2020 Code Changes
CHAPTER 11 MERCHANTS, BUSINESSES, OCCUPATIONS AND AMUSEMENTS 11.102: RULES AND DEFINITIONS: AMUSEMENT: Any use that is designed, intended, or used as a test of skill or entertainment and enjoyment without primitive weapons or other potentially dangerous objects. Examples include, but are not limited to, arcades, trampoline parks, and bumper cars, and all games or operations similar thereto under whatever name they may be indicated. Such definition does not include a bowling alley, a jukebox or other coin operated music machine or a mechanical riding device. GALLERY, SHOOTING: A place maintained for profit and to give patrons an opportunity to practice their skills at putting guns discharging projectiles of all kinds in line with a target or object so as to hit same, whether for a score or a prize as in a contest. GALLERY, PRIMITIVE WEAPON: A place maintained for profit and to give patrons an opportunity to practice their skills at putting bows and arrows, hand axes, and other primitive weapons in line with a target or object so as to hit same, whether for a score or a prize as in a contest. 11.501: LICENSE REQUIRED: No person shall operate or maintain a bowling alley, billiard table, pool table, bagatelle table, pigeonhole table and/or shooting or primitive weapon gallery open to the public, except in compliance with the provisions of this Article. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or maintain a bowling alley, billiard table, pool table, bagatelle table, pigeonhole table and/or shooting gallery in the Village without first having applied for and obtained a business license from the Village Clerk as provided in Chapter 10 of this Code in order to operate such bowling alley, billiard table, pool table, bagatelle table, pigeonhole table and/or shooting gallery.
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