoliud (106) 3d. Also ''suliKcriptiori fund," and that negate money Tented /Imiuoriuan 11 7, Malone defeated Den- Inauclally, that another tourui»uiciu Is to be hold, 4DVERTISEM.ENTS and letters of Correspon­ ran Brooklyn (113), Karl Boaconsfleld (114), Effle ihould be taken, while aorne prominent Eug- ilngll 6. beginning January 4. dents, to insure Insertion, should be mailed so as H. (108), and Olivette (102); time, 1:53. ish cricketers suggest that if gate money Thursday Xluimerman defeated Heman 11 10, The second match between Vlgimux and Shaefer to reach us by 6 p. M., Saturday, aa this paper s taken the amount should be limited to the Leonard defeated Van Busklrk 11 I, Manning de- .'III begin next Tuursday, In tho Suile den Fetes of SATURDAY, JAN. 5. eutcd Denning 11 3, und Malono defeated thodnind Hotel, i'uris. Th« couditlonn are the The three events which formed the pro­ :eam's expenses, and that no surplus be Wharton 11 6. EVEKY SATURDAY EVENING. taken out of Kngland. The latter suggestion, Friday Leonard dofeatcd Johnson, the latter for- Haino ait tliu hut game played butwoen tb««e gramme *of the new Louisiana Jockey Club elting the game; Hamilton defeated Heman 11 5, oxper!.s. Tho Ulilo to bo lined Is from tliu uiunu- on which is entirely in harmony with the views autery of thu J. M. Uruuswick & llalko Company. meeting Saturday, Jan. flth, were run off of the committee, hat) been adopted. Tho /Initnermaii dnfoiited Donning H 10, Manning Sbaeler id pmutlelng at thocufo ol tlio Hotol Hur- ,111 Oiecla, Drafts, Money Orders and Remittances a heavy truck, but with a fair attendance: committee report that Boon after their or­ lofoalen Van Dunkirk 11 |>. gunily, In the Hue St. Honuro, nuur the Kuo mat be made payable to the order of FmsT RACK. Purse $200, with selling allow­ Tho following are the number of games played Koyaie, ances, distance three-quiirter mllo. La. stables' ganization correspondence WHM opened by ind tho winners and losers up to ami Including lie Sporting Life Publishing Company. Baritone (102) 1st, Owners' Nut Trimblo (100) 2<1, some of the members with prominent Kn- b'rlday, Jan. 4. Tho new space game will be Introduced to the J. .T. Carroll's Annie Q. (Ill) 3d. There were ton uiblle through a louriniitient for tho ehampiou- lish cricketers aud by the secretary with Won. Lout. Won. Lost. Hliipuf the Slato ol'Connectleut, whlcli will begin other starters; tlmu, 1:24. Nat Trimblo was Mr. Henry Perkins, secretary of the Maryle- Mulono....... ..a Hamilton. ...3 4 AND NEW YOBK, JAN. 9. favorite In the betting at 2 to 1, and the odds lit latter part of this month, and will bo pluyed la raiLADELPHIA )(>ne Cricket Club, from whom a reply W;IH VI n nnlng..... ..a Van Dunkirk. ...3 3 Hartford under the nupurvislou of Mr. ftlatt. H. against the winner were 8 to 1, --......
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