93Rd Issue Jun. 28- Jul. 4, 2021
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“Radiating positivity, creating connectivity” CEBU BUSINESS Room 310-A, 3rd floor WDC Bldg. Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City You may visit Cebu Business Week WEEK Facebook page. June 28 - July 4, 2021 Volume 3, Series 93 www.cebubusinessweek.com 12 PAGES P15.00 AFP HAILED FOR GIRL’S RESCUE 13-year-old being trained to become suicide bomber: Teodoro FORMER Department of He said the ultra-right- By: ELIAS O. BAQUERO Council chaired by the exec- and by strengthening our dig- National Defense Secretary ists are also terrorists who are utive secretary. It is a joint ital infrastructure,” Teodoro Gilbert “Gibo” Teodoro has killing people in malls. are few numbers of NPAs agency of the Department said. congratulated the Philippine He said there is what now as they can hardly con- of National Defense (DND), He said while doing it, we Army for rescuing a 13-year- they called “cyber terrorism”, vince the people to join them. Department of Interior and should protect Benham Rise old girl from the terrorists hacking the computer system “There is a big chance Local Government (DILG), on the other side of the coun- who trained her as a suicide for ransom. Terrorism is a that the number of NPAs will Department of Justice (DOJ) try, which is undisputed as bomber. broad subject, unlike in the be reduced once the economy and the Department of For- owned by Filipinos. Teodoro said the girl is past years where terrorists will grow further because it eign Affairs (DFA). Teodoro made it clear now under the custody and just threw explosives or shot will definitely stop the influ- “We are facing interna- that WPS is important to all care of the Department of the stores. ence of Communist rebels,” tional terrorism which is a nations of the world because Social Services and Develop- He added that the Filipi- Teodoro said. threat to the people and the of free navigation and right of ment (DSWD) pursuant to nos are lucky because terror- On the other hand, Te- economy, and the seal of innocent passage. the child protection law. ism in the country does not odoro said the terrorists will terrorism is a cross-border He said that the Philip- “The rescued girl is now prosper due to good informa- remain as threat to the soci- among nations,” Teodoro pines has the exclusive right given health and psychologi- tion gathered by the intelli- ety because it is already their said. to exploit the natural resourc- cal care by DSWD,” said Te- gence service of the Armed source of funds, but their act Meanwhile, Teodoro said es at WPS. But China is slow- odoro who did not name her Forces of the Philippines will be a criminal matter and the controversial West Phil- ly expanding its boundaries, because it is prohibited by (AFP). not anymore rebellion. ippine Sea (WPS) is really taking advantage of its mili- law. History tells that when He added that the solu- owned by the Philippines and tary superiority. Teodoro said that ter- former President Ferdinand tion to terrorism is the task for not by any other nation like “So, we need a diplomat- rorism has always been with E. Marcos escaped to Ha- all law enforcement groups. China. ic effort to show to the other motivation and terrorists waii, United States, the New We have the Anti-Terrorism “We have to do every- countries that this WPS issue are present in almost all na- People’s thing to pro- is also important to them,” tions. He cited as example Army (NPA) tect West Teodoro said. the dreaded Abu Sayaff who has reached Philippine Our claim on WPS is engaged in kidnapping al- more than Sea through part of the international law. legedly because of their belief 17,000 diplomatic This has been established as but it turned out that it was armed regu- means and v was said by President Ro- fundraising. lars. It is the by strength- drigo Duterte during a meet- He said Abu Sayaff is kid- armed group ening our ing with the United Nations napping children and brain- of the Com- nation- (UN). Our claim of WPS is washed them to act as suicide munist Party al defense non-negotiable. bomber. of the Philip- against for- Under the internation- “We need that our law en- pines (CPP). eign aggres- al law, countries can claim forcement officers, barangay But when the sion, mod- their exclusive economic officials and the entire com- Philippine RESCUE. THE DAUGHTER OF SUICIDE BOMBERS BEHIND THE ernization of zone, internal waters, and munity must be alert against economy JAN. 2019 ATTACK ON A CATHEDRAL IN JOLO HAS BEEN RESCUED Coast Guard territorial sea. The principal terrorism,” Teodoro said. grew, there DURING A PHILIPPINE MILITARY OPERATION. FILE PHOTO and AFP, is the UNCLUS. 