HHaannddffoorrtthh & AAllttrriinncchhaamm DDiissttrriicctt JJaannuuaarryy - JJuunnee 22001188 Healthy Heart Month - June 2018 Welcome to the first six months of the 2018 Events Diary for the CCoonnttaacctt DDeettaaiillss Handforth & Altrincham Branch District Secretary: of the Oddfellows. Sharon Hulse Cottle As a local Branch of the national Telephone: 01925 758117 membership organisation the Email: Oddfellows, we offer you a great
[email protected] opportunity to make new friends and Address: enjoy a variety of activities. We also 8 Venables Way, provide our members with a range of advice and support services when High Legh, you need them. Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 6LY We have arranged an exciting calendar of events for the spring so Everyone is welcome at Oddfellows you can meet up with friends and to events. Even if you are not a make some new ones. member, we extend an invitation to you and your friends to attend any Front cover: Handforth Hall by Mike in Macc of our events that take your fancy - and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. you’ll receive a warm welcome and a good time. A bbiitt aabboouutt uuss...... The Oddfellows is a friendly society with Branches across the UK. Through friendship and social events, we help our members get more enjoyment out of life, and offer care, advice and support in times of need. We welcome everyone of all ages. From January 2018 there are two membership packages: £25 for standard membership and £35 for standard membership plus dental/optical. To find out more visit www.oddfellows.co.uk or call 0800 028 1810.