2 June 28 - July 4, 2021 Cebu Business Week NEWS Private schools must get Special Permit for early opening of classes THE Department of Ed- President Rodrigo Duter- ucation (DepEd) 7 said pri- te has yet to give his decision vate schools and non-DepEd on when public school classes schools in the region must will open. The DepEd initially secure a special permit from proposed to have it on Aug. DepEd 7 to be allowed to start 23, Sept. 6 or Sept. 13. their classes ahead of the gen- Jimenez said they are still eral school opening for the continuing with their prepa- school year (SY) 2021-2022. rations for the limited face-to- “Actually, (it’s) dependent face setup, so that when the on the private schools as to President gives his go signal, when will be the opening of posed dates for the start of cial permit, just like what hap- ready some, out of a thousand they will be ready. their classes for SY 2021-2022 their classes for the incoming pened in the last school year,” private schools, in the region Jimenez also acknowl- as long as it is within the pro- school year. he said. that submitted the required edged the possibility that be- visions of the law,” said DepEd Jimenez said it should DepEd Secretary Leonor documents as they intend to cause of the increase in tax for 7 Director Salustiano Jimenez. also be stipulated in the pri- Briones, in her latest adviso- begin their classes either in proprietary educational insti- Aside from this, they re- vate schools’ BELCP that they ry to private and non-DepEd July or August. tutions from 10 percent to 25 quire the private schools to will be using distance learning schools, said the schools These applications for percent, more private schools submit their Basic Education for the incoming school year. should strictly implement only special permit are still cur- will temporarily close and stop Learning Continuity Plan “No face-to-face and then distance learning modalities. rently in their Quality Assur- operating for the incoming (BELCP) along with their pro- we’ll give them again the spe- Jimenez said there are al- ance Division for review. school year. LTO 7 provides clients free high-speed internet THE Department of In- services to the public. to the available wifi with a The director also thanked ers Education Center, a le- formation and Communi- DICT is currently im- 500mbps speed,” said RD DICT Secretary Honasan, gal research library, and an cations Technology (DICT) plementing the Government Caindec. and DICT Visayas Cluster 2 e-learning portal. completed the installation of Network (GovNet) and aims DICT has provided LTO OIC Regional Director Fred- “The main benefit of Gov- the free high-speed internet to help address the basic 7 with two service providers erick DC Amores for giving Net to government agencies at the Land Transportation needs of the government for for the high-speed connec- priority to the said connec- is lower costs of internet ser- Office (LTO) 7 Malasakit Ser- transparency, efficiency, and tion, one that the public can tion to the first LTO Mala- vices and faster data trans- vice Center in N. Bacalso Av- effective governance through use while the other is dedi- sakit Service Center in the fers for government-to-gov- enue, Cebu City. ICT. cated for the employees in- country. ernment communications,” The public can now avail The MOA stipulates that ternally. “We are proud to say that read the DICT’s website. of the high-speed internet for the DICT shall provide up to “As I have mentioned in we have the first LTO Mala- GovNet is part of the free. one (1) gigabit (Gbps) con- the past, this partnership is sakit Service Center with an E-Government Master Plan In September last year, nection access to the GovNet significant to LTO’s Manage- amazing high-speed internet of the DICT which aims in LTO 7 Director Victor Em- network of LTO 7. ment Information System, that is open to all,” said the building the fiber-to-the- manuel Caindec and DICT “We have tested the thru this, we can have a fast- Director. building connection for gov- Secretary Gregorio Honasan speed and it is incredible, er and integrated network, LTO 7 Malasakit Cen- ernment agencies, schools, signed the Memorandum of our transacting public or in a way we can deliver fast ter has the full capacity of local government units, and Agreement between the two anyone who needs an inter- services to the public,” added services such as the Mala- hospitals in Metro Manila agencies to provide better net connection can connect RD Caindec. sakit Licensing Office, Driv- and Metro Cebu. PR 5 Cebu biz firms awarded safety seal for protocol compliance AT LEAST five business tablishments for the safe re- ers, barbershops and salons, also cited during the ceremo- safety seal was Bai Hotel establishments were award- opening of the economy and and service and repair shops.